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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 29, 1903)
THE OREGON DAILY, JOUKNAL. . TORTLAND. MONDAY-. EVENINO, JUNE ?0, 1903. .14 )' ; I'. ' t ROAD BUILDER WILL BE KNOWN President - E. E. Lytel Makes Announcement Concerning Branch Line to Central and Southeastern Oregon, THE FIRST SALE UNDER NEW LAW Within the Coming Week Har riman Will Render His De cisionWould Bring In creased Business Here. "Within the next three or four days It will be known who is to construct the line of railroad which taps the Des chutes country and Central and South eastern Oregon." waa the significant statement made today by President K E. I.ytel, at the hrad of the Columbia Southern Railroad, one of the oompa nlea Interested tn the development of tho section of country In queatlon. Ever since the matter of additional railroad connections waa first brought up for dlaruaalon by the business men of Portland Mr. I.ytel has been one of the foremost In the endeavor to bring bout the result sought fur and the above statement coming from him is conaldered of great weight. Some time ago Prealdent I.ytel an nounced that unless the llarrlman sys tem would build the road the Colum bia Southern would undertake the work and the general public la now much In terested In the final statement to which of these companies Is In reality to control the new line which has long been regarded as a certainty. Delay has been caused by the effort ' that has been made to secure action by the llarrlman syndicate, which has been low to either accept or reject the over- tures that have been made. On aeveral occasions Mr. llarrlman has asked for further data concerning the district to be opened by the proposed road, prof eas ing the belief that It would not. In point of produce offered for shipment, pay In- , tereat on the mpney necessary for It completion. Bring Business to Portland. Portland business men are vitally In terested in the opening and development of Central and Southeastern Oregon which has long been retarded through lack of transportation facilities. It Is claimed that this country will become tributary to Portland Immediately upon Its being given a chance to develop and that milllona of dollars will in this way ba added to the business of the Port of Portland each year. ' Whether Mr. Harrlman has consented to extend the O. R N. into this here tofore untapped country or It haa become necessary, through entire rejection of the proposition by the syndicate of which he la the head, for the Columbia Southern to do the work, la matter that will not become known until Mr. Lytel la at liberty to apeak. - There is a general feeling among rail- road men, however, that the Harrlman syndicate will accept and build the road. Cfty Treasurer Auctions Off .Large Amount of Property to Pay Delinquent Taxes and Assessments. Local Officials Are Dissatisfied With the General Provisions of the Statute Repealing Old Law. CHARGES ARE IDE The first sale of property for delin quent taxes under the new charter In Portland occurred this morning at the City Hall, when City Treasurer Werleln disposed of a large number of lota, many forfeited by non-payment of the assessments for the Twenty-eighth street sewer Improvements. The prop erty disposed of was nearly all on West Main street. Twenty-eighth street and some on the East Side. The sale waa not mnrked by much competitive bidding, aa the new law doea away with that system to a great extent, and In every case the property went for the total costs. All told, the land brou s;h In a sum approximating f J.600. Of this amount the lots on West Main street sold for shout $1,100. A number of the undesirable plecea of land were not bid In at all and must be put up at the next sale. The new law for selling delinquent property does not meet with the full approval of the city officiate, according to various statements, snd ss this was the first sale today since It went Into effect they had a good opportunity to see how the scheme worked and were not pleaaed at the results. Formerly, under the original Oregon law, such sales were conducted by the Sheriff or Chief of Police. The bidding was purely competitive. I'nder the new city statute, however, it la necessary for the sale to be conducted by the City Auditor or his deputy. The proposition of simple competitive bidding Is done away with and there la any amount of red tape attached which makea extra work for the Auditor. It will be a week yet before the papers can be made out for today's sale. ARE LAYLING NEW RAILS ' WANTS HIS COIN BACK Complaint Za Tiled Tor 1860 Damages Said to Be Due TlgHter Umm ' . XeTey'S MuugH. ' A complaint waa filed in Justice Wll -. llartl Reid'a court this morning by A. I ' Mldgley against the Oregon Athletic Club (I Wagner and P. J. Maher), to recover 260 damage , said to be due because of the non-pulling - off of an ""athletic exhibition" between Bam Me- Vey and Jack Jobnaon. It seems that the plaintiff has brought the suit to 1 try. and collect tha stated amount for , W. A. ' Roche. Mover's manager. The complaint allege that' tha fighter and hla manager came' here from Ventura, . Cal., paid out good coin for various nec essary expenses and then the exhibi tion was never held. City si Suburban Bailway Company Bap idly Finishing- Up the Im proved Track. The City & Suburban Railway Com pany started men at work tbla morning laying new tracks on the lower end of Morrison street, from tha bridge, to Third. In order to prepare for paving that thoroughfare. Thla will complete the new track on Morrlaon street, and the work of repaying can go ahead with out any delay. , Upon completing the Morrison-street tracks the' crew will be' put to work on Yamhill atreet, from Front to Fourth, and on Third street, between Main and Salmon. MARRIAGE LICENSES The following have been Issued 11 . censes to marry by the County Clerk , Clifford R. Miller, aged 22. and Maggie Hyland, aged IS; Frank Spread borough, aged 31. and Carrie M. Blaser, aged 21; John Costello, aged 24, and Elisabeth Coat el lo, aged 24; Peter Pier-eon, aged l. and Martha Erlckson, aged 24, all of Multnomah County; F. O. Lehman, aged) z. or Clackamas county, and B. E. Douglass, aged 26, of Multnomah County. Oertlfleatee Betorned. The following marriage certificates have been returned to the office of the County Clerk: Clifford R. Miller and Maggie Hyland, Rev. Father H. J. Mc Devitt. pastor of St. Mary'e Catholic Church, officiating; Henry F. Sinclair and Coral El Knapp. William Reid, jua tlee of the peace, officiating. Tha Kinsman. There is no material change In the linemen atrlke. Since tha trouble oc curred local officers of the union report that tha pickets have successfully pre vailed upon fifteen men employed to take tha place of tha strikers to quit. Tha men operating what Is known as patrol wagon No. 2, which is engaged ajt construction work In tha southern part of tha state, arrived in Portland this morning atd joined thosa who ara out. Patrol wagon No. 1 is yet to ba heard from. It is In soma locality In East ern Oregon, and tha men with it belong to the union. It is aupposed that they know nothing aa. yet about tha strike. Tha men say that good reports ara com ing in from all sections, and that they re confident of winning. Oo-Operative laundry. The stockholders of the proposed co operative laundry met again Saturday night, and listened to reports from tha committees appointed to look up a loca tion for tha plant and to procure ma chinery. They decline to make the re port public on the ground that they are desirous of keeping the Iaundrymen's Association In the dark until the enter prise is ready to be started. However, they state the project is a aura go, and will ba put In operation in a short time. DISPLAY ..' .''