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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1904)
-f. f - . .17'.'. ' Answers to the Wo"le-B qoeetioDe a exild be forwwdad tq,Thi JOUKNAL bcginnftrg next Saturday The first month' Woggte-Bof u-w fc -dude next Friday's issue ooiy. 1n tis October contest begins on the ssroe terms. T i V' v PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, ' SEPTEMBER M, 1904. I Portland's Quality Shop The , ."Diffcrent .-; r" . Store SShSBE irs HERE'S A PAGE FILLED FULL, PRESSED DOWN AND BRIMMING OVER WITH HAPPY STORE NEWS OF A BIG, VALUE MONDAY, TOMORROW, AND AN EVENTFUL; WEEK TO FOLLOW Ti J- FREE J--PLATINO PHOTOGRAPHS-FREE! Thought Suggestion You think of "XIFPANY,'' and at once bright gems flaah their scintillations across your mind. Yon think "Gowns," and, quick as a meteor, OLDS, WORTMAN i iaNG" travels thro your g ray matter. - Think photography, and insts ntly, in burning letters, the name of "MOO RE appears on the screen of one's mind. What TIFFANY" is to the jewelry world what "LIBBBY means stamped on beautiful cut glass gems what "OLDS, WORTMAN ft KINO' stands for in the fash-, kmable worioVthat same, is the name "MOORE," embossed upon a superb likeness of one's self or friends. "MOORE" embraces, Surrounds and bounds all that's best today m modern photography. Naturally enough then this store turns to "MOORE" in making arrangement whereby we are going. to pay for and ' - Vv- a Give kway absolutely Free, 10,000 sittings and 10,000 photographs by this famous local photographer ; this artist in high grade work, TO OUR PATRONS FREEf WHY THIS OFFER IS MADE OUR OBJECT 1 Is to induce early morning shopping. As the grt Portland public are aware,-this store has been held back from needed expansion, for nearly a year now, by the slow construction of tHe new Sixth street annex building. Tia , Purely pfomisedtiB next monlh' how Oood I - More power to the coiiliacujis.1 But, ME ANWHILE, we're crowded away beyond-the capacity of the old building by the eaor -mous shopping throngs that favor us with their patronage. Any way to help ourselves and our public? Yes: Bv inducing esriier shopping. The aisles that' become clogged later in -the day with a 'surging mass of eager buyers are seldom crowded during the earlier hours. We're going to try and divide the overflow business, so as -to f make It easier for our good clientele to shop here st their favorite store, and for our helpers to wait upon them as thoroughly as we desire they should. Monday being a spe rial bargain day, WE MAKfi THIS TEMPTING OFFER 1 WITH EVERY PURCHASE, ANYWHERE IN THE STORE, OF TWO DOLLARS ($2.00) OR OVER, t BETWEEN THE HOURS, OF 8 AND II A. M. ON MONDAY TOMORROW ONLY, we will present the purchaser, absolutely free, an order on E. W. MOORE, Seventh and, Washington streets, for one large size platinum photograph, nicely- matted on mat 14xl04 inches. The order is good for a satisfactory sitting and may be used by any one in whose name it is made out at the SOUVENIR DESK, conveniently placed near the Fifth street entrance. With every purchase of $2.00 or over, made in the store tomorrow, between, the hours of 8 and II a. m. only, you will receive from the cashier's desk a ticket like this: : , . , Kindly .Present this Ticket at Once for exchange for Platinum Souvenir Bond, at desk as advertised. pf K v .OLDS. WORTMAfl KINQ See samples of Platinum Photos in one of our large display win dows. :r U' ." . - ,v ' ,1," SPECIAL NOTE- But ooe photograph of any one person will be taken ; but purchasers may use as many as they please, provided a different person sits each time. Get pictures of your relative and friends. ' -"V.