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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1905)
THE OREGON DAILY JOUTJIAL, POHTLAND SATURDAY EV JULY. 1::; DAY'S MARKETS SS.OF: DALLAS f; , 7 ' ,-5. rYA" L T Holder Succumbs it i Last to Lower, Prices and Sells . C.-' His- Holdings.; ,-, . iiY SALES REPORTED AT , .1ICES NEAR .THE BOTTOM Tirad Kreba of Saltfn Only Bull Leader left In Market Claims He Will Hold-! to ; the ' Lt Some WheaV Contract Are Written. "rout Street, July . Th principal featnree the Portia ud wholesale market today rel mm wheat contract wrttteu, , -t t. van hae mid all hia'bope.' -J eavy demand ebowB m watermelons. , .each plana cutting market. a , ple supplies much more plentiful. ... i '. " ran ara weaker for green atork. ... .. master pleatlful aooairk lor -tiwd. .tv t-ngsntierrlea eoaM in leaky conditio. .... ..irawberrles aome from California, , ahr recelpta of grapes atiowa. t apply of peecbee very heavy. ' l oultry atlta at quoted ngures. . . Bin 'He JW All KU Hep. ' Plggs of Dallaa la ao longer a holder of 1904 a. Today Mr. - Blgga practically snnoonred t ha kad disposed o( hit antlra holding, oa ring that, tba market would hot poaatbly Jo V better in tba near fotara. Mr. Sicca baa a a persistant hull In tba market and baa 4 fa la atopka until the wy laat or-wot U Uw e he believed there waa bo paaalblllty ef tba ket going higher. Ooarad Kreba af Salem oar the only lam balder of bona and be atlll a of boldtnc tor August 1. Tba following are raported aa twine made by Mr. Rlcca: urn, I. . Bu bawa. loCJ jeeaup, tuu Dana, r- aalc arei Oolensl Mathswa-of.- Uslnua. , 17c aad 18e; Hagee af Kalrneld, S7 bate. c: Rice of Dallas ta VUln m s, I8ci William Bagley of HlUeboro. 183 V lief Al Uermaa of Sllverton, 100 balea. r aalea hare beea made during th pnt aoura. bat tber hare not beea maaa purine. tba ceneral altoathiai tba Producera' Hrtca vat of New York M ha la tort laana'aayai "la a few taetancea dealere are reportuic te utareat abawa by brew era. who hara-been. araad to tak oa a few mora neae or .um rm waather havkac caaaed a Urca-lBMeaaa i the coaeamritbav af beer, and auch -deawra e beep koktac aroand for a few hope, bot -re te dtlu aa ebemre af aay ceBaral demand i market aa a wDole wttbont new featurea. a bear of a aale here of ahoat a- carload -of -Hi hrewlaa TaMmaa at SI Vie. ad adrlrea m tba Paclfle aoaat report aalea of 800 balea M SoBomaa and Orecona at 18r8e. It b) vied that bMa of 19c hare beea made for - 'ira OrairoBa and refined. Frant tula atate -e bear of a few a null aakm ef prima at ttc. ran adrlcea from the Par lac eoaat contlnua rT favorable, from Vallforala and Waahlmctoa i eondltJona are reported aa mack Imprered Oncoa. aa weather baa beea warm and tiny and- tba vermla and boaey dew dlaappear. , .f . Lateat edrlcaa from thla atate report the rovlltloaa for the crowlnc crop all that could be -wired and praepecte of a larce and ana yleM, jorelSB adrlcee ales eawtlaee favorable. Ad vlcaa from the Pacific eoaat report a few von t recta for UOS bopa havtac beea made at lfl toe m goaama ooontr, OaHforala, aad while "njuMmera. In . OraetoV. Pd,..y aafthicton ere necilnlnc to contract oa thatjbaala we under- ataad that aome reliable crowera ta tmaa wonld he wfllinc to make coatraeta at thoae flmreey bat few apeculatore can be Inter- aated te any extent, i Juat at tba cloaa a dealer here baa beea offered nope from Weeblnctoa at 19c aad coatraeta for 1806 crop at lie." -t .... w '-erne Wheat Coatraeta Wrlttea. ' Home wheat eoatraeta oa the comma' cron ara reaorted bamff made araaad TSe for ejkih and red ea a baakt af Portland, but the volume f trade at net heavy wneuch te eowat. Thla la practically le above the preacnt eaport baala. Na buemeea la reported la eld wheat. . Flour la very quiet. ,.. ' -. : . Heavy Damaad Shewn is Walarmelaaa. Fraat afreet merrnanta take ezreptloa to re cent ertlrlea la. a moralna laaae that the mar ket la chitted with watmuieloBa. There are quite a Bomber of care of melsne oa the track, but each boeee eel la practically a car each day. aa ft taken vary heavy auppltee-tn keep the trade from heeommc abort. Baalneea ta water. anektae la new very rood, the warm weather be ta a treat factor ta hefrrfntrtbe demand- Meat week a ehortaaw 1a nwlaoe fct expected en c- eeeiiT -of vbe etrempt oc'he' RneTtherB- rwdnv company to advaac the rreifbt ratea te aa aeiunaa ami re. Thla era red Iba ablppera eat and the advanced rate waa anally withdrawn without any ana aarlnc tba h la her Scnra. . ,!'' trait Damaad Tery Heavy. The demand for- fruit ' rantlnoee very , heavy, bat reeetpta ara llkewtae lara-e, aad the market la quite well eupniled ta moat Iraee. There te. however, a very heavy xlnt af peach vluma la the market and aalea rare heloc made at very low Brurea. -.. -, t .. , ..