- 1 '.f . GloriouV Pianos Used by the Kings and Queens of Song Who Composed the Maur ice Grau Opera Company, o New York, the Past Winter Notwithstanding their association and the mora tangible and practical advan taae of balno1 napftlv Jatahllah.tt1 Hnd Henry Alton, Real Head of an ' f,n thhrourh lU"! in mi i r talented artists, who used them, these a eeea bocus m n ne uom- "" wet pianos are being soupy , . .it r- i u" si a very liberal aiscouni irom ns Danv. s Mrresiea nv rveaera ref.u'"r : r"ce. . i7' ... mere are nearly two t-arioaaa or mem, AlJthOritlfiC: among them the choicest and most J - . I Mil,. IIV. WWVM "'''-' w vvesi. At tha close of the season. Manager NEW YORK. June :? Henry Alton. Of"- h succeeded in securing the who I. believed to be the real head otir":""", ii.. k. i .. -i i wii.. , , ..... . I i: . - -""' miuii.s i -""K"j- rorK has ever enjoyed, sent the follow iimni i w u j Km i mo iruniiMi i ins isuer io tne weuer company: charge or miademeHnor, it being alleged NEW YORK April 20 10. that he railed to Obey the law requiring The Weber Piano Cnmnanv. No. 101 persona entering co-partnership to me Fifth avenue, New York: their names with the county clerk. The Gentlemen On the eve of my retire real cause of hla arrest Is because Alton I ment from the active management 1 of Is believed by Federal authoritlea to be .r""a 0Pf "the Metropolitan opera planning flight to avoid more serious .r'Sii.i? "?'7K charges. The Columbia Company ,rtW .iZ.TiZn . fr thVuVhar Pianos cnievea mucn noionmy oi laie inrougn isnd to further uv that thev have at all the published charge that In Ita director I times Droved eoual to the exactlna de- ate are a number of Federal employes mands of the great artlata whom 1 have who used thrtr official positions to fur- " me to time brought berore ina ther the Interests of tha concern. T. t .p" ...- Piuffl,.. ln.nlr A.h hna In. .. vuh-ih.ii iii.i in Wlir, vestlgatlng the matter for soma weeks. I surpassed in this country or In Europe The company claims to own valuable 1 shall continue to uae the Weber Piano paying claims at Cripple Creek. Tlut in my own horns, both here and In ..v ik. th mm nanv France. With kindest rea-arda and beat owned was one which waa worked out wisnea. Deileve ma. Inceraiy yours. .r.n .m -H 1. nvw wnrthlnil imAlt. I JDAUniVU UAAU, h. Jllnr. nr. th .nmnnv-a nii. ..vl " musicians conipusiii ynm pectus sre Assistant Secretary of th United Biatee Treasury ivecueion, 1 tha entire season. Of these i2 nla Treasury Disbursing Agent Thompson we were fortunate enough to secure it. and Senator Jones of Ohio. All these There was Oadakl, Nordlca, Madame emphatically repudiate the company and grlaf"i11 Madame Seygard, Ed de av thev have no connection with the I . Blspham. Ixulse Homer, Th. say they nave no connection wun tne ga,lg.n4Ci UnrMy, Madame Bauermeister, tne tnree great conductors, Mancineui, Alfred Harts and Klon: also Journet. Oerhauaer, Mdma. Reusa - Belca and Klrby-Lunrj, Kimbald; R. Blass, Bergue, Leciarey. uurricne. van (.auterein. Hi. de March! and A. Relas. Tha piano used by Qadskl was a very aimy D&oy grand. The same style in the next else waa used bv Madame Nor dics. The