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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 25, 1905)
Ji u' 7 S. (Continual from rg On.) . . other federal decision, notably In the case of the lotted Hum againat Ben on and Hyde, where the same .ucatlona " arose. The Ui of California prescribe, " in Oregon, that Juror must be en the aeaessmeat roll. The California ; penal code provide for the challenge of grand Juror upon certain enumerated ground. It waa held, however, that the provision disqualifying peraena from sitting ea the Jury whoa name were ' not on the assessment roil did not apply to grand Jurora, because It waa not In- eluded In th only ground of challenge permitted to he made to arand Juror. Unlea It waa ground of challenge. It .could not be a ground for setting aside :.. -th indictment tii-..-s. , ln the Benon-Hyd ea th curt '" said: , ' '" -; - . ' -' "; ' " ". -In thl cas th objection to aome "of th grand 'Jurora. thai their name wer not among tn liat of taxpayers , on the lat assessment roll of their re- epectlv counties, la technical only. There I no allegation In th plea that , th Juror were not In all rasped, a to ability and knowledge, fully qualified for the dutiea tmpoaed upon them, of , that th defendant wer In any reapect ' prejudiced by th abeencev ,of their ' name from th ' aaeeament roll. ' In -' these circumstance, the objection muet ,:jall under th general rul of the fd . eral court, that mlaatona which do not Impair any substantial right or preju dice th defen of th accused must be disregarded, unices otherwise required by poaltlr Utut." ' - ; vJaiT WUy 0ifald. " As to th argument of Senator Mitch ell's counsel that the grand Jury was not. legally' organised because of cer tain changes In th personnel , of ,1b Jury, mad' by order of the court. Judge ' Bellinger declared that the defendant had been In no war Injured, by the changes. Fred BuSum and Oeorg Peeb ler, the two substituted Juror, wer both duly qualified to serv. Both were . present during air of the deliberation which led to Senator Mitchell Indict' menu , Th right of th court to ap : point substitute Juror In place of otb era who were unable to aery was too well established to be questioned. Th contention of th defense, that Franrls J. Heney was not qualified to ' art district attorney because not t resident of tbl stste, was declared by Judge Bellinger to be of no effect, for the reason that his right to th offle could not be attacked collaterally. As th d facto district attorney, he had the right to go before th grand Jury and the law would preaum that ha had been rightfully aoDOlnted. . .. "As to the other grounds of objec tion to th Indictment, that air. Heney ha been very prejudiced gainst th de fendant and eery actlr In working up feeling against htm. and ha been very vindictive and blttr In hi prosecution of thl charge, . th are matters of which this court ' cannot i tak cog. nlxance," said Judge Bellinger. . ' A SMi) calafg aty. "A croeecutlng officer' may not in frequently appear active against a de fendant, and bitter and vindictive in and out of court. Th feeling and Interacts i of a defendant tend to create In hlav an , aafavorable opinion respeeiing th. at titude of th prosecuting c nicer towara him. What la alleged la a mar matter of opinion, and a to th affect of th . conduct attributed . t tn aisinci at torney b v that opinion. Jio opinion la tx , pusaid; andl there waa in fact avl dene of the fact M -which th 'opinion relate. It could not affect the legality ' af what has been done, or afford! ground " for aettlng th .indictment said. It Is stated that If aald JTanela J. IIeny had mot 99 unlawfully appamrad' bTor not h".ve been foi--Hg- other than mer . opinion. If h had lawfully1 appeared befor them, th presumption Is that the., aam result would hav followed. In other words. Mr. Heney Influence With th grand lurv cannot possibly be said to hav been affected by hla residence, and that la th ground of hla alleged aisquaiin cation to hold th office." On of th most important of: th questions upon which Judge Bellinger . passed waa that relating to th right of the defendant to assail the indictment by plea In abatement Upon this point Judg Bellinger said: : , , Organltli f furl. ' "It