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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 1, 1905)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL;; PORTLAND, FRIDAY LVL::i::ot SSPTLLI-.i 1. I. J vrr ; -Entered at tk pmttofaea af FortlaaA. Oregon, for irae.nortaLtoa through the ""' CiSSi aSattS. ' . - . ' ' ,K .a.. - - Vne aa R IS eO 1B. Cge MMr. 1 Willi t b PV Btl 18 M IM, I MBit. ,-'.' '..;, Mala 856 caitenei Keome.., ...... ............ ' til ! MM.IHK )llll' . SOBnOB ADVXBTISISO BEWBEtTtaTTATIVB. Vr-eJeo.' Benjamin Special Mr(WM . 130 N.e eireeC w York; Tribune ; . it, Chicega., V".'.C;V . . imatnio sates. -t'Va . Iwu y Urt". ' "-i n The Dally Jeernsl. vlth Sunday, i rr-; " The Dally Jearuol. 1 yr v':;l" mil " The Dally Journal, wit Sunday, saoala. 6 . t uaiiy. journal. nontu. ...... r ; The- Dally Journal, with Sunday. gsonth. 1-J ..The Dally JuuraaL DUtb. -', r!r . . ' . i-.ii wrui. wiw f . me I "ally MmL with nunaay, i "r"1 , T CHMeff ., .,....' The Dally, per week. teUmd. kindey ' i'fcunday ia- ' 7 i Terma ky Mali. . '--..,. Dally JoarneL wltk Snnday. 1 ""v2 Dally Jem-net, 1 yaer:. 78 Dally Journal, wltk Sunday. nventhe. Th Th a,. - V. Dally JournaL moo the.. .......... f-I ' TC I 'a 1 1 V JOWDIL Wliu awnwu. v i ? Dally Journal, wltk Sunday, 3 moatne. i.w 9he Hally Jooraal. t aaontha. ....... 1 T' Tha pally Journal, with Baaday. 1 naU. "tia flly inmL 1 awotk b Sunday Jaaraal. 1 roar '..... " .aa SiuuUy loaraal. avoatka. -w Tb Saat-Waakly aaisal. " , ; ffha Haml-WaaHy Jpormil. o . a. taaaa. Ulaatratad. foU alarkat rt- ' ttta'ami' Mmld kV'madV ky dVafuC .P"J vXaa, azpraai ardan and aaaO '? t V. O. ox 111. rofttand. OKtym. vxxwt ni nniit wi n foxnro. Tka Jrn aa U lo t tk Tnllnwtac placaas - - ; ' fcOISB. OJaUO 8. Sallar 4 Ok.W. 1 lutvrf CHICAOO P tofnea Nawa cMapdmyi ITS earn atraat. ' " - ,- DENVER. (X)LO. I. BUek, Blxtaaatk a ad Oar tla atreeta. !ANSAi CITT ym Hoy Kawa (anjnf.'l VIN.NKAPOUS at. I, Karaaaaga. 60 aVMtk 1rd etraat. ' ' - TOKK CITT Bran tanaa. ralom aijoata.' V JAMA Millard Ratal Nawa ataad; Mafaatk r'atlonarr coninaay. 191IS ramnai eaaipany. Za LT UlKK CITT Kenyan Hotel Hawa atandl bamw Broa.. 4t Weat Saeond atraa. aontk. IT. LOUTS FhlHp Roedar. did UiLaat ajtraeti tT JTRANCISCO W. B. Ardln. Falaaa Hotel Kewa atand and 1008 Market etreetj Oold anritfc Brea, - fao - Butter atraat and taint kranHi bntel: renter Orear.. retry kalld . Inn N. .Wbeatlry. amveable new ataad. aor- . nr Market - and Kearny atraat. . iTTU Rainier Grand Newe ataad W. L. ,rCANk WAaiimaTOM Jofaa ; A 0. . t ITaCOMA. WA8HTMOT0! Central Hi riy ; Hotel Tarema Kawa atand. it'iORfAi BRITIBH OOfcBMBlaV Tlelartl Book at tattoaary aoaipany. - WZATKXS mXPOBT. K-reln-naa ocanrrad.-.dartnf tka taat S4 . koura In tka Part fie atatea, bat the barometer kaa fallea rapidly - ever weatera Waebinajtoa and tba Indication! are favorable for abowere In the wieura -eorrtoe of tbta dlatrlrt Satur day. Bala kaa fallea In Kortb Dakata, Mln acaota and tba npper lake reirioo. K porta frota tka eaatera atatea war recelred lata. . It la wamer tkla Bornlnc la weatera Ore (na and weatera Waablnston, aad cooler la northern and eontbeaatera Idaho. , la eaatera Oregon, eaatera Washington and aortbera Idaba the trmperatiu. taat night waa- daaceroaaly near tha froat Baark. hut aa froat waa reported at any of tba weafber- trareaa atatlana. It 'will be warawr tonight eaet of tba Can, eade eaoanUlna, and cooler Saturday la weatera . liregoa and weatera waaninfton. MARSXAQB XICIVSXS. ' fl. . Wahlbert-. SA. and A. M. KlUoaab. 14 . Oarer Georga Halraraoa of Cneballa ceuaty. Waablnston. 37, and Luella MlMrad Homer, la. Weddlnar Carda. W. a. Smith Oe.. Waah ferton bide. eor. Fnartb and Waehlaatoa ata t j . aUTKB TTXW COKTUT. i,- if v ?S1ngU frarea $10, yaially iota tTt ta 9.000. Tba only cemetery la Portia ad whir - perpetually malntalne aad carea for lotd. ret rill Informatloa apply to W. B. Mackrnalii Wereaatar Meek, city. W. M. La da. arealdeat, Tka Edward Bolaaa Cndertakiaf; eotSpany. fnaeral dlrectora aad ambalmara. tW Third atreet. ( Phone 607.. I. fj rialey Son. fnaeral dlrectora and caibalmera. corner Thirl and Madlaoa atraeta, Ofaca at caaaty eorooef. Talrpbone Mala a. rtroeral nrealua and aat-Buajara a epertalty at- Boea City Oreeaboaae. Twenty eaeoad aad Beat Man lam, epp. cemetery, . ' BBAX CHATS TBABaTXBa. 1. Schmear et aL as. to G. B. Chamber. bin. lot IX block S, Srbmeer'a add... 9 S. Mortna Cob a to S. Morton Oeha Baal .-. Batata dl Inecatinent eoapaay. lota X, -' K block J7: lou 4, a. 14, IS, block .as. city . 9. Woodward et aL to B. Hrincy. lot . klork a. Woodward anbdlTtaloa 1 Rlreralda Hoaoeetead ........ ' C Slmpeua at al. to XV T- Cox, Vot SO, block a. Arlata Park Ne. Ia Cooroee et al. to J. II. Penny, weat oo 100 N lota T. ' a, blorl lto. Eaat rortiaaa t H. W. Scott and wife ta Seearlty Bar-' so - inara at i mat eompany. aore a. a ana . t-ananr 124 feet lot a., black SM ;- RaMrt e Land Claim - -aUicta Land. company,. ta W- a. HallorK. . Iota . T, block S: kta 34, SB, black '. 4. Arleta Park Ko. I v ? t. B. Kara And wife to Hlbernla JM. ; - kica bank. HI aerea aactloa a. towav. ' aliip acuta, ranee S eaat SO, TOO ' . c t-nriatenaea aaa aira, ta. u. t. ' Jobnaan. let t and north H lot . block 14. Collrge Place,.... .:, S. H.-Conk to K. i. Bnmgardner. lot 11, block 19. Paradise K prince Tract.... Bernard Albera and wlfa to P. H. Blyta, art bkx'k OS, city - .......... ' 78,000 T. B. McHolland et al. ta T. N. Mc HollaiuL lot J. block 4. Eaalewooal park . dot B. ; Piieatry ct al to Mra. a, Mnnia et - al..' lot la. block B. Bhelby a aoodl-., lUioa block M Boath Portland. .7. Commercial - Treat Com pa ay ta C. A. Utoarall et al. to A. M. Latoa rell let 1, block . Troutdala. ...... The Oermaa SaTlna-s A Loan society ta . K. H. Wemme. lota S, a, iractloa lota BOI S, , block 20. Coach's add ,. 