Louie XIV style waa used by STATE LITERATURE WANTED IN SAXONY E. de Resske, Thomaa Saklgnac and con- Calls for Information Concern- SSSS. SrrA.15L.if.l3 ing Oregon .Come from Almost Everywhere, Ueclery: a very handsome, large right by Madame Reuas-Belce: dainty ''Puritan" style by Madame Kirtiy-Lunn; beautiful, large, fancy up rltrhta by Blspham. Marllly, Anthes. the great conductor Alfred, Herts. Dufrlche, Van Cauterln and E. de Marchl. Regardless of all other considerations, ments of highest grade pis no-mnk I rig. Kllers Piano House, Washington street, corner -Park. MORE Preferred Stock Canned Ooods. Allen ge Lewis' Best Brand. ZXOT7XSIOXT SATES BAST. Tin Canadian 2aolflo BaUway. Chicago and return 171.60 St. Louis and return 47.60 Peoria and return 49.25 St. Paul and return . . ..; 80.00 Minneapolis and return 60.00 Duluth and return 40.00 Dates of aale June 24 to 20, inclu sive; July 15 and 14. and August 25 and 24. Tickets rood for 90 days. . For full instruction call on or address F. R. Johnson. F. Sc. P. A., 142 Third street. Portland. Or. Centrally located with Beautiful Surroundings. 7 Ins Surf Bathing, Ufe Hadkney Cottag'e SEAV1EW, WASH. Second stop after leaving Ilwaco. FostoMoe address, It WACO, WIRE Home Comforts. Excellent Table Board and a Most Desirable Place for Families. Sp&cteue Sitting-room. Reasonable Family Rat-s. Fine View of the Ocean. Excellent Cuisine. Ladles' and Gents' Bathing Suits Rent. . for THE NEWTON r VEWTON STATIOZf. Hew ' Improvements Hew Management BATES 98.00 PEB BAT. J. O. Wickham. Proprietor. ' Mrs. W. U. Keiislt. llootess. 1.0 HO BBACH. WASH McQuire's Hotel Open All the Year "Round- SEASIDE, OREGON Mrs. O. McGulre. Prop, Rates Reasonable. This Popular Hotel is new and clean and beautifully located on the Banks of the Necanicura. within five minutes' walk of ClATSOP BBACH. Tha Most Pleasant Seaside Besort on th Horthwest Paotflo Coast. E. ,M. Grimes, Proprietor. The New Grimes Hotel free Bus tp and From Hotel. Rates Furnished on Application CLATSOP BEACH Only hotel overlooking the ocean. View of the sea from nearly every room. SEASIDE, OREGON JTOTAXT PTBLXO COX.X.XCTXHO AOEHOT PXBB 2HSTBAHCB STASIDI'S x ftXAX. SATATB BEAXEP S. J. HUBBARD ? Seaside, Oregon OVERNIGHT ENTRIES Journal's List of Horses and Weights for Tomorrow's Races, SEATTLE, WHh.. June 29. Entries for Tues day. Jiiup :iu. are follow: Flriit rce Fire furlong-s. selling, 8-yeir-olds mid up: Koim B lOTIHlndmaater . Entriini . . . .' 94 Snaik Allnatpr 110 Milwaukee Roacbu d 1 06 1 Moo toy a Second race Four furlonjra, 2 ycar-olda: Col. HKvy HOIPorla . 96 .109 -112 .107 .107 .113 .110 Jack Little 11F. K. Sbaw.. MliiHinoto 113 Di-tnonlo ... Duatr Khodt-a. . . . . . .llOlCayuco 113 TUinl race Four and ono-Lalf furkmgc, set II UK,'r-old aud np: Bi-autlfill (ilrl 107Judgf Naptnn Jim Gore II Katherlnp Knnls. MacF'lerknne .... Virgil D .109 .109 .107 .100 .107 Vtuoe 109 Saul nf Tareiia 109 (toddina of Mglit..107 ltoltalrc M! Dr. Sberman 109 Fourth race Mile and 70 yards, soiling, 4- year-olds and up: Honiagp , v. 10911 O V ,.,,107 MOrfWlgo Ill LIHJUinWH 111 Karuatu UllArtliur Hay 110 Miaa Vora..:. 