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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1905)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY - EVENING. MAY 4, 1905. - :U TODAY'S LonATEircAiisr Kligiitkatco Pack of Salmon on the Columbia ile NewVery SmallLTttie 4- Snow to Melt. : ARBUCKLE COFFEE RISES FIFTY CENTS A HUNDRED Eggs Going - Into Cold Storage r Poultry Sellf at Lower kPciceejod -f" Ftmii Street. Msr 4. Tbe principal features tut Poetised wholesale markets todsy srgi. WW IHif III aawgllt. Arborkle enffea advsne4&- -tootrry t sllghtlr lower. " Ktge getng . Into raid tone. . iUM--tflH Trade- In wbMt and Boar eeisll, - Strawberries In small supply: ' Ostrli ;r si noon very email. . Jxx-i potato, in small eupplr. . ( harry maakat la very dull. aaeaea laauamr-nam street. Heavy damand roles In waol. Creamery hotter a trttte 6ltafc ' eWIgsea Oatck la Very tight. With an opening that rauld hardly ka la - -- . eroved. tba salmon am ana Is now snowing vsry; small receipts. Una river Is now ao low and the weter a wild, last Bshersara ara lo but sms II returns. . Tba various canneries I. wblrh ' were eerwing about all Iba supplies . ttarv needed at tha Int if tha aaaaoa ara now 'barely sbls to operate an account at tba amall aica. mere la ft ll'tla ,n " - moontalne an if B grestr bangs la ax pact ad In . tha Toluiaa al water; yiabermen along 'tba river- ear that tber save never aarn pi rondltluoa duoUaatad. Tba rna af abad la tba Coltunbta eontlnaaa very beavy bod daalara ara vxprrtcorinf eonstrirrsnls dlfSralty In placing au tat arrive le, we change U prices today. Soma Heps Being Bough,, Tbia la tba aelgbt o( Iba brewing aeeoen tbe aamamt'tor hops will anon reach, .their limit, Foe aban tew-tnonrtis the "preesnt call for atorka will continue. Roma ordere ara In tsls saaibal, hill un inmilll efBIVWM "tUp- pura ara para l Bny, noma- or tba daalara wba atlll bar atorka ara selling . tbarn to their brathran In naad. T. A.- Livelier of Salem baa urebssed 23 balaa of primes from Morrla -lUlnauda. af thla dry. Tba price paid at at present anknown. but " ta understood -to- ka round praarnt ralnaa. jrbaakla Oof fan Advennsd gIf-Cst. Wits af aoffrt abewtnc an adraaoa In Iba aaat. tbara la a darldad trmrr tons to tba da 'mand for psckaca (radaa and today tba prlea :ef ArbockU aria4 aM to (K it. - Of lata tbara has bean aa pubtto ahanaw In tha prlra of Iyloa and tbla baa rsuaad man of tba daal ara" to iaka It off their. llftiuntlLthadeOult ufura saeoiDM (nown. t raultry la ihtlr Lawwrv' With raialpta abowlnt a small tnrraaaa tbara waa n aiiint drop in uooilrr Tiluce todar. Tba demand for poultry la food bat la not a Mailing aa tha preTlooa we. Storks ara not showing any a ecu ma latino, as previously -ra- - 7 rs Oaln Into Colt - ltoraar Id. atarasa uptianm ail l rill hnslneM and laat aantnv nnd today quit larae r alfx-ka, wera-away ioa wlntar'a naa. Ua. relpta af acta ara aot baar? - and prWa ara aaniy.. pemg aaaiatatnad. Today ' etae , range from lTMUHe. with, tha. latter ngurw avowing uiar noat aiaai - v." Van! lUrkat 1 UU Pwwiav" Teal did' not aoma tn onlta mm fmm t"l Iba markai la atllL badly oaaratookad 4rsa yeataraay ana prlcen- are weak wltb flgnrsa gam engm iy lower. inera is a goon ti ft still being maintained. Tbara Is a fair demand for tba better grades of spring lambs, bsi poor eiorsa wui ana a an w -at-all. " Itrawbsrrlea ta Btattiappllsa.-""," " As-wss told la Tba Joornal yaaterday, nc . rallforala strawberries arrlaed la tba rront strset, markets today. Snppllas ara there , fore nolle amall and prleas took a aaddea up ward DHira. Arrlran of Oregon barriaa ara aol snowing moon or aa laoreaea, but tba quality Of the berrlra la ao far ,u parlor to tboaa arriving from tba aonrh that area at materially increaaea prirea laern la n goon oemsna for tba local frntr. The cherry demand la atlll small and prtoea ara being cut by aome of tba dealers la order to unload. A car of aweet potatoes cama la from Iba south this moru- leoal ratoUaa la amall lapyly. . Stocks of local potatoes la this market ara nary sanall and fne this resaus tilers' was somewhat a a lietter rati for ontalde goods ttPta ryeatardar iftarnoa and today.