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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1905)
' . . . - t , - v r ' . ' '' ' . ' i ' -h - '.. . .. . ." ' . ' ; ' '., ) . ; v . i. - . .... - , - ... THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, RORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING. . MAY. 4. 1905. J- - The Journal's Lewis, . " . THIS COUPON POSTOFFICE vT. . . V. ..... - - - . . ...'. , r - : . "rtii" QNE VOTE FOR. ... 'm ' , POUNTY , . . ; , . . ' STATE. . , ;-.. .. . . , . . .... ' NOTE This coupon 'will not fee counted unlets the persons named " improperly nominated. If-not nominated, fill out nomination , blank and-son? m witn coupon. ami iMPOfcum.: fllOF.-RICARD MAXBTBrFoitratt Aa Undecape artlat; luatruetloa la ll patntlua, .' water color. etc., enddrawlngr,are, sallarr " " connected iwttb etudto; picture tor nil Bad -flaming to order. M iMw t. Phono 16g.k . TV- ASSATES8. ; THE J. H. Flak Aw Tin office Greenley A - -Trlwfa. nlTtl.T ttWBWtr and wm wrgiat. zufc wiuiofwa n. . 2 ,1 i ..'"hi i i, . i i n . ',y I1. i 'y -- BATHS MASSAGE. '''' -FNENCH 1aMoa give bathe and maaenre treat ment. 20s Firth nr. . now mu eve. COLl'MBIA.TRIBUN AND CRESCENT, x SPORTING GOODS. EXPERT REPAIRING. F. P. K KENAN. SOS THIRD ST. , BETWEEN TAYLOR AND SALMON. . n;- , BLABS BOOK MABTTFAOTTTMjU.Y . - HOWE, DAVIS A KILHAM,, 109111 Second at. flank -book ittanufactorer. agent for Joe iaprml Loow-LmC 44; aca U,aa ' - 1 Tw leaf. thK bt on tba aukit. . - - SATrn-'TirswtWEftf,: :j -CHAS. B. YORK A CO, nnlrmn4 ptatfra, --T--- nnttrd t T Flrat.--1 blopaa north. - CLAIRVOYANT ABO PALMIST, MADAME JOH.NsfoN dalrro;int. palmlat. card nadat! I la facta rcllablaand lm ilal uu all iffalrl vt fair Hta.J Eaiai SOe. SS BaTftotboit., naar uaa. CTOArAlTD TOBAOOOr-- ESBERa-OUNBT CIOAB CO. . . r. - DlaUtbatora of ' t CAXTXBTZSJI AB Bl U.J.-ADTHOR-aa4 aV WOOfV aaraaatara aad . halldrm: twoalHa- au4 lotiblaa; atara ana ornr axtana rrih " r" Maln CIMZH CONTlAOTOBtT 4 - Kaa Twentieth . Jt' Ptaoaa , Eaat 1STS. All wa fuarantaao. COAL AID WOOB. 1 " cuinrmxTZnuoi. r-' It la now tba Urat waadrafg n tha rrty,' r.rrjlni allldaofjooaJn4.coaXPboM Maiir5rrT ' WESTERN l-KED. fVmLCtK, aoa PnM aa IHoTtta..- oralara -la doaml and a tram oal.- btackamlth aoal, ckaraoM v Pboaa Mala 1018. : 'HnmiJCIL CO.,, D.alw-tav -and-araan ana -MUwa.-av f jp blna in., B btecka aaat of farr. -Baat Bid. riT ti n, I'O ThTTiaat drr woad wa. Don't torarar w poona law. Katt BHgbtb at., cor. Mad CALL VP' But tS39, Bait Blda Slabwaod Cm., .JX dralara U ,a- klaitia labood. Sol Eaat Oak at. BTEEL BR1DOB FUEL CO.. dnlara In eoal, . aord wood a ad Or alab wood. Pbana Baat 44. -mwN FltmjCO.rall khida f eoal and woo. S44 Morrtaon. Pbona Main Stt. ; KIRK HOOVER. SIS Watar at., weed and eoaL Pbona Mala 4Wn. CUABOtO ABB PTinitty---- PORTLAND STEAM CLRANtNO ST EI NO Worka; practical hatta la ooanactloa: featkar bona and plutnca elaaaad and carUd bliu , part. Sll lourth. Pbona Claj 104. , lOTHKS cleaned and prraacd SI oc , I'alqua TallorlBg Ca MI- Waahln.ton B. W. Tt'RNER. prWaalonal dyer and clean BOS Jaffaraoa at. - Pbona Main SS1A --- -AJUCT4XJUBTJTSr STANDARD Rtaam CarprtU-anlat Ca. Carpata rj4raacdV'rdtted,''awod and 'taidBaTtFaaaaa, fratbera ranerated, Eaat TBird, norta, ana raclflo Ita. Pbona Eaat 380. Marrlmaa A North. - . . . - " CARPETS cleaned an the oo; wa ralaa aa ; dual, rnone clay SSI, frea demotiatratlon. tlon. . BPNTER. ateant carpet. BS0 Jeff. Mala H4. OOMMimOM IIEBCKaBlBr- hiviNPORT BROS. Oanaral eomalaaloai cbiata; frnlta and produca; conalaaawnta aa llclted; prompt return. 180 front at. BVERDINO A FARRELU prodne and eoaiaila - aloa merchaota. 140 Iront at., Partland. Or. Pbona Mala ITS. CAFES. KRICKSON'8 RESTAURANT Merchaafa taaeb - 11 a. m. to IS p. m.; nnder now nianaaanont. O. B. Brana, prop. Bacond and BaraeMe. THE orrirB isn Waahlngtoa at. Pnona Mala IT1. Samuel Vlitneaui. '' rjBOCKEBT ABB OLASBWABB. WHOLK8ALB crockery and alaaawata. Prael, Hefela A Co.. 100 to ins rfttb. cor. Stark at. DOO AND BOBSB SOSrRAL, 1 " WI.C.E RROWN.rrV.8.,D.C.M Dot. pltal.WT Bnrnalla.Pboaaai Maia40Wd;Eaet SB.16. BKXSSatAKIBa. SHIRTWAIST", wool or waap aiik noa m Il.SB; ahlrtwalat antta, t.0O. & Baat Mar at. Pbona Baat &U1. - KRISTER'S Ladlaa Tallorlnf coUeirai pattema cut to weeore. AUk baU afaVaBS Morrtaan. MRS. MoKIRREN. nrtlitla dreaa and cloak. , making. B61 Morrlaon at. "DBKSSMAKINa "trlctlr np ta date! latent dealana. 4W Clar at r x" - rLBCTBICiX" W01MT NCRTHWEST ELECTRICAL BNOINEEKINO ' Companr, SOS 8 1 ark at.. Portland. .0. K. far aTerjrtblna In tba -electrical Uaa, Pboaa Mala IShi. PACIFIC Electric Co. Enslneern. aontractnra. , rapalrera. alectrtc wiring, anftptlca. P4 Ftrat, ear. Stark. Main n. R. B. Tata, mar. lUBBTTtrRB PACTOBrlS. 'OREGON rnrnlbure Mannfacturlnf Coarpaay Mannfactnrera at furniture foe .tba tradaa Fortland. Or. rrRNITVRB nannf.crniina and aprclat ardera. ,U a furniture factor, l.o rreei ar. OB00ZK8. WADHAMS A CO.. who lean la arorara, naa rarrarere and. aomniiaalon aierrbanta,. renria and Oak eta. ALLEN tt LRWIB, cmnmlaatnn a ad prtdaca nr cbaata. Front (ad Davie it., PortUad, Or, end Clark Ccntest IS GOOD FOR . - - -. v, - -, TtnUrACIB.' BOTNTOV wara-alr turaeeae aara fnel. I. O. Barar Pnraaca Co.. SSd Bacond. Mala an I. P0RST BESCXVB 80X1. FOREST RESERVB SCRIP FOR 8ALB Ap proTcd, nreatrleted, read for Immediate see; iowaat prlcee.- B. F. F. B. Bller. SOS Cbambar ef Ooanmarva. ' ttABDZBXBB. . GARDENS Dada'kttd kept la order, kedcea trlmmttLJhone nrgara Jua -. Kobla, Main jBZflO. .f.-,.... ... BJhUfAV BATHS.' KINO'S RAHMAN BATHS Ceraaa Swaeath and WaablruTton eta.; a neat ana larcoei naiaa ia tba dtyi alearant bade for the nlcht If daalrad; aipart maaaeura and chlropodlat. - - - HABDWABB. - Portland Hardware Co. aolldta crportnnltT te aiKit. prlcaa. 13B"lat, car .Alto.. iUla is. fAB-SAntKOIXB. J. J.. BORO, aaefetaa f bamaa mI. aU etc.