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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1905)
1;.-. THE OTCOII DAILY JOURNAL,' TOSTLAIO. C.'.TU: - W' a Hop Market Jfi Cittrr Chrp tr.i J CiU I Md. at Twenty-Rvt Cents - Creamery Cutter. la Comins More Frail and la Lower. ); TODAY'S MARKETS tv POoejeaeV Of ittoe Itmil the I single cartas: rer SB B, 10 5 I mi; M M M Basse. W l oasis.. .,- . v'f.rV '. I - ' TZtXlMUBiM. ........maia egamla Special AeWttalng urU. ew locks TrlawaeSaitaV ' -so - ' '" ntcaurno uw. ., ";- i . tom. by atta. ' " )ml, with Sunday, t .. 4J.IJ Journal, 1 Tw...-""villi: ! Journal. wth Bandar, unsethB. J ' JoarasL t mawths.......... ' Jeurssl, with Sunday, a msatba IBS l Joaraai. With 8aeda, 1 J, h' amah,. BeUewiwS. IS e .ad TXmmm by ltall. ! t--w JourbeL wlU Bunder, a Ta...flM I ; " i , ::::: n torn sua souraaa, a j eaa . .,.-- , 1m nuaday Joaraai. aaonthu.... . , r Tka Beaul-Weekly Jauaal, , - The Bead-Weekly Joaraai. ta 11 pagee L. eeck Issue.- Ulantreiod. fall .market re-' Ct. 1 yser ........-. -.T mlttsuces abeald a made ar drafts, poatal MM. express -erdere a ad small amounte ara eocrpUhl. Kla. eeat ejSAfc, P. e. Bex 111. Portland. Or. - .jwjrxBB m niutt'UT n na. Tha eearaat'eaa be found '' ee asm "at the flKrwraj P-aces; . , ,.... IBAmOH. SaUar Oa-l W. . Jme- C aG FoatafJea Wtwa eoaapaay. 1T Daw. I 'al aVtTaaa". J : ' " ' I .VBU. tVU). Kaaorlrt Baak BtatViaari pamaar. il BoaaotaaiKk auaat; 4. SUaaa. f nlk and Cartla atrwla.- 4 , 7 a-Ul. CAU J. XfCarila. . - ., i All, ALA&a.A foatouica Boak ftor. aAS r I Y Vaa Mow " aomnaay. i . AMOi.Ba at. r. Oartaor. fcftk , 'ta auwtj OUrar tuiaa. M aVNrtk - imt. ' ' . i ! aL , Kavaaaava. 0 aoatk -a a)wt. ' Y0.- CITT Bnmtaao't, Ualoa aara. T o"la New eoaipaajr. -A WuiaWI Hotel N ataayjWfattal onrry oom"ny. 103 faraaai atraai. I t LA. IS CI If ifMtyoa Uotol Nawa ataaa; aa W M.t Scmnd atraat. aoata. j Oi l I--" o Boeder, aia Locast atraat; f rAK'l0O W. K. Ardlnc, ralaea Hotat fn ad. JO) amarkrt (traat; Oold : .iik braa.. 1 aatta treat, aod Salot ' -.aHa r'ater Orsar. rarry kaUoV : M. Vaeatly. M KataaHl atroet f iTLAV-kainwr Oraod Mawa aUad; ataatara VANaX W", Inka W. I ark ami Oa. f -lA. WA . Central Neva . aoaipaay ivRIA. It. X VlcturU Bank attatteaary vuxxnjtnoBT. r ;-v t Tke dlatarhasee noted yeaterday off Taacowe talaad aweed raoldly aaatward aad ta aow een tral aorta af Weal ana. If eaaeod llkt ralaa ; y-t-i'Tir. weeteni Oreava aad nortk , l loaka, and auxlaram wtad eelodty of i Blkra front tka eoatbeaat at Woetk Head. Tke karometer ta aow rtalnc la tkla dlatrlct id tkt lodicatlaaa are for aaora aottled vaataar eurtnc tka neit !M koara. A atorai af rooatderable tateaalty la rati tral eeer New Mextea aad raid baa fallea la that territory aad theaee aaatward tlaraawkoot Tasaa. Oawboaai. Kaaaaa and Nebraska. Fair -weather arevalat In tka AtUaUe aad east ttalf SUtaa. wilk aaaaeaal toamparararaa. .. ,t ; ,,. . j. ' 111 1 ' , jlmmumx uenm. TaaaMi C- afeCay. 43; Aaenatk B. Prlbbla, M. - WeddlDa' ay. ). Batttb s Oa.. Weak. Fourth aad Waahlaiiod (ta. Inftaa bld(. BJXTBB. SlflKt.ET Mareb M. to Mr. aad lira. Jab aarK'T, at tha WHekaael; a daackter. P1NKGAB March 11. ta Mr. and Mrs. Joka ft. l-taeaar, 9U Tweaty-thlrd atraeti a daoa- KOTT Marrb . to Mr. and Mra: BaDck U. !ett. T4 Voarth street; a son. - -jr.RllJHO Marek . ta Mr. aad Mrs. John Sac Iche. aa', rront a tree t; a dangbter. rf .. OOaTTAaiOCT PMaUlM. . i A -wTTT-Merrh ?0, Baby Wyatt.'eorney ralltof treet aad WUllaajS aeeooe; veaalea. - - KRN'KirK Marrb 30, Melrla. Jaek aad Ma ad Reoak. Willamette station: ojeaslea. .LMAKRR March 81. Master KUmaker, Ml , East Twelfth street; awaialsa, ... yU. 'yy".l MtATK.-; f ' V BOBRMAX Mareh . rlj-a Base He r"4 I years, at nr. eoai..i . ai taw aran. je p w elary. rreaatorlani on Oreatm aty ear Una. near fiellwond; modem. arleatHK eoaipleta, Ckartrea Adalta, toa; ehlldrea, 2S. Vbdtora a. ta. I, I (T. 7 PertUad CraawUoa seas eta tton. rortlaad, Oron. ' v .f t', . The Edward BsIbmb tTndertaklnc eaajpaay, f antral directors aad eaabaJajara. X3U Third street, fbooa BUI. . . i J. P. rtnley Boa. fkneral directors aad erabeleMTS. earner Third and Madtasa atrceta. Oftea at eonnty eoreoer. Tetapkeaa) Mala tv 1 ranerat wreaths and rot dowers specialty St kVoaa City Uroenaoaee. Twenty susnd and . Eaat Msrrtaoa, apa. canwtery. - yy. ., - Ctart Broa. for awwera. . Mnrrlssn street. V Godfrey I. Smith, (nardlaa. to . O. Or. fer, lot 11. bW 14. renrer'a addlttoa .$ 460 H. U Btreet., Jr.. and wife, ta I. A. L, Wood. 100 acres .James A., BiaaIVy S omiatkm land claim ,' . H.. I Btreet et aL U T. A. Wood. I0B,.,, acrea land la J. A. Entailer donation . land claim .'. .1400 . Alera Harold t M. H ScbaMar, Jot U. block , Ulenbaeen Park 10 . Oeerae W. Brown ta O. OldenlieiB.. lots . f 11 and tX block , Learelwond SW Airs U Btepbena aad wife to W. O. Ooas- lis et aL. andtalded 1-S Interest low 1 V' ' feet betianlnc 100 feet west ef, ., Rortheaat. earner block 10s. Ooark ad- , dltlea , JO r '1ml Katate Iireeatment aasoctatlna to M. Kll. Robert, tats. U t aad i, block O, . pVWrood 4Ti Michel Bcbeydecker ta C- Brherdeeker, , lata 1. t, IB. 1. to. Work 4 black X 1 nUeafw Center 1 keaua t'atholle rrhbtaboo af tba dloceas sf Oreroa ta A. A. Baamaaav tat i, ' - block lid. roncb addition r..