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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1905)
7 . " - THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAU PORTLAND. WCDKSSDAY. EVS:ax;0, LIAT.CII 6, i: DASEDALL SEASC'i OPENS TOMORROW . Tha Inaugural Gam - of This Season Will Be Played in the pacific. Coast League. ' INCREASED INTEREST ' IN NATIONAL PASTIME i ,T r. ,:,,,,.v.:i , Now Is 'the Time When Every , ylTeam in Every League Has ' ' ' " Prospects of Winning. r ' " With the- eal of "Play Ball" by Vm 'plres Davie, Klopf and Perrlne at' Los . . Angelas, Oakland and San Francisco the . pasenaii season or no win nave ten ' Inaugurated, and from -tha Interest being , taken In tha national paatlma all- over " , the country tlit aeaaon promises to be ' lithe most successful In years. ",','- . On account of the climatic condl ' tlona prevail In la California, ' which make it possibi to"' play all tha year round, the Paclno Coaat league Inaugu. -- rates its season -over a month In advance MCf any of the eastern associations, and the publlq of .this part of 'the United States - is permitted, to witness their ' favorite sport for over two months af ter the eastern league races have been I M I .. ... , ' " '. - ....,..' . ' . , nnciuou. ' v. . f, . ' t All the larger professional baseball league, haver, been practicing for eev- ral weeks in tha warm climate of the l southern states, and the lucky fan of that latitude is permitted to watch the finest baU tossers In the country in their pprtng preliminary work. . t ' - The fan of this league, that la, tha n- ithuatast who happens to eke out his ea Inteaee in San Francisco, Oakland or Los Angeles has been given an opportunity of witnessing a' big Jeague aggregation In lta preliminary stunts during the-last two years, for Manager Frank Seles of ' Chicago has brought lh cub who ran . , second to McGraw'o champion New York v ulairts- in -tha last National league race, to California for the second time.' The . Chicago.- toamts-aaid-by-tta president,- Dames A. Hart, and the manager, to be greatly benefited by this long trip away from the cold and bltssardy east, and Both they and their players swear by the Pacmo coast as being tha bear place Tor spring -practice they have yet found. The time may 'not bo far distant when : many of the - major league dubs will vail, themselves of the balmy climate of .California for their annual spring . training tour. ' ' :.....'. - The day before tha opening of the tea . Hon finds the clubs In this league all In fine condition and prepared to strug gle for. the honors from the very start. . Soma few weeks, ago ' Henry Harris, the manager of the San Francisco base . 'ball ' team. Wrote a comment en the - chances of ho-rtowrneamtirthls league for the coming raoe for tha pen pant. - r- ' ,'V . Uncle Henry Is usually a moat quiet and reserved gentleman, but In the art tide - referred to ho picked . flaws in home of the Coast league clubs and; handed red hot comments as to the de- ' merits of several players. Naturally tha teams and tha players whom Harris dopes, aa- also ran are very Indignant at the San Francisco man's presumption In sitting as a Judge and Jury en their capabilities. In . soma Instances ' tha writer agrees with Harris, but in others tils .views are somewhat unjust and seemingly prejudiced. But It always takes two sides to make an argument ' and therefore It must needs take two teams of rtval ambition to make' a 'baseball game. ", '-.'? . Following up tha heels ! of Harris cornea his worthy mouthpiece and rela tive, Mlquel Angelo Fisher, with his idea of the coming race. The Tacoma man- - agar has somewhat different views, 1A , this lnstanoa, which la surprising, for - Mike dopes several of the . clubs dif ferently from Harris, but, of course, has tha flag cinched for his Tigers. Now It would. not be policy, for, them to i agree that either Tiooma. or San Fran Cisco would win, for should they settle on one. or 'the- other town..helr 're Kpeotlve constituents would become dis- , pleased.., , , '. Fieher etarta his pipe dream off with ' lengthy effusloa on what his Tigers ; are going ta do with , the other clubs, after which follows a nice- little bou qut thrown at Uncle Henry and bis Seals.' Oakland and IAS Angelea come " In for favorable mention, and then ho winda up with, tha following.' comment . 