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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 5, 1905)
.v;: . r 11- i, i,aiu.uai lyuuu. , i"w nr nn- rnn Vltlt!f2 Membert of Pacific Ju. ' risdiction Hold Queer Con teste at the Oakt. ' t EVENTS FOR WOMEN 7 ?::f ESPECIALLY NUMEROUS . Tomorrow the Visitors Will End Their Holiday With ogB' Excursion Up tha Columbia on Gltnora and . - - Barge, vr ". ; ' V : -..r ';..- Out at the Oaks' today; Woodmen of the World of th Faolflo Jurisdiction are ; celebrating their visit to Portland In connection ; with , the Lewi and Clark v exposition. The river resort ha baep lurnea over to tn cnoppera. wno ar devoting thenaelvea to the ' enjoyment! of the place. - ".' "--'' ' v. Aprogram ha been arranged that ln : dude various novel and Interesting fea r turea. There will be circle - guards pf Salem and Portland, for , which a prise of ISO has been offered. j The reel of the program follows: ; Natldrivlng- contests women only" j-'irat prue, Ilk , umbrella, .donated .br m Meier A Prank; second prise, one .pair lady's slippers, donated by Beutgen p Fearey. Foot race, women only First , prise, . goioaiumlnum clock, donated by Abend roth Bros.; : second prise-, one - silk t umbrella, donated by - McAllen - at - Mo- , Donnell. . . , . ..,-. , . '.' .', . Foot race, men members W. O." W. ; W. a. W. watch fob. - ,- Egg race, boys under It years First i. prise, .boy's sweater,, donated by . Famous X, Clothing company; second prise, two out-, ping shirts, donated by; A. B.. Stelnbach it Co. . - ; . ; - Foot race Ptrai nrlae. 11 Multnomah hat, donated by : Samuel Rosenblatt V -i-la: second prise, boy s sweater, donated . by Be Selling. ' Pillow fight One tf hat ', to winner, , donated by Hewett, Bradley 4c Co.. , i At the exposition yesterday afternoon and last night competitive drills were given by visiting and local teams. Port t' land camp No. 107 won first prise with . points.- Oregon City camp was see j end with 14 points. Prosperity camp ' ,, third with It paints, Newberg camp . fourth with 74 points, and Prospect , camp fifth with- points. Captain X B.-Qowen. Captain. Ingram and fuieuten- t. knt Brown of the Tenth United States Infantry were Judges of the competing ' ' teams. ,.' ! - . . ; ) ... .' There were hundreds of people at the exposition grounds .to witness the drills . and the teams were frequently sp- ; plauded. . Tomorrow the visiting Wood ; tnen will take a trip up the Colombia. ' The steamer Olenora and barge Klickitat ', bav been chartered and will leave the Alder. Street dock at a-"SB, ; DIERKE'S B'AND WILL 35 - 1 - pi jY FOR VISITORS rJ5Uy..J01aj:Ua.JheldnTaf Kinaai haw. I ng refuaad to speak at- the, exposition tomorrow on. account of the onenlna of the Trail there will be no special, event aside from, the. concerta by Pierke'a 'band..' j Monday will be 'a apeclal day at the '- exposition' IB. lion af Koptenay, British Columbia: Santa Rosa, - Petal uma. HeaMsbtrg. Vklah and San Rafael, 'Cat 7 ifornia.. The order , of -s vents "will be ""aa rollow.-vV i .t.n .,m.i -n.--xui',- a. m. oatea open. ' A M , a. m. Buildings, - government. ex ' blbit and Trail open.. . ..i" ' a. m. to H , nu Concert , ' by Ds " Caprlo'a. Administration band. Transpor tation building bandatand. ' 10 to 11 a m. Concert. Fourth United ,V States Cavalry- band,, government -tar- ., race. ' - i T -. ..... ;. ... ' 1:10' p., m.Orand concert. Dterka's - ' band, bandstand, Oray boulevard... -' ; . ' S:tO rto 6: 10 p. m. -Concert,. Do Cap- "rlo's Administration'' band. Transporta tion building bandatand.- . to 1:10 p. m. Organ recital. Pra feesor -F, W. Goodrich, Forestry, build ing. ' - : : . 1:10 p. m. United States Life Saving Service exhibition on lake. I p. tn. Bpeedy's high dive, on Trait. , 1:10 to 4:10 p. m. Concert, Fourth United Statue Cavalry band, government terrace. : , . -1 1:10 p. mj Government exhibit otoses. p. m. Exhibit buildings close. - , :! p. m, Operatic concert, Klralfy's "Carnival of Venice" company, on rustic 'steps.. .. .. ,..,( . f , . p. m.