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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1905)
J- .XI... v 4 ' THE OREGON DAILY - JOURNAL. PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING. JUNE I. 18C3 12 TRIBUTE. PAID TO THE (Continued from Page. Eleven.-" r 31 ' the Louisiana Durchaaet Let Jne &etual results which have - followed from, the Lewi and Clark expedition, and than Indulge In coniecturea aa to tha prospective d -' .Vantage which ara almost aura to. fol- low therefrom within tha aaxt few d. cades: . ... " ' . ' Tha expedition enabled, tha . United Btataa ..- follow ..up. tha alalia aa4 va tha discovery tl-tti Columbia river oy .mymm mj u . , - ;ny other power In tha exploration and discovery of the northweet coast, and t.. n I dimm 1m 17Q9 And IA'. TOPUUll . rinsuy reeulted jn me treaty- wiw uic Britain in JuoaJ8. under tha term - of which there passed -tha-eaeelga-'tv of tha United Statee JOT.000 eauJ 'mUa-.errttorr.-OUl PI wnicu- w carved the 'magnificent eommonwealthe of Oregon. Washington. Idaho, and parte V of" Montana and .. Wyoming. Tel n ntnu irn Ii not exceiioa in ix m .aouroee-f-ellmatesolU-lumber a ad mineral ot every an iyie. araa, ' rirnartk Ai thft Stat. . (umu . In order to arrive at any approximate Idea of tha condition of a. country at any parucu- u .nww $ la necessary 10 ug ao uy viiii.(iwi ; bered that 100 yeara ago tha who of i tha northweat territory waa aa Im mna wilderness, ; peopled only by tha " savage" and pastured only y tha bison s and the buffalo. - Otrtllaattoa had not touched any portion, of It wHU'ltf magic -ii wand. -and not until - many years later .i.i...U..daai atm- aaaV 4a Award WA ' UIU KUW tlUV la. 1IIIIUIJ1 w - tha- wut Aa lata aa 1150 "tha popula tion, ot-th-Oregon-country numbered only about IS. 000 souls, whilst W, yeara later without stronger : Inducements than those 'which a benefleanMpwrt - dene offered In Hie way of natural wealth of climate and of soil tha popu 1. i inn iiat inrrueil tn nearly 1.600.000. -i But tha rapidity -of . Increase In popula tlon has been ' equaled, if It ba not 1 baen excelled, by raDldlty of production. .ii.Hilli.i-tl h-mt th- nar-al crop of 37Mbuaheis In 15 increased txoat,zia,mx-uusnma m - - . t7i All till kmna 11111 illWI itlTW" T-' ' rrm nnunda to Zl.a41.277: WOOl from , J9.8 pounds t 1,4.7.; ilvastoca from 1,7I,18 to $8S.10,S80; manu , tt ?11 111) tn 117S 000. 000 ' forelxn commerce from practically noth inc to,000, mineral promotion rom nothing to 7.00.00a. - .i.l-ily- alact-a few articles af. pro-. . dactlon,-to ahow . by comparison tha . rjildltv with which tha wealth at this aectlon ha a Increased, and If thla eoaa carison waaa extended to caver the. past itve- yeara the rata of Inoraaaa w snv rtalth woiuaM even areaier d- a . . V. u k..n a. araatav. annual Influx of population than . m aver . known in ye ht9rr 91 . WVWTT'" ' riln. lka dlatlnaulshad r'eDresenta- kAM muitlnnftA (a mMk fnr ' hlp Awn particular aectlon, ' let us consider lor .lat jninaanA tt a riiAnt Aivdlt4oa and .possibilities. At tha beginning of tha present year ' the papulation of Oregon had reached . 00.9VO, or about six parson to every : aauiia mua 01 isrriiurir. ja. wunuinui " ncreae. ndeedj under tha clrpumstanoea. . or lli aenariiiion irom ma rest oa me world, put amalV as compared with tha pldet, . ftVataC fit tha union. If Oregon were aa thickly settled as MaaaacJtu- getta It would have a population, os . o.000. Nor would it ba difficult tor jha aUtaIoapport-aTicli k population, and It la aafa to prediot, Judging the .iiiiim bu thai na t tn.aft whin alna the eountv la tha weatward af tha Caaaada . wounulna and that which la situated , between the Oasoada mountalna and. tha aaatera boundary Una of tha state haa been opened up by tha eonstruetlon af trunk and branch Una railway, there will ba a tlde.ol immigration set la tin v equalvd In tha annals f history. ,,.. , Tha vast atountaia rangea which par- allel the coast Una ara coverad 'from - base to peak with tnajeatta forests of fir, larch, spruoe, pine and. cedar, mora .. other state In tha union, whilst sleeping . within