10NOhlo tilrl 103 IVttigrrw Ill IFlllbuater lil Fifth race FItc furlongs, aclllng, 3-year-olda and np: Botany 107Tourla II Kr7 Cute lOnlJohn fl. Carr 107 Minn Madi-llni- IllTlBlouUura 94 A Tutor Hit)1 Almoner 109 KIKh race !Trn furlong, selling, 4-year- nlda and up: The Miller. U Anvil 102 KI Chlbiinbua Mm: Iras K pi 1 a 111)0 1 09 1 Andrew King iu. Hen-nnoa 105 I CARRIERS ON CITY ROUTES Five Additional Postmen AVi be Placed on Duty July 1 Twenty Were Asked for by the Postmaster. The demand for literature teninsr or Kea-a the varied reaourrea of this state numi this large assemblage of Weber pianos. to be a crowing one. From almost ihelr bamutlfullv finished cases, makes ,7 , a very Imposing display, to which the every section of the tn on there come pubI1( cPdlat)y invited. In point of rana lur una iuhiS "inuri, auu uuuii- value and also In point of variety and time the secretaries of tha local Board eiteht of aaaortment. nothing like it haa or Trade ana me tntmner oi commerce ever Deen seen in tne west, it is a reg receive In one mall letters of this sort ul" exposition of the choicest achieve from at least seven different states, and this morning there was an epistle from Saxony, Germany. Although It 1b said that the call for booklets and papers of an advertising nature from the above named trade bodlea have been many during the past few years, there Is an Increased demand for them now, owing no doubt to tho awful storms and floods that have been raging throughout the Middle West and Southern States. Generally, when a peraon writes here for "a little Infor mation about Oregon," he Is not only sent a neat little library for his own keeping, but also several duplicates to be used In missionary work among hla neighbors. The recent letter from Karonv was addressed to the secretary of the Chajn ber or commerce, ana was rrom a-Kich ard llelnxe. of Klrchberg, and waa writ ten In English. Mr. Hclnze was sent a large bundle of Oregon literature, the postage of which cost 56 cents. Tha following Is his letter: 'Being very Interested with Oregon and the advantages which she offers to Intended settlers, I should Ilka to get soma information about the presen atate of affairs In your country, espeel ally how the. outlook of the fruit grow lng Industry may ba for the next fu ture. I hone vou can furnish ma with such newsVand beg to tell me your opinion whether a small capital of round mark 10,000 (12,600) would be sufficient to start on an Improved place near to town. (I should prefer the Immediate vicinity of Portland). "I have to form my plan where to go In beforehand, even from here so far a point, as I am forced to seek that place where a man with small means can make a good start. If you should be so kind aa to give ma a tip In that view, I should be thankful obliged to you. - . "I beg to excuse, that I trouble you in that purely personally matter, and remain, expecting your kind reply fit your earliest convenience, yours respect fully. RICHARD HE1NZE. 0 eaCnn I P ' fl i fntr'n WOur Great Avalanche Sale of VV A fl WA r U ' "Drug Sundries, Soaps; Perfumes; W V tl IT " in I' '"' I Ivi'M Goods, Cameras and Photo Sap-', THE PUBLIC APPRECIATES the Opportunity to Select from Oar Immense Stock at Such Low Prices. ? r' Wdbclard Clarke &:edmDanv Cameras, Kodaks and Albums The new Daylight Development Re. Bpe. Brownie Cameras fl.Ot and $0.00 Brownie uayugnt ueveioping Ma- china . . .... No. 0 Folding .00 No. 1 Folding 10.00 Daylight Developing Machlna... 0.00 No. 3 Flexo, 8 4x34 plcturea... COO No. 1 Bullaeye, IHxSH pictures 5.00 There have been over 183,000 of, . these cameras, sold In. the If. 8. No. la Folding lt.00 No. t Folding la.OO No. S Folding 117.6(1 and M.00 No. la Folding, the new else, v "slips Into Jfour pocket $20 and t7-S0 Daylight Developing Machlna for above T40 No. 6 Cartridge Kodak, for films and plates, 7x5 Its and (38.00 Machine for. this alia ....... $100 - ,' Ker. 100 Dechle Photana Albums. 75o Spec, i-r. 400 : 4o V v tO 100 Dechle Photana Albums. 60a 100 Da Lux Albums ....i.TSO 600 Leather Stamp Albums. 