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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1904)
1 h-I: a- .. ; ft Ti eud fvKAie fr.rl .-;.isBh VhMI bu t , r. Hiav :utiMR Ffoa attorney od lor at law. so weanum-ten (. : mi- eoia oot m ui uu or canereee soldiers e ih (-rtlwer, 8pml-J War, Vt I th P' "t'te; Mb i Sofaee tUtWI, SUOf M4 ea)Seat relative. Changs of t ' " N Brian to laf Bp Mtiouta ttm f. met I have Ida 'ie WMM i 9 . at ue vnfMit, k. A. B. Devere, .... t M UH4WUI od orsl. Pi- j bee U. MANLY viae raster A beT 0. Boato kirn OlobuW Qua eWrfi tre ..L i I Booths. J"1 Ml i rU Seei Ay Agents. Wieoari, CUie I OtT FortleSd, Ot. OATHERrNB . jr.rv.T mm lee . Law HirlM. f "' IjA it A " bi 4bM F bwi. Facial selel tir- and oral imaac. su?1 aria end toearlag. ftuat site CONFIDENTIAL INT iOATiON S-PrU) aaao mi anr Tti" ; frty; boohs expert-.!; tt atf .Lock Bos , Portland, O In now nwM of Ilka to meet (nUemii SBltabLa ' Nk Object, puUiMtf AMNM ewnwa. "T1IB BOOK OP MATURS, ''Book if 'TMabel Oray." itor oFs Slave." "Nee; MUlogaea lre A. Icbaato, t Urst at. TOUB BreerMtloe We more uraratatr a4 . raaeonatilv 111 ad at SM)L vll'B Faarmacr, KfT Morrlaea at., borwsea first end Inrad at. MESONAL Toot kuaina af vrotaaatooal v4 la Jonrui want UDiojnu win Bring . baalnaaa; i; Bl war for II ml. Try L VKY ON dMlrtnc aod od aolo bum Biuale fat private danclu can b fnrnlrtwd or addna ing Box (HI, poatofflca T1M, OragoB. BIOHBfrT arte mM far lian'a Mt-ttt eh lu aod iboaa at T3H Porta Third. Paoaa 2L drdera praptlT stUndad to. tWO jaanl Baa would Hka tba aeqaalBti T S to una- ladlca af a aaetaal dlapoalt Addrcai B H. car MML SUN BOON RUIV OD.. M7 TaaialU aC aU klada at Atpaata tad Chlaaaa foodaj lUka, - enpaa and tlaa art fooda. Wl PAT 06 far llaaaralt tfmgm. Bdwarda, ISO-IB! Flrtt at BU B rOB BiTB B OTBB M A CRM. 0 claar. aoaatdfraMa BKra raatf r tba pMW toad S larva lac ai4 ranw. ( raa imw um: arlndBlH laat Haw tha water to tfaa booaa . . M aaraHtf aaad taad, Wt rWr. atll. bara. -, arHurd. aertar, naau aarM, afc AU farai J.' faiplriaaatl; , bcm. etlekant a4 ffraaai - j til tea i,wJfc ftviIriOATR : rT,.rr an MoaawK Buiiaiaat v, v., rv y Third Momaaa. rABM FOB BAI4 BT WlR4i' aaraa, 'm . ci-arad. u at Maibcr and aaiaaea la tar TOO Warlat fraft traaa tnd tar drier; 5-roaja tabaaa a ad atbuUdlajtaj wall aad atwtns wattri IT atUaa tmm bnd, Bklln ! aoaotr Nat and ral lroa Billa l TllUca T lM doud Itaraa and ftraoal aad ftAareacat Cpud road) dally Hall B. r. D-i t'Upaaaa Baa and ajilk nut; arloa S.00, aacy taram Addraaa at call ao wntr, M. B. C. fl AlMna ara., fartlaad. tefna- to Imv aad Big' iM aadar arraa arrb- rd and ta tlmoiaai T arto sria kaaal braaa aaar to eW-ar; a irapd apriua, araai, ktxna aad ' Kara acaool aad afcim aa iba plara; aHlaa aaatbaast rroaj ormgva Ortr. claekaa aouatr; rood plaak raA ala atora. . 4pij ua roawtb . . . Mt BAtJI TAB.MA ' Iviprovwd farma toe tola ta tB aarto f Or. ' gna aad Waahlnctaa: paraiaats auda to anil 7 parraaaara. Pnr fad aartlelara aa to tbH- prop-rwa appir to IM4Biaatart U amaaJtaflt bid. - a BABOAIN dd.1 aereav food bpU. as rack. m Bast Ortoa -wttrl partly cleared; bona, aprlac. creek, SO attada af beea and ItUUO cor da wood fXjoa Raaaa. B. r. D. B, 6ra Oltr "OB BAUB M arraa aoad tatlar laad JuaettoB01ty. Or.i irtca U.0M. Addraaa H. P. Mara, faaettoa GMT. Or. OBBOON fanat beat tbem all! Aad by aawar. Inc tba ada aadar tala ftaadlaj oa U and aona una oaaa. OLAXBTOTAJTT AJTB BAjCaYIBT. BRHO Taa Orpar (ardaiaed BDUtaal aaad. hua)f daa traacaf Poor fatora troai cradla 8. rraa: Hf roa wait facta aaa Varnka, tba 7V7- Baoat 10, Bill Horrlaaa. KADAUB JOHNSTON Olalrrart nb aaUatot.' aard raadar; I a It facta reilabli and ta iortaat m rlt aftalto $i toal gfa, B Maaa ue. ia roarxa at. ABOKITBOTB. V4rnr. It N rtat af Partad! THB Trlaldad Aapbalt Ofnc 090 Wnrceat ar DiK. ABOVTTBOTB. Ooodrlcb arblto?Bu'ir? nltlac eetlDtar. Tf flitB. .Ooodrlcb A rlrb. eonaaltl iVTTOBTY PACIFIC Ooaat Law A OoUartioa Araaa fortUod efflca. TOO Chamber af CoRBerca. BHKPHBRD, ANtrBRSON CKLLARd, Attoroera. OlBOMai UarauaaibMc. .BUfLMVBi fORN BTYDB Boata built to ardaf aad tor aala. Car. Baat Yamhill aad Wats eta. OB Boath BABOnt AND UBSTSSn. OBBO0N BOUND LTJHBBB 0Q Idl at rboaa ureal mi. OATXBt tcf Ooodrlab Ooodrteb, arebltoabit Wb. W. oad chaopaaltn lplnBjjMw ; , TUR WaaUntioa at . Mala T7lTlckatt B Vlrttaaad. Pbaaa . OAPB KRATB. eerred at aU in BUtfe aft. boars. ftaahMMh 0ABPST OLBAJItSr. wt eiaaa raar aarpata aa ih aoar wines re " - BW'lnB fttraltara front mob; wa raiaa ao OHlBOPODT AMD aUBTCVBZSTf) x WM. DfJVENY and BNTRLLB DBTBNY, th ffrSwU tj ac)atioa cbiropodtata, aariora roaaa da.. Ifll Herond at. Phone Mala 1101. rbla m t Ha to nas laa yo r toaklaf for. BYOAEB aUfw TOBAOOw. BBBBRO-OI'NBT ClOAA CO- i iweinvatsre ei P1N CI0AB8. . ' Pomaaa. omb. OOAX AJTB WOOIh JUa. CAT WBBTBBN GOAL CO., 441 H .. 