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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 13, 1905)
v.. t! 2 'czzzi:i daily jour;:At.-rcr-tLA::D. kompay evening, February .is. Z nzsl:. J j T." TEA HCOM3 ' c38 I "'."' second floquj '!. "II ' w : 1 I : - v . .' - -' ' - : - - r r O as- . .W V ?rr;r ;; :' S7 IT " " , L7LarffetL".r- ' Under Auspices Portland " -.TuesdayrrBlvI41B05. Tea.-',,',. Coffee. 1 ' Chocolate, ; -" MUk 'to Bottles : . - -; Oxtail Soup. ' '":, Crab- Salad, ,v ' .'1 : Parker, House Roll. Sandwiches. - i jV.'.'. . Bread and Butter, , Tea Cakes. -The Jfew Advan5.t ; Shapes in Spring ; Are T3dng Portl-uid by 5 ;.: " r . . Steam -V .-i ' -: - SALONS OF MILLINRRT Ldka CaLMor of old, thty came, they were aeen and tbey eonquered. Bt- urday we yielded to the Importunttlea. -of - number of -cnHore nd uhtrymt foe- toe rlrat time the dainty new buda in the millinery varden. We could have old eereTal, but they belonged to the torea new year that opena thla morn tnr. ao we ealdiJJJeep,,J Today we let down the bare to tola beauty ahow. and you may pick the dainty creations end transplant ''em to. your own car dens of dress. If -the, reclamation of dellcht . count for anything that we h&ird from those who rot a alimpee An Saturday, a lot of ths hats will find new owners today. "They are just what beautifully dreeaed women andHprlng brldea will appreciate full of delicate nap and.sparttle. J-ls a treat pleas- ure to be the first o present, the new ideas In toe pretty. jw small flower and follace bats -flow so popular In New York City io Portland folk, rust aa Caroline- Reboux, the queen of Paris milliners, wus the first to insist upon tholr ' recognition- In Paris. These charming "dylvan hats are of roses In picturesque "Coronll"-shapes, sweet pretty buds and bUoin, with inter twined leaves, relieved by a knot of Ilk ribbon.', ... . . . - . . c - TIl. RED ASTER MAT Is oo)ufd from eoores ef the tiny red floweretaLWlth crown ef braided moiJinfLadso a Colonial ahape. . ' THE OERAKICJi HAT , Is a small shape formed from the dainty blossoms that give It name, shading from red. to a delicate coral pink, with a touch ox. mollne net in soft folds around crown and a fetching spider bow ( red satin at side of brim. ' THE HTACIJlTif JIAT la a bewitching Spanish shape by name 'SenorUa" ud as dainty as the prettiest Spanish- -maiden hat .-.aver breathed the air in the land or the dona The brim la of the tiny white hyartnth andfciiager--tle'irow n-,t maidenhair fern, with a touch or tiac velvet ribbon In band and bow effeot. All charmingly bewitching creations Htiat bring the scent ef.the arbutus and vlolt to mind and turn over the calendar leaves rapidly to May day a .. The prices are favorites, . : v f o 10.00. So two alike black, red. violet and f-gren for theatre or calling wear : .nd there) are many . more. Rare values In Women's Stylish Heed wear. We give you an early glimpse of the new spring styles In the Kng- Hsh walking and t eady-ra-wemr mod Ala . all . a .wtM.. ' Wr-Im ' Wf. m w w. wwnraa W - ' also seme ' very practical creations from our own workrooms for .early spring wear. And Just to keep the force busy- we will combine these with lots to close at wonderfully reduced prices. Simple values as below: ' - - 1150 AND tS.5" READY-TO-WEAR HATS FOR it CENTS. Resdy-to-Wear Hats, in fancy shapes. turban and sailor - styles, tastily trimmed with breasts, wings, orna ments, etc. Actually it seems like giv ing them away to sell them st a price like this our S2.50 and J.5t values, special at. each ........ k -49e 15.09 TO IS.09 TRIMMED HATS FOR . . -M-,. ' n.M; ' - -.-;., . Only a few of tbem left, handsomely trimmed shapes, splendid for i.0 ahd 18.00 values: special all this weea at. each . t . v .i.. ,0 1.99 AMAZON, FLUMES FOR M CENTS. Amason Plumes. It Inches long, also tips, three In a buach, our regular $1.25 value; special this week at 394 FANCY BCCKUES WORTH 7$ CENTS - FOR 14 CENTS. Fancy Buckles.- In- Rhinestone." Cut Steel and Jet effects, for millinery or ribbon belts, our 75o value; special at, each . . 1 . , .244 NET WORTH 15 CENTS FOR CT8. Mollnes Net. fancy shades, our regu lar 16c value; special at. the yard..6 Footwear at Favorable Prices l A ' . vTz 1 mrjn n r To ' THE - "FAIR-WAT" SHOE. STORE. . ' -- Sixth Street Annex. ' - ' - . ' FIRST FLOOR. ; w Nothing is better worth its legitimate price -than a well-made and ahapely shoe: and few thlnxs sre aa 'expensive In ' The ,enCwar and rum fori hath f- being considered, as shoes that are mad to look what they are not that' Is. the ordinary "bargain" shoes of commerce. Our shoes are made for as. and to our exacting order. Shape liness, .comfort, durability and good style sre our first renulaltea not low prices, though we bel leve . not a Shoe In our Una can be 'duplicated at the prlr; O'trs Is the kind rt eronomr that pnys. ' We direct rrtlutar attention L - " ' ' iii. 'i 1 THIS ISXTHE "THIS GREAT STORE FAIRLY OUTDOES ITSELF IN THE BEAUTY AND VARIETY FUL VALUES IN FASHIONABLE DQWN-TO.DATE-MERCHANDISE.-READHE-FEATURES-OF THE, GREAT .:rv. v v: ;syry ... ;-,. ,; ,t ; ; STAPLE AND SPRING GQOT-H urrana uo ; In Portland's THE LID iS OFF THE SPRING STYLE BOX! ' THIS STORE REPRESENTS THE FASHION CENTERS OF THE WESTERN GARMENT WORLD THE OLDS -'WORTMAN the wonder-works of European of consuls, ambassadors and , Chines for granted. Hiere is a . scanty score 01 ioreign mooeis irr aress; wnen ftmcnauuuuiwuig v ,v,"""yJ;;;" r7 : r ' "7 0 :.v :r ' T.- thouht to the development of her wardrobe.' Now, she comes to the store of the Olds Wortman & King class, and orders suit, wrap or costume with the ease and assurance with which crowned heads give their commissions to. the costumers-of royal warrant Such a business as this is a great cog in the wheel of world-prog-, - ressa school of Style and of the applied sciences. ; Not a Store exists 3n all this western country today that is so all-sufficient for supplying the Wants of every fam--ilv as this great congress. store. - Spring buying is well done now. -Many special values beckon you to the suit salons this week. Perhaps you. ye room m your, - wardroDe lor anotner sun, IO gtinnlhg . : priced, - Toilets Articles. and SmallJWaxes AT SPECIAL BARGAIN ' PRICES. FIRST FLOOR AISLES. : t FANCT lACST PAPER DOIUES".' IK WHITfS AND COI-ORS. For Ice cream, salads, lunches.' etcr . prices, the dosen, 10 1, 15, 19f, -i-ao. - . -v . . - .-uKriMt- TALLT CARDS IN FANCT DE- : ' f signs. - r ' FOR ALL, OCCASIONS. Fancy Dinner Cards." - - etc.. at, the dosen, 25, 35f, 60.. i lace" Cards Shell Stray ' Lock Retainers, our I8e to- lie values; special s-t, each. IOC Shell' Bide Combe, small, light weight, - our 16c value; special at, the . pair 10 Fancy Belt Buckle Sets In gilt or , oxide, 8 pieces, our 6o value; spe . clal at. set 10 Back Combs, " shell color, fine smooth finish, our 880' value; special at. , each . . ...20 Hat Brushes with black bristles and curved handle, our. tic value; spe cial at, each 10 )- . - - .'