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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 13, 1903)
..;.U -T T' ' v. THE OHEGOK DAILY- JOURNAL, rOKTIjAKD, BATTOBATnEVEKINGi JtOTE 13,! 1003. cnr nonets.. CITT NOTICES. CITT TREASURER'S NOTICE OF BALE Of ... SEAL PftOPEITT 0 DELINQUENT AS- uiumi. Norte- la hereby give that th Auditor of the Cltr of Portland baa tranamltted to CM a llat of lb delinquent aeaeaament for tba mnatrurtlna el a sewer in itast .nirteemn CITT TREASURER'S NOTICE OF SALE OF SEAL PROPEKTT rOR DELINQUENT AS- SE8SMENTS. Notice ta hereby given that tho Audltnr of the Cltr of Portland baa transmitted to m a llat or th dellnuuent aseesament for th mMtNuHAH nf - In U.I..- !( fnilfl ir-H ii pi 4-j - I aim. fwi eaat of tba eaat Una of Eaat Twenty- CITT lfOTICES. i aouth Una of Thompson atreet In I ( wit tba aewer id i tiiamoo etren. connection and pur suant to aertlo 412 of th charter of tba City of Portland. ! will, on Monday, tba 20th " da? of Juno, 1903, at tbe hour of 10 o'clock a. a) , at th west door of tha City Hall. In ' '' ,tb city, of Portland, . Oregon. for sale, ,- public a act loo. to the highest bidder , for ; , cash, subject to redemption, tha following ' do- mriA riei-Mla of real nrooertv. to-wlt: .. t Map of block TT, 78, Pi, 02, ; '" and lit. :' , Weat Irvlogtoo Flk 78, lot 8. Franca A. Blasdel ... Elk TT, lot 10, ooretta &. nnntn lot, JOB ...$15.25 . . 22.70 flrat atreet to sewer In 1 In lacy street at Eaat Hlxtaenth itwl, and that pursuant to sec tins 412 of the charter of tbe Cltr of Port land, I will, on Monday, the 20th day of June. 1903, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. in., at tbe weat door of the City Hall, In the City of Portland, Oregon, offer for aale, at public auction, to tbe hlgeet bidder for caah, subject to redemption, the following described iarcel of real property, to-wlt: Holladay'a Addition to Eaat Portland Blk 1W. lot A. Richard Derby $36.80 Blk I8. north 12. 86 feet of lot 5. Rich ard Derby 9.23 Rfll ll.. M ...A. .f I.Mfl -.111 K- ...M ; . Each Pltt , land will be sold separately and for a sum not less than the ...aaparataly and ior a u twt leaa than tba Unpaid aaaeaament thereon, and Intereat and muimia nii' "". coat or advertising and aale: If more than coat or aavertieing and aaie; ir more inaa olw Md la offered, tbe land will ha aold to one nq ortcrea. u ni wm ne bom w ,b bidder offering to take th same for tbe th bidder offering to take th nam for th I l-.,t amount of penalty and Intereat; com- pettttnn will be: Plrat I'pon tba penalty for the flrat period: aTasvaa I hab Iha u-klr fn MM MMMI I a . . ,, ASSESSMENT TOR SEVER JH TACT0RT " --SXREIT, Notice ta bereliy irlren that tbe t'ouncll of the City of Portland, Oregon, at a meeting held on tha 2d day of Juue. 1W0.1, b-clared tho aaaeaamcnt by ordluance No. 13, MSI for tha conatructlon ot a aewer Id r actory street from Hal lift north or the north line of Tburuiau atreelt to a connection with the aewer in taughn atreet In tbe wanner provided by ordl . Va 1 J UU ..nAta tA. ...... ... 1. . . and parva of land, which are apvvlally aud liecnnariy oenentea, to i a rullowa, via Wllaon'l Addition to tha City of Portland- Blk 2. all that portion of lot 6. blk 1 Wlleon'a Addition to tbe llty of Port land lying north of a lino 100 feet north of and parallel with tbe north line of Thurinan atreet. Peter Matou. 22.0A B7.40 Seeondi Upon tha f of tha auoreedlng p-rloda ; Berloda: . Third rpoa tba rata of Intereat. ; J E WERLEfX, I Ctr Treaaarer of the' nty of' Portland. Portland, Oregon. May 29, 1903. Third t'pon tha rate of Intereat. J. . WKRTJCIN. City Treaaurer of tbe City of Portland. Portland, Oregon, May 29, 19(k8. CITT TREASVRXR'S JT0TICE 07 SALE Of RIAL PR0PEETT TOR DELIHQVE1TT AS- SEBSMEXTS. 'TT,' f"."" m of - the City of Portland baa transmitted to of tha Otr of I'ortiand baa tranamltted to . . 0 ,h, oallnquent aaaeaameota for tb aula m w fHW wuuiHrui aa CRT TREASURER'S R0TICE OF SALE OP REAL PR0PERTT TOR SEUXQXTEVT AS i XESSaUVTS. menta for the i MMtn,-inH A. . in .., ImDTOTenvent of Eaat rourteeath atreet from I .r. h, not- t. r mtt. e n.. !tb.kth llwL B1IDont. to tba atreet to a connection with the aewer In laeqtb lla of Eaat Darla Itreet, and that Htnir red, ,ni (b.t pilr,ntI1t to aactloa liT??. . "Si.," 7". "L.,1"" ""V. " 4,3 r enarter of the aty of PortUnd, I IJ SHjf"!"' L."111: S? 00ta'; will, on Monday, tb 20tb day of June. 1908. '"tdlr ot June, 190. hour of ,t bnu, or 10 oviocn m., ,t tha weat ;iJ"ii n T X" , S ooor of City Hall, In th C tr of Port tlty Ball, la th Oty of Portlaad, Orarm. ,Bd. Oregon, olfer for aala at public auction, i offer for aala. at public auction, to tha I . it.. u.. 11!1."VXJZ. ..1", ir"" I 'ollowlng oeacribed parch of , , . -"- - i rB i properly, fo-wie: rnf' . i JSj v-' ,w Sulflran a Addition to Eaat Portland t tract of land lrlnf batwaaa tha aoath Blk 86. weat U lot S. Cbarlea W. Enale-' man Batata, Helra of $20.68 Blk 86, weat H lot 4, Cbarlea W. Engla- man Batata, Helra at 20.68 Bach piece or tract of land will be aold VJi--?-VN:'V-lni"Li5 np,ld t thereon, and Intereat and .J?...., - . ' 1 L 'U .J" ""W I rt of adTertlalng and aale; If more than '. j T .1 on, oia is ottered, tha land will be aold to T.?.'?'. ti'rT'- ,"Bd..lDt'r"t .f ,h o-O'ler offerlnt to take tba aam for tha met of aavertulna anal aale: If more I i . . , . . . one Md Is offered, tha land will be aold to I petition will be: II De of Xaat Alder atreet and line j , ou rear aoucnerir rroai ana parallel ' therewith and between tba eaat line , of Beat Fourteenth atreet and a line ion a. eMM ... n.i ;te bidder off art ng to take th a a me for tha leaat aaxMint af penalty and intereat; com petltloa wIU be: Flrat TJpoa tba penaltr for tba flrat period; Bacon t'poa tba peulty for the aacceedisg Rerloda : - Third CpoB Hi rat of Intereat. J. R. WERLBIN. i City Treaaurer of tba City ef Portland. , roriiaaa, . urton,n nay , lvus. Flrat Unon the nenalt for tha flrat nerlnd: Second Upon tba penalty for tbe auceeedlog perlode; Third Upon tba rat of Interest. J. K. WERLKIN, Oty Trraanrer of th City of Portland. PortUnd, Oregon. May 29. 1908. CITT TREASURER'S JT0TI0E OF SALE OF RXAL PR0FERTT FOR DELIMQUZHT AS- EBSMIRTS. Notice la hereby alren that tha Auditor of tba City of Portland baa tranamltted to me a llat of tha delinquent aaaeaameota for tba improvement or v atreet from tha east Una af Beat Twenty-eighth atreet to tba eaat CITT TREASURER'S X0TICX OF SALE OF V , REAL FR0FERTT FOR DELnfQXTEVl AS i ussimrTt. , . - - Notie ' la hereby give - that tba Auditor Improvement of f tba Cltr of PortUnd baa tranamltted to ef Beat Tain ma a llat of th delinquent aeeeaamenta for the Una of blocka 12 and 18, Hawthorne a First improvement or u atreet Trod tha Eaat I. Addition to Eaat PortUnd, and that lur lln of Eaat Twenty-eighth atreet, to the snant to section 412 of the' charter of the eaat Una ' of blocka 20 and 13, Hawthorne's City of Portland, I will, on Monday, the r irate Addition, ana that puranant to aec-livta day of una, 1903. at tba hour of 10 tloa 412 of the charter of tba City of Port- o'clock a. m., at tb weat door of the jana, I wui, on Monday, tha 29th day of city Hall, in tbs City of PortUnd, Oregon, June. 1902, at tb boor of 10 o'clock a. m.. offer for ssla. at public auction, to Uu at tho-weea deee of the City Hall, 1n the t highest bidder for caah, aabject to redemp Clty of PortUnd. Orejron, offer for sale, at I tlon, tba following deacrlbed parcel of real y Ifuoiio Bacnon, vo uio jugoeai oioaer for caao. i property, io-wii: ' subject to Redemption, the following described I Hswlhorn' First Addition to Bast part-el of real property, to-wlt: I PortUnd , - Hawthorne' First jr Addition to East Blk 10, lots, M. B. Smith $44.60 Pnrtlaad ' Eacb piece or tract of Und will be aold Blk Id. south U lot 12, Secnrlty Bar- separately and for a sum not less tbsn the ' ' Ings A Trust Company $18.80 unpaid assessment thereon, and Intereat and sis 10, aoutn i lot li. security Bar- coat of advertlalng and aala; If mora than ings A Trust Company... 