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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1905)
G OOD EVENING, ' . The Circulation : Tha Westherv ; r - -Tonight and FTldHy, partly cloudy; northwesterly wind.- rOf Th Journal -VMterday Wat II ' T : i ' VOK IV. NOr-fit: -PORTLANDOREpON.-THURSDAY EVENING. t MAY- 4,-1905 SIXTEEN -PAOESr PRICE TWO CENTS. EZBtnwvSiI mm Li n it 1 1 ii ii 1 1 w ii 1 1 n 1 1 ii ii .! -J- . -.' l T , j .- 1 .- '. . , , , .' : - ' '" : . .vr iiili Governor Deheen Declines fo Order State Troops -:rto-ChieagOr - BUSINESS MEN CLAIMING OPEN REBELLION EXISTS More Teamsters Join Strikers TJiotirijF Cohtinue$;fz: But sTher. 4a less of It Clever; KundredJVagoh Oyti ..... . ( Jooraal Special aerrtce.) - s ' uicago. May 4. eOovernor Denecn today refused to: 'order 'out the - stats .IZjm)flEtO...W hl, o restore peaca a ramrery 'eWpioyeTshnr local au - thorltles wade applieatlon'-4n--regula -tT manner.- Thla Mayor Dunne and Chief afPolloe O'Neil .refuse to do, stating that they have"byrBOtneana renchod thlimlt,afxcsrves and that before troops will - b-aiuaatadlhy ;Tpeeuld draw -upon all citlsenc of good character - as they are authorised -to do by-law; lef -of -Polk-O-Neit tat ea that riw . JH coiifldent that he ha control of tha . altuatlon and Mayor Dunrta a emphatic 41 w -aaaartlon that- he mill iot aqut - eace in any oail to actira armed inter' -yantton. i - n '. "' A comnalttee of 11 prominent boalneas limn lafLajagPwnartrainTTlila noon tor SprlDRfleld to urge the TO'ernur aend the troop to Chicago. They will - declare that open rebellion czlata on the ' - atreeta, and' that he pollee.-aukorltiaa a re nowerlesa to preaerva peace, and. re- tOre""'6rder: '"Both" Mayor Dunn and Sheriff .Barrett rcrfuaad -to request tha torernor to aen"d troops. - H.-Aid f roia. riot call from Archer . avenue, where white mrn wer bealaaed '"' by colored atrika bree-kfra, no rtlorrtir r--werr lfiwiit eit-rnnnt :w mrra n , -early thia morning;. It ia expected the employera will renew their attempt te . : et the local kathorltle to ask; th -.-governor- for- trooper:-" - Employer announced thla morning that tney would attempt to -aend out l.lOO wagons today. The at r Ike apread today to Walsh-Boyle company and . t'orbin-May 'rompanyr " teamater re- .. f ualnaj to deliver rood . to boycotted - bousas.- Thirty - atrlke- breaker - I .; rived from ptnclnjiatl for Montomery , Ward, but four deaerted when they . . - learned thate -atrlka. waa on. :' Charles Rlebllng; waa attacked and probably fatally injured by atrtke-break- . -. era at tha Hub barns, at Nineteenth and j Dearborn etreeta, -this morning. 'The trouble b-aii by the ahootlna; of John Dansberry, a negro,, in the lea. Rleb j line: had nothlna; to do-wlth the riot. which waa quelled by the police. John Tereaa. the driver of a bus that ran over and, lulled FiillUB Berg-eant Cummlng-s while the latter waa on strike "duty. waaheld by the grand-Jury-thla ' morning on 15,000 ball on the charge of rjnnnslaughter . - . A number of strike-breaker today -carried riflea-anij ahotguna, although they were repeatedly disarmed byti wlle. j lie I'liuiTor police continues to refuse t perrnUBoHfe to ride on war ons. The officers must march abreast of the wagons, so that it cannot be said a ilrnurtmrtt-that " It Is showing partiality or guarding private property. No attempt waa madetoday to Inter- with the express wngons. Two hundred and fifty South Water jtreet-CPmmlHalnn marnhanta met today and decided that they would accept de Ilverlea from the strike-bound -eapreaa companies, despite the. lhreatof ' . produce commission teamsters to strike - if such action is taken. The general publlo will be serlouBly affected in case "the produce teamsters go out,, v , , 7 1,500 slew Bepvties. . - - Sheriff Barrett this afternoon swore in- 1,600 deputies for strike duty. They - , will be armed with revolvers and will reinforce