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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 5, 1905)
TIITS OREGON DAILY JOUSHAU-LroSTXAKPy sat. - "- r. 1, l..lUl.....ii UUi.iLU - -saigas, amass - - ..... t4.i---V-' Railroad Chief Decides to See Portland Before V''ting 5po ; ' kane or' Seattle.; . JL. . c ARRIVES BY SPECIAL y- - TOMORROW EVENING f ' "Manarer, O'Brien Is . Notified That , i , Chief Office of System Will Be t , Hre as Well at High Officials of Other Coast Lines. ; ". y. pun for E. H.' Harrlmans tour of .,...., IrolOAd Of -fOlllS fTOItt Tel- nowstons park to Spokane and thence . ' via Seattle to' Portland, ha will coma yvout ef theTark by way of tha Tobacco ? Boot mountain route. taking tha 60-mlle ataee'tide to Monida. a ststlon at tha 1 ' r point where tha Bhort Una crosses tha ' summit of tha Rocky mountains and tha - nearest Short Una point to tha park. 1 . ' General Manager O'Brien received word , i thle morning to meat him at Hunting- - ton, and Immediately started -"apeclal ; with hie private ear and an angina '(..' It la nld Mr, Harrlman haa decided . to see alt ha can of tha Bhort Una and f the O. R. A N. on thla trip, and inspect the- Improvements for which federal . - ' mlllfons of dollars have beenr Spent sinoe bla Jest trip over tha line- a year ago last winter. Ha will o aouth from Monida to Pocatello. then over tha Bhort l-lne to Huntington and com, through , -j Oregon over the O. R. , N.-errlvtng 0 1 here tomorrow evening. He baa ad V 1,' vlaed local offlolala that he will remain ,.,.,la Portland- two-aaye, 1 r J. C 8tubbe, traffic director of the 1 ' Haniman tinea, arrived IK Portland laat ' . evening In hie private car. . P. C. Btohr, aaetsUnt traffic director la aiao here, j Officials of other llnea are scheduled to fV arrive In thla city tonight. Ben Camp ' ben, traffic director of tha Great, North- ' are', Louie W?HiU.tpTe8fdentf;'the Great Northern and Darius Miller, of " the Burlington, are expected to arrive . tomorrow. .Trafflc'Manager Woodworm Tof tha Northern Pacific and other offi ce, dale of that. road.are already In Port - land. It 1 aald there will be a meeting : here that will have some bearing on tha . . general' situation In Paclfle northwest . railroad truffle affaire. r - Jt Is taao expected that at thla time Mr. Harrlman will make aoma definite l announcement of hla decision concern , 1 Ing the proposed extension of the Colum bla' Southern from flhsniko to Bend, V' which haa been under consideration , '' nlnce the general manager of tha Oregon, ' . " lines made a recent investigation of ; '' conditions along the proposed route. ' ;! taft party welcomed i;s BV OFFICIALS AT MANILA .:" " "v (Jeoraal SpaeiU Sarrlea.) r" ':, Manila. Aug. . Becretary of War -l Taftand MUni Alice Roosevelt and party '"'-'t arrived herav on the steamer Manchuria thla morning.. Their arrival waa made -: t tha occasion of a gorgeous water pa I geant. . .The party waa mt by Oovarnor- : General Wrlalit. MaJor-Oeneral Corbln. Rear-Admiral Tralm with the r StarTSAil . api.twl - "tarns' litntt official, reception.. ..commlttoetJeai, i aboard tha battleship Ohla The party , . ' 2. was taken to the governor-ganeral'e ' I residence, where the . official welcome i waa made and the golden key to tha city ' .,' presented to Mr.- Taft"; - t . ;. I , .-' s, Oormec toae'taylaff. J - . tfearaal Special Servtoe.) Rochester. N. Aug. 6. Officers of ' the New York . National Guard-from .Buffalot Geneva, end other points took - - ..'part today In the exercises-attending the- laying of the corner atone for the , new armory bar. Mayor Cutlet offl . elated, assisted by tha offlcera of the , Eighth separate company and the Beo- " ond separate -naval divtaion. 1 i testae? SSjM5taSSAtaS?i tSKSKSKSXQitS) THAT OUGHT TO CONVINCE YOU Mr. Voa Ecken, Jersey City, N. "I was troubled many years V;&hetrer, NeYorkClty,TisAYoi,s . ' I hsve used your Bitters for IndigMtloa end Stomach trouble and fully recommend it. .... . ; ,t ." ' i 9T5TTf?fi'S demonstrate its ability to cure you, r.fPn?Tir.itl - ..'