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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 13, 1905)
, -v i J.. V - IIOIJDAY EVZNINfc. FE3RUARV ' U. 1803. r t:: c::r::: daily jou::alt crtTL.::i F ... --i) tobtqkts Axuixxxim. M.ronam, Grand t'olniubta , hmplru.,...., 14 rlc..-. -bungler's M1B...1.V Arcad Star ..,,,,.,,. Uraad ,,' "Bonnie Brier tub' ,...'uo Vadla1 ....."uovwr Ul "Ulo Grande' , .JlU-JltsU Elhiuliwa VmiUvillM V.u,i..l1It ....VaiHtovllt -fi-tfonnr rgdwtenmneq -to-ns-v-- puuiuj docK and the cltlsens of th town wlU bring th matter be for tb ooun ell soon. Cmler the prewnt achdul all passenger travel snd freight for St. -Johns haa to s&-by Portland because : thee la no convenient place for the steamers to land. Engineer rranlt Smith of the Commercial club says that , the foot of Philadelphia street is the moat suitable place lor .the flock.. Thla th6roughfar Is 100 feet wide, which will a;lv plenty of room. Others de- t sire it located at the foot -of Klchmond -: street. The question o the proposed my nan is agitating the city council The people desire a town halL but 'location has not been secured, although - several bave been offered. ; . The new gas-holder to be" erected by ( the Portland Oas company on Its prop - erry at the corner of Urat and rianders ; streets will be more than doable the si, of the largest holder In the city, v It will have a capacity of 1.50o,0 feet 1 and Will be used' as a storag tank. . Other Improvements will be made, to - keep, pace with th growth fth-ity, - and the company's aggregate expendi ture this year will be In the neighbor hood, of 1100,00. Facilities for msnaV racturlng gas will also be rnernaaad. 7Th old outbuilding on 'the property re oemg removed, and work on the tlalwaV eBirSN laVASkea will km, A.naU .u.. .ww m s a wm . W A a am vVlUauaruucii Tell II in tne spring. From a to Is miles of " new mains will be laid..-' and. the new plant and holder will be ready for use . y vciooer.i. . . , t ; ., - Twice yesterday the. Marquam theatre was comfortably- filled with people rep resentlng many classes Interested ' la , hearing of the work of the Salvation Array. They, were addressed at after- noo and evening- tneettnga by Com ; mlssioner George . Kllby and hla wife. -wbo-toldlof-lha- work In. thla country and Europe,' and 'of the army's hopes and plana. . Colonel French arm Brlga dler Pebbles, formerly of Portland, but now secretary to-the commissioner, as slated In the meetings. Another Salva, lion" Army meeting. will be held this evening at' Taylor " street - 'Methodist -ehui-co. v With ii charter members, the Pled mont Presbyterian church was organised yeatertuy afternoon-. Ksr. WV B. Holt. I. -D svnodlcal . mlsalonary. - presided. : Rev. l M. Booser and John Bain or the presbytery, commute aided la forming the new society. Dr. Holt planned the manner in whigh Presbyterian churches were officially constituted, after which these officers were elected.' Elders. Vosper; trustees, K. K. Baxter, C. E. 'Mack and A. E, Doyle. On February II. a meeting will be add by the new church- to call a pastor," the understand lbln that Mr.Booar wm be called. . .Collections of city-license for this auarter have already-exceeded all previ ous-records. , The sum of has been, paid. Into, the city treasury from this department, although It to only the . euddl of the querter. - The entire col' levtien '..for last quarter' amounted , to $3.I1V r 12U- tee been re ceived sine January l.. -Very llttl out sid work ha' been don by the license r Inspectors and. several line of business which, py license, r have not : be . i.uiinwwa an.