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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 14, 1905)
- . r ; . .. .i.:,-T---;': I. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING. rjU'E l 1905. ..... , : TOWN TOPICS- relasea rrle .. Empire Bur ... tiraod . Baker . "Are Yoa a Maionr iiitnini .'Tut Outcasts of Loudun "A twril 'ue" . .j. . Vaude.llle Vaudeville ...... Yaude.lllo - " Blair T: 8PonVjfialtmtiaat1ona! charges in an amended anawcr to hla complaint agalnat tht Waahlngton Life Inauranca company In a suit to recover til J is allegod to be due on" contract Into which be aaya ha and the company . entered. Ha avera that ha.waa com pel led to reaort to heroic, measures to prevent the company from auspenalon and protected the Intereata or the policy holders! who would have Buffered tocaea 7 had he not adopted a ptan whl savea tha "business to the concerns - Bcott's suit-was file several montha-ag, since . which time he., wa arrested at, the In- .. . stance .of the company in rew rora. raxton, Beach Simon ' are hla- at "torneys and ssy the sult wtll rhake.ini aurance history. . We,ars right. In the heart of Portland .our launchea landing at fooT of Mor "rleon street, on, upper, aide of bridge. We dart around under the brldgca Ilka 7 awallows, atopplng at all points in the harbor, and aklp away up to the Qaks. down to the fair around". Und pas- . aengers on tne waranipa wnue tney are ."" anchored lo th river and do all other andl-oivers-thinga that happy, hearty r : boatmen.-uniformed up to the handle ought to do. We are the people, "Don't you think T" Favorite Boating company. Postal nation Nj. .1. which - waa od rdered established lntlte Chamber of Commerce building for the accommo dation of the Jarre wholesale houses In the bualneas district., was opened 'W the ', public by Poatmaater Minlo yes terday.'. It la located In xoom on the -"ground floor, and wilt ba Intha charge of twaclerka. BtAmpa wlUBegoia "'" and domestic and foreign' money order .issued Just ai at the general poatofflce. - . .Seventh Day Adventlsts at their west- "lf cmnferoncoi on North MWffil 'Tabor campground yeaterday elected the following offleera: President. Elder F. t. Bunch, Cote county; secretary and T treaaurer.'O. W. Pettlt. Portland: cor- -responding secretary,-Kdlttt Btarbuck; - - aiecutlve committee of the conference, F. 8. Bunch. T. H. 8tarbuck. J. M. Cole, T -Jienrir -Dlrkeon, v O.- W. PettltBavld ttt Gnuc r o fly DTi BlBIIMOn ' .' Billing trlpa on the river. .....' 260 Z5Q ZBO ' . " K" excursion steamer Gaielle.-" Morning sail leaves t:S0 o'clock. J Af ternoon sail learea i:JS o'clock. J. T" Evening sail leaves 1:S0 o'clock. i "-View the beautiful river aeenery. war- ahlps. fair, grounds, St.- Johna, drydock, the- Columbia river. -' Leaves footof Stark street.,- The" reliable Mermaid-Brand Coach ell a Cantaloupea are arriving ' by ex- pack. , "Finer than silk and sweeter than honey." Purchaaere should Jookfor thla label and take ho other. For sale by all flrat-clasa grocera and market men. Pearaon-Page Co.,- Main 475,, aole . agenta. , . . ; - - . , ' i. ""The large double-deck" excuralon barge Klickitat and Meamef Glenola may- wow be ThaTtwra Tor alPday and" moonlight trips. Capacity, day, J0 per naughl41jrontftoljiliinE.Ujg floor and elect rlo llghta. For ratea and ' datea appty Oregon Round Lumber com pany, 111 BurnsWe atreet. Thone Main 1517; ".' k . " Raeeal Raceal llaoea Port la ndT "Hunt club -Annuat (laid dayv "Irvlngton racetrack, "" Saturday, June 17. 