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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 1904)
r' i THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING, . AUGUST 17, 1804. . WILL COOPERATE ONLY BOYS BUT PIONEER EXPIRES DEATH AND INJURr FOR PORTAGE ROAD ADEPT AT PLEASANT HILL JAMIl a money '. v.- ucoHOttra num mo a BTBXST; CAM OaT JDXZOAOO C0- ' ' XJTO, UITIVTLT XXUUKO SZ0MT ; nuon Ajn nrjrnujra'nzTasv v. ' l. '' "(Joaresl Sfaelal J ; ' Chicago, IT. . Western engine crash , jM.-rt Mr . mnA tve Special Scrvlre.) . i . A Chicago areai Western engine craahd Into a loaded aim-trie car and ' two trailers., bound for th Hawthorn race track,- at 1;S o'clock thl afternoon. Eight persons vara ktllad and 1( injured. Th cara wer completely demolished. . : -; . Tha deed: ' .'. .: MICHAEL. KTAH, motorman. ; r MR8. KATE M'CXEARY. v MRS. ft KAUTAl'lN. -. - . ' kl Kg. 'MARY HOUGHTON.; . ,v' ' An anldentinad woman. -'. ' . Th. crossing at which "tha scrldetil took place at Forty-eighth and Colorado avenu la one of toe lew level crossings on the Hawthorne 1 reach: -The engine waa a moderate rate of apacd a It approached the city,, but waa ob .cured from tba tnotorman'a view aa be ran up. ' ;'- -. v - ' Tha flagman, seeing that 4lsaetr waa Imminent, frantically algnaled tha o- tonnao to atop, but to latter eouiq not control hie brakes apparently and the ear slid slowly acroaa ; the trscks . in rn nf tha nnMimlni train. Tha tram I X la Known the Milwaukee expreaa and f la a, nartleulariy heavy one. , ..- ! It atrack tha middle trailer and the I dead and Injured were-almost entirely in that car. Tha atreet railway train 1 waa fairly' ground "to piece befor the V.locomotlv could be brought to a halt. '. The two onndnctdrs were immediately ' arrested and aevaral wltneaaea, mciua- tag the engineer and fireman,- detained. I 'Noiahhorlna Boltce atationa were noil f iled of tba accident and in a very few ? minutes am bulancea war on tha scens and Surgeon auendlnrtorth injured. !' Tha motorman was among thoaa killed. .Tha dead also Includes three women. ,,. DEATH NDS A WILD iv MOUNTAIN RUNAWAY fv t (Joaraal Special Service.) San Bernardino, CaX; Aug. IT. .After a Wild ride behind runaway horses for miles down ataep mountain - road, Thomas Matthews, a pioneer of this eo t tlon. was yesterday - afternoon thrown 'from hia wagoa and killed near tha foot of a Ions; grade- Matthews bad started for town, when hie horses, unable to hold tha wagoa on the steep grade, took fright, galloping madly down tha moun tain. ' . After covering more than1 two miles, during' which Matthews managed to wing them aafely around curve and kept them from plunging over a preci pice, a front wheel atrnck a email rock, tba Jolt throwing Matthews from his seat Ha struck the soft embankment on his head, dislocating his neck. Ten 'years ago his rather was crushed by a tree and Matthewa had predicted his own violent end. -'. - : MRS. CAMPBELL IS . GRANTED A DIVORCE Pendleton, Or, Aug. IT. Mary S, Campbell, who three weeka ago Med a sensational divorce ault In tha state elr f stilt court has been granted an annull- ntent of tba bonds of wedlock from ' J Edwin V. Campbell. By mutual agree- ment tha wtfa Is given $.000 in money ' and relinquishes all her right and title to tha defendant's large stock farm and "flocks Of sheep. " Campbell realdes in , I tha Batter. Creek country near Pendle- ' I ton. I In tha original ault for divorce Mrs. ' Campbell charged ' her husband with cruel treatment neglect and infldellty. .. Tba complaint ..waa later modified ao aa to strike out reference to tha defend ant's alleged Infldellty. SCHOONER VIKING IS v WRECKED IN ARCTIC Ooarael Cpeelal Service.) Ban Francisco, Aug. IT. A dispatch received hers today states that the schooner Viking, from San Cranclsco, l, wu wrecked off Cape Prince of Wales, I but the crew was saved. 