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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1905)
15 L7JXY'.jrJ2.:AIl rr T'- crrr i . ... -. , CTTT BOTTCZS. ' CTTT BOTICXS. . e - .' HITS BOTICXB. w I 4- i cttt tbxabitxxb'S boticb, or alb or bxai bozbtt ro Eixftvutt as, , Mwxunrt..,,, ,. t. -f . :, , '.kJ "1 i" tfvaa tWthe Aedttar af " 5,t areaae. .Beet .tteunoV errant! u! nt.','? .J4 .!. U Utl - atreet. tn a eoeaacttoB with Beat Yamhill .treat at t Tblrty- - "I" ' irTti eowo UT Bnanynlde Third end that frareaant te aortloa 413 of ta j charter of Um City of Portland. I wl L boar of JO o'clock a. m., at too woo? d w af ' at pon le taction to the baI-. Bidder for mob. tubjoet to iwdempdoatnt y glj0- '? rt War. ' iliinuWb ' Adotttaa-.' Vj' : !" ' S ? w' i.....w Blj l,lJ.i Bmu.,V..7rr..... M 80 Lack piece er tract of laad xa Wt mm - arparabtly U4 i m net ItaTtiSl a.paid Mwmt tbetwoa And Utereat and ' ft of ofraertlaina and aala. If aMeetb. eat Mo la. offer-d. the load will beoeU iff the bidder offerta, to tab ttVeemT fortbTloSt tnTaoi1 Vmlt.7 tetanat. Ompetluoa ' ' C-i-?0" 0.!ltr far the ftrtt arto. 'nwrtowA?""" ,"? f"1'' . ".'" ' , TbjnkrUvni tfc nk ar liirit'. . t.i, ' - -. . WRBMHir, ' . ' ItT Tioaaaur of ha Cltr of rrtbai. : tart nuinn'i sonos or uxs or -1 - nxAi ymorotTT ro anatTOi a. tho CHo of Partlaaa boa traanalttot mi atrutla a aowar la Maorla atraot, Oaacaabola aoaao. 4 tho Jlr la Wocaa liTTi! ' wr omkm. aorta wlc atroot tixl Mob. ... rai am, wtm m wot una or WUMa . . : aa to a ooaaortloa with n (u . Tkrtrict aowor la AIMaa aomaa, tad taat Bar. ; . wmwow JJ 01 ll l tm Of THO .i i ivr iwiajo. i wiu. aa ainaair. tao iota o( April, jano. .t tbo waaToT 10 o'elael ' a. m.. at tba woat oor of tbo & aUO. la - lao rny or rortlaaa. Orraa, offr for aala at onbllo aaetloa to tba blsbaot Md tea oaaa. oubjort to tilawallia. ao fnilvwakf III m II, I vaMrrtaiaa af MJTomow AatlUoa ta Rtk It, aoath U af lot T, n! Utanborry, Blk U, aoath 3 of lad t tai tl atdij , Blk 1. oaat aa faot ad lad d. AaW Pan . ML) B'? bw. if3&z'&'i'itmi iZ ' owf awtawapoaaw. ,.... , l.aa ato o aw oa aaaas wui N aaparataly aad tor aaaa not taaa taaa tba nnpald aaaaanasoat tbarna aad lataraak and coot of adoartlahat and aala. f( anaro taaa ana. bid la offarad tba land fffl bo Bold at Iba bMdor affortad to tab tba aaaap IW tba loaat aatonat af aoaalty aad bttaraat. , fjaaaaa uima win aoi - tiiMMiaa tbo. aonaltr Bar tbo fbtot upoa tba aaaattr for tba aw 7biraVBam tk Mtnaf tirloraat - ' J 7 1. L waaJJaTW. ' ' tr Triaoaoar of tbo aty af larfttad. naraaaao. Oraaaa. Marab It, lanS. crrr mumtnmt ioTsn ualm or uu- laomiriauniarip - NnUea 4a bam a . at tba Ctty at Portland baa troaoaaltatd ta aaa J:. , a tlac at aba haling! at aaaaaaanaata fa aoa - 'atmttnf aowar la wUUaata aoaaao boat liN - foot 'aoath of tba aaath lhto of Albarta . atroot to h aaaaattltiB wttt tbo aowar ha rra .nanaa auoaa at w mm aaa aoaaaa. aaa) ' . aaraaaat to aaotlaa 41 af tba rbnrtaa mt . City of rartUad. 1 wtlL aa Maaday. tba loth day at AarU, lOOa, at tba how of 10 o'eloch a. nv . at tba wont door at tba City Ball, la tbo City at ParUoad. Ooaaoa. offar tat aala . at pobUc aortloa ta tba blaboat bMdaT far oaaa, aabort aa rodoajptlaa, tba toUawtac daaorlbaa . : Blk Sa. want a 141 taat at lot 0l" Kata Ooff : Blk at, lot li Daaaai Marx. .. ...T. .... T Sataa Raeb patoo or traot of land.wlU ba aoM ' aoparataly aad for a aaaa not baa than tba . - anpald aniniatiat fturaialad tataroat aad aoot ex. aaoartiaint aaa aanx . u T la onorod tho aa will ba orrorua ta taba tba aaaa tor tba brant aaaaaat or ponaity aaa tataroat. cnaapauooa win aa rlrat Cpna tba paaalty tor tbo- ftrat pari Wad tpaa tba aaaaity tat tba aaiint tlariatasw. - i J 23. Or ana, atarab : CRT nXAaTBXX't BOTXCB OT BAU Of ax rmorxxTT rom iisxiiaoTXT as- Natlca li barahy rHon that tho Aadttar af tba City at Portia aa baa traanaalttad ta aa a nai or tan aauaqoaai aaaa unto par tba prut oaat tualaaj. atyla not aad aatablaaalnt of Ookoai aoaaaa traat tb woat Uaa af Caav doa atraat ha tba aaat Uaa at Vaaaaaoar Canary road, and that ptirooant td aaattaa 411 of tao rhartor of too City of rwrtJaitd, I will, aa hVaa ' day, the 10th any af April, laud, at tba baor at 10 a'oaxh a. at., at an woat door af tba Olty Ball, la tba City at ortlanaTOroaaa, aftar .tor aaie aa paoaia am. una an taa aifaooa atoaar for caah, aablaet ta roaaaapthta, tba MWaia . a aaaa paapany. 1 baratoaa aa-wm Bib d, all at M north af tha nartaj. Uaa - of lrokaat YV'oC'BwdntBaaor""jr .Blk 1 Blk fl. lot 4V Rati la Bauar. ........ htLfla ma a, ntt T, wiiiuai at. ataliara.. . ' Bib h. lot ; wlllloat al. SWUard. ...... 10.00 : Bib i. ki a. B.;i, ircrxa...,,..,...,.,, 10.00 .Bit 0. bat 7 hV ' L. XaTM... 1O.00 naaatoat rara , Bib lot , rVodar rrodarleh rradorlok Blk t, IN 11, a, it Blk lot 11, rradarlrh W. Jot I V rrodarick W, TnTfaar. ' B B Taraanr. a-a IM lot i. Hoary Thoapaoo). .. . .. Blk 8, Vk a( lot , bokty B. ftiniar l.aa K1K S, ta at ntt la, uaiay m. Hiiuaa Blk B. awt af lot fc Charlao CJ. Waad- Blhh. aaat U of' hat l&(avWa' VaaaV OtBtal llttotlt r.ottl 0avaV S-M Blk 4, lot B, CTtarlaa 0. Woodcock. 1.&0 Blk d. lot a, Cbartrn 0. WoaaVaah S.M Blk 4, aoaU U0 loot at lot A. Charhw . O. Woaaoack... ..... ............ 1 09 Blk b, lot 1. Btaphaa Bhobort... ...... ioo Blk . lot i Btopbaa Baobart.....,. B.S0 Bib i. lot Btopbaa Bhobart. 3.00 Blk 0, lot 4, btopboa Baioart... ...... 1.08 i Ploeatant Park ;....,,-.,,. Blk , M L t, BtoprJonbach.. ;........ (. Blk f, lot 1, B. itoppoabarb...M.a. 150 ' Blk t, lot h, B. Btoppoobneh 164 ' Blk t, fca) I K Btoppoabocb.. 1H Blk I. lot , B. moppooharb... 160 Blk f , bt d, B. Sloapoabnab... B.O0 Blk B. lot 1, Cbarloa B. Woodcock. t oo i Blk B, lot a, Cbaraaa a. Woadoook.n..j Blk 8, htt t. Cbarloa B. Woodeocfc...... Blk B, Jot d, raarloa B. Woodcock..,.., Blk a. lot ?, Cbortaa B. Woodcock,...,. ,. Bib lot a, Cbarkta B. Waodoock...... BiiotV job. . Daoi... ' Blk 80. lot IS. Oonrta L Dnrboja. ...... Blk ha, lot 14. Llada A. Dakaai. ' Blk aa, lot la. Croorta A. Burba aj tss .00 too a.oo 112 ; A tract af load lym? Mtwoca tba aaath f - Una of Dacanr aoaaaa' aaa a uaa taa faat aaath tboroof ax.0 'yarallal r wtib. and bataaaa two Ita i floaty 140.1 foat-aad BOVl. foot .went ' of aad parallel with the wo naa of Radnoy aoraac, M- y. awojaannata . , iuo.00 A tract of land lytaf aotwooa the aoath liao at Dikaa aoaaaa. aad a. Uaa 150 ' ft aoath tboroof and pore 111 there with, and aotwooa tba aaat naa of - , I lka aaaoao aad tba waatorlp Una af . block 0, Wood law, i. O. Anaaworth,.. Oa.00 "V.LKaob ptata or traot at laad w!4 ba aald twWaUly aad tor a etna not tooa tba tba anpald awmaaaat thawia aad Intoroat aad aaat .. af edenrttalea and aaVa. If , ware than eno ' bid nt offoiad the land will ba aald ta the ', blddro effoalBa- to take the aaate for the Want '., aKrt at paaalty and tataroat.. CeaaaaUthta win bar . ' . rirot xpaa taa aoaany tor tno uraa awna. piwao ' Lpoa taa taaaity par taa . t Xblxd-Cpoa tht rate af tntrraat' j 1. B. WBBLBIJf, nty Troaoarar of tba City of PortloBd. Oriaia. Mareh 11. 