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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1903)
THE OHEGON DAILY j JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, JULY 7, '1903. STANLEY DOLLAR BEING RIGHTED ARMY FOES GENERAL STAFF Iransferfing Portion of Cargo to Barges and a Couple of Hatches Will I hen Be Filled with Ballast, British Steamship Oakley Be gan Loading at Same Mi'l This Morning for Orient Uuick Dispatch, The steemshlp Stanley Pollnr. which partially overturned at the Inmnn-Poul-an mil,, has been anchored In the stream preparatory to discharging a portion of her lumber cur fro. Barren win be procured on which to place the lumber aa It la removed .from the ves sel. It la the Intention to place ball ant Into hatches Nor. a and 4 for the pur pose of Hiring the craft a more perfect equilibrium. Thla work will require considerable time and It will probably b two or three weeka before the ves sel will be ready to Mil. She will probably take out about 1,000,000 feet of lumber. Thla la the flrat time that aha haa ever been utilised (for that purpose. JT-rmerly she waa a British tramp, but at the outbreak of the Bpanlh-Amerl-ean War ahe waa chartered by the United States Government and placed In the transport aervlce between the Pa- elfls Coast and the Philippine Islands trior 10 This aha was used as an ordinary freighter. Oakley Loading. Taking advantage of the vacant berth created at the Inman-Poulsen mill by the Stanley Dollar anchoring; in the tree in. the Brltlah steamship Oakley moved up there this morning: from the Portland Manufacturing Company's dock and began loading lumber for the Orient The vesael will be loaded with as quick diapatch aa poasible in order to make up for several days of enforced Idleness. The Export Lumber Com pany ia the shipper. . ' Outside of the lumber trad the ship. plna- business at Portland is extremely dull. Until the new crop begins to mve there will be very little wheat go out of thla port It is estimated that tho warehouses do not contain mora than two or three cargoes all told. Centennial Sails. , - The American steamer Centennial allied this morning for Ban Francisco with J, 000 tons of grain ahlpped by Kerr. Glfford ft Co. She also carried 25 pasfengers, something unusual for a vessel s to do .outside of the regular liners, the Columbia and Elder.- The fare charged was tS and IIS. On the O. It. ft N". steamers the fare to the Bay City is tlO and tit. The Centennial is one of the first steamers which reached Nome this spring and Is more of freighter than anything else. i ymm , . -f -t - m. m m mm . . j II - ' ' - t ' " 1 1 I i 1 i "f ;V S.l u 'l ' 7.M ' II I Til ' ' ' I'Uht ) II I af'i" - - k . , ! V'.'' :iu i'.v t i. ' (rw-g-Cg'AAtt fl I RUSSIANS WANT TO . COPY OREGON BOATS A war office order, to go Into effect August 15. makes Major-Oeneral 8. B. M. Toung Chief of Staff, with Major-jaeneral Henry C Corbln and Brlgadler-Oeneral William H. Carter as general staff office. QenSrals Corbln and Carter are recognised enemies and were rivals for appointment on the general stall. To avoid complications , Secretary Root decided to appoint both. Oeneral Carter haa several enemlea in the Army on account of his close relations with Secretary Root, who has the greatest confidence In his ability. Consul Miller'at New; Chwang, China,. Writes Here - Con cerning : River Steamers- Portland shipbuilders' may. furnish bouts for service On the rivers of China and Siberia. The greatest . future for . tha Pacific Coast trade la said to lay- in tha far away lands of tha Chinese-Russian Or ient, and It Is for this commerce that the business men of all, tha Coast -cities are striving. Portland shipbuilders now have an opportunity, so many people in inn. to steal a march on "the enemy." A Russian firm is said to be planning to put a steamer line on the Llao River. and members of the company have been inquiring as to tha cost of building their proposed fleet United States