remains to be considered whether th organisation of th grand Jury and th legality of Its proceedings can be attacked on the - grounds . alleged, as a matter of legal right, k , "Section SOS of th revised statutes provide that Juror in the United State courts shall hav th same quali fication a Juror of th highest courts of law In the state where th court is held, and they shall be designated by ballot, lot, or otherwise ' according to the mod of forming such Juris theft practiced la such state court, so . far as such mode may be practicable, by the court of th United State, and . for thl purpose th courts ef th United State may by rul -or order-conform the designation and empaneling of Juries in subs ta ncs to th laws and Manges' re lating to Juror in th atat courts. This aeetloa I th act of 1119. with aom amendments not important In this connection, v ,'. .'. . . V''N. express rule or order baa. been adopted In .thl court 'conforming th designation and empaneling of Juries to the laws and usage of the state courts, although thia court has conformed it practice in that reapect to state law and usages since it organisation. It ; I not left however, to the discretion ! of th United State court to conform their practice respecting the organisa tion ef Juries to Stat lawa Th re quirements ef the act of 1I4S ( section ; MO) ar imperative, land (Juries) shall ' be designated, etc, according to the ; Because it isibe) belt. The us cf it'durinf the) past twenty years bu resulted la millions of satisfied (rjC:n::3fcr2Gc:r.l3 V'k AO f nnrrihinr nnrmnr mod of forming such Juries' la thai ..... tala courts. -In the case of United Statea va Reed. I Blatch. 4tf (Federal Case NO. is.llt) tried in th . northern district of New Tork before Justice Nelson and Dis trict Judge ftall. It waa held that th tat law which abolished challenge to the grand Jury panel and limited th objection taai mignt o ma a wuw particular Juror, applied In th federal courts sitting In New Tork. Nelson, Justice, delivering th opinio of the court after explaining th reason for alio wing th challenge to th array, at common law, aald: 8o that. In point of law. as well a In truth, both th ohai lenge to th favor and th challenge to th array, directly or indirectly, in each raa. go t th determination of th proper qualifications of grand Jurora, either a Individuals or a a panel. And, If w ar right In our premises, it follows, that th two sections in .question ' ar directly -within the act of congress of 1840, and are ap plicable lit regulating the selection, BummoninsV'returnIng and organisation cf grand Juries tn th federal eourta : ' Aecaaed staa'a Viv-vUom. ' 7 The court goes on to say that al though challengee have been abollahod. It by n means follows that th accused haa. no remedy In a case where ther ha been any Improper conduct or fraud committed by th public officer la drawing, summoning or organising the grand Jury. Such proceeding arei al ways under th general supervision of th court Th court has general power tq preserve th pur admlnlatratloa of Justice and Its sound discretion will al ways be exercised freely for th purpose of securing that cad. . "The Reed case is approved ana loi- i lowed In United State va. Tallman. It Blatch. II (red. cases. No. IU2. The court held that th atata statute 'having been adopted by th federal statute.and the state statute having taken away th tight or challenging the array, It. had the effect by Implication, of taking away th right to f ale objection in any form a th United State court J - 'The cas of United State vs. Tusks, 14 Blatch I (Fed. case; No. 16H0). adopts th rul of th foregoing casern. There waa a plea In abatement averring that one of the" grand Jurors was a non-rssldent , Th .court after stating that the cess is bovered by th decision In the Reed case, goes on to sayi 'If, ia ovary criminal prosecution, th ac cused has th Isgal right by a pica In beteiaant, to rata th question or th restdenc and th property of each of th -members of th grand Jury, and re quire that issue to bo tried before Jury, befor calling upon him to anawer th charge. It la easy to see, that In lo calities like New Tork. the practice would, substantially render the trial of an offender optional with trim, for, in the