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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 13, 1905)
POnTLAIID. MONDAY EVENING. ; FECKUARY 13, 1C3. moATi:; ; . AS VtHY: MM AYSC;:CLDi; ' CcLlCATfAlu Man-. Charged With Blowiij Sentiment in" 'United States ; Senate Materially Changed h':', Relative to Mitchell. Copper Gun Carrel That Once Safe of Lebanon Institution : ' in County Jail. 1 Delonged to ' Renegade . ' : Trappers Found.- - . TIIS DAILY JOURNAL", ... .-'jy.r-w, ......',..: r . '--yj. -t'" ' ... fc .... - - - y;-r.r-e-2' ., , w offer any L - TWO OF THE GANG WrtE i MANY BELIEVE HIS ' . v - CAREER-IS "NEAR-END Witt MAKE EFFORT TO ' '! FOUND IN TH19-CITY -r-FIND-ORlGIN At OWNER Man's Overcoat Evidence" on : Which,- Criminals Williamson May . Possibly Re- main At Washington Until :i i End of the Session. . " Had Both Feet Frozen Off and r Were Taken Into Custody - . v Said. to Be Strong, v: Would Now Be About One : " Hundred Years Old. 5- ' f 1 t " I I J . -J I : 7-: ' - i H. F. Reynolds arid Tom Dupn wtre arrested . Saturday . night- by deputy sheriffs .on suspicion that they are Im plicate!) In the Lebanon bank robbery lit which the robbera- rot - away with 1 1,000. ' , . -. - - .v Other who are' euppoaed Ho be con nected with the robbery are KJngsley and Darling. It u understood that they left the city ' In great ' haste Saturday when they found they were -under eur- velllanre of the" officers."' .; ; jW, H. Milholland of thla eUy waa In Albany a few day before the robbery. lie mw the four, recognlaed them aa bad men from Portland and .warned the authorities of that city to watch them. After the Lebanon .robbery they disap peared, and a few days later they re turned to Cortland one by one. v - It understood that officers have been iteaplng close watch on the men for several pays.-sna nave ooiainea sucn evidence against them Jul to warrant their Arrest. ' - - Inquiry a the sheriff a office 'thla afternoon failed' to reveal any .details of the arrest. Under Sheriff Morten re fused this afternoon to civ out any atatement regarding the arrests. , It la underlet ord! that thaautherltiea-desire to keep the matter qolet untH they have captured the- other two men. . ,Tbe leaden, of the gang, J. F. Kings'- ley. left the city very hurriedly Satur day with his wife. They are said to have gone" to Seattle and the officers of that-c!tyliavo" beeiT notified to arrest them.-- -f ' . " -r- . 'T ' The roonf In which tha men were ar rested Is on First street in South Port land. Reynolds-and Dunn.were taken by aurprlse-in their roours.i. ana it is said. a large part cf the money taken from the bank waa recovered.. , FIRE .CLOSES PLANT OF LUCKY BOY MINE 1 By the explosion of .the pipes 1$ the assay offlc of the Lucky Boy mine, near Eugene, yesterday morning the room waa wrecked and the plant set on fire. - It was only by herole work on theapert of the employes or the nine that any nor. tlon of the plant was saved. Owing to the Intense cold, I degrees, below aero, the plpe in the assay room were- frosen, A roaring fire waa built to thaw them out and thla caused the explosion. The he transformers - and the boiler room weje wrecked. - A portion of. the plant la closed, and-wilt' remain so for a period of days, the chlriery having to be shipped to Eugene f rora Chlcfcg-o,. . X Zimmerman, president ori ton city council, is president or -jne dorhpariy that owns the Lucky Boy. anil many other prominent Host land people are interested IB the mlne c .MAYGER'S RIPARIAN - RIGHTS BILLiVETOED Trom "a Joaraal'. aff 2omeeeaeenL) i - Salem, Or.. Feb. IX. The governor has vetoed Mar Brer's-.' house -hill Kb. 67 -relative ;to riparian- rights. - Consldera- , t- Hon of the veto has been made a special k", order for If o'clock tomorrow morning. The bill for the creation of a railroad commission by Smith of Josephine' waa :' killed this afternoon, after a warm xlo bate. Smith declared that the purpose ot the bill was to protect 'people from the Standard Oil monopoly, alluding to ' ' Rockefeller's acquisition of railroads In 1 this atate. He