-..,., .... Peachea are ta mach larcar aupplr and prlcea are oowa. Heavy aalea are reported to ha where. Temataea are ta heavy drmaad, with receipt! quite liberal. No, aherlaee' exlau. i ,. Iaanberrlea la a leaklnc todtt Ina came thla moraine and were aentr loa cannery. . . A few eratea of earawliet ilea from California came he durmc fa bvwbIhc, aad eold alowly at 51.IV0 per It-pound crate. . t- ." ., . rea pee re are In ran heavy wupply and'orlcea are lower. For ripe atoeh there U a heavy call, with anppllae ahort. - . Home crapra ef the nweetwater Variety ' come from the eooth thla morning, and eold at lowc prtreaw ' .H-f . ' " -.j . . f .. aad youltry Steve. " 'V-' ' The ex market ta Arm. with recelpta quite email, aad prlcea atlll at the very too.. ' . . Recelpta M chlrkeaa continee quite fair, but rieeaaad la aaala .heavy and printed prlcea are nemc reeetvee. Te ooijr aloamea la ahowh la very yeunc durka and aeeae. The hotter market la quiet, with the tone firmer. Beeripta grairaajly xrowlnc entailer. Hot weather la at laat a ffertlnc the demand for veal, aad alt hooch the reeelpte ere not rieavy. too market m not ee arm. Prlcea chanced. -.- r " .:.. ronay a waoieeaa? qeoiaiieaa, aa revlaed. are aa roiiowB-. . r, : ., a. Srata, Fleer aad Peed. '.(''...; - WHB4T Oatraeta, IBflR New ehlh aad red 1e; blaeetem. 7c; Valley. T5r; JB04 eroa. rxnalaal) chih aad bard red. T8et . aoft . red. 1 1" . iniiim! or; onieeTem, one; -raiiey, ooctwe. ' w BARLEX-Terd. t2i.U0; reUed. 528.50: hn. ( OH Whole. tIT.00: cracked, 1 23.00 per tea. rtir. vi va r' rwi. -ATflMft. I white. 5.10.001 arar. r'IX)t'B Ktern tlreauu lutetita. $4,504) 4 M: etralxhta. 5S 78; exporta, $g 50.M: valley. 54.1") arabam. a 54.00; 10a, M.4a: rye. 60a. 5s W; balea, I.7S. , v-. hflLUITrr-FS Bran. 5" 00 " per ton; mld- fl'inra, azow: anorta, country, 922. 00; !'"'. mop, fio.w. . . HAT Timothy. ; Willamette valley, faaey 513.00: ordinarr. 112.011: eaatere rw.VAl 5U.nO; DUied, III 00; , clover. 111.00; arala. 511.00; cheat. 5U.O0. . . ,.. " . ''" Batter, Pec jud Pealtry, vV-.i , PrTTPR PAT weet. S1i-. mr.- Itt. Bt TTKIl City creanwry.eet. ,: eeeend yrade, aiic: eutalde fancy, aOQSlc; erdlnarr, 17 Uc; atora, 14H1V. - s- .J r.i5l! No. 1 freak Orecoa. caodlcd. 22c; sa caiHlled. aaici eeefera. , , (.HLKSB New Kvill cream, twin, llll)4e( lONnt A imwrtvm, lijic; vneooer, aie. KilXTRT CW'ea. ml led, 13c per lb: hena. 3se per lb;' mnetrra, old, Ite per lb; yeunc. lie per lb; hrellera, iSe per 5b fry. era. ISe per H; dork. 54.0041 M. ml per doa; yeeae. -arne per in. rurvere, J 7 it I He pay 0 dreeaed. i?3r per lh; aqiiaba. .i.u per 40a " I I . . Ul.u mira ontraet, iten. ic; 1WJ4 crop, 171141 1e for choice; lil7c lor . prlioea aad alexin mm., .-. Wiioiisog ,in, vlley eaaree te aaedluai. Sua,. 3D to i 7c; eaatara Ore(oa, t Nemlnal. 0i. ,1 HKIMt Mbeerlac lectin., medium wuul, 9uaMtt ' eerh. kB Wool, - i -rrie, per tbr 445e; Ke. S cad OUT OF mm , A-W4e paf Th. '-' ' ' . mnJ, Ne. , u fix aad ap. SATURDAY PRICES IN y THE WHEAT MARKET t'-'' .' " , July. f Chlcaito .....:$ .tt d ' Liverpool ....,8tHd e New York...,. e Wlnncapolla .;. 1.1154 " d IHiluth .... ...... e.! Milwaukee .... .flS v 4Kanaaa City... Sept. . .0, (a 104d T .tVk . .0B ' .t e t Ban.Franolaco.' M "LIT December.' Old, laiH per lb; dry kip. We. 1. 8 la II The, lr: dry ealf.1 No., JL nnder VMia. lrlac: dry aelted aide, teere, annnd. 0 Iba ok ovar. IHt) M.c; oo to 00 - Iba. -under 00 Iba and cowa, StjttHc; ataca and bulla, aound, tTc; kip. 15 to 10 Iba, Act aound. 10 to 14 Iba. t) c calf, aaaad. aader40 4be H11; (reea (unaalted),, le per lb leaa; calla. 1c per lb leoe; boneaadea. aelted, -' each. tl.2oOt.T5: dry, each. (l.Ongl.SO; ,eolt hldaa. ear. SBCSoo; coet aklna.' commoa, each. '10610c;" Angora, with wool ea. each, 35cfal. ..... .. Fraita.'.aaaV. aaweablaa.' ' fOTATOES Orrron. corMaLOo: ear lota. Tod Tee- aack:- new ,-California. i0iiU6o: . awect. orated, $1.75.- ,s - " "1 '-' - ' ' . ONIONS New rellfomla red. Itooffl ri: ralltornia yellow :Danvera, $1 i.oa Ol.iOi Walla Walla,- 1.15J aerllc. UtttlOe per lb. rKKHH FRUITS Auvlea. new OrecoB. 11.00 41) 1 .711: orancea. navel. lata Talenclaa.. 54.O0S S4725; Mediterranean awaete, Sil.e04te.75: per box; haaaeaa, ae per mi emona, caoioe, ad.io10e.wt per- , nocr, 54.00154.50 pet box; II men.' htexleaa, SOe pat 1 .10: plneappb. . 55.SS: ' cranberrlaa. eaeteni. 1 11.00 per bbl; cberrlea, Hoyal Aaa. tutl lb: anrlcota. 75(Me; peachea, Wiiiuc: phima. TBttHAc v per f crate; raaiiberrlea. v 5 1 8 inerriea. .at .iw per crate 01 s one. oci51.2S pet ewt; craPBx, 11.2.1 per box.