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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1905)
' v THE OREGON SUNDAY JOUrJJAL. TCr.riAirD. CUIIDAY MOIUHNO. AllL 11 IZ, ' T sataawss ; rTTTHB long-awaited relaxation, hH , - -. com t last and society has A "doffeaMta sackcloth and ashes y ,.'.., nd ( mos wore gay. - Th r act lorn U strong, and th week baa been full of activity. Perhaps. nftr U. there Is method In this madnres. Se curing co-tumera. tailors, a "'"'" or anything of that sort and getting the desired mult In the frocks' la a nercu 4 lean task In Itself, though requiring mora persistence and tact than muscle. -i. i. . for this, and o does well ttfgetfanythlng new by the tint thai ' 1 aeason reopens. .. "iwouia w of the question to appear In publio in ' ..w-im rb when all the World la In ' new dress, and th simplest solution Is to remain lndoorm.- uui wbm of glory greets tba yihn th go!n out doea comraenca. ' -Probably mor beautiful creatlona -Jh gowna and bon ' seta have been aeen the paat week, thaa at any Mm la tba. paat in roe muiuu-. And certainly no one can complain of lack of chano to display her new lory. ' Th Old Ladlea' home teaAon Kaatar Monday was a dassllnff scene of Debt ' and color. Th Invitation wer rener v - usly responded to, and spring seemed Jo be in the air. : The Soottiah rite ball Thursday even , ' In was another event that called out It waa a brilliant affair, enjoyed ' by aiL Moat -of tba olher affairs were mora Informal, but every on had op Dortunltr to ko and. to go Oftan.iT- " fk Easter and after-Eaater wadding wer popular thla year, and a number of Important ones war solemnise a. n clety people will be glad to welcome Dr. and Mrs. K. A. J. Mackansl. who were married In Spokane. Wednesday. Mr. , Mackenzie waa well known hare la aoclul ' ' circles as Mrs. Browa, and ah la prom . litent In society Spokane. iMls Badte Breen, daughter of Mr, anofMr. B. X ' Worth In rt on, of this city will pot return ' her to live but her many friend were Interested ! her merrier Thursday evening to W. A. Worthtngtoa of Chi cago. Th wedding took place in Bacra - meoto, where Mira. Wortblngton and bar ; daughter have been spending th winter. Th bride ad groom returned In a prl, ' vate car with Mr. and Mrae-B. A. Worth lngton to Portland where they will pass r a part of their honeymooa. Tba groom - l a brother of Mr. Worthlngtoa of Port ' lapd. :- ' ' . '.'-. -i Tennis la revived with the adven of aprlng weather. Sunrise walks, too are y becoming a fad. and a abort time ago a - -.1 band of Portland academy girls went to . Council Croat to see the aanrlse. It Is hard to resist the' aprlng weather, and : the extra energy must be worked ff '. through athletic or walking. ' Tbe art museum has been visited by ; crowds of art lover who tiave gone to ' ' see the photographio exhibit, and have . . grown enthaaiaatlo aver It Almost '. ' every on goes back, - - I EVENTS OF THE WEEK. ' . The opening of the after Lent aeason has come to center Itself la Importance ! "f i about , the Easter Monday tea, " given ' annually at the Hobrat-Curtla by the ' : Old ladiea' Home aooiety. It baa be J com a very brilliant and fashionable event and is a fitting return to th ' brightness of the remaining aeason. This " t'i year th affair outshone all th pr ceding teas, and compllmenta were beard on ail side for ' th . skill fn I arrang ' meat. . th exoellent entertainment and ..the exqulilt beauty of eeo ration and gowna. .. ' . The Tuesday Afternoon club met last ' week at th home of Mrs. Otto Ulrach, 4 Sixth street. An a la bo rite luncheon '.was served by the hostess at 11:10 r o'clock. Assisting her wer Mrs.' Mer- -1 win Pugh and Mrs. Floraac E. Btal - ' linger. Th table and rooms wer deeo- rated with snowballs. Jonquils and ; .fema. Mre. E C. LaBarra and Mrs. K. ' "C Stewart wer guests of tba hostess '. ' and' of tbe club, Th subject of study waa tne arama. Tba origin and devel : opment of tbe drama were discussed by : Mrs. Florence K. Stalllngs. Mrs. War , ren 8. White dlscnsaed the passion Play and gave a review of 'The--Shepherd's . , i-iay; Mrs. r. m. Miles discussed the saints play and reviewed "8L Nicholas;" Mrs. Merwln Pugh, th miracle plays 7 and reviewed Creation;'' Mra. O. M. .. Glines, the morality play and reviewed - "Mankind;- and Mra. A. J. Stile re viewed "King John." Theetezt meeting of the club will be with Mrs. Dunham, ; Eaat Forty-flrst and a In ton" streets, : Tuesday. May . Professor H. H. Herd . man of the English department of Port . ; , land academy will deliver a lecture on r Thr Literary Achievement of th Eng. . , lUh People.