11,000 A. W. Tambert et aL to P. W. Mr- Ke-bnle. lot block 10J. rtty. .. ."B.OOP A. tornon. le aeranty fwrings at Trast catnpany, hat 7, block 62. city 18,000 Ue line uuinmar at -ithsi company to . Palmer. 'lota i, , block M. Hon- ayalde Third add . . TOO U 11- Wakefield and wife ta B. B. Lamaoa, nart lot a. block 4, dir. .. ! 14,000 4. Kiernaa ana wire to uregna Traaa- for company, block SIT, Conck'a add.. 1 Oct roar Jnaarenca and abetracta ta real aetata from the Title, oe re ntre A Trnat com. pa nr. 0 eraaninrron arrerr, corner Becona. t L , , -HJi aTZZTTJia HOTICBa. " ALU MEMBERS W. O. W. la tka 1 city rordiaJIy inrlted to meet In MaltDomak- cama ball tnailght.. Hperlal celebration ef tne opening at nan after rene- eating, cuse initiation. Mule, ee rrae h aae n ra. - M. O. WILKIN'S, C. C. J.M. W0OIWfiBTH, Clerk. i . f) tl.AKD ryjPFRATED TRADES COCXCTL. -- eraiar ateeuua; itiia arnoayi arrenuaj at m nck, lS blocK. Second and Stark CRAVT M DONALD, Heeretary 0O14 CTRCLS Ma 171,-W. O. W.i m-ta "lay atghe la, lionet, hafk comer Wll .i era. and Ruaa.n tt.. at S mloek. MAHT RANPALla. Clerc. ' TtniEBAi HOTICZ. AMAL la thla rltr. (tepteanher -1. land. II heat Mtirh atreet, Dreipeey P. Mr "ial. atrd To yeara, Tba foneral em all i be held at r'lnley'g rtiatiel at X p. m. racy, a.ptcmlker t. . Prleada In Tiled, la- it 4nu He ceanetery. MATH M0TIOX. la Ibla city, BenisiDher I, UO.i, reseM. IS riaat Nmtk atreet. l.l, aged to j eare., raaaral iter. . . ; ..'.'j, -. - YOUR BUSINESS INVITED UBIaAi TUMI AWB (ATIirACTOlT Intarrat paid ea aarlnas and time denoalta. aud an abort call aaedal cartirteatea at larot- aea raiaa. ,- -"Calf apoa n cr. write' tpr partlcalara. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON Resources Over $1,000,000 ' f J00 Third Street. ' , rham Mala dSS. BENJ. I. tXiUK.t... .PreaidVat H. L. riTT(X'ri........,....,.S..Vlce-rl.tfut B, UK PAOKT.r.... Heeretary J. O. UOL.TU A AaaUUnt Serretary .troncx. MACHINK-BHOPTIm anderalcnei. treat ee af tne GUI tiaa Enema Macnlna - aumnaay. rwf fi for-ael" tor -raehr tka retire wux-k ol aaai'hliiery, tuola. patter oa. etc.,1 at tbr abora T'athla- la . a naoat eamnleta aboa for all eltlndk of repair work and for ronatrarton of taeottne rnaiaear- Wllltan A. Oatatet, tmatee, iont b row : WIIX ipraeamaa waa took rkeck for trunk from Mercbanta? . hotel Monday, to ha oe - Itrered to Unrla San a hotel. US rtftk at.. ' kindly eoamntilrata with W. M. Varla, at -'tba abora addreee, ... LOST Brenlnf . of Aurnat SB. between XH Kearnay and Marqaaa tbaatra, rowed (old ' watch charm. Lata lal ha biae 'aaaaael faoe. O, B. W. aa kacki reward far ret era tains Kearney. - ..... - - A SISTER aolnc from weat aide at Third at. . bet earn Morrlaoa and Salmoa, loat a ll . note; finder kindly tcare at McAllea Mo Dooaetl'a atore. LOST Booare nM Torkel. dumon aetttov aide; BxMMaTaDt B. W. w. oa othr; reward. S. W. Wlnsata, Wratern t'alva Telrfraph Co, rOl'KO Bleyrle. black enameled., on Pirak at. , Owaer ran-hara aame k- glTliat dcecriptloa. ' Tamhlll at. ' iXZLF WAJITED-alAIJL' TOO PICKERS ta pWl 2 acre hope; all da- aired accoaaskooatliiaa, awery, Daiary, rea ' taaraat. hatcberDop. beautiful camp (roaada, dance hall, pare mount a la water, etc.; re daced excaraloa ratea. Apply Matnrday, Sa- - teaaeer a, raaal BaarJ - aaa waa. WANTED Imaaedlataly, planing aaiU foremaa. . waaea flUO par aaontbi abarper and band aearrer. i1 SO nar day: aioldlna ataa. ta: atalr batlaera. 4; aoaa pat efeady and flrat- ciaaa aiea aaea appiy. aaureaa aaaiauaia Laainar Co-. Mlaaaala. Moataaa. .-. WANTED 1.000 am ta fit tbetneelTee for het , ter noaltlona at tba T. M. C A. alakt acbool: r foxy Jif fent aubjacta; fall term opene Hep- teaabar so. call at Aeaocniuoa ouiMung, eor aar Faarth aadXambul ata. lor illuatrateJ catatoaaa. STATIOM MBN, rock works rood aricaa; paw . work. Ma of It. alda rata, all whiter, eaatera Oreaon: free fare. Partlcalara at Hanaaaa -'KmpktyaMat Office. M Nona Bacaad at. . TWO eood Uea aolMtorer areed and aalary to rla-kt partlaa. 1. H. eoaaatoa, tailor, tut Waablngtoa at. - .. v.;- WANTKD Cleraa for office-work; moot ha good nmea, quick aad aocurate at zlgorea. , Ad- T 44, ieoraaL - FIRST-CLAM breller and raachmaa. G. M. Camp bell. 20 Jaaea at, Meatue, Waaa. -- . . v.-... BARRETT'S Detavatlra kool Laat cUaa this redoced re tee. 1,0 Waablngtoa BU- BOT- wanted for factory. Apply at 6.M Eaat Tweaty-ttrat at, Telepbooa Kaat iott. WANTED rirat-claaa hatcher. Oregoa Mar- ket, 161 reartk St. M. J. WANTED Experienced shipping clerk.. Ad- a oa, etparnei.., v-. . -j. ... MEN ta amrk la told sUaa; moat Uka etock S01 McKay bldg. ' . . - -. KU1 WAJTTXD ITJIAIE, TOO PICKERS to pick 24 arrea bops; all de al red aecemaxoanuoea, grocery, naaery, raaw tauraat, butcher-ebon, beautiful camp grounds, dance balL pore moaatala water, etc; re duced excursion ratea. Apply Saturday, Sep, tember 2, roam 441 Sherlock halldlnf. Third aad Oak. -,.".' WANTED ISO gtrla to ataka oraralte aad anirtat lnatractiona aieea to - laaxpaneaeea. tpply Nnstsdtet Broa.. Standard rectory I oTi cor. Eaat Taylor and Grand aye. T WANTED Immediately, extierlenced aaraa. Inatltntlon. S2f: alan conk. t'JS: aacood glrl. 12.-.; family coo. HOeSWa.yamhUl, auua paia. w GIRL wanted-' for honacworh ta small family. fall lorenooa no. zv aaat tuteaaia at aoata.. Aakeny ar Piae at, cars.. . . t . HANSEN'S LADIES AOENCT. S4SH Waabinc. ton at., . eor. acrenia. npaiawa. ranee maxa tRBS. remala help wanted.' v" . GIRLS wanted to work la candy factory. Ap ply Pscine voaat xuacait eampaay, , xweuia and Darla. ". - WANTED Experienced makers- also api tlcea. Norelty Mlllloary Store, B13 Tbtod at. GIRLS wanted b.-work la pa per -box factory, r. a StetUer, career Tenth aad Gllaan ata. WANTED 10 gtrla toe drees ma king; ' schooL .171 Morrlaoa St.. ear. rearth. TOUNO gbi. waa ted for light heaaaaratk; ao cblldren. laqnira ail weat ran. WANTEle At oace Turner's Dye Works, 606 Jefferson.' at. . . WANTED Lady wsltrsea for reataaraaa, ,41S Maarlaoa at, .,.