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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1905)
: : V -;. ::- v::r: cr.zcc:i daily JOUEWALV PORTLAND,' WEDNESDAY EVENING; VVUGU-T 13. ISCJ. 11 bob atis-Tann. . I Anounii I , rmuimrBi factobixs. t'O B Ear BESSHTB SOBIF FOB UUMi . 1 provsa, nnreexrunea, rwu l smaMMIato Bee: mm Fi. n. s. at s. ah Chamber af Commerss. CERTIFIED scrip. Immediate delivery, lowest prices i tlmb.r l.Dil. bought and sold. - W. . ' iuwui; ao uiw ex CMunra, BOB SAL Two komesteed . reUneninhmsat -.p"w ssoooa growtni will HU eueep. k r. wmw. hou tueiaptea. FOB homeeleede. tlmberlslms end lirnluti . ex A. B. Mathews Co- SUM Morrlaoa ah, ""i i rwwH, ur. f . 0 ACRES timber-land. Xaavhlll eoaoty, IM . . i Apply S0 Mhuusslppl ore, , Phase Uuiaa , s ' A, . .MO.00O FEET. 190 acres, aa Nehnlsm rlver ; aaka offer sad taka It. I SS, amra JoaraaL TIMBERT.000.o00, nusrtsv, Bcreastblsi Sr, 1 - cwm; pe acre. - aaaress w er, sournui. FOB H0ME8TBADB. timber claims and. sort apply (a ana oemaMretsI am. . - r'T ; wB.ALTBD L. ANDERSON. Chicago's esls. . bratad Bsuropsth, ku returned to Portland. 1 and bla offices ara dally crowded br pee .( , p k bsve tried every known remedy , without results. Dr. Asdereoa coree auo ..' eeesfully all chioale nervous and maatal aisessee o BotB esses, wiuoax ox-ugs surgery j rheumatism, neuralgia, kidney, liver and htadiW tmnhl vleld raadllr to - his ,. treatment; all head, stomach and eexual .,' troubles permanently cured. Ha cures all ' ethar allmaata sueceaafully also, la order i to demonstrate his wonderful methods ba , will lor tba next three days five a treat ment and ooaaul tattoo tree of charge ta any an calllna at bia office. Do not dels 7) 1 . coma today, as It may amra yea tusny day ;' ' . of saffarlnf. TMttawalala from cured n- Waablnctoa, rooma and , . Oftloa hoar iroB a a, m.) to p. B. 't LADIBIL ATTBHTIOM. ' . Ladlas raqulrlna- confklantlal and blirfe claai . .' BMdlcal attandanaa will aena tbalr beat Inter - aata by eonanjlna: tba old reliable and wall known X-Badlaa Medical Inetltato; no cbam fnr opinion! eorreepondeaea aoUcltad. X-Ba-dlonj Medical Institute. Allaky b!4.. Tblrd n Morneoa in., roruano. un INFORMATION waited of tie wbereaboats " of Mary Sommar, a Dana; fcrmerly 11 red . ' aear uwiaTiiia: laat neara ox waa marnea and lived on Weablncton at.; any Informs . tlon will ba appreciated. B B5, JournaL , . .TIBBATION aqaanaee elrealatloa. braaks down and eiaeta waata tiaaaa. rebniiaa aew ana bealtbr eallat free damonatratloe. Office and ' treatls rooma, Vlbratrlnm. salts 3S-28. Law la Bid., cor. park and Morrlaoa. &HBTJMATI8kf rafterers cared. 8t4-8al, tbs newly discovered soluble salphar: sak yoar . arofciat. taia. n. cnttanaea CO., 11a Fulton at., or Bo'-Sol Chemical Co., Maw.Xork. ariai noiua saa aousr. . - .alANLT near restored br Dr. Bull ens' Hares ,. Globules, One Beatb'e traatBaat. Bti moo tba, as; seat eerarelr sealed or awn. Afean, wsodard, OlarBe e os roruaaa. ur, BOOKSI Bars the arsi "Deeameron." "Hef. taanroa." "A Hot Teaule," raaay HUL "Twenty Teara a raker," 'rorbtddes frett,' tOt eacb) 1UU free. A. SchBsla. KM rint at, LOST Dowers restored by tbs greet Dr. .) Larsns's Narva Tonic Tablets; IBs per bos, boxes for tl.0.. Writs ar call at BnaeU't fkarmsey, S3T Morrlaoa, bet Ul and Sd. KNOLISHMAlf. vary old KacMsh family, tall. .1 sdarated, dee Ires to correspond with sincere iwamaa laay or meess, Tiew matrimony, tiox zra, victoria, a, u. Y-ADIBS Tea appear BO years yoaagsr. rs. wuwtw eu wrioaiea. sees eaw use vitwi by aalnr Oregsa Oraps Bkla Food. Psoas Irr." -r-- ii -ii SiiNa ennoNn ihim e - M laaa; sella Cblasas tea tbst la cartala ears , for sll dwsaass, ltl Baeoad bet. TaBhlll ' and Taylor. MANLY vtaer restored without draaa, appH .; seres or spnllrstions: fasrsntssd cure; posl . tlesly eure. Dr. rJownlasT. Bait tsks. Utah. VIU. TBA0H ya the optical bnetaeas aad Mil tuaipltts Tsu Rmltb. cor. Grand a Tessa and Tamhlll at. ICLBARAMCB ssts'alt kinds f waists, ktawnos. . Dioslia aadsrwasr, etc., baknr asst. -Blad Chouf Co., Bsl Morrlaoa at, . .- .SHI Oroaoa fetecttTe SerrVw: ofacee llelt Columbia bide., aa Waablnataa. MaU 6410. KB. ATWOOD1B Bases! bids., cor dtb A) Mo , rbwa. Dlaeaaaa af wubsb. Ooaaaltatloa tree. t0A!S from IS. 00 to S100.00 oa reaaoaabb) . tarns) strictly coafldaatlaL Bos Tib, city. CBEE sample corn, bunion and wart cars, Bd- wla L. Dean. dept. B, Taunt on, Mass. Tl RKIWII BATHS, S00 OrefnnlaB bids.; geau sll alirbt. Isdlas aU day. Mala lOBA. SAI.M OF Fins for all female Alder at. Pbone Mala 4883. 484 TO TTOTtWQ KXCBANOB. 1 " Fine farm aear fUlem, Or,; will trade tor a ' mod merchandise . basin us, hardware preferred.