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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1905)
; : cnzco:: daily jou::al. tohtlaud. vepi"sday eveniiiq,xiakch zd,' 1SC1 X ..I J Tcxiaxrt at.; Marsaam ,"Tto " f New Yorfc' - twlumuia "A ContaBtrd Won l.vrio . ."Th. Uu kr. barir' ' (iraad VauaUl '- Kmkmr . .VaiHMTlll KUf VaiKlaYili. ' Special for the Lenten Season. Juat arrived, direct shipment . of Cross ' BUokwell'a 800 ten KJpperel herring. which we offer while they 'last at two tins, 4to; six tins, $1.18; ' regular ' lOo 'value. French sardines, two una. lBo; SL1S a doaen. Imported Norway mack' rel, ISo to too each. All sorts of fish foods, salted, ' smoked and .canned. - A -Urge trade enables us to offer you a better variety and fresher .roods than the little store around the corner. Call at pur delicatessen counter and see for yourself. P." Dresser a Co, Portland's greatest gfrocery. -Seventh and -Washing. ton streets, and. East Fifteenth and Brosaway. , i 4 "'Dr. William a Webb and party of New York will arrive In Portland this evening from Ban Francisco, In a spe cial -train of Ove cars.. He la. a bust' neaa associate of K. H. Harriman and Is one of the' wealthiest men la New York. As husband' of the daughter of the late W, K. Yanderbllt ha has charge of. ' the great 'estates ef that railroad magnate, ana bib innuenco in mm nui road world, la eonalderable. It Is sup posed he la looking ever the railway situation on the Paclflo oast; ' V. ' 1..- ....... 1 . .Two new. obeervaUen cars, to run on the San fcYanclaco-Portland line of tue Bouthenf Faclne. win start ' mis even tng, attached to the Portland train for the south and the. San Francisco train for the north. The cars ar the-moat elaborate , proaucxionw - or- xnw r-uunum . shops. . The Interior consists of a large drawing room, a smoking room, a 11 , brary, a buffet and the platforms ar . large enough to accommodate about. 11 '- persons. . The, use of the car will be free . to all holding Jtiuman ucseia. . -Fred Worthingtoa waa released from the county Jail today, sentence hav- - Ins been commuted oy uovernor nrntn . berlaln. " He. was serving four months for larcenw, and was pardoned because lot hi good conduct The governor alao . . pardoned John Wadklna, a veteran or tne ', civil war. who was in the Marion county Jail under six months' sentence for sell' ins llauor without a license. ' He . Is .' 'crippled with, rheumatism, and was in Jail two and a naif montha.., -.. t,'"" Effi 8C Clair, -8-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. St.. Clair., waa taken from , the mother yesterday on orders from ' ,1 County Judge Webster and given Into - the car of Mr. Winters, brother of Mrs. St- Clair. It waa ahown by the Boys' and Girls Aid society that Mrs, Bt. Clair wss not a, proper custodian 'of the child, as she had been Intoxi cated during the absenc of her husband while ' eh was living In , a ' "prairie schooner"; at Troutdai.. - ' V When Vou want a nurse, pocket book. ..' ' or billhook something better and more "(durable than commonly found In most stores.-and . yet al a moderate price-r eal 1 on Albert BernL the druggist, oc ond and Washington, and let him show -I- van -nuC Jarge variety of tin leather " goods In the latest styles, and designs. Another shipment of money belt just j 'received-.- - swv! ; ? After visiting -various eltleewsn Mel - Ico, attending bull fights and examining Industrial conditions. nuga AicArxnur, : 1 ISI East Ankeny street.- has returned " ! He declared that football gamee -and ' ' brixe fishts were the tmly things in the '. United States that could, be compared to bull lights. Laborers in Mexico, he said, -ere on the point of starvation. - - - , , . W. H. Lyda, one Of the creditors. . . charges Attorney J. is. Hoffman, true I tee In the ease vf Joseph Mahoney, a bankrupt with unfaithfulness In the dis charge of his duties.;- Hoffman say ; Lyda is prompted purely by spite In ,."., making tne charges, wnicn win o neara April 14. .' .