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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1905)
c. - 4 - K2 At ALDAfiY r".mi:.3 c:'JT.";r:.T v suiLiv:;ic:::HriT i ' Ttie big benefit bosgng and -wrestling exhibition scheduled for this evening at Pleads Guilty jta ' Violating 'Sun day' Law and Promises " -j';.". ' to Ca Good. - : Wta'tRY fO INDUCE"""" - WOOLEN MILLS TO PUILD Degree of Honor to Visit Asses- i : sor Completes Enumera J ;'... tion of City. . j , (BpecUI Dispatch to Tha Ararast.) (. Albany, .April !I-Mu Baurogart, .' v the saloon man recently arrested for keeping; hi place open on Sunday April 14, yesterday afternoon appeared In the -recorder a 'court and Pleaded KUlltv. -Ilo wi fined fft and at once paid the ,- -'.' . He stuted that he would here. . .ury-r obey the Jaw. and would im that ,norto of the other saloons sold liquor on ... WWUIU,,,. ; - .. yt A mui meeting will be held at the . ununnoMj ims Tvomng ror me purpose .. of dlactisslng the woolen-mlir propoal . iton and efforts will be made' to induce , the owners of the property to rebuild the 1 ' The- Degree -of Honor, the" women's . -',bran-h of the A. O, U. . W.. will hold a cllxtrk't convention In Lebanon this af. , ' ternoon and tonight. A number of the . members from this .City will attend the ..meeting. - The Lebanon women hare ' (.mud extensive preparations . for the ' ' event. .'.-; - . ' The county brldgecr'ew Is finishing 'up repairs to the Fisher bridge near , .MlWeinburg north of this city. This iTltf-ne of the most important "bridges ' In, the county, and as It has been closed . 'for tli Inst week while tha repairs were . bring made, there has been some dlssat- lnfuction. .The bridge will be thrown ; open to travel tomorrow. The force of ' men will then be brought here and the steel bridge aorosa the Willamette' river ' In this city wilt be repaired and new approach, built on the Benton county and. , . ; ; ,. , ' -, . . j : Tha county assessor has .'completed -the enumeration of the four Albany pre ; clnota, under the law Requiring a state " census to be taken every 10 years.' The four precincts included in the figures do not include all there Is of Albany but only that portion in the city limits r -proper. There are a number of addl ' I tions outside the corporation ' lines ) thickly settled that are not Included In . the four subdivisions named. The fig ywrea given thus far are: Albany, 83; , west Albany, 1,4(7; East Albany, 1,1(4; ' .. Price, 4(1. - ;'. ...V-';,-' , A carp weighing 7H pounds and raeaa ' urlng 21 inches was caught wtth a snta.11 honk and line off the dock here last night, one of the. biggest and beat fish ever caught here. Another carp weigh- '" ftig IH pounds was caught last Satur ,' day evening at the mouth of Dead rlvef c several miles above thle city. Fishermen returning from tha Ta qutna bay section report the trout fat . more numerous than aver In the past 'and good- catches are reported. -One party of two men returned with more " thnn 190 fine large fish measuring from 7 to Inches and others report even bet ter luck.. - ' . CLAIM WRIGHT DID NOT v I HELP TRACY TO ESCAPE r ' taeeeUI Olspatea to The JeanaL) Seattle. Wash.. April . At the re- - quest of the sheriff's office at Salem, Oregon," Sheriff Smith 'of King couaty " j ha a epeolal deputy gathering evidence ' to bo. used at tha trial of H. C Wright. ' alias H. C Charles, arrested as he emerged from the Walls Walla peniten ' tlary and taken to Balera to answer to , a charge of murder in the first degree. It Is claimed ajr tha Salem author!