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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1904)
1 C 'T BV5AY JOUTNAl 1C$TLA?CD, SUNDAY MORNING, ETPTEMBER 49, 1904. SOCIETY PREPARING FOR A BRISK SEASON OF GAYETY f . 3 J 'A , ... f THM fall aeaaea hu not fully - I opened yet Many invitations I ere out for social affairs of various kinds to taka plus with in tha next few wNki but little of Im ports nc haa actually taken place. Clubs and soctetlea ox rapidly aaaUm- data tor th Bret meeting. Tha dancing season la sot fully on yet out many in vitations have been Issued, . .A, afc ' Interest la now oentersd about the-sp- pearanoa of Josef" Hoi maun tomorrow evening at tha Marquem. Than la muok regret tn musical elrclaa thai Lee Charlea Sparks will laavs at tha and f tha week. Ha worn from "here out and tartar to Europe whir ha haa a number of winter oonoort engagements, During kla ehort stay In Portland Mr. Sparks haa won many friends, and ha had a largo number of pupils who put la their boat work during tbe "short J J i aV -LT . - ' Tha fait openings of millinery and , fashion parlors have ongagad much at " ten tin durlna? tha WMk. With tha change Of weather eomeg tha decided ehango of wearing apparal and fail atylos will rule from' now on,' . Miss Lillian Myars left Wednesday Tor Now York, wfcr ana w w m mar , rid to Herman Herat, Jr., next Wed i naaday. Mlas Myars haa many friends i who regretted to see her leave, ma- la an accomplished musician and is pop ular among her soolal set. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Harris axe reoelTtng today , . at UP- Qltsen street in honor of their daughter. Mlas Anns, Elisabeth, whose oiumgement to Mnthew P. Oevurta has Just been announced. Mr. and Mrs. Charlea Gilbert of 410 Third street are also receiving In' honor of their daugh ter. Mlas Jennie and her flanos, J. M. fievanaky. . Event of tkc Week ' Tha wooden wadding oelebratlng tha fifth anniversary of tha marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Joaleh Kemp, held at Blanck's ball on Saturday evening, the 17 th. was pronounced a moot enjoyable affair toy those present. Oood muslo for tha oc casion waa furnished by Mrs. H. B. Mo Caba and Mrs. Q. B. Hofmann. Whist, pit, bean beg and dancing war Indulged j. in. Many handsome presents war be- a towed upon the young couple, who m a very pretty little ceremony renewed their marrlaga vows.' H. P. Hunter act ed as minister, and Mr. and Mr a. Adolf Woolm as ettendanta. fUfroahmente were then served, and si a lata hour tha guests departed, . Tha following were present:- Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Kemp. Mrs. S. Dswey, Mr, and Mrs. O. B. iiofmann, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Wanslay. Mr. and Mrs. A. Woelra. Mr. and Mrs, H. S. McCrahaiu- Mrs. H. W. lw-y. Mrs. A. C. Olson, Mrs. H. a McCabo. MI sea Edith Kemp, Anna, and Rosalia Hofmann. Genevieve Holmes, Millie MlsoUch, Myrtle Bates, Nannie Chambers. Bemlce , MoCraken and " ' Messra. H. P. Hunter, Carl Rltterapach- er. Dr. Fred Smith. -Franola Dewey, John Hofmann, Kdgar Wanslay, aHawart and Leal la MoCraken. . v,' - Th tan Franeieoo Examiner of last Sunday mentions In very flattering terms Mrs. Walter B. Uoneyman, who haa been TiatUns; there since- August. T-rt le says! Tdra. Walter B, Honey man of " Portland, Or., has taken apartments at r--. the Nordorf oat Bush street for tha next -V I few months. Mr. Honeyman Is expected to arrive shortly. The Honaymans are -V: prominent Portland society people who , entertain a great deal, who own horses, earrlages and two autoroobllaa. For ser- '-, ral