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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1905)
- r THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND, TUESDAY VENiNG-MAYJ-2,-1805. " . SB." It 9- ... I. PAPER CHASERS HAVE AN EXCITING RIDE Informal Ride on-Saturday list War Full of Interesting:: Incidents. . HAMILTON CORBETT " -L T -FINISHES-FIRST Several, Riders Find Mounts Un ci, manageable- and Have -t; . " RougfTExpenerices. . e ol tha roost snlorabla snd txclu Ing aport Incidents of mur mwrar oo- - 'curred Saturday, afternoon during '-'ttapWcbaaa. In -which a number Of " T prominent -people participated. It -ep-par tnaTtaIdTBrcTuITTrag-ToriBed --".a short time age in an Informal - way. - 4 hh 1ntrPtWw o' " holding -. paper .. I' haeea every twbfVeekS. ""It-Is - alee .understood ttul Dtauiiiui auver cup -r has been offered for the rider who wlna -""tho'greatest number of points In A cerr - tain amount of races. . ! On Saturday last a chase was rgan- iaed "and James Nlool, Thomas Sharp and one of Mr. Nicol a groorae acted aa hares flrsst PT-pajaUojiahad been ' made for the event, several of the mem bers coins;. Into active training for the . . .ch.aa. Scott Brook going-, so far late rides on the Base Line road In , , order Uilhts mount fcelnood-eoidt- - tlon for the Ordeai. Otner members ". who have oft scorned the delights of labor and lived luxurloua days; prepared for the ride ' with Softest endeavor. --Chcetef Muirhyr-whe will be known Jo "rams, as Multnomah's ' crack r football plarer...haa.leen in training lor four 11... weeks, Mr. Murpby is a rider of skill and daring. '. ' The start was made. at Irvlngton " racetrack and the finish, which was In : the road near Mt. Tabor, came to some of .the, riders, long before . t hey.reached - the goal.' Dr. Whiteside had an exciting time.. hlaJicrao throwing him fully '.. mile-before thefloigh. Scott Brook's - horse- became. - Unmanageable and ran .' away with his rider. -. For three and a half miles the' riders -rode splendidly, '-ir -"K"-Tt' byallingPffor having their horses - run rwhj. An av apivjiui ima u j utu tun CuruWl -cajiie In -first. A: the spills the chaae was most enjoyable. neat ohasa will be. held one week from Saturday. " Thos who rode -.. through the chaae .were:. Miss . Carrie iTandera, Miss .Nan'-Wood. Miss Louisa Klandera, Mrs.'1 Whiteside, Mrs. Tucker, "Miss Slbson, Harry Corbett, Hamilton Corbett, Dr." Whiteside, Rodney GIlBan, .. i a. Scott- Brooks, - Thomas Sharpe.. . Mr: Webb. Andrew Kerr and L..Murphy-. -TOX-AJr AMD :.. (Special Dispatch, to. The Journal.) Butte, Moht, May t. The proposed fight between Nelson, and -Herrera has been declared off owing to the exorbi tant . demand Tnada brJ"olan. .Nelson's manager. Nolan first aeeepted . the eltloa mads by-ths Broadway-club." - but in a telegram yea tarda jr demands r that a guaranteed . purae of . ll.-OO. be - hung up, a bonus of It per cent and - that the purs be divided 7 and t. '.' His demands were considered too strong ; , and the fight, so far as the Broadway A tliletlo . club , Is - concerned, . has been . called off- . V. ; -The lntg leanr TtS:iiutt feU..6tra4 day and defeated the P. Q. Ca'B team by the score of 11 to Tlbbets In fine form and for seven Innings the gas dealers could not get past -second bas.":"Error'ln the-" etghth-and- ninth allowed them to fill the bases In those two innings, but Tlbbets got busy and retired the side in one, two, three order. The -.features .of . the game were . the heavy batting of the' Lents-boys, - the . Xlejdln of First Baseman McKlnley and the catching of Bonuia. Batteries: . Lents Tlbbets and Bchuld. P., O. , ScVanton and Agnew. - . - The people of other -f- days would be sur prised to learn of what ,we do nowa- ' -Vlays.You will be , "'' agreeably