--v- k Exchange as above for your order for sitting and large Platinum Photographs at the desk. 1 ,4,- Spedal Monday1 Vamet -K ; Domestic Aisle; " rntST bxoqb. :' TOR MONDAY Wl OFTKB VAO NKTIC BARGAINS IN NAPKINS. towtclino. arrcL. that will DBLIOHT TBB HBART OT THB CARDFTJI, HOTJ8KWIVB8 WHO FKOFIT BT THIS JtSADlNA 460 pamask Napkins for 83.78. aMr Hm 9t rlM Sfttta -. DtoMsfc NUpklna. foU dlnnar bIm, bMuUful ssbortod pat Urns. maOf Nil it t.M; apaelai for homav oir. mt . aom $2M Marseillea Bed Spreads, - -- - 81.89. ; -t-ana ' fhrisK ana nminw mprmAa, fan aim la tantfaantt mbo S or rafaMd SwIsm; mutar ta. .valoat spMtaL. for Uonomr, ihk i 'in ea.S8 12c Crash Toweling, 10c ' Bsrnalar U LtDM Craah Tawllna IS tmohm wUtot realr 114 valuj apMlal for UondAr. Pr 3rd...OA. Cotton Twill Crash at.. 6 M rda hamry. Cotton TwtU Crasb. soft and abaorbtat, (or waah olotha t and lah oloUia; spaelal for, Mob dar only at. pa yara.4M...5 Outing Flannel Sldrt Lengdia, - ; 80c ' '.-.; . pr Hava a aeoiplota aav Una of fin faner Ovtlne Flannal. aklrt lanctba, witn fancy aoallopaA adsaa; apMlal for Monday, aaob .F.....r...SO 78c Noveltv Waistines for 85c Tory prtety fancy atrtptd Maroarlaadl Koralty ' wtuunn rsvuiar ia Talner apaoULl for Monday,, aar yard ,. ................85 V 18c Flannelettes, 10c -: uat arrtrnn two maw caaaa at nannalattam, nwiy nw aaotoa aig-n (n tna lataat fall eolarlnca, . rcular lla valuai asocial tor Mob day only. pr yard 0 Monday wa will plaoa an aala t.000 varda of Wbita Cambric - laohaa wido, at tha ostfa apaatat prlo of, ar yard S Two Monday Art Specials BKOOND FXK)R. Bztrm flaa Irlah llaan DoOlaa, f-taoh. ronnd or so. tsars, atampad la a Croat twisty of dainty floral daalena, part ly smbroidersd la Bralnard and Ana ttron wash ombrotdary aUk; rasular IM and 40a, apselal. at .... . .S3 Rseulof to Wo. opooMX Qt-lTy 4 ' A Timely Umbrella Offcr- ing s : - riMT IXOOK ' 1 i If you'd ward off tha shafts of Japttar planus, you'll do wall to nots and profit by your notaUoa - that display of haadsoma Cmbrsllaa In ono of tha Mrs Fifth atrast wtndowa. Mora than 109 la tha ooUaotlon, ambraolne flna black Olorlaa, aUk nlxsd tafoto finish with atasl roda and Parajroa rramaa. An attractive assortmant of handlas la faaoy sllTar, paart, nataral .wood, sua natal and bora offsets a Slaadld w sarins umbraUa. SpscUl la wosk--oboioo for c..i..S1.60 JNew SAVINGS THAT COUNT, IN Autumn JLl COO Goods ; '-'m '' X.v v ANNEX FIRST FLOORAggrseaive Bargaio SHoiisa Briefly Told 'J: ' ; rMonstcrSalc of New $1.50 Novelty Suitings for $1.19 t9 difrarant atyloa and affaata to aalaot from, mannish twaada. aaat feiviatbla atrlpsa, aw. boat : . -ehseka and plslds. bow oorsrt cloths, sow subbed bouttonns offsota and now aalxsd aulUass, Our tssttlar 92 J J IU0 par yard srada, all bow. do old roods In tha lot; apsotal for thrao daya, par yard ..-..y ; ; This a by far tho sraaiaat barsala avor kaowa to bo affarod by any aoosa In tha wast . . b uA Great Three-Days' Sale of Colored Dress Goods - V Opens Here Monday I : Specials lor Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday .. . Mow Iiupottad Fancy Vatvataons wall darabla fsbiio for walsto and suits, a full oolor aaaortmaat and all naat, now affaotaj our "arasolar ISo quality; apselal fQr for. tbras daya only, yard tl.7 Blank Draaa Oooda. A- ' S 5r...?S;:.$1.19 2odoa Tatuaa, shnbrtiaarid Crapa. Mistral 1 mas aS para Wool Oorort SoitmaV a ni tha now two-tonsd affaeta, splon . did fabrts Tor 'tha msxpanatra -tatlorad aaltr rasawr tl.M par yard: apselal for thrao y fjf ; daya .oolyi par yard...... wy Sirlnom tmpdrtad CastaTS Hair and StbaUnap. In tha now short nappat finish, Tsry swan for straat wann aolora. nrowa, tans, ntoto akin. V STaya. aorya, sraanai rasular M9 ; par yard: apodal for . , ' - yax? '.Sa,-.!!I. $lly, Votlsa. Twin ToOas, Crapo da Parta, Oar fasular fLTS on para Wsal Bca Uah Vaoatlana, aplandld valaa at our macular low nrloai aolora ara pads, royal, navya, browna, taaai raaadas, aadat, Itaneh . ray and dark sraras aplandld fabria far rwall atraat aaitat alal for thrao days jtf-OQ- aniy.nsr yard. . P Oar rasvlar LSS dlttai ' ' ' t apaalal tor throo dayav f 1 1Q . par yard , Our racalar H IS dlttoi t apaalal for taroa days- Q8p par yard 'w and swibtolaatod Crspat ' thssa two aplandld Talusa at tha rasuiar prleaa. . Crapo da Paris. fo ' 1 1 Q ' throo days only... pA.A:r Blaok Dram Oooda. for throa daya only, apa- Qh , - ami, par yaw ,m...w.vU i nil nswt atyliah sooda and A White Sale in Autumn's 0 Millinery Arbors $5 Hats for $3.49 L ' J" v . . SmOOND FLOOR. ' - ... "'.