- Itlea that Wright' aided Band;t Harry j Tray to escape from tha Oregon penl- tentlary three years ago. . , .. ... In tha opinion of the local officer ' 'working oajthe case. Charles cannot ba (convicted, a the evidence so far gath .... ered ..jtolnts -conclusively- tt - Charles i Is innocent of any part In the Oregon . Jail-break. Deputy Hill has forwarded several affidavits to Salem, showing - that tor ten oays peroro ana arter the Jail-break Charles was working Tor ; rancher at South Park. Rancher Van ' Horn swears his time book shows this and therefore Charles could not' have been near - Salem when -the gun . waa trmuggiea o i racy, -naries was com- - mltt-vl to Walla Walla for graad lar ceny- in Kittitaa county. ,. . ,. ' ' "Ctire tha cough and save tha life.' Dr.- Wood's Norway Pino Syrup cures coughs aad oolds. dowaj to. tha very verge of consumption. - preferred Stook . Allen Lewis' Best Brand. Embossed Stationery! $ Box of Paper and Envelopes, A S n ap " i white, blue or gray. Stamped with "Portland, Oregon," or i "Lewis and Dark Centen nial." Latest style nd fin- :'; .'-1 V'est quality, g ' J.' K. GILL CO-1 Booksellers and .Stationers ... -THIRD AND ALDER CrtatTt'a at Utt!lricei ..'.'.; Trusties of Estate Of Late John SrCoveir Arrange to Carry x . Out His Wishes. VETERANS' ASSOCIATION i - ARRANGE FOR REUNION T. Coburg Woman Committed to Asylum- f'in4Has Oeen ; Failing Several Years. (Special Dispatch to Tb. JaarsaL) ' . Eugene, Orw April St. The trustees of the estate of John S. Covell, an old Soldier who died here about two years go and 'who left all Pt hla property, to the amount of several thousand dollars, to the O. A. R. for' the erection of a monument in honor of his comrades of the civil war, have let the contract to a local marbleworker for-the 'construction of. the monument, which wllh stand on the O. A. It. lot In. the L O. O. V. cem etery. . . The monument will ba more than 30 feet high and at the top a soldier will be carved' standing at parade rest An ''appropriate Inscription will 4e placed upon the marble staff In perpetu ation of the memory of the old aol dlera. . . . . ' ' ; i: ' ' , oldiaro' Bennlom..- M ember ' of tha Lane County Vet erans' 'association are planning to held their annual ' reunion thri year at the Lewta and Clark fair.-: -This organisa tion consists - of soldiers of : the civil aniL other American wars, and the mem bers bold aj reunion each summer.' It Is planned to secure grounds at the fair for a week's camp and hold- their exer cise there, probably-In June. A com mittee hit -just visited the fair .man agement and was assured that arrange menta Oduld be jnada.Xar camp gTounda. . . '"on to tfco Asylua. Rosette TrlpletU a single. woman, aged it years, residing at X3oburg, was taken to the insane asylum at Salem yesterday afternoon, having been examined before a lunacy commission and pronounced In sane. Her mind baa been falling for inree years and aha has at several times attempted to commit suicide and to kill Other people..' ... . '-'"-V Will Zafotoa Ordinance. Mayor W 11 kins announces that he will enforce the, city ordinance prohibiting spitting en the sidewalks, .