. Mavvusyia I WW : J ' TZl ACI3 AND mU ACE ALSO GREATLY BENEFITED BY TEE CITTEES CJiTCZffiITJB t'lSE OF FEVER SITUATICn Yellow Jack' to Be Combatted by r Uncle SarTreExperte--rVlle eisslppi Boats Seized, - 1 t (Journal Special SarvlM.) ' New Orleans. La Aug. . At'lB JO o'clock offlclal reports show four deaths, but no new oasea, . The total of deatha to date Is S; tha number of cases, 7. Tha eovernment has formally as sumed charge f tha yellow fever situa tion In the south: the expenses will oe borne by the government out. of the general epidemic fund. The action waa taken at the request of offlclal and busj neaa Interests of the south,, President - Roosevelt bas appointed Burgeon-General WymiB of the marine hospital service to take charge xor tne government of the yellow fever situa tion In New Orleans. . , . v The flagship of tne Mississippi toll boats, the Grace and tha Tipsy, stationed at - Utke - Borgne canal, . In Louisiana territory, were aeised . yesterday by Louisiana authorities and their crews brought to the city and Barnard pariah to await the action of the grand Jury- - The Louisiana naval reserve under Lieutenant Ivy- last night aeised the Mississippi patrol boat Typo and the Ship laland canal. . . ' ..' Eleven ' new eases and six oeavna were reported officially at tne orrice of the city board of health at nnoa to day. The deatha were air at the emer gency hospital of persons previously re ported 111 with the fsver. 1 Surgeon vynits .leit tnis raormni ur Fontalneblaa. Mississippi, where he Is completing the detention camp. ' It is expected the camp will -be . ready for occupation tonight. la the ebaence of White, Zr. Oulteras le in cnarga m ins Marine hospital work here. 1 . i ' -...'" ARE SELLImS GLASSES FOR AIL THEY CAM-BET : Walter Reed Optical Concession Company Under Interroga tion by President Goode. " Pnmt&mt Ooode of the ewla and Clark exposition hae taken offlclal cog nisance of the complaints maae sgsinst ha wiim Tteal Ontlcal Concessions eonmanr. but no action has been take ft to suppress the operations of that con cern., in repiy iv in pmuwun tlone, repreaantatlvee of the company declared that they ware merely selling spectacles for all tney couia geu ' Thursday aftsrnoon , air. uooav seni word to the spectacle dealers that ne would be pleased If an interview. could be arranged. Tbey sent word that they would go right ..over,, end without fur ther formality entered the office of the president. Mr. Reed himself was In the party, together witn two oi nis aoiesi lleutananta. Mr. Goode asked what sort of game waa operated under the guise of a spec tacle Concern, and tney said -may were selling spectacles tor all they could possibly get Mr. Goode made no enort to dispute their contentions, - , . - - If people paid more tnsntne spec tacles were wortt& whose fault was It, WWJpfWaf'eTsiTKW dealer asked 450 for a pair of ahoea, and got' It, they aaked, was It the fault of the dealer Eh? Then they looked at each other negatively. They agreed heartily among themselves ana tried te make -the president agree with them, that the person who paid ttV for a pair of shoee wae the guilty part.. sr ., v . ,;. ., 'Ovagosi atattoa tot Chicago. ISoeelal Ptapatcs te The JaarasLI Pendleton, Or., Aug. . Yesterday IS carloada of mutton aheep were .shipped from Meacham by Jamas Wright, the North- Yakima buyer, to the Chicago market. Dr. 8. , M. Lants. government stock Inspector, was present to exsmlne the sheep wheat the shipment wasTnads. 