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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1904)
THE OREOON SUNDAY JOURNALS PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNINO, SEPTE How Little ArcKie GiWk After V McD QUG ALL'S GOOD; STORIES FOR- CHILDREN 1 W onrrful Exrrirrce of Boy WTio Was'MaoY eo Soa.ll Tkat He Could Study tKe Hatits of Tiniest . Insects V M - 'I '4 ,t Hearing ? tKc.rPttieY Song; Lcairne J Howi to : Save , tke ;! Cotton Crop 2 . .TM TTORIattsl bad Nob te hoar ' Um Pixt slag th rooks.' ' I A i Old Tdlckaoa. the oebbier. --"; a h etowly topped away at - V 't Archt Oft.' ahoo, 1 rnw ? body who board I"0- iter -"-WAr" - - Tt f r -rr , im'tirt ts a ptater akd Arabia, J' "Who ever east Whew does she , She's a beautiful thmg. tu aaJt . - . anul thai X SHOW h SB he. .' said th oobbtor. "I dat waat to esa r hear her ' , y . S -Wfl " I aa bop t won't Wlyt --I Were any uuui ; tail .bsstfcaiV assarted the boy -My ... a mm the res as truth In them" -Ooesk OM MM QUflUaa, retorted , s 'tii cobbler. "She can toll bat hap pened la bw after b heard th Mag- lag , ; Archto wonf nom aeioaa the "Ot" fleld that belonged hm father, and la the growing toknsaa eaught hlamelf listening with ft h""I rt J? too sounds f la Has wood that tsor toe nla and thinking that pat ter tba volcaa a toe early mom lh aratchf ul foxes, already out In sear 2 a eupper. might be th fateful Plato a unlucky song, bath raaohho with out aaartnc aaytfato. uaiaatUJar.Wh.a ba QuMtlond hi father. Mr. Qlboa aaid, -with ft, heartjr task ; . -OK averxbody roun nar ballavas la tlk Pine. Thar amy that whoever hear Sta vole la granted th Very lent wlah ba mad, ae matter II tt waa wtohed a month aafor. Of course, ail the atorle tU of wlah atad 1ft ancer or 1ft an unlucky moment; after which all aorta of evil, bafeil th wtaber or th on asalnat whom, tb anvry wlah wa mad, tot th Ptxt aoema to b vry tmpar tiL But. of oouraa, aeaafU people don't beiuv In U tbU nnftawa!"-7 Old Mo Jackaon,wbe had ono bean a lv. nrmly declared that thar waa muoh truth In all af th Plalewrtea. whloh left Arable very much aiMMd, for many of th thins fe knew had baas learned from old Mo, U waa hoy wh dalf4 to learn. All day ions b waa aaklns qasriaas at vwybodyi querlea aatheae: -Why doea a ban caehle wbaa ah lay an sr "Why does ft dos turn 'reand aevoral ttmat bafor he Ilea downT "What milai a boy spit wbanevar h looka down from ft blah aleor "How doea a Uttl baby know how t laus ar aryr "Why do varybodr put tola fincer an th palat whoa th atsn Talat howa aa plain aa dhyr' and ft aUUloa ar no mora of th aame kind. Of omiT a boy who aaw awe daaa Uoa aomewhat f aalaaM at time to srwn-upe, wha aever oaa an swer half of them, aad, iaetead of oam foaams their tsnoraaoe, aay; -Oh, run alone now and don't bother aa. Caht rou aaa I'm thlaklna-r Many and many a Mm did Arch so away wtth tram Mtns Up aad taar-badlmmed eyoa wbea aa roushly rebuffed, but even than h on aaklns auastlona. . One raaeon for hm raaard tar no ' Uy in the lovely aad aanaoUns faet that tba eld colored maa always had aa aa ' a war nady for1 aay .uery. if. lor la- tanoa. Arcln aakd: v "mom, do yau know what awkas tba ajMon sat Diane aad Mssr vmt alsM. and then amaUer aaainT th old maa would promptly s lata aa, alaaaraa applanation Ilk thla: , 1 eartaialy doaa know, -ahlla Kf dat old moon waa leaT alone aba'a fit o bls ' dam ane'd buat and leea naehuUy apeckla dat aky wlf moon apllntar, but aho ain't 'lowed tar do Itl Wbea ah Ha - . airijr in a moath aad basin tar eat up aU the Iktla aaara da ain't sat aa fadra and ao mammla. aha ieaa Unk: 1la Ume I swln ter slttem ail!' - But af yoa dona look kaerfully at dat Ma - moon you'll auraly aaa a big hoi, and dat'a what don aav dam little ataim, V Wha aba'a' a aOtia-- aa' roua' dat aae'a a-amssla' la de middle, ah buata laoaa rlsbt la dat ar weak spot and all dam etnra fall out and aeootln' eroaa a aky like J una buss, D oi moon, ah bla sit pretty atok far a " while, andurla da time dat hoi am a awndln', aa loa all her plumpnea. neat But ah don't lara aothms. Neat moath aoa'a at 4 asia ana aa nam ring aa panar - v -What bmemi of aU th hatms ; atara, Dael MmcT aaka Arohw, -Day Jeas aatehalry rail rtsht span In tar de aaa, and dea day turns tatar V atar-flahea," raptlaa th old man, - . -What nan are tar-aaoeer deaaud th boy. ' "Da whole bottom af aa aaa mm deao X rated vll omr aaa arts Unci Mo. "Jeaa Ilka yoa' at'l eabpat la da paa , r lort Moat beautiful eisnt. aat tar - 'Vat who eaa aa itT aaarlaa Archie. It's dark dows there." ''; . D mrmaida; day oaa aaa M, an da " ' SaermeOj tool" "Did you aver, aaa a marmald? "Well, I moat certainly don ae ea ; anct, but I dona loa my apeca rlbt f. 