their bosoms watting only to ba , developed ara mine of gold, silver. copper, iron aaa coat exoaeaing in vaiue tha weajtn 9 j-urnjuar V na. : Overflowing .With Milk and Hon jr. .. - Xestllng at - tha base of tha coast range On tha west and kissed py tn , wave of the Pacific ara to ba seen beautiful tracts of land occupied la part by numeroua settlers, and In part till open to tha homeseeker, where dairying and farming ara engaged In, and wjllbe. engaged la mora axtanalyaly fa tha country becomea mora thickly settled. To Jho eastward from thla range of mountalna and lying between it end tha Cascade rang on the eaat U the older settlement of tha beautiful Willamette. Kogue river, and Umpqua valleys, rich beyond measure and bear ing In abundance cereal, fruit and every variety of flora and fauna. ' The elimate of these two section la not cold, and the time is not far distant - whan the tourist will seek sir asylum hara from tha rls-or and heat of both the extreme northern and southern sec tions of the country, 1 . Farther to the eaat Is the beautiful valley of Mood liver, and still farther eaat lie the higher table lands of eaat- ; ern Oregon, thousands of acres of which are ajaceptlbl of the highest state of cultivation, and many thousand, acre more are being converted Into lovely home nd larmi by immense project v for Irrigation on the part of private In dividuals as we'll as on the part of the .. T'nlted States. The soli of this section mm iiuii.i t.tsi.i &.li ill IM. . ,,l I . ill 1 1 ij l ina . in ivw - i n cw mi - r 1 1 ra a t i though "lightly severer. I nevertheless milder ana more inviting than t that . , of those states farther toward the etit, "Troductiong of Last Year. x . - No better idea can be formed ef the wealth of the tale than by a statement ti9 .h amAiltit mnA viTtia. 9 iaa a 4 Its production for the year 1104, It raised in wheat and flour IJ.HO.oeO uiiansiB. vaiuea fc tAS.aus.vvv. It timber output wi l,4fl. 0,0 ffetrirtieiTTiT'iix.esB.ooff;-""" r - ItA hnli jlalt ill 11UH M. nnimli Valued at $,0o0,o. . . lia frtilf nntniit nn ila t In ar rt innlu pranea, pear, peacbea, cherrlea. grapes. ' alrawberrles and email- fruit was wprtk tJ.4U,IO. - - It livestock wa valued at fHftv,- ffVU, t ' '.i It mining product was $10, 009.1)00. f' l' "o .ftn4 mohlr vaa valued at ..vvv.ona. . - Its vlalrvlnar nrAilne w-a if AK9S1A . 11 fishing Uduatry produced U,IS, - These vtried Industries show th aouree irom which the Immense wealth A Cood Nlibt'a Rett. Tee fTt tonle aa earth Is e food sltM't rat. fcaatieaa Mlbt tail tae terrlbla emaaa Una rt a karttiia eaaisb ara eread danna of tha pnnr ennaaniijlaa. But war thla taar af the alfkl arha a frV.e t Dr. tlnaekee'a IWmil jre will Itiaora re(mh4fif alep, itlrlj fre fTuai fa r vigai PWfll r rrtm eiartstlna r ulc ta Ike aiflralns l aiii rertala k laklna tirr. aaa a ijnia. tt baa ir4 eMaamrOpa tut. Lvttt eara. Trial kntfla. itv. H, b..ltla..Ijt...At aa aeuia, bi Cteaa AlaMse. at tha state la realised each year, and eJe-a wtkfc eae succeeding year aa fh population of the lata. InrTHalla. . ' lh addition to the fact that land to which .title have been ootainea py grant from the national and state gov ernments have not yet teaoned exorbi tant price . and. available home Van easily ba acquired by purohase, there y remata f publ( lead (a the eut open to settlement about- 18,364,733 acres, about SO per cent of It whole land ares. Because of the fact that lands hava not yet reached price which their "productiveness Justifies, 'and the further fact that there 1 much of pub. Ho land still . open to- settlement and cultivation. It, ma-Bafely b predicted that there will be 4 more rapid rate of Increase in population during the -next 10 year than ha characterised' any similar period lnulha atate-- history, with onaequent rapid tncreaae in pro ducts and .aaitn. Mf qufacturaa Established. , ' ' Aside from .the considerations, man Vfaeturlng etterprrsesj of various kinds have Dean eetaoiianea in in paa. iw year and are constantly increasing In numbers, and tht 1 not to ba wondered at, becai Ah aute 1 rich In nearly all th rir materialand point r can reftdUy ba' found where this 'material la aaay af access and the finished prod uct, easy of . hlpmeDtby rWer .and rail to any section of our own and foreign eountrlea. ' ' These are some ef the actual result which -avafoliowetfrom thtxpedl- tlon planned by Jefferson aad executed by Lewis and Clark, the hundredth anni versary of whose achievement we are here to celebrate today. . 