- Thia will close the year's ' .work for th club. , , . , . . :)C-. w- 7l::''' ; On of the enjoys bl events of th ' ek , waa the social meeting of tbe I Iwls society at tbe home of th prtc -! , Ident. John M. Lewis, 0 East Askeny , street. Friday evening. April Jl. The . rooms war beautifully decorated with - a profusion of flowers. Games and ; muslo filled In rb time agreeably. -f ! Dallclpaa- rfrhmcnta wer served by ; i" tb hoeteaa, Mrs. John M Lawla, assist : ad by th Miss Edith end Ion Lewis, ,i nd Mrs, Viola Lewis Hayea. Those ...' Praaeat wer Mr. and Mra. Charle A. ! Lewla, Cyrus T. Lewis. Andrew T. Lewla, Mlaa Elisabeth Lewis, Andrew ' Oacksoa Lewis, Mr. and Mra. Harmon A. J Lewla, Fred W. Lewis, Miss Edna '. Lewie, Miss Mattie U-Lewis, Mrs. M. ;rr$ Iewis Ueming. Charles A. T. Lewis, jr, Mra. o. B. Iicwta, Miss Abby. A, & T writ i . . . . ... : . V - mrm. vr. M. xewis, , ; Mra. L. W. Lewis, Miss Vest Lewis, . . ' Mra Ida M. Lewis, Miss Lett F. Lewis, Miaa VloU Lewis, Hayes, Miss Nellie . u V, Cogswell, Mr. and Mrs. John M. r . Lewis, Mia Edith Lewis, Mlaa lone i Lwla and Wade V. Lewis. ' Corlnthtaa chapter. No. E4, Order of - : Eastern Bur, gar an enjoyabl enter - talnment at their ball last week. A . . ; large number of friends were la attend . i ance. MUs May Belle Namea gave Robert J. Burdette's Tb Let - flu Btakts,- and her reading was excellent . "fMIsa Anna English gav a IoUn solo. aweet Bpirit. Hear My Prayer." which waa very well received. Selections from Verdi's" and Don! seal's opera were given by Madame and Slgnor Ferrari and Ralph Go wan Lock, tenor, Mr. Oowanlork also gave a solo, and the orchestra cloeed th fin program with a number of selections. Refreshments were served In th supper room. . w '. Mrs. Fred Seller entertained the Sat urday Afternoon Whist club yesterday at ber home, I4 Davis street. - . w : ' - A delightful card , party waa that given by Mra. M. COhn, Mrs. B. Bchwarts and Mrs. Msg O. Coba for St gveat laat week. Tb game played waa too. ' Th deoo rations of tbe. room wer brilliant; 'colored .. incandescent nestled among the green of, tbe fes tooned garlands draped from corner to earner. Srallax portieres separated the rooms and were looped bacs: gracefully with knots of iniee. Aa Orrheetre, In 1 Mr-hatt -glrwvg -played-threugti out 'the aftesneon. Tb prise war a handsome rat glass olive dlah. a silver bon-bon bolder and a hand -painted plate.. The I ' rl I 'II . SI : -T Mr. nd Mrs. J. E. Jona, Married at Ui tabor. --'v '. conaolatlons wer small Indian baaketa ful of oandy. Elaborate refreshments wer served after cards In. the dining rooms, larg centerpieces of lUiea and frn decking the tablea. . MuMcal 'numbers' wer given at Inter vals throughout th afternoon and were highly appreciated. Mis Helen Mao- Ewsn's piano, numbers -Etude dr Con aert- (Chophi-r- and "The Butterfly,' were given with much Individual charm. W. Q. Hodadon," tenor, gave an old Welsh song,. "Ml Through the Night," and "Drtaik to Me Only With Thine Eyes. Lady Anna von Rlggensvard la a new contralto here and made her first ap pearance Monday. - She sang a 'gneup of folk songs of Beveden. . and .. easily pleased her audience, with her sweet voice end pretty Interpretation. Dr. W. M. Campbell followed with, two bari tone solos. , Anton Zllm'a -Seen da Ballet" , (Blerot), on th violin, was excellently rendered. ' " 'Lui , About 10 members of the George Wright corps and poet, accompanied by several friends, spent a' delightful even ing at the new home of Mr. and Mrs. Pferdner, on Overton street. Wednesday evening, and participated in th "house warming." Much admiration was ex pressed by the guest for .the arrange ment Of the house, . Tablea were ar ranged for those whs wished to play hist. Instrumental and vocal music war enjoyed. Th ' president or the corps, Mrs., Packard, ' with appropriate remarks, presented Mr. Pferdner with a set of china dishes, m present from the corps. ' Refreshments were '. served - at 10:10 o'clock. Tbe East and West Bide Lewis and Clark Whist club waa entertained last Tuesday evening by Mra. A. 8. Globe, 44t Market street. The rooms were very pretty with dogwood and snowballs In prolusion ana streamers ana pen nants In th national colors. At whist prises were awarded Mrs. R, P. Gra ham and Professor Draper. Refresh ments were, served at tb card tablea. th nieces of th hostess. Miss Frames Clay, Miss Alma Noon and Miss Grace Watkins. assisting hen Th club will meet next time with T. Reed and tbe Misses Reed in Irvington. . , Mis Cornelia Wilson entertained th Wishbone Wnlat club. Thursday evening, at brr home, J2 Thirteenth street. A few cut flowers In vases made the rooms attractive. At whist Stanley James re