-Grand concert. Dlerke'a band, bandstand. Oray boulevard. -I p.' m. Grand electrical - Illumination.- - ' ' - t p. m. Bpeedy's high dive,' on Trail. '. 11 p. m. Gates cloae. , . , CHIMES OF TRINITY WILL S ; r : ? PEAL AGAIN TONIGHT -v.' . w ;, 4 1 The chTmea f -Trinity church. Nine . teenth and . Everett' atreeta, will this evening peal again the old hymna and '. popular tunes which were heard last Wednesday evening by a large number .. of persona. - The chimes have been ' looked forward to by the people bf Port land for many months, and the first , concert given proved highly entertain Ing. The concert wlll begin . at 7:10 ' ' o'clock. ;':V-:;.' -. Pi ef ess ua aneyens m raU, '-.. -; ' Professor and Mrs. J. L. Stevens nd daughter pf Lincoln. Nebraska, ar rived at the exposition today, and will remain several daya. Professor Stevens is one of Nebraska's most prominent educator!. ' .. : ELECTRICITY TRANSPORTATION The threa most lastnurUva and attraeUve dsyaHaasate ef BXXXBZTatth LEVIS AND CLARIt FAR : Ate all grape aa ane'flne aaI14Un( at the a AST am af the gTeaada. ? aWl3vAlE THORB WlTMTTHB OOODQH ' VlLLAr.iETTE iRON L.eL SETEIIllLGELICElfOlliFlllEOD C. : Owens of San Frarfciscb and M its Nan Campbsll of Ohio Aided In What Was Considered a Hopeless Search r; ' by the Kind-He Sheriff Word left, hia residence at . o'clock last evening with? the avowed determination df not. going home again until he had removed impedimenta In the pathway, of. a young couple who desired to get married.' He adhered to hia avowal, but he did not get home un til midnight, and then only after leading the atrenuoua life tor six hours,- - C A. Owens, manager of the. Paciflo Coast Byrup company of San Francisco, arrived yesterday afternoon, and by ar rangement by wire-met Miss Nan Camp bell, the daughter . of ' a - capitalist of Cadis, Ohio; they Intended getting mar ried before proceeding to San Francisco. They had been .lovers for years and the ceremony last night marked the stirring culmination of a very pretty romance. After meeting. jus fiancee at. the Ore gon hotel Mr. Owens weat to the office of County Clerk Fields to procure a marriage license and was, keenly disap pointed to find It closed. He returned to the hotel and Informed his bride-to-be of the unlucky circumstances, and ' they counseled as to what should- be done. Finally a solution of the problem oc curred to", the prospective groom. i nava it- ne exclaimed, slapping bis knee. "Before I left San Francisco a friend' informed me that if I struck any obstacles to -go to Tom Word for assistance.- There's our man; we'll get him to aid us.". . ; ' ' . Sheriff word was Informed by tele phone of the predlrament in which the couple was placed, and Immediately tried to find County Clerk Fields or one of his deputies, but- was unsuccessful. "I will not be back home until these people Are married.", he exclaimed as ha grabbed hia hat and bade Mrs. Word good-bye. --fl won't be back if U takes until daylight"-. i j . . The sheriff - walked to'- the house of H. C. Smith, chief deputy In the circuit department of the county clerk's office. 17ARRAUTIS ISSUED GOVERHOR OF STATE OF OREGON George E. Chamberlain Charged ' U Tax, Contrary to Statutes in Such Cases Made and , ' 1 Provided; arid There Are Others.' A warrant waa Issued from the police court yesterday afternoon for the arrest of Governor George El" Chamberlain, who la charged "by Deputy City License Collector McEachern with failing to pay bis occupation tax for the period begin A la rare number of complaints were filed against lawyers the list including Police Judge Cameron, -Before a war rant waa Issued agilnet him, however, Judae Cameron paid his tax, aaaessed himself 11. SO coats, paid, the fine, and again dMoeme- a proper- person to mount the bench and take Judicial cognisance of the offenses of .others. - ' By: many , the rlssuance of the com plaints Is looked. on aa a. huge Joke, but It is no laughing matter to the attorneys for whom they have, been Issued, as 12.5 coats Is tacked on in every oaee. Governor Chamberlain