-.- -Wire -Hair Brashes,' flne . small wire " set In rubber, our-880 value; special , at, each .,. .... .v. ... .20 Best English Tooth Brushes, our tic value; special at, each. ...... .15 Writing Paper in Boxes, high grade In red, green and brown tints, our - 80o value; special at. the box. .50 Writing Paper, flne parchment vellunu. aasorted colors, our lio value; spe rtrclat at, the boK...,, Pencil Tablets, large slse, ruled; special, at each 4 to oar famous Ptngree Gloria- Shoes for men and 'women a superior line of footwear for 88.8 that are really ij.eo value as other stores set their standards. As a mid-month. Induce meat for stioe-buylng we offer these ur eirepttonat vatvi--foT this week I and divide the plums equally be I tweea ear ase an4 woman patrons: WOMEN'S 88.88 STREET SHOES 8118 Wpmen'a Patent "Colt High-Cut Lace Shoes, narrow round plain toe, -tilrh Military heel-doee turn, medium sole, dull kld top, regular value 88.80: spe cial, pair 82.63 WOMEN'S f S.S0 DRESS SHOES 82.88. .Women's Smart Dress Shoes. In vlcl kid. patent tip, medium round toes. flexible light sle, medium heel, regu lar 81.60 value; special, pair; . .$3.63 Men's Nrer-siprlng myte-Laca Shoes. patent colt, Blucher cut. medium heavy sole, neat half-round toes; dull calf top, an exceptionally good dress shoe, regular value 88.80; special, pr. $2.68 MEN'S 81.60 STREET SllOES 811. Men's Box Calf Street Shoe; double st,v Blucher cut, high iacea, full round tea. foot-form T lent, plumb heevy uppers, regular value 88.60; spe cial, pair ........... f3.e9 ' 1 saa' STORE'S, " NEW enine: Largest and Only Silks KING STORE brings Pains an4Kcw York to Portland; gives one the Jiandy advantage of Btrlin tailors and modistei, side liy side with the, best. development of .American. fashions.; Such a store the corrrmercial museum does for broads educational side to it S1U present aim c 1. snii nw-nv Sultsrmade of covert cloth; the coat,". tiht rutins, with fancy stitched, aeama. rElesrant New Suits ' sleeves apd inlaid taffeta collar skirts made walking lengths pleated effects. These suits, the swallest of their kind, are , each, rom... . ... -- - ' ::-1 Wot52?fo$28;5a3TaUored i Street Suits v;$8.95. Splendidly talloredT in finest workmanship, ln'bandaome mixed sergea.'chevlots, homespuns and smart mannish mied tweed lsh materials and a color range embracing plain blacks, blues, browns and, fashionable mixtures, plstn tailored or In newest . - trimming effects, the best regular values ever offered In, the . - city for from 818-00 4o ISS.80. Tour choice Monday and- . f week until closed, for ....... Handsome Floor. WELCOME NBW ARRIVALS ON SHlLrJiHl FOCRTK FLOORS IN THB HOMfi-FITTINO- STORESTt Every rug, every yard of " carpet. . every curtain- and each portiere ln this great- stock was oougnr to pieaso nefcie-careful, beauty-loving house wife. Maybe that's why the women who have -been here have bought so freely and praised so generously. Surely one would have to look a long wsy iknd.