9 J., ssysr ' v: with weik stomach, but your Brtters . These are samples of the hundreds , of grateful letters' received annually. ' Read them carefully and if you are a sufferer from any ' Stomach, Liver or Kidney ailment, Tty., One Bottle at Once and let it HOSTETTEEl-S Stomlich Bitters is the popular family medicine of the 'day and for Over 50, Years has been freely endorsed by physicians every where. It always cures Belchlnfia. Flatu lency. Nausea, ' Heartburn, Bloatinrj, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Malaria or Fe male Complaints. Try It To-dajrVv' - -- BIS FCEST FlE , In Efforts to Dislodge Game Boys Said td Have Fired Log In ; Southern Oregon. .. ' (Seeds! Dlapetck to Tas JesraaL) Oranta Pass. Of..' Aug. a. Foreat flres In the vicinity of . Jump-off-Joe and Louse ereeks, seven miles north of town. are still raging. Thla fire, with the ones burnlns In the south end or the county, have filled the valley with atnoke. The fire north of town haa . burned, about three mllee of fencing on the jc'Unagsn place, ruined timber and endangered con siderable farm property. The Are waa nrat. atarted by two boys, so It Is re sorted.' who were out 'sdulrrel hunting, and not being able to dislodge their game from a hollow tree, set tire to It. On Wednesday - anouier nro was atarted In the same locality and raged an both aldee of the county road J or - number of hours, causing s suspension of travel for some time. Telephone and . telegraph polee ware .burned and wire communication with the north waa cut off until Thursday. The nree la the south end of the county will do con siderable damage to lumber. . - GUEST WORKS A BUNKO GAME UPON HIS HOSTS ' (Special Dispatch te The Jearaal.) V Pendleton. Or.. Aug. I. Alex Freeman, formerly a grooerymen of Boeeman, Montana, while visiting friends In this elty several weeks ago worked a' bunko game on hie own hosts. ... Joseph Owenhouse. a local muaic- dealer, wae an .old-time friend of Free min i, having known htm In Montana, and when Freeman said he had run short of money Owenhouse promptly cashed, a 110 check for him. drawn on tne una oi Booth Freeman, the Montane nan al-leglnr-that wae the name under which hie saloon In- Boseman was run. Later he again ran short of money and k. & Turner, proprietor of a transfer com pany, eaahed a check for tto, this one being drawn on Ollbreths at Freeman. The men who cashed the checks thought nothing more about the matter until yesterday, -when - they" received notice from the . commercial nron.i bank of Boseman stating that - the checks were proteeted. The authorities were notified ana an attempt will be made to apprehend Free man. -- !.-:;''- ' ' " v, , SHUT DOWN THE LID X)N - WALLA WALLA GAMBLING . . t . . (Special Dispatch, te The Jeoraal) Walla Walla, Waeh., Aug. At i conference - of Mayor Hunt. Chief or Police Brown end Councilman Bachtold and Martin held yesterday afternoon Chief Brown was Instructed to close all ambllnsr houses In Walla Walla, purify the redllght district and notify saloon keepers that the ordinance prohibiting minors In saloons wouia ne enrorcea hereafter. Chief Brown Immediately de tailed aa officer to make the rounds or gambling houses and " order them . to close.. .-. ''.v -" - " AS -a. result Of the order nearly. J00 gamblere and boosters are haunting the streets today, wondering whether or not the ltd Is to remain down. . ' Mayor Hunt declares thet. gambling must stop; and aa tha police committee la standlne- 1n with the executive It le fraurnity ae'lt the'ialiny daye ere'over In WaOa Walla. a least for a tlmel f COLLINS FIGHTS HARD;' V ' TO PREVENT EXTRADITION (Special -OlssatcS to The learaatl Victoria, -B. C, Aug. t. George D Collins, the Ben Francisco' bigamist, continued his fight against extradition for perjury today, asking for a die miaaal of the case, contending that the alleged defense must be shown an of fense under the lawa of California and those of Canada, holding that perjury waa not a crime under the lewe of Cali fornia, and therefore not extraditable. v has entirely cured me. I give ' found It very beneficial. ' I cheer . ' too. R.GE8 IH:3 Fa$: -(Continued -freev-J sitting te pssa upon a quaetloa of snor ela, The court te not considering the oiiuiim of - whether poolaelllng la awt haji ar whether It should be -at ihwmi in eonnectloa with a racetrack. The only queetloa whloi the court has