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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 29, 1904)
1 .4 r I T"oight "J Sunday cloudy, with gUower; 9uujerly wind. IU NO. M4. hoist y mmm ADDITIONAL DETAILS 4 ' Says Prince Kerstcfli TcId Him That i. me.: iransport , Areaaur as our- rounded by : Torpedo Boats. I 'I.' si. - v. Rossians'at Yigo Tell of Prepartog to Keet fa ,'? Glorious Death" Admiral Has Asked to Re- ' ; - :?sjgn Russians Coaling atTangier c ft T t. Ptrabarr. Oct II. (BanUnV RhmU hu btM lavita br OrU BrU ls to b rprMntad oo th board of jntalrr tX HuU lnt th Nor m, 1m- -t f UdWMl ImcUI Bm-tIm.) Tlfo, Spain. Oct . Mor Uht baa from thrown oa th tack of U SUm lan squadron on an onamy ltbr ral or lauvtoarr. In irntok th trmw1ra from Hull auSered, by nn additional tetainont of the eaa wtm today jr tba Stuaataa admiral, Rojvatvenaky. RoMKvanakr amid that ruaiora had raaohad blm that tho Japaneao would at tack hia aquadron. Whan ho saw two torpedo boa la ha . had no doubt -tbr vara Japaaaoa. ;-, "Prtiica KeratalU told ma," ha aaU. nbat tha tranaport Aradaur- waa aur toandad by alsht Wrbodo boats, or vsssolo caxrrins torpedo tubes Tha Aradaur Hnaiied her dssvar whan our bstUo talpa adranoad. . ' W did not for on moment BtippoBe that tho sttscfctaf yabaals wen." Tha admiral reeelred tw balky dld- paiohes thla narnlni but the oontants r o ooorae unknown.' , It ai reported that some of the" Hna Man aajpa wttllesjra hero tmntedtataly. ' One of the offlcer of tha fleet said this tram in thmX prevteias. a tkn news of tn setilement of the Anlo-Rusalan dla pute the Baltic nit had made every preparation I ensag the BrlUaft JUot ' W had prapartd ouwlren, tho Wlf er said, to taava forh to a aHortoMO aVaath or trtetory EInat tfrent Adds. sUatlml BoJiHanaty twmtar to &av - 1 . Of J .' iJoaraal aorHal aenkw.1 - M. 'Petarshurs. Oct. . It la stated bera thla afternoon on sood authority. that Rojestranaky has Vlred tha, osnr asklns. la view of whs occurred, that be be relieved of hta oommand. Plans for the oourt of Inqiilry. which Is to tnTMtlante the North sen. Incident, are betas rapidly, worked out In Ijondow. - The acreement of the two sonntrtaa woes no further than to have recourse to n sommlsnlon to determine the facta, which, under artlele 14 of The Hague eonventton, , "leaves oonfllettna; powers k entire freedom ee to tha effect to be given the statement . , , T . am alnsst by RrtWsk sJrnlss ' '-V (Joweaf isailal serrlee.i . - Tansler. Oct ur Kuealaa bat tleahlps and cruisers arrived here this norn in and is th nlrht and early - snomln elkht torpedo boat destroyers nd Ave oolllars also arrived. The British cruiser Dtana In the bar-- vor her and the French cruiser Klebar anluted tha veassla when they steamed Into the harbor.' No dely took plees tat the ooalins; of the Russian veeaels, srhlok Is betna; forwarded with nspldlty. , i ' - 1 BAT OP OAJtOWAJHsTO. J ' - (XeOrnaiXe-Barftee.) t at Petersburg Oct Oen. Oakhar- - off reporta occaeional cannonading "MOST VALUABLE ey -t' HERD IN WORLD" 'wo In a personal letter to the edi tor of The Journal, Col. J, -J. . Richardson of Davenport, la., on airman of the ecu tiro oom mittee 'of the American Jersey Cattle eluu and acknowledad the boat Judge of Jersey atock in Amerloa, says: 'I would be pleased to receive throe or four- oopies of Th Journal oontalnlns tho Illustra tion of Oregon's batter quean, the world'a champion. Loretta. Mr. Ladd has another. Do rfnda Darllnr. About three years younasr. which is entitled to prominence. If this flow enters poruand's dairy demonatratlon ander favorable oondltlons she, too, may become somathlns; of an tdoL There Is another, Oonan, to be reckonsd with, pro vided ail to well with this auper la tire aranddauahter of . Merry Maiden. Wi.en