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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 13, 1903)
THE OREGON DAILY J OURKAL, ? POIITLAND, SATUH J)AY EVENING,' JUKE 13 : il 903. CITT 810TICEB. CIT SOTICEBV' CITT VOTIOES. CUT KOTICEi. CITT JT0TICE8.- CTTT K0TICI8. RAILROAD TTBTTARTJa. 0N8ID ilVZS tW;' IABT JEVESTH I M0POBEO .KWERj IH , BAM BATAEt I PROPOSED A88EBBMZHI FOB IMPEOTS- with, and between the north Una of Morrison TM.EET.' J . . I . V -. ''' i ' ' 1 ' MTRRET. V , L J. V WVV BAAJiCiAi .' I wv-a. ' w axr- cava mn ij iiuiu SHU .......u.. iJ ... ' h - Not!. 1 hereby glvea tht tba Cdnoell ef P-I "" " 1 Rmira i at si t it w n i irn ' iiiai he nm nimiiiia s rannna i narnw vivan ina v t na an mm n ir r .... ef the Council of the' Citv of PortUnd. Ore-1 of the Council of the 0lty of Portland. Oiir. on. held oo tbe Bd -fly or Jua. 1003. th ton. held on tho 8d day of June, JUU3. tue being VmcU lv and tMwuliarlv kti J ' Ta abev Improvement 1 to bo claaaed Iollolnf rJ rtPt4: ': . following resolution mm adopted: ' JJVd I, the ni0ootV.t LMltmVItt m v b mmln. .Re-olved. Th. : .HoBcl of the a)r-f .Rl;d, n.t the youurll of tea C ty of SeMlo,, f'.'od of two the nt rortiana pe ion ae - ia pereny directee rive notice- of tbo Prooosed Inmnmmaiil Mid atreet provided by tbo city rbar. let. from tbo out lino of .Heat I a-"""""". w " e v. rnj proposes 10 cnniruri -mr im , a.asi mTimm 1 proiweee to.coneiruci (l aewer ill hi naiari 1 vitLnnth . k. , . v. I 0T tbo prooortF NDffliffl Br otld ImDmTO- I . itml from 1 t narxa or tho ooiifli llix Jtwt from 125 fH Mt of tbo ft line of Tnti-fonrth itnoL DraVldcd bV oidl. " " Portion tboroof ibill not llflo i of Tbopn otroct to oonowttoB lA th l olnn irpnoo to eoniim)o with tbo pro- -onS No lVSril . i . nw of different lmprorm.ut bfur wr in Hancock trt of Tltrlflml ifwer plp pMd w In Eat SoTt-ntb trt of Vltrt- n olilpiloi to tko nivirllnninot of Mat U oiplrotlon of aiich poriod. rtirltb ill tbo iMKvry ctcb-bln. mail. fld Mm piix with oU. M.r Mtrb- u,nl4mS!ntmr!tSSSl SrlthS ,Th- pUn, ipwlllctlOM,nd atlmt of , bnlrt. Umpholl.nd hran-ha. of tbo followln boalnt. .anhol. UinpholH aud br.ncbo of f;ia "".'.Vi "S, "f. K!H!E2 a City Englnoirfoi' tha liproramoot of told I fliiooDilona: or 10 tnotioa cloar tnalda dlamttrr. elcbt Inrhca alear Inalda dlanM-tw In imoM- Ii.u (. J.t7 trim ti ( f iki ini atroot ara borahy adoiitad. from point lo Kaat flrvrnth atraat IS i im with th. Diana, atm-m.-atluna aDd oatl- Z m... .? fll!-I2?..if ff? ?f.i" BalTad: That tha Aodltor of aorth.of tbo eoiith Una of Toompaon etft Mataa therefor priard by tha City Kmrluwr fio. .ill bo ha ard nddVtK l.i krlh. run. $ x to a 'fcolat-la Tillamook atraat: tbenoo of 12 1 and tiled In tha oltlro of tha Auditor of tba V , J J liifhaa lar Inalda diameter to , a connexion City of Portland on tha 3d day of Juna, !. i.ialna tba at of aald Imnraniunt " I ot H with tbo aawar la Hannn atraat. in accordant Indoraad: "City Knatoaar'a lUoa and aiHcl. ,l)",A..ASL!iatI!'aL Ur. " with tha plana. anorlllatlrmi and aatlmta ftvatlona for www Jn Ban HafaoK iliwt ' J w . f . 1;. -v xnarvior prrparas py ina t;ity Knirinarr, nirrt rraro ja rnfclt or rnlos arauua to propoaoq 1 ulk .7 i In tha'-ooVa of tha Aodltor of tha City ol aawar lo Kaat Heraath atraat. and tba aatl. f &mBany I ! Z 1 t ; T.ZiS'ZJlLV'''!!-- i? wort to ba doaa asd tha probablo Bik ml lot i Tha Uww Rnil Eatata arwar In Baat BoTanth atraat from 15 ft Tha t of aald , aawar to ba aaaowad alk .4 Jot A. Tha'ftni' nl iilit - north of tha aontb Una of Tbompaoo atraat to aa prorldad by tha rlty chartar opoa tha B&ViaD . . . ? .10 aawaf In llanrark ktraet and tha eatlmataa of protwrty apaHafly bancatpd tharby and whlrh nik 175 lit B Th'a Viriaok' Rm f iltlil ' tha werk to ba dopa and tba prybabla total la 'dl.rad to ba alt tha Iota, parta "',U,,,a'Dy . T.! .?f . .!! . .71! .! . . .10 ort tharf." V of lota and parla of land lylna katwaea a BIlTlJB W V Tha) 6nmaf KmI iatoto ' Tha oat of aald ' aawar to ba aaaaaaad Una ItK) feat north of and parallel with tha '(toiVr . ! -f " " ' Id M pwldad br-th, any charter apo. tba north Una of Man Rafael alreet aad Una mk lfe hi i rii Owa'ii'il ' aaalnat tha a bore Improve- a is wnuni witn toe unoar Bemonatraaaa meat mar ba fllai laf "'n'a within SO daya from tba data of tba Brat jir oraer oi ui vouani. . THOU. C. niCVLlV. Aodltor of tba City of Portland. -naa a. iwut , wbirh 1 48 feet eonth of and parallel with tha aouth una or. oaa Kiraoi eireeir ana oaiween a line 1 00 feet eaat of and parallel with the eaot t4.!!? ?' .88 rart. atraelr and between Una Blk jf,, U a Xb Off W" Bail 'iatita , nronartr ; th.r.h. .ii X hereb declared i to ba all tha lota parte I H a " ana parreai una lyina peiweea i i iw iwi eaai or , ana paraiiei wiib id. va r. Conit'any . .. iffha) 100 feet eaat of and parallel with the I lint of Union arcane and a Una 10 feet weat k ijm fV a The Oreioo Beai "aitato aaa una or Mat Befenth atre.t and a , Una I or and parallel wlUi tba . weat Une.of Eaat I comiiaar .... .. . . I 100 feet weat of and n.r.11.1 wltk the weat I Keren th atreet. V. ' V - V ' I mi. t...' V mtll llfilllll 1n feat north of and parallel with tba north ratal coat of tha couatmctloa of aald aewer la nib mj. L,. n,. Oreaon' Baal Katati llna of Hancork ttrert and tha north Una of .2I.(0. , Company . ; . . Thempann atreet and a weaterly exteoeloa of -Tha plana, aparlBcatlona and eattmatea of mi, n,y t,. a Vha Oreaoa Baal Katato MM Borthllna la tta preaeat ronraa. : tha dty Enjlneer for tba conatructk.B COBM1anr......Tnw!T;.. 81.iajl.00. . ' l of Portland bo and ha la herehr direr ted I a l.. J i.i -; Tba alana. aneeiaMttona and eattmatea at I to aire entire nr the omnoaed - eonatrnctlnn I . iia ..e u-.. ... . j , ru :. ,'th flty tnirloeer for the - eonatrpctloii I of aald aewer . aa protldod by , tba , City ; fret north of and parallel therewith , : af atld eewer ara hereby adopted.. I Charter. - . , ' - , - , - I and between the eaat Una of bloc ";x " Iteentee.- Tha tha"- Aadltor of the- Clta ; Ermonatranea aaalnat tha noe aawer atayl : mimbered 1W8. Holladay'a AddlHoa to eaat rortuad. and tba want Una of blork numbered 0. Bolladay Park -Addition to Portland. Oreena. The Ore. eun neat nntl iimpaay .. . ...... Holladay fark AddiUoa to Portland. Oreaon - Blk 8. lot 4. Charlea t. Orerhanah . t . - ma o. kii a, vnarwa r. OTeroaaaB-. . . . Blk 8.' lot 8, Tba Title Guarantee - Troat Company ' I Blk 8. lot 1, Tha Title Guarantee at JTun lompany xoroKS uctkotskkkt or belxovt K 01 re ta hereby tlren that at tba meetlna AC h. tfViiinrll nt tha rlt nt Pn.flaM.I n. I w. . " . " - - - - " v.- M I aeia on tne aa aay oi June, iuu3, tba I follawlnt roaolatloa waa adopted: .U Beaolradl - That tba -Oounrll rf tlia City of i- Fortlaad, Oregon, deema It eipedlent and .18 propeaea t Imnrora Belmont atreet from the weat Una- of Bunnyalda Third AddltloB to tha .10 1 eaat una or tiiocia a ana o, vartacb I'ark, la l loe loiiowinp; eaanoer. wwiii .88 JO I rirat Br araillna aald atreet full width with run iniereeruone u ina proper auD-arada. f Portland ' ba aod ba ta hereby directed ba Bled la wrltlnv with the understated fa i aire emtlea of -the nrArMaed eonatrartlna I within 30 dare- frum tha data af tha tint ti , eaiq , aewer aa , prortiiud y ts vuy l p"neaiion or tnia notice., , Charter. - . ," - '. '.'