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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 10, 1905)
V Tiis ohscow daily jofc:: tzzzl:.: ?. ::;is giyeh : Dif SMIE COURT f itle Cuaranter A Trust. Com- pany Against Multiomah Is .Reversed and Dismissed. SUIT OVER VALIDITY V OF TAX CERTIFICATES .Pacific Mill Company , Against tht ' Inman-Poulsen Com-,-. ; 'iv pany Is' Remanded. i-J. : ':-y ' ' ' .i-yC'v'c : ' -". ';: if . ' . - .. ; (Special Dispatch t Toe Jml. Salem. Orv April 10. The following decisions were banded down by the su Brent court today: . The ctM of Multnoman county against (the Titla Guarantee dt Trust company , was reversed " niimiiwii... i -, dJct in ths lower eourt wu in favor Pi ; Multnomah county. f : . iFk'la.wia ! tit Uldi and CSn . " eel a , coropromlss agreement of con troversy concerning tha validity of car certificate held by tha county f kmiIi nrinriu . in .. Portland and . suburbs. ' , Taxes amounting to IJS.aO war assessed to tha Guarantee A Truat company, and not beta paid tha land waa aold to the county under a warrant .for collection thereof. To. Trust com , pany brought suit to give It title to the premises. The county answered an eecured a deeree. The truat company appealed.. While the appeal waa pending- a compromlae waa made whereby : tii.T7e.el waa paid to the county,, and the afipeal waa dlamlssed. Two. years later the..', board of oommlaalonera brought suit to annul the eompromlat and won ut- The Truat company mad the present, appeal and won. - ' A .motion-to dlamiaa an appeal in tha caae of George J. Wolfer agalnat W. a Hurst and H. A. Hlnkle waa denied.1: : An action of forcible entry and de. talner wrna commended br Oeorg -J. Wolfer In Vie Justices' .court of Marlon county - to recover poaaeaaloa of land, , and Wolfer won, - Huret and Hlnkle , t appealed te tb circuit court and then to th veprsms court. . ,- ,: Too judgment of toe lower court waa - affirmed Us the caae. of ' tha Moore- . Inge. Charles Andrews and the Ooddsrd Kelly 'Shoe . company. This- was; a creditor's bill by which It Is sought to set aside a oertaln chattel mortgag and sale, therewnder of a stock of saerchan dtae, belonging te . Billings. ' A ad rears , was accreditor, of BlUinsa., The com plaint waa dlamlaaed la the lower court and tha -Moor com pany aqd Others np .. pealed.- ..- '.:, r , t ; ..', - The lower court waa also affirmed la the caae of 1, B. Brown against Theresa Feldwert and Nio. Feldwert. Tbla waa a suit brought to collect a 'note which . It waa alleged, Jn reply waa signed by the Feldwerts under falsa representa tions. Brown won in 'the lower court. N ! The opinion of the lower court wsS Sf Armed in the eae tot. Matthew.. Rya a against Michael and Ellen Oalvln. - Gai Vto, agreed to provide a home cor Ryan 1a consideration of receiving property . After his death. Deeds were duly given . ' jind tha purpose of tha suit was to ob tain Ue.,oano1Ul loo-of - theaa iaatru- - 'enents on tha grounds of a breach of - contract. ' '- . .. . . ) .''i ' . , The decision of the, lower tmnrt'was VeMiriMMl In the caae of Alfred 'Lewla land ethers agalnat Joseph Beeman and ' others, in which Beeman secured a de cree in tha lower court. This waa a ' ' ault to foreeloae miner's lien on mines in Jackson county. The liens were for ',' wsges due miners. The as of the PaclAe Mill company agalnat lnman, poulsea aV-Ca. In which V76 Giyc McCan's Magazine 30 A e a free hsot fsr ApriL v an cm Some Firot-ofthe rrom' tueaday until Thursday Inclusive the prices we give on the different special lines will be la force end for these three days there will be soms big bargains-throughout the house. Every department will have a number . .of speclsls to show you; and at prices thst cannot ba beat ," . "r "V ; 7;';M ' '. ? d Misses, arid AT i8d Children's Waah Dreeeea. in ,navy or red ground with white dot ; good peroale goods thst will wash; Sises from 1 to t years; they would be 0 Cheep for ttc; special.,., lOv , AT 8 1-ad Thla la a wonder for ths monsy, a French percale, full one yard wide, in a largs assortment of patterns; yon hsve .