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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1905)
THE ORECON DAILY v JOURNAL; PORTLAND, SATURDAY tVZ:::UG,' FEBRUARY 4.- U:7. CHARLES S. FLANDERS' LONG. . EVENTFUL LIFE CLOSED TODAY ,1'LEQ CEAflT f,'0 r C3U3TS RIGHTS ? ' .j : . : AT FAIR GROUNDS CDAG6E OF GUIBERY CF 11,'XLE SAf.l nr Representative . Declares He Did Mayor Thinks State of Oregon Is Report Says Contractor Bennett ;.r-:Win Discharg Leaders in ' ? the Recent Strike. 1 .... JC V ' Not ; Reflect. on r. ' 7-' ; ' M Cochran.; i '..-. Sole Ruler . ofvWik n :;'':'' lamette. ; . ' . MANY CARPENTERS ARE.,. FULL EXPLANATION V; ; ROUSED BY. PROBABLE NOW RETURNING TO WORK .. j.OF VIGOROUS SPEECH . ; '.DEEPENING ,OF CHANNEL r-.y TV -- RUMORS OF TROUBLE A.TT- VSt '-'V ..;- '4kV.-.''H. ,;'y" 7- J.?. Guard fn the ' Municipal Court TTpn'CCIjiarge orAssaulting tturaor are afloat at lwl and ' Clarke exposition grounds. Thy nc)ude J the report that several Uuxr leader now In the employ of Contractor J. K. Ben "j nett ar to b nluxd tonight. If tbla ; ta done, many ate of the opinion that all 'the carpenter. ,At.worK on the govern ment bullo'ln will walk out. - Whan aakad regarding tha report Mr. Bennett stated f-bat hs ., reserved tbe "right to dlscharg any man In -hie em- t ploy whom h considered waa not doing i ma eori nronenv. .. lie saia lie nia doi heard anything regarding the report that i ha waa to discharge s.veral workman to night. v -v . A. few men are rat work today on tha 7 I Forestry 'iand Oregon building, while a t large fores la- worfclngen tha Varied In- JL f dustries halt- Many- tewsn .were em - f- - v-v pioyea -ima morning, ana n is saia urn ' ' - . by tha middle of next week the place of V V, all atrlkera would ba flltod-r-thst la, 'If v i . th"a ara no other, walkouts. It la Md '. "-' that -a number-of atrlkera applied for ''. their old positions yeeterdsy and today, ','-. ' but .that moat of them ware Informed ' - thet their i aeryleea ware no longer ra quired.' . ' . V :..'ir,,:.. Kearly SOo men are working on the . - Oorerntnent building. - A week ago theae ' men struck,-but wer 'out only a few " . hours. , It la aaid that tha leadera' of this movement r known, and that they ara - . j the men to ba discharged tonight. The .... ' workmen atata that they have not been : . . told of any contemplated aaove of this . . sort, but that there la a feeling among . 0 tbetu that something would ba doing" tonight .'... - .. ' ...-li ,S. guards hav bran-.dlcharged,- All ',- those on duty are armed, and have ordara ' " to keep down all trouble. The rulea re " gardlng strangers rUUIng the Island i '", a' where the Government. building and the . jnaide Inn ara being erected are enforced . ;"'"to the' letter. v ' ; In the municipal court thla morning ""wltneases stated that the assault that : . Ouard Texas". Cameron made upon C ' . Stephenson, a carpenter,, at the Lewie Vl : ,. and Clark fair grounds -Thursday waa. - V' - vnpromkad, and that tha guard exceeded . hta authority. . Judge Hogue declared - that nb on at 'the fair grounda had right forcibly to.