authority to coualder la tne ioishod uri violation of the.terma of the lease."' ' : ' " ' r ' ' rmin Inte tha eouUy-Question - ex heuatlvely. Judge rraaee quoted a largo number of authorities to ahow that-auch naniw Interfere when It la shown , that a covenant hae been vio lated. He espresaed the further opin- aw . i -- nr., Meuurvifor the plaintiff to ahow that he euffesod dam- age by eucn yioisuon. -"""' - thnrltlas and text writers OJ n to mske eny distlnctloa la this oonneo. a 1 1 mm . ' Hon neiween (oi . . Another contention or tne o"n" association." continued tae eourv that If the terms of the lease have been violated the plaintiff ahould have no re lief by Injunction, but ehould Inatl ... hve the leaae set aside Snd. take poaeeeelon Of. the premises.' I do not see the force f that argument and the authorltlee certainly do, not aupport It--- -i Baeetxaaks Tsed foe One Taia. - A racetrack le used ;for only one thing, and they are not numerous in nw ana nart or tne counvrr. '" plaintiff ahould have the lease set sside all that he would gain would be te have his property lie Idle ana loae a targe rnouiii af money. Ia ,! Ohio, 81. is given a case where the terme of a tease were violated cy tne sais w wr v the premises In an unlawful manner. and It was held that a court of equity should Interfere in that attair. see m distinction between this ease and others, on the one hend, and the eaee at bar. ' : ';.- ' - The court etated that tne racta ox tne complaint had not bee, denied by tne defendant association through Its coun sel, and that no amaavita naa oen Bled. - The matter, - therefore, -rested solely on the demurrer to the cause of action. He accordingly expreeseo tne opinion that the facta or the eompiaim must be taken by the court aa true. , The nlalntlff allagee that gamming In the form of poolaelllng Is being car ried on at the Irvlngtoo traca, saia the caurtr"The supreme court has de elded that the sale of pools Is gambling within the meaning of section lllO of the codes, , , " Mev It- Bssasmblae ateaae Oaae. ''Hit: Is contended that the decision nt tha aunrame court --In the case of Neaae doee not -apply here because la that case tha selling ef pools took place In the heart of the city on a public thnroua-hfare. with no raoea la the Im mediate-vicinity; that the case at baH la different la two respecta, namely: First, the poolselllng le a mere Inci dent to the actual raoea, and, secondly, the gambling la conducted not la- the heart of the .city, but at a distance and In aa lncloeure where people must-go If tbey desire to witness the perform ance of the horses, and accordingly doee not tend to anything which. eon etlrutee a nuisance. - -. i--. "Aa I understand It, no euch diaUnc tion seems to have been made by the supreme court In the case of the state against Neaee. Thla decision holds that undsr the old common law the conduct of a publlo gaming house constituted a public nuisance, and this wss held te be' true before gambling was ever made a crime under the law. There le noth ing In the decision to Justify the ceart In maklns- a distinction between such e I house conducted In the heert of thsylty hnllVllWragoteTon a'wett.traveled thoroughfore and one , located in tne woods mUeetway- If the tatter wss a place of publlo resort The eupretne court of the state of New fork has practically held that the conducting ef a dlaorderly - or a gambling house, ne matter where located, tende to dlaturb the publlo peace becsuse of practices which causa Injury to families and dla turb the foundations of public -etrtue. OamDllng aaooatagea Tloloaeaese. -"Qamblhig. wherever ft Is permitted, seems to be looked on generally ss tend ing to encourage Idleness and dissolute hablte and to be Injurious, to the welfere of others than those who- sotually take part In ' gambling or loiter around the places where It Is carried on." - JuUge Frsser added that It might be contended that a preliminary Injunc tion ahould not Issue until: final deter