- " B7u-scre fins stock or dairy ranch, oa tlds water, at Y equina bay, 1 mils frbm town .. and rallrotd atatlon; land all well feaced; nearly SO acres cultivated; fine beartns or chard of apples, 600 trees; goad bouse, bars - 40x60. with ebeda; trade for property ta or Beer Portlsnd.. I good dwslllncs, wall located la Portland; will - trade for farm aear Portland aad pa cash differs see: , 600. V-room hoses, ball, doable parlor, fireplace and mantel, china dnsst; fine Urge porch; , r so Ice location 1 beautiful Tiew; 1 lota; CO ear line; will take lead aa part pay. tO acres, 1 miles from Oregon City slso trlc car llnei 14 acres cultivated, T acres la bsarbisT bopa, rsnnlnc water; Bhtjob boaae, bara, bop ho saa; trade for Portland prop etiy. fcO seres, 10 acres cultivated, small orchard; v front on rtvsr, H mils from bast, landing and railroad station. sBO-scre lmprored farm sear Oerrela, Marion county; will trade for city property or stock " ranch oa-eoast. 18 acres, lmprored, good house and bara, at , Beaver too; trsds for a boms la Portland. ' (00 acres, sheep, gost or cattle ranch; all good rolling bill land, watered by springs and stream) honse. bam, orchard;- 80 scree cult Iva led; besntlfaliy Jooatsdss - Xaatalll o manly. 4, mllee from railroad station ; will ' exebange for property la aome good town, (0 acres good land, all feared; 40 acres eultl , Tstsd, acres In good bearing orchard; good . bouse and barnflns road, 10 miles southeast ,v. of Portland; ,111 taka i lodging bouse s stock of grorsrles aa.psrt payment. , ffhree good, houses , In Portlsnd. sll la fins condition, bearing good rents; will trade - for a good hsy farm worth about 88,000. FIBNKLB Aj BAKBB. . SIT Ablngtoa bldgM Portland, Or. rO KXC'RANOB ' A splendid asodeni Improved fruit farm of SO acres, aear Sacramento, California. 1b - proremsota cost $14,0U0, and an Ideal bobs, .' to trsde for stock of goods; fumlturs or hard mars preferred; will msks price satisfactory and an Inducement; look this op. Splendid boms ta a small valley town for a small place near Portland; will pay a cash dlf-- fere nee; acreage unimproved preferred. Stock of general Dtsrchsndlss sad casta for vacant lota or a create; east side, north, pre. f erred. , And several others raa ba had by aalllsg apon na. - . .. H. W. MIIXBB. loots Rlxtb St. Pbena Mala 6080, . ICXrHANOKS A SPBCIALTT-e- Heresftsr I will msks the sbovs my j specialty, therefore- I would Ilka all those wlablna to trade their property to can ssd llet ssms with me. I will try and set them what they want at tba earliest possible R, W. MILLER. ' - ' 10SH Sixth st., Boom 1. Phone Main 8OP0, A- a-o KXrtlA HasLansVaeea atnek raacii ea rati. war, S -hoars from Portland; well watered. oa sH.000 (or psst i years for Baatnrage: with si a tissues win psy morsi win fi ehsngs for well sqslpped poultry farm, or Im proved suharban property oa slsctrie say Una. .Address L 10, care Journal. : TO EXCHANOB S good nta 80 by 110 see I, ;.J I good horsss. or will fade ens few eae boras. Inqulrs st 1S4 Sixth St.. at sfflcs. 'IrVANTRD TB sxebsngs - hoase . snd lot eloes . Is, vslnsd st llftoo, for Improved Besvsrtoa - acrssgs. 404 Beat Morrlaoa at. . sV SALOON doing a sss boslBeaa per day; o csllent Iocs tlon, vary aheap rest; price flOM. ' ' V 48, Journal. . (V 8BOCBBT. stork to schangr for Pertlsnd rsst estate. AOoress mm Harrttsa at, . , 0BBOON I -AW s) COLLECTION CO. SIT Fes ' . tsa block. Collections ma da tbrsagbont the ww mvmiwwi HUSTapicr BSUin B BpeclSIVJI sd tenants eleeted; rents eolleeted aad gsa sVB smBTDst. PROF. B1CHABD MAX METBB Portrait sad Undesapa axtlatt Inatructloa la oil patattaa, . aratar aolor, eta., and drswtegi art gsUsir Connected with studio; pictures for ssls ssd rrsming ss s-aer. ses A Kiev st. PBens ISSU, r 1 BATBBMI88 A8B. ' " " THB Pahus Masssgo Parlors ta ths osly plaos so gss a sics iBfigorsung Data or ausssgs; yeung lady, IS years old. with,' sasUtsut. ' recently from Now York. - Btsrk St., betweea TBira saa roarta. - ive.aeoms, rooms u-zn. EXPERIENCED Bursa s-teeSmxllcated hatha. slsctrie and Dsgastle trestmsats; also re. novas your eoraa. asoh aula, rooms se-ao. THB Bnowdea Bsturooras. lady sttsadaats, tnb ana sapor, pa ins, aiaassae and ssscincity, vfi r Aiosr-Bi. none msib wh, Jnur- BLAXX BO0X sUsnrfAOTVBXBI. B0WB, DA Via a KILHAkf. loa-lll Second st. j Blsnk book m ana fact ore ra; sgsnts for Jones l do pre van ijoose ieer ssagsrs; sss too aew . KursBS- lear. tas beef oa tne aurasx, BIBDB. . MBS. B. M. FBITC. SO Grand sts.v beaatlfnl , Imported .canary . birds, rsssonsblst ail good ains-ere. sns aa tier actios gssrsntsea. B0TTLXVQ W0BKB. O. Aj M. BOTTL1MO CO.. bottlers of fine csr- , Boosted be Teres as; family wines ana llqaora a specialty. j union nvs. rhoae nest it. OXXXXT OOVnAOTOXB. CHA8. H. CARTER si OO.. cemaat soatisstors. 