4. . If now-Inay -b permitted fo apeak of ferae of the advantage to be derived by tb Vnlted titate from the acquisi tion of the northwest territory, I will call attention to the fact that by It the Pacific seaboard ba been acquired by the United States with all of its magnin cent harbor and tha possibilities of making tala aeasth mltres of the eommete .Ct.ti Pacltlo. What -thls mean - to the - welfare bftb " United Statea from a eammercf al standpoint can best "be realised by calling attention ta tha fact thai in export iraa ot Portland alone to the orient, during the past-yer.-,wa t4. -00, 000; to Europe, !,600,000; to South Africa, I,.0,000; ta Australia, tl.ZOO.OOO. and to South Amsrlqa, kM06v la thla la to be added tha Unman chipping from the neigh borlna aea porta of Astoria. Seattle, Ta- cpra and. Pan, Francisco, and each suc ceeding year . show not - only an ln Crae in the export trad of Portland, but ef tha ether cltlee named .aa well, and already thla city atanda, first jon tha list a the greatest exporter of wheat and flour la, tfct Vftfted States. In Touch With tha MarVeV : : It ha been" said the orient la the (rsnary of the world, atid Ss the com merce between, that country and this Increases, food product ' which ' have heretofore crossed the continent to the Atlantis seaboard, or have gone around the Horn to Europe, will find. already market there.. This will of necessity place In touch with an easy market not Only all of that 'tnasntftoent territory drained, by the Columbia- and the Snake rivera ana nai wmvn ia i iuni w Pugat sound, but a well that fartae to the eaatward along the line ef the tranaoantlneirtal railway which have their termini at Portland, San Francisco. Taooroa erid. Beattla Fvrtbef than that, much, of the lumbar ot the coaat I car ried to th am markets and finds ready sale and good price at all time. In speaking ef tn avmges wnjen accrue to the unueej Btatea iron ma possession of th Pacifls seaboard I have dwelt briefly only upon the sub ject from a commercial standpoint, with out taking Into consideration, th bene fits which, aoorue from the standpoint ef aaval supremacy end the protection which tha ynlted Statea wilt be thereby enabled ta afford to the Sandwich and Philippine lla"d 1 SS of Interna tional complications. ! 1, is, wiin , . ia"a y t"!""- that the commrc of the Pacific will; in a few year equal If IV does--no ex ceed that of the Atlantic, and when that time arrive th possession of all port of entry along the western eoast will prov pf incalculable benefit and advan- Qreattr Than Louisiana Purchasa. Taking, lnta consideration, than, the splendid resource of th Oregon coun try nd the possibilities of a commerce which must of peceeslty rapidly Increase In volume and value, can It pot truth fully ba said that that acquisition of territory-which followed troralha jxpf. dltIon"pr"twl and Clrk mrk an epoch In our oountry'a history even mors momentous t han that of h eeji Ulon pf th Louisiana territory by the treaty With France T -' t have briefly called attention to some pf the present end - possible results which have followed end which sre like ly to follow from the phllosophlo fore sight and statesmanship of Thomas Jef ferson In establishing the first Ameri can colony In th northweat territory. Ie It not, therefore,' both proper and fitting that Oregon, the mother state, should have taken the Initiative In suit ably commemorating the hundred anni versary of the Lewi aoq Viara expeai tlont Klght royally have the people of that' at a la through their- lexlslttture. S4 well as by Individual effort, responded to th instinct or patriotism a nion nm gave thla enterprise birth, snd gratify ing Indeed) 1 It to th mother state that