ceived first prise, and Ous Cramer the consolation. Refreshments were served at th card table. Mra Wilson assisting the young hoetess. Muslo passed away the remaining time pleasantly. ' Miss Gladys Grenler and Ous Cramer wr guest 6f " the "veningr" Stanley James 111 entertain the club May 11 at mi home, 11 Thirteenth street - s vs , w A number of the younger society set gave a delightful German at tbe golf links last Wednesday. About SO couples were In attendance, and It was on of th pleasantest events of th season, Among those present were, Mr. and Mr Hunt Lewis. Miss . Nan Wood. Miss Burns, Miss Kathleen Burns. Miss Patsy Bryan, Mias'Miralm Strong. Mlaa Alio Slbson, Miss Susie Stott. Miss Kauris King, Miss Amy HslUhu. Miss France Lewis. Chester Murphy. B. C Ball. An drew Kerr, Dr. Herbert Nichols, Rodney Gllsan. Walter Beebe, Bert vMackay, Tom Robertson, George. Warren. .... ? .... w -.. a wntlfln ett iven efc the First Presbyterian church Wednesday even ing In honor of the members who nave been receiver since - tne ; evangelistic meetings. There was a large attend ance, and an exceptionally fine program of music waa given. Miss Edainga, Mrs. Fletcher Linn and Miss Grsos OU bert gave songs, which were highly ap preciated and the Mens Resort, male quartette, . gave some numbers. - Punch was served at two tables throughout the evening, and members of the Young Women's Missionary society of the church, which had charg of th recep tion served It .,' . Mrs. C. E. B. Wood, charmingly hand some in sn embroidered gown of ecru. hostess in the dining-room; Miss Failing, also gowned in ecru and white, assisted her- In receiving. Tea wss poured end served by Mrs. Allen Lewis, In 'white embroidered moussellne; Miss Msy Falling, la dotted Swiss snd lace Insertions; Miss Lwls, In white em broidered chiffon cloth, end Mrs. Ernest Tucker, In white ' embroidered crepe. Tbe girls who sssisted in serving wer Mine Thalia K nil on. Miss Lisa Wood. Miss "Mnrgsret Morrison! and, MlsiTjose- phlne' Smith, y . ! :. '::. ': ... In th reception rooms much admira tion waa accorded the'"' daintily con structed candy and lemonade tablea Mra. O. F. Russell presided at th candy table.. and the color scheme of lllao and white eras sustained throughout even In the assistants' costuming. Lilscs snd whlts satin ribbon made ,th table at tractive, and Mrs. Russefl'wore a white gown with a lilac-wreathed white hat Miss Ruth Maxwell, wearing with a hat of violets, and Miss Harriet Calkins, whit wool and a whit hat assisted her. ' I . ' ww Mrs. George McBride. radiant la white Just cloth, mad a pretty picture at the lemonade table, with ber aasltsnts, Mrs. D. A., Schlndler, Mrs. Frederick . A. Bykes.end Miss Hoyt sU la white.' A huge block of Ice wss used es a table. and the yellow dalsiee frosen In It made a prnty design."" "The 4)unch "bowl Treated In a hollow In the center. Yellow broom branches were banked about tha' base et the block, sad colored lncandr scents i i 4 lighted tht whole from below, giving a brilliant effect'' ' yvC, ": ' v ' Mrs.' P. Johnson entertained a number of friends st dinner Thursday 'evening at her residence. South Mount Tabor, In honor of her husband's birthday. The occasion waa all the more Interesting as It was the anniversary of th birthday Of two of th 'guests, W. B. Pennyodok and Charles Neblin. A mdkt enjoyable evening was passed. "" Those" present were! 1 Mr. and-Mrs. Pennyeook, Mra An ton I son, Mr. and Mra. Elliott Mr. and Mrs. Larson, Miss Larson. Mrs. Wing. Walter Johnson. T. Angeles, . -. j. . . .':::;;:. Mrs. Alan Welch Smith entertained the Monday History club at her home, 47S Tenth street last week. . The program consisted ef two papers connected with the year's subject of Oregon history, -Malheur County." by Mrs. 11. M. Grant and "Th Oovrnors of Oregon," by Mra. R. S. Grant The ' program for next year waa discussed, and It waa decided to make Russia the general subject for study. Tbs club will give a trolley party to Estaoada, May S3. The next meeting wttl be with Mrs. Tipton at Mount Tabor. . t ; ' -.,.. 5 ' '.'.' v . Mlaa- Mildred Riggs entertained her little friends last Saturday afternoon la honor of hex tenth birthday at ber home. 71 water street An - enjoyabl .after noon was spent with muslo. and games. Miss Mildred, who Is sa accomplished entertainer, gav some very clever reci tations and danced the sword dance. At I o'clock delicious refreshments were served In the dining-room. Those pres ent were: Rita Dewly. Lets Huf faker. Anna - Newby, Virginia Newby, Evelyn Segal. Edith Cox and Viola PhllllpL Mrs. L. A. Whittlesey of T7S North rup street entertained the Kensington club of th Unitarian church laat week. Mrs. a J. Burrage of Colorado, formerly of Portland and an active worker of th church, was ths guest of honor, and talked very Interestingly of her work. Mra. W. H. Patterson, who has just re turned from. Honolulu, gave an enter taining account of her visit- Refresh ments were served late In the afternoon and Mrs. W. H. Patterson assisted th hostess. - v -.'