46 East Twentieth at, Pboss Best 1818. AU worn gssrsgtesd. dOAXS AXO TOXAOCO. B8BBBO-ODNBT CO , ms trUMtsrs or ,'F1BB aaABB. ISsrtlasa, CAXXB. : . THB OFFICE-) Wsshlngtoa at, ; Paoas Mala ill. ... aauasi vignsass cnnxopODiaTS. - IF year feet srs oat of order, go to Dr. Worley Kenlemln, aevsntn aad Btara. no soot sse euiist. Phone Blocs pis. COAX. ABB VOOSt CBOBOBLBX BUUS. havs raassved from foot Dsvls oc to 4SB Kssraey at.. Bear lits: la anw the largest woodyard la the elty, carry ing all kinds of wood and eoaL Mala 1U B. CKOEBWOOD CO.. awslara ta wood aad sal at ktwsst prices: satlsracTioa suaran teed. : IrvtnsT bet. Tenth aad . BlsrsBth rnoas Msia sstb. AXBIIf A rCBtV CO. Dealers la dwwsd, eosl and greea sad dry saarjwood. R. sw and Al aiaa avB- a assess osss ox Kerry- ansa ois. BTEEL BRIDOB FDEL CO., d'slers la snal. cord wood saa ary aianwooa. rnoas nasx saa. 0BB00N FUEL CO., all Made of deal ssd bub Aaser. KIRK HOOTER, 818 Wster s-, wood sad sosL rnoas aaaia sown. -. FOR SALB 8,000 osrds Or wood. SnTD, BXOCXXB. WADHAMS dt CO., wholes la groesra, Baaa. faeearara aad onsimlssloa BsrchiMIs, Fourth ALLEN A LEWIS, eemmisslen aad orodacs a nasBxa. stobx aaa ussis sis.. rorxxsBo. tar. 0&ATBT0TABT ABB BALMTBT. wssasxssshjsBa AN CORTLAND. Hat will aeU tnif. hul ease. ; wlisa roa win Surry ssd what yoe called for vrlthaot saklns a attesrloa. Honrs. S to , a oaiiy saa rmaasys. . aneeisi rssainas. eoc. OO0 BOS BUS BUS BUS BOO BUS BVf WONnawrtTTr TRIAL READING. ' Bend dime, stamped envelope, ewa wrtt- pi,' oirta asia. xr. . i-eeier,, vnew em. ax. iouia. ho., sna receive a WONDERFUL TRANCB BBADTNO. OTPST EENORTA. Qoosa of elslreoyonts. She gasraateas to read every Incident of year life, pest, prevent ana ratars. Room saa A ussy Diog., asa Bor rlsoa, ' eor. Third. MADAME JOHNSTON Clairvoyant, pslmlst. esrd reader: I sirs Tacts rename ens iss- KUnt on sn affairs of real life. Readings ea Seventh st.. Bear Oak. MADAMS LUCY, medium and healer: reedlnes dsfly snd evenings. Psrlors 1-8. mm First, OOBranaaioar btxbozTABts. DATBNPORT BROS.Oeneral eommlaatoa chanta; trait sad prodaes; oonaigsmants lleltsd; prompt returns. 1B0 Front st. IF yea Want ta get good returns for yoar Broouoa, snip to as; psy masses prica xor ssra f. s. b. P. MUler Co. BVERDIN0 A FARRELL. prodaes and waas- moa BsreBsats. ISO rrooi su, rorxuaa. ur. Pbone Mela IT. OLXAXIXB Ajfo STXIBO. PORTLAND STBAM CLEANING A BTBINO Works; praettesl hatter la connect lost feather boss and plumes cleaned and curled by ss es pert, r ni Foarth, Pbaao Clay T04. VIENNA Dream Cleaning A Dys, Works Bsst equipped, slant la the Htyi rhsBilcsl work a specially, kmij up pnone aas classed frsa. MS Third St. Ipedslty. Call ap pbone Main I4M. Uuvss CLOTHES cleaned and presold ft per month. unique i aiioring ve sal wasnugxsa m H. W. TnRNBB.prsrVssloBsl dyer end elesaer. ssriersoa sx. mono msib anis. OAXPIXTIXl AND BTJILDXXB. At '. AtrrnORS aad H. B. WOOD, csrpsntsrs saa nuiioers ; sspsiring snd sonning; store ssd office Sxtsraa built. Shop BUS CoiambU. Mela eWT. - CAAFET-OIXAXIXtrr - HAVB yew walls else Bed I we elesa papered sna psinxea waist; aauaiaeuoa gnarantasai prlees resosaablst references. Bad 8W8. - CARPETS SHsned ea the floor J wo rales as Buss., rnoas vuiy ssi, xrso ossssastrstioa. . ' HUNTER Steers - carpet and Belli ass Heeser. Bfto Jefferson. Phoss Mais 114. -AlXU0iAirD" BUCK COhWAKTXB. ' XHB UNITED CARBIA0B CO. Carriages. xauy-oe rigs aad osrry-sils. lbs nsveata st, eor. Morrlaoa. Phone Msia SSS. CX0CXXXT ABO' OiaSsVABX. IOLFJSALB rrocksry snd glaaswars. PraaU fegsiy A Co.. loo to 108 Fifth, eor. Stark ex. . D0O ABB B0X8I HOSPITAL. DR O B BROWN. D.T S., D O M Dr-g. boras bos. piTsi.sni nnrnsias.rBeaesi BaissuHot Kaataoaa.. DBXB8htAXIXw. ' SHIRTWAISTS, wool Of wash silk, sea da fat ; fl.XBj anirrwaiax snirs, BS.0U. sss Bass use sex. - ragei aes eaa r , DRERRMAKINO Strictly ap to data) la teat aeetgne. ens ussy sx. BET CHURCHMAN, dentist, 884 Ma ran am bklg., Birth and Morrusea. PBone Msia 1790. IXXOTaUOAB'WOS NORTHWEST ELECT RIO Alt ENGINEERING Company, sua stars st,, I'ertlasd. O. K. for ovsrytbtng l the alostrloal 11 sa, Pheaa Mala 18 ' PA CI FT 0 Electrts Os Engl seers, ooa tract era, ; re pa Ire ra, eleetrls wiring, esppuea. B4 First, oso. stars, at a in eoe, sv. xx. xsxe, sagr. WERTBBN ELECT BJCAJU WQBKA 81 Sixth st i A - "A aitsTTPaTB,--" '' ' '- obrTBBT ' ' , ' - Paoas Msia leva, . ., . , . OREOON Faraltars Manufacturing Oempany- mansractsrers ox loraiiBrs xor xao ttaaa. ; PoruaBd, Or. . - rUBNITUBB BUBafasTBrlng aad speetsl erdsrs. , L. Ravsaeky's furniture faetary. 