the police in efforts to move ; wagons andpreaerve the peace. A caravan -of JO loaded coal wagons, escorted by 60 policemen, were attacked -- by a. mob at the corner of Wabash and Hubbard courta this . afternoon. The ' strike breakera were made a target for all kinds of missiles. William Hill, a col " ored teamster, 'waa atrack on the head with a brick. He ia unconscious and - may die. Policeman William Fox was seriously injured. Several shots were fired; -none of - whtch tookreffec:. ---w - - UNVEIL MONUMENT TO CONFEDERATE VETERANS (Jonrnal Bpeelsl Btrrlee.) .' -; Fayette. Miss.. May Tha handsome monument erected to the memory of the sons of Jefferson county who fought for the Confederacy' waa unveiled today with Interesting ceremonlea and In tha presence of a great crowd. The exer cises were In charge of the Confederate ..veterans snd allied societies:. The Tro- gram included Ifahd OoncerfTa paxade. .... patriotic aire sung by school children l and the, unveiling of the monument by Mies Evelyn Hammett. The addreaaes of the day were dellveredby Dr. C. W. Oraf ton, of Union churclw-aml Dt W.-T: , Belling or Memphis. v-. CREW OF FOUNDERED ' . BARGE DROWNS AT SEA " "ZZll' Uoaraal BtwcUl SrrtM. Newport. R. I., May 4. The tug OerV. frnflt reports .the loss of the big barge " Moonbeam, which broke away and foun dered erf Ponit Judith last night. All . on board were drowned. Including the . , captain. Engineer Stewart fend two chil-' dren of the captain!-- l.4 - "J .V- '- 4', 7WkahBrji' Battleship Is; Sho.iir;ttePict.f fftfJSTtlhe 'tlikdijSdV'Po.Tel-yesseria the . japuese! .Flec jetetecIoti'rjiB '7Tpi.'''jiCtr&i$Mt:'ll4n& - i . :.."Y jf .tiJGuha, Eight f3-Pounder3,' Fourteen 61nch-Guns,: Foot 3r-2-pounders,,TnV 12 Five Torpedo Tubes. ' .' - ' : , j V - , ? ' . . Thc.Price Js Two Cents a. Copy . ; TIIE-joURNAL'gws-iike'hotlcakes'!: on thestrcets ' at -two cents-St-copy:.t Hundreds, of ' people commend -THE T tiJQURNALifoflits enterprise ancUdeclre- that the -redaction T X m 'the price- of the, paper r-was. a J'stroke of crcnius'! at this X. ' particular time on .the eve ofj the visit tpf go many thousands' I X ' of strangers to, Portland, on the occasion of ,THE LEWIS . AND.CLARK FAIR:Sot PAY. NO MORE THAN'TWO X t r CENTS A: COPY, for THE streets. Everybody . buys", it - JOUKNAL.: leads, its competitors will-follow sceTit thejn - don't: v-i; - --. - ; S: ' URY HEARS OE O FFI 6 1 VVithesses SwearjThere. Was Jobbery InrWork Done for the City,,. . That Rumenn inewjor it,and .jhat Office-Holders - " Cot Share of Dishonest Proceeds. , ' V The-facts in the- manipulation of the Marquam gulch Front; street '.viaduct contract were laid before the grand jury today in large part and it remains only to learn more particularly the nature of the peculiar interest Councilman Hume. line Is alleged to have had lit the matter. City Auditor T. C' Devlin waa be for the grand Jury 'the . entire forenoon. When he emerged at noon he Jeft be hind transcriptions rrom -the 'records1 of the city executive board that convey, so la 'Bald, a story of remarkable con- 1 Vance on the part of officials tending to prove that there .wa reason for the switching of ; contracts other than because the Pacific Construction 'com pany of Everett, Wash., aaked the return of Ha bid. t , - There- was teatimony bhowlrHf that the public .waa fobbed Of thousand of dollars . by letting the contract for a much higher figure than waaito be paid the Everett, company, ana that 'it, was known to certain- officials that such a robbery waa to be,, pfwpet rated. , This 'afternoon councilman . Merrill wont-before the Jury to reiterate his statements made some days ago taJhe Journal,, and repeated yesterday, in Na sensational session of the cltycouncll, when-he -.exclaimed:" "This Is the rottenest council that ever est in this chambarl- --'v'.,.. . A subpoena was Issued for Merrill as soon as theJury went Into session thla morning. -commanding him Jo appear at o'clock and assist in clearing up the reported irregularities of, his fellow council men. - - .