-mxiuuna s o col lections for th quarter wlU - eiceed . During this .cold weather.. the house- wire wilt Bmt th ianHly wasblnc a hard task n trksom on: In every sens of , the- word. Let us remind you , tht there' not a better time than now to ' give th Union. Laundry' family wash ing arrangement a test. - All family wsshiiuf don for oenl par pound, : (This mean th washing, starching and delivering ready for ironing.)- All flat pieces ironed without . extra lhanre Vnlon laundry. Second , and Columbia r, mam t"-.Th-r "vangellstlo'5 service - afethe Whit Tempi closed lsst night when a large number of ..persons wer bdptiaad ana joined th cDurcn. pr. Brouxher. ." the- pastor, preached on "Climbing the -taolden Htulrs,- and th Ollphant sisters sang . "Most : peopl -. wuit ts go to Heaven wnn tney aie. -said Dr. Brougher. "but I era convinced that If j they do. not. get there before they die - their Vhanoea of reaching titer, after death ar yery sllin.". A. I Stone. 1 credited with the sUt ; mont that two corps of surveyors ar In th Held locating lines q connect PorU ' land with Troutdale, Fairvlew and the Columbia slough, country by electric- line On rout proposed runs from. l euarviiie to Trouttlale, connecting with tit Oregon Water Power .. Railway . 'company lln,;and th other is projected -oonnect- Troutdals with th Portland Consolidated railway at Montavllle. . Mr. ami Mrs. John F. Cordrav efartaut for the esst lsst evening, to b iron .about three weeks, while- Mrs. Cor- dray - la visiting relative in Ohio Mr. ' Cord ray will go to Wew Tork. His name I connected with a report that' th ' Independent theatrical enterprise will "have a. houryt in Portland, with Cord ray at its neau, out-, notning detlnlt is known. ' , ' ' ., ,..- '! - McLean & Kay, who contemplate put ting In k line of passenger steamers 'on ' the river- during th Lewis and Clark en ror permission to float a temoprary dock at th foot of Stork street as-, landing. For th privilege they say -they are- wUling to pay th city S per monttc'- Mrs. Ada Wallsc Cnruh left today for the east to be absent eight months, 8heu has -planned a- tour of several eta foe, where she' will conduct tV. C. T. book for bora, which she will pablish s a companion work to her volume of sdvle to girls, which was printed aome- tlma aga -. Talks on local option wer given yes terday afternoon at the Sunday olub at th T. M. C. A. E. 8. J. McAllister, of th Anti-Saloon lea rue, and H. W. ley Buck's "Fear Not Ye, O Israal." and' conducted th Olrla' Glee club of th Western Academy of. Muslo In. -"program. ' Th- L'lTiled State civil servlc com 4 mission announce mat an examinauon U will d neia nere on jiarrn s ror ior position of botanist -4nN th national museum, and on May J fb th position of clerk In the departmental service. ' RestlMsnes bf mind and body 1 due to a general nrr woaknea. C C C. Tonle will our It For sal by Knight Drug Co. ' If you are troubled with '''"'m rough that ordinary r to rellev. r " ' DjB , PACiinANN's f ire ; r:c3mi : ;. FOR NEXT VECIJESDAY'S MATINEE -- 1 ' mmmmmmmmmmm m 1 ! 1 1 innn iii , 1 .it -- Vladimir- D Vladimir d 'Fachmann matinee per formance to be given next Wednesday at th Maxquant Orand theatre will be- gln'an 'o'clock.' In order tu-Vfiult "- dents nd th teacher, as, well af the business men, to attend.' Th program fellows: - Sonata In B flat minor, op. IS; Grave. Dopplno, - Mavlmento, Scberso. : March, funebre, 'finale rtlallade. In O minor, op. CROM SCHOOLS SBOVCiTY'SGROWTH Buildines LarM Enoush a Year J or Two Ago Are Now .-.-...-..iToo . Small."- PUPtCSARETUDDLEa TOO CLOSELY -TOGETHER East Side ' Conditions ! Demand nmroediateTAttentfi , 'V- Board of Education. Portland's '-public schools sr s crowded that s' sertoua problem con fronts the -city board ef education la providing accommodations for th pupils. In several robm classes ar nearly twice aa- lurg aa they and rooms ar full to overflowing. 