441 Hark. asr. lltbi Waabed Inaw eaotlasa aoaL 0 00 par , ton; pat. 4A 00, a feat tor Cumber teed , (Uara. ff lWl Caatla Uate, R.80; wbolaaale t prlceai fraa delli Uvarr; full welhtaj aaUafaa- Uaa ffearaatead. Pbon Mala Bad. WBHTTRN rr-T.Xt PUKL CO., 84 Bert f Pirth at-, daaleffO ra doaMatla aad Mmb j - '., cdelT blrk in lib aoaL aaaraaal aad anka. V , Fbona Main 1018. , . . ALBINA PUBL CO., Ballrtwd at. and ABrina v are., aatr ferry: slab aad blaoh weed, dry and graa. Pbaaa Bast Bfd. HOOYBB CO K WAT, SIS Water at. .Y, SIB Water at., taa plaoa Be Bf artweod. Pbaaa for Bond 44eal, Mala PIONBBB PITBX CO- faaaeved froB foot Har rleoa to lbt Mala at. Phoaa Mala IM. C. B. TGLlR, Brat-rtaea waad aad seal: afOea m AlWie att.. aaar fam. Dry labwaed. , ,T"r - a-aeajwjaaMiappaaaaawjaaaaMiTawiiii , , na-T TO 10 T. km tr V "--a am I . 4 ' I v i a tm w a k W toa-i' f tofatoi raar, MB ft Ml a, awa a a . IV) nd.w iSB'ltJsUSa a.Itr LOAK i Toa eaa aartaw bmv frow aa aaar aatair a laa awa to aj or a. Hi u aaMMint trom H to 11001 kw-, rata a lnuraati no watt, aa da- ur ; "i iMgatianona ara atnnir winw - oar UaliaaoatDta mpandad to JH. T la r W'n F --lBrto at i.-a aa laa w it fllB. W" 1 L v CO.t 1W A . tHf. ft . ..LOANS ON lt BAfi tBffa Jai. b.x T Ta I IT wTaod. Thwd aad ifaaA t Pafeam MIaV Loa ata. LwJNUT ' LOAB aaraal. paraaaal aad 'tot- wicim mtm, rauav wa HIGHLY raapartabto alaea waaax ladlaa and fan la aaa borraw avoaar aa dUaiooda and lawalrr. aVllatanl Loaa Baak, BH Waaa lactoa at Talapaoaa Blak Tl, BBB Tba Ttima 1 aaraatai Oav. raal wltata ad dnaalal asMitai aioaajr to waa aa Baortfasa aacorltlaa at low rataa la bbbm fraal fMO to dltt,ooo.. MH lirat at. . HOBTOAuB LOANS aa iBivroaad aad far, ant rataa; balMlng . .Wto. MaaMaatar. araoartr at kwat earraB1 laaaa. raataiimanl toaaa. 11 Worraatar bldff. bJOKBT laa d aa ataaaa. faratoam aad atbajr fibattol aarai1tlaataU waalwaa Mrtetlr prl. vata. NOBTUWBBT IilTOOn VU, tM- toa inf., citr- MONXY TO LOAN to larm ar aatal aoBi pa pood aaeurttTi loweot MUk wuuaa w Mtoai, 0T ralUnaj bldd. MftNBJT inriWRKD aalarfaA aamtla. taamatota. ate., wit boat aacarltr: aaar paraMataj lai- Bt Baataaaa la 40 arfadpal dlttok TMtoaa, t AbinctMl bide. CHATTEL laaaa la into fbb1ob turn SSB to pMwOt MOBlaf aMnlni anaa a aoerlalty. Haw ra Loaa m Traat Co.. tot AMnctM bids. U0NBY la toaa ta aaaaa af B.0O Bad bp M - all kind af aacnlttoa: aCMCTir miHtaana. SOd Ooao frtal hlk. nan aiau jaaw. MONXY TO LOAM aa laaravad anloiaroTad B.r&rB"Aid5 L0ANB at towaat rataa aa fmrmltnra. ala anr aaratlty aotaa pareaaaad. frtoa. 410 McKay bld. wnitWT TO LaaM mi Clacfcanaaa aoaatr laa da B. r. aad V. B. Silas, 0S Obaaabar atf Opav va kaaa Mttt wtatalM arlTata loaad, n MobaWB fjBBOXnf AJT9 BLABtWAU. OKAmooAt OBYuwaod ahareaai ajada Mprtaa fa rtiaraoal aaddtaa at toa AatorTeba ptablaa, fYoat a4 7(totoltatr aaaf atrial flrat-elaaa. ; etOCIBdt KTBOSAVTB, BTKBDINO PARRBLL, Brodaaa aad aaMto. ton BMreaaaU. M0 Pewal St., aWllaSO. Pbaaa Mala 1TB. OAJLPXWTXBS A1TD BRLBBBB. A. 2. AUTHORS and H. B. WOOD, carpenters and bolldere; repairinc aaa jonninc; eiora aid office Bxtmras built. Shop tu CobmbU, Paona Clay 1SU. PANNING AilM8TBX)NO Oarpeatera aad bla Prant 1280. O. W. GORDON, eanters, abalrhis, bonaas aallt and repaired, bob raarfa. may n. H YOU want a sarpentdr can far Maltoto BM Ollaaa at. Pboas Mala 1TST. OBJUUIT OOVTBACTOBB. BAWK1NI CA.Baa1danaa, SOS Poortb at, bene Pres UBS; aaawnt Warfe af all de anipttoBBi stop wwtt anaatoltyi work bs aataad. OBAB. BT. CARTES A OO (formerly Qartar A Kll); cement caatractora. ara -nggmfu nana Bast lnTB. H wora awaraniaaa. B0 AJTD BtOBSB BTOBPRBX, DB. & 1. CABNBT. D. T. B., eeertaaxr aar iwew-i reaeed to B Ottwa OB. bat Pawn) ana eiiia n c mOORATOBS, BNBT BBRORR 1B0 Plrst M. wBUpapat. Uaralaa. Upoelrlaa. aaallaaa Bntaas. la taw lor Jccoratlns, BTBTBw A1R OXKAVTBS, PORTLAND BTKAbf CLBANtHQ AND DYSTNO Worka; practical batter la aaanectloBi feather 1 bona aad alaatea leaned and cnrled af aa S part HI Poorta. Phoaa Clay TOO. CLOTH SB CLEANED AND PRXSHED ft par aterith. Oalqaa lUlartaf Cev, 147 Waahlas. tea at B. W. rURNBR, prefeeatettal dyar and BOB Jefferson, at 1 Phoaa Mala BM. LADTKS aad hlhfran'O aajBSBto, Silk afetrta, walats Bad wrappera nude ta order. US Sletanth at TebpweM Mala llftT. MRB. MeJtlBBBN, artletlc wakiny. Wl Motrlaon at PBATrRVAZ, lYtVSAVOI. OBDBB Of W A81 fl N OTON Foremost fratar. aal Society af northwest; protects the lie ; lag, J. L. Mitchell, areme eecretar. 