- -- , Jir. , Merrill's--testimony- was largely the nature of ' statements' that on nnmerous occaslori.s. iie'.had been shown lists of members of the council who haij been "fixed.", and that 'offers had been mads to him or. consideration of value it he would support certain - meaaareg Mil V - I: .a r k Si ! , ajti. .-1 tl f " ' 'm - ' J fcilT-. i I ...... , DAILY: JOURNAL . on the t a txthis ; popular price. TH E A I G R A FT before the council.. He stated .that he knew there had been Irregularities,, and that the lntereata of the people had not been guarded. . - . .. v I From another source testimony ! was adduced ; showln that- Councilman Charlea K. Rumelln approached Wil liam. FUedner.and H. W. Goddardmem .bers of the' executive board of the city, wlUfa the . Marquam gulch Front street viaduct Jld- ot-i XIahey- was" under consideration; and Instated that the 163, 000 bid and the I6.S00 certincate of He poslt be. returned to Maney-and the eon tract be ht to the Paciflo Construction eompany Vof -CaUfornJa.J ' '. ' H. W. Ooddard made all the motions that ' were recorded i In th'e; ' executive beard while. the Marquam gulch matter was- under. .consideration rThero. waa one exception one motion was made by It. L. Qllsan of the board for 4he poat-ponement-of-the ttsattcr,,! Later at the same session Ooddard -moved a re consideration-and the Maney b'H was' re turned and the ' bontract given, to the other -comps,nyT"r-Trr - -tr . Tt was then stipulated, when the con tract, was awltched.: that- the''ateel In the bridge was bought from the American Bridge company, and shipped over tho Durilngton torn, of Which Ooih dard Is assistant general agent in Port land. .These- stipulations, were carried out V . . It appear that Rumella manifested -unusual activity In the matter, and was the person who accomplished the task of inducing the executive board to re turn the. bid and deposit of, Maney' a solvent company, and give-the contract to the California concern - for; higher ngure IS8.000. - Policy of the Investigators has been to gatheri all the faeta -concerning re ported manipulation of contracta leading up to allegations of corrupt payment of money to councilman, " .- d 4t IT, u - I. 4 SBOPICIRaREP 000 NECKLACE Mrs., Variderbilt's Jewelry - Given 41 u, Herby-Baggageman --- k y -." Lover. ' T RECOVERY REVEALS : WHOLESALE-THEFTS Immense Plunder Stolerf- From Trunks on Fast Coast RaiU road ts Recovered. (Jonrnal Specltl SerTlca.) erylby Jthepolloe- of a, IBU.OOff necklace belonging to Mrs. William K. Vanderbllt, Jr., has thrown light upon the mystery surrounding the recent robberies of the baggage of , passenger on the- Kaat Coast railroad. . Thousanda of dojlara' worth of Jewelry has been recovered, and two men now under arrest have made confeaalons which led to the recovery of the VanderSIlt necklace. , .... A baggageman who had taken It from one of Mrs. Vanderbllt's trunks con fessed to the robberlfs, and a search of his home was , made to recover, if pos sible, all the plunder supposed to 'have been taken, except the tbO.OOO necklace. '. The necklace was found today colled about the shirtwaist collar' of a young woman who waa among the shopgirl dancers In thft-pavlllonTrr8outh. Beach. "the St. Augustine Coney Island. It had been given' her by the young-baggageman now under arrest, who refnaed to teirwhat had become ot It for fear-his Sweetheart would learn that he had stolen It." She had a knowledge -of-its value, ahd regarded the great chain of priceless gem a a oepartment-store or namont. LOST HER.HUSBAND ON: - HER WEDDING JOURNEY (Joarnsl Special Kerriet.) Sacramento. May 4. Walter Howard. a, well-known young ..resident of Sacra mento, wss married at noon today to 4 M Ise Blarwh -Coltnnv-er handsome young woman or Elk orove. The couple had driven to th depot-this -afternoon to take the train, for San Francisco, ac companied by the bridal party.