- 43S n. . niBtB. rnana ,ani mh. HOTKL, SC8TAVBAVT ABB CAMP BAXOIS. HOTEL. RESTAURANT AND CAMP RANGES Ortbbau A Beaton Co., Serenteenth a ad tlpabor ate., laraeat atack botal. reatauraal. camp rangee. gaaollne atoraa and rerlgere - tore tn the city. " ; . ' BTOTELS,' THB LIN DELL HOTEL Markets bet. Third and ronrtu. jroriiana; cnurei ww, ..aoawn furoUbed; American pun, $1.60 day up. Hotel Pendleton, Pendleton. BY W. Walta. mgr. HOTEL- Portlaad. Aaerlr'aa pUn; M.3 per dan. H"T'- Ceneaa, Paadlatnni leading 1 botal. BELVEDBRB. Iritraeeee) plan;4tb-aad AWaar ntnv . XBaTfKABCB. LAMBERT, i WH1TMEB A CO. Fire laaurane nod reel eatatat aaiceaanm a Arthae-Wtleon on orncea. weat aid. 10T-1US Bbarlock bldg . Main 1004; eaat 14e- dapt, 404 Saeti Alder (Cltlnaaa bankr Baat 4t. ISAAC ta WHITB, Bra Inrorauua, BBS BcMS fAB-.-wrrr wrmrt, etcpioTera- -rUBinty and I dlridual accident .orety bond ef an klnda Pbona 4T. SOS McKay bldg. J H. F. B ARTELS COMPANY fire faeamnca. 441 Sherlock bldg. Oregon .Pboae Clay Bad. ' KOBBT TO 10AK. -TUB STAR LOAN Otfr ief aalarlad employe, waga-earaar. ens get nts bin note, wiuoot mortgage Month. -. V Mrmth. Wee. ilW.oe Btpay to aa Bin. M-a-f.B -aa JS OT 23,00 Repay te na l&.uo Banay to na 0. 0O or a.i.BO ar ei.oif 4.00 or ii00 a ll.OO 110 McKay bldg. F1VB per cant money) we build yoa a borne -r or loaa yen nanay ea Few property; monthly , payaacnta; InTeatlgate: . open aUturday I laooa atug., t y " . MONEY TO LOAN ea teal, nareonml and eel. lateral eecurlty; aparlal attention to cnattel mortgageat notee bonght. C. W. PaUet. S04-B Fentoa bldg., Sd Slit at. HIGHLY reapectetile plaea Trhare ladle and genta can borrow money on dlamoade' and ewelry. Collateral Loan- Sana, zow nean ngtoa at. Pbona Black Tt, - S LOANS and upward oa VI klnda ef aeon rlty or te ealarled people on their note; leweet arateai do publlctty. ne delay. , 818 Ablngtoa bldg. Pbona Red 172. '' ' ; " unan inriNrab ealarlad naonla. teaaatera. etc., without eecoTlty: enay paymaau; larg. - eat bnalneea In 4 principal elliaa. Iolman. Ablngtoa . oiog.. - , -t-... CHATTEL aoana In amounta ranging from $25 to S&aWO: ronmlng-boeaea a apeclalty. New Era Lou A Treat Co.. BOB Ablngtea bide ava. w b na. i.m,.,,, mnllrlaa -etiA fiev-- 1 1 than companlea laming there; a too boy Xtum T-..,i,i- in kna. M BO. care journal, iniiri . inec ratea on furniture. Plant . any eeeartty notea porrbaacd. Eaatara Leaa ctace. 448 Sherlock bldg. MONET TO IX) AN In large or email amounta a good aecnrltyi Iowaat ratea. William Q. Back, BOT Falling bldg MONEY to loan In an ma to eult at B and B per W.J t lemena, gTS Stark-1' Chamber or uomnem. LOANS aa furniture, plane, other eecnrltlaa, . a tt Win. pun aA. W.ia. bldg. Mala 6100. TUB CRESCENT LOAN COMPANY Salary Inane, from three te elz montba; eonBdcnf a'. Ill Oragonlan. , ' - ; .nww err. IAIN mm meeaanae ewl laiknm. b'. r. a ad F. B. Riley, BOB Chamber ef Cea PORTLAND REAL ESTATE LOANS, B AND B - pea .cent. an. venawa ua ..uiu .vw.. MONEY TO LOAN. B par cent. . Northrap King, 810-211 Commercial block. TO LOAN S10O 88 Third at.. $1. b00 by Cbarlee HtrnteL a. $Sno to lend en city F 10, care Journal. or auburbea property, ' MUSICAL. ELF-PLATINO PIAJ408 Ceclllaa aelf-play .lag plana Dreaondced the beat by leading - miialriana- alno Cecilia piano-puycra. m.- u ' WUIa Mual Honee, BM Alder at. SECOND-HAND moalcal toatrament of all klnda at Iowaat prlcea, raah or InataUmanta. -FMae Muate Co.. 100 Third at. COMPARE my prlcea with tbat race leer 'a aele now going on. mti i aineie . uoaine, an . fattlb at YK fi-A BMtv LKS8ON8 BOc, plana, guitar, banjo, mandolin. lolln. Mra. Martin, 841 Flrat. icor. Main. MR. AND MRS. H. A. WEBBER, baitKdMndo. lln. guitar marrnctlon. Mam aiiw. Il w t-ara. BtAOBXTlO HEAXJVa. MRS. L. H. HART treata all dleeneae, aromach trouble, nerronaneea aad functional waakna Conmltatloa free. Sll Tourney building. B0TABT PUBLIC. PREPARATION ef deed aad mortgagee a apeclalty; price reaacea. w a are me, aia. i the Martjuam. . BOSS 6r THR ROAD OVERALLS and aaacbae, lea' clothing i anion made. Nauatadtar Broa - maaaraeturera. rwiiiag.-vr, PLATIB0. EASTERN PLATINQ CO.. 82B Flrat Oold. all ear. copper, nickel and bran plating. Jewelry work apeclalty. THE OBI00N PLAT1NO WORKS. C Waab. Ingtoa at. rnoae Bia. reuaniaav tauq and lacaucrias. PLUMBXBA. DONNERBSRO RADRMACHEB. aaaltarf 84 toartb at. .awta paoai. FOX A CO.. aanltary pl'imbara." Sl Seeoad bat. Mala and Salmon. Oregon Pboae "Mala, SOU. PVBU0 A000VVTABT. B. BUS. MULUaV -expert-ereonaUnt. aaoat 441 aneriocK Ding.; nooaa ..openu. . audited; book, kept foe email rpocerna: mode rate rh.rgya: Acat-elaaa refcrencca.' Marn ibeaj. :IAB0-TUBniO.' arexrwriH AP'Tiejeiiae.e.e).lut l plauetwtiii and repairing. Inquire Flaber Mutlc Co. Red 8U. PRnrTTBO. BUSHONOV A CO Freat aad Stark ate., prtab- lag. Utbographtng.-Dlana pooaa ana oruee uppllea; work' duo ea time: moat complete printing ofBoe la the weat Main 104- ANDERSON A DDNIWAY COMPANY, nrlnUng, Iltbugraphlng, blans booaa. a-uod aum n. AMer at, " -'- yALVTS. OH ABB 0LABA, F, B. BEACH CO. The Pioneer Paint Co. I wlndow-glaaa , and alaalLg. , 1 plrat at. Pbuaa OiU. ; -i BASMOSSEN A CO. Jfobhera, palnte. oil,' glaaa, aaeb and doom. Second. anoVTaybav BUBBIB STAMPS. r, . , ,., - ... , -. ...noM I i P. C. STAMP WORKS. B48 Alder at., pbenali - Mala T10: rubber etampe, aeala, etendla. an, t gega, trade check a; eend fur eatakarue. BOOnBO. TIM BOOFlMOr-t jonoing. j. tit. SIS Jeff BOPS. PORTLAND GORDAOB CO. Corner FearteaaU a do: Hortarup ata., Portland., ur. BATES. FOBi opening lorkoara and eat bargain! pe 'te. j. b. iarw, e Tnira at. . - -. SHOWCASES ABB SHOWCASES et every doacrlptloa; haak. bar end etor Bxturea made to order, Mennfacturlug Co., Portland. BTOEAQX AT TBAJSriK. -- SAFES, plaaoa and fornltara movaO, backed ready for - iMpplng" and aWppedrr air Work -guaranteed; large, S-etory. brick, bra-proof - warebeaee- tea- a tore go. - OfBee US Flrat at, "CM. Olaen, Pbona Mbla 847. - . a O. PICK, efflce SB Flrat at., between Stark .