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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 1, 1905)
r: U i::ivy CM?rr.crj tf r.::ry ta T..!j l'.::''A A Li' U L. U w' J Li Fi'ainvoFfH ft WJ DUZiO Hacaipts Durlnj Pest Day Enor moua . and Dealers , Cuy ' ; In Snrall tot. Y Y SHIPMENTS CINT NORTH LT.TO HOLD THE MARKET Wash Stlet Art Reported Marje in Hop ' Market Early-Grown ' Vs). ; rieties of Local Yards Art of Ex cellent Quality. ' '" '. treat Street, Sept. 1. Th frlMP '' lb. Portland whole!1 Biarset noday . tart of IT Sugar Bie.-kt B cents tower. Slump In poultry market. " '.,:". 1 . Egg art firm at tba top, ' .,. :.. Booater at work In hop market Better, surket looking higher. .-. , .. '- Potatoes are doll; anion lower. ' S Peaches rattier scarce; price p. 1 Tomato Market 1 dragging down. . '. -. Wheat and fjour are sui-hang ed. .. . Black iitati Mll erjr low.-, t-;.' L'hltUm bark' 1 dsUer thas Tr. - Teal receipt are not a hev. , tt. ihjav- is! taltrttaraet. ' ' ' It""wa Juef" abod . s week ago .tha Tba Journal told hlppr. that Ike. ponftrr a ' ket waa dangerous groans. ' Later arenta have confirmed tba prediction.1: Late yeeter ? ear afternoon the receipts cam teethe mri .'.,. ket In tba shape of an avalanche, . tba stock - - eeemlng to oucne from verr direction. Buj--ere .therefore; held oft their perch and tba reanit waa that - atoeka accumulated along ' .the-tercet Terr feet... This emuaed the etreet - dealara t lower their view ae refard price had aeme' aalea war mad lullr lVi cents ; War. la order to aomewhat niter the ait nation h eonalderabw mount of chicken were . sent t tb northrra dtlee. Todi tba arriTala contlnnad heavy and the street V ovcratoeked. ,: Hetalirra are atlll having In eraell lute except . . When prlcee meet their fancy . and chickens ' ' r piled everywhere.- All rarletlea, apatnea, yoonc rooatata aad hen " are euder aellind u droaad to eaate ftrerte. 18 and J8? rente. Old rooeter are Tooted weak aroond M rent. . Vhe u market if firm with neclpta amallcr. Beeatar at Vk-taHaii--eJv-:V--. Ken hnldlnc ; coatrael at bith price for . ' the" cob1b( bop crop ara afaln booatlnf tb market. A sale of BOO hale la reported from , ythl aonrea betare dealer at .If ernta for choir hut n I now nndrratood that It it la reality a "waeh", aale; la reality na aal at , all. . Horner baa It that tb reawrtad traaa . artfaa waa eort f eontract. In 1b daya . wha nio ef Tacoma, -Kreba t Salem and Smith. of New York were a the urn Md 7 of tb4 merket a' year ao. Ptncwa contracted . t W boo bale of choloa 1o6'a at U raaU - ; a noand, but la anm manner tba contract -- fell Ihroafh and arrancenmnta wera mad he ' twea-lfL J, Rmllb and Krrba to Uk a tba :"'Trrelten' contract , and rapert Jt a eala , fdr the aew crop, thq aim ta market a atated opoeli price. Ia reality. there he heen an legiltaiat aale of lBuit'a. T. A. I.tTealey- baa .aoleV to William 850 bale of hope at HVi canta. Thcaa bopa ara reported ae primaa but It la aadrratood that choice . will be dellrerad. A eele mt 110 bale waa , T inadelyterdy of mat year crop by Home . Urt at Brooke to. rani Horat at 1S4 . The aame party aold 100 batea to Scackina . at J4 wntav- It I Aw adaratoad that Kroba , nraa. ' arA la the ;. market with, their boldlnya . er e ead-ere only awalUnS a more for . able cnnrfaalty to anlnad tba entire lot e the market. Sum, eerlf rarletlee here haea . drllrcreet taampleal- to lece.1 dealer aad they . ara of (nod quality. Pkkinr will b eaeral .i In thia atat a boat September M. Orawera - aeem mare wlllhta to aell -than formerly oa acconat ef the toed proapacta hroofboat th world and the fact that many' of them ; ' Wr krd fctr better that the op market Would atrlha 40 -eeota by the rery nam paopla-wh ; mwm w mm mem iwe ew,,.!' ty ' lapar marnet ia j?"1.T---r. , X " . ' TraterdayT 'aftrrnoonr ther waa decline of , S eeata per hundred -pounda la tba anotationa '. oa -amjar. In thla territory,, tb new price far ' caaa graauuted being placed at v.4a. Batter afarkat looklag lllgkar. . - The creamery, butter market la very firm with recelpu of local prodact growing amaller each day and demand lncreeelng. Baatern butter la mora, pleat If til and I eelllog at ZS eeata for tb beat gradea bat tbl kaa failed to weaken th price of local bee. ' -Th following Quotation are thsaa Mid - to Front atreet dealara by tba retail trad and ara for. choice quality te raand lota, . Price at oooatry points ara- o apeclfiadts : ; Sram. Float aad. read, : ' WHBAT Oontrac. 