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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1905)
TllZ CUEGON J3AILY, JOURNAL', PORTLAND, WEDIIZCDAY ZVZIUUQ, AUGUST U . J STREETS IE KEPT CLOSED Slow Contractors and Non-Reui dent Owner Place Ban ; "" r . on Traffic. ' J EAST SIDE FORCED TO - SEEK STRANGE BYWAYS Many of the Main Thoroughfares Barricaded Becaute of - Parsimony of Eastern Property Holders- Many More Left Half Finished. The eaat sile ofae The Jrnrnil I Is I; hi Vtor. of Mrs. K. W. Uckl.w. 0 Kst Morrison 'streak 'Telephone . Two mlnga art holding- back' the eaat ' Bide, so far aa tne aeouring m nun condition la concerned, ona fault '.I.. h ih contraotora. tha othar rwlth tha nonresident property ownera. . JThe trouble experienced in securing tha consent of real aatata companle and eastern property-holders to any lm- , provement baa long- been tha meana of ' barricading many of tha chief aaat alda thoroughfares. Grand avanua and tha numerous unbrldged gulchea being caaea In point, and TTiia fault-apparently la but alofly being remedied, sev " eral Important linprovementa . having .been delayed for montha on account of co or two large eatatea or realty flrma. - But the other fault, that of tha con tractor' delay, la no leaa vexatloue, and today several Important thoroughfare on the-east aide -e-eloed tewtraflle and bava been for weeka because of tha leisurely methods of contractors who nut on a courae of jagged rock and, than leave tha atreet for weeka before anything further la done. Lower Wll llama avenue. Eaat Twelfth atreet and a number of atreeta In Central Alblna ar -eaareplea,: Work on Shaver atreet was ""commenced montha ago and la atlll in complete, .though but (We or six blocks were to be graveled. Block of Jagged rock have been left for weeka on sev eral eaat alda atreeta thla summer with- -. out a. workman ehowlng up to aurface the cloaed highway. - In laying tha-plank roadway on Mississippi aad upper Wil liam avenue it took the eontractora longer to lay tha board than it did for those boards to wear out after they were laid, and fully half the time auch atreeta ar either undergoing repair, or elae are needing it eo badly , that they cannot be uaed. To add to tha annoyance and hind rance of traffic many ff the atreeta that are repaired and put in ahapa for heavy truffle are torn up by some of the numerous corporations" that either lay pipes beneath the aurface or. track above it. In Irvlnfcton several atreet that ware macadamised this year war torn up about tha time the contractors regular mound of loo esiHn' aria"fbrE aliow tha courae of the new malna, the corporation workmen tearing up th . pavement and making no attempt to re . place it, beyond acooplng looaa earth 'back on top of the excavation. ST. JOHNS BONDS REFUSED. Lecond rinm Tons Dwi rropoeed Za- V sue and rat of Serlp Zs Battled. CM. Elllnwood of Chicago haa refused to purchase the St Johns municipal bond issue of f 10.000. and has notified the auditor that, according to the -char- . ter, tha bond isaoa waa not -valldV- This . probably definitely aettlea this Issue, and though Mayor King and a few of ' the more hopeful town officiate have been confidently aaaertlng that all would yet be well, the action of tha Chicago bidder, taken In connection with the re fusal of the local Arm who backed down after agreeing to take the bonda, will in all likelihood serve aa tha funeral knell - for the bond Issue, which waa conceived In a mass meeting, voted with enthual- ill Cuticura Soap combines dell , . cate medicinal, emollient, sanative, ' and antiseptic properties derived - ' from Cuticura.'the great Skiri Cure, .... with the purest of cleansing in predients ' and most' refreshing of flower odors. -For preserving, purifyingand beautifying the skin, ' scalp, hair, and hands, for irrita tions of the skirt heat rashes, ta sunburn, bites and stings of insects, lameness and soreness Incidental to "summer sports, ' f o- sanative, , antiseptic cleansing, and for all th purposes of the toilet, bath, and nursery, Cuticura Soap, assisted : i v-uucuratjintment, is priceless Il'k.sltPH..Mje.