1 Classes are shifted from on school to another, and t thla parent- and pupil object.. - Condition- ar -mar serious m The rapidly growing' residence sections cf th east side. Th - Holladay school ia crowded In all departments. Classes in th middle gVadea of th Highland school r verflowtng, At th Wtlllam Ave nue school so many primary pupil have entered that an entire class has to be transferred to th Shaver school.- Conch and Chapman school as attended by more pupils than can be given proper accommodations. '- In. all probability a new room will b wpnd at th Davis school to accommo date tha overflow from, th Couch, and Chapman.. At the HolUtday achool reci tation or at least on class will have to be heard In th assembly halL Other change may be necessary if th increase! 1st pupil continues this week aa it did last. .v:. ,':.... 1 - t . Plans for the-, prcposed additions toi th Highland, Albina. .Central, Setlwood and.Ockley Oreen school buildings have been prepared by Supervising Architect Thomas Jones, and in all probability the board of. education -will . advertise for bids soon. It 1 desired that work shall begin immediately after school clones in June In order that there may not be a repetition ef th co ml It ion of affairs which existed last fall--when school started with th buildings all unfinished. gist. Second and Washington and get bottle of bis Kenyon s Cough' and Cold cure.. It Is surprising how fow doses will relieve-th worst esse- of coughst colds and- bronchial- Irritation1 wHhwm oaunlng any disturbance to. the stomach or deranging th appetite. , . - - ... V. 7 ..- ,mi I,;.'. County Assessor B. D. Slftler- today moved from th courthouse "to the city hall, where -h will occupy the rooms-an the upper floor foi-merl nsed by-the Ladd Metals.. oompany. Cotinty Trans urer John' Lewis probably will use th offloe vacated by Assessor Slgler. They will oe refitted by th county court ac cording to th wishes of Mr. Lewis, Ttlm me ltMIMI,.Nlln4f.i fta At. reot for San Francesco' frwrnf1 Couch street dock Tuesdey. February 1J, at i m, : uaoin .,: .second. IS. 90. Meals and berth Included.- F. P. Baum gartner.sgent.. ' Main 861- Th.' Ollphant sisters' will conduct a gospel. song service at. the Epworth AT. E. church, Twertty-tWrd and Irving streets, an Tuesday evening at o'clock. and will relate som experience of their travels...- - -.; reatmsnt for th permanent our of all femal trou ble.. Lady phyalclan in charge, con. sultation and examination free. . Office hours, a, m. to i p. m.; tl Lewis brag. tiStaamer T. 'A.. Kllburn for San Fran. cisco,. calling at Coo Bay and Eureka, sails from . Oak. .atreet" dock -Tnewiay, ireeruary i. m p. m. iei Mam jbsv. The Journal, dally 4Sn a month, daily and Sunday Mo a month; delivered any wher in Oregon City. r If yonr-water pipe tn fmrni ar Iburated. call np th Johnston Plumbing - n Main 0t . v C C. C - Tonlo- restore- health to ex hausted body and mind. -For sal by Knight Drug. Co - - a. . The Journal, dally 4tn a month, dally and Sunday t&o a. month; delivered any. whore In Vancouver, , " Askyonr grocer for floldtn Cheddar. r. - - ---i p-oeda. " ' i . .. . -anti. "TV ' Pachtaann." II; Nocturne in O major, op. IT. No. X; Quatr Preludes,: op. 28. No. 10, 1. 1. IS Vnltte Ih t mhmvrt minor en. S4 no. atse tn A fta-t major, op. o1 ; T Impromptu in-A'tlat major, op. J; Im promptu in F sharp - major, op.. If; Polonaise in C sharp minor, op. 2(, No. 1; Maxurka fn D flat majevop. 10, Ko. ; Masurks In A minor, op. 7, Ka. 4; Qnatrtem Bcherso in E major, .op. I i. DEATH OFSfJITII IS AT BOOS OF POLICE Treatment Unfortunate ' Re- cerfed-aHDwg-race.