16a 100 boxes Woodlark Water Colors . . .J6c IBa 116 boxes Acme Water Col ors, prof, slsa 12.60 M-88 jit boxes -jveg vryr a not weather , necessity: will , Drevent . vour ne rttlvs . from frilling ., I5o toe H. H. Btarcord'a Champion Water Well Paste, box 40o slsa J6c; 6o alaa lBo ' Reg. Spec, 60 Aladdin Candle Lampa..40o tSa 100 Electric Ruby Lamps. IJ.60 11.00 Large woodlark intern.. 4.00 l.oo Every Itom of Rubber Qoo4 we sell Is Quaranteed to be Satisfactory PERFECTION RAPID FLOW FOUN TAIN byrinud; nag ana tuning are of the best rubber and carefully made, 3 hard rubber pipes. I, 3, in.1 rff?: . . . 83c, 93c ALPHA FOUNTAIN SYRINGE, with Improved self-closing neck, all hard rubber pipes. The only fountain syringe made In which tha flow can be Increaaed at will by a pressure placed on the bag. No. 8, CI 70 special 1.4 REX FOUNTAIN SYRINGE -Glvaa all tha force necessary for all ordi nary injections; stopcock for res;u- 4 quart.' .'' .'. 60ct 70c, 80c LADIES' flYRINQES DR. FULLER'S VAGINAL 8 PRAT, nuick action, ball spraying, injec tion nd auction ayrlnge, reg-J2 7? ular 13.60. apeciaJ This syringe ta mada entirely of rubber; no metal parts to ootrode. It costs little mora at first, not tn tha end. FAfllLY BULB SYR I NOES 49c 63c THE TYRIAN. No. 14, regular euo, special THE IMPERIAL BULB SYR INGE, regular 79c; special. THE MOTTLED PURE OUM BULB SYRINGE, regular 1, Q9 apeclat THE "EMPRESS" SEAMLESS BULB SYRINGE, prlas 31.76, 7)r neclal . . . H' THE "GOLF" FOUNTAIN SYR INGE, price $1.78,. apeclal. . . . THE WOODLARK WATER-OIL CON TINUOUS SPRAY ATOMIZER, I Q regular 31.60. special 98c , 500 Alarm Clocks, guaranteed, reg-. ' $1.33 8peciaJ DOLLAR WATCHES . 1,000 Quaranteed Dollar, Watches f-! Special, -v- 3 V 65c TOOTHPICKS Hardwood Toothpicks, bos 1,000 : 4c RAZORS Oem or Star Special $1.69 TOILET SOAPS Cuticura Soap, cake Malted Milk Soap. box..... Thompson's Glyc 'Soap, do..33e Number Soap, dor JVC Shaker's Tar Soap, dox 306 Shaving- Soap, cake Special Special Star Mail Service Between Valdes and Eagle, Alaska Has Been Increased to Once Every Two Weeks, Five additional letter carriers, will be placed on duty in Portland Wednesday, July 1. The local department asked thst 20 additional postmen be allowed, and it is understood the service will be Increased again in October. The malls of the city at the presentt Ime are de livered by a corps of 60 men. "While the Increase will greatly aid in the distribution of mails," said Henry M. Barrett, superintendent of city de livery, "more carriers are needed." The Increase was due to the visit of a special Inspector who was here a short time ago and was driven over the city by Postmaster Bancroft, who, pointed out the need of more help. The In spector agreed vith the local officials mar more carriers snouia oe employed, and he at once recommenced that the wishes of the Portland office receive consideration. The new carriers will be: E. G. Wat son, W. L. Starkweather. John Good, P. A. Manclet and E. W. Hall. Increased Mall Serrloe. The Post.offlce Department has Issued orders Increasing the mall service be tween Valdes and Eagle, Alaska, from one' monthly trip to one every two weeks. The change will bring mails Into Seattle on about the 11th and 26th of each month. The change calls for an additional service out of Seattle. The Valdes-Eagle route Is one of the gov ernment's longest star routes. It Is all Amerlcan and until its establishment, mall to Eagle was taken via Canadian soil. BY TROLLEY ELEVATOR (Journal Special Service.) PITTSBURG. Pa., June 9. Six men and four women were badly Injured by a falling elevator at the Heinze Pickle Factory late this afternoon. It was used between the southern sta tions of this' state and the north of Cali forniaand - according xt Tne srery