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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 13, 1905)
V t THE ybREGON - DAILY' JOURNAL. PORTICAND MONDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 13, i KZ3. GRACjTE IIHL" HAS RICH ORE DEPTH Strike, on JbreelHundred Shaft ' Level Proves to Be an Ex- - r traordinary Shoot. HIQH-CRAPEROCIC-ASSAYSJ r SEVERAL THOUSAND-A TON Ore Body Five Feet Wide, Be-4 tween Granite Walls Free Risible to Unaided Eye: - . . . . ;, . . ,. ... . ,. . WHM: ..... r : WmMi v ' " - ,: - , .J-:-;,'::v;:rr ;:7v; -fir - y -rv n-r'f if f ; . - 1 III - ., -. I..' II.-. I ,. J 1 .... ...... ft- " : t '. ' .? ' hfiV . - -M - ': : :::::,::- .4-: r Coxnmander"EvaBothf"the Solvation Army SI1 establishedfree eating houses in New ; York,' servio; breakfast to mahy of the 70,000. children who she says have, been going to ' school hungry every day.. The photograph shows her in the midst of hc'-''y , NEVER HEARD OF i -.CASSIECIIADWICK Andrew-. Carnegie Denies. Most Emphatically Any Relation , ' , : to Frenzied Financier. - AMUSED BY WAY, . : " SHE WORKED FRIENDS ' Says Men , Swindled .Ought to ( Have .Known That He Al ,, ; way Had Cash on Hand.. Cofrrlbt,.llKjJ. tor tht ywrlca-Joarul-- v '.'':. CumliMr.) New Tork. -T"eb. IS. For . tb flmt : . tlma since the colossal Chadwlck scandal . ' tflcama public Andrew Oarneie, whos 1 rams was signed to 110.000.000 worth of "7" rruudulenr notes,' this evening- discussed - the Chadwlck case and cave to the rep resentative of Prosecutor Keeler. 'of Cuy ahoga county. Ohio, an outline of the testimony- that-h would swear to In .' March, when will be exposed the way Ms name was used' in the wreck of a bank,, the ruining of many lives and ' the death from a broken.hearlot Bank President ' Beck with ..of Oberlln. Ohio. "' The Interview-with the representative pf Mr. Keeler lasted an hour and. a half. . .. . .-. ",.. " V- Bwlnale amnses Kin. '.' I . The a;ret Ironmaster was In his "own i ; V.. horfle. at No." 10IW .Fifth .avenue,, when ) ... the Interview touk place 'and- In an anl i . mated way he discussed . every phase J . of the Chadwlck t rase,, asking" many ( . . questions of me. Hi tunv His marvelous 1 ability to gTasp details and In crowding Into the -hour and a halt Interview, the ' famous story In Its entirety and fjjen i toe finlahed he said It wss- the- most -re . , markabJe atury he had ever heard. ' lie -r -spoke of J.- W.t Friend,- the. Pittsburg . s millionaire and his friends who mfre en ; - snared to Ahe extent of t'OO.OOCe5' this Incident amused him greutly.- "Why, those fellows.'; saM he,, "ought :. W-to have known that 1 manare always to ; have well. . aayabout- JW.OW.OOOthat . I - ran get without any previous notice. -1 don't borrow moneyby. giving. tmHxs. Why. I wa JJ7.000.000 In debt oh- account Hidoight Coughing 'Spoils thsrday's work -Fir ; .Gives quick, relief- 50c W o o d r a Clarke 3. Co. prrpre and Wit 'It.' Tolu of my-libraries when : returned from my 'vacsctlon two' years ago." ' We 'sat' together on. the 'settee. : I was in the center and Mr. Carnegie half facing pit ' with his knees crossed and his hand once more-rubbing hla stubby heardr-tooked-m full to: . Absolats Denial. : ; "Wos?T personally, , of course, '-jrou are thoroughly convinced that this. thing Is all a fraud and that there Is no" relation between Mrs. Chadwlck and me, are you' notj he asked. v-- ' .-Crrrrr - 71 was convinced of that personally, early In the case,' I replied. "But If you are asked the direct ques tion on the stand, Mr. Carnegie, 'Is" Cas sis I Chadwlck ' your daughter?