absence of any better method of select Ing Juries for eourta of the United State than that permitted by existing lawa, t doubtless happen that aom on of th grand Jury 1 ope.a to question as to his residence of property.' "In th case of tno United States va. Eagan, supra, which wis tried befor Justice Brewer and Circuit Judge Thar r, th court considered the effect of sections 0 and 711 with reference to the question under consideration. . Mr, Justic Brewer, quoting that portion of section go which provide that. Juror to serv in th courts , or th United State, la aoh state respectively, shall hav the asm qualification and be en- titled to th same exemptions as Jurors of th highest court of law tn th atat, says: 'Mr. Conkllng, In hts treatise on th practtc of th United State courts. Insist that ther ar cogent reasons for holding that thl refers not merely to the qualification as to ctttaenahlp, age, residence), etc, but that It extends to II the proceeding for challenging and determining tit qualtftcationa of Jurora. and t that extent incorporate th law of th' state. ..Clearly, -with these two sections tot, Til) of th .federal statute we bv th right tx W ar not bound In every case la which ther 1 no ex press provision of th federal statute, to apply tn laws or the atata in which thf court 1 held; and. applying th laws oi Missouri, mere can o no question but that thl plea In abatement must be ovrruid. . , ." ... '.. Stat rraetie Obtains. case, atated it as Ills opinion that under section 711 th court was authorised to conform Its rulings to th practice which obtains tn th state courts of Missouri, and that under th practice In th atat courts It was clear beyond question that the plea In abatement stated no valid ground or objection to tn indictment. "Section Til referred to In th fore going opinion provide In effect that the Jurisdiction in civil and criminal matters conferred on th circuit and dis trict courts by th provision of tltU'll, and of title Civil Rights,' and of title Crimes," for the protection of alt' per son la th United States la their civil right, and for their vindication, shall be exercised and enforced in conformity with the lawa of the United States. But when the lawa of the United States ar not suitable, 'or ar deficient In th pro visions necessary to furnish suitable remedies and punish offenses against law. 'th common law modified and changed' by the constitution and lawa of tha state shall govern, etc.' The defend ant upon this hearing contended that the operation of this section waa limited to offenses under wnat ' is anowa a tn ctvll rights' aot and that the phrase civil rlchts' employed in th eeotlon means only such rights as sro provided for in that act But there la no amblgu ltv whatever In th provision, and ther can be no queatloa as to Its general ap plication. ..,-' "In the ess of the United State va Cluno, tl Fed, ft I. Judg Rosa held that ther being no provision of the unite SUte statute regulating challenges to arrand lurors. it I proper lor the rea- eral court to follow the practice) of the eourta of th atat In which - It 1 held, with referenc t such challeng.- "In th cas of Crowley v. united States, 104 U. 8. , the court held that it was the duty or th court in Porto Rico to recognise any valid list ing local statute relating to th quali fication of Juror. By th local law, challengee wer allowed to Juror, for th disqualification relied upon in tn Die. Th question a to whether th objection allowed by th local law to Jurora, and by It made a ground of chal lenge, could be taken by plea In abate ment after the- return, of the indictment Is not In Porto Klco controlled ny any statute; and th court therefore, upon nrlnclple of general taw, sustaineo in plea.'statlng In its opinion that the au thorities are not In harmony as to th general law. - -.