- - v- r , rfcre paints and oils. F. B. Beach A - Co the pioneer paint -company, agenta . Senour's floor paint liquid veneer. Jap-a - ' lac. Berry Bros.' vsrnlshea. Blackjack .harness oil, Meal's enamels. New Era nalnt winnow ana piste glass. 1 tea i First street . Phone JIS4. 1. J.LLx':-: 1,00 Immlgranta Wanted-j-To locate , along the Oregon Water Pow,er A Rail way company a line netween rortiana ' ' ' and Estscsds. . For information- inquire I of the Oregon Water Powr Townalte rempany. Ill First street Phone, Main Fstacada, oners vpponumties . to , manufacturers -which - means millions of dollars If properly handled. - For In ' formation nqulre of the Oregon Water Power Townsite company, lit First street, " Phone, Mala II. i The Rose society will make an exhibit - at the forestry - building . during- the v Iewla and Clark fair, plans for which ' display will be discussed at the society's - meeting; in the chamber of commerce tomorrow at 'J oclock. ; ; . ' Lost Black Cocker -spaniel, female; 4 months old; answers to the name rf Bloasle:' went astray In city Park, Sun . day; reward for her recovery. (IT Flanders street, between Twentieth and , Twenty-flrst r ,-: ' J.'.'.' Officer front Vancouver, 8. - C". ap , peered before. United Statea Commls . stoner McKee to conduct extradition : proceedings against Monk Flnfon-and . -Jo Qolden, wanted in that city -on the '. charge of forgery. . It la charged that ' 1 they forged a postal money order' for Biggest,- Best and ; If Brightest; Reports Evangelists' Meetings Now Beinf - Held In Portland. Just to Show Yon How Good Paper., .. The Journal U and the' high Ideals it sunda , . for, we will five you.a TCML SUBSCRIPTION TC2 A 1 KONTH-FOa 25 CENTS' Subscribe now or tend it to your i. : trtenas. The Journal 'Fifth' and Yamhiir Streets. ; PHONE MAIN 500. ? iCLa TO TtSTiPV CASES Ovr Two Hundred Subpoenas y- lor Witnesses Against EI- liott and Rinere. . ' CITY OFFICIALS AND , CONTRACTORS CALLED Ex-City , Engineer to Answer Charge of Obtaining Money - V by False Pretences. , Two hundred and seventeen subpoenas have been issued by . District Attorney Manning summoning witnesses in the cases against William C. Elliott J. M. Caywood, Henry Chandler, K. W. Kiner and R- M. Riner, who have been indicted In connection with the Tanner creek sewer scandals. Many of the witness war served with- five subnoenaa. com manding them to appear at the trial of all five defendants. Among the witnesses are: H. R. Albee, Member of th city cpunctl; George H. Thomas,- secretary of th lata grand Jury; Oeorre H. Howell; member of th execatlve board (these-ar candidates for the mayoralty); Thomas C. Devlin, auditor; J. R- Werleln, treasurer; I Zimmerman, president of ths city coun cil; B. t. filgler, county assessor and formerly member-of th council; A. K. Bentley and A, Ti Fie gel, members of th city council; A. M. Shannon, -who waa salary clerk under City Engineer Elli ott; 'George Beoggln, deputy under Elliott- and his partner at- ttala time in civil engineering; J. M. A. ta.ue, member of the late grand Jury; F. M. Butler, man ager of the Pacifio Construction com pany of San Francisco; Ferdinand Jop lin, contractor; R. W. Montagii. attor ney and prime : mover In th investiga tion that resulted in the indictment of Elliott and the others; and John A. Mil ler, F. M. Warren, George F. Bodman, R. I OUsan, R. R. Dual way,. X P. Dry dan. Joseph Paquet, R. A. Mara hall. J. C Morbland, - J. H. Cunningham, Jesse Hannum, R, & Oreanleaf, Morris Rein ateln, said to hav been concerned in the transaction and to- possess important knowledga; J. C O'Neill. J. H. Murphy, T. W. B. London, of Balfour, Guthrie se Co., who sold much of the materials for the, construction of : the aewer; John Burke, J. B. Slemmona, C E. Oliver, of the city water works; F. A. Ballln. ma rina engineer;' Jack Rankin, T. Woolsey and C. W. KUppeL . , - - The first trial will be en- Monday. April -S, when- Elrlott will answer