- - I , By ardar af .tba Coiibell.,,,- Remnnetpenee' aaalnat .ha ahaea aewee ana V re flld In writing . with tha naderalrned wlthla 30 daya from tha data pt . tba Brat puMlcatloa of thla notice. 'v m , : , By order of tha Coimcll. 1 '. " , i3 - tho". r. TirntJi, ;: 'Andltof of tha City af Portland.- mm- - ; 1K0?0SK9 8IWZ IH ' tABT THtIITH ., 'Notlra w breJ)y aleea that-at the 'meetlna f tba CaancU of Ilia City of Portland. Ore. 1 i-ortianqj yrcgon. aeema it aipauient and M Trnat Company Bon. held ew the Sd day of una, 10S, tba propoaea to rwiatruri a aewer m Minneaota Blk 0. lot 8, Tba Tltla Ouaraotea THOS ft T)B VLIN, : ' . Andltdf bt tba City of Portland. anna a. luuo. ' . . faoroBio iewzb nr mwxibota ... .. .'Avnrui. NilflM tal iMlMhhV miwmn tttaf mt theft MaaalHtlaT I Alia R le 2 aa-. 1 MPlitat V-111 11.1 V got. held oo tb 8d day of Juno, 11W3, U Blk ft. lot f. Til 1UU OoiriotN A fanaaena taanliif trtm tarwai alrlnntawl l -r..uai a-...--, a i.a,ivH a wuwaaaue UBli LUUirflDT W a a . . a a a a . a a a . ai . a . a . KeaolTed. That tha Council of tba City 'of I Blk 8. lot 8. The Title Guarantee 8t -t Reeond Br ararallna the atreet full wMth with full Interaectlona with upland bank traraL Third BT eonatrnctlna wooden aldewalka It reel is wiatn wits eiz-root corering pianke. . Fourth BT eooafenetlBC wooden - eroeewalka all reet in wiaia. nrih rr eonetructina boi auttere accord Ina to City EBjrlaeet'a Plana. aoeclAeatlana ana eaiimaiea. alO Bald Improvement to ha made la accordance wiib toe caarior ana orainanvea or tne city I VI rwiuai. WU lug fr.auw, " lut.Liuua . Illl aatlmatea af tba Dty Engineer Died la the office of tba Auditor of the City of Portland on tha M oay oi e-une, leva, laooraea: "city Engl 180.88 i neer'a plana and epeclflcationa, for tbe Imnrora l ment or Belmont atreet rrom tne weat Mna of 193.08 MuanralM xblrd Aaaiuoa to tba eaat Una of blocka a and o. uariera rara. and tba rati. 188.08 I matea af tba work to ba dona aod tha procaine total coat wereef.u 188.89 I Tha eoat of aald Improrameat to ba aeeeeae4 aa provided by tba city charter opoa tba 89.T8 property beoeBted thereby and which Ja hereby declared to ba all tha lota, parte af lota Jollawina) reenlutloa waa adooted: I areaua (row 25 feet north of Fremont atreet Trnat Company BlMl and oareala of land lrlne between a Una Keeoirea. jaaa ina- iuncii -ar tne liy ar i - V V ? Tr I . wi a, loe xjiie uaarantea ai I luu zeei aorta or in parallel wita tba wttaaa. Oregon, aeema it expedient and "vT'J" na www pipe wim ati neceeaary i jrnai lomfiaay If. 09 1 norm iina or Beimont atreet and a Una nnnaea mm fHH a aaara. in Ka.r ririMntn I i.iiti-ihuii. waunoira. jamiinoica im DraniTDee. I hik n. mr a. hi iria imihhti. a. iihi ran ainra at ana neeanai wita tn. an..i Kmtpmmt- Cia a nalnt BO faa aaath . UrinMla. 1 Of eight lBChea Clear Inalda diameter. In ar I Tniat Cotnoane .a I ll. . auimaar atraat aart hataaa IK. a,. e a eonaeciioa wua ine aewer in uacoei i . pwi. .wmii.ii.iii. am au . mi .a, , ium iiua xiaaraniea m i una ai nnnayaiae iniro aaaiuon ana tna aat arreer or eirrinea aewer pip wua ail uecee- i ii.iw. rrTa- irp.ii iBe a.o-1 irmr Mmwn7 i l tine or Diorka a ana o, garters rara. ire eatck.haalna. manluilaa. .' lan.tihnlaa an4 I gUlOer and Bled In the ofllra of the auditor I Blk 5. Int 1. Tha Tltla fluaeawi taa A I Tha Enalnaae'a aatlnata nf ka Brohahla ana. 4 irntacnea. ar eignt incoea clear meioa aiameter I :"."' UH. 1 1 ... u 1 vompany . I or aaia improrameni, la s,b7t.uu. inrirccordirira with tbe plana, apeciacatlone and . mnoreea : 1.117 c,naineer a piana i ma a. mi a. ne Title guarantee I Tba anora Improvement M to be claaaed aa a eat I ma tee thereof prepared by tha City Engl- " apeclSeatlona for a aewer la. Minneaota ' Truat Company I grarel Improvement and ahall be maintained peer end tiled In the office pf tba Aadltor of venue from 28 feet north of Fremont atreet Blk 4. lot T, , Tba Tltla .Guarantee ' by the city for tha period of 8 yeara, provided the City af Portland on the 9d day af June. aewer In Beech atreet. and tha eatlmatea of Truat Company v..f. 14181 that tha owaera of a malorlty of tha nrooertv 10(111. Innnraao.! t Tlrv Kaalnaer'a and I the Work to ba done and tha DTobabla total I Blk 4. lot 8. Tha Title Onarantaa aV I han.fll.if hv aald Imnrovamant n anw nn..lna anerincationa rnr a aewer ta Eaei nrtecnta I . . , i ir uuinpany loo.eo i tnereot anau not petition ror a new ana ainer- atreet fmnl oo reet aouta or1 Broadway aaia eewer to oe eaaeeaeo i ia e. ki a. ina 'jitie uuarantaa a) lent Improvement be tore ua atpiratloa of aucfl upe n aaarer In ttaneaclt atraat aad the eatlmataa I M provided by tha elty charter BDOB tbe I TlTltt ContaBV i f the work to ba doaa and tha prebabla total I property benefited thereby and which I Blk 4. (nt 4, Tba Tltla Guarantee lerenf." . - T . . la nereDy aeciarea to no an tne lota, parte f l mat company .4.... aMlt IhMMf The eoat af .Bald aewer to he aiaeaaed f PrcrH of land lying between a Blk 4, 'lot 8, The Tltla Guarantee Ar aa provided bv tha city - charter Upon the "rm jiwi reei enat or ana parallel wita tne irusi vompaBT , pronertv heneflted tberehe and which I t Una of aflnoeaota . aveooe aad a line I Blk 4. lot S. Tha Title Ouarantae 4k , ta hereby declared to be all tha lota,, parte I i-e weai or aua paruiei wiib tne went iruei i-ompany ....... i of lore end parcela nt land IVIng lietwecn a "tut of Mlnnemta aveniie. and between the ! Blk 4. lot 1. Tha Title Guarantee line iiei reet eear or ana rerauei wito rne eeer 1 n r i.Hmin .irm auu me iHirin unv 1 vuuip.n.T .... .. ........... . llw. of tiPt Fifteenth atiwt ewd- a -Hoe roa 1 of lot nutnhcrert all in Mock numbered fla. Mnlt-1 Blk 15, lot 8, Tha Tltla Guarantee A rtt weat of and parallel with the weat Una of ano a line ou reel nortn 01 ana parallel .ruat impnBy r;. jTi.-r. t-.r.ii..-.i 1SI.M f argnad wttaia go 4aaa from Ilia data 01 tbt Brtt eentB atreet.' ano Between a tine a ""u iw nm-in 11 nw ui mi mirnnerea in roe u en iu. 1. 101 line unaraniee at 101.18 I oerlod. 1 ine Knaineer-a niana. aoecincaiiona ana eari 04.78 1 matea for tha Improvement af aald Belmont I atreet ara hereby adopted. T8.88 Reeolvedl That the Auditor of the City of I Portland he and. ha la herebr directed tn 110.87 I give notice of tbe propoaed Improvement of aald 1 atreet aa directed br tha cltv charter. 1ST.B0 1 BemoBBtranea againat tha above Improve ment may ba filed In writing with the under- bat 1tl.ntK too feat anuth t.t ana aaraiial atith tha acnth F block numbered 82. Multftomah, I ' Trtint Companv line of. Hancock atreat and a line 100 feet I 'The Euglneer g eatlmate of tbe probable Blk 18, lot a, The Title Guarantee A eoeith af and parallel with tha aouth Una of " w "rroctioo or aald aewer la iron company ,.. Brnadwae. V- - . , - , 8320 00. x Blk 10. lot 8. The TlUa Gnarantaa At The Knglneer'g eatlmate of the probable Tha plana, apcel8catlona. and aaHmatea of IVuat Company Wl the eonatructlon af aald aewer la ity- Engineer for the' conat ruction Blk 15. lot 4. Tbe Tltla Guarantee A 85" 00. . i 1 . , ai aaia eewer era nereny annpten jrnai lomiwny .Th--tiliBa.