1:30 p. m. rirneta on aaie at Idenheimer'a 3d and Washington. Wedding inultat Ions and announee ' trfenta. Tou will appreciate the beauty of our old English and plate script atylea when you see our samples. Prices no higher than the otrt-of -date atylea. Alvln 8. Hawk Co.. 145 Third street. Everr man'a "comfort" and protection la increased by. wearing a well fitting suspensory bandage, euch as la sold by Albert Bernl. the. druggist. Second and Waahlngton. -,A large stock of all atylea, lsea and prices to choosp from. The musical and literary entertaln . ment given by the I Jul lea' Auxiliary of the Emmanuel Baptist church June , Irr Hobktrk a hall, promise to he a rare treat. Tlcketa at Bkldmore a, also Jones' drug atora. Front and Oil-be. -- - - Try a meal without meat at the Vege- "tartan trfe.-105 Sixth rtreet. Do you want to go down the river with President Goode, Mayor Williams, U..!' . - - . . . . .. J THE DIFFERENCE JTT1HERE is a difference between good printing' and bad print ing that is of .more worth to you ; than to anyone else; CThe chief mission of the literature you send forth is to tell the world the story, of your, wares and help sell them. You would hot employ a sloven or ill-clad salesman to present your proposition to a prospective cus tomer. It would be pooler policy to send them bad printing. for, a salesman shortcomings may bo overshadowed by a genial per isonality; bad printing is a voodoo forever. The hind of printing we produce possesses the qualities you would require in a salesman. Cooto no more 'an the other kind -. F. W. BALTES AND COIIPAIJY First and Oak Qtreets Ilain 165' Miyrtr-elect Xane and Prealdent Ooode'e staff ta meet -Rear-Admiral Goodrich and the cruise ra Chicago and Boston, ex pected to crosa the tr ooJTrldayT-Yaa maflf ydtr-aealre--and procure lyour ticket without delay. "The" Favorite Bodtlng company, the live concern - at the foot of Morrison attest (Upper aide of bridge), has - generously - tendered Prealdent Good and ataff and the mayor and' mayor-eject one of Ita .fine launchea for the occasion, and the, offer haa been accepted. The company will end a fleer of six of more of Ita splen did craft, upon any of which, except the official boat, paasag may ba. seeured by ticket purchased at any tUne tomorrow or tomorrow evening or Friday morn ing, if any be left. Thla fleet will aall at eoma hour. on Friday, which .will be announced In tomorrow evenlng'a Jour nal, and will aklp down a ahort distance Into the Columbia to bid the warships welcome to Oregon and the great xpo aitlon. For definite, time of leaving, or other Information, "call at boat landing, foot of Morrison street, upper aide of bridge, or phone Main ilOS. It haa heen demonsTrateoT time and time again that Hedglns Corn Cure takea off corns and bunions that other corn ourea fail .to touch. - Sold only byAl bert Bernl. the druggist, Second and MMnington streets. , , f mahrp-Roanolt,-T.4096na, sails fof- Ban Frannleco and Lea Ana-elee calling at Eureka en route. Saturday."! June iT. p. froni Columbia dock No. U Ticker office: 151 Waahlngton street. . . young, agent.'.. ' The- annual meeting of the atock- win do neia in the parlora of the hotel tonight at 7:30 o'clock. Offleera will be elected and other Important bualneaa tranaaciea. ' ; The, Nebraaka atate-. exhibit, with headquartera in the Agricultural build tng, glvea a aerlea f moving cictures rmurry through the day. Illustrating the rcaources or 10 atate.... ....... . f Our-lauinrhea - ara " fiotWrred - from rrmarar-tns oaka. Take boat from foot of Stark street.