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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 25, 1905)
.V" f vPOnTLAIID'S 'Vj'riwf ! Star' -kSfTSSrS 7EXP0OT10N CITY QUALITY :SHOP ; V '5 't - -...r m . , ,T: , i -sW6 i I EiA VCOOIVl Jv W always provide raerdundiie excepOonally good for our patroni, good not obtainable elsewhere; newer, brighter and prettier styles, absolutely correct, autlioriutivc fashions and it- , ' Second Floors ' I P4aMo quaUdet at prieat leu tnaa other houset m wiSlax to., aodept. '-.ENORMOUS ' SALES'' AT-: MOOERATJE PROFIT'-IS, OUR. HULE t , X Under the 'Ausmces of. Portland - ' ' f L :v-' i'-.. 4. .v-.-. j r-' x,wv via ,. - ; , , ' -Menu for Wednesday, April 26 31 - - - - - - - - , Tea' - Coffee'"- 'f Chocolate ' ,. Milk in Bottles 1 Cream of Celery Souo " ' ," X ' . - . r 1- c :u - aa Any observing person who walks' thro' Portland's shoroin dist uv of ths eltv 'hAn tK' m h rnn o . viucit JjAUiail . - (.;.;; j j . '''. - , . 0 f - . vf ; ; Brown Bread Ham Sandwiches ; ; abroad and been proven true that better goods are here than elsewhere, and that prices are everlastingly lower.' - This powerful organization is in control of the markets and is bound to Bread and Butter ' Hot Rusk undersell competition of every sort, great and small. : We are price dictators, our leadership is privately acknowledged by every house in the city and publicly heralded by hundreds of ''! :viLemon Pie , . f II thouunds of Shoppers thro'out the northwest ajid m the markets of the world as PORTLAND'S GREATEST STORE. We print below excerpts of a store full of tremendous bargains that yes; ets.seeteoeo even our own recora 01 we put xew.weejcs, great toougn it has been, has not equaled. WE MAKE MORE MONEY ON THE BUYING END ! OF MERCHANDISING THAN ON THE SELLING ; ; -i' WOBTH-WHILB BAKOAIK0 IN Men's Spring Toggery first rtooR west; annex 1 1. rU MMBB VESTS "FOBiaaITS .. A cood lln of Km'i Summir Vt, In puin whlt V tuck and Madra. in wbiu with black dofe buck and whlta ehok, ana UA antt Star attacU, our rac val; apodal at. aach , ......9S jMEN'S ifto BOX S PAIRS FOft H CENTS-. . Men'a Sox. In tha new oriUr-arar ahada. aaamleaa ana a itooa wcignt for apnnc and aummer wear, our boat tea ai. special at, I patra for. .. .(8 MEJT 1.0e 8HlRT8 e' CENTS . - - Men'a Bummer 'Golf Shirts, -In whlta. with blank ,.. flirurea. black pin atrlpaa and black dots, a verr ... "jinn ana areasy aairi. our Ttf. I1.0O VaXi v " clal at, oach .... 59e Valves that, bays created a'stir ; " V IN , THE , Dress Goods arid Sills Stores ' " "FIRST FIORTOriTH AJOflCXV-J Thaaa Vnmalehabla Barcalna ContlntM Wadntaday. tl-INCH AiL-WOOL BUITINOa. In aaat ehaekad and atripad affact. all In tha now aprla ahadaa. roan- . Jar $1.60 coeda; apaolal fo tha wook emr. yd. 984 NEW ENGLISH NOTEX.TT MOHACB ,.TnTmO, In mi in mt aiyiaa ana ooionnja, tno awotloat i sTahrhs foc-shtrtwalst sulU maOat radLoally induced .'.'i for tha week . , ,-, , t ; ; Racular ti e mda: apaeUt par rard.;.....04 "v Regular grada; apaclal. par yard.....S9a Ratrulaj; 1.