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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 1, 1903)
- , 14 TIIE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING, AUGUST 1,1003. c . 'fmJf at jt the Le&jAd Philip Feldman. Mrs. Rudolph Rou ter, Mr. Feldman. Emma Reuter, Oertrude Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. K. W. Amu, Woodburn, Or.; E. B. Perrln, Jr., A. T. William. Arthur Smith, K. B. Coe, Jr.. Wuldson Megeath. Kansas City., Mo.; Florence L. Heine. Ban Francisco; Alice 1). Leigh, San Jose; J. Ross Thompson, Erie, Ph.; Mn. C. W. Beale, Mary Beale, Robert Beale. Wallace, Idaho; Mrs, George 11. StewHrt. Boise City. Idaho Mrs. P. W. Statidred. Pocatello. Idaho Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Johnson, Albert D Johnson Clara L Johnson. Ellsworth Johnson. 8pokane; M. B. Brownlee and wife, Miss Brownlee, Bruce Brownlee, James Brownlee, Sjxikanr; J. R. Dickson and wife, John Dickson, Brook Dickson Frank Dickson. Pendleton. Or.; Donald Mackay and wife. Dr. and Mrs. II. Skene, nurse nnd t'hlld, Portland. STKVTS Or TXI WXBK. Monday evening; Professor Boyer en tertained a few of hts friends at his studio In honor of Miss Emily Bauer of New York. A delightful musical pro cram was riven by Mr. Boyer and a number of his pupils. All spent a very pleasant evening. Miss Bauer left thla week for a two-weeks' visit In San Francisco. Mf ur a? Saturday Is a gala night at the golf links, many people availing themselves of the dellclnusly-aorved table d'hote dinner which has become quite a fea ture. Among those who dined at the links Saturday night were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Koehler. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Llnthl- cum. Dr. ana Mrs. Holt u. wnson, ir. and Mrs. W. C. Alvord, Mrs. Burns, AT EABXDB. The season has fully opened at Sea side. Large crowds of people are coming Mlss Alice von Dnstlnon. Mr. Duflon, in dally and many more are expected Mr. Bert Ball. Mr. Milton Smith and ss soon as tne weather becomes more i jjr j jj. wilcox . fettled, camper s Urove is a little white & Stf City of tents, whose occupants have cast T.on Henderson is considered the best 11 care away and are for the time en- entertainer in the State of Oregon by Joying complete rest. The bathing hour th(. members of the Portasta Club. Fifty is hailed with great Joy by large num- active members went , to his handsome Ders wno daily indulge in tnis aengntrui npme on the river Thursday night and experience. had one of the most pleasant outings rersonais. the club has ever enjoyed. While Mr, A Salvation Army has erected a large Henderson is not a member of the club, tent near the bridge and are holding his home is a welcome rendesvoua for cervices every evening. Portaslas. The protty home and broad Dr. O. 8. Fowler has opened dental lawn was decorated with lanterns of Barlors here. various hues. Refreshments were A bootblack stand and several new served during the evening while danc hell and souvenir stores are seen about ing was being enjoyed on the lawn. The town. committee in charge of the affair was: Mrs J. A. Lovely, wife of the Chief R, A. Woodburn, J. A. Roper. W. F. Justice of the Sunreme Court of Minne- Da Mert. F. C. Houghton and L. P, ota, with ber daughter. Mrs. F. A. Wll- Thornton. cox of St. Paul, ia vis! tin her sister. I Uf Uf Mrs. W. T. Bteohens. for the summer. A pretty reception was given Thurs Mrs. W. B. Fechhelmer of Portland, day afternoon by Mrs. H. C Wortman also Miss N. W. Dwyer, are the guests of at her beautiful home, 245 Ford street. Mrs. W. T. Stephens at Sunset Cottage. The reception was in honor of Mrs. Wll- Lleutenant Ben Holladay Dorcy. United Ham Estabrook Jones of Boston, who is States Army, and family, with Paul Von visiting here. The house was prettily JCurousky of Vancouver Barracks, are at decorated throughout with aspragus "Holladav Cumri" near Renslde Mouse. ferns and the beautiful Mt Shasta Mrs, A, Von Etlinger and Herbert Von Marguerites, making a pretty contrast, EUlnger are at Seaside House. and blending the colors of the white George Taylor, wife and family of CUmatls and honeysuckle vines that Portland, who have been at Seaside completely covered the large windowa of House, returned to their home Wedrics- their home. One window looking out of day. - the living room is especially pretty, be Mr. Burch's, Dr. Skene's and Donald ing covered with the small purple en occupying the Mackay's fa milieu are Cloutrie Cottage. ' Those registered at the hotels are: Xocksley Ball. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Bowers, Portland; James El wood, wife and family. Port land; Jerry E. Bronaugh, Portland; Leona McCarthy, Portland; Charles L. Ryue, Portland; Mrs. H. Emken, Port . land: Miss Pearl Emken, Portland: W. D. Carlisle. Portland: P. O. L. Boeuf. Port land; Elisabeth A. Serrall, Portland; Mrs. E. L. Lowell. Portland; F. D. Wooley, Portland; Slg. Slchel. Portland; R. E. W, Jones,. Portland; Lea Loomls, Portland; K C. Barker, Portland; H. E. Noble and wife, Portland; Jean Dunbar, Portland; Mra. It. E. Boynton, Portland; A. O. Sherman, Portland; D. R. Hastings, Au- Durn, Maine; A. T. Kelhiher, Salem. Qr.; Mr. and Mrs; T. J. Cheney, ; Pendleton, Malone Joyce, San Francisco; W. C. Smith and wife, Seattle; V .11 lam F. Bar rett, Chicago; Oertrude Campbell, Bos ton; William I. Renter, Berlin; Miss Emma Renter, Berlin; George H. Ohler. Astoria; Mrs. A. W. Williams. The Dalles; George Cooper. 8an Francisco; A. E. Green and wife, San Francisco; Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Ames; Woodburn; Otis Patterson. The Dalles; Walter. Lyon, Salem: Mrs. Lot Lirermore and family, Pendleton. T. T. B. Cooke, M. D. Dawson. C. M. Celler, wife and Bon. Astoria; Mrs. 8. Danzlger and nephew, San Francisco i Mrs. A. Mayes. Skugnoy, Ala.; Mrs. M. A. Gough. San Francisco; John W. Arct ander, Minneapolis; F. L. Francisco. At the McOulre. Frank Royal. Chicago; Tlce Adkins and wife, Portland; Dick Smith and wife, Portland; P. Hill, St.3ohns; L. L. Hill, The Dalles; L. W. Bill, Cannon Beach; H. J. Leaf, Portland; Ben Hill, Portland; Earnest Valcker, Portland; E. W. Robitch, Nehalem; H. W. Powell, St. Helens; W. W. Irving, E. Walker, Port land. At the Grimes. Robert G. McCraken. Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Campbell, Heppner; "Alex. M. Winston. P. Clark and family. Miss Lawler. Miss M. Stock, Spokane; Mrs. C. H. Richards and son, Rhoda Richards and son, Missoula, Mont.; J. S. Forest, New York; Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Brown, Mrs. H. W. Christensen, Astoria; Otto Sight. Dr. Alex Blrby, Miss Lotta Bridges. Jr., H. W. Storey, Mrs. E. 8. Edwards, W. H. BrUts, B. M. Menzles, Portland; Miss Alice Brltts, Duluth, Minn.; A. A. Bailey. Mrs. A. A. Bailey, E. T. Patterson, Mrs. Peterson, Anna and Louise Peterson. H. W. Peterson. Miss woodward. Ira E. Allen. Portland; J. K. Smith and wife, Mrs. Clute, Spokane; John Reed. Astoria; Walt Schumacher, Walla Walla; M. C. Barker. Phelps Hol tnan, Portland; T. H. Ltttlehales, Mis. Ltttlehalcs and family, Dilly; p. J. Hill. Chicago; C. W. Ralston. Mrs. G. A. Weingtx and son. Portland; Carmine Standrod, Portland; Mrs, D. W. Standrod, Pocatello; Mrs. Etta Dawson. Spokane; William J. Jessop, Frank Rowe, C. W. Stringer and wife, R. H. Wallace. J. W. Newcastle, Helen Nelson, Portland; II. J. Miller, Aurora; Charles A. Barry, Mrs. Barry, Agnes Downs, Pullman; Miss Holgate. Miss Kiely, D. G. Tomanium and wife. Mrs. M. Lewis. Dr. C. H. Raf fety and hito, Portland; Frank Crowder, Payette. Idaho; Mr. and Mrs. II. D. I Croney, - Everett. Wash.; I. W. Hansen, Seattle;. Mrs. J. C. Boyle, Portland; A. C. Hansen. Seattle; J. F. Hamilton. Astoria; J.- P. Belts. Portland; Mra. A. C. Lemp, Boise; It. C. Hexter. Mrs. Robert Robin son. Portland; Mrs. Albert Allen, Miss Frances M. Allen. Spokane; Mr. and Mrs. matls vine. The floral decorations and natural growing vines at the windowa I made a very artistic combination, Mrs. Wortman was assisted .in the re ceptlon by Mrs. E. T. Geary and Miss Frances Wsrren, who served tea punch from a pretty retreat In the alcove, Mrs. J. N. Teal and Mrs. T. w. Lon don served Ices, while Mrs. James Hart and Mrs. Shults presided at the coffee in the dining-room urns. The reception was a decided success, an expressing themselves as having had a most de lightful afternoon. Three "hundred lnvl tatlons were extended and nearly all re sponded. ts? Uf A very pleasant evening was spent at a large bonfire given by Mrs. E. Schiller of Centrevllle. Long Beach. The evening was spent in rouslo and story telling, during which popcorn and panooha was served. Thoae present were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hungerford, Mr. and Mrs. F. Frantman. Mrs. C. 8. Rogers, Mrs. E. Schiller, the Misses C. Laura Templeton, Nettie Ross, Blanche Barbey, Carrie Barbey, Pearl Hungerford, Sena Naunan, Messrs. F. O. Wickham, A. Schiller, Leroy McDuffy, Dan Barbey, Lads and Lasses Alden Hungerford, Al bert Carroll, Verne Schiller, Phila and Cora McDuffee and Haxel Barbey. A large number of ladles were en tertained at an elaborate luncheon on Friday afternon bV