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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1905)
THE OREGON- DAILY? JOURNAL. PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING. 13 JUNE ' l.f 1005. CIRCLES EARTH TO f-IEET HIS MOTHER -John Cord ano- Rlelur'hs Frum i-Italy . Which Ho Had Left t" , -. Yar Ago.' t TOURS EUROPE AFTER , . RECOVERY OF PARENT .., Comes BaclTto Aid In Electing '1 Harry.;: Lane Is Local Italian Leader. , J-hn Cordano. deputy sheriff and klr-a" rot , "Little . Italy." arrived in Portland yesterday a little more than an hour before Vic .Prealdent' Fairbanks, 2- atepped off hla apeclai train, at ha " Union depot. Ha had grip intone . hand and a aatchal In the other, and ha '-V started up Sixth street with an Impetua that brought him against Count Can- dlanl, the Italian oonaul f Portland. Handshaking followed. Th count had dropped down to e th officer, and . there wera also aeveraj other Itallane present. The flrat question asked waa: 'How'i your mother, John TTh an-. '"wer, waa: ' ' , . '"She's In the beat of health." ' V - The queatlon and ana war tell aim oat r tha wbol story of Cordano'a trip to th X- olL oountrTw ,Thre month ago ha ra . calved newa that hla mother was vary - sick in Genoa, Italy. - H bad not seen . her for 11 year, and ba Immediately - hastened back to hla old bom. There he found her very sick. He remained . with-her until eke bad recovered, and then made a, tour. of England. Franc and Germany. In Parte be. met Mrsr VMoorav.wlf of x-Clrcult Clerk Dan J. Moor,-who waa - vleltlog friends In - Pari a. ' Mr. Moore waa the only resi dent of Portland that ha mat. "'From England h made a. quick; trip to "Port land, In London ha had heard that Dt. TAhWa m candidate for mayor agatnat ' Mayor William, and determined to help . the candidacy of the doctor along.1 a i n' Cleanliness of person" infers- clean t e e t h of course. : That's why well groomed people use -c... Liquid, Fow&tr or Paste .' V ' 1 - M6ff, 1 'in' w ix. -. : :: jiv a . . . , K ------ -o . I HMi. ' 1 , f M I'lllI fl I Mill ' JAi J T .U. J.r..1 J- 1M .11 1:-.. -t ,.r.,.r.M.v. .ne. T.aHa nf riark'a mmnrari1e lumv, nnrt I II JM ' I - r jJii ') 4 !AJfljk ;''-"---i,- ''shows greater adyancementtlMii the vehicle line, and none, exceeds th ' - ! x ifM yj 1 .1: -': '',f'" '""" if ' fli It is but natural that with a line of Such sterling worth and known excellence ; ';' n ' 1 , J ':r; ' ", ",:fJ' ' V- 3 h fi ' " : 7 - as the -MITCHELL" for' our foundation, we should try to surround it with . ft 1 ' it. j " 14 1 ' - 1 Hi T:r ." r - . 1 J I ll jW M ewvu3 KJl line tiiaiaticr, aiiu wiui.ujn tuu in inn ty v , v ovvv.u va .6 11 If ' IV. . . " Till W. .' '. . ':: .1..' A TRIDUTE PAID TO . ' THE PIONEERS . ... .ICojnued from Tag Jwal.ys.l vlalona of tha act, and to asalat In pre paring for thla centennial expoaltlon. . As tha ofnolal repreaentattve ' of the Lew la and Clark Centennial expoaltlon commlaalon, I dm It proper at thla time to give you com Information aa to what part th stat of Oregon ba taken In behalf of thla great enterprla through Us commission. In determining the work to he don by th corporation and the commlaalon. th eonatrnetlon of tha building was selected a the atate'a part. We have, therefore. - built upon th expoaltlon ground th following building: ,-j Thv Foreatry building. Foreign Ex hibits building. Oriental and Educational building, Agricultural and Horticultural building. Mineral building.' Machinery. Electricity and Transportation building. Auditorium, Fir Department, Adminis tration building, colonnade entrance and the Oregon etate building. These harv been constructed at a coat of about 3-t.Q00. , '. V ' ' . . ... . What the Stat Did. " - In addition to tba construction of thee building, the : commission ex pended 5Q,0Q ,at th Louisiana . Pur ohaee exposition and has apent about $100,000 In th following exhibits: In th Forestry building la an exhibit of th wood and of tha fish and gam of th state. In th Oriental and Educa tional building an exhibit of th varl- oua educational department of th Stat ba been -installed, -in the -Agricultural and Horticultural building we hav an exhibit of agrlcultur and horticulture and In addition have aollclted and raised throughout th etate the sum of over $100,000 for the preparation of county exhlblU.and aa a result there are now Installed In thla' building exhibits from t of th li countlea of . Oregon. Cooa county, which ' 1 IIS mile from th railroad, ha constructed it own county building at an exponae of nearly $10. 