-take 'earpenter- ' badge from him. r . l". . . , Judge Hogua notified- Assistant City j .. Attorney Fltsgerald that ha would be ' '' perfectly Justified .In lasuing a warrant! for the arrest of Chief ,Lang, who la in . v charge of the guards at tha grounda. :; Tha court deolared that Lang waa equal- j , ly guilty of the assault in ordering the '..' guard's to take Stephenson's badge away. ! .V , r " The case wag taken under advisement.,. LIES AT DEATH'S DOORir:' fV FROM ATTACK OF CALF '7Jurai Bprclsl errlot.')" Modesto, al., Feb. eMrs. EUerrl s . Orayaton, . aged 7 years, a pioneer or - this section.. Is lying at death's door I . at her home aa: the result . of tha at-1 ji. tack of the.vloUiua calf. .Mrawurayaton . . left her home to visit her neighbor , serosa tha atre. . The calf, which., was -standing in tha street,, caught sight of her and charged, head sown. The old . lady was hurled to the ground and then ' the brute began to Jump upon ber with his forefeet end butt bar furiously. Tha 'Bcresma of the' pld lady brought out the neighbors, who Arlth difficulty drove the animal from lts victim. -- -. . Both of the old lady's lower Jaw bones wera brokenr -and her faea out and .bruised, her breast lacerated, and.- Mr whole body i mill of bruises. Her clothing was torn to-ahreda. The in- ' Juries snay cause ber death. - . ' EIGHT-YEAR-OLD BOY - : -DIES FROM BEING HAZED I (Jearaal Special service.) -f Alameda. Cat, Feb. 4. Clarence Lub- bentheJ-yesjc-plcLsottpfJohn Knhhen, I who was injured by haalng at the Ixng- fellow school died last night. - According ,. to the principal, Carl Phlllppt of th j - big Lohgfeilow school, tha boy's Injuries may have resulted from attempts to lcoprthett-JUsu tricks felayed Jn llie t scnooi ysra oy two Japanese students. . An autopsy Inquest will ba held to deter--) mine tha cauaa of death, r XTRIRTY-SEVEN WIVES - r TOR BtUE?BEARD HOCH " Uoeraal aptdal service) ; ' Chicago, Feb. 4. Two more wonvn today notified Chief of Police O'Neill that they believed Johann Hoch Married and deserted them In ItOS. after robblrig them of their saving.. The- women a'rn Mr. Keglna Curtl of Cleveland snl Mrs. Anna lodd of Daytnn. Both offer to come tp Chicago to Identify Hoob If pdsslblo, : This enlargea the list pf lloch's wives to ST. FOUR CHILDREN FATALLY V INJURED IN COLLISION 'v :. (Jmrol apw?Ut si ska ) ' Detroit. Keh. sled carrying seven children waa struck by a street car on sixth strt?et thla afternoon. All of the occupant were Injured, four of , them fatallv. The rfrtvsr f wfclch the sled was bitched, was also seriously Injured. XOCX ABBAXwRB. t..- ..." ,.,.;'x -.f.i (Jearaal aaadsl gervlee.) -:s New York. 'Feb. i.--Johanh ... Hoch, wanted In Chhrag on bigamy Charges, ,' wa wrralgned efore Magistrate Crane " tkIS morning and remanded back to the ' tombs for 41 hour. Extradition papers '.''..; are expected by that time. : ... - '.. i ii i m r M i ij. , I'. If yes fee wrls r pDMamla, reswajaer the Dr. B. E. WRIGHT Vaa SalaBtlf la veauaa - that re neves au pain In daptal . eperatkwa S4g4 Washing V . ovanta. .:;-ri:.J ' . 'J .... .. , V; . j . ' il ' . i-. . i ' y. ' TV Charles Tortured by rheumatism, ' which bad repeatedly threatened bis life, Charles S. Flanders died at 1 o'clock thla mornlag at BL Vincent's hospital. Ho had bean there for treatment atnoa early in Janu ary. Born In lilt, bla three-acore and eleven rears had been filled with varied Mporlences Ha wa at one time associ ated in theatrics enterpnaes witn Charles Vivian, founder of tha order of v Ha waa born In Baleen. Mass., hd when young came to tha Paolflo coast. finding employment as tieket-eeller for Tom Maguire, one of tha oldeat Ameri can theatrical men now living, -who at that time-waa engaged In. -the -theatrical business ta San Francisco. Flanders worked In the bx-effloe for time. When Maanlre went on a tour with the first Japanese troupe aeen In'ihe United Btatea, Flandera