- anertllcatlona . and eetlmatea of Beeolred That the Auditor of the City Blk 15. lot 8. The Tltla Guarantee 4$ tha City Engineer for the conatractloa Portland be ;nd be 1 berehf directed ; TrJ Camaany 4 i ., ef ald eewer era hereby adopted. to give notice of tbe pronoaed onetructlm Blk 18. lot 8. The Title Guarantee A neaoieea nia tne Anaitor or ua niwiwi -m- pw i. . tniHu , r ina tny i ,"- . . ' u." -. f rnrtUnd be aod ba la beraby directed 1 Charter. Blk 18, lot 1, The Title Guarantee St to Trive aorlee. af the) pwtcaed contructl.. . Kemoiiatranee aralnat ti e above eewer may 2" company . ef ealrl aewer - aa rx-ovlded b the City I "led in writing wltb the nnderalimed I. Holladay Adoli Charter. "v , .rj.?.T-, . rrr. within w-deyt. from the-Uatt pf .th -rati ia BubllcatioB af tbta notice. . jy eraar ar .tea t ouncii. THUD. O. DIVI,n, Aodltor af the City of Portland. Juna 8. iwa. Stioa to Eaat Port tfrnv.narranoe' teelnetf the above eewer tnae I pnhlli-ation of thla notice. i (lied .lit wrlrlnar with 'the ' nndereigned wiretw to dera from the data af tba nrat pnhllcatlon af thla notice. By order f tha Ccnncll. -''t . ;..' ..'THO. C. WtTt,IS. r - ndttor af tba City pt Portlaad. . 4W 5. 1903. ' Xatlce' la hereby given that at tha meet- By order of tho. Council. r THOg. P. riFVT.lN, Auditor of the City of PortUnd. Juna S. 1003. Ing of tha. Council, ef the City af Portlands Ore- j. 'a. oon. gnn. held -oa the U day af J one, r 1808, the J TvSniti iollewlng reaohHtoa) waa Bn-eoH ' 1 1,. rom m , i. a.Aaai... . "i I Unloo avenue to a eotmection with tbe pro iLVrntn th. eaat P1 WCT ,n Et Bevi utb etreet of vltri h? wlat line eewcf pipe with all neoeaaary catcb-baiue. M Weat line 0( I -..-.w-i- aInhnlna .n.l hnhu .I.k. lOPoerD sxvxa is tulajiooe etixet. Notice la hereby given that at tha meeting at the Council of tlia City of Portland. Ore- ?oa. held eu the Sd day of June, ltMKl, tba ollowlng rewilutlon wra adopted r ueaoivea. inai toe i-onncil ar tba City of pun. aeriue it expeajent end coiwtnict a , aewer la Tillamook itreet from 125 feet eaat of the eaat Hue of ReaelvaaTr . 'That, the Coimcll Iff thtf ' Cttv of rortland. Oregon, deema rroBoeea to bunrove Park avenae ivrd atree"t In "the Mlowiu, mann'oTtwlt: ' .A-ft?. .1" erit Tlln5rect?on .to oroL. iub! tn P1,M- PwlocatlonB aud eatlmatea thcrcfru-Z-iSe InteraeeUooato. the proper bud- by tha City larlneer end Bled In ZEZmAL, r.aeie. ' :h.' ' .i.t fotl". width I Ma.wffl.ot the Aadltor i theClty of Port. V lfym Warren', bUul.thft, iVtJ?-, V .XVfor TMrd-By wn.trtctfng ,.rtlSl."r atone ;ide. g" toorcd iwJT.' ralka la aecordanca: with the City EnglnWa SLI.." plana, apeclflcatlone -and eattmatea. , . I "1 'VJ aZb kA the nr.lT.hln w.i ri The aald Improvement to -be made In Be- " M Pro"w tot" eoraanee witn tne crarter ana orninaBeea or I tk. ..m ' un. j tbe City of .Portland and tha plana, enecia. 'n L fhi nTrh..r cation and eatlmatea of the City Engineer P7Ilaet.i, !llJLi5.hrt' Jupo" v?"f Blk n; tot 1. Tb Oregon teal Eatata - 'Company Blk 174. lot . Tha Oregon Real Eatata ' tvonmanr Blk 174. lot I, The Oregon Heal Eatata - Company Blk lil. lot 8, Tba Oregon Beal Eatata Compehy Blk 179, lot 1, Tha Oregon Real Eatata t'omtianr ..,... Blk 170. lot 3, Tba Oregon Real Estato- Company Blk 178, lot 7, Tha Oregon Real Eatata Company -. Blk. 1U. lot 8, Tha Oregon Baal Eatata wan 131,03 83.05 Ba at ravruBiLi i ok MuaiuirAi, uubimi. 8T.W CITT OF romTIVD, 0RE00M, aia lahiBj rarAIIM at 1 aaefl 1 Kaa Bawa a-nl ai e f Ma. I Pvniva av. VKve-wta w ... mrm e si v aa uejf UiiirjBf - of tba Aadltor of' tba City of Portland until I a a'UwW n m Juna1- IB tOOV ll..l 138.14 I the etreeta. aveauee, parka. pubUe graanua any ... puoue places or tne viiy oi roruaoa ty elet 140.90 (rlo ara ltgbta of 2,000 candle pnwer -each, aad for lighting tne pubiie Muoiuga af aald city by iDcandeecent eUctrle or gaa llghta tut m ...... a. hm m.m .... lima J8 Separate propoaala will ba received for Usht. . Ing the atreeta, avenue, - parka public round ' I aod pubUe pi era of tha eitv, aa above aet t fnrth- Wach nrntvai 1 nml n. kaa .mm U. 'v apeciocauona ror aaia ugnuog oa nie la tha aOtca of tha Auditor at tha City of Portland. .10 Ka propoeal la axceaa af 85.41 for each Ught . pet BKinth will ba eoaaldered. Each pro .10 noaal moat ba accomnenlcd by a certified check I an anrna roennaalhle Portland hank tn tha ua ..JO of Twenty-Bra Tnoaoand Dollar (125,000.00), Bled In tbe office of the Aadltor of PortUnd on Iw 2d day of June. docaed: "City Knelncer a plan and ttona for tbe laiproveawnt of Park avenue benefited thereby and which declared to be all tha luta. narta no parcrai oi lanu ijina oetweea a feet north cf and .parallel with the ream tha ...t Una nt tha. Tile P.rh tn th. """0 une oi illinuwoa atnl ana B line 100 7 anp luwrrr IL,i,Ti,irt. id apeciaca. V.10 " "A n'orV'un e Port atraat and the 'Silmaltaa f """" of - ',r,Uel ltn ,h ! to & doue TaaS tha l,ne ot Tl"i" "treet and bttwecn a Una to pe wua aaa tot probable toUll, M elM 0( ena parallel with tba aeat The eoat of aald Improvement to be aa-1' "J. i'iOD ."IT !tffT?r?a! -5'L' a.OTl S2t 8ven?h in proprriy , Dnwnwii ineren.r ana woicn 1 . iiinM' ...i-.i. , ,h- k-ki hereby declared to be all the lota, parts of lot tAPJ,!L V m !b! and parcel ot land lying betwVep a Una JVtw CoaatracUoa of aald aewer ia 100 feet aeetb ot and parallel with tha north 'nh.-.i-.r .nia'-.tinna ..a ..ii.i Una of Park avenue and a Une 100 feet aouth ,fc?bP. ni. ilSf !l!?!l,!of ef and narallel with tha aouth 1ln nt Park tha CU Engine, for. tue contrueUon avenue, and between the weat Una of Ford f otuV JT.T th An,lftfrP r .s. atreet and a Una 100 feet weat 'of and par- .a1?, .-T hf U(itoL,. "i-S allel with the eaat Una of the Cltv p.rk ' PortUnd. ba hnd. ba ia hereby directed .The,. Englneera climate of thi probable ? !r LIS. h. contrurtlon total eoat ot Improving aald avenue 1 la,- of aald aewer bb prorldwl by the City i00. . , Charter. . ...... The above Improvement la to be claaac.1 a a . liemojatriineo aralnat the above aewer; may bltullthte pavement aiid aball ba maintained b..vPkrfn 2 v wri'ln .Ti'a .h ?D?nr"1,?ed by tha city for the period of j ye.raV provided . ,a0 d'llv, ,b ot flr" mat tne ewaere oi ay majority oi tpa proparry v ;r heneflted by aald Improvement aball not petl- order of he Connoll tlou for a new .and different Improvement , . ... ,TtL08,,.C- VIi71'?- pefora tho eipiration. of aucb period. . ' . Aodltor of the Cltv af Portland. The plan, and Ideation and eatlmatea -of .j. ,un IW tha Cliy Kngineer tor the Improvement of aald " . - ' ' '" 1 1 " . " " 'At'uo EJtXEKBIOK. 01 SEES STREET, .. Portland bo and lie la hereby directed in Where The Council of the City of Port. give notice of the. proposed improvement of I Und, deeming it expedient to open, lay out and aaia avenue aa proviueu py ut ciuf caartee, I eataoiun neea aireei. in me viiy or t'ort . Remonatrance againat. the above imorove-1 land, front tha weaterly Una of Shertnck'a Ad ment mar ba filed In "falling with tha under- dltlon to the eaaterly line of Twenty-fourth aigneq wttnin ati aaya rrom tne oate of tha Brat atreet, did on tbe 10th day or April, 1U03, uiroct nubllcatlon of thla notice. By order of tho Council. ; THUS. C. DEVLIN. . Auditor vf tbo City of Portland, Jane 8. 