-, -what will you sayT"' . , -. :'. - "I shall say, as I am cow saying; to you,, that this Chadwlck woman is not my daughter; that she Is not related to me;, that I have never seen her to my knowledge. - and that 1 never heard of her until her fraudulent acts were made public" - ..- , : . - He aat In silence for an Instant, tug ging at hlabea.n thw " the settee and aaid: .-i ' -. ."But X am thoroughly..convlnced that ths woman will never' be' foolish enough to attempt to. prove , her claims." , "I have seen In the American and Journal," he continued, "photographs of the -signatures, and t,hey seem like the work of 4a schoolboy. If they are In tended . to "bs . representations of my name, they are certainly the crudest Im itations that .one could Imagine." PRINCE WILL BRINGS-- U BIG CRUISER SQUADRON . . tlooraal Hpeclal serrjee.) ,"", '' - London, Feb.-11 The second wrumer squadron., under .. Rear-Admiral. Prince Louis of ' Battenberg, Is expected , to be sbsent ' f rom , Kngland,, for eight months on Its first, cruise, visiting, among other places, the Atlantic pn of Canada and the United States. The force' which is to mske this long and interesting voyage will comprise the fol lowing ships, all t of the most -veeent construction: The Drake armored cruiser with a sea speed of tt knots and a dis placement of 14.100 tons. The . crew numbers. 0.' ,Toe Berwick.., Cumber land, Cornmall. ' Easex ajid another armored cruiser-of the same type, to be assigned, complete, the squadron. These five sister ships-have a Speed of It knots and each mounts It (-inch qulck-niing guns, .besides a number of smaller weapons. '..-'" -.--.ii "m ' i 1 ii . . . -BAjmosr waxts ivisit haxl. r -j. (Jnemll it perl. I "Brrlce.). ' '-. ' Bahiloa. Feb. It. The Bandon rham- fber of commeFceTBhoie- CoT C T. Blumenrother to collect exhibits from this - section -of Coos county for the Lewis nd Clark Centennial, exhibition, and George 'P. -Topping to represent the chamber to manage, the exhibits. The chamber also derided to make an effort to have- changed the mall schedule at this -ptaoe, whereby the mills may ar rive at 10 30 a. ro. instead of at 4:10 J. m., the present schedule, and to cure a Sunday mall. .1' C .. Z. PIATX OOafZS X SXSBV. 1 ' ' i " CIoorMl SneeUI lervlee.) . Pallas, l. 11 M. X.McDurmltt, m. birhelor, who lived sis miles from Dallas on X W. Myers farm, was founj dead tai his bed yesterday afternoon by Mr. Myers. . Heart .trouble was the cause of death. Mr. McDurmltt was S years of ace. and has lived in folic yoonljr ft years. lie was burled today. Bllklngtott 8adkln Is a great band to borrow trouble. - - Pllklngtn-WclL r-Banker Beckwlth would tie topi man to apply to Just ROW, - . '. ' ' ' ' . TO BETTER CREWS BOARD STEAMERS Congress Urged to Amend Navi gation Laws Regulating the I Manning of Ships. PREVENT DISASTER BY - "HAVING SKILLED MEN Both .' Slocum -and ' Rio Janeiro ' Disasters Due Largely to ' Untrained Sailors. ' (Journal Special Berries.) : - Washington, Feb. It Congress Is be ing urged to amend the laws regulating the planning of steamships so that dls aster like that, which befell the 81ocim will be prevented in the future.- In re cent years the, loss of life in sea acci dents has. been .appalling .and evidence produced at Inquiries, as to the causes Of 'these fl 1 WBHt r. ha. Invurlahlv H an. - onstrated that Untrained and Insufficient crews has. been largely -responsible jfor unnecessary loss of hundreds of lives. - The Slocum. bad no skilled seamen In her crew. The Rio. de Janeiro, which saeik in Ban. . Francisco- harbof, was manned by Chinese, .who-could hot un derstand orders in English given by the omcers and-consequently the life rafts and boats were not brought into service to sava the helpless passengers. To prevent repetitions of. these