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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1905)
SGCOTS HEBSELf "mm if - boass mi A VU Extraoted and flllod "kbaolutaly without pain by our late sL-ientlflo method, pat- mm enieei ana used by us oniy, s re eum inauo. . . .. . - Rnfared at Ue .Boetorax for tramuonatfeaaJUuvagh rartlaad. Or. UTOUIrfllVIJ and thoa who dread having tttetr teeth extracted are invited to -call ,'ab our offloe, where w will demonatrata ' to their entire satla- Wife of Montana Railroad Em- 1 ' '- Warn H L 1A ee IS. pa I jwuii 1 s W VMM, I anata, V pJoye Unexpectedly Sur racyoa our "Atf for pampas extract a. I - v. v.' r- . '. "7" a DISCOVERED n " ""' 1 si". .' . . - -V. -1 ' ?"V -1 1 . . . .' , . : la 44 pes, crala. . , . . ' ... .; " , mxraoxu. i ,. ' v.- M.t tf Kmlnna Otic. ...... Mala 600 - vomzwV'ABTnxiam aUATrra, Yreeland-Beecaatin BperU aVdvertJetag MTI' , um hamae eucal, fcew Xarki XtUmum Balld- 1 Tbe Tlry Jearaal. with Banday. a year . . u leily JooraaL year ..,'..... b.uo ; , . I lolly Juarul. wltt SaooaJ. ethe.. J-TS Ma iwiar Journal. menlbe. .... B-"? 1 ko Pally .earaaL with sandey, swaths., lb Helly Journal. S month. ....... " In lull Journal, wlta Sunday. 1 annaUW . - la. IMIly; bar wees. t del I tared. Boeder - lnrludtd , ... ...e. ...- Th iwilr. pr ik. delivered, Bsndar excepted ................ ..... , r.. Tama br,aUu, . . . TheTHtly' Jnnrn.L. with Honday, 1 JB...W J To Haily Journal, t-rer.r.k-..viwv -lhailly JoaraaL wlta 'Bandar, baonthe. T iu n-n JmmbI a montaa .......... X. io Tbt Dally Joamal. with Banday, aaeatbs. The Daily Journal, I montbe..... .- Taa iwlly Journal, wisl Boada, month.. M The Daily Journal, 1 month A Ta Banday Journal, 1 year ......... S.00 Taa bandar eonraal. month. ............ MO y Jeans, -7- L ta 1 Bat , rarh laaaa, iDaatratcd, tall artlir u Kt, 1 yaa atltUaraa aaaald ka auda by drafta, aaiul uhm araVn aad aaiau aaaoaoia an at.u. la l i- ?3y,owfiiL. : P. O. Boa Jli. Partiaad, Or. .. . mU TKX JOVBJfaJ. MAT MM XOVMTK Tka Joamal eaa ba , feBsd am frvlkiwiaa pla: a - boiHK. IDAHO H. Seller 0.t at W. JL afe- Intyra.- " rBlCA.OO Poatatto Ktwa eeatpaar. ITS Daar ton Mrart. DRNVIB, XfllO. Ecadrlrt Baa A Stationary ' ronpany, u BrmtMvth atraat; JT Black, Blxtavatlvaad Cartla atrcata. rM N.HMUli, CAL. J. MeCarralla. il NKAtl. ALASKA Poatof Sea Book atora. KANMAII CITY Taa haw Hawa. eeaapaay. IXM AJfGKUDS B. r. Oardaaf, r Basra Kortaic mt Ollfar Balaaa, Sod Boata '- " Kprtna; atrart. MINNKAPOUS at ). Earaiaaaca, BO Boatb a Third atrart. ' NK.W YORK CITY Brmtaao'a,- Valam aqaara. hiiRN 0Va Mawa canpaay. ... VMAI1A MUlard tlotal Newa ataad;' atagaata .. Stationary company. 