ereeka tha attractive woman has bean a guest of the Chris Bowers and the Joseph Meyerstelna. Ever since her arrival aha has bean entertained such a . lot by tha friends of both tha Interest ing 'couples. By tha way, tha Chris Bowwra-wtU leave the early part ofpext month for a trip to St. Louis. New Tbrk, Washington and will then Journey on to , Shirope, The Meyeratelns will laava in Peoembor for a trip east." it It ' A party of Port landers will start oast Monday. October t, to visit St. Louis to- ' gether. After a few days at tha fair Dr. B. I House and Rev. C. B. Chase will leave to attend tha general Congrega tional convention at Dos Molnea. la. :' Mrs. & L. House and bar sod. Arthur, will proceed to Boston for a visit of several nvmtna; Mrs. n. j. sillier win go to Cleveland, Obto; Mrs. J. A. 'White to Washington. D. C, Mrs. F. B. Beach and her daughter Ruth to Buffalo. N. T.. and Mrs. c. Taylor wilt return home through Cal.fornla, - visiting various points along tha war.- v ,v v ' .N Miss Beaala Block was happily sur prised at her home In Oregon City Mon day evening ny a peny 01 aer rnenes. Tha evening was passed with whist and muile, hnd rwf reahmontg wars serred. Miee Block, who has many young friends tn Portland, left Tuesday for Baltimore, where she will re-enter the pee body conservatory of muslo. The , guests were Nelta Harding. Edith Che ney, Bthel Graves. Dollle Pratt. Nettle .-Bradley, -Lennla eejy, Jlllda chle, June.Chnrman, Jeasfa Elbee, Hln Bollinger; Annie Shannon, Nellie Oau fleld, William How.ell, Parcy Caufleld. Karl McAdam, Bel don Oanong. Will Wil son. Charles Robinson and Carl Moore. v w w ' - Mrs. t. C. Edwards gave' a dolly shower Friday afternoon, September II. at her home. III Olisan street. In honor of Mlsa Ethel Grenfell. A cornucopia suspended from the onaaaeiier oom dainty linen pieces and at an unex nerted moment the horn emptied Us Stents about the fair girls' heads. Tha rooms wars pretty with out ftowers, tha reception-room with red geraniums, the library with La France roses and fernst and tha dining-room with a variety of sweet peas and rosea. Hearta waa tha game played, suggestive of the occasion, and Mlea Bather sLrouae and Mra, H. C. Hoagbton won the prises. Punch was served throughout tha afternoon and later light refreshments were served In tha dining-room. Miss Mayma Sohuldar man, suiter oX tha hostess, aaalstad ut entertaining. Mrs. A, Llpmen was hosts it a o harming dinner Thursday evening at her home. St. Clair and Wayne streets. Table decorations were entirely la red with red shaded lights. Besides Mr. and Mra. B. Llpman there were present Mr. and Mrs. laam White, Mr. 'and Mrs. C. A. Seehlelmer, Mr. and Mra. J. . Llpman and Mrs. L. A. Frank. Mrs. SechkeUner wiU leave shortly for Jihl rop to be gone several months, v A pleasant ovaot of tha past wank was the afternoon tea given Wednesday from 4 to toy Mlas Louisa Morris at her home, 411 Everett street, la honor of Mrs. C, a. Jackson of Pendleton. The dooo rations were dainty, brides ma Id roaes predominating., Mlsa Virginia Wilson and Mrs, aid ward Brook assisted the hostess la tha reception room. Mrs. Samuel Meara and Mrs. Si B. 1J"tKt""tr presided la tha dining room : . , w ' ' Mr. and Mra. T. W Swift of Battle Creak, Mlok, Mr. Beeman. tha art col lector of Pittsburg. Pa., and Mrs, Charles B. Andrew formed a p Ionia party to Cascade Looks Thursday, . Miss Jen rev's opening party of her Monday night dancing class at Parsons' hall wan well attended, about 40 oou ples bains' present Parsons' ore beat ra furnished musto. Invitations were is sued for this affair