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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1905)
...L, filjiUrCbiiifl-4- ILLINOIS ; BUILDll TG AT , TKS : ?AlK ii'i ; V ' ' 'V ' . i" : i-i .. - ) till - Kits r .1 ' ,1 v The Illinois building atthe exposi tion la built to represent tb old home Of- Unoolo tt BprtmfikLi-B-'fcSJ thine befoT Srhlch th cltisen of the United States feels dlspoeed to take off Jhts bat -letters written by the martyr president, political treatise,' billet doux (which bo aent to girl whd had caught hta admiration, newspaper clipping re firing to, his eref in statecraft, .and many- other artlclea which bar bom Hho Impress of hla hand. ; ' Illlnoia day will be August 17. when Governor Den eon and party will be her and elaborate ceremonies will be had. Commissioners F. H. Hand and R-, R. Tiffany ar at the building, and lira Hand and jure. Tiffany are hostesses. Mtaa Mary Berkey Is sssistant hoataa. Mre. Webber, secretary o the Illinois Illatorlcal society and on' authority on Lincoln memorabilia placed the exhibit In tho replloa of the homo of the groat FHUEDEXPEIII III BLUE B John 8. MacArthur of Glasgow, Scotland, Examined : tha ; ; ,.::. Treasure Min.w ; ? SPENT TEN DAYS LOOKING " OVER THE BIO f ROPERTY Treasure WiU Soow Br in PoebWoi to Attract Greater Attention, jm 1SSX ': WW Start TSummer on Large Rcaervav -J f. -,-. W ' (Specttl Dispatch Tbe.Joaraat) " r Eugene, Or, ' July , 14. Th ; recent Visit of John. B. ItfncArthtir, tho eminent eyanld r export - and mining engineer, to Inspect the Treasure mine, at Blue river, mora than any other development . In tho capqp had tho affect ft enoourag lng local confidence. Mr, MacArthur made tho trip from Glasgow,. Scotland, which Is. his homo, for the purpose of reporting on th Treasure, at tho In ' atanco of Manager C U. Park, who has associated, with him British capital. Mining men In touch with Mr. Park's recent operations were aware that he had a groat property, bat they did not know that be was commanding tho at . tentlon of such eminent members of tho engineering ; profession. ; Tho ' Treasure . Is opened by aoout S.OtO feet of work, and tb lower drift, which has explored " th main ahoot and Is tho deepest work of the camp, is In ore for a distance of ' more than 1,100 feet. For tho first (00 . or D0 feet this drift, while on tho vein, does not open commercial ore, but the 'remainder of 'the drive has explored th largest body of ore yet opened In the jnue river district anjl it la said to be commercial. . - J" or nearly 1,000 feet the drift has "aa average depth of 100 feet, -giving an' Immense reserve., Att one point where the vein hss own crosscut, the width of ore pronounced milling is 41 'feet, 'and from this Sguro ranges to . th width of tho drift. .' .- . j v . Mr. 'Park Is erecting - a rapid-drop -Stamp mill, which will have. a capacity of at least 100 tons dally, - A value are entirely free In the work done to .'data It i the purpose of th manager tOr-amalgamate, - without using concen trating -tables. As all present work Is In adits, and for -a greater depth of 4(0 to 100 feet wis) bo th same, timber for all ordinary purpose abounds snd as in property I six miles from th HerUn- sl river, on of tho finest power stream of southern Oregon,' the oco- .' sua as among in dosc ' V . , Mr. MacArthur spent 10 day at th , property making exhaustive examlna tlons of all w6rklngs, and hi report I -' understood to be highly favorable-no the ' Treasura When the Treasure-milt .is t running at , capacity, . with th Lucky Boy's 40atamp mill In full commission, th possibilities of the Blue River dls ., trict as a grant low grade mining pro po sition will be brought to th attention mmwmm. ELECTEIICITV ' Ta tare most Uatractlv and attraotlvadsparlamsnU