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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 14, 1905)
" the ofeEGOrli ' s ' OFFICIAL PROGRAM SALEM MOVED TO OF-REONION-DAYSr-PORTLAND-TODAV What tha Pioneers Will Do Dun ' Jng Their Annual Cather- : v " ing in Portland. 1 i Largest Excursion !.Yet From State Towns . Makes Gala ' Time At the Fair. Business in Portland. Fixtures and L.ease for Sale! DAVENPORT ENTRtyMN3 WITH HIS ANECDOTES SESSION CONVENES v-- - TOMORROW MORNING - Banquet - and - Business Jleetirfg Scheduled for the First Even lljnz Friday, All Visit Fair. Formal Reception to Be Given ' Visitors Tonight With SpecjaL 7 Musical Program. .' 'i ' . ' ' 1 - Willis Q.floiog Out sl11 11-- 1 . .1. . On Ing to the number of f unctions flow going on In the city the Oregon Plo ' nerre' sssociatlon lias laeuealhe -follow-lng offirUil program to prevent any mi a--understanding: '.. . ; Thursday. June, 15 From Jl to -1 p. m . th pioneers will assemble . at the Armory, corner Tenth and Couch streets. Mothed In tho- proper pioneer badge for 1906. . , Vpo arrlvil' at the Armory they will be received, by Jcsejih Buchtel, grand marshal; and hla ,alda.. assisted- by the wnman'a reception, committee an! con; .i......... iA Ihi rfnrtahtll M.llAfthd flOOT. JwherlhjsercU njUhfh'J ' w1 1 ' take place according to the .foirQ. wing ' program: '"" : . ' m' "Thla town will move- to -Portland June 14." . ' " - The f ather-ofthis- banne-wnlchwas (Stretched acrosa the main tree J of Sa lem theae many weeks, made Ho ml take In hla forecast! The whole, capital la here. -Every man on,, the - exposition grounds la carrying a, lupch baaket or a baby, and men and women, alike are decorated with." a white badge, on the face of which, appears the proclamation: '8a1em-'-pHpHjlatlon:14,75S." .' .. When the apeclal train left Oregon's Judicial .center this morning it carried at least .00 people. There" wens -1 T coaches, Tan of them filled by the joy ous public, and greai banners iirmmiiij alongside the sides of the cars told of "Wright." 1853: music, Brown's orchestra; prayer by the chaplain. Ker. Robert , nobe, J85:, Brownsville; address -of wel come by Hon. Oeorge , H; Williams. -mayor; appointment of committee on -resolutions - by the president; music, ' Brown's orchestra; annual address by lion. 11. It. QUfry18Sj. WaaJblhgtcnJi V.: recitation (crlglnai). Miss Minnie M. Bode, Portland ;-. muelo.'-Brown's orches tra; announcement. by thi grend mar shal; omeaiciipn i . At the closa-ef these exercises inere 'wilLb a reunion lasting until g o clock. when uranq warenai iiucnm mm " will form a column or twns ana, march to-the tianauet-room,- where they will 1 received by Mrs. C. M. Cartwrlght. The .annual business westing will be held at T:0 In the dsneehail. yonow irig the business meeting an entertain ment will he gjven, - - 7 '.Friday, June 1. t to 11 a. m. As sembly at ' the entrance of exposition groundr.": All are requested to go Im mediately to Festival ball, whera exer cises will follow. v The afternoon will be spent by -the? pioneers as they choose. Pioneers must wear proper badge for 71905 at alt "times an j -sare,U will, only entitle them to admlesjoh to the expo sition grounds: between 'the hours of and 11 on June 1. About -780 members have already registered. ' - LORD CANNOT HAVE IMMEDIATE TRIAL Other Cases - Will Take Preced 3 ; ence Over That of the Con- -ITspiracy Against Heney:: "r ". Charles T. Lord.