-.i.-.i 1,500 , C. ". Osier and wife to A. W. Lambert. ' Intlno feet aeaiBnlnf 60 feet west of ' anrthweat lei aer Thlrtyecoad aad Dl la lea streets ' 1 . :, Alnawortk and wife ta K. Kara, 'kit 0. black a. McMillan's addltloa .. 1000 J. II. Bsrma and wife ta T. 8. MrnealeL, Wt B, block . Rest Portland HearhU . . ' 1 Ooerte W. Brow a to M. Trsckael, Iota . I aad S. Meek . Lanrelwaod ...X..., 109 . Job P. Wilson et aL ta I. P. reamer, ' let lit.' block 4. AIMna . .,, BOO t. M. Traman and wife to A. B. Rlrkerd- . . sen ead wife, lot. L, btark B. Oak Park sodltlott BS , L'alrerslty Land eomaaay ta Ole One. , tats U-ta. tartaalre. Mock 1, lal- , welty rsrk v.. BOO 1 B. W. Btryker and wife to A. B. Itarreta, s M It, ble.-k 0. Banta Bean Park I Andrew NMaoa sad wife ta U O. Balen. leu 0. II, block S. Kanayetae ., 1.000 B. D. Bkwk ta II. Karue, let T. bawk 1, . ,. Park addltloa as Alblaa ( -I. p- Bret t and wife la M. B. Preata. - Ion 0 aad 10. klerfc B. r.ieebaor ' 1 i B. A. Mey aad kaabend to A. R. Pasnov -, ; ' . M seres Caerra Wills donatloa Uat s etala , ,1 Larr A. Pterena Sad heabend In O. Halt; , . emlat. - tat 10. black 10. Bswtbams " ' rirat sadlttaa i, BOO Oct eetsts rclal taanfaaee snd aharraeta ta real tba Title nnarsntee Treat eeaa- paaj, t hrr af Oammerea balldlnB. , ' ''. BITILPOIB PXMnTaV 1ntJMiMarHi HI. Mrs. flnlaea. eatUt. abajtb ITU V""!! all, i. Maiihtaee. latere etra tw, mnt. Freet. between Msdhtoa I the ef l-eity Joaraai, wtlk Sunday. aneowae. ' J "joe lelly Joaraai, MUM. ...... ".J-I? !ka I .. ,ly Joaraai, wilk Boeder, S m-snths.SlSO In l-dy Joaraai, months.. ............ Tba tally Joaraai. with Sunday, 1 month.. BecA, BwatUat. ORIENTAL DEMAND ' FOR FLOUR BETTER . (' ,- .. y . ' .' '- v. M,y . -y -i Japaneae Merchants Would In- ; vade Extra Duty on Goods - Payable July First.r . ; HEAVIER RECEIPTS OF ' f ; BUTTER HURT MARKET 'j' Hops Showing; an Advance With Few Sales Dressed Meats Still Lower. . : Vnat Rtraet. A or! I 1 The nrtneinal fee tares of tha Forttaad wkoleaata markeu today are: , Frs hold with tarta rscelptd. . , . Peal try market la awed shape. -Hon anrkrt aaowau adraece, Ckeeaa atocka yary smslL - . fm mUmh mmA ear 1 " In. . Hallbnt scarear aad hlsber. Ortaatal float demand heary. , " - Wheat market baa better oon. ";' Trent nuns opens-toder.- , fji Petatoea aad onions anrkaafed. wats Tory dulL : ; : rn.l-.- . Orisatal Plenr Semaad Haary. " Irka J J n Biil.Kjl.nafle floor the orient met to oca to she aa Increase. On Jaly 1 an antra dot wlU bo Imoosed oa sU Imports of floor lata Japaa and for this reason tha little brown men are boyln beamy at tub) time. A (Teat many tnqotrtee are reeoieed from Japaa aaktni few onststleaa aa floor to nr. rirs la Ikaf rsaairy within tba limits- The mar- a-.a, .at ak.a, aavaJaaanmm Of BanBalfw mv ,m altJCTiaHtii, wi upj ami aj w - - mm fn-am tkia mtmrr; to -btr-rliif n Imprtred IOBMI. rrMUCailJ BUI lOwi uauw awarw w- twft. alaptia ui4 tb CtUtMl But- to twHrt ran lie eoaet " eeartaaT tba major saara et too eaera' troaa. a, Boora war h - " ' ftaar from Mlnnonpolla bat the stocks did not . t i mAtmr im rlrfMae ta . . . a. - T feM.lM ebewlaa a sllrht UBprorament hot frieso re- maia aacaaasea. -: -, . . " . Wheat Market Bas Bottat Tons. rbaee la an Imnrersd tons to tke wheat mar-' ket. - The targer demand for flour has canned the' millers to look aroand for graia to renew tneta almost depleted sapplles. Na Urre trades are reported aa yet bat the market taoka Ilka It will ansa bud Into actlrtty. Prices ua chaaBed. i " ' -.' .- .'. . ' - - - Bans Are BoU .at aa- Adeaaoa. . . , - mm rekta Toe nop maraei an aaae ttmum ta aa adranoa of practically le since tba Met reporteo aaie. aoev tra vuw lie oajea or toe -tiiiiau vrn. ..-w Producer.' Price Current la a tats hues says: "Prom thta auto a rery dull hop market la re parted and wo do not bear of ear transactions; dealers are not la tba market while holders of ri ataleisa avis raaiiane in . . - -. m mimmA. Mill, aa arawrra aad dealers are still apart ta -. . - . i U . I t pMlfU M. weir rnrwa. eaa .w- parted oa tka local market at 4He, aad a laraa naivn nee aw a biiww - w. - mmiui AniAC and ta make sales coa- cassloai would bare tn be fTssted." : Etta Halt With tareer aaawm. TOO 9M marae osiiuim w ww - w-w dee pi U the bearlrr receipts altbeafh one or cwo aaiea nere wtb mpuww -. To make' ap for this bowerer a few nalee are reported St 18 He Too feaeral market atasda nt lac. Tba tone looks weak far the com Ins ets days. Poallry reeaipts are only lair and tba demand continues ace Tier taaa we e-rv" Porawr. prlrao rala, . - . , ;,; , nrmil MeaU Tory Pall. .