-" asm and Anally refused by two of the three flrma who offered bids. While it ia not too late to hold an other bond election and vote on an lav au that would bo perhapa valid under. the charter, tha varloua conflicting da mandaf of .. toat . Instrument and th trouble already experienced In working unaer me ining will prooaoiy prevent the council from authorising another bond election under the present charter. The Income of th town la ateadlly In creasing, and it la thought the current expenaea can be met without much or a deficit until the, ISO tax levy can be collected. Then there will be -money enough to provide aome of the thlnga moat needed. The building of the city hall and Jail and tha purchase of suit able (Ire apparatus will probably be de ferred until a new charter la given tha town, and it can laaua valid bonds. Tha other bill which tha bonda were laaued for public dock, town hall alte and debta Incurred by a former admlnle tratlon - will probably , be met by the town confessing Judgment and laaulng special warranta. HE WANTS HIS HOUSEr Owaer Desire to Satertals Barter rrtenda, But Ca&aot D Bo. , ; Becaua Anna and Jacob. Miller re fused to, depart front tha' houae of M. MacMahan. block .11. McMillan's addi tion. In time for tha owner to enter tain eaatern friend, to whom h had promised a aummer home If they ahould visit him during the fair, he haa brought suit to have tha tenanta ouated. Yes terday .the third ault of this character brought by him agalnat tha Millers was heard lri the eaat alda Justice court. Justice Retd of tha west alda court ap peared before Judge : Seton as , attor ney for the Millera. The defenae urged that a leaaa for a year had been secured from an author ised agent of the owner md that tha monthly rental of 120 rtKuathlr han been accepted v monthly by the collector, of the owner. The proaecutlon denied that 'yearly leaa waa - made and chal lenged, the Millera to produce a written on to' which It was retorted that tha verbal leaaa was preaumed to be bind ing between men of bualnaaa Integrity. Mr. MacMahan .told his troubles to the court and stated that he had suf fered great grief and humiliation be cause he could not keep hla promlaea to hla eaatern friend. He also as serted that, contrary to the agreement. the Millers had sublet the bouaa to a number , of , undaalrabl tenants, ' who had deatroyed many of the Interior fit tinge. Thecourt decided that mature reflection was needed to reach a Juat decree and-tha matter waa taken tinder advisement. , EDWARDS FINALLY QUITS. V Jokns Oonnnllmaa Beads Aaotke mealgnatioa, Wbiek Is Aooepted. After sending another . resignation. which he neglected to sign. Councilman P. Edwarda of St. Johns waa finally declared to be no longer a member H that body laat night by Mayor. King and three councllmen. A resignation dated August was presented by the mayor, . but the" realgnatton waa not signed, and the Edwarda party in th council charged that" the unalgned raa- ttion looked auplcleaaweitr-Attorr4 ney Greene explained that the resigna tion was preps red at tha request of Mr. Edwarda and that tha omission of the signature waa an oversight. When tha vot waa taken as to whether Mr. Edwarda ahould be consid ered member of tha body or not three of the councllmen refused to vote, and Ijiatlon effective. Should Mr. Kd wards again aesire 10 up nv iini ww three who did not vote will back him In hla attempt, though probably no fur ther atruggla will take place, and St tha next, meeting of the council it ia ex pected that the vacant place will be filled by the members.