-who waa Indicted jwith Henry Ford. John Hall and others oh the charge of bDstruetlng- Justice by attempts to intimidate United States District Attorney Francis J. Heney. ap peared In the federal court thla morning to ask for an early trial. He called the -attention -of the court o thefact -that he had been prompt In entering hla plea ofnot guilty and that at that time he had asked for immediate-trlaF." Now that a panel of Jurors had been drawn ; ha felt that be. was entitled to renew ; his request"-- ". .. Judge Do Haven referred the request to Mr. Heney, who was present In court, -and the latter replied that at thla time It would be impossible to set the gov- -rnmenfa-csse - against Mr, JLord -and hla codefendanta. Mr, .Heney explained 'that cases are pending against a United Etates senator and two congreasmen. and that custom prevents them " from taking part in . the proceedings of con gress until. the cases are decided. Pub ' lie Interest therefore demanded that these cases should be disposed- of be- - fore any others, and in the meantime it would be tmpoaslble to name a time for tha trial of Mr. Lord. Hla request was therefore denied. Karri ss Army Of floor. - " . (Journal Special Berrlce.) " Jefferson City .'Mo.. Juneli. A wed ding of note here trlft'y wn that of aflyflnrfimer )(ln Tlsi.1 n 1 In ax 1 1 1 I . ' I'"-"" In Hs.B T of conquest, play Oahrrpf the-crtminat-dtvtsren or in state supreme court, and Lieutenant Ed win A. Hickmsn.'TTnlted States armx The ceremony waa performed at the Presbyterian church In tha presence of a gathering that Included a number of aueata from wit f town. L . . - - . 1- IIcrei3 acasewlierethe "favorite", wins. A i The favorite at this meet is the $2.00 Sennit. ; . T lf one is not handicapptd by monetary, considerations here jite-uthef - winners Panamas at f 5J; 0.00 and $7.00. - Also the Java Straws : with derrted crowns at $1.50. AUo" Nobby Sailors from 50 ;-to- 92.50. IrlOilClxOTHinGe ; Qua Jtufm-Proi Everything for Men. and Boys. 166 and 168,THIRD ST.T ' v Near Morrison. ' -T- After the rush at the gates was;ovr the eager crowd assembled on the front porch 'of the .Oregon, building, where ceremonies were held. - The Administra tion band played seversl lively numbers and -after s'ecurlitg the. attention of the vast crowd. State Commissioner J. H. Albert Introduced Mnyor Frank WaUra as chairman of the day. ; Upon assuming tha gavel Mayor Waters congratulated the people of Sa lem upon their splendid showing. . The mayor- sppke briefly qf the possibilities of-the-district which h represents. J-udge J. il. -Bigger el Salem responded for the people of Balem and I.. 11. Bing ham followed with an. interesting re view of the progress of Salem and vi cinity. Homer Davenport - made the talk of the day. . It was-aa informal as the man himself and full of humor, bar ing a reminiscent account of eventa in the Salem of long ago, where the car tooniat received hla first schooling. -" At tha conclusion of the exercises a reception - took placa- In the ' Oregon building," Mrs.' J. C. . Carson being the hoatess.- Refreshments -- were -eerved. The following assisted the hostess: Mrs. If. JJ. Thlelacn. Mra. Charles K. Wolver ion, Mrs. R Hofer, Mrs. R. J. Hendricks, Mrs. F. W. Waters, Mrs. W. B. Morse, Mrs. W, E. Sherman, Mrs. .IT. .W. Dur bln, Mrs. D. C. -Mlnto. Mrs. J. O. Ors ham.'Mrs." W. " Carlton" Smith. Mrs. W. P. Babcock, Mrs. R. D. Houston, Miss Elisabeth Lord. Miss Gladys Farrar, Miss Helen 'Gal breath, Mlaa Bertha Kay. Mlaa Lola Peebles. Miss Blanche Brown, Mlas Ruth Gabriel aon, Mlaa Jennie Fay. 1 Mlaa-Dairy mple, Chauncey Blahop. Roy Bishop, "Frederick Thlelsen. Edward Thlelaen.Bamuer Toilng.- Wilbur -Hard t, C. J.t Jessup and Herbert Junk. . To night a -formal reception will be held from 8 o'clock until 10. A mualcal pro gram haa been arranged. Tha excur sion, train leavea about midnight. -FLAG - D A A T FAIR (Continued from 'Page One.) of the principles the-flag typlOeg la phenomenal in tha world history, it. Is but a century and a quarter alnce thia hatlon cam into being, and m that ahort period the American haa carried an advanced and beneficent civilisation from the Atlantio tp the Paclno. . "It ia but little over 50 yeara ago that the Americans came to thla Pacinc coast, country and In that ahort time have.tranerormea a primeval wuuorum into the garden apot of the world and dotted it with mllliotia of - beautrful homea. When "I look ' back on the paat and' Tecalt-what