Mrs. Frank Knappi and artistlo effect. A handsome cut glass centerpiece, filled with white car nations, graced the table, while smliux and white tulle were daintily arranged overhead, tied In true lovers knots. In the front parlor, yellow prevail!. Iceland popples, golden rod and core opsis gave forth a soft, mellow light In the back parlor, pink sweet peas and carnations shed a soft pink ray. The hall and porch were beautifully dec orated In red and green. Punch was served In the parlors. The bride enter tained a few personal friends at an In formal reception. Among those who participated were: Capt. and Mrs. Rockwell, father and mother of the bride: Dr. and Mrs. A. A. Morrison. Miss Wells and Mr. Fuller of California. The bride and groom left, amid a shower of rice, for British Columbia on an ex tended wedding trip. PZBBOVAX. MBBTIOV. Mrs. Alcyone Hill of Frultvale, a sub urb of Oakland. Cal.. Ia here on a visit with her sister. Mrs. Frank Schlegel, at 601 Yamhill street. Mr. Henry Taubenhelmer, accompanied by his daughter. Miss Florence, will spend the month of August at Wllhoit Springs. Miss Minnie M. Williams expects to leave next Monday for a month's visit with Mrs. E. M. Cox at Seattle. Mrs. Max M. Shlllock left Wednesday morning for a 10-days' visit with her mother at Chehalls. Mr. Nixon, who has been visiting her son. Richard Nixon, ror tne past two months, left for her home in New Or leans this week. Mrs. Nixon was In home at Gold Hill Monday after having visited trlends and, relatives here during the session of the Degree of Honor, Ex-District Attorney and Mrs. T. J. Clecton have returned home from a trip into the Nehalem country. ,. , Mr. and Mra. O. T. Mielke have re turned from a delightful outing at White Salmon and Trout Lake. Mrs. Walter J. Burns and family left for Gearhart this week, to be gone all the month of August. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Ayer, Miss Lewis and Miss Flanders, who have been vis iting Lake Cushman and Victoria for the past two weeks, have returned home. Mrs. Annie Reed, who has been vis iting In Seattle, returned home Thurs day. Miss Cena Robertson of this city and Mr. and Mrs. Campbell of Seattle will leave August for a trip te Yellowstone Park. Miss Robertson and Mrs. Camp bell are sisters. Mrs. Montgomery Is being delightfully entertained In Seattle, being guest of honor at a number of social functions given by society leadera. Miss Jessie Marcus entertained a few friends at her home. 128 Thirteenth street, laat evening In honor of a Mr. Zlgler of Seattle. Miss Melllssa Hill, director of the round table here for the study of English, has just been appointed pro fessor of English at McMlnnvllle Col lege. Among the well-known people who' will swell the ranks of those already at Gearhart during the month of August.. week, the guest of Rev. William E. Bail I her duties before the commencement of visiting here and at Benton, left ' for dall. ' ;,. . ..). . ' I the school year, . . . I Portland this week, where they will visit Miss. Elmore and Miss Elsie Elmore I Mrs. Rose Gllmora of Balem Is visit-I r snort time previous to their depart of Astoria are In the city attending the I tne her parents. Mr. and Mrs. N. Gross. I ture for home In California. . r ' t tennis tournament ; , , I Miss Clara Wold left Thursday for a I Mrs. R, N. Colbert and sons Wa'do and ' Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Baker of Ban I two weeks' outing at Beasid. , , i weiiace lert ror the Coast Monday to Francisco are at the Portland on their I Mrs. Mary Griffin la entertaining Mrs. I Pd month. They were accompanied way home from a trip to Seaside. I Mary Bryson of Corvallls. , ' . , : by.Mr'. Mallow, Mrs, Miller and Ml Dr. Ernest Barton spent the first of Kenneth MUler will leave for . Berk- rortiana. the week with friends at North Yam- ley. Cel., next week to tajce a course In I hill. I mining engineering at the State Unlver-1 1 . . nvSLSTOsT. Miss Hasel Olandon returned last Uy. I Bev. R. J. Divan and family are annd oaturaay rrom a visit wun nana, rvm- Mr. ana jars, r . a. unase ana lamujr, i ing ins summer at Long Beach. hill relatives. Her granarootner, Mrs. nr. ana Mrs. jienry wyiie ana ramuyi Mr. and Mrs. James Crawford and Uianaon, accompaniea ner to tnis city. leit Muesaay tor newpon lur a mree i aaugnter left Wednesday for a. months' . .. . . ... n I mvaaWa' miIIn Th. will lu IaIh4 I .a " juih wunaerii ana sbisb Ltrni urm i " . - vu..b. " uuikib at ijonr Kur n . , . hana left Thursday for a short visit with "t of the week by Mm. J. C Dodd I and . Mrs. R Alexander left Wednesdar for Hood River friends. tne atisses jayrue, name ana win Newport. Mrs. Alexander will be the Miss Emma Wunderll expects to leave via. . . nt of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Tweedal at Monday. August 10. ror a weeks vaca-i .V"' ""r" L" tneir summer cottage for the seaside ... . . . ' I inr mrA DnnL.M Ah A will hA MRA - IT - 1 . . ... . . . , t,... Inaun, iar, Aiexanaer will join them In oral weeks. , , , . a week or two and remain for the sum tlon visit t Long Beach. Mrs. F. E. Sanborn and children, who have been visiting at the home of her w"r ..J.