870 Frost st, rUXXACXB. IOYNTON warm -air furaseaa ears fast. J. a Bayer Fwraaee Oe., IOS sscoad. Mala an, THB Llndell hotel. Market betweea Third sad . . Foarth, Per tie ad l entirely saw. Baropssa ' aaa ABsnxas ana, eve va aa per asy. . HOTEL PeadletBO, Psodletoa. W. A. Brown, sagr. HOTEL Portlaad. ABsrlosa plsai 88, 88 par day. HOTEL St, George, Fend UteniT leading hotet BELVEDERE; Baronoaa plsatdth snd Alder ota. ' BATX ABO S0ALB bPXOXALIXT. I. I. B0RO, sssBofscturer of haavsa hsbr rotkx, eta. 41 Beet silBta. rBoae sssx Bit. TABOWABB. Portlaad Bsrdwsrs Co. solicits epvortunlty quota prices, lag 1st at,, ear Alder. Mala 1884, r' ' -v - tBSirXABOX.' .. I8AA0 tb WHITE, Bra lasarsnea. 800 Dsksa LAMBERT, WHITMRR A CO. Firs insursncs snd real estate; ofScaa lOT-lOS Sherlock bklg. - Mala 1008; dept. 404 Bast Aider, Bast 4aI. JAB. Met. WOOD, aaproyars liability and b , dlvMaal aocldent sorsty boada of all kinds. , Psoas dT. 80S McKay bldg. .., IL P. BABTBLS COMPANY tiro Insarsaoa. 48 Shevlcck bldg. - Ore roa Pheoa Clay AM. lACXXhUTH. BEYN0LDB general repair shop; expert machin 1st, locksmith; orders prooiully filled; stents ' Miller keyless locks. tM Wssh. Msia diM, BROWNE'S IN TOWN Expert locksmith sag nerves iTMinBB, - nuo eiarau vay paoaa CUy 8S3; Blghraboae. Mala 880B. KEY flttrng, cast-iron braslng. I. H. Bloharw aoa. SOS Foarth st, Pbons Rood 1T83. BrrUOAX. SECOND-HAND Biarleal Instruments of oil hinds at lowest orleea. cash oc luatsilmsnla. , rishor Mnalo Co, im Third at. VIOLIN, mandolin, guitar, ate., esrefally . taught-' Conservatory hall, 458 13th st. city. PIANO toning, SS; perfect work gnaraai 0. W. Jt hnaon. Phono Msia 1811. sfAOXXTIO BXAUVO. MRS. L. B. HART trssts sll dli treobls. aervoaSBSss snd fnnctloasl wsskaesse Coasnltstloa free. SWtt Psrk. car. laffaraoa. MOXXT TO LOAN. . THB STAB LOAN CO. Any salaried employe, wars-earner, aaa get oa bis note, without mortgage Month. Month. Wsek. 190.00 Bepsy to SS 818.88 or 8.8 or 88.88 128.00 Repay ta as I 4 00 or 83.88 or $1.88 U6.00 Bepsy to sa I 4.00 or 82.00 or 81. 00 810 Mctvay bldg. F1TB par cent sooner) era build yea s hoses ar iosb yoa sconsy oa Four pro peri r; Bnmi psmsots; lnreetlgate; spsa Saturday evan loga. Rooma 18-17 La boa bldg.. XWVs Wssh. MONEY to loan, salaried people, tea maters, ate.. without security; essy psymsnts: targeea business la principal rltles. Tolaaa, 3M ' Ablngtoa bldg.' Pbese Mala 8487, M0NBY.TO LOAN oa narbersoaar and sol- sisrsi secnrixy, apaciai tiusuw w. Bortgagea; notes bought. C. . WV Pallet, soe-d Feu ton bldg.. 84 bUth St. 810HLT respsetsbas place where Udlea aad genta eaa Derrow money ea aiaanoaos saw Jewelry. Collateral Loss lis a. StW Wash lngtoa otr-r Pbsas Blaoh TL 89 LOAMS aad upward ea aU kinds of secarity or xo saisriea people on xnsariretei amm CHATTEL loses ta atr rsBglag from 888 to 88.000: rooBlna-honses a specialty. New Bra Loan A Treat Cs. 80S Ablngtoa bldg. WE Bake all kinds of losns oa good security at -lowest rates; spscisi attention given w Chattel leans. IMS Morrlaoa as. LOANS at lowest rate on furniture, plaasai any secarity notes parchssoa. usistb umm efflcee, 448 Sherlock bldg. MONEY to loss In some of from 83,000 so o.wo; terms to salt the borrower, sxooins SiiO-lO, Commercial blk. MONEY TO LOAN la largo or small aatasjate ob gooa security; wweex raxes, wuuoas w, Beck, 807 Fslllng bldg. THB CRESCENT LOAN -COMPANY SsUry leaBS, from three to six Booths; eouaoeauai. SIT OregoBlaa. MONEY TO LOAN oa Clackemae county lands. r. aaa r. b. huisy, .sos cbsbdst Of uesa- P0RTLAND REAL ESTATB LOANS, S AND er seat. Wax. Doobolm, z8 railing atag. TO LOAN 45O0 to 88.000 by Char lee HfeataL seie imrej sr.. room a. OSTEOPATHS. DR8. OTIS A MABEL AKIN. eOS-d Maclaay bldg. Phoaa Clsy TT8. Consultation free. 0TXBAXXB. BOSS OF THB BOAD OVERALLS aad me chanics' slothing; aaloa snsdo. Noaatadtar Brss., Tneaafactarars, Portlaad, Or. PUBLIC ACOOVBTAsfT. B. H. S. MULDEB, expert seeoaaUnt room 441 Sherlock bldg.; books opened, adjusted sad aaditsd! books kspt for small set mode rate charges 1 -Srst-slsas refereoeea. Mala SMS, PLUatBXXS., DONNERBEBO A BADEMAOHBB, ssnltsry piamDsra. ss roarta St. Duth paoass. FOX A CO, ssnltsry rlnmbers, SSI Second bet. Mais sad asimoa. ursgoa pboso aaaiu bum. PAUITS, oa ABO LASS.' P. B. BEACrT A CO.-TbS Pioneer paint CM window-gissa aaa guxing. ,iu sirs I sx, Pbooe 1834, BA8MUS8SN A CO, Jobbers, pslsre. ell, glsse, sssh snd doors. Second sod Taylor. PsUBTTBtt. BUBHONO A CO. Frost sad Stark eta... print. ing, utuogrspuing, eians noose aaa oroee supplies; work done oa tlms: most eomplets printing ofnos la Us west. Msia 104. - ANDERSON A DUNIWAY COMPANY, printing. lithographing, sis as boobs, , rsone sxam if. SOS Alder St. - , .. STRUT PAVING. WABBEN Coaatraetlea Co., street psvlng, slds- walka aad crosswalks. lis ursgoaiaa bldg. THB Trinidad Asphalt Pavlag Co. of Pertlaad, OfSce SSS Worceetee bib. PLATING. THB OBBOON PL ATI NO WORKS, 481 Wssh lngtoa ex. raoao aoia. rwisning. piauaf and lacqnerlng, octc ' BOPB. PORTLAND CORDA0B CO.