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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 19, 1904)
Where the Walk tfBf X TALKED ABOUT AND PRAISED! Wft . ITS COLOSSAL ARMY OF PATRONS POINT JmBfWm llig TO IT WITH PRIDE AS THE STORE THAT CLOSES EVERY SATURDAY DURING AUGUST AT I P. M. PORTLAND'S EXAMPLE OF MODERN MERCHANDISING HER LEADING, BEST STORE. Encomiums have been showered upon Us from friends at home and abroad for the stand we've taken for betterment in storekeeping, in bedim off among local stores in the early Saturday closing movement. Our appreciation is most thorough. Humanitarianism and commercialism go hand in hand here. We are glad to herald the success of this move of ours. Not even in a financial way have we had cause to regret it, for never, in all the atore'a history, has such selling been recorded against any August Saturday as the past two. Our employes are benefited, our patrons delighted and grand results have accrued to us for which we are extremely grateful We realize that extraordinary inducements must needs be offered to offset the day (?) of other stores a day that runs far into the night. We must needa crowd a full day and evening into five busy hours of selling on Saturday here and we do read every item below and youH understand why such prices placed on merchandise of the RELIABLE sort, combined with the spirit of fairness to patron and employe alike, make this PORTLAND'S GREATEST, LEADING STORE! Don't Be Late to This Bargain Breakfast Bear in Mind the Store Closes Saturday at 1 P. M. NEW ARRIVALS AQE HATS 1 JUST XV. Second rioor. The t)rnt of the new Fall Millinery hti Just put In an appearanoe. If you will call tomorrow morning- we will have these new creations ready for your Inspection. Nobby Gaffe Hats, made up In taffeta silk and satin, trimmed with latest bows and buckles of mohair braid, coque feather pon pons and breasts in all the leadlnff fall shapes; richest colors and nobbiest shspes you would wish to see. Prices range from 4.B0 o fH.OO HIECEKIZED DUCK. 260 VALUE fO IS. Main Floor. We place on sale Saturday a line of White Mercerised Ducks, In three different weaves; regular 26c values. For the half-day only. 15 1,000 yards New Fall Percales, In light, medium and dark colorings, 86 Inches wide. Choice of our 12 He values for Saturday, one-half day only 8 omat iAir oat araaxAXt HKkvwr Department Main Floor. women s Collar and Cuff Seta, In wash linen; regular 60c and 0c values for, set 32 . sale or pekdakts. Fancy Pendants. In colors and black and white. Regular 26c to 40o values for 14 gl OO, gl.80 AMD $2.00 PEKDAKTS FOB 42. ALT DAY 81 lace, amoi WEAK DEPA1' SOe TAX. LACES, IS. Main Floet. Fine Val. Laces, 2 Inches wide, 26c to 60c values, for the any.. 134 Embroidery Remnants at half price. Some pieces as much as sfj yards In length. 300 KZBBOKS. 10. For Saturday only we place on sale a flne line of Fancy Ribbons. In all the latest effects for neckwear; values to S6c per yard. Special only 19 35c WASH STOCKS, 21. A nice lot of new Wash Stocks, In all the latest patterns; regular tic values. Special for Sat urday only 21 8 a. m. to 1. p. m. SBKSATXOKAI. SKOE BABOAXBS TOM SATUKDAT MOBKIKOS Mala Floor. SCHOOL SHOES AT cial pbxobs. BOX O ALT OB TICI KZ2 Double or single soles, full round toes and extra reinforced stitching Slses 11 to II, regular ll.TI grades 81.18 Slses 11 U to 2; regular 22.00 grades 11.11 Sites 2 to IVt; regular 2.6 grades S1.6N f OMSK'S S3, so BKrasis In welts and turn soles, military heels, dull or mat tops, medium round toea, patent or stock tips. Special 82. Rl THE Kanam Are Coining Down FIFTH AND WASHINGTON SECOND FLOOR. Right now at the very time they're needed most, we place on sale a line