'n Portland and Beattlei . The Portland club looks welt end ... wider hfcCredle'a - able management -. oaght to be well p In the race. Of course, what the men will do when tyiey 1 A, DoIIar-s Worth free - To Any Rheumatic Sufferer -'' I ask ae aisoait ea refiesea se eeeerltr. There Is aethuig t rtak aethlng to praeitae tMUa te pay, either sew er later. A ay Bate- mtctim sBfterer wbe mom aot know aty tesieay may nave a fall aoUars worth free te try. - I srUUagly atake -IMS liberal after bmw I ftaow that Or. seoop'a RbeoataUa Beneey stay ' ba retled apen ALWAYS te bring the etaxst re lief that awdtciae eee,. lean bafere I ale- reaaedy. I stsdiea tha Htm e . rr Bheasiatlasi la reaut ' " y Crystallized Poison! - Toor Wood leenraya fall ef SoUns the 'Selene am eat aad drink and breath late year i ersteau It ! tb serpoet of the biaed U abwrk end carry off thla wry potaoa. Aad the kid i orji. which are the blnod altera, are eipmed to eleaBM) the blood aad send it bark Urease ' tbe aysteai cleaa, tn gather nor pelaoa, which ' they, te form. . wilt llBUnata. Bat isaetuiiea the kldaeya fall. And eoaw tinea, trrym eoaw ether caeaa, the bleed gets l (all ef Bobna that they ran not abnarh It alL Thla ta tb start ef RheaaiatieaL, The aotaoa seeanalaue and eryetalltaea, Tb erratela look . ' Ilka little gralaa ef eogar er ef See white aaad. - I'h blond carrtee them aad the ioerraae la le. Thee, wbea H as earry thesi ae kieger, It aeaoslH tbeat la s )alat ea a boo aay- -' The twines la yoef leg the doll In year eta ea a raley day time ar tb eatward aim ' wf the naaeiia eryatal. Aad tb twleted limb aad eneeeakahl aactdah of tbe enfrerer wbe baa allowed hi eyweteBM te ge habeeded aad eaattvnded for year the ar tb vldaeea ef what Kheesiatlra. MgArwd. eae 6a, KheesMriaBi laeladee habere, aelahea. see. ralata. geet far all tbae are the reaalU ef ; raraaMtlc solaoa Is tb blood; ' Plainly, the rst thing te do la to reawTe the tnleoe. Bat thla ia jmt eaoaghj Tko FOHMA. TIOM ef ta potaoa emst Be atneoedi a that aatnr aay bava a ehaac t dleeutee ad cllail at tb eryalala which bar already fnrejed. t ale thi I dose there caa be a lull a perauaaat eeUat I Bearebed tb wbr.1 rmHk tar aeeelf e fnr Raeaaitl eoawthlng that I ar aay phyetetaa raid feei eat ta preaarthlng aonethlng that W eeald eosef ea set eely eeeaaloaally, bat Mild eaaejri'Bre eeawtlmes eared by a slsgle Dr. Shbop's Rheumatic Remedy I J . gat together" remains to" ba seen. The Portland lub looked well on paper at the beginning at last aeaaon, but was a big - disappointment when . It came to playing 'the game. It will largely de pend upon tha management. ' I want to see 'Portland have a strong team- There Is no better ball town In' the. league; tha people there turned . out I well' avea last rear, wbea Jthelr club waa at. the bottom of the heap. People who turn out that' way j deserve a winning teara,)bla, and two new men, Poraa and Mo and 1 nope to see Portland well up la I Govern. . With La oh an ce or Oiimshaw tha race. ,". .' ' r ' - v - ' t 'It is Imnoealble to ' ur anvthlns about tha Seattle club, aa there are few of tha men familiar to me.. Kuas Hall has kept few af last year's men.. Most of Ma new .men are youngttera about whom ' little ia known out here. The Chicago players who saw them at .work down at Santa Barbara "say they' are a likely looking u of players who seem to know ths game. It is not always tne collection of stars that shows up best Hall undoubtedly knows what he la do ing, and It would not Surprise ma s bit If ha had a first division team., v ' "My opinion at present1 is 'that the first division teama will be Tacoma, San o.r. .... h. soma tirnrluK. , This win. Francisco and Portland, but of course. .in- KM-i-ii ia awfoii tiresome to me, though. I sometimes feel as though it Isn't at all kind of me te take advantage of the other clubs. But this year r don't sea how I .am going to prevent the whole fight from being fori second pUca. Tacoma wlU have . first ua racmc mm league ior xwo aea nlaoa from the start" ,;.., 1 sona;-and the youngsters Hogg from Thr la a' tnan' In .IhU'MltttlMunt 't who knows as much about tha great national game as jmy man In tha bual- -. .jf;. nvH, miu uw mimww limfr wuvu mj tuat)- ger prophesies that his team Is going to walk away or even win tha pennant he is likely to prove himself badly, mistaken, for thta man. who Is known to tha base ball world of tha United States, ia Buck Keith, formerly of Omaha, and ha Is a person who knows whereof he speaks Mr Keith's 10 years of practical ex perience entitles him to consideration on matters pertaining to tha national pas time. " The best teams on paper at the outset of a baseball season are likely to run in tha absolutely position, there-. fore it behooves a wise manager to use littla rilnlnman In hie BmnhM H as to tha rirtim MrfAnniMM r hie lun. citing and closely contested race In this I ld again, with Dave Fulta or ADder laene durlna- the season which onens to- " tar and Willie Keeler in right league during the season which opens to morrow,, and the "versatile fan will shortly have plenty to excite his imagln atlon. and Incidentally plenty of material on which to swing hie little-hammer. A ball player who gets off on the right foot and Initiates bis season with the conquering hero, but woe betide the nnf ortnnate Individual who by noor work the , start Incurs tha displeasure of u. v.