130S Faraaai atraat. SALT LA KB CITY Krayoa Uotat Mawa atand; Barrow Bros., 41 Waat Barnnd atraat, aoata. BT. Loni Pbllip Raatlar. elf Laeaat atraat; K. T. Jatt, 0 OMra atraat. , . , SAX FBANCIDCO W. B. Ardln, Palaca Hotal , Nawa ataad. and 1008 Market atrarti Oald , amltk Broa., 0 Battar atraat. aad Balnt rraackj Dotal; maatar dt.Oraar, rarry balld- In; N. Waaatlvr. aaafaabla aawa ataad, ear- nar Markrt and Kcaraay atraata. BKATTLB Kalnlct Uraad Kawa ataad; Baatara Krwa aoaipaay. npoKAKB, WASH. 4 ok a W, flraaaa Co. . TACOMA, WAKH Oantrai Kawa . ooaiaanyl Hotel Taeaaia Nawa ataad. yiCTOBIA, B. a Victoria Book lUtiaaarf ' romnany. lTXAIBZB ucvomT. No rata at eaaaaqpaa tm kaa at, an ad la tba nartli Paclde atataa dorlaf tha laat M aoara aad fair weather bow preralla la tha atataa wrat of tka Horky Btoaatalaa. It ta eoolar ttala aiornlac In ra atarn Waab ' hwtna aad aortnara Idaho aad 11 at froat os rarrrd In axpoaad kcaJlttea la aaatara aad aoutawcatera Oregoa aad la aartkaaitaia Waaa Inatoa. Tka Indloatlona ara for yearrany fair woathat in tli la dlatrtct Saturday carrot la aorthwaaura tirraoa aad la waatera Waahlnirtan, . wkera aoowere ara pi ukabfc?. It will aa waraaar aaat of tka Caarada Btoaatalaa. KKTHaV.' - BArOHMA! Awll 4. ba Mr. and atra. Ed . , ward V. BausasMS. . 1US Baat aUdlaoa atrrrt:.a aoa. : AHKK.N8 AprU 1. to Mr. and Mrs. Gearga ' Anerna. su Monroe atraat: a aoa. . ItosMMAN April IS, to Mr. aad Mra. B. O. suawaua, 7l Wlliuma araouo; a daagbtar, . - ,. " 1 - '-p---t--: '- Weddtar Carda. TW.-CL BnlthA Co.. Waak ' lagtoa bldg., cor. Fourtli. and Waaalagtoa at. t 00BTA8I0U1 SnZABEB. - JOIlXft April "It.' Jamas ' Job a, ZS3 atret: dlntitbarla - Btest BMITH AprU M. Victor Batlta, 3t Oook ava. Pfkf BsseMBatfMa ' MATHT8 April M. teas Matbya, Cast Sixth aaa, Maouua neta: aiparaoria. . V 'S;v i. DEATH!. 1 -i. ' -r- Ai WKN April - S, - Barber May Jaeobaom. d aaed at year a, at Baattla. Waabuigtoa; caaaa, ' rrrabral taawr. Qraautarlaaa. .. .. aantnrfnni aa T)ran otr ear Una. aaar Beiiwod; modera. artejitlflc. coeiplota. Cbarsea Adalta, sja; eaiiaran mjo. vuitora a. am. to o p. aa. Portland Crenutioa aaaoeUUea, lartlaad. Urasee.. . ;. . Tbt Edward Bolaaa :Jadartaklnf eoarpaay, faneral dlraetara and embalnnn... t2Q Third atrrrt. raoaa DOT. . - . - J.' P. Plalry A Boa., funeral director aad emhalaaara, eoraer Third and Madlaon at reels, Oirw ad eavaty eoroner. Talrpaona Mala t. ! 1 " : Pancrat wreatha and cat fbnrara a speetslty 1 at Koao City Uracaheaaa. Twaaty saegad aad taat MorrBwo, oop. eaaMtery. " . EtAL EBTATK TBABSrKaB. ; , . ; 'ErnBorasMrTe-!." Eaatwood . . . . . Phelpe, lot v. dOO A. M. KDickelnler and wife to A. It. CaaibrlL adaalnlstralef, lot a. black ' ' A 66. BV-llweod - ; 1 W. B. bJas aad wife to B. K. Hardy, lot d, block la, Jaaaa Jotana' adtll- V ' tloa ........ 