It oomes to milk and milk alone Duchess may lead them alL - "Tour ethers, - 'including lg nal'a Brown Lasate and Com milla, freehenlnf too late for tho teeU at St. Louie, will escort th P Four to the Paclflo coast. Tnen they arrlvs The Joarnal may announoa, and candidly, that fxr awey Portland is the home of the moat valuable Jersey, herd In th world.' t , e w I X X X X v. W ' J ' alone' this whole front yesterday, Wt no canersi AchUna Tho Japanasa flro, he aays was InafteotusJ and Russian oaau alUes few. Ist nlM sU waa ajuMt. v mo ae&i Japanese Infer Vhor Va Vet XmO SeaMsths ' (fennel Specie srk. 't v Tokio, .Oct H. it U offlcUIly an nounced that Japan has. not purchased or ordered n alavl torpedo boat from Bns land itlnoe th war be sen. Th atory as told by Rojeatvensky Is ipesly sneered st hare as being prepos terous snd It Is generally believed -that the Ruaalaa officers war actually panlo stricken Into utter Incompetency. Their advent In eeatern waters is not- re gar ded as betna; worthy of srtou oon ldemtloa. and th people -f ran, neatly laugh and refer' to the eomtnc war ves sels as. "mere food for Toco's funs. eraI Spertel mee.V- ' outbamptoe. Oct M.-Before an hw BMnae audience hare last night Premier Balfour disowns the anetdant of the Russian warsnipa snd the fleet of ash In boats lp. tfce North as Um said, ba prt:l'' - "-t "In tk stors- af put BsbsWW thr was much tragedy. . but .no romance; Is the atory of the Ruaelau admiral, (hart is no tragedy but 1 am driven ta-ta belief that there Is much romanc. It la Impossible to doubt which Is th eor reet story. Z Should not have approaokr d it but for th fact that tho admiral's story Is really an attack upon ur na tional honor and Implies ws are not do ing; our duty as neutrala. In an Island: kingdom ilka Oreat Britain, th na tionality of every araft Is known. It t? -AnoonoeJewai that w eould be har boring Japanese steamers and warships without Rusela and. Indeed; th whole civilised world, knowing it - 1 enter a moat emphatic protest against such an allegation, i The truth wlU be nsad man ifest and clear as noonday wnen th In quiry is held, which. In most states- rtnanlike manner, haa been welcomed by th ctar. But In bar rsstle t th oaar and tho Ruaalaa government I will any that they never at any time under estimated the gravity of the crisis or failed to do what they oould to diminish it -r'One difficulty was: - that th fleet which hmmlttd the outrage was on Its wsy to the Illimitable aaet That dif ficulty haa been surmounted, but Aber la another difficulty; namely, that tho Russian admiral has a theory of th rights snd duties of n belligerent fleet as against neutrals which would, really make the blh seas alaos of public danger. "Suppose some dark night a liner or transport fell In with the second Pacific fleet at Gibraltar, where they had. In tended to divide and approached within the ntaaio distance. According to the admiral's theory, ho would be justified la sinking; It The position Is one Im possible for neutrala to tolerate. A fleet animated by thla polloy would be a fleet which would have to be eliminated out of exists noe If otvillsed eonuneroe was to pursu Ita way unimpaired. OAPTTTM TDUhABB. ' ) tioereal Bsedal sarvbw.r ToklOv Oct Jt. The report of the capture wf Waltaoahan by th Japanese on October 17 has been oorrflrmed. Oen. Oku reports that th positions of th rrmlee are unchanged. Th Jap anese army is now working th Tental Soal mines. - Th Russians are oontlno lly searchtng th Japanes Una with artillery, but get ao reply from th Jav nes. ' - . Th reports would Indicate slant th losses through this cannonading are not heavy, as .no aooouat . of damage la glvoa.. . tfearsal assets BervVe.) t Patersburs. Oot it Tka Miuni stan States that the Ruaalaa losses twon October fl and October IS were ftft officer and tl.aftO m9m all lad, wounded and missing. xjmyf Mast o OO. V. , j (J wi reel iieHel . f ' Harbin, Oct n.