4 ' - The Viking had on board supplies for whalers In the Arotlo, . . , it Fijri4 saeek Oaaaad Oeeaa, rts Beet Brand. Meats that Meet Approval The Care Exercised in producing these meats ought to make them the best possible and itdoes. No wonder, they are pre ferred to all others. Each piece is U. S. Gov't Insptt Sold everywhere. , ( swirr & company, u. s. a. mm Premium flams Bill Beyond aa agreement to co-operate as far as possible with the Open River eommUalon of eaatern Oregon, tha meet ing yasieroay uionwn v am vymu river commutes of the chamber of com merce waa not productive of definite ra- eulta. There waa much dlncuaslon, how ever, of the plan of building tha road upon tha land which la to be conveyed to the governmeat for the Celllo canal. and 'much' Valuable Information w brought forth. The argument in favor of this plan was summarised by one of those present at tha meeting as rouowe; For much tha greater part or ine line there ia ample ground for both the port age road and the government canal. At only two placea would there pe a poa slble conflict, and these are for very short distances vis., at Celllo; where property waa recently condemned by the canal board, tha portage road for a distance of not over 600 feet would be directly alongside of tba canal, but not necessarily within tha limits of its con struction, and would properly bo a light trestle construction, easily removed at very small expense: at the other point near tha lower or Big eddy ena oi me line, at tha "fishery," tha width of good around , for a short distance is limited and tha two structures would again be directly alongside one another,, but in thla case also tha construction of the portage road would not be of magni tude, and ita removal, if called zor. would be a matter of alight expense. In the construction of tha government canal the first step to be taken by any contractor ; -would necessarily be ha building of a "oonatructlon railway" alongside the canal for tha handling of materials and to Insure tha rapid ad vancement of tha work. . If tha portage road la built at thla time It would serve the purpose of such a construction railway" and thereby save both time and expenaa when the canal la actually under construction, and would further more give Immediate relief to the. conn try above The Dalles, for which It Is earnestly desired. . A meeting of tha open river eogynls slon of eaatern Oregon will be arranged aa early as possible, probably within tw or three weeka. .. ENGINEER'S LAST RUN PROVES A FATAL ONE Uooraal pedal Service.) ' Sacramento, Cal., Aug. IT. Engineer Louie Graham, who was injured by falling from an angina near Summit Sunday night died at the Railroad hoe pttal today. Graham Intended that when he brought the overland limited over tha mountalna Sunday night ha should retire . permanently from the railroad service. Ha had arranged to take his family on aa eaatern trip, and they had secured tickets and war Pre paring for tha Journey. An engineer waa required to take me overland limited out of Sacramento on Sunday, and Graham, who waa one of tha beat men on the road, waa ordered to do It H stepped on tba running board of his angina and fell off, re ceiving Injuries which caused his death. ELECTRICIAN'S PLUCK PREVENTS HIS. DEATH (Jearaal Special Service.) - Chieo, Cal., Aug. IT. -Burned until his face waa literally oooked and the upper part of hla body a solid mass of blis ters, R. W. Durham, an electrician of tba Valley Counties - Power company, laat night finally put out tha flames which war burning his clothing. Some thing went wrong with one of ' the switches outside tha building, causing a flash in Durham's fas and setting fire to his clothes in several places. Ha