20.18 one bid la offered, tha land will be aold to Blk 1, lot 10, Mabel Imogen Doty 29.18 tbe bidder offering to take tha aama for tba bib it, an i, r. h. Maria y si. 21 1 least amount ot penalty and intereat; com Earh piece or tract of Und will be aold Petition will be: . aeparatelr and for a anm not leaa than the Flrat Unon the nenaltv for the flrat nerlnd: npaid aaaeasment. thereon, and Intereat and Second Upon tb penalty for tba aucceedlng "a oi aaTeriiaing ano saw; ir. mora than periooa; r . ; on bid I offered, tb Und will be aold to . Third Upon th rata of interest. tba bidder offering to take th same for tbe ' J. E. WERLEIN. least amount ef penalty and Intereat; com- City Treasurer of tba City of PortUnd. : petition will boti-. v Portland. Oregon. May 29, 1908. First Unon tba penalty for the flrat nerlod: 11 ' Beceno Lpoo IB penalty for the succeeding CITT TREASURER'S BOTICZ OF BALE OF 1 1 llf "a" AUUIilltlH Bifcl -v-, u. Vl Blk 2, lot H. Ladd A Til ton. . Blk 2. lot . una 'niton... North Portland 1 Blk 1. eaat I'M feet lot 1. Jacob Mayer.. Illk 1. eaat 100 feet lot 2. Jacob Mayer.. Blk 1. lot 3. Jacob Mayer Wilson's Addition to tha City of Port land Blk 1. all that portion of lot . blk 1, Wllaon'a Addition rto tha City of Port land lying north of a Una 100 feet north of and parallel with the north line of Tburman atreet, Mary K. Wil ton Blk 1. lot 7. Mary-K. Wilson Blk 1. lot 10. William Iteldt North Portland - . Blk 2. lot 1. William Reldt Blk 2. lot 2, II. P. Ellaaon Blk 2. loutb 40 feet lot 8, Nick Jacob eon Blk 2. north 10 feet lot 8, William Heldt ., A tract of Und lying between a line UIO feet south of and parallel with tb south Una of Vaughn atreet and the north II n of I'pahur street and be tween th eaat line of block 2. North . Portland and a Una 100 feet east of snd parallel with tbe east Una of Factory street. Amends W. Reed A tract of land lying between a line 100 feet north of and parallel with tbe north line of Tburman atreet and tbe south line of Upshur atreet weat of Twenty-second atreet and between the eaat line of block 2. North Portland, and tba eaat line of block 1. Wllsou's Addition to the City of PortUnd, Syl vester Farrell 13.46 48.80 85.68 86.66 7.98 1060 8 20 20.68 20.66 14.88 4.20 1.66 8.05 Total $291.90 A eta lenient ot aroresaia aeaeaament haa been entered In tbe Docket of City Mens, and la now due and payable at tha office of the City Treaaurer . In lawful money of tbe United Ntatee and If not paid within thirty daya from tb date of this notice, such proceedlnga will be taken for the collection of the aama aa are provided by tba Charter of tha City of Portland. The above assessment will hear Intereat ten days after the first publication of this notice. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of the Cltr of Portland. Portland. Oregon. June 10. 190.1. Berloda: . Third TJpoa tba rat of intereat. ' V- J.-B. WERLEIN. City Treasurer of th City of PortUnd; Portland, Oregon JUay 29., 1908. . REAL PR0PERTT FOR DEL1R ftUEUT S- ItUMlBll. Notice la hereby given that the Auditor of the City ef Portland baa transmitted to me a Hat of tba dellnauent asaessments for tha CITT TREASURER'S V0TICE OF SALE OF Improvement of Sixth atreet from 12 feet KT: AT. M0PT.TT FOR TjyT.rwQTirvT Ami T'? i? ' SESSXERTS. , Notice Is hereby given that tbe Auditor or . the city of Portland baa tranamltted to m a llat of tbe delinquent assessments for tbe construction of a aewer in Upshur street : from a. point ia feet east of tb esst line or Twenty-nrat street, to a connection with tn aewer in Upshur street, and that pursuant to eectlon 412 of tba charter' of the City of Portland. I will, on ' Monday, the- wth day or June, 1903. at tba hour of 10 o clock a. m., at tha weat door of tha City Hall, la . tha City of PortUnd. Oregon, offer for aale. . at public auction, to the hlgbeat oiuoer iot caan. suoject 10 reaempllon, the 101 lowing oeacrioeu parcel ox real property, A triangular tract ef Und bounded on tb couth aid by th north line of : I pabnr atreet. on the east by a line ' 100 feet westerly from and parallel with the west line of Nineteenth street snd on the north by the south erly Una of blok 2, BlackUtone'a .Addition to the City of Portland ex- '' tended southwesterly in a straight . line to ita intersection with Upshur ' street, J. H. Peterson $23.80 , Each pier or tract of Und will lie aold separately ana ror a asm not less than tba npaid ' aaaeasment thereon, snd Interest "and coat or advertising nd aala; if more than one bid U offered, th Und will he sold to tb bidder offering to take the same for the leaat amount ot penalty and Intereat; com' petition win oe: . First Upon the Density for the flrat nertnd Second Upon tha penalty for the succeeding perioaa ; Third Upon tba rat of Intereat. , J- K. WERLEIN. City Treaaurer of the City of PortUnd. PortUnd, Oregon, May 29, 1903. CITT TREASURER'S NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PR0PERTT FOR DELINQUENT AS- SESSMEHTS. .: Notice la hereby given that the Auditor f . tha City of Portland haa tranamltted to xoe a llat 01 me delinquent asaeaamenta lor the construction of a sewer In Sellwood atreet - from UU feet east of the eaat line of Kerby atreet to a connection with tbe aewer In Hell. wood atreet 60 feet west of the weat line of Kerby street, ana mat pursuant to section . 412 ot ine charter or the city of Portland. I will, on Monday, the 29th day of June. irxi.H : at tba weat door of the City Hall. In tbe City ox, roriiana, urea-on. oner ior-saie, at pub . lie auction, to the highest bidder for caah. subject to redemption, the following described parceia or real property, to-wlt: Abend's Addition to Alblua Blk 1, south 10 feet lot 8. Clara Harris. .$2.00 Blk 1., south 10 feet lot. 4, Clara Harris.. 4.00 Hlk I, aoutn 10 teet or a atrip of land S feet wide, eaat of and adjoining lota 8 and 9. Clara Harris .50 Eacb piece or tract ot Und will be sold eparately and for a sum not leaa fhan the nnpaia aeaesemeni tnereon. and Intereat and cost of advertlalng and aale; If more than one hid ta offered, the land will he sold to tbe bidder offering to take tho aame for the eaat amount 01 penalty and Interest: com petition will be: . Flrat Upon the ixsaltr for the flrat neHod- Second Upon the ?ualty for tbe aucceedlng 1 Third Upon the rate of Intereat. J. E. WF.RLEIN. ' City Treaaurer of the Clt.r of Portland. - Portland. Oregon. May 20. 1003. CUT TREASURER'S NOTICE OF SALE OF ' REAL PR0PERTT FOR DELINQUENT AS ,. 8E88MENTS. Notice is hereby given that the Auditor of the City of Portlaud baa tranamltted to me a Hat of the delinquent aaaeaami nta for the improvement of Twentieth atreet from the north line of Ssvler atreet to the sontb weaterly Una of Hberlock avenue, and that 'pursuant to section 412 of tbe charter of tb City of Portland, I will, ou Monday, th 29th day of June. 1903. at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m.. at tha weat door of the City -Hell.- in the City of Portland. Ore gon, offer tor .sale, at public auction,'' to tha blithest bidder for caah, aubject to re demption, th following deacrlbed parcel of real property, to-wlt: A tract ef land lying between two lines reapectively HO feet snd 100 feet eaat erjy from and parallel with the eaat v llua of Twentieth atreet and between the north Hhe f Thurms atreet and (- a line 11 feet northerly therefrom and parallel therewith, ILT.r tJroves. . . , ,$4,07 Each piece or tract of Und will be aold eferatelr and for a "aam not less than the suipald asseeament thereon. and interest and roat of advertlalng and ale; If more than tn bid Is offered, the land will be sold to the bidder offering to tska tbe aam for the leaat amount of penalty and luterest; com peiltloa will be: ' . -. - firat Upcas tbe penalty for in Srst period: - Kcond Upas, tb penalty ' for the euceeedlng aeriode: . - -i. Thlrt I poo tn rate or intereat. I.'