to the charge of obtaining; money under false pretenses. ' SHENKE ACROBATS-CM Ui SUBJECT OF, DISPUTE Manager James' H. Errickson of the Orand theatre appears to be very much la earnest over his challenge to the man agement of th Star theatre !!On Monday ",ald JarErrlcksoh to day, "we had our .attorneys. Spencer Davis, notify th ' management of the Star theatre that they were making an unauthorised use of the nam of th Shank farallv of acrobats, and reaueat- ed them. to desist, as our circuit hadi these .same people booked for th Orand for th week of. April 19. They, how ever, .went right, ahead and persisted In using the name, r ."W have the absolute proof, and will nroduce It at the nroner time, that this alleged Bhenke team was put together on Monday last, and that not a alngl man In it was ever known as Bhenke, and 'that each one has always played under an entirely different name, and that- the -Star- has- put seven men to gether and has wrongfully tried to make the publlo believe that its aggre gation was th real mad only original Bhenke family. ! ... , "If th Star people oan prove that this la the real ana only original fam ily of acrobats Mr. ' Errickson wtll do nate $600 to any charity In th city named by- the mayor of thia city. ' On the contrary. ' if the Btar management falls to prove that fact It shall donate the sum of IZ&e-te-auch charity. Mr. Errickson saya he means business and stands ready to put his laoo m any newspaper office in the city of Port- who. - '- .- - .... . ; ..... .... . tie, changing it from It cents. They were arrested in this city. '; .. Vlavl Hygienic Home Treatment for the permarlent cure of all female trou bles. Lady physician in charge, con sultation and examination fr Offlo hours, t a, m. to ! p. m.; It Lewis bldg. M. ' Mack. F. A. Clark and A. A. Orenell have incorporated the , Trip to Niagara" Falls Concession . conipany." with liD.000 capital stock, to give exhi bitions at the Lewis and Clark fair. The new steel steamer Redondo wtll sail for San Francisco Thursday after noon. March to. Cabin tlx; steerage II Meals and berths Included. C H. Thomp son, agent, lit Third. 1 , ,. B. t 8. Cough and Croup Byrtjp Blmpl and effective. ; Best children's medicine. Bpecinc for all chest colds and croup. For-aale by Knight Drug Co, School of Domeatlo Science, 111 Tenth street. . Course of three lessons In soup- making will begin-Friday morning at rl o'clock. Places left for a few pupils. J sh earner Alllanc sails from ' Couch street dock for Coos Bay and Eureka at p. m., xnursasy, Marcn so. jr. f. Bsumgartner, -agent. - Main til. Divorces are asked by Charles EL from Rosa, J. Wilcox, and by Clara M. from John P. Griffin, desertion being th cbsrg in each case. ' ,, ,-. B. eV a Cough and Croup Syrop Sure euro for croup and bronchial colds. Keep on hand for emergencies. For sale by Knight Drug Co. v . 1. Try a meal wlthdut meat at th Vege tarian cafe, 101 Sixth (treat. , , Ansley'a display, Pfandera, Id and Oak Orpheum, vaudeville, burlesque, evna. Ask your grocer for Golden Cheddar, t . . The following number of peo' pi hav signed the, petition re questing ' the ' new - telephone franchise to be put to a vote at th June election: - March II;.. ll March It........ t7t . March IS...., 124 March 14.................. I4 March H. ...... 101 March ft '. tT March II 41 Total ';. .........fttl Hill and Haniman Making Des perate Efforts to Control Strategic Points ThereT SURVEYING PARTIES COVERING THE COUNTRY CM, Levey of Northern Pacific : Takes Charge of Work About Lewiston. The arrival pf CM. Lvy, assistant to th president of th Northern Pacific railroad, at. Lewiston, to take personal command of Purveying operations in the Lewiston and Clerks ton country, has. In a measure confirmed reports of a heavy engagement between th forces of v BUI and Harrlmaa In eastern . Oregon for possession of th strategic , points and water grades for railway extensions be tween the Clearwater river basin end Pasco, There