1P00, eatrixrn Aim ccatajrc or rBOTxaaarB or matji btbxxt. - Nndlca la hetobp dwa that fBarlr Clto 'Rnainaor. boo flVrd ta tbo office of tba , anaarataard. antlca that Nick urn Kelly, eoa. , tractara for tbo latpraraatant of Bala atroot, nndat ba aratUntna at ordlnaare Be. It.Oan, haon roatelotod aald atraot front tbk oaabtr Uaa of rtftb atroot to the coaoar Una of Rlith atroot . and from tba contor Una of Toath atroot ta the at llaa af traartaontb atf rWhlaccoatanea will he ruanUiwd bf the Rwcntfoa rd at 4 e'ekwh oa tba Ttb day at AaHj, laxl. aod abloetlon to the aacoptaace of aaid atraat, or aay part tboroof. may ba ftVnl la tba afta af Ike aanWaard at aay Uata aatar tk. o. . -t4 i mi rt. . - Waorok. too CmucII af Im CT a HNwtfloaA. AMoKiac It UMMiit ta on-a, lay oat aad o u--- i naw iiot by o.-a;- o .1 -a a-t r la lla pwtit mn oJ uv tat a itUoo af- IwoWia root to uo tut baa orfro'b (trooti 0.4 oa tl-o lot aay Of Fobraary, land. aUroct tio Ci. alaaar to oama too at ax and ta- a-rk tho aeoiuiarloa tlwroof, aad to auao a put of aaeb aumr, aod a orrKtoa aorort oaatoUlof a fall aod Cirfott aatcrlptloa afaurb praiMooa atroot and i-'-a4a tboroof, aad of tao aortloa of aach I , t- or part of oltbor to bo aparoprlatod I aoo atroot, aai tho City Hitlnw bartu do aacb aorvoy. phit aad roport, aad fM ava plot aad roport In tbo offJco of tb Aadiutr of tbo Ciy of Portland oa tba TU dayl of brary, law. aad aoid roaort kaTtri baaa ao"wd by onuoaoot Mo. 14.4ml oboOwi: "Aa orwaoaea adoptlna tba roport of taw Cif Va- Cmor la uo autiar or tao pro pea a owtniai ytaa; oat aad aotabnabtoa or a aow atroot by oxtooalaa Burk atroot wootorly la Ita proaoat sours aad width fraa tbo wat Una af TwouU atroot aa too ot Mao af Tairtaaath a mat," bow. tborokuro. alt aoroaa Intorootod i baroMy ap"ed teat tba Ooaaoll of tba City of Portwad ba appntod L'-Ackorataa. W. T. Whlta u4 m baa vtowora to olov amid prop laid oilaaaloa of aald atroot aad aaako aa oiwatata af tba aaaorita aad dan iaaa aa-t-'iod by tba o-taioc, Uytn oat aod aotaV b- uuif of tho ammo, la actnrdaaoa with atattaa f tbo taartat of tba City of Fnrtlaad. aad aald Ttawato a ataot at tbo offlco o? tbo Aadttnr of tba City of rortlaad on Tharaday. tba .b day of April, liwa, at tbo" bow af 10 o'ctorti la tba fbronom af aald day. . Tbo arop naad apoalag. la Tin oat and artab Haabag af btork atraot la do not la width aad ta awra pax Uuo laxly aiaadod, aad daaviUiad aa tollowat' ...... IVrlnoln at a potat ta tba want Baa at Twolftb atroot whoro tba -aaaw would ba la toraaotod by a weatorly rztoaoloa of tba aoath Uaa of Btaro otroot. raaauc tboaca oa tba wootorly oxtaooloa of tbo aoatherly .Una of Rtark atraat to a point la tho oaat lla of Tblrtaoath atroot: tboneo aortborly aloaa tba oaat Uaa of Thirteenth atroot a dtaUnca of 44 foot ta a point In tba aoath Han of Bnra aldo atraot; thrnco aaatarty atonf tba aoath Una af B ureal do atroot a dlataoeo of l.Ta faot to a point la tbo winterly oatraaioa of tba aorth ry Uaa af Btarh atroot) thaam aoatbeaatorly ly oxioaaioa oi tao aoruiariy boa af Btark atroot to a point la tba weatorly one or ? won la atraot tb aVaan taa l Una af Twelfth atraot a dlatnnce of 04.14 - root . ta -a patati . thanea nonUwaoterly atonaT tno - weanwiy uoe oc xweirta atraat af a.Ba fast to tbn nlaoa af bootnnino. The Bfupiiaod epanlng, laylnA- oat and eatab. Banana at Btara at aoot allt laataao aad Bllin lata taa appropriation to pablle oar of tl aoUowtna daacHhad aareala at traeta at laadi All tkatt aarwNi af lot S af bine Mav nor H of I at tba nty at Port tan, lyfahf arttbla the benadarlro of tba Oiiipuaid apaaiaa, aayhaf eat and aotahUoblaf af Stork atroot, ae abeoe MimiMi ana' on 111 ag 0.10.1 aajonrn raea. Aaaa all that anrtioa M M 1 bbath lot. Coacb'a addltloa. lrloa aaath af tba aorth Baa af tuark etreet wtnaaad wintorry la Jta praav aat eaaraa. cawtalalac MDl aanaro toot. Aa ad t-t paniaa af lot aV.bhtak Mr, I'B aoabtaoa, ayiaaT aoatnaory at taa awrth of Bear atroot ntiai wootorly ta tat aaatalnlaa l.l.t aaaara feat. Aaaa nil trmt noriinn ! at I blank 10T. Otach'a addltiaa. Via aorth af tba aaath Baa af Btark atraot ratnad wortorly ta Ibt Bree- lht all tKat Peruana of lot f. hbtr 10T. Ooock'a addluoa. lylMS hot a aaa tha w taaaity aitonoiaaa of the north aaa) aaath abate of Btark atreat. ' ooatabuoc 4.4YB.1 aaajara font. - 411 par nana eatltalaa diaii ant by roaaea at eaeainc. atytna eat ana aaia inauiaj et naii atroot are bariht aanriatbT aartnad ta flla that catlaat fay aach daaaofra wlih tha Aadrter at tbo aty 0 Pertamd boforo tbo 0th day of a. pro. inoa, taa naa at the etaar By era at tbeCnaadL .wA. G. DBVLflf . avanra or taa city ec imm pi nm wareh ha. Uud. WBtrLBTIOB AJta AOCTTTABOB 01 i nofXKMtrt or oobbxtt btbxr Katlea la haawhy atrea that Chartea Wai dty haaiaaar. baa flntd la the otace-oo tha aatoBJWaod aetare that Hicham dt KeUy. ana tractor tor tha laaai annua t at Corbott U.Baa, bar eon parted aald aUaot freaa eaator Mae of Weada otroot to the eaatai af Oiwter atroot. ..... aid aeatntaaca WU1 aa iiaibtiwd by aaaatroa Board at d 'tbat an ba - ttb aay or April, ibob, aad anjullnna aaptaaaa of aald atiaat. oa aay p aaay ba hlod la tba afnea at tba at aay unto prior taorota. . ,..,.,.,18. wTmcxrrm boabd.-" tTaaaiW ?2t.fDlrwxSU i-' Pwalaal a 4i 1 tana OOhOTJtTIOB A AOCXTTAJICB OV Xht- . . noTuzn or hasboua rant. Kobe la h entry ftrcn that Cbarloa City Knateear, baa Bled la tbo efBee of aadnrabinod aotlca that Otoblac OlobuKh Joplln. tar tba lamniiatiat af atroot. aader tha arotL 14.140. aaTO coauictaa aaia eeet Uoe of Beat Klcbth atraat lino of Durham otnnn. Bald acceptance wlU ha liaall ri t by tha Bxecatloa Board at d o'clock aa the tth dot aa avpru, law, ana enjocuena aa taa aeeopr aaea of aald atraot, ay aay pert that tot. aaa be Bled la the ofnre of tba aederatanad al aay tlato arlor thaToto. , -j-. Tin BXaXTTmtB BOABD, " '.".- 'V By TH0B. C Davunr. Aadltar af .the Cllr of rwxUaad. Bertland, Oreawa, April a. isoa. cohtPurnoB abb AocxrTAJfCB or rmoTzmr or Notice la horobrattea that CSaarbaa Warn Ctty Koaloaoi. baa- Bate) la the afnea of nndaralanrd notice that hV J. tractor nr tao iiniauii atiai at nndar the areThtlaaa of ordinance t:o. Khtl, baa eeeoDletad - aald atroot froaa tho- aaat lla at hucblraa araaae aa Uo oantar Una of hUa- aoetDtanea wit! be eoaaidrrod bo' Biocotfta Board at d o'clock aa the Tth day et April, 1000, aad ehpacttaoe ta tha aataH- at aaaa atroot, or any pert tnwat. aaay Ml In the etfloa at tba aailaialaiaid a aar )u atxaa I'Tt rrj nuAauj. , By xtava. V. UatUIIT, Aadltar of the City of Portland, rwruaao, wipe, Apru 1, coxnxnoaT ajtb aocbttabcb or bxwxb r : EB rWXaTTT-BIXTat BTBXXT. w vi iii.r a CHy Knflaaar, baa MM owJaaeiaaed, nottoo abet tracoor tar the llaa trr la the office of tbo i t, m. eiiMiBi, a Twatj-alxtb atraaL aader the preoataaaa atea No. 14.40a. ana coatnictoa nma aa froaa tha eeet llaa at Wabtnt atreat to a aan aactioa wna taa aawor aa aneaiai atraot. - Bald acccptnnea win ba aaaaliatid by tba BtocatlTo Board at 4 o'clock oa tha tth da of AarU, 1000. aad eMertiane ta the aatiptaan ei aaia aowar, - or aay para uareoc, atay ae tiled la tbo or ne af the qaBetaetaed at hay . -2 ' - By TBOfl. 0. DBVUlt. '. Aadltar of tha City of rlaanV PorUand. Oreaoa. AarU 1. 