- j mm nuwi eei i -- fciml hrwa are eery heary and nrleoa received a abaklnB as. In real tba re eaipts OX .Kia stncaa era rroj lower prices are ralln all tha way throacb. Tba demand eonUnacs for sprtac tamba bat re ceipts are few. v- : Bnttsr Bsuslnls Ara Kaary. - jiareipra -o. umhm i j " " paiau aad from California are hrsrtar and tha market' is wanner ana now. ereamery firsKlasa irade selta at hoc while brands that ara not so well known rango about 2THe. nsllfomU bast Is sooted at 17H aad awew. Tho eneeao maraei at mj iitb the receipts smallrd and demand bettor. , . - - a.MM w H la her. " ,. . . . ..u e. 1mii.iI latfd.r .the cold weetner naa price at aaonraras la tba south snd today prices IB Ulai aTlLjT mjBPe . ew etana wa area en aw- car of eaobare rsaae la tram tba south thta moratsd. a ear ot cmomn htiit. . asma place last night. There a) a much better tone ta tho orange market. Potatoes ana mov ing fairly well at unckanged flgoree. Bono Colorado stocks ara being offered oa consign ment. Onions ara auiet aad anchaagod. .Halibut Is Higher Again. . a. eordte la snfltttlearwf baUbat canned aa sdraace la tba local price ta Tlbe a sound today. aimaa la tm tba market and i. nif et is a Bound. Tho open nasi an for trout Bearae lewj treeb salmon eggs la stock. . Today's whoeraale q Dotations, st rrrloed, an aa tMloars: , , wraia, Pleur snd Teed. urn c IT Nantnal: chtb and rod. Boo: blue ntem. 2te; esLlejr, 0- BABXeX'reau. ae.ev, re aw. - COB! WBOtO, .ev,. arecasw, C - w BT f ewt. ' OATS No. rwhlte. : graf. -J. rLitlun, ' aBetern urefw - straights. ; .'"-eiaJ : allcy. B4.1U; graham. td-OO; 10s, 4.41; rys, sua- e" ', , j . MILtLjrrVrro Bran. ie.oo yrj i '" diinea.- 421.00: skorta. eoBBtry, fU.tO; chop. J HAT Timothy. Willamette ennoy, fancy. B1S.00; ordinary. 1ifl0( I Oregoa, J1J 00; mixes, sufcw, twm, .1 ' . , cheat, 111.00. ... .; '. . Bnttsr, Egg sad Pnautry. ; BCTTBB PAT Bweel. Slei sourjWe. -wu-t. al).w Ctllforoton twtw, J a; inc. . Fiji I" RO. l treea ureirou. inc. CHKK8B New Pall cream, twin, lfci W - . .-1 IfAITIi... Matn. l&aatiiw! , kn. u. ..inn,, ' " , - w im . Oerbett ' between ' WlaeoaslB aad Plower streets: Coat. H.&00. , ' . ' ' . m uikin Man a si-O. 1. Paraad. dwelling, Kaat Taylor, between Twcnly-Ulrd aad Twea ,ty-fourth streets: cost. i.uuo. UCITKH Marrb SI. J. M. loiter, dwelling, Oil ana. betweea- Tweaty-thlrd and Tweaty foMrth atreeta! east. B4.04JU. BLI HHIX Merch 31 M. B. Blnueel, repairs 10 store. Pourth. betweea Ankeay and Unm- alne arreeta: cost. M'J&. KBIMBKL March l. J. Krlmbcl. ' rooming houee.' corner Tweaty-thlrd and Vaugha streets; mnt. gooo. TruPLaWMareb 81. - A. O. 'Temple. Cot tare. lMtrson, betweea- Hsrsaa aad Flak strosu; coat. II.ZMI. ....-v.' Ti irncii uarch HI. A. IV Turner, eottare. Blxteentb. betweea Lsaret aad Turner streets; mat it. ami. w . MYtCKB March Bl. P. A. Mrera; sot tare. Bast . Thlrtrlstb. hctweea Baltaoa and Mala streets; east, 1760. umnh March M. O. W. Aabford. dwetUng. Colfas street, hetnora Vataa and Oraad ere- nnea: coat. $2.ta. , 1 mini HalN-March -I. -Oeorre Ba, eettage, Rest Unnsln, Bear .: Thirty -fourth streets; east, gl.wo. 0OK OA SO March 81. O.'Cordano, fists. Kbits. , bctwoea Bumslda sad -Couch streets) .east, MinwAK March Bl." W. Mcfrwaa,J dwelling. Itrosdway. betweea Pet Bliteenth and Ksst Beeenteentb streets; eoat. $ J. IK 10. PAIMNO March Bl. Palling estate, repairs to hollaing. Third naa waaaingtoa streeta, eon, SWUi. hi ITH March XI.' Waller Bmlth. repairs ta hatrharar. liat Pront street: coot, f el. M V It kM March 81. M. II. Mr era. Cel tare, Rita worth, a -ur 'P.sst Tbirtylgbth street; coat, BI.eMV 1 . , Kr.l'aTAMCB March HI, Kewatatier..)ren.. hrtck i werrkotiee. F.eet Blslh street and brand sre- see: coat. IM.IWn. . PIXNTR March 81. A.! Pa-aer, eettage. Pa Tarlne ltd Kaat TbUtr-fourth stteeu; oast, . rvkjLtl Kl-tjDM'aeiia. bhw, " i bene. Ite per lb; rnoetera. old,. 12l,e19e per lb: young, ISaJWO Ibi broilers, $4,00s.UO per dos; fryers. 17c per lb; ducks, T.MX.0 per -' -2. d Tka avawg aa4 BtaA4wBa of 4 e. aaartara tmA wearbara agobangwa i e d priatoB . La tela laaaa ot ' Tha d d Jottrsval ara farmlaliatl hp war-- 4 4;Mjek, Btan CXtoko ,)o. Oni- d d waflw anoturtl ef Trad . Jttvkera, 4 d - ltM Taitw trtrawt. . , 4, - - "- ; - -. dosi reeae. srjsc par lb; turkeys, lTQlBe par ft; arisssia, wua a par 10,1 - Hobs,' Wool sad Hides. ' ' H0PB Contract. ' 1B0S. IdaiTel 1B04 Crop, Hit tut cbotot; XiS2ea tor prlmss . aad saedlama. ' . ' wtxtl 11MB enn. ealler. coarse to lTuioc; .fine, VblaJOci eastara. Oregon, iBti 'VoHAlIt Nominal. .S0c. ' ' . KHEKIHK1NH Bbearlug. ln0ei abort wool. ia.ic; mediam wool, BOsjaOti ,keg wool, each. . ' TAUJW Prima, aer lb, 4Jol Na. S aad Breaae. Itt2Vie. ' ' - CU1TTIM BABE etH ' par lb, boylag price. . . ' ' . tlliias ley Blow, . na. i as idb now ,a lowloue ner lb: dry klo. Mo. 1.. B to IB lbs. 14r; dry calf. No. 1. undor B lbe, IdeBlSc: dry Sip. W Ul JO IIW, WVi OTwaw, W W , MM, mil tl; calf, aobnd. andef 10 lbs, Hlle: green lunsnlted). 1 per lb leas; culls, le per lb lees; beraa. hides, aalted, each. fl.SnaSl.TB; dry. each. 1. UUQl.oU; colt bides, each, BMt&Oe; gost skins, ttnns, eacn, lvegioci angura, nllb Wool aa. . each, SBcl. 00. . .-Jfraihl aad TegetaMes. :. POTATO KB Beet Oregoa. BSC 1 1.00, car tots. t. e. b. enuntry, BOOteV; second grsde. BOftBOe sack; buying, car lota, uooJc; Karly bVons, l.ond)1.2&; sweets, best, Bl.WXJtaO; era ted, l.TB; new California, 4e pee lb. - tiniiywn yi.weje.wi ww W' m wee-y, I1.BOUX.7S; Aastralta. B4.W4-oO; gar lie, ) 1TKEHH PHCTTB A pales, estru fancy. 11. 