-- At the depot-Howard met an old schoolmate, who begged the chance, of a farewell glass. While they were exchanging amenities the train drew out with. ..the brldo; Too ' late to' catch the train, Howard sent messwaea-to various- points along the line' to stop her. At last ac counts he had' not overtaken her on het singular wedding Journey. - ; , nTxuoK s,xa aumiais. ".--' '" ' . - - - ; (Journal Special ScrTlr ." Richmond, VS.,' Uay"4.-aenerat Flts. hugh leo wsb Jutil to test In Hollywood cemetery thl afternoon with military honors- , , , , ..' ' .: " ''-'.. '.. ADMIRAL FEARS DEFEAT "t Journal Special'BervIceJ""-"'-' - - London, May 4. k St. Peterstmr dispatch atatee that Vlce-Admlril Rojeatvenaky haa-wrlttea a lettor to a relative here in which he com plains. that It la Impossible for him to flnht with the material at" b IS command. "The took of-Jisulplliie," ne says, "Is appalling." m Ton- oliula -'Thesa-are-tbe-men and the ehlpa with whteh-I-em-expected to faoe-tbe. powerful Japaneae fleet. It Is a honoleaa enterprise, and nothing but a miracle can aave us from annihilation." .. It ia said the .Russian government. strongly reaenta the publication. of the letter and haa reprimanded Rojestvensky for hta indiscretion. d It 1 reported f rem Amoy. China, that a typhoon which swept over- d 4 -ths coast or south. China thia week is-sald to ha v .damaged the Russian d "aegohdT'acla'squadron conekleraMy, TM-Merhter 'verirnle are rtporUtl -scan err a. From Hong Kong comes a Chinese offlrlal renort which un Amfl A nltoiythat the greater portion of .ongSoi nay, onTI.e; aoulh coast The British steamer Selangor arrived, today at Singapore and reports- d that ah passed a division of Russian' warshlpn-oft . Jugrah, -midway ' petween the. Island of Panang. and Siagapore .at.J o'clock this morning. The fleet is evidently Nebogatofrs , which has effected a safe paaage"'4 into the Chha- aea ad l probably on Its way to Join Hejeatvensky. The" d reiiort eaya that two trunsporis of the fleet put Into Sadong, on the-- north coaat of Sumatra, apparently damaged as-the result of a col-' 7 lllonJv . -- .. - ,- 1 - - , '-. ' . . .i 1 t 4 , ,iTo.i'.-i' I,. il,tnr'i BANK ROBBERS: GET1 $3,000 ANDf ESCAPE Daring Daylight : Robbery ' in -Woodburnr Or., Follows AJLl Hold-Up. i PLUNDER FARMER WHO HAD EMPLOYED THEM Then t Entering Town Masked, iHe!d Up Bank and Escaped 1 I Firing at Pursuers. (UpeeUI Dispatch t Th Joarnsl.) Wofidlwirn, Pen " May- i Psstal If spector A. R. Butler and. Deputy United States Marshal Proebstel of Portland were Irv Woodburn yesterday afternoon when Assistant Cashier Tracy Poorman was held up and ' the bank robbed of $3,000. They witnessed the flight and pursuit of the two robbers, and were at Wood burn for the purpose of arresting P. J, Kuper, accused of having atolen a mall" sack. T6ses" sent out this morn ing are beating the underbrush, but it is believed that the robbers hare nfidT- Besides the assistant cashier there were two persons In the bank when the robbers entered. They were Mlsa Gert rude Eddy of Tillamook and Don Coles, messenger boy. The boy hadpre sented a check for payment and Poor man was showing him a big roll of new bills. The cashier of the bank was , in Portland at the time. . Staaked Man Enter. t It waa sr few minutes- after-t t)clork yesterday afternoon when two masked menntdred '" ths " bankT" with Tovol vers and commanded Poorman to throw up hUaJianda. While one robber kept th bank employes under cover with two leveled Colt's revolvers, the other went behind the counter and-seraped- all- the loose money into a small sack. Tha man with the money went out of the -front door and. was half way aero Lett atreetwhen hr companion backed f out. Both started to run and crossed two miles through open fields before gaining- th