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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1903)
THE OltEGON DAILY. JOTJBNAL, PORTLAND, SAT TODAY EVENING, JT7LY 25. 1903 It WMW TOSAT. sraw tosat. STBW TOSAT. sTSW TOBAT. TRANSACTIONS .. IN THE FINANCIAL WORLD GRAIN DEALERS ORE CONFIDENT Very Flattering Reports Come from11 the Willamette Valley Wheat Belt Barley Yield Be I-air. Veal and Hog Receipts on Front Street Picking Up r - r i! ni.i'r..i rggs uonunue rieniuui rnces uncnanged. It will probably be two or three week a yet before any change takes place In the local wheat market Un- usual quiet nag prevailed ror me pan lortnignt. f rom mrougnout me state ncouran-lnar a-raln crnn reports are com- Ing In. The barley yield will be fair, --a ..... .- . il. nrnlam. wniw ins un uuuuuk iii wi tte Valley la very flattering. Haan nt : lnnrI aKPUM. tha wheat oroo of Orearon la expected to be , ' - - - ., mm .large aa last iamm. uia.ui are beginning: to feel more connaent Uia.i v. . . v. .iinaHn anil an avArllexea Al Pacific.. - a,,-a o iniu (jiouihou. Teal Becelpts Better. , . , . , , , Keceipts 01 veai ana iiu. in nun. treet are becoming a nine neavier. Poultry la unchanged, and eggs con- .In,., nlntlfnl There anneara to D no tendency to lower the price or eggs . . , 1 . . ,, 1 . ..h . Because oi win nuj-yu, ". " demand IS DUl orainary. lemons are Brum ui inw amii uiu rrcr. Willi 1 1 (I L'l unurLi ui av . . " "'"V . . ay the demand is gooa. Valencia or- ngea are pienurui ai per w. . , , . . . BX i Watermelons and muskmelona are lnioepu.... .rw Wrnod Hernnnd. with DrlceS unchanged. No Oregon melona are yet on the mar- Vet Dried Twit Prodnot, I nectlona point to fine crops, and It la Aiiuii.utiia abwim . 4 w aa, uaV jf-- . expected thai activity in me culture i of these dried fruit products will be renewed. Saturday Is generally a busy day fwith retail merchants. Outsiders come to the city to sell their small stuffs and purchase weekly supplies and as a result business on the last of the week shifts from Front street back to the smaller establishments In the kip-town districts. Today'a market quotations, aa re- Jrlsed by The Journal, are aa follows; rosTLAiro wBOLxsixz riiou. 1 Grain. Floor sad Teed. ' WHIAT Walla Walla, 79c; blawtan. 800 BSC! TallT. 77780. BARLRT Feed. 819 00: rolled. 880.50921.00. b OATS No. 1 white, tl.17Hai.20; gra. 11.18 117. PLOUR Kaitorn Orcaon! Pateata. 83.800 l.lOt atralfhU, 83.50; Valley, i3.ooaa.uo, gra- rm, ,; lua, ,a oo. MILLS TT'KFS Bran, $22.00 par tea; mid Una. $26.00; shorta. $22.00; chop, $18.00. r n a m mi ii i a aiiiAiT ru . .ln.t U,HTJ?iT,th7i.,1;?1 i5t;boC T"- WW telJ.OO! C.ll'rni. gta $17.50. f HOPS 17H4il8ic for choice- 190$ contracts. $el7r WOOL Valley, lSOHWe. coarse; median to I"' X&WcjJ.i:- "1ICHkerB r- i BHEEPskInb Sbearlor. 14HQl9c; abort Wool, 22(323c; medium wool, 80c; long wool, WJcftfi ;,4-. . . . LSrJ " C5Ci Nk " " , HIDES Dry hides. No. 1. 18 ponndi and I ae, 15e per fe dry klp, Ko.-1, 5 to 15 Rm, j "Sjr.r ATj hT tiV. f Tota&dVdSi .to!? M rer. T8c: 50 to to ma. 78c: andar 80 ros I ana cows, shyc; atars ana duub, nun, ay. lp, soon 14 the. Te aonnd. 15 to 80 lbs. Te; sonnd, 10 to IB to BO I ealt, aonna. nnaer a km. ae; f anaaltadl. 4e per m laaa; cnlla. lc par D leaa; bone hides, saltad. aarh. $1.8601.15; dry, each, $1.001.50; eolta' bides, each, ZottfOOc; oat aklns. common, each. 104il6c; Angora, with wool oo, aacn. zdci.uu. Batter, Eggi and Praltry. BUTTER Kitraa. 22HO creamery, 11 . 1 O r. OrV. a ah 1 Ta PelAIJ, iOUaVUVi Si D. V . KOOS Fresh Oreaon, 2021e. CHEESE Full cream, twin. amrrlra. 15c. POULTRY Chickens, mlied, 11912c per lb hana. 12frfl2Ui-: rnnatera. (I til 0c iwr lb: broil ra, 16(fj,17c per lb; frrera. 1617c per lb; neks. H(u9c per tb; geese, 748c per n; turkeys, lire, lOuiUc per ID; oreasea, iiiitc per iv, Frulta and Vecatablaa. POTATOES $1.10; bnyera' prices. Tic: sew, ll.60rtfl.66; Or.