-. . Th Baasom On. "In th cas cf th United SUte vs. Sanson, supra. Justice field, applying the local law, rerused to set an indict ment aside when the aui of a grand Juror did not appear on th laat pre ceding assessment; roll. This was a dis qualifies t ton-' under th statute, bufnot a grouad for challenge. Tha court re ferring to th state law, said Turn ing to th eeusW-for which a chalUng to the panel, or to so Individual grand Juror, may bo Interposed, we find none which" embrace tn objection laxen ty the plea In abatement' v - ; 1 believe there i no eae wner nn dbJectUm to an Indictment In a federal court ha been sustained whan th mod employed to present th Objection was contrary to the provisions of the local law. . - .... , Section lift of th Oregon cod pro vide that no ehallang ahall be maVie or allowed to the panel from which th grand Jury ia drawn, nor to an Indi vidual grand Juror, unless when mad by the court Cor want of qualification as a.i..iL.j a i wattl - . - .-r - nrtu-r(W Id untloa 111. "Section 12tt orovldea that before accepting a peraon drawn aa a grand Juror the court must be satisfied that such, person Is duly qnallnad to ao as auch turor. but that when drawn .and found qualified h mut be acceptedTin leas he la sxoused by the court tc "Th Only plea In addition to th pleae of guilty and not guilty allowed by the statins, la th plea of former conviction ae au-nulttal. and there are only two grounds upon which an. Indictment can be at aside on mollon. and neither of these la Included In the plas In Ques tion. . .. . . .. "Section H4t provide that Th In dictment null be set aside by the court upon the motion cf the defendant in, kelther of th following cases: 1. wnen It la not found Indorsed and preaeniea aa prescribed In chapter J cf title -IS of thl code; 1. When tne names oi witnaaaaa HUnined before the grand Jury are not Ineerted at the foot of the indictment or Indoraed thereon.. "Thar la an other BrOVlslOtl for Bet' line aa tnitlotment aald. arvJ th4f X- presa mention cf this mod..ljf cours th exclusion or ny otner. .t.-... Attorneys Borers tfraad Juris. .. "Ia Stale vs. Whitney. 7 Or.. 1(1. ft waa held that when a parson other than the district attorney appeared before th grand Jury and amlned wltneaaea. thl waa not a ground for netting an Indictment aald. Inaemuch aa it wa nnt within either af the only two. case upon which such action "ouldDakenrl "In Rtata va Carlson. ur, decided by the supreme court of Oregon that challenge to the panel ana io in dividual grand Juror r abolished In thl atat (It waa prvloualy ao hld tn Stat v. ntshugh. S Or.. lT)l that th statute In, sffect interpoea a challenge to each grand Juror,, drawn; that th court in empaneling" th grand Jury 1 presumed t hav determined th qila tlon of each grand Juror qualifications, and that such determination ia conclu- alv and 1 aot aubject to appai. ' "I hav not referred to all th cases th support -thh views contained In this opinion. Tho referred to are. In my opinion, conclusive of th qUtlon con sidered. The rule by which the pro cedure In th federal courts, relating to the organisation of grand Juries and objections to tndlctmcnta, is made to conform to th local law 1 too firmly established to admit of question at this late day. It ha existed In this court sine Its' organisation, with th stsb llshmsnt of th stat govrnmnt -without objection until th present time. And th state court procedure haa re mained without material change since It adoption, mors than 40 year ago. notwithstanding th facility with which laws are amended in the atata It may be safely aaaumed that It baa not been productive of injutlc or wrongs and. it can never . so. operate whll courts have, la th general supervision and control of their proceeding, power to d reserve th our admlnlatratloa af luetic. ' ' -"It follow from thss considerations, that all objection to an Indictment not provided for a hereinbefore sst forth, must be ddrd to tho court for th exererne of It discretion; and when It Is mads to appear that there ha been fraud practiced, or' bther acta com mitted.' that Impair a defendant's' sub stantial tight, the court In th exercise of a sound discretion wui grant appro priate rllf. -; , v h "Abundant Oautton," ' fa I conclusion Judg Bellinger' ald that h would allow th district attorney to Introdue evldenc to establish th cltlssnshlp of Oeorg -Oulstln. one of the grand Jurora, notwithstanding tha fnot that objection to the. Juror could ?ot now be made by the defense. This, udc Bellinger said, h would do "out of abundant caution" and In order to obviate all question which might be raisea on appeal. . - - Mr. Heny atated that h would at one f II th proof of