- Tba Colo rado stocks which arrived bars baaa - sold bat dealers do aot earn for any mors. Po tatoes ara being received from nearer points at luwea ancea. tds nan rrsnriaoe market Is thowlnga small ocrtaea in activity aad prices ara again at tna top ot tba aeaaon, Tbla waa broogbt about by smaller arrtvala tbara. It Is aald that mors atlnnasota stocks ar aa routs to tbst-markat. - Oraaiasra Buttar a Xrlaa Battar. Tha oemana tor creamery anttsr showwd s vary slight Jnrreaaa today, but tbara la vary little chance at present for aa advance in preaent valnes. Receipts are not quite aa heavy. Cold stnrags opera l loss have berun I ana Tnia max ptttw oig orip id 10a marset. -Tba cheese market a Just a a ay at tha lower prirea exclusively printed la Tha aarnal yaa- -S-tordsy." i Today'a srhetesal quotations, a rertearl. ara as iniivwai- ...... mla. tlaar aal 7aad. 7 WBSAT Nominal: elub and red, (Sat blna- stem. ic: vsiiey, c. BARLET Feed, 23.S0 rolled. $31.00; brew. ' 'fibaMI Waala,- iM.NU cracked, IU.M pef : lire li par awt, - " ' OATH Mo. 1 white. 138,00: gray. . FLOUrV Eastara Oregea Patents, 14 MC4 , atrsignts, sa io, raporia, aa.ooajs.oo: vsney, ts.lO: grsbsm. 4s, M.001 10s, 4.3 rye. poa, sn.iai; naiea, sa-ia. MILMTl Fra Bran, ... lln.OO pef ton! mid dltnga, S2A.00; shorts, eountry, $23. On; shop. gin 011. . - HAT Timothy, Wtllamettn ' vsney. fancy, '" (1S.00: ordinary, (1100; eaatera Oregon, IIS.O0; 1 mixed, ill 00; clover, 111.00; grain, ill. 00; : cheat, lll.oo. , . , - - Butter. Egg aa iasJtry. BT'TTFrt FAT waat.. lHct BoumdVtC. --BUTTER City-; creamery, best. 30c; second grade. ITHQlac; oifTtlda JHncy. lHac: ordinary, lJSic; Cillfornla, 840; store. ldj No. 1 fresh Oregon. lTftlTHe. "- r CHEKHtNaw rnll cream, twin. lltAlhVi Toung America. ITQlTHe; eaetem. lBtJliHci vaiirornia. Sct Cheoaar,. 10c. I'dlXTBT 'hlckena, mlsad. 14lf per . -Jb;-.bana, mblna par lb; rooatara, aid. i S per lb; yeong. 1A per lb: brollera. 1 4. On q 00 j per nos; rryers, fn.ou per 00s; nncss, aa.vni4w.w - par doa; geeaa, gtjac per lb; tuikeya, Utjiae per in; drassad, 30Q21 Ha - pe - lb - aqusbs. aa-poqia. i.00 ' Haps, Weal ami Klaee. - . j flOPI Contract. .1008. IdfJlTc; ' o 'erop, , Ut2Hc tot ahnicai Sa34 got prluaea a ad . norma me. W'OOle-lBOB clip, valley . cosraa to madlnm. !ala ana, 3l4(tOc; aaatorn Oregon, ISO JSC. 1 . r . , MftnAlB Namlnsl, SOOlir. ' ? "HLEl'BKIN Bbssrlng, ltl0c! short wool, : Sa5c: medium wool, (OaJSOc; koag wnl, . 60c '(If 1. 00 saeb, TiUyOW Prima, par- Iq. dOMl' Ns, and .greaaa. He. 1 ' - jnniiat BABKdH 'par lb; paying hipkr Dry bid's. No. 1. W Iba and np, -JJ16a pee lht ry kin, No. 1. to 18 lls. I4V dry calf. No. 1, nnder S lbs, 164loc:-drr f MmitmA - - . . .a . . fc,, -ai,.' - - -w.,i,nu, w inw or over, avss fc to to lbs. nndar go lbs sii owe, .wane; stsgs nad nana, eon ad. g7c; - kip, 16 to 0 Iba, ic aound, 10 to 14 lbs. J 14c; calf, sound, under la Iba, gOllc; graea (uneslted). la per lb lass; anils; le per lb lees; ciaoreo . hides, agltod, acb. 1.2orfl.Tn: dry. eecb, l iJl M coff hldag" each. R&Oc; . -goat aklne, common, each. lOClbci Angora. with wool aw. each, tBe1.00. ; , " Trails and Vegetables. . .P0T.At?Et Pnf- l.ll 0t car rt lots, f a b. country, ll.OOOl.jJ; second grade, rfl.M eag Mck; bnylag, cat lots, aani arl MARKETS: THURSDAr?RICES1W-. THE WHEAT MARKET " ' " my. juijt. d Chicago I .1 1T1B I .IShB d ' Mrerpool .. . .a 44d a t4 d wrntilpag; ..... . .9014 d SL Xoulg.....H - .7 B ;i:Kanse CllX .B .711, a. Minneapolis . Duluth ... .34B .t , B New. York.. .34' .BanFraflQiaco,. 1.4 S4 ,,Jti Vt A a- ptatnber.-Pecerhber. Boae. gt.ooaji 2sj eweeta. crated, (1.75; new California... c liar lb. 1 ' ' ONIONS W.OU; buyers' prirea, country. H.1S; Australia, h.M); garlic, PttlOc per lb. FRK8H rBl'lTS ADDlee. extra fancy. 11.00; rancv urcgon, ai.taiip; i.ou par box; cheap grades. - navel, AOOpt3.UO Box x; par panaa4M nv-im lti lemons, rhnlca. I2.T5 box; fsncy. box; llmea. Mexican, aoo par 100; pt onlea. g.oo&6.e0t craaber- rlea, eastern, 11.00 per bbl; strswberrlrs, Ore gon. 2uc per box: California. el. 00 par crate; rherrlas. (l.M par box. - V BOST A BUCw Taemlpa, TCOSOe rprr . We ', carrots. ll.OUUl.IO per aack; baets. 1.13 pat sack; Oregon rsdlahea, Ifie par dos', cabbage, Oregon. -.-- par ewt; CallfornUj.. 