fought tha flames with hla hands and ran to a pool of water outside tha power .house, thus aucoeedlng in put ting out the fir. Though bllatersd from -head-to foot -he walked to bla boarding bouse, several yards away. -It la believed that he will recover, although hla face la practically burned off and unrecognisable. KELLY MARRIES AND WILL BECOME PRINCE (Joarsal Special Sarvtca.) Clayton, N. T Aug. IT. -One of tha most notable weddlnga aver eolemnlsed here took place today la the Roman Cathollo church. Tha bride waa Smer anc de Salller da Plu." daughter of Count Hermel da Salller du Plu of Watertown, and tba bridegroom, Thomas Hughes Kelly,, a New Tork millionaire. Tha ceremony' waa performed by tha Rev. Phlleaa Garnard. - Tba bridal couple will spend their honeymoon on tha St Lawrence aboard tha bridegroom's yacht and will then follow the coast down to New York. Later they will go to Italy, where they will take up their residence, and where Mr. Kelly will be made by the pope a prince of the holy Roman empire and his wlf a princess. NAN PATTERSON IS SEEKING LIBERATION (Jeorsal Special Service.) New York, Aug. IT. Nan Patterson today through her couneel made a mo tion to defer before Judge Nawberger. asking that tha district attorney be di rected to fix trial or that she be dis charged on her own recognisance, or that the indictment againat her be dis missed for lack of prosecution.. District Attorney Jerome opposed the motion personally. A decision will be given later. . DENVER GIRL'S FACE PROVES HER FORTUNE (Journal Special Service.) Denver, Aug.. IT. Miss Gertrude Forbes, a young woman who sella pa pers st tha Hotel Metropole, will soon become the adopted daughter of Mrs. Mabel LaConte, a childless widow with vast estates in Hawaii. - Hor good for tune Is du to ths fact that aha resem bles a very dear friend of Mrs. LaConte. . Tha widow met the young woman while on her way to the world' fair, and after a- brief acquaintance offered to adopt her. , xas ua amoKxw. tlpedsl DUpatrk t The Jmrtul.) Colton, Wash., Aug. 17. M. Bchnth srs bad. his leg broken below jth knee by a header box upeettlng yesterday. , "Itching hemorrhoids wsre th plsgu nf my life. Was almost wild. Drain' Ointment cured me qufr.kly and perms nrnitlv. after doctors had failed." C. F. Cornwell, Valley Street fiaiigertlea, N. X. Though neither he a reached the ag of manhood. Roy Wooden and Sidney Ledyder were arrested by Deputy Bher IfTs Grussl and Cordano yesterday and Incaroerated In tha county Jail, with two charges of larceny and one of burglary resting sgalnst their names. Anomcr charge of .burglary Is to be preferred todav. ' 1 The two boys ar accused, or oreaxing Into three atorea at Mt Tabor ana sc ouring olgara, tobacco, drugs, toilet ar ticles and canned goods valued at HO. The first complaint of larceny -was pre ferred in Justice Beton's court by w. x Henton, is gToceryman, whoa place of business was entered twloe. A bale of barbed wire was stolen from his wood shed afterward, leading to a charge of burglary. ... Kntrance waa effected to th drug store of Thomas Graham and various articles and i0 In cash stolen on the night of Jury 10. Th other theft have been committed since that time. Burg lars tools were used in, breaking Into tha drug store. Orsham's loss will approximate io and Henton'a ISO. The Ledyder boy Is also accused of complicity in . the de struction of a .ginseng patch, located thla aide of Mt Tabor, owned by neph ew of Richard Martin, Jr the architect named Francis. Th patch bad been cultivated for three year and would have, aeeeded thla season. Ginseng ia valued at tit a pound and tha seeds at two cent apiece, about SO being on each stem. Th los of th Francis boys is estimated at t&00. Young Ledyder Is said to have con fessed his guilt and implicated his companion. Ha la aged to years. Young Wooden is aged It years, He waa balled out last night by hla father. A pound of ginseng, which ths youths are accused of stealing, was found by. the deputies In a deserted hut aa well as canned goods and toilet articles. Ledy der baa told where the burglars' tools .