Qulstln's eltisen- ship. Judg Bnnttt excepted to th rulings ef th court end objected to ta filing of . th affidavit relating to Oulstln. but bis objections were over ruled. : A request for a Jury trial upon tho question of fact raised by th pie la abatement was denied. "Do you wish to introdneo any. evi denoe to ahow that Oulstln Is not a clt gnTs1rer"Hni1 1 - "I do not replied Judg ' Bennett "I do not consider that the question is now befor th court In view of th ruling which hav been road." replied Judge Bennett -A brier discussion ensued as id tn demurrer which waa filed by Senator Mitchell simultaneously with his pi in abatement It was agreed that briefs should bo submitted by both sides and that th court should pas upon th de murrer without argument Mr. Heney will leav for San Fran Cisco tomorrow or tha next day. He haa an Important civil case to try next Monday in Fresno. Th length of his stay In California is uncertain, OREGON WHEAT TURNED THE TIDE (Continued from Page One.)' "To Wall Street: Don't get rattled by Thursday' and today's flurry. This Is only a tiny whiff of what la coming, Walt until they break t point between quotation and on of th great lights of financial dominions throws up his hands and trie to untanglo a few hun dred millions of liabilities with three great systems and a number of Indus trials involved. When this gentleman's affairs go into court, then there will be revelations. J would adviae tne trader to hold their lines steady until my full nan advertisement gets to the moneyed of Berlin, London and Paris. Then Wall street will have something to dance ta - "THOMAS W. LiAWBOW. The Milwaukee defalcation. ' together with, th Bqultabl squabble. Is In line with Lawson's prediction, and pas taken th edge off th market Pitts burg report approaching overproduction In ateel ana iron. ' . Today'e trading on th toe it market was sensational, inasmucn aa moat or the transaction wer by professional The blc advance in lxulsvm a Nash ville yesterday aomewhat foretold what would baopen today, nut no one ouuiae Of the big clique1- believed that prices would g up aa far as they did. The largest rise toaay was in Ameri can Smelter, common, tne aavance amounting to 1115. i ''- v ' St Paul proved a nig pun nan ana rose 11.75. ; '-''' ' -:--- Canadian pacing went ii.ib nigner on forced trading. .-4 - : , -t Kvei Northern securities received its share of the attention of the manipu lators sad valuee at th close were tl higher. . , t j - For th part it piayd in neraiding today's .movement,. Coals villa -Nash- TuO, of Tragi Kantag. ar these line from J. M. Simmon, of Casey, la. Think what might have re sulted rrom nis terrioie cougn ir ne bad not taken the medicine about which h writes: "I had a fearful cough, that disturbed my night's rest I tried ev erything, but nothing would relieve It, until I took Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, which completely cured ma." Instantly relieves and permanently eurea . all throat and lung diseases; prevent grip and pneumonia. At Red Cross Phar macy. Sixth and Oak streets, ea the way o toe pos win ce; guaranteed, eve . an t.oo. xriai potue ire. i.diieuii .u u When Portland "Citizens Show 4 .theiWay : 1 v;.v. 5 ' Ther can be ho Just reason why any reader of this will continue ta uffr th torture of aa aching back, th an aoyaaca of urinary disorders, the dan ger or aianaiee or any aianey ma, when relief is so near at head and the most positive proof given that they can be cured. Read what a rortiana ciu sea says; ',,.:'. Mra John She waiter, wlf tt John Shewaiter, retired farmer, of t04 ast High street says: . "I recommend Doan's . Kidney Pills to any on and hav don ao whenever the opportunity haa presented Itself. , Whll I hav had com kldnay .. complaint . th moat of my trouble waa located. in the small of my back directly over my kidneys. Oftentimes I would hav attack of dla- lnea and when atooping a blur would come befor . my aye. . learning af Doan' Kidney Pills through an adver tisement I procured a bos. Since using them th backache ha disappeared and the apella of dlsxlneas bar ntlrly lft nt -...,;... i,.. .... : ., i . For sal by all dealers. ' Prie . St cent. Foster-Mllburn Co., "Buffalo, N, T, aole agent for th United State. Remember the nam DOAN'S and tak ao other. ,,; . . u .. villa waa rewarded with ra ria of tltlU. ... . " - u Missouri Pactfle with aa advance of tl.tltt today howd very plainly that It waa In tha bands of th professional boosters. New Tork Central advanced tl.ITU and, Ontario Western rose ) on th general upward hov today. , - Tnneae tMai at - iron .was box neglected for a single minute by th cllqu. and a a result of their labor advanced ta. -j 1 r Union Paclflo common, waa given grant part of th attention of th manipulators and advanced tt.I7H Both United Statea Steel atocka war excited, th common advancing Sl.lStt and-the preferred tl.zi. .