100a New Mub, 8c- ked Hanlan, ;. blueetem, TVrj valley.Tlr. BAKUCV Tekv 121.SOa.n0 rolled In., reiledi fet-M; orewing, OHN Wbol. 137.001 cracked. t3.0 aer tea. 1 KTR (IBS Pr ewt . ft OATS No. 1 white, IM.M; gray, M0O. v , I) rLOU Kartara Uraaoa- nataom (4MV 4.0); atralgbta, Mil; aaportn. lQtJJ.Sfii llay. M.lOiJpm. Ui 4.wi ttw, .i e. BOa. 16.00: balea, I TS. HILLSTUrrtV-Braa. e-JO OO . par ton; grid. dHnce. 2.00i ahorti eoaatry, 123.00; any, I2fn0! chop, llt.00. ... HAT I 'rod ace re' price Timothy. Willamette lly, fancy. It LOO: rdlaary, 110.00; eeetera OreeVn, lU.OOaiB.OO: mlied. 111. 00; clorar. tl-003.Wt greTp, W OO; cheat. S 0o9.BO. . ' Batter, fgga and Peal try. - - ;.f BOTTBR rT hweet, BOHei aoar. BOH. hHHTKR-MAty creamery, beet,- BOe, IBa grad. 74: tld. fancy. B7Mei rdlaary. e: tor,,ietjl0)tc California fancy, nca fie. ' - ' KtiC.S No, t freak Oregoa. eanJled, StaSdUe; aetern. Bl23Hc. ... CHBESS-rNeW Poll cream, twin, IlfjMei tToong America. lttglBa; cbeddar. 14c. - , rolIITRY Chlckena, mixed. 13 ber, h 'bene, 113H per- lb; noetera. old. -lc per lb fryere. ISffllSHe per lb; broUeraT 13 14C per lb: dnrka, latflOc per lb; fieeee. ftigtM perJb; turkeye. - 182rto- per b; dreeeed, SZdafi per lb; aquaba, a.0O pat ..''.j iaefA wit .lTJeet;.:i;-.'vw ' HOPS Contract, : 10A Oregoa, 144JM30I Waalilngtna, ISH t 14c; 1004 crop, 1701Te fur choice; lOQl'c for prlmea aad medium. ' WOOlr 1006 clip, valley. oara to aiedtam, H'jW14c; flaa, Mallc eeetera - wregea. 48dl22c. . ' , MOHAIR Jfomlnal. S0BI. -SHEErSKINS Cheering. 19ft . abort woi t0S0es BMdlom WeU S0JC lung Wool, hoc We 100 each., '..- ." - TALLOW Prima, pet -lb; 4B: .Mm S aad free. 14SHr. ' ',...-:,. rHITlM BABK (OSttd oaf Tb. J 111 I) KM Dry aJdea.-rrr-, - la-tta d an, l(UJtm per lh dry kfp. K. a, to IB Bav I4c; ry cau. no. a, anner u ina. iaaiiact r aa l tea nioee. eteer. enutia. wih yer H lu.i SO to BO lb. ielHHc: Uooer M lb ei cower JHI lee end bulla, aeand. ti7j kip; IB to BO Km, Bet aonnd. 1 mj lb. we: calf.aotod. andex,10 IM Bklle: 'gree hcrtebHlto. aelTd, ' i.Piel-Mi dry. eech. ll.OpAlvllO; aolt hide, each, aoQOOel a - - -- a a. . a Pfjnajwtffr-an) 1" r-aaBBTW wit wool en. eec,. sacarar.' . rralta turn Tegetoetc P0TAT0US Beet Oregon, 7&t80c; ear Iota. YfpiDAY PRICES IN ' r "THE WHEAT MARKET i.. , ...-. -t- , y Chicago ...;.. .1tk lilTcrpool i.., .. & Bt. Louis...;.. .71 Milwaukee) . .71 W Kartaaa City. .71V . Nnw Tork..., . ; Mlnnenpoila u .ti San r'rartflaro.'l.OO , . - .i : t ilH BaTVid .79 H .ttH .0, 141H ' . JpV - tips to suirrna 'Receipt of oarly potatoes hav bn very heavy, and a . thr la only imal local 4- matid for th aame, prlcaa at d) d prcaant ara only nominal, vvaugi would advla . growers to-' hold . d ' shipments back. , From the out d look the ' cmallty vol ' lata crop "win be better than last year, d but rain is badly .needed in sec- tlona. Callfomla baa a . very heavy crop or , rivers, ana nip d pars do not took for any mova- mint aouth tilt much later thin' d unual. 'Reports say Wanhlngton 4 atate acreage - la . conaideraDiy heavier than, laaluyear," W. HL d McCorquodal ot , McCorquddale d tc Hoover, w, w SOe sack: ordinary, 40a0c: aweet, tHQSe.. ONIONS New Oregon yellow banter a, ll.BO; eer Iota, B1.00kl.lO; Walla Walla. 1.0O garUa, aeioe per lb. ' PRE8H FttLTTS Apple. Oregon. B0c!l.ZR; fancy, fl.BO; crabapple. BOcfJl.vOorangea, lata Valeoclaa, M.7oil.O0; baitanaa, fivio n: iemoaa, choice. IS.ftO per box; fancy, SS.29 Per box; lime. kexicad, 11.2B Vt 100: plneapplee, 14.00 per doa: peacbee, fancy. TBQOOc; ordinary, 603 7oc; pluma.' 