-uon. $1.25(ill.60. ONIONS California, allrersklaa, $1.25; garlic, Siff 10r FRESH FRUITS Apples, fancy Oregon. $1.25 1T1.75: new California. Il.0oral.7a noj; oranires, late Valenrias. $400 box; Mediterranean sweets. $3.00; bananas, $2.20(33.60 per bunch, c pr. m; erris, .HS'lt' "" per id; cnerriea, ou,. . $4.ooifl4.50; limes. Mexican. 65 faciei rou. j fancy 6034.oo; flits, black. $1.60: white, $i.ootj ; plums, WOcMtl.oo; rasnoernes, fi.ia crate; ajmiea. xuma. a.mj; currania, .w iwi eaillelouoes. $1.75ra2.00 per doi; nut megs. 76i985c p'r doa; watermelons, lUil Vic per lb; Bartlett pears. $1.50 per boi; BlarnoerriPfl. uer crate. ai.oiu.uu uiacaraua. 81.75(82 00; hnftn merries, per crate, $2.00(3(2 VEGETABLK8 Turnips. $1.00 sack; earn carrots. 1.25; beets. $1.25 per sack; raillshea, 12(9 5c doa; cabbage. Oreeon, 114Q1HC lb; let tuce, bead. 15c per doi; hothouse. $1.25 boxi areen peppera, aic id; norserauiin. oc, iu, crierj, l.00 per don; beans, ptrlnit. yellow. 8H4c lb; green, 4y5e lb; asparagus. $2.00 25-lb box; rhubarb. Sc lb; toniatwa, California, per box, 11.60; Oregon. $1.50; hothouse, $3.00; parsnlDa, 1.75; peas. 84c; cucumbers, $1.001.25 par x; corn, 36c per do; egg pli nt, 10c lb. DRIED FRUITS Apples, eyaporated. 607e R; aprlcota, 7Kc rb; peaches. Bce ro; Pure. 8H lb: prniiea. Italian, avieoc rencb, 8H4Hc lb; flga, California Wacka, Ri c; raisins, seeded, fancy 1-Ib cartons, 60 pack' sees to case. 814c nag; seeaao. 2-os cartons. I tHc: loose Muscatelles. 60-lb boxes, 8H07HC I B03.700; legals. Increase, $1,925,400; de lb; London layers, $l:7532.00. posits. Increase, $7,168,700; circulation. . . , rhAUH (JnUr onUHl GRANTS PASS. July 25. Horticul-1 tura tural Commissioner Carson of the Bouthern Oreicon district reports that the Deach croD for his district win oe at least 30 per cent short this season. He has made a thorough InsDectlon of the leading orchards of the district and! feels assured of the truth of this re- port, u ne apple crop, however, win oe rooci, proDaDiy aDOve tne average. 1 ne Josephine melon crop will also be fine this year, and a greater amount than Usual will bo shipped from here. Bees no Encouragement. The following is from this morning's Record-Herald: Otto E. Lohrke has wired' his Chicago house: "Cannot see any encouragement for a better export demand. About 30 loads of No. 2 hard have lately been worked for prompt shipment from Galveston to Hamburg, Bremen and Antwerp, Steamers were obliged to accept what, they could get, and thus some new Dusiness was worked. Of course steamers for August will not accept these starvation rates and new business is impossible by about 1 cent to. 1ft cents, spot No. J hard is practically at a discount under August, showing that new wheat Is accumulat ing. Winter wheat threshing continues disappointing. The quality la good and, a general disposition to . hold. The weather Is favorable to spring wheat filling and the crop looks better, but NEW YORK STOCKS I DMCRIFTIOH. Aaacooda Mining Oa... Amal. Copper Co Atahlaoo, com A a. Car FaunS., torn Am. Biuttr. com Bi Itinera A Ohio. eon. Brooklyn Rapid Tranalt. Canadlaa 1'aclse, com..: unicaco Alton, eon.. Cbl. i at. West., coot. . Chi.. UIL St. P Cbl. North.. eom....ltllHl rni. Terminal ny Chesapeake 6 Oblo Colo. Fuel Iron, eon. Colo. Southern, oom. Delaware Hudson. 163 aa' I .., Kl"c;nWi::::::: 2HH Loutarlll Nasbrlll.. Metre. Traction Oo.,.. Manhattan Klevated. . . Mexican Central Rjr... Idaztaan National ma loaitiKKiw 119 133 1B3 13 11H Minn., ft. p. sts. M. Mlaaourl PadAc... S- JL V' V-IV Norfolk West., com. norm American I 1. Y Ont A Wert., I,noJrl7ulI I L' ft I rTeaaed Hteel Car, com. I Pacloo Mall stasia. Co. I neaUllIM, COD, "S" tBJ' "nl I murm i.iauu, cun i Boutarra Kf., eon.,... southern Paeinc. I Tn- Qoal Iron. ... . tuloa Parlae. com u. . Leather, com i v. n. nuDner. com . . wheel. L. B.. com Wisconsin Central, com union leie Wabaah. I r w.rh.t. I CHICAGO Jnlr 25.Chlrao wheat rasa-ad i uaoy aa follow! I vvvh. High. .uv .3 Low. I .7B -T6V Close. 