- , , : TWO FAILURES. Ohrlstlaa Sj Clack Baapeaul and '; ' Varkeg ft Oo, Aaalgn. ' i (Jearaal BperU get the.) New ToricApril la. W. K. Parker A Co, Wall street bankers, aaatgned today for th benefit of their creditors, Th amount Involved is unknown, . The suspension of Christian c Clark waa also announced on th consolidated stock exchange this morning. ., FAMILY SURROUNDS BOY MURDERER Mother, Brothers and Sister of '.Tom Brown Watch Long Pro- t cess of Choosing a Jury. 4 (Special Dispatch t Th learaaL) Chehalla. WaalL, AprU St. A special venlr of 14 Jurora waa returned this morning.' in th Brown murder - trial. Th work of securing a Jury has gon en very-tediously throughout th day. Th Up bf questioning by attorneys for th defense show they Intend) to enter aa tnaanlty plea. i Brown sits beside hla mother, kls head cast down and hi eye focused en tho floor, taking absolutely no lntereet In th proceedings. Th little brother and sisters of the boy ar la court, and th room la crowded with spectators. . Th ease Is attracting conalderable at. tentlon from th publlo and promises to be on of th longest la th history of twls county on acoount of th tlm taken In aeourlng a Jury and the great number of witnesses to be examined.. HOP POOL ATTACKED (Continued from Pag On.) Dallas: Charles Buchanan of Cornelius, and John Ranaau of u rants paaa. v The following letter, signed by nln of th larger grower and holders of hop la California, was , recsived last night by Conrad Krsbs: - "To th O rowers in Oregon and waah- lngton--W, th undarsignod, growers snd holder f hop In. California, most earnestly solicit your 00-operaiion m our efforts to advanc th market value cf our holding. W ar positively con vinced of the following facta: . "That th preaent fictitious hop mar ket is th result of , the co-operation and manipulation or th abort seuera That these same short sailers during th spring and summer of th year ltoi and in the face of a shortage of three years contracted our hops - with th brewers for It to St cents delivered. Thl wa befor th vines had appeared In our yarda. "The crop-or no has coma on, and we find today an actual shortage of IK,. 000 balea In th United tSatea, and Eng land will . need 100,000 hundredweight more. The bear ar now without stock. but ar selling continually to th brew- era. the hop w "how hold, expecting later to fore us to tak such prices a they may choose to glv. It I a Ufa- and-death struggle with us. If ws per mit manipulators to regulate the mar ket for lt. what will be the prtc they will et on our 1901 eropT If they hav their way. hop will not b worth th baling. m "Now we, the remaining holder in California, ar fully convinced If th grower In Oregon and Washington will pool their hop for to or to day, a Just remuneration for their efforts will be the result, and the market will forever be taken from the hands Of .the bears, and 1(04 hope will be selling st tho true prlc they should command, t Tou hav pooled In tne paat put tne occasion wa never so momentous or vital a at pre, ent. If ther ever was cans for the growers of Oregon and Washington to pool now Is th tlm. Mop should be worth 49 to It cents. If you pool that will be the result ; . "Again w ask you to co-operate with u and destroy now and forever thee despicable manipulator and teach the originators of the m life-long lea- son," ,. . . . I . " ... FOB CXTT OAS Jr&AJTTtJ. (Jearaal Special Serrlee.) ' . Chicago, April It. At a publlo meet ing la the city council chsmber last night i permanent organisation was formed with the object of accomplish ing municipal ownership of gag worti in Chicago, -". . Alaska