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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 3, 1903)
POLICE LIKE CHILDREN, SHOULD WHERE, ROLLS Jf -.:. -,,.. , the Oregon C-" uf llIlTlll TonlrhtTndrSj! partly $ , ' V LI JxJJ IV . 54v'J W cloudy; warmer Tuesday; westerly SL . . .T ., V' . V NqK V v JLArJsss"ssfcEr t.'-ia 0 Edition VOL. II. - NO. .125. PORTLAND, OBEGON, MONDAY EVENING, AUGUST 3, 1903. PRICE FIVE CENTS. POLICE INCOMPETENCY FINDS STERLING FRIEND IN THE NEWSPAPERS PUBLISHED BY LOCAL TRUS T BVIOUS BLUNDER1 -si OF THE HAY-DOWNS Portland Surprised to Find the Oregonlan and Telegram Have Changed Their Policy In Less Than Sixty Hours and Are Now AttacklngThe Journal, Itrasi The police have been aided In their policy of "Nothing-" by the evening and morning editlona of tha - newspaper trust Much to the surprise of the era ef the truit newapapera those ubllcatlons on Saturday and Sunday hurried to the defense of the police In rebuttal of an article that appeared In The journal on the iiat or July. ueiiD- erate misrepresentation was resorted to and In anbuslve half column published In the Oregonlan yesterday . The Journal was deolared to have "faked" a story Irelatlve to the holdup of Mr. Whitney .by a couple of footpads. ' The defense of tho. police department la the obvious neglect of their common duty by the Oregonlan and Telegram has resulted In thos papers being held In contempt by. every honest cltlxen of Portland. The friends, of tal grafters 'and tax shirkers were roundly scored In all quarters today and above all the lack of ability to get the news for the trust paper was criticised severely. This morning John Whitney, the vic tim of the footpada, was registered at the Imperial Hotel. The city depart ment of the Oregonlan, though It searched the town high and low for him, was unable to find the man. The files of the Oregonlan, however showed Whitney's name among the hotel ar rivals, proving, of course, the cfflcleucy of that part of the staff. Chief Hunt and his pot-hunters, the .detectives that do not detect, could not find Whitney either, but this la only another striking example of police stupidity. "WHAT XI BACX OT TKS COM' SXsTATXOaT BBTWSU TaTJB POUCH .n firm itT-r InwiflPSsir WAS TKB QTTBITldir AJOUT IOWI TODAY. "WKAT XS TXI BBASOH THAT TKESB HBWBVAPBBS KA WITMJJf TWO DATS CKAJTOED THEXB TACTICS MOM AST OTTTS ATTACK OW HTJHT TO AJT XHAaTB STTFFOKT Or.nXM?' WAS ASKED. "POLITICS," WAS THE BXPIiT. And the people of Portland under Trust newspaper rul can expect even footpads to be overlooked when politics re doing. TV 1 JOURNAL'S FAGTS ARE . fULLY SUBSTANTIATED The Oregoniap and Telegram, smart en! under the humility of the Journal printing exclusively the story of the bold holdup of John W,hitney on Thurs day night, now try to vindicate them selves for not printing the news by the crying In concert. Fake. They bolstered up their silly contention by an alleged Investigation. They asked the elevator man at the Commercial block, and the chambermaid at the" lodging house at 430 Washington street about Whitney, and getting nV aatlsfactory informa tion from the""bungllng course adopted. coldly made the statement that no such m as Whitney exists and that no Jup had taken place. Whitney at the Imperial. John Whitney, the man who the trust papers declare does not exist, is stop ping at the Imperial Hotel, his name appearing in the hotel arrivals In the Oregonlan. In an Interview with the Journal today, he said: "Tho story of the holdup printed by The journal was correct In every detail. I am surprised at the stand some of your Portland pa pers have taken in the matter. They are evidently trying to square the police for their permitting of a series of crimes. I am not looking for any notoriety, and when I told the story I did not expect to see it in print. I am In the city with the Intention of going Into the manufacturing, business, hav ing looked over the field here about the flrfcof the year, and but recently re- led after spending the winter in fexico and Southern California. I re- Iterate my previous statement thai; the police system of the city is Ineffective when crimes art being continuously committed and no arrests and con vie tions are made. Also that the treating with levity of serious crimes by a news paper encourages the offenders." Xb the Commercial Block. . James Humphries, a substantial cltl- sen of Portland, an extensive real es tate owner' and dealer, with an office at ell Commercial block, says: ."I know John Whitney. He came from the Klondike country to Portland about the first of the year, and remained a num ber of weeks. He then went 8outh for the winter, and I heard from him In Southern California several times. He returned to Portland about three weeks ago. and is looking up the situation to go Into a manufacturing venture. He has used, my office from which to trans act business during the period he was here last winter and also since his re turn. I was Introduced to him by a former Dawson business man, with