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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1903)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND' TUESDAY EVENING, JULY T, 1903. 1 bw r V na P" jm -a. I . ffie mm seems ui-tr j .'"? Items of local .Interest for Busy Journal Readers, ' WEATHER FORECAST !' Daring the laat tt hour tlchf (bower hat occurred la orogou, nmierti a,niogn. outhwcatorn Idaho, WtiWrn Montana, Arl- na, WMtera Colorado and- tbJ t'aaedlas tt I Much cooler this morning IdL -,, Utah. Wyoming aad. Montana amT sllbtl warmer in Eastern Waablnftoa,. Norther Idaho, ' Eaatarn Colorado, Iowa, allnnoaota and tba Dakota.' . At Baker City the temperatur tbl moruluf la 88 drrnn, which la within ana dear- of tba coolcat wratbor on record at that atattoa durlns th atontb of Jutf i' The indication are for (eaeralljr fair weather U tbl aiatrict woauraoa. I T. I U HOTEL ARRIVALS fortlaad t. D. M. war. Nan rranclacoi It. L, I Taf J Orai f tea Newburfer, Chicago; C, I McNamara, I. rtaanncia, t. Han rranclaco: H. L. Dormoii. nt. nli; A. Bru.t. Iowa; 11. 0. Glbba, CorvalUe; J. II. Bcttt aud wife, Bolae; E. T. Bohan nan. South Bend: U. Roacnbaum. cltr: M. A, Bradbury. . Calibrate; t, i. Henry, T. B. Whlatrd. pcaw; J, A. Craaaton, lty; 0. Oogcl and wife, Bt. Lout) O. W. Wheeler a ad wife. Kaw York! H. C. Pat ton, Mia I. W. rettou, 5. 8. Heerea, PwaajrWanla; A, D. Paine, 'rorldence; E. T. Loud.. Mr.- B. 0 Carter, . J. Aenew and wife. W. R. Lett, Haa Fran claro; Mra. WIIIht. Mbw Water. Indlanapolla; i. G. Menlrr and wife, Brookncld; H. U. Col II lie. Chicago; H. 1'. Lcwla, feVatttel 11. ' K. Balaton, Hcotland; Oeorm Miller, Seattle! lr. and Mra. R. T. Wlnatoa. Chlcaito; I. HI awn, Victoria; Mr. aud Mra. John P. Morrow aud Sou, Dulnth: F. L. t'atlln. New York; Alien K. Raaeon, Heattle; Jamea Pwlaht rae, Phila delphia; H. r. roa, w York: Theodora 0. aVInney, Bin rranrleent Mr. H. V. Keith. Mra. 'Florence Loaf. Beaumont, Tea, I Mra.' Minute iKInc. Walter King, Warn. Tea.; J. J. DcHotpo. wife and daiuthter. rblladelphla; W. H. Klep peo, Mlnenanolla; Harry Woy. Seattle; Mr. and Mra. 8. Rueenbanpt and daughter, Spokane; Mra. D. 8. Baker. Mlaa Baker. Walla Walla; Lbarle J. Let, St. Loala. ' Imperial I. M. Trarl, Eiifene, Mra. Trarla, Knaene; Mra. M. lord. Aatorla; Mlaa Afnea Bprecklea, Aatorla; Mlaa Aaaa Mprerklea, San f'ranrlaco: Mra. W. C. Loaaa. Aatorla: 0. H. Br land. Vale: Dr. C. R. Saunderj. I'nlon; 8. I. Tarlor. Jordan Vailry; H. Sautbard, 8. C Jack- Hood Rirer: t. O. cowaea, Mr, t. u. wdea, Caldwell; Mra. W. Btapleton, Salem; B. Cama-artum, Salem: W. II. Crary. Omaha; C. Arderr. La Urandel Mra. J. C. Artery. L Grande; Ada C. Koaa. Mlaa Rnaa, Coral Van Oradall, J. II. Woodward. I'endleton; K. W. Lewla, Oraaa Valley; M. J. Ctrleek. Seattle; I'. V. tlerbardt. Han rYanclaroi Mra. M. B. Boaworth. Han IVanrlaco; K. to Seaborg. South Bend: Hanaea Hughe. Olymfila; J. 8. Cooper, Inrllanatmll: M. 11. Clifford. Canyon City; Mr. Clifford. Canyon City: P. C. Gerbardt. Ban Fran tlr: r. Htephena, Flonta, B. I'.; J. A. Veneaa. WMwk, Lincoln Parla, Tacnma; J. P. Ual bralth, Albany: Mr. F. W. I"rcntlp. Euane; O. H. Baker. Maud Baker. Uoldendale; H. O. Van Dunen. Aatorla; John D. Luud. Ht. Louie; Robert l. Lund. Weatfield. Maa.; E. M. Randa. Mlaa Eulale Hand. Ml Lola Kennedy. Van e.niTer: IVank Mplttlo, Aatorla; Herbert M. Oatruekl. Hpokane; W. C. Barnbart. Tacnma: F. M. Baum. Heattle: E. T. Burrowea. Walla Walla; Mra. R. M. Turner and children; Mlaa Verda Turner. HI Wer City, N. M.; 8. L. Jonea, 0an Franrtaco. TO BE SETTLED Mra. V at Tomorrow Charlie 8hlldg Will pitch Ball For the Browns, And Joe Corbett Will do likewise For Loa Angelea. It will be the flrat - Of the Los Angeles series. Everybody