surprised if .you call, and. iri-. v . spect 'our - line ' of J Men's : FumLshingsT and Hats--You will ,: " find the styles - and" v prices decidedly in . -teresting. H'-t .l- EL TROVAR3 ..New j Derby $4,00 r-.j-y.ii.., . J --r--..' .. - Great Winner ROBINStiNmCO. HOTEL PRKINS BLDQ. MUD IS KNEE DEP " ON OAKLAND TRACK Golden Ivy, at Twenty to One Furnishes Surpriseand Wins in th MuH. , i . (Joaraal Special Servlee.) San : Francisco, May 2. Te'atefday' running at Emeryville wa hfllil durln a heavy-downpour or rain, whlc!Tlra3 the going consequently alow. Lily Oold- Ing, at 20 to 1. furnished tbadaya joci prlse. Summary.' rtv-furlonga Rey Iel Mundo won, Anolant-Witch second, Mldmont third time. 1:01 H -Five and one half furlongs - Collector i Jeaaup won. Kri I,llhurn-a-con-Xropt- third; time, J.:08.. - - ruturltyeouree Lily Gokllng. won. Bun Mark: second, Phalanx third; time, A 7 A Sta-furlongs Dr. Sherman won. Dnub. let second. El Chihuahua thirds, time, un. Six furlongs Laursr-F. M- won, - - MaU 1:1414..'- ..One mile and 70 yards Ralph Toting woilForeat KlngjeQpoi.Hberifti.BeU third; tfmeH KTWT"" '" . One- mile . and one-sixteenth Oolden Ivy- won,- Byronerdale second," fluburba Queen third; time. 1:6114 City Bee-Its. : Kansas City, May 1, Elm Ridge race results: rdurruTOfffi rard second. Blue Flrata-hlrd; time, ;6014. "l - - Three-auarters of a mile Adore won. third-: tune, 1:14,- -, ' . Five-elgbthe of a mile Jurlat won. Telepathy second. Lady cnaraae tnira tune. 1 :l hk. .. . 1 lJQne-inlleBeiTrrHngheija2nv-Idle second, Heigereoh thUdi time. :4l. Five and .ope half furl'bngs-i-Envd? won. Kilties second; Kahoka third; time. 1:01.- . w" -1 1" -- - One mile and one-alxteenth Ous Strauss' won, Leader . second, Tryon third; time. l:4iiJ At Jamaloa Traok. 'New Tork, May 1. Jamaica, race re- vats: '. ; : Five and one half furlongs iiay Amelia won, ' Race, King second, - New Tork third; time. 1:04 1-6. Sl-.fui-lf.n-. Tn-nlrtlnn won. PhOO- bus second, Lrane third; time, 1:14 1-6. Five furlongs-Mrrywon, lanlo The Newtown stake, six furlongs Caraph.lneW0n.Old England second, A t, -V . 1. I . .t,lj R T-T-W ' r - One mile .and- pne-lll teen th,. h a nfl lea n Incubator wpn-JDolly Spanker second. Amberjack third; tlme,-l:ta.- -.: -: : BoaiOnr M V -ouls St Louis, May J. Fair grounds race results! One half mile Far no - won. Harry Scott second, Conde third: time. 0:61 -. i Five furlongs Beknlghtfltt won, Ame thus second. Sorrel third; time. 1:04 Six furlongs Apple Sweet won. Atlas second. Veronia. thlrdi time. 1:18 1-, One mile and one sixteenth Lubin won. . LltUa-Scout-aecond. .. Stand Bat Uttr-r-tlmersVlTDO Fur -and onbalf - fiirlonga agnola won.- Sanwparllla second, Luber third lima 1:111 1-4. i On mile Colonel Preston won. Bone Brake second. Uncle Charley third; time. 1:48. - Waahv-Ue Nashville. Tenn., May , Cumbertand Park raee results Six and one half furlongs Martin Doy- won,-BetarHnjecon. Bradlejs Pet-third: time. 1:21 Four and one half furlongs Bright Star won, Llbergore second. Cock Burs third: tlma. 0:6( . L Short course. ateeplochase Evander won, Bermuda second. Sioux Cbler third; tlma. 1:04. ' Six . furlongs Mafalda won,. Norwood Ohio second. Darthula third; time. 11S1 One mile La Pucelle won. Postmaster Wright second. LitUe Boy third; time. 1:4. .'