-never bought anything like them 4for leas thsn Mc; v . .-. ; ifl special, yard . .,....'..,.... . O3C AT TH Now la the time" d good.Ouallty f French Lawn, full at inches wide. In It different colorings and patterns; a bargain at 15c a yard;, 7l- special, yard.....rv ,....... J 2 Men's and" AT 69V Men's. Colored Dress Shirts, two collars to match. full Una of colors and sises; 'a cheap-. jr shirt for I6ct special....,' ...Jjytv ' ; . " - ' . ' AT TWd Men's Half Hoae. just tha weight for Spring: ws have them In black, tan and mixed colors; Ml,, a cheap sock for stoa pair special, pSlr.v,.. . fjjj A alThla-- wHi interest v you it : prettyr llnerpf Boys' Colored Dress Shirts, In the new spring styles; -a shirt never Hold less thsn 80c; : special' j 'tJiJC A IB Theat rill sell rapidly ,HM fr .ladies, tn .blue, brown, 'have paid tea ft pair for not as good; 4 - f" special, pair ,.........,,... -lr7C ' A:lBdWTh's 1 x where ws shine Children's F. P. Waists, In alses from- 3 ta 12 years; a waUt worth Ste of hnybodya money; ' ' Vfvr .,, ,-ThiT'i ' luvt" apsctat-f. the latter wod in the lower bourt the decision was reversed and the caae re manded. - : Thla waa an action to recover dam ages for the failure of the lnman-Poul-sen company- to furnlah the Paclno Mill company with the lumber as per agree menu. The latter Je an HawalUn-eout' pany. ' .: ::' -' - . .'' iv' DEVELOPERS PREPARE r : CAPITAL PROGRAM Principal Faatures - of tHf Big . ,Convntion to Bo Hold - .. This Month.' ' " , - Principal features of the program for the Oregon Development league conven tion to be held in Portland Wednesday and Thuraday, April Is and ST, were ar ranged today by President B. U-Smith and Secretary Tom . Richardson. .Gov ernor George B. Chamberlain wljl gfvs the opening address. President B. U Smith will reapond and among other speakers to be heard -will be H. W. Ooode, president of the Lewis and Clark espoalUon; B. A. Wortblngton, general manager Harriman llnea In Oregon; J. R N. Bell. Baker Cltys Frank L Vawur, Medford; Charles y. Oalloway, McMtnn-villa..- '. ?:' . ; Secretary. Richardson wUl Klvs a re port of the work of the league since Its organisation laat year. - A .number of papers will be read and discussed, and the convention will adjourn .to I o'clock p. m., whan tha following sectional con ventions will be called to-order: ' Willamette valley agricultural-section in' tha Marquam theatre; good roads seo tlon, , presided over .by Judge John H. Scott. Salem, in the tower room of the Commercial club: dairy section, presided over by J. W. Bailey. In the women's dining room of the Commercial club; fruit section, presided over by Wilbur IC Newell. Dillcy, In the chamber of commerce; -mining section, presided over by W. 8. Newbury, Sumpter. and C C Beekman, Jacksonville, at Commercial club.--' - v " ; -'i " " Reports from these sections Will be heard by he convenUon In general aes slon ths following day. Vlcs-presldjests of ths league from varloue parts of the state will also report. The convention on Thursday wUl be addressed by Jeffer son Myers, prssldsnt of ths state com mission of ths Lewis and Clark exposi tion. Later in tha afternoon ail the dele, gates will be gnests of ths sxpoelttoa of ficials, for a visit to ths ground- T ; ; AID SOCIETY GETS ; MANY NEW MEMBERS 'The Travelers' Aid society Is deaUned continues, , At tha women's meeting at the Marquam yesterday afternoon Dr. Ostrom gave tha organisation a well deserved eulogy, placing Its work among tha greet charitable enterprises of ths day that accomplish much for ths good of those they touch. - His words of praise -were so high -and hi manner of presentation so convincing thst at the end of tha service severs! hundred women added their names to ths list of supporters and asked permission to help in ths work,"' . .. .;-"- - " -! ': Tha new supporters are ' clinching thstr wishes today by paying their dues at TOoodard, Clarko ft Co.'a drug store, where Mrs. C. R. Templetoiv chairman of the finance committee, and several helpers ars receiving the funds that are to help: in ths protection" of homeleea sirls who corns to tha city for ths fslr. Members who had already paid their svdawafeaat ehakstasln si thdfe Ma TV. A time, and thm funfli flwll4 f ft Modlr "uw r" ' ... ..a W.sfsu Ska, e'talifiAaiai Wafsl rfstiaV . . t aaTTnTAXBTJrw nUBsTOS. " Mrs. Nathan Harris, of 711 Ollsaa street, is this week entertaining Mr. and Mrs. Samuel L. Brooks of The Dalles. - With Every lOc Pcrchaso .swan sasaithly of ' McColl't Patterns espy ef -amy raehioa i LTD Children's Wash Dresses AT 29s Children' a years, in pina gingham; warranted would be a bargain Wash' Dress Goods A THd One yard wide Cordette, a beautiful w! material. In - a l cumber .of colorings, - Warranted faat colors, they were made to sell for Jltte a ; 7 , yard; special, yard, , , , , , , . . . . , ' C 1 AT 4d -This Is a hummer, a very pretty quality Scotch Lawn, In a great variety of colors and patterns; goods that will wear and ' glvs - general satisfaction; they would be a anap at special, yard .........v. ...... ....... Boys' Furnishing Goods Ladies' arid Misses'! Sllk-Flnlahed Lacs tan and black; you f 1 auainy p ViiECKED Cowboy From 4 Pasture Reserve w Reports Wind Prostrated the 'Camp But Nons! Injurid. -'P'A 1 ROOSEVELT STARTS UPON r-1 r FIRST HUNT FOR WOLVES Next Five Days to Be Spent in , - - Chasing Coyotes on ln-; 5 -''i dian Reservation.:' i , v ''.-''.- .': " (oareal 8peetai'aWvlce.t I Lawton. a T..'Aprll 1S.--A cowboy from ths pasture reeerve brings ths re port that tha wind storm last night wrecked soms of ths tenia of ths presi dent's, camp, but did no damage, v It the programme Is carried out. the presi dent arose early this morning, and, led by John Abemathy and several swift trsllsrs, started on thS f tret of f ivs days' wolf chases. The hunting-grounds are a big tract soms distance out of Frederick on ths Comanche, and Kiowa reservation. ' . ' The president and party are camped II miles southeast of Frederick, O. T, on ths bank of Deep Red creek, in a pic turesque grove of timber. - There 'are about I tenta In the camp, 'which is named Camp Roossvslt. One large tent Is occupied as a mess hall. Among ths tents Is that of Quanah Parker, the noted chief of the Comanches, who trav eled 4 miles yeeterday to. see the presi dent. , f. The president will remain in camp untlr Thuradar. when (he tenta will be struck and a start made for Colorado. in ma nuniing h.."-j. president, are: Oen. 8. M. B. Young. U. & A.: Col. C. Lyon of Sherman. Capt. Rurka taurnatt. Sloan Blmoaon. Lieut. O. R. Korteeque, Dr. Alexander Lambert of New Tork, J. R. Abernatny ana two ran ger captains of Fredsrfck. United SUtes Marshal Bin Fossett cf Guthrie, and L. D. Miller, one of tha owners of the great "lor, ranch,,,, v . ' ; v ; EMPLOYMENT AGENT r" PAYS FISHER HIS MONEY Rather than go into tha police court and explain tha workings of his em ployment agency, F. I. Bradford hast ened to Dollee headquarters this morn ing and refunded It which It was 1- Flaher bv literal methods. "This town Is flllled with employment agencies of the same sort as this con ducted by Bradford," aald Deputy City Attorney Fltsgerald. These men ob tained Fisher's laat cent by misrepre sentation, caring nothing if he starved. Numerous complaints hava been made In the past about such places. Hereafter all complaints will be carefully Inves tigated. Obtaining money by auch ques tionable methods will not be permitted," .