will Want to aee the Top notchers. Van Buren has promised To bunt and hit. Phil Nadeau will Field as he never Did before. Game atarta S:S0. Professional grounds,', Twenty-fourth and Vaughn. Cloud Cap Xna pan ad ftlr L D. ivanKllle, manager. S. K. JaToorahoaas Cos at Seventh and Alder. Telephone. Main 1343 The Portland, Long; Beach. Wash, Open for guests. European plan. For Sale Finely equipped Job print ing office. . Enquire 106 First street Tin Day I Buy Meredith's umbrellas. Repairing, recovering. Wash, and Sixth, About July 10, James R. Ewing, the bookseller, will remove to the corner of rourtn and xammu. VortlMA Club, ISO Fifth etree.- A palatable lunch served every evening rrom until n p. m. The Oonrrtntlonallata will construct a church at Highland to coat 14,000 Lots have been purchased and plans pre pared. . Otto sjchnmaaa, 804 Third street, next door to Taylor-street Church. Marble cutter, monumental and building work. First-class work only. "White aTpray" is the best flour In the city. Made at Walla Walla, by Dement Bros. Co. O. W. Church, wholesale agent. 254 Front street Bee r. Abrahams at the Valler- Land Company's office. 48 H First street,-cor -na r- -Ash,-1 f you wa wt- to JDujt -or sU real estate. Kstaousnea is years. Oregon Camera Club exoarsloa. Sun y. July ie, to Cape Horn on steamer alley Qatzert. Regular meals may be had at usual prices. Tickets, 11) child ren, 50 cents. , The sham battle committee meets to night In the Commercial Club rooms at 8 o'clock. It Is thought that nearly 11,000 will be available for the Heppner relief fund. Thial Detective Barrio Co Estab lished J OjresrrOSjCham.ot Commerce,. Portland. N. Y Chic. St. Louis. St Paul. Kansas City, Denver, City of Mexico, Montreal, Seattle, Spokane. San Fran. Frank Manning, 'the miming clerk of the Southern Pacific who left behind a girl wife without funds to care for her self, has not ' been located, and the young woman returned to her home In 8an Francisco, in company with her! It W, rarkrs deliver horse broke through the rottn planking on East Hark street, near Union avenue, this afterhoon and after much difficulty was released without suffering any serious injury,- ,.v i. -tr ;h ' The Breakers' Hotel Is now open and receiving guests. For Information about rates, reservations, etc., call upon J. i. Arthur A Co.. 40 First street this city, phone Main S63, or write Hotel Break- ra, lyong Hpaen,.wasn..,.' ,r. , Tha Teosa, the Oregon city and Wil lamette Falls excursion boat leaves root of Taylor street dally at 8:10 and 11:19 a. m, and t and t:lt p. m. Round-trip tickets, 45 cents; Interchangeable with electrlo ears, going or eemlng. - mother yesterday afternoon. It Is tha generally accepted theory that young Manning has ? deserted hia youthful bride. There was quite a rash on all day for licenses at the city hall, xne ceieora tlon of the Fourth retarded the sale of permits .to some extent and the great t day's sals , since the first of the month was recorded today 'A chimney Are in Mr. J. F, Cordrafa realiloiice at Twenty-second and East Purttelde streets caused an alarm to be turned n front Twenty-second and East Ankeny this afternoon and gave the fire department a long run. ' No damage re. suited. Otur opposition seems to have petered out. After all It pays to stick to those who are always with you. Atiyeh A Khoury. Importers of Persian rugs and carpets, Turkish draperies and all kinds of Oriental goods, 411 Washington street. . We believe it would pay other laun dries to buy a steam-heated collar and cuff polisher. li ours. It don't scorch or weaken the fiber of the linen, and everyone who haa heard of It eeem to want us to do their work. Union Laun dry, Second and Columbia. Tha people from the "Show Me" state