-. I1'!:. .ht.r. Mis. Done. vmwiuiu viu 1011 x UBiaiT mr Himrham Hni-lsisrei .4, ICS V V V IBIlHlg W V M w w wmvm . M . . -I , - B-S Slf) mother In South Salem, left on Tuesday LVT",n.f nrr ln" ot ,""'- " Miss Jennie Heathman Is here enjoying for their home at Bothgate, N. D. L ' . . v, . ""ort vacation visiting , her parents. Mrs. Baker, who has been tHe guest of . Mr- Plm" ' l Ja , m MIm Heathman Is taking a course at thi her nephew. Frank Morrison, In South 'nrJ,? Jh ru6at of ner ,u,ur' Mr Holmes' Business College In Portland. Salem, returned to her Home, at "'; "7. . . u ... ' " MlnnvUle Wednesday. ' . Mlsa Mattle Perry Is tCoburt Wt'l ; QBAJfTB TAB. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Blackwill. haw '""" ?". .--. Miss Margueret Bannard haa returned returned from an extended outing t ' ,;.7.,:! ,V ... a " v... l home from Ashland, where she vHlteX' Gladstone Park. "r: "jj' J?V9JZ?" relatives and friends for several days.1 ... ... a w . . x I "iwnuiim tne w in runmniiv . i rura ut- nrm t.-i . . . AiiBFm mm nainiicnvuinniirKxi .k. h. ,Ol m n rialuin RmkIi fori i;.n ana aaugnter nave ned Misses Kiia ana r rsncesurnn arrived n th w1, to riataoD Beach for wm ,"c"on daughter ha home Thursday from Boston, where they e lummer watsop neacn ior Brrlvea her, from BBk)r CUy rA w have been visiting for several weeks. Mrs. Johnson is visiting -her sister. visit relatives. ill Mrs. Eugene Eckerlen left this week Mr. J W 1 DardorfL t her home In . rnknk Callstog.. CaL, h.s ar- r Newport for few weeks' outing at r'ia'i u,raorn' ,n rived In this .city and will spend the Miss Lulu Willis IS vlsltln at River-1 " "u v"r. side Farm, the guest of the Misses :"Jr.V::. - Curry. I nnr er, wno nas neen viut- Mls Zella Byron left Wednesday for T , T,., k7' - ?Z, " ' ,.fi. .(,..). win anend .vera! lMi to her home at Chlcagro. for the seaside. Mr. and Mrs. Gent have returned from a delightful outing spent at Cascadla. Mrs. R A. Kirk has gone to Newport for a short stay. Miss Nellie Henderson, who has been visiting friends here for the past two Z,,,Z monins, ten ior runianu ntuiituj, where she will make a short visit be fore returning to her home at South Bend. Wash. EX-Governor and Mrs. T. T. Geer vis ited in Portland this week. A merry party left Thursday morning Seattle, where she will spend several weeks visiting her sister, Mrs. H. J. Miss Delia Moore is having a pleas ant outing, the guest of the family of J. R. Nixon on Clover Creek. Rev. T. A. Daughters of the EdIsoodsI Church has resigned and. with Mrs, Daughters will leave for Eastern Oregon soon. ALBAVT. Mrs. P. C. Anderson and family are by private conveyance for Ocean Park taking their summer outing at the Bay. 1 -! BDrinara Cal hl. .k wm Me t . .v... Th.. in I if I.. .ka K. I " aV' "i, -ai., mis weea were air. Miss Myrtle Parker; after an enjoyable visit of several weeks with Grants Pass relatives and friends, has returned to her home at Chicago. Among Grants Pass visitors to Cole ' I 1 1 .U. t . t. I UH .H U -. W An . . Smyth, San .., Un " T,a,u.. -rh. house was handsomely decorated In yel low sweet peas and beautiful ferns, mak lng it a bower of beauty. Seven tables were laid, with covers for six at each, The ladies' acting as hostesses at the different tables were: Mrs. Warren Houghton, Mrs. Wesley Ladd, Mrs. J. T. Teal, Mrs. C. F. Bevbe, Mrs. S. Heitshu, .Mrs. Morton Insley and Mrs. Frank Knapp. The Spanish Students discoursed sweet music from a vine-covered bower during the luncheon. When the ladles separated they united in pronouncing it one of the most en joyable functions of the summer and wishing their hostess many happy years In her new home. The presence of Mrs. J. T. Nixon was sadly missed from the gathering, she having returned to her home in New Orleans on Thursday. Mrs. Nixon has many warm friends in Portland, where she has been visiting the past two months. Edmund Baker, San Francisco. Seaside House. Mr.- and Mrs. A. Burch. Miss Beryls Burch, Miss Louise Burch, Spokane. Donaldson, Mrs.' L. W. 