019 and 018 Marnuani hide-. Portland. Or. Tale- phons Main fNl SXBCTBIOAX WOBXB, 0RTHWBST ELECTRICAL INQINEBBIMO Onmpany, Bto Iter at., Portland; O. IT kr BOOTRS, WADHAMS 00., whwtaaale tPtvsCuB?' PoarSi fBetarere and and Oak ata. ALI-BN LKW1S, roBBtaatoa and arodna we ek a ate. Froat and DstIs at., Portland, Or. LA NO CO., Plrat and Aaheay ata. FTR BOAB, rjrDtA CRTBX0B. BYLB A SCHrMACHRM, Maatartlla. Or., for. rlert and indlea carioa; far boas half nrtce; Seeo no;f J" -satay PURM1TSBM PAfJTOsm. PUBNITURB toanaractBrlns sad apacUl order. L. Rueeiisby'B far nH ore factorf , 170 Froat st OBROON Firmltare Manvfaetarliw Oaaipaay Maasfartoret of farai tare fax trade, MS MATS OTEAMTD. BABTBBN Hat MairafactnriBS aftSjaan. and rirtt, ssAr day) beta dyed. otoajTtatked, Sato aeer Is ktast ptylaa est ssseialtyt nam hats. ATDnTCAL, PUNO. erraa. fAaory of VK. atudi 4n Toaray feUf.; BwathU re rtlall. MalS lit.- w YlOI.IN. BMndolla. cornet, elartoet and all etrlns and wind rest re meats. Prof. BwwSk A. Smith. Main 4T0t. 054 Twelfth at. ai BALA T 1a, a C rjNDAY JOURNAL, POXTtAND, SUNDAY BTTTMAV VAIB BDLXB. I, 1. A r a- a baU e'-. W L 4. A' pbiBt a. Par day. a vital 4th aad Aer ata. eBBaaaasBBBnamauaaavv XwitrBdjrrjB, M5 L, wTPJTB, sea J.A. 1. WOOD, restorers tUMlltv and tor d .il I r It. aort -tot surety bonds af aU Vast. BOB McKay bid. . P. B ARTELS COMPANY, Bra ljararancs. ddf Bberloek bid. Oreaoa Phoos Otoy UO. Pi, X l- BUBAKCB J. P. Keaaod 4 flB-rBBl k srto bidg. Phoaa Mala 100. A 'NOB WILSON. Bra toanraAw. BberlaaS k c. Pia r a loos. tBOW WOVJCS. PBORNIZ IRON WORKS Bnaineava, jaana- faatarara at awrtoa, Binias. Kfing aaa aaf irVBIW nTBAXBBB. PIBHER MFIIO CO.. 10 Third BtTator talk tof BMCblaaai raaalrlns. Bed BOB. OrSBALLB. BOSS OP THB ROAD OTKBALB and aw an tra" ekifhinf ; an loo BMda. Niaataatar Brat. amaan latum1 era, rornano. ur pl tmxxs. PONNRRBBRO KADKMACHBR, aafeary abiBbars, 04 Peaeth at Both shea as. POX Coy aanlUry BtoBhataj! tM eroad bat Mats and Salmon. Dracen Pbans Mala BOO. -- ' '- "" r" i 'ii i ' ' " PATXaTT ATTOBafTrS. B. O. WRIGHT, patent bnsliieas B eraeJaltyi caaanltotloB arealnga. 004 DeknB bid-. PATB-rni AMD PAPMJUrIaT. BB1CK0ON A MBLSOM. aalnHnf. deco aalnHnf. aecoratttif . r-hnaflnr;. WUH Rnaaeii srj wo ud nutasUl BWaaeaadL Phaa otl Uatoa P. R. BUTTON, painter and papertnsar, Midi eon at., west aad of brtdsa. psucas CTjrMos. MA KB MONBTI TTBB PRBSS OLIPPTIIOaTT Bins an Black 11 and order a Boath'a i toretoa - eewTas orerf town In aay ar aB seaat atatesi dally aaeeBgr aarrfoe; , adeaaca ra norto on all oootract wars. Partland afOsm, ioo Second at irmniirnB-ra-Tr PLATTJfw. THB OBEOOM PLAT! NO WOBKS. 401 Wash Uwtoa at Pboae BftTB. PaUahlns. BtatUf and Incqaanaf PAXYTSt OILS AMD wLASB. P. B. BBACH CO. Ptonaar Pata Co.. aelUna the best thins made ta palnta and penanl FaBwgiartt W. P. PPLLBB CO-aaaaaractaeaee noaaar LA, Pboas oanan rami, aupa iw. a--- aires win Fured Py n. trtry pa Dos ad paiad iAPMUSSBM f. Jobber, Mlai aib and doora. 1W Flrat si. ta. att, sMaa, jTMTIMB ' 1, Bl'HHONO A CO. float and itark ata.. ftM. SB, llthatrapBinf, Dtana now mam VjiearworV dsns on Hto i moat epmpleto arinttoA- atftea leTtbe want Mala 10. ANnBSSON k DUNIWAT CoMPANT, prtnttaa. ltthosTaahlac. Uufe Psafca. Phoaa Mais In Alder r St. Boonvo. ALL ktnda at roefa revalreS and palate. 1 ParrelL 03 V4 Ft rat. Scott 04l SOPS. and Nortbmp ata,. Portland. Or. BlfBBZS STAMPS. P. C STAMP WORKS. 19 Alder at. pboa Mats T10; rabber atoajps, aeala. atendls, bar taga trade ebecka; ae for caUtosna. tuns. LARGEST stock la ctty: Dlabold werki lackoata opened; repair tall work, steel eelllna. treat- rat aad K mtUimt year naVesaa. B. Paelfc 00 Third at. tJ M rrl- " STB ATTWQ AMD WBJTSWASBTMB. iriKA aA wtiltoeraafelnar. traea. nin, Barna. ancaa. ric,, mu w. m Co. Call op BcetrBM, we Witt call and PortUndT Or. bTPSBASB AMD TR-AJTBTKm. BAPRB. pUaos an fa rat rare Baoeed, nacked wdj far afctoptaa; a Upj-d: aB. awk amannteed; Urea. Borr- bclrk. Sreyraof mliiMi tor stone. uraea pm aw aa. O. M. 0L8BN EN. Phons Mala B4T. O. PICK, efnes BS First st, be I wee a Stark and Oak ata.; phoaa 000; planes and far, tare nwred bni packed for ahlpptas; eoa Lmmi SMMaf break . warahonaa. Press eadtea and ciar eta. mtVWOMMtM AMD PlZTTJBXS. SB OWC ABES of eeary leorrinHoB: Jbank, br MaBafactnrlnt Co., fort la no an Seattle. llPBMBTfXBSL TOST TTFBWB1TKB H RA PQUAJtTBBAW ' Wa rat repair , aril, eirbinie trperrltara ATI sappries for all vacblnea. BteWdard ouchlne BBS and np to 1100. , Do roa want a atenaaraphar or typlatl , W hare llat of BodapaUoaato. 