- I . )" oamMAjr sr AjroauoAZi warnro). All tha mlnlstera of tmt city are in vited to attend a meeting at S o'clock Wednesday . afternoon at tha German Evanaroltcar church, on .Tenth and Stark streets, for-the purpose of Insti tuting a German evangelical movement, A Urge attendance la asked. . , , , t t CmAJTMAM WILL Dr. Chapman will apeak st'thw First I Presbyterian church tonight. Fred But ter W1U Sing. in. WTlcsi nfin mi o'clock. Dr. Blsdsrwolf has- been In duced to go from hare to Spokane for brief stay la the Interest of evangslism. The latest aad sprtag aad am for ssv, 10-15 fac Wash Dreaaes. in a I tea from 1 to ana wmie en.oiue ua mn cmu fast colors; this dress 29cj at toe; special V. s Ho a yard; - ' 1 ... ...4c AT 48d This is a corkar for ths money Men's Golf Shirts, sa elegant Una of spring styles and colors; a shfi-t never sold leas thsn tie; - . 1. . jo special .v. . . . ........;..;,... OC AT 38 A snap In Spring Underwear,' medium weight ' for men, in shirts snd drawsrs, never sold less . than 60c; special, a garment. OOC AT 19-Thls ' Is' 1he " Mothers' FrleBd"""Boys"Knes" Psnts, made of good quality cloth and will wear like -iron; the price hes been 0ci ,, " ' f , special ...... . . 4., . s.tfW ,..... . a. 4 . . ,'. . . J Hose AT 1I4 We glvs you values in Mlse' and Boys', small or large rmbed Double-Knee" Faat Black Hoae; a good storking ts wear; cheap at lie a pair; , a y ' special, pair .................. .............IXC AT IBs) Now is the time Ladles' and Mlnse' Sun ' Bonnats. - la plain and fancy colors, mads of good ' sjuality percale good vklue for ttc; , ., . a tm ' 9V n s s' ww tsrfr SAVES 8Ti!Q : . AT-Rt$!i C? LIFE Second Engineer Smith of 'the -ri Aurelia Proves Himself a Hero. BLAZING OIL PUMP THREATENS AN EXPLOSION Though . Horribly ' Burned He : Sticks to ; His Post Until ; "L- the Danger Is Averted. : Y ( , (Bpaelal Mipstck ts Thf JouraaL) s San f. Francisco, ' April IS. Engineer J. W. Smith ef the steam schooner Aural la, which cafes in from Portland Saturday night. , proved himself a hero Sunday and aaved the vessel from- de structlon at the risk of his life. Now ho lies at ths hospital. - . - Hs wss badly burned by flsmes that leaned from tha all oumD of ths a team schooner snd threatened an explosion that would rsnd tha veaeeU Smith reached the shutoff to the feed valves from, tha oil tanks and saved ths ship. First ons hand waa burned until it waa uaeleas, then .the other was charred, but Smith stuck to his Dost, holding nis breath ' to keep ' tha ' flames from his lunxs. until the vaivea were closed.; Thsn he rushed on deck and directed the fight against lbs flames until tha craw forced htm into an ambulance and had him taken to tha harbor hospital. There it was found thst both hands were raw and bis face and head badly burned. .' . f. -, . 1, , : ..' ". f .: 5 The Smith mentioned in tha dispatch is second engineer on the Aurella. F. L. Bullne Is chief. The men reside in San FrancUoo, as doesi- Captain Krrlcson. who has charge of ths craft. Ths Aurella ' Is operated by - Russell A Rogers, and has been 'on the Portland San ' Francisco routs for' the psst It months... - -' - ' . - . When ths 'accident occurred sha had 414 tons of wheat In her hold and tit. 00 feet of lumber on deck shipped from this port. The grain was supplied by Patterson, Smith Pratt and ths lumber by the Portland Lumber com pany. It is estimated that the cargo waa worth 111.100, which waa fully in sured. ' ' C. E. SteeUmith. local agent of ths 11ns, received a- telegram thla morning from ths ownsrs stating thst they are negotiating for another vessel to plaos on tbe route snd thst they expect to eloss tha deal ao that a regular aervloe will be maintained. The meeaaga failed to give the amount of damage dona by the fire, but aa the Arm la trying to get another boat it Is supposed thst ths Aurella is in bad shape. V -;' : ARAGONIA ARRIVES. 