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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1905)
' . - -V. J - .. '. ". ' V.' : .'V '-V.. "'-I '. i -j '. . ' i - . i. '! '-;. PAOI23 1 C? TO 3 ;;' . C3CTIOPl TWO t K Jiimouiifra mm ... . . n .... 1 1 , m, , r ; ! iii .i iIEMM 1 1 i i ' ; I ' . . ....... . ......... . ' . . , ,i t- v ' , .'-.-- . .. . t .' v..- ' r ,-w ' f--,-' of al V Op ens TT .. . nere i o morrow i 1 $100 In Gold Distributed to Employes iric"Dirreivnt G WasAlrttoa Sts. $100 In Gold . . . -. : : " . - . Qiven Avvay to iimpl oyes 1 f : Free Cooking - School ;. THIRD' FLOOBi ''i 'I LSS80N9 lA-KTOIiM. AND I TO P. M. , .; Th . pablle oordUllx Inrlud. Th mnt deUdoaa Ic&k U nad And tMikad dnrln "chool hour" and Ul Information Impart ad to rlattora. In tals aplandld KlemoiurtTatloa by aa axpart eaka-bakar of M ytafi" 'practical axparienoa, nacaaaary for taacblac any .on to mmJta Um flnaat. moat delicloaa aaka that avar ttlcklodaa apleura'a palata. Laaaona abaolatatr 7REBL baka on aala to all who daalr to purcbaao for takiaa' boma. ' - - - - ' f M ,..4 i 4, ." a' "BOMX rOLKS- rRO-EJCPOSITION SALE."?'t - : Bpacial for- Jfondar Only, r, r . r TIBIT. floor iocth ahkbx. Stor yards of tha mh( stylaa and eoionoga anew thla aaaaon In BIIK BulUnca, nnmatcnama at on '. rclrular priea of tLI pa yard; apaelal for Mon day only, yard ..I..V. ...t....S4 "H01OB TOlXf FRB-EXPOSITION BAXJB.- v" f-Y .; Bpadala for Monday .Only. .." .; ": ; , Jewelry :tv Pieces FIRST FtOOR-Wiai AKX.j Ona lot of (naw dtalvns) Baary Sinat Bin, a bl It it ... Ona lot of flicnat Rtnga. 2So Talua, for ..19 Una lot UI Damnut oat w . ISo. valno: apocial at ........ .........lTf Ona aaaortmaot ef Bhlrtwalat 8ots. S ptaa on card. raguiar ito vaiue; apaciai at. ..,...... i -'-HOlfB roues' PRBS-KXP08ITION BAXJB." ; IN KNITWEAR A I 8 I B 8 . I Women's and Infants' . i 8PECIAL8 FOB MONDAT ONLT. Underwear and Hosiery Infanta Black. Baby Blaa'Plnk, Whlta, Rod and Tan Bilk-Finished Uala Hoaa, aaaraleaa, a aort. nna, draaay atockins. J So full Talua; Monday, apodal t at. pair IT Women's Black Brilliant taea -Lists Boaa. aJl-orr laea or laca frontawltlt dropstltcb back, au run finlahsd and of oar dlroct Importation, values li st and I1.1S: aztra special at. pair ..BO IWomoa'a Flno White Cotton Ualon Suits, our famous Merode, hand-orocnetea. suk tnmninf, ni(n neca: wlth long- aleerea and low neck without sleares. knee length. The Merode knit underwear la per faction In finish and fit, and satisfaction guaran teed. 11.00 value; special at, suit..... 69 "BOMB FOLKS' PRE-EXPOSITION BALE OF Goods FIRST FLOOR SOUTH ANNEX " SPECIALS FOR-MONOAT ONLT. n4aeh Importtd Encliah Black Mohair Sicilian, with Hon ailk luster, splendid wearing grade xor skirts and suits, our regular ISO grade; apaciai for Monday only, yard : 56 "HOME FOLKS PRB-BXPOSITION BALE" OF Shoes -FAIR. WAT- SHOE STORE ,. . WEST ANNEX FIRST FLOOR. . .' . - MONDAT SPECIALS , -? . " For Men, Women and Children. . . - MEN'S 11.50 AND $4.00 BHOES t!- PAIR The Famoua Atalua Shoe, celebrated for atyie ana wearing quality, very -snappy style, blacka or Una, Yicl kid and valour calf leathers, CWadrear aewed and with eolid oak-tan soles, easy oa the foot, perfect fitting and flexible to the tread, best 11.10 and 1400 values; special Monday only for. pair ; -62.94 WOMEN'S It.go OXFORD3 AND GIBSON TIK3 tit All patent oolt leathers. In handsome new styiee, 'street or dress styles, soles. heavy or -light, mill 'tary or Cuban heels, a aplertaid $1.60 value here. . but the same shoe ss sold at moat stores for $4.0; special Monday only at, pair 63.69 ! For eonvanlenoe ask for Styles 141 and 111 In - above shoes.)' ..; - . ! CHItDREN'S $1.IO,UHOES 10 CENTS PAIR Extra chnVe V - In Vlcl Kid Bboea, with kan---- '-n "i low beela, I slaes only. XT' "id $1.0 vlue; . ' - - ',. .... ,0 .v.v !'