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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1905)
-V V. THE OnrGON DAILY; JOUHNAL. PORTLAIJD SATURDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 4, 1203. TODAYS DOINGS IW10REG0W FEY AMD LADDER COMPANY: MEETING LAND OFFICE MAKES ARTiSAtiS. EXCURSION IS A HUGE SUCCESS OOItTANT: DECISIONS Rr Chief, and , Corhmissjoner Nominated ' and ' Coming 'A. ; Tournament Diseuaed.rT pontestanta in Both Cases Based Many Prominent .Members' Visit " Case That Land in Ques- -: tr':A-tion Was Mineral. 7:7- 7 Portland Lodge and Are " Royally Entertained. : 'X . ' I ..' (Special Dispatch to The AwuL)' . , Oregon City, Or.. Feb. . At th rgU lar mwllni of the Columbia hook and ladder fir company last evening F. Me- glnnl was nominated chief, and C Pop commissioner; The committee of ar rangements lor the fire tournament in uiyaa-appotatedatthe-jjrevloua meeting. It consists of Wallace Cole. Wflllam Howell.' C. W. Pope .and F. M. Maglnnla - la Ita report the committee , estimated that it would be ncsary to raise the sum of 11,000 to make the tour nament a auccess, ItOO -of which.- bad . already .been appropriated by the city. It la believed tliat the business men will rcapond liberally to solicitations, and the 'W6rk of obtaining subscriptions will be begun at once. The company Toted the : sum or tzo towara tne amount : The committee appointed for -the com' panySi ball. to be given February 23, re ported that the success of the event waa already assured. ' Parson full orchestra . of Portland ha been secured to furnish music. .- , . After th business session the attend' ants resolved themselves Into a social party, during which, refreshments were ' O. A, B. COSOBTTM' ' 1 . '. f$eelaf tMapstv. to The- uwsst.T Oregon City, Or, Feb, 4. The O. A. R. general committee-met at th courthouse last evening and discussed In a general way the preparation for the coming a. A. R. encampment. Cap t. J. P. Shew acted as chairman.' - A subcommittee on finance, consisting of I W, Ingram and J. W. Nelson, waa appointed to confer with the cltlsens' committee oa finance. "' The ladles of the Relief Corps also ap- . pointed, a finance Committee, constating of Mrs. Josiah Martin, Mr a. J. F. Nelson, - Mm, - Fred . iiehwartx,. Mrs. - Moore and , Mrs. Freeman; The next meeting "will Friday evenlnr. , -' , I;! w 4 . - AOCTSBZX) o xmeXY. T. A..? (Special Dispatch te The Journal. A Oregon -City, - pr Feb. . Harry ' Smith, colored, waa brought from Port Jand. last . night 1y Cotiirtahl Trembath v- and lodged In the county JalL" Smith, is ,, accused of novei. form ef larceny, -In that he la sald- tc hare 'detached and v carried away all the. bond wire used on - the rails of th Oregon, Water Power : Company ; between O lads tone and': Oak Grove. After, detaching the wire he In . ald to have rolled It up. and had started for Portland. Th wire were removed t'" during the night. - : j - -mABrran-BZPZ.oatAB. Sprlal Mapatra te 'T .Jesraal) 7 ', Oregon City. Or,; Feb. 4. The eighth v, - grade examination, under the supervis ion of Superintendent of School Zlnser has been announced and the following 77 students have beeen granted dlvplomss, admlttlna- them tn tha ninth srrade: Nat. - - tie 'Hasselbrink, Wllsonvllle; - Ada Rupp,' - JrylSndj. ,A ltrv BtyT PU-lton Fralrle Ralph Bnty. Dickens Prairie; Richard ' Ulthenav KlUa S. Vandyke, Cora. Yocum. ', 'Currlnsvllle; A. Clay fcngl, Kngles; ' Fred Baker, MountalnRoad; Gerald. O. ' - "WlUtox and Fred H. Davis, Tracy. - About one third W'-the applicants passed, ' --,-.- . i-- j THELATESTNEWS VANCOUVER CHURCHES' TO HOLD SERVICES - Usual Sunday Series of Meetings ; - to Be eld In Ml Houses ; .AiA. s , " iof. Worship. ;' 'ZAif- lliwlil pliustrs .til TBs Jiwrml.) r 'Vsncouver. Wash., Feb. 4.