will meet at the Mining Exchange in the Chamber of Commerce buMding tonight to organise a permanent Missouri Club. The by-laws committee 1 expected to make a report: the committeemen are Alexander 8week, Frank Motter and V. K. Strode. City Engineer Elliott set a crew of men at work this morning tearing up the wooden walks surrounding the county courthouse and will -replace them with cement walks, full width. A stone block driveway will also be laid and the appearance of the block will be greatly improved. Our business is not of much aooout aa a profit producer when compared to that of some concerns. We fell Wheeler A Wilson sewing machines and Wolff-American bicycles altogether too cheap to harveat the profits that make men rich. SI gel & Smith, 335 Morrison, Marquam Building. Begualtor Una steamer Bailer Oatsert for Cascade Locks and return dally (ex cept Monday). Excellent opportunity to view the scenery of Columbia River. Steamer leaves Alder-atreet wharf week days 8:30 a. m.. Sundaya 9 a. m., return ing 7 p. m. Music and meals on board. Round-trip fare, $1.50. 'Phone Main 914. Petitions in bankruptcy were filed in the United States District Court this morning as follows: Andrew Plerson, Hquc-r dealer. Sherman. Wasco County; llaMlltlrs, 53.0011; assets, 51.845. I. T. Qlenn, telegrapher, Willows, Gilliam County; liabilities. $492; assets. $204 George B. Mllloy, Clerk, Detroit Marlon County; liabilities. $2,161; assets. $120. Tha Three Sisters will be denied the pleasure of greeting the Masamas this season, the mountain climbers having decided to postpone their propose! trip to those peaka. The transportation men at Eugene are aald to have wanted too much for their services; they also stated that they would not take leas than 50, and only 37 had agreed to go. It Is thought that several private parties may "climb tha mountains 1 later during tha summer. IS. B. Thompson, who was agent for the cottage at tha corner of East Mar ket and East Eleventh streets that waa burned last Saturday night haa made the statement that he believes the fire was of Incendiary origin. Ha haa re re order Marshall Street Im- provement - Without Legal t; Complications. Residents Asked for a Certain Kind of Paving Material Which. Was Thought Create a Monopoly, ports, made their report at last night's that there Is but little oommerca be- (itflcials Believe Council Ca iween mis city ana tna porta or tna I countries named. Tha committee that la trying to Arrange for an early morn ing streetcar aervlca has not yet suc ceeded, but Fred T. Merrill, one of tha committeemen, states that ho minus mora owl ears will yet be nut on. Tha following new members were elected R. Ai Frame, C. Gotilan A Co.. W. T. Burney. Phil Stein. L. C. McCllntock, a. V. Short. Aldon Candy Company, Dr. William Cavanagh, Dr. Charles F. Can' dlanl, Philip Chaperon, Joaeph Buchtel, Dr. R. C. Coffey. Frank Hacheney. Hy, J. Ellers. H. E. Edwards, T. 8. MoOrath, D, E. Buchanan, J. A, Clemensoa Tomorrow Charlie Shields " " Will pitch Ball For the Browns, And Joe Corbett Will do likewise t For Los Angeles. ii win ne me nrsi Of the Los Angeles series. Everybody will Want to see the Top notchers. Van Buren has promised To bunt and hit. Phil Nadeau will Field as he never Did before. Oame starts 1:10.. Professional grounds, Twenty-fourth', and Vaughn. THE WOMENS' UNION Board of Managers Meat and riaa for Improvement In tha Institution. The Women' Union, tha inetltutlon that is putting forth much effort to as sist the homeless girl and endeavoring to put in tha way of young women who are employed throughout the city, a chance to. have a room In a good wholesome atmosphere, met yesterday and considered the matter of repairing a number of the rooms In their