-search a great while to And - broader - er more carefully selected variety. Values- are also - surprising in many cases. We want your patron agv la, these lines and are making every possible effort to deserve It. These -price - quotations tell a good 'part of the rest of the story, and every housewife V wltn seme to beautify should read ; them through carefully. Here they are: Dainty Lace Curtains in Brussels and rennaiaaance effects, . at .wonder fully low . prices, , as followa tha . salr, T5 85 ' 81.0O ' 81.25 81-SO 81.75 82.00 83.50 P ..:v to 87.50. Colored Arabian Lace Curtains priced like this, the pair, - 83.60 84 f 4.80 85 89. tU RufHed Net Curtains with lace edge and Inaertlon. ... pretty for dining - room or bedroom "curtains. Prices, ; the pair, 8135 ft. 50 81. T5 J 2 82.50 82.T5 83 83.25 to e.oo. - - " Dainty Wash Wash 6ods and Domestie Alalea- FIRST FLOOR. -My. what a beauty show! Nothing Ilka It ever seen before. . The fabrics ara-beautiful. almost, beyond reallsa. ' flon unless you'vep treated your eyea to a gaae. Take, for instance, those handsome Silk Ginghams as soft and Kfsrt-M, k. ' yet .M, ., sturdy and strong as the famous An. derson Scotch Ginghams. Mercerised, of course, with pretty floral patterns dotting the tinted grounds, as violets inw ... .K" " - "Soleeettee, . sure to be tba season a moat favored debutante. As soft and silky as. pongee, yet a hundred thnee aa strong and durable and they'll - wash Mas a. linen napkin. A hot fay vortte fd Waking Into men's negligee Bhlrtg" and women's dainty durable walats.' Looks like silk, feels' like 'yerd. 25. Then there's the Mercerised Striped Linens, marvelously pretty.. .. - It le beantlfnl. out-of-the-ardlnary material. . The field Is a fine natural flax-colored linen and cotton, with white and mercerised stripes running through M. , Ten different kinds ef l. stripes soma woven lb and out. bas YEARS" ' TOD AY 1 oaay pi me im ew jco pprmg Autboritatiye Wpmen's Apparel Shops the general com mere? ana me lme was ana-a aecaae measures oacic o u--wnen vwrt. ninp s grew wrw urougni over a v "- tT inches in, leg o tnutton Covert Jackets, taffeta silk shoulder to BIB.UV W fi,W 1 . - Ckveri Draperies of All Kinds New and complete ltne of beauti ful lace curtain . In Brussels net, "Irish "pointrrearijblnCArablaaviTeat Renaissance and real Cluny beau ties aU of tbem, and priced aa rea sonably as quality will permit.. . '' . ,r'i, T-PORTIERES." -r'."-V All the newest 1908 styles In heavy tapestry portieres 4n both plain and figured, fringed or corded, - : . 87.80 j-vRTIERES FORx 88.80. -Tspestry Portieres In solid . colors, fringed both ends, rich and handsome for tioma decoration, an exceptional value for ,87.60; special at. - . pair ,.........85.5Q PRETTT"1ACE -CtfRTAINS FOR J ' - 8148. .-: - Choice Lace Curtains In white. In r . . mnA rfsafma ,A rhnnu fpnnL "cur 13:25 and 88.60 values; special at, the pair , 82.45 Couch Covers In real Oriental designs: , priced from each t.,.825 to 835 Tapestry Couch " Covers, In Oriental effects, fringed alt around; prices, ' eech, 83.50 . 3.75 84.50 85.00 to 87SO. Elegant Velour Couch Covers, ell prices MP to. each.. ......830.00 NEW ARRIVALS IN PIECE GOODS, ' plain and Figured Burlaps, plain Denims, Plain and - Fancy . Figured Silkollnea. Tspestry. rep, etc.. In all tba newest and prettiest designs and colorings and prices aa always; very reaeonaole. .""V" ' "... .. FEATHER-FILLED .PILLOWS. CLEAN, SELECTED, CAREFULLY PICKED AND 8 AN IT ART. Full ' and complete line of new, all Feather-Filled Pillows, at satisfying prices Jlke then, each, '75 81 1.2&. fl.63 81.78 82 t 3.50. . -- Fabrics in Today's ket-fashion, some open and lacy, oth ers like- Jacob's -tedder. . Far the most part they are Independent end stand alone, but