75c1.00 per. crate; cantakMpea,. gl.00il,M nor crate; watermelon. 35cil 00 per ewt; grape, Oregon, t5c; California. ll.10frl.4O box: pelr. Oregon, OcQILSB per box r bUckberriea, 1.3&1.00j caaabaa. l.MitX2S pet doa; Ire ah prune. 50 J7S per crate : - . . - - , r VEOETABfc:S Tarnlpe, new, BLOO per aackj rirrota. 1.00JI.2B par eark; beets. IL004J ZS pet Back s Oreavo radian a. B6e par doa: cabbage,' Oregon, 11.0001.29 her- ewt; green Kppera, 2Be per box; local .tomatoes, Soft c: perenipa, 1.01.3B; atrlng bcana, m2c; raullflpwer, 75e per do; rhubarb, 3H per lb; toraeradlah. IBe lb: artichoke. 40o0a per doy, otbouee lettuce. B075c; head lettuce, 6 pet ioa; green aalea. 10tl24e par doa; aplaaca, to per lb; green corn, 7 5c j 11.00 per aack; pee, Ic per lp; encumber. 00s7&c per pack; celery. Colorado, . 7.V; . local, l.tjsje per . doara; tggplaat, 3.00 per crate )y pumpkin. 1H- - bltlBD FBUIl'S Applee. vauorated. ISt see lb: aarleota. BUnliM ee Hti aeaa, M e lb lea: neachee. 0tl2 per lb: Bear. -per. lb: prnoee. lullaa. SUA4U f lb: rrench. 8U04WC per lb: flan. California Mark. IU per -lb; CsUrornla whit, .sac Bt 01" me. pitted. par lb: da tea, galdya, 04 Set Ibr tarda. ll.BO Dr la-lb bos. r . ':t"''' wraarkH Vats.; Xta. f'-'X -v W8i Bc--t1aur-nte. ' SS.TO; nuvidondi tn.M; fruit granulated, -15.43; dry granulated, IB.4B; t'onf. A.; beet graauUled, BA.KB; extra C.; golden V. B4.8; V yellow, 4.7B; bbla, loc; bhla, 25c; boaea BO adraDce oS aacfc-haetev lee 2&c per ear for saaa. IB sara: meple, 14t16c per la, v- . nHONET- cer craU. ' - . f XFFEB Package braada, 1B.7BV ' SALT Fine Balae. S. Sa, . Be. 10. ll.SOl Uhlo. 4eUr.- aoe.- lU.OOt lOOa. llO.tOr ttmw purled Liverpool. BOa. BlT.OOi 100a. t34a. tld.OO; extra fUfc bbla. . . ,-10a, B4.605.6Ci aaLu S20 lb. H-QO&i-HOl sack. BO. . . uSALT Ooarae Half creand. 100. ear ton, IT .00: . p ton. IT.ftO; Uvarnool lama rock. 111.60 per torn BO-lh rock. BT.Out into. Bd.TB. - (Above prs apply to aalea of Iran tba car Ma. Gat; Iota at sdl Prtoaa auUlect to rinctnatlnaal. . OB AIM BAflS-!.lratta. Ttta. w. RICH I mne rial Janaa. No. t.- Bet- WSs. Bc:RNew Or lean head. BHe: AJax. ; Ora . BtANli Smell whit. BVatVei lerce white, fttec: nlnk. l4Bt3Uct beyoa. US Umas, Sj; lies tee n rede. , ... NUTS Peamita. 7UI tuaahoa. SU Per Tbl raw. J10c par th: roasted. 1 cocoaaata. 30e Brfoxj walnate, I4115e aer IK: pine nnre. loaiZttrWlh: hickory ants, toeaer H1 eheettmta. eate. IRfHrV- nr Bit Braxll wet. IBe per lb; filbert, 1401B par 1; taacy n..14aiV: almonds, lsais per m. .... .Cij Vmlata. Oeal 00a. Xta. -5 " "-'"v BOPB Per alanllfc- 14: etandara. Utiet lal. 10ei 1U1 brand alaal C. COAL OIL Pearl or AaUal. Caeea, 0ie ear gl: water whiter iron tUa. ine pet wooden, ia pet gall keadligbt, 170 Beau 23 Ue awTeal. " ..... -.. (1 AMO LI N aV-ao-dee'. eaeaa, 19C ner gait area no ia, aoe per sal : etorea. aame. gala set sai iron not, ine per get. BKNZ1NB S-u. i eaaea.' SB aer asll trea nr.", iie rwr aL TOBPBNTINR In caaee. tie per gall waasa bbla. aoc per gal; Iron bhla, &V par gal. WHITB LB AO To lota, 7 Weeper lb; SOO-ft lota. Be per lb; leaa lota, sue per lb. , WIRat WAILS i Preaeat baa at Bt-re, - tJIIRVBn nil Ohm b I MtM BVTs M gal; aaeea, fie pet gal: genuine kettle boiled, eaeaa. TOe per pal: hbla. an per aal: araand cake.- ear .tots, fJOM Pt.MlJefbaa P ner to-: ' 11 v . , ; Kaato. Frnk sad tarvbleas. "' " ritrtan MBAT Front tret Beef ' ateera. BOB per Tb; pork, block. fUftto per lb; pack era. TMOSc per lb; bolls. 4aB Per lbr eowa, 4tS per lb! mutton, 67o pef lb : lamb with pelts, BHtjee lb: reel. xtnu THttae; ordinary, 6Hi7e per lb) poor. Be par lb. . IIAkf. BACON. ETC. Portland neck local, heme. 10 to 14 Iba. 13'Xcper lb: 14 to IB Iba, i:ie per lb: 18 to SO Iba, 18e per lb; eotUga, 1c per lb; breakfaat bacon,' ltj 1 He par ib; ntcnW. be ner H: resuler a boo eleara. ua amoked, lie per 'On amoked, 12a par lb; clear back, aoemoked, 10 Ibt amoked. 114 per Uii Union hutta, 10. to IB lna. aUHunokmt. ac pat lb; amoked Bo per lb: clear beiuce. aa amokad. 