-TH ususl. services will be held at t and 11 a. m. aniff 7:80 p. rnVatfSt. Luke's Episcopal ' church tomorrow. The subject of -the morning sermon will be The Wheat and the -Loves. Rev,- Mr. Elliott, will conduct both mora ing and evening services. ' Morning sub 'iect. "A Future. Life; evening subject, The Doom of the Impenltent.T Sunday . school will be at t :4V-and- Epworth League at 4:15 p. m., ' There wilt be no regular services at tha Lutheran church. Sunday- school ' ' will be held as usual at 9 o'clock and Epworth League at 4:14 p. m.. . , ' ' Rev. R Yeatmsn at the Baptist church will- prractt at- th morning eervU on "An I My. Brother' Keeperr In .the evening the subvert t will be "Whet Shall . X Do With JesUs, Who Is Called Christ r Serylces 'at th Christian church to- morrow will be conducted by Klder O. ' AmesStt.ll and 7:1s a m-1 Sunday school '' at 14 a. m., and Christian Endeavor at 4:80 , as usltal.' - . Paator Cv B. Barnum of the Preaby .' terlan church will conduct ' th usual services at that church tomorrow. SUrt day school and Christian Endeavor as " 'usual.- , r i- r - ''' - Special attention is called to a series of meetingsi to be conducted by the Rev. Mr, - Bledsoe of tha Immanuel Baptist church of Portland, which commences on Sunday, February 11 at ihe Baptist church In, this city.; This meeting will betof Interest to all classea - ; "I had Imable with mf WnNli wkleb wee intra ib par.. va wm .oTerM wita )isriM wfeteh no I rmif rnn4 nmavm. I tries , in. h.B th. rlmpl.a 4l.s.r.4 .rue s aionth .wlf .... bare them Mtllsr fries sad all. taw iim a taw b.T. foane relief." U. 4, Paeeli, K7 Park In, kew Tort City, . T. Beat for -M-,, c4tovc4injrner Vlouinl. Pslatabl. Taste Aeed. fte1ne4, V.Tor Slrk.ik, Wk. or OHh. He. ttr. Wet N.rt kolt i hnlk. Th tolno tahl.t iliniH C C U, UiHtuMil K tin w mt siit talk tsrllag Reiwedy Co., Chicago at N.T. 4s .' (Special Dispatch to Tseawul.) Oregon City, Or, . Feb. 4. Two very Important decisions were yesterday ren dered In the local landof f lc In th cases o George B. Whltcomb against George J. Frlchette and George B. Whltcomb against r. m. Huiuvsn. In . both case the . contestant base hi case on th fact that th lands In question were chief ly valuable for- min eral, whereas, .' th contestee had tiled application for th - respective traots under the timber and stone act. Both eases involve practically the) same ques tions, and were decided by Register A. 8. Dresser and Receiver George W, Blbe. The lands are situated in Linn county. ': - After revtewlnr the' evidence and clt Ins; numerous decisions, both opinions (commend that the protest 'be - dis missed. "It has. been: repeatedly held by th land department,: reads one de cision, "that the proof Of the. mineral character of land must be specif ie and baaed upon actual production of min eral; that It la ndt enough to show that neighboring or adjoining lands are min eral in character, and that th lands In controversy may ', thereafter, develop minerals t Such an extent as ,to show Its mineral, character, : but it must be Shown as a present fact that the lands tr mineral, and this-.nust appear from actual production of mineral and not from a theory thai the lands may here after ' produo It." . ' " . - -i TThis. in effect,' la ther-doctrtne laid down In both decisions, and after a aura-marynof--th evidence. It was concluded that the proof of mineral" on th lands in question did not bring th same with in th rul..J-...5.t,.;'-..-.- CHANGE OF SEASON ON r - "-AT THE WOOLEN MIUS At w r (fpedsl DUpstch to The Jowl.) Oregon Clty. Or., Feb.-. 4. Thla Is what la known In the woolen -mills as the "Chang of - season."