-Alexlaff sad bis en tire ataff will leave tomorrow and es poet to arrlvs In flt Petareeurn Nov ember 14. 'TO A amoox. . , ' (asesud DtsMteh the Jesreal.) ' Council, Ida., Oct ll.-F1re arose apt in Japanese restaurant her yesterday morning a no an eel ire block was de stroyed. Including two saloons, three restaurants, harness shop, two lodging houses and two residence. Itssa, lift. , . ' - ATS IVtlU WMMTAMMOA'tam.j. . J PORTLAND, C PATJtiTNH A8TOR, ORBAT-QRANDATTOHTKR OP TTTW POTTNDBR' OP ASTORIA. OR.. AND CAPT. SPSNDBR CI-AT, WHO' WBJRH RUBQ IN LONDON TOOAI., , .:' (joeraai spanai servwe.; . Loodos, Oat -Mlss Paulina Astor. the only daughter of WtlUsmv Waldorf Astor, married Captain seadervciar at t Margaret's osmreh,' at S 'elook this afternoon, Th oeremonqr. which was purely oboral, waa oondneted by the Bishops of Jjondon aad1 Rtpon dad th Archdeacon of . London. . , Mr. Astor gave his 4augfatr away,' as well as an aUownno of 10,000 pounds a year, which Is so srranged that th groom will not be able to handle one farthing of it Th bride wore n gown of Ivory sarin draped with price lee laos, but de void of fantastic embroideries or of any of the aocessortea , which have been In troduced of late by up to date brMes. Two pages dressed llks Gainsborough's famous "bins boy and two lltu girl followed th bride. Th semi-public maniac attracted reat popular Interest and there were several - thousand persons. ehiefly women, watching the arrivals at th oathedraL The church was rowd. Ambassador Ohont,, many titled folk and society leaders being present The bride, accompanied by bar father, was received a th church door by th ohonv Among th bridesmaid attend ing Miss Astor was her oousin. Mats Past ef Philadelphia. After the oeiwmony Mr. Astor recerred the guests ba Charlton House terraoe. and later th bridal oupl toft oa their honeymoon trip. Botn f th fntlmat meads of th bride war privileged to e the hand some Wedding presents she received. Poremoat among tho nmsjalfieent gtrta war the Jewels presented t her by her father and which were th property of her mother. Th most notable pleos In the colleotlon Is a splendid parur f bmsralds, said t be the finest In Europe, and which was recently reset in parisX The groom's 0ft was a superb tiara, . a ooUar, a necklace, riviere, pen dant and earring ,of . diamonds and bus pearls, suss Astor was. not anrttonlarty wen PAULINE ASTOR WEDS A: h ai msssMaa J Si; v,. ...... ' J, SATURDAY EVENING, OCTOBER rat or ) 1 - - - ' ' '0 BRITON v; . v- ' awewn la New Tork.owtng to th fact that she has lived nearly all her Ufe abroadr flb was last ' la New . Tork some thing mora than a year ago; she also spent-. lorn Urn 4a, Philadelphia vtaltlng relative of her mother, th late- Mrs. Astor, who- was Miss Paul. Miss Astor was iatreduoed to 'London,, her debut bavins; .been mad several year ago. She is a rather slight young woman,- with eyes and hair - of dark brown, and an olive eomplexlo. ,, , When th ngaswment of- Mlso Astor to- Captain i Spender-Clay was first mentioned, William Waldorf Astor. who renounced his native bund In a vain ef fort to gain an KngMsh title, was ex ceeding wroth. He bad wished and dreamed and longed to have his only daughter mat his millions wMh a Brit Ish Otl. But In spite of her riches Miss Astor waa not sought after by tad blue-blood aristocracy. At last she was wooed snd won bp a handsome, poang Rngllahnian. th awn of a brewer.' William Waldorf astor would not be oomforted. He vowed that he would never attend the wedding. He went to New Tork. but decided to re turn and see that the whole affair Was oarrtod ut becoming an