accompanied him -In the capacity of assistant They visited all the principal cmea in ina unuea ntaies and Europe and then returned to Califor nia, where Flanders Joins tbo WUsoa circus as ticket-seller. IIIDICTflEllI FALLS vvn.j a,- a u:. pnea VI I Mgnmai. nim- self Before Grand Jury. ; B. D. SIGLER'S DEMURRER , IS SPEEDILY OVERRULED A' Many -Cases -of -an - Interesting ",; Character Are Disposed ofy Today byJPresIding Judge... ft.. . I lUL., .4 A IT BM man, for leasing l building, the' Parle' house. -or - Immoral purposes, wsa quashed thla . morning . by presiding Judge George, on tha ground - that a constitutional right -bad been -violated when Btfeytria'n was asked to testify sgainst himself before tha grand Jury. The - came oa for a hearing on motion to est aside .. tha - Indictment, wherein Breymsn. by bis attorney, C. H. Carey, held- that the Indictment waa vitiated by the fact tha Bre rman .was called before" the grand Jury to . give testimony in a criminal case In which ha himself wss the defendant. The court accepted thla view-Is good Jaw. ordered tha Indictment qaahd, and the caaa referred to Dtatrlct Attorney Man. nlng, with tnatruotlona to take euch, ac tion aa waa proper. The demurrer . to the rndlctment AtalnarB. D. Blgler, for alleged extortion.'-wse overruled, and Slgler must tsnd trla. ' HH conKael, W. IX Fenton, demurred on tbe ground that tha Indict ment did not atata facta sufficient to coastltuta a crlma and that It was not conalatent with, th atatuta whereupon the charge was. preferred. --- .....v - . Judge ueorgs also overruled the de murrer to the Indictment against P. EL Buchanan, who waa charged with -per mitting hla property to be .used for gam bling purposes. Tha property Ui ques tion. Is the Portland club. . J. C. Flan ders represented Buchanan. -- The Indictment against E. H. Qoodwln, for a- statutory crime, was sustained. Judge George denied the motion to set it aauje. The contention of 4he defense was-that Ooodwla'a wife was a-witness against him In ths grand Jury room and Derore me municipal court, th court held that the atatute provided that In sich Ta It was jcorapetent for a wt,te to i appear and that It rests- witUIn the discretion of the court to decide whether In a particular caaa ber appearance Was proper. , . '. .' ; ' ., u., 'r " ' - 'U : ; . ocrvfwiTU'c ncATu ic ;v ukuniii ii j u t-n 1 1 1 iu - A QUESTION OF HOURS n (Journal Boerlal gervlee-. I .4 Obexlln, O.. Feb. President Beclr- wlth. of the defunct Cltlsens' vbank. wrecked by Mrs. Chadwick'a operations. Is very low today. His death-' la now a question of but a few hours. He failed to recognise bis wife thta morning. He has not eateri for two day. yOTB BATLBOAP BJU '(Jearaal gpeetal Strrlee.) "Washington, Feb. 4. The Republican In tha house last night In conference adopted the bill estendlag the rata-aiak-Ing power of the Interstate commerce commission known ag tbo Each Town- send bill. -The measure will be consid ered nest Tuesdsy and will probably reach a vots Wednesdsy. - Tbe confer ence developed considerable apposition among the Republican. - . . m .ii T- A CaarAilteed Oarq to PHaak Itrtlea bllaC bieedlsa or sretradlsg sllea Tmir ani(lt will rfsn4 stnser If Psse Ola smsI (alls t ears res Is I 14 day 40a, V BEFORE ASSAULT . - ..Yi.Ai, F.Flcndert, ., He camflret to Portland with thla circus, . liars ha remained soma montba. working aa etage carpenter fa the old Oro Flno theatre. ' Hla nest engagement waa with Charlea Vivian, who had coma from England aa a monologiat and waa