not only the younger commonweaitn which have been carved but of her terri tory .but those of grand old New Eng land end the other states of tha union as -well hve coma forward to ssslat tn properly celebrating the last centennial exposition which care ever be celebrated In thl greatreountry-of aura ox the C' qulsltlon . of territory by right of oloratlon and discovery. : llera w ara met today from almost every. aute to fittingly celebrate th achievement and patriotism of tho who played an Important part In th early history of the country. On behalf of the. cltlsen pf this great common wealth and here at th very spot where nearly 10 year' ago Lewis and. Clark halted for rest nd recreation, I extend to veu, one and all. a moat cordial greet Ing." ' .: ''. -.iiif-1"-:, PRESIDENT COODE FAIR'S HISTORY "The state or th Paclflo border today give hearty welcome -to tha world to share with them in the felkiltatioa upon th triumphal achievements on these shore by aggreaslv American clvlllsa tlon end the-elgnal victories ef peaceful conquest. - . - -. The- people af th Paclflq northweat desire to glv..Lewl .and Clark their venerated place In history surely they do honor ta tha man who urged the explnrattnn of what be called "thl rewpectalile - breadth of country lying westward t the Mlaalaalppl river." and It nay b that lit blslory Prtld,,n,t Jtf? PIONEERS fersmi' reputation will athnd higher fur the aulut. dflei uiliiud peialtem with which, be' brought about theXewls and Clark exploration of the country west of' the Hooky mountain than for the acquisition of the territory of Louis iana. la all enterprises af great moment contributing benefit to th many at th coat of tha few." It. la gratifying tq eel that th law ot compensation, dis close always a mora worthy and mov ing cause than mere materia. s' .' . . -I ' . Commemorates Century of Progrtss. When we dwell upon the : Journey thronahthe continental wllderneaae and deaerui. and -think of . th , explorer pressing onward ever In 4he veryOaetu of obataclea that would bav turnd baek many men Actuated ky the highest resolution, -fiction lag after truth. In vention 1 unfruitful, and Imagination cold and barren, - J - With., tha oDoulng ef the exposition todav ara consummated the effort that have: been put forth within the brief pace of near to -commemorate a century ol progress since the explorers commissioned by . President Jefferson showed tha way to this land. Pur can ten ntai celebration constitute th su- nrems effort of the people or th cifio nortb.west.au4 mora' particularly tha Oreaoa Country, fittingly tq reoog nix th ervlo performed by Lewi and Clark. w. culabrata todarTn eofirJeBilon wltk our alster state of th west, tn acgui sit Ion - of the Oregon country to th union.- A th acuulsltlon at thla soua try wa th aeatet-xpnloei u national domain ana me omy kii securtd to us by right af discovery, so to thl centennial 1 tha greeteat un dertaking of the people. In keeping with, tha confident prophecy or her great splendid future, the people of the Pft VlHo w' have united to proper a fUtlnf clma fpr her rPl4 svoluton front ploneerdom. " : A to) to All tha Ptopl. Orlalaall v crolected .. upon . a. modest oopav- angtaeetq -careruiiy mto-reaiixy and backed by nope ana (rannaencvin exposition expanded until It ha reached the point Where it take an important place In the llat ef International exhibi tions. .., - . - Tha ruult. -are - now spread . nefqr yot and the soeae must arouse gratitude q the Indlvlduai for the ppportunlty of sharlna fn tha triumph of thi day and the proud oonsolousness that ther la no fairer f setting 4or an exposition oompactly " presenting the best -eduoa tlonal aocompllehmeuta ofou clvtllxa tlon 1 and th advaaoementa of aclanoe and the art, craft and -Industries. - The faolfle eeaet aesira. tnrougn ins medium of this xpoaltioo. to illustrate to the world It reaUtl progres. It advantage for home-bulldlng and th abundant reward held awl for indus trious effort tn lmt any puruit. For tn first time an nor an ww made, to aather together sn adequate display of tha many product pf th tae on th Pacifio slope. The