-,' GIRL wanted dor general - boaerwork at 311 West . Fark. . . k .,. r '...,.' ,v .: . ... WANTED A girl to do booarwork. ,810 Eaat -' atonroe ex. ' . '' f WASTED AOEVTB. ioENTS WANTEI)--Ta eell eor eaperlnr ' high' arrade anraery atoeki new and complete out. , it fnrolahed free; cash weekly; write today for choice territory. Capital City Nursery Co.; as less, orrgoa. 4 . - - . WANTKD A aecond.hSDd .. .Chandler . Price preee, ayurvae e eevuruan. J t. ; . ALBKMEN wanted for exclualTe agency, onder . wear and aeamleaa boalery, factory to consumer oirect. siv commercial naw-a.' WASnD-MAXS ASD tUULM XKU.' WANTED Book keepera aad ateaoaTapharf; wa placed 807 puplla la Ineratlra noaltlona ourlag peat year; call a aend far aaUteaaa; day ar nirtit: it win pay yon. - BICUKKE-WALkKR BL SIX ESS COLLICB. WANTBD-a-At eace, a aright, aaargslie. pre eroteble ma a mr axnraaa. a good talker, la take up- aa ataraetlee rapnelllaa. laoalra TU Ckamher of Cammerca.. a. ss. SOLICITORS Mea or women; permanent em - ployment ta bnetlera; exoerleaee , uaoecee eery. 90S Dekum bldg. . DKTMMERS aad agenta for good alda lasne. Call bet. and a. hs., , ar write, . Bona m, zid Morrison gt. WANTED Uopplrkera ' ta commence Monday, . acpinmner a. call at A., A. caurcn .e Co., ' 2a Taylor at. t ., . ,- WANTED Mara no nick ere: beet rard: eaar eam money.. Apply Aedrew Kaa Co., EST hftt.L1 V.n,r!'"4 eaprilled. Bra la ar female. si. , ' ., waenmgtoa at Clay 4a ros SESTmcs-sooKS, '' '; i ' rOR LEA SB, Wing term, top Boor Rtuama bldg. Sixth and Morrieoa; growth eompela aa ti 1 Behnke-Walker Bnslneaa eollega.-. . rOR. BEST ring, cenrralle- located - office, erllk phoaev M. L. Cate, 113 bVeand at. , OrriCM for rent; phone;, an IVksm bldg. tall between 10 aad 6 a'cmrk,,. , OPricg-KitiM mr rear, aeaaad Seat 8 sad I oag pmat. 1 avasir aieratot, , i '!t.'.' ' e v" - '' -'''" " ' WAaTTKP HTBflFTl HtBOTaV PAINTJriG, ai baeemeata. I lorarlaaT aad wBltawaahlac true. barna, dorke, ate.. dona; largrat " gaaollna sprsrlng ooint oa tha Coast. M . liorgau A, Co., 30 Milwaukl at, , PI . kaat SKIT. ...... v .... . PI'PIIA araateiL-by accomplished plenlat, eom nrertoaa aapcrleaca preferred. 'Aaqreea oo. . journal. - - BOOKS bought, add . aad exchanged at ttlia uaa aoua atu-.. ' a .uimi,, ... . SCHOOL BOOKS bought, aold aad axenanged. xonea Book Stora. aVI Alder et. P. . BYDBB. printer. Secoad and Waahlngtaa ata. Phone Mala aoaa. EMTLOTaLUrt A0CBCXB. BAMSBN'B BMPLtTMB9IT OPriCB. - . ' rOBtMBN M N. Bacaad at. . Phone Mala IBM, riONBEB'KMPLOTMRNT CO. Labor eoatraei bare: help free 4o emplorere. VIA Morrlaoa, WANTED TO BUT. WANT KD To rant T 'or 8 -room kouaa. wltk H arra to arrea: niuat be rraannable and near car Una aad achoul: eulmrna preferred. Call r or anoraaa an t uiamooa n. - flat ee aa- futatshrd rouau aa west alda. by rellabia party, phone Eaat IWI.. WABTID BEAL EBTATX. IlOl'HB and bt between Morrison and Baraaide and not farther out than Thirty-fourth at. oa ' eaat aide, or weald buy ou west aide If not . too high: giro location and price urst let- tor. Addreaa r Bl, care journal. . FARMS WANTKD All klnda latork, . poultry, fruit, arala aad boa faruia: must be aood and reasonable ta prlcej glra full deacrip. 'Uoa,. price ann terma. . , 20d AUaky bids. ". WANTED To bar on rood monthly paymcnu, a farm, about 10 arrea. luirored, near elee- - . -i , - - - Km - t.. ... . T . - . WANTED Small tracta suitable for cblckea raaehee: muet be aood and raaaoaabla. n. I. 1 Vale. 1L1 Second aLPortlaaA. WANTRD To can cottage and furniture. - for :4mA tar . . cash. Laadlgan, paona - - WANTKD Ikmaea to rent; wa kara more galla toaa we aae nouaee. . .. BOS Allaky bldf. WASTED raall tracta enltable fnf chicken J raackcai must tie good and rea sous Die. . SOS Allaky bids. . . . ' WANTED Beat hoeae Bl.aiai cask wlU bay, SOS Alisky bldg. - rrom-irBTi-Ho BOOMS. OB BENT Pnrnlaned bouaek eepla gooma la best brick "block aa eaat, aide; gaa ranges, " bath, etc.) aa traaelaatat prlroa moderate. Logs a -blk.. 108V, Union a taw, ec-Kaat -: Alder.:: Phone Lmoa aJoS. ; DK'KSON'B apnrtmenta. fitrntabed, nnfarnlahetU- deal location: terma moderate. ualrarasry iark. -Phony Scott- law. , tHWtlMHr:rr-baiaekee.iig-Twnia; atngla or-an aalta, aery reasonable. SuO Harrlaoa at - rCRNlUHED honaekeeplng rooroa, with Baa or poona. cau -S3S rTtB gc - ., rtJRNIitHKD-bonaekecrUtaX-roome; . bath aad gaa. ar4 roarteenta at. foe srirT ruBBismjj sooms. THE BO TC REST. ITS Twelfth . at., Yamhill Just, opened; exduslee rooming sc aomnsodattonai house and farnlahlnga aatlraly new; elegant gultea, with bog and cold water, See bade; also single rooms; , will-- rant a mlted namher r rooma aow ta- Drrmaant people; tranaieata solicited. THB KINO New balldlng. haadaomely for- Bunco, equipped with erery aioderB caaren lence; on direct car Una td expoaitloa; all ouaalda rooana; heat, gaa, electric llgbta. porce lain hatha: vary low rates', take rift at car froat Ualoa depot ta Sow Jsfferaoa at, near city IlaJL ., v. . " HOTEL VAN" K'OY. -Cammerdal man's t... :li.n..i. hil elaea. '"water ,ln all tha rooma. hatha free.' eaatraL suracx, cars to aepot aaa exposition. , -. ' 611, Third at. cor. Plae. THB HAMANN. 1SB N. ISth cor nort Newly foralshed rooms. 61-60 ap: aonrenleat leeattoa, ' 16 mlnntea' walk to fair aroaada: Morrieoa car at anloa depot direct to hoeee. Pbeaw 6470. KARQDAM HOUSE. 16 H arb Rooms ea aalta or single; boasekeeplng rooms; aaa stereo, hath, electric llgbta:. traaaleata aolletted, - THB WILBUR, B48 Eaat Oak Balta honee- aeeping-roome, m.a per weea aaa np; hmuj lag $1.26 and np. Ilkone Scott S64V THB BELLE VLB -60 ele farnlebedi Ea cea reaaonable: trarellnc Dublin eolidted. iah r eurta at. - uooa toi - , .. " ' - L - ' I. rBONT parlor for geallemaa a. reonemeat wha I wlehee roam near . tha canter dtr. u 681 Everett at, , . ' i THB ALDER 4.16 Alder; nicely furnished rooms, convenient and gum; data and three phooee. - ... . 