touring tha United Btatea . flandera be came hla advertising manager and mad an extended trip that covered nearly the entire country. Returning to Portland tha following year, ha worked for Rich ard Clinton aa treasurer In tha Elite and tha Tivoll, pioneer vaudeville theatres. After that ba waa In tna liquor .business several years, and retired ! or 11. -years age,: - Mr. Flanders had a wide acquaintance. He was ona of tha charter member of the Portland Elka lodge, and was elected a Ufa member In 181. Bonis time in th "79 h was roarriel-ln Portland, and 10 year later bis wlfa died. . They bad no children, and hs Is without known relatives on thla coaat. Ilia funeral srlll be conducted by the Elks, and will prob ably bo held nest Tuesday, from. Hoi road's undertaltlng shop. ; - s- -- UARMOff SAYS HE - AS HAD ENOUGH SignsiAgwejien Gaming W Saloon .While . Word Holds Office. r PLEADS GUILTY AND IS .i ; FINED A BIG AMOUNT Cigar Dealers Are Informed That SheriffstXelpIrigide-; upen tye on Tnem. -."Thla la Harmon's exit from th4 gam bllnr buslnees," ssld W.f W. Harmon, nan se1 of a aa loon and pealraona, 4 1-artd 41 North Third atreet, this morning when be signed aa agreetnent In tha private office of Sheriff Tom Word, henceforth to conduct no gambling games; to plead guilty to tha charge lodged against him, and, during Bberlff Word's tarm of office. to onaerve the Jaw. Tha written agreement waa drawn thla morning and was signed by JiarmpnJa psi -1 gooor-natura - - I've-had enough,- remarked ha, "and i aronoaa ta1 stand bv mv wr Tmm ant Tou have been aquare, Tom, and I have no complaint. - Tou won t have any mora trouble-wUbr we," uv Teaterday afternoon Bherlff Word and Deputy Glruaal broke Into Harmon's place and arrested the owner for running "a poker game. Today. Harmon paid 1S one, anq nia piece was opened for bust nss again. It waa atated at the eher IK'S office that Harmon's place bad not oeen made a resort for women, and that oniy men has) been admitted to tha aa loon, only in conducting a gambling ran nsinwa TlDiltN ino law. Sheriff Word alas arrested Al Harris cigar dealer at t7l Washington atreet, and Richardson Bros., cigar dealers, on Waahlngton atreet, between Fourth and Fifth atreets.. They pleaded guilt to conducting . gambling games and paid their fine.',,. - ' , I , TWWever "games for money, can be rouna." said the sheriff, "l ahall arreat the owners and players aa soon aa evl dence la aecured by .me or my men or anyone also.. Cigar atore ownera who conduct games for money, or those who f'lay, will .be arrested. . I am not wink ng st ths .law lp any place. Qambllns; must cease. The law must ba re spected. .'-.-'; - - k ; . t. In. the sgreement with Harmon. wHb th others who have capitulated to ths, sheriff, It U stipulated that all iron clad or extra heavy, doors will ba re moved,, affording easy asoesa to all parts of tha place, and that, during the term-f Sheriff word'a office there ahall be no auch doors or any other obstruc tions. ; - '1 " ..' " ' INCORRIGIBLE BOYS ; , ARE SENT TO PRISON John Oltroy, aged II, and Charlea Burton, aged 'It, wars given a term tn the county Jail thla morning. They were charged with larceny. Burton's mother wss. present, and was so overcome thst bailiffs were forced to remove her from tha courtroom. She declared that she could not control tha boy and that ha wss thoroughly Incorrigible,' Both, lads nave oeen tn jail neiers. QO Kmowm ti world orat mm m 9tmeJm moms mmd vokm loxmngm mMmdr m Had No Idea of Imputing Dis honesty