made strong plea for :: the passage of the bill. Griffin pre- ' ',- seated- some significant figures ' show ing the injustice of the present railroad .rate., Kayvonnemann and'Mulr op .posed the bill. ' It waa Indefinitely post- poned by a vote of IS to IS. CAPES ARE COLD AND : , 'HUNWEARS .OVERCOAT Patrolmen state that' the '.. military capes that Chief Hunt ordered them to Jj' purchase from- a -certain tailoring - firm are" the coldest thing In the overcoat line ever invented-,-and that during the ' cold spell they were no protection from the cold. The chilly winds blow up under them and whenever a. aide gust catches the cape It flies open, r-Tha " . capes, say the meiv do not keep them warm, and they wear them la order to - try to get a part of their money's worth. The patrol men point to the fact that although Chief Hunt gavo ordora for them to purchase, the-balloon-like af fairs -and delivered numerous lectures telling of the merits of the wraps,- he . clings to an overcoat of the regular ..ntyle-for his own use during tne cblliy da js and nights. . :fl , -4 mt; baker mining r. k ... a. a a nau aa, a t ak swa aa. s SC0NV ulvlutwu . The IfL Baker Mining, company, .the -atook of which - In In reel V - owned bv f Portland people, today declared a divl-j . dend of 3 per cent, payable February IS. Thla. la the second dividend declared by this company within the past four -rmontha. . The company's properties are located in - tha- Baker- mountain . mining district of Washington. . ., -PUBLIC SCHOOLS OF TJ .OALUS-AGAIN-OPENE0 ' (n,wil DinDetck U'Tbe ?MraaL) Dallas. Or., Feb-t IJ. On account, of . the epidemic of scarlet fever that Dal : las" has been sufferingwlth. the publlo school tins been cloned for a month, but the health officers think fhat It will be " safe to commence -' studies again, so ; school waa reopened today. . C. F. LORD INDICTED : . IN HENEY CONSPIRACY Charles 1. Ford, former dls-X e , trlct attorney, was Indicted this 4 afternoon by. the federal grand jury, charged with being a party 4 to the conspiracy In which n V 'attempt la alleged to have been . 4 e made to onetruct Justice by charging Improper, relations be- tween 1'nlted States District At- tortey Ileney and Merle Ware , "S A 1 (Wuhlagtoa Bureaa ef The Jooraal.) "Washington, Feb. 1J. Disclosures lu the Mitchell case made public by to day's press dispatches from , Portland have ''materially changed the sentiment in the senate regarding the status of the senator and the opinion prevails that he Is now In a serious situation and those seems to be a decided lack of confidence In his ability to-extricate himself from the meshes of the law.. - There la an uu disguised sentiment that Mitchell's sena torial .career Is at an end and that the charges against him 'will culminate la his Withdrawal from the aenate. , Mitchell himself maintains a confident manner and asserts 'that he Will not resign, . but . the T terrlbler strain - under which he is laboring- l beginning to tell-onrhlm, and' it would not surprise those who are near him to seer him col lapse phyaloally If the , pressure con tinues much longer. .: - Mitchell did not come to the capltol today aa he haa heretorora doneand has remained closely In. his rooms. Congressman Williamson " today 'de cided he would remain beta" . possibly until the end of the session and en deavor to get a -favorable, action on his bUV-wUlch haa. passed. .tht senate, 0 create a new Judicial circuit la Oregon. The chances for the. passage-of -thle bill were- bright, until the reeent cloud in the affairs -of Williamson, which nas served to destroy his ability to secure desired action f -tha bill. n. . Williamson's friends In the house are urging him to come on the floor and transact bualness recardlesa of the in- dlctment: He an!0 today, however, that he will keep -awayv from the house, add ing: "I have high Ideals aa to what the house should be, and I believe It would be an. affront to my fellow members for me to appear on' the floor with thla cloud hanging over me." , . . SULLIVAN ASSAILS HEARST HUH Representative From ' ; Massa- chusetts-Indulges rin-M any i Bitter. Personalities. : SPEAKER. REFUSES TO ; RULE HIM, OUT OpRDER Attacked ': Legislator ln Reply wnarges vpponenx , vinn . 