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About Oregon union. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1897-1899 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 12, 1897)
fc V OREGON UNION. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 12, I897. Market Reports. Corrected weekly at the hour of going to press. PORTLAND. COKVALLI8. W heat, 78c TOc Flour, 4.15 bbl 410 Oats, 83c 230 Barley, U8 to 19 ton Bran, 14.00 ton 12 00 Hay, Timothy, baled, 12 and 12.50 10.00 Wlld,9tol0 Butter, 25 and 45 30 and 40 Eggs, 22c doz 25 Chickens, 2 and 2.50 doz 2.00 and 2.50 Potatoes, S5to40c sack 370 Onions, lc lb 112 Hops, 8 to 13 for new crop Wool, Valley, 14 to 16c pound 13 to 15 Hogs, dressed, 4.50 to 5 . -4-50 Beef, " 4 to 5 4 Mutton, ' 5 4 Apples, S5C to 40c b.x 20 ' Wheat Bags, 5 to 5 1-2 per 100 6 to 5 1-2 Cascara Bark 1 1"4 Personal and Otherwise. Our oll friend J. Burroughs, of New port, is in town. W. P. Conway, of Independence, was in town on Wednesday. L. M. Mattoon, the Summit merchant, attended court this week. Wesley Hinton, of Monroe, a retired furmer, was in town the first of the week. A. R. Sheck, a merchant of Norton in Lincoln county, paid us a visit this week. L. L. Woodraansee, an old and reliable friend from Portland, called during the week. Jas. Walsh, master mechanic, of the O. C. A E., was in from the bay on Sat urday. B. W. Johnson, of the Gazette, was a passenger on the Albany down the river Thursday. C. M. Star, Gib Alphin and Geo. Otter- stead shipped on the Albany Thursday as dork hands. O. Ruble, W. H. Hammersley, Thos and C. C. Chandler, of Alsea, were court ing this week. F. M. Mathena, agent for the Connect icut Mutual Life Insurance Co., is in town on business. Ensign and Mrs. Smith, of Eugene paid the Salvation Army of this place a visit Monday tight. Rev. W. B. Moore, the M. E. pastor at Shedds, was in Corvallis on Monday and made this office a visit.' Capt. Apperson, one of the 0. A. C. regents, was in town this week on busi ness connected with the college. Charles Clark, ex-receiver of the O. P. R. R., is in the city on business. Mr. Clark has many warm friends here. B. F. Jones, county clerk of Lincoln county, came over fiotn the bay yester day on business, and will return today. W. S. Linville and daughter went to Salem last Friday to attend the funeral of Miss Alba Richardson and returned on Saturday. M. L. Trapp, one of the first county commissioners and an old resident of Lincoln county, as in Corvallis this week on business. School Supt. Denman is holding an f x amination of teachers at his office here, assisted by Messrs. Yates and Holm. There are only five applicants for exam ination. J. S. Buchanan, the merchant from Wren, as in town this week attending court. Mr. Buchanan says that everyone in his neighborhood is prosperous and times are good. A.M.Austin, the blacksmith of Philo math who was burned out of house and home last fall, was in town this week He is getting on top again as worth and energy always will. H. W. Brunk, who is well and favor ably known in both counties, came over from Salem this week. We understand that there is a prospect ot his remaining permanently among us, and earnestly hope that it may grow to a certainty. Mr. J. B. Flood, of Dyea, Alaska, came here on Wednesday to visit Charles Schmidt on business connected- with a railroad in Alaska. Mr. Schmidt is one of the company and Mr. Flood is its chief organizer and engineer. Mr. J. Nunan, formerly publisher of the Grant's Pass Courier, who has been sojourning amongst us for some months, left yesterday morning for Portland where he expects to permanently reside. We shall miss Mr.. Nunan and we wish him unbounded success. The Orejronlan. In an advertisement elsewhere it will be seen that we offer the Weekly Oregon ian and the Oregon Union both to one address for the small sum of $1.75 a year in advance. The Weekly Oregon ian will give you all the news of the state, the nation and the world, while the Union will give you all the county news, and in no other way can you pos sibly get this so cheap. The Oregonian needs no recommendation at our hands, and the Union, too, speaks for itself We wish to say one thing with reference to ourselves. Enemies of the Union are circulating the report that it is only a temporary affair, and will not last. This is false. We have the best newspaper office in . the county y it is entirely out of debt and is already on a paying basis. It came here to stay, and the encourage ment we have already teceived has placed its future success beyond a doubt. Its subscription price alone is $1 a year, in advance, or $1.75, in advance, will get the Weekly Oegonian and the Union for one year to one address. Send in your names at once, as congress will meet soon, and important measures will come before it that you should know. THE CHUKCEES. Episcopal Church, Rev. Geo. F. Plum mer, Pastor. Services every Sabbath at 1 1 a. m. and 7 130 p. m. . Sunday School, 10 a.m. Christian Church, A. D. Skaggs, Pas tor. Preaching services at 1 1 a. m. and 7.30. Sunday School 10 a. m., Junior Endeavor at 1 o. m., Y. P. S. C. E. at 6:30 Roman Catholic Church, Rev. Father S. Jurek, pastor. The usual services will be held every Sunday except the second Sunday of each month at 10:30 a. m., and 7:30 p. m. A union Thanksgiving service will be held in the M. E. Church on Thanks giving day Nov. 25th at 11 o'clock a. m. Rev. W. J. Fenton of the M. E. Church, South, will preach. Meetings at the Salvation Army hall every night in the week except Tuesday, Capt. Plumstead in charge. Everybody welcome and especially those that have no church home. Baptist Church, Rev. Mark Noble, pas tor. Regular services every Sabbath at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m Sunday School if. a. m. Young people's meeting, 6 130 p. m. Junior Endeavor 3 p. m. Presbyterian Church, Rev. E. J.Thomp son, Pastor. Regular services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday School 10 a. m. Junior C. E. 9 a. m. Senior C. E. 7 p. m. Piayer meeting Thursdays. M. E. Church, South. W. J. Fenton, Pastor. Regular services every Sun day at 1 1 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Sunday school 10 a. m. Epworth League 6.30 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday even ing. . Evangelical Association of North Amer ica, church opposite the court house, W. N. O'Kelley, Pastor. Regular services every Sunday e venire at 7:30. Sunday School at 2 p. ml Prayer meeting Tues days. M. E. Church, Rev. Isaac Peart, Pas tor. Sunday School 9:45 a. m. Kegu la. services at M a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Epworth League 6:30 p. m. Class meeting follows the morning service. Prayer meeting Thursdays. . United Evangelical Church Sunday school every Sunday at 10 a. m. Preach ing the first and third Sundays at 1 1 a. m. K. L. C. E. meets at 6 -.30 and preaching every Sunday at 7:30 p. m. Prayer and praise meeting Wednesday evening. Congregational Church. Rev. F. O. Krause, a graduate of Beloit College and Yale Divinity School, has been engaged as pastor. Regular service every Snnday at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday School at 10 a. m. Y. P. S. C. E. at 6:30 p. m. Preaching at Plymouth at 3 p. m. two Sundays in a month. Do not fail to attend the concert at the First M. E. Church, Friday evening, Nov. 1 2th. Prof. Heritage, Director of music at Salem University, assisted by Prof. Edward B. Fleck,- of Vienna, Austria, a pupil of Rubenstein, will de light the audience with their skill. They will bring a concert-grand piano with them. Admission 25c, resesved seats 35c, children under twelve 10c, Tickets at Racket store. Methodist Episcopal Church Lord's Day morning : Rev. John Parsons, D. D. will preach. Sacrament of the Lord's Supper at the close of the sermon. Evening 1 Rev. I. Peart the pastor, will preach. Subject, "A Beautiful View of the Palace in Three Pictures." A song appropriate to each picture will be sung at the close of each presentation of the picture. This will be a unique service. Nineteen new members will be received into the Epworth League by ritual ser vice Sabbath evening. I Slot Machines. The nickle-in-the-slot machine that dis plays a poker hand of cards every time it is turned is one of the worst gambling devises ever introduced. No matter who is playing it, there is always a crowd of boys and even children watching the re sult and they thus become adepts in counting a poker hand. It is but a short step from this machine to a. pack of cards and a regular poker game, and from that to destruction. The people of this town owe it to the parents of boys attending school here, that these boys who are away from home influences and restraint shall not be subjected