--..-. - - . The Progress . club waa riven a de lightful automobile ' party - Monday through the klndnesa St Mrs. Henry W. Goddard. The afternoon was spent in visiting street of Interest on both sidea of the river. The party was finally left at the hohie of Mra Ev EX Coovert on th east side, when refreshments were served snd dispersed after a pleasant afternoon. The guests of th club were Mrs. A. W7 Goddard and Mrs. J. E. Bennett . . Th musical program was conducted by Mrs, Fletcher Linn, and when her charming soprano was heard In "The Maida of Cadis." she waa warmly ap plauded. She gave Nevla's "Nightingale Bong" In encore. Mrs. Anna Belklrk Norton sang Tostl'a "Penso" la Ital ian, and ' before shs was allowed to giv up her plaoe aha had to sing -Chanson -da Florlan" (Oodard), and "Speak, Muslo" (Elgar). Mrs. P. J. Mann, president of th so ciety, and Miss Edith Nicholson, vie president received the guests who swarmed Into th reception rooms dur ing the receiving' hours till 'k o'clock. Mrs. Mann waa gowned handsomely In white satin brocade and lace, and Miss Nicholson In lilac brocade. The mem bers of the board aoted as parlor host esses. Introducing snd disposing the guests. :.-'-':.v. :,. ' '",.. Th Baracs. class of Calvary Baptist church gav a pleasant reception Fri day evening In. honor of the PhUathea class. . Rev. A. L. Black, organiser of tbe Baraca class, told how the first Baraca class waa organised In Syracuse, New York. Classes are found all over the world now. ? A very- Interesting pro gram was rendered. About ' 71 were present. Refreshments were served after tbe program. Mrs. Frank Hart 'entertained at cards Informally laat week at her beautiful home at "Riviera. ' Bridge was the amusement for tbe afternoon.- Among her guests were! Mrs. Arthur Mlnott Mrs. John ' Eben Young, Mrs. Ernest Tucker. Mrs. Walter Burrell, Mrs. J. Wesley Ladd, Mrs. l Allen Lewis, Mrs. William Muir, Miss Hoyt Miss Blbaon; Miss Von latlnon snd Miss Lewis. rank M. - Warren gave an elaborate springtime luncheon at her home on Park avenue and St. Clair street Friday afternoon. Covers were laid for SO quests at small round tables about ths rooms. Kach table was decorated with a different variety of spring blossoms. Including th narcis sus, tulips and pansles. The menu wet delightful , . . Ths Daisy Whist club was entertained last Monday evening by Mr. snd Mrs. F. W. Orth, S3I Cole Street. Prises wer awarded Mrs. K. HickJIng and W. Lehman, while the consolation fell to Miss Claxton.' Refreshments wer terved at th card tables, alias Jtipanda Kiesllng assisting the hostess. The club wll be entertained by Mr. 'and Mrs. w. iiogg at Bunnyslde, Monday, May I. - ; v i .;. .. .. ww ' On of thS pleasant events of th week waa th party given by Charles Mans f leld. io hooot of hla. friend, Osorge H. Clark, who leaves for Hood river to morrow to Join hi brother. The party was arranged as a surprise tn Mr: Clark and, such,' was a complete success,; Mrs. Mansfield and. daughters served dainty refreshments, and th young people spent a very merry evening. ' Mrs. J. W. Sweeney entertained the "Jolly Whist Club" at her borne, 6S1 Irving Street On Friday and a pleasant afternoon was spent. Mrs. Willis Fisher oaptured first prise Wnd the consolatloa fell.lo Mrs. WiUlam Klumnlpp. The next meeting will take . place at-the home of Mrs. Frank Le grand. 107 Holly street . v . ' Miss I Bernard, manager of the Olds, woriman As King apparel department. very pleasantly entertained 4. of - the women In her employ at a theatref party at uie tjoiumoia on wecnesaay evening. Th party was given In compliment to Miaa counties, who leavss this week for New xork. . . '"' ' ' w"w Mrs. John Eben Young ' entertained very . informally Friday afternoon for miss aseaa. wno nsa reoentir returned from th east to spend the summer in Oregon. Ths guest were: Miss Mead. Miss Flanders, Miss Myrlck. Miss Hoyt Miss Von Destloon, Miss Olga .Von uesunon. . , - Mlaa. Alio Bow, a student at Port land academy, gav a delightful hense party' to about It of her. academy friends at her country home at Carlton Jast week. The good tlmV lasted from Bst urdayUo. Wednesday of the spring vaca Uon wee. : . . .. - .' .;....,.:.;; Th Friday Afternoon Brlds chib met laat week with Mrs.