is wild excitement among the residents who have long been with- out needed railway transportation. They regard the appearance of Mr. Levey as a signal lor general unmeaning 01 oat' tarlea of the rival roads and a great battle in ths npen. - Officials of . both roads aasert that their surveying operations only mean the renewal of old rlghta that expired last month, and that all they Intend la to resurvey and retain the routes for merly established, These statements are not well supported' . by the . move- ments of the surveying parties. t They are penetrating country heretofore unap propriated by either road and are strik ing out In unexpected direction. The ntmost secrecy is maintained as to their plana and purposes, -f , i " Mr. "Levey, m his private car Mlnne waska, arrived at Lewiston, accompa nied by " Assistant Chief ' Engineer Crosby, and they were met by John P. Vollmer, a Northern Pacific stockholder, and. immediately - driven to Clarkston, where they assumed supervision of th movements of a large party of surveyors encamped near that city. Asked to x plain th purpose of his visit, Mr. Levey stated that ' th Northern ' pacific com pany was merely relocating old lines of survey. Replying to a question -as to why surveying parties were operating on government land and near tuarkstoa where no former lines had been- run, he I quoted as- reluctantly admitting that "we ar having mess surveys mad In order to prepare for the future, so that when word comes to us we will be pre-4 parea to ao Business. He further admitted ' that agenta of the Northern Pacific company are mak ing contracts for right of way through the prairie country between Lewiston and Clearwater. - t . Th presence of the Northern Pacific a official party and their force of sur veyors In the Lewiston country, with In strument ' pointing" down " the-r Snake lver toward Pisco, -4s regarded as the most significant move made by either company in year in th Pacific north weat, . . -..;..- i - ' . . peflxdte Wsfc . : ' : ' . It la believed at Lewiston that this will shortly be followed by active con struction work that .will surpass tb big batti of five years ago; when nearly J.000 men. were employed in the work between Lewiston and Rlparta. . Move ments of the Northern Pacific engineers In every part of the field, it Is said, hav been marked by a certain deflnlta ness ; that haa created the Impression that ; a plan of construction hss been fully4 decided - on- and that long -needed mean of transportation are about to be greeted. ; '- The old ' Northern " Paclflo ' survey crosses the Snake river at a- point al most due west from' the company's roundhouse at Lewiston, and here a bridge la now being planned by Engineer Crosby. From Clarkston the line fol lows th south bank of th Snake river to a' point below Riparla, where it again crosses the river and continues to Pasco. The company If said to have a line sur veyed down tb north bank of th Col umbia river from Pasco to Vancouver, and It la known that engineers for this company a few weeks ago - completed surveys ai'roas the . peninsula " from-a point opposite Vancouver " to ST,' Johns, and there acrotis- th Willamette river, connecting with their present Portland terminal. .- . Old right To Be menewed. Only recently the same company pur chased the Weldler tract fronting on th river a short distance below th Union depot. Investing between 140,000 and 160.000 in the. property.' . The situation now indicates that the old fight is to be renewed along the lines of the con test of five years ago. It la abattl for ' See Bally Ada. f or BaJrelme. JUST ONE DAY (THURSDAY) Sale of Morris Chairs m Full spring; scat and back; veloor cushion in various colors; in golden oak or mahogany. ' Thee Chairs ar worth $12.50 YOUR CHOICE THURSDAY A '"-CO Oft ONLY .....y7iUU COVELL'S it-ia rims s. Formerly Stew York Faraltar Co. riAca to but FcmsrrromB. a linn i- ?1 M' ' w f To epea a savings account today. It matters not how much money you earn, if yon do not keep a ehar of it yon win not bar wealth nor even aoomntaos. A few dollar laid . asld very week' will goon amount -to hundreds. A sav ings account constitutes the easy chair of old aga and la th! only reliable pre- taction against adversity. We piy four per cent on deposits, eompouaded sentl- ; a. .; i, ' ,-,!, i A . 