.' B. WERLEIN. -' Cltl-- Tw-amfer of tb City of Portia sd " IVwtUind., Oregon, May 29. 1901. iHilnt 12 feet south of tha north line of Tar lor atreet, and that pursuant to section 412 or tne charter 01 lite city of Portland, I will, on Monday, tba 29tb day of June, 1908, at tha baur of 10 o'clock a. m., at tha weat door of the City Hall. . In tha City of Port land, Oregon, oner mr sale, at public auc tion, to tbe hlgbeat bidder for caah. subject to redemption, the following deacrlbed parceia of real property, to-wlt: Couch's Addition to tba City of Port land Blk V, lot 7, H. M. Rnda and F. M. Roberta $82.87 Blk V, lot 6, H. M. Ruda and F. M. Roberta 1 75.26 Blk V, lot 3, H. SI. Rude and F. M. Roberta T8.19 Blk V, lot 2. H. M. Rude and F. M. Robert 90.70 Blk SS, kit 8, Union Trust ft Invest ment Company 93.93 Blk 88, lot 2, Union Trust ft Investment Company 98.59 Couch a Addition to Jbe City of Port land Blk 48. lot 4, Thomas Olhhona. ....... ... T8.1S Blk 48. lot 1, Thomas Glbbona, 79.97 PortUnd Blk 88. lot I. J. If. Petereon '.. lll.nn Blk 88, lot 2. , J. H. Peterson 105. (W Each piece or tract of land will be aold eeparately and for a sum not leaa than the unpaid assessment thereon, snd Interest snd I cost of the sdvertlslng and sale; If more than one bid ta offered, the land will he aold to the bidder offering to take the same for tbe leaat amount or penalty and interest; com petition win oe: nrst 1 pon tne pensity ror tne nrat period Second Upon tba penalty for the succeeding perioas ; xnira cpon tne rate or intereat. J. B. WERLEIN. City Treasurer of tha City of PortUnd. Portland. Oregon. May 29. 1903. CITT TREASURER'S NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PR0PEITT FOR DELINQUENT AS SESSMENTS. Notice la hereby 'given that the Auditor of tbe City of Portland baa tranamltted to ma a lUt of the delinquent aaseaameuta for tbe Improvement 01 Main street from the west line of Chapman street to tha west line of King street, aud that purauant to aectlon 412 of the charter of tbe City of Portlsnd, I will, on Monday, the 20th day of June. 1903, at the hour of 10 o cwrk a. m., at tb west door of th City Hall. In th City or t-ostianu, urrgon, oner lor sale st pub lie suction, to the highest bidder for cssb. subject to redemption, the following described parceia ot real property, te-wit: Map of aoutheaaterly portion of Amos N. King's Land CUlm, recorded April 8, 1871 South V, blk 11, Mary W. Oaa ton ....... $006.01 A tract ot una Dounaed on the north by the south line of Main atreet: on tba west by tbs esst Use of King street; on the south by a line drawn from a point In the eust line of King street 350.5 feet southerly, messuring on said eaat line of King street from ita lntersectlonwlth the south line of Hslmon streaand at right angles to said esst line of King street to the westerly line of block numbered 10 on tha -"Map of the Southeasterly Portion - f Amos -"Nv King's Land Claim." recorded April 8. 1871; and on the eaat by the weaterly Una of aald block numbered-iO. Mary W. tiaaton... 27S.04 A tract of land bounded and deacrlbed aa follows: Beginning st a point in the north line of Main street 07.9 feat east of the Intersection of the esst Una of King atreet with tbe north line of Main street; thence northerly at right angles to a point loo feet north of the north Una or Main atreet; thence easterly and parallel wjtti the north line of Main 'street to tha westerly Una of block numbered 11 on tha "Map of the Southeasterly Por tion of Amos N. Klnc's Land Claim." recorded April 8. 1871; thence aouth- ei 1 j vu pniu i"ih(ti.t line Ul iiiocb numbered 11 to tbe north line of Main street; thence westerly on said north line of Main street to the place of beginning. Mary W. Oaaton 230.77 Each piece or tract of land will be sold separately snd ror s sum not leaa than the unnald asseeament thereon, and Intereat snd foat of advertlalng and aale; If more than one bid la ntrered. the land will be aold to the bidder offering to take the aame for the leaa' amount of penalty and Interest; competition-will be: First upon tn penalty ror the first period: Second Upon the penalty for the succeeding periods ; Third upon tna rate or intereat. J. F!. WERLEIN. City Treasurer of the City of PortUnd. Portlsnd. Oregon. May 20. 1903. CITT NOTICES. CITT NOTICES. ASSESSMENT1. FOR SEWER IV EAST . OAR I -.';.' STREET, SECOND EXTENSION. NoMe la hereby given tbat tha Council of tne tity or PortUnd, Oregon, at a meeting neia MM . I. C .1 -t . , T 1DAI AmUmJ Ik, : - "W m U ii eHlW, JTO, -. 1 , IBUU , .,., , ft,..,,,. assessment oy ordinance No. 13.3SI, or tn 1 oik u, 860 .feet lo 12, ., N Blk IT, V60 feat lot It. Frank Bod.. Blk IT, NA0 feet lot it, Frank Bod.. Blk IT, WT feet of 800 feat of lot 10 F. . H. McHolUnd.. ." Blk IT, $60 feet lot 11 F. N. McHol-, McBol- . 2 .2.1 1.40 m 2.25 rooatruction of a aewer In Beat Oak atrawt I Und sawar system, second extension, said aewer I Blk 18, lot 1,, Mary A. TTeltkemper..,. ovainBiiur at a point in Isaac lwimj-ium 1 mi in. lot s Mary A. Hn ikmnar tit. which U IS feet ooutb of tb north Blk 18, lot 8, Msry A. Heltkeuiper.,.. lino of Eaat Gllsan atreet; thencaoutherly 1 Blk IS, lot 4. Wendei Eachelhacber.,.. Eaat Twentv-el-hfh mtroit tn a nolnt In Eaat I II Ik 1 In ..h.n,ui, Bveratt atreet) thanco weaterly In Kaet-fcvorett I Blk 18, lot , Wendei Bsclielbacker.' , . street and Bast Everett atreet If extended eaat-1 Blk 18. lot T. William P. Pedlee erly, to a point In Baat Twentylxth atreet. If Blk 18, lot 8, Walter ft Nelll Cratuer extended northerly; thence southerly In Eaat Blk 18,, lot 9. Bertha Kueble... Twenty-elxth atreet If extended northerly to a Blk 18, lot 10, Rachel L. Hawthorn., point la Eaat Couch atreet If extended eaat erly; Blk 18, lot 11, Margarett Kernl...... thence weaterly la Baat Couch atreet If x- Blk 18, lot 12, ' MargaratU Beml tended eaaterlr to a eonnectlon with th aewer Blk 19. lot 1. 'The Hawthorn- Katata.. In East Twenty-fourth street in tha manner I Blk 19, lot 2, H. U- Powers, Trnatea. . provided by ordinance No. 18.187. upon each lot, I Blk 19, lot S. Th Hawthorne Eatate.. part of lot and oarcel of land, whlcb ara I Blk 1ft. lot 4. The Hawthorne Katat. . apeclally and peculiarly benoflted, to b l fol- Blk 19, lot 8, H. L. Powers. Trust.. ws, via: , nn i, lot o. The Hawthorn Batata.. Hawthorn' First Addition to East . Blk 19, lot T, W. D. Allard. PortUnd Blk 19. kit B. Carrl. aj. UapWI. Blk 1, lot It, Tb nawthorne Eatate.. $ 18.80 Blk 19, lot . John Maxwell..., CITT TREASURER'S NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL FR0PERTT FOR DELINQUENT AS SESSMENTS. Notice is hereby given tbat the 'Auditor of the City of Portland haa tranamltted to me a list or the delinquent asaeeaments for the Improvement of Oarfleld avenue from the south line of Shaver afreet to the north line of Beech street, and tbat purauant to sec tion 412 or tne cnarter or ,tne, city of Port land, I will, on the 20th day of June. 1003. st tbe hour of 10 o'clock a. m.. at tbe west door of the City Hall. In tbe City of Port' Und. Oregon, offer for ssle. at public auc tlon. to tbe hlgbeat bidder for caah. atibject to redemption, the following described parcels of real property, to-wlt: Albina Homestead Blk 4. lot 11. Robert Craig $52.18 each piece or trsrt or land will ne sold separately and for a aum not leaa than tbe unpaid aaacsament thereon, and Interest and cmt of the advertising and aale: If more than one bid la offered, the land will be aold Jo ne bitmer ottering to taae me aam ror tha leaat amount of penalty and Interest; com petition will he: nrat t non ine penaitv ror tne nrat period; Recond--Upon the penalty for tbe succeeding pertoda : Third 1 pon tne rate or mtreat. J. B. WERLEIN. r CHy Treaaurer of the Clt.r of PortUnd. PortUnd. Oregon. May 20. 