'Robertson, - Mrs. Emma James Laid law wife and family. . Y. Harry, W.. A. Shaw, wife and child. Ei M. . Rosenthal and son, George W. Hoyt and wife. Miss Martha a Hoyt. Mrs. L. Ward. White; Mrs. WEDSIHGB. The wedding of Mr. George McNeil and Miss Elizabeth Hoye occurred at the home of the bride's parents, 385 Eleventh street. Sunday evening at 6:30, Dr. E. L. House officiating. ! & Jack Porter and Belle Heavner were married Tuesday evening, July 28. Wil liam E. Randall of Central Church, offi ciating. Their new home will be estab lished in Portland. ? J A pretty wedding occurred at Trinity Chapel, Wednesday evening. July 9, the couple being Miss Gertrude Elllnor Rockwell and John Vaughan Rounse fell. Dr. A. A. Morrison officiating. The bride looked very sweet fh a lovely em broidered white crepe gown and carry ing a pretty shower bouquet of while sweet peas. She was accompanied by her sister, Mrs. John A. Stephens, an matron of honor. Mrs.- Stephens wore a dainty creation of yellow crepe and carried an arm bouquet of Iceland pop pies. Mr. Arnold Rothwell was best man. Mr. A. H. Withlhgton, Dr. J. A. Stewart, Mr. T. 8. McGrath and Mr. Howard Holland acted In the capacity of ushers. After the ceremony the weeding party repaired to the bride's home, where a sumptuous wedding supper awaited them. The table was laid In the library, which was beautifully decorated, tbe color being whlto "and grecli, while sweet peas and smllax being intermingled- ia such a way as to give a pretty .... ' ' -A . -."' - tor a monins ouiing. 1 none in wio Miss mono mveiv, wuw unit ,.j u.. a rr tr-wi. ir. --a , pany wrr air. lnu r. - - iHerbert Smith, H. C. Kinney and family. uwB I KODert jsnen and ramllv. Mrs. Huhhe Miss Leta Blaln returned home Mon-1 xv t. w Mmnnii Arik,.r day from a visit with relatives In Salem. Mri. Meyers, Mrs. Day and Miss Ma spending their summer vacation at Al-1 X" aea. v Jfll , BIIU lit I B . 4. ... il 1 1 IV.MIIHU : :'.:V V: S ?oi IP" s .. . . . ' f. ? " - tfi i ...... 1 - '"'ft- 4set)f. miiy, taudV I a aa .11 Wednesday from an outing at the Bay. ... ",na . r' w" A party left Thursday for Cascadla ,..,, hm- t'a. ber were Mr. and Mrs. L E. Hamilton, Miss Hattle Hamilton. Mrs. Nutting and Roy and Violet Nutting. Miss Alleen Webber, our popular mu- ilc Instructor, has accepted the position Miss Lolo and Bess Burroughs are visiting In Portland, guests of relatives. Miss Bess Duncan of Pendleton is visiting here, the guest of Miss Lillian McCall. Mlssea Harvey and Fannie McKennon. I " . I jmwmrzm lull i(j ciiu A .uiim jusm:iiiiu.l. of Instructor on piano In tho Normal wBo nave been visiting at the home of Di inx'i it iriiinnu. mi.. 1 Mri. K. A. Ha dim at W awt. returneil accomplished musician and well known in Southern Oregon. home this week. Mrs. H. J. Hockenberry and Miss Hoff man are visiting frlendd In Portland. T B B1U 1X8. Mrs. Bertha Sommer and Miss Laura Professor J. T. Neff of The Dalles ium spent mis weex in rortiana visu- High School has resigned and will as- ln rrienas. slst Superintendent C. L. Gilbert in his Mr. and Mrs. John Sloan of Sumpter duties connected with the schools of " ' visiting at the home of Mr. Wsspo Count v and Mrs. ueorge Fellows. t -a a w r e t 1 1 .iia. til.. BMIth IM.h.r I. vl.ltlns- .t Hnort a 1 inser, wnu aa own vibii- Rlver, the gtfest of Mrs. Levy Clarke, Mrs. Hugh McCoy of Portland Is visit ing her parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Wiley. Mri V. fltorHnir will anend her vaca tion at the'Curtlss home on the "Wash ington side, the guest of Mrs, Curttss. Mrs. Paul Kreft left for San Fran cisco this week. She will be absent two weeks. Her daughter. Miss Bertha, will accompany her home. Mrs. J. A. Douthit and two children left Tuesday for a month's visit with her parents at Prlnevllle. Mrs. A. L Friend, 8 A. Tate and Miss Ella Montgomery returned Tuesday from la delightful outing at Warm Springs. Ing her brother, H. M. Tinker, returned to her home In Walla Walla Friday. Miss Eva Defrles of Walla Walla is visiting here, the guest of her uncle, W. F. Burnett Miss Mabel Levy of San Francisco will spend the summer here, the guest of her aunt, Mrs. William Ash. Mrs. C. W. Nessley of Prosser, Wash., Is visiting her sister, Mrs. William Wen- ham. ; : v . ( On TB BEACH AT SEASXDS. great demand while here, owing to her charming personality. Many of the leaders of Portland society vied with each other In entertaining her. Mrs. H. D. Green has returned from a visit to her daughter, Mrs. Burr, in thA F.ast. and taken apartments at the Hotel Portland, where she will welcome