1 1.--; annually... j :K k: I . ; i ' 6th and Morrison the water grades between "Portland and the. Clearwater basin and the Lolo pass. where the Milwaukee 14 expected- to enter the field from the east and com pet for transcontinental traffic. Dispatches from New York state that th directory of th Milwaukee la at last unanimously in favor of the proposition advanced by President Ear Una to extend the Milwaukee from its present .western terminal at Everts, South Dakota, to Portland, with a spur running to the sound porta. --.., ""'- ' . .-. . - Thia move by 'the Milwaukee has long neen expacieo, ana n naa neea Known that: the company was steadily making preparations to go forward aa soon as a final decision in the merger case enabled than) to see clearly the permanent situa tion - in the Paclflo northwest. It Is said the rapid developments of the last few weeks have caused the directors to take ' an aggressive course. They will build approximately 1.600 miles or new road over a route through the mountain that is said to be a considerably lower grade . than- that of either the Great Northern or the Northern Pacific, The preliminary, survey is now practically complete and estimates show that an expenditure of between I00.000.000 and 180,000,000 will be necessary to com plete and equip the line. ; - - . SPORTSMAN TOURNEY DATE HAS BEEN SET ' The twenty-first annual tournament of the 8portsmen's Association of th Northwest will be held In this city June ft, Zl and 14, under the auspices of the Multnomah-Rod and Gun club. ...The prlseg WU be medal and trophies to the value of ever 12.900, and the club will also -add purses from 11,000 to tt.000 in caah. ' v . - - The association consists of Oregon, Washington, Idaho,' British Columbia, Montana, Utah and California, and will be open to trapshooters residing in this territory. In view of the fact that all transportation companies will make round-trip reduced rate t6 the 'Lewis and Clark fair which wilj b held In this cuy mis summer, ii is expeciea inai the tournament will be th largest ver held in th west. - 1 - - -:- - Programs will be printed -and ready for distribution about May JO. and th secretary will be pleased to mall a copy to any on desiring them. ' 'v v r ' son nAXjrwjur ' Th Horn Training association will meet at t o'clock tomorrow afternoon In the Y. M. C A. building. Sixth anTi Oak streets. The subject. The Adoles cent Period," will be treated by Dr. Edna D. Tintma. The discussion of the ques tion for ths dsy will be led by Mrs. H. L. Wslter. Mothers are Invited to be present and to hand in any written question which- they may wish to hear discussed, - Children are entertained In the nursery. :.'cr. r -'--'::.'. 3 AT THE THEATRES. . Elks ' at Columbia ' Tonight Tkla Is Mwltlwttr the farewell week ef the Onhtmbta Slnrfe enrapany, which haa gives a men? spiemna plays to lm seiroas Ins tbe put SO week, and as a token of the esteem In which the swaibere are held perwieallT sad aa aa orcaBisatimi. the Klks win ettea with friends aad families tnnlght. . The play. "A Onetented Wemaa." seems fan- mim than ever. Pet Bernard and Charlev York J V entertaining sprrlaltles-la the place when I llort Istemled specialties te be tatradaeed is hie great tare, and the asdleer esjajs them. "A Onnteated Wooias" will etas Bssday sight, with swaseaa Batareay and saaaar, . '-"' The Star Laada.. ..' . One ef the stmecest bills ef the eessnn la presented at the ftar tbeab-e this week. There are two great fee tares Mesne Rlraree, the 8paalsh enecert violinist, sod the Bbenk famllr composed ef eeves smart arrobats, have aa set full ef merits. Other