1.0u1.25; lettuce, hotbouaa. ll.2BAl.oO ner crate: grrttt peppers, Tc per lb: Cb!" peppers.. VnA cetary, s.TBat.oo per crate; tenia tore, Florida. Sft OA; gldJle'aa iUl nevsBina. tl.e(l 1 23: ''"gr"a- nUtWr-rT-AM,T-'i T.TSvZ00 crate, rhubarb, 1IH par id; boraeradlah, 1StfK per lb; sprouU. 6c; arti chokes. oao0c par dos: hothouse lettuce, 11.00 per bei ; -Oregon Tadlsbes. 154T30C per dos: Ksa onions, f30a peroa; aaparagua. 0i par dos bunches; Walla Walla. 1.0041 23 par box; spinach. So per lb; graea corn. fl-AO per dos: peaa, tvoc. DRIED FRCIT8 Apples, evaporated. TOa per lb; aprirota. HQ13c per lb; sacks. J4c par lb- lea a: peacbre, 8ai2e par lb: paara, - -per. lb: orunea. Itallaa. ive4e par, lb; French. SQ4H P lb; figs. California black. IXH per Hi; CaUfornla whlta. per lb; pluma, pitted, per lb; dates, golden. Sc par lb; farda. II. 60 par IB-lb box. . . i: erooarlaailfutsvLIto.:2E - SU0AR flack baeta (Mbe. i fl ! powdered. fralfr grenulated, f.0 dry grnnulatad. WB; beat granulated, i&.tif axtra C. ao.ab; Cildea C, fe.W; bbla. lf)er bbla. tflci boxoa. sdvancs oa sack basis, Iras B)a par cwt for caab. 16 days; maple, 14la par lb. - HON BY 14 HIS 15c. , : COFFBB ack age brands, tld.TS. SALT Kino Bales, xa. as. a 6a. 10s. 11.00; tsbla, dairy. BtiaV- WIJIO: - 100a,- $10,761 - Im ported UvarpooL boa, flT.OO; 100a, l.6u; baa. lrd.00; axtra Ana. bbla. Xa. 8s. (S, 10s. tA IMG '"i. 'n " "fl" soa. Banana. SALT- -Coarse Half ground. 100a, par ton. KM BOa. par too, gT.bO; Liverpool inmp roca, aar tonr bo-lb rock. 17.00; 100s, $.TB.- ( Above prleas apply to aslea of leae the a car iota. Car lota at special prlosa subject to Wurt.iattnna. GRAIN BACS-rslcntta $9.79416 00 par 100, New Orlesns, Bead, AdJiavT."7c KlLat IDDfTllI at B-BU. nv, 1. U TSA V , awns awv "- S g'vta--. r. j$, r otaiaaii wdiip. . itit rm pink. Sej bsyou, $3.00 Umas, $c;klexlcaa rea. Tr. NCTS Psaaata, ttt Jamboa. ta per lb: raw, SO ion per lb: roasted. 1 eoeoanuta. SftCteOe per doa: walnuts. 14 Q 10a par lb pine anta. 404jlHa pee lb; hickory nuts, loo par Ihi chestnuts, asstern. 16O0c p-r lb: Brssil sate. limmmm M; tllai le 1BelrveV" rht-fatwy paeans, nai5 pr JbL lmonbj 11315 Ptt Jb Taints. Ounl Oils, Xtt. R0PB Purs Mantis, 14c; standard, 13iei slsaaL 10c; Utle brsad slaal. V: COil. OIlr-Fesrl or Astral Caeca, 9 per al- .neater vrhlte. Iron bbla 16a nag - Aal. woodea loo pat gal; haadllghW170-dcg. - cssss 22 He per g -trajeutain $1 paw $il.' Inn bbla, 3c Iron bbla par gal; stoves, case ant par gal, lSe per gal. - . .- TPRPKNTIMtla'caaaa Mi per gal. bblS BBN'ZINB 3-deg.. caaaa Bar gaL Iron bbla lfttta per gaL t. WHITtt LKA-DTon lota. .TWe par Ib JOtklb lata, Te per H leaa lota, ac par in. WIRKl NllfJI Praaant base at $2.00. I.INflBBD OII Pnre raw, imbls le per gsT, asses Son par gal; genuine kettle boiled, -cases l4.'i una -o-ie oer xai; avouao caae. psr son. Waa tuna tar lots- $dr.00 ktaata, FUh and yrsrislons. FRESH WE ATS Front afreet-Beef, eteera, IHe61i4 per lb; pork, block, T Ho per' lb; packers. TH Psr id; duiis, Bsxae psr w. caws. S94c per ' lb; mntton. asiTe snd lambs, with Delta. SUQTHc ' per lb: seal. extra, 84jVie; ordinary, SUM per lb; poor, SUtlSe ner lb. rlAalS BACON. atTT. Portland pack (local) ha ma, 10 to 14 Iba. 1IH per lb; 14 te IS lbs. 13HC per lb; IS to 20 lbs. 12 He per lb; eottsge, SVte par lb; breakfast bacon, 12HJI7e par lb; nicnlc. Sc per lb: regular short dears, un- amoked, t4c per lb; amoked, loe par lb; clear backs, nnamoked. be par lb: amoked. 10 per lb; Vnloa butts. 10 to IS Iba. anemokea. Sc per lb: smoked, te per, lb; clear bellies, sn- smoked, lie per TO) smekeo, lie per in; shoulders, Se. - LOCAL LABrk Kettle leaf, 10a. 10HC par lb: Bs. lOUc ner lb: ft -lb tins. lOSic nar lbi ateam rendered, los. pc per id; ds. e psr lbt tubs. ee per lbi wia, ea per in. - CANNED SALMON Columbia river l ib talks. fl.Sft; 3-lb telle. 12.50: fancy, 1-lb Data, $2 OO; H-m fancy nata, f i an: rancy i-io ova is, ss-io: Alaaka Ulls. pink. 8e4tOc; red. 11.50; nominal 3s, tall. ZO0. FISH Rock end. Tc per lb: Sonnders. Se par lb: hsllbat. Bo per lb: era ha. el 20 per dos: striped bsss.-. Kai2c per H:. catflab. 7o per in; aalmon, cniaooa, ee par id; aieamaaos, Tc Per lb: herring. Se per lb: solee. Se Dei lb: shrimps. 