1 vkw nai tarr. UNDERWOOD T1SIRLB TTPBWRITBR, - '' 1 1 e-rrf ....LlJ-J.- wl nsVaVMS AMD SAffLTPB. aiAaii. TAM HORN TRANSFER CO n ntara n. rnm emara ioia ' PSrnltare, plario BKWtns. famltars packed fnr eblpplD. aepreaa and Wntacni abw etty Setleerlaa Blran rarefal attaotlo. OB SOON TRANSFER CO. 14 North Math. I'Weaw tmmim w. w m 1 POST SPECIAL DBLIVKBT R. S00)i WaeS Instoa st Phono Mala xo w ax strpptT. CD KAN TOWELS DAILY CoBbt Bl naff tooata. Lwros proa. Co., Fonrth and Coorh. Pbone Bros.' booe CM. WALXJAPtm. MO ROAN WAU.PAPER CO., U4 ! at., bet. TunUilD inf TrW, F r law Meswrklo, ' t f j tOS) the Chlesaw TYrhun. 4 CMllfrw'-Thoss railroad fallows BPS thrajatminnj to run s Ha rtchl thrwuh mr fsraa. What wosld Psti As About it If you ware Is my pise" Ojoh "I'd led 'OBJ d It sp OnflrBSl It taey Sro Aboush mayb thep'U strik soal wlf - From the Chleasw Trlbun. Impatient Pasacnsnr on front plat form) "Why don't yon order thai teaa stor off th traofcf Motor rnaa (drawlna; ths Tales' of bts hand serosa his south) "Iet Mrs take his time. 0e? Isn't that f fin load of wAtorsMeth srs fow ::i.'.t ni alive ' til EClIEIiiT IUM T rsVOBI es o oars or bVUBTS AXOM (990 IBmVmtAWUu Win t.nttmt) ChlMeTO. Bant 14. Th ton of the tOMt pit durtn lB WBk aftoww 0w recnarkAbla sfaaaftotho markai BHdiRsj rrp OBollp flrast ocas xrasia wsah waeai wltA sonsaqusnt Aoclteas to ob of PRO SBd I Bf BBM1B0B SJki Mbsa.AB SsV Vjioas - XttrlnaT th ? Wff aptBtnbdP 0O tlon Bhowws ts larpaat satrH-tbs rtso st th N4 of taa woelt inm T sssts owar that of th eloslAaT Monday. It was bad bosbIob for saw September on hioDdsr, iss PAsrkot cdoslBdT Trw weak at I1.0&H, with s loss of 1 oanaa from tha aatd as ths fsrlBwr aanakm. M -op tion showed the asm loss th vayeWt oloslss- St li.dtb,. ' Or Tneadap thars ' was mm onttro ohansw of and th ansrketa with the ey caption of old Bptembr rasalnea aU thttt had Bii loat 1 th tuaala with ths br" al amort t 44 Monday. Ths tmsltMss In both old And now Beptambar ea Tuasdsy wsa nemlnaj. th Utter ahowins; s bsJr of 1H csnts and th forsiar m nts. Ths larsoat Bstns war saado Bp Deibr and Map op tion st $1.11 Ad Daoamoir at snawa. v On Wednasdsy th Bssrket went to th hoars sod alt prloes show s4loss. Us this dsy both new Beptembar and De oember showed s deeUn of ent each with th closlnc on sow Boptaaaber at kl.OAU .bm1 Shea em Daoambar 11.00. Old September had s wary weak oloslss; st -41. us ft, nut Business m tnas opuon wu natnlnMl. With tria alaattnw al SL104A. May option showed A decline Hi rslu froat the prwvleMs day of j ent ; R Tharatk the nmarket had bOOBS so oed to ohassess from s severw sain to n OI loss ! S Bisgl session ina( n was not hard for ths smarkat to show s rise tn aUuea. There was phsnty of bad crop nswa on this day and aH options war hlShsr. e?eBBDr ana stay samea rlt. noat aalth rlaeal of 114 oantS. Mar dosed at 11.11 and Iecember st 1.10w. Kw Beptemoer una a rsry good day and at the clos of th session ths supporters of that option war 1 oents ahead for wry bushel they had bouyht With th loslns st 11.10V,. old SepteaiDer showed s sin ox i oantsv Tildas- Mains WBS BiSFaTS. '. I Friday to gen rally oonslderad A Try unlucky day but psrhsps It was, for durlnsT that day's session tm th wheat pit th market showed som remark bl sslns. New - September closea witn a in n IU aanta with th Anal flsar st f 1.11. Durtnc th day old option rose 8H ents and the laat aai was at but huainee was nominal. Deoembar was H osnts httrh St H.U. Ths least pals wa trade by Map option, the seoatns flcur beln Sl.l4. an sdranc of IH ents Awt thj slos of Mm bt l0s dap. - sha Softs at bus WssVs Ansa. Atusxtav. tna saarfcsts asAtn shftwsd an sdrano. new Septsmbar ahowins th tersest sui with the snar ket 1. ossits his-hep at IU Old, Old Septsmber st I1.1S was 1 cent fcttrhsr. eehtLo nanemlMi aleswwd ths amailast Ctn st II. MH. This wss ft advsnas of V ant Putins th day Map Alnod osnt, the market dosing st lt H. f . . , i Behaism, Youngest of the World's Great Religions at nfOWO fns notable rlsttors to A, th St leouls world's fair IB ah. .h TTilah KSffendL of Aycr. A mmmt . i - a laaaitoeei xri. Ji mw v- la a powerful movmnt m his .own country, a movement that is making it self manifest in all parts of th globs. That movement la Befaaiank. To th swersg man Behslsra means not bins; but to ths student It represents ths youngest of ths world's great religions, one that has grown to largo proportions. on that Has DM its aropwoie. s tyrs, its seta toaaa and Hs misalonaries. It has congregations In New Tors; Chlcssro and many other olttos. Jts rwa rsentatlra la this country Is Ibrshsai a. Kholrslla of St. LouU. .