- The period Is almost always marked by. comparative declin In . the manufacture of -goods, due to th necessity of ascertaining the new style of goods for the coming sea son. Th change of veasun baa brought leisure to 'meny of the workers at th looms of ' the - Oregon . Manufacturing company, but th . management . gives assurance that in a short time all looms ?IU be running $0 their full capacity. ine mill is at present engaged in tne manufacture of a large order of blankets for the Jsnaaea army. - These blankets are rather light,' when compared to the heavy blanket provided by Uncle Sam for his army, and are evidently Intended for "summer campaigning .y. j : The company expects a busy" season fJhla summer, and U la believed that the Portland exposition wllr stimulate this along- with Other Industries. " rrnrsBAXJi at outoi oxtt. . -- (SpeeUI Diapsteb to The- Joarssl.) 'A Omgon City. Or.. Feb. 4-Th .funeral Of Mrs." Lisa X Cason, who died yeeter- day la prtlnl.-wee held at the Rlrtho- dlst church thla afternoon at. J' o'clock. Many friends of the deceased were , In attendance.-' - ; - . , r- Th funeral of Mrs. 'James Redaway will be held at th Presbyterian church tomorrow at U a. .-jI nterment wfll . b at Mountain TJew cemetery. MUCH BUSINESS AT ' - V. AUDITORS OFFICE Incorporation Papers Filed and Various Transfers v of AaAtA Re,Estate.i IMwwUI DImieltb te Turn Jeeiusl.l Vancouver. Wash.. Feb. 4. ArtfeTet of .incorporation were filed yesterday wrtn the county auditor by the Pacific Metal Extraction company, with bead: quarters In this. city. The objects set forth In the Incorporation articles are to acquire th patent-rlghta-to-thc; Dlkeyj ser electric- cyanide pneumatic amalga mation process for the extraction of gold and silver from the orea - Th cap ital la placed at t&00,00. If Is under stood that' the company , will erect a plant at or near thla city In the .near future i - r-. --- jra-.-" A patent was tiled from the I'nltcd States to O. U Dahl for the southeast '4 of section 14, township B, north range S east, containing 140 -acres. v Real estater transfers were put an rec ord yesterdays as follows:-' George Schlmmelpfennlg estate to Frank John' son, northwest '4 of the southwext of section IJ.rtownshlp I. north range 1 east, consideration Hi Edwyn Kline to Gertrude Hammond, west: M of the southwest H of section 11, township 4. north on' ssme, " consideration 1375; George D. Phillips and wife te Wash ington eV Oregon Lumber company,-tim ber on northeast t Of section IS, town ship. 4. north range t east, - considera tion 137$; P. P. Nelson to Oust. Ml uth and his wife, lot 2, Tacolt acre tracts, consideration SlfiC: range 1 ent, containing SO acres, consideration libCt D. F. Schule and his wife to Trrsa Sohns. the. undivided H interest! In lots 41 and 47 of the Columbia Homestead lota -consideration II; Adam Green to k-Wswhlngton-t' V Oregon Lumber -com pany, northwest 14 bf section la, town ship 4, north' range I eaat-7 - - - - ' ,' - L.TAjrooTvmi ivooaza . tSpeeUl WepatrtlTe OT mrnr.t' -Vancouver, Waah., Feb. 4. Rev. R. Veatman of tha Baptist church spent two days this week In The Dalles, on religious work. " . - - M. C. Whitney of lAke Shore, this county. bss been confined to his bed with pneumonia for -the past three weeks, but is reported aa alowly recovering- - '-'' ; - William Devln returned last night from-an outing of three week; up the Columbia ' ; ' -'..' , ,The Cathedral Social club will give one of Ita popular card parties and socials at the college hall. . corner of Twelfth and Wet C streets, February 4. Re freshments will be. served, during the evening.- . '---. . " : . -' . . v B. UBodey " of ; Essex. Mont., has been visiting friends and relatives In this county during th psst week. Ownership of so much land by rail roads Is a handicap nn Joaephlne county. assert th Grant Pass Herald. ' ..t , . tSpedal - Dispatch to Ta JoeraaM Oregon City, Or Feb.. 4. The Grand Artisans who took part. la the excursion te Portland last evening have much to say In prale of th Fram lodge in that city aa entertainers. ' The excursion left this city at 7. -IS p. m.K arriving- in Port land at 8 p. m. About 100 excursionists half o,whom were womsa. fllleipie two nanasome car provtaed by: the u, w. P. ,- Arriving in Portland, the party marched to the Fram iodsa, corner - of Sixth and Alder streets, where' a largo