.. r JOHNSON WOULD BE MIRROR OF FASHION If Jack Johnsoit-the colored heavy weight, who lost the decision to Marvin Hart, should ever, by any chance, be come champion, . eome truly startling effects In dress would undoubtedly re suit from-the addition tn tils puree.! Several tailors would have to work nights turnlnr out plaid clothes for the colored tighter. The appearance of Johnson now' is enough to create a panic among' the colored sports fully equal, te Wolcott's foot long automatic revolver. - Here, la a" utatfd dusuiiptlun of-what Johnson lookgUks togi -vanlnr- ' ' " AJy:.i1 IHJU IB JVIUI yUIW Al kl.. I.villipvi, snd that ho Is six feet tall: with a strangely shaped head set between wide shoulders and an otherwise-wen snapea enatomr based on feet In No. It shoes: His arms dangle to his .knees and .he appears constantly reaching for bis reet. that pain him accord in to cumatie changes. ' He wears "a hat l& incnes long ana nearly as wide, Sometimes-ha wears a Prince Albert coat.,' but mora often a cutaway. His Vest are of eight Colors, usually, and his tie are red, blue, yel low or green, as tne coior xanoy einsea htm. .Sometimes they are pin ana mottled like - circus calico pony. 7 The ties are set off to advantage oy a green vestwlth pearl buttons. nii hlrts are all ' made In a onar-terooara style sndArlmmed In rainbow tints. Sometimes ho handles a cane, but usu- ally, bis "finger Is hooked tnrougn a watch cnain ox duiiu-s ntiajnuiR His- diamonds are a aeciaea iraiure 4t his makeup. Ona of his ties is a ncn ochre and sheds Its rays across another of -variegated hue In -hie-shirt With such affects In his present condition, there Is no "imit to the possibilities If Jack-war Uttla-JH0t9 prosperous. HASTKA TSAM WI-TS TWO 'OiUaS. The Mamma team won. two games Sunday, defeating- the nonpareils -J the Irvingtons. --The line-up ry Maauma. . Position. iMoapareu. Osbrey . .-Vrf ,.... J. . Amor jar Kaon -1 ,..., . p j"ut Boairs ..If, Hoftman McHrlda .. r ...... .c... , Thomai Coatello ........ ..2b. ........ Donovan McCray lb Mack ?stes .:' ......... Crowley . Bcheel ss. Monta U. Bcheel. i SO. ........,' oiey Score by Innings: : ... n. h. fe Masuma . J . . ..S 0 0 10 Oil 01 2 Noparell . . ,..,100110.100.--4 4 Second game . tu tun. Innngtoa 0044111 11 4 4 Maauma . . ...! 7 t 1 0 17 14 I lonwiu BiriiTi -ccoT. . The Hopewell team defeated the Mo- Coy Colts Bunday-trt-fc-lO-ianln gam 'Bemlts. by. tho ocoro ot to . BBMCI! SHOW WILL 0PEBTOM0RROW Quality of Dogs ntered Best in the History of Local ".- Everything Is in order for the annual bench show of the Portland Kennel club. whichr- wllLl open . tomuexow morning. he eahiuineu will se held under ..Ifia, patronage of the American Kennel club, the - local - organisation castinr ttsf or . .1 in, .1 ...... 1 lulls wiiti uiii ciuo several niwnu ago.' The ahow, from, the Quality antV number, of dogs that have been enttylj. bids fair to be the best 'bench stKWfyer held lu this city. While the number of sntriaa. has not reached thoaa of former yaarstha-Oultyi Jnuch. better. There are more dogs entered this year from outside states than ever before. era do nut care to put up their dogs ,gaWe4-the profeaelona There are 224 does entered, and there will be 74 trophies offered, th$ greatest - rv,mh.. ,,- v.v 6rer bv a bench show onTfhe- I'aoKlo coaaL Thomas - Ashton - of Leeds, - England, who will judge at the ahow, arrived In Portland late Sunday evening. Mr AsU ttt--l- one-f iha most noted authorities on dogs -lit the world. -w year ns nas prealded " at - ther- Westminster- Kennel club's show In New York City, at the Buffalo show and at Chicago, OREGON ATHLETES EETDNTRIDAY (Special Dtapatrk te Tie JaursaLl J tfnivi'sity of OreBdnrEns. Mart. Tho first track meet that Oregon will hold this season will be held here on Klnoald field ' next Friday afternoon. when the, track team of -Willamette -unlvoralt; Inml leairt Henderson. Jumps 20 feet In tHe broad Jump and five, feet seven . tn the high Jump. ? Hug" -throws the hammer out 120 feet and the shot St feet Mitchell la showing up well in the mile; as Is also Woods. .