building at 510 Flanders street It is the Intention of the Board of Managers to plaster and repaper some of the rooms which have not been quite aa pleasant and homelike aa desired. Workmen were shown over the building and their figures requested on the cost of the work contemplated. Miss Coburn, First Vice-President, presided at the meting and spoke of the necessity of continuing the Interest that haa been manifest In the work of the Union. Mrs. A. Russell, the Superin tendent of the Union home, is endeavor ing to make all the women who have taken quartera under her care, feel thor oughly at home. The question of possible legal com plications ovef tha City Council order Ing the proposed paving of Marshall street in compliance with the axpsaaaad deslra of tha property-owners, seems kto have been settled In favor of tha pe titioners for tha improvement Bev eral of tha city's officials who hava Investigated tha queatlon since the laat Council meeting, when tha petition was referred to a committee for lnvestiga tlon. are now tt tha opinion that no violation of tha law will be made in granting tha request for a specified pav ing material. It waa stated in open meeting when the Council waa In sea- slon laat Wednesday that auch an act would bo creating a monopoly, which la prohibited by tha statutes. After having looked Into tna ques tion a city official stated today that such construction of tha matter did not necessarily follow In this particu lar case; that while the law prohib ited the city from creating a monopoly In that particular. It did not prohibit the Drivate citlsen from doing so. Tha petition asking for the paving between Twenty-first and ywenty-sixm sirwiis, or to ttie Cornell road, if possible, spe cified the use of Warren's bituminous macadam, and thla is - what atuck tha Council temporarily. They thought It waa out of their provlnre to authorise such an Improvement unleaa the bid ding was competitive and open to all. In view of this doubt as to the proper Droceedina. the question was turned over to tha committee to settle. It is the impression that the report or this committee will favor the property-owners. The Marshall street work win rep resent a cost of something like na.uuo or $30,000, and Is of much Importance, Inasmuch as It will afford anomer con venient artery for traffic to and from the North End. HORACE M'KINLEY IN LA CROSSE, WIS. A GREAT TRADE EVENT. The Powers Furniture Company ad vertlses a "Great Trade Event," which means that during the month of July great discounts will be made on all fur niture. Each piece will be marked with a colored tag showing the different per cent ox discount Some of the goods have a 10 per cent reduction and othera have as much aa 33 1-8 per cent The reason Mr. Powers assigns for making these reductions is that the month of July is the month batwee nseasona and usually not as active aa the other montha of the year. He wishes to make what Is usually a dull month a busy one, and win sacrifice all profits to make It such. . So Says His Attorney, L. H, Tarpley Did Not bo tast with Miss Ware, GREAT MILL-END SALE, Yesterday L. Shanahan opened at his Third-street store a big "Mill-End Sale. Tons of short ends of goods were pro cured from -the different Eastern mills and marked at ridiculously low figures. The llat includes- men "s underwear as low as 25 cents for goods that are worth double. Short enda of foulard and pop lin silks white walstlngs embroid ery and lace curtains are here In quan- Itlea. The children s wear department la piled up with odds and ends and It quested the Insurance company to send contalna many bargains. There are a special agent to investigate. Ha had I Children s aresses, ladies' Hosiery, Knit Dan W. Tarpley. one of the