will be arrested a a- soon as he comes to Portland, and haled before the polio tribunal. . The Hat dT .those for whom warrants were issued : yeeteraay is as rouowei Governor Chamberlain,' R. R. Glltner, i. Booths, 0. JMalarkey, Dolph, Mal- MILLIONAIRE INDICTED ' BY JURY IN MILWAUKEE r s (journal gpecUl Serriee l Milwaukee. Wis.. Aug. . The grand, Jury Investigating - corruption in Mil waukee county nas returned maici menta aaalnst Charles F. Pflsterji cap italist and one of the wealth lest .men of the fit y, charging mm wttn ateanng 114.000: John F. Blttmar, x-supervlaor. bribery; George F. Relchert, supervisor, bribery; Barney E. Eaton, state senator, bribery; .Frank F Schulta, formerly newspaper reporter", perjury. - ? The Indictment against rrisier swiea that ha wna bailee for 11 MOO which was deposited with him In l0l for the Wisconsin Rendering company for the purpose of obtaining for the company a valuable contrast from the city for 'dis posing of garbage. . The money was not returned ad Pftster converted It to his own use. Pflster la engaged in many- or the biggest enterprises In Milwaukee. He owns a cannery,, hotel and a newspaper. So far 111 indictments have been returned by the grand Jury. , RUSSIA' TO GRANT TERMS ? DEMANDED BY JAPAN (Jonraal BpeeUl aerrlee.1 - ''. ' Boston, Aug. I. A .special to the Globe from Olonceater says that Rus sia will grant Jhe Japanese ; demands, pay an ' Indemnity and cede Saghaltn. The' contest in the negotiations will be over Manchuria', but Russia will more than recover lt losses In the next war Willi .HHI OTVI4 the Indemnity wilt only be - lent, and some . day ba collected with interest from ."the presumptuous .little ; brown men . m f - & STEEL WORKS arted Officer. V ' He "found Mr. Smith t the residence of neighbor and waa accompanied to the courthouse by him. , There a - new difficulty ' presented itself. Clerk Smith did not have a key to the" office In which the marriage records are kept, and no Janitor could ba found. . '-' ' "I'll fix that, Smith." declared the sherlf t ' "Tou do the work after wa get In." , ,' . ; , v - . . So saying, the aheriff propelled him self against the door -like a catapult It -trembled: again and then again he hurled himself . agatnot . tba door. On the third attempt the lock broke, and Sheriff Word and Clerk Smith fell in. The marriage license waa secured,- and the lock was temporarily repaired, after which they went t6 the Oregon hotel and became acquainted with the fiancee of Mr. Owena. .- ' '' ;' ' It was decided that StierlS Word ahould give . the bride away. 1 Hacks were called and Into' them went Miaa Campbell, Mr. Owens, Sheriff Word, Clerk smith and ,Mr. and Mrs. Peevey, friends whom the groom mefby ehanoa while waiting to secure, the marriage license;' f t -: ,..-,, ' ' - "I want to be married by a Methodlat minister," aald Miss Campbell, ;. ' The ' groom said he didn't care who performed the . ceremony, so the- party drove to several Methodist . ministers' houses, but found none at home. Itwaa Anally decided that the Rev. Edgar P. Hill should perform the ceremony, and the bride pouting) acquiesced. On the steps of Dr. Hill's residence, S4 Alder atreet, the . aheriff had the party atop and everybody bid Miss Campbell good bye." . ' . , v . "When .she . comes but," - he said, "she'll be Mrs. Owens. ' It was even Jo. The ceremony was performed; the sheriff kissed the bride, whom he gave in marriage. A wedding aupper waa tnen. served at the hotel. FORTIfE ARRESTOF With Failing to Pay Occupation lory, Simon 4k Gearln, Bernstein aV Co hen, Caroy, at Maya, 'J. H. Woodard,.A. 3: Vantlne. CUude Strahan. V. JK. Strode. Sanderson ' Reed, 8 . P. RlggenH.lL Sargent. Mark O'Neill, Richard Nixon. H. B. Nichols. A. T Kee, W, W. Cotton, W. R. McGarr. A. A. King Wilson, . A, Walter Wolf, Hefiry k. McGinn, u. r. m. jameaon, h., w ran. -v. v . A Attorney. Fltgel. paid hls.'llx and, the costs thia morning and expressed :ndlg nation, claiming that, he had not been notified by -the license' collector that he waa delinquent.' He waa Informed that his fate waa the fata of msny.