10 per lb: perch. ftc par lb: shad. tc per lb; roe ah id. So per lb; abad roe, SOa per lb; black rod, Sc per lb; ellver emehv per lb: lobatera, lftc; fraah mackerel, Sc per lb: crawn.h, riN? per dos; pounders, aa psr lb; I sturgeon. To ner f OYSTBRS-Snoslwatar bay. Pr fl, tt.JS; Der aack. T per lb. clgnja l.l.AMPV-riam aaeu. par has, $2.00; A SEVERN DECLINE IN SHEEP JALUES Market Tumbles About Seventy- Five Cents and Looks isa-. Lower. ------ -- Portlsad tnloa Stock rsrds. Ifsr 4. Livestock receipts; . Hogs. Cattle. . Sheep. Todsy and (XV) 400 Week sgo" SAO -.-loss Previous week ... - 130 There wss a bresk In sheen valnes tndar iae values snowing a arop or enout c per pound. . Tba market la eaay at preeent valura. but tba outlook for tha future of prices la not good. Rig. fat hoes ara dull, while Ileht stocks are Quoted eaay and unchanged. The came marset is stesny st yesterday a valuas. Spring Umha are allgbtly down. - r"tbv tirncisl prices for livestock: ' Hvara Brat eaetem Oreaon.- as on. hlorkeea Snd Chins fsta. SS.3S: at nek ara end reeAera. a. ua, ,i .UV'.(,.U, Cattle Rest eaetem Orsavaa steera. Asash BOrHht and medium ateera, ta.Mitt4.00: old snd light cows 3.noa3.7S; stockers snd feed- v. as.w; duiis,, . Sheen Rest faacv ahean. mn TRaaa nrl. eeea S3.&03.TS; aprloc limbs, dfce. - . aUSTIKN HOPS STIADT. ' Chlcsgo. llsy 4. Llveetock receipts t IfoSS. Cattle akeeo rblrsm ...n.onA annit niwn Kanaaa Oty.-... .x -4.0) j'ono Omabg .,. T.000 30,000 S.0faJ iioga opvnen ataaay with S.00O left over. Recelets S yesr ago were 34.000. Tndar'a Cn-rei- eniu,; wnoa ana heavy. S BIH8'71 ""' '4 a8'U light, 10.104) rattle nrreng to I OS higher. . ' Sheep Steady. : ' I i W ' i" AMEKrCAsT STOCKS IN LONDON. London. Mat 4. n. m. Aaaooeda .4 . Atrhuna. declined A. preferred advanced . rw MfivrnDceu Vs. Alton ad- advanced ' H, prefarred ad. -S. rHUSHUorw aa iuio aecnneo eeacml H, Chesapeake St Ohio St. Paul advanced 4. Denver rawepd . Brie firsts declined 4, minots Central advanced , . Leulevlllo A Raahvllle declined . Ksty declined 4. preferred sd vanced S. Mexlcsa Central advanced U. Nor folk Wetern declined preferred aivsarrd i. pannsvivsnia advanced , Heading de. Inrd 4. Southern Railway declined U Aoath. era Pacflle advanced . Union Paclfte advnnred Si. Steel advsnced . prrfereed advaaaad hm. Noftbcra Securities gdvaacrd i. . low Wattr. in th ColumblaU rcautfrig V" "Very Light Catch of Salmon Eggs Are Go-77 , Ing Into Storage Poultry ' Selling at Price." PACIFICTOISr 4YHEAT-BID-F0R France Buys Cargo of .Victorian tairrMcnrcedklng' to ThfT" -Section forr More. - LICHT'TRADINQ SHOWN " - - JN THE MAY OPTION All -Wheat-VofumesShow" ; Slight Decline In Chlcago 1 v -.' M aritet. - V - - THVBSDAT WHKAT MAKKaTt: ' ' Open Close Closa J.Iss- T.dsy Jodsy : , Wed. Today .. .B2SB ..l'AB".2 I.OtH, Hay.. July Sept.. i4 - ,rao j .rims ... ,mih .Ti4 rarnlebed by Overbade, Staff at Cooka Cb-T'-'! Chicago. May 4. Iogaa ek Bryan aay: Bronmhalt Tahlcs that Frsuca -baa.,pnrchssed- a 4','yf' - - T,li',"'ff n" wtisat and rxrar) ot nctorun wheat and la now Mooing for a cargo of Pad Bo coast whest. Favorable weather through tha winter wheat country favors us nllgbtly.- About noon -tba market tnalutalned a vary firm tone. - At tbla point tba low point ef tba day waa made, after which tba market rallied . and . closed but little aar changed. At times tha rash demand Invited soma selling of tba Mar option, but ft wss mostly of a dribbling character. - Considering tha gov. eminent report dua oa tba loth wa doubt It tns market will do much attber way pending Us publlcatioaw. . - . .. . - . " '- Oora Outlook - tha lama. 'ZZZZ. -Tha gnwmlstlv'a corn, market looks onchsnged to tie." May la strongly held and with decreas ing stock and. with tba amall reserves tha bears in Jhla month could PS mads very uneasy. Small Hog Beoelpta. 1 " la prevlaloBa tba speculative mark at took Its rna almost entirely from tba small receipt, and high prices. A continuation of tha amall hqsj eeelpta would neceaaarlly mean decreas ing atocka. Once tbla realised tba abort Interest would ba In an unanvlabla poaltioa. Today's of flclal msrkets: WHBAT. ftnen. Hleh Sept... Msy...".. July..,.. -Sept. ..-v .TVa Vl .TPS ' .7$4 .. ,TS 'aoVs Way July .2U .294 - -tt .2H I .29 .2Ttt j s- pnnf" ei efsyr July, bVpt- TTTHXfl- 12 05 - JS fw J1H N 12.r 12 6 - 13 4T ; -13. BO - A Hj2.n3- 12.63 1X60 . 