1 : Brings Big Ooawirssjiat of Oils ass Tiro -. Oraokers Tog Fomcth sf Xmly. With a full pargo of frslght ths ori ental liner Aragonla arrived this morn ing from Hongkong snd wsy ports. Ths run waa completed in II days. Captain Bchuldt reports that ths outward trip waa atormy. ' v- la tha. cargo is a big shipment of fire crackers whloh were imported for the Fourth of July celebration., from this time until a- few days before tha great national celebration tha freighters will bring regular consignments of this sort of goods. Ths manifest shows that ship ment somewhat out of tha ordinary con sists of manufactured tobacco, from Hongkong.. Tha raw . material waa' im ported . from this country. Matting movwr gp.the major portion of ths cargo, amounting to t.tOO too. ' - " r ' OREGON ARRIVES., .. -,.. y ::.,.;; "':! Tha Tire ea tha Steamer Cost ometUaf .;. OTS SlOtMWa . , r?: For the first time since sha took firs off Crescent City ths steamer Oregon la Jn the harbor. She arrived this morn ng from San Francisco. She wss un dergoing repairs at tha Bsy City Just a month, and ths. casual observer would not know that she had been so badly dams xed such a short time s go. Cap tain Warner say a It cost f Zt.OOO to put the (raft in good condition, and thai ths damage done to the cargo by ths firs approximated 171.000. On May li ths Oregon win bs taken off the. Portland San FranclBcoroute and operated be tween -Seattle and. Nome by the - White Star Steamship company. By that time it Is thought ths St. Paul will be ready to resume service. t! -'t ". -: MARINE NOTES. Astoria, Writ 10. Arrivsd ftt T and left up at 0 a. m, steamer Redondo, - aH B..Hnl...' m wf luirt. ' San Francisco. April 40. Arrived at t a. m., steamer F. A. Kllbum, from Portland and way porta, and steamer Roanoke, from Portland and coast porta, for Port Los Angeles. Astoria. April . Arrived gown at I a. m. and sailed st t p. u, barken tine Koko Head, for Shanghai. : Left up at : a. sn., schooner Al- Arrived ' down at ana sauea at s a. m., steamer Harold Dollar, for 8an Pedro, and steamer alliance, for Coos Bay and Eureka, . ' " Arrived at I a. m, steamer Elmore, from Tillamook. ; -.-. ' . ' ' ; ' Arrived down at noon and sailed at t p. ni.. steamer , Noma -City, f or s Ban Francisco.".' ;-..,'. ' ' " ' Arrived st 11 ".-. and left up at 11:10 p. m., steamer , Cascade, from San Francisco. ' " '' Arrived at noon and left tip at 4 p. m-. German steamer Aragonla. from Hong Kong and way porta. V Arrived at t and left up at I p. m steamer Oregon, from San Franclnc 8an Francisco, April 0. Sailed laat night,, stesmsr Acms, for . Columbia rlvsr. ' ' - . Arrived.' steamers'; Aurella and Co lumbia, from Portland. -. " Steamer Aurella -took firs slongslds wharf; damags considerable to cargo and stesmsr. .'.V - - Astoria; AprU l0Condltlon of the bsr at I a. m., smooth; light northeast wind; weather, clear. , ; - -TBTnra to baxss tum bxdjbb.. - According to A. P. MacFarlans, a rep resentatlvs of . the. underwriters in chargs of the work of looking after ths Elder, who Is In the city, low water lias interfered very materially with raising the vssset Had there been the. usual stage of water in the Columbia the rraft would have been successfully floated. Half a dosen effort to float the craft have been attended with failure, but Mr. MacFarlane states there Is no thought of abandoning ths work, tm which a big crew Is sngaged. , ; - Ramoel Barr. an spprsntlcs 6n h British ship Lonsdals wss taken to ths Good ..Samaritan hospital thla morning, suffeirtng from a severs sttsrk of fever, which may develop into upooia ., ; PiainiQs at Low, Prices ; Tsks a look in our show windows snd see the nice pianos snd ths low prices ws are making this week.. If you need a piano now jA-tha time to get 1L - In our east show