- .. Attorney McGinn failed to find the clerk in his office, and aald he would return. Finding ao many were on the list with him. Mr. McGinn laughed and said he could Uke hia medicine aa grace fully aa any of the others.- "This was a horse on me," declared Judge Cameron.. ,'1 bad to pay, because It is doubtful If I could Issue a 'warrant for. myself, and without liquidating could not gracefully sit In the , other cases. i ' : J - MR. JOHNSTON WILL TAKE ; : BRIDE TO PUGET SOUND Mr. and Mrs. William-Johnston are visiting the fair and' viewing the rose gardens. They are en route to Tacoma, where Mr. Johnaton will take the chair of English language- and literature In the Unlvers'ty of Puget Sound. - He fin ished a two years' post-graduate In mod ern languages at Harvard this, year, then went to Watervllle, Kanaas, where he made Mrs, Johnston all hia own, then they started west '; - i y - , Mr. Johnston Is the author of a num. bar of short- stories and poema. His verses. "A Mlddlln' Sort o' Man," have won him very hearty praise from sev eral bf the best known wrltsrs. He graduated from Baker university -with the class of 1101. and after a year at Harvard was Instructor of American literature at his aimer mater for a year. Mr a. Johnston la a graduate of Baker. also, having been a member of the class of 1105. . Mr. Johnston is a native- of Erie, Kansas. .- -.- SOLON THAYER'S HOME - DESTROYED QY FIRE - The 11.000 reeldence- of Solon Thayer at East Fifty-second and Alder streets waa totally destroyed by - fir " which started st i:10 o clock yesterday rh defeetlv -flue. The house was destroyed so quickly that but little furniture and few of the personal effects of the family were saved. l ne nous was t near Prettyman's station In Mount Tabor, and there waa no fir company available. nor waa there water for volunteer work. - No Insurance . was carried, and the lose waa a hard bmw to Mr. Thayer, a contractor, wnoa savings- were repre sented by bis noma place. .. , WILLOW TABLE BUDS AND BRINGS FORTH LEAVES (special XMasatea te Tke Jearml.l ' Roseburg, Or., Aug. . F. F. Patter son of this elty has a unique tabl mad of willow. In 'hia possession. The tabl stands' on the porch, out of the damp, and Is near no earth at all. - Out of two atlcks In the table are growing two healthy aprouta of willow ,wlth from eight to a dosen leaves on each.1- The wood from which the young shoots are growing la thickly covered with varnish. v - Wools Mills to Pendleton. Or, Aug. . J. The'. Pendle ton woolen' mills, after a eeveral-weeka' shutdown, will resume operations on Monday morning. Assistant Manager Welsh has been, busy .the past week or two tn getting affairs of the "plant In readiness. The company ha several large contracts to fill snd It Is expected, that there will be enough' work on hand to keep the plant going ; for . several months. ' . . FOR Judge Frazer Upholds Constltu tionalfty of Law Prohibiting Reselling of Tickets ' MURRAY LOSES ti HABEAS CORPUS PROCEEDINGS Court State . Maaaura Was f roper Exercise of Police Poiftr and That Business .Was -Based on Forgery, Fraud'and Deceit. : iv ; Presiding Judge Freser, of the circuit court upheld the eonatltutlonallty of the state law prohibiting the scalping of railroad tickets passed at the recent session of the state legislature. This practically Bounds the death knell to ticket scalping In this state. . The ease In court waa that of Charle 3, Murray against Sheriff Word brought for a writ of habeas corpus to release Murray, who had . been arrested for scalping. -..' ;'' - ,. . ..'.' '?