- There are 13 run ning from . that landing. Bosa boats, too. - rteliable plaes )" heeeew wiewsy dlamonda and Jewelry. - Collateral Loan Bank, 26 Waahlngton at. '-Eatabllahed 16 yeara. Lowest ratea of interest. Steamship" Alliance aalla. from" Couch atreet dock for- Coos Bay and Eureka Friday evening. June 16. at I. F. P. 4Jimgatln,er-agcnt Main .Ml. ; Mllwaukla Country club la now open. Take Sellwood or Oregon City cara. Cara leave First and Alder every IS ml nu tea. 90 and ayjTOTil creei. 15.000 aquare feet apace. Apply to Pacific Paper Co. Any watehea - cleaned, 31.00; ' main' spring, 11.0; all work guaranteed one year. Metxger ft" Co., Ill Sixth atreet. Ansley Printing Co., 350 Oak. WHERE TO DINE. The Empire, the place to "go for fine meals. Neat and clean. 13 Thirji. LEARN WHO HE IS "T - WHEN HE IS FAR AWAY Atjast the identity cf JG. -W. Han- Ion," the third of theTfrlh auspected of robbing the oaahbox at the Portland hotel rathakeller of 3135. haa been ea tabllahed. He la Jamea Johnson, aliaa Jamison, a noted pickpocket and dla mond thief,- - . : ; Johnson waa discharged from the cauntr Jall.byithe authorities, on the late grand Jury finding a not true bill agalnat him. The Identity of Hanlon waa discovered through, a photograph shown Detective Imv. xn tiu trip to Buffalo. New York. to get George Randolph, who waa held there for passing worthleaa checke In thla clty.. ' . - With a - woman Hanlon went into a jewelry - store In Alleghany' City, .and while hla componion engaged the Jeweler In converiatlon-Johneon walkefl-wnt with, a tray filled with gold watches nd diamond Jewelry. Standard Sleeper. ' General Passenger Agent 8 K. .Hooper of the Denver ft Rlo Grande haa notified General A gent Wt O. MeBrlde ef -the local office that on Tueaday, June 30, the road, will establish In connection with the Oregon Short Line and the Ore gon Railroad ft Navigation a daily standard sleeplng-cnV service between Denver and Portland. The west-bound car will be operated from Denver to Bait Ijike on Rlo Grande - tram No. 1 and east-bound aleeper of the Rlo Grande will leave Portland, on Oregon Railroad ft Navigation train No. 6 at 3:15 p. m. ".' Eighty per cnt of UTe young mea of. the presentagedon't sayft anythingrDid you ever stop to think, that if you put $1 aside every day for five yeart , you will have a fund of $1,825, not count ing interest; -Try it persistently for one year. It will give you more - satisfaction, thaiv-anything else'you ever did. . . - . , WE PAY ' 4 PER CENT INTEREST. . . . -GENERAL r--' -: 'BANKING-BUSINESS .TRANSACTED. Oregon Savings Bank Sixth and Morrison ' Sts." . . W COOPER MORRIS. Cashter.. . ,TEll!r n" w Main CELEBRATE VICTORY - - WON AT THE POLLS Citizens' Leaguers and Demo: crats Hear Mayor-Elect Lane .Renew Campaign Pledges. : The Touria- Man's Democratic Club with members of the Cltlaena' league that fought In the campaign for the election of Dr." Harry Lane to ;the mayoralty celebrated their victory laat nia-ht In Unltr hall. About 100 men WereMaent aitdraddTeaaea-rweraT given by O. W Allen, prealdent of the club; Senator C. VV. Nottingham. Rev,Jir P. Burgette- Short, pastor of tit Taylor 8treet M. E. church; Kev. ur. ciaient-e True Wilson, pastor of Orac.. M.-B. church: Bert E, Haney, deputy district attorney; John II. Stevenaon;-J. pur h.rrtt and Wllllain' noran Dr. Lane waa there to acknowledge hla appreciation of the aupport that ne re celv'ed In the campaign and to renew hla pleagea that he would' labor to give the people of the municipality an admin istration that would measure up to their nectatldns vi am under obllgatlona to -the- mem bera of the Municipal association." said DrrLane, for their aupport and the con-fldence-thev reposed in me. No one who had been the recipient of euch ar teatl monlal could be derelict of duty without violating all' hla lnattneUi-s - "It la niK an eaay.taak that-1 