-a h.r .tnl.n articles are concealed. . .i ii ..-.4 v.i- -! snd tbsy. noon. SAYS CHINESE WERE . SUBJECT TO FINES Indignation has been arousd at th sheriff's office and th county Jail over what. 1 called an unwarranted attack mad on Jailer Grafton, who 1 charged with collecting various amounts from Chinese arrested: for gambling and turn ing tha money over to ' the "kangaroo court" It la asserted that Henry Hanno has preferred th charge on behalf of a Chines named Ho Dock, working for him. Jailer Grafton declares that contrary to th published- statement th Chines were never in cells, th last one was not taken' out of his oell until 1:80 o'clock In tha morning. Orders from Chines drawn In favor of tha "kangaroo court" war given by Ho Dock and all th other Chines and presented to the Jailer. They wr exhibited this morn ing. ,.' ' NOTED WOMAN OF IDAHO VISITS CITY Mrs. it. A, Hutton of Wallac. Idaho, is registered at th Portland hotel. She Is on of th best-known women In Idaho, being th author of a book com bining history and Action and dealing with tha famous mine strike and bull pen trouble in th Coeur d'Alen dis trict som years ago. iter dook naa a wide sal. Sh la th wlf of Al Hut ton, the engineer who was Impressed Into service and compelled to pull a train loadsd with strikers who started at Burke, loaded with dynamite and armed to the teeh, and went down to tn HUlucer mu ana auuivsn mine m Wardner, where they drov out th of ficials and blew th mill to splinters. killing th company' bookkeeper who attempted to argue with them. Th story or At Hutton reaoa im a romance. He was suspected or eouusion with th dynamiters, lost his Job on ths road and waa kept in the ouu-pen soma time. He left the plao broke, went prospecting and found one of th Hon est galena mines tn th district and ia now v millionaire. . SAY PATIENT TOOK . INVALID'S PURSE A warrant for th arrest of H. IS. Ross, until last night a patient at the Portland sanitarium at Mt. Tabor, waa Issued out of ths municipal court thla morning by Deputy District Attorney Brand at the solicitation of Dr. W. R. Simmons, man ager of th Institution, on th charge of robbery. The warrant waa tele graphed to Tillamook, Or., Immediately by th police. Th man wanted I sup posed to bava gon there after th theft waa committed. - The ' amount atolen la stated In th complaint aa 11000, and was th prop erty of R. A. Crawford, another patient now confined at the sanitarium. It was taken laat night from hla room. RUMORED THAT PORT ARTHUR HAS FALLEN r ' (Jooraal Special Service.) -BL Petersburg. Aug. IT. (Bulletin.) It I rumored her that Port Arthur haa fallen. Tb report I unconfirmed, how ever, and cannot be traoed to its source. A dispatch irom tneioo says uwrw Is a report from Port Arthur that the Japanese have captured a position at Pallschusng, three mue irom me ion ress. The eoal yard at Port Arthur haa been Ignite by Japanese sheila and 1 bunting. OVAmSSMXaT VUT AT WAS. ' ' (Josrnel Special tVrrlee.) " Athena. C Aug. IT. Nearly ,000 member of th Ohio National guard ar taklna? nart tn th maneuver begun here today In conjunction with tha stats encampment In addition to th parlous Infantry reglmente taxing psri in ins mimic warfare there ar a battalion of englneere, four light batteries, two troops of cavalry and th signal corps. Ths sham battles and other features will occupy five days, during which lms more than 100,000 round of ammunition will be fired. ' ' CASTOR I A : v For Infants snd Children.' hi Kind Yoa HaraAlwajs Essghl ' Bars tha ftfxns-twt of (SpMlal DUpan-a is Th Journal.) Eugene, Or.. Aug, ZL Stephen Rig don, sturdy pioneer of Lan county. died at hla home on Pleasant Hill Sat urday night August It, st the age of tz years, alter a lingering illness, from paralysis. Th funeral waa held Sun day afternoon and tha remains Interred in the Plessant Hill cemetery. Stephen Rlgdon was born in ths mid dle west.