-., Murray filed a demurrer to the allega tions of the sheriff, attacking the con stitutionality of the )aw. The argument on the demurrer came-up a week ago. and Judge Fraser overruled It this morning- and remanded Murray, to . Uie ouatody. of the sheriff, to await trial. Judge Fraser In bis decision held that the law was a proper exercise ' of the police power bf ' the state and that It aimed at -a business baaed on forgery, fraud and deceit; ' ' '. ' ' ' "' The law provides that nobody shall engage . In selling tickets, other , than those who are given a certificate by a company to sell tickets of that com pany. The scalpers contended that once they secured a certificate from . one compeny they could sell tickets Issued by all companies. ' ' - - ' Judge Fraser nunctured this conten tion by stating that the law would not be oompllfd with by a man who held a certificate from one road and dealt In tickets : from -. another. . He contended that a ticket was not property, but merely the erldeno bf the right of the holder to rid a certain diatance on a certain road; that 'the ticket was the property of the company Issuing it. and that in time It Would be returned to the company. - - -,. - - - " Attorneys O Day, , Dltchburn and Watta represented the scalpers In the action and A. C. Bpenoer and Dan J. Malarkey appeared in behalf of the-, rail roads. ... , ... : v- - -i. ... ,, SUPPOSED SUICIDE WAS VICTIM OF FOUL PLAY t: I ' (Special DUptea Jo The JoaraaL) , v Baker City. Or.. AU. . The autopsy on the body of the Chinese cook sup posed to have committed . suicide - at Greenhorn Thrusday night shows evi denoes of foul play. ' Drs. Dodson snd Curry, who . sxamlned the eorpae, dis covered a bullet hole In the back of th skull and. a rifle bullet in the -brain. There were no powder burnt near the i Tke dot murder. t " "s-'..-' The Chinaman was . evidently, shot rrora behind while aiseep, Thece has been an animosity toward all Chinamen among Greenhorn mlnera for - some time. All Chinamen wore driven out of camp a few months ago. The deceased was, the first fa ...return to tn aistrict. . - - Chinamen . her are ' greatly excited They have procured Attorney J. I Rand toj Investigate, the case Aa 'the man waa killed Just over the line In Grant county, the sheriff there w)l Invest! gate, - Developments are expected In a few daya . -- " - - ' MOODY INQUIRES INTO v . STATUS OF THE STRIKE - ' (Joaraal Special games.) ' . ' "'Washington, ' Aug.- t.-Attomey-Oen- eral Moody has addressed a letter to the United. 8tatea district attorney along th lines of the Great Northern and Northern Paciflo roads - requesting .Information- regarding the telegraphers' strike and ita possible effect upon the transmission of Interstate, foreign and government messages over the Western Union wires which follow these routes. Moody says he has been Informed that for several days messsges have been Interrupted. - He says It Is the govern ment's duty to keep open sueh channels to protect Its own. communication and therefore ; the government haa grave conchrn M th outcome. POOR, FOOLISH GIRL WILL GO HOME TO HER MOTHER Jessie Boom of Oakland, Oregon, aged II years., waa Inclined to adopt a de fiant attitude yesterday when summoned before Chief of Police Giitimacber and her weeping sister, but she waa Anally mad to see th error of her way and promised th chief that ehe woald go home wltn ner sister. Miss Boom had barely, attained her majority when eh was Induced to run nway from home by a man named White. In Ban Francisco he deserted her and ahe came to Portland. - Slnae January aho haa lived in a room over a saloon at Fourth and Everett streets, using the name of "Bab" Whit. . , mmm 4 . COUNCIL MAY REPEAL SALOON CONCERT LAW August' Eriekson' appeared In th no lle court and thia morning on - th charge of allowing concerts In his sa loon at Third and Burnsld streets. H save a bond or l too ana win appear ror trial August 11. - Finding th law arrecta the Tavern and th Oregon and Portland hotels, It Is said the council will probably repeal It. This Is the intimation received this morning by Deputy City Attorney Fits gerald. v- - " Blopers Ar Married, Agne ' Rickard, aged IT, and Joseph Van Bevel, aged 1. who recently ran away from their homes In East Portland and were found several nays later, were married today In St. Johns. The truant couple wer discovered eeveral daya ago and warrants were sworn out for. their arrest. . - - Oread Army Serrloe. Rev. Clsrenc True Wilson, D. D pas tor of Grace M. E. church, will preach this afternoon at 1 o'clock at Grand Army park near Sellwnod. and Mrs. J. II. Hamilton and Mrs. Harry Ston will Sing. ' - .. , . v Allea Lewis Beat, Braai. DELL TOLLKIO SCALPERS School Superintendents7 'nVrr5 1 scnooi i-rincipais-; School Architects School Janitors '. ". ' 4. ' t. The W. G. McPherson Co. SPOKANE TELEGRAPHER v LEAVES STRIKERS' RANKS 1 . ' ... (Special Blapateh t - Th Joaraal.) .