now fBsr-I"mu'st' work' through other men. But I am determined that If thoae whom I select to assist me In conducting the city government do not -carry Into ef fect'prlnclplea rdTnrcn-eTougTST-itf the campaign. I will get rid of them and search . for ethera who will do their duty. . . "I shall appoint men" I thlnkr-wlll do right, and-.want to aay, here and now that, If they fall to meet reasonable, ex pectations. I wlll be : reiPonsLblLand will answer to the people. "Farther, any person who cornea to me to recommend a citizen for appoint ment In whom he himself does not re pose Implicit confidence, will not Boon be-forgotten by me for attempted be trayal of ' the "people. Certain! he will not be my friend." ' ' : ONCE STENOGRAPHER-NOW-SUPERINTENDENT " Dorsey B. Smith, who today assumed hla. duties as assistant 'superintendent of the Washington division of the O. R & N., waa a student In the school Lr-Moniera tiring the latterg-gd- ministration aa president of the Oregon Railroad tc. 'Navigation company. Mr. Smith began railroading It years ago aa a stenographer with the Pennsylvania system In Kentucky. After a year he went to the Louisville & Nashville aa stenographer- in the office of the gen eral freight agent at Evanavllle,' In- dlnnft ,.1U nn 1n 1187. as secretary to A. L. Mohler After: sev eral years' service Mr. Mohler . asked him what department he preferred to adopt and he promptly aaid the operat ing. In March, 1903. he waa given charge of the Ilwaco road, where ne haa made a success of handling the details and economies of a branch line. Hla popularity waa atteated Friday night when 24 employes of the division gave a banquet In his honor at the hotel In Nahcotta. Washington, and every man around the table responded to tha call of the toaatmaster, and made a few re marks expreestng the regret al' felt at parting from Mr. Smith, DEMOCRATIC CLUB- WILL RATIFY ELECTION Under the auspices of. tha Multnomah Democratic club a meeting will be held thla evening In Hlbernla hall. Sixth- hnd Washington atreeta to celebrate the re sult of the-municipal election. Gov ernosH Chamberlain, District Attorney John. Manning, Mayor-Elect Harry Lane, John R. Jamea and othera will speak. A cordial Invitation la extended to the public to be "present. -- -.. . . . - - - - Curea croup, aore throat. Dulmonarv troubles Monarch over pain of every sort. Dr. Thomas' Kcleotrh? e Consumers! -XT I tt'e have unequaled facilities . for supplying " HAY and FEED In large quantities.' By tell- . Ing dtrecr and eliminating the, retailer's profit, we are aWa,' Ir1. save juti moMV-at all lime - watch our advertisements fqrr - full pricea on hay and feed. ific Grain Co. Talrtoeata mag Kaaraey Sta.' TsVrpkeas Mala S30T. OttEGOrrS BEAUTIES -STIRJDIIIRATION California Promotion Committea Guests of City on Trip on -- . - the Columbia.' . MEMBERS MET LEADERS J IN COMMERCE HERE State Unit In Grand Purpose ,f Deyelopifig "Region West 1 of Rockies. ' ". The. California Promotion committee, escorted by prominent cltlxen and. rep resentatives of the- exposition manage ment. -bearded .the steamer Bailey Ost. sert thla morning, for a .view of the magnificent scenery of the Columbia river be,t ween . Portland and Cascade Locks. They-will return this evening. Laat night the committee was enter tained at the Commercial' club, and an outpouring of Influential citlsens. added to -tne. 1J5 . Callfornlana,. crowded the apacloua rooma.of the club and made the function one of the events of the ex position period.' Plenty of time .waa gtren to become acquainted wKh. the gueata, afterwhlch there were speeches by broad-minded men who for the nonce -forgot-atate