window is a lltUs beauty, only 9188. Teu can't duplicate It in thla elty short of 1160. On ths Sixth street side you will And a most besutlful exposition stylo that sells regularly at 4t0, but thla week If la only f345. There ars a numbs? of other styles, beautiful In dsstm and finish, such as an Empire, t4.00, at f 3X4. at M7I now 8286, a tliO one at B28. anothar that sella at 133s, only 9886. and a beautiful one in oak that sella regularly everywhere at $100, this week only 9388. Ws alao hava a' largs number of good second-hand and used pianos that wa will close out at aoout nan puce, wa haven't the room for them and want to get rid of them quickly. ' If vou wilt Inspect ths pianos in our show window or tha largs stock on our second floor wa are Quite sure you will bavs a nice piano in your home before tha close of the week. Our easy payment plam paves ths way for immediate possession, -. Allen&dilti ! Oonsg Sixth aad FERRYBOAT GIVES NO TROUBLE TO BAILIH Architect Makes Trip in Webster Which Is Said to Hav Been . , ' ' Satisfactory. It may be weeks before ths Alblna fer ryboat Lionel R. Webater is put In com- mission; owing to tha fight between the city snd county official. Tha county commissioners declare the boat defective and that It will cost a largs sum to make tha necessary changes; Architect is. nai lln and city officials, state that tha boat will glvs first-class service if properly handled. ..- '. ; '" .: -'-"i-""!:' : County Commlaslonsra F. c Barnes snd William L. Llghtener called on Mayor WiUlama today with a statement of an investigation of tha boat mads bv W. & Chapman, a civil engineer. Chtpmaa declares there ars certain dis crepancies in- tns plana ana epecuicw tlons which must be remedied before the boat will give satisfaction. Mayor Wil liams heard tha Obleotiona ana inxoranea tha commlaslonsra that the city would make a thorough-Investigation Of the boat, and if any defects ware xeoad which needed remedying tnai ibs neces sary changes would "be mads, i s - ' I.t Saturday tha Webater was gtvea another trial under tha direction sf Arch itect Ballia. 'CapUia.Fostsr nad com mand, and tha boat worses vary saus- faotorlly. Landings were made without any difficulty on both the east and west sides and passengers were carried across ths Jiver.;.. ..v.'..w; OVER THOUSAND CARS OF EXHIBITS COMING Big Force. Will Be Required to i fCet Everything Readjrtor ' " the Fair Opening. -rExhlbltaHfor the Lewie od Clarh f air are expected to arrive in largs quantities until the formal opening. Tha, rush during tha two weeks preceding June 1 is expected to be very -groat, and ex tra forces of men will bs necessary, to handle the displays. . Before June 1 1.100 oarloada of ex hibits are expected to reaoh the city. Already 100 cara hava been - ualoaded, and ths exhibits placed In tha poslUona assigned to them. At - the terminal yards today. It is aald. thsrs are to cars awaiting to be switched upon the tracks leading to the grounds. - Ths first exhibit Installed was hat of the Mellin's Food company. Other- ex hibits thst have been Installed are those of the General Klectrlo oorapeny, ths American Telephone dt Telegraph com pany, the National Cash Register com pany, the Oregon exhibit, . under ths supervision of C V. Galloway, including both ths agricultural and horlculturai exhibits, and tha mining exhibit.. - The - Manufacturers ' building was turned over to Colonel Dosch, director of exhibits, today. ; j '" ; --'. , C. I. Ishlguro of San Francisco, repre senting ths jspaneso government, was a visitor at thsZalr Saturday. . ; !. TOM MURPHY GAVE - v ? w POLICE GREAT AID When Tom Murphy and George Graf ton appeared In the police court Inst February on a charge of holding up and robbing two Jewish fruit venders, the statement was mads that ths police had suspected Murphy of complicity In the murdtr of Peddler