- - . The man ch'6aen to fill Edwards' plscs will decide th saloon question In St. Johns, for at present the council Is evenly divided on this matter. . Those who favored. the continued retention of Mr. Edwarda aa a -member of the coun cil assert that th mayor and the three license advocate will choose a fourth member who will favor the admtaalon of saloons, and a continuance of the atruggla la anticipated. ' WANT DOG CATCHER. Meant Tabor Zavttea ronndmastes aad Castas Ohasr to Its Boaaids. . Tha watchful car of th Portland poundmaater and dog catcher will be extended ito Mount Tabor If the recom mendation of tha Puah dub there has any weight with the city authorities. At tha laat meeting" of the Push club It waa decided to aend s, committee to the council end aak that the dog catcher and poundmaater of Portland be aent to tha recently annexed portion of Mount Tabor and gather up such stray anl mala aa he might find. Mount Tabor haa endeavored to aettle the oow ques tion for years, but popular elections have felled and various peer officers have given up tha struggle. Recently Justice Shreve declared that ha would nothing, unlesa complaint waa mad by thoa who bad suffered from the wandering cows. By calling, the city poundmaater to the acene the resident oppoaed to the unrestricted roaming ot cowa believe they will aettle th 4ong sgltsted question. CHILDREN'S DAYS-ARE ' POPULAR AT THE FAIR The Sunday school snd children' days at the exposition have proved ao popu lar and th results have been ao grati fying from all polnta of view that this Idea will be carried out to the conclu sion of the fair. - ' . Four Sunday achool days have been given, -at which the attendance of chil dren waa aa follows: Methodlat day 1.(11. Baptist day t.ili. Congregational 1.1(4. Presbyterian 1.(41. J. N. Dolnk. of the department . of exploitation, t revising and preparing a schedule; which will Include special day for all other denominations, and vhlch will provide attractlv features for coil- arm or en ages. Owing to the completeneae of the ex position's program for this week and Its many Important eventa the new schedule of children's day will not go Into effect until next week. . .. CAPTAIN SEYMOUR IS CHARMED' WJTH FAIR '"This fair la something grand. It I credit to the city. The electrical dis play Is th prettiest 1 have ever aeen." r ' F' emaurt former captain ef d tectlvea of the San Francisco police r "mr-renignea in o UXI charge pf th detective service of Wells. Fargo A Co. on the Paclfc coast, said so at police headquarters. Ite la , her on nis annual vara i ton, with hla ilf ana aaugnter, ana win not returh to San Franclaco until Saturday. Captain Seymour IS gathering a large number of aouvenlra."whlrh he mil dis tribute among his friends St th Uoldeg Oate. . - - HEIIOUSE SITES DELUD- - North Central Section 1$ Being Rapidly Absorbed by, the : -r Wholesaler.' ' -V.,. SEVERAL BUILDINGS . V . ARE ALREADY GOING UP Value of th Territory Is, Just Bt- comins- Understood by Heavy Busi nesg Interests, and Demand for Property Is, Crowing ApsxeL- ' -'- - The north central part of the city. In cluding the area aeven to eight blocks weat .from the river below the depot. Is In growing demand for warehouse and wholeaale eetabllshments. . Locations not too distant from tha waterfront and within assy reach of' railway aiding ar being taken -np - at - nign ngurea. Soma of the heavier establishment. looking to the future of bualnesa here and realising the necessity for whole salers to get into leaa cramped quarters. have .purchased on futurity needs, and will, hold the property until they are ready to build. - Nearly all the estab