- - Qusaa Vaahton has taanad a daoraa te bar ladias In warttn that white mttltnsry wlU msat hor faTor for praasnt waarins. Monday a apaolal dis play, and at poets! aala prions too; mora than a round doasn atyloa In tha pserlsao sxpoea; anon them ton "parfaot lovaa la ohla Fraaoh Sallara In tha now aatama ntodsla. with trlatmlnan of tha much favored ooqus do voona (burnt oranas) oolortnsa. with ponpona, broaata, flowora, follaca, rlbboan, eta, Tha eharmtBa aympboalaa In white wKh the antuma oolorlna aooonv A panlmanta are srand TSlusa at their regular IS.M prloai It's anean- AQ tloaal opportunity to buy them Monday only at mm l x - new f. VW aw -,' v 1 '-.V Women's $28.50 Walking WUAM $18.95 OBAKO SALONS OF DRBS-nXXirD FLOOSl, -n Bhieaptlonal opportantttea to aeleet (fee Fall Welkin Sutt Monday at a "war-ander price. Sulta ara an new and Tory naBdeema Materials em braae ehevlots and the popular mean I ah mlxtursa In stylish En a lis a, Sootch and Aatarloan sloths in eolora that taolude blaok, blue and all new mixtures in ray. Teen, brown, bla&k sad white, ota These fashionable Walking- Sulta In the nsw tourist east and half- mttna effeota, abujle or doable breasted aoets, H, ST and tnoh leactha. Bklrta are full plaited, with foot plaits and trtmminffs, are in very lataat silk braid and novelty button strep affeota. The fit and is.e valnea ara Inotadad you may ' aelettt on . 5r..T....$18.95 A Matchless Three-Day Sale of -r New Autumn snks Open Alongside the Stress Goods - jDarEains , r IN THB ANNEX RRST FLOOR - ' AND FOR THREE DAYS, TOO MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY If yowH rand theae fteaoa yoWll no lonsor wonder why thla Is termed tha SOk Store" by Portland wamaafnlb. or why we ee the aUk buatnesi of the northwest. YoefV board af tha aaerolfal nana who. wmnttna; aeok-tailed doc. ant off an Inoh of tall at a Maw beoauee It annfl eruel to ants ft eft at anon. There la Una with tha silk story Last year was sot a "silk year end steaks af raw and prepared etlk piled an, London ailk men bad f t par eent more last December than tha seme atonth a year prertooa, In stead of takma their lean at oaoe theyar- r dribbled out tha lota and nwrloaa aUk mills, bata in abape to buy. hare houcnt. as baramms af fered. Some failures eooarred. and tha stocks of auoh milln warn finish sd by now ownera, who not the roods at lose. ' It's aanrtea aaaia In the silk world. A, bright day Is at band and. for a MaV Ions day's work. aUk amen want td start with Bleared decks. : Bvea the first of the season's newest etike ara swept ant with the rant. , Tla n awmentoua time for silk burins' and OUSi stUTBH IS MOW IN NBW TOIUC That's bow wa are enabled to offer yon for tho next three days, new:.. . , . . Reaumr Tla lfr-tnob all nvra Stlk . Blaok Taffeta. -Warranted ta wear woven on every yard, aa exoeUent , wearlnv gTade; special for a - three daya only, per AO . . ....... . i i . iTTT. . mney Suit SUka, the balanoo of a manufacturer! stock, bouaht by our buyer, now In tho market, at treniendoua aaarlfloa. all oolorn tn : the assortment; our regular Ho . STede. what soma silk aellera eaU thair 11 OA valuaa; umaUI Mid ft yara...!..rf:.?!!.46C lUsntaf ll.oS ll-lneb all pure Stlk BOKJODT" S BLACX srUCS . Colored Taffeta, tha boat weartnc For which wa are oole asanu la Ore- silk and value In the eity. aU oolois ton. In a new omnpleto