but these Informal dances will be repeated on Mondays without Invitations, bains OP to tha same Mends. - t . rr-w ' ' Mrs. Frederick H. Page entertained with- a pleasant afternoon of bridge whist Thursday, at her home on Port land Heights, There were Ave tables and tha prises war won by Mrav-1 Allen Lewis and Mm W. B Ay or w Tha Snored Heart Social stub gave a successful card party Wednesday even In The attendance was large and there waa good muslo. Ufrooaments were eerved. , , . Frtday evening. Sepiember M, was the occasion of a delightful Informal affair given by tha Misses Belle and Ceneth Robertson at their home, 471 Aider street In honor sf James Alexander of Seattle, who has Just oome to Portland to reside. The rooms were pretty with quantities of Oregon grape and red-ahadei lights. Cards ware played during -tha evening till refreshments were served. The guests weret Mra C Lewis Meade, Mtaa Mary Haradon. Mlas Lillian Stone, Miss Judith Soott, Mlases Edna and Margaret Prota-. man, James Alexander and Ard Haradon. w - '"WW' Tha formal opening of tha law depart ment of the Western Academy of Arts took place Monday evening at th ball la Mulkey block. Hon. C. M. Xdlaman of this otty and Hon. P. H. jyAroy of Salem a poke intelligently on legal sub jects. Mlas Bertha Royal sang In good voloe The Promise of Life," by Cowea. QHvor's "Goodnight, Beloved, Good night," was sung by Ronald Bradbury. "Separation," by Roma, waa Justly Inter preted, and well sung by Mlsa Reatha Fowler. Ruthyn Turney playing the vio lin obltgato. Mlas Mas Bona was ac companist for the evening. 8. j. Rich ardson, dean of the Oregon Law school, was present and expressed him self as highly pleased with tho opening. Mlsa Blspeth Auld Duncan wsa mar ried to -Martin Bernard Bent-ens at l:fl o'clock laat Sunday afternoon. ' Rev. J. H. Olbson pronoanced the cerernony at tha parsonage. Mtaa Mysla Sharp at tending the bride, A quiet family luncheon followed at the horn of the bride's sister, Mrs. Anderson, and Mr. and Mrs. Behreus left in the evening for Pendleton. They wlU be at home after .tomorrow at 104 Grant atreet. , -., V Mra. Nina H. GlUnly of Portland, for many years a noma missionary tn Kan- a. Missouri and other rata western states, was married Wednesday owning to Lewis C Hartman. n prominent de tective of tha same etty. In the Flrsf Baptist church of Spokane, Rev. O. W. Van Osdel officiating. Lewis T. Mtlea played the Mendeleaoha wedding march while tha bride and groom, unattended. marched down the a Is re. preceded by Rev. Mr. Van Oedel. The oaremony waa performed at the altar, tha ring service MBv AND MBS. JASPER V. WTMAN. being used. After tha aervloea tha bridal couple left for a tour of the east ern states, and will bo at noma tn Port land after October 1. The bride waa handsomely gowned In pearl-gray etajnlaa over taffeta silk. Tha bodies was closed with a eluster of pearls, and the bride wore pearls and diamonds. The church was well filled with guests. Invitations having been sent to tha members pf tha four Baptist churches of tha city. w "t ' The wedding oi Miss Jeeelo Totaw. daughter ef Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Votaw, to Walter Btaeer, occurred Thursday night at the residence of tha bride's parents. In Seattle. A largo reception followed the ceremony, which was per formed by tha Rev. H. H. Ctapham of Trinity church. The bride waa attended by her sister, Mlas Votaw, and tha beat man waa the groom' brother, John Sta aar. Tha bouse was handsomely decor ated, and music by Schmidt's orchestra was a delightful feature of the evening. Tha bride and groom