1003. CITT TREASURER'S NOTICE OF BALE OF REAL PROPERTY FOR DELINQUENT JiS 8EBSKENT8. Notice is hereby given that the Auditor f the City fit Portland has transmitted to me a llat of the delinquent assesamenta for the Improvement of Eaat hiateenth atreet from the aoutn Hue ot Heimont street to the north line of East Taylor street, and that pursuant to section 412 of the charter of tho tity of PortUnd. I wU. on Monday. ,tho 29th day of June, 1908, at the hour of 10 o clock a. m., at the west door of the City Hall. In the tity of Portland. Oregon, offer for sale, st public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, subject .to re demption, th following described parceia of rca 1 propert- to-wlt : iiawtnonne I'arx Blk 32A. eaat 14 kit 6. Mattle Miller. .. .$52.79 Blk 32A. eaat U lot 5. Mattle Miller 60.8O A tract of land lying between the north side line or r.aat Taylor street sno the south aide line of block 1, Daneke,' and between tbe east side line of Eaat Sixteenth atreet and a line 100 feet easterly therefrom and parallel therewith. Mary Robertson .......... -. 60.93 Each niece or trsct of land will be sold separately and for a sum not leas than the nDSId assessment thereon, "and Intereat and cost of advertlalng and sale: if more than one bid Is offered, tbe Und will be sold to tne Mfloer onering to take the aame for tha leaat amount of penalty and Interest; com petition will be: nrst upon ine penalty ror iua nrat period: Second Upon the penalty for. the aueceedlna perlode;- juiro cpon tna rate or interest; - . --" ' J. K. WERLEIN, - City Trvaawer of the Cltr of TorQand. PortUnd, Oregon, Hay 29, 1903- ' V 1 CITT TREASURER'S NOTICE OF BALE OF REAL PR0PERTT FOR DELINQUENT AS SESSMENTS. Notice la hereby given that the Auditor of the City of Portland baa transmitted to me a list of the delinquent assessments for tbu Improvement of Commercial street from the north line of Shaver street to the south line of Alberta street, snd tbat pursuant to sec tion 4iz or tne cnarter "wt tne 1 city or Port land, I will, on Monday tbe 1 20th day of June. 1903. at tbe hour of 10 o'clock a. m . at the weat door of the City Hall, In tbe City of Portland, Oregon, 'offer for sale, at public auction, to the highest bidder for caah, aubject to redemption, tb following aeacrioeo parcel or real property,- 10-wit: Central Albina Addition Blk 3. lot 7. Harriet 4- Lee -$38.55 Esch piece or tract of land will he sold separately and for a aum not less than tbe unpaid aasesament thereon, and Interest a nit cost of th advertising and aaie: If more than one bid la offered, the land will bo aold to the bidder offering to take tha aam for tb least amount of penalty and interest; com petition will be: j Plrat Upon tbe penalty for tbe flrat period: Second Upon the penalty for tha succeeding periods; Third Upon th rate of Intereat. J. E. WKRLEIN. City Treasorer of the City PortUnd. Portlsnd, Oregon. May 29. ItJfa. CITT TREASURER'S NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY FOR DELINQUENT AS. 8ESSMENTS. Notice la hereby given that th Auditor of the City of Portland has transmitted to me a llat of the delinquent asaeaamenta for the Improvement , of Eaat Main street from the eaat line of Esst Thirty-third street to the weat. line of Eaat Thirty-fourth street, and that pursuant to section 412 of the charter of the City of Portlsnd. I will, on Monday, the 29th day of June, 1903.- at-the boor of-10' o clock a. tn., at tba west door of the City Hall. In the City of Portland. . Oregon, offer for sale, at public auction, to the highest bidder for caah. subject to redemption, tha following deacrlbed parcel 01 real property. to-wlt: Sunnyslde second Addition Rlk 60, lot 1. Mrs. M. J. Brooks., $15.72 Each niece or tract of Und will be sold separately and for a aum not leaa than the unpaid ksaesament thereon, and Intereat and cost of advertlalng and sale; If more than one bid la offered, tbe land will he sold to the bidder offering to take the same for the leaat amount of penalty and intereat: com petition will be: first I pon the penalty for the nrat nerlod: Second Upon the penalty for the succeeding penoni : inira i.pon tne rate or intereat. J. ,E. WERLEIN. City Treaaurer of the City of Portland, Pwtland, Oregon, May 29, 1903. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF IM PROVEMENT OF KILLINOSW0RTH ... AVENUE. Notice Is hereby given that -William C. Elliott,' City Engineer, haa filed lit the office of the underalgned notice tbat Oleblsch & JopliiS contractors for the Improvement of Klll Irgsworth avenue, nnder the irovlsiona of Or dinance No. 13.034. have completed said avenue, from the eaat line of I'atton avenue to the eaat line of Michigan avenue. Bald acceptance will be considered ' by the Executive Board at 4 o'clock on tbe 19th day of June,. 1903, and objections to- the acceptance of aald avenue or any part thereof may be filed In tbe office of tbe undersigned at any time prior thereto. THE EXECITIVE BOARD. By THOS. C. DEVLIN June 17t .Auditor of the City of Portland. 1)ai3. THE JOURNAL'S NEWS ;: tS RELIABLE, NEWS Blk 1. lot 11. Tha Hawthorne Eatate.. Blk 1. south 100 feat lot 10, Tba Haw thorn. Eatate Blk 1. north 19.06 fort lot 10,. Arthur J. Uowltt Blk 1, aoutiwlOO feat lot 9, William B. Dudley .T.... Blk 1, north IS feet lot S, Tbe Haw- thorn Eatat u- Blk 1, lot 8. Tb Hawthorn Eatat.... Blk 1, lot T. Th Hawthorn Estate.... Blk 2, lot IS. Th Hawthorn KaUt.. Blk 3. lot 11. Th Hawthorn Batata.. Blk 2. lot 10, Th Hawthorn Eatat. . Blk 2. lot 8. Tha Hawthorn' Batata.. Blk 2. lot S. Barnard P. MclnnU Blk 2, lot T, Delia A. Butler Rlk S, lot ll Tba Hawthorn Eatat.. Blk S. lot 11. Th Hawthorne Eatat.. Rlk S, lot 10. Tho Hawthorn Eatat.. Blk 8. lot 0, Tb Hawthorn Eatat.... Blk 8, lot 8, Th Hawthorn Eatat.... Blk 8. lot T. Tb Hawthorn Eatat.... Blk 4, lot IS, Fwrenc Crittenton Re fug Hons - Blk 4. lot 11. Florcnc Crittenton Ee- fug Horn Blk 4, lot 10, Florenc Crittenton Re fuge Horn Blk 4, lot S, Florenc Crittenton Re fuge bom t Blk 4, lot 8, Fore nc Crlttontoa Re fuge Horn Blk 4, lot T, Florenc Crittenton It- fug Horn Mlk 6. lot 1, Tha Hawthorn Eatat., Blk 6, lot 2, Tha Hawthorne Batata.. Illk 6. lot 8. The Hawthorne Eatate.. Blk 6. lot 4. Tha Hawthorn Eatats.. Blk 6, lot 6, Th Hawthorne Eatat.. Blk 5. lot . Tha Hawthorne Batata.. Blk 6, lot , Tha Hawthorn Estate.. Blk 6. lot T, Tha Hawthorn Batata.. Blk 6. lot T, Tha Hawthorn Estate.. Rlk 6, lot S. Tba Hawthorne EaUt.. Blk 6. lot S. Tha Hawthorne Batata.. Blk A. lot 10. The Hawthorn Estate.. Rlk 5. lot 11. Tha Hawthorn Batata.. Blk 6. lot 11 Tba Hwthorne Batata.. Blk 8. lot 1. The Hawthorn Eatat.. Blk 6. lot 8, Th Hawthorn Eatat.. Blk 0, lot 8, Th Hawthorn Batata.. Blk 8, lot 4, The Hawthorn Estate. , Blk 6. lot 8. Tba Hawthorn Estate.. Blk A. lot fl. The Hawthorns Batata.. Blk 8, lot T, Tbe Hawthorne Estate. . Illk 6. lot 8. Tbe Hawthorne Estate.. Blk 8, lot 9, The Hawthorn Estate.. Blk V lot 10. Tb Hawthorn Estate.. Blk 6, lot II, Tb Hawthorn Eatat.. Blk A, lot 12. E. M. Hughes ......... Blk T. lot 1. Msry J. Recce Blk 7. lot 2. Jamea E. Blackburn.... Blk 7, lot 8, Rachel L. Hawthorne.... Blk 7. lot 4. Rachel U Hawthorn.... Blk 7, lot 5. Htella Balllnger Blk 7, lot 8, Emma J. Stevene Blk 7. lot 7, C. B. 8plUer and Alma A. Splller Blk T, lot 8. John Todd r.'