-being a son of John Rlardon. a pioneer preacher, who cam' to Lan county In 1864 and took up donation land claim flv mile south of Pleaaant Hill, in Rattlesnake valley. 1 Hla son - Stephen came across ths plain to California In 11S0. Ha r- milnjul h.r. until 1 fiftl h.. mo ma n Oregon, stopping at hla father's place. After a short visit he left for Marlon and Clackamas counties, looking for a permanent location, and In the spring of 1864 located at Pleasant Hill, Lane county. The same year ha was united in marriage to Zllphia Brlstow,' daugh ter of KUJah Brlstow, who was on of th foremost pioneer of bl time, Mra. Rlgdon died, on May 11, l0l. They had no children of their own, but they - adopted Paul L. Brlstow, now a prominent fanner of Pleaaant H11L ' INSPECTOR TAKES -MERCY ON HUSBAND (8fcUl Dtapelcb t The JoamaL) :' Seattle, Waah Aug. IT. Just becaase Arthur Bliss, a marina engineer, would not promise Ms wlf to contribute more liberally to her aupport aha atolo his license and declared he' should never work at hi trad another day until her wishes were compiled with. Thla . was two months ago, and at tha time Bliss was out of work. w"" a-ouiwa jo HH of -the aound steamer, but could- cept It because of th missing Moans. Yesterday he appealed to Supervising Inspector John Bermlngham, stating ths facta. After listening to bis story th Inspector decided' It waa wrong for a man to be so left at th mercy of hi wife, and Instructed th local Inspectors to Issue a duplicate, which they had re fused to do be for th arrival of Cp tain Bermlngham. n- j Tha captain left for hi horn In Ban Francisco last night reserving hi de cision In th DeLaunay case until a later dat. - ;;,-,: ... - '-:,. WILL NOT DECREASE MARINE INSURANCE -.(Special DUpatck to The Journal.) ' Seattle, Wash, Aug. IT. Local ma rina Insurance agent do not give en couragement to the lowering of trans pacific risks In ths near future. The fact hat the Japanese left several of th Russian' fleet afloat is accepted as their ability to still do harm, and while steamship agfht ar contracting for September and October freight it is being don on th basis .of th present high rat of "There win be no reduction in the in surance rate from this port" aald th representative of on of th largest In suranoa companies today, "until wa have assurance that tha war la over, or that tha Russian fleet Is at th bottom of th ocean, Tha fact that tha Baltic fleet ha Balled for th Manchurtan coast- mean that h present rate will be maintained, and I do not look for any change, so far as oar company 1 ooncerned, for a long time." - - . CHURCH PEOPLE PRAISE OFFICERS ' ii , ii . ip' . ' Sheriff Tom Word, District Attorney John Manning and Mayor . Gaorg H. William have received ' th following letter from Rv. Charles W. Hayea, rector of tb Marshall etreet Presbyter ian church, dated thla city, August 1S "The members of th congregation of th Marshall street Presbyterian church. by a unanimous vote at th morning service yesterday, directed the pastor to convey to yon and Mr. Manning, tb district attorney, our congratulations upon th success that you hav attained in closing th gambling place in Port land, and to express th hop that th policy ao successfully inaugurated may be persistently followed hereafter. Th paator waa also directed to sand a state ment of th abov action to hla honor. Mayor Williams, with the