rlvalf y-and- spoke only of. the common purpose that' anlmatea western commonwealths, to develop the latent reaourcea of the region and bring them, to the attention of the world, Tom Richardson,: manager of the club, wag toaatmaater, and introduced Rufus P. Jennings, J. Wir Horn,- Fred J. ' Koater, E. L, Marwedei. Andrea Sbsrboro, C W. Armstrong, C. WJ Bert. L. M. Klngand othora of the delegation from California, who responded to the aentlment of the evening "Get together' . : ..It was In the nature of an exchange of compllmenta, with California speakers laying gnnil things or uragon, and Ore- gon pratora telling- of the glories achieved . by the aona of tha golden State. W. M. Ladd. Herman Wittenberg, W. D. Fenton, Colonel Jamea' Jackson. Leo Fried and others represented Ore; gon in the apeechmaklng. . The .significance 0f the reception was that the-Caltfornla'-Promjt Ion commlt tee and the Oregon Development league, creation of tha. Commercial club.- are l-organlxed with a. common object the development of the Pacific coast. Their efforts bava been confined; to the ex ploitation of no email section, but broadly-themambers have endeavored to forward the Interests of the great region that Ilea this side of the Rockf mountains; Of especial Interest waa tha address of Mr. Marwedel. one' of the pioneera of California. . He related : the salient facta of the history of the paat to yeara and then eloquently pictured the coming SOME SIGNERS SAY THEY ARE SORRY Professor Strong Analyzes Pe tition for His Removal, and Explains Animus Behind It. Professor C. L. Strong. DrlnctnaJ of the Sellwood public school for whoy dismissal a petition, signed by 18 resl- dents pfSllwp9dabeenJnedwlthi: the city board - of school directors, ap peared at the meeting of the. board last night to defend himself. "He stated that the attack against film had been In spired by J. Qi Hoard, former Janitor of the school, with whom he had trou ble, and three or four persons who dis liked his discipline In the schoolroom. . Professor Strong stated that-ou the-tt-Trtgner of the petition two and sometimes three were members of one family. After making deductlona he stated there were 73 families repre sented on the petition, and IS of them had no .children in thechool. Of the 88 aignera SO never had had any deaK amllles who hsdf signed the petition and had asked what they had against him. and learned that a large number signed it berause o personal friendship for Mr... Hoard, or because thejs. did not understand the situation. .One man stated that- he- had signed it because the principal had "blacklisted" hla boy auspended him from anhnnll ft nnt hnn la signing a petition to reinstate Hoard. In nearly every Instance, after the prin cipal had explained - the matter,- the people, he aald, expreased regrets that hey had signed the petition, and sev eral had communicated with Bupertn tendent Rlgler asking him to remove their names from--lt. , HAMMERS TO KNOCK : TO SOME PURPOSE H, W. Wallace haa let contracts for construction of a building to coat 117,000 on Sixth atreett between Couch and Da via streets. About f 1.000 will be spent in making alterationa in the Star theatre. The Oregon Amusement com pany haa let a contract for the erection of , a toboggan .--slid on Thurman, be tween Twenty-fourth and. Twenty-fifth streete." ' , - Plana are completed by Lewis Allen for A 14.000 residence for, J. K Gamble, on Gllsan. between Twenty-second and Twenty-third streets. Emll Schacht la preparing plana for a residence for T. tt. Zimmerman at the corner of Twen tieth and -Multnomah atreeta. Charlea M. Meredith will build three residences at Nsrtllla and Mndlaon streets. . J. Hefty is making plans for a residence for- George- XTT Fnmdcrs on irnwrn orn terrace. Portland -helsht. . and for a bungalow for Mrs, F. Harrison- 4 Ken- ilworth. tJ.500 dwelling planned by' E. Kroner will be Hullt tof William ' Hrewster at the corner of Kearney, and i Twenty-first sweeta. Joseph Jacoha-. bersef has plana fo a .residence for) J.