13.60 - N Lard. May.;... spr 1. 1 3 - 1 "'y . , T " T ' T M 7 T " slept. 7.10 T 60 T.1B T.4T SHORT RIBS. LUnr, a ok ens. gga, T.V -tt .x T.29 - July. Sept..... 1.44 T.4T ; aVAJI ntAjrCiaOO SaUUV HAJtXXT. : San Francisco. May eOfflctal alosall : "' " . 1 1 1 WHS AT. 'J " . Open. High. "1Vbw. Closa. -irsy;'s.5:ai.44'H i .-;!. ..... : ii.4ou a BAaXSTr- rwcambsr. May STH 1 14 1.14 1.14 ParMAaT.HITaltNTS ANP ffTT AB ANCrS, lay 4. Primary rerelpta ivmay , rear ago VI Ball llimiiw 182i000 374000 uorn Kblpmeotst Whest ..... ns.onft soi. one , . .-. ; .V. " 44. 000 833.000 Corn Total clearances r nonr, s.400 barrels; corn. zio.iMj cuineiv; oara, 00,000 nvsnaia. OHIOAOO CASK WHEAT. CMcage-.-fgy"d. Caah wheat: Today Wed, i " TUd. Aak. Hid. No. t red t .S f .A i $ M No. S red.... M .3 ' . .R4 No. S bard .91- .PS ,l No. S hard.. M . .SO ,M No. 1 northern..... .S, r .og No. a northern. ........... .PS - .PS .PI No. S spring.... ,r ,SS .S .Si CHIOAOO ORAIN OAS IOTS, - rblrago. May A. Orsln car lots: -Cars Orsde Est. Wheat 31 , 1 33 COTIl . tiiiitiiti a a. aa a a. a- e e4 - X SO Osts ...... ...... k... ...... .! ' IB - 09 Tries Carrsat Bearlshr Cincinnati. O., Mayv4. Price current says: Crop conditions s,re uniformly aatlafartory, as much aotbat. practically spsaklng, comments ara aot essential. LITtaPOOL CSAHf KAEKET. ' l.lvernool. Mas A-Closa; Wheat. Julv Ht Sd down: September. Ss 44, d. d down. Com May, 440 aown; vuiy. . ancnangea- COTTON MARKET IS : ELEVEN POINTS OFF ' fParnlabad by Overbech, Starr A Cooke Po New York. May 4. Uottoa rut area e! polnta lower. Today a orncui cotiob msrssv: Dpen. High. 760 To High. Low. . Cloae. January 74 TS4a tenrnsry ......... aiarca ... May ...... June ..... July August . . , September TT5 ..... T43 ..... Tan ...w TUT T43 T4S T5 TTS T4 TR3 TBS, T4 T4S TM TTS ToTi T2 TM T3S T4S TM TX81Q.14 TBS (2 .te T42W48 October T.vxani November December TRBailT ToSSO TS TM T90 Llverpaol Cotton Lower, Liverpool, May 4. Cotton- futures closed quiet 4 ta a pouts :inrwToaa;coiTEEifAjiEit New York. May 4 Coffee furnrea closed S pdlnts higher -with the market eteedy. . Today's ofdclal coffee market: - Rid. Aak. I - Bid. Ask Mayi... .... 75 ao November ..37 M 17.80 Jorie ...... S SO Pft Ilecember ... TT T.40 July ....... o January .... T 40 T.4S Anguat .'.v .1 I.OUlrebruary ... t 40 l.M Srptembey' . T. 06 ' T.loi March ..... T.4d October .T.M - 7.301 ,-.. - Oaffee TUIbU Seeraassd. New York. May 4. The risible supply -ef coffee decreased 070.000 bag last Doath. --" 1 New : Terk-Oash - Coffea. Nsv Tork. Msy 4 Caeh coffee No.T Bto. Sisc N0..4 Santos, Hit k reralga Ooffaa Jtarkatf . r New Tork. May A Havre and Hamburg eof. fee aarhang nged; Kle apd Saatoa steady. . XONOPAH ICNINO STOOTS. . San rrsnclsce. Mar 4 Toaoeah shacks, ef. Srlal clone, morning SCJisiOL; HI . Rid. Montana ,.'...U Midway .,.n Ml Adams ... .13 Moiiswk ........ .3HA Plxle . ,31 Kendsll .IX Columbia Ml .. .40 Jumbo ......, :..TS 4 Jumho Kites... ,14 pla.'k Rutts ..." .M Silver -Pick :1 Dold Anchor ... .84 Rsy O'Hrlta ... '.OriH ophlr Ton ..... .HI atcnamara . ... . Relmont ....... 1 20 ' North SUr .at Beacna ........ .OH (Mid. Mount ... .12 Jim Ruttst-tOO1 Nevada ..;.4a. .14 Ton. Extra .... 8 2ft A, Red Top tloldflrld ...... .M Sandatorm .'. i. .S3" Sasdstnrsa Ex. . ' .IS rt. Roll. Prog i.. ,S4 - IHsmond Plsld.. .55 eiorlh ntar .... -.ISA Caab Boy ... .30 UoaMetake ..... JttA DOLLARS IS Big Clump. ShWnjwiJaew .York StockTxchange In.-To day's Session. " GENERAL. STOCKS LOSE -THREE DOLLARS EACH Tennessee CoalTSugar, St. Paul ancj, I New York - Central ; Among the List. LOSSES. Ansmnda . ,. AmetwenMted Wlsnliattan., Metropolitan AtceiaoB Mx.CfltrsL. illssourl Csa Atcblaon, pfd luSltor-r?:' .North Am 1 N. V. Central ,,.. 8. Pennarlvanla rrrrr-1 u rime! Car A Found j - Ull . . . Car Found. pfd: Reading r.-jT-rrROfg Itllffd .777V77 1 S Belt. A Ohio it. South. By tolo. rul., St. Paul Chaaa, Ohio Canadian Psa t'olo. Booth . . a renn-vCoai . SU1teel w. Ksty-. ..... Katy. pfd -tW-Norf. Se West Ont. 4 West . nolo. South., td p PsclBe Mall WuiJii 1 H I Pressed Steal" ..... 4t norm, aecuriiies Krla .. ..... , -4 Bep-Staa-ivrTrin Krle. ft pfd H Bep. Steal, pfd ... 