bondsmen for Mlas Marie Ware, came down from Eugene thla morning and informed his brother, Lewis H. Tarpley. axiorney for Horaee G. McKlnley, that McKin ley and Mlaa Ware did not go 10 Uenver together, as has been reported. Mr. Tarpley aald Miss Ware left the state two daya after McKlnley, and that her destination was Denver. Of McKlnley s whereabouts, he knew nothing, and he did not believe she did. Lewis H. Tarpley aald he was posi tive McKlnley had left for La Crosse, Wis., and that he Is now in that city. Rualness matters. Mr. Tarpley said called McKlnley. and he did not go in fnmnsnv with his accomplice in me alleged timber land frauds. If you are contemplating a trip East this month you can avail yourseir or very low excursion ticxeis over in ..nrtk.rn Paflfll On JulV 12 tO 16. FOT full detalla call on or write A. D. Charl- i ton. Assistant oenerai rassensw -asti'i, 355 Morrison street, corner of Third. Portland. Or. PERSONALS.- JT. IL Button, a Hood River timber roan, la In the city. ' . - a. j. Diblee. a Walla Walla railroad roan, la In Portland. , , Dr. C E. Saunders of Union Is rag' Istered at tha Imperial, L. N. Roney of Bugena la In tha city. Mr. Roney is a contractor. Dr. E. B. Heg, a Seattle physician,' and bis wife are Portland guests. Mlsa Ella F. Burrowes of Walla Walla Is In tha city on her way Jto tha ooeet Rev. and Mra. J. O. Cowden of Cald well, Idaho, are guests at the Imperial. A. R. Btreve of Kathlamet Wash., Is In !- iCarnival Portland. Mr. Streve is engaged In. the IT klAti- ; aawmlll hnalneaa IT B X sawmill business. Former United Statea Marshal Zoo Hauser has returned from the Quarts- burg Mining District. Judge J. W. Swanwlck of Loa Angeles. accompanied by Mrs. Swanwlck, la rag' lstered at tha Perkins. E. M. Rands of Vancouver, Wash., a member or the upper bouse or tna leg islature. Is In the city. I Samuel, local manager of the Equit able Life, has Just returned from a trip through Central Oregon. Dr. Hicks C Fen ton haa returned from Seaside, His family will remain at the coast during tha summer. George B. Baker of Ooldendale, a mem ber of Waahlngton'a Senate, accompanied by his daughter, Is at the Imperial. Miss Nora Kreyer and Mlaa Alloa Moore returned yesterday from Pendle ton, where they had been visiting rela tives. Sheriff E. M. Shutt of Morrow County la In tha city and attended the meeting of tha Heppner relief committee thla morning, Deputy County Assessor L. H. Max well, accompanied by his mother, has gone to Yellowstone Park, to spend a few , weeks. Mrs. Dorsey S. Baker and daughter of Walla Walla are at the Portland on their way to Seaside, where they will remain during the summer. Charles W. York, treasurer of the Marquam Theatre, has gone to Tacoma where during the summer he will man' age the Tacoma Theatre. Fred J. Blakely, manager of the Ore gon Boom A Lumber Company, is regis tered at tha Imperial. Mr. Blakely Is from the Upper Umpqua. Mr. and Mrs. Victor H. Beckman of Se attle are ruests at the Portland. Mr. Beckman la secretary of the Associated Lumber Mills of Puget Sound. David N. Mosessohn. manager of the Jewish Tribune, left laat evening for San Francisco, where he expeots to stay some three weeks attending to business matters. Harold U. Lumaden. a leading mer chant of Medford, is in the city accom panied by his wife. Mr. and Mrs Lumnden leave for the East this even ng for a trip which will be extended for two montha. Mr. Lumsden will combine business with pleasure. On and after Thursday. July 9. the Winter Garden, Third and Morrison, will serve a merchants' lunch, 11:30 to 2 m.. first-class In every respect. Tha price will be 25 and 35 cents. Bill of I fare will be changed dally and a musical program will be rendered. The reduced homeseekers