( grade; apacial, par yard . , . . . .8 NEAT SHEPHERD CHECK VOILES. In all wantad strat colora. our racular raiuaa; apaclal, par . , ya"4 -, 0 l.iMltltttaMf 's-v w Black '. Dress' Goods IMPORTED SILK AND WOOL POPLIN DB CHINES . - . and CREPE DX PARIS, Faahlon's awellaat draaay ; fabric, reduced radicallr for tha waak-w "- RaruUr 11.2 trade ; apaclal, par yard. ... . Racular l.l cradea; apodal, per yard..,. ; Racular tl.TS cradea; apoctatpar yard..;. Racular 13.08 cradea; apaclal. per yard... Regular .S cradea; apaclaVper jrard.... 8 1.21 1.4a i.ea a.o9 Rodaing SOk Specials NW He! SUIT SILKS Erary color and new daalan ahowa thia aaaaon Taffeua, Loutclaa, Mosaallnaa . and Chiffon Taffataa: a fow of tha atylaa are am- broidered dota with check crounda, check arroanda TnrTOtfmlnaJea-dotiTpflAarwarp dan effect, etc.; divided In three Immenea aa 5, aortmenta - ., . v :;-, .. .. ',, LOT 1 Unmatchable ll and $l.e ralaea; gpaelal only, par yard .......i...... .......T84 LOT Unraatehabla IMS Taluaa; apaclal only, par yarfi i , ,.,..9X4 LOT' tTnmaUhabla ILTi and ILte -raluaaj apaclal . . only, yard ............ ...... 1.1S COME WEDNESDAT AND EN JOT THb'bAROAIN TREAT. OF 'THE SEASON IN THE .- . Shoe Store r, , FAIR-WAT FOOTWEAR AISLES. " ' s FIRST 4 FLOOR WEST ANNEX, ' ; men'i eHoje,",' , MEN'S t4.eO. and IS.O SHOES FOR'tt.41 Tha Celebrated "Pincrea" Shoea for Men. here In - - U the different atylaa and IH tha boat of leathers, aoma with double aolea, otbera with medium or ' heavy aaleej theao ahoea have baan aalllnc for ll.oe, . I4.S0 and; apaclal . aala prto. tha , pair,..., , .$3.49 MEN'S 4.ev SHOES FOR tl.S Men'a Tart Ruaalan Calf Lace and Blucher Cut Shoes, brand-new cooda, up to data In Ovary reapect, made to sell V for;; apaolal aala price, tha pair. i... 93.39 .'vt'w o m iri i Roi a ' WOMEN'S OXFORD TIES I4.0 Women'a Osford ' - Tiea, In tan and gray Suede, tha aaw ahadaa which are beinc worn ao much thla aeaaon;.thay hava tha atylifk Louta XV faeala and allk-worked eye- let holaa; price, tha pair ...94.0O .WOMEN'S "JULIETS" FOR $1. Women'a Com-' fort Bhoea, the popular "Juliet,;' with or without . rubber heels, our LH value; special aala prine, tha pair . . . . : $1.69 A ' GREAT. SPECIAL SALE OF WOMEN'S ILSe : SHOES A celebrated "advertised Una of Wonx, . en'a Vlcl Kid and Patent Boot,, to be closed out; ' at a big reduction. These ahoea are advert laed ta ,U leading papers. at IJ.60, but ours lartha privl- ' lege of reducing tha price, aa we are about to Ms- continue tha Una. Wa will aeU these stylish , ahoea, the regular price at which la 11.80. at a apaclal aala price of........ ............ 82.49 ALSO THE "IDEAL--. JfATENT JUD HOEA a-tha apeciai aala price of ...f2.T9 WOMEN'S tl.te SLIPPERS tc Womaa'a One-Strap -. Patent Colt Slippers, our tl-ie value; apaolal aala prlo . . . ...i..r........944 ;"..MS8B0 ' '-'"A N D; CH S LD R EN 8 8HOBS AND SLIPPERS. - - CHILDREN'S tl.fte SLIPPERS etc Chlld a Two- i Strap Slippers, with eprlnc heels, our ll.Ov value; t special at ......................,.,...r..r.S9 MISSESf SHOES. In paUnt colt and enamel calf, laoe "aea 11 ta 2, ear racular ll.e value; ape-, clal aala prlca -...