'boat dat time, as X ain't 'lowln' to dp ''- oatv pou 'boat how dat mermaid looked, , at ehUe! Ma pop he tall m dat waa a maaaiae, but I reekaa tt waa a aurs fi.nvM mermaid, tt don eln oaa o .. dam aonsa Ilka aat PUle aonr l-lm-hm- - 'T"s BASKaV S WSD1 :, ' IW a small jumpl , II fgerrtand wbei i for pec pi to BASKaV WTCDSN-ThlS ptad W jumping sff sutlea m whr th tram stop get something to P---.L , h ,. t . .-- -r.----m - ., j..asf. Lis; e,---- i'.k L-Taj-.pc .arr-P ; , . - J''" aat, A' railway restaurant 1 wo ar r - ranged that each on take a plat, knife ' . and fork end help blawslf to th var ' touo dishess Thl 1 a good arrang c -' ment for th hurried traveler, bat sf V course reduots th Upa or the sar V. vants. - ; I i- In thOj matter of? tip there hi another alaes of restaurant to be found to ovary i . larger city and ar spsemlly aumeraue ' ' la Stockholm. It hi a clever patented awvtc. snd a aorpria to moat peopl to find H her and aot la America, the . t country whloh la. par oseelranec, arao- ttoaL Jor hnrt, It M oalled lh Auto matic. Th guests serve thaaaeatvoa. bat -;' , pay for each article aa thoy S through --. tho meaL -'.' Brery thing la kept behind glees aaara, aarspt th bread, the so-called bard-tack, . and th drink which ar carved frem . fountains aomewhat reeembilng a oda , fountain. The aervloe Is oa th "nlekl . gs-tbe-e'ef prlaetpto The standard prim i. it im ar naariv three cents. Thla wUt nrocur arsnU sandwteh, h amain glass of mils, coffee, tea. beer, win or porter, each, of oouraa, with ft eaperato lot. Por tl or ea obtain eggs and bread, varleu sold meats, deaaerte, ate, por M ar warm dishes ar arvd - ihraugh ft sllda- . - '' Thee Asteanailr are thoroughly 9 ora and kept scmpuleualy a lean. On has a charming little garden attached. T fitting up la usually in the So-called Art Nouvoaa1 stylo, It la, of aouraa. Whra -a maimteer lnqsb4 Arohla. - Hat am a ash dat alts up In da waper aad cuddlea bar baby nab rtsht up ta ner tut yer mammy auaaaa you. realiad th aid man. v "Ala't nana roua here na m', but day was plenty bafa dar wahr?' So It would so on. an eodlea chain of auaattoaiBS and . ajw warms, until im old Maa began to ftlr. but Arab! laatad untU the end. I have kaowa ether little boya with th aame deal re to I ear a. but aever aa who was a Ural aaa and unaatlanao. Tat tt was tnua that h baeam the -moat learned lad In all tba eeuaty. and even th school teacher aften oallad aa A re hi to UU tba other children Mm facta la aatu ml alatory thai he waa quit will in to admit thai ba knew simoat ao thins aaouL All th plants and btrda and 0ba were ao famUlar to Arch I that they oalled htm the "Llttl Natural lt," and thw was long befor It waa uatomry ta teaoh auch things In school. Let but a bird call and ha eould UU you what Mt was, pad h kaw tb vote of the animals aa wlL - Whan a atraas nan waa causae, or aa anknowa bird. It waa brought to aim to decide Its speolea and glv It nam, and many an old hunter was sompelled to admit that th boy waa- better versed la th myetarioa of the woods and Aelda lhaa ha And la many other ways he was ejulta Ilk a real aolaatlst.. Thar never waa a new lad pfintad ta tba Weekly Clarfoa that ha didnt try. ir It happened to read that Pro fessor Blapenichooper of Berlla, for to atanoe, had diaoovered that w ar all sleep mg la th .wrong way, and by plaalns h pillow-under our feet we would be doing th right thing, Archie would try It at enos, and was very apt to think mat ba waa alaeplns much bat tea although I will admit that he aoaM aleap la any position. , tin father waa a praal ftottoa pUnttr. whoaa field atretebed far on all aide of th big old mansion that wa built long bafor the war, and la th old sla vary days, wbea a thousand atwroea picked the oottoa and sang in the flelda ail day