rates, effec tive February 15. apply via the Denver Rio uranae. Have your inenaa come through Salt Lake City, over the aoenie line of the world. "The" Different Store" fifth-Wl J Washington t Streets. sajEM3asx OIds,Vortman&King AN EXTRAOJUMNARY SALE OF HICH-CHADE SHOES FOR MEN AND WOMEN IOW,. The variety embraces both hfgh and law snoes, wnicn, tor tne most part, nave wen stitched bottoms; single or double soles. They are desighed for dress or general service. ' iW'W-: Low and High Shoes for Women at Extreme Price Reductions THESE UNMATCHED SHOE BARGAINS (1st Floor, Rear) Shoes and Oxfords that are worthy in every way. maklna- skill could make them from nd stylish as any you can find anywhere and yet you can the beat shoe Aa sightly buy them st Made aa well as the best leathera. 54 TO BELOW USUAL, PRICES . Do ou wonder that we're rushed with business? But we've plenty left for tomorrow's buyers for we prepared for Just such a rush aa we're having. patent tin. all tha 52 and rina sofa kid stock, hand-turned soles, all 52.50 grades this week only Ken's Saeereai Shoes Noted for quality and atyle, best $3.50 shoes In America. All late styles this week, $8.63. Kisses' and Children's rates 3eatbe or Kid, Strap Slippers, all the values up to 31.50 go In now In the clean-up, all slses, for ago fait. Boys' or aclases' Oxfords, 1360 values, S1.S3. U Bswsan) lasts, patent leather r kid Oxfords. What a lot we aold laat week! Oo In the sale this week at valuea to 12.50 for Old 3dleo' Comfort Shoes, in Congress or Lace, broad toes, flat heela, hand-turned soles, 14 atyles for selection, at per pair S1.S8. Women's House values, $1.68. Juliets, $2.50 Boys' and Youths' Shoes, all solid leather box calf, heavy calf or Vlcl kid. Slses t to 13, values to 11.76, for SBc Sizes 13 H to 2, values to 52.25, for $1J8. Sizes 2H to 6H. values to 52.50, for $1.48. Women's Drees or lart7 SUp- irs, hand-turned aoles, values 51. 76, lor 080- Zero's a "Korksr" All this week you may choose from 12 new styles of our celebrated "Empress" Shoes or Oxfords, the best 53.50 shoe In America for Women's wear. In all leathers, at per pair $3.83. ft k"4 4ciHHt fcifr'frA A A A AV A A A A AAA c . 5I5ISIIII5MIIII 13 3111 I ; Shoe Repairing Done Right I KBITS 55BWBP SOI.BS UOIir SBWBP BOIiBS . T5o .800 California, oak-taaned aole leather uaes. All stitching dona on tha celebrated Ooodyear Machine. " , Goodyear Shoe Repair Co. AXDXB. BBTWBBB TBX54D AsTS TOVBTX. i none. Kaia SOU. rrea Delivery. . HOI IHIMH'inrtHtMMMHHIIHK f AjrrsxxxBTS, We are not shouting Very loudly, in the- newspapers. You may do the shouting when your teeth ache. Then come to us, and well stop the aching painlessly stop it Tull sat best teeth, $7) next quality, 4 (and they're good onea, toe); gold erowaa, 88-karat, $3 1 gold lilllnga, email, $11 large, $3; all other luiagm, 78 aenta each. ALBA DENTISTS Over EOert Piano Hons, opp. Cordray'g Theatre. Phone Main 2796 mm THEATRE! 12th and Morrison Korthweat Vanderllle Co.. Preps. Georse L. Baker, Realdent Maaacer. Phone, Main 78. NEW BILL TONIGHT. LOOK TUB GOOD ACTS OVER TONIGHT. Foaltlrelr the greateat array of 'vaudeville talent erer on one bill. DEI.PHINO AND DKLMOBA. DEVANT AND ALLEN. THE W ALTON'S. WOODFORD AND MALBORO. MEXIAft AND MEXIAS. ARTHUR HAHN. BCDD BROTHERS. RAYMOND AND CLARK. Poultry Netting WKOISSAUB, SVBTAXb. Wire and Iron fencing BANK AND OFFICE RAILINGS Bartec Wire, Wire" ana Xwa Beaolstf. PORTLAND WIRE 5 IRON WORKS Kaaafaotorera. 