000. This county alone ha contributed aa her part of th expoaltlon a sum of (vr -$3u.00l. and I cannot think that auch a display of anthusiasm has vr been equaled by a county at any expo sltlon In our country. These county exhibit will be of a moat Interesting character for our visitor to examine. They will glv an opportunity to obtain Information to reference to the Interior cf th stat dlreotly-. .from resident therein, . , . . .. ; . . Great Variety of Minerals. . . . Ther is' an xhlblt 1 In th Mineral building. which of interest to visitor, demonstrating as it does that finer ! ho limit tofhevarlqtles of mineral to-b found In this northwest country. " The de velopment " at preaent Is very limited, snd I do not believe a mora inviting field for the Investor and prospector can be found In tb United is as the goods v .,. if ' mi wlvw S... I iv 11 j 1 ' 1 r i -r xj .- i i'i.mvniiva 11 .. T 7 . " Y Mni with Bwi . SklakealUl (olat Bnt) as tkiaaeaua tsi. m pw tin ead speedy cure for ererr Itchlnf, karalBI. eraly. blerduig. ' (rested, . pimply sod blotchy kumor. with Vf cf kair. Frndacra clear, xu llaat, kealtkr akia aad pan. flea, red blood. r;m::ja:!LTrj KLJ TmmMintmnt 7 Bo U U J cmslssnfHarwiiaaa.SS..ajedlrsted.aatl. septic; (olst.). an.. to kill trnn. besl the skla. ssd. afclakealthi Tablets, ft Ac. to expel loiuor s ernw. All drag aiits'. Hsrtas , for fce Caplexiav. far alaiplM. blackbeads. tedBsaa. ronfhaase, kaf 1b , .eJupplB, rMifh lisada Nstblos will giv each a speed cart. 200.1 s cexes, ov. be. Mstat for rue mubbm booklets to PH1LO BAT CO. pjewara, n. . woosAjup, exvajin co. Foam aad Wahlagoa. State.. I trust that our visitors Inter ested in thl industry -will glv oars f ul conetderatlon to thee matters. All th plsns and specifications- of th buildings herein mentioned' wer pro pared by residents of our own state. Th auperlntendent of construction 1 an - old resident snd contractor. ' Th Lewi and Clark expoaltlon 1 built by' western man and upon western Idea. - It will be our poUoy to extend to every visitor every facility wa ean t glv him ; Information and to, prohibit any unreasonable charges or conditions whll he may be In our mldet. W In. vlt you to visit th Interior of our stat after xamtnlng-4h exhtbita, and. convince youraelf - that -wm- hav not placed th vary baat on exhibition, but only giving" you an opportunity to ae what- w -ara- actually- producing. c'W bop that th Impression that you may form will be laatlng, and that many of you may become resident and home builder In our mldet. Object of the Expoaltlon. - Thl expoeltlon '.was projected with th broad idea of calling attention to the great Paclflo coast - W believe that we have abundance of Industrie that today ar undeveloped, and that it I Impossible with our anlall population and our enormoua area to develop with out assistance, rromth overcrowded portloua-of-haucountry.,T Wo aro not a aelflsh people, and our object Is not-to deprive other portion -of the -United 8tatea of population, but to offer from the surplus which w now have home but natural that with a line of "MITCHELL" for' our foundation, we should try to surround of like character, arid with this end in view we have Selected from tne .xoremost ot -trie vehicles manuiacturea in mis country three lines, each of which for thejjurpose for which , it is intended, we feel safe insaying to our j . friends, cannot be excelled.. -The- " . - . Moyer,tBabcoclrBee-Line ' '. W solicit your trad, backed by thre quarters of; a n tury of xprlenc in vehicle manufacture, wlm an established reputation for reliability and fair dealing, with all th value poaaibhe In each artlcla w sell and all shoddy goods eliminate from our atock. i , -........... of peace and plenty' to "the people from th overcrowded portion of tb coun try. -- '---y --. ' Th part that tha atate - of Oregon has taken In this expoaltlon muat un doubtedly remove any question as to the generosity of the : government ' under whloh the people of Oregon are living. Out stat ha no liabilities of any kind. Our taxes are reaeonable, our lawa are good, our achoola are free, our public tmnion tynnainifttrtr-Tittnrr-a Tiigft 1 standard of humanity. With all these advantages for our -pople, ther I -no reason Vby our atate ahould not receive from the Impression produced upon the visitor th great benefit which w an ticipate, if our own peopla will do on half a wall aa their