- . The elirlbilUy of Meores, Kuyken. and FflSsel will be decided by the fao- ulty -Thursday. . According to tha regu lations that Oregon has with the other colleges they are ellglble4o--n-4n-the meet with -Willamette university and It Is only a local ruling that la preventing tneir taking part, which may la if tnovedJ)yjhajfacultjriOh--aaa-Work -tha men la ui- ta standard, . The officials for the meet have not been selected, but -Watt Shlpman-of Sa lem -will iff all pro-abnityHserft-Tt-rr ATIOSTAX. 'lIAOim.- ft won. Lost TV, Nir Tork . . .. ,JS ... 1 0 3 PI ttaburg B - 4 - Chloaao . ar 0 PhlladelDhla . . 4 6 693 :tts tin Clnclnnatt1tLZIJ .42 Boston . ............. 5 Brooklyn lt "? .Vlir f"T0 .275 BU iajuis . 20 At Boston.- R. H. F. TTfWTork . ...---.... 16 -1 Bonton . . .. . . . . r, , ....2-0-1 Batteries Matthewson and Brenna- an: "Fraser and" Needha-n."' " Umnlre t -. -.,- .- -i. 15. nr. Louis ; i t Plttsburr . . 11"..... ..n...... .t t atterle Eean. -Warner and orad v: r janerty ajifl .-cariscn.jumpire o lay. Ll OincfauiatL JH.'K. ClnclnnU.t -0 . i . f . s o Chleaao . u.. i t-i r-v.- - - Schlel: Brlirgs and KJIng. Umpires Kl era and Emslie. ; j At Brooklyn. - 'B. H. E. Philadelphia .' 4 lil Brooklyn j- TVi . . . . ( J Batterl Oorrldon- and - Dootnr" E- son and .gutter. Umpire Bauswlne. AxxKioAir UAOxra. . ii -- Won. tost, P.O. Philadelphia i wii.r T- ChlcaKO.. . 7 .681 .644 .6S .600 .442 .413 .284 xsew xoms leveland ............ 7 Washington . . ..i...,. 7 St: Louis . letrolt : .liA. B Boston . . 4 10 -At Philadelphia. R. H. E. Washington T." . . Phlladelnhla . i .6 4 -"Batteries Hushes and Vtttre,1r. Coakley, Waddell and Schreck. At Detroit. r. k: H.K 0 6 0 .1. 0 12 "0 Petrolt . . . .- Louis . la t tsrlas- "-'"-I Thnmaa nd..Wnn; I Glade and Sugden. At Hew" Tork. v . R. H. n ...4 11 0 4 1 t (Journal Bpeclal Service. I Kansas City, M',' May 2. The twen ty-eighth annual shooting tournament began here today by the Missouri Stats Pish and Qamej Protective association promlaes to be the most successful over pulled off under the auspices of the as sociation. The liberal prises have at tracted many crack shots from vsrlous carta of the country and the card ot events Is an" excepttonaHy good on. AVTO OLD1 MJUBTUni. The Portland - Automobile club will hold a special meeting Wednesday Svan- ng at .8. o'clockIn the rooms -of - the Commercial club. Every member Is ex pected to be prevent. . j . : " " DVm BUWI WITH ATTZXk (Jooroal gpedal Service.) Sharon,' Pa., May 1. Abe Attel of San Francisco and . Jimmy- Dunne of Newcastle -feught-it-TOtrids to a draw here last evening. s rs omxax-rAj- yssaedy thad The Hcrplcldo Habit, Oanfal people bow esssidw It s Testy t sse s scaip propayiane, as It Ins am eleaaUi ss4 freedoai Cross Sssdraff wlarobss. Tka retTMMns saalitf aaCaaulalte traaraare mt llMkM1. RmU. k .k- ", Boston . . ............. 'v1 9 . r r t . .,........,. Hattories xouns and Urlger; Orth and Hogg. .- Newbro SsrpleUa Will tare It XorpioUe W1U lava It. - Too X-ta far. XUrsUUa. Dro $tsm,l M. Jt4 lOt. Stamyi. Is DEINCIDC CO., Itol. , inreil.Mkh.. lor urnoU appuoatzobs at nouniT sAsaaB uon.. FRISCO BAIL TEA"! ; VISITS THE FAIR Parke Wilson and His Men Visit :..-" Exposition Grounds and - : -TAre, Pleased, ----r.. : Tarke Wilson and hie biinoh of Seels arrived In-Portland this morning and left this afternoon for T aroma. ..where During their stay here Roscoe Miller. jimmy whaien. Johnny uochnauer, Joe Nea)on and Qeorgs -Wheeler Journeyed out to the ralr grounds and expreased themselves aa-delighted-' with the ap pearance of the site.- Boscoe Miller says be likes the looks of the local fair grounds tn-eb better-than the St Louis falr-f or to quoth him "Vou don't have to travel a thousand miles In covering the exposition grounds." -'--" :c"" -- of -the Bbsh nav Pri In this city before and Yhs ,newramers. WftUerg.1 iretron and Miller were delighted with roruana. Kid Mohler la not with the Seals on 4hlstrlp, ss he Is .gUU.on.tha hospital list, ana jtlarrj' Bpencer Is playing, sec ond base. - .