- end Oak-ta., phone BOB; planoa and furniture moved end parked for ahlpplng; cammodloaa B re-proof, brick wareheueo. Front aad - Clay fa - L , .. i STORAOB apace to let In our new building, 874 Water at. Big lor Milling A Comrnlaetoa Company. ' I TTMBEB. FOR BAUD One naif eecMon of choice timber I lead, baa been rrulaed at 10.000.000 feeV-AO - pee -cent Port, oribrd cedar, tlUe trom aebool - land board; price flS.OO par acre, B. S. joo a JO. Mil Aioer at. . . FOB - SALE -Twe - bnuauatead --. rallnonlaamant - Halnm: aacond growth; wlll aell cheap. N. P.-Klelaoa, HoUl Rhelnpfahee. ' FOR HOMESTEADS. timber claim aad eerie a poly oo TYPEWRITERS, TOST TYPEWRITER HKADQUABTERB-a J";: --Fourfh Street. We rant, repair, eall. exchange' UncmHia, " - All euppiiee for an macnineo. r all macninea. I2B and up to $100. xvnpher or typtatl good appllcanta. . , Ktanoara macninea nzs a TW. ..a -l.myea' Wa bare Mat of coon1 . i uuua 0iaca asia. BLH'a.E"JSrK)RFER type wrl teen, eunpUee, re pairing, ttone at Roaa, son ntara. Main inrik TOWTt nTTPPtrr tCI.KAlC TOWELS DAILY Oomb. brurh. aoap Sr per montb, tewTernearBroa."Towal Bopplj to.. r porta ana t'urn, r none ev. TEAIIHllR ABB HAUIJBO. OREGON TRANSFBR CO.. 184 North Birth. Phone Main BP. Heavy banllng and etorage. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY. No. BOOM Waab. - Ington at. Pbeae Main asS. --.twr. notniB. t. A. WESCO, Tlolln-makcr and renalrert- warb Bret claae. Ruaaall bldg. 4th and Murilaea. WALLPAPEB, MORGAN WALLPAPER CO.. 184-ISA at., bat. Yamhill and Taylor. Port land. FTEABCIAL. FIBgl BATI0BAL BARTt. OF POBTLABD. OREOOB. -Deetgnatrd Depoaltory and Financial Ageat at the Waited BUUa. rreTldent.:.....i.... ..A. L. MILLS CeahlrrrTTrrrrr.-rr.T7?rrr.JW. KEWKIRK Aaalntnnt Caahler..... W. 0. ALVORD Second .Aaalatant Caabler B. F. STEVENS Letter ef Credit leeued Available ta Europe and - tba Beeteru State. - Sight - Kaebange and Telerrephle Timiaren anld on New Yorklp,aton. CblcagawBt. Lou la. St. "Tanl. Omaha, San franclaco and the principal point la the Kortbweat. Sight and time bill drawn In antna to eutt en London. I'arla, Berlin, Frankfort-ou-the. Main. Hon Kona. Yokohama. OoDenbncen. vnriatianin. procanoim, at. reieranurg. COW, Enrich. Honolulu. Collection Made ea Favereele Term. J3BTLAKB TRUST COMPART OF 0BE00B. Be. 108 THIKB T. 7VtJ3iaait JTnutJSarnpaair . CAF1 PITAL BMO.OOO. We conduct a general banking bualneaa. We lecelve aavlnga dVpoalt. Wa iaeue time eer tlflcatea and certiorate et depoalt payable apon 10 da ye call, 80 daya' call or 80 dare' call, with Intereet at . 8U and d per cent per annum, reepectlvely. Call or eend fet ear book ef ILLUSTRATIONS. RKN'J. t. COHEN , Preeldent H. L. PlTTOt:K Vlce-Pranlrtent B. LEE PAGET Secretary J. O. OOLTRA Aaalatant Secretary u NTTEB STATES NATION AX, BANK, OF PORTLAND. OREGON. NORTHWEST COB. THIRD AND OAK STB, Tranaact a oenerai aanaing suainaea. - DRA FTS ISHI KO Available la All ritlaa of the United Bute and Europe, Hong Kong and Manila. - COLLECTIONS MADE ON FAVORABLE TERMS Preelrtent .J. C. AINSWOKTH Vlra-Prealdent v ...W. R. AVER Caahler... .....7....R. W. SCHMEKR Aaalauat Caahler.... A. M. WKIUUT LADB Ar TIXTONr-BANKEBS. " " . . . .-.fc- (Eetabliabed ta 1WB.) Tranaact a Oenaral Banking Bualneaa. ' Collectlnna made at all polnta oa favorable lerma. Lett era of credit leeued available la Europe and all point In tba t'nlted State. Sight Iichange and Telegraphic Tr a oaf era aold oa New York, WeJablngtonl Chicago, Bt. Loo la, Denver, Omaha. San Franclaco and Montana aad Brltlah Columbia. ' Eicbange sold on London. Parle, Berlin, Frankfort, Hong Kong, Kekobam, Manila and Honor la. S" ECUBITY SAVINGS "T0ST COMPANY. Btd Morrieo St., Partland, Or, i Tinaaailn a Oeneinl BmVteg Baalnaaai - , - SA VINOS DEPARTMENT. ' later rf Allowed on Time and Having Depoalt. Acta na Truatee- tor Ratafee. Draft end Letter rf1redtt ATailabla ta All Parte et tba World. . NY ADAMS. ..Proeident A. LEWIS Flrat V Ice-Preal dent A. L. MIUS .......... ..Second Vloa-Prealdent B. a. JLBITS ....r........J..8eretory M' IRCH ANTS' NATIONAL BANK. " ORIOON. J. FRANK WATSON. ..Preeldent H, U DI;RIIAM.............vice--rT-ioee. R. W. HOYT ...r.. ....... .....Caahler CBORGB W. HOYT.-. Aaalatant Caabler Trananeta a weneral Bunking Baaiaeea. DrafU and Lettrra of Oafflt leaned Available jbt All Parr ef tne woriu, . , Collection a Bpeciaity. - .- M OBBIB BROS, ft CHRrSTENSYN, lUVb Jirat atreav.a-eniei,wr.- Offer OMt r.dre laveati . Railroad Bo da. vnt fa Municipal aad Write er Celt - MORTOAQE LOANS Oa Pert'-and Beal Batata at Leweat Rates, Title Jnaurad. 1 Abrtraot rnrnlaked. . ' TITLE SUARAVTEE Tauai uo. a, Cbameer at tgeaujaer OTICIS. aarwa-aab. peopobalb'Voe btbixt work. : . "Seeled nrorjaaaln wilt he received nt ' the Offli a of the ii,I10T at tba-Clty -of Portland, I autil .Friday. Mar 8. lift, at 8:00 o'clock p. m. for tba improvement of Helnhta ler' race from tba weat Una ef Lewnedale atreet to the eeat line of block 40. I'arter'a Addi tion, hi the manner prarlded by ordlntiu No. 14. V. auhlect to the proTlalona of the charter aad erdtnaneee nt the City at Port land nnd tba ealimat - at--tbe CMfn. Bna Bccrea-ake. t Blih muet be etrlctly In. accordance with printed 'blanka, wbbb w'lU be ttfrnlabcd .ea aoDtlcattoa at the office of the Auditor of the ciij ef prnnqr ABB "Mid -TmproTcmTnl muet be- completed on or before 80 dare from the date ef the algnlng nt tba contract by the partiae thereto. - - - no prvpoaaia or bio win be commerce, no leaa aroomnnaled by a cert I bad check payable ro in ernee or rna Mayor or ma. uity oi Portland, certified by a tea pone I hi bank for aa Amount etuL la 10 pet cent et tbe-ggregt prouoeaL ine rif nt to reject any an ait pioa m acreny By-erde ef the Executive Board. .' 5 - . tho.