-.- .v , MARKING A MONTH OF SUCH TREMENDOUS RETAILING AS PORTLAND NEVER. KNEW.' A RESOLUTE AND PEREMPTORY- MERCHANDISE MOVEMENT UNPRECEDENTED IN THE ANNALS OF WESTERN STOREKEEPING. A DISTRIBUTION, QF VALUES-AMONG THE HOME-FOLK OF PORTLAND THAT WILL ECLIPSE AND OUTDO, j ANY FORMfiR BARGAIN EVENT EVER CONDUCTED IN THE WEST I A SALE OF TREMENDOUS . SCOPE j AND MAGNI TUDE, FAR-REACHING, ENTERING INTO AND RAISING HAVOC IN EVERY STOCK,r EMBRACIN&4-THE a BEST " AND NEWEST GOODS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT rOF, THE STORE. Prices are sacrificed everywhere m this aOlerwhelniing bargain; epoch I The Sale, Its Cause and Striking Features la just one month, the great Exposition that has been in the eye, the mind and on the -tongue of Portland folk for the past three years, will have become a ieality."Hundreds of thousands of strangers will come pouring in through the chy , gates dairy, ; the streets will be thronged, the city stores wif be Jammed and put to their utmost capacity. Our . home, folk cannot possibly receive the attention customary to give ordinarily, as it must be divided- with the visitors. We shall do our utmost for al but we cannot , increase the size of bur buildings and there is a limit to the tmmber of help that can really be helpful. What's to do? GET OUR HOME FOLK PROVIDED FOR THIS MONTH. We propose to make it worth their while to do their buying during May by offering unprecedented incentives and start tomorrow a series of "HOME-FOLKS PRE-EXPOSTTION SALES" which will last just 27 business days, ending June JLst, Jn which will be exploited EACH DAY a group of matchless bargains FOR THAT PAY ONLY. NO LIST WILL BE REPEATED there will be no "holdovers.'T; It will be a "get-p-and-get-to-he-tore carnival of value getting. You MUST watch the ads daily, none will be repeated. 'A fresh bargain bill o fare will be served each day, and during the month we shall cover every class of merchandise in the store. So no matter hc many or varied your wants YOU FILL THEM FOR A THIRD TO- A HALF LESS USUAL PRICES BY TAKING ADVANTAGE OF EACH DAY'S SALE. Don't come Tuesday and ask for a Monday special, Tuesday win have its own list and Wednesday and so on each day of the week. An ever changing kaleidoscopic view o values. A sale full of vim and ginger, values that will electrify the public I -If you would share in this month of bargains just watch' the daily announcements 'and BUY ON THE DAY THEY'RE ADVERTISED. As an incentive to our employes to make this sale an unparaUefcd -success and the biggest May business in the history of the store ;w v,-. -",' I 'Yy i-V V '('-f ' ? .Vf :. WeWiU Distribute $100 in Gold-Among the Salespeople in the Three rfepart mehts Showing the Greatest Percentage of Gain During tie Month Over May of 1904: $50.00 to the First, $30.00 to the Second and $20.00 to the Third. PROFITS WILL BE SACRIFICED AND COSTS IGNORED DURING THIS SALE! PORTUNITY WITHOUT PARALLEL! v ' TWILL BE A PEOPLE'S BUYING OP- Read the ; List of Monday Bargains ISSsrrt,,,en. BOMS FOLKS PRE EXPOSITION . ti. :.i , sale ' ;.v .5.;? .. :v" ; Mah'sShop; , WEST ANNEX FIRST FtOOH.C, MONDAT SPECIALS Forjiha day only. : MEN'S $0o" 8TJSPENDE3UI Xo. ' Men's Bo spenders tn lisle sad medium weight webs, with leather ends; all TMW spring and summer colorings? owe of oar best values for lOe; apaelal at, -, the pair .....?...., ...........29 MEN'S $1-00 UNDERWEAR FOR TTo, Men's oamelahalr . Underwear, spring . weight, very nicely finished, ribbed at wrlata and ankles; the beat value In town for $L0; special at, the gar- ' meat ....TT HOME-FOLKS' PRE-EXPOSITION SALE IN PORT-. LAND'S. LEADING SUIT AND WRAP STORES. ;:vV;.';;'V;r;''",V'V Grand Salons Second Floor . ";; Largest Women's Apparel Store West of Chicago , ; SPECIAL FOR MONDAY ONLY. Women's Handsome $25 Etamine Suits for $13.95 Only enough for one day's selling not over 71 In the lot. New arrivals In " Jaunty Eton Styles. The Eton Jackets are full taffeta, lined and have taf feta vests, prettily trimmed with fancy braids and buttona to match ma tartals of black, bloea. browns and tana. Jackets hare leg-" -mutton V" sleeves. Skirts are fancy plaited and have taffeta girdle. The greatest lvalues over orrerod-hr Portland" at $2 the guifc Special Moaday only at...... $13.95 ' $4.00 turr CASES FOR $t0. ' J . H j. .- -.' . , Bolt Cases, with heavy leather cot nets, nlckol trimmings, round leather han - die Inside atrapa and shirt fold; the best possible $4,00 value; special at, ' each i.... ....2.99 A r 'W- ' ' MEN'S ISo BOBS FOR las. V Men's .fancy Sox. la tan. gray and blue, with embroidered figures: ail seam' less; the best valus w have ever of. ., fared alSc; special at. the .pair.. IS 4 Women's $5.00 Lawn Waist, 82.08. . sry datacy. handsome White Lawn Waists, With paneled all-over embroidery and wide Insertion fronts; also box-plaited and neat narrow piaiiaa ironts, with plaited backs to match. Bishop sleeves with embroidery cuffs. Stock collars and tie. Best ' $5.00 waists in Portland. Special Monday only . at i r. ... ....... l .... . - See Memory Morning Papers for Extra Specials! ; In' Women's Cambria PottlcoaU. Infants Capes, Ruga, Oo-Carta. Laea CuN ,v . tains, Uyerware and Refrigerator.. '',-. v -BOMB FOLKS', PRE-EXP06TTI ON SALE" OF Royal MONDAT ONLT SECOND FLOOR ANNEX SALONS -Jloyal Woreester Summer Corsets, made of white light-weight Batlsts. medium bust and Princess hips, straight front, bias cut and gored, hose-supporters attached at aides and front, a 1)01 model., regular priea ILU; special at, , pair V , . r. ... .. ... ..fS BOMB -.FOLKS .PRE - EXPOSITION :. i-.-f t. :t ( BALE.' A MONDAT- QUARTET OF SPECIAL VALUES IN ' $ '.. Small Wares Aisles -v ., ' -' ' V, - , , . FD2ST FLOOR. " "' ' ' ' 1 " ' ' 'f ' . ' ; BEST lOo PAPER PINS lo. Best: t(0. count English Ptna, brass, with solid bead, aB ataea. . leotTlfchtMINO BtrrTONS to DOZ. . White pearl 'Buttona, ball shaped, to bssewn through back .. .. v. ' BAXR "BRtJSHES 10c. - Mediom-siaed.-. wltA-all- pure white bristies. an extra naif dollar value. . ' - w mt w - . . . . ..... ... , . , r. lc BOX WRTTINQ PAPER lie BOX An odd line of eerraspondeneo paper -la a white, hard, smooth finish, $4 sheets end envelopes to match tn box, beat ' . Ite valuea. usually sold at mostSipe clalty stores for "two bits; special, box ... 