to unusual temptation. Some people may sneer at the idea of the machine leading boys astray, but less things than that have ruined many a young man, and the chief of police is entitled to credit for his efforts to suppress the nickle in-the-slot machine by enforcing the law. Grand Musical Event, Miss Bertha Ellis and Miss Dorothea Nash will give their promised musical recital at the M. E. church on Friday evening, the 19th of November, when the following excellent programme will be produced. They will be assisted by Mr. Gifford Nash of the- State Univer sity. It will be given for invited guests only and the O. A. C. students: PROGRAMME. ("Concerto G minor Mendelssohn 1 orchestral accompaniment (.arranged for second piano 2 Bid me Discourse Bishop a-Zur Gintarre Moszkowski Chopin ! Lizst j Mendelssohn 1 Schumann Wagner : 3 D-Ji-tuae op 25 JSo. 9 c-Con eolation No. 6 Id-epinning Song ( Devotion I Dreams (An Enquirer bchubert - jSonate op. 26 Beethovan "Andante five variations Scherzo ( Florian song Godard 6 Beat upon mine little heart Nevin ( Sweet heart adieu Myer Helmund 7 Mazurka Godard LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF. Many Timely Topics Tersely Treated. Be wise! Have Vogle fit your eyes. "He only who does what others can not do is the hero." Thursday, the 25th day of September, is Thanksgiving day. All kinds of job printing at reasonable rates at this office. County warrants taken at par for mer chandise at Nolan and Callahan's. After cutting about 1200 cords of wood the Ryder Bros, have housed their saw for the winter. A new steamer, the third one, has been put on the Yaquina bay route. She sails from Yaquina today. The steamer Albany on her first trip yesterday morning was loadedjwjth mill stuff from both our mills here. For fifteen years we have known Jesse Spencer as a barber and during all that time we never beard any complaint of his work. The train from the front that arrives here at 6 p. m. and leaves every morning at 7 a. m. carries a mail between here and all points east. - Forty or more of the members of the Degree of Honor lodge from Albany came over last night on the train to visit their sister lodge at Corvallis. They are constructing a telephone line between Corvallis and Monroe. It will be a great convenience and will be fin ished some time this month. The musical entertainment at the M. E. church this eyening promises to be a very grand affair, and it is hoped there will be a very large attendance. Eph Beach was elected nightwatchman at the council Monday night last. We trust he may make as faithful and fear less an official as the retiring one, James Skipton. Commencing today the steamer Ruth will make regular trips between here and Portland, leaving here on Monday, Wed nesday and Friday and returning the succeeding days. Many attorneys from abroad are in town attending this term of the circuit court, among them are Messrs. Daly atd Butler, of Dallas, AVallis Nash of Port land, and Weatherford, Flinn and Kelly of Albany. Our regular winter rains have set in, and at this writing the river has raised over three feet. Regular steamers of the O: R. & N. and O. C. & E. lines will be put on at once and be running before this is read. This court week has filled our streets with farmers from all parts of the county, and all are vastly more contented look ing than they have been for years, and they all speak encouragingly of the fu ture. . ' Chief Wells is doing good work en forcing the law passed by the city coun cil regarding repairs to sidewalks. Twenty-one persons notified have either repaired their old walks or put in new ones, and the improvement is very no ticeable. A long standing disagreement between the chief of police and the late night watchman resulted in blows on Wednes day last on the street. These things are to be sincerely regretted. The details of the row and the trouble that led up to it have no value as news. , Governor Lord has issued his Thanks giving proclamation and it is a credit to him. It does not bandy words in a timid way about acknowledging our indebted ness to the Creator. Some governors seem to think that it is lowering their dignity to praise or thank God for any thing. The graphaphone has taken the town ; one at the Occidental hotel and one at Gerhard's book store, and both are run ning as fast as nickels can be dropped in. They are truly an extraordinary