-to-Civil----r X ization. Coroner Says. "h. OFFICERS SAW WOUND BUT CAVE IT NO HEED Crdggins - Had Nothing to 1 Do With , the Injuries -From Which Prisoner, Died. w " Coroner J". P. Flnley is of. the opinion that; Jo . Qroggln had nothing to do with, the death of 3. W. Smith, who died in th city jail last Thursday night ander-Kwtyfcterious circumstances. . Qrog gln' was one of th 19 prtoonera crowded into th small cell with Smith. : It been stated by other prisoner that Oioagln atruiflt Smltliand pounded his head against the-- cement floors A Japanese, who wa' on of th prisoners, says1 thla 1 not true, according to the coroner. - "I wilf take no further action' regard ing th death of Smith." said Coroner Finler thla morning. "I hav Investi gated the matter -and hav found that the other prisoners are not accountable for' th death. Th Japanese who was In th ceil with- th other men says rjriJgglns4i6otJtnock Smith, against ui xioor. "H.says that Smith was cry In a- for water in- th night, and that Grogglns Kicked him in th breast. - Tha body of Smith was examined, and we found no marka of violence on It except th braise, and fractur of th skull. It was this fractur sustained1 la tha fall on th cement MdewsJk which- caused death, "I told Chief Hunt lastnight that It wit a disgrace to hav prisoners treated aa smith, was. , -"Smith was in a dytng condition when taken to th Jail. Tha officer picked htm. from th sidfewalk -where h lay unconscious. Ho wa not drunk, but they treated him as a drunken man. -1 hav leamed-that the officers did see blood on th mift'i head,, hut. that they mod, no effort to secure a physician for htm.vThey thrunt hlra into, a, ceil in stead of placing" blm in the hospital ward and securing; the services ot th city physician. I tall you, such treat- i-mene of men- la an oup-age ,to. a Iy Ulssd communiiy. - . ., HE TELLS OF THE FAIR - ?r- r IN -THE- EAST Ira F.-Powers Tells About .Interest v in the Lewis and Clark ...... , . . ' ' -; .' -; Exposition. . ' ' Mr. Ira F. Power,, th well known .fnrnltur man of First street, haa ust returned 'Tromnn Interesting- trip through th south and east. Mr. Powers went east to vlsV the furniture centers snd purchase a lna stock, after which ho took a trip south visiting' 8t. TajUIs, Kansas City and various point in Texas and Southern California." In aneakln Ifof fits trip Mr.' Powers says: -!--.- r-. "l wit very much surprised at th Interest taken through th smith In the Lewis and Clsrk fair. Everybody seems to be talking about It, and th fair la certainty well adVertlsedr Th rallrosd It forward, and everywhere I. went I found lithographs. ' What most sur prised m was that In- th south, from which It was easy to reach St. Louis during th fair there last summer, few people went, and yet these people' sr talking: about coming to dregon thl year. "Th fnrnltur- .trad X found most prosperous. The outlook Is the very best. Therw Is- a 'good lively market and' th factories ate, busy.' There Is very little chsng hi , th styles except that the wvsthered oak finish will- be more thsn aver In- vogue, and moat of the furniture will be of : the -mission pattern. . In fact all designs ar running to- plainness, for with lees ornamenta tion th furnltur has greater' strength, snd while the lines of many pieces may be severely plain th appearance of qualntne and stability give it a charm that even the old style, highly offla mented. and richly carved pieces did not have. Th outlook for trad In Portland t very good, and I am sur that the carloads of new furnltur we have or denwl, much of whleh we now hav In stock, will pisrs populsr," ' COxICO on south side of Cisan street, be tweea Sixth and Sev enth. Easy terms. StreerrmprovedrXe" ment sidewalk, ' Ex cavated for cellar. . -" - .V-; ' . Apply to :-Z V . ; B. M. LOMBARD ' "' ' ' '. f ..4 ' '! - -t- , - ' 14 Chamber of Commerce VICTIM BURIED BUT" . " ASSASSIN AT LARGE No'Trace - Has - Been - Found - of '.- Murderer of Mrs. . 