11c per Ibt amoked. Ua aer lb; heoi- ToCAL LlRrj;.ttl leaf. ' 10a,' ll t per Ib; Be, 1140 per Ib; BO-lbetln, lle per lb; ateam rendered. 10a, 10e per lb; Da, 10 CANNFD SALMON OtomM Tlvef.' l ib tell. 11.80; l ib tall. 2.T0; fancy, 1 Ib flara. B1.B0; Ve-lb fancy flat. 1.15; fancy l ib aval, li.76; A leak telle, pink. 180c. red, tl.oOl aoauiaa! t. tall. 82.00. . , . ... . . FIHH Kock end. Te net Th: flonn.ler. Be per Tb; halibut, BH per lb; eraba, 11.50 par doa; Krlned nana. IZUe tier B; catftah, 7 ner ; ealmon, Chinook. Be per Ibt ateelbeada. TUc pa tb bluebacka, Be per lb; herring, Be pat lb; eolea. Be per lb: sbrlmne, 10a per lb; perch, Be per lb; ahad. Be per Ib: roe shad. Be par Ibt chad roe. 80c per lh: black eod.. Tc per lb: tlTer amlt,'T per lb; lobetera, Ifict fresh mackirel. Be per Hi: erawfleb. tae net doa: flown den. Be eer Ib; etnrcaon, 7e per lb. . -V8TEBS Shoalwatet bay, pat aaj. e3.t3: per aack. M TB. , CI.AW-i.rd ha pe,box.,X00; taset elama. A2.00 per box. .. ... .'. t, . IM. VEAL CALVES GOULD Y 'pEAOILV SOLD -j ' Arrivals Are at Present Too Small 'or- Demancr- Hogs Are Quoted Fair. - - PortUnd fnloa Rtoekyarda, Sept.. 1 Llr. tock receipt; , . ,'.'-. . ' ; Una f!attla xbaM Today ......... ..t.. ...iwt J 44 03 week ago. M.v. (. Wl 78 378 Previous week.,.,,....,.,..., ., 'V 24 2"0 Month ......,..,......,." T? 18 J Aecording- to llveatork offlritr,-Thle market could eaallr tike many iltnea tb preaent num ber of Teal carve arrlrlng, lioca are- enia. - aeeosM st-iae aeary arrivaia hal-4( atork. Cattle are firm, while beD arm la xreealre demahd fo beet. ... 4 CaA : r 1 , Official, Brief for llTeefbct .1 lloga Beet eeatern Oregna. a.2RJ0.SO; aV. tJhlaai da feeder. 13.00. a T,tM7. Oron- teera.3l.00tj tXti light and medium aleern, l3,S0i3.0tr; Hght cow. 11. VI ion; aUnkera ; and feeder, IS. '. 8.7.1: bulle, BI.HO. , - v. Slieetv Wether. 8 He: mlxd aheep, :; tralgbt ewee. 8Gp84c: eprlng lam ha. 4Hc Oalvea.jood reel, 150 to BOO pound, BH4 Be; rough and heavy.. 4fhe. . '., . . ;-... ; 1 - ( ' y ZASTXSS XOeS BX0w-, -; .a , Chicago, j Sept. L IJvtnck - reeelpta: , ,. Hog. Cettl'-. Sheep. Cklcage ................ ..14. ixio g.600 ta.oOO Kaneaa City ............. .1.0 l.MMI 1..VK) Omaha B.IIU0 4i0 a.ftia) Hug Opened nhtw' and ateady with B.ono KTt ever. neceiete a yer to were e.otait Price: Mixed. 5.T04i.;. !, 81.4AQB.aii; tenga. an. 0010. UBnx, , tu.Tu.xs. . . rattle atedy... . ., ( - ."'' .. Sheep Strottg. .-A , " :,-'V ; ;'x '; V.. ', 'xO CXOSS IAB0S DAT. ' : . ThB Xew fork nittowr enffe and tork change ami th Chicago board f traa will ewee Monday, moot oay E3i3 EE B ..:;;et Ctptembf r Ce"erTere the Prin clpil Ciiyer Durlrtj the 8eVY i eion ln;C!ilcao Today. Y UVERPCOLADVANCE 13 Y SOvv.EWHAT OF. A HELP September and December Gala While' MayVLoseB-Business Nominal and of a Local ChsractarConi Shorts Hold Off Thwlr Buying. Y t "i FKIDAT'S WHEAT MARKET. rtoae ' Gain Cloae Fri. Tbur. Frt. Tear Age Sept.; Dee.. May ...... A TOli. S ..w .00 H '.00 , Leae. ' .,'V'. :' ichlcagor Sept. 1 Logan a Brysdysayt--la wheat abort oovertng coaurlbated amtertally t the better price range ta the day'a market. Throughout the aeaa km the tendency Beamed up ward, with shorts ta September the beet buyer. The largeet deliveries of wheat were taken' care of and did sot reault In Ike liquidation aattct Cited by aome. September Beamed easily the ader, acoring - He advance egalnat He for December.'- From a pit atand unlet busmena could not -be store alow, the volume- teeming amaller -taea Wholly local. hi recent eeeioav aad almoat Short Won't Cover, la deliveries were aot as generally exneettd. bat thla Waa not eonaldered a factor la the day'a trading. Trade condition are unchanged, the abort Intereat apparently con tent with- the preaent range' -ef prleaa. sad do not eem erer-aaxloas to carver at this level. However, (tock are, sot sccsmeJatinf very ft. .'