long; for Mr. Olbba waa S. hind master. Now the many Tieiaa werearay with th dead and ahrlvalad plants, for a small but tireless Insect had killed tbe yaar'e growth, Thla insect was the cot ton waa vll, most destructive creature that rulna th half-ripened oottoa bail aa ffotlvly as a fir would do It. h ta ins la tha aaowr otton. aaaa Duriao. and satins, aatlag oonatantly. Mr. Olbba had trwd every known as-' vie ta kill the waavlla. but aothlng imed to reach team, and h aw ruin atari ns aim ta th face, as be had bar- rawed much money ea th prospect of a good aottaa arop. "It am a moat eonou Tmngr s- elalaKd ITncla Meaa, dat when de price a cotton am hlsb. daa dam der weevlla ooms rlong an' chaw tt aU up ao' wa can't siakano money! Daa wbaa they Isn't hash, and oottoa aa plenty, d pries am too law far a maa tar maka Tb otd adored aaaa. only pat th emrt aafor th bora, for h didn't reflect that at waa th scarcity of cotton, oaaaad by these -wssvUa. that smda th price so high. Now, of ail th kuaot world, ta which Archie waa much Interested, the waavlla attracted him the moat; becauee In atudylng their habits there would Ta some direct benefit to hi fathsr's crop ef eotton. Me wondered If there were not omethfng upon which they could be fed that would kill them, huh they would read am methlae; but oottoa, aa itter what ba - tempted them with. And they were ao securely blddea In th white fluffy ball that an almost had t destroy th oottoa. to gat at them. r r , 'OraaaouaP -ha- swslalmsd - on -dap aa h waa acrutlnlalng one of th wevtla ohawlag away for dead life la a bolL do wlah I war small enough to creep ba thar and Just watch hka all the tlms, a thai I could learn hid, habits!" Tbe ana was setting vat- th dark ptfle woods, going dowa Into a bed of bluish clouds tike a red -hot ball. Th oottoa flelda looked dead and gloomy. all Migktad ay th Uttl pasts. Hera and thar. la ramot aoraera and mar tba faaeea, war ta b eaaa plant that th weevil bad acgleetad; foe they were thriving haartlry. He went aad mined them, only to find a few aata busily bustling around th root as if preparing for bed-Ume. Ha knew all about ants- b tboasht and dls aniseed them from his mind, althousb he did not crush them beneath his feat a the darkle always ' did. aad also bla father, for they imagined that tfaea little Insects war hurtful to tb crop. He stopped to lletea to th harsh oall of a bitters which auddealy darted up from the swamp that skirted tb woods, and with- alow-flapping wlnse soared away Into th scrub oaks; and' than, as h reached the edge of tb salt eroek that flowed around tbe marsh, he ssaln halted to watch th mullet as they rip pled th atlU oawr, harrying la ahoala along Ms surface as if pursued, as prob ably they really were, by mm unseen monster of the deep down In th dark h ; quit proper to hav th latest fad in deratln la those ultra atodera rostau faata, v They ar wU patronised and or sot slew in advarttetng th abssnoe of tip money. T bey certainly offer the hurried traveler and ruahlng business man a quick awthod of getting a raesl, Mo waiting here -for poky servants when th trata leave la 10 minutes. , r Of oouraa, there w a ca abler, for aa yet they hav not Introduced the auto matic snoaey chsnger. Perhaps they fear spurious eslna. but that la quit a euperfluoea fear. . So far I have aot recotvsg a stngl piece of bad money. Quito a ooatrast With Italy, where It was a dally' occurrence. Beside the eaehler there m also a pickup, who gath ers tb dishes and keep the tables clean. They claim the Automatics are a pay tag Investment, a they dceerve to be. 1 Then there Is quite another variety of eating house known a "hashallea kolan," r household school, also a prao tleal, sensible and economical lastttu Un. Thee ar usually in th second or third story and exceedingly well oca dactod cocking school for girls snd din ing room for th public. ' I took some pains to taveetigate she, ' The matron receive a limited number ef well bred girl, whom she teaches the floe snd ordinary points sf th culinary art. Tb course t four and ft half months snd tha charge II ,Kn, or about No students are received during the summer months. TCraryhody Is supposed to take It easy then. They try to make up for tt during th long Win tan In return the student received dinner, at . tho t Y.i .