- Shush Ullah Kffendl is, the eldest -frandaoa of Ms great leader. Bah tJllah (the glory of God), la whoa person th Almighty manifested himself la the flesh, according to bollerer in atonal. This sew religion is sn outgrowth of Islamism, and founded In 1844 bp Mima All Muhammad, who was Bora la Shir, Feral. - y - Among his mkny sdhereats he B leted 11 his disciples, and called Umsb "Letter of th Llrtng." referring to th II letters of th Persian alphabet III InnlBjleMl himself. aBAJtlOAT Blnert. and ealtod himself "th point" Tbe 19 persons constituted in hMTsrohy osJled th "First Unity. He called himself tn BSD r gateway of inf intt knowledge. ,. Th dominant Ideas of Behaisas ar th brotherhood ot man. Justice, lore, truth, Persia, with Its dee potto gorern raeJst, and Its rellftoa of Mohammed n not a atooa In Which th teach- ins of ths Ideas could go on without opposition. Th Maoists were riaraaaea. and finally A crasy adherent tried to take ina life af ths Shah. A srussd sgslnst th sel pasultsd. Th Bab and many followers were arrest, rnooe who recanted were liberated, but some of ths leaders who refused to recant wr esMuted. Ths Bb and a faithful servant were kept In prison a lens time, hut wera flnalls shot ouUld the prison wslla by order f the goramraent Zn the early part of th Bab's mln Istry earn an episode Ilk that of Saul. The Shah, thinking to oheek th heresy by peaoeful means. Pent Bald Tanya Darattt tn sign prtei ox Ttneran. a great theologian, and head f th Ahtlt btcrarthpt with wmlnemt doctors sf the fogy, to Shires t dlsput wHh th Bab. tktrabl was sar that t th first kaattlttai laa. erauld anaaatratr. to the peopl that th Bab was a fals Madhl. a distorter er ooetnnes or isissb. aaa that be draorrod t bs atoned. n..t m. im-m anal aai Harahl aha. dared ft th eanaiernatton Of th Shah, his Tlsiers IM stuiians. tnat n jmd wad th true Mdbi, wh wS zpeetd mm ! rallhful and ea By AJIoh a prasch th truth. As a result of this cnnvtetloa oaraoi save sp an saosniotai fniwHaai and to. travel owr Persia and preach th oomaandmnt Of the Bab. This enragod th shsn, whs daeisrod that SB belongings of a Moslem who waa auanected of favoring Babtma should b eonflsested. Th clergy weal further sad preached that ta kill a Bablst was an act sgreabl to Allah, and th urdrr. la rompm f si dd, would noy th happnmgs of a true M "a leva in paraai. ui pernecn ties RaA fedulls oostrary to phoss la MORnVnO. 8EPTICMBKR zunmtm ftatllHsXT SW T. OB BAATM, IB BJS aSiOM. . , - aoa WsAliirii ; SUtost. Sir Francis DrK libebo cotU Life ReMciinn for , J I TlUt Week Only V .. BB WtTX TELL YOU Ton PULL MAMS. AOU. OCCUPATION, AND WHOM AND WHltM YOU WILL MA It BY. . sro cBLABvsra .',- i , tTBTUSS v SATlSrACTOBY. 1 TWV OAJI MM TSUB eTtTDSn. AX, WATS OOBTSVkiB f BBBrB. WHY OONBCLT AH INPBSJOA M SOI CM WHfciN Bill PUANC18 DKAKB TUB AO KKOWXKDUKD ISa1KS OP THEM ALL IS IIKUfD AND HiSTFe! NO BUWUBB XUAJK 1'UOSB laBSS OOMPBTSNTT Oldest' Is eipvrieace. rleheet ta knowledge and akill, crowned wltk BU yeeie of supar alleled eaceaae as s elalrvoyaat, bla adrtoe baa anted and Bade taoasaads happy U . will hsssfM res.'., . , .v DO SfOV IVOAB SIOVB, SIB PRANC1S DBA KB he boa s ear a tod with ST Bvdaia, rocalrod froas aln, eavspues aad scientific societies. . INDOKSKO BY TUB LBADIMO MEM AND WOMKN OF THB NATION. INCLUDING TUB PMigMDSNT OP THB UN IT SO STATES. I Ireektont McJUaiaj. Mra. McKluler Sarah Bernhardt Admiral be way iTtuce ot Wak , Buperor Willlaa . LI Huiig Chauk &!a PrealdTot Oars mr Oeorso White . . v WB Tins eaag , Tba Mikado Knparwr Kraacts VoMSA Lord Curaa, Vkernj smperur or rir'TS Wdawvakl Mauds Aeass) '- or nna Jnlla Marlowe ' 1 1 1 lias A1 P-BB BTOBT t II . STB IBAMOIS BBAKS la the only Bedlam tl this city who baa. appeared before th London Paycble Seeeerr, Suclety, a well aa Boa toa and Detroit branche ot same, and In doraed ar all three. Tratlmontoaa aud