. Blk 7, lot 9. WIHUm T. Gardner Blk 7, lot 10, William T. Gardner Blk 7. lot 11. Grant C. Buahnell Blk 7. lot 12, Nora Hamilton - Blk 8. lot 1. Tb Hawthorne Eatat.. Blk tflTa,-Tn--Hawthorn Estate.. Blk 8, lot 3, Th Hawthorn Eatat.. Illk 8, lot 4, The Hawthorn Estate.. Blk 8, lot 6. Th Hawthorn Batata.. Blk 8, lot 0. Tha Hawthorn Eatate. Blk 8, lot T. Emma E. Flabburn Blk 8. lot 8. L. D. Ewlug Blk -8. lot 9. Mary J. Graham Blk 8, lot 10. William T. Hbarkey.... Blk 8, 8H lot 11. Charles N. Atwood.. Blk 8, BH lot IS. Charles' N. Atwood.. Blk 8, NU kit 11, Tbe Hawthorn Batata Blk 8, j$H lot 12, Tb Hawthorns Ea tate Blk 9. N4 lot 1. Henry Wlngert...... Blk 9. NH lot 2. Henry Wlngert Blk 9, SH lot 1. Eva Ellis.. Blk 9. 81 kit 2. Kva Ellis Blk 0, lot 8. The Hawthorn Estate. 4 , Blk 9, lot 4. The Hawthorne Eatate.. Blk 9, lot 5, Tbe Hawthorne Eatat. . Blk 9. lot 8. J. R. Mattle Seaver Blk 9, kit 7, John Raybor - Blk 9, lot 8, S. Raybor Blk 9. lot 9. Elma CUpp t Blk 9, lot 10, John -E. Andersen...... Blki), RH lot 11, 8, J. Thornton Blk 9, 8Vj lot 12, 8. J. Thornton Blk 9, NVi lot 11, Frank T. and Adella Smith Blk 0. NH lot 12, Frank T. and Adella Hmlth Rlk 10. lot 1. Frederick Mallett Blk 10. lot 2. The Hawthorn Estate.. Blk 10. lot 3. Th Hawthorn Estate. . Blk 10, lot 4, The Hawthorn Estate.. Blk 10, lot R. Tha Hawthorn Estate.. Blk 10, lot 6. The Hawthorne Eatate.. Blk 10, lot 7. Cynthia M. Rabcr.... Block 10. lot 8. O. L. Havdabl Blk 10, lot 9. M. E. Smith Blk 10. lot 10, Lucy A. Pleraon Blk 10, lot 11, Michael D. Mclntlre.... Blk 10. lot IX Unstsv W. Bocbola.... Rlk 11, lot 1, The Hawthorne Batata.. Blk 11. lot 2, Th Hawthorne Eatate. . Blk 51. lot 8, The Hawthorn Estate.. Rlk 11. lot 4. The Hawthorn Batata.. Illk 11, lot 6. The Hawthorn Batata., Blk 11, lot 8. Tha Hawthorne Estate.. Blk 11, lot 7, Geo. J. cameron Blk 11, lot 8, Geo. J. Cameron Blk" 11, lot 9. Th Hawthorne Estate.. Blk 11, lot 10, H. L. Power, Tr Blk 11. lot 11. The Hawthorne Estate.., Blk II, lot 12, E. M. Hughea .1. -... Blk 12, lot 1. Tbe Hawthorn Estate.. Blk 12, lot 1 Th Hawthorn Estate.. Blk 12, lot 8. Tha Hawthorn Eatat.. Blk 12. lot 4. The Hawthorn Estate.. Rlk 12, lot 5, The Hawthorne Estate.. Blk 12. lot 8, Tha Hawthorne Batata., Blk 12, lot 7. Tbe Hawthorn Estate.. Blk 12. lot 8, The Hawthorn Estate., Blk 12. lot 0, Tbe Hawthorn Estate.. Blk 12, lot 10, Th Hawthorn Batata.. Blk 12,'lot 11. Tbe Hawthorn Estate., Rlk 12. lot 12, Tha Hawthorn Estate.. Blk 13, lot 1, Th Hawthorne Estate.. Blk 13, lot 2, Tha Hawthorn Batata.. Blk 13, lot 8, The Hawthorn Estate.. Blk 13, lot 4, Th Hawthorne Estate.. Blk 13, lot fi. The Hawthorn Estate.. Blk 13, lot 8. Tb Hawthorn Estate.. Blk 13, lot 7, The Hawthorn Estate.. Blk 13. lot , A. T. Myera Blk 13, lot 9. Tbe Hawthorn Estate.. Blk 13, lot 10, The Hawthorn Eatate;. Blk 18, lot 11, H. L. Powers, Tr. ;.;'., Blk 13, lot 12, The Hawthorne Eatat.. Blk 14, lot 1,' Dartd Crcighton .v."."...;'" Blk 14, lot 2. David Crcighton Blk 1'4. lot 8, Tbe Hawthorn Batata.. Blk 14, lot 4, Tbe Hawthorne Eatat., Blk 14i lot 6, Llr.xle S. Bhutt Blk 14. lot 6. Lizzie 8. Sbntt Blk 14, lot 7, The Hawthorn Eatate.. Blk 14. lot 8, H. L. Powera, Trustee.. Blk 14, lot 9, Tbe Hawthorne Eatate.. Blk 14, lot 10, H. li. Powera, Trustee.. Blk 14, lot 11, Tbe Hawthorne Estate.. Blk 14, lot 12, The Hawthorn Eatate.. Blk 15, lot 1. Q. A. Taylor Blk 1R, lot 2. a, A. Taylor Rlk 15. lot 8. John Almeter Blk 15, lot 4. John J. Schuerer ..... Blk 15. lot 5. H. L. Power, Truatee.. Blk 15, lot 8. Thomaa M. Anderson:. Blk 15, lot 7, Frank A. Heltkemper.... Blk 15, lot 8. FrankiAwHaltkemper.... Blk 15, lot 9, O. If, Heltkempor Blk 15, lot 10, Q. H. Holtkomper Blk 15, lot 11. Henry Swlnt Blk 15. lot 12. Mra. O. A. Taylor....... Blk 16, lot 1, Dorothy lea belle Arlaa.. Blk 18, lot 2, Dorothy Isabella Arias.. Blk 11, lot 8, Clarage H. -Hlmea Blk 18, lot 4, Grace H. Hlmea ...... Blk 16, lot 5, Grace H. HI me Blk 16, lot 6, JohnJI. Jewell , Blk 16. lot T. J. M. Hodson Blk 16, lot 8, Grace H. Hlmea . Blk 16, lot 9. John P. Sharkey Blk 16. lot 10, R. C. Brook Blk 16, NH ot 11, Mary Bieanor Tresham Blk 10, NH lot 12, . Mary Eleanor Trrabam, . Blk 18, 8 ShTAS I Rlk la !,. in n e iu..,i.. i . a Blk lv- Prank Malmqulat. 50 Blk g, lot jx prank Malmquiat .. . , . . I Blk 9u. lot 1. II I. Pa-a. Trnil-i .83 f Blk 90. lot 2. Tba Hawthorn- Batata. . Rlk Oil tnt a TIia U.v.kA.. L-...a tM Rlk 20. lot 4. H. L. Powera. Truatee! ' Blk 20. lot 8. Tha Hawthorne Katate.. .83 I Blk 20. lot a Th- M-vh-n r.t.t. . S.8R I Blk 80. lot T. Tha Hawthorne Ratals. . 835 Blk 20, lot 8, Tho Hawthorn Eatat.. S.3J Blk 20, lot . H. U Powera, Truate.. 5-8J Blk 20, lot 10, Th Hawthorn Eata.a. 6 33 Blk 20, lot 11. Frank Gloaa 6.88 Blk 20, lot 12, Hat tie C. Edmund Gloaa S.U0 Blk 21, lot 1, Tb Hawthorn Estate.. B80 Blk SI, lot S. H. L. Power. Truate.. S.80 Blk 21. lot 8. Th Hawthorn Estate.. 8-25 Blk 21, lot 4, Tb Hawthorn Estate.. 8-20 Blk 21, lot 5, H. L. Powera. Truate.. S pO Blk 21. lot 6. Th Aawtborne Eatat. . J) Blk 22. lot 1. John Sharkey....,;,,.; 6.20 Blk 22, lot 2, John Sharkey Blk 22, lot 8, Th Hawthorne Batata.. S.20 Blk 22, lot 4, II. L. Power. Truate.. Blk 22, lot 6, Th Hawthorn Eatat., 6.20 Blk 22, lot A, H. L. Power. Truate.. Blk 23. lot 1. Henry H. A Minerva A. S.80 mere 1.48 4.60 4.60 4.60 4.60 4.60 - 4.50 7 4.80 . 4.60 4.60 , . 4.30 . 4.60 v460 4.60 4.50 4.60 4.50 d.60 ' 4.60 4.60 4.50 4.60 4.60 4.50 4.60 . 4.50 4.60 4.50 4.50 4.S0 4.90 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.60 4.60 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.60 4.60 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.30 OTTT NOTICES. CITT NOTICES. 6.20 I S.20 4.40 4.80 4.50 4.50 4.50 I 4.60 4.60 4.60 4.30 4.50 4.50 4.60 4.60 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.60 4.50 4.80 4.50 4.50 4.50 ' 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.60 4.60 4.50 4.60 4.00 4.50 4.60 22.85 86.00 4.50 4.60 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.60 4.80 4.50 17.60 11.80 17.60 11.80 12.43 17.60 12.45 17.50 4.60 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.60 4.60 4.60 4.50 17.60 12.85 17.50 12.83 4.60 4.60 4.60 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.60 4.50 4.50 4.60 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.60 4.50 4.60 8.00 4.50 4.50 4.60 4.50 4.60 878.90 Blk 28, lot t. Ura. Minerva A. Plerc.. Blk 23, lot 8, John II org ran Blk 23. lot 4. Tb Hawthorne Batata.. Blk 23. lot 6. Racbel L. Hawthorn.... Blk 23. lot , Martha R. Deveny Blk 24, lot 1. City 4t Suburban Railway Co 4.50 Blk 84. lot 2, City t Suburban Railway 4.50 CO 4.50 Blk Si. lot 3, City Suburban Railway 4.60 Co 4.6O Blk 24, lot 4, John Bchmurr 4.60 Blk 24, lot 6,' Kara A. McGowan Blk 24, lot 6. Sara A. McOowaa A tract of Und bounded and described! as follow: Beginning at a Una 100 feet aat of and parallel with tb eaat Un of Eaat Twenty-fourth atreet, where tb aame would be Intersected by a line extending north 80 degree 16 minute eaat from a point in th east line of Bronaugh'a Add, tity of Portland, wblcb la 987.84 feet south of Ita intersection wltb th south line of Sandy Road, thence north 80 de cree 15 minute eaat to a point 33.02 chalna north and 8.16. chain eaat of tba southwest corner of Section 38, T. Twp. 1 N. R. I B.. W. M. ; thenc northerly tracing th west line of Wynkoop Villa, thence north 29 de grees 80 minute weat to a point 100 feet south of tb south Una of Sandy Road rectangular measurement, thenc south 80 degree 80 minute west, long 11 n 100 feet south of snd parallel wltb tha south Una of Sandy Road, rectangular meaaurement, to a point 100 feet east or the east line of Baat Twenty-fourth street, thenc oath along a Un 100 feet esst of nd parallel with th eaat Una of Eaat Twenty-fourth street to tbe plac or Beginning, Lie Hoffman Eatate, heir of........... A 'tract of land bounded and deacrlbed aa follows: Beginning at a point 100 feet east of the eaat line of East Twenty-fourth street