100V cohTrxrnov ajtb aocxptab-cx as nt- BBorxxxBT or ambwobth atxwm. Mat Ice ta berrby tiron that Cbarloa Waaaa City kntlnaar. haa filed ta tbo office of tba andoraicao. aotlca that atcctOfl Broa., trattora for the IniimiMiaaat af Alnaworth aronn. aadcr . the protbtiaaa at ardlnanc Na. la.BlL hate coajphrtcd naVd atroot treat the wont line of tlalea troaaa ta the cuter Una af Bald aaocotaao win be conaldrrod try the Bxccntlto Board at 4 o'clock on the Ttb day of April, 100B. aad a0octlona to the eeeeptance of aald atroot, or any part thereof, may ba nroa in toe ernee of the anooroiaaoa at any time .prior thereto. ' ,(,,-... , TUB KIltniTlTI BDllP.f '.v ' By THO. a DBVUft.' v ' . Aadltn of the City of l-orUand. ro-Uaad. Oroaon, April 1, 1IM0. oohtrxrnoB xd aocxbtabcx or ihv rBOTBaaarr or bbtabt btbjext. . Notfra ta berth ara that Cbarloa Wanaoo. City Rnairvaar, haa flktd In the office of the aaarTtaTOta. neure mat uirnara at jnpun, cootrnctcc tor the ImnrereaMat of Bryaat ttrtot, , aitdar the prooaMoaa af ardtnaaca Ma. 14.1AT. bate comotated aald atreat rmni tka an trr Ba of WUfror traat ta the woot Uaa pf Bald aepaca Will be mnaldrrad Vr tha tocatlte luiard at 4 o'clock oa the tth day or nam arrnva. er any pata aooiaiit. aaay no rilea la taa ernea at taa aaattaioaod at aay uaaa nwumna, . . t 1MB Exni-nra anian . By TBOfl. C. UBVTJPJ. Aadltar of tha Cltr .at woaoa. April a. in, (XBVrXBTIOB Ajn AOCZTTABOB o 1 IHTrfin Or BBTAJTT ITUn, ItatV tp horthy lrta that (Bjarfcw Wtaaoc City BntTMoor. baa flWd In the etiwa af tba aacSMnd, aettca that M. Oonlay, eoa. tractor for warn a.ip. . .aa.H. aa, atryaai atlla., aroololaua of eratreeae No. 14.17 rtod aeM ttret froaa the taat riM audae the tea coaaoai of Waaaah a' to the ten tar Uaa at Wllea Baid acctatanea w4aV b analtnf by tha Bucntto Piard at 4 o'clock aa tha t,k iTT of AarU. , Bad ebjeetaana to the aartanra of oald .artoct, or any part tbaaaef. aar kl flVM In the off! re at the oaaWro-and m aar tune prtar tweta. ' TaB I rf " -lfB . k -,,. 1 r ) . L C 1 J ' ' -t Of t C of 4L ' f tn ntaaaaita erataaara Mo, ta tba woat or CaJl, ' ,V Notice la hereby ottoa that the Cooncll of the fy et rV. d, et o aaato bald oa the JWth py of karca, lo. .ar4 te ao nraanaant by M'nce He. for the laa- proTeatcnt of h. a atroot, t a the want Into of front' atroot ta the traat haa af ronrteeath atraat In tho manner prorlded by OtUaanee Bo. 14.0o. aaaa aneb lot. part of lot and parcel of laad, white are aoodnUy and aaeaUarly ton- tr-aoo, to ae pa (Ularwa, Ta. " ; . , POHTLAND BCOCK 0,1 lot ' . ' AanJ ' 0. Bcbmocr, 0T; north H Of "lot S. bUrla T Baker. .80l aoath U lot t; Charlotte . Moffett Cartwricht, a.80l lot d, rr aod ' C. Manlth batata. Belt of, W ; aadtrldad or lot o, rraai 4. watoon, aH,ait li. .ivi a rwHtMul c. Bmlth Batata. v Hrlr of, B3B.S1. BIXK II. lo 4. 3- Lewla ' Lore Batato, Utlra of, MLT4; lot . loha A. ! Dtrlla. Aa.a9i lot S. VOa0i U ta 68; lot B, Uaaoar I fcawtlna, 45.t. BLOCK 4, lot d, A -ooiB. b -banuin. 82.00) lot a, Mary Rath 1 awklmt, eO.i;! a. i. W. and V. Cook, BOJMl lot, t. I. W. aad . Pl aA as LOCK , aoatk' M fet- Ctty"f POR1I-AND SI-OCX St, lot 4, ataltnoatab Cooaty. aa.43 lot B, laoKaotnah County. 84.34; let 0, htnltnomah County. B4 H lot i. Mnltnocnak Uaanty. 83X1. BUMJK MO. 1 lot 4. tiorvaB Berloaa k latea . Boetety, ' 8AS.T0; lot B, Oorataa BaTlatT Laea Bo. clotyv 83 M; lot 0, Abble U Atwood, trf-ie; lot 8, Aobi U Atwood. I18T.00. BLOCK 181. Tot C Catbortoo A. Daly, 81 "i aoath ( U of lot 8, Cathorlae A. Jly. U.BBt aoctb , 1 i Of tot 0. lcy . Troarott aanita. a lot oThtary 1. Bvorke. 04.00; lot a. hUry A. i Borka. 0114.00. ulotk .an, lot a, u ' ykrlachivar Batata. Kclra af, 08.88; lot . latoja rtciocanor pim, pan a., w, f , Lonlo riclachner Batata. Hrlra of, 80.03; lot ' 8. Loo la ruucbaer KaUta. - Halra 1 of, 8.tS. 10. ARK BLACK f lot 8. Aty of .forUaBd, BX 0; lot 8, Cy of lortlaad. exaa. rOHTWrlDBLOCIC 131. lot 4. Hooora Far rail, an ta- b a- Ranrlattn a KUot. 80.12; J lot Oj Oan Alaalat BataU. Hebe of. 8R0.J7; fet p, OeorfO Alaaley Batata, Hcfro of. 8100.411. BLOCK SB, M 4. A mil 8. Mcbota, 8148.70; lot 8. oosle B. Hlcbola. 82.18; aorth 80 fart of lot t, Lena Wtllmla. let irrs nath 20 feat of lot B, A., O. .Plko. Tlob: lot . X a pik; btxk'K Ml. lot 4. Jotephlad a Child, 811 04; lot S. Henrietta U Bmlta. B4l.Mr oaat H lot a. Haarlatta L. health. 840.01: at of lot B. UoarletU U Batlth. 871.rO; aorth 0 foot of woat H af lot d. rardlnand C. Bmlth Eetatt. . Helro ef,-84-l; tooth 44 - feet of woat U of lot 0, tfattle U Martla. 8.18.31; woat af lot B, Board of Bchool . iiealeaa. t48.8JB. BLOCK If. let 4, Bertha Bob a, BOuBO:' Jwt 8. WirUaat B. Bewail. irO.08: Vat IB foot, af lot f. WllUaatB. .rait aiaVt! aaat SB taat of lot 8. Bertha " Kobe. atSo.rO; aorth b of waat IB. foot of lot fl. AA-ana BpllUaaa. 8B4.O0: aoath , ai af l treat TB faet af let fl. LartWla WTIhom. 834.09: oaat 88 taat et went T8 feet of lot , , A Men a htoaat Doa Charrh. BTlJBjwtal : dfl tmmt af Wt B. African Mount tloa Chnrcb ; 8110 II. BLOCK M. lot 4, Albert T. Bmlth. r liliS; Mt 8, AJbort T. lUlth. fllTl; eeet , 04 foot at Tot fl, CM Bnrkbard. . BM.bOj 1 . . . m . . . 1" . - u aa. I aaa aje 11 a r a. .ana wrmwM. r "" narth 11 (oof of woat Bt foot of lot 8, Harriet Hamuli I, pa 1BJ one in w icci 01 waa o ' feet af lot 0. Jacob Kamm. 821 48: woa 80 aaat OT m O. arn unl iua.aa. A ttact af land lrlna betwtea the 0 iietwly Uaa af fvartooath atraot and a Una loo fort wootorly thereof end parallel therewith and between tba northerly aad aoatherly Upot . et Mala atraat tf eateaaao w erty la ttt nttaont eaaraa, jacoo naxaat, a BLOCK T, andltldcd e of lot (km. as. BLOCK T. andltldcd e of lot 7, Mary Aaa Cottle, $4.18. aodtrldod H of lot tT Ada tsrl ' ftottla. az.0d: andlTtdad U of lot T . Blanch Cottle.; andrrtded 1-18 af ka a tllahth n. Merer. . 83.WI: aadltlned aiXVTT to. lot t. tided U at lot Lewie Lata Batata, Betre af. 8LT0; aenth.1, of lot Bttpbta Meade Batata. Heara of. ai.OBv lat t, . deeepa r. WlaA la. Vaade. U S' bit fl. looeoh N. , Tool aad Lee rredo. 830.10. BIXX.TE IS, lot tTBaama H. Aadaroaa. 81 04; lot a. . Kmrno H. Anderwnt. 80. : tot T. Blla V. Bmlth Batata. Hair of. 80.5.1: lot 8. BUa W BnaHk Main." Itrtra nf. 8142. FLABA BLOCK 84. aartt 100 feet, Ctty of Portland. B3.B4. ', fRTtKO BLOCX T. MM. Mar Bath . Hawkina. B2T .03 i lot 3, hUry Rath Hawktne. , 3.84; aaaTnI faet afiat 8, Mary BaU iuwkina, 81105: eeet Sit, fort of let t. Mary Bath nawklpa, 81.70: want 004 feet w I, Marina s. BMiiaire. ez-oi: wen 08U fret ef lot 8. Martha J. MrOalre. 810.18. , BLOCK ISO. eeet 00 1-8 feet ef tot 1. H. kf. Cake and Cbwrtta W. Atery. 818.87; aorth 10 feet of cant 00 1-8 feet of lot 8. H. hf. Cake aad Ooorae W. Atory, 80.82: ., waat tB 1-8 feet et taat 0 1-8 feet et aoath ta faae of earth U nf lot B. H. U. Cdl end beta of. A racy. 80.13; waat IB 14 feet of raat 00 1-8 IWt of aaath H ef lot t. IL M. . Cake Cerf W. Atory, 80.. .ant 40 . fort af aaath 40 feet and woot 14 foot ef . aaath SB foot of oaat BO feet of lot B. Henrlck A. Popplctoa. 81-811 weat 80 t-8 fret ef lot 1, Bdward I. Pinch, 80 81; woat JO 1-8 ftcFof lot a, Bdward J. Vtacb. 80.04; lot ' T. B. 0. name and Lamar B. Bneler, 84.88; , lot o. a. a. naraea uati a. . aeeier, r aiSBa. BLOCK ,Sa, lot I. Amandi W. Bead - Eauta. Holra nf. (08.80: -. n.alb S raat of hM B. Hrnr-r Hon la Batata, Holra ef. 80.10; aoath 48 fort af lot 8, Boar Boob) Batata, Heine ef. 84.00; ; coat H ef lot T, Jlonry TaabeabelBwr, 8X05; at mt n. .icnry lannenneuier. ami. in. of lot 7, joba M. Hodtoa. 