whom I was associated in a realty transaction." A Ponner Partner of Whitney. C J. Jones, who resides at 759 East Oak street, who has been a resident of Portland is years, went ivonn auring the gold excitement and made a com fortable fortune In the mines, and is now engaged In putting up a row of modern houses In Upper Alblna, on Rodney avenue and Fargo street, was a partner hi some mines with Whitney. He says: "John Whitney was my part ner In some mines on Hunker Creek and on Gold Run. He was here last winter And went 8outh and returned here several weeks ago. I met htm Saturday-morning and he told me of the holdup. He Is honest and reliable and would have, no object in telling a cock and bull story about a robbery. He Is figuring on going Into business In Port land and hatt the money and brains to make a success. The loss of f 104 is not a serious matter with htm as he has plenty of money to my certain knowl edge." Mrs. L. Wllktnsdh, the landlady at 430 Washington street, also runs the house at 93 Eleventh street. She states: "I know John Whitney well. He stopped at my house-last winter, and recently returned to the irtty and has stopped at my place oft and on. Several re pbrters called at my house and asked me about Whitney. They were very officious and I told them Whitney was not stopping at 430, which was a fact as he was rooming at my other house at 93 Eleventh. I told them that if jjhey wanted to know anything to go and see Whitney, as I know nothing about the affairs of my roomers." HORDE OF NON- UNION ITALIANS ATTACKS BODY OF WORKINGMEN FOR IE SO YOUNG Strange Case of Youthful De pravity in Little Isabelle Ma guire', Who Has Been Reared in Good Surroundings. Child of Eleven Tender Years Leaves Home and Associates With Evil Companions and Against All Advice, Case Puzzles Physicians and Lawyers Parents Try Ev ery Means to Correct Daugh ter, but to no Avail, THE JOURNAL'S PICTURE PUZZLE EMAND CORRECTION I OF PRESENT SYSTEMS iffl v "J would be willing to head a list of petitioners who demanded of the au thorltles that they at once take steps to correct the abuses that are now ob vlous to all In connection with- the po lice department," !! Dr. A. J. Oelsy, the well-known, physician. "It is apparent that the Chief of Po lice is Incompetent and the good of Portland calls for a change. It, Is now time for the citizen to speak out and say just what Is in his mind and what he has been saying in private to his personal friends. "Confidence In the honesty of lnten tlon on the part of the head of our city government is shared by all persons, That Is not the issue. It is merely i matter of getting results from the po lice force and results are not being se cured. The city is in a bad way, and irreparable Injury has been done and will be done In the future, unless action be prompt and effective. " Dr, Gelsy was asked, "Would you be willing to go into print with that state ment?" "Certainly," was his reply. "I have (Continued on Second Page.) DECEIVES HUSBAND --KILLED BY PARAMOUR Young and Handsome Wife Meets Horrible Death at the Hands of Man With Whom She Is Guilty, (Journal Special Service.) ' ;j?ORTHBORO, Mass.. Aug. 3. Last night Frank Fobs, en route home at nearly midnight.- heard screams Issuing from the vicinity of Orange Hall pit one "of the principal streets tn the city. .- Foss hastened to 'the place and was 'horrified to find the dead bodies of Mrs. Sadie , Booth and F.. P." Egatv.botlT Of Spencer, a small town adjacent to this lac. J Mrs.. Booth was the wife of a prom inent man of Spencer. She was a very handsome young woman, 28 years of age. and It appears from evidence In the hands of the police that she had illicit relations with Egan. It Is proved that Egan. who amounted to nothing, cut he woman' throat and then took his own life. ' - The,' unfortunate woman left a little daughter five years of age. (Journal Special Service.) OAKLAND, Cal.. Aug. J. Isabelle Magulre, a pretty little girl of 11 years of age. Is at the police station as a re sult of deeds perpetrated which for de pravlty are beyond the understanding of physician and lawyers.- The child has been reared In a good home and her slightest want has been gratified. The mother of Isabelle .has done everything to give the child proper training, but in spite of all she will steal, lie, swear and consort with men Recently little Isabelle was taken to different surroundings and given a tem porary home with relatives In, the San Jose valley. Although 60 miles away from Oakland, the wayward girl tramped back to this city. She was found In an out-of-the-way place near the university grounds In company with disreputable characters. Lovable in disposition, she gives evi dences of waywardness entirely out of keeping, with her years, or her natural bent. She la possessed of a wandering spirit and runs away from home at every opportunity. And the strange places In which she Is found, and in the strange conditions, stamps her as a pro fessional tramp. Today it will be decided what to do with