60: hiw fweenn. T&aahne nee boa! ebenn aradea. uttVBe per bos; oranges, eaeel. l.Tnl.B( Ins: Japaneeo oranges. ottfto box: bananas, 4SaSe per ibr Irmena. coolce. ta.TB pee box: finer, (3.00 per box; limes, Mexican. One par 100; pineapples. B4.0Oab.0O; crsa berries,- east era. BU.UO per bbL - . - trxjoBTABLICB Tnmlps. - TBABOe per-'Back: carrots. 11.004,1.10 per sack; beets. I.J5 par ssckt Oregon rsdlsaea, SBe par dos; cabbage. Oregoa, per rwt; taurornia,; lettuce, botboaas, tl.S3tll.60) per crate; greea reppera, Ta per lb: Calll aeppers, loe par is; celery, - B;LT&f4.00 per araU) tomatoes, Pkrlds, - B5.A0; ' - Max lean.; parsnips, Bl.004Jl.OoV ta. plant, not par box; string beans, ' 12r; cauliflower. Ore. gon.v; Calirornis, si o per crate: rhubarb , Be per lb; . pumpkins. Is ihi koaacranlah- TeaHe nor lb: sseoata. Be; srMchokea. 6UU7&C per dos; hothouaa lettuce. ll.60all.TB per Ins: Oregoa rsdlsbss. BSsteOt per anal green aniens, uc ve, ew, -a . ftftu per lb; aplaach, TSs pec bos; aaaaah, VbiBO rRPITB Applea, ' ersporsted. TBJBe per Ibi aprleeta, 0Mll3c per lb; sacks, Ha per lb laa; peachso. BAlBs per lb; Boara. ;' mM ik imm, 1 r n n. nhaaYee ner io. French, BHtHM Pr lb; figs. California black;. OftojC per ID4 uiirornxa wane. , r plums, pttted. nee lb;, dates. Blds.-Be per id; laroa. per le-ie nea. ,,- -, :-- Oreoertas. Vata, Xts. ' Inflll Back baaia Cube. Bd.BOl Due deled. SB. 05; fruit gTsuutated. fd.05: dry graaulated. Bft.M; beet grsanlatod. 6.bD; extra C, $6.46; Kldea 0, BV33; bbls. 10c: bblc, BSc; hoses, e odTsaes on sack basis, lees Bke pec cwt for cash. IB days: naa pis, icjios per la. HONKT 14 Hal 16c COPPKB Package branda. f 14.M. ' BALT Plan Bales- 3a. Ba, 4a, Ba, IBs. 1.B; table, dairy, B0a.lll.00; fOOs. I10.TB; Im ported Ueerpool, BOs, 1T 00; loua, giaou 22ta. gldOO; extra fine, beta, Ss. Ba. be, , 10a, 1 4.60es.o0; bulk. S lbs, 4.004)n.o0; aicks. Bos, utsie. " BALT Coarse Half ground. 100s.Tr ton. at... , ner ton. ST. 00; U Terpen 1. mmp roca. Ile.nA nee ioa: BO-lb rock. 17.00: 100a. BCTB. ton; (A bora prices apply to sales or anas unn cur lota. Oar tats at special prices subject to flue- toatlona). . GRAIN BAtiB Calcutta, t lq,.r par Ira. KICK 1st per ail Japaa, No. I. 4fce: No, B, 4o; New OrtaasBS, head, SHtjdc; Adx, t; B BA NB Bmsll white, de: largo white. SHe; pink. Sci bayou. S3. BO; Umna, (He; Mexlcaa reds. To. " KUTH Peanuts, TKei tawbos. SHc per TO; raw, tojIOe per lb; roasted. I oocoaaott, BbttBOc ner dos; wsWts. U15c per lb; pine nuts, lOQlSHe per lb: hickory nuts, 10e par lb; rbeetaata. easier a. 6!tle per lb: Bra all note. Ilka par lb; filberts. I5riae per lb; fancy pereon, ly1B per lb; almoada. ISOUc Bar - 'lta. Coal OUs, Eta. - B0PB Pars Manila- 14c; staodard, ltr, slssl. 10,c;'letle brand steal. COAL. Olir- Psari or A.tral Caaes, Sla aar gal; water white. Iron bbls. IBc per gal; wooden,. 17C per gsl; headlight, KU-org. 2be per gsl; lros bhbl, lSVtc per gaL - OAHOUNM Bd-deg. cases. 83e per gal; bbls. Boa per gal; store, eases. Si He par ss; Iron bbls. lxe per gal, TURPBNTINK la eases, SB S3e per gsl. . B Bull BKNZIWsV-oS-dcg., ease 18c per HW' pop t bbls 1 ner gal. WHITftl LEA TVTon Ma. Tli Per lb: SOO-lb lota. 1, per lb: less lots, Be per lb. . WtRli WAITJt Prraant bass at tS.AO. - . UNBRED OIL Pure raw In bbU. die per gal; ana nee eal! ecnnlna bottle boll lien, c BBS per ga: hbls. 3e per gal; groand cake, car tots. 1 29. 00 per too; lees than cat tots. aao.w per ton. Meats, risk aad frselslesa. PBG8H sIICATo Pront street Beet steers, 4r4e per lb; pork, block. TfTT He. per lb: parkera, 7THe per lb; bulto, 84e par lb; cows, 84e pee- lb; mnttoa, wethers ssd lambs with polta. S2.S0al1.8n: awea. or; real, extra, Tej7Hc; ordinary, 6HJVr per lb; poor, 4er per lb. HAMB. BACON. ETC. Portland pack tocsl) hams, 10 ta 14 lbs, 12e per lb; 14 ta Id lbs, per lb; 18 to 90 lbs, 12 He per lb; cot Ufa, Be par lb; break Fast baron. lStjloc per lb; picnic. Be per -lb; regular short clears, uu smoked, BHe per lb; smoked, 10 He per lb; elesr kscks, - unsmoked. Be per Ibt smoked. 10c. per lb; L'nlon butts. 10 to IS lbs, turn rooked. Be per lb: smoked. Be per lb; clear bellies, aa smoked. lie per Tb; smoked, 12c par lh. . LOCAL LAKD-rKettle leaf. 10s, 10HS aer lb; Be, I0He par lb; HO-lb tins. 10e per lb: treat rcne-red. 10s. 9 per lb; Ss, t Per lb; tabs. c ner lb; nies. 4c per lb. fANNKD SALMON Colnmbls rieer 1-lb talhv Si m; S-lh tall., 15i; fancy 1-lb data. SI 00; H-lb fancy Bsts. (I ; fsaey 1-lb orals. S3 T Alsska tafia, ptnk. BbeSOc; red, (1X0; aemlaal Ss, tsll. S2 00. PIBH Rock end. Te per Tb; Bonndern. 6 per lb: halibut. 7 He per lb; crabs. 11-20 pat don; etrlned bass. lOfiltc per lb: cat- Beh, Te per tb; salmon, Chinook. 12c 1 steelbeede, per lb; rronea siirersldea, Tc per lb; herring. Be per lb: soles, . So pen lb; ah limps. 10c per to; shad, dross, a, pee lb; perch. Be per lb; sbsd Toe. per lb; shad. Be per lb; black end. Be par lb; Columbia rtrer smelt. Be per lb! sllrer smelt, Ba per lb; lobsters. 12Het fresh msckerel. Be per Tb; craw tab, St per dos; Bounders, Be par lb; storcron. Te per lb. , . 0T8TEBB Bbeulwstar hay, par gsl.. tlBS; per sack, Tc per lb. CTaMS Herd shell, - Bar hag, S.M; rsasr (a)ma, B3.0O per bos. , , DEMAND DISAPPEARS ' : IN THE HOG MARKET Receipts Are Not Heavy: But r'.. Norte Care to Buy Cattle, y"y. and Sheep Firmer. . Portland l;nlon Bmckyards, April 1. Ure atnek receipts today! a. . . r Hue, ............ ...... 98 Cattle. 22B Hheep , .J. .......... la... . Horace, 1 , S There le ebeolatelr nothing doing In the wa of n demand for bora and the nrteos unoted today la that Una are-only nominal. There la S eery good- tone to tho csttle market and top esmes contarinn to rule, ina sneep marssx In eoed ahane- wltk receintn heeTT. , The offlrl.l prtcca rul'ng la lleeatacfc today: Hon I'ricen nomine L Rent enstera -Oregon, SBBV: blorkera snd chins fata, S0.JB; stackers snd feeders. B4.nu4y4.TB. 'sttle . Biwt eastern Oregon steers. St. 0041 4.2B; light and medium ateera, S3.n0txa.TS: old and light cows. f2.nnJ2. T ctocfera sod teeoera, xi uo; onus, si. 00. Hheep Heat fsaey sheep, St. BOOS, 00; CWSS, SS.weys.ovi epriaa meaia,. naw, . : iuruihi trmoia. rh lease. Anrfl 1. Lrreatork recHrtal ' " ' ...,.( ' Hose. Csttle, Bheen. Oi learn . ..........a'"" S.""0 . t. kenass Crty .'.... f ond J 1.0U0 Omaha B.bnO IftB ' .... I loss npen.d strong with a. inn left oeer. Re- crlnta g year sao were IO.kio. ' Knllng pnceei Mixed- .Villi IV : gnnd and heaTy, SA.334 ft-to; rouse, . i:n .-.; Iignt, enii'VS.u, Cattle bteedr.. aalted bides, steers, souua, ou ins ee orer, ewu c; BO to 40 lbs. bwxe; onder B0 lbs snd rows, 8SV4c; stags ssd holla, ssuod, dQTe; Imp UadJ., -' GATES READY TO . put o;i wm -eV-v , 1 " -'. .' ' .', l.:' Big Operator Believed - to Still : . Have Monster Holdings of . i May Wheat. ' , ;.(.- g; . ..'.i' JULY AND SEPTEMBER f "Vi r: ; EACH SHOW A LOSS May Wheat Only) One to Ad . vance in Chicago Corn .. I'p Shows Improvement. ' THB WHEAT MABKBT. ' , Open v CVaw Ctosa i- ' fcnsB Bat. Bat. PH. - Bat. ... .88 I ;ltl ...BB4 .OB . ... M ; .S3, .. ) ..0014 oaia. .... y,-.- v- ' rsticeVaT ' April 1 Despite ' the toss la the next crop ppllnas the action of the grals mar ket still shown It to In tha hands et strong Interests. Ostea Is still la tba market, ll Is becoming more difBeult to trade la tha May wheat, eonunlsuloa ho ear. claim lag It ta too nerroos. Homo- ara sskiag for so margins for say new trades, and Abere are soma who arc refuaing trade la thta opttaa. - One eery large operator In Chicago who bas ta his credit Be proSts la that option was called oa yesterday for another 10c. The dates Interests, It ta thought; hare as much wheat as they ever held thought to be 10.000.000 boa beta In Chicago,- sad with much larger holdlnga ta other markota It is reported that they are new at a poiat where they caa put tba screws oa the shorts without suy difficulty... They fcre said to hers holdings In New Jfork of over s.oOO.000 buaheta aad pnrchaans eTabeut 8,000.000, made Thursday, while . trading baa diuppod off somewhst, hatdlnaaara much larger tbaa most people in the trade hare a ay Idea. Todays otncisi marseia: . .." . . , - WHeAT.. Open. Close. I 1-13 ' . M -- .4T Msr S 1.1314 July . . , ... . ,. , , . . .BS BrpUmber '--.BS ' May .4TH July .. VA1S, May --JM MBB8 P0BK. U.T1H WHEAT SLUGGISH ALL THROUGH WEEK Low Prices Rule in 'Frisco Dur ing the ; Six DaysEvery-" V thing Depends Upon Crop. Anrll 1. B. P. Hsttoa Os. say: Wa bars had a week af tha lowest prices and elugxiak wheat trading. Mora or leas preeanro has been ehowa in May option, the .pot demand has materially slackened aad mil lers seem only willing to buy for Immediate waass. The present faeorsbta conditions for the growing crop has much ta do with this con dition of affair, should nay setboek coma to tba crop May wheat would take a sudden mots tba -other hand U eoratltloas ebsagu a good rally may be anna. Wheat ta likely to work tower until tka outstds taage bars Bool da ted erorytkliig at tha preeaat Junc ture. lleresiber wheat appears Ioa) enough. Today's official markets: " . . WHBAT. - 4 ', . '' ' ' Onea. Ulgk. Lew. Clone. May ...r....L4l ; S.4 fi d SI LtocCaabcr 1.2B 1.1 BARLST. , M : M MANY CONTRACTS ARE f MADE FOR FLAX CROP (Bpsclal Dispatch to The Joaraai. V --' Grangerllto. Idaho, April 1. Arthur Clark of the Vellmer-Ctoarwater Grata company, stated thta week that taa company wan receiving dally a nuaibar of flax eoatracts, which fact Indicates that the farmers are encouraged by the buoy nut tendency of tho flu matst and tba high contract prices now offered. The grals company ta now contracting aa a guarantee of SB eeata, a eoaalderablo lac re ess over that- figure amy be reaJlard by the farmer. Per hsstsnce, the sece rn t easier r. quotattaa ta S1.8B aad flag del leered at that onotatiua would brlag under csatraet Sl.U. Aa a resaK of the aew contracts being made, there will ba a targe Increase la tba fUx aere age over that af met year. - CKICAB0 BX-ATJf, CAB LOTS. ' Chicago, April 1, Orals, car 1st r-r-r, - ' Cars, ttradu. Wheat IB .. lwa 212 ' V Bat. 1BA4. IB Bl BT 4 UB ST Oata ....log U t urxsroox, matjt luasn. LlTerpooL AprH 1-Vloalng; Wheat May, as Td tower: July. Ba TVkd tower; September, Bs t.d, i lower. iom Msy, 4s Sd. anchtngsd; . Jaly, as Sd, anchsnfod. ,. . roaTOPAX irjjraia btoois. : , ' Sas Prsnciseo, April Bid. 1. OfflcUl etoatag: - ... , . BIO,'. Baadstorm ...... .88 Hands torm. Bl..' ,18 Adams ......... ,14 Mohswk .28 Dixie ... .28 Kendall .88 llolnmbla Mt ... , .BS Montana ..,..S3-8 Mldwsy 1.621? McNsmara .84 Belmont ....... 