-., 7-s-audltor ot the City of PvrtUad. PortUad. . Orego. - April SB, 1006; , , PROPOSALS FOB STREET WORK. ' Sealed propoaala will be received at tba offlca. ot the -Auditor of theXU f Portland, imlil Erlrlay, May a, HKr aJUB:O0 ekvet n. m. fur the tmm-ovement nt Twenty third atreet from the north lln of Waahlng In tne nianner Provided by . erdlnmnce No. 14.B34, aobject to the provleiona of the charter ana ordinance or tee t-ity or Portland ana the entlmatA of-th tjltv - Bnelueer. en Ale Bide muat be etrietly la accordance wltb printed blauPa, which will be furnlahecTon application at tna otnee or tne auaitor ot the. City of Portland. Aad aald Improvement muat be completed oa or before 00 dare from the date of the alrolnr of the ennttaat be Tbefiarflea fRaralo. Ke . propont or bl anil a cortaioerefl an. leaa aceompaaled by a certified check, payable to . the order ef the Mayur ot the City of Portland, certified hy -a rrapnnntble bank far aa amount eaual tn Wper cent of tba aggregate DrTnrrght to reject any and all blda la hereby reeerved. . - . By order ot tba Eiecntlve Board. i: Trtvn. c itt i.i , Auditor nf the City of Portland. , Oregon, ' April SB, MX. , .. I (- - Portland. PROPOSALS FOB STRUT WOBJL- neeneaato will- b- received et-tb Office of the Auditor ef the City of Portland, antll Frtdnv, - May , -10O6Y nt B;00 'clo.-k n. aa. for the Trntrravement nf Eaat Third atreet hom the north, lla nt Beat Clay etteet a the aoutb line er iiawtnorna avenue, in me man ner provided,; br ordinance Ner 14.6T, aub wt 4m neevMVon - of - the irbarter- and ordinances of the City of Portland - end the Umla of Ihe laUtf Kaglaneri on Slei Hid unit b artictly In accordance wltb printed blank, which will b furnl.hed on application at the office of the Auditor of the nt of Portland. - And eeld Improvement muat- be completed on or before 40 daya fromj tba date of tba algnlng ef bb contract by tba partlea Thereto. Ne propoaala er blda wilt bnol dr d atT lnoa laaaaiinntail br a nn'-f '' r-r-1'-to the order of the Mayor of the City of Portland, certified by a reaponalbla bank for aa amount equal p 10 per cent ot tba aggregate TO"" 1 - l-a ',. k:v. ID ngnt to reject aor eeu eu hiui.m a,,,j By order 'Of tb Iiecutlve Beard. - - - THOU. O. DEVLIN.- Auditor of the. t'lty of Portland. - -Portland, Oregon Aprl PBOPOBED AS8ES8XENT FOX, XKPBATaV AfKMT'OF AIXETTHROTQH "BLOCK ft. CZNTBAfa. AXBINA, -. ., Kotlc la hereby given that the Auditor ef - tbe-Cltyt)f Portland ba prepared -a nro poaed aaMmeri for the Improvement et alley through block 28, Central Alblna- fc-am aortb line of TReeeb atreet to the aouth - line of Falling atreet. 'and baa aacartalped wht-bl aeema a juat apportionmenK oi twi v. iii. lmproTemeut la accordance with the special and pern liar beaaflte derived by each parcel of laud and lot or part thereat within the aa aeeament dlatrict. and haa apportioned tba coat fr aald Improvement In--the amoant aet oppoelte each parcel of land and lot or pail thereof aa Ita ihtrn tf " 'i f I 4 Any objeetlone the tppot tloiimant of cnatf for aald Improvement muat aa maue in wriung to the Couovtl and Sled with the Auditor within ia at. n..m the data nf the ftrat publication of this not tea, and aald objection will - b Heard ind'TJeterrnlned by tba Council before the paaaag of the ordinance niaeaalcg tba coat ot aaia jmprovemenia. rttKTBiT. a r.Hi v a Multnomnb Coontr. Or. rrn BLWrv A. lot 7," Ida u. A nderaon. Jl.OD) tot B. - O. U. Johneon, 83.0O; lot a, . m llmlntm til Mi leeV--Nko1 - at in lot B. Horace J. Man a, $2.8; lot 7, Horace . J. Mamv 84 .88: . lot .8, Jant .M. . Smallwood. $4 HO- BLOCK ' ZS, lot 10, Js. II. Buckley, $1.3S: Vt J, Tbomaa and Mary Brodlaan, 800; . lot-14. Jamee and Hattle L. Bubb. $869; lot 13. Sarah E. Tunnnt. 8-L68;- lot-laWXoul-C.- alofflnirer, Bl.BTt, ;itllJ-JU-ackatrand.-$a.l-lot- 10, Charlee JL and Annie Back a trom, $478; north 11 if lot B. Charles J. and Annie I Itockatrona. $3.00; aoutb H oi let B. Ida I inhnten. $1 IS Total, s4n.n1 THOS. C DEVLIN. . - : --'Aadltor of tba city ot Portland. Date at flrat publication, Portland, Oregon, AprU 29, 1905. . - POKPLETIOK AND ACCEPTANCE OF PBOVEMENT OF TWENTT-SECONB ST. -. Noeie to berebr atven tbat Charlee Warner, City Engineer, baa Tied In the office ef-the nnderalgned. aotlc that Fralney m Keating, cunuattuta for the Improvement of Twenty eecoad atreet, under the provlaiena of erdlnaace No. 14.474, have completed eald atreet, from the center line of Flandcra street to tba aoutb line of Johnnon atreet. Bald' accentance will be conalOered by; the Executive Board at 4 o'clock on the 6th day of May, live, and objection to the acceptance of said atreet, or any pert thereof, may be filed tn the office of the underalgned nt any time prior thereto.-- THB EXECUTIVE BOARD. By TIIOB. C. DEVLIN, - f Alitor of the City of Portlaad, Portland, Oregon, A!.rll 29. 1805. COMPLETION ABB ACCEPTANCE OF IK- PROVtKEXT OF BAATEB ITalxT, Kr1ca la berebr given that Charles Wanner, andarelgD'aicytlbat B. J. Debuhr, contra e tor for the Improvement of Shaver atreet. Bp-dee the peovlaloDB of rdttlnr No, I4iH8i 1 haa completed aald atreet, from the center line I of Grand avenue to tne center net ea nani Biztb atreet. ' ; - acceptance will be eonatdered by the Executive Board at 4 o'clock ea the Btb day of May, 1AII6. arid objectlone tn the acceptance nf aald atreet, or any part thereof, may be filed,, In the office of (he anderelgbed at any time prior thereto. THE EXECrTtVN BOARD. Br TUOS. C. DEVLIN, " Auditor of the City of Portland. Portlaad. Oregon, April 29. 1906. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF IM PBOVEMENT OF PRESCOTT STREET. " Vntlca la herehv clven that Charle Wanner. City Raglneer, hna filed In tba office of the anderalgnrd. notice tbat Wrenn A Keeter, con tracture for the Improvement ef Preacott atreet, nrier the nrnvialtma ot ordinance No. 14.8HO. have completed the eaat en half of tb later section of Fourteenth atreet. . Said acceptance will be eoneldered by the Executtve. Board at 4 'clork on the -Btb day ef May. 1. aad ebjectlona tn tb acceptanc nf irald -atreet, or any part thereof, may be filed In t!ie office ot the oodemigned at aay time prior nwrrtn. . . THE EXECTTITE BOARD-- py THOS. 0. DEVLIN, Auditor of the City of Portlaad, Portlaad. Oregoa,' April SB. 1BOB, - COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF IK- - ' PBOVEMENT OF BEECH STREET. ' Notre la hereby, given that Charle Wanner, City Engineer, baa fired la tba offlca ef the nnderalgned. notice tbat B. i. Debuhr, contrac tor for tna improvement 01 neecu eireei. uauer the nrovletone of ordinance No. 14.800, haa conr. pleted eeld- atreet,- from the - eeater Irne of laileaoarl avena to the center Itn of Mlcblfae avenue. ' - .. .. Raid accentance will be ronaldered by the Exeeutlve Board t-4V,'elh on -tb-t)tb-day ef Mav. lnr. ana onjectiona to tna ecceptaece of aald atreet, or any part thereof, may baj filed In the offlca of lb .uadereigaed at any time, prior thereto. TUB EXECITTIVE BOARD. - Bv THOS. 0. DEVLIN, v- Andltor ef the City nf Portlaad. . Portland. Oregon, April IB. lOutt. OOMPLETION. ANB ACCEPTANCE OF IM, PBOVEMENT OF CORSETT STREET. K.tlce ta berebr given tbat Cbarlee Wanner. City Engineer, ba filed la tb office of th underetgned notice that nmyta A Howard Company, contractor for the Improvement ef Corhett atreet. under -th provlelene of nrdl. nance No. 13.1MB, baa completed said atreet from the nortb line of Seymour avenue te the renter line nf Hamilton avenue. A . Said acceptance will be eonaldered by the K.Bilve Board at 4 o'clock a th Btb dar nf Mar. 10i. and objection to the acceptance nf aald atreet, or any part thereof, may be filed In te orric 01 in unaereigue at any time prior' thereto. thb F.xr.n-riv8 board. - - ' . By THOS. C. DEVLIN; 1- Auditor at tn city nt rortiaaa... portlaad, Oregon, AprU SB, IBOB.. '. CTTT B0TI CITT NOTICES. PROPOSED ' ASSESSMENT FOB IMTEOTE. XENT OF BEECH STRUT, Nottr'! hereby glean that tba Auditor el u. v.uw r fort lead nee-' wreuarea e propoeea eeeeeement for tba lmproeeaueot et Beeeh atrevtr from tba weat Una ot Mlaaiaaivpt arenu to ine eaat Uue of MlHaeaeta -eeaaev and be eater tolaed what be decme a juet apoertionmeni or coat of the luiroremnt In accordance with the auecial ami iimullae hanaflla...aerUed by-.eeeb pacut oi laud and lot-e paet-tbaeeed wtthl the eeeeeement dlitrlct, and baa apportioned the coat for aald Improvement 4rt the amounta net oppoaita aacb parcel er una ana t or pan aa lea ah 1 lain n.i i Any ebjectloaa to the apportionment or cram for cald Improvement muat b diade In writing te he council and riiea wit in ewuw " 1,1 day from tba date of the flrat publication at tbll notice, end aald objection will be heard and determined by the Council before h pauact of the ardlnane aaaeaalug tb coal of -aald Iniprovemtfut. - MULTSOalU-llbOCKM, lotJlkJamnn Bjaa, $0.60; bit 18. JanieaByan. $1.44; lot 14, Cbarlee H. Tone Batate, llelra ef, $ lot 10, CheMe pi. Tone Batata, Helra of, $70.1. . niJli'K vr ln 11 William Gate..; lot 11. William' Gate. SU.48 bt 1.1,. Adult Boalnav 10.l lot 14, - Adoipfr Roatrre; Bfld.Ott, , HLOCK i, lot 18. Abm 11a tlaen, $ Jut - II, Amelia Blaen, $7.60: lot 1. AJneaar r.ien. 8-t.DU: Jo 14. Amelia Kteevir BrSa.eM. BUXJK aJtt:00 'cloek'oelaoeri $l.bB; let 4. Hannah B. Boofflna, JOEacalrla, a.7i: lot z, neienn iraawn : tate, Helre of. 8B1 04. BIWKr-ll, lot X. BeatrTrnrfenaWrBW.TBrlPt-1. Beef irle tonan. ai.a6. Ml I, I. Klrby. $10.0; bl - B.-duba Leonard. $o.62. BLOCK 04, kit u ' a..i..k nia, mm HAt lot 1. AdolDh Roatn. $R.71i lot 4? Samuel Kber. $a 10; tot. A, CbrtaUaa Heaalng. 841.M. Total $784., . , XU0H- U. BIVUS, , .. AniUtor ef the City of Portland. Date ef flrat publication, Portlaad, Oragoa, Apr' L e--lUUO E ... ' PB0P08EB ASSESSMENT FOB . IMPROVE- MENT OP EAST MADI80N STREET - NotIc ia berebr tiva that Tba Auditor ot the 44tr -vt PortliBd ha prepared a iwopoaed aeneaament for the Improvement of Eaari Mndl aon atreet from tba eaat line of Eaat Twenty ninth atreet to the weat lln ot Eaat Thirtieth atreet. and baa ascertained what b deem a Juat apportionment of coat ot the Improvement in accordance wltb tba apaclal and pecuUar benefit derived by each parcel ef Und and lot or part thereof within the aeeeeament dlatrict and baa apportioned the coat for aald Imrove anent hi the amount net oppoelte- each -parcel et brad and lot or part thero4ka- Ita abart of aucb proponed aaaeeament. . . .. Any object lona to the apporttonnjent bf ! ne aatA Iwnwwm.llt nfJBt b mad In Writing to- the Conncir and Blad wltb the Auditor wltliln IB daya front tba data or tne nre pwiicauon or thla' notlfe, aua aaia oojctine wu heard and determined br the OonncB be the paean a of the ordinance aaaeealng the coal TCW?..JeTr2,'-"i' a- -a a... a wi. a-u.a h'a i mill inn ifl in , i , v ui mmw a-ua- laaA DTOri. B - lAt J TV. UlTia. B .T O. in. lot B. J. K. Dav'u. SatJd: lot 10, J. . Davie, $2S tS; tot 8. J. K. Davla, 1.8 1 kt iBr- ; hi tieele. tlX liS. BLOCK S. north 100 feet . tt i (.ne riiwtllla. 868.64: north 100 reee -or lot a. sivn a., voian, .., eaa, - th6. a. rmur. " AaAltn of the Cltr of Portland Portlaad, Oregon. Data at flrat publication. April :w, luo. ' , PB0PCSED ASSESSMENT FOB SEWEK IN TWKBTY FIFTK STREET, - KeUc to hereby glvea tbat tb Auditor 'of tb rMte f pnrtianA haa nrecared a orutMieed a a- aeaaaaaet for th -COUaTtUetlonr of a BCWCT- tn .Mt froim the. eonth line of Verateeg addition to tb City ef Portland to the aewer tn ffiooiai nren, ana ,-inaut hat be deem a. Juat- apnortlrmmanl ot coat of the Sewer In accord. m-e wltb th .pedal and peeuHir beneflta derived by cb narcei of hand and lot or part thereof within tb eneeeament dlatrict,. and has apportioned the .i iw. uU .iiau 4 lbr euamunta-t eiipoaHe eecb parcel of rand od W ns -part jhrnn). gg in aaar w A.e ohlectlona to the anoortlonment of coat for Id aewar muat be mad la writing lo th Council and tiled with th Auditor within ta Am an. mia .he data of th flrat iwbllcatlon ef-this - not Ice, and said objectlone wUr be heard and determined by the Council befor tb piiaaag-bf tb ordlbanc" aaseaalng the coat of aaia newer. - t . rrrtianva-a lnntTION tat th Cltr ef 'rr$2iwfevJ John Verateeg, S2U.VO; 191 U, won J erairrg, .wan AM - - nlV 1-f V Vnualaua aMlM. ilU-Bu; lot BV merlon Vector. 818.601 lot 8, Kmerlnua verateag, aiz.ou; 101 10. 