1 1 1 ...... . t!2 JIOMB . FOLKS' PRO - EXPOSITION . . SALS Dff ' ; 'LArt shoP-;;K:::: ANNEXE-SECOND FLOOR. ; : -' - 8PECIAL FOR MONDAT ONLT. Center plecea, from 14 to '$0 Inches, stamped and tinted on cream, ecru ; and dark green linen. In f'-nl, ventiotial and oriental ' : ' t lar prices from ISo t jg, from , . . . . "BOMB FOLKS' PRE-EXPOSITION SALE IN Women's Furnishing Shops FIRST ' F L O OR i : ' SPECIALS FOR "MONDATi -ONLT. 'VENISB LACa-RANDS An elegant assortment; priced speclatktk- -, - Our $3.SQvalut for, the yard............Bl.48 ., Our $5.04 value for, the yard.... -..12.43 Our $4.S0 value for. the yard....... $2.98 -Our $.0jralu for,. the yard. .... ....... .$4.25 $5o AND 4o HANDKERCHIEFS FOR 1 5 CENTS k LaditaS- Pure Linen Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, ! H and -Inch hems, -Richardson's' make . and our regular. lia and 40o valuea; special at, fgh. vi 25 JOo TORCHON LACES AT S CENTS V, A flno lot of Machine -Torchon Laces and Inser tlone. valuea up to ltc; special at, the yard.. 5 CHIFFON MEDALLIONS, worth I&c; special at, 10 POINT VENISB, RANDS, worth 25;. special at -the yard : . .c.ClO PERSIAN. BANDS, worth J5c; special at, the yard ..... l0 .NEW. HANDSOME 8PANOLED BANDS AT HALF V Our $1.50 value: special at. the vard ..'Re Our $2.00 value; special at, the yard...... tSt.OO Our $3.00 value: soecial at. the yard. . .it ka 50 RIBBONS FOR 10 CENTS- .. . . All BUk Taffeta Ribbons. IH Inches wide, in all ' colors, whlta and black, our 25o value; special sale ; price, the. ynrd ....4..;. 15 LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS SIX FOR ( CENTS On sale at the. Little Handkerchief Booth La - dies' Pure Linen Initial Hemstitched Handker chiefs, splendid value at t for 60c; special, while ' they last, lot of 0 for ,-T ..60 ISo HANDKERCHIEFS SS CENTS - Ladies' Pure Linen Hemstitched end Embroidered t Handkerchiefa, our SSo value; special at, each 23 HOME FOLKS' PRE-EXPOSTTION BALE' OF Colored Dress Goods ' FIRST. FLOOR SOUTH ANNEX. . SPECIALS FOR MONDAT ONLT.' Our regular 11.00 grads 46-tneh All Pure Wool French Voile, splendid value at our regular price, tn all colors for street wear; special 'for Monday only, per yard . : .....74 Our regular SSo tS-incn , Imported English Mohair Sicilian, equal to any shown elsewhere at $Le per yard, all wanted colors to choose from; special for - ' Monday only, per yard.......J 56 I y -HOME FOLKS PRE-EXPOSTTION BALE tN , Linen, Wash Goods and e ' A1- FIRST nOO'Ri:.,, - rlv,':' A OnARTET OF WORTHT SPECIALS IN TABLE DAMASKS AND DAINTY SUMMER PRESS ., FABRICS . FOR MONDAY ONLT. Table Oil Cloth at. yard ...14 Full-Bleached Damaak Toble CSotha, 3 yards wide by S yards long, fine quality of linen, regular " value; special Monday at, each. .-52.95 WHTTB GOODS. Persian Lawn, 4t lncbae in width, with a sheer. aCky - flnish.-for summer and graduating dresraea, rrre--lar value SSo; special at, yard ....... .IT BUk Olnghama, la woven figures and Jaoqumrd ef fecta, for shirtwaist suits and waist, regular value See; special at. yard. 28 $00 ptecos Table OU Cloth, In. fancy colors, asarbie hred and plain oolora, regular valoo SOe; apecial ;. at, yard ..w .4 ... .. ..14 -HOME FOLKS' PRE-EXPOSITION BALE IN MILLINER T8 REALM ALL OF OUR PXQUISITE MONDAY ONIiYat OlIE-FOUHTII OFF FORtlER PRICES! BIJOU SALONS SECOND' FLOOR ANNEX..' The mere annouuceuteiit that we are to sell our aw ttlf leant stook of beautiful i . em !: st a fo- off of the regntar toacnnf rrlce wit -y MlUlnery Salona I'oo.' -. it"f' only, and will not he ee 1 1 public of drey w' i elsewhere. Our sti j e themselvea, te c or Purls snd Nv 1 . i models fr r- - r 1