2 tn Erla, 1st pfd",,.,. SVISouthrrn rse'-...m Orsat Wsat ...... i NortbarS Pao -,.-4 V III. Carrtral Vtabaah ..i.. ...... touia. jssb, Wsbssh, pfd y rurnlebd -by avarbrkrtgTferX6bka'Td.T Wert- Street, May a. With tbf TPwaalbl ex-: caption or ore eioeg, tna sinire uiwset roaJ aenaattooally lower today. The tnaiktt npen4 rather ahaky but was preetlrsHy uncbauod frow yesterday's closing. It dsvsiopad a small s mount or strsngm early nut lal-r tvaml vary wask snd all values begaa tg kiell Today's efftclal stock market; . 1 Anaconda Mining Co.... AmsUrVopper Oo..,.,,. nVtcblso. com ...4a praferred Am. Car A found,, com.) do oref erred . . . mm. nugar, . com Amr-Srurlt: do Dreferred Baltimore at Ohio, com. do preferred Brooklyn Jtapld. Tranelt.I tanaaiaa fscioo, com,,. Chl. g Qt. West., tog. v nu. as Aimn com : mi, mil. ot. i-aui. i ntav Aarthvoar r Chi. Terminal Ry... fhrskpeaks Ohio.-. Colo. Furl Iron, Colo. Sooth., com., do 2d oreferred do 1st preferred Delswsre AV Hudson.... Del. A Lai'ka. Wast . v. h. u., com. -.ajrHMtJLl ....... Erie, com,v..,,.r.-. ao za prererrea. mm laS aiefeea Illinois - Central -JL Louisville A Nashvlllsl: neura. ou- rty.... llanhattaa Ry..... Mexican Central By.. M.. 8t..-Tv.-A flts. M. 'issotui...rscific. si.. a. at x.. do preferred . . New-Yorr TenfralTTr Nutrulk H "MtMtt, MB. I 00 prererrea... North American. N. Y Ont. A Wast. Pennsylvania Ky ..... . P. O.. L. A C. Co.... rreaaed Steel Car. com. I 00 prererrea Psciflc Mall Steam Co.. Reading, com BenJroa- Steal,- com oo prererrea. Bock Island. . do praferred. Southern Ry.. do preferred . . . Soot be m raclSe. do oreferred... St. L. S S. r. 3d pfd. St. I B. Wa de-preferred... Texas at Psclfto. Tennessee Coal A Iron Toledo. St. do praferred TJnloa Psciflc. com. do preferred C. B. Leather. do oref erred..! 4 v, a. ttuooer, do ore f erred.. C- S. Steel - OS.,- Com. . do preferred Wheel. Lake Erie, com Wlaoonala Central,, com.) do prererrea.... W. C. Tel Wsbssh. com.,.. do preferred. ... IV IrrrOdS. do preferred . t'nlted Statee Steel Co., 4tr'i -f 1 4. pa Total aalee for day. 1.881.200 shares. Call-avoary, 8 per cent. baj jb iwcrraoo local btoobb.- San PrSTxrlaco, , Way 4. Local stocks closing, io:o a. xa.i x Bid nontra rst water. , Spring Vslley Wstsr. , Mutual Klectrlc. ............ ..... S. P. Oas A Electric ST nisat Powder m Hawaiian icromerciai. ..... ....... flonokea Bug ngar. . Bugai nutcblnson Sugar. Makswsll sugar.... Gnomes Sugsr...... Pssuhsa Sugar,,... Alaaka Psckers". ... 34 ral. Wine .. TS Ocesnle Steamahlp, PaclOa BUtrs Tel.. .. 4 ..101 ' S 103 bobtov corn: btocxs. Boston. May 4. Offlrfil copper cloaai mo. i ' niit. r-JTIventure ..I Prank Itn 8 no Aliens ...... 10.80 Areadlaa ...... 1.13 Atlaatln .... Btnghaat .... 80 7(1 v Calumet ..... S44.00 Old Dom . i, 28 38 Osceola ...... ei wi 28.80 8 00 1.80 - T 80 - I'srrot ....... Qulncy r.w.. Hants PS ... Shsnnonjr... Centennial ..-lT.fiO Ccpper Range Tn.oo Paly West ... 18.80 flora. Coal . T8.00 Oranby .... 8.83 OreensaCopper 2I.13 Mb-hlgaa .... 11 28 - Mohawk 48.00 Trinity T.TS'. t nited topper 33 3ft Vlctorla 8.T8 Winona .kha. Wolverine ... Brit I. k Col.... V. B., Mining, 10.80 108 80 ' f T 8T' bo.ts if. ' rt- rOBTLABD BASTt BTATXMEJTT. Oesrfngs' .;S84888t llalsnces .. ST.S44.T8 - Hew Terk-Leedes' Sugar. Kssr Tork,' May 4. Sugar; . Befloed. steady and unchanged; raw, steady and aachangsd; London beet, Sd lower. ' BOMOTneTS nCtJjM CMOT. Troni the Kanaaa City -Times. ' A pickle harvest Is ths latest thins In Missouri afield. An order was received from a Scotland county farmer St ths state labor bureau yesterday atatlng that he would need 10 hands On August 1 to pick pickles. Tha pay Is SO cents a bushel And the- man write that an In dustrious person could plrk front 10 to to bushela a day. Jt will take Six to sight weeka to ha treat the crop. A. a. Jamison, superintendent or tns bureau." said yesterday thsj he would, send families out to do the work. In that way giving employment to woman., m .. 170U "171 Vb ltWWIlflS Ua -Te. iTiil.M- anil ww.alnalaa la II faowptnetagissiatia-aJia.4w.s rrriattitsams - 1T - --T-- 7r i7T.- I fe Care xvaiiee- oaeaae. fegaaieaeuvar eaeu. ..... .77.1 IT very srrootina;, K ao say n myaejr. i s T mtl9ktSk,. Ceat TeOerg Pyapspa. I . 