1003. the City Engineer to aurvey tbe aame and to mart tba Munaariee tnereor. ana to make a plal of auch aurvey. and a written report contain, Ing a full and perfect deacrlption ot auch propoeed atreet and bpuadarlea thereof, and of tha Dortlon of each lot. tract or pant of either. PROPOSED SEWER UT EAST TAXIOIX to be appropriated for anch atreet, and tba . STREET. I vltv CUKUIwrr u.tiub aw aurwej-, pil DU iruoil. inn U17V atiiu- vw. auu v.niri la tne met day of naving . been entitled; 4,en I ABaianMA .llAnt II. IM ..lUU'l .1. , M I ' I . IT .... , kea. ved. That tha CoUBcll'er , tbe fit. "'-u7- '.raj'rf hi LXv2tl PortUad, Oregon,' deems If ckpe liet and 1 laving out and eaUblisbing of Reed atreet froni prppoaea to conatrucl. a aewer In Beat Yam- the, weaterly Une of Sherlock' Addition to mil ;; luci .u mr oi saat tne easterly tine or u wenty-tourtn atreet. 1-hlrty-Blnth. atreet- to a connection with the Now, therefore, all ueraoii Intereeted are bropoaed aewer at' Beat -Yamhill abd Eaat hereby notified that the Council of tbe City Thlrty-eeTenth atreeta of altrlfled aewer pipe of Portland haa appointed W. f. White. George with all aeeeaeary ctch-bin. manhole, lamp- Hneaner and Johu Kelly vlewcra, to view Mid hole and branrbea, of the following dlmennon; propoeed extenaloa ef aalil atreat and make - . . . : , Zl . . .. and report, and filed anch-plat otlee ! betob.8la that at tba meeting tbe offlc of the Auditor on th f the COancil of Joe City of PoriUnd, On. Apr. 1008, and aald report l"SiJ!ld J ihH JJ f !!? ltwa. ta adapted by ordinance So. 13,300. . following raaplutlon Waa adopted: , " ordinance adopting tba report of t Of 12 inchea clear Inalda diameter from, a iwiat an eatimata of the beneflta , nd damagea oc In Baat Yamhill atreet at tha center Une of cantoned by the opening, laying out and etb- Eaat Thirty-ninth atreet Jo a point In Eaat lublng tha aame. In accordance with aectlon .-L.I . I-. , ITkM...IL.I. -. . . . . ... . . . . l . . . . aaniuiii ow a. ..nij-riu.B eireet, t B4V or tne coarcer or tne'viiy or rortland tnd thence of 14 iiicbe clear Inside diameter I aald vlewera to . meet at the office of the to a connection with tbe aewer In Eaat Ym- - kill atreet at Eaat Tnirty-aevento atreet. In accordance: with tb pirn, apectttcatlooa and aatltaatea therefor .ttrepared" by the City. En- glneer aad filed In the office of the Auditor of fbn -Cltv ef Portland on the 2d day of J 1003. Indorsed: , "City Engineer' plana and apeclficatlona for B aewer to Eaat TambUl (treat from the center Hue -ef Eaat ' Tblrtv - aevelith atreet 'to propoeed aewer at Seat Yamhill and Eaat Thtrty-eeventb atreeta, aad the eatlmatea ef the work to ba done 'aod' the nrolvahla total mat therenf " . The-eoat of aald aewer- to "bt aaaeaaed ta provided by tha ' elty charter boob the property ,- benefited - thereby and which (a Mreby decUred to be all 'tba lota, parU : i w a irew wl .aau tying net wean a Una 0 i-feet - north - af r aad parallel, with to north Una '. af Kaat Yamhill atreet and Hue 10O-' feet south of . and-;- luralml .tK the aouth. liBo. ox Et lamhlll atreet. and be tween) tna wear, line or fct Thirty-ninth rreet and a line dd 2-8 feet eaat of and paraiM With tb , eaat ,, Raw . of . Eaat Thlrty-eevaatb Itreet.,- Jrc- f' -v, -.. -Tha - Englneer'a -eatlmate at - tha probable Jnta' ertt of., tba ronatractiott of (aid aewer la p.. lrfl.VU The eUaa. V aneclficatloBa ' and eatfm.tea ' of Pie City. Kngineer :; for. '. the , comtruetloa f aald aewer ara hereby adopted. ReaeivaO.. That tU Aadltor ef tb Cttr kf Portland ba and he la hereby directed to Hlve"-wt1c' f the-- proiioeed eonelrooion r f '14-wawea-.Ba'.-fevided-- by- - thty.citif .Ibarter. v ... .. .. ' ; 'T . .Beinenatmnc aaalnat tba above" aewer mav to fled in wr'tlng with the oadeaalgned . a-wMli i!0 dwra from tbe data of tlie firt . !iijk''l' of t?ii po'i.-e, . . llv ord. at ' C-"-it.- -. .: ! 'i t,-')S. c rrrf.Ty," : " ' .r rf ti e Cl'y of PurtUnd. Auditor of th City of Portland oa Prldar. th 10th day of June, 1003. at the hour of 10 O'clock in tha forenoon of aald day. ' - The propoaed opening. ' laving out and eatab llahlng of Reed atreet ia V) feet in width and I more particularly bounded ajad dcacribed aa followa: v '-- - . -Beginning at tha aotitbweaterly' corner of Dloca zt. nnerioca a auoiiion, running TBesoe weaterly along th weaterly extension on the north line of Reed street 15.0 feet to tho east erly line ot Twenty-rourta atreet. thence sonlh erlv alona the easterly Une of Twentv-faurth atreet to tha point where the easterly Une nt Twentv-rourtD atreet won HI Be interaectarf fby a weferly extensbm In Ita urenent mre of th aoutB line ot neea ntreec, rnence eaet arl oa the westerlv extension) of the aouth line of Reed street 15.T feet to the northwest -. V. I I. M ' SkMlM.'. . ..dlll.a k . . COTniW ni ' m nuuiimii. I II IIIJV north westerly 80.20 ' feat , to tba place ( be- IH.. pmpiwcil nprump. m,iilK in. im estBD- Hahlag of Reed atreet wiH torlnde and heceaal tate tbe appropriation, to ff Vie nae of the fol lowing described parcel oT tract of land:' All that parcel or rat of. Und lying he tweea northerly arid southerly Una of aha proposed Keed atreet and uetrrpeu the eaet eriv Una of .Twente-foorth street and the a Mterlv Hue f.f Shi-rlock'a. Addition., emttola. ing 849 aqaara fret.,- - ;;-.',.-' All persona ctalrMng'''-trBacea by. reason nf the appropriation -of the . pronertv above necrlbed. or any part iher-of. In t! prnpnacd owning, raring ont and ,etiiMVhlng-of id atreet. are hereby sneclarij' notified, to file thelf claim for such damagea with the Auditor of' tbe Cttv or rortianit perore ttia lata oy oJ Tune. 1005. the time annotated fj tha meet- in n of the vieweca thurpln, .y.'.;'." .... c,''4j -1 Py ordgr er tar Conrii. TT'Ot. ,f ' rt-TT.W. J" '.!tor"of Ue llty of Purllana. Jvme 8, IP'V . . Cnufnanr Blkjlo. lot 1. Th Oregon Baal Eatata rfmimny 10 itix in., tot x to Oregon ttexi Eatata Company , .10 Blk imi. lot T, Tba Oregon Beal Eatata Company. a . .09 Blk 104. lot 8, The Oregon Real Estate Company .10 A tract or land lying between tbe aeoth line of Waieo atreet and a haa 100 feet aonth ot and parallel therewith and ' between the eat line ef block - numbered 104. Bolladay'B Addition to Faat Portland, aad the weat-Ilea ot block1 numbered 1, Bolladay Park A d- ' dltlon to Portland. Oreaon. .Tho Ore- ynu Real Ratate Company .......... ,10 Ilnnauay park Addition to PortUnd. Oregon . t Blk 1. lot 13. Tha Tltla Onarantoa A Truat Company 118.18 Blk 1- Kt' 14. Tha Title Gnarantaa . TritB f 'nrrinanv . .' , 1 M Blk 1. lot 15. Th Title Gnarantaa A Trust Company 184.80 Blk 1. . lot 16. Tbt Title ( aaraatee 4b Trust ComDanv 108.07 Blk X. lot P. Tha Title uuarantaa at Truat Company 308.18 Blk lot 10. xna Tltla unarantea Trnat Comnanr : lDS.Io Blk J. lot il.. Tba Title Ouarante A - Trnat -Company ..t ....... . 114.03 Blk 2. lot ll Tha Title Guarantee Trtit Company ... 84.83 Blk 2. kit 13. Tha Title Guarantee a. Trut Company ..'.