- -This ordi nance was passed several years ago. but no arrests, were .ever made for violating It. ' .The mayor says .that every person canght spitting on the walk hereafter will be fined. ., ' . -. v . v, ' OLYMPIC WILL ASK FOR REff SEA WALL Offer Extended to Make City -Terminus of New Railroad by Manager. r? 4? Opertal Mesatek to tae Jnaesal OlrmDla. Wash- April IS. The cham ber of commerce last night authorised the president to appoint a committee of nine to wait upon Major MlUuv engineer for the government In the northwest and request him to Inspect the harbor at Olympla with a' view to making a new survey for a sea wau. which la greatly needed to prevent the deposit of sedi ment In the channel from the Oescbuttes river. General Manager Taylor, representing the Puget -.Sound Eastern railway me -with tha local chamber of commerce last night and formally offered to make this city Its tide water terminus if fa eilltlea can' be secured. . Mr. Taylor as sured the -chamber that the road will positively be built If the people purchase bonda they may pay f or.Uem.nly wbaa the road- is completed to tfile city. It Is proposed' to run tha lino from Olympla to Cnenalla thence eaat to North Yak ima.. . .- t - Ex-Governor McBrida today turned over to Governor Mead a draft for 13,- Qea. which- amount Is unclaimed mono -duo Washington ..volunteara-rfor - their services at Camp Rogers. - Governor Mead and .Adjutant-General Drain are making every effort to find' tha boys and i . WM ,k.l. . ' PRICE FOR SOCKEYES 1 AGITATES FISHERMEN -A . y ' V' ' J ' ' ''' ', V ' (SpecUt DtspeTteh "le Tke Jearaeti ' Vancouver. B. C. April IS. The ques tlon of the price to bo paid for sockeyes on the Fraaer river this season has at ready commenced to agnate the mind both of white and Japanese fishermen. The former have taken no steps la the matter yet. - but tha latter, have re quested tha Fraaer River Cs oners' -asso ciation to name tha scale. The eannera have, not yet .been able to get around to thequestion of prices. and are therefore unable to nam rates. It is not likely that any announcement will be made till the latter part of Mar, The coming season Is tha one of ths biggest ran . of fish in the past four years. Mora than 19 canneries will be operated in the J-'raser river and during tha height of the season all will b-i kept busy to their full capacity If the nan appear in the-r large numbers ax- seated. i v While tho determination of the wages to be paid tharflahentien la a matter yet In abeyance. It la generally understood that the price will ba of such a nature aa to be satisfactory to all the fisher men. MAMMOTH TREE FOR 1 v PORTLAND EXPOSITION .Hi,...,.:. -0 ",,..'- '." (BpeeUt MsMtea. to The JearuLt Lewlston. Idaho, April IS An effort la being made to get a cut from one of the large trees In the vicinity of Col lins to be sent to tha Portland fair. . The work of getting the log Into Lewiston would be considerable aa It would re quire the ef forte of eight horses aad It would have to be hauled several miles In a go-devlL Tha Intention la to saw out a quarter section, making of the. remain der a,, mammoth dk, where the Idaho visitors could register, and at tha same time impress tho eastern, visitors with the fact that Idaho has some giant trees and lota of them. . (Sped! Mseetch to the JenraaL) . Read! -v-Wash April IS.The little son and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Critcn came nir dying Turn day from tha effects of drinking soma horse medi cine which they found In the rafters of the barn. Roth, were violently 111 aad for a tin their lives were despaired: et Merrill's hall, which la being arranged by. Tommy. .Tracey.' for 4he- aeneflt. of his former pupil. Kid Sullivan, who re cently met with a railway accident, will have many 'interesting events on the program. ' ; . - ' ' - tinkrTteeanr -of Oregon City-aad Kid 'Swanaon of Alblns, the oid-llme rtvals who frequently appeared In pre liminary bouts