occasionally two take hold of Jinnds ahd run along together lit- tie' shining white ribbons on a dust eolored road. - How cool and clean and dainty, yet strong, they look! - Tea. the store Is full of pleasant sur- I prleea da Inly goods at lesa-ja yard. than one had dared to hope. . Style is the thermometer of value. One doesn't want a wsshable frock, no matter how flnei unless the fabric Is stytrsh and pretty. ' -'- .Qt theee Iota I worthy ef attention. Inltlal ahowlnga this week broad in scops, comprehensive expoeltlon. SCOTCH AND AMERICAN DIMITIES FROM 18 Ha TO 40O TARD. A llfM of swatch and American Dlml- tlos. In checka etripes, beautiful print- ed. affects and dark: grounds: special. yard. from..).. 12H -SO. SI L6C-GINGHAMS 40C-AKD iDaJIP, Silk Ginghams, In ptatn colors and fancy Jacquard effects, very popular this season; spee'l. yd. 40 AST9 50 SOIFHETTK 8S0 TARD. A" ew ' mercerised rtothv permanent finish, wsahes beautifully. In pink, re seda, champagne, cadet, pale blue, ear dlnal rream. white and black, prwtty aa silk; special at, ysrd.....,,251- WON'T YOU PAY US 1A CALL X)F ITS ADVANCE SPRING arts 01 tne nauons, 1113 a poor,,narTow uic inai simpiy taxes au . . . made In tight-fitting style, w SmartewGoafe lined leg o' mutton sleeves, with turn-back euffs and strap trimmings from cuffs. Very handsome,, new and stylish, garments; priced frora.TViii;.f 20.00 CASHMERiJ HOUSE WBAPPER1 - Worth 17.89 for Fancy Cashmers House Wrappers. In red, black and navy made , in tight fitting atyls with belt, accordion plaited collar and cuffs, and trimmed with fancy braids. -- Pretty, stylish and ; comfortable. Our regular 17.80 value. Special at, - t -j. -each ..........$4.98 ' ( V 11.03 DRESSINO PACQUES . FOR. Ila ' ; ; . ComforUble Dressing Sacques.. In "black,' with Persian figure " blue stripe or black and. white effects good 1. -values. gpeclal at, eafh ,...,.,.49 . WAXSUNO SKIRTS. ' " " Werth From $8.80 to 88.86 for 8J. - Stylish Walking Skirts, made of cheviotsraergea- and goods colors blue,' black, gray and fancy mixtures ' that are worth Irom 88-80 to 88-80. Special at, each,., THB- NBW - J 006 - BABT - COACHES - AND uO-CARTS. ' '.. lust 'vBfrkrfrpmMJBiir Go-CaTts; over 40 different styles for your choosing. ' Combination kinds that fold or recline, with" adjustable foot rest, enameled gear, patent foot, brake; -. patent unti-frlctlon" wneeiy fasteners, the kind that never leak7 oil. Prices range from, eactv-83.75 to 850.00. . . . r '.-. . COMFORTERS. Elegant new Sllkoltne Comforters, all .white eotton-niled, aUkoltne In . daintiest colorings. -. nicely tied... prices. each.- 8135 , 81.50 81.75 nd 82. SUkollne Comforters, rest downallne fllled, .splendid values ' at. - esch," 82.75 93.00 93.25 end 93.50. I Cillnf vl ! I, very fine quality at, each. ......... ...8450 -BIO BLANKET BAROAIN8 .. . '" FOURTH .FLOOR. ' ' WHITB BLANKETS WORTH If.Oo" . ''..'i FOR tLU. ...'.' Blankets made by the best blanket manufacturers lo Oregon, of choice Oregon wool, fleecy and warm full slse white with pink er,blue borders. Tkerbeat velue in the city ""at Our" L regular prloa of 88.00; special at, the pair -9175 : 810.00 BLANKETS FOR 87-88. r White Wool Blanketa, - extra .heavy and large, parfeot beauties in every wsy. Our regular 810.00 value; special at, pair .............. 97,85 f . 8100 COTTON BLANKETS TOR 81.88. , Eastern Made. Cotton-Mixed Blankets, large else, heavy! sliver gray In color.'