1.40 Nortk Star ... .60 Reorno .1'4 Uold Meant Jim Butler .B0 Nevsds ........ ' .15 Ton. Kxtea .... B.0O Bed Top ....... .40 Ooldfteld ........ .12 Uumbo .bT Jumbo Bxtoa .. .2B Black Butta ... - .40 oUrer Pick ..... . .23 -AJLTBICAB STOCTLS Of lOVTeOB. V - London,' April l.Ckwer ' Anscoods adranced IS, Atcblsoa adrssced Vs. Baltimore A Ohio sdesnced Vh. Alton sdesnced Mi, Chesapeake A Ohio advanced H. P.rte declined firsts de clined . Illinois Central declined Ml. Mexi can Central declined Vt, New York Central ad eanced , Ontsrto A We tarn sdesnced k, Norfolk A Western declined , Pennsyleania declined . Bending declined Mj. Beading firsts sdesnctd 4. Koulbern I'aclfhi declined , Boutbera Kailwer declined . Colon I -s rifle declined H- t'nlled Buten Bteel sd.sW-ed Nnrtbern B cm It lee declined , eonsols aaV tsaeed .y -r -y--, BXW TOBX aTTatatABT. , '. r Kew Tork, April 1. Dow, Joaas A Co. say: Bradstreet's ssys eoadlttons point to a good adV ranee In the eolums of haslDeas la general na compared with a year ago. Joba D. etorkefeller will not accept the presidency of tha Equitable 1,1 re. iMtdoa to about etnsrty for -Amerlcuns. Oreat btacka of Coal A Iroa bare bees hoaeht la the tast few dare. The Bt. lamia A Bau Prsaciaco's Pebraary net earnings show a decrease of. $af.1u. The Rock Istand's reb rnary net earnings atoe show a decrease of e0l,82o. The banka lost bs the) sub-tmasury eiaca rrUUy, Hn.000. - . .f ,. ,. BAS PSAB0IB00 LOO AX STOCKS, : Baa Pranrlsco, April 1. local stocks closing: p Bid, . Aan. Contra Costs - Water .A... 48 . .... Hnrlng Vslley Wster ...I...... .... ' SB u.e Wen tins A Etoetrto 601 BT Dlsst Powder mii m Hswsllsa torn. ......... .t. ........ Bo - BOts Honol-ea Bugar .................... i . Hntchlnson Bngar lh 1J14 Kllamaa Bugar ,,,...,... 4Sb B Bugar ....... r. BT . SB I'ssuhau Sugar 2B SB , . i , i ' oombtocx xnrarB trooxs 1 , Raw Praaclscs, April le-OfBcial ctosjatt Rid. - Bid. Bullion ....... ; .ZT Bsssgs ,IA flelcber ........ .12 Potoal 13 few. tel.-fs ... 1 l inns Cea ...... .84 Ophlr ..J.eTtVY.Ilow Jscket ..' .13 IslenVmia ' . . JKiefteimrr ..... .Vt Mexlrss I ! IHsle A Noreross ,M tea, Morcaf ... cS Ibcorploa , ' M FaPLE'S GAS IS dullish mm Advanced Two andv'X Three ; Eighths Points on New York , Stock Exchange Today, V RUBBER GOODS COMMON MAKES A BIG JUMP Market Opens Strong and Early Dealings Show an Ad- vance . - V:': u :" , . ADT AKCB8. Amslgsmsted tBt.'Paal f: Atrblsoo. com .... a, l oess. uow .. .... JlslDeneot ......... Bmeltsr, com Bmeltsr. pfd . Bait. A Ohio Osntral Oat. A West V Oaa I. M. Roadiog .......... tolHock lalasd, asm Boathara Bp ..... HI. P., com U. P.. com ....... lull). 8. BteeL, com Leathar. pfd ..... IU. A bteel, pfd , Bubbar Oood ..... 1) , , Wall Bteaee. New York. Anrin. The Clock market today had a strong feeling at the open, lag sad thta too waa continued throughout the eesstau. People e Uas waa tba act Ire feature aad mads the hsaeleet gala during the aeealou. It ctaaad 24 aolata adranccd. American Bmeltor was eer sctles. tho common showing inwsl points and tba preferred H poiat. Rubber Goods common continued Its bull feeling and rose 14 points. Tha market closed steady. Today's official stack markst; , , Closing -jt.e-. - ' ' Open.' Rid. Amslgsmsted Copper Oa .......... , Atcktnoa. com . Amerlrsa Bagsr. com . . American Bmeltsr, com de ore f erred ........ Baltimore A Ohta. com .... Brooklyn Rapid Traaext Canadian PuclSe, com........ Cblcsao. Milwaukee A St, Paal Ckeeapeaka A Ohio i ... Colorado Pud A Iroa, easa ... Dearer A Rio Urande, com..... Erie, com .... ....... , 1TB' 67 8T SB . 4fi' no 1st pec i rise TJUnels Central . . . . . . . . IvI!rM-v!laBV4'-lo Lamtorillo Nssbeillo Metropolltaa Street By Meglraa lee tral By .. .........ltlS 141 12 129 ......... .. . -M ..107 . HH Missouri -Psctflc rl. Kaaeaa d Texas, com ... ai do preferred .....,.,.. BB New York Central .......'......,,.161 Norfolk A Weetera. oar' BS New York. Ontario A Wsstera ... Kl PennaTleaala Br ...143 People's Ues. Light Coke Oa ...US ,. 11414 Parlne Mail Btssmshlp Oa ........ .. --.44V Beedlsg. com ; Reck Island, eons t t ; M14 r Ooeda .. - Bosk rn Ry., com St 14 - ra Parlne B7Z B7 A Pnetne ft 88 Boutbera Nou thorn Texne Coal ai Iron m - wr Vntaa PsdBc easa ........130 1WH United H tales Leather, pfd .........1(18 108 United Btstea Bteel Co., coos SB 86 ae utaterrea , . .mrn as inlpuTi .... are- toss: bajtx ra: Mew Tork April 1 wsitasststss'seug4t . lno,al 1.413,000 Bpecht BB. 1 no Ugsla . 64,200 ItopOufftftl 'sV4t ' a uva dnawO(cO.0)O Clrcuiattaa BoB.BOv ''-..A ' '".'-.:y WKTXAJTO BAJTB Cleerlngs ...B4ia.1oS.Sl a.. S7,BM.a4 ' UTKXPtML 0OTT0BT XABXXT. ' k lJeerpool. April 1. Ontton rtased barely f tee Oy, S to O points nrwur. neew wean e.vtiv bales. Americas 4.000 bales. . .taeslpta 38,000 baton, Asarrtcan 22.000 balea. , . . UTAH DELEGATION . v TO FAIR HONORED v.:.. ' .,.