request that he try ' to hav th pollc co-operate with th county officials tn enforcing all tat and municipal law and ordinance agalnat gambling. , "It give m great pleasure to send thla communication to you. NARROWLY ESCAPES ; DEATH IN RUNAWAY (Special tnspateh to The Joarsal.) ' ' Hood River, Or., Aug. IT. William Davidson,, a farmer living four miles south of this city, had a narrow escape from death yesterday, In a runaway with a mowing machine. . Mr. Davidson was operating th mower on a steep hillside.. On of hla horse, which ha been in frequent runaways, beeam uncontrollable, and started in a mad dash down th hllL ' Davidson waa thrown from his seat and dragged for 100 yards by his feet. Th wild horse was so badly cut by th mower that It had to be shot Th other hors will likely recover. ' ' i - i - Mr. Davidson escaped with' a few sight bruises, total loss. . but his inachln was a LIGHTNING SLAYS -FOUR IN ONE FAMILY (Joarsal Special Service.) ' Guthrie, O. T, Aug. IT. Th farm house of K A Dowllng, near Parth, waa struck by lightning and burned today. Four members of tb , family war burned to death." Th dead are: B. A. Dowllng, Mrs. Dowllng, Ben Dowllng. aged 14, and Fannl Dowllng, aged 9. . . ; a xat-s raw oBAinxnaT.s. - (Joarnal Special Service.) - Ellsworth, Main, Aug. IT. A son'wa born to Mr. and Mrs. Payne Whitney today. The boy 1 a grandchild of Sec retary of State Hay on hla mother's id and of th lata William C. Whitney on hi father's aide. . '. , maxu von ron. Stockton, England, Aug. IT. Danny Ma her, th American Jockey, repeated yesterday's fest today by winning four V stakes of th valu of 6,000, . , Situations Wanted 'Inserted One Time v Free ' TAKES UP SERVANT v GIRL QUESTION (Kpertal Dl pates to The Joarnal) ' Salem, Or., Aug. IT. State Labor Com missioner O. P. Huff haa taken up th queetlon of 'Domestic Bervlce" a hi lateat aubject and has sent out a number of circular letters ' ssklng for' Informa tion from both employer and employed. but In relation thereto says: I am sorry to aay that I hav not th num ber of repiie to my Utter that I should Ilk to have, for out of Tl letter that sent out only IT girl and woman serving as domestic hav taken th trouble to reply to my letters. I do not know that thla dose not represent th Interest this class of labor haa in im provement work. Out of T employer only 10 replied to my letters." Th question that Mr. lion salts in employers, among , others, . include th following: - Number of persona composing tn family and number of servant em ployed? Do you employ mala or female servants t Nationality? Do they render good, fair or poor service? When poor what seem to be th cause? How many of your servant hav secured school Instruction? Do those who hav render better service? Could you recommend any aneclal system of school Instruc tion? Do women In your locality preferl ther mploymnt to housework T Ar female servants In your locality hard to obtain? If so, what In your opinion seems to be th reason? Number of hours work pr day? .Tim allowed ser vants -off"? Ar they allowed! wag at vacation? Rata of wage paid per month? Ia It increasing or decreasing In your neighborhood?- - - Mr. Hon, has answer to all of the compiled a yet, so h 1 not ready to glv out all th data. Tha servant were asked tn following question: .... - Where wer you corn, giv sxai or country; how long hav you worsen as domestic; have you worsea at outer ooeuoatlons: if so. what: how many hours do you work aoh day; how much time are you allotted off each week; what ar your present wages per month; la It asr to find domestic employment; why do you choose housework; hav you ever received school instructions in housework; would you enter a school If instructions war free; In your opinion would such a school help working girls; what Is th most pleasant part of your occupation; what? 1 th moat disagree able. - '-.