during the days of box ing at the Exposition building, will once more meet In tha ring, and try. conclu sions In a four-round go. , "ChamDion Brown of the Peerleos elub and Hike Kenney of Alblna will mix In another f oar-round engagement, as wUlJee The most interesting event .of tha evening will be the rour-round light-heavy-welterweight battle between Mys terious Billy Smith and Jimmy Rellly. . This affair la given In a good cause, as tha proceeds wilVgO toward purchas ing an artificial foot for the. unfortun ate "young; athlete. Tommy-Tracey, who Is promoting this affair, will act as master of ceremonies. . . , . . NORTHWEST LEAGUE : ' . . OPENS NEXT WEEK pwlal Dlspstek to Tha Joerstl.) A Vancouver, B. C, April St. The base ball season is now at hand and the open ing games In the Northwestern league will be played on May . The teams In the loague. , via.,- Vancouver, Victoria, Kverett andJBellingham, are all strong and It will be a dlftlcult task to pick a winner. . ..1 "Honest" John - afcCloskey.' manager of the Vancouver team, has announced the personnel of his team as follows Klnrer Smith, catcher; .William Davis, John Ward.-" Frank " Law,! ear- Harmon; Billy. Burns, pitchers; McCloakey, first base; Jack O'Connelli 'second base; Bab bitt, shortstop; Billy Donovan, -thira base; Burns, right field; Buck Weaver, center field; Joe Marshall, left field. The team is now -In Bard training and will play a series bf exhibition game neat ween. . . .-. . - -. . ,r sTATZOXTAX. UAQOTB. Lost p.r. N'ew York -V i. Won. .800 .) :s5S lnioiB . . .......... Pittsburg , a lnfinnail .604 otlndelphla Roston . , . Brooklyn w St. Liouls . . .42 .400 .38 .133 At -Brooklyn. ... R. H.E. New York Brooklyn ! .4 10 r-wiiyii .,..... e Batteries Ames and Bresnahan -and .a Eaaon, Resting and Bergen. - Umpire cajt XAAatra. - Won. Lost P.C. Philadelphia i . New York . .... Detroit. -. jtj,.., Cleveland .. ... ....... m . . S : . c - I". . ' -. . .635 ,.100 was nm gum . . .463 Ht. unutu .44 .44 Chlcaro Boston . 27J . .. . r At 1 : - Bl T7 V. nn-niDRiDn ................. i . 7 Batterlea TannehlU and MoOovern wuj, ownsena. ana K.uinage. , ; At w Tot."-. v '- XI V r-ew xors . ..... ...... ..-1.. 4 Philadelohla ......a Batteries Griffith and Klelnow: Planlr i f -.'- ,.''...,. R- Kt Detroit . . ...v...4......,..e j Cleveland eateaa e. a ,-e e A V Mullln and Wood; Hess and Battriei Bemia. : 3 j' ' A At m. X-oala. n. h. k. St. Louis . . . . ....4 11 Chicago .- t Batteries Glado and Sugden; , Smth and McFarlaad. sTPOBTXsTCI A.T (Rneelal Dltpatck to Tee JoaraaL) Spokane. eAprn 23. It-Ja-anaounend that the deal has been closed for the match between Mellody aad Duffy., and that they will box at tho S. A. A. C. sometime next month. ... This wllL be that first real chamnlon ship batUer that haav vea baea.xought nere, and wui m tho best welterweight ngni xnat ine eiuo could secure. "' Tho bowlera from outside cities will noid -a. meeting tonight to organise congress. A banquet la to be given the bowlers this ' evening, after'.whtck the organisation will be formed, Portland waa the only city lo send a full five- man team. Besides Portland. Tacoma and Seattle were 'represented the ' first day. with, delegations from Salt Lake, buiio ana Missoula to coma later. Letters have been received from ''Den ver, Ban- Franelseo -anal other weatoe-SI cities indicating that they will Join 4 J association and send teams should VtCl congress be formed. .. . ; s wxn&xTAn vm. uwa.' rr (Joaraal gpeelal service.) , .t Baltlmore.fd.. Anrll J8 MICId' flat. Itvan of Washington