arts aa the bill are Barnes sad Wsahbnra, singing. Claadina ea hie banjo, while the MeCarvers keep tbe penpla lenshlag fnr IS mlnateaf afaad Carter aa "The Widow." and her set will be esjoyed by alL vv The Pollard's Tonight. . The tseefsl sanslral comedy, "The HeO ef New Tors." la which the Pollard Mltinatlaa Opera company be-aa a twevweeks encasement Si tbe Manraam Grand theatre Isst alht. will be the bill toolsht aad tomorrow night, mdar and aatardar alshts "The Geisha" win be the offering, and "II. M. . Pinafore" at the hergala srtre matinee SatardsT. The advasre uie ef seats tor next week will epea tomorrow ung. . , , j Th Grand Theatre. ... , James Keen at the Grand theatre la "Dr. Jekrll and Mr, Hrde." has mated more la tere. than asy set that has ever beea pmred Is the boaae. It eertalnlv Is S stress feature far vssdeTille. Ted R. Bos snd sll the ether fsTorltes are making tb. blsxeat kinds ef hits and the entire bill w firing complete sattsfse ties te the public .... At the Lyric. The b. tate Mr. aa m parked sightly te see "The Karty. The pleee Is well staged and fall ef fan from heslaalng t end. There are specialties between the acta good eeea. tod ell for 10 eenta, . The ealr 10-eeat boose Is the city, -; . .. - " . Baker s jGreat BUJ. Jobs P. Urate aV Oe., la "The Burster, " Is making tbe hit ef the week, aad them- are aine ether good arts te emnae the theatre goer. . ' Ten thousand demons gnawing swsv at one's vitals eouldn't be much woran than the tortures ef Itching piles. Yt there's ,. sure. Dean's Ointment never fails, .. .. . , ., ... Oregca Sayings Bank AQE TCESE DI.ESSES Charming Costumes on Lovely Women at Olds, Wortman ' A King's Big Store. INNOVATION ATTRACTS . INTERESTED PEOPLE Beautiful living Models Set Off to Advantage th - Last ' Parisian Confections. ' The'-aight of SO beautiful young wo men, gowned 'In the moot gorgeous of the season's models froni th modiste's hop, is a sight worth paying for, yet It Is furnished several time an hour at the magnlnceHt spring opening of Olds. Wortman m King, .which began yester day forenoon and la on again today, Thia firm may last as long aa Portland, but if ever it excels the splendor of the present - occasion wall, it - will be "go ing some. All day long the second floor waa crowded with women and a few men1 who made their -way through the throng to catch a glimpse of the beautiful 'liv ing models.' Vnder the direction of Mi L. Barnard th girls dressed In new costumes about four time aa hour and paraded through th department for th benefit 'of visitors, who were of two class" customers and etght-eeers, - It Is the first time in the history of any far western city that the innovation has been attempted and that it Is popular was aptly demonstrated by the almost frantically Joyous expressions of .the wo man In attendance. . "The gowns are great, the hats are dreams, wss the way one woman put It. and aha certainly had expressed a wide spread opinion. The aecond floor ' Is like fairyland. The decorations, for which w. W. Saw yer la responsible, were never before equalled in a local Institution. In th big light well of the store a mammoth bell ia suspended by Imitations of eaater llliea.' It la done in yellow., white and green, the spring colors, which predomi nate In the whole decorative scheme Th place 1 a mass of artificial flowers and at intervals th visitor catches a glimpse of bird-cages, Insld of which th yellow winged creatures are warb ling to the best of their ability end adding te th charm of a splendid or chestra. A carpet that cost the house over : ! 