- VJa. .k ' wr aaA4-rJ'di iTCV iTtX iXt I .,i(-A , cTpress-staiaad stream. Ha wishoa that ha had a net. for h loved mullet, whloh are certainly very toothsome flab. Suddenly thera was a loud rustling among th bushes, and a ke looked to aea some stranso animal emers. out sprang his rabbit-dog Sandy, wha bad been seeking his master for aa hour. Sandy seemed to b anaiouo and dis turbed about something, running up and down, sniffing eagerly at th ground and then In th air, but Archt didn't bother about his little dog e actions, as he still pondered over the matter of th oottoa weevlla. ; , It was growing dark aa he took the path through the dense pine woods, for that waa much shorter than he high way, but daftness didn't matter to Archie, for ha knew the woods a well as he knew bis owe bedroom. Sandy, with th hair oa hi back bris tling Ilk s tooth brush, watched every slump of bushes, ran around every rock and Into every cranny, and finally even mad his master aomewhat nervous, for b really seemed to dresd oomlng upon some fearful thing In the dark woods. Archie besan to watch more carefully the gloom ahead, for ho -sow remem be red that he had beard tales of bears oomlng dowa tn autumn ane carrying away negro babies to store way u some cave-den against a shortage, of food tn th winter, although a had paid ao at tention to auch stories whsa h had beard them. ,;- Parbaps tt really was a bear feeding among th berry bushes In there, for they never do carry away bablea of any color, but )ust ss ha reaches tn farther edgtr of the den woods bd beard, faintly at first aad tbea clear aad dis tinct, th vole of somebody singing auch song aa ho bad avar bsapt be fore. - .... -, - ( ' H did sot hear' th word; they seamed to melt Into the evening air Ilk mist, but tb vows was ao unearthly sweet and clear, aa aad and yet ao soothing, that he stood la awed wonder listening until tt ceased. Sandy was trembling and looking up at him wtth beseeching eyes. Suddenly be remembered what h had heard about th Pixie's song and the bad luck that earn to those who heard it. Por a acond hi heart stopped beating, hut than he reflected that hia father had laughed at the atory of th Pui. and he thought that fa also might laugh. So he started for horns as fast be aa ha could go, and wbaa b waa out of the wood h fsit better, for. after all. nothing had happened at all. Sweden choc, takh part hi the preparing of an Quite proper f a girl of Quality to go Ing according to the roputttloa th meal snd attend lectures oa the through uoh a training. la fact, aome mlatra of the plae. Knowing this. K value ef foodstuffs, and th car of th think It accessary that she does a and. Is ao matUr of surpria that cooking health. They work frem I 10 a. m. to of esurss, ths men prefer to hav their ts en such a high plan throughout, ths I p. am. During their own dinner they wive trained before marrmg. I know country. . , i take turns aa hostess and arc thus tn- of one hepUsg chap, lately married, who Having ones i got dtarted on tho aub- ltlsted lat the el v lit to of life. saya bis wirs la to at tend ono next win- Ject of chop house. X might- aa wU . Xn Stockholm there aro at toast two ter. And ah goes, for such Is th way peak of ft tour th variety whh lprac- such institutions snd the ono I aaw was they have -of doing things. llcally unknown With us. It happened in well patronised, although th men had to Xt Is not necessary to go to a house- a llttl city of VaSMroa, As I-was climb to th third story. X understand hold school. Many lerg prtvst aouso- drifting along tho streets I ran M" that the school b full, ae tt hi ooonldared hold also receive puptls for pay, vary- very attractive new building- It looked 1-1(1 il I I I I. " M .III 1 .. l nil.