400 C-C, Osier and wife bl.t Wind) at . aU, lot J, aaunrted plat at lota 10-IT, ' ' , iorlaalTO, lot 2a,. aad A. W. Boott Acrea. Multnomah ..' MO - J. C. Braabaai aad wlta ta B. W. Emery, " - . pare land sear J. Powell's doaatioa laad Malm, aacttoa 10, townahlp 1:, aorlht ranee aaat 400 M. H. 8tau?ord aad buaband ta J. M. IIAaly, wsat 00 fart- lata and d, - 1 viork 101, dty of Beat Portland.... I3JO0 ' r. ft. uiyta ana wire io r. w. lmi- . better at aL, parcel land baglaali ' nortaweai comer at tract at iving on nHaioioa auan ... .i U. L. Pleaders to C A. Lesrand, par rel land bestnalns 11B feet west ef , lateraoKUoa of Balelgb and Twaaty third ........... , A, Harold ta the Tyler Inreatmeat oora- -, parr, M IT, block 10, WUlaaatU ad 1 dlUoa Klnc EaUta to T. R. Bltb, pareal land beilanina nortbweat enrmr of . tract at A. bilng oa Waahlnttoa . atreet .1.'.,... D. ax. Uoab and wife- to William B. . Tbotaaa. lota. aad v, Davla addl- "tloa . E. Danbar aad buaband to L. Kalta, J.TO0 10 .000 00 lot z. eioea a, veratarg a aauitioa boo 450 a iaui(kt .sso. wue aarrel laad beclnnlng weat corner lot I. blotk k Uak 1'ark addltloa B. Bel Una at aL ta C. K. Kennadr. rMtterfal Eon . sua 'M and 10. Mark , Ears Park . 900 . , . A. B. Eoclrmaa aad ' wife to Title - Oaarantee A Treat eampaay. let U, - block S3. Moant Tabor .Villa ' 10 ' B. He llln rt aL ta U . EUnemaa, " lota ai and 82. black , Earn Park . , . BO .' Title Oueraetaa A Treat eampanr to C.1 A. Prlealnj, lota 11-14, Inciualra, block' - 14, KorU I re lac ton 120 A, Daela tn M. Colli na, teat V, lots W' , - -and SO, btoek X eebdlTlalua ef lot C ' ' ' M. Pattna tract 000 . P. Males, aad wife to E. , Bradley, lot SO, bkvek 1. Weodlawa ' B90 . XT. t. paddloord and wife to C. J. Aa i .- derann, lota 10 and IS, aorta 10 tea ef - M IT, block A Pntni View 00 1 IT Kaerera ens wtre te r. BrlOS. lot a, - bin k avv VYondatock ................. ' . V. hrmn to II. Klaetacb. kta I aad 4. bl sa. weooators ............... 'ant H. P. w hite and wife l C T. Tlav " avwl. lot A btoek I. Deat'a addltloa.. ; BM ' . C. Ml-narrbi aad wife to H. C Oaaip- . . . twll and wife, parrel land beejnalns 'v at point erHftaeeet ef ortbweet rarnat IVrrr Pretiyeian'e donation buid rialm. aecttua a, tewsaalp 1 aoata, range z, , '.', ' eaat I . -1 : PWaiUy Barrnsa A Troat eweapaey to .v- J. B.' Harttoatna. bta li aad iX ' block Baa. (Hi addltloa . '1,000 ' P. Plrket and aire to T. A. Brook at aL, - Am I owl r trtarb M. -rtty t. J. 00. . I M P.Hewwrtk aad wife to Tletor -r-j .'. J and company, bat A block 4, Orchard . I'lard Mv-meeuewaie w CftAB SpiSTOLAN D : FIRES FATAL SHOT Man . Found , In Room With Woman Arrested and Being . - Held An Custody. ".TV , (Kparlal Dlapatrh ta Tba JoarajU-),' : BUUngav Mont., April Sla About mid night Wodneaday hlkht" Mra. Myrtle. Bruce abot heraelf with a II calibre revolver, dying f yesterday afternoon. Tola, action on the part , of ,tti worait It develops, vu due to the dlacovery by her husband. Robert Bruoe. of an o4her man in a room with hla wife, when he retumrd to , Bllllnga unexpectedly. Beveral months ago Bruce left the Northern Pacifio Offices where he had beeaj amployed and went - to Lombard to work lor tat Montana Kail road com nana ..t ' ! , Aooordlng' to testimony adduced at the coroners -Inquest, yesterday after noon, Bruce had been wired at Lom bard by hid .wife's .brother, Klmer K Wheeler, to ooma home, which be did. Wheeler mat him at a lata train and informed Mnvnara waa ft man at nia house. - 1 . ,. :;" . Tba two proceeded to tha residence of Bruoe and tha latter waa admitted by his wife, whou however, refused tal- low Wheeler, her brother, to enter. 