- ... k. ....- in m.v. Ufa miserable for tha poor player, mna ever chan res his tactics, oven ,i .... v.n . T..i. rZl Player who most pleases the fickle ran la tha man who can make an occasional home run. triple or a timely double, and who will make a phenomenal catch or stop, but both these attributes must t mn. MUM mm'KammmmmmA h the eama iitvMuT - T : " ' 1 - -gr-r t- Aawa it tei4r-Jw W-1PA f r. raraiat I. h.ln. t.V.n I ft th. national nme thla V-rwem J iwauj sisiiuwwiin ae w w - 1. rrrr:i .r... vit;:; :v..".v..igin. i ' that win Pra a winner, I Aside from tha speehlaUon as to the I outcome of .the local league's race, the struggle In tha major leagues promlsea ,n tl.Z.,, i;.t7. 7 iZ r.. li.r.VJ ...r i vnrtmA .- eagerly watched Aere In Portland d the .New Tork and Boston clubs baai. . , . tw.i. about. """bar of admirers. . Asaarloaa SaauTM Sao. I Tha American league rate, according I to many shrewd Judges, will be even I closer than last year, when tha result of It was in doubt riant tip to tha laat I day of tha season.- While, the Bostons and tha New Torks bars practically the oeeded Armour as manager of tha crack aama teams, with soma points strength-1 Cleveland club, and under tha guidance aned. that made tha .memorable race tolof tha former hack driver, tha Bluea are the wire laat aeaaon. the Chlcagos, who I looked Ilka possible champions up to I within two weeka of the end, must be re-1 garded aa factors, together with the I mlshtr Clevelands and the well managed I Phlladelpbians. Not one of the guesaera I will place Detroit St Louis and Wash-1 Ington In ths hunt, slthough In Detroit's I may be aald that tha Michigan 1 1902 season, will play first base. Brad team aeema .to ' have been considerably I ley third and Turner ' shortstop. . The strengthened. . ' ' . I outfield will be made up of Vinson, Bay The champion Bostons have a number I of young fellowe to try out. bat when I the championship season begins they I will probably abow that same old lineup I with tha exception that Jesse Burkettl will be seen in left field Instead of I Kip Seibach. .. Burkett will undoubtedly I strengthen the world's champions In bat-1 ting, base running and fielding, aa he outclasses Seibach In all . of these do- partments. Collins haa secured Grim-1 shew, the Buffalo first baseman, and Is just possible thst the Bison can ALWAYS yer the range ef Bhenmtlra ar ererywber and genuine relief la rare. I aeent twenty year la experlneetlng before I felt aatlased that I had a cartels remedy for this dread d1e e rmaedr whleh would only cleaa oat tb solaoa, bat -on which woo Id atop It tarnation. . Certain Relief Tb aeeeet lay In a woaderfol ehemleal I fonod is Uenaany. When I found thle ehemleal I knew that I eonld make a Rheumatic cure u wouis;. praciicauy rertaia. But eves then, befor I mad an announcement before I waa willing t hut Br aama aa It I n.. thaa Z.0OV tcatsl And my failures Were bat t i ma uermaa esemiesi nan ehemleal I not tha i dWnt I see In Dr. Bkoop'a Khe.rn.Ul (mhat It mad tk remedy hoa,ihiTv. I aehleremeat whlrb, I doubt sot, coal ad la oo ether war. d bar ba Thla chemical waa yery expeiwlee. ' The duty too. waa high. In all It east m 4 BO per pound But What la $4 M per pound for m KEAL remedy w . ,TT.. . ' T7l uiww ; torn a belnge Tnowl T Tatt torture hasua I don't meaa that lr. Rheop'a RbeiimatM Onr ean tarn bony Hat Into sens aealn !h . ,",BO"'bl'. B H will driee from th TthVe'tbaTS .K'end-orre'pJ.aTVlT. ln. k. ..rf tk- .rt..JZ .iTV" 77. ,wwl 1 7. '".T.1 'erd to make m2LP&glttSS2S i.."" " ' "- .V . SMiv-urvelllc- n. (tran, ttM worl4 mj team f aay rtawdr. Simjply .Write Me- , The offer I apes to everyone, Itriwtieeo. II Ml . . writ MR for th fre dollar parkag order, i will aend" ye aa order oa your druggtnt which wn sa not triee my remedy. win am-pi mm aiaaiy aa a would aorHt ollar. lie will haad foe from hu abelrea dollar, a Maadard l-d Pvka and he will new the oi ii ia me. . j nere ar no rrmnitlraia n guirwmenu. .an uat I aak yoe to do ia t write writ tndar. I will aend vn. i -k " nni.wiiaa oeeioe. . II 1 rre. It will eip roe tn anderatand ynor rum, Address Bvwpt awn u. vi4.. aiacisa, r la. 'saks, - OB sals at forty thoeaaad drag store. dlsplaca Oaorge Lavehanee, 7 tha " votaraa of many seasons. . who la a splendid fielder, but somewhat weak with tha stick. The Boston learn will have the same pitching staff aa laat year, Jesse Tannehill, Cy Young, Bill Dlneen, Qlb soa and Winters, together with a couple or promising youngsters in w-saiona ana ! Olmstead. The catchers .will be Louis Crlger. the best backstop playing ball today; r Charier FarrelL old and rella i on first, tha same old stonewall Infield, 1 Parent Ferris and Collins, with Unglaub, axtra man.