-.... J... 88.88 Blk, 3. lot 14, Tba Title uuarantaa; a. Ttnrt Company ....ii... TT.28 Blk 2. lot in. The Title Guarantee Trust Company yl 18.60 Blk 2. lot 18. Tha Title Guarantee A Truat Company ., 128.80 Blk S. Jot A. The Title Guarantee A Trust . Company , 158.07 Blk 3, lot 10. Tha Title Guarantee Trnat Company 187.68 Blk 3, lot 11., The Title Gnarantaa a Truat Company 128 81 Blk 3. lot 13. Tha Title Ourate A Trnt Compan .... 122.23 Blk 8, lo 13, The Title Guarantee A Trnat Company 114.74 Blk 8, lot 14. Tha Title Guarantee A Trust Company 88.87 Blk . 8. lot. 15. Tbe Title Guarantee A Truat Company 130.28 Blk 8. lot 16. Tbt Title Guarantee A Trnat Company 180.87 Blk 16, ht: 0. Tba Title Guarantee A Trust Company 183.80 Blk !. lot 10. The Title Guarantee A Trnat Comnanr .'. 140.05 Blk IS. lot 11, The Title Guarantee A Trust Company i, 102.48 Blk 18. lot 12. The Title Gnarantee A Trnat Company 00.94 Blk 16, kt 13, The Title Guarantee A Trut Company - 87.88 Blk 18, lot 14, The Title Guarantee A Trnat Company 84.08 Blk 16, lot 15. The Title Guarantee A f . . waa .a - rani. ...mj,. t.j ...................... . Blk 16. tot 16, The, Title Guarantee A Trust company navahU to th order ef Geo. H. Wil!tama Kim .10 ut tba City of PortUnd. as 8xed aad Motrldatad daaaaaaa.' that the aarcawafgl Mdda will aata. ip I into -contract in aceoraance term el tea apaaiBoaoona wiuia ten oaya altar the coa- tract la awarded him. Tba auccaeaful bidder will ahw be raaaired to rcrnlab a arood and utbcleot toad ia the eaav af -Oae UaadeeA J Qouaaaa uouara tiuu,ouu.uuj to oe approved by tba Mayor of tbe- City ot Portland, con ditioned that the eucceeafu! bidder will fulfill tbe terma of hU coa tract. Separate proposals wlU be received for light ing tne public bulldlnya of aald elty aa above et rortb. Rach propoaal mnet be baaed upoe tbe a peclfl ration for aald lighting on file ia the office ef the Auditor of tba City af Port Uad aad mast' ba accompanied by a eettl. Bed check aa aoaje reeponelble Portland Bank la tha asm ef Tweaty-8va Hundred Dollara. ill.. 800.00), payable to tbe order of Geo. U. Wlillaaa, Mayor or ua city or t' aa axed and lluuldated .- damagea. - that tha occeeful bid. der will enter into contract In accordance with tne term ar tne apeciaca nons witaia tea iu) oaya alter me contract ia awarded him. he aueeeaafnl bidder will alao ba reaulred te furnish a aood and anffleient bond in tha auta m . T.. a-i,na-a tv....H llinrmnn . - l . aparevaa oy u Mayor er in uity et rortiaad. conaiuoaea xnat toe anecaaarai piaoer win ri Oil the terns at but contract. proeoeaia ahoold ba ladoraed "Pranaaai ror MiaDiioB. sa aaureseea . io -xnom u. wevus. Auaitor, rortiana, uregoe, Tha right it reaarvad to ralect aay or all Bioe. By order at th Ixecutlv Board. TH08. C. DETX1N, Aodltor et the City ef Portlaad. Or. April 8. M08. ' - , ' feet west of and parallel with the wast lln I la rarnihnr' Arliliiinn tn CmmitwJ hihm of East Thirty-fourth atreet. and between the I .a l.irf mit ha ih u p u i.' ... tA u aouth line ot Hawthorn avenue and the porta f the 2d day of April. lOOfi. direct tb Cltv Une of lilwlaloii atreet. "... I Engineer lo aurvey the same and - to mark The Eiiginaere eotimato af. the j probable I the boundarlea thereof, and to make a plat of total coat ot said Improvement la 110.827. OO. a grgvel improvement Bud aball be main- I atreet and bouuiktrlea thereof, and of the nor. The above ln.rnveu.cnt la to ba claaaed v . I aucb aurvey, and a .written 'report containing a I full and perfect description of such proposed in- 1 atraat and tiniimlarlra tharanf .nit nt lh. hm. Mined by th CltV fur th Period Ot & year. I tlnn of aach L.r tract nart nt MIW I. provided that the owtienf of a majority ot tb be appropriated for at.rh atreet. and tbe City property benefited by avid Improvement or aay Engineer having made uch aurvey. plat and portion thereof aball not petition for a new report.- and filed. ucb plat and rtport lu and different Improvamrat before tbe expire- the office of tbe Auditor on the 20th day of tlon of anch period. ' April, 1003, and aald report basing been .tTh... pw:iflclL"M, Dd " ' adiipted by ordinance No. 13.861. entitled: Lh.Cl'.?,EniBMrvto tB 'Prnent of said 'Ab ordlnahca adopting th report of the Kaat Ihlrty-frmrth atreet are hereby adopted. City Engineer In the uiett.r of the pronoed Reaolved: That the Aud tor of the City ot opening, laying out and establishing of Wblt- PortUnd be and he 1 hereby directed to give ,TrMt from the eat Una of Bccond atreet sol Ice of tbe propoaed Improvement ot aald to tbe weat line of block 130. tXrnlber' Addt. street ae provided by the city ehrtr. tlon to Cerutbere- Additlou. aa Uid out by the ment may be Sled la writing wltb tbe under-J Mow, therefore all aigned wltbta 20 daya from the date ef tha first I hereby notified that tl ouhllcation af thla notice. .By order ef tba Council. THOB. 0. DXTI.l.V. Auditor of wt City of Portland. . e-une B leva. nereone Intsveetad ere hereby notified that the Council af tho Cltv of Portland bs appointed G. U. SutherUud, B. I. Cohen and J. p. Mcnefoe vlewera, to view aald propoaed extenelon of aald atreet and make an eatlmate of the bencfita and damaiea oc eaaloned by the opening, luring out and eatab- ABRTBasfKsTT TO ttf TinvrsmT nw enin I uma oi ine aame. in scmrnanc witn section A8BE8BMEBT TOR IMPROTEMERT Of TKlwiD of ,b, ,hirt,f of ,h. ,Mty of Portland. Biactx. I (aid vlewera to meet at tha nffli-e of the Amll- Votlc la hereby alven Uiit th Cannrli nt tha I tor of tha City of Portland on Friday, tb City ef tforUaad. Oregon, at a meatlne I 10th day of June. luo.'l, at the hour of 10 aa the 8d day ot Juna, 100, declared the I a'elock tn the forenoon ef aald day. eeasmeat by ordinance K. 13,36, for tbe Tb propoeed aliening, laying out nnd etah linnravemaBt aaVThlrd atraat from ia faat aorth I lllblng of Wblttakrr street 1 60 feet tn width ef the aonth line ef Uliaaa street to 13 feel and la more particularly bounded and decrtbed sooth of the aortb Uu of Jefferson atreet ia aa follow, to-wlt: the manner provided by ordluance No. 18.143, Beginning at th annthweat corner ht blnrk apon each lot, part of lot and parcel of Und, ' Camthera' Addition to Caruthers' Adtll- which are specially and peculiarly beaefilad. ',OB', Uld ont b' Bootn Portland Real I) D fO tow, VI. I .iwhikih. ninniii iiiriu-w .-.irrij , Conch a Additlou to tha CI tr of Port. oa a weaterly prolongation of the north 'Hue land- - s i r Wbltaker street a laid ont in l.aruther- Blk 38. lot 8. WlnaloeB. Ayer lf 88 Addition i to C.mther.' Addition aa laid ont Blk 28. lot 8. ' Wioalow B. Aver 07.04 Booth Portlaad Real KUt Aswciatlon Blk 28, north a faet kit 4. Auguat . th", w"?Un ,0, bloc 13: tn,nr fy.a ni a. . 1 . . .ii.i t-w iw ihf auvii Hirii.iviiria I line 00 feet, thence eeaterly oa a Una 00 aa as I feet aoutherly from and parallel wltb tha a, ui I proposed north line of Whlltaker atreet aa above loa 4A I described to the - northwest corner at block I ... . .,...... . , ...i.i . . . w . J It n i ib T.arHium avimiun i." i Rniinm an dltbm aa Uid et.t by tha South Portland Real 107.10 I Katat Association, tnence nortner ly no reel to 10.07 U1 piaee er Beginning. Tbe propoeed opening, laving nut and worth. Ill 68 Hahlag of Wbltaker atreet from the eaat Une of Second atreet to the weat Una of block 130laCa 100 28 rutbere' Addition to Carntbera' Addition aa Uid ,BfLa- a3 i ,T.