show ing made, considering - w are - ouy emeralng" ftoni. practically, the Infancy ef development Is cne which, It Is be lieved, entitles u to th admiration of h worlds Tha tt pf OrgoW...bjr It liberality, has dded materially to- th icopa er tn. expo,iton.... ,- 9adf AU Cordl4 Welcome,; - Brousht her from foreign land and far and near ar magnificent displays for the edification and comparative de duction of everyone who take an in terest in hi fellow man. Amena tha thought that rla appar ent in acknowledglnr our debt of grati tude 1 tha deea sen af tibllgatlen to th president of the t'nlted Slates, who used th limits f offioipl and dlplo matl propriety te exclt national and International Interest In thla event. Tha neoDle of Ik Paclfle-cosst.ere deeply, appraolatlva of the recosnitlan which their claims seeured In congress, making d,laplay pf tha resource, activities and func tions or th national government. I congratulte the official representa tive ef th varloua states and foreign government upon their magnificent building and exhibits, and I bid you all a eordlal welcome. .. ' ' ON PIONEER'S WORK Mr. President. Ladle and Gentlemen It la Indeed fitting in thla centennial year, here on the bapk of the Columbia, discovered py uray, ana expisrea annua. from ita source to the ea by iwi na Clark, that w should open to th world tha aatea of an Industrial exposition in commemoration of their achievement, and In , honor or their heroic anor pa triotic ervloe. ' i Not to th Oregon country atone, whose snores ara washed by the surf billows of the Pacific, but to the people of the entire Union, thla occasion 1 one of unusual and surpassing Interest It la crowded with patrlotlo pride In the event w here commemorate and it overflow with exultant anticipation ef a more marvelous development and a brighter glory yet to come. 1 Thoa who planned, and tha lat ot Oregon that authorised thl exposition In honor of the one hundredth anniver sary of the discovery pf the Oregon northwest, may wall feel proud of fbettf splepdld euocess. In It completeness and beauty. In the design and character pf it buildings, In th nature and vari ety ef Its. assembled exhibit, and In th Short tint In which it ha beea so fully accomplished, this exposition Is not only a marvelous Success, one that will live In memory for generations, but It testl fles more eloquently than worda, and la In Itself the most Impressive exhibit of that patriotism, Intelligence, energy and determination of th people on th ,Pa cilia coast which ba added to our na tional emblem of liberty, some of the brightest star that today adorn it asurea-neld. , - Congress Shares Our Pride. - - - - A a member of the Congress that au thorised governmental participation In tble celebration, and speaking for th committee ' appointed by the house of representative to. attend the opening exercise,; let may that, we shar your just pride and congratulate Oregon, tha elty of Portland, and thoa who have wrought so successfully in the work they , have done. It is Indeed a proper commemoration, and will perpetuate and honqr tha memory of. the mn who a century ago led th van of th move ment Of our people to th Pacific, there by laying the foundstion fnr the splen did and prosperous group pf state here la the moving ehadow of th Reekie an the western coast of ths continent. Out pf the womb of the country' civil and military convulsion have been born many important historical event, vent dorped by the deed ef civil and military heroes, prompted by their ennobling Influpnces n1 ' an evtflenc of Cur appreciation, these event have been eom me la orated and the memory of th men by whom b vara auulsved. CO G TAW .. ; .JT- f. - - -ft. rrr: V-v-! - '"' - i ( w t yv . t....t.. ha been honored and perpetuate la ong, (n marble and in bronse. When eotneared In the light of mate rial benefits, or beneficent results te our people and to our government, the dl-4 coverle ' of Lewi - and - Clark stand abreast pf any national or international achievement heretofore deemed worthy ef state or national commemoration. Jefferson ?aw Hlj pppprtuoltj, f It la true Jefferson