her many friends. jndM Arthur L. Fraser and ramiiy are having a delightful outing at Trout Lake. They expect to remain all summer. Miss Flora George Is visiting at Bt. Helens, the guest of her uncle, Mr. Charles Muckle. Mrs. A. Sherman Is visiting at Rainier, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Cham- brau. Mm F. Hedsres and children of Rain ier are visiting relatives and friends in this city. Mrs. T. M. Baldwin Is visiting at The Dalles, the guest or ner Drotner, mr. Al Bettlngen, and family. Mrs. J. R. N. Bell left this week for Baker City to Join her husband. Rev. Mr. Bell, pastor of the Presbyterian Church of that city. Mrs. Bell and children will spend the summer in Baker City. Miss Marie Barnett or wasco is Demg pleasantly entertained by relatives and friends in this city. Miss Esther Bader Is visiting at Ever ett. Wash., the guest or Mr. ana Mrs, Miller, On Hewitt avenue. Min Tniir.ftbeth Broaches Is being en tertained at the home Of Mr. and Mrs. Foa:el in Aberdeen, Wash. Miss Eva Baker of La Grande is vis iting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. a C Raker, at, their home, 469 East Grant street. Mr nnd Mrs. Pierce McClesky have returned home after several weeks ab sonce visiting at the home of Dr. Dltte hrandt in Milton. Miss Florence Mayer is visiting in Seattle at the home of Mrs. u. ACKer- man. 1807 East Alder street. Mrs C. L. Zwick and son Fred are here on a visit from Seattle, the guests of Dr. and Mrs. R. A. Preston. Mrs. E. Marx is visiting In Seattle, the guest of Mrs. II. Rickard. Mr v. H. Alllston Is visiting with her sister, Mrs. F. H. Gibson, at 812 H Eighth avenue, Seattle. Mrs. N. T. Collette and daughter Lu clle, the talented little violinist, left for Seattle a week ago to spend the summer. Since their arrival there the little musician contracted scarlet fever and is quarantined at West Seattle, but Is now out of danger. Miss Florence Williams, Miss Muriel White and Mr. Robert Williams are spending the summer in Seattle, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur G. Dunn, at 1121 Union street. Mrs. Dunn is a sister -f Mrand Miss Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Griggs of Walla Walla tarried here a few days tnis week. Mr. Griggs is a traveling sales man, and they are on their way home from an extended business and pleasure trip through California. Miss Jessie Hibbs Is visiting at For est Grove, a guest of Mrs. W. McEl downey. Miss Anna Sorenson, a popular school teacher of this city, is spending the va cation months at her home In Forest Grove, Miss Pearl Chander of Forest Grove is visiting relatives and friends In this city. Mr. George WHoyfajid family left Thursday for Seaside House, Clatsop. Airs. J. L. Hammersly returned to ber are Mrs. A. A. Morrison and family. Mrs. Zera Snow and family, Mrs. Rich ard Koehler, Mra. Stuart 'Linthlcum, Mrs. Harry Cabell and the Misses Fail ing. Mrs. Rose Bloch-Bauer left for Spo kane yesterday. She will visit relatives and friends there for two weeks. Mrs. George Vance and Mrs. J. B. Cor nette of North Yakima, who have been visiting friends here returned to their homes Friday... '. Messrs Sim Bennett, Lute Thompson, Russell Johnstone and Walter Cheney re turned thia week from a 10-days' outing at the Bay. C. F. Hersey, a prominent merchant of Castle.Rock, Wash., made a business trip to this city during the week. While here he had a brief visit with relatives. Mjrs. G. Gulvson of Marshfleld, Or., ac companied by her daughter Ruth and son Ivan, arrived on the Alliance this week for an extended Visit with friends and relatives in this city. Mrs. George Ecker is visiting In Eu gene, the guest of her daughters, Mrs. Traver and Mrs. Tolmie, at their home in that city. Mrs. G. D. Linn of Eugene Is here on a visit, the guest of her sister. Miss Mar garet Linn. Miss Maude Phillips is the guest of Mrs. Hays at Newport Miss M. S. Phillips is spending a few weeks at Seaside. Miss Caroline Ordshley and brother Alpheus left Monday for Long Beach They expect to be gone five weeks. Mrs. M. S. .Bloch and daughter. Stella, who have been visiting friends here for the past month, returned to their home in La Grande, Monday. Mrs. Frank A. Freeman will sail to day on the Indrasahma for Japan and China. Mrs. Freeman is to join her husband (who has been appointed agent for the P. & O. Steamship Company) at Yokohama. Miss Mattle Bruce, a popular teacher in the Marysvllle School, California. Is spending her summer vacation here, the guest of the Misses Bruce, 148 East Six teenth street. Dr. and Mrs. A. E. Rockey left Tues day