12.90: wait H af lot B. John M. Hedeaa, 818.80. BLOCK SAT. bat 1. Martla Winch. 8184.081 lot 1 ' Martla Winch. 84.M: lot T. H. f . Cerbett Batata. Hetra at, e-la. . t B, ItaekM. iTtfKi- ... rAHS BTOCK 8, lot 1, City of Parthnd, 8Ud r or rattan aa .PWflTBam todd. L $0.01; bt T, WU- mt a, city or fort it no, 1 fOBTLAND BTXtTK an, loi 00J1: lot S. William Ladd 81001. BLOCK 84, lot 1 TeUwberd Baardutf, 81o2.I8r lot B, Joha aVboarni, ia7: lot I, anaa MOinnaT. peat; tot a, auae namaa 8171.09. BLOCK aaa. lot 1. Jamea t. raUlna, faa4.8T lot 1. lamaa P. ralUim. 840.27; lot 7 CareMne BelUa. 800.80; let 8, CaroUne Batllac. 8140.42. BLOCK B. lot 1. Beth lerael Concroirattoa, 8128.11; lot 1 BoU larael Oonrraaattoa, I70.0BI tot T. Beth lareel Caaarcaation, 8A.rr: lot 8. Beth larael dm. peeatlea. 8110.80. BLOCK 8, ML Willi al BcwVn. 1170.80) Berth 23 H fort af lot B. Wlinam Bewail. 881.88) aoath BH feet ef lot A. Anaa O. Onackenttanb. BIB 02: foot af lot J. Tha ma a Maaat 8M-TI; teat 08 fort af lot 8, Thontee Mana. BOO.85; watt 84 foot ef lot f, leeob Kamm, 820.741 woat 84 faet ef lot B, Jacob Kamm, lion.18; rlfbt ef way of Port land Coaaolldatod Hallway Cam. rny. S184.18. TaL Ot OrW 2B. etatetaeat of afereeald amuiaiait haa beta catered In the Docket af City Lien, and at one aaa payaoie at too erne at tno uity iTtea oTr, la Urwfnl money ef the Called States and If mt paid withla thirty dare from the ate or uua aoace, aaea w aeainaa win taken for tbn collection of the name at 1 arorlded bo the Charter af the City of Portland. Tha above aaemaut trill bear lataraat taa flora after tha ftrat pnW1-tloe afthia notice. " ad1tor af the City of Portland. 0recv Sato af ftrat publico than, April 1. 1146. COBTrTZTIOX ABB AOCXTTABCX Or aXWXB m zabv TwtJiTi nmaT itbxxt. Motloe te teeob artoa that Cbarloa Warn Olty Kantneer, baa filed la the fftw et the aadernlcned, notice that I. B. Btomaaoaa, con - n.aiaiMihia ef a aoeter la Kaat Twentr-flrtt atroot. under the prorlaiona ef of ul nance Ma. 14.407, haa completed aald aawor frnan liat taa aorth af WU line of OrcauB atroot ta a eaaaecttoa with .the rewar ta heat irtloAT atraat. Bald acceptance will be roaaldered by the feaaratrre Hoard at 4 o'clock oa the 7th day af April, luuO, and ea)etteaa to the acocptaace ot aaia newer, or any para "eeraai, m nioa la tao otTieo Of. too aotaoraipaaa a aar time prtar tnttato, . ' V ; By THOB. C DBVUJ. . r ,. Aadltet ef tba City of PerOtod- Pertlaad. Oreaoa, April i. 180a. OOBrnXTIO ABB AOCBTTABCB 0T TX' rBOTaUtXliT OT WTBBTBflTTW ATKBTITX. r Nottea ta ala.a that Cbarloa Waaatr, City Bntrmeer, hoe flntd In the efflce of the anocralaaod, notice tbot Beehlll Broa.. coo- trer7 to Iha Innvaveaaaot of MlaeMBaPPl arena, nudor the ptookuone ef ordinance No. Haw, hare eenrpwtaa eete eixrca aorth Uaa af MUIawortb areaae. ta the eonte llna nf laaai etroett aloo from tno center Hne of Bltaaaaa otreet la tha earth Una af Waat Pnodaaunt- . rale atrcevuare wtu aa leaaiina 1 a r Kaaaatl. H.d at 4 o'cierh oa the Tth day af April, 1000, aad ahjectaona ta the acceptance t aald atraat, at any pert thereof aaay ba filed la tho office af the aadaralaad at any ' tbatetc. . .,: .- ' tub KXBnmTB wabti. ; a. enna tiBPUIf. Aadltar of the Cltyof rartlaod. BarUaal. Oreaoa. April 1. 1MB. - COTLBTtOB AB0 A0CTTTAJ.CK Or Dfr rBOTXMXBT Or ALBTJIA ATTBTTl. Neticn ta horaby aloaa that Chartao Waaatr. City awBlneer. bea Men In the office af tb anXewfgned, not taa that llechLU Broa., oaa- trrate ror tno imprwraaaeaa aa a,v. 800 tho proa ta tea of ordlnaare Be. 1440, bete oomnleaod Mid atroot tram the aorth line ef aUlaatwarth aroaue ta tba Berth llaa of taVnhBtnt laaattmomt Kiocatrta board at 4 a'ctork oa the Ttb -day prit, inn i aA ahtactlono to the atorptaace aald etreei or aay part thereof, paf be ioo la the effle af the aaoaraurncoi at av am PC tar thareto, v TU BXBCPTtTB BOABTI. -n By TBOfl. C M4N. . . - Aadltn ef the Oryef. rgrUaoeV . INreasA. Oreaoa, Ajftl A, IBe, . m. ' r rorrc3 rBoresss AsnincrarT roB bxwxb xb BABDT BOAT), XA8? ; TWUTT-tlBST BTKXXT, XABT IBTTBt) BTBXIT, XAJT a'WBBTtBOOerO BTXKXT ABU 0KXO0B Mette la hereby firon that tha Auditor ef tba Olty ef PorUand haa prepared a aropoaod ao aaaa meat fur the eooatructloa of a tower' la Bandy Band, Beat Twenty-tint atroot, Baat IrrlaaT atreat, Baat Twenty oucond atroot ' and Orcaua atroot vftum the Interaoctloa of Orcgoa atraat -ana) handy Bead to the aowor in Baat Twentieth atraat at Bandy Boad aad haa aa eertalnod what he deatua a juac epptartktantent aaa-t et tno aewer m Bocoroanco WlU toe epecla! aad poeaUer beaeflta dorltod by aech patett ef laad and lot or part thereof within uaa naaanamcnt aiaunct, ana naa apporaoi too oaat lor aald atwer la tha aateaaU pet ep pualt each paroal ef land and lot or part there of aa lta ebare ef aach propooad imaaut . Aay objaailuea ta tba apMurtlonmont at eeet ka aald aewer aoaat bo paaaa la wrttlM ta the voaacu aa rued wtta the Aaditer withla daya tram tba dale af the Oral pabUral of thla aorlca. and aald ebyartiaaa wlU be heerd aad detera4aed by tha OenneU he for the paaa aoo af Urn ardlaaasa imriiliia the eatt f paid BDLUTAN'8 ADPITION TO THB CTTT OP KABT POBTLAND Boat i ef black 8. Otto Johatnaantaa. 80O.OO. WMCk 8, lot 8, Baalel ajna, toaw; tea n, axaawi - ajrnn. ' fte.Wj iv( T, tiaaati x. vyrne, ptcuu; lot a. imuui 4, Byrne,. mlucb a, lot l, Kphrloa D. iVaey, ya. fat 2. Aaaaad M . Perklne. 831 0U: lot 8. Tba AlUaace Traat Company. Ltd.., 837.00: lot , Tea AlUaace Troet Oampaay. UA.t 84.00: hat 6, The Al llaace Treat Ooatpeny, Ltd.. IXU6; lot 0, Tb AilUoce Imat Oompany, Ltdr, 84.00; lot T. B. tl. P. Chard. ; lot 8," 4 a AUIaaro 'ran company, I Mil . tasv. biamjb. ju. n. ; II. Bohbtna.' til A). BLOCK 11. Brloaater W. ' kloa Baiate, heir of,- 0C0&. BLOCK 12. lot ! Aifrod j. rnaa, 80-eo; an a, Alfred . ranaa,; let a, aUtroa t, rnaae, ao.aa; m , urea t, rancn, a.a; mt a, A urea 4 Alfred J. Itanacn. 82.10: kt a. Alfi Bnnae. tXmti lot 7, Alfred i. JTauuM. 80.70; tot a, Atiroa s, raaaa. blajm. K 13. lot 1. 1 Mary cnmpboll. 040.ivi mt a. Mary Campbell, 830.10; lot 8, aoba f. MeDeatwll A ltanlal MrAllen. 80.80; lot 4, 4oha 1. Mo lataatll A Daniel McAll uei mca lien. ao. Mt; lot 0. .WII- i Bnebaa. o.8Q; lot O, William; lut 7, aVowardJ. O'Dea. 80.00: kit I. Edward J. O'LM. aM.451 nit B. Bdward J. O'Dea. 8U.48. . BLOCK 1 lot 6, Hoanaa Catholic An&blabop ef the Dtooree of Partland. Clroaoa. : 840.00: lot fl. OataaUe Arohhlabep af the Platan at Pert . laad. Oraeea, tea. 00; lot f, Bnmap Catholic Arcfiblaauo of the IHaetae of rortlaad. . Oreaoa, ) 48.0O; to 0. BomoB Catholic . Arcbblahop of Um Dlaceae of Pert laad. Oroaon. 848.00. BLOCK 80. lot B, The Heoaa of tha Uood Bhepherd -of Port lead; - Ottfon, 8SZT61 let OV The Boaaa of tba Uood : Bhepherd of - Portland. Ororoo, 847.15. BLOCK. XI, lot 8, JMwaro 4. O'IMt, aoi.10; lot , miwara 4, u lata,, a. aaavv a. v im, .w.w fct . Bdward J. O'Dea, 860.75; lot 7. Bdwar . O'Dea. Oal oo; lot 0, Bawara i. o uea, 8S7JVB. BIArCK 33. lot 1. Perdlaand Oolta. 8&8.00: lot 3. rardlnand Oplta, 80.00: lot aT rrdlaao4 Oplta, 840.001 lot 4. rerdlatand Optta, 840.00; lot 8, Perdlnand Oplta, 80.00; lot 0. Vardlnand Oolta. 80.80: lot T. Jamea Aylward. 