--' Spokane. Aug. ."Have come to th conclusion that our cause la lost snd 1 cimi to Bpokana to advise the boys to ao back to work aa aoon aa Doaaibla. declared R. P. Hahey, local chairman of the . telegraphers' union.! this morning. The defection of the local chairman la the moat severe blow yet received by th strikers, and mar presage an early Close of the etfuggle. The effect of the defection Is minimised by th strikers here. "Mr. Haney haa gone back - to work, but that , will . not affect our cause," declared ihatrman ianquar who haa charge of the strike her. "He did not show up around headquarters today to give ua hi advice. Hia suc cessor will be elected, this afternoon." , Superintendent Beamer of -the North ern PaclOo baa Issued aa - ultimatum giving th men until midnight to return tO WOrk.-.: ' - ' ' . - iv BOYS LEAVE FOR SEAVIEW WITH CHEERS FOR JUDGE i i ; "'" Thre. rfheere for Judge Franer!" -What'a the matter with Officer Haw- ley" Hurrah for Beavlew!" ' Such wer - th . cries . of tt lusty- lunged youngsters . who with happy faces marched , from Judge Frasers courtroom this morning tn custody of Detective Hawley : of the Boys' , and Qtrla' Aid society and boarded .the steamahlp Potter for Beavlew, , where they will camp for a week.- Th boys are the wards' of th ju venlle eourt who have been sent to the eajrdefecTatiroBBarhatfUo They wer not hoys who J have been called before the court for committing misdemeanors or who are -In any way guilty of an offense, hut simply a crowd of youngsters who need a vacation and cannot otherwise recelv it. - CHILDREN'S PLAY BURNS SOUTH PORTLAND HOMES '"..- t- '- ewSBajejsMam 'A fir started by children in a barn on property owned by A. J. Farmer, on Second atreet, between Sherman and Caruthera atreeta, burned th barn and badly damaged three dwelllnga. The barn and ' contents wer totally destroyed. A house owned by Peter Taylor.: who family is at th seaside. waa partly burned. . J. A. Martera houae, rronting on ca ruthera, and occupied by several fam lllea. eras damaged. It la aald there waa Insurance on th dwellings. FIFTEEN FILIPINO : TREASURERS ARRESTED (Joaraal Special Service.) Washington. Aug. a. Fifteen 'native treasurers of th province of Occidental negro, have been arrested accused ol shortage In account aggregating thou sands of pesos. ' On escaped and one was fined and suspended, thre ar im prisoned and 10 ate awaiting trial. Peadletoa Delegats Warned. (Special Diepatcb I The JaoraaLI . Pendleton, Or., Aug. Delegates to the Trans-Mlaslsslppl congress and the National Irrigation convention, which meet In Portland between August 10 and 14. hav been appointed by Mayor W. F. Matlock aa follow: Dr. J. C Smith, T. C, Taylor. W. J. Furnish, Bert Huff man and B. P. Dodd. Those who will represent the city at th two meeting at the solicitation of Governor Cham berlain are: T O. Ha Her, J. H. Raley, 8. A. Lowell, Walter Pierce, G. 8. Hart- man and A. D. BtfUman. -1 Death Bads ZJbel Sulk, . IJeoraal Speelal Barvleal New Tork, Aug. 1. Robert Crlswell, the Town Topics man, who waa aued by Congreasman Rhlnock of Kentucky for libeling Mlas Alic Koosereit, nas com mitted suicide by throwing hrmself in front of a subway train, which decapi tated him. Crlswell printed a story to th effect that Rhlnock Introduced bookmaker and other' shady visitors to Miss Roosevelt during her visit to Cincinnati. x 1 Montgomery Slvoro Case. .' "',: (SnsdaT DWpstc e Tke JuaraaL - Pendleton. Or., Aug. t May Mont gomery baa begun suit for divorce against. Charles Roy Montgomery on th grounds of failure to prpvld and desertion. Bh ask for the care and custody of the two minor children. The principals wer married March II, lltf. The hus band at the' preaent time Is employed by th O. R. at N, and resides In Union. Oakland X. O. O. I. Eaatall. ; . Roseburg,' Or.. Aug.' lU The following officer of Umpqua lodg No. 11, f. O. O. F Of Oakland, hav been Inat ailed: H.