of XXMXUT a taa LEWIS AND CLAIUt FAD. . Ar an groapot la oa fla TmlUlag at k a AST an of the grounds. -- WU ARE TMERQ WITH THB QOODfi" " VILLAr.IETTE IRON commoner, and every day an average of mora, than 100 peraona who live In that stats register ar th building. '. X : . The bouse of Lincoln at Sprlngf laid baa boon reproduced -wffh j faithfulness to details such as elicit expressions of surprise from Illlnolsano who visit tho exposition.' Upstairs Is Lincoln's bed; room, ''with tho, furniture Just "as It stood over 41 years ago, before Its owner became president of tho United State. Downstairs tho ' room a are devoted to hlstorlcalplctureawwrltlBgeand -othor thlnga relating to war times In Illlnoia. and soma refer to events a a. Tar . back even - aa tho,. period when . tho country was evolving "from, colonies to ,.na- wuu. . -..) j . - ., That Lincoln, was a eaptaln of federal troops la brought - to mind by seeing relies jf tho early Mexican and Indian wars. ..Other great hlstorto events are commemorated in theLillllaols bulldlnr. of th world In a manner little realised by th ay era g Oregon operator. - v" (. COKE TARIFF HANDICAPS.. . kTorthpert Smelter's PoslUoa Suhjeet for . Btnch Dtsoaasios' at Booalaatd. Slftf e th4 wriPhgle at Roasland ha de veloped,' over the eoonomy of smelting at tho. Trail plant, owned by the Cana dian Pacific, or at Northport,' owned -by theLRof company, and srt us ted1 Just across th tini In th staU of Washing Ion, there ha 'been a great amount of criticism of the .tariff on soke Imposed by Jhe United SUtea '.The coke used at Northport . and Trail, oome 'front, th CroW Nost Pass district - of - British Columbia. " ' - Th coke laoginjrcross tb line to Jforthport- pay nearly )l X tea tariff,.' while th product used at Trail Is free of duty: : Thi slngt ban- Slcap, "vlth -other- burdens Kortbport struggles with.- Is the - argument tjeed in Roasland against continued , smelting al tho Washington state Dlent. . .Against this position of tho ardent Canadian. If is offered that the North port plant 1 nearer tho Boundary mine than Trail, and any move in this direc tion la a grat weoonomy owing to tb necessity of using, tho carrying ore of tho Boundary in moat of tho. smelting operations of tho northern country. A there Is a, hitch in th merger proceed ings for th properties of Roasland,. It seems likely .that the Northport. plant will be the tnelter-for Le Rol oroa for om tlm to- coma . . '-..-,( '. --' ' " Xiok Belmontf Oleaanpa. ..T:-' 8pecUI Dtspsteh' to Tee JoaraaLt Tipton, Or.. July If Bine Ollkey -A Kershaw started their Jlttl three-stamp mill on th Belmont a, rich' or body, re cently, they- are credited with having cleaned, up. from tM0 to 11,700,; The or -handled 1 aaid to have ranged to about' 1 40 a ton, necessitating frequent cleaning of th plates. ' While milling, owners say that they have been developing the property, and that the Belmont could not be. purchased today for much ier than 1 100,000. . ... f ;::-,;-v:;" ; "front 1. ';;'.; Local mining man Interested fn th Cle-Elum district, of northwest . Wash ington, fUto- that th - Union Copper company 01 mat place nas received an offer of a high figure for tb opper property situated la that ecUon.T It Is not 'raid that - the of fer hes been .ac-i oepted. nor sretither particular known. Th earns . company . - owns th large quicksilver . deposit in the Cle-Elum. which waa reported to have been sold for an immense sum-a few-month ago. Th - district 1 near the base . of tb Washington .coal beds, and operations there may b carried on at a remark' sbly low figure. . ' ; -. i - , SALEM VOTES s AG Al NST V rtiBONDING-THE- CITY (SpecUl Dtopatehlta Tke JovmL) Salem, Or, July Mr At a special elec tion neia in tma city yesterday- th tax. payer declared -against tho bonding of th city for bridge purpose by- a vote of ISO to 117. It had been proposed to replace seven or tue wooden bridge In th city with permanent concrete struc tures at an estimated cost ofl 110,000 and It would hav been , neces'sary to bond th city for thl amount -to carry out in worx.