1.600 is laid on the floor, th windows are all ahadsd with veil cur tains and In looking around at the mag nificent costumes it is not d im cult to im agine that you have stepped into a great elegant reception room. There are I BOO gowns on exhibition, done in the prevail ing spring fashion that of Marie An toinette and the early French. Th ltgnt colors are mor conspicuous, whit is th favorite for th season. The' Im ported gowns by Psquln and other Fa tialans 'are creations never to bay for gotten... The millinery dfpartmeat la equally beautiful. There la every, sort of hat on display and for aale at any sort cf price Frank M. Hamburg la in charge of thia part of the store, and he has filled it with wonderful styles and con ceptions. - , , , -, . - Some women there were who went to the store yesterday morning and Aid not leav until dinner time. A tea room op erated by tb Young Women' Christian association mad their stay more plea ant.; Today, that organisation sent a mandolin club to the store to entertain tne visitors. Th window decoration la another strong feature. In the corner window there ia a -chiffon set. with a parasol ana nat, valued at I00. - Another win dow ia fixed op in honor of the Woodmen of th - World. It contain large por traits or paat consul W. Reldt of Web- foot camp and Governor Chamberlain. DIXIE SOCIETY HAS ENJOYABLE MEETING At a meeting of th Dixie society at th city hall laat night the matter of selecting a day to be known as "Louisi ana Day," at th Lewi and Clark x position, was put before the society. In accordance with the suggestion of Gov ernor Blsnchsrd, and will be acted on by a special committee. It-wss decided to postpone th nelt meeting until the fourth Tuesday-In April, when a larger hall will be secured and an elaborate program given snd other state societies will be entertained. "Reminiscences of .the South" waa an ' exceedingly Interesting paper by Henry 8. Westbrook. Mrs. Vincent Ma rino gave a darkey reading, "The One- Legged Oooee. aa only a finished elo cutionist could. Her contagious South ern laugh evoked great applause. OtttHttttt Portland's Greatest Book Store is approaching.' We have. a splendid line of Easter gifts, among which are Prayer Books i iiymnais . Booklets We have :"the . handsomest and most complete line of Bibles ever shown. v;.;;:::.:":,;thet:.:; v.;: J. K. GILL CO.! Booksellers and Stationers V THIRD AND ALDER Gnat Things at Little Prices ' TWo Rivers Irrigctcd Lcnis Low pries,' tasy ' terms, and will produce annaaily man1 times present price per acre. A Special Excursion Will leave Portland Saturday evening, arriving back Mon day morning no loss of time Low round . trip rates '. ar V . ranged by calling on : 1, E.S. JACKSON '" General Sales Agent. -. 246 SUrk Street Removal Notice On aoeonnt of Inauffielent room and the outgrowing of our present quarters we win oe insiaiiea in our new ouua Inar. MS Wsnhlncton street. In the new slz-story building on the corner of West Park and Washington streets, on or about April X. For a short time Only anv Journal aubacrlber havlna a Dra- mium machine can exchange same for any outfit aa high aa ,u.os ror si.e down and 11.00 per week, being allowed la.vo on in a nine leiiow. ' COLUTaEU PHONOGRAPH COCen'l iss anrngjrrx sr. rosnvajro, om. Orand Prix. Parla, ISO. r Double Grand Prise Bt. Louis. 114. " - This delicious dessert is like a lovable woman. Ton love It. All men do. The cook oomas ' in for her ehere of affection, , innntOT, 1 cents a package. AT ALL GROCERS. Closing Out Matting Sale Having a very large' stock ef , fine linen warp matting en hand, we must positively close It out to make room for our new stock of goods to arrive for the fair trade. We alao have a large stock of new canton, crepe and - linen em broidered - patterns for 'lad lea" waists and dresses, pongee silks snd other fine goods, such aa grass linen, table center pieces, Japanese and Chinese latest novel ties, curios, stc, at lowest prices. Andp Kan & Co. - 287 MORRISON Vith Lewis & Clark , ' Is an Interesting Article in 'APRIL;;.;- Sunset Magazine This srtlcle is wen lllus '. trated,and should be read " by people ef the North- ' ; , weal and then eent to , . their eastern friends. It' " will help to show them ... , the enterprise and prog- ! . ... resa of the Northwest -better than many letters ; . would. Other articles, ,. hhort stories snd