- Alan Welch Smith at 47S Tenth street Th rooms . wer very pretty with quantities of yellow Scotch broom in old brass and Indian baskets. Dainty refreshments , . wer served at th tables after cards. -' - . w ; -. " w, it .' i t ,' The Ohio society, met at the Knlshta of Pythias hall. Marquam building. Fri day evening. After a musical program a social hour followed and refreshments were served. , r s " ' - 'U if - '.'. Ths regular sewins meetins nt tha Oorg-Wrtght Relief Corp waa held Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. rrerdner, on Overton street between Twenty-first snd Twenty-second streets. . w it Miss Lou Flanders cava an elaborate birthday dinner Friday te 11 of her girl friends. - -.. v 4- ..... i. i. '" A pretty Easter weddln--took mm at St Lawrence church, Wednesday, at i o uvea, wnen itnna jnarie, daughter- of Mr. and Mra. N, A. Schaaen, waa united in marriage to Walter W. Wilson. Be fore the ceremony Mrs. Guv Halfart-. cousin ' of ths groom, ssna Wilson a Smith's 'Thou Art Like Unto a Lovalv Flowar.f accompanied on th organ by George Houghton, who played th wed ding march. . Th bride entered th church on th arm of her , father, and " .iuvcq wj mibi aiuie enaw ana her little sister Toots, who acted as ring bearer. Rev. John C Hughes read the ceremony. t L-l---- - , .. The bride was beautifully aownod In white organdl over taffeta, silk trimmed elaborately with handsom lac. -Sh wore a long tuU veil and carried a shower bouquet of Bride rosea and lilies or ins vaiiey, , , tb bridesmaid. Miss Maxle Shaw, cousin of the groom, was oaintuy gowned in pink, and carried an armful Of alnk MMhlula mrtA f.M. Ths groom, who is first lieutenant of company B. O. N. G.( was alJtended by Harry Ormandry. Aftsr the oeremony the relatives and a few immediate friends went te the home sf ths bride's parents, vIS Lincoln street, where n dalnty,supper waa served, and later a re ception was given. Ths house ws,s beau tifully decorated with garlands of ever green and bunches of white snowballs. Tb bridal party stood beneath larg wedding , bell of . whit roses. The bride's mother was assisted in receiving Dy Mrs. m. wuson, mother or th groom, snd Miss Sadie Irahoff. Punch waa served by Ml-Bairy0ntoir; In th dining room Mrs. Gannon, assisted by Mrsi Ed Sohaaen, Mf a -Henry Banser and Mis Gannon, graciously presided at th table. . r . - Mr. and Mra Wilson will be st home after May 1 la . their new home. 111 Front street - it it ' '-." ' On Wednesday evening, at th horn of Mrs. 8. W. Klpllnger, n very pretty wedding was celebrated in the presence of relatlva and Intimate friends of th contracting parties, aben Miss una B. Klpllnger became the wife of Odavllle Yates, Jr. Tbe ring ceremony waa read by Rev. O. W. Plumer, of the First Eng lish Evangelical church, y Th horn was tastefully decorated, palms. Eaater lilies and. White carnations with a bank of Oregon, grape making a rich effect In tb back parlor, where tbe ceremony was performed. Th front parlor waa In pink carnations. - Th wedding party stood beneath a canopy of smllax. from which swung danty clus ters of lilies of the valley and ferns. Tbe bride waa attended by Miss Grao Ditsler, and the, groom by H. P. Linn. C S. Bradford gave th brid away. The party was 'preceded by two little boys, Paul Bradford, nephew of the bride, and Virgil Yates, brother ef tbe groom. In whit suits, carrying baskets of pink carnations. , Miss Maude Smith played Mendelssohn's wedding march. I ' The bride waa charmingly eostumad in whit pearl rajah silk, and carried a shower bouquet of Bride roses. The bridesmaid waa prettily gowned In French oellne and carried pink carna tion. . After the ceremony .and congratula tions a dainty luncheon waa served by Mra C 8. Bradford, sister of the bride. assisted by Miss El ma Pish and Maude Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Tstes will be at home to their friends at 414 East Mar ket street ;.. " w w A . wedding of some prominence In Oregon City was solemnised Wednesday SVertlhil.' wheh"Mifes Kate Mark of that place becama the bride of Charles Bluhm, now of . Portland. The cere mony was pronounced by Rev. It Bol linger In th Congregational church, in the presence .of several hundreds of friends. '.. Th church was profusely decorated wltly-rmalden-halr fern, Oregon . grape, Solomon seal and white carnations. Miss Veda WUliams played tbe wedding marc and four of the bride's young friends were ushers MUs Hlldah Ma Ollky, Miss Buchanan, Mis Cheney and Mlsa Ethel Albright All wer gowned In blue silk organdie. Mlaa Echo Samp son, gowned In blue chiffon and carry ing pink carnations, attended tbe bride. The bride herself wore white chiffon, with the veil and orange blossoms, and carried a shower of white carnations She entered on the arm of her father. Little Alice Bollinger and Shannon Pet tlnger were' flower girls, dressed all in white. They carried baskets Oiled with whit flowers. , K- reception wag given arterwera "it the home to about 100 guests. The decorations wer green and white, with rones snd carnations everywhere. " With too oriue ana groom jar. ana innj'i. M. 1 y.': WEDDINGS.