- and Northrop sts., fort la no, ur. TIN ROOFING, gutterlnr, repairing aad Jobbing. 1." Loatll. 818 Jeffereoa ox. STXNOGBAPKX1 PUBLIO gTENOOBAPHEB StSBOgrsphw of sll kinds at short notice. SIT , Chas of Commerce. ' Phene Mala T84. SI0BPAINTXX8. BOLD BIGNS, window lettering, cloth bsnaera. economical ewctne signs sno sisns 01 su kinds Bsdo oalckly. foator A KleleoT. -fifth and Evsrstt. X none axenesge - tsaersl SAFXS. DIE BOLD Manraaeee osfeat ftrarjaad bargtar proor worst Jail sad prison worst tooaouxs repairs, i. m. lar bpss lairs sx. BtTBXXB STAMPS. P. 0. STAMP W0BKS. S4S Alder ex.. whesw Msia Tld; rubber stamps seals, staatella, hag. gage, wees cnsessi osaa ror sexsiogae, - ' 8T0XA0X, XBABSrXB ABO XA1TLXBB, SAFES, Blanse and furnltars seovsd, packed ready for ablnolnar and ahlDnadi all work for shipping and shipped; all work guaraaxeea; large, s nory, . wssahoaae for a tors re. 0n brick, . fire-proof ub girat at C M. Olasa. Pbena Mala 847. 0. a PICK, afflco SS First St.. betweea itarh Ssd tkxfe eta., peons 8M; plsaos sad furniture moved and perked for ablpplng: eommndlnag ones waraaoaao. rreax sna cisy sax, - OREGON TRANSFER COM IM Nertt Sixth. Pbons Msia 88. Bssvy has ling snd storage. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY No. SO0 Waah tngtoa St. Pheae Msia ern. MITVXJIIXA, i THB MOBGArt CO., ' .lVm toy 118 Second st, third Jloor. Manufacturers and Jobbers of LBWIB ANfl CLARK BOUVBNIRB. Booths and street stands fitted oat earn piste. SBT0WCASXS ABO ITXTTXXS. SHOWCASES of every description; bank, bar ana stars sxtares bsoo xo oraer. ne Xyauxe Baanraetaring m.t rorxisaa. BBS TOWXl STfTPXT. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, brash, soap; per nwaxa.. Aawrenes axros.- owf aerapxy roarta sad voacn. raoao . VIOLINS. I. A. WEBCO, Tlolta-maker snd repatreri wee Brat class. SS Kuaeell bldg., 4th sad Mssrlaoa. WAIXPAPtB. MORGAN WALLPAPER CO.. 184-188 St.. bet. Ysmhlll aad Taylor.. PorUaad. " . 1 a a 1 11 nVABCXAX. PORTLAND TXTTST OOXfPABT OF 0XXG0B. , NO 108 THIRD ST.. . . , The Oldest Trnst Company la Oregsa. . ' RESOURCES OVER 81.000.000. ' . Oeaersl Banking Buataeaa Condustsd. Revlnee Denaalra , aueeelved. Time eertlncatee lasaed, ssm errtlDcstss of eepoalt psyabls apoa 10 4 ye' call, 80 dare' call or 80 days' asU with Interest st 8V, sad d per sent per annum, ree pec tl rely. Call er ssnd for booh of Ulastratloaa, . BBNJ. I. COHEN. President . U PITTOCK Vloo-Prssldsat Lix rAUBX. aeerexary 0. GOLTRA. AaslsUBt SeareUry BITXO STATXS NATION AL BANK 01 OF FOSTI.AlfD OREOON. v BOBTHWXST COB, TKIXO AND OAS 8TS. Traasnela Ossein! Bane-tag BselsiB . DRAFTS ISSUED AvaDshle la All Cities of ths Cnltsd SUtaS and Europe, Hongkong aad Manila. OOLLXCnONS BtADX OB FAVOBABLB TXXMB Presides t... J. C A1NBW0BTH Vloe-Preeldent...... .W. B. AYEB V Ice-Preal dent B. LEA BARNES Cashier. ...........B, W. SCHMRRR AaaUtaat Cashier.... ..A, at. -WBIOHT W. A. UUUI FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BOBTLAsTT)- tllMf. DealgBated Depository sad Flnasclal Agent of the Ualtod SUtao. Prestdeat- A. L. MTLLS Cashlsr .....J. W. NBWKIRK Assistant Cashier W. O. alvuhu Sscoad Assistant Cssblsr.. D. F. STEVEN! Aha. JCaatern Stat Btrbt Kxchanaw and Te le era nhls Trsna fere sold ea New York. Boa ton, Chicago, St, Loala, St. Paul, Omaha, San Francises aad ths principal prists Is tbs Northwsst. Bigns sna time nilis arswa ib osxrn xw sunt a Loodna. Parts. Berlin. Frank fort-lo-tae. Msia. Houjrxone. ; Tokohama. Cope nh a res. Chrlstlanl a. Stockholm, BL Petersburg. Mas sow, Enrich, Honolula. " Collections Msde oa Fsvorabls Terms. - A BIXTOB B8BTT1S (Xstakllshsd la 18S8.1 Traaaanta a General Bssblng Bnslnaaa. ColleetloBe made at all nolnts sa favorable terms. Letters of credit leaned available la Europe and nil aetata In the United States, Sight Bxchsnars and Telegraphic Traasfers old sa New Xerk. Washington. Cblesgo, St. Losls, Denver. Omaha. Ssa Franc leoe aad Montaaa and British Colombia. Exrhsngs sold on London. Parts, Berlin. Frank fort, Bonghoog, Xokohama. Manila aad Hoaolula. ' SX0TBTTT SAVINGS A TBTTST COMFANT. . SSS Merrtsoa St.. Pertlaad. Or. Trs assets a General Baaklag Baslsess. SAvTBOS DXPABTMXXT. tatarsat Allowed on Tims aad Savings Da posits. Acts ss Trustee for Estates. Drafts and Letters of Credit Avallabls la All Parte of the World. F. ADAMS President A. LRWIS First Vice-Preal den I A. L. MILLS... Second Vlce-Presldest R. 0. JUBITE M.. ,Secrstsry GEO. F. RUSSELL. Assistant Secretary ivr XB0KABTS' NATIONAL BANK. PORTLAND. OXXOOB. i. FRANK WATSON President R. L. DURHAM Tlco-Frealdeat R. W. HOYT Cashier GKOROB W. H0VT Assistant Cssblsr Trs assets Oeasrel Bashing Buaiaeae. Drafts aad Letters of Credit Issued Available to All Parts ef the World. - Collections a Specialty. M OBBIA BROS. A CKBISTXNSXB. IMVh First st FsrUaae, or. Offer OIH-Kdgs InveetBenta la Municipal aad Railroad Bonds. Write or CsU. MORTOAOG LsOeAINS Or Pertlaad Baal Xatats at Lowest Bates. Titles Insured. Abstracts Furs la had TITXX GUABABTCX A TRUST 00. 