of White Shirtwaists at prices that are really phe nomenal; materials are organdies, lawns and Dolly Varden ef fects, some are lace trimmed, some are trimmed with wide in sertion and some have yokes of all-over lace. There's only about 66 in the lot, so if you wish one we advise you to come early, for they'll all be sold before we close at 1 o'clock; $4.60 to $7.50 values. Special, only $1.98 HALF DAY SALE OF Women's Linen Skirts $3.50 to $ J 2.50 Values for SECOND FLOOR. In order to clean out the balance of our stock of Linen Skirts at once we will offer for Saturday morning your choice of our $3.60 to $12.60 skirts for $2.98 Saturday Specials in the Men's Shop This splendid department has made some wonderfully low prices on sea sonable goods this summer, but, the offerings for Saturday are a little lower than any previous ones Note these We place on sale Saturday morning a Una of Men's Collars, not all slses but the beat sixes; regu lar t for 25c Unas, for this day only your oholea 5 SI .80 OOLT SVXBTB, 59. Just a few In the lot, but mostly all good sixes, so If you want one of these regular SI. 50 Golf Shirts, we sdvlse you to call early; for Saturday only 594 8 A. M. SI 00 TAPPBTA, 69 All pure silk colored Taffeta, tl Inches wide, a splendid wearing silk, white, cream, black and all wanted colors. Special Sat urday, S to 1 p. m. only 694 Sl.SB TATTBTA., 89. ST Inches wide Black Taffeta no better silk made than thla number for hard wear. Special Sat urday to 1 p. m only 89 as arAox BBBSS oooss, 39. A line line of Black Dress Goods. In serges, staminas, voiles, granite cloths, brilliant Ines and alpacas; all wool fabrics and fast' oolors. Saturday morning special, t to 1 p. in 89 OREGON1 DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY The , "Different Store" Wonderful Values in Fine ShirtWaists for Saturday $4.50 TO $7.50 WAISTS $1.98 $2.98 SUMMER FURNISHINGS ; to 1 P. M T SATtTBDAT BBXJUBS IK GOODS Plrst Ploor. SS0 TAPPBTAB, 49 A flne quality of colored Taffeta, without question the beat value in town at our regular price. Color assortment Includes white, cream, pinks, light blue, cadets, cham pagne, tana, browns, modes, car dinals, lilac, heliotrope, reseda, olive. Nil, myrtle, royal and na vies; lengths from S to It yards only; regular price, (5c par yard. Special for Saturday one half day only 49 ft In The Women's Underwear Department Bain Floor. Doubtless you are one of the many patrons of this splendid department- If not, prices like the following should plaoa you on the list: SI. 78 SXLK Alt D LISLE TBBTB, 98. Women's Cream and Pink Fine Lisle and Silk and Lisle Long Sleeve Vests, flne ribbed end very pret tily trimmed; Si 50 to 11.75 qualities for 98 BOYS' SSo WAISTS, 18. Boys' Medium and Light Print Waists, blouse and shirt waist styles, big assortment of shades and figures; Ste quslttlea for 18 WOBUUf'B SOo KOSB FOB 18 Women's Blank Bummer Weight Cotton Hose, with white double sole; splendid quality for only ..i 18 6 a. m. to 1 p. m. BOAT STAKDS. COFFEB TOTS, ETC. Third Floor. The following smsll articles, on which there is a big saving, are taken from our third floor house furnishing dspsrtment. The largest, best appointed department of its kind In the northwest. Compare these prices to those quoted by smaller departments of the kind In certain Portland stores: Wire Soap Stands; value 5o. Special ' S Marion Bevliand Coffee Pots, I qt.: value Si 75 Special. .81.04 Folding- Brownie Lnnoh Boxes; value 15c. Special 'fey Saturday, 6 a.m. to l.p.m. soo tweeds and mokaib sott ikos. 82. Mlxed Tweeds snd Mohslr Suitings, fabrics for seaside and vacation wear cannot be excelled; all good color and a large assortment to select from. 