- ' r - elaborata Itincbaon waa srn at tha CcmimcTclal eluft at noon today- In honor ef tha TJUta dcacB-atlOJi to tha Lewis , and ; Clark eommlsstoa, , Tfc gueata were OoTCrnor John C Cutler, Senator Woalep K. Walton, Hon. F. W. Flahbum. -It; F. Cunnlnrhara. Horn Radolph Kuchler and BpcnccP Clawson, of Utah, aad B. E. Calrln, twneral man ager ef tha southern Pacific Una, who la an old friend of the Utah men and a former realdent of tha state. . Immodl ately preccdlna; tha luncheon a public reception waa glm for tha laltora, and a larga number of prominent buaLreaaa matt . availed themselvaa of the oppor tunity to meet them. Tba luncheon waa aerrod tn the lad lea" 'dining room, and ootrcra wera laid for i. - Praaldent it M. Caka, of the) Com mercial club, p maided. Tha table waa laviahly decorated with ptnk roaea and ferna. A number of complimentary speeches) ware made, and great enthuel asm waa ahown throughout, v FIGHTING WITH MILK V : BOTTLES EXPENSIVE ' ; i. ' Lou Radabaugh. who waa convicted of fighting. In tha, police court a few days ago. waa fined tbO this morning by Judge Hogua. A bond of $100 has boon filed on appeal, Radabaugh was ad judged guilty of asaault and battery by Judge Hosrue'for breaking Mrs. Frank Flats' arm with a milk bottle hurled at a man named McBride, and fined ISO on that charge, which naa also been ap pealed. " " The trouble occurred in front of Pe terson's stable, ontJIrth at root, between Btark and Oak atreeta, Tha proprietor himself had been In tha police court, ac cused of Bteaiing an umbrella. Ha waa allowed to plead guilty to a charge of drunkenness and fined, - SHOULD KEEP POLITICS ' : OUT OF THE PULPIT ' Last Bight Rabbi Adolph Abbey In Ma addreea at tha Synagegue Talmud Tarah, severely criticised the policy of - Dr. Stephen 8. Wise, In bringing political queetiona into the' pulpit,. -- '' . "The pulpit" ha aald. "Is the place for- religious . Instruction, aad ' the preacher, If he la true to hla charges haa enough to do tnfualng religion Into the hearta of man without encroaching on the domain of tha politician. To ant differently from what he preaches s ta preaoh orf matters outside hla realm la being a traitor to God, and the pulpit be cornea a mere phantom." . - SaAJ AT BT A stalAS CITT. ' '.y (BpeeUI rHasateh te The lourual) i, ' 'Cheney, WaBh., April 1. -Frank C Mrmtgomery. formerly editor of the Cheney Sentinel and once connected with Portland and Beattlri pa pern, In dead In Kansas City. He waa an rriltorlal-wrltrf, ef the Kansas City Journal and aged 41 years." : i Buguy- m.noi.r- HIBrooklya ........... Colo. Pucl 1 lllL Central ...... MetropolltaB ..... ex. Oeatral Katy, pfd .......-Hi ..-t. - ....... g ; 142S4 142 ...tOB . 1 HH loss intitu B814 87 14H. - 1481Z i ' 17Bw S - m'-S lZ amfalX 2 B Z BnC IXb W t5)Lp)rtr?l :':'DAin::Dpwr;.z--i Cit-rowtc Headqoartera for : p ElasHc Stockings and Trusseis LAUE-DAVIS 0RUQ CO. ThM and YsunhiU Sti IF YOU ARE PARTIC ULAR ABOUT YOUR PRINTING THAPS ALL THE MORE REASON WE SHOULD DO IT FOR YOU." 147 rilONT T. Tst, Ma!a 'i ji ; etaiOMrsrruW'B) inbush CbmntaalOe. PREE LATtD IN OREGON I ( la mt richest gram, fruh naa stack sectioa la . . thcworU. Thsnmnahs seres ofhnd st actual eaat af BTstiaa. Dens and fnen Stats of Orxfen. WRnT TO-OAY. BOOKLET snal MAP FRZC Dsscbstei Irripfkaj and Power Caea- nanu(Bw-ll'lsMciraWm sriUv:2 PILES trTCHUta ypee neodnns nudmais sad saeau wslilngi I hie form, na well ss Bund, Bleeding or arosrndinaH men are euxoa By nr. rosspxo'i Wile Womedrl SKaaieaaina. Aesornstttsaaeu. aussl UaaaouastisMwssas by mail. Treettaefree. Write! Bmssbsutyuss sssi xjm. nsiaau,rilli.fc,r,j woodburn organizes ' - :an exhibit league - (Bneclsl Ola natch to The Journal. WoodbOrn, or... April 1. The Wood burn Exhibit league was organised at a largely attended meeting In thta city yesterday afternoon by the election of J. H. Bettletnler. p realdent: H. LV QUI, seRretary, and the appointment of the following evocative committee: Walter L. Toose. D.- Boyer, O. B. Praroy. J. W. Cook. John Whitney, H. T. Hayes and B. F. Hall. ' - The meeting waa addressed by Hon. Prank Da ray, County Judge John H. Bcott, Buperlntendent of Marion Exhibits W. H. Bayage, of .Salem; Hon. J. H. Bettletnler. Hon. Walter ' I Tooaa and other. The object of the league la to assist In providing tha Marlon county exhibit for the Lewis and Clark exposi tion. -, - 1. . M The subject of permsnent roads lead ing into Woodbarn was also brought up and progress made - In that respect There waa mnch enthnslaam displayed. soinmra, mortxrt u oa, : . tSsUbliahed litt.) , , T AJTS BTOOX MtOXXXS. 4. Oroumd Floor. 't crarans-niurm OF OOaOCBBOal. 'mt- IVHUBK, H'.ir. U4te,M Dfaeate V.iT Be CHICalaEtve) KMOUawnl eUBa ta Ka sad nVeM nilMl haaaa. owed S-. ) nits sine iMeaa. Tehenoeahoev Beanan UsjaV I rum ii t-- I I IJ Sw. SSI ef fear Brasaua,w wed de. ta I In Jf eaaaa. ne ., n,..,e. lam D aad 'BUBef tar Lerfieam lew, ee. wr ff iaoOTiianiili SeMas ewr an f oV " Chlihaesm shsanmmsimow. Ml tin a Baanss. OVERBBCIC, STARR & COOKE CO.- Members Cblcago Board of Trade. ' aVAztr, Mormoari, oottobt. btooxb two bobTM. : .-." 