con trivance, but by and by the novelty will will wear off and they will rust idly on the shelf. . At Jesse Spencer's barber shop we were shown some of the finest potatoes j we have seen this year. They were of the Burbank variety and one of them weighed five and one-half pounds. Eight of them weighed eighteen pounds and not a blemish on any of them. They were raised by Eli Spencer on his farm near town. Eli is a brother of Jesse. The members of the Ladies Whist club and a few invited guests were very pleas antly entertained at the home of .Mrs, G. R. Farra on Wednesday afternoon. After the usual number of hands were played the game of "silence" was broken and delicious refreshments were served. The club has just entered upon its fourth year, having developed some very good whist playeis and scored a number of high points as well as many delightful hours. The steamer Albany made her first trip for the season yesterday, having left at 7 a. m. for Portland. She will run regularly hereafter, leaving Corvallis on Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, re turning will leave Portland on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. She will leave Corvallis hereafter and until fur ther notice at 6 a. m. We met this week our namesake Daly of Polk, who is here attending court and we wish to be distinctly understood that John D. Daly, of Benton, and John J. Daly, of Polk, are two separate and dis tinct men. We are for the St. Louis platform and the gold standard but our namesake is joined to his idol, W. J. Bryan, and believes in free silver and every popocratic idea advocated by the cranks who met at Chicago ia 1896 and made Bryan their standard bearer. From the bottom of our heart we hope that providence will show John J. Daly the error of his wave. Council Proceedings. ; The council met in regular session on Monday night with the mayor and every councilman in their seats. Besides pass ing the usual bills and other routine busi ness, the following important business was transacted : The committee on light and water re ported that they had made diligent in qniry into the rates charged at other places, and found that the charges for light were not in excess of that charged at other places, but that the charges here for water were higher, and recommended that they be reduced 25 per cent The report was adopted. A vote was taken, and carried unani mously to draw up an ordinance prohibit ing bicycle riding on any of the side walks of the city. Nightwatchman Skipton sent in his resignation, which was accepted and Eph. Beach was elected in his place. The following resolutions relating to Yaquina Bay were then read and adop ted enthusiastically: Whereas, The town of Corvallis is in the center of the Willamette valley, and Whereas, The future welfare and prosperity of the valley depends largely on the opening of Yaquina harbor to deep water ships; inasmuch as farmers will realize more for their grain and merchants will have cheaper freights for all time if this' is done; and ' Whereas, The appropriation made by congress for its improvement has been withheld by the secretary of war; and Whereas, We look with consterna tion at our future when we will be held by the throat by transpoitation monopo lies, if this improvement of Yaquina har bor is not carried out; therefore, be it Resolved, by the mayor and common council of the city of Conallis, That we urge upon our delegation in congress the necessity of extraordinary effort to place before the secretary of war the true status of the case, and to urge by every means in their power, the letting of the contract for the improvement of Yaquina harbor as outlined by the last board of U. S. engineers. Be it further Resolved, That our congressional delegation be asked to impress upon the secretary of war the fact that if the im provement of Yaquina harbor should fad, then every pound of grain grown in the future by the farmers of this valley must pay for all tme a tribute of two cents a bushel for Columbia river pilotage and towage, and four to six cents a bushel for transportation, which would all be saved to them if the Yaquina harbor was a competing outlet. Resolved, That a copy of these reso lutions be presented to our senator and each of our congressmen. Circuit Court. Court convened on Monday last. In cluding everything, there were about seventy cases on the docket, but