Astor. MOTHER'S LOVE MAY CAUSE HER DEATH v (Jeeraal flyeetot asrvW.) ' Chicago, Oct. t -Following her stricken daughter to tbs isolation bos pi tai for thev. purpose of nursing her through aa attack of smallpox, Mr, slmma D. Smith Was - herself fodar Uken down with th malady" and to under the care of city doctors at the hospital. Mrs. Smith Is the wlfo of Bd wm Burrttt Smith, g leading attorney. The mother refused to socept th doctor's advto and leav her daughter In their ears and saarinoed herself, . SI to new is a oritloal ondlttoa. W. 1904-lfiIXTEEN PAGES. i : V' Ellis Secures 200,000 Acres and All of Abys- sinla's Mines. KEEPS TREATY SECRET Kefnes U , Dhem the Deatl J Keit looals, DrowiH Froa Sal M fhcl Both . Sailed y lAsstoB to Ethiopia's Klot Jesreal aeeelal Berrl . WW Trk, Oct it-WUltom & Kills, ths Nw Tork broker who seoompanted P. Kent Loomls on his lll-fatadmlaeia to King Msnellk of Abysalnla, returned today on th steamer Philadelphia. He rfusd to giv gut sap statement re am rai eg tne death of Loomls or th Ahysslnlaa treaty. H said he would give a full ataument resardlna the treaty after he bad repored to th presi dent. He said that imrsonallv ha had been given full eoneseelona for all the diamond mine la Abyssinia and 300,00 sores oi aano oa tne Mil to experiment In cotton growing. He added: "I hall establish a royal bank In Abyssinia that wui oontroi the financial affairs ef the oountry. . Kent Loomls was bonnd on dlplo- mauo mission to King Menallk, having in aw ponaaasion a state document tn trie form At a oommeretoi treaty be tween to United State and Abyssinia or Bthoplsv the semi -civil lied smdlrs ruled by Meaellk IL The events leading up to this had been brought about by Robert P. Skinner. the American consul at Marselltea. Loo- mis waa occupyHig a stateroom, on the wiser wimeiw Tt. mitooa was sharsd by William Bills, who waa en rant to European points. On ths night f June 90 Loomls mysteriously dleappeared. and although many rumors war started mm to his having been seen alive at different points In Europe, nothing definite was learned untli hla - body was -'washed ashore, pear .Warren Point about IS miles from Plymouth, almost a month later. Th Identification was complete, and th ooroner'e Jury rendered s verdict on July Is, Thla was to ths effect that he was found dead, but' there was no vtdenoO to ehow hew he met his death. Two doctors testified to ma kins thorough examination ef th body and finding two bad wound on th hand, either of which might have caused death, and both testified that th wounds were caused before death. None of the papers that Loomls carried had bean disturbed. Ellis, owing to his possessing some Tlttl acquaintance with the Abyssinian monarch, was delegated to carry the messag that had been entrusted to Lap- mis. SAY SCHUMAKER IS TO SUCCEED CALVIN (Jesrael BperUl garrlee.) ' ' alt Lake. Utah, Oct It. It Is stated here that Thomas M. Schumacher, traf fic manager of th Oregon Short Lin, win succeed E- B. Calvin' aa general manager of rke Oregon Railroad A Navigation company November 1. Cal vin goes to San Francisco to succeed Mark ham. as general manager of th Pad no Uses of the Southern Pactfto. ' X' ' n (fesrsal speetol Servtea.) ;' Pran clsco, Oct 1.