- bui irttle Interact was taken in th matter by th people in general as indicated by the light vote. ?ATIN & STEEL WORKS and tho views of each classified so s to assist th visitor in locating them aa to-time' and Influence on tha na tion's development. .. r . Second only . to. tho Lincoln features ar those that tell fh story ot General UJ 9.- Orant, who wa a, resident of Ga lena. Illinois, and. to whom Illlnolaana proudly point as ona of tho state' con tributions ; to th solution of th prob lems of this civil war period, r . Th governor of Illinois from th earliest day ar shown by portraits and -Ibo 4ha-vsm--wy-tho Illustrious Indian chieftain . of that region . ar represented. .'-.. "v-.. Soldier and statesmen, pioneer and empire builders are brought to mind by tho plctursa on the walls, and it is to be doubted whether there I a struc ture on tho grounds In which there Is so much of interest for th student of history and th ardent worshiper of th nation' heroes. .. . DRAIN TO REBUILD BURHED AREA Handsqmi Substantial Buildings v "to Taka Plao of Those . ::'.frf.:-. v;;- Destroyed.7' 'i. , -t. NO INSURANCE MAKES - -. r INDIVIDUAL LOSS BIG Railroad Surveying Crew Arrive and f-Kuaacra of .ftcw la 'Again Ra- J,vvd-l.Fprc" of Twenty "IJciiA'c- y compariica New Party. : - ; (aaelal TMspetes teTks foraeLf ' ' Drain. July It, With two blocks of building, besides th . railroad depot. roadraastar's offlo and warehouse in smoldering ruina, th north part of th business section of Drain . presents desolato appearanoe. yet the result Is only that Which comes sooner or latetto block of frame bulldlnga, and while th loss- to Individual 1 great,, there seing no lnurncr the burned area, will probably all soon be replaced by better and more aubstanttat bulldlnga. -There la already talk of a handsome new 14 room hotel and there will be other busi ness buildings erected, to supply th da- mana. . . ; , - . . -tZz Bnndlaa; Depot, Tho Southern Pacific eomoanv had tho- material on tho ground with which to enlarge th old depot. This was all burned, but a gang of men commenced work this morning on a temporary atruo- tur wnicn, win serve tneir need until a new depot can be built and no doubt a modern building will be erected at this station. " B. L. Meacham of the Commercial hotel ha -rented a 14-room house in East Drain and will tak car of the traveling pdbllo' until a hotel 'can. b While th loan from th fire la aoretv felt Jiy those who wer In Its path, th destruction - would - have-, been much greater had the .wind been blowing from toe nortn. - ir is thought that with such a Wind th entire buntneea Motion and Mveval block of realdenoe would have been Burned- as th to wn . Is without a wster system. , ' ; . ,. y . . .. : arw sUUroad talk. V-' Th people . of this ' section ' ar con siderably interested In- the arrival of William Hood. chief surveyor of -the Southern .Paclfld rsflroad, with a gang of 10 men and two 'Cars, at thia place today. They com direct from Yuma, Arlsona,-1 add .'oonslderabls "railroad talk Is being Indulged -In. - They come with out being heralded by any one and' no ono know 'their - mission. Two roars ago last month a similar crew dropped into' Drain and commenced surveying for a, coast rauroaa. 