the little girl. When her mother and father vlsltdd the station Isabelle showed all the love that could be ex pected from her tender years. She kept repeating, "I simply could not help It, mama." It has been decided to arrest and mete out severe punishment to at least three scoundrels who are known to have met the child. GENERAL BLACK TO LEAD THC. A. R. It Is Thought He Will fie Elect ed at Coming National Encompment, FIERCE RIOT IS RESULT Buffalo Iron Furnace of Which Mark Hanna is. Principal Owner Is the Scene of Dis-i reputable Act. Without Provocation 200 Non Union Italian Aliens Attack Body of Citizens Who Ask' Better Conditions, A Hundred Shots Are Ex changed and at Last the Police Succeed in Arresting 50 of the Malcontents, FIND THE MEN BEHIND THE MEN BEHIND THE GUNS. SIXTH BALLOT FAILS TO ELECT A PONTIFF Twice Have Puffs of Yellow Smoke From the Vatican Shown the Populace of Rome That No Pope Is Chosen Today, , (Journal Special Service.) WASHINGTON, Aug. 3. A large dele gatlon on a special train leaves here the latter part of the present week foa the San Francisco Grand Army encampment. According to the general opinion here General Black of Chicago will be the next Commander-in-Chief. RIVER IS RAGING; MUCH DAMAGE DONE (Journal Special Service.) WICHITA. Kan., Aug. 3. Reports,,re- ceived here are that the Kaw River rose Ave Inches an hour all, morning. Im mense quantities of driftwood and debris are lodging against the temporary bridge which sterns doomed. The stream la now five feet above normal and con siderable damage has already been done. The river threatens again to go out of Its banks. NO RACE SUICIDE; REWARD. IS HEAVY McKEESPORT, Pa.. Aug. v 3. Presi dent Roosevelt's check for $100 was to day received as a-present for the 20th child born recently te the Siglet family In this city The bady is named for the President. . ROME, Aug. 3. Another great disap polntment came to at least 6,000 people at 11 o'clocK his morning, who were watching the little stove pipe which emenates from the Slstlne Chapel wherein the great conclave of election Is In progress. . ' ' At that hour there was seen two small puffs of yellow smoke which showed that the cardinals had thrown Into the stove the ballots taken at the first vote. After this silent announcement, ' peo ple by the hundreds left the confines of St. Peters and wandered Into cafes and others to their homes, disappointed that the expected did not happen. In other words, a choice of Pope, this morning. A well authenticated rumor spread from the Marquis de Castelalne attend ants. Is to the effect that the votes are becoming very scattered owing to the loss of support which befel Rampolla Saturday and yesterday. From the same source comes the re port that In all probability Qottl will be selected as the Holy Father before to morrow night arrives. JESSE GRANT IS RICH AS CROESUS Made Twenty-five Tipies Millionaire by Recent Mining Privileges. ROME. Aug. 3. At 6:20, smoke again issued from the Vatican pipe and showed that the sixth ballot had also failed to elect. Another large crowd Is waiting with Its curiosity unabated. Bo many efforts have been made to communicate with members of the con clave that tho guard has been aug mented. END OF CAREER Of FRANK C. BRADY Estate of the Portland Embez zler and Plunger Shows Value of Only $100 and that Is in This State, v.. Strange Story of a Confidential Bookkeeper Who Decamped from this City With $25,000 and Was Caught. The plunging career of Frank C. Brady, who 10 years ago was one or Portland's moBt sporty characters, and who for two years was chased through this country by detectives who had warrants for his arrest for the embez zlement of 325,000 from the Oregonlan Publishing Company and the Sunnyslde Land Company, received Its final touch. this morning when Robert Galloway, as administrator of the estate of the de ceased defaulter, filed -his final account with, the County Clerk. The account shows the total value 'of the estate to be 1100, including one share of, stock in the Arlington Club and 10 shares of mining stok. - , Jjraay was connaemuu uuunsrrptr vi the Oregonlan and secretary of the -land J company; for many years. He gtartedj on an outing along In 1892 and he never returned until he was brought back by the detectives. It was not for some months after his disappearance that he waa suspected of embezzlement, and there was no Investigation of his ac counts. After he had been absent a month, however, action was taken and he was found to be $25,000 short. The case waa then given to the Pinker tons, who traced him through Canada to Eng land and then back to the United States and to New Orleans, the scene of the Corbett-Sulllvan fight in 1892. There he disappeared, but he was found again in Nebraska six months plater and was arrested and brought back to Portland He was confined In Jail several months, but he was never brought to trial, as a compromise had been arranged. After his release, Brady disappeared again and hlg acquaintances knew nothing of what