dlploaaaa are at lib ta hu sffice. "SIB PBAM0U DaVAJOL the leader ef fete profeaaioa, la a m arret. Be taint the aacrata of one's vary eoei. He to always .busy." CMcaao Tribune. "tree Kins eMwsrd fee Ms Sf toed by Ahr Franc la Drake." Bx preo. "The fad af the eaaauai Is eadtrevaaey. An Portland Is aaoltod. Orowda vhit Sir PraacJa Drake, peycklc aad palnUat Be Is as 4 paUBtetindAitoW Pre ada Drake SXnAOBUXBAB.T OXeXBTOTABTB. odse ef occult -forere, anablaa him to read hamaa Ufa with anerrlns accaracy froB bifa&cy to old aaa. His power, ara woDderral end tn dlapaUble; bla asTtce M eaUabla; his tafornla- uun Clear, conriee aaejw iw w"K a W1U, luarau w Ha epia so teaeb rxw bev7 to faaelaaW ey ew yen deetra. s speedy ' surrlara with t oni af ynap caoice. give uu i'on men sua nan roe sue ceaafal Is prar boilneaa, rvBOTS evil taflttanca. . ... a-natBil arlaa mi Unit nnmluF. loeate the earth's nrted trwanrea, rW the Sid eetalas that Mbm ha hUced feayoad Sm iwyerehressea, ad oMUvahj eSweb H WaaWaon ABTYI WASB2BOTOB SSJBBLaJVBBTXtT AVOOATBB, HOURS-ft TO B, DAILY AMD SUNDAY. tendad. The aumbep ef proeelytes la ore d from dy to dsy, until th ad herents of ths faith ta Persia and other parts of Asia now number l,O0,00O. The Brst "woman's rights ' woman or Persia was martyr to her devotion td Babtem. Shs waa ths daughter of ths hlsh p Heart st SUavl, th headquarter of ths theological schools f Shlltlsm. Her nam was Kourrat-l-Ayn (Light of th Kres). Sh rvltd sgslnst th religion of Islam, em braced the tssott- lng of th Bab and rafusea to wear the customary von when sn appeared la nubile Bh wota poems and songs of great beauty and literary Anlsh In glorification of tn unerty ana qumy of knen and womea. Her sloquenos and th ardor with which sh preached th new doctrine la th streets of Kasvlne, and. above all. her beauty. Attracted multitude of oonverts. Her ancle, who succeeded nr father ss high prleet of Kasvlne, cursed end excommunicated her, and sh was forced to leave th lty. An admirer sf her talent beauty and seal killed her snele. and Anally, during a persecution ot th Babtsta ah waa killed aad her body throws Into a pit For a time after th Bab's death ths leadership of th BMsta was la the hands of Ml ran Tanya, who aota fourth pi In (he hierarchy and was called by ths Bah flubh-l'KBal (Bioming ot in snernal). He eacapad from Farala dla guisd aa a dervish and went t Bagdad. Thar h met hi half brother, Mkraa Huseysa All, who had beea Imprisoned la Persia and later exiled. Mlrsa Huae van All benat pronrtnent as a leader of th Babiata and for 11 year was under the espionage f ths Turkish po llen. He lived a life of grwat simplicity and waa beloved by ths people. Finally ths Turkish government summoned him to Constantinople and, not deeming him sufficiently dangeroua to warrant execu tion, ordered blot to Adrlanople. While living la that elty ha became orMivlncod that b was Bshs Ullah ( the Olery d Ood"), who appvaxanc th Bab had foretold. Thos disciples who had followed him tnto exile reooslaed his authorltr, aad the Babista sf Persts followed their example. Th religion then beeaja etaoaa ad aUhsisah Avsw tt r4 "Vllirii ,vVV i'7 oaneaip, aiarnaav. Pa tenia, iearnara, Wneiooa. IsVaatmeBtS, Spec BUtiona. Property, Ipeoraeea. MartSe Oil sad Miatag Cleteaa, blaeeaea, etc.- ' . sm rmAsrcza bbabtb. 5, 1901 BUDAll'IHTHCE ' CLAIllVOYANT The Greatest Living Dead- Trance Medium THS VEOJCO nOfWTKSS l TBLU YOU NAMB" $10.00 ComfeldHe; Llfe Reedingt for Week Only $1 29VA MofTlsoa Stn Cor. fifth Born With a Double "VesW Educated in Occult Science f ia Egypt and liidia ' ""tt - - - -t ;- TMXYaS tob wntr ajtb . ' WBOM TOV WUA htAaUbT PoatttvaU siisrlisrig year swsstoearfs fP sane. Settle e auarrebi sad proa-pUy rraalbal you OaaFM. SPTSClAI. WB WBSaTj 1 OAS FVLX UPS BAADXMO), S. Lcda'e most toM-ai palm lot aad etatr vofaat la acAoowloAfai by preea and public tba greatest Uvlna TCEAD TBANUB MEDIUM. Aha tela what poa esaw for batoea ruu after a werdl doe sot ask eatlsss, so stoTtor what roes tronblo nay be. end she will sMs res with oartahwy btCber than baaau power. Telle ye ta train, and . Mf bad. It may bo at vital laeree to yes to knew the outcome er year araaant aiagaaa. The haDDlneas of roar furmre Mfa ssar wnm tho rtaht aoletton and nroDe advice. Thars sro ao nUatakea la lbs predlcttoss Bade by ths treat sad wonder fsl ssyeblc. Yob Bay ariah to know If It 6 sdrbMBto to make s enass Is koalaee. I lave, la ""ShaU1! saeesed la nty sew wdartokingP 