Consul Henry B. Miller, at . New ,Chwans. has wrlten the local Chamber of. Commerce regarding this new enterprise. The fol lowing letter waa received thla morning: NEW CHWANO. China. May IS. 10. Chamber of Commerce, Portland. Ore.. Dear 81rs. I haye Just received Inqui ries for descriptions and prices of light draft river steamers, drawing from 18 inches to two and a half feet, to be run I by a Russian company on the River Llao, Such steamers aa are. run on the wll- wmiiH nmr. wouia om suiiBDie lor uiis stream. They will be used for carrying passengers mostly, with' some cargo and also for towing barges. .. The material for construction could be ahlpped here - andboats built at this place. The atern-wheel boats used on rivers of Oreffon oUld I think, suit the conditions here perfectly.' 'If -your boat builders will forward plana and prices to me I will submit them. ... HENRY. B. MILLER. United States Consul at New Chwang. The matter will be brought before local shipbuilders as Boon aa possible, and It may not be long- before made-ln-Oreaon boats will be plying the Oriental 'river with the flag- of Imperial Russia flyina irom tnnir stairs. j i " 1 66niT - . Ill A o.fifTinfn", MADE BY THE BEST WORKMEN FROM THE BEST MATERIAL WITH THE THEATRICAL OFFERINGS Kerlaa Votes. s The Rhuddlan Castle, which began discharging ballast this morning at the sand dock, had to suspend operations on account of the donkey engine getting out of order. The Arctic Stream began discharging oillaet this morning at Oceania 'dock and when the work is completed will begin takine- on a grain cargo. James O'Brien, a longshoreman as i niHima in loaainr ine inarapura, waa badly hurt yesterday by a sack of grain railing on mm through one of the hatches. He was conveyed to Bt Vin cent's Hospital for treatment. Tha steamer Prentiss of the California & Oree-on Coast Company's Una wjll ar rive tomorrow morning from San Fran cisco isith a general cargo of mer chandise. The steamship Wyneric, now on Puget Sound, has been chartered by James Ialdlaw A Co. of thla city to load coal In British Columbia for Nome. The dredge Columbia will remain In the harbor until the low water period, and will be used In Improving- the chan nel at different points. OREGON PIONEER LAID IN GRAVE rareweU at Baker. The farewell week of the Baker Stock Company la being marked by crowded houses and appreciative audiences. The presentation of - "East Lynne" at the Baker Theatre is a powerful and thrill- ing portrayal of one of the irreateat emotional dramas ever written. The play is beautifully staged, the acting very capable and the pathos of the story brings tears to the eyes of many In every audience. Cathrlne Counties takes the leading part in the play and once more demonstrates her merit, When, in the play, her son dies, she Ii the picture of dumb despair, stricken to the heart, and well deserves the rousing curtain calls this scene Invarl ably receives. bimlnene so far aa being able to enter tain la coneoned. Woodford and Mai boro. 1n their new specialty. "The Agent and the Maid," are very good. This is a well gr.xmed pair and their act was appreciated by the audience. Conclud ing the entertainment a delightful series of bioscope pictures were shown. The new bill will run until next' Monday mgnt, with the usual matinees. A, G, Bradford Passed Away I" fa I I I . ' Lasi bunaay identmed with Portage Road, . A. Bradford, one of Oregon's best "KhOwn pioneers," and who, " wltS bis" brothers, built the portage railroad from the lower to the upper Cascades some 40 years ago. died at his home in Hood River last Sunday, and waa bu rled In Lone Fir Cemetery today from the undertaking parlors of Holman & Co. He was 79 years of age. The death of Mr. Bradford was due to senile decay. There waa no more widely-known man in all Oregon than he. With hi. brothers, Jamea, Daniel and Putnam, he -haa-heeir identified with" the ""growth"" of ' the state since 1850. The Bradfords 1 wuung uis ii in i, ii