- r "ss. , ; - l : , WIMONRSCIEIC 3 TRAINS to the EAST DAILY Through Pnllmaa (Undard and rnurlat aUep. ' lag car dally to Omaha. -Chicago, Spoken; -tourlat alreulog rare dally to Kaaete . Oityt through Pullmaa tourlwt sleeping ear (pro ally conducted) weekly te Cblcag Raaait '. City, St. Loula sad Memnhla; reclltu aaali eara (aeats free) to tba East dally. VMO.t DEPOT. ' T Uavaa. I Arrlras.. ' , , .,. . . CHICAGO I'ORTLAXD 20 a. . "14:80 B. at. BHBC1AL. Tor th Eaat via Huntington. Dally. IDaily. u aa I out ny to aourn portlaad Real mate Aa 5.a I ociaiian will iDrran inn nvrwasitaie tne ep. i propria uon ia puouc Be oi tn roiinwing we 30.80 1 acrioea parcel or tract or tana, i-wit: oo ia l au mat Drce. or craci or lana lying o itoisi tweea the northerly and southerly llaea of I to Biipuu wvniisaer wirrri man in .anirriy Una of Becead atreet and a Una 260 feat i weeirnr iniiu sou Raraiiei inwrt w u. nsuio a ii I log 13.600 auuare feet. All persona claiming " damagea bv reason 38 82 th approprlatioa of tho property ahov dcacribed. or any part . thereof. In the pro 10 40 Poaed opening, laying oat and eaUblUMng I or aald atreet. are Berebv specially aottfled to iim ill their cUlms for sach da mere with the Bi n Auditor of tbe City of Portland before the MS 1 jwi. w.j ui aairr, jotni, tne iimw biiddibivu I k- .i . . .j . i . . lur ui. oirmnB oi lav riesj wr uirxeiu. MM - ny sraer ei tne Lounr.i. e I prsa 0 r.wrv .1. 20 U I Aaarcor or tn my ot rortiana. rfune o. iieiA. . 101.43 0.82 47.41 Pike Blk V6 aouth 33 feet lot 4, George W. Manball Blk 23. kit 1, George W. Marahall Blk 26. lot 8. Henry W. Uonailea . . . . . Blk 26, lot B, Guatarua Murbard Eatata. Heir of Blk sr. lot 8, Johal). Careen Blk IT, lot 8, Joseph Simon Blk 88, lot 8. Breymaa.. A Hommer. vuie , Blk 88, lot 8. Breymaa A Sommer.-vllle Blk 30, uad lot 8, Barak M. Til ford.. Blk SO. und U lot 8. Sarah M. Til for d. . Blk 30. Bad north 33 feet lot 4, Birah m. nirora Blk 20. uad ta lot a. Trier Woodward.. Blk 20. uad H lot 8, Tyler Woodwafd.. Blk 20, and H north 28 feet kt 4, Tyler Woodward Blk . 30. und H lot 8. Kllaa Cerbett Katate, Uetra of Blk 28. and ti lot 6, Ellxa Corbett Eatata, Belra ef ,.... Blk 80, and aorta 32 feet lot 4. Ellia Corbett Eatata. Heir of Blk 88. aouth 28 feet lot 4, Jamea T. Burtchell. Trustee ., Blk 80, lot 8, Pauline Jorgenaea Blk 80. lot 8. Pauline Jorgemen Blk 80, lot , John P. and Jamea B. O'Bhea Blk 80. lot 1, Joba F. aad B. UKHI ... City ef PortUnd Blk hi, lot 1, Illea I. RayEatate, Uelr of Blk 81, lot 3, Pbllo Holbrook- Blk 81, north H lot i. l.eoa H. Lewi. . Blk 61. south H lot 8, Alex. Msyer narate, neir or Ik 81 lot 1. Theresa Donovan...' Blk 83. lot 3. George T. Myers. Blk 63. and ,t ef north V, lot 8. Arthur R. llelnls Blk 62, ond'S ot north lot 8, Elita- beth and Oacar R. Helnt Blk 63, south H lot X. JUixtbcth tad Oacar It. Helnts Blk 82. kit d, George T. Myers Blk t lot 2, Robert rat ton Estate Heirs of Blk 65. lot 8, Security Barings Trust Company- Blk 66. lot 4, Security Saving, 4 xrut Company ; Conch's Addltloa to the City of Port. Und Northwest U af block 20. Bridget Sin- not t Southweat t block 20. Catherln Burke ...t C.lfV lit nit Blk 1(2. lot 7, Henry Wclnhard ma oa, mi a, Henry weinhard, Blk 32, lot 6. Henry Wrlnbard .- nik 10. lot 6. Lnilwla Wlll.elm Blk 10. lot 8. Annie Hrrrall, Rota Wle- ni, nste Tftmne ..... . 24. lot 1. J. W. and V. Cnnk BtlW 91 In. t I W .na V f 1. mn mA I I. A n.l..uL u.. - A . 1 1 an . . - ' - t - -. " ' . aM'J T, . -"JM ........ n.O. mi. V. A III. .v.rc lana a uu, Pi ll Blk 84. Jot 6, JV W. and' T. cook. . 78.03 aoiith of. And parallel with the .south line of Blk 26. lot. 8. E1U M. Smith Eatat.' Tbeinpann atreet. Heira ot , ., .,..., 88.28 Tb Engineer's eattmtte of the '-' probable ma an, let i, tin 11. braltb Bstato, I total coat or tna construction or said aewer ia ueira 01 , boot 1 , - . I The 1 olaaas. sneniflratlon and eattmites ef lotai j aa aea m 1 tha - tilt v t Eneineer ror tne conanmcriftn A tatBInl- nf afAreaaln1 auaa.maM.I h.a 1 af Mailt -aawer ara h.rebv fldonted. - been entered in tb Docket of f'ltw Liana anA I Reaolved. That the Auditor of tb Cltv I cow sue aud payable at the. affic of the af PortUnd ba and be la hereby directed tr Treaenrer. in lawfnl bum, a tha t' I ta elva notice or tne nrnonsca con tr net Ion States and If not naM wlthla thirta a... I f ..tit .aewer at DTorldod bv tha City irnoi tue uBte ot tnia entice, sucn proceedingg rcBarrer: l will be taken for tha collection of tha aame aa I be monstrance aralnat th above aewer may r proviuea oy ine cnarter.or the City of Ine niea in writing witu tne nnaessigneo Portland. I within 20 daya from the date nt the first ine oovw aeseeemenr win heir Intereet ten I Boniicstion or tow notice. air orcer ox ine Louiiru. num. PROPOSED SEWER IV XAST EIGHTH 8TREET. Nolle U hereby glvea that at tha meeting of th Council of th Cltv of Portland. Ore- 47.40 bob. bald oa tbe 8d day of Jane. 1008. tha 112 83 1 following resolution was adopted: . iu.ij i aieaoivea, inat tne couacu or me nty or Portland. Oreaua. deema it eznediant and 27.87 I propose to con tract a aewer In Baat Eighth I atreet from 100 feet aouth of the south Una 37.88 I ef Thompson street te a connection with tb ..w.. t- .tMat ni altrlflarf m B4.T9 D M Wltb all 108.81 I iimphole and branch, of eight Inchea clear necessary ctteh-bsaluv uianh'itns, Inside dUmeter In accerdanca with tha Dlasa. 113.88 spedficalkiua and estlmstca therefor prepared by the City Enghaeer and filed in the office ot 138.23 the Auditor of the City of Portland on the 2d der of Jnne. 1SK.3. imloreed: "City Engineer's 138.201 plans and apeolncatlout for a aewer In Kaat Kigbtn street rrom inu reat arajtB or, xnomp aon street to sewer la Tillamook street, and the eatlmatea of the ' work to be .dona and 85.81 1 the probable total cult thereof."' I Th. mat of stld aewer to ba assessed 188.30 ta provided by tha city charter apon the property nenentea tnereor ann wnleu 131 la herebr decUred to be, all th lota, narta 7 T.M I of lota and parcela of Und trine between a 117.30 Une 100 feet east of and parallel with tha 101.00 eaat line ef Eaat Eighth atreet and a Une 100 feat weat of and parallel with the weat 160.08 line ot Eaat Eighth itreet ami between a Une iei.78 100 reet nortn or ina parallel witn tne nortn SPOKANE FLYCR. For Uaitera Waiting-j Dally, ton. Walla Walla, law iaton. Coeur ..'Aleut and Great .Aiurtbera point ATLANTIC EXPRESS, for the Eaat via llunt-lugtaa. 6 00. a. 1 7:80 a BV iDtuy. ,. 8:16 p. Bk itaiiy. 10:80 a. Daily. , j 0CXAV ARB BITXR BCHEDVLR. FOB BAN FRANCISCO, S. 8. Geo. W. Elder June I. 11, 31. S. H. Columbia Jsn 8, 16, 26, , , From AUka Dock, ;0t p. at, 8:00 p. at. OeluarWa Elver Drvialea. FOB A8T0B1A aad wayi8:04 B. Bt. pointa, co on ret log with 'Dally. . tar. for llware ; aad a Unnday North Beach, atr. Has- Saturday Bale. Aeh-at dork. l.0tip. at. 8:08 p. Bk x. uaoaj. A boat , : "WiUamatte River Sieiaiea. FOR SAtEht. CorvaUla 8:48 aJ.Bs, aad way pointa, ataaeasr Moaaay. Ruth. Asb-St. dart. (Water peraUttiag.. WsdnaadAg. maty, Dally. , 6 00 a. at. Taaaday, :. Thurda Saturday. Taahfll River Rawto. - FOB DATTON City aod Yamhill Rlvar pointa. . atr. water, Aah-8t dock. ' (Water permitting.) 