- cooxeberrlee, c per tot peany 5212 in per box; i r, VEuarrABtyris-ruTBtpa', avw,-.i.i per aecai earrota. 51.ooqi.25 per each ;- beeta, Sl.oott 1.29 per Back; Oregon radlabea, Zflc per 00a; cabhace, ? Oracoa, 51.25 per eat; green oeDDera. loe .. nee lb: local tomatoea. il.Oo; California.. 5Sce51.S5s paraalpa, 51.00 41 1.25: atrlna beana. vic: cauliflower. 51.75 Ct2.00 per crate: rhubarb. SWe per lb: boree. radlah. 12c per lb:' ertlehokea. 40eeS0e pee ri: hothotne lettare, 60W7V; head lettuce, Ifie per doa; creea oulona, 10)12He per doa: aplneca, Be aee lh: tMM Mn tttitlUlm nee doa: Deaa, 2c per .lb: cucumber, wte per doa, 75UWC pe-Wr celery, 51.10 per doa. . DRIED PRITITS Annlea, evanerated. ."fOSe per lb; apncota. per. lb: aarka. tte ner lh leaa: neachaa. flaiiaa IMC lbl Mare. " per lb: nninee. Itallaa. 44l4.e oer tbf rreecb. IUt4He per lb: flaw. California Mark. Sftaue per lb; California whltei .. per lh) plume, pitted. -1 per lb: datea, coMea. per lb; farda.. 51.60 per 15-ib box, : .. . ' .Oraeerlea. Hut. It. -. J. ; ' ' SUGAR Sack baala Cuba. 55.55: powdered. 511.40: fruit craaulated. 55.50: dry craaulated. 55.50: Coof. -A. 55.): beet cranuUted. 55.50; extra C. 54 KO.' aoldea C. 54.70: D yellow, 54.0O: bbla 10c, U bbla 25c, boxaa SOe advance on eack thai, leaw-toe" per ewt for caaa. 15 day: maule. 1416c per lb. . 1- i. . HUNKY-v-lddTlse, - -4 ' J ' v:. : - COl'rh'B-Packace braada. 514.75. ' " - RAUT rine Balea. ta. 5a. 4a. 5a.- 10a. 11.50s table, dairy. 60a. 511.00: 100a, 510.75; Im ported Llrerpool. 60a. 517.00: 100a. 516..V; S34a. 510.00: extra fine. . bbhi. Sa.6a.10a, 54.50rTR.ftOt bulk. 530 Iba. 54.0006.00: aacka. Sue. 6418c. - . HALT Coarae Half eToand. 100a. per ton, 57.00: 60. per ton. 67.50; Uverpool tamo rack, 116.50 per ton: 50-lb rock. 57.00: 100. 54.78. . Above prlcea apply to aalea ef b-aa thai ear lota. Car lota at epeelal prlcea eubject te tluctuatlona). ;, . GRAIN BAf) Calcutta. H4e. ' RICIC Imnertel Janen. No. I. Se! Ke. 9. BVe: New Orleana bead, 6H: A lax. de: Cre- rVn Smair" wh7te'sV4He:tarM' while! 54c: pink. HW13He; bayou, dVic: Umaa. 6Ke: Hex iran reoa. t NUTH Peanuta. 7e: luraboa. Stte per Tb; raw. at 10c ner lb: roaated. : eeeoaaat. e5c Ter dt-a: walaaiai MOlfte aee- tw ' -num. iotijvce per lb: hickory nuta. toe per to; rheatnuta. eeetera. 154116c per lb: Braxll mta. aoe.per lb: filbert. lonc per in: .taacy pecan. 14015c: almonda. 1316 per lb. . Palate. Coal 011a, Stc. h.,- R0PR Pure Uanlla. 14c: atandard. 13W: al. 104c; ltele brand alaal. 9m. COAL OIL Pearl ar Aatral. Caaea. SAUe Per (al: water whit. Iraa bbla, 15e per sal: wooden. 16e ner cat: beadlicht. 170-dev. caaea. SSHe-eer ral. - j . uARi'unk iei uea. caaea. oc mr bbl. SMc per ral: etovea, caaea, 84 H 4 par cal; Iron hble, ISe per cal. - ' . BENZINE 63-dett. caaea. SSo pet Ral: Iraa hhla mp ,t - . TUKPEKTINE la caaea. Hoc ner xal bbla, 65c per celt Iraa bbla. 60e par caL WHIT1 I.Kn Tna lot. VUe ner lhl 606-lb ata. m eer in; teea lota, oc per in, , WIRE NAILS rraaeat baa at 53.TO. .. UNBRED OIL Pure raw. ta bbl. 7e per gal; eaww, T2e per gal; cenotae kettle bouea, caeee. 70c per cal: bbla. doe per eel: aroued pake, car lota. 630.00 pet tea; leaa than car Vla. 530.00 per ton. . . , . Heat. Tlah aa TrevUlea. JZz ""L PRK8H MEAT Prant ' atraat Beef ateate. 64ioo par lb; pork, block. TUe per lb; packer, 7 We per lb: bulla. 4rSc per lb: cow. 45c per lb: mntton. ejuti7We per lb: Jamba with Bella, 6Hae pe lb; veal, extra. TQ7ci ardl aary, 6,Ae.per lb; poor, 6Ve per lb. . HAhM. BACON. fTO. Portland nacfe (local) ham. 10 te 14 Iba. 1814a ner lb: 14 to Id lb. 1.1 ner lb: la to 30 lb, isc per lb; eoture.. ev pvr id., oveaaiaei verva, i.w uiK pel to. Blcnlc. Be ner lb: jvaular abort eleara. un- amoked, 10Wc per lb: amoked. lle per lb; clew, back. naamoked.- 10e par lb: aawbed. : lOHe per i in vmon attrta. iw to is in. nmoaee, ac per lh:. amoked Pe per lb; ' clear belltea. na amoked. 11c per lb: amoked. , 12c pet lb: aboul der. 84e per- lb. 1 ' LOCAL LARD Kettle leer. 10a. 10 per lb: ha. IOVk! aer tb: .60-lb tbt. e perlb: team rendered. 10. 644 per lb; 6a. B4e,par lb: tun, sate per -n: ooe. aate ner In. ' OANNKD SALMON Columbia river, l ib tulle. S1.K5: t-lft tall. 63.50; fancy, l ib fUta. H lb raacv flat. 51.zn: fancy i-in eve. 52.75; Alaaka talla. nlak. MatSOc: red. 61.50: nomlail SB. ten. 62.00. . " ., riHH Rock cod. Te per in: -nounden, be per tb: halibut. 6c ner lb: crab. 61. AO per doe: etrineM hsea 1 3 U' lh: eatftab. - Te nee id; aaimon. catnona, ac per in; ateeineaoa, T per lb; aockeye. iv,c per in; Barring, ae per in; aole. 6e per lb: ahrlmn. 