- will Uke the diamond once I more, whlla ."Chick" Sdahl wUl be the J regular center fielder. Seibach and Freo- man lighting it out for right'' field. Many Boston fans still regret the trade .whereby they lost Pat Dougherty, but even at that, the team looks just aa Strong as last season. Down in New Tork, where Clark Grit flth haa bean trying to strengthen bis Highlanders ever since laat -fall. It conceded that the little manager-pitcher has succeeded in collecting: what aeema to bo ana of the greatest corps of pitch era that haa ever represented one team on the diamond. ' Chesbro, tha star of I them all; Jack PowelL steady aa a rock I Al 'Orth. brainy and .skillful; Griffith foxy and always ready; Clarkson, young and promising,: Puttmann. a lsft hander with wonderful speed; Doer Newton, ai- "jr t mua wn was -Miiy m best pitcher, on the Loa Angeles team I a t. ti . . i i . ti j j n . I tH"nv wili Iran own HU wrr . Holycross, WbtUey and Metcalfe, wh9 n,ttd rea of their I reanectiva learaea last - season. The I -, TL , oatchera are three In number, veteran Jim MoGUlre, Jack Klelnow, a, star al' ready, and Duff, tha Manhattan oollege boy. John ' Gausel, who la elated aa the regular first Backer, la said to have refused to report and will manage an other team in a minor r league this sea son, and in case ha maintains his present Stand, first base will be covered by either John Anderson or Hal Chase, the widely heralded young phenomenon who played with Los Angelea last year. Jimmy . Williams will again bo the f?n b,,eman lth. !Tld" 9onror P? I " mm am luncrwra won osra. ' wut urn nm ouuiw in' I fielder. Pat - Dougherty will play left Held. Griffith also has Jake Gettman the Buffalo outfielder, on his staff, and may And a place for him.-. - Tha- Quaker City -will, aa has been the case la tha paat two or three years. get tha best brand of ball from -Connie Mack's Philadelphia Athletics -of the rH.n1!u' wWo1 which team will be pracwoauy ne same as laat year. Tha team has been Strengthened by tha ad- dltlon of tha Holy Cross university bat ''ZZ'tt Jlll 9kle! regarded as a coming Star, for in tha few gamee be pitched laat season ha easily demonatratod that ha pooseeaed I :" " - Tfi" in.? SZt ZZl "W0t.lTnt 1 n'k i, K? S"1.. n.de5 ". ?d nd in i umu eucctwfc nmrrj I Davla, Murphy. Lave Cross, MoaU Cross, ITOMW' Maws'all Ualnh Uaa-hiill Dlanhr I .la.taw a.M.Ka avau. MMBft. I w - "BIT i n , . ai . . . s it.. . i 1 "Kuhe" waddeu will all be In harness pUra marked ability In that capacity tk. .nin. .i n. . ; .v.T. ".T rll-Ti l.TT , -V TT-Xe "Ll r,,.,. 1llmn, .hi,T e.i D,Tl -"P a ahort field po.1- mng comntnauon. isoeu wui cover nrst oaae again, wita imnaon at second, mo , thim and rjnnohn u mtrm Holma and Jlmmv Callahai ar. the outfielders, all of them fast men. The catchers are Sullivan, and McFarland, with White, Altrock; Owen, Patterson, Smith, Dougherty and Fiona In the box. - Napoleon Lalole. fha greatest of all the present day ball flayers, has sue expected to provt tha most formidable contenders to New Tork and Boston, tha favorites In tha coming race, for tha American . league pennant The big fellow will play second base. where he 1 without a peer in all-around play, while George StovaL'who waa with Portland during tha latter part of the and Flick. Tha team la strong In pitch' era, with Bernhardt, Rhoades, Donohue, Moore, Hess, Joes and ' others, -while there ia bo better calcner than Bemla. The Detroit have a Splendid lot of pitchers in Donovan, Mullen, Kltson and Kllllan, with several others. ' Hlokman will play first base, with Schaefer. (newcomers from Milwaukee, at aecond; Coughlin at . third and O Leery short' stop. Crawford. Barrett and Molntyra make a faat outfield. Moat of tbe catching will be dona by Drill and Sullivan, -the latter halls from St. Paul and will be remembered by tbe local fana as tha crack backstop of the 1101 Helena . team. Armour has been trying to secure Gahsel for first base, with tha Idea of shifting Hickman to second, and would also Ilka to get KItt ridge from Washington to help' out be hind tha bat, but both deals are hang" mg nr. Manager MeAleer baa given the St Louis Americana a complete shaking up and will Introduce a number of new faces this year. 1 Burkett waa traded to Boston for Stone, who will play left field, with Heldrick In center and Hynea In right. Kid Wallace, one of tha star shortstops of the country, will play thla bsae in future while Smlta, a new man will try to fill hla ahoea at ahort field. MeAleer . has three - aecond base men. Dick Padden, Rockenfeld and Bdmond son, with Moraa and Harry Gleason