haa been done In my active lifetime it aeema llk' dream. What haa been done here la but an example of what will continue to take place wherever the American flag floats over American soil, we may irai cer tainly know what the future haa In store for us; we can only judge of it by tha past, but that Is secure and glori ous; its record will be written in glow ing words on the pagea of history and hss been csrved in Ineffaceable char acters on our eternal hllla. It has been itui. nroud orlvllege in this marvelous III II II 1 U 1 IJ I u OPENS THURSDAY, JUNE p v "nftiVip nnrl varH nf oods in this laree stock must be sold AT ONCE, resrardlcss of yholesalc cost This is, a.bona-fidc closing out sale, and this store will positively itc HnrirR hpfnre Sntember IV '05. v Drv Goods, Millinery, Shoes; Hosiery: Corsets, Fancy Goods. Muslin Underwear. Ladies' Suits, Skirts, Waists, etcretc, to sell at STARTLING -ERICE-CONCESSIQNS. : :: PI' THlTSE PRICES TO tlOUD QOOD VtWJES, SALE LASTS 0 0 ers in its grand :drnma-of-c4vlHsatlon and -factorg In Its achievemeni. Xx-Benator Thurston's Speech. The Lakme quartet sang vr tna Waters of Babylon," and then Ex-Senator Thurston was Introduced. John M.. Thurston, ex-member Oflht Vnlted States sensta from Nebrsska, spoke eloquently on the origin of the flag; haa accompllahed." and what It stands for In relation to the world's future. He paid a tribute to the Daughters of the American Revolution and the women of the country who have made Flag day splendid patriotic in stitution, whose grandeur haa been heightened by recent great achievements that stand out on the pages of the world'a hiatory. "" in the atruacles of a people for lib erty," he sald,-"and tha throwing off of J the yoke of despotic government, is seen the true meaning of Flag day. The flag ia the emblem of what the American people have accompllahed. "-.Under thla flag,, we have attained position , as free nation and a world power. Only five times has it been unfurled in bat tle, and In each Instance for the lib erty and the protection of the oppressed. "The glory -of our flag Ira result of ,these events. The power of our flag 1" shown In the respect snd consideration with which the utterances snd sugges tions of our president are received by all civilised - nations. It - Is - the - power of the flag tliat enables him to do what ha in .doing toward ending the carnage in the orient. - t , "-''Our fl-l-greaW Kot,only -Is-lt 1 the protector of the. western continent, but its influence for peace reaches around the globe. ' ' . "What the flag ia "today may be adv cepted as a promise for the futiTr'e. "It Is a Christian flag. It means se curity end progrefs for the Christian re ligion. "It Is a peaceful flag.- It stands for iHHtlre-wmong men-mJ--hrmony- among nations." J - JThe "Recessionsl" by the Lakme quartet, was followed by, "The Htar Spangled Banner," byF. W-aefrch and the ehoIr of-Tjoys, which concluded the program. At t o'clock this after noon reception waa given In tlte Ore gon building by the Daughters of, th American Revolution. - " ria Say la PDJladalpkla. ' (Joursal Special Service.) l'hljadelphls. June 14. The -Quaker City, than which no city of the country Is .more closely identified with the dila tory ft the stars and stripes, wss aglow 'jwllu the national trl-eolor toda so ob- Dress Qdods '. 75c gra'de 39c Every piece of Dress Goods Is' marked to sell quickly.- The-- 7in arid lie grades gil In lllll' great Closing Out Sale , IQ for only .......... ,..,..." - Percales ; J2&c grade 5c ;; For Children's Dresses and Aprons, tha 3-tnch, .fast-colored, dark and light percales, strong and durable; Closing. Out Bale price - g- Qut.ng9 1 OcL grade 6c ... In a lUtle while you ; will be looking for outlngs.