19 ewWhyr-only'xat flundajr JsstJsrforthS II: -aZaasaesg saw Oeastypatjsw. - - I " Jliilprlaonerg in ths county Jail, and ynsny I 0L0 BY DRUOOISTt, OR BT MAIL ON RECEIPT I 17 X7 VS I 71 I h BAtii.Mw ahMl taaea 1 I . . an, m aowea a I H f 88 86 t ' 1 I - WI j l -' ' " ' 11 ' ' .'. iboti iro3 'iRrSTiil?. - I ATas - i i. - r "aV 81 : ATaO f! I 4eK4,8Uli4l mSm v -JOURNAL--r ewrwaSVSSe IV It 11 , kmmmkmmmmm-m-mtLW ' ' ' i ; " - " I ' I iseosaeL4haiso m l a . AA .M II aW "r 3 Piainted Shingles Advantage gained by using OurZH " machine. Shlnglaa a -p palntad all ovar whan dry, thug forging paint Into-' g 11 the Ing thorn wa terproof. Thla pravanta tha n -af-l 1 from mating, or tha sh!ns:l from wsrplntv or TM'njr prt -under tha- lap. Tney carr ba lafd- to hi Inch nearer to tha want her than -Other shingle and atlll glva better aatlafartlon. The paint uard la man. ufactured aolaly by ua and la espe cially adapted to protec roof g from tnoaa And fire. . It contains no creo sole or other lngredlenta InJurlouA to tin gTUtterg."-Our modern process enablna ua to paint them all over aa cheaply aa you - cab- paint g few -gwehea-an thev-rwof. . . .Wa-lv4te-yu to-ratl St -tnr--fa lory and aae for youraelf the merits of our proceaa, or phone your ad dreaa ana otir representative will call and give you lull particulars Black Diamond Paint 0.777- Offlce euia.rsctpryr E. eth and Malrf i .. bobs Bsst sar. Every Vcman EOR SALS BY WOODABO, OLABXB A OO. 11 PREE LAND INJDREGON I Ja the rkhrat griia', fruit tni Iteck ssxtka) la . ... tisworU.-Tbsassn4srstrassvrhatscenal cost ef atrlgatiogu"- Deri Inct fVoea Stata of bftftm. WfVTC TO-DAV. BOOKLET and fdAP nit. Deschutes I rrl ration and Fewer Ceia psaT, a I O-1 l-l t McKay BuUala(,PsrUiaW,Crscoav IMPRISONED IN wycticw i I VTlJv' "TV ass-Host Convenient. l1 cauer. but sand stams7ot W4,. ll eii"C Pll co ill n i r OWi.e. vssias. a if a aa.a.vs t -- . - ES h y rTCattat ! rtiae pvaSaoe aaoterare and aaeee Itching I 3 a P a rhls fans, as wall aa gllod. aiaadlng ev yvonrudiDg I - i : ' 0fl. Piles are cured bfO r. B oaanko ' a Ua Saamaxay 4a ' I . Sr auipslahiziaai:dbleadTaa. Deorbstuakere. SOoa - . - . ! ' janatdragalsaBOa'seat by mail. Treatlae ffaa. Write ; I J j (T7- taoahaaugaswassa. DA. BOSA1IXO. rhllada y. aawai 110 110 108 107 II 84H 844 Sltf 8lCI IKaUbliahed . I 103 103 lOlta llllSI taeiswiaaea ' , -. X II MHfM9li S 13 I isTrnrrg aamrtM il 1W liSiliis t3 i2m I rntesfts Bleed sad Nerves n repisca. the rss iosii 15 104 lit? -.77 Z II 3s DlAaaas, Oswwrk . DIlptwv-- wtu. uu aa aa . . -"' " -r-- '' 1 ...n r it - . . . . 5Tir a..tir Matt iou. i l " 1 1 - 'a urn. reaa aaa evsay,t e 7arM - 1S 148 14Si, 1481 ,. -Mm-l77iL 1 t . Bhe.i Do you slnat ' , -- -.-- TedAa7etAesy I I 84 1 S4 I M ' 1 fti - 1 vl i.i urran,!, loo. n iuk, bum e. - a I I f J I fiha Becauae thar couldn't fit lelT. II na.nn m aaiuhnvntL II is4V isi"i82 1S3 no doubt '. . . I lavavaavaaaasasaaaaawaaawawaa a--- --..---a-w--J L : . -ZZ Tr"?- ' .. aia'-ts0 . aw -lass ."..:j. ... ' " riv m,, !u-imiiitrn 11.-11..-i 11 -11 1 u ii-ii h 11 11 11 11 -it u-i ii-iiv 11 ir 'XVU'V ii C "M 1 - -nwn... . - . . . ana. eaaa, em. aa aa .a. . a www, eTJA Ak B .---r.-".:. 7,. I . 18s3 1S 1SS . 1SS I "- ; . f,t - - ' ' ;.' ,saWSnanaaw;- ' n.--t. ; 7' 108 Mai. iir2U lnasZ I ' .m agw I ?8 ??S sr" ?t:: i , , . I f a ..---44sah.' s-asa, ss-jsb,-a i . l?r IT I IT II I Cv Sil : - : "JFT A" 11" IVl L If i. i "H i- i - nam, (av -. - ..p- efta . .i&v , . i 2 aoi $ m J u caaat It .twsiht JUyirheft far U J&ft' I - - - - . . - I .33 -33 -81 . 31 . , ,- .. --at yr jr -y t . Ill . " : T M ST ST . ' ' , X aj ' ' I ' ! 81 83 . 80 SOU X Jrjr ,tr J " ' "" rr. t- &W 4 rrr'rJy' " "OLD NEW lis 11S 118 11T W r,lV aee "asU ii SBSaelll . , , M IN) ST ST .J e l- .e . m SS W Sh '--JKjC&C- 7 -7 -OF THE 1 M-frrcd. i-dlTl. II M. WLm 1 1 ' ' : , n.-.. tf-t ! I,, i n . tn si at .v, : , s-r" lw.m rm aa Ask. si - ff TJirO TZ :.777- - fl a. ..ell sxF . eaa I X xw gT-JBslAf . f-PwlUI VaBWBfgBAwl J f aW Ki g,e ess II BBsaBgBBal f ' WtXWWW " More than ten thousand different classes of entertainment, v Sweet melodies, rich music, classic songs, comic songs funny-stories, good jokes and an endless amount of good things from all corners of the globe. TItyoigoro theTtheatre learalcatchy aong, one that you would like to hum,play-or: whistle over but can't you can purchase a Columbia Record with" that very song imprisoned . In it and have your Columbia Graphophone ' play it for you toyour" heart's content.