19 Third Street, McKay Building., Portland. Or. ; " ' : ' ti xo A BrrmnrrxT ootimTBZOB? TjnrEB. ContlnumiaMsrteta by Private Wire. QurHi Berrlce. RF.FERKN01CB -Ladd dJ ... . ZUtobV-baaksrs. and United BUtes' National Bank of rotUand. - Dr. We Norton Davis, We treat saeosmfnlly sB arlrats. aareoas and ' rhraulc diasasea of mewl alas blood, stomach. heart. Veer, kidney snd throat troubles. We care gyPBIU.IB (without msxaaiJ) ta stay -cored forever, la tS to BO days, we re mere , hrBIOTCBBj. wlthoat operettas or Bala. Ib 1 . Ws stoo arslaa, the result of mlfboae. laxmadlateie. Wn een eestoes ibn assaal eiger . t any man onder SO by moaaa eg maar s sssat assail ar to oarselras. . -. ,,. We Cure Qoaotrfaoea la a Week' The doctors ef this tnatltabs are ell regular graduates, hses had many years' cxnertanss. - haw been known la Portland fee la reara.1 kaea a ropatettaa to awlntala ssd wlU ejaanc- nciea. . take ar ekaree na. fee.' ConctaUtloa free. Let ters cseBdoatlal. lnetmctlre BO0e f 0B at IB ami led free la alala wrapper. If roe caanot call at efaoi, write tor enaa. ttaa btaak. . Llsms treataaaat sueoensful. -. Oftee The landing epeelsnsts la the Naatmi aWtaMlshsw eatw. Or, Wd Norton Davb& Co. Taa Say Hotel. B. B. Oar. Third aad Ftes Bta, BOBTLABD. OBXwOB. C. OEE WO : nw QrMt ChliMM DwCtor : la called areas v. cauaa hla wundagfal eurwa are - ee wall ' known throogttout tho United Btatoa. and beoauae aa man peonle are thankful to Mm ror aaTina tneir in OPERATIONS mm. i and all . dlsoasea . with noworf ul c n I a a s a I herba. roota. ttv I barka and eegetablea a that are entirely an. known te meuewai aen i"."."z iT". is rw-fwdmTh.: vSgr. ttZESXiZtri W.dinereni ."mediea that he baa atiooeeafully uood la 'tfferwnl ZiHweTlun. Irwitbl rrreamattanav . eVn. roueneaa. atoms eh. utot, n.qrr.r. Sale troueie B1MI aii t.TZ rSeSei qndroda of toatlmrmUla. Chaegoa . moderate HJi!S lUm - r" COaTBrrrX.T TTfVaT aaTW' . .ui. mi at the city write fee blank and circular, eamloaa etam. Ad. THE C OEE W0 CHINESE . MEDICINE CO. : til Alder Btreet; Portland. Or. atalr. ta way or ititt jtiaer atraai (tea. aipnuon xia n. Gu:::rs - ciccd s i:ecvetc::i3 A TBBUT TO TAMM AT atBAfc CTatA, .' kfmf en Bn need snd staress It roptaeas me sms ram ' - Td data Ftes and ttreeg ts,f not fsfJL fa Bimsss aysstssss Front oaf Omasa, Ts Create etsree ftna. femaceee fscSfoai Tm Stoo 0rre tptlla. T 91 MsaftAf Bleep. rstoaf7ef sara, Ts nstear 4etea. Tt Ours Bnreef OlaeWsu. Ts emeee Itew Saom. nHmtw$M'Clmi. reCeeeBmwsaal , . . Bi; sues sat amf Ceoetsatie. . , SOU IT BRUMIaTS. M IT MSIl Ok) RtCDFf I 0"SllCa,7o,aB01L;aB0Xai. db. bobajtxo oa, BTrrt.4TBxrmia. fa, OITT V0TICZS. FOITaTOaUaTrXB't V0TICX, Netlre Is hereby siren that oa tho "k day of April, inon, 1 took wp and emponnded st the City found, at He, Ml. Sixteenth street, la the City of Portland, Oregon, tha foUowtsg described enlmale: ' One light eereey cow with Strap oa Beck. One dsrk Jersey oow. . ' ' Bad aniens the owner, or other person ee persons baring an Interest therein, shall claim possession of tho osme, ssd any all recta sad ' . ika iMfitnv and ndeerthtlna them. tngetber with the pound feas on said s alma la, ss provided by ordlneneeKo. 8.825, ss amended, of said t)lly of pnrtlsnd, I will on the Sth day of April, 1B0S. at thahonr of IO a. m.. at the City Pound, at No. SMI Blsteeath. la said city, sell the shore described sslmsls st nubile auction ta the highest bidder, to pay tba eneta ssd cbsraea for tsklag up, keeping aad Idrer tlslng ouch snimata.. ' . Dated this 1st day ef April 1905. ' i ' 1 y. W. KKKD, Pousdsxaster. , ; OOBTLXnOW ABO A0CZRAB0B OF OU T- PBOTMtTJfT Of FB1B00TT BTBIKT. . Notice Is hereby gtrrn that Charles Wsnser, City Knglneer. baa filed in the .of flee of the aaderaigned. notice th.t BechUl Bros., eon trsetnrs for tbenrovement ef Preecott street, nnitar tho aror laions of ordinance bo. 14,BMi, tare cnmpleledi,aald street, from tho wee t line of Raea. Twvirva stroet tn Center Una ef Seat fourteenth street, . . Held seceptsncc WlU be considered by the txecutree Bonrd st 4 o'clock on the 1th day e April, IwiB, and tbaaeeeptance of said etreet. oc any part thereof, amy he filed la the office of the endermgncd at. key. time prior thereto, .... ......... .1 , . TstaV KXBtT'Tltw B0BD. , ' Auditor of the City of PojUaaat . Portlaad. Oregon. April 1, 1S0S. . , f OeJ I .N"l TSv Every - .y-gMvsA . mlalireeiTd and ahoald know. t JL.l.l about the wnudarfsl llwAl etAim WWriiae, Spray ; leT" yNJllr' t BCanswmaaeleah Eameamustettaea. dv. " m J"'' teenunotsunpiyaae '"na. j5a' IBtSta no ' gr Sg, other, bat seed mama for v Tm. V Uiustratad book rnihd, Itgteeg Ti , ; full nnnicutarssaddlreriiorisln. WCj II yaTaableto ladles. MASlisaW v?arr -' wssnaa aUagw Slew Berk. - keenTy - . - COMLBTIOB ABB AOCITTABOB Of , FBOTrhtlBT Of BHATBB ST BUT. Notice ta hereby glrea thai : srea Wsnxcr. ; -City Knglneer. hss filed, in the office of the . , naderslgned. notice tkot Llnd A Bsuor. een. trsctors for tbs Improvement sf Baseec atre-l, . nnder the prortalona of ardlnsnce No. l.i, . Urn completed ssld street from the eeater line of Rsst Beeeath atraat to tba center line ef Kdsl v ,Ha'ce2ptance will be eonalneced "r 1 be , Br festive Bosrd st 4 o'clock oa tbs Ttk day , sf April, loos, snd object lone to the aeeeptanre . Ji. m.1 tm anv nert tbeeeof . . Bit bC filed In the office of the undersigned at gag ) time nncr Tnerein. . " ir."" rrrfrTTrm BA 4 S fl Auditor of the City of rortlaad. Br THUS. v. lia,l,in. rtlsad. t Portland. Oregon. April 1, 1, lonn. , 4 AtatAKk ei. LA -oeva. 7 .. I