-r Pttrka-WUson; -rhor lsTiirol-"favorlte here, since th-layr-wherr he Caught - .e- MCra-,p-oq--tfaa -hamplmi-yortlaridi bl 180 put la a good word for the Port' tflHjl r t " -.. v U4. ' "Have a little patience.' sald Parke, "and you will And that bunch of McCre dle'e up la the race.' They have the goods and when the weather warm a us a lll. jau. wiailnd. that-41arvlni Jene.-f -Tencn and sslck . will deliver the goods. --.-.... . ... I hear you are atlll after Jut "Wall T Arn't -.l.k -I..K . -it, -- - .. . j ,r mi j vau lucXham. afraid I don't like tb Idea of Portland getUng Hughes, for it might -mean curtains for ua You four good pitchers now snd with Hughes tnsi rorusuo ntae-would -eurely b hard "How about the Murohv-Perrlna In. crdeniffWllson was asked7 rr i . "Perrlne brought It on himself." saM Wilson, "for he took off hla nuk and invited Murphylo come on after Marty-j had made some remark, and rati kims MurPhxiaahot-he-ilftd fallow-when riled ana ne toog rerrlne at hla word. Mur phy completely lost his head and after beating the umpire, he rought the police officers. H waa like ST-raxy man iftor uiiung -errine tne nrst blow and noth ing could stop him. I am aorrv If hin. where Incomoetent offlrinla em. jly-d--PeBrlne never will ba an um- plre for the reason thst he uses no Judg ment and shows nartlalltv 10 wards. ai layers. Joe Corbett spoke highly of the Port land team and thlnka the- will i.niiin. two three;-Corbett picks San Portland and Tacoma aathe thr rst SPORXING pOSSIR.-- Is there a spot on earth where The Jlf of a ball player is safer Just think of those meek snd lowly . Quakara -flrin. eggs and staves and brM-as at the Irno - centr sen tlemanTv mni. ' - : -a Banker. . SDlendtd Ronton . t.--i. owned by 'Arthur T. Clark of Bait Lake City,-arrived yesterday and wnt-be' " ine nencn snow. Banker was beaten t Seattls -anil many , are -anxlous-to--se wnai judge Ashton wtll do with him. Grant Scotf-WOI-handle Banker W t. ClarJt : ".,'., Tho anmia horse sals of McTartV Son opened at Irvinaton track fhi. alar were present. The dogs will have their annual show this week. The doors will open at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. . -ajageTcCredles-id the Portland team left last evening for Seattle, where tney open a weeks encasement with Russ Hall's 84 washes tu.s afternoon. Bert Jones, Portland's crack southpaw. ui pucn . me .. opening . game. . whlla Skel Roach wW-tBlnt-op .. '; e e - ' When Portland tried to ret Roach ta sign up for this season, Skel said that he wanted4-get-nawlnnln- team. and turned the locals ... down, ust - at preaatit Portland -ur- slight' edge'on Seattle as a winning club. Saattle has secured First Baseman BUI Kemmer from f he "Toledo American association - team. -Ktmmtr played 2S games at .first for Toledo laat aeason snd had. a good record. Th acquisition of Jack Doyle from Portland caused the release of Kemmer, who was secured by Seattle. y will probably be . In . the jUTlli ITiTj srili nniwii' . ' . Saattle Is also said to b after a new second baseman, " as tne much-touted Johnny -Barns seems to b."m6re6r less of-a-gold-brick- this season. Sums never wss inucrf "hmerirsndr This season he seems to have fallen down in SIMIT XOOD The Schlllers team of this city went to Hood. River Saturday and with Llllls In the box shut the local team out with out a run. 14111a wss a pussle to the Mooa niver piayers and allowed them only one hit, while the Schlllers batted freely anq scored seven runs. The Cloverdale team defeated the Columbia drug store team In a 11-lnnlng gam -on Saturday by the score of 0 to 8. Batteries: Cloverdale Fisher, Paalr:And)vThqrnton.r Columbia drug aiore ateman ana nersonr oxjebkaic Benin m. .' (Special Dlspateh te Tba Journal.) Gresham, Or., May . 