laft for Portland, and after an extended wadding trtp will be at home tn Rltsvllle, Wash., where Mr.. Btaaer la a rising young attorney. Mr. and Mra Btaaer are both known m Portland toy -many friends. . '' Max Kramer and Madeline Walheusen were married at last evening at the First Congregational parsonage by Bar. B. L. House. ' ' -Jj Marion O. Tan Alstyne of Blodget, Or., and Mlsa Lula Ludwlck of Michigan war married at noon - Tuesday at Calvary Presbyterian manse. Rev, Will iam S. Gilbert officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Van Alstyne WlU live at Blodget. - , . it it ' Frank Hltchmen and Jennie' Ken worthy of Monitor were married Tues day at tha Congregational manse la Ore gon City, Rev, & a. Bollinger offtelat- ing- . , , r . f. Tha wadding of Mlas Sybil Burimg ham Cushmg of Taooma and Jasper V.. Wrmao of PortUnoTToolt placar at-ths' home of tha bride's parents, Mr, and Mra. C. B. Cuahlng, In Taooma, at 4 o'clock Wednesday afternoon. Rev. B. T. Ford of the Flrat Congregational -i : .. i: 4 - .... - A - " M r ? , . - . : ,-T.WTm t ' xVl VfV ;,,4' t y - v 1 ? WW - ( t s j . - ' . 1 . : ( :.: ' ' ' vT5- ' l" t .'-a..'-" -:'-.' ' ji-iv. . ,.-'-,-'-t,i--Ki''.. ' Y ft 1 1 k-V ."4 " - 4 v !, i-if:'S ?T ' , . j , j J .-. V ' i '-. Jt t '"-' - ' MISS RUTH HOTT. Who 1l gotng-t New Vortt to sMidy church officiated. Only - Immediate friends and relatives were present. Tha home waa prettily decorated for the occasion, red and green belnc the color schema tn tha parlors snd pink ht the dining room where a dainty luncheon waa. served after tha ceremony. Mr. and Mra Wytnan are taking a ttfp about the sound and will be at hoeae to thetr frtends after .October le at S4t Park street, Portland. , , - P, W. Srhloth and Mlas Lottie Beraa were married Wednesday evening by Rev. Albyit Bsson, at ts parsonage of Rodney Avenue Christian church, 144 Rodney avenue. Only a few relatives and Immediate friends were present. Miss Edna Barnes attended the bride and M. Srhloth the groom. Both tha women were gowned In whits. An In formal reception followed at tha home, after which Mr. and Mra Sohloth left on a short wedding trip. They will be st home after October 1 at North 0 Union avenue. Mr. Sohloth Is one of the rlalng young business men' on the east aids. w Capt. T. A. Oleen. and Mlas Cecelia Thompson war married last Saturday evening at the horns of T. Av Olson, on Fourteenth street. Rev. J. Whltcomb Broughsr officiating. Captain Olson Is In charge; of one of the lerge river barges. ,v ' it it William Graham Hod eon , and - Mlas Stella May Bellinger wero married at tha White Temple studio at I o'clock Sunday afternoon by Rev, ,J. Whttoomb Broughsr. Mr. Hndson la' tenor soloist la the First Unitarian, quartet. . ' Engagements ; Mr. and Mra C T. Belcher announce the ' engagement of . their daughter. Bertha, to William Bel I la Tha mar' rlage wiU taka Dlaea Wednesday,, Oo tober a. - . , , ,., , v -V - - Mr. and Mra, Horace O. Campbell an Bounce the ewgcgoeaswt ef their daughter Anne belle to W. Metvla Plimpton. No cards. t . . j . - w Mra Sarah M. Phillips announces the engagement af her daughter. Maud Mary, to Mr. John Hays, tha marriage to take place- Thursday, September II, at tha Church of the Good Shapherd, Al bino. , , - - ' Mr, and Mrs. John Hortoa announce the ngagement of their youngest daughter, LucUe Maria .to Barton. U. - i music Photograph by McAlpla. Went, tha wadding ta take place early In October. ; Ckurck Notes ; The Feast of the Tabernacle was cele brated ceremoniously at Ahaval Sholom synagogue laat Friday evening. Rev. R. A bra ham son officiating, a