108 V. TBXBJ9 IT, OO: nAjrsxM 51,000 Insurance on the furniture and 3400 on the house. He said a family hy the name of 8. Wolff had been occupy ing the ground floor, and another family the second floor. Orand moonlight exoarsloa up the Columbia. Thursday, July 3. Bring your wife, sister or sweetheart and en- Joy a -delightful evening on the- majes tic Columbia. Steamer Harvest Queen and barge. Klickitat leave Ash-street dock at 8 p. m., returning connects w'lth late car. Music by Everest's celebrated orchestra. Liquor not allowed on board. Tickets 75 cents. JFor sale at Woodard: Clarke &Co,, Schiiler'a "cigar stores, Watts A Mathew's drug store and Jancke Drug Company, Looks like a cyclone had hit the In terior of Marks' shoe store, 253 Morri son, next door to the Northern Paclflo ticket office. The big sacrifice of prices inaugurated when Mr. Marks learned that the premises had been rented over his head for saloon purposes, and that he would be compelled to move, has brought a perfect swarm of bargain seekers to the place, and sales have beenenormona.. A big hole haa been made. In the large stock of goods on hand at the beginning, yet there Is small mountain of choice selections still on hand. Now is the time to dress your feet If you want them dressed at all. Kajor A T Bears and B. B. Vague, the Board of Trade committee appointed to investigate Portland's commercial re lation with Central and South American wear, handkerchiefs, etc; Mail orders rill be promptly attended to and the sale will last until the goods are dis posed of. W. H. Markell & Co. OBAKO ATXCTX8 ABB BAST AXJ9EX. , UNAPPROACHABLE BARGAINS FOR Wednesday and Thursday Only Ladies' fine Ribbed Vests and Pants 17c An extra good 25e quality long sleeve vests and knee length pants. In bleached, at the small ;; price of . S" ....... 25c and 35c Fancy Handkerchiefs at 11c A great sampls lot of about SO dozen beautiful embroidered Handkerchiefs, the real value of vhich is trom 20c to 3Sc each Special at,. 20c Heavy Ribbed Hose lie Heavy ribbed, seamless, stainless Hose, in sizes 6 to 9h regular 20c value, at v. $1.50 Cluny Lace Collars 49c . . . " Beautiful, large size ecru Lace Collars, splendid. A S (BPag Bbw He 11c $1.50 value, tM. il!! . ) 4 EE AVINDO WST "Strength and vigor come of rood food, duly digested. 'Force." a ready-to-serve wheat and barley food, adda no puroen. nut auataina, nourishes, invigor ates." - CROWDS SEE HER. Krs, OTJonosU a Sauna of Conilflentla Interest to Those whose races Are Disfigured. Many ladles and arentlemen called at the parlors of Madame Vaughn, 303, 303 and 310 Faillnr Buildlna. yester day, to-look upon Mrs. O'Donnell. and near rrom ner own hps tne story or how the humiliating smallpox pittings, freckles, etc., had been entirely oblit erated from her face by the simple process discovered by Madam Irene La Pere of Paris, France, and now em ployed In this city by Madame Vaughn, who alone Is authorised to practice it west of the Mississippi. Mra. O'Don- fnelt-had-smailpox-when'"TO'venyears""of age. The pittings on one side of her face have been removed, and the other J7? GOOD Price Matinee. 30c. 10c; arming, 30c, SOe, 10c; boz and log aeat. ooe. , SHIELDS' PARK 13th and Waablngtoo 3,300 aeat. Summer Vaudeville w Painless Extracting! Wa do Crows and Bride Work without pals. Oar IS rear' zparleec In plate work eaabW Ba to fit oar south contortably. W hare feeling a wall a yoa. Dr. W. A. Wla. manafer, haa found a aat way to extract teats absolutely without pain. Dr. T. P. Wla la an expert at Gold rilling and Crown and Brldg Work. Extracting free wba pi tea er brtdga ar ardr4. ' K -i , f J :'-( Is easy to give and hard to receive. Our advice about a LAWN MOWER . This summer Is to .buy the WILDWOOD Our reasons will be of the self evident kind, but talk goes with them if you'll call and examine them. Prices from $3.00 UP. Drop In and see them on art dence. Dayton Hardware Co. Tlnrt and Taylor Streets. AT TUB SZaM 01" TsTJB VADIOCX It rained Bandar nlcbt and Cordrai'a wa packed