-.81.49 CHILDREN'S FINE GLACE RED KID SHOES, sprjnc heela, lace style. , i - . Hisas e to I. rec. Il.7 val.; spartal'at...,...T9aV Slsee t to 11, rrg. ll.oe vaLt special at.-91.l0 COUNTY! i-fjsiv FAIR OPEWS TONIGHT: SOS Continuing to and Jneludinc Satur. day, April Slth. Afternoon and evening. Tha greatest social event of iha seaaon. , Continuous music by - two - banda.' Dasalnc - every evening..-.v.i..;, , Thousands of Dollars y Given Away!.; ! Best People on ' Earth In prfsea to fortunate folk. Admlssfon. He; season tickets, SKI TO XY X and aid one of tha most worthy and unostentatious CatASXTXM lt th world, KV n t-,, conductod by a aobl ardar..-,: ; , - - M I Women's Smart $2.50 Street Hats at BIJOU MILLINERT SALON8 .Second Floor Annex. The prestige of our Millinery Salons la strengthened thla seaaon by Us triumph in High Art .Creations and ao well es tablished la our reputation - for exclu sive modela. that.-no woman Is" content to select aa expensive hat without con aultlng her tastes here. : But tha popularity of thla department la seen to a greater extent In the Medium and Popular-Priced Hata, product of tha 'expert artiste In our awn work room. Hata which ahow all of tha styls aad beauty of tha mora artatoetatto ) creattona at vary alight coat to tha purchaser. Wednesday affords an ex . , eellent example of our leadership In value-giving ' in tha lower prloe llnea of Smart Millinery. W have grouped a lot of and 11.10 value la , Pretty Street Hats in alhtho leading colora and ahapea for bji aa irora miss 10 matron Turban. Bailors, Continental. f : Wednesday from miaa to matron Turbans, Bailors. Continentals, r greatest Hat valuea offered yet thla aeaaon, Cho "3C n , .- 'f i 8jgjfgs . BXGGER VALUES FOR THE MONEY WERE NEVER OFFERED THAN IN WEDNESDAY'S SALE OF iwoirifen si Suits Goats, g,3Kirts and Waists t.Ti t (1 la the Grand Salons, Second Floor. LARGEST APPAREL STORE FOR WOMEN WEST OF CHICAGO WITH DOUBLE THE STYLES AND GARMENTS OF ANY OTHER PORTLAND HOUSE. Wednesday Concludes These Special Inducements Pointed Below This Is absoluter the peatesryatae-givinff event in Women's New Spring and Summer ApparetWer attempted ' , ' ?jfy:W'H?riJto Mat. .; t; X .J - u SstPc-li: ' i-: $20 sous ntn: . ' aagaMM r CS.11CS. MT1 CS. CIDIM Hnn aa T Tl ff I sr jk SIS Cheviots aad Venetian, hlnnaa e Bishop sleeves, braid and button trimmed, colora black, Muts and brown. Cheviot a, Panamas and fancy tweadlsh mixture.. In bloaea effects snd with fancy Jaoketa with veat Skirt are fanoy plaited and ahlrrad. 'Trimming of fancy bralda, novelty button, and raameats. la blacka,- bluea. gTey and tana, la Bixd sffacta and rich aavya. - "'i - v ' - EXTRAORDINARY SALE OF SMART SILK SHIRTWAIST SUITS. ilUO Shlrtwcici Suiia for $1833: In rteh handsome black, brawn and blue taffeta fa. strapped and plaited trim mine effect wit buttons. Bishop Sleevee, titne-gored flare aklrta with doubl stitch aeams. k. v-.-. .. ,.;,.. . . v. . , . , iTi b?uvnoune tnA fancy plaited' effect, fancy braid and button trimmings. "" Brwwne ana mannisn xancy mixiure. ' j,- , ''i:,r.f $25 and $28.60 Suits for $19.65. Etamlne and fancy Twaedlsh Mixtures, Etona, blouse and Jacket atytoa, skirt fancy plaited, plain tailored and trimming of fancy braids, buttons and taffeta. xancy aieave oiiocu. tBiacaa, prawns, blue aad handsom mixtures. . 