4 - ; " TBS GLADSTONE 61 tH Savler St, famlahad a; aaaer aew aaaaagemeai; prtaaa rear blow CHEAPEST and beat located rooma In Portia ad. (1 week aad npj Gllmaa. rtrat aad Aider ata. THE CASTLE 671 Waablngtoa raone Main 107a.. - FOB BEST HOUSES, COTTAQR. modern, ftra rooma and , bathroom, ' fall brick basement; No, 833 Madlaua at, Inquire Wakefield, rrlea Co. and Jena Kloatermaa, 41 North T wee ty -first at STUART atatlon. Mount Scott -ear t large , rooma, aatbnlldlaga, modern; part lea without - children; furniture for sale. . Call tha Belle. vne, roarth and Salmon. FOR BENT rm 6-room corner bonee, tnat Bewly renOTSted: reaaonaWe ta tha right ' party. inn aire tua rn-at or a mw. 8-ROOM honea for rent In Kenllwortn: eler trr light. cemcBt walk. ate.. C. Weeter ' gard. Phone Scott 9623. rOR RENT 6 -room. new. modern eottaae. furnlahed: good neighborhood: rMtafOO. Pbona MODEUX 6-Nhm house for rant, electric light. am Jew montn;. eaat aioe. rnuna aaat a7a TO tamlly of adults. lO-mom modern houea la , good aocatloa. Iaqulre 304 Tblrteeut k. NEW 6-room boose, 668 .Windsor at, WoodV ' lawn; key next door; 37.60 per month. . FOR BP! NT -8 room - bouse. . Eaet Stark ata. rafty-seeond nnl BOOM AND BOABD. riRST-CLARS rooma and board for permanent . people, 323.60 and J6 per month; table board 8 per week. Aator houaa, JtB aad ' Madlaoa ata.-' TeL Mala 623H - ' . . i THB IRVIN0 Elegaat ' aecommodaUomv aa exorbitant ehargea: dinlnc-room . In ' a action; price rigo Cor. 18th aad Irrtag. BOOMS with hoard far permanent taunts, - reasonable; Brat-claee ' home cooking. 83 -, SUth at it ,s '.-. KOUIES rot BEST ru-BKITUBE FOB 8 ALB. rOB beat raanlta on ' "rLBNTTCBB '- i. Whether ta buy or eell, ring np Mala 6426. :t . POUTLAKD AUCTION BOOMS . , -. .-Sit First at. rr LOOK 81 76. furniture of S-room house, fur nlsbed ' complete. Including piano; cheap '"bouae rent: aloea In. 3 blocks from city haiL 3 If th at No agenta; read. - r(JBNITlBB of 4 room honaa for aale; house for rent, 86 monthly. 048 Fourth at. BtnnfEM CHASC1S THB CLASS BRAIN COMMISSION CO. S08 McKay bldg. . PRIVATE BOOM FOB "LA .JlES, . 10 bnya or aella 10 aharee of el nek at - I.Ihs) buebele-ef grain; ajommlaslo a grain, "4 aa stork. Wa buy aad aall pau aad call. - ', : , " : ' FREE LANDS IN OREGON. " - r.H IlLa e'lii, pure wi lariiaonei cunja . lend of alfalfa, apple and clorer. Per full ' lnfiametlon- addrese the Columbia Ronthera Irrlgatloa Co., 6.a) Worcester blk., Portlaad. FARM, Wheat and timber lends, acreage, city property; timber ana tmineaieea locetloa; haslaeea chsncee and Inanrsnca. ' i TOW NahND, WAA rt SLi, ' ( TOWNbhND, MAXWELI. A CO. sm Jodat ila. . . - Aaaxia Mala Lzzx, '-' . - .';. v ' " i STJaJSXBs) CBAaOtB, . ( r.ieev, i ; "' T)B SALB Blackamlth abop la aaa. era Ore. , (tmlaa; nua trade., baa laibo gad drlllpreaa. etc; i good opening; lareeilgate at oacej price eouu far aoop, property, loom, a. . aeiu, -Urara-au Motitarllla. Or. rtlK SALE Oa" account of atckaeee. alee, cleaa. money-making buslneea oa eaat aula; Bales , from (14 to 33 per day; price ll.eoo, or will . lii ec Ice; no agenta wanted, w 6V. Tha JuaraaL 1'OB SALS Well-eaulDDed Dlaalng-mlll eaat aide, machlnerr In arood order, togathet with stock of lumber, at bar gala, Addrese j . ao, care journal. PI RST-OI-AX S aewaoaper an a a wsnts coaaee , tloa Ilea paper , wiik prlrllega of buying Interest; Oregu or Waatlagtoa. t 66, eara JoumaL - '-... PARTNER AMo general agent: ta 500 raptal rulrau; light manuraciurtng; i moua protfta. . Boom 10, Xti Irat at, BAREST for sale, country tuwu of S.000 tnhahl. taste, county scat: only bakery, find boat A qui see i ii, journat. PHYSICIAN leuriug the city will gaa offlee : traps: low rent; practice. . -Apply to gupar Intenuent Orogoolaa bldg. . , -, . , ,. ' WHEN leaking far a mcatloa. either city et counrrr, can ee loa nortnweai aaaaa ve nog li-r .r DOOTOtti eoneereant arllh' batlerlea, balta,- etc.; . caa secure par mere nip ia rorniaued ornca, Addreaa 1 61, Journal. PHOTOGRAPH gallery tor eale; clearing orer siou-per montn; eu-knaaa to reaaoa fur aeu. tug. S03 Ftrat aC BOB SALE Brick hoteL 66 rooma. aood rami tare, epleodld leaaas la Partlaad. V 44. JouraaX riNB opportuBlty In established buslneea: need aeip and capital. Adoreaa U 04, care Joaraak 850 GROt KRY. good ateck and Sxturea, with 14-rooo) aat, good aocatloa. . au . piae. BEST rooming houaa bargain la city; 14 1660. Opposite city hall, 263 Fifth St. rOB SALE Small dairy: leas S rears, oa Bt. I " Helena road. Anaeer'7 44. Journair'- "I rOB BALE Confectionery stock, part or whole. rnrap. i-none xuaca iwajv - - SALOON SHOO, ar half mlereat If waptad. THB Home company , has . rraaored ta 14&H rirax at.. ( ,. . , . ; . WHO IS M. G. 'MORGAN aVCO.I . 10k SiTTBt4T. ESTATE. S LOTS, well Improved, new 3 -room hone and odiouiaaroga, a njinatea to nam, oc xare; part , cash; worth 630; also I lota adjoining, Improred, with new 6-rooia bouae autnbkhed and outbulldlnger price 6360, worth part coan. t.