disas ters, the board of supervising inspectors, which has suggested amendments to the remttatlonn, lias been . asked 'to recom mend a standard of skill among seamen and also to recommend the proper num ber of able seamen required to man a vessel. Bills are pending before congress that seek; to change 'the existing laws governing the mannlns- of jvaasnla. Th. commission appointed by the president to investigate the Blocum horror said In its report: "The inefficiency .' and' poor quality of tKerew of -this vessel, doubtless typical of the majority of crews of excursion steamers,--Is one of the -essential facta that caused the Joss of so' many lives." - Andrew Furuseth, representing the In ternational Sailors' union, has laid the facts showing ' the" inadequate manning of vessels before'the president, secretary of commerce and labor, Metcalf, and the supervising inspectors. ' A letter com pletely covering the subject and the amendments necesary to protect life has been sent to every member of the" house and senate; ' . r '.. - The' "Olbraltar of ?apea." j IVam TjtnilAn rinlut, i vui wuiiuvii v Ma wa " ,In our ; conviction, twice Japanese means In this .case always . Japanese. Arthur becomes ths Gibraltar of Japan by one of the greatest military achieve ments in the annals of any pexple. ' " ' ' ' A ToQcnisg Story Is' ths ' saving from oeath of the baby f lrl of Geo. A. Kyler, Cumberland. Ui. le writes: "At the age of 11 months, our little girl was In .declining health, with eorloua Throat Trouble, and two physicians gsve .her tip. - We were al most In dpalrewken we' resolved te try lr.-Klns's New Discovery for Con sumption. Coughs and Colds. The first bottle gsve. relief: after taking four home she was. eured, and la now in perfect health. Never falls to .relleve-Ji and rtre a coustr or Pharmacy. Hlxlh sirl Oak streets on the way to the postomVA. ftOo and 1.00 uaranled. Trial bottle trte,- ' (Spsetsl IHipstch te Ths Jeuraal) ; Grants Pas. . Or.. Feb. 11 As more particulars of the-srecent strike lit ths Granite HU1 mine -ars received, . It become- apparent that, an extraordinary find has been'-tnade. The rich shoot cams in on.' the S00 shaft level., while drifting -on -the-elit known as the Jumbo, or old workings. Thilrlft s out approximately 800 feet from the aliaft. and Is making depths as the vein strikes up ths hill obliquely. - The ore body at the point of the strike Is said to be full five feet wide, .while the rich stuff runs- through It In gener ous .quantities. -S. Much ore assaying 11.000 to tS.OOO a ton has been Uken out. and frequently the rock carries free gold visible to the naked eye several feet distant : A portion removed In the course of development Is rallied,' mixed with larger quantities of lower grade ore, but much of the rich rock will have to be shipped direct to ths smelters. . The Granite Hill, under ths manage ment of L. B. wickersbam and owner shin of the American Gold Fields com pany, has prosecuted development In a thorough manner. . When - Manager Wlckersham assumed control he found the, pjonertv equipped' with -m five -etamp mill, and opened by, a surface tunnel from whlctl many thousand dollars of rich ore bad been.'stoped. Convinced of the permanency and magnitude of the ore body, .he began sinking a vertical working abaft.-which cut .through- the 1 vein on the too leveb urine were- ex tended on the 100, the shaft continued to the too.- and drifts run there. The vein, which is "In coarse grained micaceous granite, was found exception ally strong In the lower levels.