P. C, and Harry Lewis of Philadelphia are to furnish the principal bout at tonight's show of the Eureka Athletic club. - The agreement calla for a U-round contest at ISO pounds, weigh In at I o'clock. Both men are well up In the featherweight division, fast snd rugged fighters, and bearable of putting up a lively fight - '. m i . ' MUX.TOntAM OM TOM BXATttU. The members of Multnomah Amateur Athletic club who are to participate In the tournament at Seattle left last night lor the sound metropolis accompanied by several of the elub enthusiasts. The M. A. A. C boxers who are to meet the Seattle men are Hood Bottler and Ed gar Prank, while Ed Johnson wUl look after the honors on tho mat " : MADDENED BUFFALO IS " ROAMING THE PLAINS " (gpeelal Dispatch to The lot rail.) Cody, Wyo, April 28. A bags buffalo which has . been pastured on "Buffalo Bill's" ranch, near here, 'escaped the other, day and came ito town. . Ho be came maddened at the sight of pedes trians and charged every human he saw. A band of cowboys waa soon on his trail and after a wild chase' finally corralled the beast by filing blank cartridges at nim and turning him In tho right direc tion. - Inside the corral an attempt waa made to rope the buffalo.. John Holme and - otherjl harrowly escaped being gorao- .-ia-..ina nignt tne animal Troae out of tha corral and Is bow roam Inn rer tha plains. It la feared -It will be necessary to shoot tha buffalo, for (here Is denser of those on foot berng gored to death before ho la finally Captured.- ' - . ... U . .. .. i i Pufied taak Oa aa, oleosa. . Allaa Lewis' Beat Brand. - - v -' - - ' ' -' . ' -,''"'."' , ' . ''.!;-' - v. ,'..'.".'. "'.';. ''.'':." ". .',';.'".. -1! '.V- - " -' ':'-?. " - - . - ' . A .. i i i. iii i . ' . 1 ill . f ,',''?. ..' . ...',,.' a. et I JV, ri wvt'r 11: 1 v- BECAUSE: - f It will save you money, timr wprk and worry. not only for its economy, but for the portvenience.- If you inquire among your .friends you will find T others who. do. Gas is becoming more and more in general use. JPeople are getting more knowing in this respect ' : 'xi ,-;r pt? l.. Tteyl ;. We will gladly' send our solicitor to explain the system to you-you need not feel obliged to order if not convinced thatit is advantageous to do so. We feel satisfied that if yiu once use Gas you will never be without .it . : .':'.:r''':"-.-r:t'.'.:.;'.;;''":'' ":. V' --v, ' ;-TV ;:v.. it- Ws.bave the most approved appliances for efficient lighting, for heating quickly and abundantly, and for cooking tbonomically and perfectly. , - .'. . ''-: y ;;-v- I'i'.-J.s' Vv-' i ;" vl' ' We. advise you to. order nowa little later the rush will be oil and everybody will want them attached "at once.' It is then, that people must wait their turn while at present we can do the work on short notice. . All Gas Ranges can be purchased either forcash or monthly payments, which can be made when oavin? ,jvui S. 9 W1U4 y M n FATDER OF STATE DEAD Rev. JJanlel Bagtey Who Cam to Oregon With Mercer and Horton Passes Away.' PROCURED LAND GRANTS FOR WASHINGTON SCHOOL Preached in Salem in Early Days First Opened Coal Mines at Newcastle, t : (Special Dissateh te Tke lom-aal.) Seattle. Wash., April IS. Rev. Dan lei Bagley, pioneer missionary and In latter years known as the "Father -tof tha University of Washington," died yesterday at tha borne of hie son, Clar enco B. Bagley, secretary of tha board of publlo works. He waa -It. years of age on September 7 last. . His wife. sged SI years. .who has been his con stant companion about the house for the past many years, waa In an adjoining room when the end earns, aad. only the son and a nurse were present at the bedside..