- I1IIIIM II I ' ' I Jl - j' I - '. " " " ' I.l.l-I ISIIM I Charles Watsoa Meads ta th Bookman, "imagine a man each day surveying a circle whose circumference fc drawn with a radius miles long from thai New York ait hall as a ntr. knowing that th life and activity within that circle are changefat aad ephemeral, that each succeeding son will bring a new story aad that ho I responsible for th telling of that story to s grant com pany of readers. Imagine all this snd you have a good mental picture of th city editor of a metropolitan daHy. . - Whea the city editor opens his desk In the morning he attacks th mall first thing. Very often It te a fearful and wonderful 'Collection of complaint, grievances, suggest Ions, demand a plead ings, dlsoorcrtea, literary efforts, ques tion of every description. , It Is a sin gular thing that tba title' "city editor" is better known to the reading pablto THS SAND CRABS WBRB When he reached bom Uncle MosO was cleaning halve at the back door, and h stopped to tell th old maa what fa had beard ta th pin woods. .Ma goodneee, obilel - You'ee oar talnly don heard dat Ptaier cried Uncle Moao. "X reckon I's gutter find some charm ter speak agin her or also you'es surely gwino ter have bad luckl" ' "I don't think anything will happen to mar said Archie, and want lata th ftp! ICQ 1 - But, Beat day whan ft went out aa he bad planned, to the meadows to hunt for mud-hens birds that frequent th swamp ' and was wallowing through a dltoh, he suddenly thought of the Plate sgaln and wondered whether bar .song could d harm. Ha oouldn't se why it should bring 111 luck to th hear any more than a birds song should. He climbed out on th reedy bank of the ditch and aat down on a thick carpet af dried oar-grass that aevereg tba damp mrth"'' ' ;. -,v - Bandy,' blackened from ara -to tali with grimy mud, aat down beatde him and hung a red tongue, panting for freeb water,- for- tha autumn sun--was hot. Suddenly Arohla happened to think af th wlah he had mad whll looking at th cotton weevil, a wlah that he ooald be small enough to try In a boll. Ha laughed as ba recalled H. and said: ;, . "deal What If It should com true!" ; Without any sensation of c ha age and without gradually lessening, he sudden ly ah rank into a mere mite. Saady elt Ung thera loomed hp lib ft mountain of dog at a dletancs. Archt was perched oa th dsa of a cliff of ell grass, of which every blade waa aa wide as his body, aad ths dis tance from th top to th mud below was enough to maka blm diaty, al1 though avea then in his perplexity he knew that tt really was but a few inches at moat; but he ah rank back from tba edge tn -affright. Sandy suddenly real ised that hi master had vanished. H stared about him, then began to rua excitedly up and dowa the ahore of th creek a few yards away, after which b mad a . bee Jin for horn with terrlflo paco. Hla action war a queer and ao alarming that Mose eon cTuded something had befallen th boy, and want off to seek him, followed by th dog. who led him straight to Black creek, bat failed to show him anything but ths print ot Arable' rubber hoots tilths mud. . ' Then Mds ' 'hurried home and a than at moat any other csop "editor.' So th city editor get mere than hta share of mad. ' V Winter H. Vanderbrtt's famous dic tum. 'Tito pub) la be damned," would never have become familiar quotation hut for th trained news sens of a acrtam city editor oat in Chicago., He had sani young; reporter to ask Mr. VandrrblH about a railroad matter Which waa then being dlseuased.' The novlcs cams back and reported that Mr. Vaaderbilt would not aay a word. Th city editor, suspect lag that hi agent had not gob about the Interview in a way to accomplish the desired result, began to "pump" htm oa his manner of approaching th railway king. "Welt," answered ths youth, "1 told him the pub lic wantM to know about the matter." "Wouldn't he talk bask tkn.t" askae Cho city editor. v . . MONSTaTNS TO HIM. i search began thai called out aU the men m ths lghbohood, but they did not Snd What they expected to And, which waa th boy's body, for they oa cluded that ho had bssa drowned In th shallow creek, j- , -r-..