lishments handling a large atock have apace In' thla aeotlon of the city, and ther la a prospect of th district being thoroughly Intersected with spur rail way lines. Several brick warehouse will be erected In this part of tha ctty the preaent year, but plana formulated Inaur much more work th following aeaaon. Heavy bualneaa Interests art Just beginning - to appreciate th ad- vantagea of thla great level stretch snd its contiguity to trarno lines. The er feet will be to crowd -out most of the little cottsges thathave wedged In and rapidly broaden the territory dominated by the wholesalers. ' Building- em Kolladay Aveame. . F. Clarno haa completed plans snd specifications for his three-story brick building on Holladay avenue between Crosby and Lara bee streets. Thla will combine accommodations for atorea on the lower floor and rooms on tha upper floora.. There will be a full basement the also of the building, (0 feet In width by IK feet depth. A preaaed-brlck front and neat facade will give the edifice sightly appearance, to pioneer the cluater of buildings ' for business pur poses expected In that Immediate dis trict. The room a will be neatly nnlahed, furniahed with hot and cold water and special heating arrangements. Work 1s to commence on the structure Immedi ately. ; , . ', Structure foi Vew Telephone Company. member of the swItchboaraV. com pany which Is drawing the designs for the central building of the Home Tele phone tc Telegraph company la in th city conTerrlng with the local manage ment When all Information regarding the number of jaltcbea and -local oadl-1 tlons haa been secured nlana and apecl- flcatlons will be completed quickly and soon work will begin on a structure which la. promised artlatlc appearance. aa well aa greater stability and fire re stating properties, than any other build ing of the city... .. raetflo Orate Company Will Build. ' Bin- th. Tlfl ftrlfl -mn.n bought an intereat In lots i and (, block 1, plana for a large brick hav been expected, but nothing haa been given out yet. It Is believed that a contract 111 be let soon, adding to the central upper portion of the city another busi ness-block. riae Sam fog Blks. Th Elks- who. com to the city will be ahown the new Elks' building at She corner of Seventh and Stark atreeta, which la an object of great pride to the. order In this state. It had bees hoped ' thst the handsome structure would be completed by the gathering ot the order for Elks' day at the fair, but that waa Impossible. It will be possible for the visitors to appreciate the edifice from its exterior line. Interior finish ings will' be In keeping with the work completed and In Elka will within "a short time have a home which will be the prld ,of th fraternity, ' - r - Johm aueraaa'a BTew Beeldeno. - Plana and specifications are being pre pared for a home for John Klernan. which ia to be built en lota 1 and 4 and half of lot t. block 111, Couch addition. The property haa Juat been bought by Mr. Klernan from I Haxter lor ( Nothing definite .haa been laaued regard ing, the atyle of the house, but It is understood that the building will coat $1,000 or $(.000. ' Construction will begin at an early date on a large warehouse for the John A. Roebllng's Bona Rope company ware house, which la to cover nearly a block. Tha company bought lota 1, 1, t and 4, block 1(4, Couch addition, a few daya ago from -John Klernan for-(10,ee.-Th warehouse la to be of brick, will be quite capacloua and ia to be uaed solely for storing purposes, aa the company will maintain Ita office up town. PORT ARTHUR FALLS BEFORE LAW'S ATTACK For the second time Port Arthur haa fallen-.