aa extra lnflelders. Jones will play first bsse again and la a first clasa - man. Jack O'Connor Is expected to. do. tha bulk of tha catching, with Joe Bugden and Weaver to help him. The pitchers are Olade. a star; Pelty, Howell, Mor gan, Sudhoff, Swan, Began,- Stlllman and "'-. ""'"'w t.. . . " ' "J ' The , Washington team. Which . wag playing fsst ball at the close of laat neason, will b managed by the former University of Illinois player. Jake Statu, wno win cover first base. Btahl is a Dig outer ana is also ins youngest man- ager In tbe profession. Mullen will play "ond Hill third, Cassidy .sbort- atop and NIU extra man. The outfield will be taken care of bv Huelsman. big hitter and is also the youngest man- rW5 la2 h'V"" ,Umpef tha ' Pnrtland team In tha war veae! Shaughnessy and Congallon. Clarke, Klttrldge. Hayden and Knoll are the catcher, with Hughes. Wolfe. Town send, Jacobsen and Pat ton- ia the box. ' Tha sTaatoaal leaf Saoa. v The .National league race does not promise to be as Interesting as that of the American; for, although it Is prac tically conceded that New York will win again, It Is possible that Chicago and Cincinnati will give tha Giants a run for the honors. Pittsburg may also prove a strong factor, .. . . ... , Nsw York, under the management bf John J. McOraw, and with the crack' twlrlers Matthewson and McGinnlty, who are looked upon aa invincible; Dummy Taylor, who is almost their equal, and Leon Ames, who is expected to do bet ter work then last year, the Giants ess lly tske the Dalm for Dtrrhlna talent. The fame old inrield combination Mo Gsnn, Gilbert. Ihthlen and Devlin -will gain be seen ia the regular llrteui. while Sammy Strang. formerly of the Brook ' lyna, win act aa utility man, and Jack Dunn, who la wanted by the FTovtdenoe club aa manager, may be retained If ail of the other National league clubs do not waive iclalma. ' Tbe outfield will be made up of Mertesi Donlln and Browne, a trio hard- te beat.- Dooiln la expected to lead the league in batting. MoGraw haa sev eral other players in tow. Including Graham,- a faat outfielder from New Eng land, who mf turn out to be a sur prise. i v. ." ' ...' ' ,.. ; ' . - The Chicago s. who finished second last year, are rated aa about the same In relaying strength, although JTrank Belse will probably Improve upon their team play considerably. The men are In Cali fornia nlrMil. . wrhar a loft of VOUfll bloods win be tried out but tha chancea a,U . .k. mi BajK MSk Bw4 V Kllng and O-Neill behind the bat: Wei- mer. Wicker. Brlggs. Brown, Pfeffer, Qrothe end Lund gr en tn the box; Chance, Bvers Tinker am Casey In "the -Infield, I u.j !-.- , , . n. 1 -g , 4,1, and McCarthy, Slagle and Barry in the HaiTe Victory - IS One , Of WO outfield, with Williams. Mocnesney, eia loney, Pennell, Schulte and Hoffman as axtra men, who may make good. '. - Joe Kelleys Cincinnati team will prove no fore formidable than in the paat, ae- eMMtllne, Ia th. nmnhA . Vallev. Huf. wtn rvimni anil flralnfeldt will make up the infield, with Woodruff as extra man. Sebrlng la the 'best of tha out- f lehlera under , contract, although, Cy Seymour is a close second. Hahn and Harper are. tha maiiurUjrwn Ua box, with Phelna and Schlel the catchers. The Pittsburgh will be strengthened somewhat by tbe return of Fred Clarke to left field. Bransf lald'a place at first base will' be filled bv Clancy, who waa scheduled to play with Oakland last year. but Lohman allowed him to. get away.ljfao Aiej u re ggnins giving me pout to while Bltchey7Hana Wagner and Leach Hart It was probably the moat popular will cover tha other - Infield post tlona decision that -haa) been rendered In some Beaumont will ba at enter again, while right field will be filled by Clymer, for ...el Buffalo- The nltchera are the! veterans PhUllppe and Leevar, with Rob - ertallle and a raft of other young hue - tiar. en k. trim nut. Smith and fltai are the catchers." - ... Kid Nichols' St Louis team is practl- eally tbe aama as last year. Nichols, Taylor. McFarland. McGlnley, Brown, 1 no snowmg maae py me ooiorea man Dunleavy, O'Neill. Kagan and Campbell last night effectually demonstrated, that are the pitchers, with Warner (formerly he has no business with Jeffries, tor of New Tork). Grady. Butler of Kansas hig display of ring generalship aad fight City and Zearfoaa, formerly with Ta- In ability was very bad. Hp pounded coma and Butte under McCloeksys man asement to do tha catching. The ln flelders are Beckley, FarreD, 'Shay, Burka and Brain, with Smoot Shannon, Clark and Hill In tha outfield. 