tor Promoters of Hot - : .. Lake County Bill. x . In the . discuaalon ' bSfore fhT: houae committee en oountiea last Tuesday evening over the '.bill to create Hot Lake county. Representative McLieod of Union county msde . statements- -wnicn wsre '. construed by those, who heard him as a charge that money might be Improperly used to secure tha passage of bill. v-In the course of bis remarks McLeod alluded' to Charlea Cochran of Union as on. Of the advocaUa of the measure. Mr. Cochran was not present at the Committee meeting and upon reading tha published rre ports of It ba wired Rep resentative iicuoa in reference to mem, He received he -following reply Thurs day! ;-'.' "-.:.' "Full explanation and exoneration ir Journal . today. ' In- an interview today Mr. jacieoa aaid that b had not wished nor in tended and does not -Intend to cast any reflection upon tha integrity of 'Mr, Cochran, nor to Intimate that any of the people of Union proposed to use money Illegally with tha members of. tha com mittee on counties. From hla Knowledge of the .member of that committee he believed that all of tbem are men- who would spurn with contempt any offer of money to Influence their vote. While exonerating. Mr. Cochran 'from any In proper Intent, McLiSod fully confirmed tha atatemeota made by bird before th committee to the effect that ho bad been Informed that money had bean raised for tha purpose of putting tha bill through.. He added that ha waa ready to make affidavit to thla if called upon to doo' ' ' '- These explanattona are regarded . aa removing any eusplclon of wrongful In tent on tha part of.. the advocate of th Hot Lake county bill and oa tha- part of tha anejnbera of the committee. - 7 TrlANY NEW BILL87 Measure Povsgr m Tasrt Variety af Stat L2. ui" aabJawsB, . '. -: ifM m Vmm.i n.wi,s,i t . ; Salem. Feb. 4. New bills war intro duced yesterday as follows; . , ..In th aenate: Vt - 8.- B. 2J6, by. Haines To abolish tha Praln normal school. . v' 8. B. Ml, hf haycock To fix aalario of Judge, sheriff -and clerk ' la- Orant county.. 1 .. , 8. B. 2J7, by Whealdon T regulaU hunting. 8. B. ZSS, by Malarkey (by reqneat) To create ? the office of -deputy con tabla - : 11 ' ' "f . In 'th house: . H. . B..-.JlI,-.bjr Mills T authorigt Portland to bond Itself fr parka - :J H. B. tot,- by Jagger T amend eoda aa to electlona to prevent stock running at larga t- H. B. 110. by Edwards unotton City cnarter. H. B, SI 4, by Jackson To amend road H. B. IH--To fix salary of aharlff of Tamhlll. : H. B. 1H, by Cavender To Incorpor ate Brownsville. - -...,. It B. SIT. by Bataemler For taxation or real property not heretofore taxed. h m- . all. by Bettlsmlsr To appro priate 110,009 for Improvement f atata fair grounds. , , - H. B. SI, by Llnthtcum To smend code aa o execution of will mad In other atatea. ' '" . H ,B. J1C by MunkersT protect gams fowl a ..'' . H. B. . by McLeod To regulata osteopathy. , - , , i - - H. . B. i23, --bySarna To- WgulAt shooting, of-ducks In Cooa . H. B. IK, by Chamberlain For ap. pomtment or deputy zoreat ana game warden. Y -j' "''.'. . " HTB.