- V A -- - " -- n.. w warn . fe a . -nriia , - 1 1 1 - - wk Mmtm uiwh -.aav t iu Charles Bluhm and Hie Mark received ' In an alcove -window, draped with lavender ribbons; ths lamps and candles had lavender shades. In th dining-room elaborate refresh menta wer eerved. 'Tb table was beau tiful with Si hug pyramid 'of white rosea, broken at Intervals wtth,wender fleur-de-lis. Lavender lights here, too, added to the pretty effect Mra Sarah A. Evans served salad at the 'table, and th four girl ushers assisted. Punch was served in th reception-room by Mrsi-Pettlnger. v ; . Mr. and Mra. Bluhm came nntnedl ately to Portland, where they have i home. - Many Portland friends attended the ceremony, among there Mr. and Mrs, Crasser snd Mr. and Mrs., J. L. Wicker- sham. ''. ..'.-.. '.''. . Miss Luells O'Dell . and Felix Die! Schneider were . married Wedneaday evening at the home of the bride's parents,. SM Twelfth street Rev. Wil 11am 8. Gilbert read th ceremony, Miss' Bf fie Hlghsmlth was' bridesmaid and Christ Anderson groomsman. ,. Mlsa Amii Jonas played th wedding march. . Ths house was elaborately decorated with greens and whlts rsses snd carna tions. Ths brlds was gowned in white organdl and carried Bride roses, snd her meld, also . In white, carried-pink carnations. An elaborate cupper was served after . the ceremony, and the evening was .spent " pleasantly - with muslo, .. V - v Miss, Mstl.-ys4--4ioqten andr JrR Jones wer married Friday evening, April SI, at the home of the bride's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Beals, C2S East Oak street. Rev. William E. Ran dal). of Central Baptist church, offici ated. ' The ceremony was very quiet and simple, only a few relatives being In at tendance. ' Tb brld wore her traveling costume of gray and carried Bride roses. A supper was served, cut iiowers aeo- oratlng tb table prettily. Mr. and Mrs. Jones will be st homs after May X at East Eleventh street ' A quiet wedding took plsce st the home of. Mr. 'snd Mrs. R. Parrlsh of Hay Creek Wednesday evening. April It. when their daughter Florence and" C i Knox Cooper were united in mar riage. - The ceremony waa performed by Rev. Mr. Jeonett of the Methodist Episcopal church of Prineville, in the presence of a number of relatives and friends. Mr. Cooper Is In 'business In Portland and will bring his bride her to reside. '.;,',' --" i '.-',- '-w ' - ' Mrs. Emma' Nichols was married to Louis C. Dunn, Easter morning at the home of O. H. Hatfield. St North Six teenth street. -Rev. C. W. Hays read the ceremony Tbe wedding was quiet ana was- witnessed oy out a zew rela tives. After a breakfast Mr. and Mrs. Dunn left for a trip through Washing ton. They will -.return shortly to re main in Portland11 until after the fair. and thencs will go to Oklshoma. to make their bom.- ; - ' f ' Miss Augusta Cnates and Ralph Meal were married in Marshall Street Pres byterian church on Eaater Sunday at nOon. Rev.- C. W. Hays .officiated. . Only few friends of the bride snd groom wer present but tbe wedding was a very, pretty one In the midst of the beautiful Easter decorations. ' . .y "MUSlCArNOTES." Mrs. pigs Bartsch-Lang gave a highly successful i musical at - her home Wednesday evening. The program was: "Nocturne" , (Lenxa-Lynes, double quartet from Tuesday Afternoon club Miss Alice Mulford, Mrs. W. Q. Carty, Bliss Llillsn FarrelL Miss Llllyn Glen denning, Miss Mamls Fryer. MIsS Lil lian Croasman. Miss Ethel Powers, Mrs, Olga Bsrtsch-Leng; "Carmena" (H. Lane Wilson). "The Wind Is Awake, (Harriett), Miss Helen E. Lnoaa; "As the Dawn (Cantor). -For Love of Tou" (Hastings). C. T. Tinker; "Plav Song" (Del Rlego). "The First White Snow drop" (Bunning); afiss Llllyn Glenden nlrig; "Over the Ocean Blue" (Petrle), "I Know of Two Bright Eyes" , (Clut sam). W. Hansen: 'Vherette" (Raeckel), -Gavotte In Grav" (De Koven). . Miss Irene Stokes; "The ; Miller's Wooing" (Fsnlng). "Tbe ; Nightingale and the Rose" (Lehnert); Miss Helen E. Lucas, Mrs. Olga BartrhLang, C'M. GodXrey, C T, Tinker; "My Dear JerushyfeiOsy. nor). Miss tJUlah Croasman; "Ter) Her I Iyv Her Bo". D Fye). "Love's Eler- nltv" fRnlolU. A Ct Whllimik' '"Th. whttemah 8 wee test Flow'rThat Blows" (HAwley) Oregon City Bride. "When the Rosea Bloom" (Relckardt), Miss Eth) Powers; "Hooks and Eyes" (Roeckel),- "My. True -Love's Eys" (Wooler), C. M. Godfrey: "Cradle Song" (Brahms), double quartet . from Tues day Afternoon dub.. " - . i. ; .:,...