suokak. or tabernacle, waa built in the rear of tha church and bora all tha contributions for tha harvest festival were brought. After prayer and thanksgiving the feast was placed on tha tables and all partook thereof. v, Tha Ladles Guild of Trinity church wilt have Itaflrst meeting Wednesday, October 1. Plans for tha winter's work will be partially arranged beforehand. Tha Woman's AlMenoe of First Uni tarian church met In the church parlors Wednesday afternoon and discussed plena for the year's worn. A dollar ex perience social for mem be re only was planned for the future and also a church aupper. The first literary meeting will be given Wednesday, October ft. They wilt occur tha first Wadnesday of every month and are open to tha public y The members and friends of Alpha chapter or the npwortn leagua were en tertained by Rev. and. Mrs. W. H. Bel leek at tha persona of tha Bunnyalde Methodist Episcopal ehureh Wednesday night. - Gamea.' gveeelng contests and riddles were enjoyed and pop com and apples were served. -About Id yoUng people wars present. The boat arid hostess were assisted by Misses Anna Wetsler and Maude Hanson, in charge of tha social department of the leagua chapter. A special feature ef the even ing waa the measuring af svery one present. . ' w w " " Tha San Great Endeavor will entertain all tha other endeavor societies of the city at a rally Tuesday evening, Sep tember IT, la Flrat Presbyterian ohorch. . . .. d, ..-A. A ebnrmlnw - Informal afternoon was passed Monday with Miss Mabel Ooas at her home. TO Olisan street. Her guests were the members ef the Toting Woman's Missionary Society of tho First Presby terian church, of which she hi president. About B were present and the afternoon waa spent Inveewlng and Chatting. Re freshments wero eerved, Mlsa Nannie Moore assisting the hostess. The young women 10017100 with regret that this would be for some time their Mat meet ing with Miss Ooss; who starts east with J MR. AND MRSV LESLTB her mother early la Oatobar to be soma for several months, - J t , Tha Baft 'Oreal Dndaavor soctety of the First Presbyterian church waa de lightfully entertained last Monday even ing by Mr. and Mra. Millar Murdoch, at their pleasant suburban home at Hunter's station. Tha lawn was prettily lighted with Japanese lanterns. Mr. Murdoch met his guests at the gate and they were allowed to atay an the lawn or go In the house at will. Indoors Mies Lillian Pat ism an and Miss Green Cameron of fered n number of Instrumental selec tions. During the short business suasion Miss Ollls Mlseuheimor resign 1 aa oor- reepondng secretary and Miss, Sadie Stephenson waa sleeted to All the va cancy. Light refreshments were served during the evnlng. ' '' ' " The young women's class of tha Flrat Christian church, entertained the young men's dub of tho church last Tuesday evening. Games wera played and ra freshmenta served. Tha Ftoaannt Afternoon club of Cen tral Baptist church mat Wednesday with Mra. J. C. WerschkuL Tha women made plana for their social to be given .next Frtday evening at tha homo' of W. L. Morgan, East Twentieth North. Ail friends of tha church are Invited. Among tke Cluks : Tha Kensington club met In Its Brat ton this tall with Mra Stacy Mat tock. 101 Second street, last Thursday afternoon. Tha decorations wero dainty, of pale pink and lavender sweet peas and La Franca rosea. Delicious refresh ments were served, ' Mrs. Clarke of Ban Francisco was tha guest of the dub. Tha next meeting will bo with Mra. B. E. MoClure, 4S Nineteenth , treat, Thursday, September It, l -. . w ' ' Wadnesday evening tha New Century club