-;-. J"1"" Pays passed and Archie's mother wore dep mourning for a bay who waa not dead but turned into a lad smaller than any fairy ever bornt He waa making hla why home, bat what a Journey! Wbea Sandy departed and th man re turned te seek htm, he aaw their forma loom ilk hug storm clouds against the sky and heard their voices thander above blm, and at times be even had to Jump pretty lively to cscapa being trodden, under their boots; but when he yelled to them hla tiny vole made no impression upoa thorn. . He dodged from stem to stem of the grass, that rose like pin trees about hlan: ha even allmbad ao hlrh ua en a tall grass shaft that M mads him fearful" of being scraped off by soma passing treaeer lg of a searching negro, but no en aaw the salt of a boy below. Suddenly ba asm upon hla gun tying m tbe mud where tt -had fallen and M was aa small aa be, The mad waa to him no longer soft snd slimy but earth in bills and val leys, great eravicas and smooth plains, and all about him wesa living creatures (a plenty. ' , Dowa thar among th grass stems, as In soma glgsntto tropic forest, was Ufa la profusion but such at range forma of llf! Snails ' ss large aa horaes, with long, shining horns, moved along Ilk hug vans, their glittering sheila coiled above them painted ra all ootora; files of golden brans and trana paruat wing loltrad ta th shade af the grass aa if leath to fly Into tb hot sir above: big, fat worms showed their round heada sut of holes that led to unknown depths Into th black soil, and serase looking beetle burr lad through the forest, snapping' Immepae , nlppr that resembled tc tongs. But after ths men bad gives up th aea rob, out of great round holes emerged ether and more terrifying monsters, wtth a rattl and a -clatter of ahelh Bounding Ilk tlnrbal, creatures of bulk far greater than th snails, and with eye that were held aloft on long stoma Ilk poles, that moved this way and that, aad armed with tremendous elawa that war brand I ah ed In th sir like battl aseat They ruahed up and down as If soaking to learn what damage the men had don to their many.holea In "No, he just ahooa his head and aaid Tb pa bile bo damned,' " responded tb ynth with csttdliks and bland inao esnce. Tha autocrat of tho city department lay back aad gasped. Wtth a war sf hM hand he dismissed tb dull reporter and ha- himself wrnts up tho Incident which has been' made an Important addi tion to th popular Bsrtlett. It waa an Insignificant "financial card' which first directed, the attention of th nwepnpr to tb 1 70 per cent fraud for which William TP. Miller and Colonel "Bob" Aram on ar now serving term In Sing Sing. Th earliest mul torinas of street railway strikse in Chl mgo snd Cleveland and other western Ml hav been in dlmlnutlv 'ads" wlllns for mea to be motonnea and conductors,. , . th sand: and. Indeed, grleveus had been the disaster to tbelr tunnels. The men' boot had oruahed ta th work of many days, and It would all have to b aeo It was aeraral ml nates before tb boy. Touching In torrar behind a thick grass atom, realised what thee monstara were. Then he laughed, far many a time bad they scuttled away and hid be hind a grass hummock or lump of mud to eeeape hla own eye. They wer oaly "addler eraba." millions sf which lived la th soggy mud 6ank of th reek, and thousands of which ho had. la hia short lifetime, already used as bait to catch Maokash beald the crumbling eld docks aleng the river. But he realised that ha had never actually studied the form and appears no of fiddler eraba before, nor appreciated what wonderful things they were, - Now, aa ho watched them, all hta fear gone, and aaw tbera at work repairing"" th damage to their many underground tunnels, be appreciated wbat they were and th werk . they did. HO saw that they assisted the water In crumbling away th bank, for Into each tunnel the tida. flowed except when It waa leg, at which time they ami around and fasv slped at then doors, He pondered on thla marvel; her the river had for-ages piled up all thai mod, formlagtsolld land for arses a ta grow, for great crop of aalt hag. piled It up four feet above tide level; th bird had seated la It for years, mea had placed tt on th maps, .bought and sold M. and now her waa the water tearing H an away In grand chunks snd ths addtor crab aerpln wtth might and main to lighten tb water's task, although ovary Ume the aadermlned bank feU. dawn went all their carefully dug tunsals. Archie wondered why thla waa so; Why everything waa constantly being built up and tora down by nature, for everywhere he saw th same .thing. Tgven th great ail la, be now reflected, were being torn away, and the earth carried daws by th rivers to form Uae very mud banks wherein ths fid dler eraba dug day and night. Where were th mountaina to eorae from when these wer