number of Portland member of th or der' bade them 'welcome, v ' ' - Then followed a literary and' musical program Interspersed .' with - speeches from the various omcers of both lodges. Ex-Mayer Dimlck, G. C Bacon and Mas ter Artisan iToty made neat little ad dresses. ' thanking tha boats , for . their bounteous hospitality,., and extending them an Invitation to repay the visit in the near future '..This the Portland artisans promised to do. Refreshments were served during the evening and after spending several hour of delightful, social- enjoyment, the party, left-the me tropolis at 12:14 a., ra., arriving home three quarters of an hour latere,.: ma OYAXi AJTD MXsTOaV - (SpeeUI DtapatHi to The Jeeraal.) ' . ;.Oregon City,- Feb. 4. -Mayor William Sehlndler of Mtlwaukie returned yes terday from Salem, where he -went in the Interest of certain legislation affect? Ing that town. . " Councilman A- X Roberts of Milw'aa kle Is reported dangerously 1 111 - with pneumonia."7i"-'5ii County tourt adjourned, yesterday and the - comm toelohers ; returned to - their homes.:. -".'. - .7 r Kmil Rich tr Tand Carrie Pond ' John son were this morning licensed to wed. Jr 3. ' Underwood yesterday purchased one half interest in the blacksmith' es tablishment of Ca Miller on Fourth Street...., y. v" - .va V. --- Superintendent of Schools Zlnser yes terday, after 'trial, suspended four pu pils for the rest of the session from at tendance at the Brown .school, near New Era. ,' .!?'- . i -. ."'i. Dr. S. X Wolf has gone to New Tork Cityr "-?jr.. i7-A, Const able JR. 'XT." Trerobi th ; returned yesterday : from Salem. . " -:. ,7 -. Rev. W. B. Moore- of the -Clackamas Methodist rarch was In th city yea terday. . . ; ' A- ' A' George Topi Its ef NeW Tork City and Sieg. 8. ' Toplits of -8attl,' both com-. merola travelers,-are reglstered.-at.ths Klectrlr. -, , - - Grant Page of the United States flsli commission "Is In the city. ' ' Miss Zllpha Galloway, who was a clerk in'-.the. land ofnee her for mora than eight years, but. afterward became a nurse In St, Vincent s hospital, Portland,-has resigned her position and re turned to her home in McMknpvllle. -'"Oir account -of -7lkness-4n-hlafamUy ft la announced that Judge Moore of the supreme court will not. speak at the Colonial banquet " to ' be given at the Baptist church February S3. Rev, J Whltoomb. Brougher. of ' Fortland- likely make the 'chief , address of th occasion.... . . ' ' . . 0FVANC0UVER CAMPS OF . . CLARKE TO RESUME Means Much to ..Vancouver and -Vicinity as M.u?h Money is' Expended oh Payroll, i - ""-(gseelsli PIP tell to The twnh . f""-Vancouver, Wash .Feb. 4. While In this city recently, , A.Wyerhu'seria member of the Well-knoWn timber syn dlcate bearing his nam, gav out Infor mation which practically assures that the logging camps belonging to the com pany Jn this county will be started up In the near futura-"The probable, date of activity will be March,.!, although It may be the middle of the month before any timber la cut. The operation of these camps means a great deal to Van couvexaalt puts Into circulation several thousand dollars every month, a large part of which, finds it" wsy to this city. Before th shnt-down last November the payroll was averaging mor than 414,060 a- year.-; : -.--a-. ,'- - - - . ', - I'.-', - MAS MO-STAPS.-7' (Special Dl.patra .to The loarsai.) 7 Vancouver, - Wash.,. Feb. -4. Postmas ter DuBols is practically without stamp slnoe thai robbery last Tuesday. A few books of the I-cent denomination hav been borrowed from the Portland-office until the arrival of a new supply from the department, headquarter, at Wash ington, D. C. , j ' It Is probablh that greater precaution will be taken In the future tw prevent a recurrence of the events oriaat- Tuee- ANAEMIA is thin blood. It causes pale " faces, white lips, weak nerves and lack of vitality. A blood ehricning, fatroducing food medicine is needed. Scott's Emulsion goW to the rootrof the trouble, sfrengthens and enriches the blood, and builds , up the entire systenvbv For anaemic girls, thin boys, and ; enfeebled mothers," it is the standard remedy. . It builds up "and-. strengthens the entire system with wonderful 7 ra pidity. 