123 SliUtwaial Quite fui Slfl.flifc- Beanttful, erlap and ruatllnc taffeUs with fancy shirred and tucked waist and hi it mateh Bishop aleevea Blacks, bluea and browns and handsome chance ... . (.imi ppvwuai ua prawns. i A SALE OF STYLISH, DISTINCTIVE, SMARTLY- TAIL ORED JACKETS AT E&CEPTfONAL SPECIAll PRICES. fn bUck eerg. cheviot and tan eoverta. eoraat fitting and loos back bogy ef fecU: all strictly tailor-made In both eollarlese and notched collar affect. Some are full lined with heavv satin: tha box aoata ara nnlinad.: at ran mnA K,.ttoM i trlmmad. ; Women's $18.50 CotS for $12.78. la handaoma tan covert breasted, eoraat' n eoverta with fancy collar and notched style, doubl or alagla fitting, full satin lined, with strap and buttoa trimmings. A GREAT SPRING SALE OF WALKING SKIRTS iFOR EASTER WEEK. ...... $7.50 Welkin? Skirts for $3.98. . Cut In full, round lengths, from handsome, serviceable Panama clothe, fancy tweed miiu, .in pmiimi, liar ana tioubo aiiecia; una, grey mixtures. Blues, brown, blacka and attractive, mannish mixture. , , t ' " '"'Special Sale of Silk Drop Skirts. - 7 - $5.00, $7.50 and $8.50 .Values for $3.91 Superb Silk Taffeta Skirts, with drop, cut an train. In aeeordeon plaited, ruffled' and floune stylee, trimmed In rufflea. and ruffled affect. Blacks, blue, tans, brown, navy, gray, sraan and whlta. 4 . . , .- $10.00, $1$J0 and $15.00 yaluea for $7J5. . ,V- - $12.50 Walking Skirts for $8.98. 1 , Cut In full, round modish lengths, in fancy plaited and tb new "umbrella'' style. Xrom very stylish and serviceable materials. Including alpacas, stamina aad-Panamas, in black, blue and brown. Umbrella effect hav gored flare. , ; Dainty Lawn Waists in the Sale. v , , POSITIYKLT MATCHLESS YXLUES. " M v Women's $5 Waists for $3.45 -.i it? V?,' !r,mmV ln yok effects back tucked, Bishop sleeves, with lact cuff to match yoke, . , . ( ., ... . . - " J'f ' Women's' $6 Waists for $3.98. am a abo.vxeept that front ara handsomely and elaborately embroidered. Supply Un dermuslin Needs Dainty Undermuallaa at prtcaa for Wednesday . that make home sewing an expensive luxury aa- wall aa a foolish waste of tlma and aaUanaev- law aaaapU .apaclal yalua! -.v,i'-J.?iUr:.7''. -:'7T-';.'.. ildtes'-"Wt1. Coraet CoveTS,'tnrouad,- aoijar had V-ahapad Book, trimmed In many atylaa. with ;". fin Swiss and Hamburg embroidery, . Torchoa, , , Valanclaaaea and Ouny Uosa, beadttig and draw ribbon; regular prlca t and S.f; special at ............ ......... fTI.'-f XAdlea Extra Fin Cambria Gown. Empire tyl, cluster of fin tuck In front, ambroldary in- ; SerUen, turned-down collar with beavrtitched . edge, aaff flnlahad aama aa collar or or Tina " Nainsook, round slip-over neck,' I rows of Val. - lace insertion between hematltchlng at aeeh-and - leave, finished with Val. lac edglnc; regular prlo S.(0; apaclal at...,..,..f t, Petticoats at One-Half Price ; dlea' Wash Pa ttl coats, of fancy blua and whit . aeersueker. 