timber. A score of men Joined In the alarm that was soupdod ami "purued1TeT-obbers "but were too Lfiir distant to shoot. . . The bandit-are- hiding In the same tract of tlmlwr throiiah. Which -Tracy jind Merrill found refuge during, their remsrkalil flight three years ago. A posse waa at once formed, but the tim ber waa not searched. It waa night be fore Sheriff Culver and Deputy Minto, arrived at Wie scene. . , The robbers were . recognised as men who ate dinner at Otjen'a houae yes terday and have been In the vicinity for several days showing that the Job waa ' carefully - planned. During the chase across the fields many shots were exchanged, but no harm waa done.Trte rDiwn are nescroe oewg or me dium- height.' welgnlng 176 pounds, orie dark- complex lonrd,. the other light, both I (Continued on Page TwoO- the Russian Bdltlo fleet arrived at d ofthe Island of Hainan on Mav I. "i d ; 4, 3 300 AS WJIITECAPS First , . Blow Struck " Against lMethods of Timber Crab- - - bers in Michigan. ' HONESTHOMESTEADERS - . DRIVEN FROM LANDS Sheriff of Franklin County and Pfominsnt -Politicians Among, Those Accused. , (Journal Special Serrle.) . .. -. .... . t"f g-rand'Jury today returned indictments agalnat 300 citizens of Franklin county on a charge of jrhltecapplng. The spe cific charge Is the Intimidation of gov ernment homesteadera. -Sheriff New man Is among those Indicted. This Is the outcome of efforts made by timber land manlpulatora and specu lators to keep bona fide settlers out of the -timber belts of -Franklin county. Within the last year the situation has grown rapidly worse. - While - many .newly . arrived ..settlers. who have taken up ' their residence on homesteads, have clung to their land, others have left their newly acquired homea, being afraid to remain after re ceiving-numerous threats, whtch were followed by midnight visits or white capa wha frequently administered coata of tar and feathers. Many case of Intimidation have been reported, but owing to the Isolation, of t he- eeet ton -a ndto thefact- thatihe county ofneera are membera of the same group-ot. timber-grabbers,-who number in their ranks the most powerful social and political connection In the county. It haa been hitherto impossible- to atop the outrage. . ...' -,. WORLD'S RAILROAD" CONGRESS IS OPENED (JiMraatenteetal.Vrrlr.) ' Washington. "May . The seventh International Railway conjgress formally, opened at It o'clock this mornlngr Rep resentatives , of railway, from every country In the '.'.'world " were present. Vice-President .Fairbanks delivered the address of welcome on behalf ofthe American- people.'' Arthur Dubois, of Belgium, ' responded on behalf of the congress. . 'Zlll. .T0WBA1VLX JJtajL.-T-'f 4 (ioeraal Special Serrle.)' Sallhaa. CaL..May 4. James Moaes, alias Snowball, known all over the Pa cific coast where racing Is carried on. and Who came to -California 14 years sgo as a basso jjiiger with the Original Oeorgls IiiTres. died here thla morn ing. He Waa born 50 yearn ago in Jack son, Tennessee, where his .father still j lives. 'Though at various times wealthy, ah dled'ioor. . -i . , '. . , . c , , . . A'1 ' ' GRAND JURY INDICTS SAID HI Nan Patterson Jury Stood1, lileven-for Manilauilli' 7rtcr,0ne fprAcquittaL WILL PROBABLY DISMISS , . CASE AGAINST ACTRESS Florodora Girl Layi for Tvyelyo Minutes in Dead Faint When--Jurfzl Fails to Free : "Hef of Charge. - " . (JiianMl Rperbl Berrlee.i New-Torlc-May . After . being" out foe mnr. than 11 honi- th jury Irt th case of' Nan Patterson waa . formally; v. discharged at I;S04o'clock thla morning. , having failed to reach a verdict and. de.. clarlng that it . was hopelessly di sgreedt . ... ?.. - .' " " When the disagreement waa ahj nouncedrMT Pal'teronceinpleeIycol-' ' ' lapsed and lay for -1 minutes -in a. dead faint. BhO'WafiVeirfMm-thecourt7; "FoonTIy'h er" mtiwl- nd"TrtViI Trt " 1 n r ante room andthls morning" Is QuIte"e-VJ polntment atlhe failure of 4 ImJu ry foi rUeat. Opportunity that ahe be ad- mitrfed-'to- nominal bail, whlfh. H is ot,- thought will be opposed by the district. attorney. ' ..... m-s.