mination of the queatlon, 'so long es the statue quo waa not disturbed. He admitted the force of this, but held that the status quo ahould properly be considered aa . exletlng only when the terme of the lease were being fulfilled. It could - not be considered ae being maintained where a breach of the law waa-permitted, and that, he explained, wae the reason why he had made men tion of the moral aspects of the case. Judge Pipes, seeing from the - lan- guars of the court that a preliminary Injunction was to Issue, rose at thle Juncture end made aa earnest plea that the court first consider sn anawer which he reproduced and ' handed to - Clerk Walla, - ' He anid that 1n the answer were con sidered the questions of fact;- that as the court baaed hie opinion solely ' on the question of the violation of the pro visions of the lease, they had est urn the defenae in tha anawer that the plaintiff had , waived - her rlghta under the lease by allowing poolselllng at the track for two years and making an other ' agreement with the association which contemplated' the ' selling .'of pools. -- . -a v.. v ripee Speaks for Sis Answer. Attorney Montague, who with' Judge McGinn appeared for Mrs. . Ryan, ob jected to the court considering the an swer except on the question- of making the Injunction permanent ' saying the defense had had plenty of time in which to make eucb a shewing. Judge Pipes endeavored to convince the . court that such a form of procedure had not been adopted becauae It waa expected by him and -Attorney Bolae that the complaint would not be held good. He mentioned the Irreparable damage to the defend ants which would ensue by granting a preliminary injunction, wbereaa no dam age could result to the plaintiff from a slight delay. Both ha and- Attorney Boise eald they would be ready to argue on the answer this afternoon. . - In Its - various phaaea -thla - queatlon wee threshed out for half an hour, a remark of Judge Plpee finally bringing Judge McGinn to hie feet with the ststement: : ... . s "No. pools will ever again be sold on the track ever." ' . 1 ' Then your repentance cornea too late," declared Judge Pipes. "We want to show the court that your clients winked et this practice and that thle le e gamblers' quarrel; that you have no right to the relief asked. You are good nowylt is true, but remember that " 'When the devil was sick, the devil s monk would be;.-. When the devil waa well, the devil s monk wae he! " t . '- " Judge Fraser adhered to hie ruling that a preliminary injunction should Issue, and that the defense had ne right to two showings on' the one propo sition. "He stated that the plaintiff would be required te give a bond In the amount of 110,000 te guarantee Indent- r ' T V ' ' ' , " ' ' ' ., . . v.. v-: -' -v.. '..-!. - ; " ' ..'..'. ' , . .-'-,- i 1 ',' Thft Journal Honolulu contest hat Just itarttd.. Join now. You try be the ft-? vored one. Perhaps your friends are stronger than you imajine. Perhaps yo have more of them than you ever dreamed. There. Is, no such thln as a corner on oror- tunities. You are on an equal footing; with alt . Some of the most sensational -spurts for the honor of heading a list have beer), made by-those who started early in a contest. YOU MAY head the list...-:-: l"-'t: v-V-; v So weU has the plan of the, contest been artang;ed that It U impossible' for wealth to influence votes.' .-V. ' ; v-- k,?-r ' v'" ''-j : ''- '-rli.?