- at. avauiwa, auia, ' wr, Take Mount Scott oar. 6c . l . I2.S0O ACBE8 well Improred. all In Doe : frurt, fair buildings, - 4 blocks;- from car . line, caa be bought on vary easy terma; Im--audlata poaoeeston; will take par la real estate, uau ioth Third at, . .. HOMESTEADERS Wa caa locate yea vacant wheat ar Irrigation lands la eastern 1 uregon. ceu or write Yen cieare at bcboil Rear Extgta Agents, Echo, CmatiUa county, uregon, . VERT choice lot, 60x100, Hotladay'e add: also i nome atMtrTabor.noOxlOO, ogearDDe; Bull Boa watar, 7 room, bath, barn, all eiuoe irait, owner, vet intra ai. roB eale or exchanra or Portland Income property, farm of aiO.eoree; good bnlldln. t-ortiana. , .aooreea & au, journal. rOR BALE 4Vj arrea, - cheap, with modern 0-room noose, along golf link car line; fine bearing fruit trees; must be aotd. I squire oa premises, atu atuwauaia at. . rOB SALE New arooo houaa with fall be ce ment and Urge attio, Eugena at, bet Rodney ana cnioa area. Aaureea 4V. Kogena at- Phone Eaat SOS. SACRiriCkV 4-raoa , bouae, bathroom, pantry and Daeement, plastered and paintea. atreet .. Improred; 6350 cash will haadla . aaaaa. Call : S37 East Twelfth, north. KICB . three-room cottage oa Montavllla ear line; trait -treaa, lanced, ate., aH. sea George Anderaon at Flahar Mualo Caw . 1IW antra at, rnona esaw. - , - ...... ... NEW 10-raom aonae. cheap; won Id aatt t , famlllea; cash $2uo, twOO an time, balance in vacant lot. Addreee H. . T. Palmer. 418 r mrencc . a. CLOSB la hoalnaaa eeraer, three story bnlMtng, : paying 13 per cent en Investment. fl2.6uu. Troon Klnaell. 803 Commercial blk. Phone Mala 2823.. . . . . , BBAND-NEW 6-room cottage with toilet, bath, basement lot 60x100. on Division et. 81.000. ;i Tysos Klnaell. 003 Commercial blk- Pboae Msla 3823. . , 60x100 .LOT with email bouae. 448 Sh r at., net. Beveath and Eighth. Inquire of Mra,. Mlnaiage'i' 438 North TacBtJ-Brrt ft, .city. .. ' i ... . . , , . I HAVB eoma choice wheat farms for aala . cheap and oa eaay terma. Writ to or call . a H. D. BandaU. OlaxiJUUam county. Or. $700 4-ROOM knasa. lot anxlSS; central: fine location; St Johns. Call at 433 Mehawk ' bldg., corner Third and Morrlaoa. Owaer. IDS BALK at a bargala. medera 7 -room boose ea East Taylor. cloaeS la; ter me to aalt . parebaaer. - Apply W 43, rere JoumaL ' . FOR SALB The Mlasoorl handing oa tha ex poaltton ground. Bend bid to tha aeu alary - at hulldlag. B. 8. Game, aacrctary- , - FOR SALE aj-roon , first and Eaet Waoater, owner. cottage nearly new, Thirty. Pine;- eaay . terma. 8. B. Eaat Arlatd, Oregoa. rOB BALE Modem aabarhaa cot tare ta car line, fine location, groand 100x100. O. W. P. Townalta Co.. 134 rtrat at. - - DESIBABLB weat alda bona. T rooma. fratta , and flowers; also corner lot and aabarbaa acra- ' age. a ear ta sot uarnett et.y 300 FARMS, email tracta aad lata: bargains aa O. W. P- electric Una. O. B. Addltoa, Lenta, Or. - Tak lit. Scott .car, 6c. . 8-BO0M bonae, lot and fnnrUer tor aal cheep; eaay paymenta? ' all Imiirovementa; bargain. Aaareaa v aa, car journal. - MAKB aa offer for 5-room raodem cottage. Jo Naen, at Naabvllla autloxi, an ML Scott car 1 line. Must bare money: MODERN 8-ronni aonae near car line, full lot. Sl.SfiO; email raah permeat, remainder like renr. . call loitk jnira. . . , ; -- 8E1XWOOO lota. t down and 66 a month; from 75 to 1200. . 811 wood lewnalta CO. Phone L'oloa 1481. ' ',, - r' : "7 rOR BALE Houaa 8 rooma. modern. 748 Eaat Main, by owner: halt cash, bale noa twi yearar prlat 62,800," r- 8 F1NB lota la tha center of St. Johns; suitable - for residences or boalnaaa hooaea; $2,600. 607 Commercial Ding. ....,'; FOB BALK Lota- 11. IS. 18.' block S. Arlata Park, 1 1 28 each. AuldreaaKate - Webster, Bartoa, Oregoa. t- -" ' , ; FOR SALB I room cottage ead of BnanyaMe -and Mount Tabor car line, cheap. Adores a 41, Journal. . . .. ; ... , A 4 room and a ft-room honaa for aala cheap, H. T, Cummlna, ; Kaabrllla atatlon, Moaut aaeott car line. t . - 81.060 New B-rooa cottage and S large lew en cor; Orthd are. and 8ovf gt, ".Bee earner. 8V4 Shaver at l0B SALE 8 room nooea ea ear tie ertta sere - fruit trees.' at. Icanlm - 841 Eaet " Blxth' st - , . . ' ,,... ,. .. 6-ROOM bouse, cheap fre caoa. laoulm L, S Bemlngtoa, Boeesaont ava Moauvllla ear. MODERN new 7 room honse. weat aid, easy torma,. $4,000. Call 107 14 Third at. , THB Home Land company 145' first at. baa , removed ' to S-WC8T-SIDB Ma, crWls, for gala at bargain. Xia Alasy DHlg. - fOS SALE H.0S8X8 AST) OASSIAaZS' - YOUNG, son rid horse, f yeara old, gentle, weight 1.00U pownde; good for delivery or batcher wagon, rid or drive. Call 128 Uth tat or phone Mala 826T. - I1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 ne a FOR BALE Horse (very gentle') with kBggy and hsmeaa. $M0; on cow, Jersey, 4 gale gena milk, $40.. Call 417 Ablngton bldg. . FOB BALK Horse, nrrrlegr and hsraje, new; gtisraateed city broke fi any woman, - 840 Corbett at. Phone Taclfle 216. . A PINB top buggy, horee and atsrnaaa, goat I . . (or aaie rneep, or traaa ng lev tu m. I ID21. for aala cheep, or trade fog la. A. B. i Macktt, aea naaaingtoa au .. . . j a ' aV ''i?''." r, - "-. '. ' ,' , r"-r j ... FOB aAXX-r-TASKa. CLARkn COt.-NTT BAatUAINS ' ' A Widow's Hacrince ml acrea level land. rich soil, no rurha, 80 acrea cleared, 40 acre fenced, 3 house, nam. atone dairy, family orchard.- cluee to railroad, acbool and email town, worth 83.000. Price only 11.750. - Iealrable 61 acrea. 8 la ealtlra tloa. WiO ' fruit treea. 6-room house, , bare, Vancoavef 8 mllea. tt.niMJ: terma. . I r. . Suar Idu-acra farm. ' bl Improvement, . beautltnl bouae. ' large .rmp, stock, Imple. . naeoM. near railroad. AU for. fOjeiw; in veellaate. . 40 acre aood eofL 18 acrea level. 3 acrea cleared, creek, ca scars .Sark. anly 8a) aUtle , xrom aany ateampoaia. rnra aoov. , Several bandred acrea lugged land, good oil, aall located; woald. maka : aAceUapt pasture eftor seeding. 1 80 acre level lend, good aoll, 13 cleared, bam, orchard, 8 mile to Vanouuver. Il.tVio. - AtMreea Jamea J. 0 Kaan. Chrlat blk - Vancouver, Waah.. HOW IS THISI - - . . ' 6 acree 6oa land, no aravel. all la rohlva tlon. houaa eaat $700. barn coat 3250, cblckea , yarda, houses and fence coat 3u0. wall and ramp eaet $126; good horse, wagua and araeea; 8 One fresh cows, 1 yearllug and 8-year-otd calf: loo fine bene; 3- acres In po ts Wee. worth $300: 100 fruit tree, H acre An. atrawberrlee. 