for a three-weeks' outing at Lake Chelan. Mrs. George W. Weldler and two youngest children leave today for Sea side House, Clatsop. They will be gone two weeks. Mrs. C. J. Reed will leave for Gear hart next week. Walter Gobs will entertain Saturday evening at his home, 776 Glisan street, in honor of Frank 'Dekum, who leaves shortly for the East. He will also entertain a number of friends who have been here attending the tennis tourna ment. , Maj. Bethel, U. S. A., of Vancouver Barracks, who has been stationed, at Nome for the past year, returned last week, and has taken an active part In the tennis tournament here this week. Maj. Bethel Is well known here as one of the best tennis players in the city.' Mrs.- Wesley Ladd, who came home Thursday from Gearhart where they are spending the summer, will return there today. Miss Neva Smith Is visiting at Coburg, the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Clarence Taylor. , Miss Bonney is visiting her Water, Mrs. Robert H. Scott of Woodburn, Dr. Walter Bruce is visiting relatives and friends in Salem this week. 1 . President A. C Jones of'Vashon Col ' "f BAKXB CUT I". Miss Julia Valentine is spending her vacation at Long Beach. Hon." and Mrs. A. H. Brown of Port land, parents of Mrs. Samuel White, are visiting at the home-of . their eon, Asa E. D. Arbengast and wife, who have L. Brown of Willow Creek. been visiting here, the guests of Mr. Hon. John L. Rand and wife left for and Mrs. Ftlloon, left for Portland Long Beach this week. . Mrs. Rand will Wednesday. Mrs. Fllloon. accompanied remain for two weeks. Hon. John will Lowell. Mass.. and J. R. Docherty apd by Mrs. Arbengast, left for Trout Lake return In a few days. Miss Kern of Dawson, Y. T. . Friday. Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Preston and Miss Mrs. S. C. Stone is visiting in Oak-1 - 'Mrs: Harry Taylor and son visited in Anna E. Fernald are visiting In Port. land. Or., the guest of her daughter, Portland this week. land this week. Mrs. O. J. Hull. . Miss Mvrtlo Smith left Thursday for H. L. McLaughlin, accompanied by Dr. and Mrs. W. B. Morse, who have a months' vacation. 8he will visit Port- n,s mother, Mrs. J. H. McLaughlin, and been visiting in Portland and St. Helens land and other Coast points. After at- hl aloter. Miss Maude, arrived Tuesday tendinrr the regatta at Astoria she will 'rom Lincoln. Nep. They will spend depart for a two weeks' visit with "om t,m visiting In this city. home Wed- the past week, returned nesday. Mrs. George H. Rockwood of Yuma, Aris., arrived Wednesday and will make an extended visit with Mrs. C. L. Par-riBh. friends in San Francisco. ASTORIA. Mnvnr .1. TH Rnnhor nnd f a m 1 1 v nf Miss Angle McCulloch Is spending her nrat. Ta.. , i.iin h.r. -.. nf vacation In Portland. hr nnd Mr. t h rh jar. ana jrs. tu. k,. cross ana cniiaren Mm a w , r v. Hi.mi nf ' left Wivilneiifm, fnr D.lbmn Snrn. . . ... .... . ... I t TanClSCO. ' " r ". uamna, cai., are in me ciiy visiting They Were Well Supplied With fishing rheir -on nrt hrnthnr W H (acme ana camping comiorts and antlcl Miss Edith Bachman is visiting in La Grande, the guest of relatives and friends. . MXDrOBO. Hon. W. I. Vawter returned on Wed nesday from a short business trip to San pate a very pleasant outing. They ex pect to be gone five weeks. Miss Helen Calbreath, who attended the Chautauqua convention at Gladstone Park, has returned home. OBTABIO. Cheny Circle No. 804, Women of Wood craft Installed the following officers at their last meeting: Mrs. Sarah Calla way, P. G. N. ; Mrs. Rosa Fletcher, G. N. Mrs. Emma Eshamj Add: Mrs. Hattle Draper, Clerk; Mrs. Eva Carter. Banker Mrs. Hattle Jones, J. S.; Mrs. Fannie Johnson, O. G.; Mrs. Blanche Shaw, Attnd.; Mrs. Anna Cartright. C. of G. Mesdames Sarah Callaway, Lizzie Pur cell and Rosa Fletcher, Managing neigh Dors. Mrs. Robert Butler of Woodbine, Ia accompanied by her daughter. Miss Joy, arrived this week on a visit to relatives, J. H. Holland, bookkeeper for the Pa clfic Livestock Company, was in the city tnis week rrom Burns. He was accom panled by his sister-in-law. Mrs. Luella Murray and children, who were en route home to Boise from a visit to Burns. 