and 100 feet eoutb of th aouth Una of East Couch street, if extended caaterly In ita present course, thenc easterly along a atralght Un 100 feet aouth of and parallel with th south line of Eaat Couch street. If extended easterly la Its present course, to Its Intersection with tbe west Un of Eaat Twenty- eighth itreet. thenc north along tba east Une of Esst Twenty-elghtb street to a point 23.91. chains north of the outbeaat corner of Sullivan Donation Land Claim, thence west 6.46 chslns, thence north to a point In lot num bered S. block numbered 8. Wyn koop Villa, which ia 19.8 feet north of the south Una of aald lot and 79.36 feet west of tbe east line of said block, thence south 80 degrees 16 min ute west, in a atralght Una to Ita intersection wltb a line 100 feet esat of and parallel with the east Un of Esst Twenty-fourth street, thence oath along a Una 100 feet east of and parallel with tha 'vast line of East Twenty-fourth street, to th place of beginning, Isaiah Buekman 1,112.40 A tract of Und bounded and described aa followa: Beginning 23.91 chains north of tba southeast corner of Sullivan Donation Land Claim, thence north 8.70 chalna, thenc weat 6.46 chalua, thence aontb 8.70 cbalna. thence eaat 5.46 chains, to tb place of beginning. Agnea O. Beacb Wvnknoh Villa Blk 1. lot 1, Trueteea of Third Prea 50 bytertan Church of Portland. Oregon.. JO Blk 1, lot 2. M. O. Hughea Blk 1, lot B, cnariea u. ntevena Blk 1, lot 4, Mrs. Minna Htepp Blk 1, lot 6, Mra. Minna Stepp Blk 1, lot 8. Annie Heiuickson Blk 1, lot 7, Jennie H. parellus Blk 1, lot 8. Jennie H. Pareltus 58.50 Blk 1, lot 9, Ferdinand Koater. 4.50 4.50 4.60 4.60 4.60 4.60 4.50 4.60 4.30 .4.60 4.50 4.60 4.50 4.60 4.50 - 4.50 4.60 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.60 4.60 4.50 "4.60 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.60 4.50 4.50 4.60 4.60 4.60 4.60 4.60 4.60 4.50 4.60 4.60 4.50 4.50 4.60 4.50 4.60 4.60 4.50 2.60 4.50 4,50 4.60 4.60 4.50 4.60 4.50 4.50 4.60 2.40 4.50 25.40 80.40 80.40 80.40 38.75 22.03 4.50 2.25 n --J- ........ ' 1.85 4 lot Jl. A. J. A D. L. Klrker 2,23 Blk 16. Stt lot 12. A. J. D. L. Klrker -1.85 Blk 17. lot 1, Tha Hawthorn Eatat - 2.80 Blk IT. kit 2, Mike Rose Henrlcksoa X4.80 Blk 17, lot 8, Bertha Jensen - .5o Blk 17, lot 4, Sussn B. Samuela. . .... 4 SO Blk 17. lot 6, Ernest Haaenmayer. . , ... 4.60 Blk 17, lnr6, B. U Hand ............ : 450 Blk IT, lot 7, H. M. McEldowimy...; ' 4.50 Blk JJ. kt 8, n.M. McBldowney.... 4.50 Rlk-17, lot 9. JJ.-81chardon 1 .... 4.60 Blk 17all of lot 10 except WT Xt x too 1 eet, rraw atoo , 4.20 Blk 1, lot 10, Irving Hoffman A An nie Belle Blk 1, lot 11. M. K. Ponlsen Blk 1, lot 12, M. K. Poulseu Blk 1, lot 13, M. K. Potilsen Blk 2. lot 1, Elisabeth Wynkoop Blk 2, kit 2, Elisabeth Wynkoop Blk S, lot 3, Elisabeth Wynkoop Blk 8, lot 4, Mra. E. K, Wynkoop Blk 2, lot 5, Mra. E. K. Wynkoop Blk 2, lot 6, Mr. B. K. Wynkoop Blk 8, lot 1. Elma CUpp Blk 3, lot 2, Met Lystrup, Truate... , Blk S, lot 8, Meta Lystrup, Truate.... Blk 8, lot 4, Elma CUpp Blk 8, lot 5, Edward Holloway., Blk 4, lot 1. Samuel Bahler Blk 4, lot 2. Samuel Bahler Blk 4. lot 8, Gustaf Frederick Lund- gren Blk 4, lot 4, Gustaf Frederick Lund- greo Blk 4, lot 6, 'A. Pauta Blk 4, lot 6, M. K. Poulaen , Blk 4, lot T, Justlna EmIUa Rlslakena Blk 4, lot 8, Mra. Kate Blnnott ....... . Blk 5, lot 1. Elizabeth K. Wynkoop.... Blk 5, lot 2, Elisabeth K. Wynkoop.... Blk 6. lot 8, Elizabeth K. Wynkoop..., Blk 5, lot 4, Elizabeth K. Wynkoop.... Blk By-lot 6, Elhrabetb K.-Wynkodp. ... Blk 6, lot 6, Elisabeth K. Wynkoop.... Blk 6, Jot T, Elizabeth K. Wynkoop.... Blk"6, lot 8, Elizabeth K. Wynkoop.... Blk 8, lot 1, M. K. Poulaen Blk 8, lot 2, M. K. Poulsen Blk 6, lot 8, Msry O. Martin. W Blk 8, lot 4, Mary G. Martin... Logan's Addition to East Portland Blk 1, lot 9, n. A. Haselton..... Blk 1, lot 8, Katie L. Watson ......... - Blk 1, lot 7, Lndwlg' Wegner Blk 1, lot 6, Maria Elllngawortb Blk 1, lot 6, P. H. Marlay Blk 2, lot 8, Mrs. M. J. Lyon Blk 2, lot 7, Mrs. M. J. Lyon.. 1 Blk 2. lot 6. Mrs. M. J. Lyon Blk 2, lot 5, Frederick Htlker. ...... . Blk 3, lot 8, Winnona Becker Blk 3, lot 7, Winnona Becker. Blk 3. lot 6. Thomas Darling - Blk 8, lot 6, Thomaa Darling Blk 4, lot 1, Jennie A, Oakes. ........ . Blk 4. lot 2. Jennie A. Oakes' Blk 4 kV 8, Jessie, May, Ethel and . Myrtle Gee... Blk 4, lot 4, Richard Becker Blk 4, lot 5,. Michael Tlerney , Blk 4. lot 6, Michael Tlerney Blk 4, lot 7, Charlea T. Wynkoop Blk 4, lot 8. Charles T. Wynkoop..:.,. Blk 6, NH lot 1, G. Liden. ....... mi. It 1a. 4 Ta.- A T.IHAI, Blk Bf, SH lot 1, William S. I jut here.. Blk 5, SH lot 2. William 8. Lau there.. Blk 6, lot 8, Henry U Froggatt... Blk 5, -lot 4, Henry L. Ftoggatt Blk 6,. lot '8, John Bharp., ,,. ' Blk 6. 'lot 6, John Sharp. ............ . Blk 6, lot T, Franklin "P. Mays Blk 5, lot 8, John Q. Francla., Blk 6, tot 1, Thomaa Popham. ....... .. Blk 8. lot 2, Thomaa Popham.......... Blk fl. lot 8. Tboma Popham .... Blk 8, lot 4, Thomaa Popham.. Blk S, lot 5, Thomas Popham......,.,. Blk T, lot 1, Emerson. B, Clark.,.,,.,, Blk T, lot 2, Emerson B. Clark Blk7, lot 8, Tereaa -Shannon. , , Blk 7, lot 4, Teres Bbsanoa. Blk t. lot 6, Js.F. Burn. Blk f, lot 6, Emerson Clark. 1 4.50 8.63 8.85 7.00 'B.86 8.70 fl.00 5.15 8.00 8.05 4.50 8. flu 8.05 42.70 82.00 80.40 80.40 80.40 47.10 46.20 81.20 4.50 4.50 88.50 18.05 4.61) 6.25 6.00 4.50 22.S0 87.80 27.60 17.85 3.50 3.50 1.03 4.43 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50. 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.60 4.50 4.50 4.30 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.60 2.23 2.25 2.25 2.25 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.59 4.50 2.60 4.50 4.50 4 45 1.05 4.50 4 50 4.3ti 4.00 4.50 4.20 Blk 8. lot I, Allen B. Blsuaon. Illk S, lot 2, Allen a Slauson.,,. Blk S, lot S, Alien B. Slanson. Blk 8, lot 4, Allen B. Hlauaoa.. ...... Blk 8, lot S, Allen B. Slauson.,, , Blk 8. lot 8, Allen B. Slauson.. 1...... 1 X . Tori ': ' . f . . : ", Blk 6, all of lot 1 lying south of tin ,100 feet southerly from and parallel . wltb tb aontb Un of Sandy Road, , rectangular meaaurement, Tb Haw- ' thorn Eatate .......... ' York . . ' ' . ' ' Blk 0. all that portion of-lot S. blk . . York, lyliur south of a' Un 100 feel ' southerly from and parallel wltb tb ' . ' aouth Hne -of Sandy Road, rectanguUr ,,, meaaurement, Tba Hawthorn Estate., , Turk .-. .-..A Blk ft, lot 4, Th Hawthorn Estate..- Blk lot 6, Tb Hawthorn Eatat.. . Blk A, lot 6, Tb Ham-thorn Eatat.,' Blk 6, lot T. Tb Slawtborn Estate.. Blk fl, lot a Tb Hawthorne Bat ate.. Blk T, all that portion of lot 4,' blk 7, York, lying south of a Un 100 , feet south of and parallel with, th , south Un of Bandy Road. rectanguUr meaaurement. Max M. Smith ' , York r , , r-.i....., rv' Blk T. kit B, Jamea Logg..... Blk T, lot fl, Jamea Lagg.,, Blk T, lot T, Jamea Lugg... Blk' T, lot 8, Jamea Lugg... nix 7, lot , jam tiugx. ............. Blk T. all that portion of lot 10. blk T, York, lying outb of Un '00 feet south of and parallel wltb tb aouth Un of Sandy Road, rectangular meaa urement, Mag M. Smith ............ Blk T. all tbat portion of lot numbered 13, blk numbered T, York", lying aouta ef a Un 100 feet south of and paral lel with tha aontb Un of Sandy Road, rectanguUr meaaurement, Martin Bandberg , York..,- . ".. Blk 8, lot 1. Th Hawthorn Eatat.. Blk 8, lot 2, Tb Hawthorn Estate .. Blk 8. kt 8, J. W. Logan Blk 8, lot 4, Th Hawthorne Eatate.. Blk 8, lot 6, H. L. Powera, Truate.. Blk 8. lot fl, II. h. Powera, Truatee.. B k 8. kit T. O. Wlbel Blk 8, lot 8, Security Baying As Truat Co Blk 8. lot 9. The Hawthorn Eatate.. Blk 8, lot 10, H. L. Powera, Truate. Blk 8, kit 11, H, U Power, Truate. Blk 8, lot 12, H. L. Power. Truate. Blk 9, lot 1, Th Hawthorn Estate.. Blk 9, lot 2, li. L. Powers, Truate.. Blk 9, lot 8, II. L. Powers, Truate., Blk 9, kit 4. H. L. Power. Truatee.. Blk 9, lot 6, H. L. Power, Truate..' Blk 0, lot 6, H. L. Power, Truate. . Blk 9. lot T. Albert Pbllpott Blk 9a, lot 8, Security Saving Trust Co Blk 9, lot 9. John BUI ; Blk 9. lot 10, O. Hollowell Blk 9, lot llr Sara CUudla G rat ton.. . Blk 9. lot 12. Boy" and Girls' Aid So ciety Blk 10, lot 1, The Hawthorne Eatat.. Blk 10, lot 2, Th Hawthorn Estate.. Blk 11, lot 1, Tb Hawthorn Batata.. Blk 11, lot 2, Tba Hawthorn Eatat.. Blk 11, lot 8, Tb Hawthorn Eatat.. Blk 11, lot 4, Arthur J. Huwitt ...... Rite 11. lot 6. Frederick H. Klttenour.. Blk 11. lot 0, Th Hawthorn Batata.. A tract of land bounded and, described ss follows: Beginning at a point in the west line of tb Terrene Qulnn Donation Laud CUlm,' In Section No. 36, Twp. 1 N., R. 1 K-, W. M.. where th north Un . of Eaat Hoyt atreet, in tba City of Portlasd, If ex tended eastward, would Intersect tba aame, and ruuulug thenc north a king tne aald west Un of said Donation CUlm 460 feet to lKlnt "here tb aame would be intersected by th south line of Oregon street, in said city, if tba asms was extended eaat ward, theuce west Along the south lis of Oregon street extended eastward, aa aforessld. 130 feet, thenc south on a Un parallel with the west Una of said donation claim 40O feet to tb north Ho of said Esst Hoyt street, when so extended, ss aforessld, thenc In a direct line 130 feet to tba point of beginning. JJoys' and GirU' ... Aid - aHOCiv'ty eaaaaaavaeea) Goodsell's' Addition to PortUud '. Blk 1, lot 1, David Goodaell Blk 1, lot 2, David Goodaell Blk 1, lot 3, Dsvld Goodaell Blk 1, lot 4, David Goodaell Blk 1, lot 5, David Goodaell.......... . Rlk 1. lot 6. Dennla Murphy..... ' Blk 1, lot 7i Dennia Murphy Blk 1, lot 8, Dennis Murphy Blk 2. lot 1, David Goodsell Blk 2. kit 2. David Goodsell Blk 2, kit 3. David Goodsell Blk 2. lot 4, Dsvld Goodsell Blk 2. lot 6, Dsvld Goodaell Blk 2, kit 6, pavld Goodsell Blk 2, lot 7. David Goodsell. Blk 2. lot 8. Dsvld Goodsell Blk 8, lot 1. Dsvld Goodaell, Blk H. lot 2, . oavid uoodseii Blk 8, lot 8, David Goodaell Blk 8, lot 4, David Goodaell , Blk 3, lot 6,' David Goodaell Blk 8. lot 6, David Goodaell Blk 8, kit 7, David Goodaell Blk 3,. lot 8. David Goodsell A tract of land bounded and deacrlbed - a followa: Beginning at a point where the weat Una of Blumauer ave nue. In Goodaell' a Addition to Port land, Intersect the aouth line of Ore gon street, If extended westerly in It present course, thence northerly along tbe went line of Blumauer s venue to a point 100 feet south of the south Un of Sandy Road, rectangular measure ment, thence southwesterly along a Hue 100 feet aontb of and parallel with tb south line of Bandy Road, rectangular meaaurement. to a point at Ita Intersection with the east Una of lot numbered 8. Terrace Qulnn Donation Land Claim, thence aouth tracing the eaat Una of lot numbered 3 of aald Terrace Qulnn Donation Land Claim to tha southeast corner-of said kit, thenc east to plac 'of begin nl nit, Simon Blumauer A tract of land bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point in the east Una of block numbered 21 In Hawthorne's First Addition to Esst Portlsnd. which Is 100 feet south of th south Un of Esst Couch street . thencs easterly 806 feet to a point, . thence north 59 degree 41 minute east 567 feet to a point, thence north 76 dgreea 03 minute eaat 485 feet to a point, thence north 17 degree 23 minutes east 1,107 feet to a point, thence north 67 degrees 38 minutes east 660 feet to a point,' thenc north 37 minute west 648 feet 'to a point, thence north 75 degree 62 minute west 1,5.12 feet to a point, thence wastcrly 795.2 feet, more or leaa. to a point in tbe east Une of lot numbered 6. block numbered 4, Goodsell' Ad dition to Portland, thence south along ' th east Une of said Goodaell'a Ad dition to PortUnd to Its Intersection wltb the south Una of Oregon street, thence , westerly along the south line of Oregon street to Its Intersection with the weat Una of the Solomon Blumauer 9 -acre tract. Sec. 86, Twp. I N., R. 1. E., W. M.. thence, northerly along aald weat line of aald .6 -acre tract to a point 100 feet aouth of the south Une of Sandy Road, rec tangular measurement, thence aouth- " westerly along a Une 100 feet aouth of and parallel with the aouth line of " Sandy Road, rectangular measurement, tn lts Intersection with tbe eaat line of York, thence south along the, east . . Une of York and the east Una of the - Boy' and Girls'- Aid Society ' -Tract. Sec. 86, Twp. 1 N.. B. 1. E., W. M.. to a point in the north Un of block numbered 2. Hawthorne' First Addition to East Portland, thence eaat along the north Hue of said Hawthorne's First Addition to its Intersection with the east line of aald Hawthorne's, First Addition, thence south tracing the east line of - aid Hawthorne's First Addition to the place of beginning, W. S. Ladd Es- i " " tate, heirs of 1309.60 4.50 I assessments being as fallow,' to-wlt 1 f. 4 60 I Jinetland . 4.50 I Blk 4. lot 8, Josephine Cbaey .'.'.'.,... 9.77 4.30 4.83 4.50 IS'" " B. i. twiwmau. r.. via , , m o, aireyuitoii liruiacra v . w, , - ,w - ins , n , xireyiuau urotuor. -ou blk 4. lot 4. Brer 11111 u A fcuuilucrvlliu..-1 h ill Dlk 4, lot 3,. Brayiuau buuiuwrifillui, Blk 4, hit U, Meier 4t Iruua iuuui v. eWl Blk 4, lot 1, Meier 4 krauk t'uiupuuy. v lu.oil liar tech Vark, Aduitlou W Aaat awt- ' ' .- land-A. . . . . , .83 Illk 0,;,)ot 12. Hury Rodger. .',7...... .-62.00. via v. un 11. imurv HfMiirer. ..... xi.vif Blk (s lot lo, Uolviu C. uoorg.. ...... blk fl. kit U, lieruaa , borlut Estate., Blk 0, lot Y Herman Bo.ic Eatate, , Halra of-,..; i. ..-,. 2TX0 B1K ?' i Uaruun liwlr BaiaUi. ..lloirs of .... ,:,...,-! 2790 1 bunnyalde Addition--- .... - Blk - S, south- tU Icct - lot 'l.- William . " Htcvettsun .....,7.....,.. n Bi7S 1.85 1.33 1.83 a as 1 T7UVAI iiim.1I.Ii1..i,,,,,I,. D iff "5 "F. v.'wua ixu Strsus.. lt.w - Hsunyalde . , , . , . Blk kit 9. Georela si. Carter. , Ant .43 Blk 3& lot b. Nell L. l.lml.v . . . I L - IBIk 22, cast Ki lot 1. A. IS. Llhdse..v! 4- iliu 1.80 Blk . west h kit 1. Paul BchuU., ' st-w 1.85 !? i H Breymsn Suiunwryllls. , 10,36 1-10 JI J V A Brymn A huuiuiervill. , io2o ' K Jot. 1U B. U. Bowman... ..wltt.20 Blk 1, kit 13,' F. W. Waacher....i..;... WM Blk 1. lot 14. F. .A.UlZZ , Sunnralda Adilltl,ui .. . .. . - . I .20 I BUt T. lot fl. Welllnatnn o' Aim . Una S!.k L M A Wellington o. lUrae.,,. ro.otj - L. Ljl. ...... 141.28 1.50 1.60 160 1.50 1.10 1.10 140 Blk T, lot 4. Eatella - HunnValde Blk 84. .lot 10. Hiram Campbell........ fl.92 ' . .east x. . teat lot Hiram t . CamnbeU j , a BUt 84, ! weat 80.01 faf lot T, - Jobn- -Baumgartner ............'...' a ao Blk 84, lot 8, George A. Merrill.. r ,.s!92 . Total ......:..i;:..;r;...V.:;..47T.80 THOS. C. DEVLIN. ' Auditor of tb City of PortUud. '- IS 10, 1908. , .. .,. ASSESSMENT FOR EXTENSION 0T FIFTH 1.10 STREET. 1.60 1 ' Notice Is hereby given that tb enient 1.50 1 made by ordinanc No. 13.835. entitled "An 50 ordlnano adopting tba report of tha viewer '160 lB tD atter of .the propoaed opening, widen- 160 ' '71dS out and eatabUahlisr of Fifth atreet 1 SO trom r', treet to Bnrnald atreet, makltig aa i-ZT. asseeament of th beoeflta and damagea set forth J J" In aald report," approved May 8,, lOott, has i'iU 0,n trd against tb several owner , of J and peraoua Interested In tba land herein de- 110 acrlbed aa being Mverally lUbl therefor . lu a.iw in uocxet or City un. which aald ism I menta are made dua and navahle-et, 1 111 nf Ik. iHtm T-a. I l' u 1 ... U .