10e -pea lh: perch, fie .per lb: ahad. 4c per lb; tee ahadi 6c per lb: abed roe. SOe per lh: black cod. Te per lb: etlver melt, fie ner lb: lobetera. 15c! freah mackerel. 6c per lb: crawflah, 2Ae Bet doa; flounder. 5c per lb: atnraeon. 7e per lh. - . c . OVoTBRS . Hbohlwater bay, pet cel.. 6X35 per eack. 5:1 78. - clawh Hard ahell. pet hoc. , 52.00! . raaor eiama. 62.00 per box. - - . COTTON FOUR AIR TO : TWENTY POINTS OFF (Purnlabed by Ovefheck, Starr " 4 Cook. Ce.) New York, 'July 23. Cotton futuree ckwed nixed wltk a range of d point oa t 30 point Today' official cottaa market: ; . ' . Oiea. Hleb. . Lew. Clnee. January ., io. ju.tfl 10.75 10.91 B2 reoraary ,.(,w.,:,iu.ifz lu.ez 10.00, 10.84AM "J0.8T . 10 871(1 M aiarea, ...10 tl April ...........H).ltl 10.KX 10.03 11.04 !0.A 10.71 10.85 10.P2 10.B041K1 May .............11.04 I0.DO 10.51 16.65 '10.6.1 10.50 10.64?nS 10.62 10.0211 M July Auanet ..........I0.e4 September , ...... .Id. 71 October ,. ,.40.81 10.66 '10.784774 Nevembee '.,,.,.'. .. December .10.66 ' .. ..." 10.751977 10.86 10.15 10.754176 ; tlverpoot Cettea lewer, Uverpool. July . 21. Cottoa fut future elneed aorhanged to 3 point lower. Spot are quiet aud eteedy, 23 Point lower. L v . - Y' T0KX BARK ST ATlitllfT. ' ' " '; New Torti- July, M The bank 'tatenVent how: :l t t .: , ' - . - . '' : tlecreaa. Reeerve .....j...,.,...,...!.,..! 4.575.1)00 araerTe, ivaa v. m x.......r..,T B.XWI.B75 ana IB.OM BOO RpeH ....'.... :.;.f.: 24.400 S.7O0 18.30.000 ....345.506 iN-poaita C'Irculatlpfj , . lacTrMe. ' . ZASTIKX HOOI tOWIR. ' Chicago, July 33. Llreatock' i-erelnU: ..' ' ' Hoe. . 4Jftle- 41mm. Cbleaea ,' eoo - Kaaaea City 3.A00 , 4O0 - 1.500 Oaiah 13000 ...i .... Hog opened 6e lower with 4.500 left e'er. Recelpta a year age wee 6.000 bead. Price: Mlaed ad huerhere. 55.65415.05: annd heavr. f 'M5 .8; rough aad heavy, 65.80tj5.50; light,' V S f ettle Steady. ., ; ... . , " twevp Bteaay. .. ... ... , . , "Last Year's Hops, Except Krebs, Deserts the . 4w sb A!J. ' tjr ll.U! ' - ' A'-' rT0UU wiav nu RUST Hi DADAGE WERE THE CUES Wheat Trade Is Watchipg News " From Northwest Late Re . ports Say Bad Things. 1 jv 't ' " '' SPRING WHEAT-L0SS.JS A. rS". GREAT HELP TO MARKET Hear Increase ; Shown In Primary Receipts Corn Market Closes Gen erally WithC a" " Los-0ats Show :'; Dull Feelln'V -'yi;-J- SATURDAY'S WHEAT MARKET. Opea Sat. ; . .24 . j .teiV4 ,: .i h Hat. PH. . r Sat. ' S .wo .paw .oo4 .; .still-. ..soil'., .oo il .'.BOH .':.. .00 "Z ,63'AA ,,2i4M( .00 July September Uecember... May Loe. (Purnlabed by, Overbeck Sterr- ar Cook -C. ' Chicago. July 23. Loaaa Brvaa aay: "In wheat Broomhll eetlmatee the world' ahlpmenta about the asm aa a week ago. Pri mary recelpta are 800.000 buahela larger ' than ahlpaieate. Today' market waa a repetition ef. that of yeaterdav. and the day before. Re port or ruat ana damage from the anrtavmet. everebadewed all ether featurea. caaa prlcea. ate. The aafavbrable Weather prevailing ta the aprtng wheat belt gave the market a atrong tart, ea which rather extenatve pmat tak big developed but at or near the Wp mark reetlnx order were evidently found' fct volume large enough ta abaorh-readlly all the wheat offered. Cohdltlona are unchanged. The market le a broad ffaiaxeoe.' -la laereaalng.' The eye of the trade, we believe, will continue to- look to the Dorthweat for their cue. A enatlauatioa.of In preaent price will anooubtedly reeuit keeotnc the market broad and active. The feeling eeema to be that at the beat we aha 11 get jmlyja average crop ox apnng- wheat, :!C:r-' Oar Senerally Xdwer. .Sr.- . "In eora primary ahlpmeata are ahoat ISO. 000 huahehi larger than, reeelpte. Toe entailer move ment from Srat. hand end etrength ta the wheat market apparently do wry little for thla marker, rriree generally are tower for au month aad the market eontlanea much ta the name dlaappointmg rut. Trade ta quart and without - epeelal Teeter. , Conalderlna - the trength dlenleyad by wheat, tba actios of corn Waa disappointing. "Aa ta cor, the oat market rloeed an ehanjred to lower, A prominent elevator con cern waa a liberal buyer early, but the strength created by thla baring petered eut. . ... ,,-.. T allow Pevav the oara. . "In pravlelone aellmg preaaur developed early la thla market and la the Srat boor CAuaad'ea easier feeling, at which time the low price were made. The Belling pressure came largely through report of yellow fever ta New Orleans, Nothing dednlfe can ha learned rea-ardtae thla. but from our advice we are Inclined to the bo ner tnat tnere may be a lew amietea caaea. Af ter the Srat hour trade waa not at all active. The Cb Ijaro market eeema unchanged. It la a acalplM atalr. and If the reported fever ta the emit la corrected without spread tag. we . feel this unfavorable factor will be at aa xonay a aunciai. marxet: , - t V - ... ,.:,WHRAT. . '" ' ' Onen: : Blah. Ijvm Sept..,- .S8iV- . .SOfJ .f.6 . iiet.,-.rn-ywei.Bi .ewa May.... .62 . .