-J5, by West T araend char ter or TUiamook. . . ,', -H. E IH, by Mtlea To x salary f H. B. HI. by Mile Ta amnd char ter of -Amity. . . -..... - - Tv H. B: tig, by Miles To amend char ter or I Fayette. , -,i ... - , SURE M0NY WAS RAISED. X Oraaaa Wraorbs ir Over jfropod Blvtaloa of Vaioa County. ISpeeUl Ctasateh U The Jearaal) " U Grande, Or., Feb. 4. Regarding Representative McLeod'a statement be fore ths committee on counties, charg ing that bribery was used, to seour th division of Union county,- it Is gener ally believed In La Grande and some other portions of this county that there ta no doubt that the people of Unlbn an vicinity have railed money to -further their causa. ONLYSIX PASS OF TWENTY-NNE WHO TRIED Six appiicanta for positions aa clerka and deputy city auditors but of a total of It aucceeded In passing the examina tions which were recently given by th city civil service commission, ' Thro retired before ths examinations , were ftnlshed.'and 0 felt undea the. required percentage. - ,, '.',, . Tha successful appiicanta and thai percentage . ..are Arthur H. ' Wilson. IS.tS: Edmund W7 Paget, SI.10: Charlea J. Kruae, 11.40; Robert A. Hume, T4.00; Raymond w. slteeL TAZ0: Bertha V. Holdaworts, Th last aarted was the only woman to take the examination. sTatgaberly topertlneaoa. . From the Chicago Record-Herald.' .' not going ta the theatre en such a ter rible night aa thla!" ' V ? " "Cerulnly. Mr huaband bought tha tickets last week. I wouldn't think nt wasting them. My, I couldn't sleep to night if . I knew those seat bad re mained empty all through tha perform ance" ..... ...... , , "By ths way.' I dlda'f sea' van at ehnrch lest 8unday." -. . "No. it waa ao atormy X dldn t care to venture out" . - - . "I suppose you wars thinking of you nice front pew there being empty all through tha service or.-do you get a rebate on It when you don't goT" ' iii . - ' . Xabbr Voe (Jautleae. ' ; . V "My hn abend never spoke a ' harsh word to m in hla life,' said Mr. Meek- ton's wife. - ' ' ! "Too conslderatef - . "No, Too caatlou. y ' - N; Thatk Would InvolveHeavy Ex ' pense to City in Lowering;- : the Water Mains. Representative Wintamson's bill Intro duced In congress conferring upon th secretary of war tha Jurladlction of th Willamette river" Above r the Madlaon atreet bridge In order that the channel may ba deepened, la caualng considerable comment In etty ball circle. - ' . , 4t mesne, if passed, and i the channel deepened that th Bail Run water main hich cfoea tbe river Juat above the Madison atreet bridgcnwlll have to be lowered several feet, entailing an lm mens expenditure to the city. There laa probability that steps will be taken by th elty-r water board, te.toppoae tha Mlli ' v-- "Thla river Is entirely in tha atata of Oregon." aaid . Mayor ' William today, and Is under the Jurisdiction of this stat and the United States government has nothing whatever to do with' deep enlng th channel. . If thla bill ta-paaaed and w are compelled by- the govern ment t lower our water mains It rtll cost an enormous sum of money. I an ddrstand' that tha only parties desiring tha channel deepened are th Inman Poulaea Co, and tha Portland Lumbar A Manufacturing Co., In order that ahlpa of deep 'draught may approach their mUls- 1 "I do not bellev th TJnlted State government can loterfer In thla matter. Its Jurisdiction extende only a far As interstats commerce la asactaa. .. II we attempted t build dams or bridges to ob struct navigation they could prevent - rrora aomg tne wors, put we nave aona nothing to Interfere with the original channel of thw stream. The war depart' ment baa nothing to do with th dredg Ing of th river, aa thla work lis within the jurisdiction of th state.