'Can I ebtola ay hopes, sxy wlaaea, say M baetw" "Hball f ever nsy ne lanrlas f wealth r , "Can l trust my rnaer' . , , , 'Have I enafiearr f - " , 'Whas shall 1 marry r , How often shall I Barry P HK.n I avae hat MeaejeadP' "Does snothsf abare the Bfr that rlght- fauy betoBxa to Bar.' ... ff ao. wboair - i Stnil fevd Is rotnrsP "I. Hum a rival to ear WvaP ' "When shall By love affair tondasto m "wihi akan av Anmaatl teMble andP MHow aaa I Bake mr Ufa and home happy! "Whoa shall my abeest friend retarar' "Way A 1 set reerlea a letter r' . TBABA A FBACROTJTB OXkAZBTOTABTT. sVJTOWB PBUTM 04TBABT TO OOBAst AS BUBTSL or ' esata rencrjTjp wonder ta laeed t all hr narnalt. towarla head aad ebon Were oer every rival, sad. la recoa-nlavd by th PMOPJ lies aa hnk SSMHTSaT STAB. - Bfla Wheeler WHeo. th SBrtiai. ntn.Uh Bam I alia sated toe serioea ml M to s marvel astoag mm "Bodah Senmeo ta .toe beet mg eleVereet elalrvorant la ." wyass Biisai atar si4 af Apatl XL WltltaB 9. Iwvaa sayii ta toe avesKet ar I ant Vat to toareagfily svhMd ato.1 fa tolMshM Set Shews reB end fsat Bwdnh Beralqae .baa bee i i aaa pee ens tba moat nanuiar an seen nor d ataet aotvd men W1BS fives w of the woj, aas bee re ins rat jnUs burlaw Sarah BernAarSt K1U Wheeler WlapMl Preeldent Harrt PrealAt-at UeTrUnd ArrkbUbop Ireland ': enatof Ppew , ,,. , ' Senate II ana ' v Vnat Pnraba ' Hctos UoUM Hon. R- H. HairMaa. Preeldent McRlnley 'raeloant jtoosevolt ' He ta swre notable affaire than aho. la Burope sad America she has advised thooeanda la vartoea SitSI at Ht. aad always to tbeli ad vaatag. . ' , . ' Bar parlor are crowded ditty bp tba test fee ps od perused. utoas to know Their future. Bedah Bernteue'a o moss tret loaa of second stobt moat ha aeea to, be Believed. Sd be ear and bar et oar. . Be aeelrre est f off say sr to toB the past present end future and exactly what yoa want tr know that I wlH make BfO OaiaJBOMl BO OXABdIBI rntoas ye obtala perfect atlafactlo sad find BM superior to all MADIUMS. cLaJbV VOYANTS sad PALMISTS Is Uls elty. . BOCBAV-IS TO. S DAILY AND. SUNDAY. . 291 Moffison St, CemrlW years after this the Turklah gorernmertt bsnlshed Behs Ullah to Acre, where he was eonstantly nndor eurvoillane aad limited to a special territory; bat hs showed Such kind nee to ail people, snd especially to th poor and Buffering, that even th Turkish police respected htm snd thought him sstnm - H died about IS years str la bis peiaos in Acrex leaving four sons snd thr daughter. Th sons hs ealld "bTanehea," the daughtsrs leave.- Thes Abba Bffendl ('th Greatest Branch"). Mubammed All Ef fendl ("The Mightiest Branch" . Zla Ullah Kitendi ("th Holiest Branch-) snd Bsdl Ullah aVfendl ("th Most Lu minous Branca'1). A schism has arisen between th fol lowers of th brothers. Abbas Bffendl and Muhammad All Bffendl, each of whom claims to b th hand, but th learned peopl of th faith recognls Mubammed Alt and It Is hla branch that la represented la the United State snd hi son. Shush UlUh- KflMdl, who Is now in St JLoubt - Frees Outing. An Arlsona friend of mine lately told at this !Qtrtlng Incident about th gophra that Infested hla cabin wha h was A miner. Th gophers st up hta brand. He could not hid It from tbna or put It beyond their reach. . . - - . Finally ha bthought htm ts stick hi loaf on the end of s long Iron poker that he had snd than stand Bp th poker hi th Middle of hto) floor. Stui when he cam back to bis cabin ha would And hto loaf eaten full of hole. On day, hav ing nothing ta do, be concluded to watch and see-bow th gopher reached the bread, and this, was what he sawi Th animals ollmbd up th eld of his cabin, ran along n of th log so point opposite th bread, and then sprang tpt eldewle toward th loaf, which asch one struck, but upon which only On seamed abl to offest a lodg ment Then this one would cling to ths loaf snd act as n stop to his fellows when they tried sscond time, hie body affording tbem th barrier they reonlred. Mr friend felt aura that this leader d- llherately .and consciously aided th otsars ta surtaT a iUo ss th li. Bratod, a autter Bow amc ataaiag. tolls y evairtblBg, good er pad: . hear the trath. and setbiog ass -ta hw stvar rmtl'iMtt fet Baarttaa. yreaefe ssS aa. Wne. V Manv Itad tor ion a4 at aMsr raajmrnSBBSFMamSmPS IS f wm - LaBiUkiiwla.i By th WwtFtvt4 Cfefrvcy. i euvia risliTrwiice NetSum srvd Pslmbi i i SEVEN TEARS IN tXHttXAND , Afil) aVcUTTlA ; ; , PBOP. TABj OORTLAMD fRRMANRMTLT LOCATBO AS) sM WasMnstos Sttea. . , i 1 n 'BSAP OABBFULlVSe SlSCoiBlwtw 1 totTXmVffOii 1 ' ' .