- Unassisted Speqlal Constable Lou Wagner atorraed the citadel, located near the entrance to the fair grounds, and caused it speedily to capitulate yea terday.'t A alega force of one man was left In control. The garrison waa evacuated by Major 3. A. Magulre and George Hill. In charg of the "boote" works. A writ of at tachment, lasued by Mikado Reld, on sworn complaint of -J.- Stephens, ..who declares that 1201 la due him from the occupants of the fortress, waa served on tha defeated forces, - Port Arthur waa a panorama, liquor eatabliahment and dance hall. !;OTtheBaBy, Mellin's Food an - infant food without an equal except . Mother's Milk, a food that feeds, a food that givSatUfactlonV v food ' that baa been need for many years -with best results a food that makes the babies grow strong. 8end for free esmple. ' ; renin' Feed U lat MIT !feW 4. which received th Crasi rrls. a sm aaeauu. antU-IN S FOOD CO. BOSTON. MASS. onrrscira Splendid Reception Civert Her Most Distinguished Son at V . the Exposition. " ' EX-GOVERNOR FRANCIS IS GUEST OF HONOR Tells the People What They Owe to Fair, and Urges Them to Support It by. Every Means Within Their Power. Th apeclal ( exercises In honor of David R. Francis and the Louisiana Pur chase yesterday afternoon rank among the important eventa of the Lwls and Clark fair.. Thar was a great crowd in the Auditorium, and when ex-Oover-nor Francis waa Introduced by President Qoode aa the moat distinguished son of Mlaaourl he waa greeted with cheers i that lasted 'a full minute. - Mr. Francis spoke eloquently and earnestly. ' Tbej moat significant point he mad was, that if th. people of Oregon failed to : give thla .fair their full and liberal sup port they would regret It .the-rest of their lives. . -' - . r . "Down In St, Louie," aald th formr governor, "they wish now that tha ex position had run through KOS. They did not appreciate that ahow . until It waa over. And I wlah to say to you people of thla great commonwealth that when . your aplendld axpoaltlon ia over you will regret It but once, and that will be the rest of your daya,, particu larly If you do notglve it the patron age that It deaervea." ' : ' President Francis spoke of the tre mendous paaaenger traffic weatward on account of the exposition, limited only by th facilities of th railroad compa nies. He aald also, that there had been no depression In business at St. Louis after the fair. - President anode delivered a ahort ad dress of welcome, "ae - did-' Governor Chamberlain. The other speaker waa R. H. Kern, president of th Mlaaourl commission, who eulogised Oregon and Ha resources. Mualcal featurea of tha afternoon were aoloa . .by -Mrs. Frank Eberle and selection by Pe Caprlo's Administration band. : , At tha conclusion, of the ceremonies a public reception took place, at which hundreds of visitors shook th hand ot President Francis. - - Tonight there will be a great lawn fete in bonor of th Mlssourlans, pro vided the weather Is fain- . GRAND JURY TO DELVE : ; INTO LAND FRAUDS Th federal grand Jury, which Is to resume investigation 6rth ianr frauds and related matters. Is to convene in Portland next. Tuesday. .United States Circuit Judg Gilbert aald this morning that tha order directing th grand Jury to be drawn would be laaued tomorrow. Francis J. Heney, th district attor ney, ia expected next Monday to attend for Ban Franqlaco, Secret Service Agent Burna and bis aaalatants hav been busily engaged In gathering evidence for submission to th Jury. ir- Owing to pressure of business In his own court. Judge Hunt of Montana, who la to preside at' the remaining land fraud trials, will - not be able to reach Portland nntir September C. Th third trlalbf Congressman Williamson and his codefendanta, which was aet .for August 28, will therefor b postponed until September (. and a corresponding change will be made In th data of the trial of the conspiracy case agalnat Senator Mitchell, Congressman Hermann and othera, originally set.