'As Bruoa cam Into the room, a, stranger, who gives hla name aa Jesse jCopen harve, rushed past him and waa struck back of the ear by Bruce and knocked down bat succeeded- tn escaping through i door - which - Wheeler had ; Broken open. .-. i - i-" ', .Mrs. Bruce grabbed a revolver which it is said, waa lying on the table, and threatened to kill her brother, but her husband aald, "You had better kill m first." ...,.-.,.- - 'A-. rlha then turned the weapon' Srr her self and fired. Tba bullet passed through one lung and ranged downward through the Uverand -out Into tha wall ox tne room.. Cooanharva waa arrested later and Is still In custody. The Bruces are well knows m this city. - They nave two small children. . , , 1 .- .-.. WOMEN HONOR MEMORY OF PRESIDENT MONROE Tablet Placed Upon House in New York Where States- - 'tJooraal SnacUl'Serrlea.) a't h New Torn," April II. The women of tha American Boento. and Historic Pres ervation society today placed A memo rial, tablet on the old house in Prince street where James Monroe, . president Of tha United Btatia. died. -The day area arrrrroptiatelychosfn,' as this - was tba 147th anniversary of Monroe's birth. Tha dedication of tha tablet was made the oecAsIon of interesting exercises. The program consisted of prayer, music and addresses.. General Frederick Dent Orant waa present, and tba military band from Governor's island furnished the music. "Miss Mary Van Buren Van derpoej. president of tha society, pre aldedTOvar tha ceremonies, and the tab let WaV unveiled by Gouvornaur Uoea Of Washington, a lad of 15, and a great great-grandson of President Monro. ' Tha old colonial house. (1 - Prince streetla fsst falling to decay. There Is a cheap restaurant in the once beautiful drawing room, a shoe factory occupies theaecond floor. . and from tha quaint bid dormer window hangs the sign of a small furrier. - . ..... Monroe . waa - connected - wl t H - e ve ral old New York families, and after tha death of Mrs. Monroe he left hid Vir ginia horn and -cam to New York to live with .. the Oouveraeura In Prince street, then a fashionable section of New York, and there h died on July 4, .ML" y:---4r--rr--r--r- . NOTABLE SPEAKERS TALK ON, SOUTHERN EDUCATION ," "' : 'i 1" teearnal Bueetol Bervlre.) - . Columbia. R, C. - April It. Though this was the Ihlrd snrl last day of the conference for education in the south, there waa aa much interest manifested in the proceedings aa on the opening day. . Thedisposal of unfinished .busi ness occupied the early hours of the forenoon session. ; After this routine business had been disposed Of President John W. Abercromble of the University of . Alabama addressed the conference on the