1. Oresham de feated Lents Sunday , by the score of 10 to 18. The batterle wore: Qreaham Llttlepage and Schmeer: Lenta Lackey. j-Uioti ana wood. i s - Herpicide "kills. the -HuadzmC isek a Bissau that tke "HsrvtelXs Bslrft" asaal lly Sacssea. A kalraaver tkat grew4 la swalaHtr, veugais laa jaaias ar im. ing Oa salr 11 lltBt sad taffy aDd r glrtag gloss-. Cures d-a ruff, stops It s sllksa fslllng bate. SS-Uratlea.. uivos ssiiarscnoa ana saaiiae tops Jtcsisg lasUStly. , GONE HI. The Portland ' rP-StTLANP.OREOON.- American Plan $3.00 ' Day. . ', '. i-4 UWPC : : HEArQt7ARTEB3 FOR TOTJR JSTS - AND COMMrRClAl. ' : TRAVELKKS. Bpeclal rates made to "families -"and single gentlemen. A modern ' Turkish bath establishment i UL. Thotal. " " .M. O. BOWIII, tanager ' SUMMER RATES o. w. r. m t. co. , -. . Hotel Estacada 1 X EFFECT vnrtM APtlT. ta. - 1xviln and BreakMat I 1.8 Kooiu aod koard per-week. . !, ' 15.00 HoemaBd board see- week tw rraona. SS.OO rlnmkfaat ...., ..,.....,.,.. .... .00 l.ane-eoa .,....,..,., ....i. ...... r .AO Ilnnr ." ,....-."....., .78 Children under I years aa4 ervaata. half rates. :"'.' . A- apecui ticket. lpcluu tmllas-W4pe- -n n-sr. r.m" . A aplal ticket. Inrlndlaa ' trolley 1 tries and ona day's bnard. t.1.00. t - Tlrkcta oa sale at the coaipaars efflee. -raST-l--A-faTU-Tt. - I r 'Vohe or writ XT" It M A RTtK BB. Maaif r. ' Hotel Eaton -Career Merrisea as4 irest Vsrk -trsetsi . .::y -NEW - --rp; Haadaoaieiy luruUbfd, elagaBtly .eqnlpped, -reproof, 4 minutes' walk from heart of ahopplus tod bualaaaa dUtrlct. all large, alrj, outside raotni. ateaa heated, aleetrle llshta, teleBBo-a In vara apartnwat. oto. ladlea' reveptloa parlon, . r aiall or telepboae. j . Prlw-t aaulbas Beats trains aad stsasMn Rooms $1.00 to fS.OO a Day , - Special Bates to ' Obmmsrelal . Mem. . ' ( Formerly ft - Hotel- Bdpat, gpokaaaT PALACI3-HOTE1 5 I 0 n it: B -- Whether ha goes by land or jwa, the -traveler will find it a delightful trip' to San Francisco, where he should stop at . the world-famed r 0 X and enjoy Its many attraa-thre-features." ' For fuller inf ormarhnr WTl.tt5.tO-i the Palace, or see I t I -t,a-jnBs.T- at the Portland Informa tion and Booking Agency, Hotel Portland. . 5, iaioH,a3Y-ivd : You Cannot Succeed In the business "world" If ""yon-are hot thoroughly trained. - Why not listen to a little sensible, straightforward talk en the subject? Call here and let us ex- plat-.' to you' the advantages to be de rived by taking a Business and Short hapd course. f ; .7. BehnKe-WJlicrBiislnc$j-College Sixth and Morrison Stau, Portland, Ore Open all' the year. Call or send for Catalogue. . .,: , ., f . ..... BL 100 ta the worst disease ea artta. yat the easleat to rare WUKN KOU KNOW WHAT ' TO DO. . Many have pi poison plre, spots on the skla, sons In the swath, alesre. falllag DSir, none peine. tarra. aad Ooa t- know It la BLOOD POISON. Brad to DR. BROWN, S Arch St., Philadelphia. Pena.. for BROWN'S blood n RH. . s 00 oar nottia: lasts month. Bold la Portland aaly by lYaaa Has. forUaaa 11-tal rnsrnisfy. r - . ..- - VOTIO-I TO A-KATrUSa., A I' ' " -.. All notices or amatoHt."..BMe.- Tfalf"MeCchartengea ahoT ath- lettc events must be sent to this office before o'clock a. m. on t he-dayfor pnblli-stlun. Ami4 teur-Tnanagersshould " pay at- d thls-rule. ji the keep- 1 Ing of It will Insure a proper report of their- doings, Th om-nal. ' " 1 , , Bozraro oo-ttbst at Bimn. (Bpeclal Dlspstch ta Tbe JoaraaU) Burke, Idaho, May I. -Barney. Mulr 11ns and "Indian" Joer3reeg will be. tha principals In fight to be pulled oft here. Wednesday hlght" It'"!!!! be . a 20-round -contest, straight Marqula - of Queenabury . rulea, for 05 and th per cent of the gat receipts and -a side bet Of 1100. ; Joe Oregg is In training In Wallace