to tba doora. Ereren preaent aald it wa the beat Yaude- Tlll anow crer preaeniea in i uruauu. IO--BigStar Acts-10 A LAVOHIVO OOKZDT 8SOW nOkt STABT iv ruuo, ouriRAL ADinsBioir ti cirri. Oo to Cordray'i In ce of rain. CEDAR PARK PR. W. A. WISS. WISE BROS., Dentists Opra emMf till . sasaay rrom u j. vr. aiain swar. 208-213 FAILING BLOC DR. T. P. WISH. Cor. 3d nt Wash. Stv KEELEY RISTBTUTE FIRST ao4 MONTGOMERY STS. - - - - PORTLAND, OR. Cures Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habih ita only authorized Keeley Institute In Oregon. Elefant quarters sad everj Mnvenlence. Corrcsoondenc strictlv confldentlaL Phone Mam xqm Under new management. Portland's most beaptif ol ptoaaur reaort. Band concert, ; vaade rtlle show and other attraction. Dancing afternoon and craning. Largest Boor oa th Pacific Cot. Refreahmenta aarrad ea th rrounda. Ten acres of beaatltal gror. Fir hundred electric light. Admieaton to fmanda, 10 cent.' ATTEINTIOIMI Eye Ex amina tion Free side will be treated next week. Both -sides could have been cleaned up . at once, but it was deaired to have the lady appear In public "one-half cured,'' ao that others mlerht see her before and after treatment . One side of hr face Is now clean aa a babe's not a mark or freckle upon It. Her countenance will -be as fresh as in youth when the operation la completed. She was a long time sufferer. : Ehe suffers no more. - voir. o'noxVEi.r, wii.i. nn n kiimki. TION EVERY DAY THIS tVKEK t'ROM tt TU 13 AND 1 tO 1 P. U. MEN AND WOMKM BrFKERlVO fROM ANY DISFltil'RElf EXT O.P THS Ji'ACK ARK INVITED IO CALL AND SKI THB LADY AND H EAR THE ,TOH OK HE It LIBERATION FROM HER TORMENT ritUM xat, a vwa urn, Headache, neuralgia no matter where the pain look FIRST to the eyes. Foremost physicians now agree that Eyestrain is the CAUSE of nervous disorders, not a result. Glasses only if needed. We make perfect fitting GLASSES. The Baker Theatre Oaorg L. Dakar, alana-ar. PoaltiTcly laat week this aeaaon of the Baker TBeatre company w Eranlna. 15c. 3Sc. TEABT 11 1A8T LTHNI." "EAST LYMKE." 15c, SSc, 36c, 60ei matinee, toe, CONCalRT HALL , BLAZIER EROS, CONCERT EVERT KIOBT. M3-94S BURNSIDR. SPECIALTIES for th LADIES of PORTLAND. Ail kind TIATHTH8 and BOAS CLIAJTID aad OTRID. Stas. m. euuscaz. iron usdsn, IROtt Flmt. aear corner Phone. Red SIS1. Art and Science SIGN0R G. FERRARI Formerly of Jlilan, Italy, Cures Catarrh and Asthma simply by tie method of voice culture. Blna-lna- taught from foundation te trtlatio finish. ' Teatlmoniala open to inspection at his rtttdlo, MULKEY BUILDINO. 0OB. saooiro ajtd xosmzsoir m uiPAlilfiiif F. DRESSER & CO. Portland's Greatest GROCERY Wa eater te those who demasA th best. Both raoaea aa?. AMD OOBlT ggTBMTat WAsxxvaTov ixum Mann & Beach 92 SECOND STREET Bet. STARK and OAK PRINTERS EXPERT OPTICIANS Save your eyes by consulting; us. No charge for thorough examina tion. Glasses furnished at very low prices. PHILLIPS BROS. 141 Sixth St, Cor. Alder. ' .With White Sewing MkWne Co. . ' TWcWW( pirn mai " iljmi.iiii TELXTKONX WE WANTiMfi. We dair to racelve for axamlnatlon Mff. of all klada, short stories preferred We will gt. a free, critical report ea everything aub Si1tt4 to anr adltora. W sr saarcblng toe Ta-Great AaMiicaa KonL" Bare YOIJ sot HI If so. furward at oar. We will publish it tor roa. A postal brlni our beantlful clmlar ' and eataloxu of Srw book. AddrrM. ' BROADWAY P( B!fniNi COJiPANY. ; . (L) SM Broadway, MONTREAL. , NW VOUli, ') LONOO.f. v p V The) largest and most complete tin dertaklng establtobmeitt on the Coast. F. S. Dunning, Inc.' 414 Cast Alder, cornet East dixtb. Both phones. Call promptly answered to any part ' of the city. If Vou Want A poaittoa tit your ImnlnrMi: If wnt . UUU( UTru tvf ;ULk,iU V.