verse, iou ar axx nvrs sxaxna. AiRraVananfTS. Ill Dflll 1 11 OS Ago W. T. raagte. Sea. Kga BlAKUUAnl taUAiai Vaaaa Mala M Ttmltht sad T morrow Klaiit. TKX rOLLAXD LTLLirUTtaJt OPEgA 00. "TBS BILLS Of XIW TOkg." rrlday aad Saturday algnta. -Tb (Vlafea. Saturday matin. "U. tf. S. Flaafore." ' Ivealag ariaas I'sraeet; TV; Sennet elreW, atatlsee yrteas rie aad Ue. ovals saillDg tat tala wrrk. AdTSaee sale tor sext wsek elll sees Imsi arias. DAKER THEATR1L TbIH aad Yamklll ara. Keallns 4 Fleee. Man. agera. uirgMi vsuaeriiie name IB ASMMca. I , WALgX AST UOI, JOH r. BKACK CO. . rcAiuog and rtaasow; . . ASJiaXDO ANEr CBAPraXUt, TAB WTLBOB. ., ... ... TBS S400BAFH. : AdmlaaUia. dnwastalra, i r; npatalra. Mo. IVrformanrte at .:W). T;;tO ssd :U p. m. BLAZiaa atoa, . . CORCBBT . kVIBT M10HT. . ats-ta auaitsiOsV ;MwDALL 'With every pair of Boy's Shoes wegive a Baseball Mitt or Ball Free.' Splendid Boys' Shoes at Ql.ZO, f 1.75, f 2, 925, 4? 2.50, f 2.75, ?3... SX hyX:: fpr KNidiirs Opposite Perkins HoteL . AJgUSBBUOTTg. GRAND THEATRE Challenge to the Star " Jaass S. btMaaBavssaasger'sf the wraad Tkeatre, sf fats te wages SiOS te gaM that the Star sjaaagasjsst eaaaet yrar that the svea SMa aew alagisg at the Star Tkeatoe are the teal aad arlgiaal Saaake family at aarekats aad have the maml aad tisatrlml right te the ass ef the Shaake same, sad that the Btas aaaaet shew these aa ssllal Bhsakea are ether thaa saiaral aaseeass siaiamly set tsgstaes te dlsiisat aay leaalaiaaa that aslaM ' euse te the grasd Theatre by ssasaa ag tsaer asatiset te amy the real aad ailglsal fsiaaaa ea Asrfl la. :-t . The bear sgieeiag a dsaats the ssa ss test is aay wertay aasilij ta the erty wslsh ban be Baawd hy Mayer WUliaau. The aartise W,tae wager shall have the right to - srsdaM svUeses before aay three dmtstaested maroaaats at the- ettg ead a . aaelelss ef the marKy af the Jwagea ts he sal aad decisive, - -" - -. -4-. GRAND The Oalv Seal ssd Orlguwl SHE1NKB FAMILY .' ' . . World's Greatest Aoabats, : WILL YOSRIVaXY AJPRAB , , - Exehnaveiy at the 0 Hand thkatrb- " .-... :.( o oa Asotrr ana. i. - , , :;,v;,-v-.-v grr or Bmt t'' ' . Tonirht sad Dally afadaee. JAMXM KXABg, "Dr. JkyU aad Mr. Hjea , The VatealMad MM. .m - , --- ''' TID X. BOX. . '-, -' ' ' DOXT ABB SBXAB. . MB. ABB SOU. t. T. TVWT. -TEX LVCASOB., BICX ABB WALTZB4 ', ' . ALT BOBBXB. TKX aXAXVIsOOPX. - - - gvralag Brieee, Wvw lMr, MM; baleaay, 10. MsUaa (except Ssadays aad Iwndsys),. lea, i.. Bos eeets, 33c COLUMBIA THEATRE TOBIOKT-XUrg' BMBTI ' , Parewsll Week af the Peealar ' f Columbia Stock Company la Bert's sereaanag fares sesmdy, "ACcatentedTto" ' Matlaess setarday sad Basday. - ' " Bvenlag, SOe. 5e. JBe, JVi metises. Sea, ISe. toe. - Du.s lews sex efSee eeea ell aay. TTr Vsrdmi eaady ahop, T Misrlsua. Mala ltu; evealag at theatre. Mala Sll. Star Theatre MODERN VAUDEVILLE Park asd Wash Bta... TA. kuta SeM ; - THB flBBAT OKIOINAb - - SHENKE FAMILY ' v-t Darrraled Acrobats SEN. RICARDO RUIZ . r Spaalsa Oearert Vmllaami 7-Other Headline Acts-7 -; MATTBXXS-4M ts Aay Seat, " ' ' raaiac ltr, SOo, . Dally Madae. 1:30; Bvenlag, 1:M aad ScX THE L YRIC THE A TQU SBVKNTH AND ALDER STRKkTa. Kvtrr Aftrroooa snd Errains. . The Lateet Bew Terk Oemedy ganaiss. "The Late Mr. Early" A laagb S mlnate. . ' Not s sen mnwist. gaMlaltirs betwwa arts. Partermaaees at H 30. T:W sad S IS p. sl t'aaal price at admlaaioa. 10 eenta. BOYS' SHOES . S 1.2' Boys' Suits. fl.SO, a.OO and tSJZ A ball and bat free with every suit. Boys' Shirts . . L . Ladles and Men's Shoes...!, va.oo and r Misses' Shoes 91.2S and (.1. We save you from o to 11.00 c . every pair. . Men's Suits.... ST.BO. $10 v fia.ftO and , Men's Faate.. fl.SO, 3.S n - -- -' i 1 Men's BhlrU....B0, TS? and f Men's Hatst. 91.25, Cl.t snd i Men's Underwear. ..... ,B9. ' 1 - . a a ' Yea are bound te save too en i .dollar you invest w'. "i i , We hsve strictly one pr' x, t - , ,. .,, In. plain flgur JOHNDL AT TWO TC7 rirst aad Tamhlll and Th: . . MMtttttit 5 V- ;