7 ' ; . ' . . . . 4 . . - t W W! tend yoa a (ample free. 7 Scott Ik Bowae, 409 Pearl SU Kew York - t -. .-. 7 . , i , . .. , ; , , . ; ' v .- . 7 . I, ... . '. . - - .. , ' ' - - '4 . a-' '.--.-- I .--:.---...... ri - - -s . - -, ; r- - . ...... . , f - .y . . (" . ; 4771illg 7 Ail Aroiiind the :a- ' ( y1 " J . . '' . .... . 4. ........ ,1 J d . cp-M f CARRD.GES WAGONS HARNESS 1 '..-:.' fmmammmmmimmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ss i'' ' " J' Studebaker 330-336 day, and a burgla-proof chest is talked of. - . ; ooMP-jrr m ostx-nMUraa. , (Special Dt.petck The JooraalJ . Vancouver. Wasn Feb. 4. Much in terest is being taken In th annuar re union .of company G, "First Washington vpluiUeera. which WW toe hold this even ing. A -large number of the members of the company" are residents of Clarke I county-and a full attendano Is assured. This is also' the? sixth anniversary or th battle of pan ta Ana, which make the event of double Interest to th mem ber of, company O, . , , , . Bia'LUMBER COMPANY r HOLDS ANNUAL MEETING . (Special Dlapateh to The Journal.) ' ETu gene. Or Teh. 4. The' annual meet ing1 of the Booth-Kelly Lumber company, which was held yesterday - and today hss perhaps been the most important-one yet Tield byThls big Una. Many lm portant questions have come up for dls cusslona and a large amount of busi ness baa been transacted. - The old directors of th company were retained for -anot-liVr year. Th present officers - arer-aa followatw' Ti H. Buck, president! i. F. Kelly, Vlc- presldent; G. da. Kelly, secretary; R.-A., Boottv manager and rreasurer : zl A. J. Hechtman of. San Francisco, B. N. Brlggs of Ban Frattclseo, and A. CTDlXQli of Coburg. The capital, stock , has beea Increased from 11.600.000 to S,000.000. uhder discussion by the -directors and de- hdded chsngea are "soon to take place If certain difficulties now In the road are not" removed, The plant at Coburg will be' removed- t - another locality unleas thess are overcome, but the ether mills are expected to remain. It will take ns? -ZZl "'Honevand Tar-and refuse some questions and the officials state that this 1'" IT. " : -V,. v"p" ,1?Z mii7bii-.iiii-s viiw uaii wiu av rumaiua iiibiji. aud day and a full fores of men wUl be taken on. SALOON MEN CHARGED I ; WITH VIOLATING LAW (Bpeelat IMapateh te' Tee JodraaL) " . Hood River. Or..- Feb. . The saloon men of this city have beeit railed upon by tha district attorney to answer to thai charge of violating the prohibition law in this city. ..They appeared yesterday before Circuit Judge Bradshaw by their attorney and waived examination.. Thetr cas has been set for trial on Monday, the same date when th case of Pout against the city of Hood- River will be heard before Judge Bradshaw. t . In the latter cas the saloon men of the rlty are making a test rase of the local option law by calling for a rebate on their , saloon license. The city -au thorities of Hood River nrotmse to carrv the matter1 to the higher courts If need be- Their defense Is based on the argu ment that local option Is inoperative In cities whose charters regulate th liquor business under a special act of th legis lature , . 7 V "-v.-. - , - - (SpeHal iHapstHl t Th Journal.) Prlnevllle. Or , Feb.. 4. U N. IJgget. who died here January SO, was- burled this week. At the time of his death he was a deputy sheriff of this county. UNIVERSITY RECEIVES ; MUCH NEW APPARATUS (Sperlal Dlapstrh to Tha JouraaL) Willamette University. 8alem. Or., Feb. A wireless telegraph outfit, a wire less telephone outfit, an Xrny machine and. small amount-of radium, the new element, are the nroet Important of a large shipment of chemical snd physical apparatus received by Willamette uni versity from the manufacturers jester- ROBES and WHIPS East Morrison - PCXLYC.