-..- if ' . ' V-;, .; - A oompllmehtary recital; given yester day afternoon at Aeolian "ball, by Mrs. Bus! Oambell-Whltehurst, soprano, and Mlas M. Evelyn Hurley, eootralto, as slated by tb trebl Clef club, was greatly enjoyed by th pupils of Mrs. Walter Reed and their friends. Mrs. Whitehurst and Miss Hurley have re turned reoently from New York, where they studied for- several year. Thla waa their first concert appearance sine their return, and mny wer eager to near toem. Tne program preseniea some beautiful numbers and - tn singsrs plessed th auditors. . Edgar E. Cour- sen was at th piano; The Treble Clef, which la undoubtedly one of th best I musical . organisations aver beard la roruaJDO, wit up o at usual ,uuiwiu of work. The Droaram followa: . -On JBummer Day" 4 ...... i... .. Beach " Trebl Clef club. ,. "Qui 14. YoetT (L Purltnl).....Beninl "Tha Swallowa"... ;.Cowen -Bona Mr Mother Taught Me... 1.4 f. ... .,. . Dvorsak "L'ArdlU" (MsgneUe Walts) ....ArdlU . Mrs. Whitehurst ' l. Ah! Rendlmr (Mitrane) . . . .k ..Rossi "A Swan".......... ..Oreig Recitative and . Aria, "Ombra ' mi f a" 8rse . . n . . . . : llsndsl "Death and th Maiden"...-,., Schubert - Mis Hurl..1 v - Simple Ave.. ...... Rev Father Tjomlnle - Mlsa Hurley and Treble Clef club. "Vanya's Song" ,...Von Stutsman "Norao Maiden's Lament" .... Heckachor "When You Speak to Me". .D'Hardelot "Beeerasa" D'Hardelot TJCnow a Lovely Garden".. D'Hardelot Mr. Whitehurst "Douslas " filordon'.' . .,,....,.... Kellle "Bi Lullby"..-....i. ..,.. (German) -If Thou Wert Blind". , .Noel. Johnson "Real less- River".. .......... . (Germsn) "Thro Roses Rd".. .Homer Norris Mlsa Hurley. "Estudlantlne" ........ .Lacome , Treble cier ciud. Mlaa Edwlna Maatltfk Is to b. th aninlat at tha North Pacific Dental col- leg commencement exercises this week st the White xempie. The Easter muslo st the First Con- aroa-ntlanal church Isst Bunday was - a delight to the most fastidious.; The opening quartoV number, - ?As It Began t Dawn". (Martin), wss don -with anlendld effect, and the climax was worked out with finest detail. "Sweet ta Thv Word" (Wlegand) waa given effectively by a trio. Mrs, Bloch-Bsuers voire la never better than in tne won' derful "I Know That My Redeemer Liv eth." and Sundax. she sang as If in spired. Sh sings it by request slmost evarv Easter morn, which In. Itself IS a delicate compliment for each preced lng rendition. The evening music -was eouallV sood. '.' The chorus wsve ti,' Hossnna chorus; the quartet Brahm's Awake. Mv Soul. Awake.-: ana Mrs. w. A.- T. tRuahong gave Sullivan's "God Shall Win Away All Tears." ' Her deep, rich alto gave s beautiful interpretation bf the fine melody. " , WW'-. .-- c The Treble Clef club will Join ss a body the large women's chorus, directed by Mr, FdgarE.Coursenr- thst4s-t give the charity concert st tbe exposi tion grounds, Just before "the opening f the fair. The olub members ere Miss Agnes Watt, Mrs. Lots MacMshon, Miss Helen Lytle, Mrs. Sanderson Reed, Miss Helen Brignam, miss Katnieen ijawier, Mrs. Jordan Purvln. Mrs. J. E. How ard. Mrs. Byron E. Miller, Mr. Ernest Laldlsw, Mrs. William C. Hoi man. Mrs. John K. Logan, .Mrs. Lula Dahl-Mlllerf Mr. Ilerta Grimes. Miss Ethel Shea, Mra, Walter Reed, Miss Edna Protsman. . .''; Miss 'Ethel Shea, sold contralto of ths First Baptist church, sang sweetly Eas ter morning, snd before the song bsd ended, half th congregation was In tears In silent tribute to this young singer's aympathetlo vole and heartfelt Interpretation. . -,.' '...-., The First Congregational ehorus choir and quartet wll give Dudley Buck's oration, Th Triumph of David." at th church a week from tonight Th com- position, is atrongblfl-e)w,Twnd under the direction of W. H. Boyer will be well worth hearing. . I - , -ww ' ' At IHe Shakespearean evening of the Penp fnrtim Mrs. Rose Bloch-Bauer ; gav two Shakespeare- songs, "I Know 1 Thymef Grows' (Parker) sad "Hark, ark, the Lark" .(Schubert). ' I 1 ' Frederick W. Goodrich, organist of Bt David's church, . has resigned bin position aa head of th plan department of the Western Academy of Muslo, be4 for taking up his duties.. I - -I Mrs. Walter Reed. ' Miss Kathleen' Lawler, Melvln Dodson and J. W. Bel-j cher were engaged for a , concert . at Rainier Saturday evening, ( W W '-'f.' At the meeting of tht Thursday afJ ternoon muslo class, , at the studio or ears, nm ftiowi-muar, miimm xxiwin ina. U Maatick did th solo (work. - DANCES." m ThetContlnental girls gave a ver pleasant shirtwaist party at Parsons' hall.