and Mulllns will be up from Spokane today to put on the finishing touches, Both are In excellent shape. The fight la at catch weights, but both men will welsh In at about 140 pounds. The nrlnclpals are wall known by rep utation throughout tho northwest. They have already fought two drawa,ono of them of 20 rounds in Spokane. - The fight hero will be under the auspices of the Burke Attuetio ciuo. - Mrro-cexxi wzu urnja. '" "" "(Special Dispatch M .Tbs Jonrasl.) Vancouver. B. C. May i. Charles Mitchell, ex-heavy weight pugilist, new managing Jabes White, will referee the Dan McLeod and Carkeek wrestling bout at Vancouver on May IS. Mitchell will arrive here on -day II, and White will accompany- lm,- :..-" COX.UlsIIA T. XZOX O-COOX-v The 'Columbia university .team Is scheduled to meet the crack Portland high school team at Twenty-fourth and Vaughn streets tomorrow, anerooon, Tha Columbia" team hag not been de feated this season and. the high school team Is playing a fast game. ' ronnn w. ' s-rrsaxsaa,' v ' ' .1; . Candidate for the. t- ' Republican nomTnstlon 6f. -"-CIT V TREASCRER. . .:, . , - - Chancefor People jofet he LWest I -TO OUT SOMS OP TSI BBtf BLOOD lit AmrBIOA OP TXX ' PA- - . aom TB-T-rzasaa PAOnro aiIiT..- . HAL:B.2:Q4tf -r? TOM HAL FAMILY -Star Potnter," Fanny lMllard. prr;'.i. t:0i A n sua ptn'g "TIal B., p. . . . . .'. , .2:04 -Hal. Pointer, p:....,...T.r.:04H .lal Dlllard. p...,. fi . rr. 1 :04 4 Star Hal. p. iriTim w 1:04 Morning Star, p. ......... .1:04 Ptrst dam llen ML f dam of Fanny Blue Boy, son of Blue Bull TS. sire of the dams of Princess Mouuette r'-'.r : - : 1 1 j- 1 !. ' ' 1 ' ,'; w - y j.-'vii rt.T r :. ) : - -K..f-.v v -r- ..T. m " 2:0H. Veta ,:094, Vltello 't:0Vk. tlanllI'P Z flai-lJ-ak-wyhr- M -Si4j--d-18t othsrs. -r" .. Eg - ----- ins report or tne committee oeieciea to.picg rrom tne uuvor--T-narei oooxea to uirect jiai, j:m vi. tne nve tw re awaraea zredLervice, and breeding record " and produce. Is as follows: 'v lat Ellen M. (dsm of Fanny DUlard z:0l, Jlal B. 2.04H). la-jintf-iiii or Angua --uuiier, - Sd Fanny Kgthorne. dam of Mprnlng Star. 1:04 m. ' , 1. dam of Mprnlng Star, X$"4. , f Strathllne.1 1:07S. y '.Jam e A. Jr Ik, 8:ftH!(hi . 4th ODhella. dam of Strathllne.l 41 ti -Miiggle lleswleyj '.Jam' e nm 15. 1a inrnrn rrjreaemxxva at ne great Tennessee pacing ram- -Hy-ever broughrTo'the Northwest and will be welcomed alike by lovers 01 extreme speed and lino family bre,-ZII ' """" "." " ; :-ir- The Ftt Stallion in the-West H. WIM No The best bred, best msnnered and fastest son of Hal Dlllard. 2:04 he the beat snd greatest nroduclnsr son of Brown Hal. 2:1 2 V4. full brother of Little Brown Jug. 1:11 V. the best and fastest-son a-t Tom -Hal, Jr, . (OlbeonsV-h th baat-nd greatt-prittcing son ef Tom Hal. Kttterl-. Tha recorda ahow you that.Jirof n lial,: J:imr grand . alra: of Hal . B., z:uH. to De tne greatest aire 01 extreme speed tne world naa yet Known. He is the sire of Bter Pointer, l:68Vi. holder of the worlds rare record -for pacers 1- also, tha worlil'a record against Umewlthout)acemJta-l. "front or wind shield r-and the average-speed of T iftr-1. 30-and eons and daushtera of Brown Hal la faster than that. of any other aire, llvlna fjpr Jded,. as,foilown J- -I .lm.......,-.r..,.l:S".i II . 10 us. .............. .s:un s-so . .80 to.. 8 1078-80 II Those records are more surbrlsln a- were prejudiced against pacers, consequently Brown -Hal snd the Hal' B fsmitf- did not receive r TAlnnrsr or ht ti-nr mares: ThtnirrBeTSThairrii euoras wouici stanu jiaa pacers o-en nai b. s nrav oa lam Is hv Blt B"V, len M.. the fastest producing descendant of Blue BulIBrdam -of Hal s:vw, ana -ranius iiiiaru, s:voin, also bolder of tha world's record fo i.vtt, ana rannis uniaru, i;vn, U -fastest full brother and -sister ever ivr hi iu yskcri in iibi. The aire- of Blue Boy is Blue Bull 75.' and the second dam of Hal B. 