-; All information on-the contest can be obtained by matt or by, a personal call on The Journal's Contest Manager. The contestants ara divided into districts so that ladies In their home towns compete against their neighbors. Why not be one of the eight young ladies who will enjoy the hospitality of The Journal's Honolulu Tour? : wrma Anv vouna- lady may be nominated at any time oa blanks provided by the Journal, with the endorsssaent of two well known eltlscns of the district la which she resides. - SttKSOSTsWrhree Judges agreeable to the dif ferent candldatea ehell be selected to officially annouhce the winner la aech dletrtct, one young lady to bo chosen from each district, - - -. !! Is In ether eleettona. each district ahairvote separately. " The vote Jn one -cannot affect the other. Mettere properly eonoernlne "the district will be settled by the wishes of the majority. The winner ah all have tha right to , name a proxy If unable to attend hereelf. rOUBTK Voting will oommeaee Thuredet, August a. IMS, and close Saturday. Deoember 10, at t o'clock p. ra, 101. Coupons must be voted wtthla seven days after lasu.--Coupons eul from -The Dally' Journal must bo neatly trimmed. , All coupons, whether alngle or special, roust bear the name of the candidate to be voted for,; . , ; ';'te?5s ere Glvta. ts fCvaii ': riTTat Single ooupons. out 'from the daily paper, are good for one vote. Subscription to the , venlng snd . Sunday .Morning Journal., three months, li t, a special coupon' of IS votes (paid ' in advance). Subscription to Xvenlng end Sun-, day Morning Journal ela months, ll.le, a special coupon of Si votes (paid la advance). Subscrip tion to The Evening and Sunday Morning Journal, 11 months, 17.10. a special coupon of TO votes, -.'(paid lo sdvsaoe). .. - '.. f" t - Subeeription to The fcvenlag and Sander aforn Ing Journal, three months by mall, $1.0. ape del coupon of 110 votes (paid In advance).. Sub-. ; ,t v- ' . ;.' ' a- .-. - . ; -.;: ; ' Wp, Coupons-Free HamllanTrfp "?ljf ".This coupon "most betvetedoa or" bsfors; August it,' jl.i,';;'f ititv to the association la case of A de cision In favor of the defeadante when the queetlon is considered on ite men is anally This bond wss. filed. y cptain Spencer a few mlnutee after the proced- e In court waa concluded. -. '- ' Attorney. Boise eeld that . A ' motion would be filed thlO afternoon to dissolve (he preliminary Injunction. If thle pro cedure Is followed the matter will prob ably come up for argument Monday. "We have, decided to suspend rscing far a week." said A. R. Diamond, presi dent of the Multnomah Fair sasoclatlon; this sftersoos. At ths end of that time the ease -will have finally been adjudi cated by the courte. we are connosni that the ultlmste outcome win ne in our favor. Judge Fraser decided the esse on the equity proposition of the lease only; sad ws can clearly show that by permitting poolaelllng for two yeare and msklng snother egreement allowing poolaelllng Mrs. ysn wsu mr ' entirely.",'. '..?..- ' -.-- ' WOULD BAR AMERICANS J .;, FROM GERMAN SCHOOLS ; (loarsal Bpeclal Service.) ' . ' Ttariin. am. Ths chamber ' of commerce at Chemnlts Is protesting to tha government against- tne aomiiun of American atudente to .tecnnicai schools where tney are taugm industries, declaring that they are hurt Ing German trade by r-returning - to America and using the knowledge gained here to compete with Oermen manu facturers, .-i, .. ri ; , 1 ' --;? '.,;' COLONEL EDWARDS MAY f ' SUCCEED LIJKE WRIGHT .' ' v. IT- " " " ' ' v ; ' .' ' (Jeerssl SpeeUl Bervlea.) " " - -xfaahlnaton. Aus. B. A leading com mercial paper or Manila le authority, for the etatement that Colonel Clarence Ed wards, chief of the bureau, of Ineular affairs,, stands s good chsnco of euc ceedlng Luke Wright ss governor-gen- eral.of hs Phlllpplnee. - colonel-lea-wards wlU soon be promoted to be sen eral. - . j. -. ' ' ' LOCATE MINERAL CLAIMS - ON UINTAH RESERVATION ' , : j..j-ii,f, (Special Mapateb ts the J-raai. Halt Lake.- Aug. I. Over ll,00 reg istrations in ths Ulntsh reeervetlon are recorded. ' Prospectors ere making g rush to poet location notices covering mineral bodlee which they have already located. Thla new compiicenon prom' laea Interesting developments before the rush ends.- f- f m 1 ' 1 1 ' 1 ';.' ' s-mrsloa Bates to frsrpot. - "Tha aouthsrn Pacific oompany has ptaced on sale et all - Tortlsnd of floes round trip tickets to Newport et rate ef 10. limited to October 10.