. Our beet 83.00 value; special at. - ---the pair .....................91.85 Spring-Expose SCOTCH GINGHAMS t5o TARD. Scotch Ginghams, hundreds of pat terns to select from. In neat plain and broken checks; special at, yard.. 25 , '- MOHAIR XfSTRB !5e YARD. -Mohair Luetre,rtlp knd ervlceable, looks just like real mohair and comes in. sams pattern, nice for street cos tume;, special at, yard,,,.. .,.,.25 COSTUME LINENS 40J AND 60o YD. ' colors, 80 inches wide; special st, yard... .............40 AJTD 50 ' GALATEA SUITINGS 5 YARD. Galatea Suitings, for misses' and chil . dren's suits. In stripes, dote and pl.iln : colors; epeclal at. yard.... ...f.. 15 White Embroidered Linens: epeclal. yard, from 75 TO 9 1. SO IMPORTED PRINTED- NETS 8100 . YARD. Imported Printed Nete. In large floral - effects and sorolls, very stjllah; spe- I euu ai, yara gI.UVr FRENCH ORGANDIES JJo TO 604 - - " TARD, "French-Off anfllss,' llglit and dark cot orinca,- exquisite Jeaigns: spwial at.' yard .. . , .......28 TO 50 NEW GOODS. : ' 1 Emhroldered M nHar Jacqna rd Sfephyrs. Volles, 811k and Cotton Aeolian. Voile de Sol r. Cotton Crepes, Japeneae Crepe. Betlste. Nicker Hultlnr; pe els I, the yard, from..,. IO 75 TV SH0WINCSTSND3WONDER - - MID - FEBRUARY SALE OF ; second floor tailoringand, at a glance, shows;:; does for women Vrbat. , . material" K ' novelty eklrts .f 3.98 A Receptionto St. Valentine TOMORROW, THOUSANDS OF DAINTY MISSIVES r HAND8OME8T VALENTINES .. IN" TOWN CUPID'S , BOWER IS HERE. , . v.. .- - ' - - - 'On First Floor, where tie lies In wait with bow drawq and a quiver full of arrows pointed ' with love's messages.'" v .,- 1 ' ' '-r- '.' DAI NTT VALENTINES GALORE and good St. Valentine but' a day away. This is the home of the valen tine., Immense assortments of pretty . FANCT VELENTINES. PRICED FROM 8c TO 8160 EACIL Fancy Crepe T Paper " Napkins : with Valentine designs or fancy decora tlons. nice for parties, etc.; special ateunafeff; " w .ei lSTew Royal yorcester , Arrivals r" CORSET SAXONS SECOND " - - FLOOR ANNEX. : There Is no article of woman's p parel tha lends so much to her ap pearance as - the corset. - A good-fitting corset that gives the figure a per fect "faahldti-contonr" i absorotely esaenttsl to a prepoeaeaslng form. Corset-tnaktng or oday is a science, and the Innumerable . shapes offered In form and enable women to sttaln 'the symmetrical shape an essential to a atyltsh: figure. It IS " neceaaary, however, to hire an expert fit you, and not choose your comet blindly. We employ' experts who -have muds Intelligent cornet-fitting a study for years, and carrying, ss we de, one of the largest corset stocks In- all ths west, can give you thet "coroet satls-i faction" ao nereesary to all women ofifaSbton. in the new ItOS styles we have all the new curve en contour, sit ef tha new length from short, est to ths longest abdominal. - We are pleased to announce today thg"arrivsl nf- -the complete -spring line ef themoua Royal Worcester foraete. Including. ''Bon a one.'' .A full-sise complement. Model over which- the- new spring gnwns.msy be properly fitted. Kprt attendance of experienced coraetlerea alwava fitr. niKhcd. Ohooeo from tt ' 818 pair. . .. - - UuaudBsaaja. -' - - ' lth stitched (trap .seams of same The I. C. s: SchoUrt;.' Voting Contest starts 'today, Vote for your favxirlte, ; p i.ballot with every 3c " purchase; fouCYd.. 