- v ' BVLXBB . ,7 Z BATrAOTOBTe ' , .," TOV OAS SB tMS JODAB. , p . , ALVATA ASBSwXT TBS OBWDS OP VaVJrLB ABB TH BONG IMA TO SBB THS WONBBBFTJL DEMO MSTBATI 0 NB OP THB NOT BO PALMIST AND GLAlSV VOTAMT. m PBOB. Vam oobtlamb, . TUB VOBBN Y0rBMTBB ' Bis parlos he tain yoa roar same end what yoa called for without asking a qaoatloa; will tall the sm af roar sweetheart er anything yoa want to know. H aenda ye away amrs wlaai and kapplar tan who yes toiled. ReelMng that Many 'of the1 hast MHss mt this city wonkt e only tee anxkaaa to eoaault food, reliable elalrvoyaat snd palmlet if thmw were Srat aaaared of recelvUig aome beoeBt I therefor dp berebs salemnly agre aad swat THAT, ' v Wlrhoat say srvMas knowleds, and havweX s ataral mesne of knowlas who yo are. wbeaoa or for what yon came, 1 will toll your Ufa bet. tor rnaa yea ssS tall ) ms. J wlU eaU yes by aanta. OS CffAAOA TOC MOT ONB PBWMT, t THIS IS HONEST. IS IT MOTP J wftl glv yea back Skat wtos sareess la am. auRlase, dlTorce, specatatloa, kaalaeaa, health and naaactkoa of aU kindai restore loat adcnoBe, cause speedr aad baapy mar rlage. reonlte th aapaj-ated; I will teD yam hu to Bain the ktve of tbe one yoa desire, eve tfeooh mile away; will tofl wh aad waa yo Aft awrri. . . - . 1 wttl tott yes what i fcusi ye ass SwaAsad MP, and bow to ear tt ; . t wTS ban ye sow to aftrart eastiat aad chanre the theAuraO). totenOxins. scttoas er tttut'-uted to your Batutwt u coatronlng power Ui isnted to yoer atoret I wiu unprove vonr :tr ho that roU win reach to hla t o ' la derelooineot la oaveupment of svr-tal vtcor, neaith. hat eea and capaerty bi i wealth; feew to aaeaainUt a SartBS an aa aar. aVtftaravharr aktrvoat Bower, with Ua anpertor tapw a df arealt fore. a, eutbiu to read hanwa Uto with aaerrt g accuracy fvm totoncy to oWl sge: ale powers are woaderfol and fe-tiapot Me, ata advice la reliable, hla laiormati cle .V csBMdae and to tbe eolot tn hrva. marrtara, divorce, a lea, wl'la. pataeta, toarnevs, old eatatoa, lrraarmeata, pr . erty, BiortcaBvs, Uds weaaaras, eU aa toAVtoesee, cts, ,.. t wm ton f year avshass. wtf. rttouai er aaamtra: who to tree aad who fake; wtU WH yuoT every bop, fear, am la tire, better tba o1d toll It yoaraelf ; thee th t are anaaceeaarai .are mao prDeparoaa an tarted oa tba roae to wcaita; aw yoa sser te make your knabaad r wire, as aay aaa, Pe Uad aada to yes. , . . Be cree as the ewere ef tbta Baa that bs eaa bring feneOar She iweotbaart heeBaa e wife wh have saah treage Bp in a I lies DA TATJ VUB3 TO B3TOWP How yo eaa have good laekf ttm, L tm hualfkaavi i How yoe oaa sake year bobm happyT y j How yoa Oaa oeuler row eejeaaies r , How yne eaa marry the on yoa ebocseff.. mnttm rfl mrttf MI.PPT t . . How yoe eaa makaany oaa bto yaf now yuM eaa menu pmw i ii bbbbb e . How yon ess rerenve bad laflneneal Haw yoe da eontrol any east Hew yoe Can make etat ooee tbm f PSS Row yoe aa aeitle fow flnarrett ow yoa can buld your baabaadS brvei ( . How Voa eaa keep coot wife's MvaT ' Van Cortland telle ill aad aever aaa ssmvBssaj Does averrtbtng ro vroast Haa Portane never enlW oa yea Have yoe tried aad f .limit Haa roar Bfe par foil f bbp sad Hare yoa ever attained jot abject Is AA Sf root beart'a 4earet -Are yo happy and eon tea ted? t,. Have yo the vmv yon waatt Im yoe know whet yo Nbse I tasted tart How ran I eontr-4 nynnt Are yon aerwrated frira tbe CM PBS est Hew aoon will my ktver rajiwal. De yoe daa Ire a aneeJy and ihapop BWrrlaSBf Sow cap I wta my Ueraultl ow wa 1 ha w-cetefta to mf hew tavwausst S..w ana I be aecafil to my fstosta ow can f encme my rival Can I tree my partner? s f, . Will BiV Chenae tw aarvefalr f ' Hw eooa aba 11 1 marrrl j. bait I iiaka a toaasfl , fi I1iej eaa I Barry weilT " . -Will 1 take a Jrrneyt V ' How no I msrry the oaa t ehenoat saH mr abaeot friend rnenaT n -w ea 1 cooeaer my enemlasl W Hy An I not receive a let ear Am 1 loved to return t I low ess I" make mr heats sasef f t I there a rival In my "! , . l.iw ein 1 aacfed la tolsssst fas 1 tnrat Pit frl-tatal Hra t sneBileaT When aball I atarryT How oflea ska 11 t arfryt ;- f m.nrT is wrKRiBwrw. RNnWLSnnE AND SKILL. CBf an YRAR OF T'NFARALLrTt.icnt , A nLAIRVOTATTT. HIS ADTK'S AN 0 MADS THOUSANDS BAPlr . A1 v RENBPIT TOO. Oerart wonSer. Atwaya Pneltlvely ao equal oa eertb In tors Lira t an or-v n noURA OAfLY, TO A SUMUa, HT WJaaTAATtm l.fFB BBA' si in i) W r ONal DO t ll.OO Prcf. V- 33 r- ' Asa . ..- ' mm mm . ..a i-,