-At th South ern Pacific ornoea here It la stated that no definite action has been taken in the matter of appointing; Mark ham's ACCUSED OF ARSON ATTEMPTS HIS LIFE :.v i V - - t - - lay i sal BtosewA the 9esrmL Davenport Wash., Oct tt. Henry. prnye, cnargeo wita setting are to the hotel Harrington, ra which Lawrence Tlemey tost hla life, attempted to eem mlt suicide by taking aconite in his veil in toil here yesterday. A physician was summoned and be was soon ail right TO BT STSB with any parlson. Buy a ids by aid and GIFT FROItli MENELIK ra OaTBT OKB SPBCKA T.BiSsTn WTRB tn Oregon, aad that to Th Jonragra, ' , OBXT Ssra OfJOVOM WUWVLMMMWTt ta OregonTke Journal s, of eoarsa. ' Opper. Ptrks and Howsrth. th best cartoonlsta ta th bustwsss, furnish tbs pictures that delight the ohlMren so mach Happy Hooligan, th SAtsenJammer Kids aad all the rest are la, tomorrow s I JejV I i Journal. ' . OBT.T OBTB aTRTtoOPOMTAaT VRBOO la Cawgon. Ten eaa s tt gap dap OA Plfth and Tsat bill e tree ta, prtnUng a mil of Journals every adnata. I I. : When all's said and dons there's Just an 11 v BMtropolltaa Bunday moralaSt and that la . T- H E : S U t. '- 0l00li4lll000000000000004400tll0000 EXHIBITS WRECKED Oriental Display at St. Louis to Be Sent to Portland. REGULATIONS ISSUED '. Treasury Deartmeit AaooaKes Rules ; for BaidllDt Displays at Uwfs y -aod Clark fair Japai, Chlaa r Slan Traisfer. V ; '. (Jestsal apeetol hervke.1 WsshtngtoBt Oct SO-Regntotlons were Issued this afternoon governing th transfer and handling of Imported goods Intended for exhibition at th Lewis and Clark fair la Portland Beat year, tha treasury' department having gone thoroughly into h subject and having decided that the most liberal oonooaelona are justifiable beoaas of th magnltnde of th undertaking. , Tag treasury department has learned that Japan. China, Siaaa and other oc cidental countries are - planning and making; all arrangement to . transfer then entire 'exhibits - from St Louis to Portland. ' 4 -i Great Britain. Germany and Prance will also transfer th greater portion of their exhibits, selecting with ear those features of display to be showa as the Paclflo coast enterprise. It to predicted by treasury department officials who have been Investigating the subject that the display to Portland will be one of the finest ever made an America, as th St Louis fair expe riences art able th exhibttere to east off much dead weight and make a better exhibit amaaaay awsud has stain to done. - Practically nB Isarores that have at tracted attention at the Louisiana ex position, th treasury officials say, will be shipped westward. The magnitude of the transfers therefor aav- enabled the department to 'sank exceptionally liberal ratoa tor th benefit af ex hibitor. Any additional Isspovtatton that may occur will be duty free and terms for ohargwe fees,' etc. will ba ss liberal as were tho promulgated for tha St Louis fair. Permission to also granted to foreign manufacturers the privilege)- f display ing machinery and other articlea an which patents are held by dttseos of the United States, thus doing away with tbs liability for tofringament WlU A' Ksay (Hams s Jean Pali far sto Ueureal gaeetol garvW. ' Baa Prancisee. Oct It Th Califor nia promotion committee today received a telegram from St Louts stating that th Invitation tendered to President Francis of the world's fetr to see om parry ths committee's excursion to Portland on th opening of th Lewis and Clark exposition waa "gratefully accepted." The excursion to Portland will be a notable went he aaid and he approved heartily of the spirit showa by Califor nia toward th people of Oregon. Probably a number of other sotables. Including Presidents Harrlmaa aad Rip ley of th Southern Pacific and Santa F railroads, and prominent eastern magaain publishers will Join th ex cursion. Business men throughout California will visit Portland In a body, and special trains will tak the party to th sort nam eity. 1 IN CONTEMPT FOR . : f MARRYING AGAIN rSaeetol laapsa to The leeraaL) - -Taooma, Wash. Oet . The flrst application of ths stats law prohibiting remarriage of divorced persons until after six months hsv elapsed to report ed for Custer, near Belllngham, Mm Cora Rllaabeth Pretwell, divorced In the superior court of Whatcom county, from David Hatfield, married