line, all tha ; " In tha line, ereem and Meek -new weavoa ara here in thla beautiful lnoluded; apeolal for three and beat wearlns aUk made, . daya only, per yard V3 Annual - Fall Opening Sale T From the Orient FOURTH FLOUR P Rugs 3 r '' ' Thto to aa those who most Monday of tha era of rnsn. The rlen want their luxury: the well-to-do thetr fa ml shiny sffeet and sood service. For or ehooae ta plan alone, wa have 4 splendid economy proposition to offer thla week la tho Openta Annual Autumn Sale of Oriental Rugs; ' We know wo sell mora Oriental Roc than all Portland atoredoni combined. and wa know wo deserve to, A ctven thins at a sin prloe must be good value, eiee no business follows. Aa this business has arown so vast, and la still STOWlns, It's prleee must fit best t the pureeo oarrled by wtee and prudent . people Wo open Monday, at Special Sale prleea, a coUeetton of Oriental and antique ftnna unrivaled outside the boundarlee of Mew Tork. In oarpet snwa that embrace Khlras, Para lane and Casbmeree. amaJrer and medium alsee that hv elude Bok haras. Klrmlnshsha, Sevouks. Salraaa. Anltol la a, Lee ir his. Shiran, Da a- ' heetana, Shlrvana, Maeaoula Raaakaata. The time for brlshtentna' P dull spots about tho rooms at home la here, and theae superb, rare old rue geme will help n lot the prices d urine tha Opeains Bele, a lot mora. The reduction trend thla way: . v - .... . ; if i tit Hugo for M.50 tl Rnan far ...... .4. ..... $71 Ruga for ... tB Ruga for til Rugs for . flS.TS til Ruga for .....ai5.K0 :e Ruga for 121 Ruga for 1 9 ISO Ruga for ...... tt Huge for 1 to. OO $49 Rum for I S.OO 1 41 Rugs for I .iw.OO R Ruga for .1 43. 50 Its Rasa for fftA.OO Ruga for 9H Rusa for liM Ruga for US Rusa for ............. list Ruga for ......... 160 Rugs for ........... .! 17I Ruaw tor BS.OO h.oo 7 tt.OO T1MH H.eo f Be sure to see Moodaya Patpertr for extended hat of Monday Specials in other departroenta. The Voting in the Panama Canal Contest Vnrtland's yonna folks have taken very kindly to the propoeltloa ox tended by thla hduaa hi the matter of the award, to aome favorite school, of a valuable model of the much talked of and written about Panama eanaL The youngsters are hustling- with vim and vigor, each tor hla -or her school, and tha votes are piling- up. The re sult at I p. m. on Saturday la aa printed below. We mention only the It Isadora en account of limited apaee: High .....11. 142 St. Mary's iwailsmy ... 11.177 Atkinson ......42T Park .. ... MIT WU llama avenue ... ... ....... .7.144 Falling ... .... ......7.44 Harrison...... ... ,....... .7.461 Portland Academy ,....l.34t Chapman ......;........S.71 Clinton KaUy ............U27 Total votsa ......i:.4ii " ThereH B Great Ribbon. Selling This Week . . Thoueaade of yard af brbjht new rlbbona for gamlturea for autuma gowne. Moat af Portlaada ribbon buatneaa oentera at tbla store. Rea sons arenewer, brighter, prettier and better ribbons and appreciable saving in prtoe, Here's good Jx- . Ribbon News. : Jnat reoelred n line af beevttfnl Satin Taffeta Ribbon. IH and 4 Inohea wide. In blue, pinks, white ' ereem, blaok, three shades of brown, : malsa and red: the very swell thing for stocks and glrdlee; apeclal tor Monday and tha balanoo of week, per yard ...-Slid Also a line af pretty two-tobed rib bon tn all eolora. 4 tnehee tn width. ' regular value 40a; speolel for Man. day and ail tho week, per yard, a 4) Richardson's ; Pure Linen ' . Handkerchiefs. ' Ladlea Handkarchlafa, pure Imea, very abeer auality, six in n box. regular 7ifl; speelal for Monday and the rent af week at ate for. ..4J&4 ' Laces and Insertion. A great apeolal aala of Net Applique and Van toe Bands, also black Cluny Bands, Venice Oaloone In white ed ereem and Oriental Net Top tna; these all eome m orfd ple. t mwry yard Is a r fv Ragular lSo ad yd n"'ir s it ' - And It av ts la sifan aualttlea not printed be ' 1