'T:;J.v--i SiriannL At th Italian Catholle church. Fourth and Mill streets, thla afternoon funeral servlc wer held over th - body I I" T' ' ... Joe FiorebeHo., ef Mrv Amelia- Birlanrrt. who was mur dered. In ber little "candy shop on First street .Friday ntamt. . Keqnlem mass was sung this morning t 11. o'clock at th church. . Interment wa fn Lone . Fir cemetery. Jo Fiorebello. th murderer of the woman, la still at large; City-Detective Hartman and deputy sheriffs sr search ing: for him ; Attorney'Albert JJFexrera i assisting in me cnaae, j, ... DESIRE TO REGISTER 'rv - - UNDER T0RRENS ACT ' K', E. Merges today made, application to th circuit court for th registering of lot 1 and 2. Couch's addition to Port land, under th Torrena system of land registry and transfers. This ia the tenth tract of land that ha been regis tared under th Torren law" ftf thl count jr. The prv1ougitratlona war by Charles snd Emma Logu. Helm Arviaaon, Hnry Mason, Claud Strahn, Joseph- Skelton and W. H. King; three tract wer registered by thr last. named. This land, having been registered, may Lpencerorcn Be transferred without the expense and delay or an' abstract. . The same expedition 1 possible 'if a mort gage la to b placed against it. NO ARGUMENT MADE ON SAUVE'S DEMURRER Th cas against Mi lfcTSauva. -for leasing a building for tea as a gambling nous, was before judge George this morning' on a demurrer to the Indict menu Ed' MenderhalU attorney - for Sauve; made- no- argument. Th Issu in this cas Is th same as that against D. K. Buchanan, indicted on the sam charge, which Indictment was sustained . when tha defens de murred. Buchanan "was charged with leasing th property known a the Portland club, and Sauv was charged with - leasing property tit- the owners of the .Portland Club cafe. Dr. Bay Logan of Mora, Or.. Is In the city.' ... - .... Mr.' and Mrs. T. J.-Walsh and Mr. and Mrs.- Louis- Sadler of Helena. Mont, r guests at th Portland. . p. ix Tun or. Tun Gibbs is in th olty from Spokane., - , . Mrs; John F. Leary, widow of the capitalist of Seattle, passed through Portland on her way from California. - . J. W. Potter of Ashland la at th Im perial.- : ., .. - - Lewis Johnson or Silverton is visiting In. turn fit v - . John A. Shaw or Albany is at the Imperial.-". . ..'. . - - ro&s ooinrrr Mjamm.- - (Special tHaparbAte.Til. Joamat.) Dallas. Or... Fro. 1J. PRlk county will hav a tin exhibition at th Lewis and Clark fair. It will be under th direc tion of th county court and th court has appointed Mrs.. F. Wolf of Falls City to handle the-exhibit and get It ready for exhibltlorf. Some of the most Important . production . of Polk county will b fruits, hop, mohair, shorp snd wool industry.. woods and articles made from the-seme. .V- ixoown TtBsr wnx om " hoitdat, - rxaauAKT u, a, , m. - Classes will. bests. Lstts. Chemlatry, Phrstesl Oenffrsaax. . nwrnetry. . TYlsaimsetry asd HIiMry (lUaa, Kafltob aad Aaerteaal. Portlaad AeaSeaiy Hall. (mariUa ball, rne Ctrl, recedes a Halted sasihee, is tU ee polated s4 aider tirelleiit earel , As EleieetlUry Si-heet reeelne er a Ittrb at dx years ana fit. tbea. rne the Areoemr, A eekeol osrolbee, at a swxtarat mnntbiy ebarye. ealli for puslle ( tk prlaury grades. If dMlred., ', -. : , lor eatalT- . i , ; POkTLAWS ACADXMT.; r ' . Zalrteestfe asd BarrWea. - . . i ( J'. m,m,..,V il. jj'JUB M iimi i ',,,.' iM. ,...,.. V' ( : f . ; , I j - V." v f x ' . -J It1..''.; A -v-iiii ... C.i!,i i ' ay'awi u "MFarcniuGS THIS FAliypiE Mr. and Mrs. M, V Malley Be Pleading Keystoners. MANY PORTLANDERS ' 1 ACQUIRE NEWrlABIT Telephones Are Brought - Into Requisition and Even 8tran- -agers Invade Their Home. Sorspple a dlh.dar to th heart of very native of th Keystone state Is made by only on man and on woman In thl city. These Fennsytvsnla cooks are Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Malley. Ever sine they mad It known st a recent meeting of the local Pennsylvania flub that they wer scrapple maker, they hav been besieged, night and day by Keystoners for plates of ths toothsome food. " - " -.