subject of school supervision. President Abercromble wsa followed by Colonel O. A. Gordon of Bevannah, who took as hla aubiect, "Public Order and Public Schoola." ' - This afternoon there war several aide conferences and also a number of fea tures of social entertainment. No gen eral meeting was held. At tha conclud ina- session tonlrht the chief speakers are to be Hon. Edwin M. Shepard of Brooklyn, Congressman John W. Small of North Carolina and Ernest Hamlin Abbott of New York City. W. I. Inrla to Ft. B. '. Dnaalnf, Jot T, block 1, satMUriaoa urown a trtet, aeetioa 14, .towaablp I aootb, raeaa 1 aaat .1 .. 0. W. Banerewt to P. H. Blyth, lot 12. blocs za, w uiaawii tteisaia aoai- . aoa a or, H. Blyth at si., to B. p. BtralntJjL. IX TVici BS, Wlllainette Belsbia ad- Oeorge W. Bancroft, edmlntatrator, to r. at. niytn. hps ji, oiora v, tt ii- - lasMtto HelbU addlUoa ' 4.100 Ret year Insarenc and abatraeta to real eatato Tram the Title Guarantee a Troat aoov paay. Chamber of Commerce baJldlng. v. BvxLsrjie nEBrrrt. . AtlfUCY AprU t. C A. Alliiy. repair to bolrains, Mornaoa aetwaea neoona ana i Dira ateeeta: enat. 110 . EIDIN1 ACAUKkiy April T, Rldln Academy, a table, Jotinaoa ! between -iwenty-srat and Twenty aerond atreeta; coat, loo. JANSKN April T. Heary Janaea, cottage oa , Mlnneeota arennei rwal, ITS SCPPUC April XI. ! Mupple.- Inncbcoanter, Eaat Morrison near Water atreeta: coat, fR0. CABlTON April XT. B. R. trltos, rrpalra to dwelling, rami nnraaioa. aerweea Twenty earned and Twaaty-fonrlb atreeta: coat. SAO. 0OKTTKN April 17, Mr. Iloottea, eottase, Tenth near Hrooaiya atreetn; cost. ai.w. EtrNFaV April 37. M. Kntner, repair to . aalooa, Lfortb seat, yiasdrra atraetai eaat, 975. w PrlllAJPfV-April ST. C. Phllllpa, eoUf, A u.- M-uii a. erra -ffCMUP Ancti tT, I. HrbUp, coltaf. ProDi near Terwiiiicer atreeta; mat. azao. MALLK1S April 27. H. Mallela A Co.. repair , to, -oeionn,. yisabinston.-jiatwars-airav- aad ,e.iK atreeta; enat. bod. ' ' AlN'wORTn April 17. A I a wort catatc. re. pair t hank. Third betwcea Oak Bud Plus ... ... . ai i.a ouirteuu BTLVKR FIXXINQ8. ........SO OOU) riLUNOB T5 and f 1.00 II AND 110 OOU - CROWNS ....fS.00 and fS.OO FXILIe BKT TEETH v VS.OO Boston Paints Dentists . SSI', KOmaiSOaT T. Opp. Bteler ft Praak anaV Old oatofsoa. Hours 1:10 a. rh. to 4 p. m. Sunday, 1:90 a. tn. to iu:v, p. rag -to b sur you sr in tn right coma, la and get bottle Of Dr. Graves tooth powder, fr. .... ' Dr. W. Norton Davis. IN A WEEK Wa treat aai I laafllTIl all aeraata. - -- and ehroalc dlaeeaea of men; alao blood, atoaaaca, heart, IItok kMsey and throat troublaa, -We core BYPHIUd (wttboot narcaryl to etay enred foreeer, la SO to 40 day. Wa remove BTRICTUBB. wltbost eparaUoa ar pals, la M daya.-.