- -, ; 0. July.. Or Sept. SSU .,i..6814,...W:.6T4A 4 - Mn J..iJ.ii July.i..,'V. .S3U .82,",. y.BI , ' .81 V Sept,... , ,SC '.'!: .3B V . Dee...., J0e . " .8044 .M Mta i a- Jnly.....' 1XTTH 1 1 TJ "4 It.TTtt JtL-W Z vl3.nti . 'llSTtt nope,..', ix. mi Oct... 13.M, f 13.83 56. !.. ,,,, liuxfte. ARD. July..;.. V.isV" T.30 TOOR T.18H T.30 'V . T 5 dept.,.., Oct. .. July...., Sept.... Oct..... "T.13t4 T.17U T..rTH IHORT BIBS. T.6B . T.68 T.TS: T.77U ,-. T vetA T.73U . I' i't.63vf T.T7V6 ckioaso cash WHiAt,- Chicago, July 33. Cmk wheat: . - .. .Bid. . No. 3 red. new. .95 . No, S red. new-v-rr, v,,n--.PS No. S hard, new ............... - ,3 ' No. 8 bard, new ............... .soli No. 1 Borthera ................ 1.1S No. 3 nortbera 1.04 Ne, S spring 'iimm.nm.i.- .85N - Aak il ... wssti r .V . ' 1.15 , 1.10S "TrcKroAeo - oainr cia xois, '4A' "iM. ' Chicaco, Jaly S3. Orals ear lotai " -" ' ' f- - Cera. Grade. Eat. 1804. Wheat ............114 M . .116 67 'jora ...... ......,..o no ; ,. IKS a- 361 o 1ST 18 11T 74 noes ran tooay) minneapniia, 151; Pa. tutb... 8. . ', leer ago: MlDneapoil, 00; Duluth. 115. . V -TULHOTSOOSRAJW SUSXR. Um Praaclece, July a OfSctal cleae: ' : wheat. - Open. . High. " Lew. '. Oee. Ileeeaber ..i:4 6147 l.e4 L47H '. s " BARLEY, '" ' December ,.S8H t .6845 . , 74 v m i'nnuur. KICPPT6-A11P BKtTatxmi( ? Chicago, July- , 22. Primary " recelpta 't joasy- year aee. Buahel. Wheat J. Buahela. ,.1,048.000 .. 629,000 620.000 ww Rhlpmenta: Wheat Cora .......... 606,000 ' 173. 000 6.16.000 '48S.000 .505,000 uviapoot exArs! XABXTT. uverpool, July S3wef Wheat Sept. her, 6 10d, 114d np; Dfceaber, 6 aHd,! :em- ld Corn September, 4 lm, 4 ap.- ' Haw Terk Cash Oeffaa. , Pmiga Ceffe Marfeeta. ' Ne X DTK . atnir T2 Mmarmsa. asMas .as.,.. . H Point.-. Hamburg adv.nced wipos, bac. Hantoa, 39,006 bin af, 4HM1 Km - a.. an aa " " Bid. I -v ' ,S.1.23Dlala llJoteoibla Mt Montana .... Midway .... MrNsmara ' Belmont ..... North Star '-.. Bid. ..e .16 f . ai if"n,b '....., ; ;T8 -5! Jjnmha Slxfea 7.! . 'il Rescue r m ' iat .oiiver fir-a ... ' " T ' , 1U . t (Al Ton. Rxtea S.on .. 'A nn "5. """r Red Top ....... ,M Ooldfleld ...... .na - - - 1M.W ,1' Ray O'Brien ..: M ,63 .44 -.13 p. Bull rog;rf I , 1, 1 n ,u ..... , . ' H. n.l.tnrr Vr . r t memoaaneia m ..... r."e i" na f Hosses e)tee Adam juo Mohawk .15 !-" Boy ., 1.16 Jim Sutler let .70 IV . .iono tooppia stocxs. ? ' Boatoa, July 3J-Ofnci.l copper cloee: ' Bid. 4 Bid. 1 IveatareA.l .1 2.1 Hikeoia ; ......8 57.00 . Atlantic ....I 17XK1 I'boenls , .art t Bingham -r,- 30.I2VI. iwlut ...... 108 on j. f'al. A Hecla. 6oti.oii, iKhsnnna 7 21 lentenolel ?a 21 I 75 15. 50 3. no iTamaraek w 131 00 ... 6 35 . ... "60.00 ' I'onner Range Pair Went ..." Vim ........ Trinity ., I'ntted -', Jitafc Wlnnna .. 44.33 . S3.63U I1.T9 . 117.00 Mass ....i... 8-tiaV.Wolverlaa Mrrhlgta .... Mohawk . . . . . Old Domlnloa. Uraphy ....... 14.i2 V Royal . 35 35 5i f1 an. 2.1 6. SO ( l. A Arli..,.: on no . 3.23 (Victoria ...... POBTIiAlfD BAlfX STATCMXB"f.S neerieg aad Cloaa ... .801 '. i-'.BOil .52 A Balance Rij of Dallas, LatJ of Larj Holders of ; w.. noitnB. LOSSES GREAT IH STOCK LlllRKET Today's. Bank Statement a Oaof ' Feature but i Was No Worse , Than Expected, CROP UNCERTAINTIES ARE" THE DEPRESSING FEATURES ; .. , -t i w--- i-.. . .- Losses In Market Are Quite Heavy Looisvttle; New York Central, rPa ; ciflc, Mail,- Reading and ; St-Y Paul a Each Lose Over .Two Points, , - I DECLINES. Anfnd ....... 1 Chesapeake svy Amalgamated i .L.i IV, Atchlsna 1 iiao.. guei 1 ., Denver pfd ...... trie - , KrtsC 3d Bfd ..u 1 ' 1M. 14 Car Foundry.., 8ugar ., 1 Smelter .......... IK, 44 Brie, let pfd ..... .' V, lUluols Central.;.. Louisville -. S1 MattTODOlltelB. --a 6- - 14 Manbattaa ....... . V, Meiloaa Central... , 44 V ...... I b 11 Baltimore IVi Brooklxa v.. 144 tndlan IV. Alton Ife Alton, pfd 1 8t. Paul , SV4 Mlesourt . Pacific., 44 I North American. .. hstv ....a.. . '. i .Out. Western... ; - Katy. pfh. ....... 4l Peanaylvaala. N. T. Central.... BHiuu ua ............... .-m Pscllle Mall ...... 34 Northern . Paclnc,. lk Press Steal . Car. .1 Reading ... 34 Reading.' 3d -pfd., 3 Reading. 1st pfd 1 Soutbera Pacific...; U Republic Steel 4 Reck Island ...... - 'A Soutbera By. Tex. et PacMe.,... Jt Toledo. . Tenn. CoaLr.,.,. f T. I ' I I M, . lHiToledo, ,pfd ...... 1A Leether. pfd '.,.' 