831.15; lot 8, Jamea Aytward. O40.10. BtAeUK 83. lot 1, w. It. wearer, ttilhi lot X Of. D. Wearer, 881.18; lot 8, . W. B. Wataao. 84.001 lot 4. W, B. Watoon. 80JO; fat 6. B. Watnoo. 84.80: kM 4, W. B. wataoa, 00.80) lot 7, Mary a train T. fell. 10 1 let 8. Mary B. rralney, Elh. BlAMjK B4. fat L Ocaoaa Baker, IB; fa 8. Ocenaa Bahat, 831-18; lot 8. taa Bakot. 84-00; lot a, Oceana Baker, rSc: 83XJ81 let 8, Ocaoaa Baker, 840.18. BLOCK BB, lot L Hoary HottarWa. 840.18; lot a. . Henry BoItoTarta, bal.U; bat a. tlanry Hon eriata. lot 4. Hearr Boltcrleee. 80.40; lot fl. Hoary Holtfrtete. 80. 00; lot 7, Henry Holtcrnttt. fia.oo: ph a. ntnry nottariero, 840. 18. BLOCK 84. Alfred J. ranee, 82.78. BLOCK 17, Prod Bllera, 81.10. BLOCK 80, lot 1. read Kllm 8 0: lot X Bred Kllora. 80.80; lot 8, trod Bihar. 837.48; lot 4, Ted kUlcra, t&llo; let B, Prod Ctiera, 842.40; lot 0, ITrd BUera, SS7.40; lot 7, Fred Bllcra, M.80: lot a. Bred Mieta, 00.09. blovk at, fat 1. Bona A. Hawklna. 80.00; btt B, Boot i Hawkion. 80.00: lot I. Baee A. Hawklna. : 837.40; let 4, Boot A. Hawklna, 802.40; lot S, Boea A. Hawklna, 802.40; lot 0. Itoae A. Hawklna, 837.44; lat 7. baee A. Hawkrna. 84.8U: tot 8. Boaa A. Hawklna, SaXM. BLOCK So; lot 1, Joha Btewart. 80,00; lot John Btewart, BO (to; lot 4. eon a tttowan,; lot 4, Joha Btewart. 10.40; let 8. Joha 8tw Zea.Ana.4S'. tot a. Joha Btewart. 837.40: tot 7, lotTattawBrt. BOBOi tot B. Joha Btewart. 80JM. ' BLOCK 81. lot 1. Biettra af Charity ef l'rtTldaace at St. Tlaceat Hoapltal, 8-80: lo 8. Ola tan of Charity af Pretldance of Bt. Vlaneat HoeolUl. Bb.80 fat a, Biatara x rtwit at Ptatidaare af Bt. Vlncaat Hoa- plUL 837.40; lot 4, Bletera ef Charity ef Praldeace ef Bt. Vincent Hoapltal. 802.40 lot 8. Better of Charity of Prorldenee ot BC-Vloeoat, HojoIUI. 852.44; let , Biatara of Charity et Frorldeace ef Bt. Tinea nt Hoapltal. 037.4O; . wt t, aiavwp 01 ajnnrtty ef rrotiocnce 01 01. rinraaa naaviais oa-av. tot B, Blatera of Charity ef fm a Ida ex a et Bt. Vincent HoanlUL fl.80. BLOCK 82. tot L B hitera of Charity ef Heoaa ef Prati- deoco af Vaneoater, Waablaetaa, 80-80; tot a, HI tar et Charity of Uoaaa of PrMaao r Vanmetec. Waahlaktoa. 80.80: lot A Biatara of Charity of HoeaO .of Frottdeaoe et VaaeoeTcr. Woahltiftoa, 3T.4B tot 4, Blatera of Charity ? J Pr,uTr? of Vaecoawt, Waabbtftsa. 8M.4B; waat H ot fat A Biatara et Ckarity er uoaaa r tuaanw. Waahlaatoa. - 824.80: woot H f tot fl. SJptcra af Charlg of Hoaat of Puitieoma ef VaaMorrar. Waehlnton. flBTS; oeat H or 10a a, tamaa ioayan, iao-lh; aaat fa" of lat fl. Jamao Cadeaaa. JlATOi tot T, Biatara of CWllref Hoeae of " Precldatreo of Vamaonea, Waahtiwtan, tot a. enataro at VBanay ot ot prerldeoce at Vi aoha block aa. lot 0. I. N. .Tailat. 801.00; fat fl, J. N. Tarlar. 848.05.' lYBBBflf ADDITION te Baat roniaafl BLOCK 5. tot B. Barah Byrae, 80.00; lot A Sarah Byraa, 837.70; lat T, Borah Byraa, aaa ao :.-.., A paroal of la ad tytaf botwoca tho eoath eaa tally Baa ef Bandy read oad a Une 100 ' feet mlhaoBtoTlr there team and paralral thai 1 a Ilk and hot aaaa tba weat Uaa of Br. aauab'a Addition, CUP af rortiaao. umoa, aad the aaat Una efBrraai AddiUoa te Kaet pertlaad. aate aad except wet p aril an of aald parcel appropriated fop atraot pexpa - mr tuw. eitn 1 BKONAnairs AfluhnoN ta tho aty of port- inaa. yligim mara a. aaa iv, aari w. we Beach, 87 9; lot 0, Bert C. BrtaeHflh, 87. lot A Barl U. Broaau, ax to: tut 11, U. Breaaaah, 8o-; lot 12, Beri a Bro aaacb, telOi lot 18. Barl C. Braaaacb. 88.00; lot 1. Barl d Biwaarwh-JAltl hti JMrl C. Broaaacn. Bronaasb. uaiut a, aw 4, aari v. 83-00; la 8, Barl G. Broaaach, 8, Bart a BrenaofV 8240. , A parrel ef laad ayhtfl betweea the aoafh eaatarly Bne ef Beady reed aad a Una 100 feet eoaibtaabtrly therefrom and parallel tharanrtth and tbo aaat Uaa at Breaaacb'a Addition, City of rortlaad. onaeo, aad the wettorly Bne of Loanaa Aoniuaa. te Baat Portland. La Hoffman, LOUAN'B ADDITION ta Baat Pertlaad BLOCK klot 1, Marry . at. aaaaak; lot a, arry If. A dame, JtkSO: tot i j. A. ltorrla, 80.0.1: Mill. Clarka, farLBOj lot 10, brnrt Klaa and Betbor B. NleaMhta, 80-801 lot 11. Darid Klaa and Bethar K. Mlcholaa, aiLOfi. BItCK 1. tot 1. Jnila Monk. S8.08: tot 2, Jail Meak, 836.80; lot A Borthero Coamtiea lateetment Oompeay, Ltd., 820.80; tot 4, Northara Cnantloa liireatateet Company, Ltd., S0JW. BLOCK A tot L Lee B. Beach, 80.80: tot t, l-e B. Boat. 80.80; andlrldnd u of tot A rrederlck rporbea. 81.70; an .llrlded of lot A Ballle B. Vorbra, 88. 10; BJatlttootTH-bt lot 4. Frederick S. rorbta, 81.70; a mil rided tt of let 4, SaUlo B. rarboe. 80.10, ToUL 83.018-00. r" tho r. hbtun. Aadltar ef the City ef Partlaad, Ones DaU at Brat pnbllcaUoa, April 1. lend. coaoirnos aj.d aociftabcb or bxwxb IB BZXLWO0D STBXXT. Notice fa hereby Oleen that Charlea Wi City Bnninoar, baa filed .to the office ot the aBderaisnod, aetle that t. B. Slam mane, eoa tractar tor the eoontrartata af a aewer la tellwaed t treat, aador the prnittoa ot ardl- nanop No. 14, ant, aaa eompietea aara aewer from 100 feet want ot weat line of Mia teal peri ie to 0 connection wita taa aewer ja Delay afreet. Held aecrptaaea wiQ ba conaldcrtd by the Bxecattta Hoard at 4 o'clack oa the Ttb day ef April, 1000, aad ebyaottoae to tba accoptaace et aald atwer. er any part tboroof, aaay he filed 10 uo oinoe at. ana eaiiaaeiaBBu at nay THB BXBfTTJTB BOA Bit t .' By thou. . nivux, i ' Aadltar et the Oty of Poxtland. PnrtUad. Orncoa, April 1. 1MB. ooKrixnos and AcexrrABCB or nv rBOTKKXVT OB XABT TTCBTT-aTXTB arrBBKT.--.vir'.' '' '"'' '' . Notice la barahy gltwa that Charle WanaH. ntr Bnalnetr, bea Brd ot tbo the anXcalgnrd aetlce that BachlU Bro. con tracture for the 1 01 proa meet ef Meet Twenty aiih Bbreet. nndar the amatol at nf aedl. oanra No. 14.a2A hate enmpletod oald ttreet from tno aorta une ea newinarn aoaaae te let raat, aorta aa ae earua awe ei bom aula Oald Botcptaaeo will be 'riamloand ba the Baaewtrta Board at 4 o'clock ea the Tth da ef April, 1808, and ah (act tone ta the tt rtaari ef aald etrett er any part thereof. M ha lied ta tbo orace at tno anaeraaynao at oaf fiam pner toerea. , 9 ' 'l By Til OS. a pBVLITt. - . Aaditoy ef .th..ntf..of rtrllBBflV. ,OTtloB trraawo, April J, latdL uaa; lut 7. Annie Veaway. 8MK1: lot B, i Annie uooway; pa. so. nuix;n. i. w i Kdwerd J. O'Oea, 8AB.8B; lot 8, Bdward J. O'ltoa. 87.0: lot t, Katward 1, tT'Doa, UT.OOt let 4. Bdward J. O'baa. 037.00: lot B. Bdward J. O'Dea. 88.00: let fl. rBoroaxn ABarxt-txanr ros mm a 0XLAT ' BTBXXT, JOOOX ATXBTTB ABB , 0TXXB STKXXTS. '. "Notice hi hereby alrta that tha Aaditer ef the City of Pertlaod baa prtuartd a pro ptocd anient for the enaaiructloa ef a atwer la Delay otreet, Oaufc aronue. altoy throatrh block 4, Kltertiew Addition, and Borthwick atreet from 1W0 foot north of tha omiUi Une ot block 81 and 82, Central Aiblna. to (be aawor In Morrio atroot at Delay atraot, and haa aacertalntd what be .doama a Joa4 apportlnnmant ef oval ef the aewer la accord anc with the apectal aad pecallar bne0u drrlred by each parcel ef Land aad lot er part thereof within the aaaaaantant tUauiet. and haa apportioned tba aaat tot aald newer la the aatouiite act appeal ta each paroal of land aad lot or port thereei ao Uo aaoro of aach pre aojed aaaeaaaieBt. Any objection to the nsportioaawat of aaat for aald aewer moat be made . la writlBtr to the UouoeU and 8 led with the A ad. to withla 18 deyo from tha date of the flmt pvhUcattoB et thla aetlo. aad aald ohjoetlooa will be board and determined by the Con aril before the pae-aap-e of the erelaance taaaaalif tbo toft of A roKTlOK ' OB . COOK'S , ADD. BLOCK t, tec 1, 4 ante w. ueoa, aoa-av; aoa a, Jaaena W. Cook. 834.00: lot A Jamea W, 1 AVAOO. BLOCK la, let IS. Jamaa W. ' 841801 tat 12. Jaaaaa W. Oook. 84LTA A U of tot 11 lylaa weatorly of a Uaa 100 ' feet eaatarly ef aad parallel with tba aoot- r-B.r t 0t--t JMHBSW, All af let 10 Irlafl weatorly af 8 Una 168 feet eoAtnrly ef and patraltol with tba aaat' erly line ef Cook artava, Jaatae w, ' 81.0A UU A laaae W. Oaak. AttUA AU of let lr haa Waaler 1 ef a llaa 100 fret r eeetarly ot aad parall! with tb eaator (r Boa of Cook ateaoa, Jaatta W. Cook. 81.iA Lat A lama W. Oaak. 00.88: lat a. ei ex. .aaa. aa-ww, ao. a. eaw.a im, ' let 1, Jaaae V. Cook. 81A80. BLOCK 13. tot 4, Ole Bobmen. 