met at tha office of B. ft. Jackson to discuss plana. for reorganisation. An other meeting haa been sailed for tha near future. Tha Tuesday Atternoon club la antici pating' with pleasure Its first meeting of the year at the Invitation of the prom dent. Mrs. Warren S. White, 144 HaU atreet. The invitations, which include a few favored friends, announce that a luncheon Is tho first number en tha pro- ' The John Ivor Water-Color club com menced the season's work Saturday, Sep- Mrs. C i. B MaJarkey. There was a Urge attendance!. So much enthusiasm was expressed, that the exhibit of or iginal two-oopy work planned for No vember 17 and II promises to be a suc cess. Prof. John Ivor recently presented the club with a beautiful picture, add ing much to an already fine collection. The Bwamt Ram society met Mat Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs, O. N. Denny, No. 171 Sixteenth street. Judge Webster presided. The twa na tive students were reported placed in the Oregon Agricultural college and started In their work. Efforts are being made to maintain them there so that they may have tha neceesary comforts of Ufa Ar rangements are pending for active work this season to raise the neosasary funds. The next meeting will be Wednesday, October ft, Tha Current Events elm met with Mrs. A. C. Newtll st Newlll's Riverside academy, Monday afternoon. After a geneial discussion of current topics the gueata were shown about tha pretty new school and Ita ground a H it ' Tha Fores try Hub and Its guests wilt be entertained at Rstaoada, Tuesday, by Mrs. Shafford. Tha club will charter a Coming Events ' The Sunday sehoot rally today m Centenary Methodist church Will be fol lowed by a rally social In the lecture room Tuesday evening. Tha Bp worth league will conduct its Social Wednes day evening. ' ''- Tha Lad loa' AM Bociesy ef Centrat Christian church will give a social Wed nesday evening. A literary and musical program haa been arranged and refresh ments will be eerved. it it Tha house circle af the Klmf a Guild of First Congregaftoaal ehureh will giva social neat Friday night at the heme i s ill . : " of Mra. Viola Ooa, 1ST Twelfth street Tha attendance will be limited to Is. Tha Sacred Heart parish win ess-duct a fair throughout this week, beginning tomorrow, at 144 Sixth street, between Morrison and Alder streeta. Mr. S. Frank has kindly given the use af tha hall for this purpose. IX Sberrett and P. Warmuth have tha management of tha affair in their hands, Luncheon will be eerved every day and booths will offer far sale various sorts af useful articles. - . . r Tha women; af Professor Klngterw school for physical culture will glva an open evening tomorrow to which tha ALEXANDER LTJCKBTT. nubile Bi Invited. Tnvltattone aa be Obtained at the hall. No. lot Alder street The work by the class and read ings by Mlsa Ruby Phelps, director af the dramatic art department, will be fol lowed by a reoeptloa Co tha Instructors, Following is the program: A Physical culture olaaa. Fancy march and grace saovensenta. Club swinging and running ox irate oa. Fancy steps. Apparatus work. ' ' B Drametle readings by Mlas Moby Phelps. "Magic Night Ride," (G. W.TnblsK " By Telephone. - . Short sketches. -The Story of Patsy,' fWggta). Impersonations.. -. The famine eoane frags mwatbat' (LongfeOowL v- . ... .,- - - The Ladles Aid society of Flrat Chrtstlsa church will be at honm to membera and friends Wednesday even ing. Mrs. Briekow, Mra, Waterman and Mra Muckley form, the reoeptloa eom- mlttaa. t .... - , . . - On neat Tueeday evening Mra. M- K. Boyoa will give a public demonatratlon of