1 .7Ti4 .77?. ,... a TBTl Tail . -- - - -. . -. .V i uorn .no 2 .62 I. .ov .00 .52 A j,pt t, Dec 83 .33 4 .33 i .34 fort .... .... .... 13.85 li.OT 14.10 13.75 13.80 7.55 IM IM 7.75 7.75 1 15 .17 7 90 7.97 8.23 8 25 8.00 8.02 Vw Tark Cotton. Lard gjttit jaiy....f Bpt ilbe Julr.i.. 8'pt.... NEW YORK. July 25. Cotton ranged today ai follows: Ooen. Htrb. Low. Cloe. Jan $ 8 72 $ 9.72 $ 9.87 $ 9 070 rb . B.SH 9.70 9.08 U (JK4IT0 Mar 9.70 9.70 9.70 9 8N(70 July.... 18.48 1 3.40 1 8.25 18.80fc.3M Aug.... 12.40 12. 45 12.3.1 12.824133 Sept.;,. 10.82 10.U2 10.80 10.82'X3 Oct..... 9.99 10. m 8.86 9 01(lll2 Not.... 9.74 9.75 9.74 9.746(75 Dec 9.72 9.75 9.63 9.72(073 NEW YORK SUMMARY ateeae fays Xe Za Wot Embarrassed by Taylor's Palinre, and Basics Z.ose Sotbiar. NEW YORK, July 25. Keene says he la annoyed but not embarrassed by Tay- lort. failure, that hi. fortune Is unlm 1ose noMngi Tn( Rubber goods offlclala say the failure of Taylor Is not affecting that business and financial standing; is excellent., Failures announced have cleared the atmcphere for the time being but the banks will continue the policy of reducing loans and discriminating against certain kind of collateral. v The earnings of united States Steel for the first half of July approximated equal to the same period last year. Southern PaoWc atock sold reeenUy will go largely into strong hands. XJrerpool Markets. NEW YORK, July 85. Liverpool spot fair demand. Prices "are steady and ad vanced 4 points. Sales 8,000; receipts, none; futures opened firm, 2 to 3 up and closed steady, 7 to 8 advance on old crop 7 to up on winter option compared with yesterday's close. Liverpool closed I t w , a ai 1 l . a. uwiwr ww i ii, 1-invH iu war. OUeafo Clearances. CHICAGO, July 25. Clearances to day were a follows: Wheat. 113,900 flour, 9.200; corn. 85,400; oats, 28,100 whet and flour, 154,700. Chicago Cash Market. CHICAGO, July 25. The Chicago cash market at noon was aa follows: No. red, new, 77H78; No. 3 red, new, 76 77; jso. 2 nara winter, new, 77 h: No. 3 ern spring, 82; No. 2 Northern spring, 77; No. 2 hard winter, new, 77: No. New Tork Stocks la London. LONDON. July 25. Anaconda Copoer ad- ynneea 8 l-s; Atentaon uncnangea, preferred advanced 1; Baltimore a onto advanced k Chicago Alton declined Vt ; Chesapeake A Ohio adyanced : St. Paul advanced H: Den ver preferred advanced ; Erie advanced u. firsts declined V4; Illinois Central unchanged Ontario A- Western advanced h: Pennaylvanla adyanced A; Reading advaocei 34 flxata jin. enangen; tkiutnern raeine advanced H. Pre ferred i: Union Pacific advanced , preferred declined ; united statea Hteel unebanged, preferred advanced Hi Wabash declined , preferrea? unchanged. Bank Statement. CHICAGO, July 26. The weekly bank statement follows: 8., Increase, $5,(134, 000; reserve, Increase, $8,836,925: loans. Increase. $881,200: soecie. Increase. 15.- decrease, $89,700. Portland Clearing House. xne report oi tne roraana njiearing Mouse ror r nair waa aa xouows: isxcnanges . w.. ....... .47i,6S9.77 Diuanccs ...... a.. ... . oj.doo.oo Union Stockyards. CHICAGO, July 26 Tbs Union Stoekyards rP ror oiicaao 12.000 1.500 8.000 Kansas City 8.000 5.000 Omaha 6,000 500 600 Hogs Opened 5 centa lower; 2.500 left over yesterday; receipts year ago. 6.000. Mixed and botchers'. $5.85(35.75: good heavy, $5.60rd 5.75; rough heavy, $5.105.45; light, $5.60(2 5.80. Cattle Steady. Sheep Steady. Willamette 93000 Quarter block, Thurman and 8 2d; view unexcelled. S1500 Choice lot on car line, near 8 2d. 91000 Each for lota on Vaughn, near Thirty-second street. Terms to suit purchaser. W. H. NUJN1V ' Height MS SXXXZiOCX L0CX.V TOO MUCH RAIN FOR FAIR CROP Very Discouraging Grain Re ports from Winnipeg and Minnesota Southern Wheat Rftlt Is All Riffht. Oats Are Musty There Is No Encouragement for a Better Export Demand, Say Chicago onippersi (Special Pernfaalon of Bolton, da Barter Co.) CHICAGO. July 25. We muat have perfect weather or the crop will be lightweight. . We think moat of it now is not better than No. 1 or 3. The low land Is spotted and not over half a crop. Oats are rusty. The fact la, we have had too much wet weather and must have good weather to make a fair crop. Southern Minnesota will not make over 11 buahels. From Winnipeg comes the statement that under, the best condi tions, the Manitoba "crop will be 10. 