1 ' Rubber ...a. .n steei .j.,. ....... Rubber.' pfd 14lilBtael."pfd "? ' urnlthe7'bybvetbeck, Starr V Cooke Co.V WU Street ; Mew York. July 33 -Logaa Bryaa ay: 'The market eloeed lower and wpak, The selling preesare waa evraeace aguj io- day. and while at tlmea aome-imm ivo,w dsvelooed. the eelllng pressors we too great to euetelB evea the eUghteet advance. 1f thm of th market la dlaappointmg. It reflect a little uncertainty regarding the crop out look. The bank etatement wee disappointing,' but ae more aa than waa expected.'. , ,); - i. ;:"',!. Tndajr6.niciai tot roarmn. i -.V ' ' .- ...i fJDMCIPTI0H. .- .1" . . v. A turunda Mining Ca;. ..I108U Amal. CooDer Co... ..) 8242 Atrhlaoa.... com. ...... ..I 65MI So -do preferred Ki2M1024 Am..Car A PouudU, com. 65 5o. 86W 08 4 do ore ferred ....... Am. Bugar, com...... 188H ISM Am. Smelt., com., .1116 110 do preferred e-,.llt;ll Baltimore e Oblo, eom. 11541113 Brooklyn Rapid Transit Canadian Pacific, com.. 1504 150? Chi.- Alton, ferred. .. CtL A Ut West.. Chi., aui. vsi. ram. Chi. (hi. ai North., com. Terminal By. Ch peak Ohio...,. Colo. Puel Iron, com.. Del ware A Hudaoa Del., Lacka, at West... D. at H. Q., com....... do preferredc..,.,,,. Brie, com.j......... - do Sd preferred.'.. ... ido lt. prafarred,. ,. Illlnoi Ceatrel. Loulivlll m NaskrUl.. Metro. Street By..,..efmt ataahattaa By....... 's6 ssxicsn vtsmi r .... I H.( 8iv P. Btairhf.,. 133 V 133 i do preferred. ,,.-.. . Missouri PadSe....'... at., K. T.. com..... do preferred. ..... .... New fork Central...... Northern PaciSe......'. M 146 143 U. I202HI lH4lll1a Norfolk -Westera, com. aoihi 64 I 65 norta American.. N. T.. out. A Warn. vu 50U 140 V4 104 Peanaylvaala By,.,.. P. O. U C. Co. . . ... Preaaed Steel Car, eom oo pre 1 erreo PacISc Mall Stedrn, Co.. Reeding, com do 3d preferred...,,... ' do lat preferred Rep. Iron A Steel, com. do preferred Bock Ialaad, eom, . . . Soutbera Ry., com. ... ; Southera- Paclte do preferred. .. f. .'-".: St. U A S. P, lit pfd.. St. L A S. W., com... do preferred. .. I, ..... Texaa A PaciSe. ...... Teen. Coal A Iroa..... T., St. L. A W com. . do preferred.......... TJnloa Pacific, com.,.,. V. S. Leather, pfd...... C. S. Rubber, com..,.. do preferred....-..'..., U. S. Steel Co.,, com.... do preferred..'.. ..v... Wisconsin Central,', com . do preferred......,,.. Western Union- Tele.,.. Wabaah, com 10 81 2Ki 82 aojh l7 1274 in 104 4Si- 48 rlllt 1I3H j 103 33M 103 3)114 do preferred 88 88 1 88 Total Sale for day, 523,300 share: , Miss Amy' Phlpps, DaogMer of Henry aire Who Has Just Been Married t . Second Son of Lord .Wlmborne to - . . . . - w - . , - . ' ,"'.Jr' "- i '-''.-, . '"' v ' - ' ttr ' ' ' '''"- ''iifli' A" Ai - , .i' j. f ..,' .a' , 2C4'i t M t ' : ' I - -' , . 4 " - J . , tffi S .1 ' ilninn.iii", i -,na FAr.vHITA; '"No, J will not so to aupper with you Count Werrer. aveo' 1 yoo . have .the reputation '.cf; being1 -the' handaomeat cavalry officer and the createat " lady. killer In. the kingdom," the little clrcue rldar aaid with a amlle, and patted the curved neck of Iter thoroughbred horse. Outalda from the rlos cam a storm of applauee, the -clown had made A hit with one of hla -old Jokes. . Count .Werner' chdwod hlg muataehe to ' hold back ,hls . angry word. "You will feel aorry aome day. Mile, Panchlta, 4 aaK you now for the "very laat time.' "Now you. have told me that three nlshts-In aucceaalon, count, . 1 do not believe you. but I do wish you- would keep your wfird.-PanchlU eald with her melancholy amlle,; , - VI really wlah you would slve up play ing thla virtuous part; it doea not fit your occupation at alL ' It la perfectly rldiculoda. You live In an attic, while would sladly xurnlah the coaleat little flat for you pa long; aa yon - remain; In town."... ',.-..',:'.. i :.. , .-. V. Tour offer la, of courae, moat tempt- Ins, Dut I shall .nevertheleaa prefer the attic". '. ' j'-''"-7,' -;: "How . absurd! Perhaps you have sweetheart, the thouRht of whom makea you ao virtuous, '" tha count exclaimed with an expreaglon of Jealous hatred. . . No. I have not," replied . ranchlta, alowly and seyarely, "but I had A' father snd mother once."!." " - -: . ' .". Well, nature is generally kind enough to provide U8 with, these,', replied the. count wita a amuo. "You do not want to understand ma. snd it is Juat as well," said Panchlta. A bell rang, - and Panchlta -rode Into tha ring. The director had atepped over to th count and both looked after tier ar sha disappeared. . . ." She . growe . thinner every day." re- marked th director, "but sh rideg di vinely. I am aura ah has consumption.' Ten minute later Panchlta,. returned exhausted and panting, and an Attack of .coughing shook, her frail body ae sh dismounted.. - . i Thla .cough- is -my latest acquisition, Conut Werner,"' sh saM. iUTh ndxtv evening Mile.", PafichltA did not appear.