813.76; tot A Ole bob man, JlATtt; lot A Jamea Bohnua. 80.16; tot I, a aaaa Bohmaa. 8000. BLOCK IS. tot 10, 'Jeaaca W. Cook, 81ASB; tot IB. Jaatee W. t uaaa,; tot to, tanar w. cava. ia.wi, , lot IT. Jamea W. Cook, 81A8B; lot 14, Jaaaaa w. uaoB,; m jo. .lamea w. utoe. 81A8BI lat 14, Jamea W, Cook. 88.18; tot la, Jaaaea W. Cook. 82 II I let Lt. Jaaaea W. : Cook. 82.18; lot 11. Jamaa W. Mao. 8A18; t. . . eZv. . u. a. Jamaa r, W. Oook. 82.18; lot A Janwa W. Cook. BA 06; lot T. Jamea W. Cook,; lot A Jaaora W. Oook. BLOB; tot A J. H. Middle too. 8 LOS tot 4. I. H. Mlddlatan. 81JUI. 00O K"S ADDITION TO ALB IN A BLOCK 1A . tot 1, Addle R. Klltott, 87-80; lot X Addle : P- BIBett, BXLB0, tot A Jaatee W. Oak. SlAflo; tot A B, A Olooa. 8J8.B0; tot A We IVt BP. 11. lot 1. Jaaaaa w. Uooa. B3L W. Cook. aecarity rnvttoca A Traat twmnaay. 82.20; fat d, Mary. Mcrraa. flABP; let oTJamea P. fin. 8A20:lot A Jamea P. Par. S2A80: Pan. 8A20;tot A Jamea P. Par. 82AS0 mt a, Jaaaaa w. uoaa. j lot Jaaaaa w. uoaa. lot 10. aaaaaa w. 1.00a, ' 824.80; lot 12, bealal Bart, 8L80; lot 7. Hiram Kbodaa. tiho; lat 0. Hiram Bbedea, J2.20: let A Buaabtth Whlta. 82.201 ton, lllaabeth Whlta, 01. BLOCK 10, let I. J. Cardano. 82.20; let la J. Bdwarda, SA80; lot 8, B. lTcardwtn Batata. Halra of. 82.; lot A a P. Cardwell Batato. Halra af, 82.80; fat a. Joha R. Kaater, fL80: fat 10, joha K. Foatort BLAVJ tot 11, A. B. Bellar, 81 40; lot 18, A. B. XDer. 8L80;, lot T, A. K. - ajp.iiaam ta omx. - at 0. aa - tt mt ohn. lot 8. Mary i. Tbnmpnan. 82J0;-tot t, Mary A. Tnempnoa, 83.80. BLOt B 8. lot L kaU L. Bchack. 8X10: tot A Laallo T. Bear. 82.20: tot A Cathorlae Dan.. 82.80; let T, Catherine Daniel, oo-au; tot 0. Cntaartae Dealt 1, ai.oo. Bit axitf at LAV tl n.ll n..ia Mra. DAeVpaaV BP, 04SV. Jbt JhTweBaAeHB . BBI aUAAa OyeVdoV lot 4. Daniel H. Harnett, X10; tot B. Daniel , H. Harnett, B2.20; lot A J. MrK. Bcktraon. . O ... . a ! a n ft. . '1 no. I. a ta, aw. v, Tieaai uwm., aw. " jv, r. ft. . ..' a.. n . n .-..I? A ... . mbitbi vKau uju. tiAACuCk , fw tj aaama rot Bturey BAlO; tot A Bd a a pita B. Twitaer, 82.80; lot A Leone Klrby, 82.B0; lot 8. 8. A. rtebtaa, 82.20; let A J. N. Bice, 8Z20; lot 10. Ann J. Stark. BA1B: let 11 - Hiaaa. 8120; lot IX Paaee A, htaaon, (2.20; m T, wuina . uuieaaaa Batata, uetra er, 82.20: lot A Martla htoraeC SASOi tot A Lena A. Henry. 82.201 tot A lat L. He trr. 8X20L BLOCK A fat 1. M. K. imlth. 82.26H 01 a, eaaea w. ueoa.; ait a, Xante w. uaoa,; mt A wmiaai A. Twmbau, fx so; lot v, nana B. inoare. Lend B. Diteaa. SAB: tot lT . 41 tr- lot 1 Aadeaw 2.20: lot 7. H. r. Wm. Aaderaoa. 82.10: tot A Belle Poderaaa. 1X20; let A A. J. Colli na. 82.20; lot A A. J. OaUlaa. 82.20. BLOCK A let 1, Andrew Pi aoJaaa, 1280; aorth hk et tot A Andrew Paale, alio;' atatb et tot at t A W. aad Ma XT - ant, 0104. mre. and Mary 1. wna, 02. 30; tot A Martin , L. Helmaa. 82.10; tot A A. W. Oeddard, 82.30: lot 10. A. W. Ooddnrd. 820; let U Jontnh Day. 8X10-. lot 1A H. B. Noble. Trmv tee, 83.10; lot f. Jaaaea W. Cook, 82.20; ' lot A Jamea W. Cook. 82.80; let A Carrie A Jonca. 82.30: btt A Carrie A Jonaa. 1X20. BLOCK 1. lot 1, Pranoan K. Eallera, 14.70: tot A Baby M. Bbaier, 817.00; aorth tt- tf fat 8, Joha AAoferaoe, 81L8B; aeaU Vk of lot 8. Joha Wick, (11.80: lot A haarlt 0. Mick- entoa, azi. ao; hi a, 1 nrwuna ineiaoa, axLoo; lot Ji 10. Ja u. nnoncer, WMia; tot 11, ir, 82O.U; tot 7, J. B. Beatt tt. 814.30) lot A tieama Aa4.aa, 81801 lot A ttahf M. abater, flABtt lot A Praacea Balaaa. 82.10. BJTBB TIBW ADDITION BlAICK A nana at . TO - AJ-BINA- wet 01 lot A WDhataafam Paowt, 81.00;. eaat 8 ftet of tot A WUbalnUso Paque,' 8o.; ao raat et tot a Whtaioea, at. 05: mt 0. it. Wbaaiooa. ai jmt tot e. r. r. aaaiooa. ijd: Smith, 81-86; tot t, F. P Hmitb. (1.80; lot a. a mz loaneta. pa. eg; tot a awi janaeaa, 8200: tot lATbotaaa Orar. 8A001 lot 11. fheatae Oray, B3.00) weat 81 trot ef let 1A Jamea W. Apoentata, 1.0A BLOCK 8. aarth U feet af lot 1, Peter Lallaek, 81.06; earth M ftet of tot A Peter Lallaek. 81.0&; aoalb 80 feet af lot A Joha HUh 80 00; aoath 80 foot af lat 1, Joha Hill. B0B0: lot A Tho aaa nap aaea. fx av; an a uaaa r. V. iieaoa, 81.00; Iota, B. . A Sarah a William. 81 B0; tot A Charlca O. aad Matilda L. Akaoaa Af A. P Boh.AmBaa M . -. - wnt. . vowi aA "' "vl aoyaj op v Mima up v, oibpob tllda ta Oberp. BSLBO: lot A Chartea O. oad noa in ueera. as4.n0; mm a, Lnaxiea u. and latUda U Obara, 83.401 let 8, Cbaxlaa o. ad Matilda U Oharp, I LA IS: tot 10, Cbartoo L' and Matilda L. Obtra, 8L80; lot IL amaa Barmaa. 81.08: let 11 Jamaa Bar. BOttuaa aad a.' Jamaa Barmaa. 81.08: let 11 Jamaa Bar BUA (LOB. let 1A Jamee Barman. tl.PI: let 14. Jaaaaa Sanaaa, 81. 88. BLOCK A Berth 84 ftet af lot J. Mlaale Smith, tlB8; aorth 84 feet ef tot Mleale Bmith. 80.40; toata pa net er let a, nay Krnett. 814.80; Booth 84 feet ef let 1, May Kraeft. 814.30 aaath 84 feet ef let A May Kreeft. 8ABO; north B4 feet et fat A Oaort Herady, 820.00; btt 4. Tbo BorttMra Coaratlae la. Traat. LtA. S2B.0Br tot A The aartnera ceaattte lateetaMat Traat, Ltd., 020.85: tot A The Northara Cawatlea lataet- , meat Treat. LtA, (20.00; let T, Tbo North er. uaaetMB latatrnteet TTtttt. uati 02x0s; fat A Martla and Balmla Helmea, 834.00; watt H of lot . , Martla aad Be lata ; Holman, 81A80: eaat H of fat 8, Henry . raniinimi r, ai.av; an to, taenry Bin betmec. f28.S5i to 11. Joha aad Ana Landa. 82A08; lot Lt, Joha aad Aaa Laada. B2A0C; lot 1A J- S. Catarrh, 82A06; -let 1A J. . A tjbarcb. 828. OS. BLOCK A All af lot tyine north af B llaa xOO feet aoath of aad parallel with the aaath lla ef Cook ateoaa, Joha U. rttteneer, . 84. BA - a . All of fat tytat aarth ef 0 Une 80 toot ' aoath ot and parallel wtlh tb aooth llaa ot t'eoa arcane, xona a . rtrrtaaer. u.av. CBNTRAL ALBIXA BLOCK 81. tot A P deaee V. Hehttta. 83 fee. 83188; aoath 1 f7oCear 84.75; 1 Llhby P. O'Coaaor, V. Haaataat. 822A0: let fl. K. B. Mci 10 raat ot lot T. tabby aorth is feet ef lot. A n SB: north Bt faot nf lot f. Men. U A. Tha rat. 810.80: Balk 11 feet of aorth 40 ft ftet of lot 8. a attie Bchaeller. 8IA00; aoath B feat of let A Nora oaatelto, pa 30; let ' A Nora Oxtello. B1A08: lot 1A Joeenb ! Streed. 81.80; fat 11, Carl Bchleta. BAi0i tot 11 Harriet Neweomh, Cher lee I.. Hraeat W Clarence W. NewcoTnb, Jeaalo B. Reed, Kama Hlckaoe. Hattie M. . Caet-r. 8X20: lot 1A Ambrose B. U ante Abel a, 8120; aoath H af bit 14, Normda MatriiL SLI8; Berth let 14.. N. B. Boenaea. 