- - : -.'! Every member or th Pennsylvania club knows Mr. Malley as a friend who will give- th last mouthful of scrapple in his House to a ' perishing fellow. "statesman." So universal baa become hla fame, that people -who cannot recall bls-noai simply, refer to blm ' the "Scrappl Man of Third Street." it he did not already have a prosperous busi ness b could, without a doubt, in a short season." amass considerable money (urn th manufaatur of scrapple. - - ) Mrv-Maltoy has ether buslnass-intsr esis, nowevar. nut until ine sumpeoe for scrapple Is over he and his wife ar devoting their spar time, and even Sun day afternoon to making scrapple. When' the Pennsylvania, society was organised Capt. Jess M. Baker, . V. S. A.' formerly of Chester, Pa., and at on tiro speaker of th Pennsylvania bous of representatives, was in the chair. -The talk at th meeting turned to having a dinner, which, was to be re plete with Pennsylvania dishes. -Of cour , 1 sci apple was mentioned. ., Mr. Malley .happened to casually remark that on th day- previous bis wife had secured the required parts of a hog and had mad about 30 pounds of scrapple. This remark of Mr. Malley has been his undoing. No sooner had he made It than Captain Baker put in a bid for all that could be spared. Other mem bers Hied requests. It was a pussle to accommodate all. and Mr. Malley - said thst those- who came first would be served. Th meeting then adjourned. , Mr. Malley" fame as a scrapple man spread. Before he reached home several requests for scrapple had com over tha telephone. On restaurant offered to tak all he had for SAnta a pound. The "next morning th - trouble - began again. Telephone bells rAnr anfrn request for scrapple. When Malley got around to hla plaoe ef business three aatlv Pennaylvahtana wer waiting to get scrapple. Women, th pleasure of whose acquaintance Mrs., Malley had never-bef oraenJoydIi1clldtJ1 their horn and asked for scrapple. - It did not tak many hours to get rid of that sup ply, sad all that Mr. and Mrs. Malley had out of th lotwas en meal. - Some of th Penneylvanlans who were so fortunate to get Uttteof thl scrap- i pi- gav Dreaaisst in Honor oi lb- oay ! tain Baker resaled hla friends. W. J. Hofmann, business manager of Th Ore iron Journal and a former resident of Chestefv'-Fatiwi thre friends, on a former.. Phlladelphlan and -.two ela Wareane. to com and share his supply at an o'clock braakfaat. W. O. Ober tntornfeieoiartermastef'Srr.pfilck United States army, who formerly lived In Pennsylvania, had ar quiet llttl cele bration with bis lot . Two well-known lawyers, . both native Penneylvanlans, and an Oregon physician who' had en joyed scrapple during hi student day at th University of Pennsylvania, got a supply arid had a celebration of their Mr. Malley Is a modest man. and he never had an idea that such thing as fscrappl would give him fame. "H was bom snd raised In th Fourth ward of Philadelphia, and in hi younger days was one of the boys who carried a torch light in-all the political parade given In honor of th ever-remembered 'Squire McMullen. ' He -formerly played around th 'bouse of tha old Moya hos com pany, and took part -In th fights that organisation- bad with th Hop hose. 4-Hahas-ronghed It in Artsona, crossed th plains, and. ha' mingled with greas ers In Mexico. - He has faced many try ing situations, but says he never., had on to pussle him .as much as th -one h Is now confronted with bf supplying Penneylvanlans In Portlsndjwiab scrap- pie.- ---- ,- . Mrs.