-for Septem ber t. . ' i . The grand Jurors to be drawn tomor row, will be taken. from tha new grand Jury Hat, which haa bean- compiled In ac cordance with an order mad by Judg D Haven a few -weeks ago. . SOUTHERN STATES WILL CELEBRATE TOMORROW Tennessee day and Loulalana day will be celebrated at the exposition tomor row at 1:10 o'clock In the Oregon build ing. The following program haa been prepared: Call to order, J. C. Morelund, vice president Dixie society for Tennessee, presiding; musle by De Caprlo'a band. "Way Down In Tennessee"; welcoming address. It. w. Qoode.- president Lewis and Clark exposition, and Jefferson My ersTprastdent Oregon stats commission: violin solo, Miss Seeltgaon of Richmond, Vs.; vocal solo, Mrs. W. Boyd Hamil ton; greetings to the southland. Gover nor George K. Chamberlain; muslo by the band, "Columbia, tha Gem of the Ocean"; "Louisiana,'' Tom Richardson; "Tennessee," W. H. Washington of Nashville, Tenn.t reading, Mrs. Dr. M. O. McCprkle; recollection of Tennessee, Rev. J. whltcomb Broughec; vocal quar tet, Mra. Hamilton, Miss picket, Mr, Hollowell and Mr. Mills; muslo by the band. ," i - - . ; ; That Great Bugaboo Improper ventla.tlon, that . causes so many , people to' turn away from th ordinary restaurant, hotel dining-room or grill, becaua of th offanalv odora so prevslent, haa - been fully overcome St "Y Oregon Grill" by th Installation of the very latest system of -ventila tion." Then the beat viands and delica cies that the market affords" are always served. Hear the celebrated Symphony Orchestra after p. m. . Corner Sixth and Stark. ALASKA EXCURSION. ' Sitka and Return $60. JUeamer' Cottage City, 'August' t4, Skagway, Sitka and return. Steamer City of Seattle, August 1(-J(, Skagway. Last excursions of the season. Paclflo Coaat Steamahlp . company, J4 Washington atreet Phone Main I2(. tow Xxenrsiom mataa Bast. On August t4. It and September 11, 17, th Great Northern railway will sell excursion tickets to Chicago and return for 171.60; St. Loula and return, MT.IS; St- Paul, Minneapolis snd Duluth and return, 1(0; tlcketa good for going pas sage for JO days; final return limit. 90 days) good going via Great Northern railway, returning aame or any direct route, atopovera allowed going and re turning. For tickets and additional In formation call on or address H. Dickson, C. P. and T. A.. Great Northern By., 1?1 Third atreet. Portland.: - Frsfeired STsoek Allen A Lewis' Beat Brand. A Of Madras, Chambray and other soft material; in the newest stripes and figured patterns; some with French lx)soms; Balance of stock of these stylish shirts which have been selling regularly at 75c and 50c will be cleared V --but-at-r-r- y'".' .':""::-. "" ' ' All Boys5 Wash Suits H I 7: When MAY BRIGHT SUNSffiTiE BATIMG AND SURF BOATKG EVERY BAY OF )T0E YEAR FROM THE TEMPERATURE RECORDS IT WILL BE SEEN THAT HAWAII IS NOT ONLY A WINTER RESORT, BUT A SUMMER RESORT. ITS CLIMATE IS SO EVEN THAT IT OFFERS A MOST WELCOME CHANGE TO ONE WHO WOULD AVOID THE EXTREMES OF ANY OTHER SECTION. THESE FORTUNATE ISLES OFFER TO THE VISITOR THE PERFECTION OF CLIMATE. BRIGHT SUNSHINE, BLUE SKIES, A SUMMER SEA, SPLENDID MOUNTAIN VISTAS, HIGH PEAKS, DEEP VALLEYS, BRILLIANT-HUED VERDURE, SHINING MOONLIGHT, EXCEL- LENT DRIVES, UNSURPASSED ACCOM MOD ATIONS. AND THERE IS, TOO, A WELCOME AWAITING EVERY ONE WHO WILL VISIT THIS NEWEST TERRI- TORY OF THE UNITED STATESrA WELCOME BUILT ON THE AMERICAN PLAN. No Tfcnc for a Visit Ever IYm or IYC1 xiiieSnVixx Wow Jcla la Tb Jcarnal's Ccatest THE OPPORTUNITY IS OPEN TO ALL.: YOU MAY BE ONE OF THE LUCKY. EIGHT TO WIN THIS GRAND TRIP. ' , V - , . . Conditions ITatT Aay yenng lady over IS years of mar be aoaglsated at say tlsw ea bUnki provided by The Journal with