000,000 bushels, against (0,000,000 last year. "There Is bound to be a blr move ment of wheat In the Southweat," said a partner In a house which does a large business In the handling of grain In the wheat section, "because they have a big crop and the people who raised It are selling It and are going to sell it" There Is a record-breaking croo in Texas and- Oklahoma, a large crop In Kansas and a good crop In Nebraska, probably the largest ever raised in the four states combined. mrv TOSAT. HARTMAN, THOMPSONS' POWERS do nnn For double flats, brand i ww naw. all modern conveni ences; pay 7V4 per cent net on Investment. $10.flf)0For 10-room dwelllnr. with 1 VVUUiiooxlOO. in Choicest locality or Holladay's Add. fiOfOD For Quarter block, with 9-room vpOUCU aubstantlal dwelling, modern conveniences; on Gllsan st. RROD For n'Kh'r improred quarter ypuJVJ block, with 8-room house, on East Side; fine river view. 5 8-Room Houses Sold on Installments If desired. $QA("l r'01' B-room cottage on East tfVA side, neafr O. R & N. shops. Q1AAA For 5-room cottage on Borth- i uuu wick street. (TIIAf) For 6-rooin 1-story cottage, vp I I W just completed, all modern , v conveniences, on car line. M 1 AA For 5-room cottage, bath, hot ij) I I UU and cold water, 1 block from car line. 140,0. For nfw dwellng of R rooms, vpitUUonly 1 block from car line; bath, hot and cold water; 60x 100, in Mount Tabor district. C 1 KAA For 6-room modern dwelling. P I JJJ new, on East Side, near car; 66x100. C17KAFor 7-room 2-story dwelling, ij) I JU with brick basement, bath, hot and cold water; 22 fruit trees; lot 100x100, in University Park. For new B-room cottage; lot sP I O JU 60x100, and $350 new furni ture, on 10-minute service car line; worth $2,100. $OinnFf"" 7-room house, with 100X J I UU 100; fine fruit, on Richmond car line; will pay to In veal gate. flJOQAA For 6-room modern dwelling, vDaCOUU on East Everett, within two blocks of 10-mlnute service car line . POOKA For new 6-room dwelling, wth yJ)t.JJJ enamel plumbing, fixtures, tubs In basement: piped for gas; hard-finished; on the West Side, near World s Fair grounds. (fORAA For 7-room residence, on Jef vpZJUu ferson st., near 14th; lot S4x 100. DOfiO. For dwelling of 8 rooms, Just P10UU completed, fn Stephens' Addi tion, on car line; lot 50x100. POCKA For new 7-room dwelling, with 4.JJJ all modern conveniences, on E. Couch St.; sewer, water, gas and electricity; 1 block from 10-mlnute service car line. C3AAA For 7-room cottage, with 40x vpuwu 100. on West Side, near Jeffer son. QQORfi For ftn "-room 2-story dwell POaCJU lng. newly built, In Holladay's Add.; all modern conveniences. C97R!i "or 2 modern dwellings, on vpu vu East Side, on car line, close In, near school; one 7-room 2 story; one 6-room 1-story; lot 75x100; highly improved; will rent for $35. $ADC for 60x100, on Alblna avenue, near Morris St., close to school and car line. - BTSZirXSS BZ.OCX. (JJ4CAA S-story, with 8 large stores vp HvvVJ and 3 rooms on first floor; hall 40x60, witn ante-rooms on sec ond, and 4 large unfinished rooms on third floor; also an 11-room dwelling, all in ex I rellent condition, corner lot, 76x112; terms reasonable. Jtt! HARTMAN, THOMPSON & POWERS $ oiursss or cosoaacs. SEE OUTBARGAINS n first-class properties. Specie ists of some fine residences, large and small fine farms in Oregon and Washington. Jennings Lodge ACRE TRACTS On O. W. P. & Railway Com pany's street car line. .Don't fail to see them. W. A. Shaw & Co. 343 Stark Street. SITUATION WANTED A6Tcttsesteats laeartad ts - TUB JOCBfttAL Two Tlmos.PRBE ' raotti. HUM 