- Darling. N. 0. 1 Fred Gray, treas urer: Z. L. Dlmmtrk, R.. 8. N. O.; B. J. Bovlngton, L. B. 'N. G.l U Vlileplgne, o.i.J, A. inderwooa, K. m. m.t w. Ia Dunham, U 8. 8. . - . Mr. John O. OarUsl Oead. . Babylon, ,1m l, Aug. I. Mrs. Mary J. Carlisle, wlf of. x-Secretary of - the Treasury John G. Carlisle, died yester day at her country home at West Isllp, aged 70 years, after an Illness of three ka. She wag a daughter of Major John A. Qoodson of Covington. 'heating;' and vcntllctic:. at biir Exhibit hi the nianufac- turers' V:' at the FAIR'S ATTRACTIONS s r PROVE IRRESjSTIBLE 1 The attendance at the oxposl- ' 4 tion tq 11:10 o'clock today wss T.ltl, which Is considered large, d as there ar "no special events . scheduled for the day. Th ' total attendance yesterday was 17.711. ,?: ; .' JUVENILE COURT TO HAVE ABLE ASSISTANTS " Th Juvenile court, .whloh ha beeu doing sueh satisfactory work for the youth of Portland,' will b aided Jn ita efforts by an organisation which haa been formed and will b maintained for th - sola purpose of asalsting Judge Fraser and his eolleaguea In their work. . i The Juvenile Improvement ' aaabcia. tion cam Into being yesterday at the courthouse by adopting a constitution and electing officers - Not only will it b th aim of th as sociation to bring refractory children under th beat restraining Influences, but It will also endeavor to prevent young peopl from beginning a llf of erim by providing aultabl amuse ments te .keep them from questionable place. An employe bf the organisa tion' will work constantly with the children, superintending their ' sport and providing each amusements as the resources of the aeeociatlon permit. For this purpose a membership fee of about 11 will be required of thoa wtah- ing to sssssiau tiisiusmru mm trni work. - ' ., - ., . .. ,.: ., - 'The officers of the organisation a re Judge Arthur I Fraser. president; B. 8. Pague, . vice-president: 'Millie - R. Trumbull, secretary; Marion R. John son. - treasurer. Organisations which hav been prominent in th movement and- which will bo represented on th board of . dtreotors are: - Children's home. Baby home. People's Institute, St. Vincent du Paul society, elty board of charltiee, T. M. C. A.. Neighborhood society. PROGRAMS OF MUSIC. . : AT THE FAIR SUNDAY , Th musical treats In ator for ex poeltlon vlsltora Sunday will Include th following oonoerts: i-. - By Dlerke's band, afternoon Over ture, "Marry Wives of Windsor, (NIo 11); "On th Beautiful Jthlne." (Keler Bela); "Le Preludes,' symphonlo poem. 1 (Mast); "Carmen March." (BUetl; PTanohauser Fantasia,"' (Wagner) ; du etto, "Mlgnon" (Thomaa), Mr. and Mrs. Begue; -"Peer Gynt," . auite, (Grieg); Southern Patrol, (Volther). - Evening "Light Cavalry, 48uppe): "Rmlnisensn Vals," (Dierke); "Ser enade Eapagnola,. -xylophone (Metra). M. Haaser; proceealpn.of the Knlghte of the Holy Grail, from "Parsifal.' (Wag ner); "Test Overture," (Laaaen); pro logue from "Pagllaccl" (Leoncavallo), B. Begue; "Lohengrin." (Wagner);. "Ex position March." Stewart. - . -- The Klralfy company's program for th week beginning Sunday evening at 1:10 o clock on ths rustic steps, re peated nightly, will be: ' ' - Overture, band; aong, "Sweetest Story Ever Told," Mlsa F. Kramer; song. "Thy Sentinel -Am I," Charles Cutter; aong. Farewell Forever." Miaa Nelly Horn; duet, "I Live and Love Thee," Miss F. Kramer and M. Oalllard; aong, "Elsa'a Dream, Madame Marakoffi songs "Mar ts," Antonio - Ragetto; aong. -"Flower Song" from "Fauat," Mlas Mabel Mc- Cane; "Toreador," M, , Oalllard, with chorus; grand chorus, ' selection from Fauat." , .... . ' ' ' WESTON SHORT OF WATER SHUTS OFF HARVESTERS (Sserlal Dtomtek te tke JeeraaLI Pendleton. Or., Aug. I. Report come from Weston that th city is very short of water and haa been compelled for th first time in seven year to. relin quish' its practlc of furnishing water to JiarveateTs. TtWI m auli, . W l - dutllta In th neighborhood of Weston. but ror th preeent It cannot be reme died, much to the- regret -of , the - city father,' who dlallk to, disappoint, the farmer. -.....'