-Jlere are -Tsgnlar-ls Fleecy, . Heavy- Dark and Light OuUngt f.r - for only. Ribbons v- 20c grade 9c A1I-Sillf and Satin '" RIbbona. medium and wide, in red, blue, : tan white, -tight blue,- cream, : etc., worth to 10c. Qr for ...y Wash Silks 50c grade 25c Corded Wash Bilks for Waists, '"the regular 8o grade, costa. .more than SSo-at wholesale; . Closing put i 2 ?r - gale mOi -Calicoes - 5c grade 3c . Csllcos in Indlgo'r red snd light shirtings, best American" printa. amall patterns, - former price 6c; Closing Out- : Sale ...... Readjfeto wear. -Specials Your time will be well spent if you come snd examine the Ready-to-wesr Specials inentoned below I Ari ' Skirt SZ.95 For lirrht-woitTht Wnrtl -Skirts, correct as to style, ,Wf 11 rr $2.98- i . i made and neatly ffnished ; all sizes and leflgthsroor $4.00.- $4.S0, ?5.0a and ?5.5U skirts. Closing oursaie price, p.vo Ladles' $7.00 ftklrt $3.96 For beautiful new, stylish Skirls, made .of fine brilliant- , ines, mohairs, etc.; all sizes and lengths; our regular $. $6 and-$7 skirts. .Closing out sale-price. ..... ....$3.98 i " Ladles! $5.00 Skirts $4.96 For finMt Skirts of Panama, brilliantines, voiles, etc; the newMt nleated stvles our' recfular $8.00 ;skirts. ClosHig ' r ' . w. -. i - i - - ... - . out;sale price. . i ' i .?4.03 I ndies' & 1 3 Wool Suits $7.30 For-hght-weight Wool Suits for ladies. Jhe newest and best jacket Styles,-leg-o'-mutton sleeves jackets satin and silk lined : skirts pleated and full ; our Tegular $15.00 suits. Closine out sale price.. . . . . . . . ........... .$7.50 I $9.98 I Ladies' $23 Wool Salts $9.96 -For new- stvlifth i;oVit.wiiVVit VVnnl Sui :These5uitSwere bought by our )STew. York buyer and. 1 and $16.?5. Brilliantines, Panamas, Mohairs and French Mixtures. Closing out sale price, $9.98 Ladles $23 Silk Suits ?9.95 : - --r . For Silk Shirtwaist Suits for women. These Suits, were .'picked-tip by our New York buyer at a very low price. . Best grade of Ilk ; all well made ; the shirred, ...i.. cfrloa all cir - 3 nrfirt fit (niarantrrl in everv instance f-ULacu AiiU pikOiLU-dVva u .j t . . .? , fc. y v. . -, - - --- z These suits have been on sale at this store for $12.98 and $14.75. Closing out Wa . '"...... rfw , Ladles' $33 Silk Suits $T4;96 -Fcor5ilk-Shirtwaistaits:foi-jwomefTr- trYorlcbuyer at a verjr low price.-Best grades of silk; all weU'made ; the newest and prettiest styles; worth to $35.00, to go in. this closing out sale for. $14.98 Ladles' $43 Silk Suits $19.73 For all the best Silk Shirtwaist Suits in the store. Newest styles; many - rrenuine French models. Regular prices $10.00 and $45.00. . Closing - Lout, price only. . .-. . ................. .$19.75 or no sale sale price $14.98 $19.75 STORE OPEN THURSDAY. AND FRIDAY BVEN1NQ8 SHIRTWAIST "SNAPS" ZXalVh Cost or Less Ladles 75e white and colored Waists; all new atylea; all slsesrom S3 to 44. Closing out sale . JQ price ... . . ......... .... 0yC -idle'$1.00 an4 jlJSwhltaand colored -Waiats. in all sties from 32 t 44; all new styles; leg-o'- (Qr mutton sleeves. Closing out sale price .... . "'"7W Ladles' 1. 60 to $2.00 fine white Waists, In newest styles; nicely trimmed with Isee insertions QD and embroideries; Closing out sale price, only, 75l Our'remglnlng fine white Waists reduced, for thla. grand Closing out sale - - CI SO to Kerchlcfs-r--- : - 5c grade 3c :v Plain. White and Colored, Bof-, dered Hahdkerchtefa for Ladles id Children. The ilxci fig III," -fluajttles - beat for e; Closing put price ... Thread 5c grade 3c Blx-Cord Machine Thread. -from. I to 110 in -alia, a . atrong. .smooth, full-length- to . thread; Closing Out 7r prica . ... Mt v ... . " w -----Lawns ' 12c grade 7c. dress Lawns In "dark and light grounds, pretty" and neat de- -sign's, jegular littc goods, fast colors; closing -Out 7r price ....'