- " v - Ia eat It la 4 dolt, etaotd market, trless are general lmpremwa eeema re no max pacaera aupport waa Umperaiily withdrawn, aa price eaaed off throogbeat the lkat. Trade eoadltloaa aem unchanged, . -, Official quotation by Orerbeck, Start Cooke cmapanys ... ... - .....".-'. ,WHI. ., - ;;';' .""' Open, - High.- low. 1 pica. a B S . .7 .T4 f7.T"H t .is . .at ,.ao'J . .aii . Pec v .ajlA ' .gtac ., Stay..,.. .S .-.' M j M , . - , ,. COBN OM; Sept.-' Old ' Dee.. .88-7- .'.88V 8r-7-','.84Y v.. -as h J18UB 48V4 ' .4814 . ,M ., .48 HB 18 V .8 'A, M .8mB : . oats. V'-'' ' ,4! Max...... Sept..J,lia Dee...... May..... .48 M ' .an :: .BHtJ ; jat "-jb, M ' .384 'JMrf .M atBSK POBKT Sept..... u'u lBa Oct J8.B0 , 18 80 ' 18.40 18.1T 11.41 18.46 " 18.IT - "'- B ,-T.BTf - s on .' e.Bs ean....e. 12.80 - 1S.BT" I.ABB. 5tt eftiJ Ort.,.M. 8. It Jan...... t.Of tl.K MO ' T.BT 8.18 ' B OB BOB ' T OO SHORT BIBB, Sept..... Oct,.,,,,,.. Jan. .- STB aa BO it? 8.8T aer 8.80 B.M : Hi i .:i; .W S.60 FBTJIAKT aBAJV afeTUIMT, -. Cfclcas,' Sept . 1. Primary raeelpts; .- . c - ;., "-- . Today Tr. age ..yV". ' Buah. Bnah. Wheat S02.0tto 8H0.OO0 Core ,.,....,,.805,000 - , SB4,00 rnipmenxn: . 1 - . Wheat , .'........... ..etW.OOO 420.000 core ...... ' 870.000 t leer nee: Wheat. Bene: floor 10,000 bbla; core,, 106.000 buelMfc; .clay 121,008 . bushels. ." .' oEtoAwo aaunr cm" vm.'l'-" - Chlcaao. 8epLI. Orla ear lots: . Ors. Otade. Bit. Wheat 81 v T 18 uaen .,iw..HTi7rvf; 1r!rTTt Oat 2M M 274 Wheat Car todart Mlnnaannlla. SJUtl Im. Inth, IBS. Tear ao: ' MluteapoUa, 388; Da sMh, St .CMaa,B. . TBAJXTBTO BaUTjr : Sas Fraoelaca, Sept. l-Offlcll eloae, mera. Skt SetoloBS. . ' .;; ! ". Opea. . High.--' twr.CTes. December.. .;. l.avi tl.82Vi 1J1H llAlVi : , '. - BABLBT. December.;... 1.08 1.08 V .00 ', 1.00. tnnOAwO MB ynXAX.'' 'i Chleaae,. Sent. 1 dee, wheat;'' tf& S reA...,,...........:.....! l I No. S red ..,.. ,, . .m . .SB . ..81 No. 2 hard... . .nvt " ,nTU Bo. 8 bard I..... .781 JtS No. S northern. ......... .02 ' .PA NO. S SprlnC, .e.....e,"-jSSj ' f " XJTBWOOt SSAI1T WUMMft. Liverpool Sent. 1. dost:" Wheat. Sentam. her, a BHd. 4 higher; December. Ba 7141 fed higher. Corn-September, 4s 10U4, fad higher) De cember, 4s Bitd. d higher; January, fed higher. 1 - - , ... ' , " . ' .; -.i . :h ..." K-'-AMmrm sxaib saufmibts. -: . Chicago, Sept, C Argentine ahlpments: " , . , ,'-T : TM reek Tr. eg ' ' : '. r- Bob, . Buab. Wheat : ....................1.370.000 l.glD.OOO Com r... a, 7o,ooo 1.880.000 COTTON UNCHANGED ' ' TO FIvrPOlNTS OFF New Tork, Sept. 1 -Cotton fatorea closed an- chaitred to 6- point wwer Orticial eoxrtatloa by . Overbeck,' Start ' 6 ueok company: : Opea. Blrh. Low, Cloae. January ............lOhJ low 107S 10H4S Kebraary j ...... r ,... ..., lOSHetMl March ...w...v....,108 10BT 1080 lows ,11 April ... - I004i5 May 08T 1102 1088 iou7ctj September ,,.c......ltrtS -1075-j78, i2iiM October 1070 1077 lofts lOeotytlT November ......... .lino 10TB itms . 10tj71 December ........ ...107 108B 1008, l7n -. ..ii-'"- . i' 1 . " ' ' vt. i ( .XJnerpeet Oettea tewet. .... ' vm-ponL 'Sept. i. ettoa rnture ejosM IT , aweFVk . frws.-.A sat' I " (Special trtopetcb to Tie J TCuaane. Or., Sept. 1. Among the ftret hew. err tu aai'veat tneie aeriy rugiee me year waWjjmBWJkQr,whMhM Lllfld Tt' rtdlcnlnutly tight, only 33 nalee. n fabour'1.6rtrp'itri bmg- ectiied The leaBtm for euch a borug m pot anown. to rare is free v. to vera ld and every year before grett erop has beea gathered from It. Mr. Walker bed to acrea of Knelleh Cluatere al lolniua hi Fugle -yrtl. which t -ameeaallv pmmieing and mora tbaa an average crop 4a xpeciea iroan - , .( . ( ' ;Y t)0FaJt atnrnre ' ITOOKB. : Z "Y- - Baa Francteco. Sept, 1. Tonopeh gtaeka, ef- flclal Clcsa. , awrnine eeeaion: Bid, Bid. Montana .......Bn.10 Mldwny ....... 1.88 . McKamara .8B Belmont ....... 1.88 Koeth Star " .88 I""" ...... Kendall ..)... A3 f is Colombia Mt.... .IT . .TT .OS .18 . :IK .oa .80 Sliver IT. r . . .. . Beerue ?".0S, Jumna Katea. ... Blark Butle ,,,. lOolriea Anchor Ber O'Brien ... DriM Mountain'.. '.IS link Diitlee . ... Jl Bed Toe T,.