10 cords wood: remember tbla la aaly 600 feet from th electric ces- , line; can give terms. t-rv-e ooiy aa.wiu, If yoa want a hem don't mla tbla. Address T 43, cam Joarnal. f - : - 8U 'ACRES kit In fruir and rultlvatlftar good 8-roua boose and barn, 8 ehlekea-bouaea. 1 , hoghoaa. 1 trultbous and roothousf 12x20, fiul family orcbard. . 1 a ere eirawoerrMa. 2,008 planta, 1 wagon, 1 fruit-wagon, 1 cow, '..plow, S cultivator, 1 harrow. 2 .Incubators, : 3 brooders. 8 doaew chicken, a acre carroU; price, 2,0lia . Kapey-Cheee Boalty. campauy, room 1. Hamilton Bldg. . - - l.oOO-ACRB - ranch- with S mllea riverfront, rich graaa laada, an railroad, near Portland! - Improve inenta coat ever $10,000, - scenery . aunerb. China nheaaanta. dacka aaaV ttah la , abuadance; an Ideal Sua atock farm; price only $20 per acre: easy term. Sea or ad- : dress T. Wltbycombe, room 8, Ha mil tea blk .Portland. Or., .. . v WB ' haa taat plotted 188 acrea la 6-aer treats. It la one of tha beet alecee of land la Multnomah county: 11 mllea, eaat ar I'ort Isnd and lea -than 1 mUa from O. W. P. - electric Una: them la no rock oe gravel: the nrum M 5 per sera. 00 -eery eear terma. " II 18. ram of Journal. - - 0SB aad one 10-acre tract, 4 0f nn, hen O. W, P. electric Una and Odarrille ' atatlon; very Sne aolL laa level aad very T aaey to clear, $28 down, ha ranee- very eaay : terma. There la nothing betta aa tba saar- thing nettae ; railway A hat V 46, care Journal BBTTBB than a atreet railway A larg cattle ranch, all .complete; gooa investment tor atock company; attendance of graaa; price $1,600,000, aaay terma. Be ar addreaa T. Wi threonine, ruoot $ Hamlltoa block, Port land, Oregon. ' - .-. , t . , $3,760 BUYS a 84,600 farm of 1S8 acrea. 8- room liHne, varu, wm w a in . . aiine from warehoaae, 114 mllea to acbool: $1.0011 rash, bslanc 3 ycara' tlac. IP. J. Mahouey, Tekoa, . Waah. , . w EREB LAND-IN OREGON under the-Varey Irrigation Act. ieea direct rrom state. Write today. Booklet and men free.' B. S. - Cooke Co-, 251 Aide at, PortUad, Or. ; - FOR SALE 40 anlmproved, T miles from eourtnoase; no gravel ; ai 3 bargain. , loqutm-G 68, care -J- ravel; aear Lenta; f FOR a ALE Oa Columbia river, 70-scre farm; orcbard. aaw bouse, 16 acrea la graaa, la- quire Ella Foster gteTenaoa.- W i CHOICB farma close la for aala at bargsina. . and eaay terma.' ... r . 208 Allaky ldg. 1 SOB anutbern Oregoa real aetata, large a email tracta. - DlUard at Clayton, Boaebuig. Or' ... PABM for- sent with apttea of bay tag. a a Be ads tone, Bnerwoaa, uregen. ros baxx infsxs. FOREST RESRRVE - SCRIP - FOR SALB A. . proved, anreetelcted, ready for Immediate nee; 1 v a - a. a, v all.. au,a cnamboT or comi rOB SALE Twa hoaieatead reUaqolahaaaat clalma; aacond growui; will gau aaaaa. a. P. Klelao, Hotel Bhelnpf am. . ; EOS- bomeateeda, timber -claims and farm laada E. Matbewa Oav, 221 Morrlaoa el U Purtlaod. Or. ; -. ' - CERTIFIED-, acrlp, any -slse plecee; lowoat pricee. w. u. tioweii. aaa cnamber ot com- 40 ACRES Umber-la t, 4. TamhlU oooety. Saua, Apply 880 Mleelaslppt , era. f aoaa valoa 8463, " - ' V '' TIMBER 7,000.000, . euarter. accaealble: Br, r 47, JoaraaL 88 acre, akadnaa EOS H0ME8TKADS. timber clalma aad acrlp apply to 808 Coraaierda! lib ' OS SAXX OS ttCaUIOaV "resfdenca or good: rooming-bouse. ; Call 1071. inira ar. . ijrsBMjU4 . m iii.iii m i aa,i a. a. a.i a DR. ALFRED L. ANDERSON of Cblcagel la now permanently located at th Lewis buig, and la now - prepared to- treat all chroulc nervona aad mental dieeaece without tba as cf drug or anrgery. Dr. Anderson in hie treatmeata employa the . different druglaaa metboda, euoh aa aearopatby, auggeetlv thera peutics, oataopatble manipulation and vital , magnettam. Dr. . Anderaon a a graduate of aeveral eastern Instltutlona, aa wall aa a pupil of the famoa Dr. Weteratrand of Hwe dea. To every oue bclnrlng that ad until September I Dr. I Anderaon will give a free treatment.- Everybody cordially Invited to ' bh office and to read tba -many unaoil.iled teatlmonlaM. - Lewla bldg., corner Morrtaim and Park ate., rooma-3 aad 4. Office hoar ta 6. T to 6 p. m. . VIBRATION eoita Usee drcnlatloa. breaks down and electa waste tleso. - rebuilds new ana healthy a-ellei fre demonstration. Of Be aad tree Ung -room, Vlhratorlum. atilta 2S-28, Lawki bldg. nr. Park aad taeniae. . - LOST powera restored by tha great Dr. Lorrns' s Nerve Toale Tablet; 26c per boa. g boxes for $126. Writ or call at kysaetra Pharmacy, 327 Morrison, bttjt let and 20, MANLT vigor restored by Dr."1" Roberta Nerve . Globnlaa. One month s treatment -82: 3 months,, $5: sent securely aealcd by maALrf agenta, woouaruj, viarae ex vv.. ror.iauu. vi BOOKS! Her they are: "Decameron." "Hep- tameron," "A Hot Tamale." "Pana$ 11111," Twenty Team a rater." "rorblddea Pmlt." toe each: Ueax free. ' A. Schmale. 228 First at GENTLEMAN, ag 36. deetree to meat and correspond with a nlce-appesnnf and sincere Addreee J 64, cam Journal. ', LADIES Yoa appear So yeara younger, - re move- all - wrinklea, aave - sxia - line - velvet tby aging Oregoa Grape Bkla 1'ood. -Phone Kaat 1247. - :. MANLY vigor restored without drag, appli ances ar applications: guaranteed cum; puef tlrely sore. Dr. Downing, Bait Lake, Utah. MEN! WOMEN! Raymond's pills positively core nervooanea and lack of vitality; fl, 4 boxes $3. Plnmmar Drag Co.. 200 Third. BUSINESS '.woman of ability wlabea to meet gentlemas of aieanr for bnatnea eotmsai ami advice. Addreaa Boalnaaa,' car Journal. CLBARANCN aale all kind ef walata. kimono. - muslin nnderwear, etc., below aat, . tuag Cbong Co... 333 Maerlaon at. 1 ' LILLIAN B. CBAM Chiropodist, manicuring and ahampootiig parlor 424 WiigJm bklg. PortUad, Or. Black 2868. MOORF1ELD improved ateam bath; anperlnr ta Turklah; rhenmatlamr akin dleeaaea. , lOO'f Sixth. 1 Pari 8c 370, - - TRT THE People's Beetauraat. 