7 Kicking" Man to Death.": v; -' (Joaraal SdkMI STlce.) ' ' ' m Washington. J"eh. ll.-Represcntatlvfl Sullivan,, of Massachusetts, made a sen sational personal attack upon Represen tative. W. R. Hearst, of New York, on the floor of the house -this afternoon. Hearat was present, and subsequently replied.' Sullivan ridiculed the Hearst railway rata 'bill.'1 which -was followed by an attacks by Hearst's New York paper, on Sullivan; charging him with possessing Tenner . -"'congenital -. jnca paclty" or' "a wilful disregard of - the people's rights."- - Sullivan referred to the political assassination department" of the Hearat papers, and td Hearst as a "swaggering bully, and spoke or him as "one ao ben ft of sense proportion" -as to aspire to the presidency unmindful "of his- owrr-contemptlble moral equtp- ment." ; - - -rr The speaker refused to rule Sullivan out of -order and- ha continued his at tack. Ha aharged Hearat with ab senteeism and said that - he had ' re sponded nine times out of 16 roll calls. Ho referred to Hearst a candidacy for the presidency as being "begun In debauch,-and ended in a fiasco, tha-maln reatures 01 wnicn were io grossest form of corruption." - - Hearat la reply, said that ha did not Inspire the article,' but that he aaaumed the responsibility for . it. . . Ha charged Sullivan with kicking a man to death In a saloon in Boeton. and to. reply to the charge of being an absentee from roll calls said it wss his privilege to perform his duty in his own way. , He waa sorry- of. the whole occurrence and regretted the personalities GOVERNOR FILES BILLS : OF LOCAL INTEREST (rreai a loaraal 8UfC Correspoodeot.) Salem, Or., Feb. !. Oovernor Cham berlain this afternoon filed with the retary of state billa as follows: ' By Brownell Incorporate In g Mllwau- kle. - By Nottingham Incorporatlrfg Gresh By Pierce Organising 'a fourth East ern Oregon Agricultural society. By Hodson Amending the charter of St, Helens. :. ..' - ?. WANTS PORTLAND TO HAVE ALL THE WATER (From s Joaraal guff OormpoaoMt.) nlem. Of.. 'reb T-lS.TIodson fw duced a .bill providing, that tha codee be amended so that, Portland may -use sll tha waters of Bull Run. By filing npttcea others may nsa the watr, where as tha city. Is said to aeed it all. Hod son explained that the only-thing sav ing the city , so far la the notice that the appropriation of all excess of water by certain peruana la defective. Port land intends . putting In another pipe line. .-' ' a- - ' 1 . paus mom -;, - (Special TMspetek te tW lenraal.) Oregon City, Feb. ' 1 3. Yesterday while skating on tha lea la the pond near nivi w v , w, j - -. . . v. u 1 1 b in. Louis Hemler of Parkplaca narrowly escaped -drowning. While skimming over the pond at a rapid speed the Ice brake and he. wss precipitated into the water. Other skaters fortunately were near by knd promptly rescued the man. Hundreds of lives saved ererv vear by hevlng Ir. Thomas' Elwtrl Oil la the hooa Just whh it l needed. Cures croup, hula burns, cuts, wounds of every eorL -.- . , ' . ' (Special Dispatch to The Joaraal.) v , Corvallia, Or., Feb. IS. A queer rello waa found four or five years ago. in the vicinity of Monroe; which may be placed among tne exniDits at the Lewis and Clark fain ' The relic Is an old-time flintlock copper gun-barrel, and the, his tory of the ancient firearm reads Ilka a romance. -,- According to Information Just received from a. party in Cheney, Wash . tha old gu a belonged to a man named Price. This man, while an route to Ore gon - from tha Salmon river mines. In 18(3, had both feet frosen off. He lived fct one time near Corvallia. Price, no cording to-the story, was a deserter ffom the American Fur company In 1113, and cams along tha Willamette river to. Ren ton county, stopping on the Long Tom river. No white man-had -aver trod the land that Price decided to camp upon. - With his -partner Price engaged In trapping, remaining there until 1136. The trapping waa ' profitable, employ ment, and all 'the pelts were secured that could be taken down the Long Tom in two largo canoes. Price and his part ner were by this alma nearly naked and had lived on beaver meat and roots for nearly a year. Tha etopper-barreled guv which Price carried waa by now -worn rmtrawd--the trapper -discarded -tfr-whaea four- years ago the barrel was found Tha narrator of the hlatory of Price states that Henry Watson, now a resi dent, of Linn county, came down with prtcf from tha Salmon river mine in 1363..:., . --; ' ? -.