1 Stephen Coner and J. P. Schall shipped two carload of horses from Arcadia to Chinook, Mont, today. Mrs. A. G. King of Grass Valley, Or., is visiting relatives in the city. Miss M. M. Newman, proprietor of the Ontario Pharmacy, is in Portland on business and pleasure combined. R. C. Tyler, former manager of the p. F. Co., was In the city this week, hav ing recently returned from a business trip to New York. John B lan ton is on a business trip to ttansas uity, mo. He will be absent about a month. lege .visited borne ber aeveral days this BXTOEWB. Mrs. R. 8. Bryson of Pendleton Is here on a visit, the guest of her mother, Mrs. Mary Griffin. Mrs. William Colvla-. Grand Oilf nf Honor or the Degree of Honor, stopped over for a visit with Dr. and Mrs. George DeBarr, on her way south to her home In Jacksonville. Dr. J. I. Leas of Chadron. Neb and wife are in the city, guests of Mr. and Mr it. a. Cox. Mrs. J. H. Welder and sister-in-law. Mrs. E. B. Whltney.of Boise. Idaho, have been visiting here, guests of their motner, rs. ti. a. Whitney. Mrs. L. H. Manvllle of Lamar, Cat. who has been visiting here, the gnest of Mra H. M. Manvllle left Tuesday for Seattle.;, where she will visit with her brother. . . . , y..-. ; Mrs. Traver and Mrs. Tolmie are en tertaining their mother, Mrs. Georg Ecker of Portland. 1 v . ; Miss Ella Travis has been elected pre ceptress In a flew YOrk college. .Miss Travis will leave for New York about "1 August 29, to famUiarlao herself with Mrs. P. B. Theles. acompanied by her daughter Miss ("Serftldina. will leave for Miss Mabel Jones of Medford is visit- colesteln Monday to spend the sum mer. Rev. Clay Hill of Oakland, Cal., has lng here, the guest of her brother, R. V. Jones. Mrs. Brink of Oakland, Cal., Is In the been visiting his mother, Mrs. Hill, and sister, Mrs. W. I. Vawter, for a To days. Cards are out announcing the double wedding of the Misses Pearl and Edith I Webb on August 12 to Ernest Welch of Mearora ana AiDert xveison or vvasning- ton. Hon. W. A. Carter of Gold Hill wii Medford visitor this week. city visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Holden. Miss Gettl Wasserman of Portland has been visiting her cousin, Mrs. I. Berg man. Mrs. N. Z. Singleton Is down from Port land on a visit with her sister. Mrs. A. M. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Allen left Tues day for their cottage, Red Rock, Cannon Beach. Mrs. A. J. Taylor and Miss Taylor are spending the summer at Flavel. Mrs. J. D. Sutherland and Miss Suth erland are visiting friends In Portland this week. Mrs. B. D. Coffey and Miss J. Lou Coffey of Portland are rusticating by the sea, guests of the Occident. Miss CaldweJI..tvhO' has-been having a pleasant time here the guest of Mrs. A. A. Finch, returns to San Francisco to day. . . . . Mrs. McKlnley of San Francisco, who has been the guest of Mrs. W. H. Tobln at Fort Stevens, leaves for her home to Mrs. Captain H. Steel of Fort Stevens has returned home from a two months' visit with friends on the Sound and Fort Flagler. Judge "Reuben P. Boise of Salem, ac companied by his sister,- Miss Boise, are visiting here.. Miss Boise will spend the summer by the sea. Mrs. Frederick M. Kettler Is visiting in Portland this week. Miss Katie Pennell of San Francisco Is in the city visiting her. mother and personal friends. ; . : -r OOBYATjUS. Mrs. N. B. Avery has returned iome from a two weeks' visit In Portland. Miss Lee of Jefferson is visiting here, the guest of her cousin. Miss Julia Ran dall. Mr. and Mrs. George Alnslee " are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Smith of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Alnslee have just returned from a four months' tour of Europe. ; Mr. and Mrs. Glenn of Eugene have been visiting here, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bryson. They will visit Newport before returning, home. RevT Moore has joined his family at Newport. He will be absent 10 days. Mrs, Delilah Houck. who has been vis iting relatives her j and at Newport, left for her home In Gold. Hill. Or Wednes day. ' - . ' N. : F. Gillespie" and family, accom panied by Miss Ltrra and Leon Flett. left Monday for Sulphur Springs for an ex tended OUtlng. ' ': -.'J-.-' . Ren sad Airs. Rhodes, who bare been While It is true that the Tone Touch AND Durability of th PIANO Are all of supreme importance, is equally true that where a pur chase of such vital and far-reach ing importance Is concerned you should first consider the standing and ' . . ' Reliability of the Firm From whom' you propose to buy. With that point satisfactorily ad justed, the others follow as a mat ter of course, and price is the only point, left for decision. When you purchase a Piano here you do so under our full guarantee. SOULE BROS. PIANO CO. Who are the only representatives f or this territory for the Stelnway, A. B. Chase, Estey. Emerson, Stow en many others, ell thoroughly first-class Instruments. V ; i a 326 St .Expert Toning aaa Bepairlngv . none, Stain 677. .li. .t.