81.10. B1AM Normea MnrriiL SLI8; Berth k of 81. 1A BLOCK 81 fat 8, D. D. Coffey, 8180; lot A M. Thoianoea. 83.101 tot 7. 11. D. Cham B180: lot A M. B. Tbompaoa. 81301 to fl. M. it, Tbompaoa. I'iSO; tot 10, It. B. Thaatp eoa. 82&.30; aaath 17V, ftet of lot It, M. A Tltnmpeoa, 811.10: aorth 83H feet of lot 11. Tbomae J. rtrrali, MO M; let 11 A. L. Hel maa, 8810; fat li. D. L. Coffey, Sn.flB: fat JA Beewell It. Lamnoa Batata. Heir of. 8.11.0a. BlH K 81 and I tided AS ot lot 10, Taaa aar t Nlrooa,,. ll.BO; aaaltidtd At of lot It, Theodore Blcolla, 11.80; BBdrrlded 1-8 ef let 11. Aotheay Nepaach. 80.70; andirldtd 1-8 af tot K). Aalhoay Btppneh, Ban; let 11 Pa a I Oehrke, 8239; and reined B-8 ef tot tl Theodora Nleolla. 81.00: nndirlded Al ef lot 14, Tbeodaro NleeUa, 81. 80; andltidod IB of lot 1A AJrthcey NoppecA pO.70; aw dlrlded 1-8 ef fa 11, Aelhony NippeU. 8A7A A parcel af lead haatti I and dmiifnid aa foltowB! Ttetiaalnfl 1. 1.18 1 feet woot aad 80 feet aoath of the aonbeeet ear ear et aactioa tl, trrwnahlp 1 north, ran 1 eeet. Will motta Meridian! tbance aoath SB taat; the o weatorly 137 J feet; thence north 88 feat: thence eaiterly U7.8 teat ta Bofllootaa. fltora Bmlth. 82.18. A paroal of land horrmted aad laarrlbtd aa follow: Beclnnlaa A 13.1 8 feat weat of the aartbaaet -corner of atelte tf. tewnahlp I north, rente 1 eaat. Wlllaamtta Meridian: tnaaea eouth 80 feet; thence weatecly 131.1 feet; tbaare Berth 80 ftet; tboneo aaettrty 137.8 feci ta bcrianinc. Jearph Btroed. II.8A. A parcel ef land bounded aad deaeribad aa followai Beclnnjne; A 1318 ftet wont and 00 ftet aoath of the aortheaat enraor ef eeo tkm Of, tawaablp 1 aorth. ran 1 eeet. W III net t Meridlaa: tbeaca aaath to. at loot la aooth lino ef Jaaaea Tboeipeoa Oa aa t too lead tlaln; tbeaee woatrrly . alnao aald claim llaa I.TT.S feat; tbeaca narth m 4 feat; tbeaee eaetoHy m. fact ta boflnnlno. laiwrance Straed, BO. IA , A parcel ef laad lylap betweea the1 weal . fioa of faacthwlc atroot tad 0 Hoe 00 feat want there rraea tad Pert 1 11 tbeeenitb. and between tb aarth lht ef p v M AlTor Tetw Add. uaa la A. A a. a 0 t e ' ' I. - ' .14T.4S feat aorth - therefrom aad . aorallal .therewith. Carrie. Church, 808.30. A parcel ef hind bounded and detcribed a folWwt: BetianJOf 1007. T faet weat ot ' the aertbeeet eotwe ef aaetlea 87; townihlp 1 north, raaee 1 oaat, WUUatatta '.Meridian; thence aoalb 104.48 foot; thence . weetccly tl.l feet te eeet Una, et Borthwtofc atreet; tbtneo aorth atons tha eaat Uoe of . Borthwick atreet 104.40 feet to the aarth Una f aactioa 17; thence eeet atottg the , aorth Uaa ef prctioa IT al 1-10 tpet to place ief htflinnlnc. . Carrie, M. Charch. 824.20; . A paroal 'of tend boeaded aad ; deorlbd aa , foOowar rftanln - at . tataraarttaar af weat line ef Borthwtek . etrett aad the aorth Uaa of tertian 27, toora palp 1 aorth, reaco X aaat, Wlllamettt Merknaai tbaojoa aoath akma waat Baa ef Borthwick atroot IT faet I thoeoa waat OS feet; tha oca aorth IT feet; tbenea eaet 08 foot te baalaninf , Nora C. Coattlto, 87ML A parrel of toed boaaded and dtarrllnd aa . f Ottawa: Beelaninf AOaO.4 foot .waat at the aortheaat coram af aortloa 87, towaohlp 1 Berth, roaf 1 eaat. Wlllaaaett Mttidltn: . tbcae want Sofj feet; theaoa aaath 174.T ' feet;, thence oeat aot.fl feet; thanot .north 171 ftet ta beaiBBlaa. A. Uoataaa. 00840. ' A parcel of laad baanded aad daarrlbod ea ' foltowa: Bcalnalaf 1030.4 taat weet of the 1101 throat eorntr af aeetJoa ST, teera ahlp 1 aorth. rnnae 1 eaet. Willamette Bo rtdiap: theoc aoath 172.8 feet: thcac aaat 00.6 feel; tbeaee earth 1T3 faet to the aoTtk Una of aaetlea 271 tbenc wee alone the berth lla ef aatrloa 87, tewnahtp Hi aorth, raaae 1 eaat, WUlaaaett Marldiaa. 80.0 feet to hetaaiB, P. Mrbraedar, 87.00. Total, . l,ilau. .- ' i- , THOA P. DBTUTt. . , ' Aaditor of the City af PorUand, Orepoa. , Data af ftrat pablloation April iTlOOB. rxoposxo A ': BTJtBT : OB BOB LmTBOTB- " Nottca la braeby (Iran that the Aedttor af the city at Partlaad haa prepared aaaeaamoat for the faapcotemeat atreet treat the watt Una of Beet Twotflh atreet te the oeat Una of Beet font loot ttreet aad baa aatttttlned what he decant leal apportionment ef oaat et tha Im ta nouadaaua with tho aa natal and at nailer btaatlu dtrircd by aech paxai f land and fa er part thereof withla the 11 t dto- trtet, aad hat apportleaod tha-aeat tor. aaid Impawtemaat to the amaaata act eppeelta each paroal af tend and lot er part thereat IW aaare er anca 1 ptopeaaa aaaeaameat. Aay eOdrettoaa te the apporttoameat af teat for aald Tmprntaaatat moat he mode ta wrlthta to the Coaaeil aad fltod wttb the Aadttot within IB daya fraa the -Oeat ef the fleet pab lleattoa ef thla notlc. end aald efttorttoae will ba beard and dotitmtait by the OaamtU batata tht paanaao ef tb etntpaaea aaaaaaisa the aoal or aaia improremrnt. HIOHLAND BLOCK 1A lot A Blllott B. TafforA 82.(0; tot 8, KDIatt B. Tafford, J114; lot A BT alter J. Cheney. 84.00: tot 7, '. P. Netoaa. 84.8. BLOCK 1A tot A Mary I. Haoadotm. O4A80; lot ft, Mary. J. Hta aune; tijUH; tot A Jamee -N. Pallltot. 84.08; lot 7, bUfrla C. Blattona. 84A80. . BLOCK 11 fat 0. Joha Mora. 81188; la A IaH. Maeen t Ul - -V -. B0 FTTH IRVINOTON BTXat 14. tot 1. Tha , Title Oaaront Traat Compear. lot A Tha Title Oaaranta Traat Compaay. 8114; lot II. The Title Onaraetee A Traot Company, 83.14; tot 11 Tbo Title nrate A Treat Oompeay. ale. BLOCK 23. to 1. The Title Onaraataa A Traat (aaanaar. 8A8B: lot 1 The TUI tcoaraate A Traot Compaay. 82.14! fat 11. Wm. Bay Btottw, 8114 tot 11 Wm. Bay Btakea. 81A BLOCK li tot A Mart A. Bolce, 8104; tot 1 Mary A. Bolna. 81.00; north 7 8 feet at tot A Mary A. Beeaa, au-an. wai. fliot ae. . THOA 0. DBTUTt. ' Aodltor af the Ctty et Pnrtiaad, Orafta. Dam ef Ont pwhllcottea. AarU L, 100. I w' t I BOrOSKD ""anmaa tea nraaatt. Boorr or matlb btbaxt. . KaHca M hereby riven that the Aadliotf the Olty of Pertlaad haa ptenared a aaaaoamaat for tbo Imprattmi nt af Maple atreet. tram tha Wtetetly Une at hUlwaafcle atraat to the eaatarly line at Pint atenm rartilaad what he dee am a Jaat of eaat ef the tmnroreaaaat la accordance with the apoclal aad pecallar beaafiu dattrod by aach parcel of laad aad fat er part Ihtrtuf wtthta the turn ei aet district, and iao appor Baaid tha aoot tor aald Improvement la the tmoaaH aet oppoalta each partel of lead aad tot ot part tneraof ae na aaaxe ai aaea Anr oblectioaa te tba auuutllimmmtt ef far aald lniproetmaut moot be mad la wrltlna te tha CoaacU aad fltod with tha Aaditor withla 18 daya from the data ef the flmt BBbUcatlea at thla aotlca, aad aaat ebjeetteaa wtu ao aeare aaa aeterwenaa ny briora tha aaaoaca ef the ordinal tha raat of oald ImatotiBMiU. C1TT Tirw PAKK ADDITION TO BAST PORTLAND BIXKJIt A to A Jjoajn W. ' Gtboon. AQ0.A1: tot A Lao lee W. Olhaoa. B2A; lot A Loetae W. Oiaooa, 808.03; to 0. Laahw W. Ulbeoa, WBtiM, BLOt'K A lot A floor rural etate, Holra of. 8200.80; tot A Aao'wt w. H. poahtea, JTo ait, lot o. w. M. Ladd, SOAOO; tot A Oeerg PUtat Heira of. 805.10: tot 7. L, hah. latatc. too 01 ; lot A L. It oho, 877.35: tot MX L. Lata, fix 00; lot t, L Kaha, I.o. BliJCK a mc 1. u tieer u. Btcaea. 