-... -," '.' , . Wa atop drains, the resalt ef ealf-abea, mntodlately. Wa can reatore the eexaal vlsec of any aaa a aader 00 by aaeass ef local treat. smb. seeauar la earaaina. We Care Qoaorrboea In a Week The doctor ef this Inatltnte ara alt raaalar traditaree, kave had many year' experieaee, aave bees baown la Portland for To yaara, bar, a repatatioa to maintain aad 'Will aader. take aa eaaa anlaa carta! a core aaa ba efr fad. v W gaaraataa to cure In every eaaa w andar tahe or rharae. no fe. Caaaaltatloa fro. Let. tor eoaadeatUL Inatractlra BOOK TOE MEM tailed fraa ta plain wrapper. If roe cannot call at ofSea. write fne a tloa blank, Home treatment atKceaafal. OfAcc'booxe, to bviad T to B. Bandar aad boUdaya,U0 to IE. ; The leadlnf peclaHrta In fha Karthweat i ... , Eatabllsbad 1SBB, , . - . Dr. W. Norton Davis & Co. Taa ar Katal. V. M. Oar. Third sad' Pine Sta, - rOETLAXS, OEXOOE.- C.GEEtWG - Tne Qreat Chinese Doctor ; ' Is called great be cause his wonderful cures are so well -known - throughout the United States, and because so many f people ar tnankrui ra nun lor aavis; Athlr lives from OPERATIONS ' v - U treats any and all - diseases with powerful Chinas herbs, roots, tuis, kirki and vegetables t habere entrrgtywie- known to medical science In this ooan try. and throuah the use of theee harm- leas remedies, Thle famous doctor knows the action of over 600 different remedies that he has successfully used in different dlaeaaea. Hs auaranteea to cure catarrh. asthma, lung troublaa, rheumatism, ner vousness, stomscn, liver, aianey, ic male trouble and all private dlaeaaea. Hundreds , of testimonials. Charges moderate. Call and am him. - oOanoxAnoaT nzn. .''X Patients out of the eltr write for blank and circular. . Ineloae stamp,. Ad dress ..... ;, t , .. ' . ,. ..;r- - THE C GEE W0 CHINESE MEDICINE CO. 7 III Alder street Portland. Or. ' Stalr- way of 2S1H Aider straat leads to of Bee. Mention this paper. New Residences ' In Hol- laday's Addition -1 7r. inira ana xiaaaaio streets, . r m j war w , . . 4hree new, handsome well-built residences of eight and nine rooms, near the beautiful ' Occ bock residence,-one block from Union avenue car line, 100 feet from" Holladay avenue - car ' line. two blocks from . "IT car line. Also three on Second and .Has salo, facing south, and east, mod' em, well built, good design, very roomy and reasonable in price. ''r - Apply to - , CHARLES K. HENRY, ;'":'' 273 Stark St . ' ' FAanc "TENT It AWNING CO. . sr sr. rtnrtst r Awnings for . store .and residence -Tents and camping out- nta. . Get our prices. 7 hone lsai. FREE LAND IN OREGON T hi the richeat rriJn, frait ml atock aacrSo ia th world. Theuaaadt r'acrct r'a atactnai cost ef arriprioa. - Deed direct from Scat tt Orrtoe,.' WRITE TO-DAY. BOOKLET ami .MAP FREE. Deachiifai Irrtritioa tni Power Cora- '-'IM' Baildim, PartlsB,Ore. fa :! BBaaaaMavwaaleaBaeiaHttHaBjBBaeW 1 "e". ? ' . .VI Ml I VA iSSeP nSslVuXLChTS r n s::3tc::3 syhc? awe beesj aaaa by stnitoas of Vedhera for chew anlMran while TaetAln- for oer Plfty Tear. iiaootbes to eklld. aorteoa to. gama,auays 1 i all pain, euro wind eoUa, and Is (he Beat , mm if foTdlarrbo, ;y--...i -i,vJN. J'r ' "--- -4 , ';'. ' ? ;?7 .