- . Mayor Williams stated thai h doe not know that any action will be taken to defeat tha Williamson bllL ' v Regarding the dredging of tha channel under tha Morrison atreet bridge. Mayor vviniams taxes u same siana. x Th united State government has no business to interfere with . us In this matter," aaid he, "only ao far aa to aee that no artificial obstruction la placed In the river to interfere .with navigation. If they will give u tint and not hurry us too much . I am sure th channel will be dredged at thla point acoordinsr to tha President Castro of Vengtuela, Who HEAVY STORM COVERS " U-SOUTHERNXALIFORNIA (Joarsal gpeeUI ervlc., ..'..:'... Baft - Bernardino, CaC. Fab. 4. Th Southern Pacific track in the mountains east of here ar washed out by a cloud. burst . . Th storm sttjl continues and trsfflo la; tied up for tha coming 14 hours, Southern California I experiencing the greatest rain etorm In years, accompan ied by heavy llghtnlnr.At Pasadena the Methodist ehurea waa struck and burned to th ground. - - - '. - - LONiySEARCH Sow M B astern Mas Oaat AU the Way , .", IVrtlaad t Baeoaaa $ . . - r-XlOt Vtnn, - -; ' Health Is one of the treaturaa bfllfa The fellowlns . narrative - by- a -well- known cltlsen of Portland telle of physical torture Which led ' to a trip from the east to Oregon- In search of it: James Veterson. employed- by G. C. Have v of the O. ' R. 3k N. R. R. Co.. and living at Woodstoek. saya: In my opinion, it any surterer Irom backache fall 4o find relief In Xioen'a Kidney PUle. -there le no relief for him on earth.4 However, I don't believe any ease exists which Doan'a Kidney BJlla will not help. I had severe backache and a Weakneaa- of th kidney . for years. My back ached at time ao that l ceuia naruiy get up from a couch, and the kidney secretion presented very unnatural appearance And daooslted a heavy sediment If allowed to stsnd long enougn. i spent jots oi money wnen nv ina fn tbe eaat In trvlns to set some thing to effect a cure. I pa me dut here to Portland twelve years ago thinking the change af climate might benefit me. but the trouble still clung to me. I paid on doctor In th town -171 for medicines, but I might Just ss well have taken s much water, ao far aa any benefit waa eoneerned. I ad Ave bot tles of a well-known remedy manufac tured in the east and received only tem porary , relief. I finally aaw Doan'a Kidney Pllia advertised sndj one day i atepped Into the Laue-Davls Drug Co.'v store, at Yamhill and Third streets, and asked. Mr. Laua what ha (knew about them. I knew I could depend upon what he aaid. He reported that people who bed used them recommended them In highest terms. I bought a bot and bad used only a feW doses when I knew the hsd grtns to th root of the trouble. 1 continued their use until I had used three noxea,-n een ssv cheerfully thst they did more for me tasw all th other medlclnee put together'. " '" 4 ' .. I i mi ..'.'! ' r- ' , . - -1 r" -f ; :t.-::r- ';' ' ' ? ;' ' v"';y; Z.' '4 1 -- ; 1 f i . " ' .: k f l ; -v . . , r S v e , v '..V. V';. iror aai py au aeaiera, - 1 . ': H' Eider several things: Handling J: irViTOrtant is !raalth. P;rf ; rleallH means every tiling; In i clbtheV S furniture, etc.. if the imitation article, the only harm is loss of J monejr. In buyin 7- tanoro are: supplied, there is a loss of mone. ana prooaDiy an mjury to jealth; which is beyond price; - -Heiaesiber these ;":?;V ' balling ' r l " iiiaiii BAISING PO?Di3S' 4J3SOLUTKIVY PtJRH STOESSEL DENIES IT ." (Contbued From Tag Ona) , mob after repeated several. charges. wounding iro. raAoa. jraooTiATioirs, ; L'i - (Jearaal apUl Bwrles l " ' : London. Feb. 4. It la aUted by tha foreign once today -that" tfiere is no foundation for the report from Ger many that Oertnany