840 Waahlagtoa St., Cor. Beoead. , EUGENE MAN CHARGED T WITH STEALING MONEY (Special Dispatch to The JoaraaL) Eugene, Or., Aug. Jease McLowor, B shoemaksr employed at Henderson A Walls' shoe) ator hero, wag caught In the act of robbing; th till In th tor yaaterday afternoon sndwasBt one Irfrrcod -undw-Birtstr-" "' For lomt tlm past th firm bas been mlBalng money out of ths till and Mo Cower was suspected, but It could not b Tjrovn. Tostrdsy Afternoon "bit of ficer was placed serosa tb ereot, where h had R rood vlaw of the Interior 01 tb tor and tho proprietors stopped out for a few momenta. McLowsr waa Men to tnko somo money from the till and was at one arrested. He confessed to Baringtaken more than 110 st different times during; the laat few weeks. A charg of-" larceny from' A tor" waa booked against bim and ha was placed under f BOO bonds for trial In Uie circuit court. -'. . ,,, , WASHINGTON FARMERS ,; ASK FOR INJUNCTION - (Speclsl Dispatch to ths Joomsl.) ' Olympla, Waah.. Aug. 11. Suit was filled In ; ths superior court of this county today by W. H. Mitchell. H. P. Cartyon and others agalnat- tho Im Lumber eotnpsny, operating a ahlngt mill at Tumwater. This company has been using; tha Deschutes river for the purpose of floating Its shlngl bolta to th mill and It Is claimed by'the plaln tlfljthat thea clog up ths river, causa It to overflow and damaga HitlnJands. A permanent Injunction 1 aaked Tor to prevent ths company from further trea paaslng upon plaintiffs land. CHEMAWA INDIANS HAVE , THEIR COMMENCEMENT (Special Dispatch to The foaraaL) Chsmawa, Or Aug. K.-Th com mencameftt day program at tha Chem swa lodlail school was rendered ystr BAXT.B0AD ABB STXAMX0AI TIME TABLES. Cdf WWD CA Indudins v : U OU ,TRP. J VvW Berth and Meals - ...... k ..,J...;.' : . . . , ... - : ' , 1 - -.'. f . On the Popular Steamshipt - JEFFERSON ;.,.......... .AUGUST 20TH ; :rf DOLPHIN . .AUGUST 23D i li JEFFERSON ; . ... ...AUGUST. 29THT , Do Not Neglect to Take This Ideal Trip.- Remember tha rate Includes .Everything. . - ,:v -n; ; ; . . ' Reserve Your Accommodations Now. 1 . . : : "; THE ALA&iU . ft; Cbe, SEATTLE r ""V Frank Woolsey Company, Agents. ' Phone Main 96. 252 Oak , - , Street," Portland; Oregon. ",; TI "Up the Columbia" ; ; - . To CASCADE LOCKS AND RETURN Regulator Line Steamer "BAILEY CATZERT' XVostos foot of Aids street aUf M a. bs- , tiaras sao p. aa. - TS - -g 1 a Aa fltawttgli Bteamora fog Th BaUes aid" ' Fare S 1 .5 0 7ZJBUMimr,J Clair voyant Van Cortland 303 Wash- . ington Street Tea Bay wssh to know It It la advisable to asaae a Changs la business, la love, la mar- rlare. , . 'Shall r eaeeeea in my aew anosrinsingr Can ! obtain say hopes, say wishes, asy aav hltlrmsr, , , . fibs II I sver enjoy tne laxanes ox wsonr Doss ' another shsra the hrre that rlgUt- fally belonss to-snor-' . it so, wnoenr- . 'Aatl kored In re rarer" 1 'la there a rival la say lover , ... r 'When snsU ny wve srrair rermmais in rfTt -V.IT ;U-r,m.tinMlhlss iiHir" How csa Bsf lift aVoit aWfaisI mppj 303 Washington Street . Cornet of Fifth Street. no chaos In the prloo jr Mlaaral Water, Boda Water, -Siphons. . Byrupa, etc: ths , same prices -will be maintained all reports to tbs contrary not . withstanding. , STAR BOTTUNG WORKS ritOM Blalm SSOS. 1 SS rirtrt Bt, day. Tha exercises, which opend at I a. m.. were attended br a larg number of vlaltora A class of rive wss graa uated from tho oohool, .having llnlahed both the school room work and mastered a trsde, both of which srs necessary before a pupil Is graduated from Uie school. Tho Ave graduates rem from ss many tribes. They srs Delia S. Clark, Win tone; Richard .W. Long, Shsata; Charles Fv Payne. Umatilla: Beasts Boles. Hyda, and Lottie Ms Koods. Bkaglt Tho motto of fhs class was, "By Our Efforts We Hop to Ris." The exerclaes o th day closed wltn a nroerara In th ' school Chapel at o'clock. Th program was oompoeed of ongs. recitation. Indian club drills, and n operetta, a barleeque y Foca- hontas." NOAH JOBE EXPIRES 1 vAT HILLSBORO HOME (Special Dispatch to 'The JoaraaL) . Hlllsbbro. Or.. Aug. H. Nosh Jobs, realdlng on and a half miles wast of this cltr. died Monday evening. Me was born in Knox county. Mis souri, In