- IXUHTnav. Ohio....... Ton. Elea ." Ooldfleld ...i.. .82. Sanitetorm .xt .84 Henrteterm Ex.. , .08 A da me ..,.,.. .11 Bivkawk aeeeee J t. nun rroe..,-. - IMamoMfleld ... .Ad I .one Ster .-.vl, .00 llnmeeteke .1... .!' Cask Bey .IS 1 wen ee'-e-. FLjil j' 1 1 L c-rrlUelJ; Lawson Rensws Attack on Amal gamatsd Intsretti and Beats . the Prices Down. - WI3CO4Clf CENTRAL UP . Y DESPITE CtfeERAi. DROP Smelter . Common Loses Two nd c fivT Eighths'Of Preferred Loses ; a Point Every Move 'of Prices , Waa Eagerly Contested Today. Y ,. PBCUNSS. Katy, pfd .,...,,..l Mlasourl Pacific... N, Y. Central ..... Ont. tt Weetera.w. Penneylranln Pacific Mail ...... People's Oa ...... Sugar i.. 1 inciter ..... ... . , , . tfp Brook fm A Baltimore . vow. anet ,... St. Paul ..v... Beading ......1 Bock Ii ."Io"l3 O. - K- WarsTve-.t pro Chesapeake ....... Canadian Denver ........... do pfd ......... Ten a. Goal vnkm racinc.v...,. Wabaah. nfd ...... Preeerd Steel Oar.. Brie ,;i4 Be public Steel .h Bd 'pfd. ...... HI Soathera Pacific ... Mouther n Hallway.. Texas Be Pacific.., V. S. Steel ........ Great Wee tern :.! IlllMla Central,,. J ixaiavui .... . Ei meuoooutaa . . , Mexican Central Bo pfd ADVANCES. AtfUsTOlla Bfl Brie, lat pfd. Katr Hepablie Steel. V. 8. Bobber. uem. aouuera .... ' WaH Street, Kew. Tork. Sent 1. Thia waa another Lawsoa day and asalh did the Beetoa broker scare a aucceae. More ksariak ateam tea were seat oat by the Vlaltoe and tbeee aU had effect: Tb uuentne waa- aeneiatte tower but after- eer tale decline waa ahown aarh mevemenx ex aa eighth point was eagerly coo. "r awn atuee. tapper ana 1 and smelter lormea ef attack tut practically th stir Uet bore the brant ot the haul. Official sastatkma by Overbeck, Star vooe vo.x i t mi DE8CBIPTI0B. Anaconda Mis in A mat. Copper 83 14 Atcnnmn, earn...,....,, da preferred......... Am. Car B Foaadry,' a. 103 ee 100 J4 140 12Vv 00 preri Am. Sugar, Am. Smelt.. d preferred. Baltimore A Ohio.. 123 Mi iixa Breoklya Bapld Transit. 80 vanadue racinc, eom. Chicago A Alton, eom. 180 i. so preferred, . C. O. W cm Chi., MIL St i. , , p.... 20 'A u. 4k N. w com Chicago Terminal By., (bampeake At Ohln.t.. 21B 84 Colo. Fuel A Iron, com.. . Ae second preferred. . 'do first preferred... Delaware a Httdeoa... D. a B. A. com.-.., do prererred......... Brie. oeaa,....,. ....... do second preferred. . . do firat preferred... Illlnole Oentral .., Lealevllle A NaahvUI.. Met. St. By............ tlanhattan By. Mexican Central Br 148UU8 103 Mleeourt Pacific.,..,... r mr m. m ' Mm . mm . . Kew Tork Central atA.i.M. . n 1 r 4. ff orfolk"? WeateraT eothl North Amerlcaa . en 64 N. T.. Ont. Br We teen Pennarlranla Bm...... 14SW 1032 148. 108 P. O. L. a O. 66 rreeaea Bteet car, com. .".-. "I1. IWTi Pacific Mail 8. S. Go. 44U 44 .Beading, com.......... 11S 11B4 114 00 eocoaa pre reeved. . . do flret nreferred . . . . Ben. Iron A Steel, east. do preferred.......... Bock laland. rom..... do preferred. ..., Southern Ry., . eom. .... . do areferred. ......... Soathera Pactfle........ 'da preferred.......... St. Lit. F., 3d pfd. SI Mmm mm V. W, OOm.,.. do preferred..,.. ..... Texas A Pacific.. a.., Tenn. Coal A Iron TJnloa Paclfl lc, eoi 00 preferred ! 8. Leather, areferrad 104-AI104-H u. a. atuooer. 4 0 preferred . 0. S. 8teel Co., do preferred , l 80 ioaliii8 WbeeC Lake Brie, e.j do lat preferred ... Wla. Centre 1, com sua.. do preferred teaiera. vniou aei.,... Wabaah, rami do preferred Robber Ooede mfm . ........ 21 421 42 aTi4 Oreen Copper Amertean Sugar eoanmoa, ax-41vilend 1 per cent. ... - - taaatnaa raeine eomamn, ex-siviaesd a per eat. . '.'. . . .t .:. . Call money closed t per cent. 1 , Total aalea for day,1 SUB.BOa ah area. . :" ;Y' ' 0t CO WIS. STOCXJ. f ; Botoa, Sept 1. OffVci! eopper cloae: Bid. Bid. ' Adventure w. B.00 Atlantic .... 20.23 Allones ......' 29.50 Btngham .... 80.50 . CaL a Axis,. 1O0.12V Calumet 855.00 Copper Bangs.' 68.50 Centennial ' 23.80 Maes ,t 8.00 Oeceols .... 88.80 Parrot , 2B.8w Phoenix ...... - 1.00 (Winer 101.00 nunnoa ..... 