took advantage of tha necessities of Kapoleon and th aggrMlv designs of Qreat pittaln, and wrested frem both, an ampira Ttet In area than that plucked from tha prtt lab arown by Itt revolutionary war. But even this splendid, diplomatic achievement extended th sovereignty ef the United Btate toward the Pacino only to the Rocky mountains- 1 I true this purchasa was Important, b,M valu able and important aa It waa, it f UU fruition was incapable of realisation without tha territory lying between the Louisiana puxchss and th Paclflo. Th outlet from that purchase . over the American soil to the western shore ef th' continent was no lea 'essential to the government of., the United State and to th futMj development Of the Louisiana territory than th aequlslttoa of the territory Itself. To tbeperiiou adventure pf the men who found thla outlet gnisave to their government th mighty empire drained by th Columbia, we -dedicate thl exposition. In doing this,, however, we honor not slon the memory Of Lewis' and Clark, but we alee honor as well, and commemorate the achievement of those who followed and completed by ocoupsncy and ettle- raent, our title f thl vast domain. Conditions Hundred Yeara Ago. - vlng a w da todayISth lap of luxury, surrounded by every con venience essential to our happiness, to our comfort and to our material wel fare, w cannot concelv df th hard ship and uf faring endured by th early pip nee r. who followed the trail of Lewis and Clark, and here upon th aunset side ot -th Rookie mad for himself an American home, built under tha star and . stripes, -tbu forever making Im possible th acquisition 01 tn Oregon country by any foreign nation. . Pause and contemplate. If you please. Ihe conditions which confronted the men who thus perfected by settlement th title of th government of thUnlted Statea to the Oregon northwest. Then Charrette. th home of Panlel Boone. near St. Louie, marked the extreme western boundary of western settlement The country discovered by Lewis and Clark-wss - then -unknown-end -unpeopled, save by wild beasts and savages, only less Wlld'than they; river flowed unvexed by the fretting wheel of com merce; on It broad prams and majes tic -mountainside flower bloomed and died witty none to note their beauty or enjoy their fragrance; the foreat waved In silence undisturbed, by th deadly x of the pioneer; luxuriant grasses ripened In lummor air, rotted and en riched the oU, on , which no harvest waved, ' Tha Wonderful Transformation. Binca then' all thla has been changed by the mn who followed th trail biased by Lewlf and Clark. The strong hand and Ih 'Stout heart, of tha American pioneer wes laid upon ine tnigmy lorces of natureV-pTinging tnsm .. unuernis complete control. Things seemingly lro- nosslble have been more tnan reauxea. Harvests now ripen in tne iieiaa; tne forest and the mine ar now rapidly giving up their boarded wealth; ham mer thunder in mm ana - raeiorian; .i.ameri coma and so: the steel rail and the flylna train haa crossed the Kocktes, making the'people ef this section near and familiar with all throughout the union. Here. too. llahtnlng leaps In rasnonse : to the touch and , voice -bt man. Villages cluster In your valleys. Cities sit queen-like by th sides of NoPelay . . .... In keeping social tor buslnees engage- mani. raiiat bv n.rvoui or alck head ache, pr other peine or ache by those hn tiav learned tha raerite of - Dr. Mile' Antt-Paln 1111a They simply taka a tablet When in sympmms appear and they are quickly dispelled, J a, fact Pi. Miles , will prevent, and alan cure, all pain of every nature, and ar absolutely harm, less. The soothing Influence upon the nerve and muaclus qulat and refresh the Irritated conditions. "Dr. Mlle.' A ntl, PatS Pill slways cure my hvadaohe end t he beauty of It, c(ais svirn a trinn. i am giaa mere Such s remedy for neonle who must work, sick or well. Headaches never prevent me from keeping my enasge- nients.'' . , -. , m k. . n. tmirnm Banta Ana, Cai. If flrat bottle doe not benefit, vnur money hsrk. ' " e so, cfBi. ivvr aoi in bulk. 4 .1 I A , s!;.;il "l '.' J. . , The Only Hotel