'Hanley of Brooklyn will have nneca. ard, Dobbs, fcnmley, Batch. Babb, Lewis, Jacklltsch, Bergen, Poole, Jonas aad oth- ere of last year's team to work with aa a nucleus, together with a regiment of minor league talent from which ba hopes to develon several stars. ' Hue-he Duffv"a Philadelphia team has .hriiu. aArAa. hut not anon ah to warrant a prediction -mat iney wui have a chanoe to get Into tha first dlvl- ZTZt wT. wrlTJaei.M nam covee first base, with Kid Glean on at second, Dooiln, formerl v of Jersey 1 City, at . snort- field and Kruawr. formerly with Pitts burg, at third, with Courtney of Buffalo 1 aa an extra inneider. ttoy -i nomas is tha best outfielder, with Doota tha lead ing catcher. Duffy bag a fair pitching staff, v ; ; ; . Fred ..Teonev -mocaeds- M - Buck en- be rg-er In the management of tha Bos ton Nationals, and the Triumvirs cannot 1 ds saia to snow ayj .7 ,7 laat aeaaon. Tenney WlU pUy first baae. with , nam Wolverton. formerly'- 01 " .r ... . i,.i...i-i.i. . pniiaaeipnia, on miru. 1 a"" "" too ahorutop.' with minor league pUyers of aotibui caora lor " Tr I uone. "uii- ' r . ,T: dan second. Tarn CBhanter third; time, pitchers.. Tha team looks to ba thai,.,, , -r. . .... weakest In ths leajrue on paper. -:- - I 'ull. ... . srvt. .... The Eastern league, which is probably I uie pirvni . . i will have another close and Interesting raoe this. Season. TBuffalo, the Vetmant winners of last season, have been badly shattered br the draft of Courtney and Orlmahaw and the loss of Gettman and civmer by Durchahe. and ara likely to be given at strong fight by Baltimore and Jersey City, which teama are practl- eauy tna same aa iaai aaaa r denca alao baa a strong team that may show pennant 'pood. '-. , ; The American Association's race is said to - be between tha champion Bt. Paul club, Columbus and Indiana poll With Toledo and Kansas City as possible oontendera. w t, : - .1 The Southern league raoe promlsea to be extremely Interesting, for Memphis, the champions of iu. is o nave a hard battle against the strengthened nana name agsuwt na iremuni-. New Orleans, Atlanta and LitUe Bock cluba. Naahviua jjnd Shreveport are umyij - w ",' la the weatera league ine cnampion Omaha club will have to hurry to again beat out Denver and Colorado Springs. Bloux City aad Des Moines ara alao stronger thaa laat aeaaon. All tha teams In tha leaser leagues ara claiming pennant. Winners at present but ia a ahort while many food hopes wui havs been blasted, for every team can not win the flag, and as some club haa to be last a large number of widely heralded first division teams will a usual be found Id the "also rans." BATTING ORDER OF, THE OPPOSING TEAMS The Coast league that cross bat to morrow afternoon have arranged their bating orders and will line up against each other aa follows: , '.''.. At angolas 1 ' fArt1arA ' Los Angeles." Bernard, c f. Van Buren, T t McCredle. r. f. Flood, 2 b. Bchlaflay, lb. ''- Smith, lb. Householder. 0.' t " Dillon, lb. I' Clarke, lb. v Oravath, r. f. Runkle, lb. , Rons, 1. f. . -Ata, s. s. Toman, a. s. ' McLean, o. Hpies, 0. ' Garvin, p. ; W. Hall or Baum, p: At Saa ,Jraclaco. San Francisco.' ' Walteraj c f. . Mohler, 2b. Bpencer, r. f, ' ' . Hlldebrand, L f Irwin, 3b. ' Nealon, lb. Oochnauer, a. a. s"s Wilson, c. Whalen, p. Houts, c.f. McHaie. r. C' , ' Kane, tb. Miller, L f. i -Franr. c. '. . R. Hall, a. a. ,;;. Burns. Zb. Bacon, Jameg, lb. Williams, p. . . At Oakland. Oakland. , ... Dunleavy, L C , i Francka. s. a. . ., Van Haltren, a, fc Tacoma. Doyle, r. f. - , f Sheehan, tb. . , Casey, 2b. Kagan. a. . ' , McLaughlin. L t, jvruger, r. r. i ' . StreTb, lb. Keiley, lb. " Devereaux. lb. ' Nordyke, lb. ,. Lynch, c. f, . Graham, c. - i; Bymea, Walton, Thomas, p. y. luerg, p. . , . ooivuiaa hassubau today. ' (Joenal Bperlal aerrlee!) . New Tork, March 2. Eaitt and south there are a number of Important base ball games among the oollege teama to day -for the fans to read about and ponder over. In this section, the chief game scheduled sre those between Princeton and New Tork I'nlvdmltr at Princeton. Pennsylvania and Ursinus at Philadelphia, and Tale and Manhat tan at New Haven. At Nashville the Cornell team alnes p agalnat the bin of Vanderbilt University. , - Jh: mtfmnlemt tot Som'mmitmmm mnd otm r Q On rmmody lABVL'J DAOT- ' V, mmwmmmmmmmmmm mm Louisville Whits Man Wins Well Earned Decision Over the - Texas Negro. 'f:F: NEiTflER CONTESTANT . I . - , ' SHOWS MUCH CLASS Most Popular Ones in Many Moons. I (JeBTSel Spaelal Bervlsa.) San TTfncKC., March ' ft-Marrln Hart, - of Louisville. Ky, won the de- eistoa over hla colored oppopent. Jack johoson of Teams, at tbe -end of a bard' 'ought to-round battle at Woodward pavilioa last evening. The affalf was witnessed by a large crowd of - enthusiasts, wbo cheered . for tbe white man, but thought the. negro would win, and they wore demonstrative la their approval of tha decision, by Rot- tune, for nine out of ten of the spec tators would nave liked to have Hart tear the big colored man to pieces. 