- : - Som of th answer to th questions are full of interest snd on employer. evidently a man, in a reply to tha query ti-to why service was poor, was that women often expected too much irom th hired girl for too lltU money. Th letters from the employers' declar that tha average working hour Of th rv ants ar eight, whll Ih same qusstlon brings 11 and a. fraction aa in answer from th employed. , Th average wage paid domestic is given st f 11 par month. Most employer of domestlo servants say they giv them as a rule two- hour off In th afternoon and a llttl extra time off on Sunday. - - As to ths question' if th girl would attend a school of Instruction If it wer free th answer ta almost unanimously "yea," and alao all declare that thla would be of benefit. As to th pleaaant and disagreeable features of the house work for employment, th replies ar varied, som finding much that la agree able in thl clasa of work and others none at all of agreeable features. ' ATTXTstPT TO OB SAM. Special Tnspatck to The Journal.) Palouse, Wastw ,Aug. IT. -An unsuc cessful attempt wss mad to rob th Northern Pacific express office at thl place Monday night Tha burglar drilled six holes in ths safe but wer fright ened away. Th safe contained 11.000. ' rxmxn on vra sotnro. ' (Rpoelat Dispatch to Tha learsal.) Chehalls, Wash., Aug. IT. Th at mosphere her Is filled with amok to day, but It Is principally from Sre on th sound, a strong wind from- th north driving th smok this way. There ar som fires out In th county, . but none ar doing any damage. MS S5:l tkm r i . iir.Tr; I WmS&m OF YOU live in Albina, Sunnyside, Brook i lyn, way pp town, or down town, or al- - roost anywhere, you need not come to . . Fifth and Yamhill to insert an adver tisement in The Journal. - All you need to do . is to go - over to the nearest branch office, leave your advertisement, pay for it at regu lar rates, and it will at once be telephoned to ' the main office of The Journal free of extra charge. Convenient, .isn't It? And : the cost only , 15c for 21 worda daily ; or -Sunday, for any classificatioa i. Vw, ' -'w''- GLACIIAHAS C FARM, FRUIT ANa HOP LANDS ' '... i CIS' Per Acre . (T sores, II la cultivation, balance light timber; fin springs; f-room house; one mil to school, stor and postofflo: one mil of fencing; t mile from Ore gon city, on fine road. , . ... - . 07 Per Acre ; I acres; I acres slashed, balanc light growth r about 1 0 seres untillsble; only mue irom jeoiiaw corners. . 022 Per Acre II acre, 4 mile from Oregon City; on mil from Clackamas rlvsr; cord wood enough to pay for th land; no improvo- mems, terms. . . . 050 Per Acre 40 acrea, l mil from Oregon City; level: timber cut off: balanc brush: surrounded by. fin farms; no Improve- Y 034 Per Acre ' 10 acree, II in cultivation; 10 seeded to cioveri good spring; iars irame nam, sheds, etc., costing 11,000; good -terms; low interest. ... , v - y. 02O Per Acre (Half Cash) 10 acre level, rich loam soil, on line of O. W. P. A Ry., near Eagle Creek; 1.000 oord wood; -freight rates to Portland only 16 cents per cord; a snap lor a wood proposition. Don't overlook this. Gross Shaw alSAXi SgTATX AJTD nrSSTnTS. - ass WasalartMa Street. COME OUR WAY ' . That magnificent 10-room residence, with nearly a quarter block, for only $3,OQO "That beautiful l-rooni cottage, mod ern conveniences snd excellent comer lot, on Rodney avenue; rental valu. Ill per moniD. tio mr, ;:v: :: $1,-400- : tto in cash and balanc In easy month ly payment. . .- . im,.l KMuttfnl M Ail Waa TftfifH street, near Harrison, walking dlstancs CO DUBiness otniir; airwia imiirovcfL . 