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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 18, 1904)
We are Exclusive Portland Agents for the,. 'far-famed , . ... , , - .. ' . Standard. Patterns . the most perfect, best fitting patterns in the" .. , market. r ' PORTLAND'S QUALITY SHOP TOMORROW (6) th .THESE " EVENTS HAVE GROWN IN IMPORTANCE FROM WEEK TO WEEK. WE HAVE ALWAYS ENDEAVORED TO BRING OUT ON FRIDAY THE CHOICEST BARGAINS IN THE STORE, NOT: ONLY IN ONE DEPARTMENT, BUT IN ALL, AND MAKE IT A DAY TO BE LOOKED FORWARD TO AS EAGERLY BY THE CAREFUL SHOPPER AS THE SATURDAY HALF HOLIDAY BY OUR EMPLOYES. , THE .GREAT CROWDS r THAT THRONG THE STORE THAT DAY. THE EXTRA. SALES PEOPLE WE NEED TO WAIT ON .THEM AND THE THOUSANDS OF BUNDLES TO BE DELIVERED, TO , SAY NOTHING' .OF THOSE CARRIE D OUT. AT THE TIME OF PURCHASE, ALL TESTIFY IN THE STRONGEST ' MANNER THAT THIS IS IN DEED -AS WELL AS IN NAME THE GRAND ECONOMY. EVENT OF THE WEEK. TO IGNORE THE PRICE" REDUCTIONS ON THIS PAGE WOULD BE FOLLY, FOR ON MANY LINES ; OF. SUMMER GOpDS COST HAS ' NOT BEEN CONSIDERED BY THE MARK-DOWN MAN. ALL SUMMER GOODS MUST GO, AND GO AT ONCE ONLY A FEW DAYS : : ' V ' . ' : MORE NOW AND THE FALL SEASON OPENS. ANTICIPATE YOUR WANTS. BUY NOW AND SAVE MONEY. . r v , " i a. - . '. .... " . .. t 7 . Lace Curtains A Sale Fourth Floor. : , Friday morning we place on sale several broken lines of Irish Point Lace Curtains. Many -styles and patterns to select from $5.00 value. Special. . 1 . .$2.95 $6.50 value. - Special..... 93.85 $8.50 value. Special. . . . .$4.95 $12.00 value. Special. ....$6.75' $14.00 value. Special. . .?7.05 FRIDAY ECONOMIES IN THE Notion Department x Main Floor. The many chances , to save money on small notions at these weekly, bar gain events are so well understood by Portland folks that every sale is largely attended Nuf ced... ' 25c NEEDLE CASES, 17. k Needle Cases, in fine leatherette . cases containing 100 assorted sewing, darning and fancy work ' needles; value 25c. Special, for Friday only. .... . . ... .17 V 20c BACK COMBS, 12. , Turn-Over Shell Back ' Combs, fancy backs; value 20c. Spe . - ' cial, for Friday only . . .... .12 Shell Hair Retainer Combs; i value 25c. - Special, only. . .17 10c CASTILE SOAP, 5. 'Finest quality, pure Castile Soap, hard milled cakes; value 10c. Special, only, per cake...... 5 30c CHAMQIS SKINS, 17. V . Finest auality Chamois Skins, oil , tanned, warranted to wash, me dium size; value 30c Spe- ' cial,' only . ...... .'..'.117 15c WHISK BROOMS, 10. ' Black Japanned Handle' Whisk Brooms, medium size ; value - 15c each. Special 10 40c TOILET WATER, 25. Crown Ambrotlne Face Lotiorr -: . and Toilet Water, 4-oz. bottle, all odors; value. 40c Spe cial, 'per bottle. . J ....... . .25 CURTAIN THE OREGON , r mm MM m mm t mm I M M M MT MM! r m m r. . r .. . m Where the DAY Specials m the DEPARTMENTS FOR FRIDAY'S SELLING ' 50c Wash Goods 21c MAIN FLOOR ANNEX ;.. No need to tell yoTthatThis is one of the best Silk Bargains of the season. Price tells the story, but to do this great offering justice, we feel that we ought to add the following details : Regular 50c Corded Wash Silks, in neat checks and stripes, all good colors in the assortment Special, all day Friday .......... 21 $1.65 Black Taffeta $1.31 All Pure Silk Black Taffeta, 36 inches ' wide, splendid lustre . and wearing : quality. Special all day Fri . : day . ... . .. .$1.31 Women's Fine White Dresses greXtlyWduced IN , ; ,.. x ' price. $12.50 to $25100 Garments $6.98 Second Floor. ... Such wonderful values In fine Sum mer Dresses are enough to make the most conservative enthusiastic. One cannot help but be. Such ex ceptionally low prices on such love ly gowns were never before known . in Portland. The materials are ; lawns, China silks and organdies. All are beautifully made and axe very cheap .at the regular prices of $12.50 to $25.00. We have de cided, to almost give them away ' ', v-Friday at. $6.98 Bargains for Friday FROM THE . THIRD ' FLOOR. Our third floor house-furnishing department is one of the places we never overlook whenc search ing for bargains for Friday., v LAWN MOWERS. .18-inch size; value $4.25. . Special, only .f 2.13 WINDOW SCREENS. ; ' Hardwood frames, painted wire 24x37; .value 35c. Special. . . .23 80x37; value 40c ' Special.... 26 30x42; value 45c. Special, . . .29 REFRIGERATORS. Automatic with water cooler; 1 V value $18.30. Special. .$12.20 Automatic, glass front, with six doors, , seven feet high ; value , $75.00. Special; only $50.00 JEWEL REFRIGERATORS. Value $19.80. Special. . .