-Wednesday venlng, some 100 of their ' friends attending. This was a very popular organisation last .year among tb young people, but In th past aeason they have not gives any dances. This complimentary party waa . wel comed" eagerly by their friends." The muslo wss unusually good, and ..con tinued through a program of IS nances. Punch wss served In ths hallway and. delicious Ices la ths supper room."- Mrs.) O. W. Baldwin and Mra. E. Long pat-1 ronlsed th affair. The club membeni re Miss ' Marguerite V. Stoehr. Miss, Myrtle . JS. Long, Miss Gertrude D. Wetsler. snd -Mlsa. HatU L . QrussLl Their guests were: The Mlases Grseei Campbell. Charlotte Daly. Ess, Ban. M Strenger. Minnie Treub, O. Albright Brown B.'MUier.'J. Cheley, V vay. I. Day, Gussl Kelm, Nellie Domey, H McPherson, J. Hansen, M. -GUason. miosn. Lenoa Wenderoth, Nina Wen deroth. Wlm-ar. I'Ujnpsoa, . B. Hansen, Neil rattlson, H. tnpsoo, sf. Do bald son, Oray Hay, B. J xthus. G. SUnton. Fowler, Esther Kld4 Jo Uolmanr H. M Terry, E. Flshsr. O argla, Franklfn, M. B. rteekard. May Bert is, a.. Lelos, Taaka berry. B. Wagner. Kslhr Vulleumler. M. Roberts. Clara Fleming. H March, A. Lover. Ltl Garrets. T. A. Baamssirt Doan, L. Sheutt, May Monro. M. Tay lor, L. Gray. L. Guldmao, A. Davidson, Blanch Johnson. -Rose Craft (Continued ea Page Nineteen.) A Well Known Local Young Lad Sadly . Afflcted kWUh ' Stressing .' Headache PoaitiveJy Cared. Scarcely aw week ago -The Journal. through Its oolumns, published aa ar ticle wherein It touched upon ths sub ject of people suffering from distressing headaches, stating the chief eauae waa undoubtedly due to som troubls con nected with tb eye.- That thla state ment proves correct th following inte resting data will show, and through tne courtesy of Mr. IX Chambers, th op tician, sf ISO Seventh street, this city, ths Sam was obtained. -' . "In connection with your article In last Sunday's Isau of Th Journal," said Mr. Chambers, - in av. Interview with a representative of thia paper, "a vary Interesting - ess sssse under- my observation' snd treatment recently which fully justifies tha statements con tained therein. The .vast , amount pf headache suffering Which people are subject to, feay. fully' (0 per cent of the eases are due te some eye trouble, andj IX not properly corrected leads -on to very serious msnial an& physical. com plications. - The ess I refer te la that of a young lady who until placing her self In my hsnda suffered untold misery and today Is enjoying the best of health, complains absolutely ef no mere headaches and enjoys life, whereas pre vious to her eye being properly fitted, she did not know what a -moment with out pain meant As I do not cars to use names for publication without con sent It- would- be well for your repre sentative ' to Interview- th lady, . and with her permission, the story would beat be told In her own words. . Kiss Orao Owing totrvlwe. Having first gained " Mlsa - Owing leave to publish the interview, she saldt "Why, yes, I haV no objection to Tbe Journal publishing the facta of my case. I hsd been suffering for soms time back with vary sever . headaches. I did everything that a person could do to get relief. I took all kinds of. medi cines snd headschs powders and con sulted some of our prominent physicians wunout obtaining sny relief. I becama quite - distracted and discouraged. I completely lost my appetite, and aa for sleep, for four consecutive days snd nights I scarcely closed my eyes. 60 much so that I began to fear tha s train would be too much and my brain might give way. '- At the advice of my physi cian, whom consulted, he directed me to cal( on Dr. Chambers with a view ef having my eyes correctly fitted. Tou can Just imagine my delight, ths asm night that Mr. Chambers fitted ma with glasses, I experienced immediate relief. In less thsn t4 heurs tne psins In my head had entirely disappeared, my sleep restored, my sppetite returned snd you see me todsy the pink of good health." "I tell' you," said Miss Owlngs. "I feel I. waa a very fortunate girl to fall Into such skilled hands as that of Mr., Cham bers, and I trust that anyone Suffer lng with headache will have him exam ine their eyes, for h can do them un told good." A . Miss Owing is employed sa head saleslady at the K. N. Kiriyama rem pany, 247 Washington street -. 4th and Washington Sts. -l' 'V'"' "'''-'"'.- .'-Vr--'v' ;' V.' Preaents -,'. ''. ' "a notable assembly 6f ; 1 : " The materiala are of '.surpassing texture, ' and the designs are ' of a character pledg- ? lng to the wearer ,a ; , treasured exclusive ness. ('-;;:r.:;'v.?'' -'-v, . k v "'