600. ' ONLY A QUESTION OF TIME When the Shipping of Portland must go to ST. JOHNS The Portland harbor Is already overcrowded. Note the Alblna Ferry contro versy. St. Johns will become a bit town Its growth has already begun. No part of Portland has advanced o rapidlj durlnf the past 18 months. By fall over 4,000 feet of Its waterfront will be occu pied by Industries In ao tual operatlon. It has a large and constantly growing pay roll and Its future Is assured. Have you noted the wonderful progress of the place since the O. R. & N. built its railroad into the town and opened its waterfront? This Is the secret of its growth. Have you considered the moral certainty of the large in crease in the values of St. Johns property? Lots $5 Down $5 a Month llartman, Thompson & Powers, 3 CHAnBER OF COiinERCE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BY Henkle 4 Baker 219-221 ABINGT0N BUILDING, Portland, - Oregon 40 ACBES 28 In fine state of cultiva tion, the balance In timber and pas ture; all fenced and cross-fenced; necessary buildings, living water; ,mile to school 4 mile to It. R. ; family orchard, fine, large team, all farming Implements, in Clark Coun ty, Wash. 60 ACKES Nice Improved farm, well fenced and cross-fenced, nice or chard; splendid, up-to-date, modorn barn, cement cellar, comfortable house, nice outhouses, land nearly all cultivated and in crop; good water system, piped Into house and barn; 11 miles east of Portland, on fine, level road; one of the best located farms about Portland. 50 ACBES Choice land, all lays nice on Tualatin River; all well fenred and cross-fenced; nearly 80 acres cultivated, now in crop; 20 acres good pasture; good house and barn; nice family orchnrd; good team, wa gon, harness, all farming lmpls- munis ana gooa ones; cows, young cattle, hogs, chickens, etc.; on good road, 14 miles to Portland, 1 ml In to 11. O.. creamsry, store school and church; all goes cheap IS ACBES Cholc land, cultivated, 8 acres in orchard, berries, etc. ; excel lent water; 7-room modern house, porches, bay window, gable roof; hall, parlor, china closets, etc.; nice double-wall milkhouse. with cement floor; nice bam; hcuse and barn newly painted: water piped to barn yard; 7 miles out; a splendid miles lome, and will sell very cheap now. 80 ACBES Part Improved; good soil; Just the place for stock; near school. This Is a snap at $840. 74 ACBES Nearly all rich creek bot tom land, watered by beautiful stream; fenced and cross-fenced; house, barn, orchard; 35 acres cul tivated, balance nearly all seeded to pasture; 8 cows, 2 horses, har ness, wagon, farming Implements; crops now In; distance of about 300 yards to school. P. O., store, cream ery; 8 miles to Vancouver, Wash.; good, level road; owner very anx ious to sell. HZ1TXI.E ft BAXEB, 919 Ahlngton Bldg., Portland, Or. 100x100 tOT and new modern 7-room house, newly and completely fur nished with first-class furniture; none but man and wife have occupied house; house carpeted with best make of carpets; reasons for selling called away by business Interests; too good to rent; on car line, 6 cent fare. Price $2200 100x150 IiOt, nicely located. 8 blocks from car; fenced and 80 full-bearing fruit trees; a good 8-room house and a good stable and ohlcken-house; free water; wood house. Price $1500 90x100 7EET, on Union ave.; a B-room modern cottage, cement sidewalks and basement and cellar, floor; fruit and shrubbery: on car line; $500 cash, ' balance monthly. Price $1700 W. W. Espey B.OOX 1 aLAlaXLTOZf BU)Qv Five-Room Cottages Very desirable, for sale on and near Williams avenue. New and modern In every particular. Payments to suit purchaser. Also several five and six room cottages In the vicinity of Russell street Suburban Acreage Homes Desirable and cheap. Call for particulars. IVANHOE The sig-htllest suburb In Southeast Portland. Lots 50x100 feet, with alley; on Installment! $135 and up wards; on car line. A. H. BIRRELL (romcrly sf MacMuier 4 Until.) Real Estate, General Insurance and Financial Agency S0S-4 SfoKay Balldlag, Third and Stark. Pkone Mala S3 a. A SNAP A modern five-room cottare and sightly lot, one block from car line. Installments as easy as paying rent. $1650 Bargains in ilomesites $125 each, lots in Arbor Lodge. $300 each, choice lots front ing on Willamette boulevard. J. P. KENNEDY, 44 Hamilton Building. 