IStS. from which, place he Jour- nered by ox team to Washington county. Oregon., la lt45. U apent about-.two rears in th California mines during- the 1148 Bold excitement there, lie aerrea In tha Indian wsrs of Oregon during isss-.s. '; . , . He married Miss Lydla Garwood In September, 1100. , Th following children were born to Mr, and Mrs. Job: . Mrs. Rebecca Pom roy,' Kamlsh, Idaho; Jsmes W. Jobe, British Columbia; Lllburn Jobe, Wasco, Oregon; Martin E. Job, Nes Perce, Ida ho; W. T. Job, Portland. Oregon, snd Mrs. W. H, Taylor of this elty. Funeral' services were held at the family residence yestordsy at t o'clock. after which Interment took place in th Cv O. F. cemstsry. . -. Chilly a xa rand. (Special Dispatch to Ths JoaraaL) La Grande, Or Aug. it. Th longest spell of hot weather In 10 years In this vicinity has been broken. A fall of 10 degrees in temperature In 41 hours is th record shown by tho government ob server her since Sunday. Overcoats and heavy wraps ar quit th rag to day. There la no rain and harvest is progreaalnt nicely. t m - , AsB anuram f or Fraaohtee, (Special DlaMteh.ta The JoaraaL) r Eugene. Or., Aug-. IS. At laat night's meeting of th city oouncll an spplica- tlonlPfafranchl for a second tele- phon system wss maasBnrr-tn matter referred to tbs street committee. The comoanr which made the application Is th amr0h Which I building th au tomatlo system In Portland. , . , ' 1 v- -:- Uogatorlng assvaaaha, (Speelsl Dtspsteh ta The JoaraaL) ' ' Euaeno. Or- Aur. II. Reports' from th country ars that th Chin phese nts sr being killed in large numbers by hunters, contrary to law. Th birds are verjr numerous this year. - BATLB0AB ABB 8TXAMB0AT TQTI TABLE wgaigBg-;--gT-;3;zzarrggzrrTga , ' DAYS ON PUGET SOUND The ifeoltsTTsnaan of the Parlae.' ! nraix sormo bbttisk MLUstBta. Pars for S Here roaad trio to TaCOIIA. SB ATTLE. EVKKETT. BKLLINOUAil, ANA CORTES. WASH.; TANCOUVER, BBIIlSll tULI SBIa, sts. LasvlBB Portlsad Aaawst IS and 81 8:80 a. sa., flret-clasa xraasportatssa, sneola aad berUie meinueo, The pslatlal ores n -going stesnshlpe UMA- ILLA. Ol KEN. CITY OF PUEBLA. I - For tickets snd full Information apply Pa- rifle Coaat StesBMblp Co.. 848 Wasblnctoa St., booth' hlfrs. snd Liberal Arts bldg.. Fair greaiBds) Pagst Soasd A Alsaka Cxeorstoa Boreaa. Oooanougb bldg., Bth and Xanxhlll sts.. Portlsnd. Or. . $1.00$1.00 l-Turkis Bath ' and good bad for tb Bight, sil f of H. King's Baths Seventh and Wash ington Slav Flneot sad larg-set baths .la th elty. C. QEE WO The Great Chinese Doctor Fornjerly loeatsd at SK8 Alder St., earner Third, Have; Moved To the Isrge rich hnlldlns IX x of First aad Morrtsua .1., '. EalrBBC V'-.v: . Tint srMt Dr. 0. See We, the Oroat Ohiasoo Seetor, Is well kaowa and fa moss throngbeat the U. g. beesase his wonderful sad axsrvsloaa en ree have seen heralded brosarsst tbroagheat tbs length snd breadth of this country. Hs treets any aad all dlaeaaea with powerful Chinees roots, herbs, bade, berks snd vegetables tbst srs entirely unknown to medical eelence la this coantry, and through the aaa of theee harmleee re aied lea he gusrsnteee to core estsrrb, asthsas, long Iron tiles, rhsamatlsax, servo naneaa, stessaeh, liver, kidney, female troublsa and all private Thla fa moos doctor cores wltboat the aid ef the knife, without Being Poisons or druse. Handreoe of testlnvmlsb ea file st his OXBcaa. Call aad see blcs. Charges awdsisto. , 00BSDXTATI0V TBtZ, Pstlenta out of the elty write for blsnks and etrenlar. 1 ariose 4c stamp. Address Ths 0. Bee We Chinese Med loins Oe,, IMVh sat Su. ssr. Morrises, Pertlaad, Or. Pleaee mentloo thla paper. ' CMVOSUUEOXA, SUIT, aTTTBrXLIB, BTTDsVOOXLB. TAJUOOOBLB, XrOSS 0 BCABTBTOOO, BBTJlTJatATZBIt, BOZZBtA, ABTXBLA and SXXJT SIBBABBB. W want every man . afflicted with th above! diseases to honestly Investigate our special system of treatment,,. We In vlte In particular aU who have treated elaewhere without success, sll whos eaaea have been abandoned by family physicians and -so-called raoZAXr XBTB," all whose troubles have been aggravated and mad worae by the us Of SBX.TS, FSUBS BAltPTJxS, TSULAX TsVBATBfJgBTB and so-called IFlUlf. I0B. Wa will explain to you why such treatment has failed to cur you, and will . demonstrate to your ntlr satis faction that we- can cur you ssfely, quickly and permanently. Our counsel wtll cost nothing, and we will do .by you as we -would wish you to do by us If our esses were reversed.- .Writ for our horn treatment if you cannot call, The DR. LIEBIG STAFF S aad Tj WlacaawWr Soaec Sd Jtd atvawldw Brewta, rvtVUmt Or. . stsvabllaaeA 1S7C eusis ABB OlHT TIP A-tJaBr-V' S I fl AT M Colt Br A.I brtafwtS. raasixxasrn. RAILROAD AB9 I" uUraoFTPxiHC. J Trllos to He Exsl Daily 3 svMM1l SmIIk.