-.', . -.v-- ", ,j ..'v " : MR.; PAUL STRAIN,' v Vests, . 'v- S AN EVIDENCE OF GOOD FAITH AND TOO LATE TO SERVE THE PURPOSE FOR WHICH THEY WERE . INTENDEDTO SUPPLY THE EASTER DEMAND. I HAVE THE GOODS IN STORE AN D IN ORDER TO MOVE THEM ON PEOPLE'S BACKS-' AND MOVE. THEM qUICKLY I HAVE CUTTHE PRICES TO CAUSE AN INSTANTANEOUS DEMAND. THE SUITS WERE MADE TO SELL FOR. FROM $25 TO M '"'1 ' ' ED'S. CHEVIOTS J: HOMESPUNS The $25 Suits I will sell for v ... . The 30, $35 Suits ! wi he0$4550uitsillell6 YOUR SIZE IS HERE IN PORTUNITY THE EQUAL OF WHICH I CAN SELDOM OFFER YOU. ID) WITH A-M A 1'A The Top. Coats 'Made to sell for from $2000 Your choice of any of the V . an . m . i Jnjjgiijb wei I have enough to stock a store twice this one's size. There are entirely too many and I must sell them If I lose on every one. Some coats in the lot are worth as high as $40 beauti fully tailored, silk 'lined. Any one that fits you for ' .ISoOO Don't forget the pkee c SAvxToVVAr, Burcn St Portland, . Oregon. :f DEAR SIR : By freight today wa are shipping you a con signment of .Suits, .light-weight' Overoots, Pants, 'Coats and; r TOp Coats and Odd Coats1500 garments in all. . These goods were made' - up you the entire lot for your-Easter trade, j The , goods "should ' "v reach you : in ample - ).imeif or-that . , ; ;, - yr7T' ' ' "TEnolose ;find invoice. : i J: . , : ? h ? . '. ) . rvV ; ';i; :i. ; hv: I f . With best wishes for a prosperous; Easter trade weVare ; .:':":v: Very truly yours,. -- ; "- ; 'v' :-!i-'Vr ' . v- n. ABOVE THE FAC-SIMILE OF A' LETTER RECEIVED ' BY ME FROM. LAMM St CO CHICAGO'S LEADING TAILORS. ON APRIL 6TH. THE GOODS ARRIVED YESTERDAY, BUT. OF COURSE,-; ALL STYLES, ALL SHADES AND ALL PATTERNS OF- EVERY SUIT OR to $35.00 I will place on sale for lot 'yf. 4;;', -wy: ' ' ''".1 ' ' ' -'1 " 'V ghtXoat ii ::'AP;;1?05.; last month and we - are A GUARANTEE OF YOUR AND ARE OF THE FINEST QUALITY,, GOODS, WORST ' FOR BUSINESS .AND' Fby'DRESff' " "'r v' ; -7:. 1 v...?- A OVERCOAT PURCHASE The Coats and 0ddXoats;; Are the least in number, but with those I have in stock there are far too many " The price ' cutting must ; apply to these goods as"well s others;,:.; -t -'..r.v- V' Pick out any Coat and Vest for $4.50 ?J i TaU any Odd Coat 4pf ; 2S 'A ' . i The values in the coats and in the odd coats as high as buy a coat and vest or odd " ... rfr i- - . -v As for Pants There's hundreds of pairs too many. While the' value from $5.00 to $10.00 I m not going to consider cost orr . Those worth from $5.00 to $7.80 I will seU for $2.50 , Those worth from $70 to $ia00 I will sell for . $30- R!9. v. r 4. shipping.- V,,.,. 1 .e - DEPENDENCE ' I PUBLISH - . . . -r. ... a ... ... - '- ' i i .Art - - n - : x i ."'V ---.',; GOODS. THIS IS AN OP Vests and vests run as high as $10.00, and $8.00. If you have good pants coat and youll have a new suit ... -. 'V, 't...i j. ...... , .i. 7. ... ' tun rofit , O 285-287 Itohington V.--"t IEEE :