not me very first, men to operate steamers on the Columbia Riyer. The portage road project waa the greatest accomplishment of all their undertakings, however, and was a tre mendous succesa. Its construction cost large sums of money, for in the early days If was a much more expensive proposition than at 'the present time. The aged man was burled next his wife, whose death occurred in 1863. Empire Vaudeville There was a full housu at 'the Empire last night to witness the new bill of vaudeville features arranged for this week by Mr., Baker ct al .Thera la not a question but the entertainment was better than any yet given in the pretty theatre. The Emre has made a record for popularity and, Judging from tha good cheer manifest last night, that popularity is increasing. Saying that the performance was very acceptable tells the story as a whole. out u is oniy just to mention the indi vidual acts of those engaged In the amusement schema. . Thero are several peoDle on the nro gram who might be olassed head-liners. so ii. aoes not matter, much where you oea-in to tell about the show. Mii. ana juexiaa, the funny clown and the funny dog, are certainly clever. It can not D remembered when a morn nlpna. lng or unusual act has been put on In vaudeville. Following cornea Arthur Hahn, tha basso, who haa a voice filled with music and cultivated to a high de gree of perfection. Four tlmea last night he was called uoon to rerjeat. nt ertch time" ho responded with a different number. Raymond and Clark are verv clever dancers and dialogue feature. Some exceedingly bright new work was ncorporated into their work last nivht Probably the best Chinese delineator ever seen in Portland aooeared in the person of Harry Walton. It Is believed that his character sketches are as real aa couia ne devised by a native celestial ine uudd Brothers, in acrobatic BKeicnes ana comedy work, are excellent end some remarkably clever feats do these capable men perform. One of the most pieasmg pieces of stage work is me vigorous Doxlnjr match given as a finale to their act. Devaney and Allen's knock-about feats and black-faco comedy are great Tuvof-wlfmera with the people and they could stay on the stage twice the time they do and entertain every minute. One of the best things on the program last night was the sketch given by Delphlno and Delmora. Musical teams seem always to be popular and this pair of workers are certainly up In , their Mr. Shields Makes Oood. Shields' vaudeville proved the fashion Sunday and last night. It's the best show that has been put on by the ener getic manager this season If the people can be believed mho have attended the entertainments. ' Eight especial features of the class that take is the bill, until next Sunday night and then another. It Is well to call to mind the- work of Ma rrle Leaning, the artistic dancer. When a girl as young as she essays to equal in Irish Jig any of tha old-timers and makes good, it is believed that the time has come to pass out a few compliments. Not alone aoes Miss Leasing hold up the promise of Mr. Shields when he said last week that he would give an enter tainment that would exceed in merit anything formerly presented by him but the other artists contribute to help him out. There are the three Millards, with the little baby artist who does real work; the Polomas, who sing operatic duo from "Kl Capitan" and the like; Hugh Kmmctt, the peer of ventrllo Quists and comedians; "The Furniture Man," presented by the Athon-Wilson- I Clark Company; Charles Gardner, the comedian who makes fun, without an effort; Miss Jessie Orr, the dancer, and the illustrated songs, the moving-pictures and the rest. It's a good show, so they say, and that is about all that can be said. All this week at the park. when it is fair weather, and when otherwise, then at Cordray' and Russell's. Two Wast Blvoroaa. Two suits for divorce wera died In the State Circuit Court late yesterday after noon. Desertion Is the ground named In each complaint and the parties are jonn istison against Marian Nelson. and Mrs. Jennia Cooper against Frank I w. cooper. returns to the. city for three perform ances only, .Friday and Saturday after noon and night , of this Week", pre sentlng for the first time here another one of the. Daly Theatre successes, "The Circus Olrl." This piece ran for 'over two years in . London and for nearly 20 performances in New York. The nrlncfnal nArta will H in wttr hanAa here than they were even In the original SITUATION ' WANTED production. 