100 to S176 Lots In Maplewood. on Woodstock car line, adjoining Ivanhoe; good car service and 20 minutes will take you to and from your business; lots are full site snd will be sold on the low psyment of 86 per month: we shall be pleased to show them to you. $1400 Modern 5-room house, Upper Al blna; only $350 cash, balance $15 per month. 5-BOOK COTTAGE, lot 60x100. Price 11,060; $.60 cash, balance to suit; near Woodlawn car line. 5-BOOK COTTAGE; bath, lavatory, woodshed, chlckenhouse, large and small fruits. Rental Department We will rent your homes, collect rent and took after their repair. Terms rea sonable. Farms We have a full list of Washington County farms, the pest lands in the state. Call In and see our exhibit of grain and fruits. It costs you nothing to see our rarms, as we nave our own conveyances. Sahlstrom & Patterson 333 STABK ST. PHONE HOOD 317. SEE THESE ili-acres on O. W. P. Rr.(thls side of Lents. Nice creek on tha place, would make a splendid home. Only $500, terms. $300 will buy nVx sightly lots on car line, near Milwaukle. Only $50 down. Corner lot 50x100, East lath and Cole streets. Only $500, terms to suit. Modern g-room cottare and corner lot, 50x100, very centrally located on East 13th streets, $500 casb down, balance to suit. JOSEPH M. MEALY 390 florrlson, Street SUNDAY EXCURSION To Lamargent Park Cars leave First and Alder streets at 9:50 a. m. and 1:30 p. m., round trip zu cents; as tne conductor to let you off at Gates Crossing or Lamargent Park; our agents will be there to show the land. Lamarg'ent Park contains 200 acres of land, situate on Gresham car line, two miles east of Lents Sta tion, on the land. This' Is Just what you hnvo been looking for a nice 5 acre lot close to the car line within easy reach of the city. Just think! We will sell you a- 6-acrejtract for $250 and $300, the price of a suburban lot; 1-3 cash, balance easy payments. Our office will be open dally until 7 p. m. for the accommodation of those who cannot come during regular business hours. Lambert & Sargent 883 EAST WASXXtTOTOBT STBEET. STEWART PARK I . STEWART PARK ! On Mt. Scott ear line, 25 minutes' ride from First street Lots 50x100 each, for $75. Special price to those who will build at once. Small payment down, balance $5 a month, without In terest; no taxes to pay until payments are all made. Lots all cleared off; no brush to cut, nor stumps to grub. Come out Sunday afternoon and see the property. Bring a few dollars along to bind the bargain, for you will want one or two of theso fine lots. Take Mt. Scott car on First street, get off at Stewart Station. Agent will be there to show the property. , O. O. B. ELLIS, Boom 31, 964 Morrison Street. IF TOUR BUSINESS DON'T SELL IT MAY BE THE FAULT OF THE AGENT TRY XAKaCEB 830 FAIXIWO BLDO. WANTED A mill site.. 1 section of heavy fir timber. 4 acres. Improved, near city. . Income-bearing city property, yielding a good rental. A room ins; house for 110 acrea land. Acreage for property in Ashland. Any kind of property In exchange for Yaqulna Bay lots. ? JOHN DAY. 334 Main. 350 Improved acreage near the city: 1$ aeres, good house, stable, fine orcnard ana all Kinds small fruit 9360018 acres, all Improved: orchard and small fruit) miles from city; wheat, oats, hay, potatoes; : everyining on tne place goes. 9300084 acres, near Lents, all Im proved; 10 acres in prunes, with targe crop; cioee to car una. 96000 7 H acres; one of the finest Im proved places near the city; out side limits; 6 minutes' walk to car; has 16-mlnute service; own water supply, if laid out In lots; the finest place for a country home. 9300028 acres. 