'l-tv T11a -A maVfnm Vlln Xt ,lm A J.I U . - a.,KI --.4-.. -K - ter of Blue Bull 75, sire of 40 tn thlat. and of IT-sires with 420 tn thw' list, and or io dams wun t2 in the net. This Blue null cross has pro- ' duoed the fastest and greatest mare In the world today, Lw)fHnrl ;t II also Prince Alert. 1:67. both their grand dama being by tits ai eat "pacing" sire, Blue Bull 75. - . . HAL B.. as horsemen know, was the sensational pacar on tha Grand Circuit In winning 114.840.00, the-greatest money - winning harness horse, either trotter or pacer, of the year, and not losing a race. He la a beautlful mahogany bay,-no white.- Stands 14 hands! high, perfectly sound In every particular, grand disposition, good mane and tail, and fine-' looker and actor In harness.. .- t .." " He will be In th stud at - - " " ' Irvington Track, Portland, From M ay 1 to July-l E - -- Terma-tSO-seaaon. with usual retura arivllaaa---" " ' -' P! (QlLJe-C&jivn'n. .. - - . Bs-MWMMlMMIM-taaiCTlllE-111 Tho Official Ball oi the PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE PALDING Ofliclal League Ball Spildinf,Tuf(icijrii ail faoiac tor ivt Edited by- IL-Chad-- wick. i Tiia. laraeat and moitlco m pi e t e uulde . ever pud llahed. Pictures of cords of ail tne leagues, the official plsylngs rules and art tries of Interest Price, 10 cents. Spaldl g'l Minor lugtt M 1411 hOldC Edited by T. K. Murnane. The.'omclal hand book of the Na tional Association o I proiessional Baseball. Leagues. . Contains an Inter. eating article on Portland baseball. written' by W. a. Send MacRaa, i Ao-G.SpddingCa Dros. 124 Geary Street. Winners of the Special Award (superlor fo-5 th-randPflae)- and the " Oranit"" Prise at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, Bt.tUls, U04, In competition with the leading manufacturers of the world. y, wiiiiii Simple arrangement ru red tap select your watch, pay fifth down. Many atyles," several sizes, '.all high clasa... Na other house can duplicate the pricethe goods are guaranteed.-' JYouH not miss the dollar a week which you -,. ...u..t Most llseral advaaeas ma4a sa all artlolos ef value at lew rate t bitarsat. Private eatraaae ea fine at. PAY THE RELIABLE LOAN OFFICE ;..,.,-..... "At aurucABuS 'am na waxb naaM." 'l b. HoczMAN, pro. ,..'6 1 Third Street, Cor. Pine Now In Portland -Sired by Hal Dillard 2:041 - M f t-4HT --Mai -Clipper-; -3 ?Sr Cam- hrla -Mald.?:08.ksDa--"othars.- QT-tBJl TO PAinnr bzxuuu, tuyA. V II H Dlllard 1:08 V.' Hal B 2.04U). by" Second daw Pnnoll.-jbyHIue Bulf Ti; 2.08W. Alhambra i:0S4 Kaeaell-I H 2:07. - SI A. J.-Twl r Te Hobbles or Weights - : - . ' la.. JaTr(iri-stn4 B-S ;" -; .is in..... M ... a tor a-o S5 In...... V.w.BO0 tl-85 - from the fact, that many neonla uier ars:iooajb aire of two" in-ti-"!lat and of K1-- woria a racw recora jor pacing raarea; or a two-heat race. 2:05 i:o&4. and the foaied and of one sire, with ona trot-" , . HARRT 08MANrKeper7-' .SUtlon B, PorUand. Or. - 0-MaiM-lM8B-!ai - -- i.....A " It will be used exclusively In all fameg by the PORT LAND TEAM ...- A tut Uti Eacyclopt' In Spalding's Ath-, letlo Library thera- are -published the followlna- rionlca nn ba .-K.ll prl"T "xents each: No. 210. BasaBsU Per- - ceatate Book. Ke. 2M. , How te Bat. No. 224. How to Flsy the OutflMd. Ke. 225. How. to Plsy rirat Bax.. Ko. ZM. How te Plsy Beooi I Bsse. Ko. 227. How te Play J Third Base. Ko. 2. How to Plsy Shortstop. ' No. 22. . ilttw to rstr-h. -. No. 2.10. How to Pltrk. - No. 231. How to I'm- . - plre; How ta Catchi- -' How to Caotala a - Team; How to Orgs a- I sV M Af0 Wa for a Copy of Spalding's Zllns-Ko. 2X2 How te Bus' .trated, Catalogue It's f rea. the Basse. San Francisco, California. LATER