and England are taking diplomatic atepa ta end tn war la th far aat. . , -' ' "' (Jearaal apedal Bervke.) Csstochowa, tFotand, Feb. 4. Ths atti tude of th striker haa thrown thla city into a panic. Inhabitants are bar rlcadtng'thslr doors and window In con sequence. - ' ';-;'m.' ALL chicag6 watches . ; V SPOT UPON THE SUN ''' ' (Jearaal gpseial errlea) '-" -"".' Chicago. .Feb. - 4. Through .a,' leaden sky, which aerved tha purpose of amoked glass. thousand - of people ,- today tched ar large- round spot oa the sun. The spot seemed to cover about th loth part of ths sun's surfaca. Aafron- omec have been taking not of th spot I ror several oaya. . ' tom xm moor. "A imall roof flf tu- a houe owned by Thomas Kelley, at tit. Fifth atreet. called out the - f Ira department , " thla afternoon Th flamaga waa nominal. r " ' -aaaaiaMesBaBeaa.easaMBBBnawBa , . Orandest dltDlay of -f scenery av aen Portland at tha corner of Third and Alder treat a On exhibition from in th morals nu a at niga. . ... .. 1 1 i i i i j. :Athena' new charier will gllw bonded Indebtedneaa of 115.004. r' yS.' j 1 -v "' T., -t' nHsvsMaMn ' Ta advartisexaeat which appear) abov wa Inserted ta Ta yaaraal " aadr headlag "ror meat ousekeeplaa; Booms," Sty. Clark, th ad- ' ' Tsatt, atated thai "Mm deaired the ad. Clsooatlaaad, a th roosaa had beea ailed taroagk The JouraaV' This aaow th aMUtp sf r Joaraa) "Wan Aa." t ail. rmitiogew r-.:; r. . .It ':': i Invariably Owe to ucmuxy ana (FLUID JACK, -A - SOGIETY Robertine" '''. - - " ''' . . . . ' I . ' '.i ' s r' j : Is Complexipn t 1 Insurance - ' T bring Joy and hspptnees t oualy' beneficial result a 1 A bint to A Economv. Results. buver sets a nonrnt facto whcnlbuylng powder. V r THAWED THE CORPSE AND-IT BLEW UP ' ' ,' -'v,".I ...' - . . .. f'T' : ".' " ' Minnesota T om OchlKre ' jTwIfj, Story of"Mnf Who Drank -: : Nitrb-Clycrin Yhn Froze V; 'T'' 1 Ipselai rrie.). : l - Bt PsvutrMi-i Tttsr 4--pter Zber-: hart la supposed to be tn nam, of ; farmhand who yesterday' dran it email, ' bottlaofpttTo-glycaia ju . a. sragar than frox to death whll walking home, and today exploded whan effort wra mad te) thaw him ut 1 f ' Peter worked for Claud B Argon vala , near jvheatler. Mhuu and while in th Village yesterday get drank -with - the town marshal, who showed him a bottle ' ef nitroglycerin,, eaylng that ha had takes It from bank robbesv Peter bet ' that be could drink th '- content and -. never feel th Injurious : f facta. . H . drank th nitro-glycerin and atarted Whether from th explosive, whisky or the intense oold, -be. (ailed to get home, and yesterday morning ha was found by the rodid froeeu to death. His body, which was) badly distorted. pleksd up and hauled to Argon- : vale'a home wherrPstr'a lata bsa undertook to thaw him aut. ao thai thefV body might b Piacea in. a ooxtib ana property cnspoMO, . v - 5 v . -While th body wa letx In an out- building near the stove. In which there was a roaring 'fire the nitre-glyceeina exploded. Th building waA eerapletely ' wreaked. One button, a boat heel and a piece of wth tihala all that waa. found of Pater. . ? ' " A !-r:.. " (Jearaal Bpeeial ftsrvle.) V Monmouth.- Or., Feb. 4.- Monmouth scored 0-and Willamette t la th basket ball contest. - ' i: "'Mi : Tom kiw-Tfagjtxxyiaa aoosn. ' tWO sleety rnrasMMd now far aeaMkeaptag, -- aasaeetedi 1 e U. SM PMtssee. ... -;.... IV. T-. - Thdr Success y . ...... wompiauon ' . ' i. POWDER) r f. r1 ,' , all uaers, on account of ft a mirvel- the wise t gufnclagt. laid everywhere BELLES ' f