1H miles from Clack amas nlver; 15 acres in 'pears and prunes; clear and good son. 9160041 acres, house, barn and fine or chard; 20 acres clear; a big bar gain; southeast of Vancouver. 9 68040 acres, section 4, township 10 N., 8 west; 1,000 cedar telegraph posts; 1,600,000 yellow fir at least 9100047 acres, 6 acres clear; house, barn, orchard; 8 miles wast oi Oregon City; fine soli. 94O0OR0 acres, very best soil' .good house, barn and orchard; all clear; only miles from city. nmOTXs city fbofibtt. 93500 (-room house, on Clay street 91SOO 5 -room house, on Market st. Seooo 10-room house, on Fifth street 94750 6-room 2-story bouse, on 15th street north. 63300 2 -room cottage, on 14th street north. 93150 2-room cottage, on ltth street north. 93900 J-room cottage, on Northrup at 950008 houses and store, on Seventh and Mill streets. IllSO Full Int. brick basement, hot and cold water; &-room cottage anu bath; Woodlawn. SHOO (-room cottage. Piedmont; fine improved lot. fruit and berries. 91850 8-room house, corner lot; Grand ave. ; Unlon-ave. car. 9 5502 fine Improved lots, 160x100; small house: Woodlawn. 9 500 Lot In Holladay Addition; half casn. 9 850 42x170 lot. In South Portland, with good 2-atory 7-room house. LOUIS SALOMON Cor. rjrst and Washington. "IDLENESS BRINGS DESPAIR" GET IN BUSINESS (SPECIAL, SALESMAN) T. J. HAMMER 220 FAILING! BUILDING!, CAN SELL YOU A WELL LOCATED BUSINESS. 2 GOOD SAWMILL PROPOSITIONS. High - class boarding - house, with (0 rooms, all furnished: profitable busi ness; always full; good looatlon; good lease, running 2H years; owner has other Interests to look after. Fries $5,500, part cash. OUTSIDE TOWaTS. 1 General Merchandise Stock ....$2,500 1 General Merchandise Stock .... 7,000 1 Hardware Store 2,600 1 Racket Store 100 1 Hotel, including building ..... B,000 Business chances In this city aa fol lows 1 1 Grocery, big trade, about $8,600 1 Grocery, with building about .. 2.500 1 Grocery. low rent 1.000 1 Restaurant 650 Fine Small Grocery, cheap rent, big bargain 950 And twenty other good chances. See HAMMER. 220 FAILINO BLDO, W. tl. NUN 532 Sherlock Block 9 300 For lots In block 9, Maegly High lands. 1 diock east or wiuiarai ave., on Going; nice fruit trees. 9 140 Lot 10, block 2, Park Addition to AJDina. 9 135 Each, for lots In Willamette, block from St Johns car. 9 190 Nice corner. Tenth and Fre mont, Lincoln Park. 9 380100x100, Skidmore and Tenth, Lincoln Park Annex. 9 350 Two choice lots on Boulevard, Riverside. 9 375 100 feet on Edison ave., being lots 17, 18, 19 and 20, block 6, Sunset Park No. 2. FOR SALE BY Pacific Coast Abstract Guaranty & Trust Co. 07Kft New modern 6-room house, vPluU on corner, lot 50x90; corner of Eugene and Rodney ave. ftOCnn 7-room house, 100x100 - loot $cQUJ lot with alley, near Thomp son Bcnooi; Deauuiui, fruit and flowers. c 1 7KA New modern 6-room nouse, J I DU full basement porcelain nam: owxiyviwi iuv. in .Wil liams Ave. Addition, on Ivy street near Rodney ave. MOKO 4-room house, 50x88-foot lot, vplaCJU on Fremont st, near Union avenue. $A(( .100x100, on the corner of B. HJJ Tenth and Skidmore sts. ORf) 45xlOO-foot lot on Ivy st. V uuu pet. wuiiama ave. ana Van couver ave. ftfifl 4-room house and 60 x 100 vp UUU foot lot, on East Seventh St.. bet Falling and Beach streets. Q 1 Rn ?ach. for 5 lots In Arbor f ACiriO COAST ABSTBACT OUAB- anrr b tkvbx coxpajTY, Booms 804 to 807, Tallinf Bldg. Corner Third and Washingtoa Streets. $55 Per Acre For 185 acres In Clackamas Countv: 110 acrea cleared; fine orchard of choice rruit; 17 acres clover; 40 acres in grain; 3 acrea potatoes; t very good houses, barns; a very fine place -and suitable ror two parties ir aesirea. v: ,., 91150-i-For 3 acres of 'land near city; - all In fruit; 6-roOm house, barn. 93800 For S acres near cfty; acres in orchard; . 5-room house; good ' barn. ?'.'V?W; ;': ?: "1?. CITARLESON & STAUB ' " fttfK KOSBXSttt CTSrSX : . i REAL ESTATE SNAPS ' 9310011 lots on Base Line road, oppo site Mt Tabor postofllc. 