...............a Ve Wash Qoods 25c grade 12J4c :ltTf0ur JJoWash- Oooda. '' suitable for atreet suits, tha newest 190S styles; HI. Closing Out Sale price.. IbflSt Embroideries 15c grade 4c 1.000 yarda of 100 to lSe Em broidery, all In good condition, now to cloaa out for tha ir small sum of, yard Kerchiefs v 35c grade 19c Regular I So fine. Hemstitched and Embroidered Linen and . - Carabrlo Handkerchiefs; - Closing Out price . .;. '19c o 0 Millinery Half Price "Every-Hat in the - store,- for ladies --and children.lis to be, wold Aot- ex-: actly half price. Our first price was" very low and at half price they are. , .REAL BARGAINS FUNK BROS. 145- YsXKjTA Seventh 'Street Between Alder LradiesShoes Cut Deep Every pair of Shoes inthe store greatiy reduced in price for this great closing out. sale . $2.50 Special Oxfords.. . .rrr.. . .31.40 $3.00 Special Shoes .....$1.98 - w 0 lDr. WRIGHT Tha BCIXXTXTXO DEITUI that relieves all pain In dental opera tlona. 343', WasUlnftoa UU, oor. a.vuith. servan'ce of the one hundred and twenty-eighth anniversary of the birth of the American flag. The house at 28 Arch street, In which the first-flag was hi!ideby netHyTRossT was -.visited day by delegations of school children from this city. Camden; Burlington and other New Jeraey towns. rUfT Day la Chicago. , " - -r" (Jonrnat gpwlal Horlpe. ( I ' Chicago, June 14. Thousands nf school children vasaembled In Humboldt park ttla. and participated la.x.rcUes under the siisplces of the- ;Amerlcsn Flag Day association. Secretary of the Navy Paul Morton addressed the ch 11-dtMv-on-4he-ihJct-of Paul Jdncs snd patriotism1. ' . ' ' s- ..: " " Old Tlaga Honored. , ; (Journal Hperlal SrTk-a. ) " St. Paul, Minn.; June 14. fit Paul waa tha scene today of the most notable c nhoumctlcm "z? 3 . : "Tou ean fool all tha people eome of tha time." : V . :. . ... v -''You-can fool aome of the people all the time." - , "But you cannot fool all the people all tha time." ".'Life Insurance Will Be Qood for Society When the Policy Conceals Nothing talk. v. ."The. joaly 'hope of Imnrowniant is In th. growing Intallliw. f the .jpsepie thWj. ' alTi. "Thr waa IwludwJ in Ilea at the atart TOO MCrH FA.L8E HOOU. not bjrTll JntrnttuB but want ct thoogbt." Bo wrote Ellrar wngat. Conault na r'fardlns ouf pnHMnt and contemplated inanrawe pollrla. and learn their true worth- or coinparatlT. worthlManeaa; see tha letters wa have from the prominent boalnaa. awn ot I'ortlaad wbua. policies w. hsv. experteo.. . A. R.-EXUEY Life Insurance Specialist, 329 Sixth St., P6rtland, Or. - i f. Bjvtm so itot wBTTai' ir xmrBAsTcra. Lovy, Flag-day celebration aver held in the northwest The occasion was the long planned ceremony of renroving the Min nesota bat-tie nags from the old to the new state capltol. . The transfer waa ac companied by Interesting exercises and also a big parsda of war veterans from vsrlnua parts of the state.; of militia and Tegulsr-troops :from Fortr Bhelllng. ,Excursion4Rates.-.. DhJune i,15. 1.4T the Oreat Aortnern raiiw.y. win c.vuihikii tickets to St. Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth, Milwaukee, Chics go St. Louis. Omaha, Kansas City, Winnipeg, etc., at rata' of one first-class fare plua $10 for round trip. : Tickets allow stopovers going and returning, good for three month: For full Information call on or ad drees Jf. Dickson, C. P. T. A. Oreat Northern Ry.. No. 112 Third - street, -Portlsnd, Oregon. r iFref erred stock OaanaA Oeaaa, " For taodern dental work. .WorlAi-r- .gowned specialists. Lowest prices consistent, with Srst-clasa . ' work. ...-x Go NEW YORK DENTISTS - - rovanc aitd Mommtsow g-Ttv Open day and night; from 1:10 ..m. until 10 P. m. PACIFIC TENT & AWNING CO. it iromrx mt Bet, Bursa lo. m Bewaa.. -Awnlnga for stores and resi dences. Tsnts and camping outius. Oet our prices. ', . J a" i. - at V vx i- I , I a i v Hara , , iriw vs. yww ..... rn.j a ivj ii- .-cni . M AJLVJVVW JT Cy ' 111 aV X X X X I Vaaw I f I 1 WfA JW r !W I g. 1 7 . fA J V NJk . ..CU - QUALITY TJJAT WONTCOMEOFF ' ' 1 s tha paint qusltty you desire next to Drtinance ana permanence or roior, nur paints possess this and vaany other . points, ss houses coated outside and In, carriages and wagons ditto, amply prove Reliable, long-lasting palnta alwaya at . Fisher, Thorsen&Ca Co. Trot amd KerriaoB gw rrr4..t...1 4, v