1 Johnson, by hla swelled-up, ponter- 1 pigeon manner and nls boastful aeclara- w ox wuai no mienaea aomg w jei- l inea, made uie loeau sporting pusito sore at him, and tha result of last evening's oontest was extremely popular. up Hart's face pretty badly, but the Louisville man gave him as good aa be sent and was- fighting all the 'time. Hart surprised his best friends by tha manner In which ho fought the negro. ! The white man mot every lead of John- son's with tha bast ha had la stack, and oa one or two occasions ha clearly had tha Texas colored man going. Althoagh Hart la likely to ba matched with Jeffries, It la not believed that he would stand much of a chance against I the champion of the world. . ; ' Jaoesi White, tha Bnglish champion. 1 wuv rwwniv Mninw m.uuu Jrmmy Brltt on April IS, waa introduced to tha audience. They are to bo at tha MacJianlra navflion in thla elrV. and the purse will be divided 6 aad 40 of 69 per cant of tha gross receipts. , - MISTTS PRIDE WINS HANDICAP AT OAKLAND , ' r (Journal tpaeUl Barrie.) - Saa "ranclaco, .March !. Misty s Pride made a splendid win tn the handl cap yestarday, scoring in clever style ' V -TcmmmaPT. C 1 im Three and a half furlongs Sir K4- ward won. Tolo Girl ' second, 0:4iT. Canopm . Futurity oourseCest Man won, Re- .. thii. 'ii.. 1 ..a . . v Mile Northwest won, Melstersinger second, Al Waddle third; time, 1:41 4-tU Five aad, a half , furlongs Misty' s Pride won, Letola second. Princess Tl- Unla third; time. 1:47. ; Futurity course Military Man j0ag gecoad, EfckeraaU third; time, j-.iofc. - 1 -T A- . ; Los Angelas, March 21. Results at Ascot Park yesterday were aa follows Six furlongs Birdie Stone won, Dr. Tom second, puaky Secret third;, time. 1:1414. Mile aad a sixteenth Tangible won. TJppercut aecond. Miss May Bowdlab third; time. !:. Six furlongs Qverraeo won. Fumry a,,... .nrnrid R.iei .-j ntmt thin. a' BmV,li, nd.B,t Ul1! Mu. bandjepE1 otro. wn, Elle second. Sthyleaa third: time. l:L ni.Iul,n Murtirt.m.. wS Slauaoa course Sportsman won, Sea sick second. King . Thorpe third; time) Six furlongs Mao . Flecknoe Amlnta second. Boa of Hilo. third; time, i:i. PORTLAND DEFEATS ; ., NEWBURG BOWLERS Tha Portland Pick-TJpa defeated the Newberg bowlers for a second time yet terday afternoon on tha Portland bowl' Ine .11. v. ti- a n.,H. 1K U. hr d McMomy kept u.. pm aura vuar ivr m awn iuuw iin evenuig. They rolled seven games. Withers win ning four aad McMenomy three. They equaled tha alley record for two man la their last game, totaling (00 pica With ers' average for the aevea games waa 202 i-7; McMenomy's tt 1-7. - Ball and Krone will roll the first five games of tbelr It-game contest - Best Sunday, April I, on the Portland al ley a , They will start promptly at p. m. i '' ' ' - ' r - 1 1 Thursday win ba ladles day. All tha ladles are Invited to com and bowl free of charga.' !(' ..,. . -t -' The scores of yesterday's match were Pick-Ups (1) (2) , (S)i Total. Kneyse ..... . .144- 14 Bcbonenback 1S rl 331 Ball . ..,.......161 200 174 BJ7 Pollak . .1R 147 - 174 474 Lamond . ... .144 ..." ... .144 Benner . ............. -141 144 lot McMenomy . ......164 . 112 -14 (27 Grand totals tit 151 2,47t - Newberg .f JlJ-fll (t ToUt Smith a 4 1 141 175 487 Harnett . i4 is - 17 f.or ...144 1( Coe . ...... .114 ' 151 Ryan . ........... 147 104 lit sti Parrlsh f .....171- 1(5 lie 612 Grand total .T4& 711 101 SEATTLE TEAM MAY ; PUYJN LEAGUE (Saeclal Dla patch to The JournaL)' ' Vancouver. B. C March 2. The SeatU Lacroas club will probably be admitted into th British Columbia Am ateur Lacroas association this season. Tbe annual meeting of th association will b held at Victoria on April aad th majority of th lacrosse men In Vancouver, Victoria and New Westmins ter are of th opinion that tb American club will have no difficulty in eeourlng a place in th league. - ' Lacroaae la rapidly gaining In favor on th American aide, and this year ther will he a number of cluba organ ised In Washington state and California. Th Canadian national paatlme when played by fast teams- Is undoubtedly one -of tb roost exciting games on ean wlt- Th players ar always on th move,' the combination is brilliant and ther Is never a dull moment during a gam. . '. ' . ' -r ... Preferred Btoek Oaaaod Weeds. AJiem A Lewis' Best Brand. "..;;'.";'. T-,-' ,1,;"' P. lalu LiVJlLIl Li: Norman Davenport, VVho .Stli ."" Ultvliuteuanwe.' lalliuj U! v "'lArt-Loavot for Couth, r TWO COMMUTATIONS " . ISSUED DY GOVERNOR Cass' of George Abbott Against O. R. AN. Co. and Columbia ' , Southern Argued. ", ' ' ' t r MSpeelal Plspatch t Tb Journal., Salem. Or., March a. Norman Dar en Dcrt the man who alleged that b was th vlcUm of thug la thla city last Wednesday night, recovered very sud denly yesterday afternoon and started on root forth south. . Davenport prof eased to be a business man from New York, who had oome to Salem with th expectattoa of Duttlns in a Turkish bath eatabllahmeat, and that while taking; a a troll befor retiring was set upon by two robbers, who used Jiu jitsu on him. Injuring hla back so severe ly that hla legs war paralysed. He waa round lying oa th walk la thla condi tion, takanto th hospital aad doctor summoned, ; .