866 Stark at.. corner Park) serving mea at for 160 and ap; ' give them a trial. , 4 THB Oregoa- Detective Service; office 314-'18 .Columbia bldg., 306 Waablngtoa. Mala 6616. DR. ATWOOD 16 Raaeel bldg.. cor 4th A Mo. rlsoa. Dlsaeaaa ef women. Coaaaltatloa free. PBEB aanipl corn, bun low and wart etrr. win L. Dean, dept E, Taunton, Maae. Ed- 0TPST EENOBIA'I bertie, roots and bark ear ar! disease. Iiooma 822-8 Allaky bldg. TURKISH BATHS, 800 Oregonlen hblg.JienU aH alght, ladlea aU day. Main 1. r BALM OP FI1I8 for all female alseaeee. Alder et.' Phone Meln 482. 434 ATTORNEYS. 0REG0i LAW A t:ol.I.RCT10N CO..-4I7 Fen- ton Mock.- Collect lone made threughont tha United Statea; bankruptcy mattem a apedaltyi ' tied tenente ejected; rent collected aad gen. aral taw pus in sea; aotaiy puaua, 1 . x au a , ximoer claim, cruava o.ow.wu 11 rare asiaaaeiiiis 1 raa aala 1 aa aanisnsii JOS SLE JOaCaXlASIOCS MRU. HOWE'S BCLLKTIN Oood "'fjf00: clean and diy, ready to Cord, e $2.60 per ; cord; aek and Br au cut rate; brick for eale cheap; expreea for hire; houaee for reuL l'boua t'oioa 173 or lxuu taat DlrUloa at BI1.IJ4RD 'AND POOL Uble for reator (of sale on easy permeate. '..' 1UK BBCNnwlt k-BALKB C01XENDES CO. .' 4 Third at.. Portland. " -1 WB print your name en 80 calling card, proper , else aad style, 2u: koO busliea csrds, $1. Brown ncbmale, 228 Fhrst, Port laud. Or. W0VEN-WIRB and a poo Isle red cots, , earn eta rue, kammocke and camp furniture, Ja d6c Tent Awning Co.. 27 North rtrat. LAUNCH for aale. length 86 feet, 10-H. P. ea glne, large carrying rapacity; uric very cheap.' Addreaa H no, care JoaruaL rOB SALE 14 head ef long bora yearlings. Inquire Bert Wlckbam, Oak Point. Waah. EXTRA fine corker puna; moat sell at once. Kuom 3 C'bamber of ajummerce. - - FOR SALB Ticket ta Chicago, mate, medium. Aoareea a, ai, cam Journal. -. 38-POOT munch far aale. Phone l alon 1281. TO ZXCKAVOE. "t. I WR hsae a anan to offer In en Sn-acre farm: I .. 1 . . , . ,1 1 u : T ... TlT wvuiu irsue aor cii.r irufMVij. oee mev, , enton, bldg.. -84 Sixth at - - -,. .. 88.0U0 PROPERTY In Portland. Albany. Jet - ferann. Saginaw for good bueluee. . 210. Eaat Tblrty-aJxth at -. - ''-, " BtMlM INO-HOI'SK of 10 rooms to exchange for . vacant lot. Call 817 rente bldg, 84 Sixth at. jam a 1 1 in, 11 1-is , w 11 ,n sisi A38ATZ13. THB J. H. riSK -Assaying Of flee Oreanley t'rawrora, snaiyticel chemists ana - meui y lurgjata. 8044 Washlagtun at. AST EMMETUM. r .- PROP. RICHARD' MAX MK YES Portrait aad landscape artist; Instruction In oil painting, - water color, etc., and-draaelngr- art" gallery connected with studio; picture, for aala and - framing to order.. 348 Aider at. l'boua 1630. BATHS MASSAC K. THB Palace Manage' Parlor la tha only place . -to get a nice invigorating bath of niaaaage . young-lady.-. 18 -yeara old. with aaaiatant, recently front New York. Htark at. bet wee u -. Third and Ponrtk. Tba Taeoma, rooma 21-22. MISS BNGLISH Chiropodist, medicated hatha ; and magnetic- treatment ; a bio a psaltlva enre 1 niTHiiniHMa. iwn vnar, aran , mim 24-25. - . , BISDS. UKS. S. M.' FRITS, SO Grand eve., beautiful Imparted -canary bird, raaaoaabla; - all .' alnaere. and aollafaetloa guaranteed. - BLASX SOOK MAStFACTTJEESS. BOWS, DA VI3 KILHAM. 108-111 Second at Blank boolr manufacturerai agenta for Joaaa Improved Loose-Leaf ledgers; see tka aaw - Eoceka leaf, the beat oa tha market BICTCLS DXALESB. -COLUMBIA TRIBDNB AND- CRE8CEN1 SPORTING GOOD8, EXPERT BEPAIRJKO. F. P. HKKNAN. Sua Tell Kit Br. . soTTirso wosss. 0,; M? ioTTLINO CO?, battlara of fin car- boosted beeregea:ramlly wine and iiqnora ' a apeelalty.. 18 Unloa kva. Pbona Eaat 185. ...V:' ... 0ATKS. THE OFFICE SS Waablngtoa at, - TTI. Sauael Vlgneaaa. . Mala CKTE0PODI8TS. IS year feet am out at order, ga to' Dr. W or ley Benjamin. Seventh and Stark, tha Seat aps eta list .Phone Black 61S - B0CEBS,' WADHAMS CO.. wholesale grocers, nn tee hi re re and ao aad Oak ata, .y aim isa ata. a carta ALLEN LEWIS, cnmmlaama aad predi rroat and Davta ata.. rartii Una. Or. CICASS AND TOBACCO. ESBERO-OUNST CO. - . . DUUlbatora ar - ' ' ' , a FIRB CIGARS. Poetised. OXATSTOTAlrt AST) PAXaLTSt. GYPSY. ZESfiBlJ I irella aaaat liiaiml "iniT future. No matter I . what your troublra ar ahe will -help yoa. Boom 823 Allaky bldg.. Morrlaoa and Third. MADAME JOHNSTON Clslrvoyaot, palmist. card reader; I give facta rellabia ana las. Crtant an all affair of real Ufa, Seadiaga e. 88 Seventh at, aear Oak. . . MADAMS LUCY, median, aad healer r ree::ass dally and even I nee." Parlora 1-1. vi'-J irat. COAL AID VMS, CHUB0HLET BK'JS. ,have reawved from foot wavur ax. s nu nearoey ac. near titai m tiw the. largest woodyard la tba city, carry hag aU kinds at wood aad soaL Mala 6.1L L UNDERWOOD CO.. dee Lara la wood aad Coal at low set price: aattafaetloa guana teed. ' Irving bet, Tenth aad Eleventh Pboa Mala 48T8. ? , - ' - AXBINA FUEL CO. Dealers la , .dwoed. coal aaa gvwea- aa ry amowena. at,- at. ana if bin eve,, 3 blocks eaat of ferry. . East 874, STEKLr BRIDGB PCEL CO., oeslere la coal. mrd wood ana ary aianwoed. rnea Keel .44, OREGON FUEL CO.. all klnda of coal gad wo. 80S Aider. Phone Main 46. . KIRK HOOVER. 813 Water at, Pbona Mela 4604. FOR SALB 8,000 eorda fir wood. , - 867S. .- . J CLZABTSS AND DTEISO, PORTLAND STEAM CLEAKINO A DTE1NO' Works; practical natter In connection: feather ' boa a and pie roes cleaned and curled by aa aa ' pert - 311 Fonrth, - Phone Clay 104, - v CLOTHES clesned and preened $1 per month. Unique Tailoring fia., S4T Waahlogtop at. ., H. W. TURNER, prafeeatonsl dyer ead Cleaner. - 806 Jefferaaa et. - Phone Mala 3B18. 0ASPESTESB AND B uTLDESS , A. J. AUTHORS aad H. B. WOOD, earpeetert r. and bonders; repairing and jobbing; atom ..and office Bxtaree built. Shop 800 Corambta. Mala 6297. . ' 1 K CSOCKXST ASB OLA88WASE. WHOLESALB mckery and glaaawara. PraeL Hegtle A Co.. 100 to too Fifth, ear. SUrk at D00 ASS S0SBS HOSPITAL, - - DB.C.E.DROWN.D.V S.D.C.M.