few of them of public interest and nearly all of them have been disposed of. Up. to this writing the grand jury have reported only two bills ; one a true bill against Ed Scott for stealing a horse and buggy, the other not a true bill against John Scott for selling liquor to minors. The grand jury is composed of the fol lowing gentlemen: D. B. Farley, fore man, J. D. Howell, Marshal Allen, W. M. Childers, Charles Blakesley, Wm. Coffer and John Hays. Ed Scott pleaded guilty to the charge against him and on Thursday morning he stood up for sentence. When asked by the court if he had anything to say why sentence should not be passed ; he replied in a trembling voice, that he did not know what he was doing, and bad no intention to commit a crime. ' While to those who knew all the pitiful circum stances Ed's plea had a meaning, yet in the eyes of the law he was guilty, and the judge sentenced him to four years in state prison. The judge announced to the tired jurors that as this was the fourth day of the session and no jury cases in sight, he would discharge them from further at tendance at this term of court, so this term of the court will not have a single jury case before it. . Since the above was written, the grand jury have presented a true bill against John W. Ingals for forgery. Mr. Ingals bail was fixed at $200, ' which was furn ished, and his trial will probably not take place at this term of court.' Real Estate Transfers. Sarah Apgar to Mary Lewis, deed to 2 lots in Corvallis; consideration, $650. Sadie Howell to Martha A Horning, 1 acre near Corvallis ; $1,000. John Rickard to A Hodes, lot on Main street; $3,600. Horace Cox to Eugene B Henry, lot 1, block 13, County Add Corvallis; $700. John Layton to F Berchtold, 57 acres near Philomath ; $780. Mary L Lewis and husband to David Lewis et al, 227 acres near Wells ; $1. Geo M Clark et al to Sarah Stewart; deed to lot on Fourth street, Corvallis; $100. E R Bryson and J W McFadden to Sarah Stewart; one-half interest in lot on Fourth street, Corvallis. R F Holm to Chas A Holm, 1 lot in Corvallis; $520. E A Nichols to F E Williams, 2 lots in Philomath; $5. United States to J J Knebel, patent to 160 acres near Monroe. J J Kuebel to Mary L Houck, deed to 160 acres near Monroe ; $700. United States to D Colton, patent to 149 acres near Summit. D Colton to Warren Norton, deed to 149 acres near Summit; $200. F M Johnson and wife to W S Hufford, lots 8 and 9, block 1, County Add to Corvallis ; $363. F M Johnson and wife to W S Hufford, lots 1, 2, 11 and 12, block 6. County Add to Corvallis ; $4,500. VARIETY OF SUBJECTS Of Especial Interest to Ar, Exacting Public. Eastern Oysters at Yaquina. In answer to numerous inquiries rS garding the condition of the oysters planted by the United States commission last fall, and the outcome of the experi ment, Prof. Washburn has made the fol lowing statements : When he left Yaquina early in Septem tember, the oysters were in fine condition and there is every reason to believe they are still. Most of those examined had spawned. This government plant is now under the protection of the state fish and game protector, and trespassing can be prosecuted. Yet the oystermen snd citizens living at the bay feel that the success of the experiment affects their welfare so materially that they would re sent any wrong doing ia this connection. Particularly in this the case with the oystermen, who have all along shown great interest in the project, and who naturally want it to succeed. Unofficial information seems to indi cate that more eastern oysters will be shipped to the Pacific coast this winter, and if all goes well with the present plant, it is more than probable that Ore gon will receive her share of the con signment. Elk City Squibs. I guess this city was asleep last week, at any 1 ate we did not get time to send any items. The weather is fine and everybody is enjoying it. Henry Dunn and wife, of Corvallis, and Elmer Mays and wife, of Glencoe, Or., spent several days with E. M. May's family. m Miss Bethers, of Newport, is visiting her aunt, Mrs, R. A, Abbey, but intends to depart in a few days and visit friends in Corvallis. A fine musical entertainment was given by Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Young to their friends the first of the week. The pro gramme consisted of gospel hymns, gui tar and violin solos and duets and some