the Ralston system af physical cul ture at the Wee tern academy hall. Mul key block. This entertainment la free to. the pttbUa. ,t. , Musical Notes A musicals will be given In tha near future by Blgnor and Mme. O. Fenarl at their new. and commodious studio. It Mill, street. They will be assisted by Edward M. Court ten ne-Dworsak. i the planlat, W. O. Graham Hod son. Mlsa Ermine Hubbard, Mr. Gowanlock and others. Invitations may be secured at tha studio. . k w ' Mrs. Anna Selkirk-Norton, well known hi Portland as tha popular eontraRa re cently from Chios o, will gfro a concert ecttal to Albany. Friday, Ootober T. She will be assisted by Mr. Arthur Alexander, the tenor, who received a notabia ovation al hie raoent debut, i SB ' " Soma Interest to being manifested In the vtoltn recital tomorow night ef Ruthyn Turney. new Instructor of vio lin In tha Western Academy of Music Mr. Turney formerly held this position tn Corvallls Agricultural college. Ha will be aaatsted by Mlas Petronella Con nolly, contralto, and Mordannt A, Good- aougfa At tha piano. , ' w w - The musical program at tho Flrat Uni tarian ehureh this morning is aa fol lows: ... ! Organ TYayer". Lamalgra Anthem "Hear, O Lord...l....Hamer Gloria...,. ........ Boyoe Response... 1 Nevtn Tenor solo "Pour Out Thy Heart, O Lord" . - Mollque Nunc Dtmltui.....,... ..Bamby Raeassloaal......... Oulrand D ances The 190ft dub of the Artoa lad tea wiU conduct a series of dances. Invitations are being Issued to tho opening- party. Ootober T, la Arton hall. J The Royal Arcanum opens Ita series of. dances with aa Invitational ball at the east Bids Woodmen's halL Thuradajr evening, October ft, v. A new club la tha lvM Girls, who have organised for a series of social affairs this winter. Invitations hava been Is sued for their initial dance la Artisans' hall. In south Portland. Thursday, Sep tember St. Tha members are the Ml sees Anna V. Newby, Virginia Dl Newby. Myrtle K Long and Anna O. Long. Their patronesssa are Mra D. Watkias, Mra B. Loo and Mrs. A. Newby. it it - Several af the mil I ita aampanlaa have made extensive plans for social work this winter. Companies B, C and H wilt each give a aeries of danoes tn the arm ory. Tha date of company Bs Initial dance la Friday. October II. and for company Cs la Wednesday. October 14. Company H has not fixed Ita date yet. invitations will be Issued later. Mtaa Jeffrey will give a social anea at Parsons' bIl art wrdi.y ovenmg for her jr t c The f ' vlt al 'erson Mr. and Mra Big. St the! visited h 8s lent last weak with Hon. and Mra, B4. Hlrscb, Mlsa Ella MoCop of Tha Dalles ar rived tha Bret of the week to resume her studies tn Portland academy. Frank Spencer has sons to St, Lea Is for three weeks. Mra. Blair Scott and her daughter have returned from a summa tn to st They are now at Hotel Portland. Russet Farrar af Salem wilt Newell's Riverside school for boya. Will Hand ricks of Satem to enter Portland academy. Mlas Leda Bur en Is the guest of hOaw Cora Talking! on tn Salem. Ralph Planer, tho Stanford BBwaia who haa been working with Dr. A B. Bookey, baa left for Chleago, where ba will enter Rush medical college. ' Mra F. J. Clarke of Portland la vhatt tng bar sisters, Mrs. Jessie Unarm an4 Miss Nettle McNeal, te Tha Dajlea, F. TJ. Hull of. Salem to tha guest off Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Baker. Mrs. F. L, Keanaa and bar naughts era visiting Mra B. L Fisher In Rosa- burs while on their way to Loa lea, Jttdaw 1. P. Oalbratth vtottoB ralattvea tha flrat af tha week. Mlsa Margaret Sutherland af land haa gone to Salem to. resume) bar work at the Baored