- ItOs. and for 111 Saturday to Monoay . ticket. Ample hotel eceommodatlone at reason able rates are provides st this popular resort. . -...'' - - BsigasUass . iinial aeaalal SsriSae.V t Constenfinople, Aug. I. -Twenty peas ants hsve been murdered by, Bulgarians at Polran, Macedonia . . ; t . .-...- '. ' '':. '"' . TttY. AND SEE GO IN AND VIN- oVer Is years Of age serration to The Journal by snail six - months. IMS, a special coupon of IS votes (paid in advance). - Subeerip tion to The Bvenlng and Sunday Morning Journal ' by aaatt II anontha,, a apeclal coupon of . 100 rotee (paid rn advaace). Semi-Weekly Journal.. $l.e a year, special coupon of 100 votes .(paid la ' eadvaaee). r BfSTB VOUnnr snvuio oe voiea ai me d quarters nearest you or mailed , to the coupon de-" partmant of The Journal, or at eny point named . below. Votee will be counted Tuesdeye, Thurs - days snd Ssturdsys sad tha totala ennonnced fn 'that day's paper.. . . -r;t ": J ny candidate withdrawing from ' the dontest ' oahnot have her; votee counted for another. ' ' Tit lstrlO Multnomah ' snd Clackamaa eountlec Voting' Place, Coupon Department of The. Journal . Office.--.. . -- .-'t t 1 . , ... .- . See end IJIartrlotJ-Uaton. VmatUla and Wallowa count lea - rv ( .':,-.''- -s-:,: , rhird District Wasco, Sherman.. Gilliam. Mor-' tow. Wheeler end Crook counties. ' - , ' remrUt SIsrasWBakar, ' Orant. - Harney and " 'Malbeut counties., . T-w. - V ' t ... (. ' Tina lMarteV Columbia and Clatsop eounties. . Oregon; stllcklt st. Cowllta, Clarke, Pacific Wah kiakum end Skamania counties, Washington, - - -. gdartk pis at hut Marlon, linn and Lan eountlsa, , . Seventh ritetrtea Wsshlngton. TUlamook. Tama1 bill. Benton, Polk and X4nepln counties. 7 . , , . Blffssb alstiki M Douglss, Coos. Curry. Joseph- -Ine Jsskson, Klamath and take oountlea. . . - 4 .- '' . Hooehiht HawaBas Isluas i The Natural Life ;. , : ' : ., . ' " . '...- .- .t il -f ,-t.A S..U .: -.' Yctt Cam not do 'it. if you axe a. slave, to' te daily-; ; jphl. i Cast off that flow pwikm f Cure y our wcalcaicd, -'itive organs. ' tTEexe'. one remedy,that is ; v . Not i Habit ; ' v.- - t ' --, --..-, -, . l: r t , .. r. .. . . Tit,-'" JX is the prcscriptio-i of 4v once famcma physiaantested ind proved by years of success. Try t tht VIvet TorKr In watch-shtpe bottles, : TIE CHASE MF,0. Ca '- fit vet pocket.. ; i ; v r MKMfHrP, m v -Your AruS&L or ;. : " Newbttrfh, f Y. 25 FOR DALE D Y.WOOD ARD, CLARKE A CO. CHINESE GOVERNMENT ? BUYlMG ALL RAILROADS -.-' K"T. s' . (learsst Speelal terries.) " "' r ' Indon,; Aug. I-Advlees "from Pe king state that ths Chinees government Is proceeding to carry out the purchase of all railways In the empire, whether built by foreign oe native capltat. : The British tine has Already been bought for I70MOOV ... , :' ' MM W-MM-M-. V ' Aspralsor for Bfattssie. . .' T g .' (Jets-eat Special a-rrlea.f ; New Jerk, Aug. DouSIaa Iloblnson of New Tork, a brother-in-law of Presi dent Roosevelt, hae been appointed spe cial apprtsser ts mske a thorough ex amination of the real estate owned, bf the Beultebls Ufa ;; It Sventng sad Sunday Morning , - .4 -j, , Any ; Information. - re-, gardlng eondltlona of the ' ""llonolulu1 tour ahould be ' addressed to -the 'man-,. " ager of the Contest Do r partment ef The Journal, ) C"t"". itJ'f - First - publication of iWftsJtts 1 wliriMpeaf- t' Tuesdsy evening', August' fa "aac f. ? t T-fw"V - .' ' 1V V : '-i But a Cure 1.. ' Cts. r-r-- RENEGADE FILIPINOS r : TORTURE LOYAL NATIVES ' . (Jearaat Sesdal tasvlea.) . 'Washington, Aug. .. Reports iof strooltiee practiced upon loyal Filipinos ' by ranegadee In Samar continue to reach iK. danartmant. 1 Tha tortures Jn fljcted upon men end women ars terrible,' many or inera neing muroerea. Volseaa la Food-i; -pain poisons originate In year food, but some day you msy. fsel a twlngs ef drspebala that will convince you. Tr. King's New 1,1 fe Pill ere guaranteed to cure ell sickness due to polsons-ot undigested food er money back: 2t at skidmoro Drug to., Itl Jhlli sueet. Try them. aea. , , 1