'The Circus Oirl." like "A 4 , ' . " " t. Runaway Olrl," Is one clean bright spar kle from end to end. The classic dull moment is. not to be found therein. The audience is kept' in a comfortable con vulsion throughout Its-pleasant course. In the plot there is a harvest of humor ous situations, bright lines galore and many very catchy songs. John Slavin, aa before, heads the cast,' and the char acter funnier than Biggs the waiter Is not among, the things easily Imaginable. Other sides of the comedy are taken care of by Marie Doro, the dainty little In genue. Miss .Doro has an engaging role as the convenient damsel in love with the alleged cannon king of the cir cus. Isobel Hall Is the Circus Oirl, "La ravonta. " Violet-Dale Is the wire rope walker, Alfred Hickman Is the fictitious cannon king, Harold Visard is the Lord weems on a visit to Paris, and Fortes cue is Drl velll, proprietor of the circus. The company as a whole appears to very ooa advantage in mis production and with the brilliant . costumes and elabo rate, scenic, equipment, the performance is a aeugntrui treat. ; BEST MACHINERY Advertisements Inserted la TBI JOUEICAL Two Tlmea FREE I rnoxB. maik boo. OLD BAST POttTLAflti T PENCE & WIRE WORKS nam wu m. a. Oariasa. 9ml WOOD, IRON AND $TEEL fTNCING taa tralvmal OemllaatlM rttn which is Mlnatrala at Maxqnam. In the realm of burnt cork, so . dear to the heart of old and young alike, such name as Richard J. Jose's will be hailed with delight Jose's voice is fa mous and needs no heralding her. He has been styled, and justly so, 'The man with the nightingale In his throat." There are a few voices on the stage like Jose's. He comes at thd head of his own company, the Richard J. Jose Minstrels, to the Marquam Orand Theatre next Mon day and Tuesday nights, July 13-14, bringing with him the best there is In song, wit and talent, over" 40 artists comprise the company which includes William McDonald, the ' famous basso, for years one of the features of the Bostonians; the prince of -refined min strelsy. Frank Cushman. the only legiti mate successor to the late Billjr Emer son; William Keller Mack. - and a host of other names, equally as famous as the MUCH WORK DONE ON THE COUNTY ROADS Claims for the "Month, of Juno lhat Improvement . Has Been. General, Claims against .the ;eounty..for the month of June, which were received by County Auditor Brandes today, show that more work has been done upon the roads this summer than at any time in several years past . In several of the larger districts and In the city the ex penditure for labor, and material ex ceeded $1,000, and in a few cases it ap proached 11,600. The claims by dis tricts in round figures, not including ine salary . or ; ine supervisors, are as follows: ., District No. 1, $1,428; No. i, $267; No. . $1,12; No. 4, $1,600; No. 6, $1,116; No. ,.$76; No. 7, $910; No. , $125; No. 9. $22; No. 10. $1,624; No. 11, $617; No. 12, $626; No. 13. $208; No. 14, $1,303. in- .District. No. 10 two. miles -of II' ieischner, Mayer o. MAKERS Roof Crttln0, VVIndw Guard, BTzaramrcr B. ICorrlsM ux. 