7 itn Tamarack .... 118.00 Trinity ....... 8.00 Daly Weat ... 14.12 TTnlted ........ 87.00 Victoria ...... , S.7S Wlnoo ...... 10.80 Wolverine .... 124.00 Ttah ........ 44.78 . t;. S. Mining.. 84 80 Beynl ........ 18.2S Kim ........ z.ou Oranby ',.'..'-' T.00 Greene 24.25 Old Domlntoa. ; 28.60 Mohawk ..... si 00MBT0CS IDBTJre STOCXS. Bid. Bid. - Bulllim' .mr...f .81 a...., - 8 vat .. .44 i I'otoat .... .on 1'nloa Con ...... J12 T.llow Jackt., 13 rm. OaL-Va.... v . a at arm .28 (Exchequer 44 Mexiran . .sAa, Con. Mrcr MMmtfy&Q&mmim X.10. .48 Hale orcroe i-ooL anaen .... ' tm SAX rBABOISOO lOOAl STOCKS, Contrs Coet Wafer Snrmg Valley Water. .... ...... Sa franc teco Oa a Blectrie.... i 48 : 884 - . J14 T? 10 U Jt? 23 Ulaat rowuer. ...... ...... .... Tlnnoke 8urv4t. .. .............'. in Hntohlneoa Sugat. ',,,.. ...', IB Makawell Suaar. ...... ............ .... Paenhaa Sugar.... 22 Alaaaa . racaera . m. ....... m . . ..... Pacific State Telephone. .. ,....lo-J ,-,.lfriV Mntaal Blectrie 1 13', 14 ( al. Wine Aaeoclat ioa". ,. ... ,' 88 Oceania mesmstalp. i-TWrTOBX coma BUXXXT. 1 JteV Tork. Sept, 1. tmffee rstares 1 Snchanged to S point higher. , , , Official quota Hone: 1 . Bid. Aak. Bid. Ak. January ...,$7 .00 7 nfl!nly 17 .M l..l February .. f TO T 7.VHeptember . 7 20 T.28 March ..... T.t.1 f.8" icUber T.80 T.88 April ...... T n t November ... T.40 T.48 hv ...... ,,T8 TOoiDeeembef ... l.BQ T.M Jus T.M w -orfor.;1!! lMt. L At BL W..... Ttf-f '11 R3 ' I3rJGIIT-KXVPAIXSlIA StiyZoa Here h " Cost a litle lonferfine work- , X. tStS : our fall styles in MEN S, BOYS - and CHILDREN'S CLOTHING. . ' It would aeem that the maximum --f -comfort ; andatyla., has- been. reached in Hen's costs, Y Thi IL B. Styles Are correct Double and sincle ' Breasted Coats, Worsteds and Caa simeres eOl gradea ,and all pat terns.. , ' u ' " MSN'S SUITS ... T.45 to f 26 . BOYS' SUITS buys SUilia . " 4- KM Our Otliar "l'rlcaB. 6o-70o a s - BOe Best creamery ....... ..16o-oe Dairy buttsr '".."H? Ii.nxh ana . . .22Ao-t&0 Best suanr-cured bsma. , . . , 14o 180 18o tira,irfii,r necnn .......... i no Best of tea. lb. .100- I ;e-7o Lmrd. s-lb. call. ..... . . ,4lcHo - tto-Bto Remember. Chickens - on Saturday 16c and 1 7c ; All rAooda mertellsa at WsajlsmriA Mees. La Grande Creamery 264 Yamhill St.- TEETH for gsodera dental work. Worta-re. noarned spaelalUta. Xo wast prlcaa eonsistsat with ftrst-elsas 'Oo ta tae NEW YORK DENTISTS - rotmra an Meiaaxsoit rn. Opaa day and night rrora s:ss mtH feOWaTTjro. soraomra aj 00, (KsUbUshed ills.) Aim BTTOOat BMKXmaV- ' Beam 4, Otobxi Tioor, rrmana-wwrm- Of OO JBtBatOa. DEPEW COMPANY REPAYS LOAN FROM EQUITABLE , - . , , -r .: ' f ' (Jearaal Special Service.) New Tor. Sept 1. naoBncemont ia made by the Equitable Lira Aaauranca eociety that the Depew Improvement company haa paid ita debt to tha society amounting- to II1I.960, Including" princi pal and Interest, Ths announcement la accompanied by correspondence between President Morton and tha attorneya or tha Depew Improvement company, an nouncing: that tha reorganisation com mittee of tba lad-tar baa perfected - tha title ta the property now covered by tha Equlable mortcsge and la prepared to take ever tha property - which secured tba loan. v 1 :'- w.t . ( .'Senator Depew denies i- that he bad anythirig: to do with tha organisation of tha BepeTw Improrement - company and denies aid charges made against him In connection with Its opcratlona. , j . HOTEL AND MACCABEE - HALL AT ACME BURNS "v v (Bpeelsl Vlapetch t th Joataalf : ST? Eugencv Or., Sept. 1. Th hotel and Msccabaa hall at Acme, on tha Biuslaw j-lver, burned- last atenliej-aAH o'clookh ina xirw aiaric m uiw num iv m defective flue. It waa . a, two-story structure, owned by W. A. Cox. Tha lota la 11,600.. Most of tha" furniture was owned, by Robert Low and was aared. Tha building was partially In sured. Thera la no fire protection, and It waa difficult to prevent the flame spreading to other nearby buildings and two oi aawmlllB. i .v ,,;.. CONTRACT LET-TO BUILD. , GOULD ROAD TO COAST (Joarnal Ssecfal B.rvlce.1 ' Salt Lake, .Utah. Sept. l.Tpa TJtab Construction company of Ogdcn has been awarded tha contract for thd coa atruotlon of tha Westsrn Paclflo from Rait Lake olty to Narada, 118 tnlles. Tha same- -company , haa also been awarded tha eontract for the construction of tha road from tha western boundary of Ne vada to Orovtlla. Tha contract calls for an expenditure of $10,600,000. . .. -. " 1 . j ' "I bad at running. Itchinf aora on my lea-. Buffered tortures. Poan'a Oint ment took away the burning and Itohlng inntnntlv and nulcklr affectaxl pel it core." - U W, OMO. Aitntriart, fowling urean. FOin-ABO BABK STATUUITT. Clearings (TOO. 4(a). 48 Balance sa.aoe.iv Btartta Same New Tsrk. Bent. i. HierUng rate: Dtasasi JjHAHii so UmmM emaa, . i 00 manship and natty styles. We are fl s i plesaad to announce the arrival of V Suits and Over- Oprdtto njaa-Beha '1 v;:' MEN'S CRAVENBTTBS AND OVERCOATS.... Loni Pants ........ . ivne rants ........... .B w MORRISON CoSmfte&sr M M IPEGiiiiJirao iwa-hai .sfincJlneof Hand-Canred Ebony Oiaira, Stooli vti& Parlor Flower Stands which waafe of ferine teryoTUhla week at reduced rates and ws trust you will take advantaf,e of this oppor tunity and make youroney go as far as possible. Hand-Carred Chairs: refolar 2l00, special.; ...,1.S0 Hand-Carved Parlor Flower Stands, $15X0; special.. .. .". 11.TR-Hand-Carred StooU; regular $12.00, special.. .... f.5 : A large assortment of Baskets now on hand among which are that latest things in Lunch Baskets with straps. Large sise, 30 cents; '.medium, 33 cents, and small 25 cents.' - -r ... t Sea us before purchasing elsewhere '.i ..' Western Irnobrtinf? ' . 829 WASHINGTON STREET. . , MMMUM MIL W AUKIE PARK it I.1XWAUXI2 H2IGHTS V This choice tract ii selling fast from the fact that the Iota ara the cheapest and beat located of any suburb around Portland. "This tract is on the Oregon City car line and river and all lets are 50x100 feet with 60-foot streets; level and signuy, ana ona price to all, whether you buy one lot or fifty the price for each lot is $50.The title ia perfect. compkte abatract of title cf lVfilwaukie Park can be seen by calling at the Hibernia Sav ings Bank,' owners of the tract, and free tickets to and from Milwaukie Park will gladly be given to all intending pur thasers by calling at Room 805, McKay Building, Corner Third ind Stark Streets. Come arid inspect these lots facing car lis) for $50.''-Acre tracts for $150 each. ; ..vC'w'v !W B.OYNTON ECONOMICAL- ab W aassBOSl ox rnaxauimg arxvww pianun. xwenuas. bow g) SAO SUBO aw aa0 m : eeaf razmaoa taaWOloa if yon i aJ.C. BAYEfe fQTTiam sea BBOoaro an. . IT DIDIVT- HURT .irAEtlT--lii:,- I what they say et enr ajethede ef 4Mng B.atal work. W 4 work tor aenale (real wl et the city snick ta evalB aer Sela. Bverrthlna on te date. Onea evening as4 Siraoava. aula Kt,,: -.--n , t,f -. , . . ;WISE BROS., Dentists . Tha taatag. ess, Third aad Washing - DB.T. . WISB. OVlSRBECIC. OTARR A COOIIC . - Members Cblcsgo Board or Trade, . ' cavaiar, ravxxoxs, ooT-row, socnr at avr--.3. . V ( 101 Third Street. McKay Building, fortland. Or, -" r "'- ' " in bo a iexzxorx.r-comas:Smt 7" ContlnuouB ITarVeta by Frlvst Wire. Qulc errlca. TKton. t ata. and Unltad Stataa Nsuonal rtns ei . : : noMtaJaav ' ft 1. Three brothsrs, . and a ('. Man, cltl t, "vl Iwre lst ty. e ns w S.JU 1 Beas , ; f 6 to f2S, 5 to flK .....fl,60 to, f 3 MIMMMMMtf i . 4 4 4 t e X OUR PAINTS VOJIKEASI; - Corer well and is-t. Thayra the hanri aat to uaa, they go fmrtheat, civ smooO . eat surface and last longer. . Basd.a ' these economies, thaw cost bo nor Cil i lnfartor palnta, so you ean't haly amw , Inf moner when yon bur paJnta ot . " ' 'i.' . ,.r -' " ....... ' '' Fisher JhorecnCCc. rmoar -Asm uomBXciw. FUR.WACES , I . i t f K 4 I I t JiMD EFFECTIVE wajrt omo is. youa honso tola win. HURINACE CO. i ,. , t . Tatxanron auzar . ' 9S hsrlns rlren r They lesre f-'.- in Portltn 1 Ion, Lit: -.t a. r- I I -Y,a