Refrigerators are not the cheap, trashy kind that some deparfcnent stores -wlibut ara ja-firat claat ,; vp-ta-fotsr :f riztrttora, rrTf-'iJ'.jbilb::! : achievements ' in refrijerator perfection. Lvery ALAS1IA ia liaedwith white . tile throughout; you can tell them easily don't buy any other recommenced "Just as good. . We ask that you compare the finish and style cf the Alaska with other refrigerators shown. .The only refrigerator made having a charcoal lining. The. ice rests on a corrugated galvanised iron rack,; which is so constructed as to leave an air passage under the iron. The warm air in the provision chamber rises through the flues at each end of the ice chamber, comes in contact with the ice ' at the central opening in the lid fine, becomes colder and drops under the ice rack, where all moisture is condensed and falls through the central opening under the Ice Into the provision chamber, cold and dry. No other system keeps the air so. . long in contact with the ice as tne aIjAS&A does, consequently the Alaska does V its work more thoroughly than any; other refrigerator. v : . v u , , . M . 3 - A' n-u-Tart R ' The "km department .The kind department The kind department The kind department Thrkind department The Jtlnd department .T 7'';. ' r-i--i m to in tost , t..' .- CONGRESSMAN SHOT i IN PROHIBITION RIOT j 4 . . . . - i .. - '; Representative Pinckney and Three Others Killed in Texas ; Shooting Affray. . (Spectal Dlsssteh te ne JsaraaL) Hemostead. T. April It. A prohi bition meeting her last night broke up in a shooting acrap in which Congress man John M. Flnckney, Thomas rinca ney, his brother; John A. Mills, a lead ing prohibitionist, and J. N. Brown, a lawyer and antl-prohlbltionist; . wer klllCtt. Doc . Tompkins, p rival aecre tary to Reprassntstlr Pinckney, and Rollln Brown, soa of J. X. Brown, ar seriously wounded. -:. - . Tompkins waa making a speecn wnicn offended -Brown, who began the snoot ing which precipitated th. Hot. - A num ber of men appeared to b engaged la th shooting and- something Ilk , 100 shot wr fired. ' - Tha fnaatlns? W Called for tha Pur- poa of petitioning th governor to sand rangers nr to .more me i F" law. Th. entire community is in a mr. moll, and tha rangers ar n rout to nMiinl firmer - , -. , flnokney waa a nairr oi e to, waa a eonfederat eoidier. ror many rn imin of Waller county and wa elected In 1I0S a congressman from th Eighth Tesa district. CVBAJTS FBOTBOT TaTXBTaW.' . (laBnal 8 Dedal Serrlee.) HmnL AnrU It Tha house cf rep resentative has refused to expose the eongrsmn who stol publlo docu ment night of April 14. Th raanititloa nrorldlnr for a search for th. stolen document, waa tabled by an almost unanimous ot. Th missing papers showed conclusively that publlo fund wer miausea ny fii t' NOTICE .,Th sun .shtats. ;Vj;.;vv.'i Harvett when fbe (rain is ripe. Grace SIabWood, xfl Inch, $1.75 per load. . 1 ',.'' 'v :'v " Dry wood, 10 Inchat, $ p.r load. 355 Front iSt. PortknJ Sawiit Ccrsny Park and Washlofteej, PorUsad, Orcfoe JThe'5chool of Quality" MODERN, PRACTICAL. COMPLETE ; Obm all the rear. Cetalega f re . A. P. ASJRSTK0N0, LL. B PRINCIPAL Mm ml :m I j A O v. - Szx$&2 Tta Veil C:n't Highest awards at the World's Columbia Exposition, .. Atlanta Exposition, Tennessee1 Centennial . Exposition. - d T7ACZ. Sold On Ecoy Terms. Over stores' ask $14.00 for, we .ask' but. . ; r ; . . ; : . s . .910S0: stores ask $15.00 for we ksk -but. V . ,v. . . . . . .913,00 stores ask $2.00 for, we J ask but .V, :..:9io.oo stores ask $23.00 for, we ask .but.. Vsrf.e.'ei.e ,,.?18.C0 stores ask $32.00 for, we ssk but.T..i... ..t25.00 stores ask $39.00 for, we ask but. ...;.. .130.00 : ; v ' ..' .-.v.."' J . -y -1 i ,''-i . 7. A.-v ' i I i 1 . : 1 u 11 . '. 