-varying In 'Width from three to 10 feet, and values - were all that the management could ask. Stopes were .started on the 200 and too. while drifts were extended with power-, drills along the strike of the fissure, and especially In the dlrec tlon of the old. workings. - It Is under stood that. the- rich -.strike was -r-made practically under what was known as the Jumbo - shoot, from . Which many thousand dollar were taken by the early operators. -Development on this level, la to con tinue. Manager Wlckerahant r;wm-ctm-H tlnue exploring the vein on its strike as 1 It V aaarfaaaTa' lf"M 1 sf rati art h mWln MataslTlM ffl T Js nBI rV"JIWSisail Wilt ssrejiiia aw tend toward . the dloriteeontact near. The shaft la to be sent down to the S00, with levels on both the 400 and 500. ex haustlve exploration being prosecuted everywhere. Equipment at tl)ls fnlne is second m southern Oregon only to the Greenback, near by, and wblch seems to be a sister property. A compressor plant furnishes air for the drills, a direct acting hoist with a depth capacity pfc 4,000 feet has been Installed, beadfrasae ' and shaft house being of. a strength and else capable of sustaining this, worlc'the mill building Is of a also to acebmmodate 20 stamps. 10 '.having been Installed, and jtater power to be used auxiliary to steam has just been provided.. The equipment,' for its capacity, is among the best of the aorthwest. ' Deep work -was never -prosecuted In northern Josephine county until - the Greenback management commenced putting the incline of that group down. This work has reached the 1,200 level, on the vein, and lfta known that rich ore was found at -1,000,. l,10e- and 1,200 feet depth." Ths Greenback vein Is on a diorlte contaot, and has a serpentine in truslon cutting It off at 'the east. The close proximity of the Granite HUL similarity of strike and other general points of resemblance, gav the manager or tne newer property . encouragemenc.BajMtitUte offered. Do not Uke chance xno rcsuiia miiaiiieQ are amply assuring. for the': Granite Hill vein is a prettier and stronger fissure than the GeehbacK7 and the richness of its mineral as depth Is attained and exploration extended leaves nothing te be wanted in this respect. TABER TRACTION ORE -MINED BY COLUMBIA tSpecUl Dtapatck te The JeurssL) Sumoter.'Or Feb. -II. Opera tlons at fhe Taber Fraction continue from the lower levels of the Columbia mine, giv ing a depth of 1.100 to 1,200 feet The owners do not state what results are at talned In tbla work, but It Is generally understood -that a high-grade Ore is being mined. : The Fraction occupies slightly, more '. than, too feet of the Cracker creek lode between the B eV S and the Columbia ground, being one of those pieces left . In setting original takes, through lack of accuracf) On the part or ins. prospectors. wnen its ricn surface ore was discovered by Gelser and "Hendryx, a shaft - was put down to the 10 level, after which an - ar rangement was made with the ' Co lumbia management for entering Taber Fraction ground at depth through" Co lumbia workings. Since this-work, be gan. Mttle has been learned: of what character of ore was mined, but public rumor has It again that the. grade Is richer, than usual... iL DOUBLE SHIFT AT THE - SMELTER THIS WEEK ' ' (Specltl Dlspatrh te Ths Journal:) -Sumpter.Or, - Feb. It. About ; the middle of this week the smelter man agement has arranged to-' put on double shifts, doubling ths capacity of the plant . 