the endorsement ef twe well-kaowa dtlsms f the dlatrlet la whlck shsrealoes. SZOOVOThree Jadces sareesble te the different candidates shall be selected te . erneUlly aanounee the winner la eaoh e .trlet. one yoang Udy to be ebosea ftent eacb fllntrle. . . . THISD A In othw election, eerb je , trtct shall vote separately. The vote la one cannot afreet the other. Matters prop erly enneernlng the dlstrlet will be settled by the wlahee ef the majority. The win ner shall have tha rlaht t aaa a prosy If anable to attend berself. i yOtiaTH Vottng will cosjaieBes . Tanrs- y, A USU.K s, WW, ana QxtxcXA Coupon Free Ha wall an trip ; - . .' Honolulu, Hawaiian Islan4a ' . --, . e. . - . V -.- 1 ' r .' f 1 ' : I rots for........... ..n...r This eeupon nrast bo voted . An Information recardinfir conditlona of the Honolulu tour manager of the Contest Department of The Journal , ' . Conntir-3 wD t itoaa on Monday. Vcirttiyt end Prliayi ts i tbs Stcndln cf lbs Cci:.iti Ancccd to tt3 Pct'Js ths day. s ; ' ell Suits The opening up of, our ad vance Fall styles shows the most stylish, hobby suits made of Worsteds,; Tweeds and Fancy Chey iots. They are made after .models by the most fash- ionable custom tailors. JWatake v. special pride SUIT You See It In Our Ad. It's So : ;v4 lHH iVEAR ROUND TEIFIIffD DYFRESn of The JournalVHonolufu December SO. st g e'eloek ' . " SI.. " " 1SOJ. Oonnone mast be voted wlrhin sevea ears 5ft m- Isn. Ooanoss cat from tbe Daily osrnal must be neatly trimmed. All coupons, wh.ther single er special, mnst bear tbe same ef the candidate to be voted for. covrovs Aix onmr as roixowgr TOTKatnsI eospons, eat from tbe dslly paper, are sood for one vote. Saberrlptloa to tbe Evening Jonrnal sad Bnnday Morning Journal, three months, 1.H, a special eonpon f 1W-vete p414 la advaaes). Bnbeerlntloa te Kvenlng and Sunday Mora ine; Jonrnal six months, $S.TS, a ssirlal eonpon ef 160 votre (paid la sdTSnee). Sub serlptloa to tbe Xvenlng and Saaday Morn ing Journal It montha, ST.SO, s Fecial eoopon of TOO votes tpsld In sdvsaee). Bnheerlptloa to the evening sad Sunday Morning yours I, three SMotbs by stall, Laevl ; ' t on er before August 11101. Balbriggan and Jersey; Ribbed Underwear for men soft and comfort able. Excellent value at the regular price, 50c; -4riow reduced to ALP: PRICE in V i niKU anu SEA BltfEZESSEA Tour Contest: l.SO. e epeelal eonpon ef ISO votes (paid la saraae). aanetriptioa to tea xvenlng snd ganday Morning Journal by mall six months, 14.7ft, a apeclal eonpon of SM vet, (paid la advance I. Snberrlptloa to th Evening . and Sunday Morning Jonrnal by mall IS montha, (7.00, s sptclal eonnoa ot Too votes (paid la adTsnee). 8mt-Wekly JonrasI, It. SO a year, special esnpoa ef 100 votes (paid la advenes). . SIXTB Oonpons ahould be voted st the headquarter nearest yon er mailed to the. eonpon department of The Journal,"" or" at any point named below. Tote will be counted TSeedsr, Thnredsys and Saturdays asd tbe totals anno ace la that day s . Any esndldats withdrawing from tbe eoa taet cannot bare bar votes ssuateg for an other. xxAoavAiTxma aid. to ma riAoxai first Wsti la- Multnomah snd Clsrkamas eonntles. Voting place. Coupon Dapartmeat ef The Journal office. s eeesA OtotrMtUaloa, TJaiatllla aad Wallowa eonntles. . Tklrg Biatri Waece, Bhrrmaa. OlUUsa, I Morrow.. Whaeler aad Crook counttee, y earth Dlatrt .. Baher, Orant, Uarasy Sad Malheur, oonatlae. - -- - Tlftb tHstrl OolnmMa ' and Oaniof essntl, Oregoni KllehlUt. Ce wilts. Clerk. Parlae, WahkUkum aad Skamania sountles, Waahlsgtoa. . , Sixth PlaUlet Marios. liae aad Lent erutitle. aVweatk Plsailst Wsshlnftoa. Tillamook, TaiahilL Benton. Polk nod Linooln eenntl. lliMk Dlatrto Oooilaa, Ceo. Curry.. I Jooennln, Jscksoa. Klemeth asd - Lake IUCS. ahould be addressed to the v v V