11M.01: tot a. OUrer C. Klchaw. 814.14; andJrlded 4-8 of lot 10, Oliver C. Blcbee, 800 .08; aadtvided l-O ef tot 10. Salem floor! na Mil la Coawaay, 81T.10: tot A Kiln K. Br boa. 800.77: tot B. iaVn h'toarlne MlUa itomnnar. 8200.88. BLOCK A lot 1. W. V. Ladd, 8300.04; fat 1 J. B. Bcett, BoOJtRiot Is, r.ila a. xtyoee, 871.001 lot 10. W. M Ledd. 8OA0B: lot 1A B. I. Hnlada, SOO.TOi lot 13, Salem rtoortnf Mill Compaay. 80A11; tot 11. tortDmd Oro . mottoa Ateariallan, f 1104; tot 11 Portland Cremation, , AaaoeltOoa, fUTJa. Total, ,A4w4. . ., TBTOS. C DBTLTN, ' Aadtter at tho City ot PorUand. Oreaaa. Bate ef tint aobllcatton, April 1. liaul. BBOPOaXD ABBIBflBlBT BOB XHTBOTaV MX XT r MAflBOIXA STBIXT. . . Notlco ht bry aiven that the Aadltat af the City et Pettlaad baa ntesared'O arepo mini ft tb bantaiiniat ef MaaooUa atreet fram tb eeet una af Beet Eighth atreet ta tb weat uaa af Durham areaae, ana an what aa aeeme a tone ap- t af oaat ef tb tmnreoeawat with tb apectal and pecallar fl by oath paroal of toad aad la withla a atrat la the amoeba aet eppeelta aach panel ef toad aad to er part thaxoof ao Ito aharo af Ay'SlectaM't"'uae' tppocflmw ill af eaat for aald fcarotamtnt meat bo aaaae la wrlUnc to the CaanrU and fltod with the Aacbtnr wllbaa 10 daya from the ante of the flnt Jpaboaai ef Ul aetlce. aad aald ebjeettoae will be hi aad eotarwlaa by the ceaaeu aap et tba irataaaee 1 af oald 1 m DrweaneoT. W60DLAWN4BLOCK BO, lot 1A Catherine MaaweU. 828.81: lot IB. Jaaaea Sana. 030.00-. lot 1A Clarence M. SoelLv. 834.Ha; let 13, Ctoraace H. BaeO. - 830.8: let 11 Pred A. Bebtimoa, 177.20; lot .11, Prod Koltor, 83A0O; tot 10. yred halter. 84A84: lot A Aaaa.H. Patten, BO4B0; tot A George A. Kirk land. Iflrl.yi. BLOvK 83. lot 1. Joan ttontiaee, . ,A. 1 ft .. - . .A AA. 1 A ' A, W-A,M ..AAWAW. ,. mrm W, Kate N. Illou, 04148; to A. B. Btaeeb-rr, 1 A1A88: fat l i. B. BUiMbevy. 870. OA BLOCK a, tot 1, Oateta V. Wliklaa, 807 Jff; tot a, : Peder K. fidarenA 834.10; lot A Hubert . Kahlcfc. 83. ; tot A WllUam Bran. 041.28; let A J. 4a axtt-ra, Oao-O. Total, O01U.OT.' ... . - THOB. & DBVLlftt, Aadttor of the City et PorcraaA Orefoa. Date of Orat pablkattoa, AptU U 1WJA PBOPOAALS rOB BTXXXT W0 KB. Sralad prnnmakt will be retioltod at tb offVe ef the Aodltor of the City of Portland aatil Prldar. Aoru T. 1PU0. al a o'etocAr D. na.. far the luiutorenient of 11 oak at ptroet from the oaat Una of Third atreet te tb wtat terminal Baa at Hooker otreet, la the maaatr provided by ordinance No. 1A01A anbtoet te the prov le er um taarxar aaa orainaacoa 01 tno i;"7 ot Pnrttood. aad 1 lhaear, en flit. Bkbt meat be ana taa tatuaat et to uty aia- krtry la atom dam a with printed hhanka. which will h fiinitobtt ea appll catloe at the efflce of the Aodltor of the City of Portland. And aaid Improvement Brant be mmutoted on et before 40 day from the date ef the oMralof ot the ooatract by tht panto laerete. , No tree aaa I ae bad will aali a aecoarpaatod by a certified check peyabto te the ardor ot the Mayor af the City of Peruana, eoninea or a t eaool te 10 per taat af the, acara- TherCht to ftjbtt aay And nil hrrcay mrrtiA By ardor at the at)it Board. THOA C DBVUNt hldo I Aaanrar ec taa vity oc Pm Iliad. Ottajoa. April A 100A rBorosALS tom mm wobk. aonanaala 'will be aecarrcd mt tbo effto of tba Andltor ot the City of Portland mtui rraaay, apru 1, laon, at a e ewce p. at., to the tmpravemtat ef Holohto ttrroco fram tba weat line et I earned to atreat ta the aaat Bao ef block 40, ratter . addtttoa. la the man ner ptootaad by erdleaace No. M.tOO, aebjert te tba ptaratliai ef the charter aad ordiaantu af the Oty of PertleaA aad tha oatlatata at tb City Kualaear. oa flla. , Bid atoat be etrtctlr la teanrdaart with atinttd blaxikt, which will ba finalahit oa appllcatVM at Iba office ot the Aaditor nf the City of Portland.. Aad aald Improvement meat aa caaanartaa wo a awtatw nv eeyo tree, toe dam of the tlaalaa af the oaatract by the partem thereto. , no pwoveaaw or eaiea win no namtoaarva aalea ajorampaalrd by a eerbOed thank parable to the order of the Meyae ef taa City ef rorlleaat certified br a riapaeioia baak tar aa aawoat eanal m 10 par raat af to taj-iarata pmnoaal. . toervad. By moor of tho f -oitito PM. - Tl.. r. T .tl.lN. AadlNa' the C1-V et terUaaA tttBtJoad. Oriflaov A, J lv-L,-A, - : la ateataaae biaaflt dartre or part thereof aad ba apporthtaed tl war .1 4m ' t vU.Trt!ss to lis Ec : C TWaaarh PatUaaa tlaatmt ft taa law ear flalky t Omaaa, C m, Bmrtot lanT car daily t . - aa CN10B DBPOT. te. Aatav. CH1CAOVVPOBTLA-BD . BPBCtAL. tBb 848 a. t Ibatk Baat-1' -" ,; BPOKANB BT.TBB.' - ,se . ' Bar Baaiat Weehhay. . ' - ' tea. Walla Welle. Lew- B. SB o. I laloa, Co dAtoa Daily. , , DnXiy. and Oteel Barthara . Bwaahk . ..T..,-. .. .: ' ATLANTIO BXPBMA .... . f- Bet the Bawtl. Bnat-jjiX,- rijly. ...... ., -a -ftj.1 i PtrK AATOB1A d travl 0-eien. ta. 1.. potato, eaaaacttnaj with Dally. j5a . atmr. far Iraracn aad ex. Bimday. ' Berth Beach, atr. Boo- Hatareay- at- Bo aala. A ah at. dock.. . 10:O0 p. tm. TamhtllWVe. '. JOB DATTOft. Oreewal . j; I . . Ctty aad Yamhill Blear polnta, atmra. Both oad 0u'. aiiy. Medoe. Aah-et. dock. em. Bwaday. ea. Bar ( Watot ernaHtino'.l I I .. - Saaka Bivor 'aUaA. . " .'. BOB IanPIBTON, Ida.,1 . U loha-t . aad japla' fram J1- r Blparla. Waab.. aatra. OnT'. Spokane pad Ltwtetoa- Bolmala , TJCKBT 00T1CB. Third aad WaawhBawa. ,.. Pbaaw Main TU , " T 1 r Tlahll r- e-a. ao vbua waaarai 1 EAST "A SOUTH A ah toad. arn-l ttaOea. Bna InM cue, f taaa. Lao Aa-i tie, hd Pata. Beer Cc-I v 8 J8 a. m. laaae ane ana aaaa. earte at P, 411 ascaat with wale tar Mi. A neat, Slleartoa. Bionaaaiue. a p r b w rteitv ae 4Mb. at. rnata toot of Jiaaa a Leave Portlaat dally Or U,"W 1 . BA hd. 8:10. 0. T.e. 1 a .a.. am, . a i. r? 7l! . - a.ftj a-ftjt ft a. m.; 4:10, 11 JO p. m. . Beet ay a 11:10 P. au Dally (atwpt jay,) OtBA UIA 11:48 0. m. BaoapO BaK lawoaa frenj aaaae fl-oo for DjJh-1 mediate polnta daily feaoeat Saaanyl . Arrive Prtbd to 10 a. a-)) operate duly to Moantoath and A peetlatT whb Sea thorn PaciO Oompa. t Dallaa aad tol atadMara. ' rmtBh PortUrad a t aod Sea hiaatlaii BAbJbo Bt.; B. x. w antatlft. x Oty Tickat Afloat. i -ritlP est' m:h!& Ut rve-. .-.C0F trah;; Portion ITBlOB BBP0T. ad draTa aaatl aw Ata. 4:- Narth Ceaot IJIliA tor Tarawa Bnartt. Barte, St. Pool. Mln4 aaanella, Chtoaoe. Now Teen, Biet t and Mall atet aad SoathoaaA 1MB. to. Ta-otSTH one, uniiM. Bt. Pean.1 Mhaarapon ' ChMaae, New Tank. Beobaa aadi HBBStaJ Tan a n palate . eaat 1 Facet Oty-Ot. Uaht Special. ror Taaaaaa, Bea roe, Spofcaaa. Batta Biutaat. aMABA Oty, St. Latna oad Astoria & Columl ?H River Railrcc;' 1JN30W DBtexyT. 8:00 A Bh Daily. Ptw Mayfera, artnhamle. Wan. Ctlfsea, Aatarta. I rvwton, . Ptoval, -1 aaaadT : P-rt P- TOO A at. 4V r. oo4 r. iv, . C A. 8TBWABT. Ommirrlal A TnokoA caaa &a tl l G . Tr PACT to Brw-Ajea rr 1 7- ry1l-. e 1 Oad k- 'I p -. I. 1 , 4-4 , . . 8 AOtany rami earn oaa nacta at Oliaini wioal , TB a. BL I ' Certain, paainnn. " I40p.m.r fcaertdaa aumiQir. I' ermfiy. ' flDally, eaceat BwnA-y. ., . faHanll Ooaml thjlarkaa aw it at laptVaaL tiaeaMhTaafl A-rjnx.. titty Ttcke Onaaw earner Jjbat a.a1 aaveata. - Phaaan Mala TU - . w. m t. 1. . . flea.' Pea.. ly-tr . TCI-. 1 Aatarta oadStii ..a. ';; IkprOBt 4. Aatmto 'hmrnt,