all worn awayf Where wa th river going to carry all this mud snd form new Islands? What la the oseaf it alft , . ; '. One big fiddler with an tvory-tlnted claw asm snd looked at him with great curiosity, and then slowly reached the claw toward him to feel tf he were something to oat. Archie raised bla gun, and trad. The hot rattled asainsi is Br OLOF Z. ilk a croc bstween a country ins aad a restaaraat and distantly related to o saloon. It waa a low two-gtory corner building with ft small yard. r - In the first, which waa nearly all In one room, sat ft fw moo at table eating and drinking. X wh told that tho res taurant waa la the aeeond aiery, whlan had a separata sntranoe. On thla floor wars two large rooms with open timber work in th coiling, altogether neatly and artistically arranged. Th inner room ws tb dining room, the other a safe. The place was conducted on the Qothtnbuag system. No spirit wer sold except with food, and even then only limited aatoaaL None1 hr sold after I o'clock P. av or beror t o'clock a. nv, and ta the aaorn mg after a holiday still later. The attendant la salaried. A corporation con duct the affair and owns other plaeos lac It. No profit above I per seat la distributed. Th aurplus. If sny, go to tb city. It m to be sot load that beer, porter and al aro not included in the spirt ta There na limit to the sal of these. ' It is principally asalnat tha abuae of whiskey that th temperano movement ( directed. For th Ootlienburg system Is aa oot oma of thw aaovementt About to year ago drinking In Sweden wss so oommoa that It Verily threatened- tb eatsten of tbe an Hon, Herculean effort have been mad, and tb moot eueceseful one Is claimed ta have been th on origin ated In Gothenburg, where th via wa at M worst. The results have, without s doubt, been vary good, aad drinking 4 has abated. . . X r - :t 'I l 1 1 . I '.Is hard shall and did ao barm, but the solas frightened th crab. He turned and Asd, aad Archie followed hta as ample, only ha ran th other way. -Pay after day ha traveled, until at last hta father fences loomed up like tail -Hraee before -him. -and - they he -; learned about th oottoa wvll foaal la on deserted Held where be peaeed huge ant-hllla ho discovered thera, Thera wer no other ant-hills on his father's land, for they had ail been destroyed, out nere among inara ne found ootton plant thriving and lata th ant-hills he saw anta carrying squirming weevils. By care rut wateh' g h learned thai . these anta prey upoa the ostton past. t r and, following them, aa aaw hew they i M climbed up tba plant Into the snowy oottoa and seised th deatruotlv insect, ? and be realised that bla father had bees J ea term In ting his bast friends, 1 I- "Now I wish that x was a Ma boy again, go I oould hastes horn and. tell , $ lather f h eaelalmed, and then ho ducaad hla head and ran. for a Ma toad ' ft waa in th act af shooting out bio sticky tongue at him. Had that toagn touched him h never would have known what '4 bad happened ta Areola Olbba. - . A little farther sa a rteo-blrd aame 1 '5 sailing along over bla head, and be knew how ths quail fee la when th & hawk soar above, for tn bird bright J eye waa fixed on him as h ran, but . , aotn stonee piled up In a hasp gov th boy an opening lata which h dlvad. f Th bird seared sway, but Archie was scarcely ta this refugs whas ha ahot " out again, for within a few Inches h , 3 saw the -head f ft grant copperhead ask, hi black aya ahlning Uk it in the gloom. , ,. -i When h wag la th open air ao saW i aa immense spider web stretching hugs ;V ropes across th spae between the rocks aad th tall grass, and oust la th oea tor hung a great, hairy spider, who, aa ho moved along, gather ad up hi legs to VA leap dowa upon blm;. but ha : never leaped, for, aa ho mov. the grass . ., parted and an aaormoua aaad-waap L darted upoa him, seised him aad stabbed l, him wtth a sword loaded with paralya- Ing vanom I Archie saw the aplder s toga quiver and then hang down wort aa ths ' wasp Aaw swiftly away with him. ."My goodnoas, WU1 1 evr get hotno allvr bo ashed hltaself, and with watehful ay hastened along the open r t flald, byt aarkneaa asm bofora ha had : 9 sarlvad within sight of homo, although ho wall know that aa waa but few yards from