-. Toaalng about In fever, Sh lay on her bed in her .poor -lodgings. Tho doctor said her lunga were affected .and ordered her .to' drink plenty, or milk, which her landlady brought her -with A aour face. She had boarded artleta be fore, but theyadlaU-JjeetlaTensWOUB wlth tlpa whU Panchlta bad none to wive. ..-. . On -day count "Wrnr enterea . ner room ..unannounced. , Panchlta; .whowae lying, on the aora, joonea vary, mucn embarraaaed. --';"..;.'.- .-. . -. - 'Don't be afraid." aald the count, 1 only, wanted to see how you wer got- tlng.alorig.t , : -. -'., Oh, I am better, t thank you. To morrow ydu will aee me on horseback again." v '.".'. - ..'-1 --'v-,,-' : "Tomorrow! ; But that is impossibl in yuur vuuui,vu. , ... - - "If I do not appear tomorrow I will receive no. money for thla week and the money I tnuat havA" ' A moment s silence 1 followed. ' Th count was trying to find A way to offer hla sastatanc without hurting her feel ing. - Suddenly bis eyes caught -algbt of a portrait on th walL "Donnorwetter." he exolalmed. How does my :. old . general's ptctur ,;. com herar ,. - ', Panchlta hesitated ' a ' moment before ah anawered softly: , "He was my father. " - i ' .- "Tour father!" . ' ' Tea. fie died - alz ' month ago, and ain ca than. I have been- a clreua rider." But, my God. how fa that poaatble? Have you then Tro relation rM Th i oount, was pacing . up And. flows the. f loor.lmnatlenUy. , "My mother dled-arly and my father left absolutely nothing, and you know, no on earea very much, for relations svhA art-BOor " . -'-... . - -' 'But even ao, you wer not -forced to become a. circus rlder.- , v -.' . 4 ' "Tea, my dear count' Riding Is th only thing I can I do. My painting, sing ing and other accomptlahmeata were of no financial vsiua' "But thla cannot bA Tou tnuat get out of thlA I will tak car of yoti In A'dlfferant manner from what I first thought," , he added, very much ashamed. and kissed Jier band. '.V . "No, I canont conaent, . I hav too much sens of honor to accept your, kind offer, v' My . real name must never be known. I make an. honeat living, and when no one knows who I am I do not disgrace our family name. ', But I must aak you to leave me. - I am very tired and l must rid tomorrow. ,., r . . '.i t At.tht count, went , down th . stairs he heard her coughing snd he mad np his mind Jo help her even sgalnat her Wliu v',-t -t ;'? Aa ah let?' th ring th next: night Panchlta had a -violent hemorrhage. Bh died a few hours -later. Count Werner paid for her burial after th director had refuaed to do ao.. ; - ... - - -..'. --. A few days later a reporter had found out that she was th doughter-of a fa mous general, and that her lover ae he put it, had paid for her funeral.. Her relations wer dreadfully, ahocked that .the .young girl had disgraced th ' 1 1 i 11 """ t. .v. . ,. . ,.- - , , C. Phippsthe Pittsburg million id Crrtsin Frericli Gueet, the. Be Married Within a Week. rirj r ' 1 A Tnff A f! TTf A 1, i J J I , I J I I vl J ' rs45Vd W . AS VI At any time of day at any gat, - European plan, sf 50 to 16 per day. Ameroan plan. 3.i.4 to 17 per day., . " ---..' -, MRS. J. T, M'CRBAOT. Managerv j CCLUN5 ItOT v; - I.LLINil'lUI'lia'h. Wtoatad on th OoItusiUa mtvr. ' - M f alee fom 14, j - ' Th water of Collins Hot Springs a re famous for the Sure, of Rheumatlam,- Liver and Kidney Trouble. On application I can give many names of parties i who-hav been cured by th use of -theee. waters. .Mont beautifully situated, j grand scenery, good Tlahlng and th beat aocoromodat4ona In the Northweat. ! Com, and see for youraeir. neeing is Opposite Main Xatrame tflVwU aad Clark Bxpoaltlom. Only absolutely fireproof hotel ' ad Joining grounds. ajQulppad with elect rle telephonic- and special telephonic com munlcatlona for patronA Uniformed portera and bellboys -At all hours at guests - service. - - - ' ,( -. - . V - 150 tlegant Kooms Open for Guests ' ...A -, sTaATXS SVM A BAT A1TTJ TT. r 57. H.. TiATTIN. General Manager. . Hotel Estacada BTTaTJtBm B.ES0BT OST TUB BAJTBUI 01 , . . THE fn.dfrgAaTtS EXTEB, V'-. - 85 MTXES TEOat TOKTUM. - ' Rates- per . dy .';,. v . '. ............... 83-56 Rats per week. .................... .61600 Bntal ticket, tnelnlns1 manA trin T fare and dinner ,.. ,11.78 Special ticket, IrMhtdug round t trip , fare..; ons aight'a ..lodglag. aad.-; . ' thne malaa... f 8 5 1 7JCljrj.0x7IfJE.T7miT AaTB.At.nEm sm,. ': C.: t: S. MJMTIMBZ. Mgr. - ' -':,.-'-! . ESTAOADA, OEEOOaT. f. v''-C . - - ' t -VAXB EAtBI A. THE COSMOS aVX.. Cot. roTtrth and atorrlso Sts, -' Now tinder th . asm managerwent as "Th Calumet," 'centrally located. Wl) furnished. . ... . ' ,.