93500 Three fine lots on Kast Madison st, between E. lth and K. 17th: will sell one or more on easy terms; no trouble for us to show you our property. , 91000 Will buy a choice block la Wood atock: small payment down, bal ance to ault purchaser. ' ' 916,000 A fine business block oa Park and Yamhill sts.; pays ' mora, than 10 per cent 93000 A 20-acre farm, near Mt Tabor t 8 acres in cultivation, with fruit of all kinds; 6-room house; this is a real live snap; we have sold wild land In the same location lur a. 11 pnr acre. 9 4502 fine building lota In XenM- worth. s 93400 Fine modern -room house, nea steel bridge; investigate this; It's cheaper to buy than to fay rent 94500 Fine modern double house (new), near steel bridge; pays 12 per cent This Is only a partial list of our snaps, complete list can be seen st our office. Investiga tion solicited. .' -- 93500 Fine modern house, eorner lot. ZOth and K. Yamhill sts.; street improved; 11.000 casn. Da lance io . . . m A nun. I Lwr (-CEIL. .' OITT w in isr vamar iota linn t iiaa- Burial ii.iivu, juh nun wairr, iia.1. aiifciiiijr aviiu i.vbi, ivmin" Ufa rar aarvla- ouM. r-k- rt W. P. A Ry. Co. shops will ba, located on this tract; an oppor tunity of a lifetime to get in oa the ground floor. Wfliri. 1 v. . 1 m , ave. and Irving at; part cash. -OAXXi 119 SEE our nronartT Hat. We have farms, large and small, busi ness and residence property. All nrlcear all terms. FIELDS & CO. 608 Axismrr BtrrxDiiTO. REAL ESTATE , JOHN R DAY 834 KAnr STZEXT. A FINE DAIRY 1,600 ACBES, 1,000 of tha finest bottom 1 at 1 M 3IL tHllaa MV s4aSB aTa.- Mt . boat service; B. m. runs through place; large building's; one of the finest dairy and stock ranches la Oregon Washington at a little over 930 an acre. A JCAGHTTICEBrT OWPOBTUSUTr for the right man. A BBAJTS STEW house. 7 rooms. 100x106 lot: less than cost. 40 ACBES of heavy fir timber; $306. 16 ACBES, 6-room house, 10 miles from Portland; $650. 40-ACBB farm. $1,000. OBOCEBT STOCK, only $250. , Homesteads Ziooated. Bellnnlshmenta Cheap. Small Aoreage Hear Oar Una. JOHN E. DAY. 234 Main, FOR SALE A neat 7-room cottages with large lot, rrait trees, in Tremont 91,100 A small mount cash down, balance In stallments. A neat modern 5-room house, with- 3 lots, In Tremont 91,300 Part down, balance Installments, A rood 3-story house, 7 large rooms, small barn, with 8 large lots. In Tre mont Tlacs 91,600 This Is very desirable; 15 bearing fruit trees. A vary desirable large vacant lot la Sellwood, sitnaraVon Third street, near Spokane street, and close to tha new mill , ...520 I have soma fine acreage for sale on the O. W. P. car line, a little way be yond Gresham. It la vary desirable and a bargain. J. H. Hawley S Chamber of Commerce Building;; , BRONAUGH'S ADDITION Of choice, sightly lots on both sides ox EAST 24th STREET, From East Everett atreet to tha Bandy road. Is now offered. Prices are moder ate and terms will be made to suit those who are ready to build. WAKEFIELD, FRIES & CO. 889 Stark Street. Three Dollars Per Month NOTHING DOWN Buys nlce lot4Qxi oo.ojel car line, 5-cent fare, high and perfectly level, all cleared and ready for building;, Water piped in front of each lot. The Best Bargain in Portland. POTTER. & CHAPIN, 246 STABJC STiXUT. $1,150 COUCH'S ADDITION Two lots. 10x100 each. Thurman street. near Twenty-flrst, lacing north. Includ ing new cement sidewalk, new atreet Improvement Nothing; In the City Like It for the Money. Inquire BENO & BAL.L.IS 64 Trout Street. $1150 Couch's Addition Two lots, 50x100, on Thurman street near Twenty-flrst. facing north, includ ing new cement walk; new street Im provements; very aaay terms. Inquire BJUTO BAXLXS, 64 rront Street OS SECOND STREET STOCK F0II SALE RANCH FOR RENT Has ranch at-Bertha, t milt f--n Portland. Stock, Including farm (j . meats, Xor sale. Ranch for iit - 4r'3 j:t -$ r tha yield wm be lets than iast year," ' - ..... ' -.v y