Within the Exposition Grounds All mpdern convchicnccs to officer baU floors ' $ow(Mcadcned. rf bna siScs. Wrhing American and European Plan EUROPEAN PLAN, RATES FROM $1.50 to $5.00 PER DAY AMERICAN PLAN. RATES FROM $3.50 to $7.00 PER DAY RttC nme4 includes daily admission to grounds iakes and rivets, wher within tb mm - ory of hundred within th sound of my volo biased : the wigwam nrea or the' Chlnooks. Schoolhouses bav sup- plantd th Indian tepee, while on every piaia anu' ln tr H. wuiwi myyiwm point toward heaven. X" transf ormatlon- snch as this, wrought within so short a space pf time, I Indeed marvelous, and tbosa who led the way. aa well aa those who followed and made It possible, deserve the high est-praise,- and - to their -memory - we ehould dedicate a monument tnl wH live .forever. : ; ' - In 1)0 country, nod' government, by no people on rth, could thl . wonderful- . transformation have been wrought-asv by the American pioneer and hi successors, under th benefl clent Influence of . American Institu tion th Inspiration Of llberl y nd th tr and trlpea. Dedicated K.Grattajde. Vr- : Here, then, ' on" the" spot wher th first xploTr and pioneer of ; this great section ot our country ended their expedition and made their settlements and thus concluded the march pf Amer ican sovereignty aero th oentlnent, let us dedicate and. open thla exposition In' token of our profound gratitude and appreciation of tha matchUsa achleve rnenf wrought In HOC by Lewi and Clark and their herolo followers, whe almost In "the Infancy of -or-national life, w'lh eye ever fixed on' the '"pilot Stars," led us by the hand out Into these fertile field on th Paclflq slop. In which w wander end. in whcb w prosper still, , SECRETARY TAYLOR ON COAST'S FUTURE Mr. President, Ladle ami Gentlemen: Having beea appointed by th prealdent ohalrman of the government board, com posed of prominent official In th vari ous executive department organised to prepare exhibits for- -this exposition. I am glad, through th courtesy of the exposition managers, to n permitted to take part In the opening exercises. Th distinguished vice-president ba brought to. yon graatlnga from the preel- dent, and told you of his interest In thl great enterprise. Senators and rep resentative are here -io represent-the lawmaking power. I cen assure you that all departments of the government are glad of the oportunlty to taka part In this exposition, indeed no such as surance will seem necessary when you com to e the many interesting ex hibit that th government has presented WASHING Ice Cream, Sherbets Mtde mixture. ; r TIMES with Special Prices to Larg;e tynaumera ' ..'"'''-;'".'. - '''',' :'-''' ' ' . ' ' ' '.. .' T'c --' ' 'y " V'v ' ',',. , ,, Prompt aervjee. Two phonea-Main 76ii - v -; vv Wadh i ri g tori Creamery Co. . - -aJ'' , ' ' . ' , ' .. ' ' ' ' son AUACHIMnTAM CTDPnT..: 1 429 Hi ie J pi UMU U XU U Vy4U u 'UU UM U. VMSe. ae 7; j hra Every department la repreaented tha Implement or peace ana war rtne genlue of the - laventor and the skill of the artisan -record, models and ma chines, all representing noma important department of governmental affair. Thar Is th main building,, with. Its myriad ef interesting exhibits, the life saving service, the flaherlea, and the blatori revenu eutter McCpllooh. that, with It berole crew, went into. Manila bay with Dewey and brought to th world -the first, new ef th deetruetlea Of th Bpanlsh fleet. ' - Government'! Interest In tha Falf.ll: Mr. Chairman, all tbeaa rl4 exhibits glv bttr evidence than can any word of mine that th government take a, vital Interest In tha'supces of tht ex position. It 1 a long d'ataac from Washington her - the width of a con tinent separate you from th capital Of the -pat Ion, but th Cr and Interest of th government knows na bounds of pace, nut enoouragea with fequal' seal Ui cltixen pa whatever pert of Its vast domain they may res Id a It contributes tq every-great exposition, and rejoices in tha success of svsry legltlmat enter prise. Wherever a hammer la lifted, a plow held, a shuttle thrown, there the government gives protection and enoour sgement.: ,Its highest pride IS not In the valor -of Its armies and navies, al though they always move ' to victory nd carry order, and civilisation and progress wherever they plant th flag: but In " the induetry-Intelligence and eplendld achievement of tt citisens la civil life, wbq captur th fore of na tur and draw tribute from the field, the forest and the mine. I From these fourqe comes the wealth that develop th country, build cities, and make such expositions s. this possible, Th laborer i th true oldlr of empire after alL Upon hi broad shoulder and A brawny arma vast th public destiny. But n-b.ll w admira-tha great army of toller, It u remember, toe, ta give deserved . praise ta tha genius and en terprise ef the greet captain af In dustry, who, with their talents and money, organise and carry on the vast concerns that have mad th Industries f America tha wonder of tha world. - Pelighted With Development I take pleasure, Mr. .Chairman, In as suring you that th people of the. coun try I hay met them In 'Washington tak a deep Interest In this exposition. Bo far a my personal experience, goes I have ' man.-strange ae-It may seem, express their desire or In tention of visiting bare than I hnard of going -to -the- great - exposition 1 t8t. Louie, recently closed. It ha been my fortune, either In a private or official capacity, to cross th continent a great many time, and vry tfm am surprised and delighted with the greet development which appear on - every hand. I can well remember Not th" "common- kind, but the PERFECT for-those who knoy? PURE urticle ..The WASHINGTON Butter, Sweet Cream, Milk, etc.'arq ; juit aa popular ai tha WASHINGTON Ice Cream. ; . .: 5 T)1 , J a.l- . a ' "-H-.t- -L i'ah ..A V ' JJJZJJ, FIRST CLASS GOODS. " i. WASHINGTON STREBT ; J - CI?J54D 303 when th whole, vest empire stretching from the Mississippi to the Pacific was alt undeveloped and preotloally unknown. Only a few little hamlet hare and there, ' only aa occasional woodman' ax rang;' through th unbroken foreat, asd br and ther a aolltary farmer turned bla furrow wlthl sight of th retreating Indian.' Today much ef .hta vaat area ta eevered with fertile fields, with In numerable streams ' turning the - busy Wheels of labor, with,. thriving cities and happy home and-mart of trad. It 1 pot etrang that after the yr of, labor and growth you desire te exhibit ' your reseurees, -wealth and bualnesa. ad exploit " n th vaat eonaera-that -to make up your prosperity. - Proapcdta of Coast . Ara Bright No region ot the sountry ba mid greater progress- b brighter proai pact thaa th Paclflo coaat The grow- ' ing trad Of our stew poaeeaalons In th -east no Its poeeibiutiss art enormoua coma through your portS- Th great 1 district of Aiask 1 mainly supplied from your fields and factories, sends . It fish and fur to your market, and pour tt golden Btjeam Into th ohan xvci of your trad. Th expansion of eur territory ha brought fresh blood and new life Inte the commercial -ayatem .. . of Iha Peolflo"ktata. . A dosen years -age no prophet 'would- have predicted such, a future aa nw pn befor you. Th Jogla ef -vnta, - which aq be thwarted by no eloquano anc hanged by tie argument, bav brought you new . and boundless opportunities , Thla position I n of" th vldnoe that they ar ta b wisely Improved. . Mr. Cbslrmat), I tbank you for th privilege of being here, and an behalf of the government board I expreae th hp that your xposltlon may prev a (real . succes. ' uEFFERSlTyERS ; OR STATE'S WORK ' Ladle and Gentlemen: la 1 101 a bill for an act waa introduced in th legis lative assembly ot th state of Oregon ta celebrste th on hundredth nn vrry of th exploration of the OVe- fon country by Captain Meriwether ' ewls arhdr"Wnifafn CTark."By this bltt, which w passed with remerkabla unanimity, a commission p( 11 members . WS created to b known and designated as ''the Lewis snd Clark Centennial " exposition commission," to represent the stat of Oregon and t expend th Urge um of money appropriated from the public' treasury' to carry out the pro- (Continued on Page Thirteen.) 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