'All of the bins at the smelter are tilled, and the management has been forced to adopt many expedients to ac commodate the dally tonnage. .. AftesI shirts start - st tne - rurnace, the surplus will be worked off,, and until receipts: Increase further, the smelter will be able Urhandl ore as it la de livered. The management believes In carrying full bins, to guard against bad road conditions or -Mai spring. New bins have been arranged for and these will be Isept full while deliveries are con stant. . . . . . . TEST OF OIL PROCESS AT.LE ROMS NOT FAIR (flperlal ITHtpatrk te Tks Jnnrml.) Bosslaad. B. Ksb: It. There Is a controversy between" th management f Knl No. t mine; of thin district, and the managers r ' the Klmtire ol) con centrating process. Le ,Kot No. 1,- as the -world- knows, save the process, go THIS TIME IT'S ONE OF ; - - L1STERATED i - . Thitf tooth cleanser is one of the very finest marmfacturecL-It is baaed on cientific formulae, skillfully prepared and 'designed to replace the scores of preparation of unknown compositions, v Formulae of yToodlark Listerated Tooth Soap: .. Craetae Prep. . llsterne eucalyptal, 'Formalin Thymal in combination with glycerine,' pure, olive oil, soap and agreeable aromatic. -'yV- - It is a tooth soap indorsed .by the dental profession and one which never fails to accomplish'' its purpose prevent decay ef the teeth. '-'Jtt keeps them' white and pearly nd ia thoroughly an- ,v' itiseptic'" -vf -;::- ; -v.. .L..-: i.-rJu. v.?--!' .This" offer is made simply to still more widely Introduce the wonderful 'results accomplished . by useful "want ads.' An enumeration of 'their many daily duties and performances would entail, great space. -. You know how h is when you want to rent a room or house, when you want to buy something unusual, when you've lost something why, you immediately look at the "want ada." Thousands of people read them every day you can talk to them st .the rate of - TWENTY-ONE WORDS FIFTEEN CENTS ". MM CU1IESII Cougho and Cpldo PREUEriTO Pn oucn on i a a ii d Coricurapttpn Foley's Honey and Tiai not only topi the cough, but heals and strength ens the lungs and prevents, serious re tuiu tront a cold-' There is no danger '6f Pneumonia, Consumption or other serious lung trouble if Foley's Honey and Tai Is taken, as liTwill cure the most stub born coughs the dangerous kind that settle jn the Jongs and may'develop Into pneumonia over night. ' : 77 If yon have jl cough or cold do not risk Pneumonia when Foley's Honey nd Jar will cure ypu quickly Aild trengtben your lunga. , : -' - Remember, the name Foley's Honev and Tar and refuse sav with some unknown preparation that eoiar yog the sams when yon can get Foley's Honey and Tar, that costs you no more and is safe and certain in results. Contains no opiates. .' . Cured After Physlolans Said Ho , Had Consumptions : E, K. Jones, Pastor M. E. Church, Grove, Md., writes: ' "About seven or Sight years ago I had very severe cold which physicians said was very near pneumonia, and which they afterwards pronounced consumption. Through a friend I-was Induced to try a sample of Foley's Honey and Tar, which gave me so much relief that I bought some of the regular size. Two or three bottles cured me of what the 'physicians called consumption, and I have never had any trouble with my throat .or lungs slacs that time." ,' " . .. ; Three sizes 25c, 50c, $1.00. . The 50 cent size contains two and one-half times a much aa the (mall six and the $1.00 botUe" almost six times a much. -- - - SCLD AX3 EECCEESED BY Sane Bavls Brat Oonpaaw as4 Weodard, Olsxke m Co. - experimental - test. - After using it for me time, with all seeming appearance of success, the mine management dis carded it and returned to straight water concentration; stating ' that, while the saving was good,' the cost of operation was not sufficiently low for the grade of7bree milled -at the mine.