1 tou Vereteegv $12 . Total; , BIM 1 Auditor of. the City ef Pert la ad. Date of fTraubUcU90'0fltilrlifcrtd01 April zajifujh PROPOSED -A88ES8MEBT FOE . SIWIE IN - i S)i BTKEET. ' Notlc I hereby give that th Aadttor ef the City of Portland bee prepared a proponed aaaeaamant for the construction of a aewer In afii atreet ftom 0a aouth Uu et Vernteea ttreet, and baa aacertatned wbat be deem a Juat apportionment ot coat of the oewer to accordance -wltb the apeclal and peculiar benefit derived by aacn parcel or nana nnu 101 r Dart thereof within the aaaeeament dlatrict. and has apportioned the coat for aald ... aewer i i tbe--emoanu aetbtvuslla aanh parcel ef land and tot or part thereof a it ahafat-b - . . . . aauum.nL Any objectlone to the apportionment' of coat for aald aewer muat be made In writing to the Council and filed with the Auditor within 16 day from Lb data of the) tint publication ef ' this notice, and aald objection will be beard, aad determined by the Council before the paaaage of tb ordinance aaeaealng tba coat of aald aewer. -. . : VERSTEKO'S ADDITION to the City of Port- Innd-rBIiOCK 8, lot T, Garrett N. 'Varatecg. BI8.V tot S.-rrelrK. Vetateeg, $12.60; . lot 9. Oarratt N. Vcratreg, $12.6"; rot 10. Garrett N. Verateeg. $1160. BLOCK 4. a.t a. B. A. SchnabeL $20.00; lot 4. B. A. I , a,.iiii.h.l ao 00:- bit B.-i- K. A. Scbrinber. $20 80; lot a, Ba Aa Bcnnaoei, u,rv. lotai. 1 "$138.80. - T HOS . Or- DR Vf . - . Andltor at tba Ity of Portland. Date of riret publlcauon, wum April 29, 1VU6. - PEOPOSEB AB8I88MENT FOE SEWER IN - B4b STREET. .- Notice 1 . hereby given-that the Aadlta -of the City of Portland ham prepared a proponed avaeeeinent for the coo true tlon ot a aewer la 24'4 atreet. from . Ihe ouUaUM.akaPt trfet EadllTodP to Ihe aewer lu Menial atreet, ana naa aarvxriBiua-i um deem a Juat apportionment of coat of tba aewer ia accordance with the apecUl and I arcorrar beneflta derived by each parcel of Und end lot or part thereof within the aaeeaament ritettict. and haa apportioned the coot for eeld ewer la the amount aet oppoaita each parcel ot land and lot er-ert thereof a Ita ehare of aucb proponed aaaeeament. Any objection to tb apportionment of coat for aald aewer muat be mede la writing to tb Council and filed wlta tb Auditor' within 16 day from tb data of the flrat publication of thle notice, and aald objection will be heard and detwm lived by the Council before the pa aare et tb ordinance aaeeeelng the coat of . nnld aewer. . VERHTKWl'B ADDITION to the CHty ef Port land BLOCK 1. tot 7, Dlrhje Storey. $12.20; lot S. Plrkle Storey, 81880; Jot 9, Dtrkje Storey. $18.20: lot 10, Mattl Jansen. $J2.2o. BLOCK S, lot 8, Emma lMinbar, $20.00: lot 4. Emma Dunbar, $20.00; lot 6, Emma Dun bar. $20.00; ..lof 6, Emma- Dunbar, $10.80. -- Total, $131 0. ' . THOS. C. DBVLIN. - -. ' i -Auditor of the City of Portland. ... - Pete of flrat eubllcatlort.'orUBU.-Otegoa. April 30. 1906. 1. . . . . CeMTLETION ANB ACCEPTANCE OF M- - PBOVEMENT OF PINS STREET. Notice I hereby given that Cbarlee Wanner. City Engineer, baa filed In the office ef tb nnderlgued notlc tbat Klwood Wiles, 'con tractor for tb Improvement of Pine ntreot, under the proviaton ef ordinance No. 18,940, baa completed eald atreet from the weat line Of Flrat atreet to tb eaat line nf Third etre-t. 4 Said acceptance will bo considered by - the Executive Board at 4 o'clock oa the Btb day ef May, 1 , and objection to tb acceptance of anld atreet. or any part thereof, may be filed In tb efflce. ot the nnderalgncd ataj ttina prior thereto. ... THB EXECITITN BOARD. ' By THOS. C. DEVLIN. " Auditor of the City of PortUad. Portland, Oregon. April 29. 19u6. . PROPOSALS FOB CLZANTNw ANB XALJQ ' MINING) THE CITT KAIxr : ' Sealed propoeala will be received at the offl-e of th Auditor f tb City of Portland until Friday. May 8. W. at 2 p. m; for cleaning and kalenmlnlng th walla la Ihe ervernl ml Bee of tb City Hall, areo tor cleaning tb brick walla la Ihe murra. aleo for alilng with glue lae aad tbertaf tcf kalnomlalog tb Coancil charnbcTr :' - ... SpeclflcatPdi and form of bid can be ob tained at the ofSceaof tbe-nndenlgnel. ,. . , . - Ne prnpoenlss will be ronaldered - nnle ac companied by a eertlO'd check parable to th order of George II. Wllllaln, Mayor of th City ot Portland, for the nam ot saveBty-Sve dollars ($76). ... The right to reject any aad all blda Is hereby reeerved. , - . . . - By order ef the ExecttMv Board. .. 7 THOS. C. DrJVt.trf, - - ,- sadltnd at the City "1 Portland. . ' Portlaad, Oregon, April BB, 1808. 'CITT NOTICES. - fcaBa,aaa,e a. iaaafaaa.1. . riOPOSXB TABBEBAMZNT FOB TNtPBOVIe KENT P- EAST ' NINTK ' 8TBIET. -... , . . - i -, ... .. it-, a It uc ef the City of Portland baa prepared a pnivntri aaaaeamrnt rl the Improvement of Eaat Mala atseetft from lb Brih Hue ef Beaoon atrjet ( -enntkr Hit of Kttawortb tre and ha aecerulned what be .doeme a yet apportloij. Bieut of coat o lb improvement la aecord- u. - .fc. - i n,l faecullar beaeata deeleeq by each parcel of land and. let or part laereot withia Ibe eiai unmimt eueareea-e - apportioned the coat for aald Improvement In the amounta ardr oprmiriranen'jiarceto ia ae am iuvivui ae i - - -Any objection ta the appertlonraent of onat far aald Improrament auut be made In ')'n to the Couucll and niea with tne Auoiuar IS dare from tb date of the flrat publication of thta notice, and aald object lone will be beard and determined by tbe . Ceoncu nenwe lb pauag' of the ordinance aaaeealng the (oat of aald lurprovemeut. 'M.. EACONi UaUUlllaV In the Tlbbetta uonaiinn Lafid Claim BLOCK 1. lot 11, Mra. O.ohn- John aommerviiie. tH."e; lot ia, 1U..YT,,,H 8ld.01: lot 14. Martin Jeneen.l-40Tt 16. Peter E. Ind.