9Tt 40 with a $10 purch'aseietc Vote early and often. , SPECIAli "VAXUES IN KNITWEAR sirora. .; - - . . Women's ahd Children's 'Underwear "MkRODB" " sU FmUudt UNDERWEAR i rHENOMENAI BARGAINS, FIRST FLOOR. .. , . ' . The Knit Underwear 'and Hosiery Bectloni navbean greatly-enlarged and facilities bettered for serving our rapidly-growing patronage. - Theee de partments have shown wonderful records of growth ' from month to montti the beat possible proof that our rule of selling a. better garment at1 a 'given price than one can buy elsewhere t appreciated by our great public. . There' a method In our policy of selling on small margins. We're building up a gigantle business, and chance helps us to offer truch values as these occaslonsily. . Several lots turned up by the Inventory spado ars being pnoe-slaughtered. Read- Women's Long-Sleeve Vests,' 'medium weight, 60o value ......25 Women's 'eream-Tlntd ' Cotton Union Stilts, 76o value . ......... ...38 Women's Black 1 Wool Tights, 8t.60 Value for. pair ....... v. . 50 Women's Good' Weight Jersey-Ribbed -Cotton Vests end Pants, hOe vslue, for, each ....... .........,.,.-35 Children's Gray- Cotton Union Suits. Bo value, for M ... 35) IWomen's and Children's Hosiery Women's Black Cotton Hose. - double sole, spliced heel, tie value, pair ............17 Women's Black Cotton Hosa, with embroidered boots, 6O0 value. pair , ..29 Women's Black Woof Hose, scamlexa. Jibbed top. 60 value, pair. ,..18 Children's Black Worsted Hose, fins ribbed, vslue to 86c, pair, .....18p Children's Black Worsted Hose, good, heavy weight, splendid 46o value. -. slaea.f. t'a and 10 only; special. pair ............. ..........25 Child's Blnck Cotton Hose,, finished foot, medium welghfT tio value, atl sixes, pair 4.. ......... IT I Children's re7TraIties at. pair .8 10. 12 Gown Garnitures FOB DRESSY WOMEN'S SPRING . '.: . . ATTIREv . ' First noor. ' Dainty TrTtnming. Bintimst Braids. Laces and Embrolderlea at sensation ally reduced prices. Dressmakers and home sewers may profit. The new in rich and pretty Icea and Neckwear for women are parading themselves as proud as peacock. With the novelties are the finest of the new Irish Lacea for aprlng, made frf convents and by Irish toeaaant during the long winter month.-Lovely deep Collars, Flouno tng. All -'Overs. Kdglnga and Insert Hons. - While the designs always have end always will hinge on tha tiny three-leaf shamrock, yet nobody ever tires -of them. Be -sure not t miss anything among iner new Neckweai Ituffs, Lace Capes. Btockn or Collars. Home special values on ait tela ween are told ef here. - v - - - TRIMMING' BR AIDS AND ' LACES - JSo- FOR BRAIDS WORTH TO 8100. Jet Braid Onrnltures, for trimmings on 1ree and waists, .values tn the- tot In It IU- anu-lal tha V "J"1 vi JlERCt'LES BRAIDS AT HALF- ' ' : PRICK. ' A good assortment of Colored Hercules Braid, from Inch to 1H Inches wide; every yard In the lot at Just one half former prices. . . TT.D8-AN1T" M ORTe-WTAlTXACEH; ,. TOR 4 CENTS. - - -" A lot of Oriental Laces, assorted pat tern, in erenm and ecru; our regular end 81.6a value: a pee la I at. her yard ..... ....... ....,..,.....4t HAND8OMB ALtMVK;R WHITE 1 , VE.NI9B LACES. , - r:.rtAn it Half price. V .' v - : fXncy belts.; v 60c. lie AND 83c r.rct.T. FOR Me. A very lars anrieitt of Fency Urttlrt and Tnffet Belt, tn Mark, while and-coior. atvltalt an prttr, our f.. Tie and ' valuta; a;eclal at. e. I ? LADIE8' 83e AND 4.c '.' If CENTS P pretlf WomM i ' 8 unduly eri.l 1 colors sod 1 feci J10 I fof at' 8-c t A-