- A . i . - -iKMis svwrisa siee hif -cerejl.ltr to Oanos, Chisago, Sookaeei tMtrlat sleeplog-csre daily t. kaosaa City t allf aonductsdt weekly to Chicago. Beellsui ..-.. ,w imvmtm ,riw VO ia. BiBBT SailT. UBIOM DEPOT. Leaves. Arrtvea. CH1CA0O-PORTLAND - , , . ' SPECIAL. - :18 a. as, f :t8B. av ror the Esst via Host- Dally. Dally. Ingtoa. . SPOKANB FLTER.- . - v . For Esstera Wsshlsg- f ton. Walla Walla. Law- 8MB a. a. i Ma. ax, laton. . Conor a'Alene Dolly. Dally, and Great KorUars -, 1 . 0'nt- : - , ' ' ;. ' ATLArfTTO BXPRFS8. 8:18 p. at. Tits. ax. For tho Rsst via ilast- Dslly. Dally. , ' t Inatoa, FOR ASTOBIA ml wea lae mnts, eoonactlng with A heart 1;00 a. ex. atmr fnr Ilwaos ' and forth Beech, atmr. Bss ex. Sunday. Saturday. an, asBt. aork. jw.ev ai. T t b i : : ' 1 n . . . - - twiipr anr iiaioria ana ror vesew as follower- An is a.ia - , ... . ta e-rws m i Aug. IT, 8 00 a. m.) Aug. 18, 8:00 a. i aitg. in. 0:40 a. m. TamhlU Brvsr Boots. Son r i i - , ' , urexreau ' City snd Tsmhlll rlverj T0e.. points, stmrs. Bath sod Dally. Aah-st. dock. ea. Ssnday. (Water permitting.) . I T-Bfl s. as. Dslly. Saaeae. Snake Blvsr Boats. FOB LEWISTON- trie 4:00 a. sa. Aw-ll ' ' and way poluta froai Blnepta w.-k . Dslly ss. Saturday. 8:00 . SV. Daily Booksne snd Lewtston. :. Fi 'rifle. TICKET OFFICE. Third aad Wesalngtoa. Toka. E,K", Mu T1A a v S-W.-,T1N0I:B- C1" Ticket Agoat, . A. U CBAIO. Oeosrel Pasoeagsr Agent. 1 EAST SOUTH Leaves. ONION DBPOT. 0VBHLAND EXPBE8A Tralna, for Salaoa, Haas nurg, Asnisso. Baera men to, Ogrleo, Saa Fras clsco, Stocktoa, Leo la, Jeles, El Psso, New Or rsns snd ths Esst, Morning . train eoa-l nects st Woodburo dslly except Bnadsy with train tor .hit. Angel. Sllvertoa. Brownsville. 1 1 1 1 I- 8:46 p. at 8:80 a. I 8:88 B. ax, field, wsBdllag aaui ussns' MeaensrocT nects st Woodhurn with lOSaav- MX. Angst aad Sllver toa local. Corvallta ns veen gee. Sherldaa passenger. Forest Orovs psssengsr. n-SO a. m. 4:60 n. as. 8:80 p. av : 1. nx. ' 111:60 p, re. iu:ss p DsllT. IIDslly except Bnndsy. " ' . " Pertlaaul-Oewage BsVarban Barvts oat TaauuS Slvisioa. . , . . , Depot foot af Jefferson street. ' Will I rataiiis 'dally 11:50,. 4.00, 8:30. 8:00, 8:83, 1 48, 10.1 p. m. Dslly (except Ssndsy), 8:30. 8:30, 8.88. 10:28 a. av; 4:00, 11:80 p. av . Sunday ealy, 8:00 a. av Returning from Oswego, arrive Portlsnd dslly S:80 a. BM 1:88. 8:06, 4 8. S:S8. 1:83, IH 11:10 p. m. Dslly (except Ssadsr). 8:25. T:l. 8:80, 10:10. 11:48 a. as. Except Uonoay, 13 ii p. m. Sunday only. 10:00 s. ax. Lesvso from same depot for Dallas ssd inter, mediate points, dslly 8:00 p.-ex. Arrive Pert-' lane io:iu a. as. Tho-. IndepeodeBce-Monnvsith Bfotor Lrne operates dslly to Monmouth sod Alrlls, cos- aectlng Wltn Bouroerei rwriH whsu e at Dallae and Indenandence. Flrat-claaa fare from Portlaad to Baeranseate aad Ban Franclaco 820, berths 88; ssooad-elass fare 818, second-class berths 8180. Tickets ta Eaa tern points end Europe! alee Jape a. China, Honolala and Aoetralla. City Ticket Office corner Third aad Wash ing trm streets. Phone Main T1J. C W. 8TIN0BB. W. sVCOhtAll. City Ticket Agenv xeen. x-see. smwsx. TIME CARD TRAINS PortI.and: DAILT. CK10N DEPOT. Dspart. ' l Arrive. Veilnwstone Parh-Kes-I aae Clty-SV Loo Is gpe clal for Cbehslla. Cea tralta. Olrmula. Oraya I S-SOa Harbor, Sooth Brad. Ta- Svl eoma. Seattle, apoaane. LewUton. Butte, Blll tnea. Denver. Omsha, Kaaaas City. SV-Lssiel aad aootbeast. -North Coaat Limited. electric lighted, for Ts- t-OOp-m. r-M a. av mms, Seattle, apaane. Bntte, hllnnsapolla, SL Psul aad ths Eaat. Paget Bound Limited, for Chehslle, Centralis, T a coma and BaatUs 4:80 p.. 10A8p.m. only. Twin City Esnveaa. far Tseoma, Seattle, Bpo-1 sane, neiena, rtatte, Tellowstone Psrk. htln U : 4Jp, m. I J JO p. av espolls. St. Paul aad too nasi. A. D. l-IIABl.TOM. Asslatant Osoeral paaaenger Agent. ,250 Iforrlsna at., eor. Third, r . . Portlaad, Oregoa. Astoria & Columbia ; ( River Railroad Co.. UNION DEPOT. 00 B. BV Dslly. 8:80 p. ax, For Mars srs. Bslnler, 11:10 1 Dslly, Clarahaals. Westport, Clifton, Astoria, War- reatoB. FlavaL Ham- mood. Fort Stevens, Oesrhsrt Park. Beaalde, Astoria aad Bxprses dslly. T-O0 p, BV UDatly. . f JB,BV Astoria ' 'Satarday ealr. IjEicept Batarday. , J, C. MA TO, . 0. P. aad P. An Aalorls. Of. C A. STB W AST, Camaxeretel Agsnt. Aldo street. Phoos Mala SuS, ' , i:ti: Tto get r OfgO MMM B-ausw ore. srawaaw - - - TraslriaB OaKv . 2 FXi3T TthZr TO SPOKANF!. T, PAVL. T JIINNBAPOMN, fHICAl - ALL, POINTS 16A navltrht trip -through t grid Rocky annuhtalna. frrr i Biara, rates, foldera, etc., 11 , St. rTverw-e, re LtS Bhxrd AerooV, h.. 7V lfSOSIOStl I Q lOOP B J i ASTaI es I IxaV ouvxa J1 Arrives. fas a, aw .V 'I-1-