-8ir.l bit 10. Mary A.4-- U.V JT Iandi-r K. Well, I. Ml SO; eouU Va ot lot ia. Lawnuar n. l.lo.M; aortb H ot lot 1. Cbarles B. Matblot.; lot 1B, Cbarlee E. Mataier, a.i . .. , , i , l eg. n i.i.. p . A parcel of Und lying between the aortb 1i,,a, tt-. Helvhta and a Una 30 feet LaJkaMb-taerefrom and parallel therewith, and hMaM.. the wait una si r a . i r i in u . , and"niaearilne-isr TJougTa AaaitTou. Maria A par"! land lying between the wvet Kb or- Kant Mnth atreet ana tne nn lhMtglaa addition and between two Una re epectlvely -Hu feet and 00 feet nortb of nnd - paraUlet' wita le eaaru. 1, mm itrikuia, arina i. rKauuio. a . I ... i-an 1 -1 a Ku aaan t Ka W at tint "of Eaat Ninth atreet and 100:fet went tbareof aaTluaalU .na.aaal.b .Ml between ttt BOUtA Un ef Brooklyn treet nnd a Hue 106.8 teet aouth thereof and parallel therewith. O. K. Bartlett BBvB.BB. : , - : a rv.TV'. a uniTTOV W, V..t For BLOCK I lot , Aa .-" Bead, $01.40; tot B. A. F. Beed, $68,711 bit I. Dnv bUffety, 4uv.ri Ave, t7 avm v a ." t w " . A parcel of Und lying betwaea the seat lln of Baat Ninth atreet and a Hoe feet weat ef and parallel wltb the west tin ft Krone: laud Height and between the aortb line ef Beacea atreet end a "oe 46.B feet aorta thereof and parallel therewith. Fred. erica rraucie, fu.eB. A parcel et ' teeideta between . twe line reaoectlrelr- 4A feet and l lt -aortu ,ot and --paraliet - with the., north lln ot Beaco atreet as Between ma AtKaat .-Math- atreet and - a line 80 feat weet f and narallel With" tb-wt - lln i-f Breekland . Height,-. Loula Kruttner, . BAA QQ . -' - - a L i i. iri Mewa two line rerjrtlvelr 81 fret BJ.fl-iaB teet north ol 'nd 1 naraliel with- tBU--ln -ot Beacon atreet and nauweeea toe mt v... Kiaih-iirajt and a Una 80 feet eet of'aad parnll! wltb the-weat line of BreokUnd Heights, mma aa. --i ear caa A parcel of land lying between two line aMi. iu a aa an ma fact north parauai wiUa-m. nw trvl leaoon atraet and between tne eaat ilub ti aila.k at., an1 a line 80 feet vreot of and parallel with tb weet Un or Broos, lanu rteigaUB,.. 1, . vouen, e ' . a, A parcel of land lying between tw. line ,' reepectlvely IM feat aa-41B7.$iJet north ot ana parauel wiiu l "r".. Bcoa lreet and between th eaat line i ... a... aiin.B Ma. en a itn an xeet weat ot and narallel wltb tne wee jiiw oi Brooklnd Helsht. J- U.- A a.rceli of Und .lying betweea two linen rptlTly 2275 teet and 271 fe.t nortn a. --a -.aallal ' wtth fltl BaWtb lift Ot Beseea-etieet aad bttweea -tbe-.eeet- Uno -ot Eaat Ninth street and a Hoe 80 feet wej of . an narallel -with the weet Mn ot r nnanklanf Relrht. M. 1. MrGuIr. 8aHVW, a m.mmmm I aa. TanA l.lnW betWeeB tWO 1100 reepectlvely. KB feet and 818.6 feet -aortb of and parallel wltb rh Borth lint of Beacon I! atraet aad between, tb -eaat- Una. ot Eaat KI-.K mtmrnrnt B line SO fet Wtl Of and, parallel with tbe-weet- Bn ef Breek' land Hclgbla, M. J. Mcuuire, eo.e.. A pareaf of Und lying betweea tw- II ne - reepectlvely 81S.B teet and 84 feet north of and parallel with the aortb line of Beacon . .. ZmA taa.aaaain th. eaat Un Of Faat Ninth" Street and ITInA-lW-eetebr-Br and parallel with the -""at line of Bcoftk. l. no n.unia. auuia a. I Heir ef, B78.8. narcel of land rvlnc between tw llnt reepectlvely So feet nnd 4H0.5 feet .north e a.B laa.allat Mlk th BOTtB 11 Of B- con atreet and between, the eaat llieaHif East Ninth atreet ana a una eo in . and parallel with t tta wast Haa of -land Trtabm 21ti IIT a,M,i mt l.n.l irlB Between two -reepectlvely 409 6 feet end 464 feet north nf andTiirntTel wltrr ttnv BOTtlr Una or geneoa Mnth atreet and a line ,80 feet weat of - and parallel with, lb lha wet lino ft Be land Helgbta. I. Coben. 866.10. A parcel ot Und lying between the aortb - line of Beacon atreet and a line 4M.4 teet nortb therefrom end parallel therewith, and "between a line to feet eaat ot and parallel wlth the eaat llof block 4. Beacon Height, and a lln 100 feet eaat ot ! end parallel with th eaat line of Kaat Ninth atreet. Henry E. Noble. 881.8., . A perret of rabd -tytag bet ween -the) ever lln Of Eaat Ninth atreel. and lln l' ft 1 a. aaal na.allal therewith and a.,1 lUBBtaviaa aua. .---- . . - . , - .. . n u, w i . n a, ra. t I in 66 feet aouth therefrom and Viverewltb. . E. Bartlett, $308 86.. BArTETYU ADDlTlU.v ro " . BLOCK 8. lot 4. Dell Scott, BUS. BP; tot 8. rharle H. Baffety. $108,481 lot 2, B. Mai- I lory Baffety, $18.91; lot t. R. Mallory Bat rfety. $80.08. Total. $3,1484 I n-ccB a- 1.1? VT .1 W - - ""Auditor of tb City ot Portland. . : Date of flrat publication. Port land. Oregon. AprU 20. 18UO. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OT JU-- PBOVEMENT OF SEOONIT BTBEETa Notlc ta hereby given that Charlee Wanner, City Engineer, haa filed In the office. oftb UUOeraignea nwaivw auaa ' - . tractors for th Improvement of Second street, a .ka wBcwIalAna dhf dMPallaTia ntata Nttu lS.BHal. b-e romiifr t.d anld an est la front -af and B. . L . a a .ad O mrm, . . a a. - a abutting upon dhtcbo we - dilltH.U to vrmnere buu.uvd. " - -,-, -aa, a4Aav-8outh PortUnd Real Eatate Aaeocla- Eiecutlv Bord at d 'clock on. Ue 5tb day ef May. 190B. and objectlone to tba acceptance of eald trseC or any part thereof. may be filed In the office ot tb nnderalgned at any Urn prior thereto. Auditor of tn vity or rnnna. JOrtgon.,: April 29, 1905. Portland, COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF -Dt-PBOVEMENT 0F- JACK80N STEEETr Kotlea la hereby slvea that Cbarlee Wsaser. nty Knglncer. ba filed ta tb of fie ot the nnderalgned notice that J. W. Sweeney, eon. tractor for the Improvement of Jack a on atreet, ander the pro vt alone of erdlnaace he. 14,80, baa completed aald atreet from the west line ef block 48 and 49. t arter Addition to tba Bant Un of Nineteenth atreet. ' . Said acceptance will be eonaldered by tb Exerntlv Board at 4 o'clock on tb 6th day of May, 1906. and ebjectlona to the acceptanc of aald atreet or any pert tbereof. may be filed In th office of the anderslgned at any time prior thereto. - THB EXECITIVE BOARD. -- ' By THOS. O. DEVLIN, , '". ,' - --' Auditor of lb City of Portland. .PortUnd. Oreaon. April 29. 