- ... It is reported that the last ballot was 11 for manslaughter In. the. first -degree aadi. 4 tor acquittal. The".;lonsi--Jutilf 1 stood out until the. end and -jreftued. to. be brought over. " " -When the Jurors were discharged the -: -if. prsstrate" girl, was borna from tha room '. in 4h klr In which she had" farnted. . .'. j She waa restpred-to-ohacionSTie by -i awakening- much yefreshett this morn' .- I ing. r ' ' . ' ' i. . ", C'dunsal favy said this mernlng that 1 be was . disappointed that the girl waa not araultted and that aha would navae be placed on trial again. It U not thought that the district attorney s office will attempt another'' trtair- It - has - been intimated . that thiai...'. . will be the case, and that Miss Patter- eon will be. . .released on nominal bail until thClndlctment is quashed. i. .... - The jury nret reported to the court at !: o'clock this morning. After a wait of 13 minutes the prisoner appeared tooktnm paleur and "nervous.- Recorder -' ' Golt aaked the foreman if they had been able to reach an agreement and received reply . In the negative. Otters to In struct regarding law and evidence war, declined by the Jury, which Retired to, reconsider tha matter f .-....... . On the Jury's return the recorder madej a peiauual appeal tn theToreman to en-ili-avur again to reAcJl S VereTcT The1 1ury was then polled In open ootirt, but. '. wa unahlo to agree and finally deelared Its verdict of disagreement whereupoa It was dismissed. ' .' ESCAPES ROBBERY TO 3-- svSPsWjlljaiX.iN JAILi- (ioeraal aneetal sWvlrs.t ' Nw York, - May 4 After a narrow, escape from being robbed of his watch! and dlamonda. James A. Wrlaht vlce-l president Of IhSTtilernallonal Merchant Marine company, appeared In court to-, day to bear wltneaa against four men whom he accused of attempting to rote ' him. r - -. . . . Wright attended -a dinner t the Waldorf Astoria, Leaving the banquet room, he stepped into a hallway to light' his cigar. Four men 'immediately aur rounded him and were about to strip' him of ' his valuables when detectives came and aelsed them, . Wright and the four men were taken to the station. The men were recognised by the police as ex-convicts. ..They were locked up. .. - J A search of Wright revealed thou sanda of dollars worth of valuables. His statement aa to his 'identity wss laughed at by the sergeant. Wright said some thlnge to the sergeant and he was promptly locked up on the charge of Intoxication. He aent a note to hia wire and at t o'clock Mrs. Wright drove to -tha station and secured her husband's releaae. - - . MYSTERY OF LOST BOY SOLVED BY HIS ARREST: . lp" ' "' oanaaaaasaaaasaasssaasisssj ... ;". . (Joarnal HimfcIcI Servire.y ' .'' - New Tork. : May 4. -Ie FlefahmaitnT' tho-lT-year-old boy who disappeared from his home on' EUst. Eighty-sixth street nearly a yeas eg", whoee parental have apent nearly 110,000 to locate htm.) ' has , been found In Norfolk, "Virginia, where he Is under arrest' aa a deserter " from the navy. Flelshmann'a arrest aoivesa disappearance as mysterious the famoua Charlie Roes esse. The boy left home on September . 1904 and. his," parents were unshle to find tha slight-1 . eat clue until. Informed that the Ir. sow . . -had Joined the navy, and becoming sick ' of the life had deaerted. , . - i rMTSicxajrs nr tassiov. UearaaLSBeeUI Sarrlca.) Philadelphia, Pa. Mny 4. Leading lights of the medical world are gathered.' here from many parts of the country for the sixth- anual ietiji nt th American Tharapeutlo society, which le. ' gan here today,, with headiiiarlera at th Bellevne-Btratford. Th .Blne will continue three day, dtirbig whl- li, time papers will be presented and ! latest results of lb euratlve a-Usuaa discussed. . '?