Calof. This Is de nied by Detective Kerrigan, who worked on the murder case, and who says an In justice has been done Murphy. - Instead of being suspected of the crime. Mur phy, so ths detective ssscrts, assisted the police greatly In thelr afforts to ar rest the perpetrators. ' ; ' Murchv and Grafton wore acquitted In Judge Fraser's court last week, of robbing the fruit venders. expects to convict : ' - ? r : IN THE SEWER CASES District AMornsy John Manning has returned from Seattle, where ha spant several days getting evidence bearing on the Marquam gulch First street via duct, and is presumed to nave inter viewed J. 3. Msnsy, manager of the Pa cific Conatruotioa company of Wash ington, with reference to the withdrawal of the bid of his company for $5t,00, leaving the f 61.000 bid of the Pacific ConatruetloA -company tof San - Fran- Cisco Jo be accepted by ths city execu tive board. t . r ',.-. Regarding ' ths prosecution of the eases sgalnat W. C Elliott. J. M. Cay wood, Jlenry Chandler, B. W. Rlni'r snd R. M. Rlnnr, Mr. Manning said he neUd to secure convictions. . , t -Vn your pwii -Spriiur Hat Two tones pt Raffia on one pf -eur latest atyle ha frames, . . , with soma prettjt. . spring , - Z4vwv awn t mhw wvwv. At ths oost of few dimes, id', fsw hours' - of fasclnatiog- work. ; your hat . will . be tha dalntieat creation ! of ths sea- r " son original, fsshlonablv h-, I RAFFIA, plain, per lew X94, ' L a ' halt lb. .tw.y. . ..taStr ' . ' RAFFIA, colored, per . s ; . packs so ... lOd) ' :' i ' ' -WIT FRAMES, latest - "'rV.' v shapes ....... 38A sTATzOBsmr vn ' ABTZCEaTT. I-os. 'Atomiser., fllied with English . Tor yomf toilet; special Springtime Odors v Fashionable FragranceM . It Violet 4s Venice, per os.;...........;.... '91.0 mm) j. Japanese i Ivories That MiUiawArtof tlM aaeat At Half Price NO JUBBDTO BVYImoalld Chain i sweat CmtekWf pmt hm Woodatd; Clarke FOURTH AMD WASHiXCTON STMtBTS ;2C,C3htiyMeii " Is the store where you git 1905 styles-no old stock. Every article offered is latest in style, best in quality ; ; and highest grade of manufacture,' We are SPEVj , ::t "CIAJ-15TS fa that our entire energies and efforts . . are'exerted in securing latest ideas of fashion, and ? '! ' - the very highest . grades in 'manufacture. Our 'i r. KENSINGTON and the CHESTERFIELD Clothvy ing are without question the highest-grade Ready for-Wear Clothes produced in America. Few cos- - ! tom. tailors can equal them in perfection of fiCe -- -' qulsiteness of style, skilled: tailoring. Prices 'are,; v-' not high-SUITS FOR BUSINESS WEAR range ;; ; ; , from 918.00 to f40.00. SUITS FOR DRESS, ' formal and informal, $25.00 to $60.00. TOP- : , i COATS, " $15.00 to $35.00.' Three-quarter '. ; . v Urth ' DRICSS OVERCOATS. " EZO.OU to "i $05.00. . ; Long RAIN OVERCOAT, $18.00 -U to $35.00. FINE , TROUSERS. $4-; to) r $10.00 a pain FINE SHIRTS, ? $1.00 1 to - 84.00. FINE NECKWEAR; 50 to $3,00 a ' ;Tie. , FINE HOSIERY, 25o ; to $3.00 a pair. FOWNESV DENTS and, LITTAUR'S GLOVES v. $150 to $3.50 rpaif.; FINE UNDERWEAR:- ; - 1U1e' waaImi k (l VW VIUJ ww wswaasi B eiw! ye"'v 1 a suit HATSln Stetsons,' Roland; Kensington and ;; Chesterfield, priced $3.00 to $12.00. A goodly array of good things in men's appareh You're in vited to inspect them. w 0. IS LI'MWf-Wt' MWIWMW. i" .vv r . Violet water, refrsslnfi aocassory' ....... v:,.25d , Get Up On Time! Genteel Alarm Clock v .The Bugaboo Smallest Intermittent Alarm Clock made. a., tiny tinkling tone floesn t reap y , your nerves SPASMODIC Would wake the police -. , rings every half minute for It -minutes ' DRONE For sleepyheads... .,;.1.4a 'AURT As good as its asms... ..08 AMERICA Well worth tha : .v , .. money .. ...... .....TSo) ftmtldiotM eoOaetm i 'j-j'-l '--.r Till Closed Out it - , '.; ' -H'-ii 1I mnA ai'TVa ftl .AO ta S18.00 . i A.8 ',"-' 4. r " " V " "'I teO ;:.vrv