1906. wwmw awn ARrrcserABrrK or IM. I PBOVEMENT OP BUEN8IDE BTKEETe "rtrrttcW T berebr given th.t Charlo. Wanner. City ,nglar,- naa iiteq n w duk. in umleralgned, notlc that Smyth ft Howard Co., contractor for the Improvement ef .Burnable atreet, nnder tbe pmvlalone ef ordinance Ne. 14 286, have completed said atreet, from the eaat line of Third atreet to tb center Una ot Second atreet. .1 . , . . ' Said acceptenc will ba eooBldered by - th Exeeutlve Board at 4 e'rlock en the Btb day ef May. 10U6. and ebjectlona to the acceptance ef eald atreet. er any part thereof, amy ba filed tn the of fie of tbe nnderalgned at any tuna prior thereto.- - TUB EXF.crnVB BOARD. ' By -THOS. C. DKVL11. ' Auditor of tbe City nf portlaad. Pdrttond. Oregon, April 29. 1905, . - PROPOSALS FOB STREET. WORK. Reeled rrropoe.l will b recdlved at tb sfSce of th Atllltar of the City of Portland, until Friday. MavB. 108. at 8:00 e'rlock p. aa, fur the Improvement of Twentieth atreet from the north lln of 8prlngtreet to th north lln of Carter atreet. in tne manner pro- vl,UA bv ordinance he. 14.679. auhlect to the provlnlonn of th chnrter nnd erdlBaneee of the City et Portland aad tba oatlmete ot tb City Engineer, en Hie. Rid meat bo arrtctly In accordance with printed-blanka. wh-h, will be furnl.had oa application at the offlca 'of th Auditor ef the City of Porlhtad. And aald hnprovenvent must be completed on or before 80 dny from the date-of the algnlng of the contract by the pertle thereto. - K propeeale or bid wtTt TV eonaldered an tees aceompaaled by a certlfled-rhech payable to the order of the Mayor of the 'City ef Portland, rerttfled by a reaponalhle bank for dronnnt etjusl to 10 per nt at the aggregate ThT'rlghl to reject aay lad all blda la hereby reeerved. a By order of. tba Exeentlv Board. ' . THoa c. Auditor of t rtty r rortlend. Pertlaad, Orga, April . levd. BAIL AO AD TIHTT iH". 3 ' 'atTwraT4k lSnrwa AT.D UUIUU lVmii.e" 3 Trains to the Eist Daily 3 ev- . PatiM,. atanderd and brasrlat Ing car dally-to -Oaaaa, Cbleag. Bpehaa- esurtat aleeplng car dally to Kane Cltyl thei. r-nilm.B tonrtat aleeplnc ear avoe elly conducted) week If to Cberaro. R or 11 Bins chair care (eeata rreei UNION DEPOT.. Leevee. .CHICAGO- PORTLAND A-BBaVav PKUIAU. : tw Eaet vl B4 . lot toe. iDallJt Dally. r . SagQICAHB n.TER. For Raatera Waahlns- kRV. ViUi Walla. Lew-1 8 :15 p. as. Oatly.- 8-os a. av la to a, Ceeus d A lane ureal C9tumhla Elver Dfvlalea. FOR ASTORIA and way . 8:00 p. m. ex. 8 on day. Hatarday. point. - ooanectliBr with Abo! 6.00 p. as, ' atmr. for Ilwnee 'nnd North Beach. etr.'Baa- eaio. BeB-et. Itt;oo p. Yamhill River Bout., rna niwov dtv an T.mMii ri.I to0 n. m. 7-80 p. SB. Dally. Elnta, armra. Ruth and P"1 orhve. Aab-at. dork. eat. Sunday. . (Water permitting.! I Riv Beares. FOR LBWISTON, Ida,., 4.00 a. aa. and way anlnts from . -w. BlDarta. I Waab mm . Wailiiaantnr Aboot B pat TbnredaF Sunday Spokane and Lewlatea-IFrlday TrTOKBT OFF1CB Third d W pom nui lis. --T-T-- jc. w. 8TTNTJRR, City- TlBkat JLgvat. a. b iJiuiti-rjeocrai reeeengerA EASI VIA SOUTH TJNI0N .BEPOTac- OTEKLAND EXPBB8B tea tna, tor Salem, Roae-f nor, aaniana. aacrtt-t 1:98 B.Bk, twrentn. 0. den- Baa Fraa-l T28 a. at Clare, Btocktoa, (.OS AB- re lea. El paae, new yr- levn an tne .a Moraing train aecu at WoodboraJ dally except Boaday 8:80 8. Ba, wltb train for Mt Antdl. Sllerta sasK." Brownavllle. Iirlll f laid.-Waaditog aad Natron. Albany maaernrar oa navet at Woodbern wltb 4:00 p. aa. tOtl I M.U Aos ton-local 7:88 a. flu. 4:80 p. aa. xCorralll ; Bheridan paaaenger. - eDally.. IIDally. except Sunday. . v-PortlBavd-Oawago Bukurba Bmiiii ssmI TamblTI TWnot foot ot Jef(eenma.atrota- tae Portlnnd dally for Oeweco T:80 a. -t -- JM M. ? VS liTS 'Sii? ana I Bolnrs - I ATLANTIC EXPRESS. ...- L V:IB.g For the Eaat via Hnnl- n.liv Dally. tnTner lMIa , a MS-- lOlOOb'a -iAal"" -laa.V souT.a. JeB i r DalW ,1" llJut m. i'SuaaaV 'im . BslaealBar trvm awvwev aT7r TrtHn4 daflj : lllld pf ml' Vially (except Soncjay) 8 M, 7.2, -8 '80, 1010.' 11:45 , in. Except Monday. 11. B trow Sunday only. 10:00 a. m Tave from name depot for Datla tad hrter. mediate point dally 1 except Sunday! d:l p. at. Arrive Portland 10:10 a. m. . - - - a. Mrrbnr lie ecerate dally to Monmouth and Alrlle, nectlng with Son there pacitto company'n traefca at Da Ilea and Indepenaence. V.a -i.a- e.M from Portland to BecramCatto aad Sea liele- BBIV berth. 85. i a.aaad maaB-,- tare xin. econo-ci. -7T'D- VJ-. -w- lick.ra to Eaetem polnta and am op, aaas aa., n.aai.hi .aa snavrana. - - !- -."""1 "i; S-hl, aaal I ity -near w-. . . . n. aaw aa i auB.n. ai w Oty Ticket Ageat.-- Pea TIME CARD OF TRAINS Portlandi UNION DEPOT. ArrtvB. Paget Sound Umlted, for Tacoma, Seattle. end liraj larbor poinr. . i Nerth Ooa aatrnited,' for Tacoma. Seattle. Butte. St. Paul. - Mln-1 jcigr mn. aiin-i i . i neapojla, . .Chicago., haw e7 n, afci i .vy ,. , Tora, ; Boeton ndPolBta Eant and evmueeat, TwlotT Eiproaa. for Tacoma, Seattle. Spo kane, rieleaa, St. PauL Mtaneapolla Cbloage, New York. Beaton and fIBa.1 TlOS evict. all polnta East J sad Bonrheaet. Pnret Sound Kae Clty-8t. Loan Special, for Tacoma. Seattle.1 Spokane. Butte Bllllnaa. Denver. Omaha, Kanee 8:80 a. at. TMy.8. City. St. Lena and ell polnta Eaat aad Soatb. et. - J - An train dally except ea South A. U. V-HSBlaTUaV. I Aaatataat General Paeaenger Age at, - 828 Murileea cor. Third, Pertlaad. Oa. Astoria &Xolumbia D IWA D ex 1 1 A fy . -lCl Tl I VClVaL VU - Leeway - UNION DEPOT. Arrive. . - -' a " ... . 8:nt.BA. 'For Mnygera, Batnler. 11 -10 a. fa. Dally. ' Clatakaala. Wtport. Dally. ,. CUftotv-Aitorln, War- . , . . V . re d toe, T lavei. Ham- ( - ' . - end. Fort Steve, Geerhart Park. Seaalae, . -' i- A etor la and Sesahor. oU Eyprd.U,. - m': ' - -- " ii if Tl J. 0. MAYO, 9. W. aad r. A., A.tort. Or. 0. A. STEWART, Commercial Ageat, 88 Aide l-ao aiaiB mm, TloEat Otto 128 Third . eeab. TraraatOfltlrtent ':' ; , Trains Detlly - FAST TIME TO BPOKANr?.' FT. rAVVVfrX all.NaNn.Ar'v.'i.i. ' -i' ' .-- sXlmlm I U..' 1 m rmvllstit trio thrul i and fiockr Biountalna. "or I ) tjlara. rale, folder, etc, c.J 4 . 4r r. r . ' " ' X-J X. J 1 -a,.-- 1.;,. .1 a. h