- .. --.-.,' "'Wat Jsaaegadea, ' '' ' When Price and his partner became needy they went to French Prairie, for supplies and sought to, dispose of the hides to tha Hudson Bay people! but. being renegades from the American Fur company they could not make a bargain with the Hudson Bay colony. ---- Price, if atlll living, must be 100 years old. Tha-last known of blm he resided In Spokane When Price deserted from the American Fur company-he-followed the" route of Lewi and Clark down' the Willamette river. Efforts are to be set aa foot- ta locate Price, if he etlll Hves, and to-have him at tha Lewi and Clark fair in Portland next spring.--" W.-i, Kent received from tha east Saturday - a pen of ' four Andaluslan chickens, for which ha. paid 3135. Mr. Kent is head farmer at the Agricultural college and one of Corvallia' anthuslaatio fanciers. The pen of birds just received has been a prizewinner in many eastern poultry shows, and a cockerel that la full brother to tha one In Mr. Kent's pen sold a few days ago in tha east for ,3100. ' - The Corvallia reading-room, which for years has been favorite resort on Mala street,. mpved'Batprday Into the -upstairs rooms in the same building: - Tha lower floor Is to be remodeled to accommodate the harness shop of Ingle Tosier. - TestOTday-mass-meetlnga were held at tha opera-house at 3 o'clock p. m. and sgaln at T:30 o'clock by Evangelist W. J Harsha of Denver, who for two weeks has conducted union revival meetings here. A large chorus choir furntahed mueicSJid -tltaauendanoa Tvas - large. Rev. Mr. Harsha concludes his work her, Tuesday evening. " . r .5- -VJ IDAHO MAY PROVE A ,:: ; CORN GROWING STATE ' (Special Diipatck t The Jearaal.) Moacow, Idaho. Febj -.13. Corn that will ripen In Idaho haa been evolved in connection with the experiment station of the Stats university at this place. Continuous experiment has disclosed a certain variety of eastern corn that will come to maturity In this climate. The work has been carried on under the di rection- of Professor Henderson; ' It Is generally known that mudh diffi culty attends tha growing of corn In Idaho, while the climate condltiona are almost perfect for the maturing of wheat, oats, grasses, barley and other commercial plants, corn haa never done well; in facttwehaabeen a failure as far aa . commercial results are . con cerned. The difficulty has been that the cereal will not, .mature properly, hence the importance of tba discovery. Corn Is likely to take an Important place In tha Interior economy of the Idaho farm. , Pief erred Steak Canned Oeoda. ' Allen Lewis' Best Brand. - Portland's C est Book Store & DISCOUNT ,.rt"0N- - Biggest Stock in the City i J. IC GILL CO. xOOKgcuers anu ' Stationers . : THIRD AND ALDER Creat Things it Little Prices . valentines , h''lj 1 ' . . .... j -v : SEEKS TO REGAIN . 1 DABYVIFE SOLD W, E. Smith of Seattle Claims f Infant Now in Possession i if Mw. LeYnon. MOTHER PARTED WITH- " CHILD FOR SMALL SUM If Woman to' Whom Rrst Sold ; ' Cannot fie Found,' Matter ; r- - May Co o Courts. " - (Special PUpatch .te Tea JooraaL) . . -t Seattle, Feb. -II Sold for I2S In gold by Its mother three hours after birth and now claimed by tba alleged father. who promises to take tha . matter . Intd court If his demands ara not met with out delay, is a bit ofMnfantile history not usually written in relating the birth rAnct x This THE STORE WHERE CRtDIT IS OOOp. . , lili dm of a babeT Tet such are the charges made by W. E. Smith of.tOS Teeler Way, .who-informs the