had become of him until this morning when an old friend of his, glancing over the administrator's ac count recognised his name. Adminis trator Galloway knows nothing about Brady, excepting that he Is supposed to have died In Texas seven years ago. The administrator was appointed two months ago, but until today no one sus pected th Identity of,, his papers. T (Journal Special Service.) SAN DIEGO, Cal., Aug. 3. Reports received here are that Jesse Grant has become a millionaire 25 times over by a mining concession Just obtained in Mexico In connection with Col. A. K. Owen. Grant and Owen will build a railroad from the mines to Topolo bampo. Grant is a son of the late President U. 8. Grant. . HURT IN COLLISION L (Journal Special Service.) HARTFORD CITY, Ind., Aug. 3. In a collision early this morning on the Pan handle between a freight and passenger In- heavy fog 15 were seriously Injured, six critically. The most serious Is Christopher Gerhardt, of Chicago. HOME ON VACATION Fred Stolte, a former Portland boy, but now conectod with Hearst In the Examiner at San Francisco. Is home on a vacation. Mr. Stolte says business Is excellent In the Bay City. CUPPER GIVES BOND WASHINGTON, Aug. 3. Mayor Cup per or ivocknaven. wno was inmctea -Friday on a charge of bribery and con-!" sDlracy to defraud the Government In ; connection with a contract for painting f eral Court today and gave a bond of 310,000. TO ELECT CHIEF CLEVELAND. Aug. 3. The grand ofV, fleers of the Brotherhood of Loccfnotlve i . Engineers meet here Friday to elect a! new chief. PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT AND MR. JOHN M'CANN Sabbath Episode Wherein Private Gtizen Takes Exception to Certain Details Which He Stamps as Imperialisms, GREAT LOCKOUT Idle Twenty ' Thonsand Xeobaaida An " fa Ftttsbnra; Beaalt. , of Afttatioa. - ' . PITTSbItRG, Aug. i l.-rThe lockout Instituted -by the Building Trades was very effective thle morning. Fully1 10, 000 ; mechanics are Idle ; as a ; conse quence. -There win rt a great parade tonight Of worklngmea and the demon stration will wind up la a mass meet- (Journal Special Service.) OYSTER BAY, Aug. 3. An episode which occurred yesterday during church hour here, or Just prior to it. is now causing universal comment. John Mc- Cann is accused of making insulting re marks to President RooseVelt and his wife aad two young children. As told by a bystander who witnessed the. scene it appears that McCann al lowed hla temper to get the better of hta Judgment, and although knowing that the, carriage ; which nearly run down himself and his bicycle contained the, President of the United. States, he nevertheless . gave vent to remarks that were - abusive. - ' ; ;t ' i t la the custom of the President to attend churcV, every Sabbath morning with Mrs. Roosevelt and other -members of hta family. Yesterday morning Mr. Roosevelt drove to Christ Church in the village of Oyster Bay, and as his carriage approached wlthla two I locks i of the place of worship two men wh knew of the President's coining, took ' It upon themselves to cry out, "Out of ; the way there, here comes the Presi dent" Mr. McCann was crossing the ; street leading his bicycle, and the-fast' running vehicle in which wer seated f Mr. Roosevelt and family party came near wrecking him. 4 'V-;1' It is said that McCann did not addiresa hta remark so much, to the President aa to the two' citizens who heralded the' august approach. McCann said that if t they were foreruanera of "majesty" j--they should fee better up in their bunl-' nesa, and he tagged a final shot at tha pair, by saying that-he did cot believe that such Imperialism bad any place in , this country. -.v-. , Secret rervlcetBen bustled McCann' and his wheel away from tlia srene st ; the direction) of; the President It ! the desire of Mr. Roosevelt Hi 'it uutMi if ' further don la Uie rwtur. (Journal Special Service.) BUFFALO. Aug. 3. The city waa thrown In a state of great excitement ' this morning when there occurred a riot between strikers and 200 non-union Ita lians employed at the Buffalo Iron Furnace, and which Mark Hanna is the principal owner. The iron workers, who are standing out for better hours and an advance of wages, had assembled at the mills " and were peaceable discussing th situation when fully 200 Italians em- '' ployed to take the places of the strik ers appeared for work. Not a word was said by the strikers, but so soon as tha Italians came in sight a storm arose In -their ranks. One of the non-union foreigners opened fire on the sticking Iron workers ithout serious effect: Then a fierce battle' occurred In which a hundred shots were exchanged. No one was ser iously Injured. The police were summoned and cams on the scene In a force of 75 men. The, officers arrested CO participants in the ' . riot mostly Italians, who attacked the.' officers of the law with stones, clubs! and even revolvers. There Is an Intense feeling of enmity s against the aliens today and the strik ing Americans say they will have vengeance. i