toTd by the present ,owner?was tha tenter of many an exciting event. LOOKING FOR ELOPERS VANCOUVER. B. C, June 29. Andrew Hamilton, the farmer-postmaster of a villnge near Calgary, la here looking for his wife and a farm hand named James Wall, who Is 60 years of age. Mrs. Hamilton Is over 70. Hamilton says Is wife Is a cousin of Mayor Seth Low of New York and that he met her through a matrimonial agency four cars ago. Hamilton says he. will shoot Wall on sight.. His wife attended to the postofflce while her husband farmed. He lieard of Wall's attentions about a week'ago at which time his wife sold the store and loft with Wall. Hamilton heard of them being here and left for the upper country in pursuit. Toilet Paper Come in and investigate our TOITET PAPER bargains. We guarantee the count and weight of every pachage. Re I Dos. Case Nero, oz. roll ... 3c 29c S2.43 Sanltaj, oz. "... Sc 48c $3.78 Multnomah, 1,000 iheeti fe s7c 15.17 Woodlark, 1,000 sheets 10c 79c .15 SQUARES Pilot, package, with hooks Se 39c S2.48 Hot Bells, package. with hooks 10c 79c. f3.Z7 Klondike package, with hooks toe 93c o.V3 Garden Hose Don't forget that we earry the BEST and LARGEST stock of Garden Hose in the city. Special Prices t salt til purses. : - " Res. c. -Iil.I3.7S $3.09 -In.. 4.2S 3.49 -In.- 4.7S 3.89 .-la.. S.S0 4.S9 SO ft. Cascade, SO ft. Cascade, 50 ft Geyser, 50 n. ucyser, SO ft Woodlark, ',-ln.. 175 5.59 50 fl. Woodlark. tf-ln- 7.50 6.29 50 ft. lest Striped Cotton, 1-2 In. 5.S0 4.59 50 ft Best Striped Cotton, K-ln 0.25 S.39 . EVERY LENGTH GUARANTEED California Port or Sherry, Spec' I, qts.,25c Thompson's Cabinet Blend, qts., Spec'l 65c Canadian Club, Special, ; $1.10 Hall's Special Scotch, Special $1.15 McBrayer's Cedar Brook, Special $1.15 Woodlark Table Wines Try them-Santernes, and Clarets REDUCED PRICES. Drug Sundries Coke Dandruff Cure 57c . Newbro Herpicide 57c Lyon's Tooth Powder 13c Mennen's Talcum Powder, 13 c; Wisdom's Robcrtine, reduced to 27c r- Optician's HIGHEST SKILL IN FITTING .-LOWEST PRICES-. Consultation Free 141 SIXTH ST., COR. ALDER With White Sewing Machine Co. See MARS I Rhose's Park, July 4-5 1 I BiIood Rcenlon. psrachota trip, I I bifh dire, UN) feet. . I 1 Games of all kinds, band cor V cert, dancing. APMiBBior m czvrt. f OLD PENNSYLVANIA HAS CLOUDBURST If you have a trip East In view this summer, write or call on A. D. Charl ton, assistant general passenger agent of the Northern Pacific, 256 Morrison street, corner of Third, and he will be pleased to give .you full details in con nection with lower excursion rates that will be placed In effect by this company In June. July and August. There Is a low round trip rate, Pacific Coast to -Chicago and return;- also to points East. Ona-way tickets to Chicago can be had at reduced rates also. AppTv at the office of the Chicago, Milwaukee A 8t. Paul Railway Company, 1S4 Third atreet, Portland, Or. The most delightful trip across tha eontinent is -via the "Denver V Rio Grande, the 'Scenic lin of the worla. Applv at Iti Third sU Portland, for rates. CUMBERLAND, Md., June 29. As the result of a cloudburst this afternoon the towns of Bedford and Bverett, Penn., are inundated and many families are fleeing for their ilives. Tha electric light plants are inundated and both towns will be in darkness tonight. Details are meagre. Tha Pennsylvania railway tracks are- under the water for miles. LATE NOME SEASON ,' A letter Just received from Noma con tains tha Information that the season Is about two weeks late and that shovel ing wtll begin about July 1. A large railroad enterprise Is now under way at the mouth of Solomon River to run to Council City. Tha road