-EDIY '6 7 nancI Tai ; There Is no case on record of a coll7TesBftiff5ptrrln other serious lung trouble, after Foley's Honey and. Tar bad been taken. L It will cure In e most obstinate racking cough, and - heals .and etrrnarthen the Inner.. .'-. I"- " rFoIey'slIoney and Tar has 1 1 i 1 cure3anjrasc57SaiBCipicnLi consumption ana even m tne iasi stages will alwavs cive comfort and relief. - -:- - Foley's Hone v and Tardives quick relief to Asthma sufferers, as it relieves the difficult breath ing at once. Keraember the name Foley's Substitutes that . COSt yplji - tfrff same as the, genuine. j not take , .7. . cnances wun some unicnown prejparation.7''"7'!-7""''7-;.; Contains ao.opiatet. 17 ; ; 7 Cund of f irrlblt Coojh Lesxt N. Jackson -of Danville, 111., write: "My daughter had a sever attack of La Grippe and a terribl cough oa hr lungs. W tried a great many remedies without relief. She tried Foley' Honey and Tar, which cured her. She has never been troubled with a. cough tince;"- - Consumption CnrooV: 7 Pofcy & Po., Chicagoi 7 Dana, Ind. - Gentlemen: FoleyrltoneV and Tar cured me of Consumption after I had suffered two years and was almost des-H perate. .Three physioiaas failed to grew me any relief and the last one said ha could do tne no good. I tried almost every medicine I heard tell of without benefit, until Foley' Honey and Tar wa recom mended to me. - Its effect right from the start was magical. I improved steadily from the first dose and am now sound and well, and think Foley' Honey and Tar Is 4 God-send to people with Throat and Lung Trou ble. Yours very truly, ; mjls. MARY Ambrose: - Three sizes-ZSc. BOc.Jtl. 00., -The 50 cent size contains two and one-half times as much as the small size and the fl.00 bottle al most six times as much.'-'' EECCL"i::i3 CY ue Javla Dreg Oesspaay aad W4ai Olartt ft Oe - day. Th shipment also Include a 1209 stereoptloon for; Illustrated lectures In the science department, and many minor Instruments. This new addition brings the science department thoroughly up to date, ' . KliAlIileSE;. I,- .'. A:.-..-a4W -. Bros. Co. StriePbrtlarid,r;Oregon SEND; US. yOUR ESTIMATES ' . . - for: - T Sash, Doors, Miir Work . Right. Price Al Stock ' Prompt Delivery Phone Main 1771 " V N. Special rates made to families and bath stabllshmnt In the hotel. r-if' -optician :gs , 1 (!1 29"Stven1ft StTNear Alder fes RESTORED This wonderful' renaedr cnaranteed te ear all Ferrous Sluaae, asell s : tVeah Mramry. IjOaa of Brala Power, Headache,-WaSeshma. Ltm Mnaaeod. - Nlslith' Krai mt lorn, Keevoeaaaaa, an Srialna, loea .t aswee Is seaerattve Or. .1 sane ef either aex, pauaes by ereresertten. yoettiful errore. wrwaii' sae f tneaeee, eplnaa or atlmalaata. WhMi lead to Innrmitv, I'nnaaeiBilee ar Is- . ; aanltr. t'as be earrte In vest 'aoekat, 12 a box oe foe to br aiall srpaliU IMS by all rsaa k far l: Parle, Kaac. Laue-Dala Drag .alii strsata Portlaad. Oraoa,.. - COAL poRt-ousa - l'jB.. Raven Nut Coal, delivered, at .pr ton .....K.r......-,......a5.TB Raven Lump Coal, delivered, at par ton ..,.............tM,.$6.SO Ronton Lump Coal, delivered, at - par ton . ... ... .97,0O Australian Coal, delivered. t 1 per ton -., i..,..S)7.BO Carbon Hill Coal, delivered. at per ton 9T.BO Rock Springs Coat, delivered, at per ton .................... . 98.50 Screened Coal Full Weight VULCAN COAL CO. omen niows; maix - - su.. . 1 tTT Ne. : Northwest E."Cor. Second and Taylor 3Ee Portland i. . Americsa Plan 7 $3k Per Day end Upw&rd saiAAQTaJiTBM - rom '. TotrmniTi A aJTS . COsTsfslBOTSTa TaiTlUM, alngla gentlemen. ' A modern TurklsM v. surBjia. jaanager. By using Br. Teraaa' rrench Ware aa taUtv rtlls. tak se olhe. Masafartured br Ut. Tl". : Co., eutrlbatlag aasts.. TaLrS aadXae . . - .. - ... ;- ' i - ' ' Headquarter for ninrtl LtlUOUV $tockinc,j and s Truszzs LAVZ-VAVIZ cr.un ci. Third (