- Death came In a sinking spell snd tha aged minister passed away aa If in a sleep. . - , - Rev. Bagley was born In Qreene county. New York, September 7, ISIS. In August 1140, he wss married to 8u aannab Rogers Whipple, who, over since her marriage, nan been an Invalid, and of late years a cripple, yet survives her nshand. . In 1S4Z ho was admitted to tho ministry and took a prominent part tne anti-siavery meetings, being one of tho moot pronounced active abolition ists In tha United States. . In 1S53, with- his wife, he came te Oregon as a missionary, being of the same party which contained Thomas - U you Iqiew the facts about Schilling;' Best, you wouldn't bother with anything else"la .U l it V '''' I ' '' ' ' uiusc sue lines at ail. Portland Q&e Co - J ''' '' ' ' - .--..i .. ' - . " - '- ".'." tfT? ' '.' ' c - ' - 'j ?...;. - . . .. ' ',-tJ y UNIVERSITY '. r V rTy HE purchase price of a Gas , tor ine purcnasc price we - win set it up reaoy tor use, wnicn Includes a run of 40 feet of rjioe.-' On a caah gala or if won nav for it- writhin J .1 . . j: ww usva, w lueuaw yuu a uiavwtuiv v ready in the kitchen and no pipe is Fifth and Yamhill Streets,; BElKlBEIIvWEEPIflGEraCTIOl "if " sr -' ' ,.ij.-i-p r - v ' :. . - IN WOOD PRICES FOR ONLY 30 DAYS '" ' LJ - : ..: ' U- 31 am wimMMwtnrAmm -L. sr. iv. n won vmxm bxstsuot osxt. I ,-'....- '''-''. . .v.'.'. 5? Oreen short slab, par load.. .....f 1.75 'mm ... V I ; g . Dry abort alb. er load ( 3.BO 6.1J Jk l fcaW . k, V -foot dry wood, per oord 15 -' 1 .' . , r Block wood, per load ij.OO '..'''' , I J LJ. 1 ry ajsi ai 5 . mew itlaa4 aMgMa, WUlaaaetto . j r.. JL'-sga;. 1.7 Vfl ',(Ti 3 - - atetgM aa,Ssxmat Vaaoa; , .' ;., ' ' ' Jv , 7l -f) - - k ; . .; ': Chess -! green slabweed ay arrssgesMal. 0' 0 I J - s Prlees tarlassd la alstHets are . . . ' . . WytS '" , : : ' 5 ,., for ahert gresa . see bed. .; ; JrL. 'ST- ' c i. Mercer, Dester Morton and other path finders. He settled la Salem, where he remained until 11(0, when bo came to Seattle. - ,. - . - - la US ho waa chosen pastor ef the hlstorio Brown church, on Second ave nue and Madison street.' In 1SS1 ha waa elected president of tho state university commissioners snd secured for that in stitution the state land grant it now owns. ; In 1ST he took an active part In opening the Newcastle coal mines. Of late years hehaa been confined to the homo of his son, where the waking hours were .spent with hla wife for a companion. ....... ... You Can't Afford to Be-Without a cSU.ll The Gas t Range has earned its iaj , that they either cook' with Gas Range now includes' installine 1A iin.' . .--i - tv per. (cni. VV m IUC1 SLUD IB aU necessary a discount of 20 per cent is - ' ALL,1 Oreen short, per load.. Dry abort, per load wry -root ,wood, per oord . 92.28 r - - Blocka, per load.. .....93.OO I bAnfield-veysey FUEL CO. & pnona xviain 3453 auaisTs-a ajtxs sajcaus. (special map tea .tv Tke Joera.1) . Oregt rails. Mont., April S. Rev. Wallace r. Chase, pastor of the lion arch. Belt and Nelhart circuit of the Methodist Episcopal churchy has Insti tuted suit in the district co.rt a--!nt Luther K. Howes, a merchant of I ' arch and a deacon In the ennrrh t ri for 1 1 'ae-vr. t r.ev, r 1 lr ' r- , , I 1 I '. I I X f I . r 1 . r - 1 s t ' ,ei r ' . r 1 r 1 popularity and holds it, : or thev know sewral . ! . t ' t -at Vs V a; vel that is, I . - 6T WESTSIDE i. .91.TS ...92.50 orfaaA Mtotto Katrita. . CO THSKD CTnnT . 1 . t 1 1 . 1 v