- F. Kelly - at-Ffrth and - Cam there ; atreeta. and a dwelling for R. Lleee at! Twentieth and Pettysrove streets. W, ; H. Sawtenn will build a cottage on East TlfTrty-Becond, between Yamhill and Bet mont atreeta. t. If. Pammler will erect ! two dwellings on Eleventh, between Cpi-.i lege snd Jackson streets. . -- I Eastern Excursiorr Rates. " On June ii. lt. It. IT the Greaf Kortherh railway, will sell excursion tickets to St. Paul,, Minneapolis, Duluth, Milwaukee, Chicago. St. Lou la, Omaha. Kansas City, Winnipeg, etc., at rate of one ftrst'ctoaa .fare plus 110 for round trip. Tickets allow stopovers going and returning, good for three months. . For full Information rail on or ad dress II. pickson. C P. sV T. .A. tGxeat Northern Ry.. No. 122 ThlrA. street, Portland, Oregon. aJOTIli ID . gEaOlTf. ' y hoxeleairmoumh r I 150 Elegant Rooms Open for SALE :OF SEATS FOR MrslFisle .AND THE1 - Manhattan Company ' JK "LeahKleschna" OPENS AT- - . Empire Theatre -tomorrow: 10 A. X. . . PRICES: 12. "11.50V $l,' 55c. $0c. June 24 Don't Forget ItThat's All BAY STATE DELEGATES -. .;' NAMED BY GOVERNOR The delegates from Massachusetts' se lected by Governor William It. Douglas to attend the dedication of the Maasa chusetts building on June IT ar as fol lower ' '- John-R. Thayer. Worceater) Michael J. aulllvan of the governor'a council,! Boston". WllllSm A Lytle gf th govern or"s . council. Worcester! WilJIanf. -FT Dana, president of the senate, Newfonv Lewis A. Frothlhgham. speaker of .the house of representatives, Boston: State Senatora J. P. Monroe, chairman coroV mlttee on-federarTelatlona; Daniel . W. -fand.- John J. Oartland; representatives Wllllanr M. Cushman. chfllrman committee-on federal .relatione; David ,P. Keefe, John, B. Lowney, OeorgeA. Sclgllano, James Sidney Allen. Georae A. Tltcomb. W-Ullam J, Graham. Matthew .Mcfann,; Captain David T. Remlnartun, aergeant-at-arms; James M. Perkins, 'secretary Lewis and Clark board of managera. and W. Simmons, conductor of the party. The' delegation left Boston on June g and should arrlverFfldayrJune U, af- :ter having made several stops. The governor- In his stne-tlst designate T. JR. WIlaa:- of Portland as president of the day. FORESTRY BUILDING'S FATE WITH COUNCIL commission"! anxious -to leurn If the city contemplates taking' possession of the Forestry building, aa provided by a special act of the legislature, after the fair closes. ' Jefferson Myers, president of the commteslon, has written to the . city council asking It to make a decision aa soon as possible aa the commisalon would Jlka to plan-foe-the-Jtrtnro; , 'ir the city council finds It cannot comply with the provisions of the. aft." fhe wrote, "the state commission will iMKe steps io insure some puniic society buying the necessary ground and caring for the structure." - - The-art provldee Mhat the building shall be turned over to the city at the end of the fair nrnvldlnir an acre nrl more or grounu on wnicn ti li.tliv tmtMing Is j -and sufficient 1 located Is purchased money to keep the building In-good con dltlon la appropriated,- If the-crty does not accept the terms of. the act It la atated that several -nritsnlzatlona.ar4 anxious for the chance to take over the building. -r r INNES WILL ANALYZE - ' f MOTIVE OF PARSIFAL Owing to the fact . that