fine instrumental pieces. Those 'present were: Mr and Mrs L W Deyoe, Mr and Mrs R A Abbey and son, Mr and Mrs Elmer Mays, Mr and Mrs E M Mays and daughter, Dr F M Carter, Misses Maude Deyoe, Ora Deyoe, Bessie Van Orden, Alma Btthers, Cora Young and Daisy Deyoe and Messrs Warren Deyoe, Owen Simpson, B White and Ross Deyoe. Much interest is manifested in the literary society here. The house - is crowded and the crowd is well enter tained. R A Miller and family have returned from Toledo where they have been dur ing the fishing season. E M Mays has purchased the entire stock of goods of L W Deyoe, and moved his store to the old stand. Now he is back home and we hope he will stay there. Charley Young has returned from Cor vallis. He brought with him a fine goat which he bought of Mr Edwards, who lives near Monroe. Mrs J H Blair returned from quite a visit with a daughter at Philomath. H L Palmer and family arrived here Sunday. They came in a wagon , from Silver ton and were four days on the road. They expect to remove the remainder of their things from their farm home here and probably not return. Same One. Wren Notes. Plenty of rain. George Bayne, Sr., is in Corvallis this week courting. Mrs. John McGee and Mrs. W. H. Dilley are both on the sick list. Mrs. Orvil Buchanan started last Mon day for the Palouse country to join her husband, where they expect to make their future home. T. G. Read has returned and will make his home here for the winter. Smith& Horning passed through here Monday with a large drove of sheep, on their way to Corvallis. John Mathany has returned from an extended trip in eastern Washington. Mrs. Gardner, of Corvallis, was here last week visiting friends. Our community was startled last week by the announcement of the death of Mrs. Grace Dilley Mathany. Although it was generally known that she was very sick, yet no one looked for a fatal termi nation. But after a heroic fight of a week's duration she yielded up her young life Laid out in robes of spotless white, and white casket, with beautiful chrysan themums (God's emblems of purity), she indeed looked the fair young bride of death. The family have the most pro found sympathy in this great affliction. JO. Smith & Horning will ship, today, over the S. P. road, two cars of sheep, or about 360 head to the Union Meat Co. of Portland. They have on hand and will ship at the proper time two car loads of Christmas 6heep, the finest that ever were shipped from Benton county. They have been specially selected and raised principally by Sam and Frank Wyatt and Mac Porter, They will average 120J pounds each weighed off the cars m Portland. A Conundrum But one that is easily guessed. What is it that Everyone will soon Want? ... Why, A Mackintosh, Of course. We have them in all sizes, shapes, and prices. We have them to fit the small boy and the large man; with and without the cape. We have Mackintoshes Guaranteed Absolutely Waterproof And then another item that is of vital impor tance, is the price. We have Mackintoshes at $2, 2.50, 3.50, 4.00, 5.00, 6.50, 7.50, 10, 11.50, 12, and $15. Call and let us show you the bargains. F. L. MILLER, The Leader in Mackintoshes. Suits Made to Order by Money A Long WHEN BUYING . . . ifiroim: ... MRS. J. "MASm. ALBANY Leads P h 3 1 TQ 0ne Dollar buys Fine Cane Uliail O. Seat Rocker. 65c buys the , Chair to match. . . . PnrnP"fQ Mattin88 and Linoleums wdl JGlOj Receive pur most careful attention. Carpets Sewed Free. Meas ure your room accurately. We do the rest. : Mouldings. Wall Paper Albany Furniture Go. BALTIMORE BLOCK. A. HODES, DEALKE IN Foreign and Domestic Groceries Fine Teas and Coffees a Specialty Provisions, Notions, Cigars, Etc. Etc. Kept Constantly on Hand. (sfolYALIilS, - - - OREGON. The City Livery Stables, One block west of Occidental Hotel, Corvallis,-Oregon. First class Hacks, Carriages, Buggies and Saddle Horses at all hours and at reasonable rates. , .....o , Special Facilities for tlie Ac commodation of Traveling Men. Transient stock receive the respond witn prevailing conditions. The reputation of the City Stables for many years under the present manage ment is a guarantee that patrons will obtain the very best service. j THOIUAS High - Art Tailors. Goes Way ... LEADING MILLINER. the Coast on S ee our Picture and Boom Mouldings. In all Grades. and regular boarders w best care at prices to cor EGLIK Proprietor. 38S