-. i 1.60 ana sliver coin, and unless paid befor June 1.50 21i 1908, the aam will become deUnuuent.afld 1.60 1 rar, Proceedlnga will b taken- for tb col- n-viiuu vi to Ban aa are -proriaeo DJ IB chrtr of th city of PortUnd, , aald aeaa- menta being a followa, to-wlt:- - Coucb' Addition-to tha City of Port- lana 1.80 1.15 1.25 1.25 Blk 42. north 23 feet lot B. Appollonl J-JM k 42, lot 8, Appollonla 1 hllllppl. . . . tw.M 180 Blk 41. lot 1. Marv M. Jones.. a.. 1.10 Blk 41. lot 4, Mary H. Jonas 80 VIK 1, lot o. Ann B. Bill Blk 41. lot 8. Percy H. Birth. ..... ,1. Blk 40. aat H lot 1. Honor Howe.. Blk .40. weat H lot 1, Mary Jan Keeuan Blk 40. lot 4, Aaa K. Richardson Blk 40, lot 8. California Title lusur- " - anc Trust Uotnpany.. . . . Blk 40, lot 8, California TitU Insur ance A Truat Company' Blk 80, lot 1, John A. Brown.......... Blk 39, lot 4. John A. Brown........... Blk 39. lot 6, Cbarlea A. Alteky ...... Blk 39, lot 8, Charlea A. Allaky Blkf 38. lot 1, Edward Campion. Hlra Blk 85. Vt 4, Edward Campion,' Heir Blk a8'.'Ur6;'MlVh'aeVTracV.'.'.T.'T; Blk 88, lot 8, Michael Tracy......:... Blk 87, lot 1. Oregon Casket Company. Blk 87. lot 4. J. O. Oleen Blk 37. lot 6. Clement! F. Lewts Blk 87, lot 8, Clementina F. Lew la 1T.45 Blk Q. lot 1, -Oregon infer Oomtuav. Blk 0. lot 4, Oregon Transfer Cemoany. ' lot 6. Oregon Transfer Company, lot 8, Oregon Transfer Company, it. at. Kuaa ana F. u. H. H. M M. Bude and F. M. Ruda and F. M. 4.50 58.50 54.50 0U.5O 877 -18.88 60.50 4fl.'60 52.50 48.50 42.80 88.5)1 44.60 40150 84.50 8n 50 86.5H 82.80 26.50 22. IW 28.SO -34.50 ' 1S.50 14.50 30.60 18.50 10.50 S.50 12.50 83.75 Total , 85.584.80 A Kl-tement nf roreanifl hmm KaAH AA.AAA I. IV. riAAlrA, A C,A T I Anjt I. jiow due and payable at tha offlee of the City Treaaurer, In lawful . money of tbe United fits tea, and If not paid within -thirty daya from th date of this notice, such proceeding will be taken for tbe collection of the aam a a aro provided by tb Charter of tha City of Portland. v t ' The above aassasment will bear interest ten day after the erst rniiiication of this notice. THOMAS C, DEVLIN, . Auditor of tbe City of Portland. Portland, Oregon, Jup 10, 180,., ASBEBSVENT F0S EXTENSION OF EAST TATL0S STREET. Notice is 'hereby given that the assessment made by ordinance No. 1 18.334, entitled: "An ordinance adopting ' the report ' of tb slew- era in the matter of the proposed opening, widening, Uylng oat and eatabUahlng f Eaat Taylor , atreet from , th - west line, of. East Thlrtr-eiiihth street - to th Wast llnJnf blocks 1 and 4, -EastUnd.. making; an aasesament of tbe benefits and damages' set forth lu aald report." approved May .H, 19u8, baa been entered against the; several owner of and persons interested Miv, the Und herein described as being severally liable therefor In' the Docket of City Llena.. which said a a. 'sessiuehta ere made due ,aod psable att tb oulc or ine iity Treasurer, in united tstates !old and stiver coin, aad- nnless. paid before un giJQOA Jha,amawllU beeoaa--liujuent and aucb proceedlnga will b tsken for th collection ot tbe unr-ii are provided by tb charter- of th City of Portland., aald Rlk 1.50 I Rlk 1.50 Bik V. lot 1 1.50 Roberta ... 1.35 Blk V, lot 4, J.23 Roberts . . .40 Blk V. lot 6, 1.40 Roberts 1.50 Blk V. lot 8, H. M. Bud and F. M. 1.50 Roberts I A tract of land bin between th north 1.50 line of Irving1 Street and line-100 ' 1,36 tt northerly from aad parallel there- ' 1.35 with and between th eaat and west -- 4.50 lines of Fifth -street extended' north. 1.50 In Its praeut course, Northern Pacific 1,50 Terminal. Company j. 1 ' 6,81 1.50 Blk 81, fraction lot 8. iW. M, Ladd. . .6S.89 1.50 Blk 81, south 30 feet lot . W. M. - 1.50 Ladd -25.00 1M Blk 31. north 80 feet lot S. Lawrenc ' 1.35 VV. Tbrkelaen 8T.W 1.50 Blk 81. lot 7, Lawrence W. Therkelsen. j.iwj Blk 32. lot. 2, Carolina E Wilson.,....- . 64.50 1.50 1". u "l t-sroune e. n lisen ., . ; . . nK.iWI out u lot o, laronne K. iviiaon W.fto Blk 82, lot 7, Caroline B. Wilaon 00. Jo Blk 33, lot 2, Rodney Glleaa. Helra ef . M.50 Blk So. lot 8, Rodney GUaan, Helra of. 60.60 Blk 33, lot fl, Rodney Gllaan, Holra of. 46.50 Blk an, lot 7. Rodney Gllaan, Helra Of. 62.60 Blk 114, lot 2. Clementina K. Lewi,... 43.50 Blk 84, lot 3, Clementina F. Lewie.... ' 42.60 Blk 34, lot 6, Clementina F. LeWla.l.. 38.50 Blk 84, lot T, Clementina F. Lewi.... 44.60 Blk 35, lot 2, Cbarlea Hartncaa 40.511 Blk 85, lot 8, Charles Hsrtaess ...... , 84.50 Blk 36. lot fl, George Hsrtneas. ...... . 80.50 Blk 35, lot- T, Geurg Hartnesa. j 86 50 Blk 80, lot 2, O. F. Vedder..... 32.50. Blk 36. lot 3, German Savluge A ;LoU Society L.... anno LBlk 86, lot fl, Elizabeth K. Gllaan.... 22.50' Mix aa, lot 7, Elisabeth K.' GUsaa. ... 2b.50 Blk P, kit 2, John Mci'rsken. ......... 94.60 Blk P. lot 8, John McCracken.'. . . . . - 18.50 Blk P. lot fl, George H. FUnders Estate, 1 Helra of ... 14.50 Blk P. lot T, George H. FUnders Estate, Helra of , .60 Blk W, lot 2. W. F. Whit tier ia.50 Blk W, lot 8, W. F. Whlttler. ..,,..', 10.60 blk W. lot 6. Northern .Paclflc Tefml- 1 ' nal Company 550 Blk W, lot 7. Northern Paddc Termi- nal Company T.. " 12.60 Portland .. East 60 feet of east 100' felt ot block 08. German Savings A Loan So.' ' ' ciety ...Ji ST'.88 Weat 60 feet of east loif feet of block , 68. Michael and Honora McN'amara. ' 4.1 T Blk 60. eaat 80 feet lot 1, Moaes Fried, , Heir of 65.S0 Blk 69, west 20 feet lot 1. B. K. Haael- : ., nna, tieira 01 ana, ana J. A., Hasel- iu , a. no Blk 60, west 20 feet kit 2. K. K. Hasel-. . line, tieirs 01. ano J. . A., hiimi. u ....... ...,,v- . Blk 69, eaat 80 feet iot 2, Leo Fried and Delia F. Durkhelmer. . . .., Blk 60, lot 8, Trinity Parish Church... Blk 60, lot 4, Trinity Pariah Church... Blk 82, lot 1, Justus M. Strowbrldge . . Blk 82, lot 2, Mary P. Logan ..... Blk 82. lot 8, Mathew Brady... Blk 82. lot 4. Mathew Brady Blk 175. lot 1, H. Wv Oorhett Blk 175. lot 2. H. W. Corbett Blk 175, lot 3. Stephen Mead. Helra of. Blk 176, lot 4, Stephen Mead, Helra of. Blk 174, lot 1, W. S. Ladd, Helra of.', Blk 174, lot 2. W. 8. Ladd. Heir of.. Blk 174. lot 8. H. W. Corbett........ Blk 174, lot 4, H. W. Corbett.,.....,.: Blk 173. lot 1, Meier A Frank........ Blk 173, lot 2, Meier A Frank........ Blk 173, lot 3, Meier A Frank........ Blk 178. lot 4. Meier As Frank........ Blk 67, lot 6, Savtnga A Loan Society.. Blk 87. aouth H lot 6, Saving A Loan Society ........ ......-....,..,.,.. Blk 67, north H lot S, U.-S. Barrll. Heir of Blk ,67, fraction 'lot 8, M.. 8. Burrell,. Helra of ...... t. ... . Blk 66, lot 8. Henry Welnhard ...... Blk 66, lot 7, Henry Weinhard . . . . . .- Blk OnY lot S.-Henry Weinhard Blk 66,. lot' 6, Henry Weinhard...... Blk 65, lot 8, H. W. . Corbett. Blk 65. lot T. H. W, Corbett nil. m 1a. a wrlllt-M. 1 . cm. Blk 65, lot B. EJlsa Loeb. .... i ...... . Bik nt, lot . in ning Katate......... Blk 64. lot 7. The King Estate..;..... Blk 64, lot fl, Zephanlah 8. Spalding.'. Rlk 84, lot 6, Zephanlah 8. Roaldln.. Blk na. eaat y, lot , Daniel 4 E. Bu chanan ........1........ Blk 63, wat H lot 8, Xarlfa J.. FaU- trig Blk S3, eust H lot T, Daniel E. Bu chanan 1. ., Blk 63, west lot 7. Xarlf J. Fall--' lng - b ......... ,f. ,.'"-- Blk 63, north V, lot ft, tVUUam. M. . - Ayer and Mary.Xv Sauve Blk 08. aouthr lot fl. Mary L. Rkuv. -Blk 63, lot 6. Daniel E. Bnchsnao. . . . Blk 02. lot 8. Henrietta B. and Mary F. Failing-r.d Emily Cabell. . . . ,t.J Blk 02. lot T, -Henrietta B. and Mary F. Falling and Enrflv labell.V,..u " Rlk 62. lot fl." Herman Borles. Heir Of. Blk 62, lot 6, Peter W. Sevqrson...., 1 , Total -, , . V. ;: . .84.205.03 THOS. C. DEVLIN. ; ndlbjr of the aty f PortUnd. rlm "). 1fe - ' . .. . T.80 . 50.70 64.50 60.60 66.60 60.50 ' 46.50 .... 62.60. 48.60 42.50 38.60 44.50 40.50 . 84.60 80.60 - 36.50 32.511 , 26 .5H 22. .Vi 08 y :'ai,23 ai.iw ' 1S.4T 64.60 '58.511 54.50 .60.50 - M.50 60.60 46,50. 63.50 .48.50 43.50 . 88.5tl 44.50 13.60 . 27.00 11.60 '21 00 11.25 15.25 36.50 82.30 S6.S! 22.50 28,6ft - ViF:YOUiWISH;RESjjLTS! -" ADVERTISENzTWEiSi OREGON DAILY: JOURNAL