1 1 THE HOME KJgUflSHZllS $t. 319 to PORTLAND HAY BE ' THE CHOSEN CITY ' . ,- : ... . " (Continued from Pag On. ha assumed such proportions, Bol ha practically dropped out of th race. ' , Th. - contingent fayorlng, Portland; while not to vigorous tn their efforts st th outset as th contending cities, hs nrrertheles been working quietly and faithfully with th nd In view of ulti mately succeeding la landing the coy. eted prise. It now appears a though FREE TRIPS TO LEWIS AMD CtAKK FAIR! THE JOURNAL'S Lbwis ahel Clark Contest read tONcmoNS, in Yotti rAvoi?iTrs? m I a p'UMW AND GET TO WORK' AT ONCE Owing fo-ih wld general Interest In th. twls and Qark Fhlr. THE JOURNAL wUl pay th. expense of twenty trips to. th fair, lor th. moot popular person putsld of Multnomah aounty, ; -v . i . THB JOURNAL, wlU pay th. ntlr zpene. Including railroad and sleep ing car fr. admUslons to th. x position for on. wsek, hotel bUls for 0n. wk and ausmata . . -.v. . f-y ,' 4 v . f ; i' The TripsVi:i Ca Divided as followa it t. S :t M: To th. most poputar person In Cop or Curry county, n free trip to' th most popular person In Josephln or Jackson county, on free trip: to the most popular person In Douglas county, on free trip; to the moot popular peraon tn Lan county, on free trip; to the moet popular person in Benton or Lincoln county on free trip; to th mct popular person in Tamhtll or ryi wmi'ir, rw rii, i n raw Tillamook county, one free trip; to th on free trl p; n cne moat popular person in Marion county, on rre trln to the moi 1 pocular person in Clackama count, ens fraa trln: to ,h popular peraon In Columbia or Clauop county, one free trl pi to the moet populse person in Wasco, Sherman most popular person in Morrow,' tne most 1 ular perso st popular peraon In. Umatilla county, on re trip; to th moat pop. rson In. Union or wallow county, on free trip; to the most popular in Baker county, one free trln: ta tha moat annnl,, mm., tm vr -1 r county, ci Mo: to t one free tn person hour. Harney or Orant county, one XAKe or Kieraam county, one -rre m Washington, one free trip; to th Ingfon, one fre trip, " Tn nasi on wnicn creoic zor vois IS centavpald In adranc for new or old Th basis on which credit for vote The contest open at one ana closes st midnight rn June 10. Plrk out our favorite, flu out coupon below ot in, roriiana, uregon. coupon AU aurtng tn conteet. ., . Th. tlm. Is short, writ for sampi. Subscription Rates" ... - trmi wj vmmmwt Vf Jenrnsl. with Sunday, 1 thillr Jnorqal, 1 year., Pally JearMl, WHS Banner. yaar..T.M ...... 6.00 S.T5 ... ISO laiiy narsai, s montna. ...... pally Jnarnal. with Seadtf, , paiif jearaal, s sieatBa. Pally Journal, with Sunder. 1 month .SB paiiy. er liw laded Dally, per eseepted ' .1 week, aelleered, Soadsy ... .10 Tm, V. Stall . Pally JiHirnal, with Suneay, 1' year.. IT so Pally Jaarnal, 1 year.,....,..,.....,.. BOO Pally oaraal, wttk Sunday, S aie... S TB Pally lenrml, sieathe ITS Pally Journal, with Sunday, S SMS., l.M Pally Journal. mentis 1.40 Pally Joarnal,' wttk Snnday, 1. Bteatb. .M Pally Jeuraal, 1 SMatk.,, ,.. .BO Similar Joersal, 1 year SOU Saaaay Joiuoal, t saeelks........w. 1.00 Ts Seal-Weekly Jearaal, Seml-WJwklr Jonmal, te II rt , eeeh lent, lllsatrsted, roll . aaarket rennet. 1 yr , SI. BO i - - - - ."'", ,.i". Vr : 650.C00 b Ux9 227 YeAtlKXL ST. th foTti of th. delegate : from northwest would b crowned with sue cees, and PorUnd, will certainly b & strong factor 1n th. contest to b de cided Thursday. .' i . ' . J btobjc auansTaro). ?V-.-,-.'. t . ilii ;V-. ' IJaanal' SpecUl jsrefe.)-: , ' $ , Dnvr, Colon April It. Th Horm. which for th last , two day has rgd . throughout -th west from Arlsoae, throughout Stontana. Is ubsiding. Snow covers th ground In - many ' places. Wires ar. still prostrated -and railroad trafllq badly demoralised. Colorado rivers ar. rising rapidly and damage from floods is feared. . V, y .J. . pnpuiar pereon in waaninglon or moat popular person In Line county arton county, on free, trip! inpj w ine 1 ipi to the 1 rre. trip; to on free-trli to the moet he most poj person In opular perec n.i.nii I. . or Crook county; on, free trip; to th. ,'uunam or wneeier county, on free-trip: to free trip: to the most popular per eon In trip; t. tne moat popular peraon In east' moat popular person In western 1 wash- will be gives I, tm. vet. for win d gives ia, tm vet fee va. subscription to th Dally, Daily an J ti JJ and mall It f onoe to THIS JOURNAL win appear erery pay In TUB JOUR- , A . . i . ... 7 copies and get to work at one. Thl Ooupoa la OooS fo ONE VOTE3 for AddMM a,,f Moat popular person In county. . , , . r ' Thl eonpon must be voted oa or before May -If. - , , .. . , Write name and hddrea plainly and mall at one to lh Joaraatj Portland. Oregon. Ku J V v a- '. -4-,.