7:oo a. am. Toesday. Tbaraday, Ba tux day. 8:00 tat : atonaay, WedneaaaB Frldag. , Baakt River Re to. FOB LEW18T0N, Ida., ind way polata, fro at Riparian waab., ateaa ara Spokane aad Lew- iatoB. 4:08 a. at, DaUy. rfc Sat, About' ' 8:00 , t, uairy - .. ex. rrlday. TICKET OFFICE, Third Bad Waablagtea. Tto "" phone Mala 7 IX . PORTLAND & ASIATIC -5tiship:co.; ;1 B Yokohama and Boa Keae. ealtlne at Robe. Ntaaaaki aad Shanabai. taklna fr.lvhl via coBBctlBg ateamcra fur tianUa. Port Arthur sad VUdlvoatock. rVDRArVRA SAILS ABOUT JTT1TI 38. For rate aad ull U forma neu cau ea or ad dress ofllciaU ot ageaU ef the 0. at. A N. Ce. EAST via. SOUTH iE1v IQl0E,"",,larl lfi ; BOUTIt. JO I 'taatag. r B Jo'a. b i vmon stror. Arrives. daya after the first publication of this notice. 1HOB. B. 'DEVXIN. -. AndltOT of the Clt nf Pnrtl.nt Portlaad. Oregon. Jane 10. 1008. - M. DEVLIN. Aadltor of thgTtty of PortUd June e. ioo.i. . Total 86.089.88 THOS. C. DEVMN. Auditor ot tha City ot PortUnd. lone 1808. i J i ; PR0PO8ED IMPROVEMEITT OF SIXTH STREET. . Notice It hereby given that at the meeting of tbe council of tbe city or rortiana, uregon, heM on tbe 3d Any ot June. 1803, tha fol lowina resolution waa adooted: Reeorved, That tb Council of- the City of rortiana. ureron. aeema it expedient ana propose t Improve Sixth atreet front tb north Una of Morrison street to the Berth line of Irving street fa the following man ner, to-wit: ' . t lrat Bv removlna all worn-oat asphalt aad debrla et all klnde. Second By bringing the -atreet fall width with full iBteraevtloat to the Proper sub- graae witn concrete. Third Bv renalrln and brlnalog the street full Width with fuU intersections to tbe proper grade with aapbalt, aa follow: from tne aorta line r Mornaoa atreet ia tea eeota line . ot -u.iesn etreet. isa train - toe- norm line" of G Ilea a atreet to' tbe aouth Une of Hovt street and rrom tba center Une ef Irving street 19 tne inorta- tine of irying , atreet,- . Baia -improvement to be mane lav arcora-nce- with the charter aad ordinaneed f fha jtlty or fort laud and tbe plana, aem-inratloBS ana eetimstc or tbe city fcnginner filed la the. office of , the Aodltor of tba - City ef Portland en the 2d dtr of June. 1902. In. doraed; "City Engineer's plana and speclfl eat tons for tba Improvement of Sixth atreet from the bom a Ho ef Morrtsn street ta tha north Une of Irving street and the eatlmatea of tbe wort 'to be done and the probable i tal eoat thereof. "-y-"-. - '- r Tbm-inm-ot aald Improvement to- Aa.aaatad S provided iy th elty - charter uposj the property be nettled thereby aad which to hereby declared to be all. the lots', parts of lota nd parcels nf land IvlnB betweear tha Weat Hn f Wtlh street aad . m- Una -100 f eet WcatarlV fmm ' ana . " war. Hal . tk.ali. - a between the et Une ef Sixth atreet and t Una -j lov feet. ensteslr UieiVrott and paraUal thare-i PROPOSED CHAVOB OF 0RADE 01 MADISON STREET. Notice U hereby given that at tbe meet: Ing of tbe Coaudl of tbe City of Portland. uregon. neia oa tne oa aay ot jnne, iwd, the followlna resolution waa adooted : Whereaa, It la deemed vxpedlentt to Chang tbe grade of Madleoa atreet In the City ot rortiana at ita intersection witn rora street. Be It Reaolved. That the Council hereb declare Its Intention to change tb grades of MaaiaoB atxMt as aow eetsbiished,. to At center Une of Ford street aad center Una of Mtdlaon atreet at 247.r0 feet. At center line of Ford atreet aod Booth Una of Madison atreet at 240.00 reet. At the center Una of Ford atreet and north Una or Madison atreet at reet. To tb following, to-wlt: . At center line ot MaUlaotf atreet aad east Una of Ford street at 261.0 feet. At center Una of Madison atreet aad center Una er Vera atreet at 261.0 feet. At center Une of Madleoa atreet and weat Una ot Ford atreet at 261.0 feet At north Une of Madison itreet and center una ot rora street at xoi.o reet. At aouth line of Madison street and center una or ror a atreet at i.o reet. . Aoove xna esse or city graaea. Reaolved. that the Auditor be and ha la oereby directed to give notice of the propoaed change of grade of said street It Provided by the city charter. Remonatrance aralnat tbe above change of grade may be filed In writing with the under- igneo witoiu v oays irom tn aaia or tne Brat publication of thU notice. By order of the Council. THOS. C. DEvXIN, Auditor ot the City of Portland. June 8. 1003. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT OF EAST TBIRTT-rorRTH STREET. Notice la hereby given that at tbe meeting ef the Council of tba City of PortUnd. Ore- Jon, held on th 3d day of - June, 1808, tba ollowlng resolution waa adopted: Reaolved: That the Council of the City of PortUnd. Oregou, deema It expedient and pro poaea to improv East Thirty-fourth atreet from the south line of Hawthorne avenue to the north line of Division Itreet in the followlne manner, to-wit; First By grading said atreet full width with tall intersections to tha proper eub-grade. Second By graveling tba atreet full width with full interaectlona with upland bank gravL Third Br constructing wooden, stdewalke tea reet wine wita aix-root covering pianke. - Fourth By eonstrueting guttera ia aeeorJ aaea srlth Cltv Engine er'a lu. na and nedflra. ttona and eatlmatea. ; Fifth By constructing box culverts to error A- nee with the City- Bnglneer'a pUna,, ipeeiaca tiona aad eatlmatea, " , - Sixth By constructing wboden eroaawalka six feet In width. - Said improvement to be made la accordance witn me cnarxev aaa oraiBaBeee or tne t:itv of Portland aad the plana, apeclficatlona Ind eatlaatoa ef the City Engineer filed In' the office ef the Auditor oa tb lit day of June, 1008.: Indoreed: n "City JBngiheer' plana and apeclftrationai - for. the laaprovemeBt of Eaat Thirty-fourth atreet front th south Une of Hawthorne avenue to the aorth Una af Di- vmtow atreet. end the" estlmstes ef tha work to be- dona aad; the probable total coat tAwti-agV"'-.---'. . ..r-. - . - The eaat ef aald -improvement tn ha ... tout aa provided by tha cltv charter epos the property benefited thereby ir4 which la hereby declared to he aU lota, pacta e( lot and psrcU ef Und lying between a Uue 400 feet eaat of aad parallel with the east llaa tf rst Thirtrroaxth Btrtet aa4 Una lufl ASBEftMERT TOR 8 EWER IV HOOKER STREET. Notice la hereby given that the Council of the City ef PortUnd, Oregon, at a meeting held ea the 84 day ot June 1903, decUred tbe aeseeement by ordinance No. 13,366 for tue eonatructlon ot a aewer in (looker atreet from 220 feet weat ef the wett line of block! S7 ina ee, druthers Addltloa ta Camthera' Addltloa to tha City ef PortUad to a eon. oectloB with tbe eewer ia Hooker atreet at Fourth atreet, ta the manner provided by ordinance No. 18,244, opoa each lot,, part of I... I -, I A V. , ... ' . . ,. . . auu i . n.