'two 4-lach ruffle, with fancy stitch. . . inc. rg.f price tte; apaclal 64d Black Sitcen Pdticoats Price ' Black Mercerised Sateen, SUk Moreen. Poplin aad Gloria "Ellta" PetUooaU at on half prlea Ther ara many advantage th -Elite" ha over tha draw-etrlag aklrta It' doe not bunch' over tha hip, ha no draw-string or opening at tha back. , and fit perfectly smooth. - Th atylaa ara many; price from 1110 to ft. SO thia week at ONE HALT JPBICE. . j..-. v;;.,, y ... .'j-.-..,; - :, Sample line of Children' Dresses, In whit lawn, . gingham, linen. pique. pareaM ehambray, era ah - - and ealloo, mad In aallor, Russian, Buster Browm rand fancy, vary daintily. trlmmad ta tanoy braid. .- embroidery aad laoa, slsa from 1 ta 11 year, r ular price from Tie to T.C; special at Ot.H -- HALF PRICB. Ba early ther ara only a taw i , vr 101 in tha lob In the Art Shop Aaax8acoDd Floor. - New Fancy SUk Battenberg Braid, Rlnca, Boaettaa, Threads and Pattarna, la Art Department. 1 Faiicj Sal -Skuapiag Haska4 aaasV-e antra fin materia i, wry iinaiy woven, racuiar too; apaclal .i....t..m,ir,M; Another shipment of Royal Worcester Summer Cor , aeta came in; price up from...... ..........f; . BARGAINS THAT ABOV8B ENTHUSIASM INTHB . v v uiiicn s i oggciy onops First Floor. J , It AND tOO BIBBONS Sl TARD. t V " Hundred of yards of Rlhbona In both taffeu and satin Uffeta. In all colore, aiaex and whlta; also some in stripe and fancy Pen La n affect; our rec I".. r tic and 40o values; special aala prlca, the yard.,. ................... ,85t BBAUTTFUI. ORIENTAL XACES VALTJES FROM IH TO 100 THE TARD; r''. v:..'.3 -v'-vl. ;v-;;-fBPaiCIAI.;.AT lfd), . , ' . An immense ehooalng of these handaoma laoe a, pretty net top, oriental atylaa. in peat values in tha, "Lae store" at th regular prtea r Ilo, 4o aad Sa tha yardj special tomorrow at...,.................. 94 ..W TARD. - la th lot ara 1-Inch Fin Satin Taffeta, aafali-allk rtbboa. worth 4oo tha yardi aanaaoma anaaea KiDbona, ahadaa running tram iigat ta dark, regular value 40o; .pretty black and white effects In Invisible atrip patterns. 4o values; IH and 4-inch widtha in beautiful Dreadena that ara worth their full iia value. -and jocular too value. In 4Vslnch widtha ofjrlch, elegant Persian , Ribbon. -.On special sal Monday for, tha yard....... ..25d y . -J,!: n belts for ' io. .: '.'.. ":, ' .- Lad las' Wash Bait,. gam plala whRa,, aoma embroidered, our ISo value; apeelai at, aaoa .... ...S5d ONE HALF DOZEN LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS FOR 4le Rlchardeon'a pur aneer Linen Handkerchiafa. quarter Inch hems, on half dosen in box; tb best .valu for themoney aver offered.. Specie! whll thy Jast at the box....484 Big Special in Popular . Wash . Fabrips ':." --'it ' ' ' " Wish Oooda Ami First Floor. c.' , ;,,., Fin Jacqiiard" piques, aoft, medium weight. i handsom ralaed affects; spr!aT; . . nriM. tha m rA ...... ....... '.. . . r.m tMMMM. MMl , fai the Internifibnal Correspondence School Voting Contest OPiflCHE NORTON WINS FIRST-PIUZE onal Correspondence School ' WITH 558,480 VOTES j I ARTHUR OF M. Co A. SHOO REN CO. WINS