1 1. . . u w i . . k.. sewera, immn "-. nw uihk..i i - f ain- ever offered In th city in th last wo year w , Tot ffertkc paMtoalaurs apply to DUNN - LAWRENCE CO. . . . iisvb riBST sTBaav. -; ' ' SSO0O gnarUr block, fln location. West taaoo On of th moat sightly horn - site In th city, to BO Fin corner lot, Weet Sid. - SagOO 11 acres, convenient to Tremont station, on jnu pvun vr iiuvb SaSOO 2 acree ' and l-room houee, on Montavllla oar Una. 1100 acrea and T-room hOu. aaooo IT acrea - , .' ";...,' ', 9180011 acre.' t ' Will b glad to tell you of the bar gains. - ' . .. DAVIDSON, WARD & CO. 40S Ohambe of prniTneroa. : FOR SALE S Elthr of the new and 'sl . snt dwelling "about com i pleted." situated on th outh . west corner of East Sixteenth and Stark. Will b sold for . cash or on Inatallment by Parrisb, Watklns & Co. 1 ' - SM AXSBB STBXXT. ' Half-Acre Lots Ws bar a number of ' very choice lot on ,. - ' East Thirty-Ninth Street Retween Belmont and Esst Waahlngtnn streets that we would sell to desirable parties; building restrictions; private i-inch water main, eta WAKEFIELD. FRIES & CO. ' snon Mala 14.. fiat stabk itbiit, KLIIsnDWGnitil. . I Dm Bl CI for anaeterml r I glarharos.lBSaaim.Mone, U IrrliaUoas or slosrstlona mt we. ess SMsthraBW, ITTItEvMlCmSKOlC. ralirHlMnu. ,H 1 Swlslwyl , j i e eml hi el I br nmm. J J SI . or I bw slsls wrsssee. boUlM M.Ts. i rta MOT o straw felkia f - MttMllM I " ' I Snwsi Cm 1 m a See List of Branch Offices on the Classi fied Page 11 3v SOINO Of satisfaction Is sung by hardware buyers whose wanta are filled from thla stock of dependsbl supplies. Hulldera'. shelf and merhsntca' hard war haa unlimited representation her and th price ar limited to an amount Identical with actual value. AVERY & CO. 82 Third St. . TUSCAN Mineral Springs J - owvu htubt bat xs iu tmaxu To Whom It May Concern "y I cam to th abov sprlnus on April I to tak treatment for any eye. ', I bad . a very eever attack of catarrh of the eyes, waa almost blind, after treating -with the best specialist that Could t found, and suffering for nine ye raw I have at last found a cure her at th FAMOUS TUSCAN SPRINGS. I can- not prale them too highly. I bop that others that srs afflicted will glv then, a trial Ptfu ,,- ' Room lot. Comniorolal Blug, Portland, Or ron. . Mr. I. C Palmar, of Palmar, Or, wa ured of rheumatism. If you are sick writ to us; w will giv you th nam snd address of- som on cured of a elm liar complaint. , Tuscan Mineral Springs Corp. ' TVSOA1T, OA&. szirs sootpom ottl or btom.cs pATASaUi SAXiT. Knock the Flies CET CNC-TBIBD N0B M1U . ' ree Child's "Bo-Ios-go Kllfly ea year stock. It Diran. moerr la year pocz.t, far cow sire aae-thlrd anre milk,, sad borer e Mtt an o Use fa4 wbe , protsetrd tna the fllee. It nutrcs enly e few escends to spply lt It eosu Irse He a day per brae. To can Sot sfford to do wltboot It. Ask your dralar. at Writs oay for SO-pag boo let. . Portland Seed Co. ; y-aolft. Coast AsaU, r.rtUaa, Or. ' FOR SALE ITIo lTew Stock of Orocerie andT fix tures, in a flrst-olaaa location; will Invoice about ITOO. Must be eold; owner haa to go east September 1.- took of Orocerie and fixtures, delivery wsgon and good norae; living rooms 'over the store; burn; rent 26. In voice about 1 1,1500. Fine location. Cash business. A snap. Two A No. '. i ' HometttMid . Re ' llatfUtshments, one-half mils to Sileby rlvsr. Will cruise 4,ooo, ooo fest to ths claim. ' . j ) Only S1JS Each i Maxwell Burg SIS Aftlartoa ldg, rortland Or. St. Johns Park Fine, new eottsses near Woolen Mills and car Un, for sal cheap, on Install ment plsn. . On with I lot V.....,,r,fi,oB0 On with 1 1-1 lots 1 1,030 Three with 1 full lot each.. uo Th Woolea Still will be In operation soon and (0 to 100 new houses will b needed In St. Johna CHIPMAN & KINO, Oenaral Agents, St. lohas. ' , 01 Holbreok, Owner, TBS Chamber of Oommeroa, . . ' :. -'A-' VCS'- iit&mi mt&iiiz . ' , . t - - -i i