It, bacauss ha had passed th atppmgoOtto la front of tba house, u He lay dowa la aoaso aoft atoss and tried to sleep, but a great light aaddenly v shooa to hla ays. Xt was aoma Um before bo realised whence it same, but ; ' whea he was oonvinccd that It was tts light from th parlor lamp ha waa" too happy to Bleep. Ho decided to keep ott until he wa aoma, although the -'f thought of the rats under th ho dia-. turbed him somswbai. - - - Suddenly ho heard kinging, bat tt did J sot oome from the houss, and la ft tow j; minute b rsoognlssd in Plxlea voloo. $ He became vary angry, wondering what . bad luck oh meant to bring OB him neat, and be shook his Uttl flat at tha invisible singer as ho hurried toward tba v Ughted windows ( i Then, hi a twlnklmg. Tea saw tba bouas, and th next moment realised k.i h waa. sin a bis boy I Tba haaga bad been aa sudden at th ttrat. but far more pleasant. He ran lato th bousa, bumping against dd Mose aad frlghtanlag him almost to death, , . -f But did thoy soilev Wa1 wonderful story; Not s bit. They thought he wss y. erasy. and wanted to give him llnaeed U ou aad pennyroyal toal Old Mammy ? Chtoa wished to soak hi feet and put a - "t mustard plaster on bis bead, and hla father was about to go for th doctor. s but Archie bagsed blm not to. Mr. (jlbbs-would not listen to hi story, but Uncle htoe took It all la with wide open eyes, end aboek with terror when . b had finished. - - - "I 'alar tor t goodnoas dat Plsia : . oogbtor be Indicted by da graft' yary!" ' ' said he. "Reckon X alat aaf nowhar, j mysolfl ra glad I'm kinder dsat ao s I alnt likely to boar her nohow! But I reokos 1U plug up ma ele ear wlf cot- (r, ton right omack away as' let her slog all aho done please!" , ' !. , , However, tha Plxls was, aa far ma I .; am aware, nsvsr again beard ta thai c neighborhood, and after a tins peopl rsaily came to believe Archie's wonder-. . fui tale, because of 1U marvetoua ra; cult a ,' ij' Ho gathered great quantities of tnts and placed them among th ootton X plants, where they immediately attacked th weevUs. Before a month had passed, ; thera wasn't a weevil oa tha whoto plan- ' tatloa, all the planters were ralatng anta, and everybody waa quite convinced that Archie had aot only bean a mora mlt as a result of wishing to be small. but that h bad given the cotton-grow-'. . . ing ststee an invaluable remedy for ths y destructive insects. , Th legislature ot each sou there at to . voted htm a reward of a million dollars, ; sad whea the state treaaurice pay thla - money ho will be rich enough to own a . gaaolln launch and aa automobile, and -:, beyond the what can a boy wish for. Al WALT McDOUOALI N , ?' CERVIN There la a aaoullaf srovisloa about tba T- reguiatlona, and thla Is tba on that op !r ponents attack stoat bitterly. Wberoas, 7" a maa oaa bay oaly one drink at each pUoe, thar Is aothlng ta blade him J from buying wholesale. And wholes i V h oaa bay aa Uttl aa one liteg, a little mora thaa a quarL. Th reeult m, X hava U heard It olalmod, that every worklngmaa $ buys a liter on Saturday sight and Um - all sons before Monday morning. It ta beyond bis powes to ao modrst dnd r save half for soother Sunday. Perhaps it would bo stlU wore to stab blm buy two Utoro. . J Prom on kind of saving to aaother la SOmettmes a short stop, and this brings ono to a curiosity lh banking. The banks a of Sweden ar vary Important and well " geanaged and thorefor. as a rule, sound. ' and have tho confidence of tha peopl a And tkep are vary numerous. la tha ' little city af Kriattansted, with 1C.BO0 " peovia, tbera ar five banks, moat of -y them in their own buildings, with hsnd- a soma quarters. Competition 1 keen snd ' savlnga deposit r paid from H per $ trent to I per cunt per annum. Kven oa v check accoaata Interest Is paid, 1 know oao very large firm that pays aa much .v. ss per cent. It might seam that the . mer matter of figuring tho Interact on chock accounts would b a large task, l(V But they aav ovolved a very atmpl schema as that a tow minutes rhu(- ficlent to dotermlao the interest due on an ordinary account at a moant's no- -, , tie, involving merely th preliminary . ' labor of paatlng tb deposits snd checks la ledger ooiumna ' . ,-f,..-.y r.,v.r- jl.r,-;y . ,5J ' 1 t "4, u-