will go by way of Solomon Rlvar to Hurrah Creek, "and tKen up Fox River to Coundi. It is reported that three ship loads of stlpplies and materials are on the way now, and more coming. This portion of Alaska is -even mora readily reached from Portland, than from the 'Sound, and this city ahould get in and make an effort xo get soma of thla very valuable and profitable trade . - m m m m XAAAAaaaaaaaa TlllllllllllllllllfllTlllI TTT aiaiataaai TTTTTTT TTT 1 MEN'S CLOTHING GREAT LINE OF MEN'S SUITS $15.00, $18.00, $20,00 and $25.00 Suit. SPECIAli $15.00 Suits at $9.75 Bring the Boys to Welch; Suits, Shoes, CapSfsShirts, Waists and Hose. If will pay you to trade witi TKe AMERICAN ...CLOTHIER... 221-223 MORRISON and FIRST STS. i WELCH J1 MARRIED WITHOUT TELLING PARENTS Dorothy Bloom Joins Frank E, i ta ii i- ' ivianning in vveaiocK m San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO, June 28. Friday noon Dorothy Bloom, the daughter- of W. H. Bloom, of Oolden Gate avenue. slipped away from home tinder the pre tense of spending the day with girl friends, but was married to Frank B. Manning, a son of F. E. Manning, a real estate dealer of Seattle. The young people feared opposition of the girl's parents on account of the youth of the bride. Manning gave out the story that he was Offered a position on a Portland paper aifd wanted to take his bride along. The, couple left here Saturday night. Journal friends and readers when traveling on trains to and from Port land should ask news agents for 'The Journal and insist upon being supplied with this paper, reporting all failures In obtaining It to the Office of publication, addressing The Journal. Portland. Ore. j . , -A ' ronrth of July. OREGON CITT, June 29. Additional donations to the amount of about $50 have been made to the Fourth of July celebration fund, and every, cent sub scribed has been Collected, making, the entire amount of available funds some thing like $1,000, The committee haa not yet given out their program, but ex pect to in a day or two. - " -'- ONE MORE DAY - Tomorrow is the last day in which the plumbers of tha city have td regis ter rit the office of the Plumbing in. spector In the City Hall. They must all be registered -by the first flay of July and will then be examined in the branches of their trade. The Examina tion Board, of which Mayor-Will lams Is chairman. Is working on the examina tion papers now. Seppntr Benefit. OREGON CITY. Juno 29. Tickets fo. the Heppner benefit entertainment to be given at the Opera House tomorrow evening by the Juanlta Concert Com pany are in' demand and selling rap idly. Already a great many reserved seat tickets have been sold. .The en tertainment Is given tinder the auspices of the Methodist Church. Wednesday evening the Presbyterian Church ' viii give an entertainment nt the same p' I for the same purpose by a hoirHj-talAj I eompsny. Skeleton Pound. OREGON CITY. June 29. Embedded under six feet of mother earth andJy lng under a rock weighing several tons, human skeleton was discovered last Saturday by a party nt work building sewers In the upper part of th.e city. The find was taken to Portland and placed on exhibition there. Whether the skeleton was that or an Indian or white man it Is Impossible to tell, but the theory Is that it was that of an Indian and bad been placed there hundreds of years ago. ( AH VT-TO-BATS TSAXK.' Th 'Imperial Limited. operated by the Canadian Pacific, Is, beyond a doubt, the finest train, crossing the continent. This train makes the run from ocean to ocesn in four days. " ' , ' U Famous lh World OveFtilly Matwedf T- Oraar from Fl kawsfelB Mayer Conapaiay i V,, -.TV ' . 4 X.