-r-Dogi bora hoe plteLSBT Bnraalda.Phonea: MaloeOed: Eaat2636. C ASP ET -CLEAN IM0V HAVE' yonr Walla cleaned i we elea papered and paintea waiia; eatiaraetwa gnaranteea. Bad 801S SANeTA- prcaaed air combined: mrpeta cleaned en floor without removaL Mala 8594. Kaat 2504. CARTETS eteaned aa tha ' dast. Pboae Ctay 881. Boeri we raise aa fre dessonatration. I. HUNTER Steam carpet and ma II us) cteaaer. .660 Jefferaoa. Pbeete Mala 814.,.- C0MMIB8I0B HXBOHASTS, DAVENPORT BROS General eommlaaioa . chaatai fruit and produce! anaetgameata llelted; prompt returoe. 168 Front st - IP yon want to get good mturna for your produce, ahlp to aa; pay btaseel prle-tor are f. 6. b. P. Miller A Co. EVRRDING A PARRELU prod oca aad enmarm, . tlo aaerchaate. 140 Froat St., Portland, Or. Phowe Mala 178. 1 CZSXVT 00KTSACT0BS, -r- CHAS R, CABTPB CO., cemeat rxntraetnea. ax nasi iwentietn . sx, aoaa aaai u,a .... . 1 - p avai weva Btuaraaweea. ... 1 y '. 1. r.iir., rv '1 ' , ;.'.' CASSXAOZ THE IINITED tally-am rWa ' '. at. eor. Wort KEY CHURCHMAf. bldg.. Slvth and I PSIB8M3r:., BlMRTWAeSTS wool ar -waatj at', auwle tl.36i shirtwaist snlta, H.iW. 4.3 taat 1 T7Phoae Eaat 83K1. DBSWIAKINO Strictly ap to aatai b deelga. 488 Clay at. - H- ZLSOTSIOAi, WeSZB. - KORTHWE8T ELECTBICAL - BNGIttt Campauy, w Biera e., aortaina. u, n. I everything la the , electrical. tee. Main 183, PACIFIC Electric Co. Engineers, .. aeatreetor, repairers, electric wiring, supplies. 64 rs Btsraj aaaiai . . . ... aa. Hi ixpsEsaiso U and M. Expreea (Ismpany. Bll W.shlngle . t . Phoete.Main 304; furniture., plaom an expreaalug prompny atevnueu ee, veiiy f- r.Mtn 1 - : J buis ass saAxr trsoT ..r nrr. SJi I - 1 wm mm . t. J. B0R0, ma ea f actoxer e t hnma f.iF ani etc 488 East Ninth. Poor.- If-.'n. irrssrrtrss OREGON rnrnltam Minofi, I Manafaetnrer ef . furnitt I , Portland. Or. " f rUBNITURB maao factor" L. Mavenagy-a inrainr. rvsY ROT N TON warm-air "ti. - Bayer rnrnaea Ce., S68 h UOTaXa. HOTEL Ptndlato. Paadlctoa. W. A. Brow, a, HOTEL Portia ad. Aavaricaa plan; 83, 88 per 4a HOTEL St. Oaorge, Pendletoa; leading hot, BELVEDRRB: Earoneea plan 1 4th aad Alder r A HABDWABB. Portland Hardwsm Co. solicit naortnltt - quota prlcea. 166 let at., cor Alder. Mala 188. -jTSVSASCS, 1SAA9 U WB1TS are inenranoa. SOS Lrnka 4 LAMBERT. WHITMER A CO Fire insurance atnaar and real estate; ofncee 107-108 Sherlock bldg. ' Mala 1006; dept 404 Beat Aldan-, Kaat al. JAB. Met. WOOD. 'M-ptoyara Itkblllty aad ta dividual accident aurety bona at aU kl 47. 803 McKay araa. - .. , ne-S n. F. BARTFI.S COMPANY Ftra lnt 448 Bberltck bldg. Oregon Phone .iav CKAMiTS. BEYNOLDS general rep',- let, loeksmlthi arde ' Milter keymaa locAa SB0WNBS IN TOW J Meyele repairing. 4l Ctoy rxr, aighi pa SET String, eeet-lrea. eon. worn roatrth gt. SI0SIT TO LOA3L thb sttab lax m Aay aalartad employ, wags aaraar.'Sr 'V a aia aula, without morigage . 1 T Moots. 4 Month- We Repay e aa aiaoa ar aeu ar e $26.00 bepay to aa i A 06 ar 83 88 a ( $16.00 Be pay to aa I 4.00 a $2.00 a i tuv atcaay aiog. HTB saae mmm eaooeei wa Valid oca a ket ar toaa yoa I aney oa year properxri xxowiii 1 CgsT ia; investigate; open-; naturuiv . . atooaas ia-11 iamt i g., vaeeo MONBT to man. aalerUd neoeh teemetara. ate.. artfhM. - - ' . ... aaenrai larsTeet baalneaa la 48 prlaelpal eitio. Telmaa. 223 . Ablngton Mac. rnoae ssaia aant. MONBT TO LOAM aa nal parsoaal aad aal- 1 . lateral eeearity; apeclal atteatios to chattal t- saertgageai atea aougat u, st. raws 1 804-6 Featoa aids., 64 Sixth at HIGHLX raapectabst place wham ledlse - aa - grata caa marrow aaooey, oa dlamoad . ar . ) airy. Collateral Loaa aMrsa, xuu Ingtoa at. - Pbaa Black . $3 LOANS and apward oa an klnda af aaiariea peepi ea xneav sae - rates: ao imbllrlty. Bo taralirity. ee delay- SIS BMg. tea 1 lea. aaaaa la 1 I $3,000. roumlBf-boneee a apeelalty. r ' Era Loaa S Trnat Co. SOS Ablngtoa bldg-. WB make all klnda af loans aa good aaeor at loweet raise: special srtentioa . give 1 aaattal leaaas. in LOANS at loweet rate oa furniture, a . aay security Botes perehesed. taetarn -efBcea. 440 Sherlock bldg. ' MONET wi mea ta aame af tmn SJ.000 ) c. . Rosa 86,0001. term to salt U S06-I0, Cemmerelal blk. easoasi MONEY TO LOAN H larg ee mil aa good seeatityt loweet rate. WlUla Beck. 807 railing CMg. THB CRESCENT LOAM COM PAN T- In S1I laa. MONET TO LOAN oa Clacksmss ronaty la B. r. aad r. ', S. Bllay, 808 Lai meet ar u LOANS, S AN I PORTLAND BEAL ESTATB LOANS. S par seat ra Denuwmr-S86 Palling hi srosicAi. SECOND-HAND maeleal loatraa of.- el , kind at loweet prlcea, eaeh er Install aieau 1 Lin.i. rv. too ertkiMi VIOLIN, tnandolln, guitar,' eto...t aartfall taught' Ceneevvstory hall. 468 13th at. eit) PIANO tuning,' $3: perfect work awayepter C. W. J. hneon. Phon Mai 1611. i ' S1AOSETI0 HXALTJtO. MRS U H. HART treats all dleeeeea. a wave i trouble, nervouaaeaa and functional weeke Coneultatloa free. S0rs Park. ear. J- 'ere PLUMB ESS. DONNERBEBG plumber. 84 A BADEMACHEB, " essll a our is at avia POX A CO., sanitary plumber. S3I Se - axeia ana naimoa, , uregoa Phoa M , . : EAr-rtB, 0U aTSO 6LA88 , r. B. BEACH A CO. Tba Pleaeer pion.-r8347 . -i BASMUSSHN A CO. Jobbers, paint, j assh aad doors. iwtuiw aa xayK 0VSSJLLLA, BosgloF thb 'boad OVRBAUV ehsAca' clothing; paioa made. hen nroa.. msnaractnrera. Portlaad. Or, DBS. OTIS A MABEL AKIN, 403 day 778. Raw. M. 8161. Cone A FLATTSS. THB OREGON PLATING WORK'S. 481 Wseh Inrtna at Pbona 8678, . Polishing, platlag and laeoaertng, . S-TBBXB ST AMPS SB - aSef A TA4TB t"araD nVtB ah aaa. ... . ' nj a a aaa r ..vnnt,, aTrW AMfr n.. PB0 JffX a , rmvvwr tMhx-s aFAVatSL, lj)(niBp Nfi tfrnmrn. trmnm hekmt mtmd ir m.lK VIA. t.B. . . . .1 m - . ,. , 1 ANDERSON A DUNIWAT COMPANY, nrlntlB , Hthographlng. blaak hooka.. Pbaa Msla !?( at) a laev at. . SOPS. PORTLAND CORPAjOR CO.v.Carnar Fortea( aw rw uii .trriiagai aSf, h t