-- -'. '- . .-:; On room, one pereon..... 8)1X0 per day un room, two persons., .aio per aay Family aultea .a0 per day .yiftcit'FrihdsSCotel . Wiftoit Sfcse : : , -.. - r-i. .n ...i.i .aHM. day, at t:80 a. in. Far 11,60. Oregon City offlc next door , to Oregon Water Power Ca's depot,. -- ' ' family nam, but they never offered the count his money-back, and had -they done so, hs would have thrown it into their faces, -h' declared,,).. ., f-.t;i-.Kl. ;-. sfi' A-aaaaBmaaaaalnamSjausa Wii- n'y .iXiuCjtommfm Bl3Ul4w.;lJi:.;. ' 'Small Tommy, being reproved by. hie mother for some misdeeds showed) his dlspleasur In his face. . - ;. . . . 'Why, . Tommy, aald - his - mother, "aren't- you . aaharoed to ' make! a . face St"mT"'; -i - - - . . - , Ts, mamma," replied the little fe!' tow, . "I ' tried to ' laugh, but ':. my face slipped." " - . - '.',. C0H5T0CX IPBTlfS tTOCXS. ' " Baa' rraaclacu, July 33-0 flcUl closet ' 1. , Bid. I . DM ' Builloa ... 6 .40 Ravage ! ,.... .....j .fa) Belcher .IKlPotosl ,H (Jon. Cal A,Ta.,. 1.8-lilnlou Con.. . 44 Ophlr- 6.7(11 Yellow Jacket .... .30 Caledonia .41 Kirheoner ....... (.4 Meiloaa ......... l.tVHsle A Morcroaa,. 1.00 Aadea 171Hcornloa ......13 Hotel Fairmouiit STWaSfTT-aTXZTX AJTD Xf9tWXTB BTS. O VBRBBCIC; STALER - & COOICI CO - auonjoera voicago ooara ox Araaei . v OBAZIT, raOTTEZOsTB, COTTOBT, STOCKS ABTB BOBTSS. '.' i ,'. "'I0J Third Street. McKay .- A WISOA STBICTXiT Contlnuhua' Markets by Private Wir.v Ttlton, bankers, and United Statea NaUonal Bank of Portland. f r LOCATED IN POKTLJtMD tell H maie complaint, an private and blood die aaes, cancer, pnralyala, tumrtra, rheumatlam and all . dlsordera of th stomach, liver and kidneys. He ties had great aucceaa In curing con-, sumption when th victim Is not too much mn down, by the dlaeaae, and will stop hemorrhages In an Incredibly short time. 1 He brews Ms own ynedlclnes from Chlneae roots, herb, buds, barks " and . vegetable teaa, all of which ara entirely harmleas, and whoa medicinal properties ar unknown to American doctor a. He ueea In hla practice over (06 dif ferent Oriental remedleA,. .Hundreds of-testimonials from-grateful pa-, ,Unt' ', . , .... ... - ". . , f !; DR. WINQ LEE ";':u:i:' : B-raTa rcxxTS bttbsbt. - ' n,r hot! in expoaltloa ground t Ouests Ar furnished with paaa. vallow .... Insr them to an to and from Iho srrnimsla 0?t::MSa KOTCI, Deneving. v. v. avataavavavm, arropnaaor. IB Portland . , PORTLAKtX ORBOOK. . '.; 'AjbsHcab PUsi $3.00 IVsy headqtjarters - for - tour ists and commtjm;iaL. , .. : - travkijbrC - t Special rates mad to famm . snd slagl gentlemen. A modern Turkish bati eaHabllahment la U : hotel. - s -I-' t . - ...q. BOrna, aTA5ftA-t ' " : : j PALACE HOTEL ' Whether he goes by land! or sea. the traveler will find "ft -TdeilghtfuI trip to San Franclaco, where he abould stop " at th . world-f Anted -. Pafeccllotcl and enjoy Its many attrao tlve features. - For fuller Information writs -1 tb Palao. or ss r . , -. . y-, ' ' - f. - 0. aTaSBXT . at ' th Portland Informs tlon and Booking Agenoy, Hot! . Portland, ,-, ,. naxpi-i aovnvd iHOTlXMONTltl c i y ' ' -4 "--i- y ' Under new management; , '; --:'-'-'. srow Osrinr. -,; : ' - aVocaAed STorth of BTewpurt ew tnBB, One of the moat desirable of ita elaaafj on th coast, unaurpaeead in situational having extenalv grounds for recreatlonrl the safeat beach for surf bathing Iri ocean. : yii.a NORA jriTZPATKlCK manager, and owner, t, -. - , '" f'TBet : AsBavIa.' Bar. ' FromT th Philadelphia Ledger. . i"What can'-I'do for you today?" aikedE thei pawnbroker., j , ' . " " . - I -' "Wei I.'" replied t Brokelelgh.i producinar his umbrella,-"'I bop you will help mM to lay Dy something for. a rainy day1 now much ,on. this r , ; .- r .. t i ..II , Ii I 4 . t ( t ' '- Comparing 4jorax Frnm tha Chicago rjaillv Nawei . ''No, Indeed.'' sh said, 'Tcin, never beM your wife. Why, I had half a doiert ofel fers before. your." ' '.. . . 1 ' ta- vHuh!" rejoined the young man In that caae. .That's nothing. I proposed to atj least A doaen girls before I mat you." Dowsrura, xorvisrs sj (EstAbllahed le.) AT AJn "TOO aUtOBCBBS. ' 1 Boom 4, Oronad Fleor, 1 CMAMMMM Ol OO'XatJIaaOKi Building, Portlsnd,NOr. 1 MB30triOBT BUBUaTBaW. ' Quick BervlcA REFERENCES Ladd eh heGreat Chinese Dcctori mimm ' 'e..;,-r ...W -: . , i .... , SINCE 1890 .'.', He la called great bocatts he cures all dlaeaaaea without reeorttng to" th knife. Call and hav a f ree examinatlnn. H will yoti the exact nature of your trouble. Tj treats succeeaf ul Ijr every form of for-' TJ . , . bobtx,abb, exznr.' sr.tu.ij