..,,.. J. W. Klmbrell, th Pendleton sur veyor, haa been employed by th cttv of Weston to make a survey on Pine creek .abov th present head of th waterworks two mile from town. , It is thought that an abundant supply ef water can be secured 6y laying about 100 feet of largo pip leading from another apring to th on now walled up. Tn estimated cost Of tht Im provemeni le sooo, ana it -will b car ried forward If found practicable. , l:.f Myda Mad Qmmaaa. (Sseclal tneeatch to The Jeeraatt : Olympta, Waah., Aug.- I. Ex-Con gresamaa Sam C Hyd of Spokane ha noon appomtea commandant of the Slat Soldier' horn-at Orttng, to sue- d 8. A. Call vert, ex-land .. commis si oner,, who haa been temporarily In rharge of the home sine the first of tha year, effective September 1. All Lwia st Brand, building Fair. 47 First Street frpx Alt OTHJBa srr-i BAEGAIH1 w nr women's m Oxford rTylHIB time it is a JL black kid with loV and concare heeds' &nd patent tips sold all summer for- $2 any pair left is fi yours for.:.. Barefoot Bandals f OKI -ths $1.50 kbUL... V.-.UJ away, akeelately free, aay pate aaiee- aaeas la ta aeoae tae paesea wae s-aeeeee tae aearaet aaatker ef wants w will as auUe tale seraer daria the awath ef Aagast. Osets aesaiag te pan, . FULLAU 283-85 1I0EHIC0IT CT ALL TRAin SERVICE CILV. CRIPPLED BY STKiXE .'. v . ' . . ..... ' - ; ": " -'' : Crsat Northern Notifies Tel- raphert That They Will Not ; Be Reinstated. . (Jearaal aperlal grvlee. 6C Paut Aug. 1. d. T. Blade, general superintendent of the Qreat Northern. bea Issued a statement today notifying striking telegraphers that they will not b reinstated after today. He says that, new men only will be employed, begin- nlng Sunday, and old employe will loe their seniority rights gained by year of, service. t ' " President Perbam of th telegrapher states that th operator wUl not re turn until their demand ar granted. Ha ' aays that th full fore of th etrike has not been felt, that it will be impossible for the roads to operate their eyateme successfully with th number of man at work and It will be Impossible for then to secur the 1.00 operator needed. Clalme Set forth , by both companies ar that traffic 1 proceeding aa usual and that but llttl Inconvenience 1 suf fered. . On th other hand freight traffi I' demo rallied and passenger traffi very much impeded, all train errlvtng! from I to 10 hours late. Th railroad claim that operators ar deserting th. union-and .returning t work, . which la poeltlveiy denied by Perham. ; . v . .... Th flrt vlolenc reported' on . th Washington division sine th telegra phers' strike waa Inaugurated occurred ' Friday flight. .A nonunion operator ar rived at Pasco to take a striker's place. He went to work about 4:19 o'clock In ; th afternoon and' about 15 . minutes later cam outside-the office.' H m attacked and badly beaten. . '- - . -,. ' Whether the aggressors were strikers or sympathisers is not known, as ther. . a re many 'railroad employe In the eev eral department of ' tn tram servic that either live or have a layover at ; Pasco during their trip. ' ' PENITENTIARY GUARDS r? ' " L DISMISSED Bf GOVEnr.Ul '.'. - . ,-'y j. " . . .. . ..-.' . ' (tpsetal Dtoyatrb te Tfce lraaL Olympla, Waah.. Aug. l.-Oovno i Mead has advised Warden JCay f ljef Walla Walla penitentiary to 41e Charles D. Wood, Captain TV H. vrv ery, H, Kinsman, R. H. Hableton. T. l Dona hoe. Fred Scott,- W. H. Maon f C 1 King, the guards IrapllraU " the election scandal of last May. " rented a room in Walla Walla a- ' Istered ; and voted from there, actually residing at the penile... . Cotton I1 Vary (Jeeraal Special aWvtsa.1 Waahlngton. Aug, . The engagd In investigating t candal tn th depart m . , today took a reces r t SI ErflS 4.-