Heart aoademy. Among Portland students goinff w Corvallls last weak to attend tha as cultural oollege were BV M. BnMnapn, Leslie Doane, Arthur Kralg, IX A G roes and I. Nottingham, Mr. and Mra. Herman Wtttanbeav anal their aona, Mason and Ralph, laft Toes day for a two months' trip In tha east. They win visit St. Louis and Now Torn. Mr. Wittenberg la atfte Biscuit company. . Raleigh B. Hughes Btrubla, Portland boya now miashipmssj at the United Stotos naval aoadm, am on their way back to Annapolis. Mr. -Hughes toft for tha eaurt Wsdnssdayj evening, and Mr, Btruhto mat night. Louis Henneok. tha avuaaar of tha steal and eeevtrnotton works of Cslnago, la a guest at tha Portland. Sol Hamburger and Mr. Bigiawkais off Chicago are at the porthmhd. Mrs. a F. Faxten left during' tha weak on an extended visit asart During bar absence aba will vtalt kar sld Soawr in Sooth Bend, Ind. Mrs, v. Tnrnpaagh ef New York Is a Hotel Portland. She baa teat returned), from Alaska where ana baa large min- to Intaraata. Rev. Dr. and Mra. N. Mnaissnla have returned to Portland after an ahsenee of alx months, and will be at home at their residence, I4T Third street. Hon. and Mra. J. a Mack af thte arty visited Mr. and Mra Albert Abraham In Roseburg on their return Journey from San Franc leoo -where Mr. Mack attended tha eonelnva af Knlshta TemDlar. Mra. L. A. Frank and Mr. H. Frank will laava about Ootober t for Europe, to be gone a rear. They wilt travel aa lenaivety inrougnouv tnu bopuuh. (Continued on Page Seventeen.) Prof. If. M. RLngler and Mlas Buefcen mayor, Rlngler's Physical Culture hall. Oft Alder street, near Sixth. Clai for adults and young people ing. phone Main 11. No Medicines At All so pairawpmr snxs m vat. bb -, XMXVBS WSXB, TBI - She Positively Cures HERTS WHAT WimNDECS SAY OF DERi NIBS WTa. U1UV. t street: "Oa. teU the aVa. ate as sMr and brtne. ut ge w uv. raiwa wm arrt takes m. I mffered aD the sajtare vt tke eaodsmaed. wss treated by two ef the moot td ptayetcUae ot Pertfaad. wsa eromd ta the operatise mble at ttM hoa pttal: bat thanks e ny stars I wee la evced to visit Dr. Fulton and aae eared wltbvat BMaKiBS ana wiomsi ise awn. scr. I wwh I enM tsU vbat she has doe far ss." kit. tho svist nabaoDdvd w a Uimix- "I arnved IS from eriatlc nmatnia I trU4 sB sorts of patent bmcum, aUsotay and ssewpattr. hat atlll imal&sd bedtMt Attar tares tieatnwats by Or. rvttoa I bsgsa to.huprave. la ks I sat sp. SB utree weises ea crateaae aad la twe awnths was sv- fsrtly cane. I eartautiy nwaatji w. rsltoa to all aaffaiing treat any afBteMom. .loha Ksaysa, a Bvttrville farmer rape tie a complete ears after aarlas sold sis farm ases ef raensutlasa. Us bad keen a graat Nffrnt tor siany to Mrs. Maris nrannn, wi SB levslid It Id It rears rrasi ssuuna, , tmibU. asBplatelr eared fmn sstasaa, heart and stemsck WMrS: Bawh. Mrs, Brlssas's neit-Ansr BttcbMr. braegbt her as to Dr. rnt-. Ttw bny-s kg was se drawn ee that toes eossprlUd te walk apoa kb) tees. OhB Uvatisant cmrwl that boy. Uk. AND HKB. BnBMAlV BL SBHRhlBBt "Our da n-h tar was Uksa settosaly 1 Twe shraKlaM aeaeeenesd Mr eset apsav W cltls sad that ass sanst asdarm aa . Ctoa. Dr. Fulton rersd oar child ta T ! tratawnte with sat drage aad wttboat half." A yeaag lasy eetos. toaar, whs psi fast bar urn to sot voblUbad. was t ta ton dart, after senna upm4 ft' with bwIImI swan aad t u af il s, One erearaA Bbo was todavad to - Fultoa bafore sabsilttiafl to the a sad was nred l' it it, a I as sf tl. Bhe wiB talk w any teta... safhww. A P-ss of tbaee torthr ' to ftH j to esost -od t ) -. s F XTO a,. e BUB OAK bO tvmt - . . - f n n a f