- La Slot No. I ' Is now using ordinary water tables, with graduated crushing and sav ing to prevent sliming. ;. : The Elmore owners have stated pub licly that their patent was' not tried fairly at Le Rot No. Z. and that If It had -been, the reault would have been far more satisfactory. Thla statement Is made with especial reference to the cost of work. If -th-plant had been eaulpped more -thoroughly and on- a scale to handle a larger amount of "ore. the Kim ore people say, that the cost of operation would have been so low that even the milling ore of this iriln could hsve borns It economically. It's a rnlstaka to Imastile that "ilr-Wna piles csn't be cured; a mistake tl siilt;r a Our longer msu you can neip. ikwdi Ointment brings Instant relief and per- msnont cure. At any drug Store, 60 cents. 7.- WOODARD. CLARKE .ft; CO.'S . . PREPARATIONS. TOOTE-3 SOAP i Tooth Soap Only With Cash Want Jtdt Dally or : ' - : j We sell stacks of Wall Pa as barrels of GLOBE! X aper, as well WEATHEK- PROOF PAINT, the kind with a guar antee In every package. The- paint- is so superior one has to try it to know its worth.-. - . - .. PORTLAND PLAINT AND WALL PAPER CO. Oistribntors, 168 Seoond St, ..Telephone, 'ea Ssrs. ' NsaU Jb-AHWTBPncriL 2S9 Tartar Bt CARSTENS BROS.T."".;; v:-.MontaTllla J. B. M'DONALX.,.S4IVB Williams ava. Edison's : Rotary cTWinieograph ara ts. ; Adapted to printing of circular let-"-ters.- Kvery copy as plain as orig inal "typewriting. ftpeed i) copies per minute. An office boy can op . erate It. Send for catalogue and price list. i - 1 Kilham Stationery . Co. ; . Printing Company " S4 Washington St, VortUad. 0. Wintry Blasts t Will terror, -for-you-if-your coal bin is affiled ; with GOOD CLEAN Irvoa as wi bmu ',' . . ... ... .. . .. Why pay money for the kind that causes trouble snd vacation, when yen are certain sure of satisfaction-by pUo- ing your. ore sr nersr - - Rock-Springs 0 Coal Go. ' H" a m. satis, rAJTAdim, tsa a. alorrtsoa L , . . raoae Bast 1S4. -' '"--''"''. '''. v, 1 .' - -v.-"-.----"' - ' .' GOAL FAMOUS VOODLARK" : : .-....:; ' Sunday Journal -V Dr. W. Norton Davis. IN A WEEK We best enceesafullr ell prlTste. iienees and chronic dleeews o( Ben; aha blood, stomach. . heart, liver, kidney an throat trouble. . Wa cars BTP1IILLI8 (wltliont BercurT) te sur . eared forerer. Is 80 te 60 dajs. We reBOTf THrCTlBB. wlthoat operatloa or pain, la It -ear. -We step drains, the result of self-abni. iBBMdlatsty. Ws csa restore ths' seisal vlsr ' an asan asder M basMens-ef local trvat eat peeoliar te oursalves. .. . We CarcQonorrboea it Weelr The soctors of this huhtats are all Mftilar mduatea.. hara had Bio ears aiperlenea, have-Dean-kmnrs tn Korthted for- 1ft veers. "- Bare s reputation to maintain and will endrr- '" ae ease auleaa ..esrtaia core csa be sf- fected. .,' ' . . .... ... .. . Ws gaarantss to' rtwe-ln every ease we snder take or chart do sji.r Conalntatlon freo. It--toaaoaBdenUaL UatrsellT BOUK Oa MBM sasfled free la stent wrapper. - If roe eannot eail at orflro. writs for anas. una vians. jus iresuuanK ew OfSee hoars to S ana"T te . aoUasjs. 10 te IX nil. Soadsys and j .. J BBjanMSBSSSSBSBW ; ''..'. " " .-.' Tk Istduig apeelallato la fh Kortawest. , EataellslMd 1889.- - - . i DKjy. Norton Davis & Co. Vaa Hay Hotel. ST. Z. Oar. TklrS sad ! Sta. . . . .-TOSTXA1TD. OsVBOOS. " WS ISU Atl TaTSKUABaaS ; Diamond, Atutalian, Rosyln. an. e es at a am- new sssue: wasnea mm, Elacksmith -; . r : : roll Weight aad Wornst Bell very, kiiNacoALe co. Troat aad Kearney atsw '" .'" . ; Main 1421- " ' c.3. i;:::Lc;fs vcrorcna srr.:? S maesSbr Suiianm while T. II aoothss the ei nTimnna of STnther fne their 'ortnlns foe o-rar riftv Vm. nun. aMtm Mia ram. SIUti sb41s the seal an I pain, ettras wine eouo. enenr mr ami i iMne. VWEMTT-riTB OKwtS A BerTTLE. 1 ?WNW?Wwi VVWWW WmmmaummmmmmmwmmWkummmmrtlV3mmmmmm& - 4-f