Ks M. Pretwell, in Westminster, B. C, the day following the granting of th decree, - Judge Neterer, sitting at Beltmgtiaaa, lined her 1100, expressing his regret that be oould aot also Imprison bar.' The an has been paid. - other newspaper hi Portland TH Joarnal Sunday Journal tomorrow, borrow any e If you don't think Th Journal has On WOMAJTS OBVB fatl aubltahed bv a dally Sunday Journal vry wa : . , .. .. , . nioa atABYamUKO sontrlbnte to Tho Sunday Journal snd to ao ether newspaper In Oregon. - Others of th brilliant writers who eontrlbnt sxrtualvsly to The Sundar Journal r Lady Hanry Somerset Hayne Davis, th authority oa InUmaUonal law. Prof. Bdgsr . Larkla, Klla Wheeler WUoox and many others. , ; . . N D A' Y- J O V, -1 PRICE FIVE CENTS. North Coast Flyer . De railed Near Llsd, Wash., at 9:25 A. M. -A s TWO DANGEROUSLY K'JIJT All But Pillnai ai. ObscrfatlH Car MtA trow the Track Relief V Trail Seat Fro , Saokaae .' , CarrylDt Sarfcoas. . ,': ' ; V ,- ' (apsttot lamslih to Tba JearmL) Spokane, Wssa, ., Oct to. Two tooa were badly knit snd away passenger reoetvsd outs, bruises and ahoaha by tha wreck ef . th North Coast Limited, about a mile wast ofLmd, Wsan.. this mornlnav ' - ' - Five oars and th engin war thrown from the track. - A track gang- was working M tha oat at that point aad on of ta men. aa Italian laborer, waa badly Bart and to expected to dla On other man badly Injured la a passenger whose same Is not yet known. This news was received her from th flrst report of a wrecking train, which was dispatch ad from her to th Scene of th wreck as boob as ita eooarrenos wad toarnad. - Lrnd. Wash-, Oot tt The KortK Coast Limited on th Northern Pacific was wrecked while running on salt west f here at o'clock this morn ing and several passengers injured. The train was the an appearing oa th sime schedules- ss "train No, I" and was roaring at a Algh rata of1 speed whoa- the accident occurred. Reports frdm the scene attribute tha ssxndent to spread rails ' . Almost before real nation eould eom th engin and all cars bat th rear Pullman and observation ear plunged off and down ths right of way. . The mall car, smoker snd day cars war thrown on their sides and dragged forward la ths day ooach tho greatest number of Injured was found. The news was brought hers by on of ths crew snd aaeh assistance aa this place affords wa. sent ta th eoene. Immediately after notification a relief train bearing surgeons and nurses was dispatched from-Spokane and to sew at the wreck. - - v DATES ANNOUNCED FOR PARKER'S TALKS rJearaal apeetol asrrlee.ft . WsMrpos, Oot it It to announced to day that Parker will deliver two ad dresses next week, en at Jersey city Tuesday night following - th Newark mass meeting and ths secon at cooper tinloa hall Wednesday night Today the candidate to engaged la building his speeches. Thousands of persons have signified their Intention of .attending tbs Bflootings. - FIFTY GOLD MINERS BURIED BY CAVE-PI (Joenal Speetal gervto. ' Ttoana. Oet tt Fifty gold miner rer burled bp a cav-h near Nagy- hans, Hungary, today. Seven are dead, several fatally and others asrtouaty in jured. The cause of th accident to attributed to a wank place In the Umbering, being unable to withstand th eoaeussioa at aa extresnely heavy btost t PJ" MS ' (Jestaal npsslsl awvtoa.1 Cincinnati. Oct to. Tha condlt1-n of Archbishop William Blder. who was taken seriously 111 last night has im proved this morning. While aot we tlrely free from danger. It to aot thought any serious eonseojaaa WlU follow th sudden attack. . only proflt by the eom- other paper, an dyer them ssrefuuy t all th better of It aewsaaata. TouH And H In Tho newspaper t be bought la PortE d .U R N A tf ILIMITEO flush ! B9gd After vrsca ! K- (SsiBtol fJIssstosr to Te laersal.) ' 1 ,