- . Every tone is just as true aa. though it were coming from the throat, of-the songster. : Every' .word is just as clear-a though Tthe singer stood before you. x -7-Now think of what an enjoyment that lsthiiikofegood"times to be had out of such a'WONDERFUL INSTRUMENT. J.lJl.w...., .;. ", r-. .1.-.-.r.....7-, - r -d0 yffi WANT ONE T . IT IS YOURS FORTHE ASKING I AB50 LITELY. FREE ALTHAT 1 BY SPECIAL ARRANGEMENT WITH ' COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH CO. at 363 Wajh- lngton,street we are enabled- FREEA $7.50 bcazz. ran nr totjat jtot TOKOmBrrw. r Coupon pfIriquiry -j - . THE JOURNAL. ;V"" Date";. .'..T.'.T. .V. ."a.V.T; ; . a. i i.w'j;7.1:..JTT . TAirxrLX. : rrmwrtW -.,:T,.rr r Please send solicitor to my address to explain FREE cn a niTrtfiTf Aiir -tTTjTiT-s 7 i '"-.!"" Name . . , I r ;s.v. Address . ... .......... IN A WBei7 ' We treat sueceagfully all prlrsts riar- ous snd chronlo flUeaaa-4 eiietij-BlaW Ililood. atom aoh- haa.rV Jiavia nay sun throat troubles, wo cure nirtuua (without mercury) to stay cured for ever. In 10 to-0 - days." We - yemovs STRICTURE; without oparatloB pr pi in It days, . -Wa atop drains, the reault or seir ab a s se lirt an a i I s I s lat. ..V AXAJLjeg U)fS JLh . aexuai vlior of any man under be by means of local treatment peculiar -to- ourselrea. ' ..... - ....... - 3Ve Cure Gonorrhoea -! inTWeek --Tti'dootora-df ttals-lmitTtuta-arw-Blt regular graduates. nave had many years' experience, nave been known In to maintain, and will undertake no cntt unj?se i-vriain euro train uv viivcivu, Wa g-uaranioe) a cure In every caae we undertake or cnarge no ree. eonautta tlon free. Letter contldenrial.-Inatruc -tlva -BOOK KOIVhlSixiaJlaAaaii - claln wrauoer. , We cure tha worat eases of piles In two or three treatments, without opere tlon. Cure guaranteed. ... !( you cannot eall st office, wrte for question blank.- Boms treatment sua eeanful. ' - - . .. . Ofllca hours, t to I and 7 to Sundays and holiday S,t J Mall. - -wit- DR. W. NORTON DAVIS & CO. r7 Offices !n Ysn Nr Hotel, lift Third Street,: Corner Pine. Portland. Or. OVERBECK, STARR & COOKE CO, If ambera Chicago ,nnAXX,uvnivKtr,co'rTOn. arooxs ajts sons. . ,; Qi Third Street, McKay Bulldlnsv. PorUand. Or. 1 wa. p'o JVTJtOTIT, ooasaTianriov 9VtuwiiMm.'-vy-y-'X'-: Continuous Markets by Prtrmta Wlr " Quick Serrloe. RBJEHENCBf, " 1 SUM s - TUton. bankers, and- United SUtea Natlooal Bauik of Portland. Headquaxtera for Elastic- .Stockings . and . Trusses LAUE-DAYI& PRUQ CO. Third and YamhiQ Sta. . DRsGUIIirS BLOOD !! NEBVE TONIC COLUMBIA GRAPHOPHONE .-mi to present to both" old and new subscribers ;- .f . , ; COLUMBIA GRAPHOPHONE ABSOLUTELY - 1 v. . V . . . ." -. a . . . . ,. . , . . .... : f n. . ' . - " BoarotXfAdAW o. a EE wo. Qreat Cbinesa Doctor ttzz la called srraat ! cauae his wonderful - . eurea are - ao wall - known- throughout the Unttsd Btatea, and becauae ao many people are thankful to him for aavlna . their IItss from , OPERATIONS - - Ha treats any snd " all dlaeaawav-- wltht Inownrful C h t n e ee Verba. rootaC buds. - barks and yegetablos iaffhAtare , ahtfrely utt- known to medical eelanoo In this oentn- try, and through the use or. tneae nsrrn. leas remedlea. Thla famoua doctor knows tha action of oyer 100 different remedies that ha baa successfully uaed In different diseases. He auaranteea to cure, catarrh, asthma, lung troubles, rheum atlam. Bar- vouaoesa atowach. liTar. kldnay. fe male t rouble and nIL rlvaAa . dlaaaaaav:. Hundreda of teattrnonlnJa.. --Chaxgea- moderate. Call and a him. OOaTBUXTATIOaT 1U fTPatisntg out-otJho elty wrtU for I M.nir anil circular. Inclose atamn. Ad- ' CTitieCaioAiNEsi MEDIC1NEJXL SCI Alfler-street. PortUnd. Or. BUlr. way of 361H Alder street leads to of fice. Mention this pspor. : - PORTLAND OR SUBURBS mum RECORDS ARE . '' Cut out the attached cou pon and mall it in to Tha ' journal and we will send our representative to demon- strata and explain how ycu can secure it f fT2 J ': 4 L v ...... j. c-r