SECONt) PRIZE f A WITH 34Z.O90 VOTES' THE GRANLV TOTAL VOTE CAST? WAS 1085.599, . S The contest opened Monday; February Itth. when the house of OLD8. WORTX f MAN KING announced they would present a fra scholarship In the L C. C ooura to the amploya of any house, other than their own, who ahould receive tha" largest number of vote in a Dooular tmbltn mit i f weeksr ending last Satordaf. April It." Tha educational f nature at once gained X favor with Ihe -public, hundreds of candidates' name appearing during -tha X conteat. but finally narrowing down to two or three about whom th inter. oat baa been Intonaa. Early In March tha firm of OLDS. WORTMAN A , , KINO canajoualy responded to a popular raqaaat and offered a aaaond Prise f , , of a aeeond scholarship with th same aohooL Tha winner of both of the X ' valuable prise, sre mer boys who friend number among tha thousanda X ; They would bo dangerous antsgonlsta. indeed, to any of tha aspirant for J , th Mayoralty If their age allowed of their becoming candidates. Wa sin- T , , eerely congratulate both lada and feel positive, indeed, that tha acholarahlpa X . , so fairly won ln a moat stubborn oohjest will ba Used aa supping tonea X o to a mo uoiasfulrbMlneor profeaalonal oareer. Wa hop to be abl J ' to publish tha llkeneaaea .of both youngstara soon, with a word or t- fout ; , them. Wa thank all wha hav caused tats t be on of the mor - ' ' , , ing store events in tha history of the houa. and will aeon hav - , of avenmor interest to offer for public approval. Keep your awys-dolng-omethtng, stor. - .1 MOMtMMMltMvi4Wvttt:' Stt:"''' y SPECIAL SALE OF '- J f- Oil, Gasoline and ; Gas Stoves GARDEN 'TOOLS, WINDOW' SCREENS AND RE FRIGERATORS AT LOW PRICES.. V . ' Thlrd Flaar. . , . ' BLUB . FLAME f COAL OIL STOVES. On Burner; special at. each.; .88.58 Two 3urar2 spackal at, eaoh.,... ...... 94.18 "'t-AMp sxpvea 'V-c',vtt:';r": Ona Burner; specUl at, eh.k...Z.t.m,"v...994 Two Burner; special at, aach.,..i.......,M,784f ' ' 4 , OABOifiO)'- STOVESLy' '' Two Burners; special at, each..l...........f J.T5 Two-Burper Oaa Plate; pricea up from...... Plaaishad Steel lined, I ahelvee; prlo, each. .$1.75 HARDWOOD ADJUSTABLE WINDOW. SCREENS. Sis ICxltH Inehea; special at. each. 25 Slxa t4xTH inches; special at, each........ ...331 Slsa IOxITH inches; apeciat at, ach...'........40 Sis ttxtl . Inches ;, syclai at, each... ....... .4Bt : ' 1 v; r- .V refrioerators. C i ; - Of all kinds; priced at, each, up from.;.....i.ST.50 ' U . --.'v.: ' " ICE BOXES.'-' . "v-'v:.v... , '. Priced at aacb, np from,,...,...; e.ea A BIO SPECIAL SALE OF REAL RENAISSANCE THESE CURTAINS ARE ALL HAND-MADE, WJTH i LACK EDGE AND INSERTION THIRTY- V TWO DIFFERENT STTLKS FROM ..- ',' .. . , , - WHICH TO MAKE JOUR ''-'. " SELECTION. , Our AI0 value; Special aala price. I. ,. ...... f - Oar It.t value; special aal prlca... ........ Oar 111. value; special sal price. Our 114.0 value; special sal pris-e..,, ' -Our lit. value; special ' a Our IK.t value; spectnl i . , Our fit. V; spec'-! Our 2.oi v. 4v,a; t - Ourltl.Mv. ; r Cur 112.1 va , 4 f ' ft r i f t , , ...v...T......Mw rrn'