---1 in wbicb are apvciBliy dl iu1u-i. k...a.j ... i 1 1 : n,imi hcuihi.u, v-t w aa HI1WWI, vis: A Xnft of Und lying between two Ittiea respectively 20 feet and 300 feet west erly from ed part I lei wltb th weat line nf block numbered 6. Cirutber' Addition to Camthera' Addltloa' to tbe City of PortUnd. and between two llpee respectively 60 feet and 100 feet north and parallel with tha aortb Una ef Booker atreet, Franciieo RUdl 10.20 A tract or tana lying Between two llnea respectively 120 feet and 200 feet west erly from and paralUI wltb tha west line of block numbered 68, druthers' Addition to.Carutbers' Addition to the City of Portland, and between tbe north Ua of Hooker atreet and a line 60 feet north of and pir allel therewith, Joseph Eder A tract of land lying between two llnea reepectlvtly 200 feet aad 813.16 feet westerly ' from and parallel with' tbe weat line of block numbered 68, Cs rnthera' Addition to Carutheri' Add! tlon to tbe City ot Portland, and be tween tbe Berth Une of Hooker atreet and a weaterly extenaloa of said north line In Its present course and a Una 100 feet- north of and parallel there- witn, niisaoetn weooer ' RAILROAD TIMETABLES. 84.80 A tract of Und lying between the north and south llnea of Honker atreet ex tended weaterly in tbelr respective present courses and two lines respect ively 220 feet and 820 feet Weaterly from ind parallel with the southerly ei tension In its present coarse of tbe weat line of block 68, Ciruthera' Ad dition to Carutbers' Addition to the City of Portland. Oregon Railroad A Navigation Company A tract ef land lying between two llnea reapectiveiy 80 reet and 130 reet west erly from and. parallel. with the west line, of Fourth street ami between the south llna or Hooker atreet and t Una 100 feet aonth of and parallel there with, Lucretla Nist A tract of Und lying between f wo -llnea respectively lau reel ana iso reet west erly from and parallel with the west line of Fourth itreet ind between the south line of Hooker atreet and a line 100 feet south of and parallel there with. Theresa Flab A tract of land lying between two -lines respectively ltm reet and ao feet weat erly from and parallel with the west line of Fourth atreet and between the aonth line of Hooker street and a westerly extension in Its present course of aald south line and a Una 100 feet aouth of and Barallel therewith. Ore gon Railroad A Xarlaatlon -Conines. . A tract of land Irlng between two lines respectively lent and too reet westerly from and parallel with tbe west line of block 68. Camtbert' Ad dition to Csrulhers' Addition to I be City of PortUnd and between tha north Une. of Hooker atreet extended west erlv in Ita present roarae and a. line 00 feet north -of end nersllel there with. Oregon Railroad A Navlga. tlan Company ....v,.,.,,.,,.,. . 49.40 39.00 29.00 ! 2t.0O V TW im OF tVtBVTHIHQ CXLY HOURS PORTLAND ' - ' TO . via the 0. R. R. & N. Co., Oregon Short Line. Union Pacific and Tiro trains a day, with through Pullman drawing-room . deeping cars, free reclining chair cars and dining cars (a la carte). CHlCASJ?iTlANi) 39.40 too Total i . . .'. .'. Ai; .V.924T.8A' - a statement or arorcMld eeament haa been entered In. the Docket of City Lien. . and U now due and payable at - the. er, of the fltv TTeasnree. In Uwfnl Bicner ef the t nlfrd Plate and If not paid wlthla thirty iltvs rrom the date or ite . notice. - such . pmceea inia a.111 be fiken for the collection of the same Si are- provided by- the charter, of thu Cltv f Portland. ...:' Th above asaeaament will hear . Interest tet daya after taw Brat pabllratloeot thla Botlr. ;.,. ' , .. . :-' , ... ... v; thos. C tiFVLtN. "r- 'Hx'::Jkntnet trf- rha rtty of PortUm. Portlaad. Oregoa. Jnne 10. 10AV ; t IXTERaUOW OF WHTTAKSB STREET. 'Whereaa, Th Council of tbe City of port land, expedleat to opea. : lay out aad eeUMiab ll ittimlot nf mitakel atm-t. to the City of rortland. from "ta eest line of Becead atreet ta Ua weat Vat ef block 140 ano ESPECIAL connects at Granger -with the famous Overland Limited, the most luxurious train in the world to Chicago from the Coast. Ba tare your ticked read over tbo , Chicago & Kortb-Westera. a ;.-r i , A. O. BARKER, Ottfc Aar. O. A N-VV. BY, t TNUtO ST.. PONTLAN0, OKA. "J JO a. tv 7:80 a. a. IM:60 p. OTERtAKV -BXPRESal '. tralna, for talent, Roee-1 ' bwg.'-AahUnd. ; Sacra J " uento. (TgdeB. Baa Fran. Trtf A as. Cisco, Mulav, Los Aa-4 Kaa, II Paae, Kew Or-j a and the Kaat. is I - At ? Woodbora dally ..cap.' sHwoay tr- mora Ing trala for U t. Aa gei, Biiverteat, ttrowi vtlle, HprhjfBeld. fVad. ling and Matron. ' Albaay pinenger. row.! Beets at Weoburo with hit. Angel and SilraH tea local, -5 ; , . OsrvaUU 'paaaeagef .'.-...! Sheridaa passenger,. 70 tw m H:mp. ta,' IIS'JB a. at Dallr. . (lOall ereent girndav ' "1 ' VtrUAaA-Oawege BuVurUa Servioa sad Taaaifll . !- -ii, Dlsialea. 'P'-.'.-.,.. .V . v Cpt Taot of Jaffaraea Street. '" Leave PortUnd daily for Uawego 7:80 tu Bs-I 13:60. 3.06. .3. hJio, 8 M. 8:30. 10:18 . m. Pally (xcept Sunday) 6:31V 8:30, ,8:88,. 10: a. m., 4:00, 11 JO pi at..,, Sunday ealy. .8:ta ' a. m. . I Retarelnt from Oewege, arrive; Portland: Ball . f:ov a. .an. ; 1:00. a:w, e:aO. : 10,. 1:00, BM. 110 o, m. Dally (except Sunday) t-Ut, 7:iV to. 10:30. 11:46 a, m. jrxceptMaBday. H-U a. m. Sunday only. 10:01) aa. bu Leave frpm lar.e depot toe Dallag ind. Inter, tvaxllata) polau daily (except Basday) 4.10 p. at, Arrive Portland 10:30 a. av ., ' . Tba IndependeBCe-hlonntoath -' Motor Lraa operate daUy to aionawvth gad Aurlla, eoa aactlog with Southern paeia Compaay'a traska at iJalU and Indcpeodascs. ... . . . . First-cUa rebau tickets oa aaia from forte land to H.rr.mantn a nA Baa lBaUco. Net rate 117.60, berth 8i aeeead-eUat fare 8 16. without rebate sr. berth 1 , secooaHila hat 18 82.60. " ' 1 ' - - . Tickets to Eaetera potn-ts aad But tea. (lat Japan, China, Honolulo ead AnatraUa. City Ticket Offce eoraer Third aad Waahlagv 8aattmta.-I0ae.aUla.ria. 11 . a W. 8TIN0ER, : IF. . OOalAAV Otr Ticket Agent. Sen. Fta. Aft Km TIME CARD :' OP TRAINS PORTLAND! AV .SALTIHORX, G- OHIO R. R. AU. TRAINS YlAVnsmnQTOM Paget Sound Limited. Departs. fnr Tirani. Seattle. ' Olympia. South Bend - g:gn t.' BJ. and uray a , naroot points. North Ooaat . -Limited, ft ir Tawma. Seattle. Butte. St. Paul, MIn-' 8:00 p. in. ueapuiis. t ntcsgo. new. York, lion ton ami pointa Kaat aod Southeast. Twin-City Express, for lacoma. Brattle. Boo-; , kane. Helena, St. Petit. Minneapolis Chicago. Ill '46 p. m New York. Boston and , all point East aad! SoutbeasL . - J Ptigi't Sound Kansas iif-M. luw 8pe.-laL fnr Tacama. Seattla. Spokane, Butte, Rllljngs. 6 30 a, m. iienver. usati, t'trw. St. ixt.iU ad all iwlnta Eaat and South east. Arrives. 6.80 p.,. 7:00 a. av 7 00 a. Bt. 7:08 t at All tralna dally; except . en Bouts Read branch. : , A. D. CHARLTOR. ,, . Assistant General Psseanger Agent. ' 226 Morrison St.. corner Third. PertUna. tie. Astoria & Columbia '; River Raifroad Co. Leave. t!fl0!f. BEPOf. 4- -5-. It". a.'B.. MiiirT. - : , '' .r; I t latskaoli . - Ti v.port.f ,K .'!1'-U CHftoa, . AteU, "ar-.. 8:00 av ts, j r,n,OB Haul, -1I'I t. - Jif ,f f;ta.Bl ' 8?rt Rtevena.! -. , Arrlvra. f j Sstl.rt Ifsrg, . ... : f Aeturra u. ".. fciprrae, I.';.r. T:6t . a.l -, ''" , . .' ; lnl:. n V E, r. j i " - i -- i - I e ' w -ar i 1 - - ; , . : . j . 't .. " j