- Malley Is a demure ltttle women, formerly of 8c ran ton. Pa, Her folks wer from Berk county, . and she is really th scrapple-making artist. ' Both she and her husband say that If they tried to supply the demand lor scrapple they would never have a minute s rest. G AT THE THEATRES. , "The Bonnie Brier Bush." ' ; 7. H. fltoddart n "The Baest RHer Bmh." will be the attraction at tbe Marqmai Orand tlieatre toiacbt. Tseaday ana nedneedar. Tbe nlee la well' knowo ae a Ara mediation of MaeUren'e stories Of (tmlUr IKIe, and le eemtea pnnelnally tn the lev antes ef Lard Hay and Plera floaiptielj, the mtmaSee- landing of which reenlta in the' tno.rorm.tlon of tbe father, Idilaa Campbell, from a teo tisnroos follower of atrlet Prerttytmlas doe- trtnea, to S parent wboae keert Srat tbrooa In nwo with tbe broader knnanltle after tbe ntahap wblrh Hefall bis aushter. Mr, IHaddart nnnennre thl ae his foortb and lant iso' aa Larblan Campbell. Amorlated with Mr. . Stoddart, and1 aHy prominent la lb east,, la Ren ben K X ..the Dromtoehty pant mas, Areblbald ' MrKlttrlr. - The aMoetate el. rem aad seente arodaetto' are said' te be on a par with those seen In prerlosn nnr sens, neata are sew selling ror in enure engagement. "Don Csear,-."OthUov,,- The encasement of Charles f. hanruru it alwar-sn event of Interest tn patrons of tbe thMtre wbe enjoy romar as Its rational form. nHm bos proSnenl no morn fenrtnatln- rlwraeter than th madrep sere, Po Oeaar de Baaa. MlM Marl Profnab, woo has bees ao eowapleooMly awnetated wtlb nom of Mr. Hanfnrd moat niariiHraiasan ennmpna, whi have tbe rex of Marltana. "Pen Caesar"' will be presented with elaborate aeeneiy and ene- tnwan aixl s enmpanr or nrepnooai erremru at tbe kiaronaw Orand theatre seat Friday nlfht an Hatimtay artertMn. Sntnrday slfht Othello" will sr me mil. The avrenen ante of seats will eea Wwdneaday at 10 eelerk. ... "Rio Grsnde." i . . . - This aftnenes the I.rrte etork will one the In s eonaatioaai meMerama, "Tbe Rio ttranda." It, I tbrlllin plav. til. with many fanny sttaatlnfie that will make tbe Intereatlng t, nom Mart to m. - Aa k between ate hlsb-elaas vanerTllle will be give by-the-best people I that line of I mm, wniw rne viiaaeapn, wnie alwav provee a latareatlng featnre, will skew sew feateree. - H ' . Grand's Change- of Bill . Tbeea will be a entire rftange r W0 at th Uraad tetrtdac, Ts Daasy Maaa C . . n nnllfysyyvay ; ws Until the ; ValK-Over T V " Ml ll I AT Sale ends f, .- WILL OPEN The Hew England inu oiis rrs roanin bba s No. 9 N01XTH inmii ivurbi ajto v -H ' Ladles' and Gentlemen' Fnrntahtngs, Linen Toilet Articles, China sM ' "Olaaeware, Household Articles of all kinds. WS OAJT tmJVU, AT mj MSIIt VBIOIS. Big Invoice of Perfomea for th. opening. . Lara -quantity of th best quality at bargain rales.. - . -- . mwt Tovm svoa of va. v XeMk at u Artlel fo , lo St2 L L.. M AlNDELr AY, Manager COLUMBIA THEATRE A .11 BALLARD, Lsa and Manager; ALL WEEK. ' , CoiambrirSttrClrCov Xr. aienklewica' Imnressiv and Scenlo seenlo pletur oftMJDAWN OF CTBISTIANITT,.t-rr---;Uv- Roma udrMrdTapTHdor-1nScnlo Effect naves bef or equaled In Port land.' . ,. "-'- ' '' ' "'' - ; -:'''... . oun rats jroir. Evenlnt.iT.T.r.iy.leo 5r JSoiSd Matinee. . .............. v. S5c, I5o, I0o Downtown nfflca open atfday, IJ7 Morr! son. Ph 6n -Msln-liO- -Kventng at theatre. Main I1U ; , t t-ws1t RfehardrJfansflld'si- OLD HEIDELBERQ" . - BBTtTBsT iniOBOFf. General Nil and Royal Japsrs Troup jn v wonufriui ii i uiv jvii v ; - , jtu-Jttau at .