'Special Satur day, i to i p. m as Saturday, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Cream Imported English Sicilians and Brllllantlnes sharply reduced for Saturday morning's selling. Regular SI 00 grade reduced to. .68 Regular SI. 10 grade reduced to. .69 Regular 1 1 . 1 5 grade reduced to . . 87 Regular SI 25 grada reduced to. 89 Regular 11.60 grade reduoed to. 98 Regular 11.76 grade reduced to ai.ia Saturday, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. WILL KOTELTT Bl AT BAST 1 1,410 yards of Swell Novelty Dress Goods, the odds snd ends of this season's most stylish, best selling fabrics. Including every new and wanted shade, voiles. Illuminated voiles and mistrals, silk and wool crepe. Trench. German and English suitings. All Saturday. S to 1 p. m EVENING, AUGUST 18. Portland's Quality Shop STREETS SATURDAY MORNING SALE of WOMEN'S Long Kimonos AT ABOUT One-Half Price SECOND FLOOR. There is no article of woman's wear that is cooler, neater or more desirable these warm summer mornings than a Long Kimono. The offering for Sat urday comes at an opportune time and presents a splendid opportunity to save money. Women's Long Kimonos, in Dolly Varden patterns, tjght back, belted down with large ties, square yoke with white border and loose flowing sleeves; $2.50 to $3.50 values. Special, for Saturday half day, only $1.69 sgd Bath- jMb!s-w Suits Wt PR,CE 1904. Where the Walls Are Coming Down To close out our entire stock of Woman's and Children's mohair, al paca and flannel Bath In Suits wa will offer your choice of the aortment at one-half price. Suits bought from the store cannot bo re turned or exchanged. "8l Lr-P" area and taken Great Half-Day Specials in the Notion Department Main floe. There's a chance to save a penny or two here Saturdays on small Items that are In constant demand. As the old saw goes, "a penny saved la a penny earned." This Is Indeed a money-earning sale. Read the items, you'll think so yourself. BASTXKQ OOTTOK WBZTB. 600-yard spool. No. 40 and 50. value 6c spool, special for Saturday, S spools for 10 SSO CASTIXB SOAP, 15. I Main moo. 2-pound bars White Castile SoapJ value 25c bar; special IS ISO TAB soap. 12. Antiseptic Tar Soap for bath and shampoo, value llo oaks; special for Saturday, par oaks 12 BOO TOOTS BBUSKBS, H. Extra quality fins French Tooth Brushes, value 20c; special for half day only 11. Paper Napkins, colored borders, for picnics, lunches, etc., value 10c per '100; special for Saturday, per i0. only 6 SUM LEITBTI BELTS, 794. Ladles' Leather Belts, In black, white, brown and mode shades. fins kid, with girdle or plain back, value 11.25; special ...TO. SOO WAIST PZB SBTB. 88. Fane y Shirt Waist Pin Seta, I pins In sat, gilt or silver, head de sign, value SOo; special only 35 SSo COPT Vtm SBTB, 19. Fancy Cuff Pin Sots or Beauty Pin, gilt and enamel. 2 pins to sot. value 26c; special sot ..19 lH-pt Cups; value 20c. Special. 18 1-pt Cups; value 15a Special.. 9 1-qt. Bowls; value 22c Special. .13 I- pt Bowls; value 12c. Special . . 8 II- ln. Wash Basin; value 2 to. Special of Saturday only.... 18 APPIiXQtTB ABB Values from tt.OO to tt.OO. Special 91,29 Saturday Special Annex Second floor Scott's Form-nttlng-, Perfect Invisi ble Bustle, hip form and skirt supporters, in t slses, colors gray, white and black; regular price tOc. Special at 8T SSO UBBTBBP1BCBB, S3- Pino line of 11-Inch Centerpieces, finished edge and hemstitching, stamped In pretty floral designs; regular price too. SP.TUU 38 88 35. Thla Is an article that can be use to coo advantage ay sny house keeper. At the specially low prteas quoted the lot should all be -closed out. Heavy Tapestry Table Covers, fringed on four side. Oriental do sign, slse 72x71 inches; value ti lt seoiai