-. Though every test mad by tbe doctor "iw ' tv iieiiwii tuai inw uiu was rjejalysed. yet. aa waa announced ta The Journal last . Thursday, other circum stance .seamed te Indicate that ha waa shamming. . Th on thing lacking to show this waa a motive, aad thla "was forthcoming Monday, when Davenport suggested that ha be carried down to some hall and allowed to give a lecture oa physical culture. By meaa of .tha free advertising which he haa bean re ceiving and by working oa public arm pathy ha hoped to soak a stak Short ly after this suggestion waa mad mes sages war received by th officer her from Kureata, caL. aaylag that Daven port had played th same trick la that City.'!" " . ;' -7.. .... ., ! , . Dr. Byrd and Judge Scott weat to ae Davenport yestarday, told bin that ha was a fraud., and. that ho had batter leave , town. -,., . t Twe commutations of sent no war Issued by Oovernor Chamberlain renter day afternoon. .. John Wad kins of Tur ner, serving a u months' sentence In th Marlon county Jail for selling liquor, in quantities las than a gallon, and for selling liquor ta a . minor, aad Fred Worthiagton, convicted in Multnomah county f larceny and sentenced to tout months, had , their . soatoaoe reduced. Practically th whole town of Turner pe titioned for' Wadklna release. Worta Ington Is a consumptive, it years old. Th case of Oeorge Abbot, respondent, against th O. R. & N. Co, and th Co lumbia Bou thorn Railroad company, ap pellants, was argued before th supreme court yesterday.. This la th caa in which' Abbot secured Judgment for 120, 009 against th . appellant for an In jury sustained by walking off th sta tion platform at Biggs while waiting' for a train on th night of June 27. Hot. Aa a result of th fall he lost on leg and received Internal Injuria. - A. - a. Bennett appeared for Abbot, while th rairroads were represented .-by --Wi1 WV Cotton and H. F. Conner, of tb O. R, A N.. and Sicra ; Bnow, of th Columbia Southern. '.-' .' t Mow v.- Your Sill t r ; ( I'll ; ill' If you'll compare them with any others itll be "ONE' ON YOU." CS OT Ttird St Jletnaen Starke Oak yf ( ''. 1 ' V. ' ' ,'i ' . . i . f, . V' ..Ton nr on the wrong track that is, ifi you are atarting nut in life without the ad Van te -ea Af a Min .tmm.riilj 1 training. V hy don't you ' avoid ail Chances of beans' alda.trasikwl In futnra and equip yourself now for your batUa with tbe world T Wo Offer a complete course ta Bookkeeping and Stenography. . DEIIE:UAII(ER! BUSINESS COLLEGE Ooraa Sixth aad afrrlsoa SUaet. ' ,, vMgiiaand, O. v . . Oueu aB' (ha veax. Cafl re aam1 fka CatalogtM. BXgTOAXS mAnOOBHaa etswd I ens of Karroo Mdllty. Inaaainli phy. They clear . U brain, Strang tba anaranti XS.UO. hlalled aealad. Bank trmm. Perataa Uad. Co., Baa Arch t niladaiphia. Pa. Bold is Fortlaa! eabr br rrutlllZ Psrtlaad Hotel faamiaor. - 7.. cucniaaoa, was oigesaoa pemet aa laapart Magnetic vigor ta the whole being. All drains ad taeaee a topped norwaaaaUr. 1.00 ear. box; boxes anarantead te ears , er rafana ' Soiel be mu Pnigjgtatn. Trnnaiwnwr? S vnKaai-x I Ce Btaeifarawaataeal . m. rklkla I " '-- '7 ImiiTll Irrliatlaaa er naaaaaafciaaa of saeoea I bfi4l goster I Vs. a. J TsTJSTuKfil.1 4 Cltaalar aaet ea neaaasn. TOM T. aV fti. MUmTK9 . v''fperUI Dpatch ia The Jeans!)' Walla Walla. Wash. March 11. Over 114.000, haa been raised as a bulldluc fund for th proposed T. M. C A. build- - lng on East Main atreat, and th task of raising th remaining 114,000 la well la band. -Xt la thought th work will be .eemnlVted in a few day or weeks ' at longest, and as soon a the. money 1 all raised work will be begun. With ' th fund goes a gift of Mrs. L, Reynolds. of property valued at 111. 000. Ther plan 1a to build and endow . th 'Institution with about IfMOt. ; .'a-, . j Dr. Wood's Norway Pin 8mm aeema especially, adapted t .the neede of. tha -children. Pleasant to take; soothing in lta influence. , It 1 the remedy at all , remedlea for every form, of throat and lung oia CHEAP SUITS LIKE CHEAP ' EGGS ARE USUALLY BAD; and both are ' offensive to .i .' . . ... .i good taste. We have no temptations to . offer the cheap man,' but our Gentlemen's Suits at $12:50 $15.00 j 17.50 $20.00 $22.50 $25.00 are good enough for any than and cheap enough for every man. . - i anaaaaaaaxeaw-- war Mug f ' !. r 'J'"