-r ' RINGLER'Si Physical Coltnre Hall ' so aMw Tonight, February IS. Adtnlsalos t5 aad 60 eeat. ' Seats on Sat at hall. ' 0i Kiaziks saoe. CONCCBT EViaT K10BT. . MS-MS BUBNbTDB. nnmr win prwn -. - , . s regular fnrce. Hyde A Heath have s novel set, tbe nieeniaa prnm n w. w -''- . . mm I ,-la h.VW M HV fOBIMT .k.ik Palmer A Roblnaon appear In tbe "Sorcerer and the sonnrem; - ooer oiarii., know the world over ae the minstrel kins, talka: Clem MvOee, the ernyoa art let. la rlever with feet and hands: Alf. Bonner els - . ...a. rt-A a. t wa1k mm.. PtJWWSJ aw nav.w,nw. New Bill at the Baker. Th rlnker erieiw r : eVleeh this sfter. i . . 1,111 n. mi.,. .,. of oofm who " - - - R.hv Mandervllle: loonrd. Holmes At neas. comedy mnalral act: BarmotU, great syptlan knife thrower: .tne great ro, impnwon.non., Holmes m Holmee, la s enmeaj eneirn; a Jones, comedy prodneem;- J. w.-Burton, in menoloatno: J. W. Wood, llmatrated ennea; the btograph will snow sew swing pinarvn. : Star's Bright BilL -- - - The new Wll will open at the Star thla afternoon a p. m. Th leading attraction br Mile, flaka In her Sl.on speetnenlar novelty ar." JHSHber art of great merit. Is that of tha Krw York trio- of errooata. otnera on ine leram ere Clans Kanr, aiae wire jaegier; Mark Rlltott. Anwrleara greatest sketch teem; Howell Kmeraon. corned I ana; JWrsy the balladlat, and the profertoaeepe. Thompson Aotcatk Agents wanted to sell exclu3 ive rights in territory or to sell this screen w. J. COOK At -Much Hardwnr Company. Second and Morrison streets, PorUaad, or. J ililiiil 1 tfSi 5 Screen: m m l; I mm m k - end of KNIQHTS Ortit CJj c; $3t50 end 54.C3 :; rr:v : Sorosis Shew i Pali Satnrfiay Night, Feb. 18th) -i - i'sr i i-i i vr 1 ' KNIOHT'S PERKINS MOTEL. " Ttaf loot She TKal WanU Yowr Trawa. ..1. T0M0RR0V Dzpsrtmtnt Stores Co. vox 'a THCU) STOHltT i-.'?" r anenrr, koitsat. is. m raxoa n n Sadtija. Tk gtosfl fe M 'Axunaamm. RETURN - RECITaAL An CTtopbryrOfTwmV , , . ;; WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON At p. m. cVlarquam e Grand . DIRECTION. : Lois Steers Wyrrn Comsn t-t". PRTCKS--Parqut, 1.0; parquet etrclo. I1.0; balcony, flrst a rows, 75 cents; last-V0i .een'U; . gallery. 19 ;; cants; , boxea and logcs, liO.00, Bal bpwf fa-' morrow (Tuesday) at Is a. m. '. EMPIRE TIIEATKE -x"' Setnre year . seats by -Pheo Main Uf. Ovstloa tendered Brandt-Bams Company ' yeatarday by two capacity andteacas. TONIGHT AND ATX THIS WEEK. POPU LAR MATIN Eg SATtRDAY. Asd sa Bzcelleat Sapportlng ' Oompuy 14 the sew Olye itch play,- - "LOVER'S iCAIJCf , " Price Mattneee,' 10e, lSc, . Brralngav 16c, ie, S6c, AUe. ' v - " - ' Seats sow aelllar. T0MOHT ' AT 8:15 O'CMICK. TCWT0AX AM WKPNE.WDAT EIGHTS. TEB. 14, IB, . Togntber with Rrnben Pas and as eveeTlent vompany, in -me ureat s-oicn irma "TJTB BOaTaTTJB WXSm WZmm." PBH'KH Parauette. $!:: - pnninette etrrhr. tl. .Beleony, T5c and ftoe. Oallery, 35e aso) Hoc. Boxes asd logoa, 10. . Deara are sow neiimg. ORAND MATINBB AND NIGHT, eo. "Mrs. Rmran'a mrtbdar" "' ' HTDR AM HKATH. Eastern Bntertalher THH MTO.MAH, cosiedr Wire Art lata. WINQATM. Minstrel Klrar: BOYIJt AW LBWIK. Comedy Sketch; PAIJIPR . AND BOBINSON. Coroedv: CLEM M'GKB. Ore. oolat; MB. Al.P BoSNKR, New Bong.. . ibB WHartiriTH wa -AdmlHine 10 cents. Bos Beara IS eests. OBBAT SPECTACULAR MIBBOB DANCSm , -. at tne STAR THEATR3 KltS. TUSKa. . 18 TOU R0WABD TatO.' MACK AMD I1LI0TT. ', ? ... BOWELt, AND l-a0t. .- , , .. , CLATJDB BAdf a. . DAIBT THKOll. r -- . ntsoM s pmoiscToscopt. ' Oontlnnons VandevlU. J WO to 10. 0 B. ' Sk Admlaaton 10 cents. . , f- THE LYRIC TtfEATKZ: v Betmtk and AMer Street. ' I ' Brv After nee and Krentnafc TH nkw i.raio stock comPaNT, -imue DenaiMnaL Ateioarama. SperialtM betweea seta. . Performanee at 2 30. I asd StlB v.aV. unni price oc anmimien. ju reuta. , DAIIER, TIIEATHI Third asd Tamhllt ets. Keating Mood, htgre. jmirwrm .u.i.rii'e in amperes. LKOITA , t OIVx. A Jfl. TH 0' tAf NOIL. '' to- aaotta. : -K0t MOLirrs. WXAYKS - J w, VOSTOV. . Sf TAITDCTTTJLB. t. w. wooo. tha Btoesar. AdmlMlon le. ret rue ma ages at I 11 nd S ift p. m. c r r t - r