'rtlaad. Or. crushed rock were laid west of Rock- above;; ThB-companr"lonerof-th xnc-slTWDO'1' """ In-No: 1 4,-rwhtch tnrttrder air complete and expensive . aggregations now en tour in the amusement . world. The electric first part display Is a unique feature In Itself. , peats on Sal Tomorrow. The Augustln Daly Musical Company! Portland, all. the county .boulevard were improved. roads and Oolnf to Bt XriulsT . If so, learn about the new tourist serv ice Inaugurated by tha O, R. A N., via Sienver and Kansas City. City ticket of ce. Third and Washington. bbbb bbp' i m - i m m 1 O SPICESiv. Q COFFEE.TEA DAKING FOYTDERi FLun;iG EXTRA Ctoluhfcitty.' flMst flavor. CLOSSETaDEVEHS PORTLAND, OSJIOON.1 GAT LING GUN AND MILITARY GUARD f' CONCERT POSTPONED The concert billed for tonight under the auspices of the Oregon Yacht Club at the clubhouse has been rostnnn,i until Thursday night, owing to the cop-' tinned oaa weather. An excellent pro gram has been prepared and will be car rled out July 9. Mothers! Mothers!! MnthprcHI IIIWIIIUI w II f.!rs. VYinsIow's Soothing Syrup vitss neea wed for aver SIXTY TEAKS by KH, TJOira of MOTHERS for their CHILDREN wklle TKRTUINQ, with 2SRM!CT SUCCESS. It OOTHSS tke CHXXA BOKTEIT8 the CtTMS. AIXATS all TAJ'S i CURES WIND COLIC, and Is the beat remedy for DIAR&HCXA. Sold by , Druggists la every part of the werid. Be tars , 14 Mk for "Mrs. YUilowl Soothing Syrap -IsMltakaaaaUMrkiad, TweaU-ancUiabotU it u.-it.,i..s-fii:y,. Simpson & Co. House and Sign " 1 '4 f PAINTING A iil W'HliI1"-' If m H! 3 ri IT4' r A I- ' U M . I I ' ..... h v ,-: I Paper Hanging, Kdsbmining STRICTLY UNION WORK bh rrsrr n. nm, ouy . K WE CURE MENI inside, the courthouse at Jackson, Kentucky. J. Curtis Jett and Tom wh it. '. i.'. ' ' ' diet .in their sensational trial for the assassination of Judge Marcum m Im'-iiS.8 ''"J'' VeP' at the nr. slgns.of disorder and 'the tuaUonla far from . ... .... , , .: . ,. ... . .- i . 4 .:..,:.:. !.'.. . - ; ..- -..j.. ... ; ' -..'. " , v. . ' ' .. ;....:. . I I. L., I1X00TX, X. . 00VTKA0TZO BISORDIRs, Every contracted dlaeue to attended 6y grave dinger that aothlng 1cm this a tborongn and absolute cure eaa remove. To take eves the ellebteet chneln inch eases la to Istlt llf. lonc -mleery. Men do not realise life, u they eboolJ. A. partial, core Is fef. lowvd by a chronle state, with all its borrora, the earn a tboofb tbe dle- bed vot been treated at elL Wo poeltlwly . will not dlemleS a- patient ntil OTery possibility of rcUp.el. re ""l. - By oar ayetem of trettaient mrr natlesf to soundly eared, and made i tr from dleeaee taint a he we before the ailment jwm contracted. ( : BR. XaXOOTT It CO.. M0V Alder , WHEN YOl SEE THIS LABEL IN OREEN AND OOLD.'bN A BOX OF CIOARS. IT IS A OUARANTBE ,THAT YOU ARE OBTTINQ Known wherever fine cigars are sold. FOR SALE At ALL DEALERS. SIO SICHEL & CO., Sole Agents . I DQN'T BUY A OASOLINE ENOIIVE UNTIL YOU HAVE SEEN OUR ftNOINES AND OPT OUR PRICES We give wrltttrn guarantee with every engine for one year, and we re ngni nere w Dafk It Jip. Patron Ize home InduatryJby buying from tha menufir tnnri. ' A. J.GILL & CO. 330 and 133 Oak St, Portland, Or. Q Henry Weinhard Proprietor o , The City Brewery t. Largest and Most Complete Brewery in the Ntorth west BOTTLED BEER A SPEC1ALH Telephone NcWa. . - -; . OFFICE 1 1 l3th ul anfiae fJtroets. . ' a A--' ' C. GEE W TUB QREAT CHINESE DOCTO Is called rroat cause his wonderful cures ara aa wall known throughout tha United States, , and because so many -people ara thankful to him for sarins their lives from , OPERATIONS . Ha treats any and all diseases with A powerful Chines I herbs, roots, buds. i' 'i .brks and yeaeUWes .,ViB&e . that are antlrely an. known to medical science In thts-oeon. try. and throuch tha use of these harm. less remedies. This famous doctor knows tho notion of over 609 different remedies that he has successfully used In different diseases. He auaranteea to euro eaUrrh, 'asthma, tuna troubles, rheumatism, ner. vouaness, atomaeh, liver, kidneys, female trouble and all private diseases. : Hun. dreds ef testlmonlala. Charges moderata Call and see him. Covsaz.'XATzov nn ; Patients out of tha city writa for blank and circular. Inclose stamp. Address THE C. GEE WO CHINESE MEDICINE CO,' ISJ Alder streeL Portland.' Or. !' Vt.n.- iivu uiis paper. . . 1 1 f A be- tZ'