7 .' , ,., Thl erew has been steadily at work sine. : Thy ar now south of Crescent City, California, and reports from there say that they bav at least a year's work yet to do. Their work all through hss been very thorough and a 1 per cent grade Is being maintained. - Whether the arrival of the crew today moan that further work on this road I to be com menced will develop In a day or two. YOUTH IS COMMITTED r V i - TO REFORM SCHOOL ' (Spedat Dispatch to Tke iwraatt : Salem. Or.. July 14. Hugo Albrcht. a H-y ear-old boy-who pleaded guilty to tn cnarg or torgery in tne 1 circuit court, for Marlon county last week, waa yesterdsy afternoon committed - to ' the state reform school by County Judge J. H. Scott. . Toung Albrech't waa -sen tenced to two yeare In the penitentiary by circuit Judge George Hr Burnett,' but owing to hla youth was given th ben efit of a epeclal law which mad It poealbl. by- recommendation' of th cir cuit Judge, to send him. to th reform school... The boy recently forged th na mo' of T. A. Schublnger, who oonducts a cheeee faotory near thl city, to two checks which he hsdf cashed by local merchants. The amount realised by him on the worthlees psper wss 114 with which he proposed to tax in th Lewis snd Clark tUsrfcrA Fhysldzn Cures Hlmsslf of tutxi with Cutlcura Rornedies. ,. Prescribe Them and Has Cured :i ManCK8sViTier'eCH!wforinu!as Xjtw Failed Dr. Fisher Says ': SmCURA REf.1EDIES: "; v J POSSESS TRUE MERIT .- Vj face waa afflicted with acsema j la tho year 1897. f I used th CaUcura Ramedies, and was entirely cured. X am a practicing physician and very. : often prescribe CuUcura Resolvent and Cutlsurm Soap In ease ot ecaema, and they have cured .where other formula have failed. I am not fn the habit of endorsing patent medicinesriiut whea, I find remedies pohseesing true merit such, as the CuUcura Remediea do, I am broad-minded enough to proclaim their virtue to the world. I have been prae , ticing medicine for sixteen years, and must say I find your Remediea A No. 1.. You are at liberty to publish this letter, or any part of it. I remain, very truly , yours, 5M. Fisher, M. D.Bi( Pool, kd May 24, 1905." , t , (OTi(-iiEsin,,$i. Cornptets) Treatment tor Every '- Humor from Pimples ' r to Scrofula s- V Bathe the affected parti with hot '"water and CuUcura Soap, to clean the surface of cruet and scales and often th thickened cuticle; dry, without hard rubbing, and apply CuUcura Ointment freely,' to allay itching, irritation, and inflammation, and soothe and heal-and, brartly, take CuUcura Resolvent Pill to cool and cleanse the blood. A single set, costing but ona dollar, m. often, gufBdent to euro the most torturing, disfiguring, itching, burning, and acaly akin, scalp, and blood humors, with loss of hair, from Infancy to age, when all else fails. nm I Om I m Ci ill rm iii Um vwts. ran BoU Trtm- IllMl. w0-JUuii rM.oflev m HawanellaMyea' I OkM nut, SM. VM f , ml Km vwte. tea final e Oaea. Oh- DODSON SAVED FROM . HANGING BY GOVERNOR ;.: .. - 11 1 11 1 ... ' f , (8petU mapeteh ts The JeerasL) - -. Salem, July. I. -Governor . Chamber tain .yesterday afternoon commuted th sentence of .Andrew Podson, the Jose phine county murderer, to 11 f Imprison ment. ' Dodson had been- sentenced .to hang on August 11 for th murder of a miner named Duolap, to which he had pleaded guilty.. A. M. . Ingram.-x who planned the murder, ws eonvictea of murder In th seoowd degree. Th gov ernor gav as a reason f or the commu tation thatTbodaon- w Instrumental In bringing to Justice Ingram, who wa th real criminal. Judge H. kVHanna, who sentenced Dodsonw and' A. E. Reamea the district attorney, both recommended clemency. .- ,. - ' 1 .' .. . . - DAYLIGHT DOWN COLUMBIA On " T. J. Potter," Queen ' of River '; ' Boat Don't Miea It x -T. J.- Potter aatla for Astoria and North Beach as follow: July It, :00 a. m.; July . :2 a. m.; July 17, 1:4 a. m-j July XI, 11:4 . m.; July It. l:o p. m. Don't fall to see the lower Co lumbia from deck of this magnificent boat. Partloulare and O. R. eV N. sum- mar book by asking C W. Stinger, city ticket agent. Third .. and ' Washington street,' Fort land. -: - BURNED TO DEATH BYT v . " GASOLINE EXPLOSION fc. (Joaraal Ipeelsl aarvlee.) Braddock, Pa.July St.