police that, his child,, born In Mrs, Downey's maternity home at Fremont, January . Is now in the possession of a Mrs.' Lemon, who lie is able to prove secured It from -the Washington Children s Home aoclety. After tha babe Wis born a woman known aa Mrs. Rosa fiurkett called at the XKtwney hospital - and toffered the mother' of tha babe 320 lor: It. The mother,- after gaslng in the face of the Infant a few minutes, reaolved to take the offer, and Mrs, Ourkett-tooktha child away. Later Jn tha day Smith arrived at the Downey hospital and was lnf6rmed by Mrs. Smith that the child had died and had been taken away and burled. This the husband believed and when hla wife recovered ha look her home.- .-.: -'Conscience stricken, the mother, three days ago-confessed to her husband and he at pnoe began -to search for Mrs. Burkett . She has disappeared, but' Smith claima he has every proof that tha child now held by Mrs. Lemon'. Is his. ' The Washington Children's Home society admit that the babe was brought to them by a Mrs. Burkeu.Tut that la air they know.". Mrs.- Lemon says she is willing to give the child up, if It Is shown tha,! Smith's contention la-rUrht -However, neither Mrs. Downey or Mrs; Smith can .Identify the babe and unless Mrs.' Burkett Is found the matter prom ises to' get Into court. ". , . I 1,111 -Si 3' , ,1,1 I I I .21 Because You Didn't ltay .Your Carpets, Rugs and Draperies ':' ' . ; Dunngtiie January.Sales. 7 '-y, .2Vyxy:J-)' 'r'-yyi', - Mir W:vi ' -o- There -Are A Sinr Oiit if you wish to buy. or look around and see what's : doing, come in. ' Post yourselT; on what's whaf . in Housefurnishings Spring: : . : - ' r-'iT: Honest Goods at HoriestPr ices ON CREDIT, TOO! , YOU KNOW WE-ARE LIBERAL. YOUR SAY IT'S A PLAY ON IIARRIMAN'S PART Pacific Coast - Stock 7 Flurry ; Wall Street Laid. At Poor -. ' of M agnate. in AfUl Pieaatck e Tfce-Joaraal. f - ' Seattle." Feb. II The Wall street flurry' In Pacific Coast company stock Is given out In official circles here 'to be an attempt on the part of the. Harrl man intereats to secure eontrol of the company and gain a position In-the ex treme north Paclf lc coast, ,i - "In fact the rumors floating- about Seattle go much' further and practically amount to a statement that James J. Hill has lost control of the company and It is now vested in the' hands of Harrl man's friends. The Paclflo Coast company owns some of tha most valuable waterfront property In Seattle, and its control by any other than tha Hill interests would mean 'that the Great Northern and Northern Pa cific fight to keep any other liner out ef Seattle has been lost. . Aslds fro the -Northern Pacif left in terests along the waterfront of this .city tBa Pacific Caaat company has tha best n . 1 1, 1 ....i-a rl .''.:',' -ti' ', ij - ' ' v : s 1 "'. - ' - '- - .V-. - - Good Th ings Stocks ( '-'" f Tf : ' 1 - -;-: -vv 390 Weshir 39500 Modern 3-room - house, - Colonial ; style, with large attic, full baae , ment and cement walka; smsll payment down, balance monthly.; $1400 t-room house In Sellwood, con 1 - venlent to cars; terms. - f ISO Choice corner lots in 'North' .' Irvlngton. . . -. . ' WHALLEY, 613 McKay C!. FREE LAND IN OSEGOn J- b the rkbiat srain, frak ana stock aKaeaia, , - theworid. Thouauxiiof acrraof IsMatactMl cost ef kripneo. Deed street from State ef Oregon.'- WRITC TO-OAY. BOOKXET and MAP FREE. Deachuta Irripdon and Power Can . aeay,eio-lt-taMcKayBttileuit,PeruaBs,Oretm. tracts for commercial purposes, and without Its interests allied the Northern Paclflo combination would no lunger be able to control. , . . .-; sxxs at sorofura. t , (Spertat. Diapatch - T& Jearnal.) Sprague, Wash.. Feb. 13. Sebastian Haaa-of -the-Haaa Mercantile contpan y T of this city, died In Spokane at a hospital. Friday . at .the .advanced age of. 7.i.tyears. Death was caused by acute heart t rouble. -v Mr. Haas haa been-Identified with the interests of Llnoolncounty for 2& yeaVs, end he had a wide acquaintance. Ha la -' survived by a widow and three daugh ters rV. ..' 'i' , "nil in i i I I W 1 rl - rl; ' '"' -'-; i . .7.; . , :v-