government. Now I trust that we save tba bless ing of Almighty God on this great en terprise, and that th klndnes and con sideration' of a generoua publlo will overlook any little- ahortoomlng - that they may obaerve. giving due credit t th men who have assisted In it build ing; and that a most pleasant recollec tion may-long linger In minds of . all who visit tb Lewie and Clark centen nial exposition. ' 1 Ladle and aentlemin,' on behalf of th Lewis and Clark centennial expo altlon 'commlaalon, and In tb nam of th etate of Oregon, I bid you a moat hearty welcom. HE HAS WARREt FIVE. YEARS Paul Strain la Now on the Top Wave th Greatest Prosperity ; He Has Ever Known.' . . "I was in thl light long befor Japan hot a gun at Ruasla,' waa the remark of Paul Strain, Portland Admiral Togo of th clothing world, when dla cusalng th half-price "aale sow on at Th Hub.t"The figures at which my goods are going ar not th prloea I ought to hav. but I am In. tb bual nes of war Just now. and whan I fight, I fight Tou notice that Admiral Togo did not flr bouquets at Rojeatvensky. H hit him with solid shot and ahelL He tor th Internal machinery out of bla adversary' boata, and that' what I am at the day. .1 am selling clothing at annlhllatlag figures, and . th aleg 01 my opponents win not d wiacaanea until th west has known that I am Oregon's Admiral T-ef the clothing world. The plain -men and boye of th coast ar th one for whom -1 war. For year thes people had paid exorbi tant prlcea for everything they had upon their back and feet. ' Before I went Into business - for - myaelf my heart ached for this claaa or our moat re a pec ted cltlaenehlpt and I reaolved that If I ever could I would remedy th. evil. The way was opened and I hav carried out my desire. -- Tnia aaie 1 on or aerlee- in which -I-havengurd during my business career in Portland, and In every cae I have added a multitude Of frlendr -to my former ateadfaat army of acquaintances. Yea, our trad Jat splen did very splendid and I may add that I hav to thank your paper for moat-of its Increase. -I hav used no other m- Slum to exploit this sal." Such sterling worth and known excellence " 'Mm White Clover Butter, packed proof -cart6ris,is -the cleanest! and most . v healthfuL Wh ite Clover Coast packed in cartons. ; Insist on White Clover in cartons. or market man can .iurriish 4t T. S. TOWNSEND t .. MM VISITING LUMBERMEN WILL BE BANQUETED (Specie! DUpatek to Tsa Joaraal.) Mlsaoula, Mont, June 1. Official of the Big Biackfoot Milling, company have arranged for a' big reception to be extended I9 member orihe Nebraska Lumber Dealera' . association, which la acheduled to arrive in Bonner -about noonT Jnn-. TheywHt make an in speotlon' of "the company mill and a banquet will be tendered them in th evening. Thejjarty will then continue Its waywest and make th next atop at Band- Point, Idaho. -rThemembere-wIll also visit tha lumber region of Ore gon and "Washington. : Th object of the assoclatlon'a trlpla for th purpose of making a thorough. Inapectlon of the lumber industry In the west. Ther a re 171 persons 1n tha party, and it I on of . th . Iargt representative bodies that haa ever made a trip to th ooaat f or - th 1 lumberm an... zr -- Do a. majority or even a plurality Of th VDters of-Portland want the liquor dealer In. tha aaddl .In municipal af fair T -That 1 th question for Monday. it with among nL Seattle, Wash. Spokane, Wash. Boise, Idaho. -Medford; Oregon. Salem, Oregon. -7 1 First and Streets, Portland, a w-'C' T BJ I II I Ml .aaaT- . . V vaw Tr.arrr: is the . only butter CREAMERY CO, 44 " MMSSwMSSM.MSSM Is scheiical. - That meaaa round funny meaning, 'but it rounds Out your stom-' aoh . Into a good . feeling round a you into good numorj rounds out the angles in your daily wera. it's a. rounder. -! cents' a-p paskag.- AT ALL GROCERS 0 AGKDS, cloa to Beaverton, ' of fin . land, -excellent eoll. Price )4& per acre. SJ AOBBS "of rgood tsnd en car Una,-tn nooaiawn. touu per, acre. Tc-rt'.-vst: J. L. Wells Co. : M OaVAJTO ATX. Taylor Orejjcn FOR ' - 1 i r-- . on the Pacific , : ; Your grocer v ! - 46 SECOND ST. Phone Main 4077 SSSSSSSSSSSSlMMSSst StVTB on Hast Ankeny and Xast 11th ta - Thla property Is fin looatlon for flats; good terms. sTxoas-mooic oottaow on East Pla sL, eloee- In, only Sfl,loa ; ., .T.L. Weilo Co. :;: -4 amAsm Arm." Dr. B. E. -- VRIGHT Tba lonmna Birnif that relieve all - palm in dentai opera-, lions. BSSSS SSSSB EX taV, WMUafwnai OS Sovosaas FOR "I ; . .. - ;