-A th result of th axploalon of a gaaollne etov thl morning in th residence - of Lev! . Ta- gress, the house caught fire, two chil dren were burned to death, the mother and a daughter fatally burned, and th father end two other children aerloualy burned. The dead are Harry Tagress' aged 7 and Meyet Tagress aged 4. C0LIF0RTABLE UT7 FOR CHILDIlEir ' -;,. f ,; fTTlHE children will enjoy the y - comfort of these Barefoot rUri 1 Sandala.: They permit freedom to the air and protect the feet from the busing street. Every pair well made of the beet material. Oak toles, tan and calfikln nppera, la teat foot- J form laite. Hisses' and child .ren' slies 6 to 2-eold all earn mer for $1.60 on sale f tomorrow at ; . w .V1U r Infants Barefoot 8an'" dais, siies 2 to 8, 60e J ' . P;ULLn 283-851IORRn:OIT CT : jr..- V;:' - WilF tiares them terms; Any bid resientoT Portland Have bn sold .Like-the "Eclipse' Range, it Ccmp The common but vry 4 useful kind- They hav ' canvas top and fold flat. ' Our pile 1 only. GEVUPn We will sell you a Kitchen Treasure worth tt.TS for. .SJ2.TS tt.S Cobbler Beat Rocker - for 'j. fa.BO Turn Yum Springs, full sis, 'worth 11.10, for ..........3.60 A falling Iaf Kltchan ' Tbl for , . t. . . . . .. tl ,i,.f a.oo A wooden seat Kitchen , . .. Chela for.. 65 ; i : W ! , -J . 1 plan allow you to vtfear the watch, while, you ; . . V-jyy ' ;'. ,.-",' V A '.f are' paying for itThey are of standard make - liVjJ I V Wo will Furnish Your Home for 02O Down and 03 a AVeoIX 17H75 t.. i . Stock- of the "BOSTON STORE" f S fcUUCTION ROOM -rr Tdmoiroyr'r at-M ; .' ' .- ' - - ' '- " 1 ' '.. v- t .--.- - - . f ... ' ' first and SaimonSls. " : C. L TO, :toc:;: , .!; If -p,,--Vf-v'V biry anf;Reirigerttor;m -wrhave a great prangs c And prices. .We fear we have- over-stocked and rnost'jKt fid cJ , on some terms. Call and see iis DONT BE . LONGER WITHOUT .' A'; REPSI GERATOH. HERE ISlYOUR OPPORTUNITY! If you can't afford to pay spot ' cash, choose , the kind that fills your . needs and pay for , it , as you can. ' 17c SsUilbe ViU tell you that they are among the very best on the' snarket. is of standard make.,': r,::5'vRi' y-iA.-:v::-r .Ccnp Stoves. The season is at , hand .. whan they're In demand.. , Don't forget taatr we ' ' have them In stock. Her . '' 1 a special price for thl ' :5Jirf,!.Vl..$I.OO Ha Dinner We are showing Smi Poxcelaln Dinner Beta of 47 . pieces. . handsomely decorated, for th low price of... Mrntlon This Ad ' : Yoa CalL SUMMEPv A handsome east bronse Photo rrame, worth too, for... SB A cane seat Dining Chair for. SJl.OO ll.Tt Cane Seat Chair foe.SJ 1.S& A tT.10. Enamel Bed.-brass - trimmings, for 95.50 A round-top Golden Oak Table, worth .114.40. for $18.00, $1.00 down ud SOe) per week 1 , rillST STREET ' 219-227 AUCT X ;-1 X:.irXX'-; :u:':;Xz:.:-AX y-Ji'iyyj3v:K:;.J:: ;!;v!';.-i Now in the hands of thc PORTLAND - about them anrl make your owa "AlcsW j .... ... "1 la3alt SmC3 is Haa , one ' hlf. , hinged , . door, 4hre sides et wire ' ecreen; affords perfect protection against, file. Cheaper than yea, can y purciiase ' the - raw m-" tertall. From t ( ft -r I1.SS down to...7lva v v. : 'v;t- j.'i.-:-.t.-j Sets :v$6.25 When SPECIALS 'A 47-pleoe set of Decorated ' - ' . Dishes, worth 18.40, for.. . . f J..y$ A Sideboard for $S5.W, i Sl.OO down and $1.00 per week. Thl 1 an xtra special bargain. Call and It. .- -A tt4.00 Leather Couch for 92S.OO, 91.00 -down - and 91.00 per week. Thla Is - another gilt-edge rrgntnr YAI. jHLL 3 tt vf'-jr'A' "'vOi-V-; Clark Port-J exposition. wss arrestod In laadk- .;.!-