$13.23 -Refrigerators, opal; glass ' lined Value $30.00. Special. . . .$20.00 Value $69.00. , Special. .. .$40.00 DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY, EVENING, AUGUST 18. 1W4. ' . . MM mm u W m m m . m m mm m M J I J m w . -.'''"J M Walls Are Coming Down GREATEST BARGAINS FOR Colored Dress 1 Goods ; Regular 60c Colored All-Wool Alba-tross-and Imported French ChalUe, 'all colors and patterns. For: Friday only, special at ...... , 42' . GREAT SPECIAL IN White Duck Hats r ' Second Floor. In order to close out the alance ' of I our stock of White Duck Hats, we will offer for Friday only your choice of our $1.50 - values for . . . . ............ .49 $1.25 Petticoats ;-V':;;;;.89c'':;::::;:.-' Second Floor Annex. Ladies ' Muslin Petticoats, deep Spanish flounce, 2-inch linen . lace insertion between clusters of tucks and 3-inch linen lace edging; regular price $1.25. ; Special ...89 j Exceptional Qarg v Regular 75c Quality . MAIN FLOOR. '."..':V .' We place on sale Friday our best quality reinforced Bleached Sheets, made strong and heavy through the center, mm f which increases its wearing qualities; largest size CV , 2yx2y, yards'; regular 75c. qualities. Friday only. .J W 3& Fifth and Washington - A Great Friday $18.50 to - Summer Suits must make way for the new fall goods which are. now on the way. Prices have been demoralized with that object in view. Wom en's pedestrienne suits marked as high as $18.50 and $28.50 including Eton and Blouse styles in a fine range of colors. Some of (he jackets are lined with silk, materials etamines and homespuns. For . to $28.50 values, for. Great Hosiery Sale For Friday ? 75c, 85c, and $1 Fancy Hose V Main Floor. Women's 'Imported Fancy Hose, - black, lace embroidered boots, fancy shades, lace stripe and. a great many others too numerous , to mention. . No cheap stuff among the lot; genuine 75c, 85c and $1.00 values. .For. .39 25c Under Pants 12c Children's white- cotton, knee length Under Pants; 25c value. For .......... ..12 rgain'j Streets ENTIRE WEEK! Sale of Women's $28.50 Values for SECOND FLOOR. are serges, cheviots, Friday only, $18.50 $7.65 Friday Bargains in the Men's Shop " $1.00 BATHING SUITS, 59. . Here's a great snap for those go ing to the beach next Saturday. . All day Friday we will sell Men's Bathing Suits at ridiculously low .prices. r ....vV w. $1.00 Bathing Suits for. .. . 59 $1.25 Bathing Suits for. .... 85 $1.50 Bathing Suits for.... $1.09 $2.00 Bathing Suits for.... $1145 $2.50 Bathing Suits for.... $1.75 $3.00 Bathing Suits for.... $2.09 $3.50 Bathing Suits for.... $2.49 STOCK TIES.; A line of Men's Stock Ties, in plain white and in colors; value . up to $1.00 each. Special, ; for Friday only.... ...... v.19 MEN'S GOLF SHIRTS. We place on " sale for Friday a small line of Men's Golf Shirts, soft body and cuffs, colors, tan, gray and white, made of a nice ''mercerized cloth, a splendid hot - weather shirt; values to $2.00. As long as they last Friday, each 79 JEAN DRAWERS. A broken line of . Men's Patent . Elastic Seam Jean Drawers, : some sizes gone ; values up to $1.00. If your size is here you may have it Friday r for ',..,..,........39 GREAT FRIDAY. SPECIAL. 50c Cushion Tops 17c ' . Second Floor. . Lithographed Cushion Tops, in a large variety of designs ; the regular 50c grade at 17 85c Union Suits 57c Women's White Lisle Merode Un ion Suits, long sleeves, knee and ankle lengths; 85c quality. Spe cial for Friday, per suit, only 57 Subscriptions taken for. the Designer Mag azine, 80 per year, 10 per copy. All of the latest styles and fads are described and t illustrated each month. THE "DIFFERENT STORE" SPECIAL PRICES FOR FRI DAY IN THE Shoe Department Wdmen's $5 Shoes $3.28 Prices like these mean a big sav- ing in footwear when backed by '. ' such thoroughly reliable mer chandise as this store is noted for selling. Women's $5.00 pat ent kid, military heel, hand welt or 'tiand-turned soles, plain or tipped toes, newest styles; a regular $5.00 shoe for. .$3.28 ODDS AND ENDS OF OX- FORDS; $2.50 and $3.00 ' values , . . ......... .$1.48 FRIDAY SPECIALS IN THE LACE,-RIBBON AND NECK WEAR DEPARTMENTS. 50c Val. Laces 1 3c "Main Floor. . Fine VaL Laces, 2 inches wide; 25c to 50c values. For the day 13 Embr'd'y Remnants At Half Price. Some , pieces as much as iyt yards in the length. 35c Ribbons 19c For Friday only, we 'place on sale a fine line of Fancy Ribbons, in . all the latest effects for neck '."7 wear j value to 35c per yard. Special, only ............ .1C 35cVc:!iC:r:L3 21c A nice lot of new Wash Etcc" ' sll the latest pattern; r S5c values. Special, f;r I . day only