Bandmaster Llnnes considers Festival hall best fitted for the production of "Parsifal- and Inasmuch aa thla auditorium la encsa-ed for rellalnus services Sunday afternoon the Parslfsl" concert will not he given until ( o'clock that evening.' After giv ing - the " matler-of "Parsifal" much thought Innea Intenda to make the con cert more of an occasion than was at fjrat contemplated. The program will open wltha number of sacred selections from the compositions of the best com posers. Then Innes will sddresa the au dience, giving an analytical criticism of -J'arstfa l." One by ne- he will take up what he believes to be the motives of the composition then- have his band ren der the score. , Pi of oi isd knock Oaaaeg Oooda. Allen Lewis' Beat Brand. Some of You Will Wait fntll the last mlmte or until the last minute haa passed be- fore ordering wood for the winter. The Prxc Wia .Co .Up July I There will b ayi elevattort-nf 29 per cent at that time. Better-order now when you can get Great Loads of Fine Slab , Wood at $1.75 With allshtlv Increased charges rtnr tong hatrts; Get In four or- drra SiOW. , f ' -' Banfield-Veyscy , ' Fuel Co. : . SO Tkirg Strowt, Cor. Oak. " .1. Tel. Sfaia SM. , ; SOTEtl Airn BtlOsta. I Quests AYUgZaCXsTTg. Free Lectures on Practical Demonstrations Of the varloas-aeM tr culinary porpoaea of tbe Chocolate Gocoa "Uanufiicturea by t-n Walter Baker; & Co; I.IMITKD 3 ECU ESTCR, MASS. (KnilJluiieil ITm ; - -' will be glrea by Miss Elizabeth K. Burr iDanestle BViaBee Dept. Boatoa Y. W. C. A.) ' - at - Burkhard's-Hall Burnldw street.' K.RT PORTI.ASO. . dtily - for.mie week, -ennmearlnc Thursday, June 15 At I SO o'clock . In. the aftrnea and t o'clock la tba.-.Tenlng .-7 - - gaafr-lM f Mlaa Ron's preparations: 'turn at rnkee. I'lidillni.. Mrrliifim, Kud. Hotiffla, Ice 't'reaai. Bavarian Cream, etc., will be. trrvrfl at each lecture, and the will h lOrawt to anawcr all tnqnlrl ee- &Mln the same. A dlfforrnt mraa will e ifcreil ana acrTrd at each leotiir. H.mple cak h Walter Baker Pre. mlcm No. I t'hocolaie. the. Tanlla' 9mri "Thor-SIHTe-aTffl nm!Tmf.T caiiwjsf fJST Itrfakfant t'oroa. alao a bonk of "iholc Chamlaur Rrlpf." will be prwnted to afl pinon attendins Ibeiw lectaree, and all .who are Intereate'd In scientific oooklns 'sbcuM not ll to attnd, a they art Bel asco Theatre Sloauf ilrJCol!! ojhi r t freU-on. Wannlnfftno. . tONIOHT All. WKEK7 UATI.NK SAT I It DAY AND flt'NPAT. Third Week Ilelaaco Htnck Cnmpaay.' rxxrrSTTOHEDY" WniTTEST "A hullr brtw." (rftmUn. 'Tonipanr niadt gmtd cld." Jmimal, 'A MTcatnlncI fnnn? farc." Tl(iTani. THE BK) LW tlHtSQ 8t:cCE. Vrirm ETfwtng, 15 ta Tfter ttnrl8 ta 50J. i .. . was. tbt nnvr GERMAN ROOF GARDEN Opposite Main Kntrance Fair Grounds. tmtm sAjrca xtebt aTxrara. waoiBgoitB, t vma in - OX.S A. D. G. RYE D. OIB.MAWTS SOX.a AOZaTT . J M?rrtsc.ri.jPtKSt . FIREWORKS AND FLAGS We carry the largest stock of fireworks In the northwest,, manu' factured by the celebrated Rochester Flreworka company. , New York. A large assortment of exhibition sets for town and city celebratlona from 110' to per set. Also flags and bunting Jot fair opening decora tions. ... : Japaneae and mattings, etc. Chinese' curios. Wholesale and retail.- - Andrew Kan & Co. as? Kommxsoa st. JOHN DELLAR mmxxu oXeOTamro) Atrs saoas Mtromr oiuna tkaw asnr oraaa ataa CatAJIT IS vma CITT. Ho -neet tor us to' stste rause how we do it. We simply ask of those that have not tried ua yet to take g ,'look at our display of Men's and Boye" Suits, rants. Hats and Shirts, with 'a full line of Indies', Men's, Misses' and Boys' Hhoe Kvery article marked tn plain figures. We have done business with the same peo ple for 12 years, corner First snd Yam hill, Another store, lately fixed Up, cor nr Third and Dtvlv .... Cooking Are You a Mason? "."' "'" " '' that? V'".. " ' i .... . "Mtltl aK- lUOlTlw. Tw.ntySlxth and Upthur Strmmtm NOW OPEN omaiTi aLaxar TBaaTOal TO L1WII ATD OX.ABK XXFOglr . - TIOaT. . Only lhanlut.l; r..( - BotM ' adjotnlng araaaa, .rqiiipp4 wljji elertris c.U. Wll. aad aprrlal t.l (aiile com mnn Ir. Moat fnr patrons. I mfurn.4 portar and twllhnra at all Boars at guiata' servles. -. Rates, $1.00 a Day and Up Vy.-H.-LATTINr- deneral-Mi'nageM Delightful Mount Hood Trip - - VISITOR to tha Lewis and Clark expoal- tlon Bhould take thla the moat .delightful of al mountain trips In 'America. Cloud Cap tnn." unique and picturesque, f.000 feet ho xr fords splendid sccommodationac Summit - of .- mountain -eaaily -accessible from this .point. Stages leave Hood River sta- -- tlon dally, making connection ' witfiTO. R. N. tralna. Round trlp tickets, -inciudlng coach- -ins trip, on salt et.O. R. A tir aickatof flcaMhlfrt and Wash .: ington atreeta,, Portland.-' Par . tlculara about ratea at Cloud Cap Inn by .writing ; mtM. aUXAjrOTT.T., Manages. ,' Heet Tse, Qsaajoa. SeoA t cents in stamps to .A. L. Crslg, O. P. A. Oregon Railroad aV Navigation com pany. Portland, for booklet telling about trip. HOTEL SPECIAL RATES BY THE DAY OR WEEK -Beached ey the Oregog-' Water -Write or Phone. t. S. aCABTIaTZS. Maaager Bstacada, Oregon. , HOTEL DETROIT Cor. S7ta aad Thuraaa gtreets. J. C. GRIFFIN. Proprietor. .. Reached tiy all car linea ' . Ratea, $1 per day. Rooms with. bath. $2 and ft per day. : ' .AKUSSafZVTaV. STAR "THEATRE ZXTBA SPECIAL ATTSACTIOKI. The Do Mutka, Whirlwind Kanrert; goaa.ll aad O'Hotl, hkelh; Hork Boll, lieraaa t'omndtas; Claato Fooloy. NoTeltr aernhati Maaaaaa Ley 4. nprratle a.,praso: Marry. Wsltoa, lntipnie,mi,f .Ktehojd Bartoa.-The Knsltah Part-tone:- The gtarsosoaov -Shewlos Japaneoo War . flctureo. Almli.lm Hie; rrvrtnl fnmt tow Jr. t np.rillelrit Heenrtt: Tremendooa Bill! - EMPIR C S PUCfAL, Firs Mshts Bednntns Tueodar. Juae 20, MATINEE 8ATIRDAT. , MRS. wnk- festa lo.Thor.-iar. Prlceo fx II. KK $1. Tf.c, nor. LYRIC THEATRE "THE HOUSE OF VCCEI8ZS." X.ttlac A Floo4.. XsTfT Week -Crtmoienclne 'Juno IJv ' 1' The sre.t Enall.h draoia la four acta, The London Outcasts" "TOLtOW THE CB0WBS." 1 AdmtMtaa toe,- - - - EMPIRE THEATXt. lath and Mjrrlaoa, M1LTOX W. ItlUiX.t Realdest Masasor. All play of ajii.tcat awrlt. Matlooe orory day at 2:1V Evening at 13. AJDanillOV IO CIWTS ALWAYS. Empire Stork romfiane tn the Groat Tkree Act t omedy-lH-aoia, "A IECBET TOE." All tklo week. CI ZYEBIKO SHOWS. and I N p, at. MATCHLESS ITMM EH BILL. . O Star-Trio la "OUB UWC1E." BEOAEO TBIO ACBOBATS. Vk THE KELLY'S. COMEDY iKETCH. BFBT WHITE. MOBOLOOIiT. F4 BTBBEBT CKELHEY CO., PLAYLET. D j JOE BOSHEB, HEW SOMO. .v OHAgDISCOPE. KDISOH 'FILMS. . General ortniUoluo. ltie. Krenlno. Biinrf.v holld.T. yront aeata, luirer fl'wr. 2oe. Islty itlnee. lOe. BAKER. THEATRE VXLSf- noon ATTRAtTtojts nxTT. ' KKATtNO Hmi. Manotera. EXPOSITTOM POUB. BABDMEB aad BEEVES. aiSS LIBBIE HAST. J. W. BVBTOV. . THE LAM O VI BBOTaTERg. XEAB WTLSOH. lilt MIMI, BIOSBAPB. - 1UII OBCMESiaa. .. J hi T anS s p. si. ASatSSIOB It CZBTS TO ABY SEAT. ' EE THE GIRL IN BLUE At 8601'pshur St. LEWIS JIN D CLK OBSMRVA. TORY AMD CAFE - POBTLAXB BEISHTS. - T.ko rortlao4 H.lftito eor sad got off a H.wtbnrn. Torram. mam mlnrm troaa ai Ifw. Ha rllaiMoc Klerfrlo ot...i. Sea beantlrol orteet of OMeerrol o.rli(tl . from Bi ef tn.ej Vau oa t o 4it,i i orktlo ttewlirf Ike aauot at.snin. m;i ...., t. Is aoterw-a Obm e. at. w o. ov a . . atea to eaiti. BLAZ: -'COBCEST f" f t 1 Estacada